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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1881)
Til 13 OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 14 , 1881 DRAWING SEATS. How It la Done in the Hciunn of Rr- prcwtAtlvo * . g | > cclal to Cleveland trader. WASIIIXOTOM , Doc. 0.-Tho nunt important business in thn Ilniimi to il ny , to tli'ii iiu'inliera , was the ( h-.mmu of scats to bo occupiud by the lit pru- eeiitutivus fur the nu.xt t-.u > , .The st-luctioii of suati is purely a nut- tor of luck. Tlio moinbor who IMS livi'ii n gmioriitum in service has no better clmnce of obtaining n jjooil front suit tlmti tlio newly-elected ilolcyato from Idaho or Washington Territory Thorn Kro 302 members of the Ilou > c , us- clusivo of the Speaker utxl eiuht dclti gates. Three hundred miall iimrl > lt-a numbered from ono to 300 , are pltict-d in a box with a circular ttpurtino ni the top. A number is placed ( ippoaito tlio niiino of each Representative dok'Riito on the tally sheet to corres pond with the numbers on the lulK Tlio drawing for tlio seats i than te.idy to begin. To-day the Ilonso granted nniini- nioua coiisuiit to Air. Hawk , u. one- legged niumber from Illinoii * . , nnd to Alexander II Stephens , the Oeorniu invalid , to chooio their ncats in ml vnticu of the regular drawini ; . IVr- mission was refused Judge Kelley ' f Pennsylvania nnd S. S Cox of New York , the two oldest members in point of florvice , to rotuin their goats. .Judge Kolley's hat was left upon tlio top ol his desk us a sort of danger signal to warn all members away. The Representatives returned to the area behind the seats and awaited what fortune was in store for them. The box of balls was well shiiken and a pugo was summoned by the clerk to draw them nut ono by one and hand thorn to the tally clerk. "Blindfold him ! Blindfold him ! " shouted a number of members , ami a handkerchief was tied over the bo > 'a eyes He shook the box , slid back the cover , drew out a ball and handed i to the clerk. "Number 280 , " houtod that ofli- cial. cial."Mr. "Mr. Wheeler , " exclaimed another clerk , who held the roll. 1 Mr. Wheeler of Alabama , " reite rated the Speaker in loud tones , > uid amid a buzz of excitement Goner.t ! Joe Whcolpr , the ox-Confederato cav alry captain , whose title to a seat on the floor was disputed yesterday b > the Grconbackers , walked down tin right center aisle from the Democratic cloak room and took his scat in tin House , three rows back from tin front. The drawing went on briskly. Charley Furwell of Chicago , piu omptect the s at formerly occupied by Geueial Garfield , RiiBxcll Errett nil i Sam Birr obtaining seat. yi a desiia ble part of the House. JTr. Ward i.f Cheater secured a front peat , Mr Iloborson , Mr. Kasaon , Mr. Ills-cock , and Mr. Burrows , each obtained dt- sirablo Beats. The leaders on tin Democratic aide did not ? HIO so well. Mr. Randall , Mr. Cox. Mr. B.acknnrn Mr. Hewitt , Mr. Holman , and Mr. Morrison waited impatiently , wliilt now members , with less tulitiit , bui moro luck , settled down into iht most eliu'iblo places in tlio building , Gov. Curtin was one of the luck } ones. Ho secured a fiuo seat. When Mr. Randall's name wai called , Mr. Wheeler , who had tin pick of all the seats on the Domocraai side abdicated in favor of the ux Speaker and took a chair furtherlnck Later on ho gave up his second sen to Mr. Cox , and took a third seat stil further toward the rear. Mr Kulloit > 'i name was called toward the last , liu none ot the Republicann had tukoi his seat , and ho walked d iwn to tin old bench , amid the hearty app'niim of the entire Houso. Mr. ToivntuiuJ , of Ohio