Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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inf > itiep > r I n * of Sun 1)1 <
county nro troa led with * Mir lu < < l
A tnntto 't ' h * Ho ilnli'irg tl.'pot re l
"In O i wo trust. All otheroa h < lowi
omleihcry. "
* i hirtthoti'an'i ' toni of wh at. hv
nil cut , licrn Mp'irtetl fnm Los Aruvlo
ciiuntv the | ire-ent year
The Jury in tin trnin wro kfrV trlul at
Auburn illi'ii.'roMl H for ixmviction. The
trlnl cert the county $5,1)00. )
Tno rvin crop of Mmrn llothi
veNiHtlnmtitl at from 00,000 to 7 . <
! ) Uthel , nd the h y crop t from 12tXK )
li > I7,0o0 ton * .
The lxt AiiRelen Doily Tlme the lirnt
numb-'i ot nliivh his JIHI bee i-mpil , i.
A model of ty cgr phio benuty , wo'l '
emitted ami ne n.T.
A sold brick w i hing * S 000 wn n
o i l t Oro\ill lint w rk , fiom the
Spring V .llcy Hydnuil'O ' coinp.iny tin
nsiilt of a pa lial clum-iip.
The fall clip f wool in Tehama county
goe-cliice nn 9.10,00 . | Miun'l" The alinj/
of thl wlb cumnitn e thin week , anil
it will be Hhiiped [ to Hoi-ton ,
Thoelcc'rlotowerat S Jnli fwt a
proauhing coiiipl lion Sean from din-
tance it IIKIIIK 11 olatinc.t v OMtli odfir
lxiv the church iplrexof the city ,
The treasurer of Sonoma county clvi c
notice that h- will receive prup H.N/or
ttio M > ! O of $10,000 Hi per cent , county
bonds until iienlny , Jiunmrv' . % 18S2.
Dr. ( Jlinii'n cri.p . thi' > ear wai onlv
100,0 Ounckf , ig nst IOOIO < ) faokn la t
year Ot thi yetr'n crop thed ctor w II
h ive to R.IVP .15,000 mn K fn need , MI hat
he linn 11 ly 05,00 < imclcn to market
At Olcta , Amailitr cuiitity , rrc ntly , two
voting men-ent to Hwltto lati'l for wi CK ,
in rcnponne to which two younp wotricn
cnme nut , arid utter taninK two wcckH to
got nciiuamtcd. thr I ) Id aiivcntu cr mar
ried them , and nro happy.
C. L Wright , of Orange , citlmntci that
the hu d uiiul of Ihrco ucoknc ! > * blow
from the treein th t t alley not ICIH than
1,000 lx > xe nf orniuex tit nf a yii-lil nf 12 , .
OiK ) boxeii , or < inotwilfth of the c op.
This winil wai one of thn hardest ever
known there.
INtiinrito | luce the or ngo yield of tin
utatc , thin at ll.'I.OOl ) boxen , a fol-
IOWH ; > nn ( Snhricl y.lllov , .Ti.iOOj itivfr-
side , 28,000 ; Or.itiRe and itcinttr , 20,000 ;
Los A. gelm nnd vicinity , 30,000 ; other
local ! i.H , 2r..OO . lYisnmliCH about 1C- ,
000,000 ornuKi-d. /
Chnricn Uiile'o'k.n 'nriner , near Sui-
SUM , Solat'o ' coui.ty . , claim ti ho the olden'
living o lilte red ( lent of Califoiniit lli >
came o th H Htnto in 18-8 , nnd win ma
tied thu following > c r hy ( Jovcriior
Mlchcliorcn i In a na'ive lady. C. . tain
Uidehock eighty yeurs f ix e.
There me ccven hundred rhinrxe rail
iniil li.irdrt i-t'iii'iitiK ' iillu mi tlie S utliein
Ciiliroinla rxibonil , neir Tuinrcolu ( ' .in n.
Th railroiiil comnnny wjintH tlii'in to work
under < \ut rl un bo Kei. a d t'i ] > rocuru
their fiiippliiH from Amcrl on t
which they have to fnr re fun. d to do.
The Lion City milieu fun ! nh fifty totiH
of i TM perdny fur the omclt rHntOIvndnlu.
Mileii City will celebrate the advent of
thu niilroatt whtn tlio firHt | aHBuner tr in
arrive * , about tlio 20th.
'I he Cioven incut Bimoy in the Yellow-
ftime country hni been conipkto'l. Over
I , 00 miles nf Hun w ru run.
