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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1881)
THE OMAIL 1 DIFFERENCES OF SEX , Physical ixud Intellectual Ine qualities Between Man and Woman. Fro-omineitoo of the Mnnculhio Sox In Almost Evnry ' Pnrticiilnr. O'J \ ( I. Iic'nun y In Popular Science Monthly The sentimental pretentious put forward by a political school winch holds that woman is intellectually the cqunl of ninn , give n character of actuality to the question of the com parison of the aoxos. Tins question , which it line been the custom to treat from n metaphysical point of view , is to us purely imthropoloqicnl , or rather zoological. The nutritive phenomena in birds and mammals , including the human spocica , are moro intensive in the undo than in the fenmlo. The blood is dunsor , redder , contains moro rod xlobulcs and hcmiglobinoQuinqunnd ( , Ivorniloll ) , fewer while globules , and loss walor. M. Miilnssez has found a million moro red globules in a cubic millimetre of man's than of woman's blood. Man cats moro than woman. Public charities recognize that it costs moro to feed a boy than a girl. But , tholi 'h she cats less , wo.nau is moio of a gourmand ( Brillal-S.xvaiin ) , and cats moro frequently , being ottener pressed by hunger. Women in the cities eat between-nioals , likochildrcti. In asylums forthoag-d , wliero women are not allowed moro meals than men , they abstract food from each meal to eat in the intervals , BO as to double the number of their meals. The respiratory phenomena of men ; are also stronger than these ot uo- iiion. The pulmonary capacity of a woman is a pint loss than that of a man of the same sizo. The thoracic index of woman is less than that of ( Woisgerbor ) . The man absorbs more oxygen , although ho docs not breathe us often. According to Quote- lot , the woman , from 15 to 50 years of ago , makes ono moro inspiration a minute than the man. At all ages man exhales moro carbonic acid than woman ( Andral and Gavarrot ) . The temperature of .mnn is higher than that of woman. In the circulation , the pressure of the blood is stronger in the male , although the pulse is less frequent. The dili'eronco amounts to eighteen pulsations a minntu in tha lion , ten in cattle , twelve in sheep , and tun to fourteen in man. The relative weight of the sklleton to the total weight of the body is loss with women ; Topinard says that in the physical characters of her skele ton Woman is intermediate between the infant and the masculine adult. M. Milne-Edwards has found the bones of the male a little richer in organic matter than these of the fu- male ; and that at HO years the bones of the man contain moro mineral mat ter , moro carbonate of liiuo , kss phosphate of lime , than these of the woman. The prevalence of the right aider over the left is less with the wo- man\IInrling ( ) . Broca has found that the clavicle ot the woman i * longer in proportion to tlio humerus ; similar diilurcnccs are observed between in terior and superior races. The mala individual is always larger than the fetnalo. This u observable in our domestic animals. M. Topinard fixes the average difference in height between man woman at twelve centi metres ( four and two-thirds inches ) . Woman is also lighter than man , al though she often appears larger on account of the greater development of her adipose system. According to my researches , the foot of women is Hatter and leas' arched than that of man a fact which women of fashion try to hide by means of high heels. The female voice is always higher than that of the male , in animals and in num. Woman's voice is an octavo higher than man's. The muscular system of the male is bettor developed and moro vigorous than that of the female. This may bo observed in wild and domestic ani mals. The muscular force of a wo man from 25 to 10 ! years of age , meas ured in the dynamometro , is a third less than that of a man of the s'imc age. The movements of a man are moro precise than these of woman. Thus men make the best pianists. The skull of the male is moro voluminous inous than that of the female ( Som- mering , Parchappo , Broca , Morselli ) . Huschko estimates the dill'ereueo in Europeans at 220 cubic centimetres ; Dr. Woisbach makes the relative measurement as 1,000 to 878 ; Mor- solli , 100 to 85. The shape of the nkull also varies with the sex , that of the man being lower and longer than that of the woman. The brain of the male is heavier than that of the female , in a proportion for man fixed by Broca at 1,323 to 1,210 grams (4CJ ( to 42J ounces ) . Parchappo makes the ditlcrenco as 109.34 to 100 ; Broca , Budolph , and Wagner , as 111 to 100 ; Iluschke , as 112 to 100 ; Moyner , as 100 tj J)0. ) That this difiercnco in weight does not depend upon the relatively smaller sixo of women is shown by the state ment of Parachappe , that , while the stiitura of woman is to that of man as 927 to 1,000 , the relative weight of tholbrains of two flexes is as ! > 0 ! ) to 1,000. M. Lo Bon has found , on comparing the average weight of the br.uiiB of seventeen men of about five feet in hight with that of the brains uf seventeen women of corresponding size , a difference of 172 grams ( six and oiu-quarter ounces ) in favor of the masculine brain. Diagrams ot the feminine brains of different races show that in the most intelligent populations , as among contemporary Parisians , the skulls of a notable pro portion of women more nearly approach preach the volume of the skulls of certain gorillas than that of the better- developed skulls of the male sex. Other dillbrenccs between the brains of the two sexes relate to the conformation According to Broca , Wagner , and Uuschko , anclWisht of Now York , the frontal lobes , the scat of the highest intellectual faculties , are lust developed in woman than in man , The occipital lobes , the Boat of the sentiments , are moro voluminous , in woman. According to Prof. Wag.nor , the brain of woman as a whole in always in a more or less embryonic condition. Uuschko eay that wo man is only n child in growth , and belies her mfantino typo no moro by her brain than by the other parts of her body. Some anatomists that the light s'ulo of the brjiri is superior in wanmn and the left siilo in man , hcncu women nas to the loft and ii'on to the rnjht. I have ob served that man poi forms certain lyo- tions , as those of striking and button- inn the clothes , ountnfugally , nnd wo man centripoUilly another sign of inferiority in woman. The differences in the relative prominence of the lobes of the brain may explain why woman is more given to the life of the heart , and man to that of the inind-a point in which nil authors are agreed. The question of the relative moral ity of the sexes has been debated by thousands ot authors. Without going over their ground , wo will endeavor deavor to show what light has been cast upon it by recent .facts in demography. Women incontestable commit a smaller proportion of crimes against persons than men , Quetelet suggests that they are more restrained by shame and modesty , by their condition - dition of dependence , their moro re tired habits , and their physical weak ness. When they do thus olfeuit , they are moro apt to adopt poisoning , tin ? weapon of cowards. It is univer sally admitted , ngain , that woman is moro devout and moro charitable than man. Her charity is , however , it may bo wud , often narrow a'ld intolerant erant , and exercised for the sake of prosolytisin. Wo now como to the consideration of the intellectual faculties. The male is moro intelligent than the fem - m < lo in all the superior species. Trainers of trick-dogs prefer males , lleg.mling the human spiecics , all known systems of legislation recogni'/o an intellectual inferionty f the female