Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1881, Image 1
W. V THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 14 , 1881 , . M ! ) ONE BILLION Is tlio ( intimated production of Cigar ettes for the present } car. This seems almost incredible when wo consider that ton years ngo nn Ainoriran Cicar- otto was n rare thing. Tliu ( iiiestion , then , is not WHETHER wo sliall stuoku , or WHAT we shall smoke , as tlio ubovo answers most emphatically tlmt wo WILL smoke , and tlmt woMU. . sinoko Cigarettes. But tlio question is which brand of Cigarettes shall wo smoke ? Which is tlio boat , purest and least in jurious ? Iti deciding this wo would advise you to try a packugo of the UUKE OK DUIIUAM , as they tuo nmdo of a mild , natural loaf tobacco , vrowu iunnodiatuly around Dm hum , N. C. , and wrapped with pure impni ted rico paper , consequently are as hirmless us tobacco smoked in any May can be. IT'S WELL TO REMEMBER Th it the DUKE or Duuit VM Cig.uotto is AUsoiUTKiiV rum : , and the IIKST on the market. That it is tnadu of n mild , old , aweot , line cured NORTH OAUOUXA to bacco , from tin eo to flvo jears old before - fore woikcd. That the very BEST imported rico paper ONLY is only used in n rapping the in. That DUKK SONS & Co. have an ex perience of seventeen years in the manufacture of smoking tobacco. That their factory is located in Dur ham , N. 0 , which is in the heart of the finest tobacco growing section of the stato. That all these Pine tobaccos arc marketed at Durham , giving them first choice of the crops. That the business of DUKK SONS & Co. has grown rapidly from a small be ginning to one of the largest smoking factories in the vorld , proving the merit of tlieir goods. That analysis has shown the tobac cos from which the DUKK of DUKIIAM Cigarettes are made contain less nicotine - tine than tobaccos grown in any other section. That the trada mark below , in con nection with the firm name of W. DnKB Soi < s & Co. , on a packai/o of to- baco or cigarettes ia an absolute guar anty of purity and excellence. Par sale by all dealers. Fires National Associated Prcii ST. Louis , December 13 Rose & Bio.'s packing house and lard render ing establishment wore entirely de stroyed by fire last night , which originated by the bursting -JuJ&rd tank. Nine hundred hogs and a large amount of cut meats wore destroyed. Loss $80,000 ; iuouiou o § 00,000. , HALIFAX , N. S. , December 13. Between 7 and 8 o'clock tire broke out iu the warehouse of W. H. Moore & Co. , of North Sidney , Capo Briton , and before the flames could be quench ed had spread to a d destroy ed a number of buildings adjoining and on the opposite side of the street , causing damages to the extent of over $100,000. Tlio contl iteration is sup posed to have ongiiuted by spirks from .1 stovepipe falling on a pile of mittriascs in ono of the upper stories of Mooio's buildmas. WIIKUJNOV. . V.i. , Decembei 13. Hobbiidit Paul's wholesale gro cery , and Edgorton's store , weio pirt- ly dosttoyud by firu this morning The Newark Bank- National As-aclntnl 1'rtfls. NKWUIK , N. J. , Decumbor l.'J. Tlio directors of the wrecked Mechan ics' bank to-day foimiilly signed a proposition to the depositors and btocltholdors looking to iosiinptiou. They will lepayall stookhoIdoiH their assessment and pay depositors 7i > per cent , of their claims , excepting bink- ing and insurance companies and mu nicipal corporations , before March 1st , if all accede to the agreement aiu' give them in addition the benefit Oi all the proceeds from all claima made by the bank against its dobtois , whicl it is hoped will rnako the payment nearly 100 per cent. Republican Mayor of Boston. Nition&l AmocUtixl l'ri. , BOSTON , December 13 Dr. Sail. Irviu , republican and citizens' candi date , was elected mayor to-llty over Albert Palmer , democrat , bv100 majority in a total of about 10,000 The board of iddeiman will piobibly stand 0 republicans to 'i demouiats. The democrats have undo Homo uims in the common council and will h.ivo a majority. Tlio cituatis voted in favor of granting license to sell liquor. Anew now patent ' allot box was tued but failed of its purpose in many pro- cincts. Rtddlebergnr Nominated- Notion I Ansocii'til I'resa IticilMOND , Vn. ' , December 13. The readjustees' caucus of the legislature in session to-nighr , nominated H. 11. Riddloborgor ( Mahono's man ) for the United State * senate b unanimous consent. No other candidate was mentioned in the moetine. Of 92 re- adjusters in the legislature 80 were present. Riddloborgor in ulo a Ntirring speech. The caucus nomination is opuivalent to olecu'on , Bnunlnu'i Funeral. National Assouatcil I'rcaa. CINCINNATI , December 13 , The funeral of General Binning , ox-mum- bor of congress , took place at 10 u in. There was a larco attendance of mili tary and members of the bar. A Total Lost , National Aiwociatul rusn. SAN FiuhCHCo , Do-jomber 13 , The Chilean bark Camilla , from Chili fur Port Townsend , is a total loss in the passage between Beontenick and Van couver. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. PondlBton's ' SpoQoli , on Civil Sor- vioB Reform , Ho Exhorts the Democracy to Consider Their Ways and be Wise in Time , Or , in Other Words , to Take Time by the Bangs md Father the BusinoBB. The Fbod of Bills Introduced in the House of Represen tatives Yesterday. The New Premier Not Ready Yhtto Assume the Duties of the Department. Notcfl of National Interest From the Capital. CONGRESS. Natloiiil Aiwoclatcd I'rew , rilOCEKOINOS IN THE HKNA.TE. WASHINOTON , December 13. Mr. I'ondlutoii addressed the senate on the civil service bill. Hotrnid : All offices , except these involving the very power and policy of the party in power are the common property of the people and not of the managers of that half happening to bo triumphant at the polls. Now , these offices are paid out to hondnncn to enable thorn to pay themselves for the energies or money they haTO expended in pirty services. This policy reaches from the president down through national , state , municipal and lucihillairs to the very street laborer. This is the spoils system. Its name implies to oveiy ono a vision of wrong , injustice , bru tality , wastefulness , recklessness , fraud , speculation and such degrada tion of person mid of parties as has driven from American politic il life much of the cultivated intellect and refined morality of the country and filled the most hopeful minds uith sadness for much in the piesont and giave anxiety for the future. The spoils s\stem wis the real assassin of ( iarfiuld. It robs the president , cabint'fc ministers , senator , congressmen , judges , of the time needed in the peifoiinanco of public duties , renders tbnir public ac tion often pirtisan , pit i ill and un just , and too frequently hiuriud and half done. In placu of the spoils sys tem thorn should be instituted a moral system which should bo founded on the idea that public ofhco and public trusts should bo nrUj/jii Loru4 solely for the public good. The fittest men shall administer them till fitter ttwn bo found. That the offices have to bo , except tlmt the faithful execution of the duties attached to them are nece sary to the public welfare and maximum of efficiency and minimum of cost , constitute the only condition on which they should exist. Vnctui cies should bo filled with men whom proper , intelligent comparison , bisod or comj etition , show to be the fittest iriospectivo of political influence or action , and then political pleasure for pheo would ccaso If removals weie only for in efficiency , or unfaithfulness , or be cause another was shown to bu bjltir fitted for the place , the scramble for oflico would ceas-j. Then thomihnr | dinato ci\il service would bo open t < a'1 ' who choose to aipiro to it. Tin aoivico would be filled with 11101 pro\on fittest by fair competition The tone of all aspnautii would bo ehiti'd by the cfaiscinti'iiit'pB that they owed nothing t ) pitroii.igo , but all to moi it. The ttiruee would bj- como tenfold more ellicient ; public expenses would be reduced ; piiuciplo mid not emolument { vould become the pii/oof pirty stiuL'Kle ; oven if tin1 /ual of party spirit .sliould bo sotiously moderated , ita dingerous quality would bo destroyed. Politics would bo consigned to men of higher asjiira- tions and nobler uiins. The motives and tout' of party ttnfo would bo ole vated. The temper and xeal of pub lic partisan discussion would be raised. Tlio tumidity of politics would bo elimimittd. The pi evident , clinnet and cungrcas would have timu mid heart for their high duties and merit would acMuvo the highest re wards , and excellencies would bo stimiiliited into competition. A higher grade of intellectual and political cducatim would be do nundi d and Btimuhted , and in time the merit nysteiu which would nc- coinpliMh nil this nonld reajh the pop- iilur elections and aflect for the good of tlio coiinti v , the popular choicti of tint holders of these offices nhiuh con trol the national politics. The popu lar thought beinn' renched , tiins pub lie opinion uould stimp out nil inter ference with a free ballot and a fuir count , whether by fraud , force or in timidatioii of voters. Political asso ciations and tlu exppiuhturo of ini- ineimo sums Jof corruption funds would bo done away with. Tlio gov- eminent would becinno ono ofjluw und co iso to bo ono of men , The political idea of the meiit system