The Utih nnd Northern contemplate *
thecrtctinn of n building .12 'K ) > ifitt'tat the
Hti'te tcrminiiH. It wil lieiMcd for it jms
H'nger and ficiK'ht depot.
Triiim on the Utah and Northern do
not top at 1) vide : ind Silver Bow on nc
count of the i < iniillox. ] . No mail in deliv
ered or received t either of tlioxu Ktatioim ,
Mr : . Yitto' , n ro-iident of Galiatin val
ley , Mont in , no yet (17 ( year ofngc , i
n.other , griknilmotli r , Mid KrcntKrantl-
niothi-r to 170 pur-on * . She ha < threoiutir.
ricd grandchildren in the valley , ono of
whom haa tincochildren ,
The corner stone of the Flrat Congre
gational chur h of S nti Fo has been laid.
The Santa J"e academy has fifty-five
pupi B , < r about half as many as the en
rollment at the Lai ) Vcgaincauomy nhowii.
Shnotirn affrays and lynching matinees
la the ] > lie of life in Allmqucrquo , 'Tin
counted a dull day If a funcrd nroccgolon
does not par d > - the street * .
The r'tirtedcliBO < verieit at Porter f fab-
ulnusly itcli ROtd milieu haoroatca froat
excitement in Southern Colorado , and
North-rn Now Mexico , MI pilgriniH hy
tin- thousand * nre 11 eking in thut < lirou >
The oie of the Clifton copper mine-i in
rep * ted far superior tn the Lake Sup rlor
or any other co permin s yvt dine vc eden
on tld co tincnt. The owner * linvo built
tramwavM coiling (600,000 , conn ct'iitf ' ilia
mine , with ttio rwluctlon workn.
Madl'on luui its nixth BIIOW htonu
Tbankrgiving day.
Mitchell if go ng to have an oil ml 1 ami
a fhnftory RrUt mill.
Ordway expect * to have a United State *
Und dtlice within six muntliH
Ono hundicd and sixty pupils are
rolled in the ntert < wn nclioola.
Frederic , a nt-w t > wn on the Mi waukco
road , nortliwent of Ordway U quite a lively
L'UnincH8 town.
A force of ninety mm aru punhing track
Inying on the South * m Mlnnenot. from
Mudi'Oii to lli.wiinl.
A committee appointed by the grnml
jury rcHirt | thut thuv iiund iimttera anc
tliingH ut th Minn Imlm county p > , or farn
in a ino4l dlrgruut-ful coml tiou ,
\V'il lams , thu Kvnnvon 1-orsetlilef nm
denperAilo , lua linen unptuicd und t-afelj
The Alma o > al minus rd turning ; < m
from tii y to B.-MMiiy-lho earn of vuu
Tlii IVni cntiiry niiiimUnioiiurM til
Wyoming nro I'Miinliilii thn condition ii
the tenl'orial luijulrr.i .t the 3t > ut I'lin ,
near Lincoln.
.Tin * llrophy lull n ploj of ere immvyo
by 1'rofermr tnntnii , uliiuli run t , 0 ,
< uiiCfHof rllvrr p r tun , or 1,51)0.11 ) I
coin Ii ck refiiit" t a\r wlivru lliu HIIII
pie oiinu from. [ ini < lidiiiiicrani , ' .
Tllll llll U'lk' ' " hill hlltTK lit Clll'JOIlll
wer < lionlliwl hy the ilincuvfry of a dc
citn | > < i8ecl a > I'IIJB p _ Kt'il In u tiunk. /
lar e iiunilrr of truiiiuivii wl'ii' h nl th
lireaking of the trunk , Miildenly ilU
nulvril u tliu buily of a turkey \v.m ro
The U'ii ycur old M > II if A mm K
Burd ck wui dtnitn > ii ly wounded by th
ex lobimi of a ( lyuainlto curlriilgi1. w t
which lie wan phj iui ; n the railroad yar
at Cheyenne. The f n ily were roiuruln
from juinnier'n work on the Orci { < > '
Bh rt line , to their homo in North I < ou |
Neb.Supt. . Clark notifies the CounII of Ohe >
cnnetbattlia proposed dl\er.ion of th
wateru of < 'row Oreok from iu origlnu
cha 11 el will be re Uteri by alllrual meaiiB
The city i-ropo < ed the o cctioii of wate
nitt'kB ' ou the cr ek to BU | > iily the city , bu
theU. i' . 'cp in ami cUlnu a lulliclor
quant.ty to ran iU workii at all ttinei.