male Hex to the male , and treat woman as a minor not able to take care of herself , and needing a guide and tu tor. The allotment of this position to woman has been determined chiefly by nor levity and frivolity , and the Roman law constantly invokes "frngilitatem sexes" in justification of its statutes. The partisans of equality meet this fact by alleging that the laws have sacraticed woman because they were made by men. Moralists have also noticed that women are merrier , more chauyeavle , and moro capricious than men ; they are likewise more heedless and less circumspect. All philosophers and moralists admit that women are more superstitious , moro prepossessed , moro imitative , anil more addicted to routine , moro talk ative , and more timid than men. Some men of science alao hold that women are less intelligent than men. Broca says they are a little less so. Darwin remarks that men go further than women in all that they under take where profound thought , reason , imagination , or the application of the semes and the hands are concerned ; and that , if we should draw up a list of the dozen men and a similar list of the do/.en women most distinguished in poetry , painting , sculpture , science , and philosophy , the two lists would bear no comparison Wo might also cite the opinion of nvuiufjctuiora and merchants who , employing both sexes , l.avo been able to 4uompiro their fac ulties. All these whom wo have con sulted think women are more assidu ous , but less intelligent , than men. In printing ollices , for example , wo men work minutely , mechanically , without knowing very well what they are doing. They succeed well in re print , which does not exact intelli gence , but poorly in manuscript. In the evolution.of tastes and ideas , woman marches about a century bo- hand man. Ono might say that she is in the course of going through the phases that wo have passed in arts , letters , science , and philosophy. The artistic and literary paths which man is abandoning for the scientific road , are now taVen pssseasion of by the fenule sex. According to the libra rians and the directors of reading rooms , while the men are interested in the study of history , philosophy , and science , the women are still in quiring for nothing but novelties. It is , however , just to add that Europe and America possess a few doctresses , and that a day will perhaps como when scientific careers will bi > diaput- ed by women. We are not authomed to conclude , from the fact that they have not , yet figured us inventors , tint they will always bo incapable of dis covering anything. The futuie only can tell whether woman is Himply an imitator , or whether she is a creator in the name sense as man. It results as a whole from this paiallel between the sexes that , among the superior species , the male excels the female not only in the intensity of the nutritive phenomena , but also in muscular torcu and intellectual de velopment ; because- man , moro strongly nourished than -woman , fabricati s more force than she , ha is correspondingly stronger in physical and intellectual qualities than she , It may bo added that moro biological differences are found between the ii'ali'8 than between the females of the same raco. If. for example we take ten Crovecuur cocks , wo shall find that they differ much moro from each other in uty.u than the development of the locomotive organs than ten hens of the same variety. So in the human species , regarding the stature , color of hair , muscular strength , voice , tastes , ideas , and even handwriting , wo shall find a great resemblance among women and a great diversity among men , The superiority of women appears everywhere anioti ancient and mod ern inferior races , but is never ob served among superior races , which are , on the contrary , always charac terized by the pre-eminence of the man. Whether wo regard species or races , wu