is that when ever a nuw appointment oriipiomo tioii ahall bo nmdo in the Riibordmate civil service , the ofliuo shall be given to the man best fitted to dHchargu its . functions , and that this fitness wh ill bo ascertained by open , honest , impar tial and competitive examination to all who choose to present themselves , euch iispiiant to bo oxaminul with re gard to the particular place hu deairci to ( inter Pondlelon concluded by appealing to democrats to ally thomiolvcs to the iiiovemont of u civil service , IM the changes nf time would Homier or later yivo them thu uovornment , when the previous adheranco to this policy would nnko firm tlieir popular sup. | > ort und insure for them a useful [ uturo disengaged from tlio influences that now , sooner 01 later , wrecked all American parties. Logan's bill to place the name of General Grant in the army on the retired - tired list , was placed on the calendar. Davis ( \ V.n. . ) presented a bill re quiring the president to report what frauds were perpetrated in the paj- meiit of pensions ami what legi'Lvtion is required. Edmunds ollorod a resolution which was aden ed requiring the pn indent to present comes tif the correspondence - once with Chili and Peru. The feature ot to-day's session of the senate was debate upon the civil senile. Mr. Pcndlotmi , in addition to his remarks rcpoitul above , re viewed the utterances and wtititWH of Senator DAW as on the Riibject , mid inferred from them that Dawes desired no chance Mr. D.XWPS followed , mainly to dis- avoiv the inference drawn by I'endli1- ton from his remarks. Ho had dif fered with IVndleton duriiitf the last congress only on the minor fe.ttuios of the bill. Ills main oppositi > n waste to the proposed boird < f examination , to whoso \un\s oveiy applicant wus to nqunro lnmsolf to boupi > ointed. The difficulty , ho said , was not in the law , but in its administration. Whu was needed wus ouiiiipotunt public opinion to rinko the statutes obsumd. The need is iho statute should bo a majority one. If the president wim in sympathy with the measure pro posed , it would work well. If not , the board treating his creatures would work out his political purposes. Strong public euntiiiiont would compel the presid lit to carry out the law. It public sentiment was right , machinery would bo of little consequence. Ingalls suggested an amendment to the bill to bu made at the proper time , providing that appointments be dis tributed among the several states , according - cording to the precodini * census. _ Hill ( On ) siul nobody questioned the evils of the present system. The trouble was to find u remedy. Tint those evils did exist , wns not through any want of legislation , mid ho could not BOO how legist ition would rcnuily them. Everybody pieachtd , but no body practiced civil service rofonn. Ho portrajod the death of Pros dent Garfi'sld who hud scircoly Inoa laid away , mid while the people were all neeping , before a fedeial judge soiled Ins ermine by writing a lo tor to lim successor , asking his uid to a u > .Union to seeuio republican elli eis in the state , and the president , with tlm mnuining insignii all tuound him , and in oveiy nook and uunoi of thu land , undo the appointment request , ed , und betoro thu pen with wliiih he wiote it was dry ho sat down to wiite a homily to congress on cixil 8i > r\ict > reform. Scores of men in the heating of liiti voice h id lead papuis frmn a f01 in r president and seciotary of state for the remouil of tliHiuin from the Hew York custom house , because bo hud made his otlici apolit ical headquiiiters. llu was removed , and next year * was Hindu a aindidate for vice prusidunt , and supported ny the very men that had insisted on In * ri innw l 1hnt wno fvisur \ - vice reform five years ago. A trreat clamor was made about frauds at the ballot box and by re turning boards. Didn't every man know that iho o who had been charged with connection with thosu fraud had received offices ? Witnesses luu como before the committee of th senate and stated under oath the ; had committed fraudd to obtain olhc to this day. The sointor fiomI ] \ H sichii * > etts was ulioct. If peopu visit their mindjninatioii UDII | Iho satom or upon the individual or tin pnty lipholdiiii , ' it , tlio e\lls wouli etasu. I'hu nioiiient theto was nnj talk about coiiiiption the membeis 01 thu other side pnckid their eau am said it wus an attauk on thu lopublic. ! ptityiiml answer if the dDiiioei.i' ' party was in power it would do tin t.llIM tlllllL' Beck called up his resol ution in relation lation to succiHSinu in the event of tlio death , etc. , of the piesident and vice president , intending ro .Hiibmit some lem iikn on it AH Alixoy. who