TheiuluiuBintert'Bttof the Sweetwate
country ore a aln att'octiiigiitttntinii. i
iirivute letter from Atlantic Olty HUVM t h
Bcatrltyo1 ran tal to elfeoiively work th
inlnea pievenU th rou h dovclopiiiMit
' ' MK" ' - ' an
( 'old-bearnij , uM'unorii'j
fully uioh an those of Central , Col. lit
IJinW Uolifc-lU it H-W lii the Imn.U of
holld comnnny , Tuo nhaft is now t50 ! fee
an-l - tb ve n ntlll fc'oes down. Jt onio o.
the irulcUfB alluiM to from ? W t' 3 0 to
tl.einatiwrasin.dowjth . mw water , ( jjerj
day ) lft t iirlnB. Tue Cental Pfteluoul
> ilet rn lin 1 ' ne i < urToyeil ti > run
wltlm clitl.t . nf tlio I it lr < li ( mentioned ,
nd witli < n th > eo in IH of the mil p.
T' e Ixiard nf tr.nl8 will petition con
4rini totnkVe I'envor ' it port of entry.
Denver fire exll guinhin faeilltiei rr
rc | > orteil by tha council committee to be
innunicient , lncnm/lflt ( tail
un'fl iitbl
TlmolHcU1 count nf the vote c < t t the
recent e ectlon , K\vrt \ DOIIV r 30,248 vote" ,
H Kcni ift 15,219 for Miller
lor the ntte cniit | l.
Denver < lty o tmcil forbid * th wenrinj ;
f police uniform * I j nybody excoiit
inemhem of tlie/egular pollto force. Th-
n bl-y d ex * of the iiiTch.\ntM' police wa
in eyesore n th * refill IMC.
A number of Dourer merchant * com
lUnthat Menrii Stee'e&Jn ' nion , c o
i-rn of Om ha. hav eipocial rate * fiotn
the Union I1 cific rallw-y. Ilcpu'illcan.
The rei ent decl no in U > Robinson
mine ntocV W.IK CAU eii by n report of ( !
itive title , circulated in Oenver nnd
> few York by brokers. Denver psperp
lonnunce it "d-iinnablo deal "
an - , ana tf
nIi'K that rlti/onn of Co'orado had naught
ilo with it. I nut on I of "petering , "
here are gr lni richer at erery jKilnt.
SiU Lakha 2.X ) telephones in the cs-
htnito nystom.
The ion of Aroatlo Carrington WM killed
ty the ( r < at Salt Lake lai' ' . wcuk.
Gret-n Hivrr , a new town on th Hlo
irimlo In Utah , killed its man atlj ttarted
Kiavetard l.nt week.
Utah lake han been lowered considerably
! n < e the lllo ( inndo road coiimuuccd
um ng the channel of the Jordan ,
A two atopy I rick 1'iiilding in courno of
nitrticiion in Suit Lftko collapicd lait
ve > > lc nd MOVtreiy injured beveral work
Trmihlx in oxperintico I on the Lohl
iratich of the Union Pacific in getting tied.
'ho nnd it Krailed abmit llfty miles and
tack laid adUtitnco ofnix mileit.
The bnllinn nhipm'ntn nn the U. 1' . from
gHen for h month of Novcmh-r wai
vrr four million iionmln , of whi > h 70'IDfi
inuniln wcro for llie Om-.ha Hinoltiug and
eliiiing company ,
Ihreo dairies in Curry county turned
nit 19,000 omul * of butter thii ueanon ,
rein 111 COWH.
A niarb e quarry hm been discoveri d in
Spo tin- enmity , uml practical Judaea pro-
iiiiinco 801IHI Kpeclmenn nhouti to be of
xccllrnt ijual ty. The ipiary in of vaitt
i tent.
The .State Line Iloruld nolH up the fol"
owing howls "No pg , no butterno b un ,
in bacon , 110 fruit , no nnv thing that Inntl-
ioim | . ( 'oio like to UHO about tliin Heat-on
> f the y ar. KKKH would bring nlino > t
nythin ) ; juit n .w.iind butter c ini > ! derably
nore. "
Dminonil MvindlcrHHUcce.iHfully operated
at ICureka.
Thou , TlioiiiOH and Jivncs liowell were
lorribly mmiKlccl by an explnHion in a
nine at Virgin ! i City. lioth died.
