Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Ghastly Shudows in the Camp
of the Bums , Foretells
of Early Denth.
VnlonUno'n Secret Edict * .In
crease * thn Powar of the
Oorrc iomlencc o ( THK Hut.
WEST POINT , December 0. - Tlioro
is n growing sentiment in Cumins
county in fnvor of anti-inonopojy.
The way the elections wcro run hut
fall hris opened the eyes of the people
to the necessity of tnking matters in
their own Imnds and asserting their
right of independence Cuini
county heretofore hns been in thu
hands of n few political sharpers who
have manipulated the caucuses , both
democratic nnd republican , to their
own advantnBO , irrespective of thu
withes of the people. Somutiincs thuy
have put good capable men up for
office , but nt the price of their sub
mission to the dictatcsof the aforesaid
politicians In the Republican party
Sir. E. K. Valentino is the "Great 1
Am , " around which a few satilitcs re
volve. A nod from him will set those
few political Robins a jumping , and it
is laughable to an outsider to see thoin
scramble to do his bidding. Before
the Republican c.uicus win held last
fall this star of immcnso magnitude in
his own ostimition issued his flat , that
the proront Treasurer ( n Republicnn )
and also an anti-mnimpolv innti must
be set aside to niako room for olio of
another kind , who would nurvu the
interest of his matter better than the
present treasurer , who dooi not recog
nize any man for his master , but does
his own thinking. The word had
hardly wont forth , when all of UICHU
political hounds began to yelp ; your
correspondent , Pierce , struck the town
about that tiaio and explained a few
of the princplt ) features of the
game , when ho wn.s immedi
ately consigned to ashes by
the invincible hummer brigade
of West Point , and 1 understood at
the time that parties high in authority
footed the bill for boor and wlmky to
keep up their courage , lint thn great
mogul , Valentine , has been loom tin
power of late , nnd the machine did
not work us of old. Prob.xbly the
parts were not oiled sufliciuntly , for
the convention renominated Mr. Mor-
toiison , the present treasurer , by a
largo majority. Hut the flat had gone
out that it should not bo , nnd the mv
chine of Cuming county republicans ,
by the most open and barefaced
trading and also by the use of monuy
consigned thu republican party to ob
livion rather than loose thuir power of
using the pirty for their own Bullish
ends. i7u t before election a promi
nent politician , ono of Valentino's
best friends , itnulu the remark
was useless to try do do anything
ngainst Valentino nnd his masters for
he had it in his power to financially
ruin any man who at
tempted it. A very bold assertion to
make in a frco country and ono hardly
to bo tolerated. Mr. Valentino is
determined to have a man nominated
next fall for representative ploduod to
his interest and bulldoso republicans
into voting straightto pull his man
through ; but the bulk of the party in
this cciuntv had there eyes opened
last fall , nnd will quietly sit down on
Mr. Valentino.
Times arc good hero and farmers
are bringing' in produce and hogs
in increased quantities. The
now school house is' pro
gressing as rapidly as the weather
will permit. The farmers nro taking
stups to build scales in central locali
ties , each inin belonging to the club
holding u > key to the same whuro he
may weigh his produce bcforu coming
to town to sell. It will not be long be
fore there will bo a farmer's nllinnco
started hero. As I said at the start
the people uro awakening up to thuir
own interests. ANTI-MONOPOLY ,
Growing Old
Laranilo llocnirr.Mi ; , ' ,
What can bo naddor than to fool
the chill autumn of lifo coining on
when the shady side of the valley has
been reached and the eye is t-ir ed
backward to nurd the gruen and sun
lit Holds which exist in memory ulonu.
How sadly settles down upon the 1m-
man heurt the/ sorrowful truth that
the brightest and best of existence
ha Hod. The tear will unb'dden ' ntiirt
as we think of those years ropluto
with gludnosu now gone forever. These
dear , delightful years wo trod
the rough and rugged road of expert
enco and bit ( ill' more than wo could
masticate. One by uno we count the
pricultsa bits of i.uuwledge wo have
gained and look ovir thu Htoro us the
miser reckons hid triu&uro.