took a seat near his old posi tion. Ho is Hanked by Mr. Taylor ol the Nineteenth district , while Mr. McKinley shows up not far liom him. Messra. Robinson und McClure au neighbors , and lion Buttei wottli is not far off , while Tom Young "Uk s i back seat " Mr. Duimoll , Mr. ll.iskol and Mr. O.'Neill were tin ; lust tlnut Republicans to secure seats , and ; it Mr. O'Neil took tlio fan host cnrm-i seat on the outer row , hona f-o luted with roars of laughter and up plause , in which he joined heartily. Making Her Will. "I have been referred to you , sir , ' eaid a middle-uued lady , cnterum tin office of a Brooklyn lawyer not fai from the city-hall. "I have some im portant business I wish attended to , and at once. " "Tak6 a scat , ' madame , " said the lawyer , rising and offering his visitoi a chair. "You say your business it of an urgent nuturb ? " "Yes , " said the lady , taking from n eatchel a bundle of papers. "I havi come to the conclusion that it should bo done at once. "You will please bo kind enough U give mo the facts in the case , " said the young lawyer , visions of a go d fee crossing his mind HS ho glanct'il over the lady's rich attire , "Well , you see , I am "uttinir.on in life , and I have made up my mind to make my will , " said the lady , fumb ling nervously at tlio papers in her lap. "I don't caru to have people fighting over me after after I'm ( lead , " IL"1 you know , " and she gave a auspicious ly hollow liUlo laugh. "No , of course not. It is aluruyg hotter to have such things settled in time , " said thu hwyor , taking up IHH pen , "now whom do you wish tonmku executor of your property1 "Mako what ? " asked the lady. I'Whom do you wish to take charge of the division of your property/ / " "Oh , yes , " said the lady , ' ] under stand. You seu , you professional people have such queer ways of talk ing. Djyou know , I have a brothoi who is studying to bo an ongincor , or surveyor , or something , and I really boliuvo ho delights in briiiuing out the most outlandish nnmcH when talk ing to mo. The other evening I happened - ponod to mention the building of the ; bridge , and ho got off the gioatest lingo about trusses , Kirdera , elevation * and a lot moro that I was really all mixed up. Speaking of the bridge , do you know that T had. an invitation to cross oi ) that little footpath , but 1 wouldn't do it for worlds. No , 1 utn sure I should jump oil' , or do Homo- thing horrible of that nort. 1 don't see how laditM can ho so hold , but nowudajs they will do most anything daring. 1 really believe they will hiri themselves out as sailors before long. I know I should never make a good Bailor. I crossed last summer and had a terrible tirao. Do you know I wae st'iietck tlio whole time ? Yes , and everything I Iriuil to i n-Miil it only made mu 1,1010 11 , nnd " "You will i xcuse mo " uil tin * KM.XCI , ' I--P uittimiptiuK you but joii woio alum' to my in relation to your will " "Oh , J' H , ' cn'd tin-lady , laughing. ' 'Do jou kit ' , I hiid qiiito fotjjotteu it Ono nut * in eres ul , you know , \ > ry oil mi in tlmt way. I Imvii H who is the iiu'8 ai Gunt-inindul cr nturo > ou vvc-r mw 1 HCiu.illy bo In-vo tlntt uirl nil ! fin git to bo on hand nt hi-r own wed ling She i u'i uiiiixged yut , though , ami I h 'po aho won't bo in HOIIIU time , | our poul. It really ( mikes mo to HUO un-ln become come mn. ged nuwndiixBi The uion 11 ro grot * , in. ; to bo so utitoluble. I hoani of H vcrj xml ii : oonly thu other my , A coiiplu not buou married " over ' .Madatno , " ciiid the lawyer , "don't you think it would bo weH to coiuo to tlie willl" "i Mi , ye" , of conn.1 , " said the l.idy ; Tin MI giml you lemmdud