intioductd alike leaolution , anil ( iai- liind , who hid introduced a bill on the Hiibjeot , mid othir sen itoru desned ti bu heard , dubato was postponed until to-morrow. Voorhees introduced a joint resolution tion proposing an umundiiioiit to thu constitution providing poitniiutuia , rovouuo collectors , etc. , bu elected by the peopluot ihustato where the duties are to bu collected. The HUH ity went into executive ses sion , wheie nomiiiiiuons uont in i ) the proHidi'iit weio lefi uud to appro pi into c.immitleLH. The sen ite , at U45 ; p in , adjourned till to-morrow. i'iu > uiiimxos : IN Tin : nousn On thu nieoting of thu huiiHU , Mi. Taylor ( Ohio ) introduced u D'Hotiition appiiinuii. a Hpicial comiinttuo of eltwen mem'iuw with pow > r 10 audit the oxpeiiueH atteiiilant upon thu Hiik nc BM und death of thu lutf Pri-bidont Giirheld and ilutermiiiu if any allow- imcei or privilu t'H Hl.oiilu bu granted his wi.Iow and family ; and by Mr. I'icHjiitt ( .Vew Y.r ! ( ) resolution to rii-cio 'o ihi' sulect census committed if the lust congroFs IJoth have passed the seiiuiu. Mr. Florr , from the committou on rulen , rojorleda resoluti'in pioviding lor a Hulect coinm't'ou ' of He von to whom ull nmtteiB ruhtiug to female luffing ) shall bu rufurred. Thu reso lution wont over on objection by Mr. VVl'Ht. On ( ho cill of thn states there WRH i fuufnl fl iod of billn , fuw or none of wuro of ijo.ier < l inter * st. Per- nips t'lo ' most notablu was one to imko Iho trade dcdlar a legil tundur 'or ihu Hiiiiu amount as thuutanduid lollar The following additional bill * were ntioduced : , Hy Mr Waite ( Conn. ) , a resolu . ion astieriing thu cuimtitutional pie- ogitivo of tliu homo to oiijinato rev- Milieu meiiHures und providing for 4 u\iniou of thu 1.11 ill' Uy Mr Stujilieiis ( Gi ) . relative to ho coinage of thu "Htclla" and Godid" two dollar pieces and fraction if u dollar. Uy Mr. Spencer ( Go ) , to utilize the suiplus waters of the IfolSprings , of ArkiuiRif , nnd to iirovont gonornl Ugishition by means of appropriation bills. bills.By Mr. Aldrich ( ) cnlablisli an as ay olllco in Chicago. lly Mr. Hondorson (111. ( ) , to t-stab- lish a bo ml of commissioners of inter state commerce. Hy Mr. Thomns (111. ( ) , in pqimliro bounties of soldiers of the rebellion ; alnu , iniponing a tax on the manufac ture of oleomargarine. By Mr. Morrison ( Ill.i ) lo reduce existing tarilf duties on imported ends 10 per cent ; Also , a bill pro viding for improvement of the Mia- sissii pi river. By Mr. Springer ( III. ) , n bill to amend the eoiiBtitutioii prohibiting R | ociil legislation , nml n bill Rnlling on ihu poslmuster general for the cur- rosiiomieiico und reports in the do- p irtmonts from United States min isters nnd consuls in roforcnct lo the workings > f postal talogrnjjti and postal sa\in s banks in loreign countries. Uy Shorw in ( Ills ) , propoiin , ; a con- slitutioiial ainei'ilmunt for the elee- tion of jiostmastera by the people. By Mr. Cobb ( luu. ) , to authorire the st itus of Ohio. Indiium and Illinois to commeiicti and prosecute milts agiinst thu United States in the Uni- tid St it < H HUprumo court. By Mr. Hepburn ( Iowa ) , appropriat ini ; monuy for the erection oi n post- office at Council Bluffs. Hy Air Cirponter ( Town ) , dividinc ; thu statu of Iowa into two judicial districts , and for the protection of settlers on public lands. By Mr. Anderson ( Kansas ) , to shorten the period required in homesteading - steading public lands to two years ; also , for thu piymunt by the Pacific railway companies of coat of surveying certain lands convoyed to them ; also , to reduce thu rate of postage on loiters und letter matter to two cents ; also , to c unpcnsato route agents mid postal clerks when disabled oy accidents to railroad trains. Hy Mr. llaskell ( Kansas ) , to estab lish an educational fund for the educa tion of thu people. By Mr Hyan ( Kansas ) , providing for 'tho appointment of a Missouri liver commission. Hy Mr. Turner ( Ky. ) a bill to abolish ish tlio du'y ' on agricultural implu- meiiN ; a'sn ' , to allow tr.hicjbo planters to sell t diacco tamed on iheir hind frio tiom internal rovonuoftax. ByMi.Kuott ( Ky. ) , to repeal all duti'fi plac d on tobacco raised in the Unite I States. * Hy Mr Ellis ( Li ) , to abolish gov ernment din ctnra of the JDnion Pa- cilic tailioid ; ulmi , to notify'tho ' gav- einniuiit of Giuit Britain jifjthe abro- gitiou of ihu C.aytou-Bulwer . treaty ; alsu , to establish ocean iniiil strvi1 ube bo ween cirtiun polls of thu United Slaten and foielgn natiotiH. , By Mr Gibson ( La ) , billa to re duce tsixiiii-m , to establish' uniform curiencN , to provide for ) tii income tuxulso. . u roso'utioii clnfgibriftng