spo evolution constantly ad vancing from the supremacy of the female to that of the male , The same appears to take place in resijpct to ago. Girls grow faster than boys till they are 17 , utter which the man keeps on growing and the ! woman remains at a standstill. So , in the intellectual point , teachers in mixed schools observe that girlu hold the first rank until they are 12 years old , and a lower rank afterward. Wo man is , therefore , physically , intel lectually nnd morally , more precocious than man. Buffon believes that this difiercnco hears a relation to the moro solid development of the tissues of men ; but precocity itself , according to the investigations I have reported to the Socioto do Biologio , is u char acter of inferiority for it is always followed by an unrest of development observable among all females of ani mals and of men. As u rule , man differs from woman moro at the ago of maturity than dining youth or old ago , in sikh a nunncr that the ma\i mum of mnsculino pro cminrnco cor responds with the climax of his evolu tion. tion.Tho The bioloauMl considerations wo have adduced explain to us why the two seves tend to divorce from each other na wo proceed from the lower t < the higher classes. Both sex csamonu peasants and working people having nearly the same moral and intellectual faculties , they can sympathize with each other , and Iwvo no reason for becoming estranged. It is ditferent among the intelligent classes , where the two sexes , in consequence of the increasing pre-eminence of nia.i , not having the same ideas , the same senti ments , nor the same tastes , cannot understand each other , and form sep arate coteries. Moralists have long taken notice of the separation , which is of force in the . family and in the meeting of men and of women , which seem to bo increasing from year to year. It might he thought that the phyai cal ami intellectual inferiority of woman is a comeqnoneo uf her muscles and brain being less oxoivisod than those of man. This is not cor rect. As to bodily strength , it readily appears in the circus , whore the two soxi-8 receive the sixmo physi cal education , that the boy is al ways moro vinoroim than the girl , and constantly maintains his supeiiority over hor. Some difficult feats which the men perform regularly nio for bidden to the women. The view that the intellectual superiority of man and infantility of women nro duo to differences in education is likewise not just. In former ngoj , whim the nia s of the people were groping in ignoiaiice. neither cox wore better in mructcd than the other ; and now , in the Prance of to-day , there aie at II ( JOO.OOO children of both sexes whenever never set tv foot in a tehool , and leceivo absolutely no edu cation. Wo can , then , say with Prof , Uisholf , of Munich , that women have suffered no other hindrances to the exercises and evolution of their brains and their intellect than those that are derived from their constitu tion and their faculties of develop ment , " The pretense that woman never receives the same education ius man is , moreover , false. Female pupils receive precisely the same musical instruction at the music schools as male pupils. How comes it then that , although there are incom parably moro women than men fol lowing music as a profession , women furnish good performers , but no com posers ? The same observation is ap plicable to painting and the culinary art. Why is it that , while all the men who devote themselves to the latter art become good cooks , there are among the thousands of women who exercise it as a profession so few of the first quality ? We have ahoady seen that in mixed schools , whore children of both sexes receive precisely the same education till they are 15 old , the cirls at first are ahead by virtue of their pre cocity , but , on passina 12 years , fall behind the bojv. The arn-st in the development