mo. i mvo thu lopitiMoii ot lii'ini , ' sncli ii alker. I'm not H Im liku m > si-tur , either. She never iyn u word from u niii1 g nil niu'lil. I mu uur < it is ) < < tl < r to R i ) aiinuihmgno itnd tluin I'liey m > wu women out tilk your Hidu of the huiiHe , but I do not believe. it. I am imiuin | < ui with H who ( .an mu all to liiecis in tu k- nir. und It hou-r HI > S any litnu , oiihur Now , 1 u.iu Bland u j oo I talker - or it they wiu onlj throw out aouio Madaino , " x.ud the lawyer , and ( ; lauciii'v lu < wt'ch , "I liud 1 ii't\o h > u mi ute-i in whioli to reach llix court room u d ) m time for the c.tdu g f u ci'O VVV will attend to votu1 il a oilier da. ) , when 1 have live or MIX Iniurs orm > on my lnind < , " ano he liov-oil the astonished lady 0111 ltforn she had time 10 open a frtnli butt try of uor'U iiiO i hun. HOW IHEf WJUK IT. The Shrewd Scheme of New York Damieli to Catch Handtoma resents. Cor. nl bo Uuniucrnt. 'lllia ia the seaton that chil Ireu ulaim for then own , , uid in vlow of ml lhu thingm idt * mill pioviilcil I'm tliO'T bc-nuttt U < i in at * it 1 eng it not tu ray u woid tha doisnit ruliito id thorn , but ; i < 11 IB u HO the stitHon whunoiiiiu hid'iu make such lovely HL1ITKKH AM ) hlloKINO UAL'.S , .Hid 1,111 1 out of inch fattn-i u old ulotnuH fir iiioir y unit ; j eiul'inun nicii .a , nii-l , il A.iys nun igu to MIHW , rthlle piuiondlujj to Iiido them in col.- imion , o that thu youu uion in question HI ) to tiicni-u.vcK : "lilisa ihu iliiir ciil , flu1 is inakini ; muaprea- 01.t ; I nuiH' ' uut hoi sumo hint' . " I ewe tin m a fe-N vnidihinuli I uni not > Uiu iln-y "ill ili.ihk me f r tli. m. It ini lidicnloiiK siglit to t-L-o .1 bu\y nt > omii ; f-inri yet liixethur wiih a lot 01 old ( jiecesot black briudcloih , und .dill and ends ( f i'oil ! liraidf. and nri-jht HilK'H , .md lu-ar thorn chatter as tmy nrocL-id to docorato.niimpod.iible Buiokiiijj ; c.ip , 01 poukut , or untnli uml brush Cifo , or pa r of aiippuiHihat would about covur two of the "d > ai liillow " toCH. And they tell iaoli iitln r Unit tile } don't caitt a tttiaw fm Bii-ivud-si ) , but that hu is always vurj ieiierouaiu ; the mutter of preHent" , and that hilly li'tkci ti case that don't fo i tun centn , iislib fiom iluwoik , will tiinoiy bruit ; hen ha d-umio IIIUHOIIU-IQ ring or bangli bracclut. "But how will ho know that yet uro making it ? " BIJ.S ono. ' On ! 1 maimg. d that. Wlion In camu tn the oilier day I hud a mag nilicunt atulian , th.t' I havu kept fnin jfiiiB for ihuu.niiu 8-ruto , in my lup 1 hold it M > Imuonlil s o it plainly. 1 B.IW hini h ni { b oie liu cms-led tin utreut , and I pivtuideil I did int know an.In . dy was uoiuii y until hu opened thu iloor , and then I juinpud up in the gro.ilt.s1 cnnfiisi in audio loil it , up ciiul Uion dioppi-d it , and then nian.iged to let him BOO how handsome n was as 1 tuck , d it b.-hnid tlio sufn You know ho IH a | ioriiiii ; nun , and I.euimlns limpet , ami huslotaof money. I piutcodc I lo led K ) confiiHi d. liu ankud if I uat making ( JliriHtma piv-di-nts , und 1 st.nnmofod out thai 1 U.IH makiiiL'oiio , that hu nui.slu' ; . . . k any inoir , and then I askid li\t wen his l.ivoiitu cooiiiid ; when hu s.iid b.uo ami iuii , I tried to look .twluily iiiHipi'uimed and Hurry , nnd then ho said , in Ucl ho liked all coloin So jou tee 1 ha\u ioc him. Ho til yivo mo B .inoihiiiH . oleyint , 3011 may dupond , and L elnill yivo him thin h.mdkurchiuf CIHI- , and lull him I wm nukinykiiiian afglian for hia buuay , bat 1 had hueii * o unfoitiinatc as to hit up m co'oia ' ho did not like , and bo ho can't any anything. " i\ud ad the girls M'BoU'cJ to go and do likewise ) , ami tlie poor youii | < men aio the victims This wort of tiling oiiylit to Cf.iou. ( ji'iillumeii ought not togive , noi' Itdiusexpect , moro than a hex of buiihin lira bouiiiut , or BUIIIO niicli trilln , hut as long MS yirln uro [ irotiy , and yojugniun think an , thuio will ho thu hamu uutu litllo comedy uniictod ttvei-y auarou , I know oiu yfiiny girl who , out of vuluulecsold tiadi , with tutij ) mi 1 libor Inn givou l < rtHdiiiB that h.ivo bioui hr her ro- turiiB of ovora thoiisuid dollar * ) fiom admiring fnoiKjrt. And thuy Hiy girls don't uudurHt.uid tiuxinuiis principleH. Ci < rtliltiat . "I hitve lined ItntnocK'H Iti.ooi ) DiTTr.riH with ( , ' btiut't for miligu tlun anil emi- Htiputioliof the | MIW | H. " C. L. KASTON Ilaniiltou , Out. Price 110 , t id * > Uu 10 IUI.IH. todlw BoruUuui for Feed. ( Xim-iijioiiilt.'n i of the Country Oeritlc. man. I have never raiuudiorghinn lor the purpose of Hjrup making , but I have nimod it years for loud , -md consider - sider it to ny otliur fni-Hgo plant I have ever raised in any State for this purp igo , Timothy awl clover not escepted. I prepaio the ground the tiamo UH for any o'hor crop , nnd drill with my wheat drill ha'f a bushel of seed to tlio aero. I few it from April to August first. If it grows strong and tall , 1 cut it with a revolv ing ruko reajor , and , after Allowing it to wilt for several days , I bind and shock it in largo shocks until dried , then stack and salt it the same as corn stalks. It U liner and whortor , I cut it with a mqwor and cure it the Kama as hay. It takes a long time tn cure and dry out , otherwise it will heat and spoil. The tack Hlmuld bu long and narrow. The crop should atuid until ripe enough for yrup bo fore cutting. It will not blench nnd epoil on the 'louud nko hay or grain. Many let i at md without ctittingniid futd it on bn ground , and cattle and sheep will cat i' clean , evoii the butts mid roots , i-avini ! nothing. I am of the opinion the laruo , coarse ntnlks an ) the M > < .t f < r woiVing animals , My horses ire w iikiugand drivii goli half rations if i rain ( net * , corn ) , anil are doing but- rr i hau whim I fed them hav and corn tlli r , with full rations of corn chop. I'htt Peed is equal locorn , and will tno- Inco as much to the acre. I think hfii well cleani'd it weighs nixty viundi to the struck bushel. It it < iiiurior | to unv other dry feed for in'oh ' co r . Our dry cliniuto and MiniU iiniko it ea y to cure , audit drought better than any crop the rice corn. A Stutnraont From the Mayor. MOLINK , In- July H , 1881. II. \V\iiSKiiifc Co. : Sir * My uilo and oolf t > oih unite in pronounc- n jour Sifo Kidney and Liver Cure 'Vest nii'dieiiu'oever uci-d. decllooillw S. W. WHKKIOCK. i * in Ea lnd- Fr ui the New York T tilt . Of Amoricins in England. Mr. Wtnan * m by far the inont laviHhly ( xensive. ] He piyn $00,000 for dor ror.ts in Suotbtini , and in London liven in a pilatial ubode on Curium HousiU'rnici ' ) . llii neighbor there in Mr. RiiBioll Stiirgin of itarin * . ; Brother - er , who also liven very hamlBoinoly , ami rxercisi-B vplundut and moat re fund l < o i < itidity Mr. Sturgie hau hiviidi'R a cliarming retreat a f.iw lnile from London. Sir Cur- tin Limpson , the only American u tizoii who has received hereditary ho ior.s from the crown , has a line hiiimo in Eaton Square , where for yours Mr 1'oabody livi'd with htm. tlo also owns a delightful country i -lit near Brighton , and has a forest fur he is di-voted t deer atalking in Scotland. It is curious to note how much more Anglicizt d the American long ri Bident in London becomes than does Ilia British brother auttlod hero become Americanized. Those