AVe call to mind how the cold , clam
my truth was inrotlril to m ut emu
time that , ir giithoiing tli'j full blown
roses of lifo , to"off woj fa'.hor alto
the fiivei'lfh nnd inibhlu bumble bee
nestling in ilii pe II'H ' ,
How freshly now cornea hue ) ; to im
the memory of that bright nutunnml
day when tlio sky was ono vast m-a of
golden bilious and the spicy mount of
decaying vvj/i'lntion pervaded ovuy-
thinu ; that" dav uhuii wit Hindu emnu
scientific txn-riiuonlh | with what is
cillul tliruu card montu nnd went
homo without nur oveiecwt.
That was a lung time ngi > , but lunv
fruuh it is in our memory , and how
fresh it seemud tc > our purenti when
wo unfoldfd thu account ot our scien
tific experiment- .
Yes , \\oarenot so frolicsome now
ns wo vitro forty or fifty years ago ,
but wo know nioro , It is true wo cun <
not go in bwiniming all day with ini'
punity or walk around a billiard tubU
all day and then glide through tin
liluo Danube wait/ all night as wi
once could but wo have acquired HOIIK
high-priced experience and put i
where we can got at it.
Wo were making an e&tiniato las
evening of the value of a few items o
experience which wo now have 01
hand , and among the more vnlimbl
ones wo will name the following :
Cost of experiments with inixoi
drinks , § 2,000.
Expense of calling a largo , health ;
man a liar , $50.
Experiments in going without un
derclothcB , § 5,750. . . . . . . .
Experience with ostensibly disabloi
hornotB ,
of winning the love nnd con.
fidonco of an orphan mule , $500.
Little Icssonn in investigating dif
ferent games of clnuico , with a view to
making them a business , $2,100 ,
Kxporiments with watermelons ,
guarded by irritable bulldogs , 852fi.
Cost of unavailing efforts to prevent
baldness , 8783,20.
Expense of personal investigation of
lotteries. $ U.r ) , JG. !
Actual cost of obtaining $13 worth
of fame , which is now for salt ) at the
above price and still in good working
order , though nlightly tarnished , 817 , *
3flO There nro oilier ' expensive little
nuggets and gobs of ripe experience
that wo have on hand , nnd wo cannot
look on them without a pardonable
pride ,
'Tin trno that what wo have learned
is not very valuable to othera , but it
is a good thing to have , and we can
use it right along in our business. We
will try to work it off on our oldest son
when he gets hero , but ho willnotuso
Ho would rather go and buy it the
way wo did. Information that don't
cost $ 'J,000 a hunk is no good. It
comes high , but wo have to hava it.
Cnrioan Incident * Related by a
PontolHoo Veteran.
From the Ualtlmoro American.
"Had you come a liltlo earlier you
might have witnessed an incident , or
rattier n coincidence , which could not
but convince the most skeptical that
we are living in a progressive ago , "
This remark was nmdo to a reporter of
Tlio American by Mr. J , .1. 0. Dough
erty , the veteran pay clerk in the
money order department of the post-
ollico the other day , as the reporter
stopped at his desk to ask if there was
' 'anything now. " The reporter ven
tured to ask for a further explanation ,
"Wjll , " continued Mr. Dougherty , "I
was in the act of cashing two money
orders , presented respectively by a
German , who had received his from
the eastern section of Prussia , and a
son of Erin , who had received hit
from J'ulfim. At the naino moment
my attention wan called to the
fact that a Chinnman was at the re
ceiving dusk , immediately opposite ,
applying for a money order which ho
intended Rending to San Francisco.