Kxtetirive coal mincH huvo bcui iliii-
: ov. red about fourteen mili'H ciwt of north
rom I nrndiflo. A prnspocted vein was
ottml to bu eight feet wide.
Kureka wax Blinkcn by an earthimakn on
Jicoinber 7th. Iluildin M were violently
hnkcn anil conslcriiittion provitilcil gencr *
n ly. The tut iris i npulaco ru-'fied into thu
trret * . Wonu n fainted and children cried
u terror.
The Weitoni Union telegraph company
ia Unlnhed u line into tiiatigo City nn I
Texan Ferry , on the Northern 1'acilic.
riit'lr farthi'Ht ollico ea t in at Vuntnor ,
wo miles went of Lake I'cn d'Oriello , bin
hu line will bo extended to keep pace
with the track-loying.
Aictition l.i being circiilatod in and
bout Lacenler to congicsx , nskimr that
10,000 may bo appropriated to clear
'owiu river of snap ) nnd u few obstruct-
ng bars to p .lilts above Cedar creek ,
'he river has already been purveyed by
tovernment vngineors , and 810,000 was
lie entlnmte of express nccetuiary.
Mlelmol iToonov , the murderer of the
.atlun agent at Franklyn , wan nont nccd
bo hangcdjJnnuary 20th , 1882 , 13amen ,
who wan with Money nt the time the lat
er killed llincklcy , wai adjudged Kullty
f mur > er in the second degree and ecu-
enced to 15 years continement In the pen-
tent ary.
With but two exception ! ) , every blast
fnnmco in the M h nlng Valley , Ohio , in
In full blunt , and turning out a line quality
ofilf iron.
In KaiiHi * there were cultivated this
ye r 1(50.11 ( 15 ucru of llax , a largo propor-
tiun of'wliiuh wiv a full uverngo ,
'I ho Dayton Coal and Iron U i , , employ
ing much Kugliiih capital , and having
uboutll'.OOO ncrcH < if land ( in the Cincin
nati Southern railway , 'M inileH north of
dm t n oga , will ereo 50 coke oven * ,
which number will lu lucre mod an occa-
ftlou inny renuiio Furnaccx , etc. , will
itlno bu erected.
During the present year Koven paper
ibillit have 0111 erected in Wisconsin , ono
in Illinois , three in Michigan , ono in
Indiana , nnd three in Ohio-a total of 15
most ot which have gene Into operation.
Some live or six other * nro projected , or
their building c > imnei ced In Colorado ,
Minnesota , Illinolu and Michigan.
Stenm in Bald to be now doing on the
. . obo tha Mfiirk of 800,000 men every d. v ;
that li > , al thomuchinoiuuideii ines worked -
ed l > v "t nm liav.i 80,000,000 ho HU power.
Of this ho locomotive force represent
: iO,000,000 horxo jxiwur , nn it In thought
tlicro tiiu 105,000 locomotlvuii on both hum
| iu'U'H | , which mil 220,001 miles.
A L'hlhk'luliibia ( inn utili/ex i > cr.ip ol
tin , f rum which u Biiperi r nrtiu o of iron
In inu'lo. They pay frl ! u Ion for Hcrp < . It
in clulmeil thut 01 e inn of bcrrpx will mi kea
a ton nf nit tal , nnd by con outing the
fmncH from tlio fiinmcu with water , eighty
pounds' i oxide of tin U reioveml. i'lio
latter article i aid to be very \uluable ,
lluiry Kividiniin etublii < hed n picklim ;
factor , ) ut I'minii ) } " ' nle , I.on Island , and
conlracltd with nmny Loni ; Ihland fur-
wtr * for the ! entire cnipof | icMtn. | Most
nf the farmerx. ( 'null i ; tliat tliey c nld do
better ill liostoii nhi ped their pickles
thither. In cuiiKfipionce 1'ieiiliiiiin'H eniur-
priHc proved a failure llo IIIIH Mied tlio
fanners frr falling to keep their n i eemeilt ,
and box thui far uidned two of the Kiiitx.