chil dren , for instance , of Mr. Russell Sturgis and Sir Curtis LmpHnn , who have been bred in England , look upon it entirely as their home. The > ns have boon sent to schools and col egos there , and there formed their lilc friendships. The daughters nmr- ty Englishmen. Mr. Russell Sturgis1 laughter married the eldest son of the lue Sir Hamilton Se-ymour ; Miss Lampsnti IB the wife of Mr. Locker , wc-ll known for hia vurn do sociotu , whoso mother was Lidy Augusta Stanley's amtrr. Aflliiont Englinh people settled here are with their children tn-qiicnt ; yiaiiors to the old c mntry , but Americans Buttled in Eng and beoome very rare visitors huiv , and their children usually grow IIP 111 all respects English , with , g n- or.dlj , conservative , political tenduii- UIC'B. Biioklin'H Armed Salvo. Tin ) best salvo intbu world for outs , bruiHeit , Borea , ulcoru , salt rheum , fuv * r sores , totter , chapped hands , elnllblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptionn. Tbia salvo is guar- untuod to give perfect Batisfaction in ovury c.moor uioiuy rofunded. Price , "tic per box. For sale by To' & MrMAitON. Omaha. Sioux City & Paciic THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE ItunH a Solid Train 'through from Council Blufiw to St. > aul Wlthou't Change Time , Only 17 Hours. IT IB JtO-O MILES TIIC S1IOIITK8T ROUTK , mou COUNCIL , BIjUPPS TO HT. I'AL'L , MlNNEAl'OLia OULUTII OR BISMAKCK , md itlt ivilntt In Northern IOUH , Mlni.uvjia 11110 IWHi.ft Tlild line h aiulppul wltli the Improved .V. tunrliouwi Autaniailo Alr-hra'ie nd Mlllci i litfonu Oouiili i an J Duller : r.nil for Sl'KKD. SAFCTY AND ROMPOKT IH niiMirKuwixl. riillinaii Cilico blcuplliK Cur run tliroiiKh WIT11OL r CIIAKilK liutwttn Kan UK Oil } ami St. I'uul.'vU ( Jount-il Illulls Mid i < ioiix City ' 1'r.iliisluvaUnlon I'aciflcTmnnfcr nt Conn- LI ! HluIN , .it Ty > p. in. dul > on nrrnnl of KantiB i ity , St. JoHi-pli and ujuii-ill llhid-i trnln fiom the South. ArrhlnK at Sioux Clt > 11:35 : p. in. , nnd at thu New Union Dupnt at Ht. I'aiil at nM noon ir.IIOI'IIH IN AUVAKUK OK ANY OT11KU KOIITK. , MrHimnnlnr Iri tiklug the Bloux City llouti- > nuiet.t Ihroiltfli 'Iriln. "ho shortest l.lnc , thu ( Jiilcka-t Tune and n Comfortable Uldc in tin1 'I'luiiiiKh > nrs bctnten COUNCIL BUUKKh AND HT. PAUU tiTtiao that jourTicUutt r adla the "Hloux 1'itv and I'm Illc lull oa < l. ' ' J.S. . WA'ITI.I-H , J. | { . IIUfillANAN iU'vriiitc-iiileiit. | Oen'l I'UHD. Acciit. P. K. UOHINSON , AUH'I i tn'l I'fts. . A/t , Mlrwourl Valley , Iowa. J. II. O'lIKYA.V , HoutliuerternKint , I'niinil HlulT . Iowa ! 880. SHOKTLIME. 1880 , _ KANSAS CITY , StJoefi Council Blnffis UI TIIR < nLl Direct L-ine to ST. AMI THK UAH r Proin Omabuand thoWoat. tie ehaiiu | of uau twtHi . uid lint one Ixitwuun Oil AHA and NKW YOIIK. Daily PassengerTrains IUUUKU ILL KADTKRN AND WKOTKIIS' ( JITIKH with IiKl'H OUAKOIManil IN At/VANUKof At.U OTIIKH MM.- , T > II euUro Una u i | uui < < id with Pulliiun' l' l ce .1liwr.un' ! ( iirn , 1'aln-n" Luy Ccchta , Mllloi' safety 1'httorm and Oon Ur , and the oeUhraUil Wtatliihou o Alr > brakc. /iTM.xi tliat your tlcliol tavLi VIA nAKHA CITlT , HT. JOHF.I'I ! i. COUNCIL UMJr'KH ll , l rua < l , via Ht. Jueoph and fit. Ixjuk 'llckfti for nal kt all couimn tint loin In tli > ' rt. J. K , HAUNAIID , A U. DAWtS , Uvn. H'Jpt. ' , Ut. Joaoiih , U ( | .n. f au , and Tliki t At. . St. Jonopn , Mo. | AADT lUiunhN , TUkut Ak'ent , 10W r'arnram i\ru\ , A. U. BmiiiKp ( lunuml Airi nt. flMAKA , UK S & HILL REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. inOHrnrxilmiu Sitrnnt , me * - > Jnr h lii | oim flriknd < Vntri | Mnw NebraskaLandAgeni