Hero wus money being sent nnd re
ceived to and from extreme Ructions
by nativcu of different countries atone
and the same moment. Now , wain't '
that n little singular I" The report or
admitted that it was , and then asked ,
' 'Do you over have any trouble or
complaints about money orders/ / "
"Very few ; and oven thiBio are gen
erally on account of thu ignor.incu of
dissatisfied parties regarding the dis
position of the order. AH an instance ,
a Gorman came in hero ono day , and ,
approaching mo angrily , mud that this
was a fine way of doing business. Ho
had gotten a money order some five
days previously , undo out in fnvor of
his wife , who was in Philadelphia , and
who desired to coma homo. This
money was to pay her faro. She had ,
however , noyer received it , and was
compelled to borrow from her
friends enough to como homo
with. I thought thiH rather strange ,
and , noticing my doubting look , ha
suddenly plunged his hand into a
capacious pocket , saying that ho could
prove his assertion by showing his re
ceipt , and lo and behold , ho draw out
the money ordor. Of course I know
then where the trouble was , and
when I explained to him that he
should have sent the order to his wife ,
ho seemed dnzad at first , and then
broke into a broad grin , and , with the
remark , ' 1 always thought I was n
fool , now I know it,1 slowly walked
out of the oflicp. I could toll you a
do/on such incidents. "
"According to recent statements , "
naii' the reporter , ' 'there ' seems to bo
a largo amount of money accumulating
in the sub-treasury at Now York. "
" .Before you go any further , " said
Mr. Dougherty , ' I want to say there
is Bomo misunderstanding regarding
this moiroy. Many suppose that it
was collected in Now York alone. In
this , however , I think they are mis-
Ukon. It is money collected from in
valid ordoiB from ml over the country ,
and some of thu orders date back to
the time of the organization ot the
money order department , now about
seventeen years. You see , Now York
is the foreign an well u the domestic
exchange , nnd all surplus in sent to
the postmaster at Now York , who in
turn deposits the money in the sub-
' rensury at that city. The money or-
iors , which become invalid one year
ftor date , aio sunk to the department
, t Washington , where they nro placed
Hi file. In the mwiii time , should
ho payer present liimtelf after that
imo , wo make application un his bo-
alf to the department at Washington ,
vhich Ihon authorizes us to maku the
.lymont. "
"You cay yon semi all surplus funds
if Now York ; how do you manage
whin you run short1"
' 'Tli it ii
Roinething wo never allow
0 occur , and , in fact , from thu
i.VHtenmt'e ' manner in which ovury-
liiii' , ' in iirnuigcd , Mich n thing can-
mt occur. The money oulor system
n nutliint more nor less limn an im
iienftu banking concern , in which
hero in no capi'al invested , and none
.utccHgitrv. . T have already told von
; liat Now York is the exchange. Tin ,
snmllor olllceti HI.'ml thuir surplus to
the nonit'ht main oflieo , wlumco in
tuin the nntiru iuuount is remitted to
Nuw York. At the M\IIIO ; time ovury
uijiet ? , largo and small , hits an account
with ( ho poHtumstur at Now York ,
and it is civditrd with a certain
amount which it can draw when
necessary. When that amount if
xlmnstod a renewal ot the account
is necessary Now nur limit
is § 10,000 , and I draw fur § 2,000 at i
time as I need it. When this ainounl
is exhausted I nmko application t (
have the account renewed. In tin
great panic of 1873 , when the banki
wore not considered snfo , wo trans
milted nn immense sum of money. Ii
the month of September alon <
1 paid out at thisaflino § 125,000. Thi
is what is termed a paying ollico ; ii
other words , wo pay out about fiV' '
tines ns much as wo receive , Duriiij
the last year wo cashed 1)0,018 ) orders
amounting to § 1,515)07-15 , ) , nnd w
issued 28Mfi , ! orders for $125,110.10
As the business is steadily increasing
thosQ amounts will bo swelled consul
orably by the close of the preset )
year. '
"Havo you many invalid orders o
hand at present ? "
"Only a few , nnd those will bo BOH
to Washington in a day or two. I
have about $1,000 worth , however ,
that are unclaimed that is to say ,
they have been lying hero a long timo.