About l.liOO turMmi | ! < uiH mid imc'c ra
iitteni'v 1 thn nmim inettinx at the ti.r-
maiia anjeiubly r < i IIIIH recently to t < X'
pro. Hyinpnthy with HIH utrlkinj ; cigar ,
makern of Stridt < u k Htorin'n factory ,
SieeoieH | ! we'u niiido In Knglluli end ( Jcr-
mit'li and It xvan niiiin'moiiHlv ' ileuKled to
hUdtaln ho HtrikerB , The emplo > ineiit nj
women in clwur factories wore drnoimced
aa dtgradlng to moral * and dHiigeruUn to
The glocoao work of the Chicago Sugar
Kelining Cmnpany h a characto'lutlj ' Chl <
cage ii'ttitutii n the large t and most
comp'ete ma < ufactory of the Und in the
world. The bullcllupt are all Hearing com
pletion , but tlio machinery will not be In
place and ready for operation before next
| irltiA force of C.OO men hai been em.
ployed mu > t of the paat mimnier in the
work of con tiuction Tha main building
-tho gar li'iimeIn 1IX ) feet npiare. 12'
hti > rie u > d baiemeut , riaing to the bolght
of 187 feet.
The.lolUt (111. ( ) stevl workHiuauiitr.ctnro
0,000 t'um ' of ralU tier month , requiring
the CMiisuinptlon ol 1JK ( ( ) IOIH of pit ;
Iron ; no lens tha 20.0CO tonnof ore und 1ft
OOOtonaof fwelandlhneiit ne aroi'cummlod '
for il u production of that elglil of i on ,
requiring the roiutant employment of _ un
vnormoua number of men and the distrl-
Iwtion of n Immenne nmount of mor.y ,
tof y nothing nf the freight on the rA > l-
roiulii for Cfttryini ? M Unit. Th iwUb-
linlirntnt nUo unplny * 2/.00 mm , and the
Octol-cr jisyroll $135,100.
Fifty \CHTK RO niit n circle lixxmotlrr
pnRino h < l lit-tn built in ttitn country.
Ttie number now in N IG.-Hfi , nil tinwit
in Aino'lM ' , allied at 8101,450,000. IUU-
ro.vt earn of nil Hrvlfi number 4fifl.OOO ,
cnttlnfr , t * low estimate. 8COOOfX,00 ) .
The totl value of l' > cotnotlven nd c ,
therefore , in I704,45fi,000. IocomotlvcR
h ve also lxn built for exjmrt to all i rti )
nf the world , * I ho impcrinrity of the
tneriwn lee mnllve in eterywlicrc rtcoe-
nlted. From ninety-five to ninety-eight
P cent , of tholocomn Iveii < > re UNedln the
I/tilled Slates. Huty million dollar * '
vrorth of earn * nd locomotives have been
oxpmtal Mnce lt > 70.
Oo pol Truth.
llo that in mirety for n utrnnger , fhall
umart for it. Hut ho that truhteth in HI.OHHOM for cunns liver , kidney ,
nnd cotnpUintn of n ike tendency , Minll
nuver be < l ! * pM | > inted. 1'rice BO cents ,
trial bottle * 10 cent * . eodlw
Th * C r of the HancU.
America : ) ABrlculturint.
Many powons , copccinlly fnrmcri ,
neglect their hamln. Hard work will ,
of courao , maku the hnndn hard , but
they need not on any account bo untidy.
A black line nt each finger unit is not
mark of n wurkingman BO much as it
a of a negligent ono. No matter wlwt
lis occupation , ono aliould no more
oomo to the table with dirty hands
, haii with dirty face. To keep the
lands in good order n brush is n neces
sity. A "nail-brush" may bo bought
for a very iranll MI in , and no matter
what may bo ono'n work , ho can by
use of thin keep his handa in very
good condition. Hub the brush ncrosi
ho soap and scrub the linger
mill , not only nt the end , but at the
> aso wlioro they join the flush , and ,
f tlioro are any ether partn of the
muds that need it , give thuin a scrub-
) ing also. The daily uao of a nnil
> runh , and a careful pairing of the
mils bolero they got long , will enable
ho hardest worried farmer to keep his
lands in a comfortable condition.
1'ho greatest trouble with the handa
n from a splitting of the akin af the
) ttno of the nails ; " thin may bo avoided
> y a liltlo caro. At each washing of
.tiulmmli , and after they huvo boon
Iritd upon the towel , push the skin
downward awity from the bane of the
mil by using the end of another nail ;
; hat is , UBO thu thumb nail of the
iglit hand to dress the nails of the
t'ft , and vice versa. The comfort
that results from well kept hands is
lutliciont reason , not to mention neat
appearance , for properly caring for
"Buohupnilm. "
Now , quick , complete ) euro in four ilayH ,
urinary . ( lections , Hiimrtiny , fiixpient or
HMicult urination , kiilnoy tlinciHCH. $1.