DAVIS & SNYDEB , 1606 Farnham 8t . Omaha , Nelira rvloiiui i uu IL ale tiri-At llar alnn In Improved ferai , and Omihfccll ) | > rntrty O f IJAVIh WKR3TKB HKYUKK UU Ufid Oom'r IT. P. R. _ .SVSEJKKx y If von are imn 1 ) | f ro i\ri < v oft.ii 1110 , wo . I ni ri ot lr nfi brUi tn ln > fyi ' 'ik nvr1-1 iliitiM yi iir lurt lintltitir rM > 4 Hop Bitters. nastf , UMI Hop U. tf jou are young anil * I Hum U 3"u n"n r filtciitlun . - Undo.oM or iltwp or I nt o > oi on , imlfI'tlntf a WU of from tick iiiwC Vvl ; oil Hopi llttor * . feel , J } * " , " < > " ' > or you i ) form of Kid no ) ' "t J. ! ' 1'Jf SS1. tlint inliitrt h TObwn | > tcunlN. I , ' , m tlmc-ly UK of HepS'ttort D.I , O criii'nuru n Rlxolntt. nl IITMI.IA oMli ti" HOP l > locur for oowl . > l Idrun1irnr ii Hvtr ot 1 pivot o | > lum , Ton will tin Mtl.bioto , cv Hop nhtor * Ifytjnaroilm cMn. K ndloi rlj wrnk ami NEVER Jctivulur ' it i It m'ny not ttrmat. nvo your IFAILI TO ro. , llfo. It hni aiivotl hurt * krWrr , 1 clroclB. I * Tmrnlc. Oil. Gentle Women Who xratit glossy , Inxnrlnut nndwnv \ tresses of abundant , bcnntiinl Hair must use LION'S KAT1IAIBON. This clecnut , clionp article nlmiTs makes the Hair prow ft-cely nnd fust , keeps it from fulling out , arrests and cares grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair Btrong , giving It a curling tendency and keeping it in nny desired position. Beau tiful , healthy llalr is the sore result ol VHlng Kuthulron. Went ( or hcin the moit direct , quickest , tn uafeat llnu connoctlnit the L'reit VrtropnllH , ( Jill UAOO , and the KABTKUN , NOKTII-GAHTRRN , Sntni aud HoVTII-EAHrKRN LlNiw , which t < riiimatutlion- , with KANHAB Cirr , LnAVtMWuiira , Arciinson , COUNCIL IlLcrrs and OHAIIA , thr UOMMHUOUI CUITIRI from which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that punutnitcK tliu Continent from tba Mlwoutl lllver to the Vaclflc Sl | i . The CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY ID the only line from Chicago owning tmcu Int' Kauiuu ) , or whlcli , by Its own roml , roaches tnt iK > lnta ahovo named. No TRANHPKRH nr OARRUOII NO MIIUIKa CONNKLTION81 No huddling In 111 rentllatud or unclean can , a * crory t umvner IH carried In roomy , clean anil vontlUled coarhcH upon Put Kxprvn ) Traln-- o r C BjiofunrlvaM uaguiOouucv , PUU.UAJ- PALACR HLBKPINO CARS , anil our own wnrld-faniour DmiNO CAKa , upon which scr\nd of tin- aurjxuwod excclloiice , at the low rate of SRVXVTT- KINB CUNTS IACII , with ample time ( or healthful enjoyment. Through Can between Chlcujro , Peoria , Milwaukee waukeo and Ufo&ourl Ulvcr I'olnta : end clew con ncctlotw at all poliitu of InterHOctlou with otbei roada. Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to even r.laco of Importance In ivaiinn. Nobruku , lllacl Hills , Wyoming , Utah. Idiho , NoMida , Cnllfornla , Oregon , iV'aHhhiyton Territory , Colorado , Arizona nd Nuw Mas lea. An 1 nrranoiuentn ru nrdiriK haac tf any oilier line , and raton of ( are aluiijn nil ow o > competitor * ) , who furnish but a tltbe ot tla coin fortDoLtsand DoLtsand ttddoof | > orlmi'i'ii ( rot Tlckctx , iiiiii aiid folders at all jirlnclpa oMlLCa In tin ) Unltod SUlm aud Caimdn. It. It. CAIir.K , E. SI' . JOHN , Vlco I'ref-'t & Ooii. Ocn. Tlt and liKn'r fig , Chlc.-no Cililuriiro. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. -MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IRON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON g SLATE ROOFING , 's Pfthjnt Metalio Sky- Patent Adjuitabla Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING I uu the guiicnl HUto Ajcnt for ttie uUovu llnv of libodi. IllON FKNOINa. Crettlns * , Daluitradei , Varandni , 'Office ' and Dank naillnui , Window and Cellar Quardi ; alio ( IKNKUAh AGKNT Peerton and Hill Patent Intlda Blind. WEIDEMEVERONOATAnRH : Treatlid"ori tlio cauioi , conutKiuencct lunl i-iireuf "uat-irrhal Olieaten. " hy Dr. IW Wei De Meyer , of New lor- . City , dlniomer of tliuaiitldjlai uualinoi t. Adtauoel tlio ri liu inrtiiil act * and H * tllnj corroljornllouK 'Deafiin , WJHV \m , I m ( ( f > olcc , H rofuli , leu ' rih lit , Ii ondulh ami nndkruilnud con II- tutloiH ro nit fr in ( J tirrlial p Uon , " "Trin t r-u" free and tent potta o paid 1 1 any < > c , on rmli'to' po t I card , O. U. Dewey & Co I'ublUtur * . No 18J Kultoii Hlnot , Now \ork. Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE ICth nnd Dodge BU. , Omaha , Neb. Thu Ktuc > uoiMHTkii-ri.T&troliri > KO li Uo < a iitricctilato , rid thereforn ny oonkii artIrmurud to * orm , John G. Jacobs , formerly of Oi-nii JMX ) | < , . UNDERTAKER. No. I41T Carnbun St. , Old SUnd ot wok 01 * . VOidtiDrTtl mBbBolldeit n ' No Changing Cars ttmiTm OMAHA & CHICAGO , Whcie itlrocl connection nrp inmlc with Th illil ; UAU LINKS for SKW VOUK. IIOSTON , I'lllLAUKt.l'MIA , DAUT1UOIIK , AND ALL KASTKRN The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDlANAl'OUa , CINCINNATI , LOUII , . VILLK , mul Kit | H > lntn Iti tlif Tin imat UNI For ST. LOUIS , Where dlri < connootion * uro niMlo in the Union Dtrot wltti tlio Tlirnugh Slprplnx Cr Unc forALUrOINT8 NEW LNE ! > DES MOINES THK KAVOB1TK 110UTK FOll Rock Island. The unoqvkled tndticenionta oOerniij \ thtl lie * lo tr i olrn anil tourlttn are M follows : Tha celebrate. ! 1'ULLMAN (10-whccl ) PALACE SLKKPlNa OAKS run only an tliln Una 0. , II. k Q. I'ALAUK UAWINQ UOOM CAHfl , with llorton'i ItMllnlnK Chain. No oxtn charga ( or nfttii In KocltnliiK Chain. The laiuoim 0. , D. & O. I'aUce Dining Can. Oorx ) U BmoliInK Can- Qtteil vrlth ol Kanl hlKh-Uacknl ratUn rc\olvlnc chain , ( or the cxcltulve UM ol flnt-cUn | wicn- ion. ion.Steel Track aid nperlor equipment comMr - | with their Ricat through car arniiRetnont , mtkn thli. above all othon , Uio favorite route to toe Rait , South anil Southrawt. Try It , and ) ou will Ond traveling a luxury In- toad ot a discomfort. Through ticket * vlo tlili celebratad line tor eali at all ofliccti In the Upltwl StatM anil Canada. All Intonnatlon aujut nti-H ot ( are , Hlocnlnx Car accoinmodatlonii , Time Tablet , etc. , will br cieorfully KUcn by nJH'U Ini to fKKCEVAL LOWELL , Qeaenl oniror Ancnt , Chlc go. . J. POTTKU. On. 'Manarcr Chicago. _ Free to Everybody ] A Beautiful Book for the Asking , Ily amihliiK IXTBoniUlv at the nearest olllco " ot'llllSIMIKIl : MAN"lFAO'rUUINl ? CO. ( ot by | HitAlcAril Itut a dlstAino ) Miy IDULT tuir HOM | ll l > u iirim-iiti-d with a litnutKully lfii | ratud copy of n Nuw Hook ontltlud GENIUS REWARDED. - OR THK - STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE f u handHomi ) and costly Bteol . I ir ( ioiitUiil | : rLo ; nluo , 2d finely niKraxcxl wood uuti , nud liouiul In an clnhorato hliio nnd go\i\ \ \ llthnentphed cuter. N < > clmrun whatever It inadu for this nandaomo book , which arm bo obtained only by application at the b'ancli and mibor dlnato olllccn ot The Singer Mnnuact\irlng Co. TUB BINOEH MANUFACTUHINQ CO. , Principal Ofllco , SI Union Hquaro , Now York oct27-din&etf w Mm Ms ! Richmond , Ind , Builders of ENGINES OF ALL SIZES , From 3 to 25 H. P. For 8ma" SAW MILLS , For all Qralni and Seeds , Including Olovor and Timothy. Feed Mills , &c. , &o. It will pay you Inr 'uly to write , atat- ing what you want mid how you uinli to ] iay. Unuiurl Inducements to Onili Purclmscri. ADDRESS : ROBINSON & CO. , ini2wtf