Hero is a lot , all belonging lo one
man , and hero is another , belonging tea
a single individual. They are mor-
olmntr , well known here , but do not
serin to bo in n hurry to get their
money. Ono of these allowed a
couple of orders to remain longer than
ono year , and thinking his money was
lost , gave his orders onn for JJiTO and
another for 85 to his wife , tolling
her , jocularly , to make nso of them.
The lady cnmo hero nnd asked wheth
er these orders were of any account.
Upon being informed that they were ,
she thouglft this nn excellent joke on
her husband I made application for
her , and in two days she had her
money. " _ _
Tooth Lout nnd Found.
New York Sun.
Dr. Myers , the city physician of
of Pntorson , was summoned out of his
bed at 2 o'clock yesterday morning to
attend a lady who , it was said , had no
ridontly swallowed her sot of false
teeth. On arriving at her residence
ho found the house full of neighbors.
Doubting friends had turned the house
topsy-turvy to find the missing teeth.
The patient was suffering excruciating
agony , and the first thing was ( o ad
minister sedatives to relieve her.
Then the doctor examined her throat ,
but ho could discover no scratches or
other evidences of her having swal
lowed the plate , which contained sixteen -
teen teeth , She seemed able to swal
low both liquids and solids without
didiculty. She said she could plainly
fool the sharp edge of the platu cut
ting the side of her stomach.
"F don't see how such a big plate of
teeth coula go down such a smnll
throat , " said thu doctor looking into
her mouth again. It must have been
loit somewhere about the houso. "
"Oh , no , " screamed several of the
women gathered around. "Wo have
examined the house from top to bet
tom. "
"Where did you usually put your
tooth at night ? " asked the doctor ,
raising his voice that ho might bo
hoiml in the excitement.
"I generally put them under my pil
low after I go to bed , " groaned the
"Somebody go there and look
again , " the doctor called.
Ono of the neighbors looked again ,
but in vain.
"Now , then , one of you go and
feel inside the pillow case , ejaculated
the doctor. "Ton to ono if she has
n't stuck the teeth inside the pillow
' Ono of the women hurried away ,
and in a moment Inter returned hold
ing the missing sot of teeth in her
hnnd. As the doctor hud suspected ,
the woman had put the teeth on the
inside of the pillow case , and when
she subsequently felt for them under
the pillow she could not find them.
The woman's terrible pains disappear -
pear aH suddenly as if cured by a mir
A Renovating Remedy
la to bo found in HunoocK'rt BLOOD BIT-
THUS. AH an antidotn for sick lie ulache ,
female weakness , biliousness , indigestion ,
constipation , nod oilier dincasen of a kic-
drcd nature , tlio-o MttofH are invaluable.
Price 91.0 } , trial site 10 centfl codlw
The Wing * of Winter.
BlllNt'Uoomcr nf. |
Oh , time ! than bald-headed pelican
with the venerable corn cutter and
second-hand hour-glass , thou playest
strange pranks upon the children of
men. No ono would think , to look at
thy bilious countonunco nnd store
tooth , that in thy bony bosom lurks
most eccentric schemes.
Lifo is one continued round of alter
nate joys and sorrows. Tday wo nro
on the top wave of prosperity and
warming ourselves in the glad sunlight
of plenty , and to-morrow wo uro cast
down and depressed financially , nnd
have to stand off the washerwoman
> r onr clean shirt or stay at homo
rein the opera.
The chubby boy , whoso danger eig-
al hangs sadly through the lattice-
ork of bis pants , knows that Time ,
ho waits for no man , will ono day , if
o struggles heroically on , give him
nowledgo and suspenders , and a
olid girl , and experience , and a soft
, vhito mustache , and eventually a low
; rave bnnoath the aighing clma and
ho weeping .willow , where , in the
nisty twilight of the year , noiseless
ipon his broaat shall fall the dead
eaf , while the silent tear of the gray
iiitumnal sky shall como nnd sink in-
M the yellow grass above his bead.