that lakes place in wo man at about this time in the rea cause of the growing pre-eminence o man , who continues to develop till an advanced age. If the qirl begins thus to fall behind the boy at a cer tain point after having enjoyed -the same training , it must bo that her in feriority is real , and cannot bo ascribed to a difference in education that docs not exist. Thus equality in the instruction of individuals of the two sexes , the equal working of the brain , instead of reestablishing - establishing equality between them , increases the fjprc-zmincnco of the males , and this explains why woman is less perfectible than man. The equality of the sexes dreamed of by the philosophers is , then , not near being realized. On the contrary , that equality which existed among the primitive races , and still exist among some savages , is tending moro and moro to disappear with the progress of civilisation. The pre-eminence of man over woman , which is a product of the evolution of individuals and races , U rather increased by instruc tion , the effect of which , far from re establishing the equality of the sexes , is to assure definitively the Bupremicy of man. Cortlilonto. " 1 have lined JJfiinocK'B JJi.ooi ) with Ki'tat benefit for imliycttkm mill con- rtipation of the ImwelH. " C. L. KAMTON , Hnuiilton , Out. Price SI.00 , tiial ni/.e 10 cenU. eoillw Wo Must Have Cheaper Fuel- York Itcp.Mfcan. The f uol supply of our state is u matter that tlio peoplu are looking af tor with n good deal of solicitude. With nn almost illimitablu quantity of coal a hundred or two miles east of us , a hundred miles south of us nnd n little further west of us , wo are paying nl- i jgethur too much to keep us warm nnd cook our provisions. They sell Wyoming conl nt Omaha for eight or nine dollars per ton , while wo who tire about 150 miles nearer the mines , nay 810 or 311 per ton for the same kind of coal. The same tiling is true with reference to the prices wo nay for tlio inferior coals of Iowa and ftliasoui. Wo pay from 22 to 2. > per cent higher for this staple , which every IIOUBO must have , than they ( U even at Lin coln. Decide this heavy drain on our pockets the high price of fuel does much to cripple the industiio * of the stato. Within the last two years as many us half a men have been at this town looking for the location of n steam mill , and in almost every instance the high price ot coal has boon tlio chief draw back to their em barking in the enterprise. This in only ono town among hundreds of others hi the state to which these facts apply Wo have to pay too much for harirg our fuel transported to us , and the people are pinched almost beyond en durance. With n false bottom in our half bushel to catch the toll for out going freight and another for incoming freight there is n mighty small bushel loft with which to buy boots for tlio boys and machinery to run the farm. Baokltn B .miuca Salvo. The best Halve in the world for onto , bruises , sorca , ulcers , salt rlioum , fever Bores , totter , chapped hands , chillblains , corns and all kinds ot Mn eruptions. Thia ealvo in guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or inonoy refunded , Price , 25c per box. For sale by T ir & MuMAiiON , Omaha. Gentle Women Who wmt glossy. Inxnrlnufc mul Trim tresses ornbnmlant , beuutliw Hair must nso Ll'ON'S KATHAIRON. This decant , chertp article nlmiyg ni.ikcis tlio lluir crow freely nnd fust , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cnroB grayness - ness , removes dandruff nnd itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency nuu keeping il in any desired position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair Is thosuro result of using Kathairoii. The Only Knovm Real Cure. ilor9iuoii > ui < l frl-Htt&u tow Scnil # 12. ? ' orSJ.for n retail 1'Ox li\ i \pic ol HID l 'ft Cninllis Inmtrl let , jmt lip t'li'i-'uiilly mi.I ttrictl ) i > uro , milmlilo lor iirn-emi. lliloritonll Clnclniutl .Milrrm I , . IAJCKIINBA. CO. , 21U:1S Wet Kc\ciith St. , Clncmmtl , O. i& * * . * $ West for lioltif ; the moot direct. iiileki | < jt , n enfcHt line ccnm'UliiK' Ilio irruAt Mctroioti | < , CHI CAfJO , mid tlio KAHIKRS , NonTii-KABrniiN , Soini ami SouTll-KAirKRN Livns , "Itlcli tcrmlmtethcro , ith KANHAH dry , LIUVXSWOKTII , AtcnisoN , Cotihcii , IluiiFH nnd OMAHA , the COMMIHICIAI CU.NTXRB ( rein which rndinto EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrate * the Continent from tlo Mliitourl lllor to the 1'acinc Slope. The CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY Is the only line from Chicago owning track Into Katifwt , or nliteh , liy Its own rood , rcadio * the points nbov o tiamcil. No TRAKBFHHS nt UAIIRIAHK' NO M1RSINO CONKKCTlOMll NO llUjdlitlK 111 111- vcntllntud or unclcnn cuts , as every ] Uiuiiicr ( IF carried In roomy , clean and vontllnttxl coiwh.w upon Fast Express Truing. DAY CARS ot unrivaled magnificence , TOLLMAN PALACH SLKKIMKO CAKB. and ourownworlJ-fa'nous DINING CARH , upon which meals are ecru'd of tin- surpassed cicollonco , at the low rate of SBVKNTV- FINB CRirra EACU , with nmplo tlruo fc.r healthful enjoyment. Through Cars between Chicago , . ' 'oorla , Mil i waukce and MUaovrl Rh er IVJcta : Sml clojo von il noctlona at 11 point * of InteraecUon with othci roads. Wo ticket ( do not forget thla ) directly to evorv place of Importance In KannaSj Nebraska , Iliac llills , W\onilnp , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , California , Oregon , Washington Territory , Colorado , Arlrona and Now Mexico. As liberal arran emcnta regarding. bnj-'ajo a any other line , and ratin of fare nl'Mijs riM ow an competitors , who furnltli but a lltlie of the coin- fort. fort.Dogs and tackle of aportatnun Iroo. Tickou , IIIAIKH nnd foldon ) at nil prli offlcus In the Unltod St.\tcn mid ( 'aii'li. : It. U. CAIJM , Ev&T. JOHN , Vice 1'rcg't & Oen. Gc'n. Tkt nndl'rwa'r AB Mnnau'cr. Clikniro Chlcat-o. PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl No Ono KTooil Suffer ! A sure euro for Illlncl , P.lucillnj , ' , Itching nml I'lcvratdl I'iloa | IOIM.CII dlaumvrudby Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian rcmuly , ) called Lr. William's Indian ointment. A ringlo box has cured the won't chronic cases of 25 or 30 j cars standing. No ono ncul BiifTor llvomlimtos niter applying this wonderful eootliing medicine. Lotions , Instru ments and electuaries do moro harm than good , Wllllam'e Ointment aliiorlM the tumors , nllajs the 'iitcnse ' Itching , ( partltulaJly at night alter getting uarm in bed. ) autn an a poultice , tthca In- Maiitand ( lalnleRd relief , and isprepared only for I'llci , Itching of the prhato parts , and for notb Ing vise. Head what the Uon J.I ! Ccfflnbcrry of Clove- and uayo about Dr. William's Indian I'llo Oint ment : I have UHcd Beared nf Plica cures , and It affords mop camiro tosiy that I have ncvur found anything which ga\c nucn Immrulnte and perma nent relief as Dr. Vfil Inm'M Indian Ointment Fursalo by all dru gtstaor mailed on receipt of price , 91.00. HENRY & CO. . Prop'rs. , CLKVKLAIV , Oino. For Bale by C. K Goodman. OctI OilM 1w ni i1 v WAE IN PASSBNGEE BATES I MoniJlK IIIUIH. Ilroki-m III All Itatlroai ) Tickets , Omaha , Noli. , offer Ticket * to the Ko4 , until further notice , at the following unheard of IM\V Hates : , Chicago , 912 ; Hound Trip , # 21.00. These art llmltud hirst-Class Tickets nnd good for return through the j tar , mid \Utho Old llellablo CM. c go , IJurllnKton & Qulnry Itailroad Alee , on * * ay to l t ilani , SJc'ttsj , NBWYOHK , M0.i { I , HOfiTON , ' . ' " .OX I'llH/AIJKM'HlA. V6.UO . / , # 3.00. WAHIMN JTO.V , .01 , lil.'m. Ki r part. ulars , wilturr yn direct to IIODIIIK IIIUW. , Iltiilern In Iluluccil Kato Ilallroad nnd StcaiiibhipTlckU' , bO Tenth Ht. , Omaha