Depot at 0. If. Goodman' * , ( fi )
A Missouri Flitting-
Norlionno luilupoiidcnt.
A curious outfit passed along the
atruuta of Norbonno a few days ago.
A couple of dilapidated specimens of
, ! io human family , of thumalo variety ,
walked on either side of a pair of
scrub bulls , which wore just tall
enough to rcaeh the the waistband of
.ho party who scorned to cngincor the
concern. The bulls wcro attached to
n ramshackle wagon. The rear of the
iroccsaiou was brought up by a mol-
mcholy doer , blind in ono uyo , liuno in
ono leg and most of his hair and all of
lis tail gone. On ono side of the dirty
canvass that covered the wagon was
, ho inscription : "Topoka , Kaa. , or
> ust. Busted by . " On the ether
side was a poetic effusion , evidently
composed by the long-haired young
man who braced up the ofFjbull , ana
clearly indoj-sod by thortlog. The
poetry was aa follows :
lAitjcar , Rackcniock ;
Thl * yojr , hockln' back.
How otton do wo BOO the hard-work-
nt ? father straining every nerve and
iiusclo , and doing his utmost to sup-
> ort his family. Imagine his feelings
vhon returning homo from a hard
day's labor , to lind hifl family pros-
ruto with disease , conscious of unpaid
doctors' bills and dobta on every hand.
: t must bo enough to drive ono almost
crazy. All this unhappincss could bo
ivoidod by using Electric Bitters ,
which expel every disease from the
system , bringing joy and happiness to
thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bet
tle. Ish & McMahon. (8) ( )
H aFn d so mest
For Sale by
621 South T-nth St.
810 South Thirteenth Street , with
l M.Woolworth.
Mm. J , < ! . Kobtruon , rUkbtirff , ! ' . , wrltm : " 1
KM mlTtrlni ; from Rim r l debility , wtnt of p-
Htltf , conBtl | tlon , etc. , no that flic KM bur
den ; kftor ti li. . ( ? Ilurdock flloocl Hlttcra I ftlt bet-
cr than for yc r > . 1 c nnot preli j-our Hitter *
too muck. "
ll.aibbd. of flufrdo , N. T. , wrIUi : "Vour
( unlock Illci lilttcn , In chronic ilUrMti of the
blood literJ klilncru , h te been nlKntlly
mkrkrd with iucc n. Ih ve uwd them tujucff
Kith bent ruiulU , for torpldltr of lhrlh r indln
fn ot a friend ot mine tuaerlng ( rom drops/ ,
the effect WM mimlous. "
Druce Turner , RochMter , N. Y.wtll ( < : "
> ccn mibject to Mrloui dloordcr of the k.
fttul untbla to Ktttntl to bunlnrmi Dunlock tlloou
titter * rlle > cd me tx.fore h lf bottle M UKK !
fuel confident that they will entirely cure me. " ,
K. Axeulth Hull , tllnghampton , N. Y. , wrlten :
'I duftcred with a dull ptlo through mv eft
ur\ \ % and ( boulder. Ix t my Kntrlti , npj > ctlte
and color , and could with dlrncultv keep up Ml
day. Took your Ilurdock I ) | < XK | Dittern ill-
evtrd , and ha\c felt no pain ilnce first wock at-
cr unlng them. "
llr. Noah Bated , Klmlra , K. Y. . wrltea : "About
our yean ago I ru'l an attack of blllouit ferera > id
ic\er fully recnvorrd. My tllKentlve orifani
Mere weakened , and I would no completely | roi-
rated for d y . After wing two tiottlcn of your
lurdock Dlood Itlttcn the linprovcrnelit AM HO
I Iblo that I Kamvotonlihcd. I cannow.thouch
1 yean ef age , do a fair and reasonable day'i
0. market noMnmn , proprietor of The Canada
'rcdbjterion , Toronto , Ont. , wrltea : "Foryearn
Biiffercil greatly from oftrcciirrlnKheadache. . I
used your llunlock Illood nitterii nltli happlmt
ccultn , and I now find mrpclf In better health
ban for yean put. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , wrltwi : ' ! hnx-e
nnccl Ilurdock Blond Illtten for nenouN and bll-
OUR hciulochcn , and c-rxn recommend It to anyone
for bltllounncra. "
tin. Ira MullholUnd , Albany , K. Y , writ :
For neveral > i r I IIIM e Buffered from oft-recur
ring ; blllloun hcAdaehus , djepvptn , and com-
ilaiiita pcctillitr to mj rex. HIIICC u lnp your
lurdock Illood IllttcrB I nm entirely relieved. "
FOSTER , MILBURN. . & Co , , Propa ,
Sold at wliolcxalc by leli b Mcllohon and C. F.