Riobmond. Ind. * rt A II n\l " .82. ( Klor 5for , I * A M 1 I V * ' " > * I'V uxpfu-H of I D EA IV I I I tllu IwtCauillcH In Arntrl \JlTllll * lei , put up ulo antlj nii'l tn tly pure , Hiilinlilo ( orireiiciiti. | Uvfc-rNtonll Ciiiilnn tl. Addruxu L. I.UUKUNK& CO , , 21U Si IMS Wunt Huvonth tit , Clncliinttl , O. do CdA : ini WAR IN PASSENGER RATES I IIOItlllK 1 1 HUH . llroknrH In all itallroail 1'icl.i-tM , Omaha , Nub. , offer Ticket * to the Hint , mill further notice , at the following unheard nl .ow Unto * : Chicago , * I2 ; Itound Trip , 121,00 , Thexo art limited Klmt ClaHdTlckotu ami Koo.1 for return liroufh the Ji'ir , ami via the OIJ Hollablo Uhl ai < o , Ilurlliiiton & ( julucy llailroad AUo , emi * ito Int I-IWM , U claiw , NEW YOUK. ' * 0. 0 , KOHTON , rtAHIIIN.TON , 22.U' , a- . . K r | ' rt cuh'H , wrlturrpo dlrtct lo 1IOIIII1K IIIIO-4. , DialiTi In Kcductd lute llalriMilnnd HU-uninhli | T <' , H(0 ( Tfnth Ht , , Onmhii Neb. Humumwr the pluio Tdne Ixom N < rlh of I nlon I'aclllc Kallru.J I'epot , Mwt H do oITi nth Htrt I'malm AUKUid 1 , 1MI _ To Nervo-js Sufferers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B , Birapjon'fl Specific It U a | iO | tlvo nut for * | x inutoi rhi-a , Bum'iii ' tVcomiew. Impotanvy , Md nil ( Jim auto rwtulllnk rein Helf-Aliune , an llunU.1 Anxiety , J/VH VJciunry , I'uln * In th Tuck nr Hldu. and ill/ < -t u ' nTlrM to b'.l. Wilti' for tham and K"t lull ' ' I'rke'HiM-HH : , fl.OO | * r i ckaito , ot vlx pack- > ! { lor ft 00 , AcMritw "lUrdireUi U. SIMkO.NMKDICINECO. New. 104 unil 1C4I &Uln Ht. ISiittulo , N. Y. Bold In Omaha by C. K. ( Joodinun , J. W , Iloll , K lib , and all druitvlfctvivury where. t 58-diw BIBBBTT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DVID CITY , NEB. Hpcdal attention KUen to coJIcctloc * In , . n.i , i CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERh is 0) All . dil too n st ron > lor T" " totuKr n , . | , .rnvi'liiif in ittii-t ntrwtini. i i\n o .tnd all of ( ho Principal Points in the Weil , Nortr. and Nnc riw . - otinniic tlil * Vnp. rim I TIIMMV-II l i'nnf ttio Vnu.m Surt'i H < n , . ' -MIH.I on tills nviil Me thriutU : tultif * . umvo riinn i-oi.ijcoUou * itli tin trutui ot * i Innrtioti ( THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WbSTERN RAILWAY ? ? u""iW2S [ The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. llouicmuer to ask for Tickets via UiLi road , tin iiurn tlioy ivail over It. and take noun otn - JUKYI.X I1UUIUT7Ucu'l MouaKcr , CUIcaRo. W. U. 8TKNSKTT , Oeu'l 1'nsa. Apont ClHnm/ 1IA11RY P. DUEL , Ticket Aitonl.U. A N. > V IUtl * v , luii uliil Kiuiiimui utrcel * D. K. KIUI1AI.U , AwlnUnt Tlckot A ut ( ! . A N. W lUilwuy , llth n.l Varnhun uttorto1 J. HKLL , Tlckol ARBilt 0. ft N. W. K llwx ' ' * ' > t > pol WM. ROGERS Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THK- finest * Silver Hated Spoons and Forks , Tlio only nri inixl linn of Rogers llros. All UU < SHMI11B | , Forks and Knives plutud with tllu grout oat of euro. Kncli lot buing huii/ ) on a nciilo while buing plntud , tc iniuru a full deposit posit ofnilvor or thum. Wo would cull OHpucinl attun- tion to our HIH- : Rltral- Orloii < Tluu Ml. All Ordurxln tin- Went uluiull I Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEK. M. ELGU CLOTHIHC. OLOTH1HC. CLOTHiNQ. CLOTHING. FANCY SHIHTS. WEARS. NECK WEAR. SILKHDK'FS. GIFTS. MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Gor. Farnham & 10th St 1001 FINEST HOLIDAY GOODS Ever Brought to Omaha. In all the Latest and Most Novel Designs , Golluloifl Setts. OVBP SO Styles , Diaotiti anil Rubber Setts , # oDe not fail to Gall and BOO this .Assortment. ' ' KUHN & CO. , Oreighton Block.