a cmnmerciiil eouyortion feiVoun the United St.ivus . .ii'dIf. . * ? * * " 4-1- Uy Blr. KIIIU ( Li j. t * Will for the appointment of ac mmisaion to in vesMgato the question of tariff. By Mr. Heed ( Maine ) , a bill revising < vising and coniinuine thu Alabima cl inns co'imiisRion. By Mr. Murch ( Mnine ) , a joint ion for the enforcement of the ui lit-hour law und to establish abo.ud of labor fltitistics. At 4 ; : ! ( ) p m. , 750 bills bad btui intmilu. oil. Thu house udjouinei till Fndi\ , when it was agreed n cil of H ates fur bills Hhoiild be thu only oidi r of humne's on that day. On in tion of Mr. Holii > .on ( N. J. ) till ) fdllciulll Mllfct LOlllllllltuL'H Keil : leippoinicd f < n iho summon : On eivi smMOO 10 01 in ; on tlio law respecting the | r > t-idi'iit und M'IO piesidt-nt ; on pi.n.out ) of pensions ; on bounties and hick pay , and on the ulcoho liqiioi ti.tfhe. CANNO V'S CASE. OK TIII : LTAII WOMHN. DticiMiibur 1H.B ) of n UaruuiiiiH gift there was laid on ihu debk of tacli member of con- giosi jtHcerday ready for the mooting * > ( thu hoinu a liundHomuly on- giavud menu card bearing on one of its innur folds Pusiduiit Arthui's mitssigo on poly gamy piinud i-i letters of gold and on the othir fold in crimson gilt the ml mission filed in thi ) pending Utah con- ttht ; "I , Guo Q Cannon , contes tant , protoHting that the mil ler in tins paper contained in not iiiluvuiit lo the IHBIIO , do admit that I am u member ol the church of Jt u < Christ , of Litter Day Saints , commonly called Moimonsj that in accordance ) with the tonuta of and uhtiruh 1 have taken plural wives who now live with mo and have lived with mu for u luiiilu-r of yuirs and biirne mu cliildren ; I aho admit tlmt in my addr-'HHm us u tiachor of my ruligion in Utah , ] luvu dufuudud said u nets us boinn , in my belief , a revelation from God , " This novel missive is ro'poctfully dedicated to thu Forty-seventh con- bj the woiniin'rt national anti- aociuty of Utah. THE STATE DEPARTMENT. HI.CHKTAIIV NBWAHK , N. J. , December l.'J. Jucruturv Fri'liughuyHuu thm morning left \ViiHhington on thu limited ex liruss. Ho win alone and gnus to nako uiraiigoinuntH for the lemoval i ! hm fiimily to Wintliinitoii ; , where : Iiuy will ocmipy thu IIOIHU ( ll7l ! I itiuel ) which ho owns and which hu ) LCiipiud when a senator. Ilia wife , laughter mill Hon-in-law will hvu vith him , whilu IiU nous will coiitiiiuu .heir law piacticu hero. Kucrutary [ VelingliuyHen does not know when ho vill enter upon Ins dutii'H , but will n iko such armiiuiiiutitit ! with Kucio- ury Jthinu as will bu Bitisfautary. WILL HUtC'KKI ) III IT. The statement that .I. 0. Bancroft Davis will replace Hilt as first mt secretary is authoritative , and the clmngo will bo undo at once on Fie- coming into otlleu. CAPITAL NOTE5- St'IT VOU WASHINUTO.V , December 1J. ! Lucy Fowler , formerly c ok in the exocn- tivo mansion , has entered suit for slander agnitmt Win. T. Crump , stow. ard of the lute President Garlield. She sets out that in hily hist Crump damaged her reputation by falsuly representing to Mia. Garfield - field Unit she had stolen pioviaionn from the White House larder and she claims § 10,000 damages I'UtnnrtM ( IHVNTHII. The president to-day granted par dons to Nellie K. Bant , of Michigan ; \V. P. Bluikunship , of West Virginia , and Edward A Wanner , of Nuw Voik. i-OMTomiTs ion uhn'iitu'\.v < . Postollico ollieuds deny the minor. as fur as that depmtineiil is nllocted , that the pros dent h is decided not to appoint women to ollice. Thm is con- stiietively tine , but it is well known , o\orythiiig else being oqii il , men will bo given the preference. The policy of thu dup.irtinunt in this respect will in a shoit time receive a powerful impetus , It mutters but little who it appointed pottmasUT general , us the piesident has clearly indicated thu policy to bu nursued by his poatimiRter general , which will bo bold and aggressive. It will have for its object the uik'ing up of the re publican putty ot thu Rtiuth and to this und the poatollico department with its enormous patronage will be judiciously used to accomplish it. There are 45,000 fourth clusa post- offices nnd of these fully 1,500 are in charge of women. Of the providential oflicos not over thirty-live have women and of these the commission of nineteen have or will expire in thu next six weekn. It will bu the policy pt this department to put these offices in the hands of ropi csuntativo republi cans. i ITON'S HUtvKssou. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Upton ictiies from the tronsuiy to morrow. 