Goodman. jc 27 cotl-mo
In Haiti of Fnmilioi
loitcttar'a Siomach Hitter- aa much regarded
a n household ni c ity as susnr or codec. The
caaon of lhl > Is that yearn of experience ) line
> rovud It to bo perfect y reliable In those costs of
imonrency wheroa prompt and convenient run-
dy la demanded. Constipation , liver complaint ,
dyspepsia , indigestion and otiur trouble * are
oven onio by It.
For Bale 1-ynll Ddifttflnta and Dealers , to whom
ppl ; for Hof itfWj Aluunvi lor Ibul-i.
Toll ipeclflc cures that most loatueomo
"Whether ID iti Primary , Secondary
or Tertiarr Btojo.
ItemoTcs all traces of * ercury from the sj-
tout , Cures Scrofula , Old Bore * , Hhcuum-
tlciu , E < zeina , Catarrh or any
Illood Disease.
Carol When Hot Spring * Fail !
italiorn , Ark. , ilay 2 , 1831.
Wo hat e caMM In our town who mcdatllot
iprln < and Hero finally cured with S. S. 4.
JtcUAMHO.X & liuiiRV.
Memphis , Menn. , May 12 , 1881
We have sold 1,200 bet Ics of M.S. B. In a year.
It has k'tven nulvenial .tl factlon. I air imnucd
ibjslclnns now recommend It a poMtlvc
ipeclflc. S MANHPIILD & Co.
Louisville , Ky , , MKV 13. 1881.
B. S. 8. has git rn better Ball faction than any
mtdlclno I hat u m or sold J. A. FL > XNXK.
Denvei , Col. May 2,1881
K\ery purcha cr i peaks In the hl'hi' ( t terms
of H. H. t ) . L. Mulsioter.
Rkhiioml. Va. , May 11,1881.
You in refer anyboily to us In reran ) to the
merits of S. S. S. Polli , Miller &Co.
Hn'u nc\cr known H H. B to fall to eure a cao
of 8) | > hilij , when tirnjicrlv taken.
11. I. Dcnianl. 11. . . . . . Qa
KllWrvn , ) ' < " *
Thoalioie lirnemarei.cntlcm.iniif lilirh stand
( lOMTiiot oiJo < r'U.
IK vvisu WH w | IITAKIY un-ii : u.v
w'r.tu lor iiarllcnlam ami dopy of llttlu
honk ' .Mo-Mi u to tlie Ui.lrrliniato. "
81.OOO Howard UI l.o ial.1 to )
clionnst who ill III il , on UIIH y M liO i > otll
H H. S..OIIP iinrtlilxof Mercury loilldd 1'otas
ilumornny Miiior&l HUI UIII-U.
SWltTafKUIFlO CO , roiM.
Atla-'a , Oa.
Price of ri'Ktilor ulic rnlueeil to 81 75 | r ft ,
llo Hinall n zo , lioUliitflull tlio ( ( iiantlty , pr.ce ,
and Hrut ; lbt l morally.
A Sure Cure Found at Last )
No One Wood Suffer !
Aeurocure for Illlnd , UlemUn ? . Itching and
Ulcerated I'lln hu been discovered by Or. Wil
liam , ( m ImlUn remedy , ) called Dr. William'
Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the
w ont chronic cuea ol 25 or 10) eon Bunding. No
ono nvtxl lutTcr flvo mlnutea alter applying thi *
wonderful eoothlng medicine. Lotloim , Inatru
menu and elcctuarlcn do more harm than ( rood
Wllllam'i Ointment abaortK the tumon , allayi
tha Intente Itching , ( tiartlculaaly at nlifht alter
gcttlnir warm In bwl , ) acU a * apoultlce , g\\e \ In
iUiit and lulnlciM relief , and Upreiwrcd only for
I'lle * . Itching ol the prlt ate paiu , and for noth
Ing cl o.
Ttciulwlut tha lion J. U Ccfflnberry ol Clc\o
and B V about Dr. Wllllam'i Indian 1'lle Olnt
mcnt : I ha\eu vd Korixiol 1'lles cure * , and I
0onli me l > euure to ny that I liac never found
anjtliliiLuhkli fu\e Bucli Uuuioolato and peruia-
uent relief a Dr. Wll Um'i Indian Ointment
Fur vale by all uruwiaU or mailed ou receipt o
price , < 1.00.