Leaves have their time to fall , and
10 hn the price of coal. And yet how
mdly at variance with decaying nature
; s the lobust coal market.
How otten do wo BCO the hard-work-
ng father straining uviry nurvu and
muscle , and doing his utmost to sup
port his family. Imagine his fculinga
ivlicn returning homo from a hard
ilay'ii labor , to find his family pros
trate with cliflnvsM , conscious of unpaid
iloctois' bills anddohtn on uvery Imnd.
* t must bo enough to drive ono almost
nr/y. All this unhuiipiness could bo
ivoided by using Electric Hitters ,
which o.xpol every disease from the
lystom , bringing joy and happiness to
hotuandt ) . Sold at fifty centn a hot-
lie. Ish t McMahon , 18) )
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. P. Simpuon'ti Specific
It l b i iii\i.cin | tor t-iwiniatouhua , bviuln *
\VOkno . liujoUnc ) , ttixl all dliiixuif * rusiiltln
( row Self-Abuxo , Munu ] Anxiety , lx i
Urmorv. I'ltlnt In Uiu lUrl , orillilo , and dladuei
' 'that load t <
Coniuni ] > tlci
Insanity an ,
The ni > eclfli
Medldae Ii
being ui < x
with nondor
ful HUOCOM ,
Kiit free to til , Wtltu ( or them nd get full
Trice , Sixjddc , tl.OO | * r packi e , or ill pack
* tfor tft.OO , Addren nil onlcra to
Not. IN ami 100 Miln Bt lluUalo , N. Y ,
Cold In Om\h by 0. F. Qootlnuu , 1. W , lloll
K I h , od all
No , 1508 Farnhnia Street ,
rrici Xor.h iMo cup , a rand Central Hotel
Mm. J. n , Ilobcrtmn , I'lttfthtirtf , IV , wrllc : "l
M HudcrliiK from general clcbllitv , vrvtit of ap-
jietllo , conitlrntlon , etc. , no that life WMH t > ur-
den ; nftcr uitln * Hurdock Itlool [ lUtcn I felt bet
ter tli.\n for jears. I cannot pralso jourlllttert
too much. "
II. Olll . nf nuflalo , N. V. , M-rltea : "Your
IIunlock lilci lllttcn. In chronlodlscascsof the
llixxl , Ilicr . .J klilneyn , baic been > lnnlly |
marked with HUCCCM. Ihave tueil them myself
with bent remiltii , for lorjildlty of the llvor iid In
casoot a friend of mlno luffcrlnif from dropsy ,
the effect WM man clous. "
DrucoTurner , llochestcr , N. Y.t rltes"I : hue
liccn fliilijcct to itcrloiig dlw > rdcr or the kidney * ,
and unable to attend to Iniilnmi ; Ilnnlock Illocxi
Hitters relieved me bcloro half a l * > ttle wi uocd
I feel confident that they "ill entirely euro mo , " ,
K > Aicnlth Hill , nlnihampton , N. Y. , rlc ( :
"I BUfTcred with a dull | < aln throiiKli mr eft
lim and shoulder. I/ostmy plrU , apj > ctlto
ami color , and could with dltticulty keep tin all
day. Took jour Durdoek Illood Hitters nn dl-
reitvd , olid lu\o felt no pain slnco IIrat week af
ter using them. "
Mr. Noah Datm , Klmlra , N. Y , , writes : "About
( our yearn ngo I h % < ! an attack of t > lllouifotcrand
ne\cr full } * recomnl. My dl e the or ani
wcro weakened , anil I would IHJcompletely pros
trated fordayit. After unlnj ? two bottles of jour
lltirdock Ittood Dlttera the Improtcincnt wo.s no
U Ililo that I wan lutonlihed , I canrinw. Ihouuh
01 yearn of aje , do a fair and reasonable daj'g
w ork ,
C. Illacket Itoblnsori , proprietor of The Canada
I'rcubyterlari , Toronto. Ont. , writes : "For > ears
I stifTercd greatly from oft-rrctirrlnir licailacnc. I
used jour IlunlocK Illood Hitlers with happiest
multx , and I now find iwpulf in bitter health
than for jcar past. "
Mrs. Wallace , nuflalo , N , Y , writes : ' ! have
rued lltirdock lllood Illttera for ncrv oils nnd bil
ious hcadaihc ) , and can reconmicnd It to anyone
requiring a curu for hUllousncs.1. "
Mrs. Ira Mullliolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For several J'oars I rmo sutlcrud from oft-recur
ring blllloua licatlachcs , djspcp&la , and com-
plalnU | iccii1lar to my sex. Since tislnf ' , } our
Uurdock UlooJ Illtters I am entirely relieved. "
FOSTEE , IILBURN , & Do , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMihnn and C. F.