1 1 IR resignation was accept ed to tuku effect on the Itl-tt , but hu him obtained luaeof ubsoiieo until thut tutu' . Thu secrotiny of the tieasurj this afturuoon iucoinmeiultd to Iho piesulent the name lor a mic- eessor to Mr Upton ; the will piobibl1 bu Rent to the HUH itu to- moi 10 iv. It ia thought it will bu u.\ Uopiesentativu Giltillun , of Peiinsyl- \iinia. rUllOUl'M FM'OUTS. Chief Niinino to-day hiibmitted to thu Heciotiuy of thu tieasury alato- miuits of exports of petioluiim and its I inducts for October and for the ten months : Nuinbur of uallons of crndo pulroleuiii exported in the month , 5,51)8,052 ) , agnitiHt ! ! , 80 1,015 in the corrcapondii'g month hut year ; gallons of illuminating oil exported for the , month , 45,058,594. against 26,802,833 ia the sumo month last ycur ; gulluiis. nf , illuminating oil in orunontbtf ? 3ir , 48/J22 , afnlnot 21- 5SD.800 N > V OUIl OKNKUAL HKAL11I. The national board of health is in session heio , Dr. .1 0 Cobull , of Vir ginia , presiding. Reports Hhow the general health about mi average for this tune of tliu year. Small-pox is loported epidemic in Pittsbiui ; and Chicago , and there are many UIRCH in St. Louis and a number in liiltnnoor and CniLinti iti , mid not a few scattered through thu Pinullui tovMiH of Peuiis > hiiiiin , lllinoiH , In- diiiii,0ilifornia'ind ! ' Arlcaiisi ) 'I'lu-ro uru one or two faxes in Washington , but the prectutinn-i , it is believed , will pruvunt its nprdid Typhoid fever jireMiiln in thu Month and Hitiith- wcst , nnd H upiduuiiu at Whuelng and BOH let fever is prevailing Nun Kiigliind , CAIIIVI r iiax.ons lie report th it Postmaster Guncral has tenduied IIIH rt'Hiii.iitioii ; i denied at the White HOUBO , Ihoiuh it IM * aiithnr.itivuly Bl.-it. . d it will.bii on thu rutuin of JiimtH fiom Nuw VoiK , to taku elleet January lut Who wi 1 bu his siictoHsor is still muio conjee turo. C lauiiooy f. Killoy , | of St. Louis , is generally looked upon an tliu most prominent candidate , though southern republicans tire working hard for Ex-Guy. Davis of Texas Gen Boale is Hiiid to be sure of hav ing the department. Brewstei'H name is expected in thu soniitu thm week foruttornuy general , mid no other chnn es are looked for , It is slated lo-niuhl that iSco\illu will imko an clloit to duluy the tntl by raising the question of the disquil ifiuitiim of two jurors , ho having ro cuntly diHuoverud tliuiii to Imvo been regnl irly employed by tliu United StatCH gnioniuient HIIIQU tlioflliooting. Couiittul for thu giivernmtdit do nut the HIICCOSH ot thisHchumu , but Suovillu HiyH hu jut hopes to de-lay thu conclusion ot thu trial until public feeling agiinst Giiiteau is modified. Infriucamont Suit. N&tlonilABeoclaUil rruin. Si. PAUL , Minn , , December 1J ! , A test casu of great importancu to brewers is beitm tried here. George Alfred , the patentuo of a device for putting pitch on thu inside of beer kegs , sues Christian Stahlman for in fringement of hib patent , Re i tinB the Suiidtiy Law. National Aivoilatcil I'rui. SAN FIIANCIHOO , December l.'t. A strong luuguu of fiuidom wax organ- ! /.ud hist night at I os Angeles , Ual. , to i oust the Sunday law. Many mini- Jar ortiuiiitioini ; mu forming throiigli- ont the Ntatu ItidioatlouN- National Antodit cl I'rom WAHII OTON , Dncombor Jl. Fur the upper Mississippi and lower Mis souri valleys : Fair wuathur , vuriiibio windH , Hhiftmg to warmer south , sta tionary or lowur pressure , National Aitoc. tel l'ru . HOIILKM , Pa. , Docoiuber III. - Frinklin ( I. Spike , clerk of the market - kot at South Bolilem , committed nuicido by hanging iu u gurrut to-day. CORK HILL VS. THE CRANK - The National Fool Has Another Field Day , Everybody With Hia Not BO Very Senso- loea Jnrgou. Spitaku. the Omnk Sharji , Con- tinnoB His Dofouao of the A8tmnnin , But Piuda a Little Effort n Hia Own Di'fo HO Almoat u NooofHitj * . Emory A , Storra Qivoa the Opinion That Gmt-wi Will Saroly bo Couviotod Tentlmony of SeverAl Wltucmcii For the Proiiooiitinu. A lll'.U'TIFUI. HAY OK IMKUUl'PTIItNS. Niillutml AnmcmUvl 1'rcnn WASIIINOTON , December 1 ! > . No incident of note occurred ntthe open ing of thu trial this morning. Dr. Spitr.ka'a crosn-uxmninatiun was re- amnud by Corkhill. Conclusive evi dence of thu prisoner's niRanithe Hdid , wan thu appearance of Ins eyes. Corkhill handed witness a drawing of n man'a head mid asked : "Supposing it represented thu formation of Gui- toAU's head , how does it dill'ur from the bond of an ordinary person ? " Prisoner The doctor wmitrd to take my head this morning , and I told him he could have it if ho would get me a new one. Witness pointed to features of thu head on the piper which wuie not found on the ho.idH of ordinary puoj lo. "D.i you believe in God ? " asked Coikhill. V ituesH refused to answer , mid the com t decided he was not oblijjid to mwur