HENRY & CO. . Frop'r- ,
For ale by 0. F Qoodman.
1319 Farnham Street.
Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at
1316 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a
stock of /
Dry in the West ,
Preparatory to moving we ofler our entire stock at a great sacrifice. Study caretully the
prices wo quote , bear in mind that we buy nil trooda for caah , do the largest strictly retail dry
goods business between Chicago and Sanfrancisco , and aim to ivo our customers the benefit of
all the low prices and extra cash discounts given us by manufacturers and importers.
"Wo have purchased five bales of n very fine and heavy red twill Flannel , full 29 inches wide , and nro closing
thorn out at GOo , a jnrd. They nro fully equal to any ever shown buforo for ( ! 0c. to ( > 5c. 25 pioeci of best quality
western Shirting Flannel at 37 Jo. , usually sold for -I Be.
Our Blanket Stock is the largest in Omaha , and ns our prices will show is by fnr the cheapest wo ever offered.
100 Pairs 10-4 White- Blankets 31.50 , worth 82.GO. 100 Pairs 10 4 White Blankets $2.00 , worth $3.00. 00 11-4
White Blanket $2.50 Pair. CO 10-4 White Blankets 83.50 Pnir. ( JO 11-4 White Blankets 8450 Pnir. The Beat
S5.00 Blankets in the West. 50 Pairs Extra Heavy all Wool Hlankots SO 50. CO Pairs 12-4 Extra Heavy Blankets
87.00. 50 Pairs 11-4 nil Wool Blankets 88.50. An Extra Largo San Jose , California , Blanket for 810.00. The
Very Best Barirain in Omaha
In Colored Ulankets wo have reduced our 80.00 Blankets to 85.00. Wo recotnmnud this particular Blanket on
account of iizo ( being Ox ? feet , ) wei ht and texture , as being tlio very cheapest ever rhonrn horo.
MnKnM HnMMMli M H T * B * 1 * M * O r H
For the next fifteen days we propose to inaugurate five leadeng prices in dress
25 Gents , 50 Cents , 85 Cents and $1.50.
At 25 cents Dress Goods that sold for 35 cents and 40 cents. At 50 cents Dress
3oods that sold for 75 cents and $1 00. At 85 ce its Dre s Goods that sold for
$1.25 and $1.50. At $1.50 Dress Goods that sold for $2.25 and $2.50.
At 50 cents a Black Cashmere usually sold for 75 cent * . At 70 cents a Black
rashmere usually sold for 90 cents. At 80 ce ts a Black Cashmere usually sold
for $1.00. At $ L 00 a Black Cashmere usually sold for $1.25.
Wo are hero showing an elegant line of Cream , White , Old Gold and other new colors in
And recommend them for
We are daily opening novelties in Fancy Goods , Handkerchief , and aim to show more than our usual assortment
200 Dozen Seamless Fancy British Sox 25c , 25 Dozen Men's Fine all Wool Scarlet Half Hose
50c. a Pair ful > y Worth 75 , 25 Dozen Fine 'English ' Merino Hose. . 35o , , a for $1,00. Seam-
lesss Unbleached Sox MM doz. j ra Piao Uabieanhflfl , Sni S2.5fl' ' dnz. Bast Quality Linen
Collars SI,50 doz Best Quail y Linen Duffs $2.50 doz , Another Invoice of Men's ' Pipe Sewn ,
Stitched hack Derby Street ; Gloves $1,35 pair , usually sold at $2,00 $ to S250 ; ; Every Pair War
ranted not to Break , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 25c. Heavy Morintr Shirts or Drawers
50c. , worth 75c , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 75c , worth $1,00 , Heavy Merino Shirts or
Drawers $1,00 , worth $1,25 , For $1,25 We sell a very heavy Patent Merino Shirt or Drawer
that has heretofore sold for $1,50 ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Emporium of Fashion !
We respectfully request the attention of the Ladles of Nebraska
to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and1 most recherche
invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid
ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri.
Trimmed Elaborately -vvith every Shade of Plush , Satin , , Velvet Passementerie.
Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties.
Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques >
CLOAKS FROM $5,00 TO $150.00.
eiDe Meyer's
Tlio Only Knovm Real Caro.
Edward W. Simeral ,
In Convenience ,
Lang & Fotick N