Neb. Heiniinncr the pluco Ttireo l eorH North of r/ilun I'ltclllc lUllroad Ui' | Jt , l' Ht du nlTenth Htrut. . Oniulm AiiKUnt 1.1281 John G. Jacobs , ( Formirl ) nf Olnnft JMxjbs. ) UNDERTAKER. s'u. 14:7 Farriham tit. , Old BUnil ot kcob OU. WEI DE MEYER ON CATARRH : "Truntlee" on the e.tiin ( , ( nnwinenctis and curufit "Gntarrhal Diseases. " by Dr. K W , Wei Do Meyer , of New York City , illMOvercruf thu antidotal licutinc'iit. AiUanco I thu ry un. iiortint factu and btiilllncarroboratlons ' 'licafncu' , uoak I' > VH , l.m of ujlio , scrofula , leucorrh ua , I ) onchlllHU'id iinderinlntil cnmtl- tiitloiii ro-iilt from CiUrrhul poiwjii , " "Trca- t i > u" freu and tent pottage paid to any cnu , on rutlptof puntilcanl. U 15 , Dewey & Co. . I'llblltbtrx , No 1U2 I'ulton Htrcct. New York. SIBBETT & PDIjLHE , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , D > VID CITY , NEB , Bp cUl attention glteo to collections In Duller 1,1 , Ii , rr rt la * -rrr-r"t . - : xx > vsa..irj : . No Changing Cars . Whom MlriH't connection uro ii' dn llh Ti""WKr- Sl.KKl'IXO CAR MKKS lor NEW Y011K , UAU'lUORC , WASI'IKOTON AKD/.LI. The Short Line via. Peona IOT INDIAXAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , MUMS VII.liK , anil Ml polntx In tun For ST. LOUIS , Win-to illrwt r-oiincctionn nro mailoi In fie t'nlcn Dcvwt with tlm Throiiuli Sleeping Ur I..iuwlor ALI , I'OINTS fS < O > CT'3 ? 3EC . MEW UNCLES WSOINE8 TUK KAVOHITK ItOUTK FOU Rock Island. The uneq\nloil tmlucrmcnti offerttl by thla line to travelers and tourists ara as folio * s : Thu celcbratwl Pl IlMAN(10-whi-cn ( I'ALACK Sl.V.Kl'INO OAKS nm onlv on thin line C. , II. ft tj. PAI.AOI : MIAWINO HOOM CAIUSiih HoiUin'n ItvclUiIng Clialrj. No extra chnrgo for sc.\tn In Urellnlng Chalrt. Tl.o famous C. , 11. & 1 } 1'nlaco Dining Onrs. Oorgeoun bmoklr.g Cirt nttetl nlth rlognnt tilch-hackiil ratttn ro volltin chairs , for the oxclutl\o of \ um flrst-claM iiacien- gcrs. gcrs.SU'wl Track npj vwrlor | < ] ulpment comblrpl v I tli tliclr garni through mr nmngemont , tniliia thl.i , nlxH e all othiTii , the lax orlto route to tne K.vt , South nnd Soutluw : . Try It , amiou will Ond tik\clln a luxury In stmil of a tllnramfort , Through tlckcUlo tills rclitliratiul linn for ml < nt nil olllu-K In the Unltrd Stnt and Canad\ . All Infurniitloti nt.jut rutfi of fare , Hldcplng Onr acooiumod. > tlons , Tlmo Tab'cj , etc. , will bf cheerfully ghmi by appljln ? to fKUCEVAI , LOVVnLL , General oncer Agent , Chicago. J. P01TKH , On. Mimi'ur lihlmto. WESTERN C. SPECHT , Proprietor , ' 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. -MANUFACTURERS OF MLYJBBED IEOU Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON g SLATE ROOFING , Spcht's Patent Metalic Sky- Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar and BRACKET SHELVING. I am the general Statu Agent forthoaho\o line of goods. IKON FKNC'INJ. Crcatlngs , Daluitrades , Vcrandnc.lOlTlce and Bank ( tailings. Window and Cellar Uuardt ; r.lso GKNKUAL AGINT : Peerson and Hill Patent liulclo Dllnd. no\4iltf DBitBpLTliomas&Bpo , V/ILI , IIUY ANP siu : , M > ALL TRANKiCTlON CUKKFCTKU TIIRRKWiril Pny TaxoB , Rent Etouaea , Etc , IK YOIT VAST ro r.ur on BH.I : Call at OlUce , Room 8 , Crrlghton lilock , Omaha MraskaLandAge ] ] ! DAVIS & SNYDER , IBOGFarnham St. , . . , Omaha , Nebra Innil In Kantcni ( Ilargalna la Improved farms , and Omaha i.lty property. 0. f. DAVIS WKIlOTKIl 8NYDEB Lntn Laid Oom'r II P. " . . CONSUMPTION Positively Cured All HUlfcrers from th'HdlHiaso that nru anxious to be cured should try DR. KISSNER'B Cele brated Consumptive Powders. TICHO | Pow ders a , o the only prenn'ntion known that ulll euru ( 'onsuniition ) anil all diUia i < H of the Throat and l.uncIndwil , KI blronz | i our filth In thum , ancTaUo to ( on\lnco jou that tbuv uru no humbug , wo will loivranl to utery mifferer , liy mnll , pont | ) ild , a free Trial Uox Wu don't uant jour money until jou are ( ter- fcclly m lnlU'il of their cnrutliu jiowors II jour life IM norlli tavinff don't deliy In Khlng these Powders o trial , no they will surely euro j on. I'rlcu. for largo box , 1800 , Kent to any jiaitol the I'liltc'l Suites or Canada , by mall on roc olpt < > fl > rlcc. AddriKH , AHII & HOI1IIINH , ullilly SbOKiilton St. , Hronklin. N , Y THE OCCIDENTAL d. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. Rates , Two Dollars For Day , Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , I6tli and Dodge 8U. , Omnh , Neb , This k'ency uoeu Bimnua biokor ge builncu. te , ri'l tlitrtforn ny bargain * u Insured Vo v crnlD < ted i r.w A3f.J cf-siufxri MA. * vi'iir , inii. . . . i/iui / n in ' CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERlv , H i If | t.i v \ fo ( DU fn lil ) ( ( tvr | , . | , rftV > 'llll ltl | tllCi 'tlMMtiii . . cujjnII - ti l he Principal Pomu ' Inc WOM , uflii and NH ' KKliiu.v xv.unm > liiv \i\\ . fho PrUidpa . . \ \ t itl(5ot thWfsuriini N. < / r.wn n thlnumii "i ' 'IMHK.I ttains nmko close - . . i-ounprilow v-HU tl'ftf.o : i InlKllOII THE CHICAGO & , NORTH-VJhSTERN RAILWAY , OvrrnlloflM , principal HUM . rum eioiivn > ilnlly finm two tt > ( ournrmoro ft-m i-\im-w I rains it Hthi'onlj m.iilii : of Clilcaco thai usosllx The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. Ii uiliooinv . . Kind ( . tint rum . l'iilhnaiiKlr > ei > lii [ : Caw North or Northweittit Chicago. HI * * , n - Mils . . .v.wrrt MI i.ix o/.1 ivti > . it form * tlio follow I MR Trunk Linens -11.1011 Uinlli. HcnvorvVi . . " " 1 ' Callfiirnla I.liif. "Wliuiiia , Minnesota ft Central Dakota I.lnn . . . siiMivi'lly.Nor.Nelir.inlii& Ynnkton , ) . " " ( , I'aulnndMlmieaiiollsMne. ' . . ; \nr. HlliioH . . , rrr > < poit A lnliuiiio | I.liu' . " "Mllwauueti , tirecn Hay At l.nko Antierlor 7 Tie . , Ilrl.i'l.4 OUT this are soUl liy all Coupuii HcKut Agents In the Uultuil Status uniS iiiMiiiMiibct to ask for Tickets via this roiul , l > o sure they renil over It , nntl tnko none otlior I1AKV1N liroilITT , Ucii'l JlaiuiBcr , ClilcaRO. . W. U. SIJiXNHTT , Oou'l Toss. Agout , Olilcocf KAIlllY P. Itt'KU ' Ticket Airimt 0. * N. W. llill\n ) , lltlin-i.l PMimikni utrocta. I ) . K. KI.M11AI.I , , A-wliilanttlckit A.oii 0. A N Vf IUIK-A ) . Uth wil l'arnh m itrectt * J. IlKl.l , . llclvct AvoiitO. A N. W. lUIlwaj , U. IU. . U. tkpnl aivii-utli ( MAIIK Ornrml AtwnK Opening Dec. 10 ! FINEST HOLIDAY GOODS Ever Brought to Omaha. G ADfROT 1 2S&3IT tTIS1 rsilfi" PA&IO LAKbicdl Iml Ur HNt rANb , In all tlio Latest anil Most Novel Designs , Dolluloitl Setts , over GO Styles , Diactili and Rubber Sitts , > Do not fail to Call aud aeo this Ae9ortiio"t.05. : KUHN & CO , , Creighton Block. < lC"icdllil ( 105 S , 5th Opposite Struct. PU , Stationers , Paper Dealers and Engravers , KEEP ON HAND A SELECT STOl'K ' OF BLANK , SCRAP , POCKET AND BILL BOOKS , FINE PAPER , INKSTANDS , PAPER WEIGHTS1 Latest Novelties in Wedding Goods , Menus. Visiting and Advertising Cards , Ball Programmes , &c. Also , Paper Bags , Flat and Wrapping Paper , Envelopes , Bill , Letter antl Note Heads , noWcoi'lm ' House Btoi'e 217 South 15th St. , Under ZBIOTJSIE. MEN'S AND BOY'S OLOTHiNC , GHNT'S FUHNiSHiNG 00008 , HATS & CAPS , TRUNKS , ETC. Largo Stock and Now Goods I All Goods Marked in Plain Figures ! Strictly ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE. If Honest Goods , Low Prices and Courroous treatment will do it , all who call and sue for i honaeelve will be uatitfled that the OPERA. HOUSE CLOTHING ST JRE is the place to buy. nol'23eo < ll -DEALERS IN- HALL'S ' SAFE AND Fire and Burglar Proof "V .TJHTS3 , xo G y % : s , & & 1020 Farnham Street , O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles. Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks mrth of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT- ood-3m.