thu qiies urn. "Uo you ueliuvo in God , Corkhill ? " the pimoner tdioulod. "I don't think jolt do. I huvu been looking up join it cmd , and it stinkH like old mackerel , which in thu stinkeiiust thing in th" world. " Corkhill Hiiid if SpUzka dooliiiod to mmwor th it question , hu hud nolh ing fin thur to ask. Scovillu took thu vritiiens and led him through u mii/o of suppositions UISCH to provo thu insanity of the prisoner The witness umphalioilly declared his belief in this. Scovillu then triud t.j elicit u con versation with the prisoner regarding Witness Shaw , who testified to the prisoner's remark about imitating WilkeS Booth and becoming notorious at any risk. d The court could not allowntiin ovi- ' dunco. * "Well , " excitedly exclaimed Oui I eau , "we have infoimaiion thatSluw was convicted of porjuiy in Nuw .lor- Hiiy , That is the kind of u mini he in He is one of your mun , Corkhill , and English was convicted of bastardy in I re I mil Ho is another of j our mun " In mmwer to Cnklnll , witness mud hu bad fuiniHliul souu of thu f.icts used in thu articlu piihli-hed in thu New Englind Mudieil .loiirmil GintLiin iigmn iiitetruptod he hid btuii mi ling thu moiiiing pipui : ' ' 1 Heu tint ciank Tiilmagu , ol thu IJiook- lyn tabernacle , bus been doing b wi- nusH in a Huimitioiml H'ylo ' lie h in been bufoiu Ihu Hynods Huveral tnno" foi lying. ( In is i Hurt of tridui foi a hoimo ot pioH 1'iition in Nu.v Yoik , mid ho went to Kuiopunu thu Hlronyth of that iiijiiHiilioii. 1 h.ivo my OJUH on two or tluuu cianKn and will gut down on them noon if they do not look out. Thu Aiiiencan pioplu mo sol thnjj quietly down to this iiiattui , but Homo erink'i keep talking. The iiimni- mou sopinion of all thu Amuiiuini puu- plu , Coikliill , in that you mu a eon- Huminiitu jackass. " Oorl.hill I want to show that long befoie this trial begin Spit/ka com- meiiced writing about thu chaiackr of thu trial mid dining its piogresn hu mined thu Mfdiuil Jouinal not only to ciitici/o thu law oflici'tM but to throw his filth on medical OXJUTIH called in thin casu Prisoner -Thu doctor i onu of thu mont Hcii ntiliu in thu connliy. To tell thu I ruth , if your head wan not HO thick , Corkhill , you would sou that. \VitneHH HUH ! when uxpoitH went on the ht.ind ho would bu nilling to cuti- ci/.o their VIOWH. ExpurlH who mid thu prm mur wus nine were artful but not eiert | or not hoiiiHt , Guitcml exclaimed that hu thought the expurlH weiu HIIIUI iu and hu wanted them to givu him lair treatment. When court rusiiimd nftui 1 o'clock , Spenier ( labelI , an insuimice agent of New Yoik , wait called by the proseou- tion. Ho testified to knowing the piisonerin Now York , when he was desiioim of soliciting pitman. Hi * loaned him money HUi'cial times. 'no prisoner , who uppuiml nu ll uially mixioiiH , fthoutud : "I owe thm man twenty-five ilollurH , 1 object to thin tiH'imony ' muldiHiiua ruling on thm point , " [ Laughter ] Tlio Court-Lot the witnoim goon Prisoner ( uxcittdl ) ) Thui lut the lopoiter note mi uxcujition. Thu wilni'HH wi nt on to stalu that Giiituni told him hu was going to mirry u wealthy lady , and Was going to obtain thu Austiun musion ami required 11 loin of00 , Witiuss didn't accede to Him reqn.Ht. llu re garded thu priHonui as a man of sound mental condition mid average ohruwd- ness in ! - > iimncHs nfl'airs , ( iiiiteiiu biuke in with bin usual in teuuptioiiH upon IIIH bori owing money like 11 geiitkmin , Ho al ternately read papers , took thu eye gliiHsos from bis nose and inude run- niiiX comments on thn testimony The crow-oxiiminiition did not nfluct the direct tcHtimony. Thu next witness was W. I * . Cope- land , of The Brooklyn ttaglo , who identified the neniqupur found on the prisoner's pel-son nftor his nrrcst. Guiteau iiniviu bniko in with remarks - marks about his iuspiiuHnn and the fact thai certain journals vigorously- denounced General ( ! irtieldbuforu the dny of the assassiiuiton. II. C. Ketchmn testified to knowing Guileau in 187t ! , loaning him sums of nionoy. "That is not HO , " liaidOnitoiu , "I was a high toned lawyer at that time and could not l rton money from a poor clerk like this wilius * . I hnd huger men limn you , my friend , to uo to if 1 wanted monuy , " \VitnevB pioeoodmg , Fiiid Guiteaii uppeired to bo a man of littlu ncusu. lie would sit in his ollice. to read. He was violent nhcn opposed in con- vurBiliou on public tuples ( iuiluui denounced thu witness as a miserable clerk with whom ho would not associate ut thu time referred to Henry Wood , of Philadelphia , was then cilled to the stand. "Thin man , ' mid the assassin , "knew my divorced wife long before 1 did Y iu can il taw your own inference - once on thut mibject. " The witness staled that hu knew the pu'siHior in 187'His wife at thut tune hud teceived some assist- IIMUU from the witntm' family and Guiteau oallud on him on his way to Nuw York from Chicai'o to thank him for that kindness. About n year afterwards the piisuner cumuto him for advice and assistance. Subse quently he culled upon him in Now \eik and told him of all the charges his wife hud made against him. Prisoner She was bonrdiug in a first-clais place and li\cd better than ever before in hur life. Witness Wood said while he was in New York at the time Giiiteau an nounced a lecture oil the second coming of Christ and this struck him im eo monstrous ho went to hear him. L'Iiuptinoner puke twenty minutesand thun announced nis book would bo published mid would illimtiatu his Mown A collection was then taken up nnd the piinonor left the hall. "Yiu , " nileiruptcd the prisoner , "I got TiO cell's and Mi. Wood gave 25 coutu , I guess. [ Lmighler. ] Witness tostifkd hu never saw any indication of immnimlm sti of mind in thu piisouei. He appealed to poisesn ordinmy intelligence but was wanting in piinciplo "That's false , " shouted the pris oner. Tln eross elimination of the wit- neHH wns Inicf und only interesting on account of thu rapid excited com- itientH of the pimoner , who talked about Ins pimciplen , denounced wit- niss mid Hindu unfavorable interjec tion in legurd to his divoivid wife. S U I'lulps was in.\t uilltd. Ho was foimerly connected with the Chicago cage Inter-Oceun. He siidhuknuw thoiiHoiiui ] ) in that , city nnd went into details as to Ins Now York Herald and other newspaper poliom * which Guiteau explained to him on Hint be coming acquainted with Guiteau. Ho wished the witness to enter suit Bjjninat the Oneida community to re cover 88,000 or § 0,000 on the ground that ho'fmirput'r84H)0 ) iiv-nnfT-ti&i balance was dug him fur norviwa- : Witnens found the stntumuniB fnfac * and advised the prisoner ( hat there was no irround for action , nnd the suit was not brought "This niiiii is a liar , " shouted Gui- tiuu , "He w a mi an cutbitono hro- ki r now. llu ! H of thu H.IIIIU Ht imp us ICnglidi and Shaw. 'Ihu pmonoi kupt inturiiipling mid iiuKinu jierional ictlLctioim on ihu wilni'FH , who pionouiiLud him of the ( Jot. -Hutu typo but lacking in the genial iUidiueH | utt ifhed tlniuto His iiuwspiijur bclienuM uuio aliHiud and eliimeiiuil. Thu jii is iiiur mi heaung thu uit- neH < utatii tint , hu v lib t > bu uditoi-in- oliu fine IHO the Intt-r-Ocoan ] > ioj > 'it went thiou h , e\eaimid ! : " I hat Htateiniitil H falHi > . \\\\\.l \ \ \ would 1 want with a follow lil.o joti as editor-/ in-i'hiof , jon dead 1 M4 , ytnt I la ! llii'"nnd ' Gmteiti elitifklud moi o t linn at m y pel iod dining the tniil. \\ltlHISS UUH CO ' 1 llli < l pO-B rM'll Illld gof back ut finite iu bv H.I ) in1' dining thu erosH examination in hi ) opin ion thu piisonui had the mo it un doubtedly nulf dispo'-ilion of any onp huihid met. "Ah , " ijaciihitud Guiteiui. "tliat ia the bust you can do , IM it ? Thut Hiiot veiy bright " [ Liughter ] I'lulpfi stilted that hu met the piis- onur at thu rupiiblican heiidiUarters | in Now Yoik dining Iho juesuli ntml imnpaigii. On nieiting linn nftei- wmdn hu flei'iiiLil fuib'i ' k IIIH BCIVICCH h id Hicuicd Ihu oltuMnii ol ( . 'aitield. When lie1 upoku of his di-Hiro for the Aiixtiian mmtiiiii , VMIIHKH told him that wan a pi. tty bithin / , mid ad- viaid him to look a little lower. ( imtoin's conduct dining the after noon , wlnlu U iiined mi oci-anoiiiil v Imigli , Hei'imd to ditiL'iiHt I'xurj body. His interruptions WUIH vuiy fieijiient and imig monoti i im-ly ( Uithe clian-'iH of IIIH mental jiatHini' , Iis coiitLinpt for uitmi'neH mid IIIH deMie that u\uryihiniHliouId bucoiiduundtqiiaie- ly , us ho HUH not afiuid of the lesnlt of thu tiial C nut iidjounud until to-morrow at 10 u. in. HEWILL BE'CONVJCTED. National AUDI Into.1 I'IIKH SI ) KMOUV HKIIIIIS HAYK , OIIH uio , December ID. Iinory ] A. Stem , thu well known criminal lawyer of this city , has returned fiom Washington SpeuKn g nf thu Gui teau casu , in which liu ti'stifii'd , ho HIIJH : "Lookim ; at thu casu in ita picaent stage , 1 think Guitiuu will bo convicted Nothing him HI > far ap peared in thueisu to indicate that ho diil not ut the time of the msmsina- tion mid befoie il , mid dining nil the time Bincu tlun , fully coi.ipiehend the diU'ere.iicu between li ht mid wrong mid the cnnHcquoncuii of the act he committed. I am nssuiod that the govuriiiiiunt'u case will be overwhelm ing ag mat tlio plea of iiiHinitv and will not leave u vestige of that du- fonse , " -Nimlull A Krelle , PmcUoal Hftters , hu\a roiunved to NT , ] } , corner of 13th and Kurnhiun utrcots. d3 5t