Goodman. Jo 27 cod-ma
In Ho t of Fnmlllea
IIoitfttcr'H Siomach BltteM In as much ro ; > rdcd
as a household newisltjr a suirar-or oorTee. The
rea/on oLihli Is that years of experience hive
tKfvcd { Hoba'urfMt yrJlalilo In those caecsof
cmomene > where a ptomptand c < nrcnient rem
edy In demanded. Constipation , Ihcr complaint ,
< ] ysrcp ln , lndl'ciition ) anil oth.r troubleara
over erne liy it.
For s\l I yall Dni ulstsand Dealers , to whom
opply for HuateUcr'B Almanai ( or Jbo'J.
Tnls ( treat i pecifle ure t t moat Icwti.aoiuo
Whoilicr in Its Primary , Secondary
or Tertiary Stage-
HcnioTcs all tracts of t crcnry from the eys-
tu.n , Cures Hirofuln , O1.1 Koro , Uhi-miia-
tltm , E'ltnia. Cu arrh or an ;
lllooii Dltcaw.
Cures When Hot Springs Fall !
Mal.ern , Ark.May 2ISil
> Vo hatecMori In our townwio lived at Hot
"iln ; ; , arid eru llnatly cured u Ith S S. i.
.MCt'AMMI ) % & JlfllltV
llcnipliis , Monn. , May 13,1SS1
We li \ c sold ! , ) bet leu of M. S. S. in a year.
t ho * plvcn universalH.tlsfjction. fair mlriucd
'h > k-Un now iflcoiruiii'iiil it fH n posltlto
ipveltlc. S
Ix > ' > * ! , . , , Mavis. 1SS1.
S. K B. has given better tail fuvtlon tban uny
ncdk-lnt-t hattt e\er sold 1 , A , KL x.snt.
Douvoi.Col. Hay 2,1851.
Kvery purcha. er luaku In thohlchibt ttriiu
f . S. S. [ , . jlcUiCtur.
lilphii niul. Va , M yll,18Sl.
You um rrfuc anhoily to n In rwanlto Iho
u-nw of S. S. tk Hoik , Jlillcr & C o
lla u n < n r known K S. H to ( ail to lure u i-nsu
I ! ? j [ > ) illi < , wh niirniwrl ) Ukun.
II. Ii Deiiiaru , K. , , . . . . n. .
Thriiboiu blntra Aroiunlloruam f high stand-
i A II Ul. < iUTT ,
0\ernor ) uiCoorzli.
M'nto ( or imrtlculars and oaity ol little
book 'Mi' to the I'ulcttunAte.
l.OOn K wurd will Ixi iald to am
'iiiiti uliouill Hid , on aiu y U U'l botllvt
S S. s. , ono mrlltlnof Mercury lodulo 1'oUv
shun or any MlimnU 8\ib tn v.
Atlu-iia , Oa.
1'rlco o' regular nlzo nnlucctl ta SI " ! | wr ot
lo Smnll u 20 , holdliiihalf tno iiimntlty , pr LO
Bold by KKNNA11D & Ci > . ,
and Dru gisU Cunorally.
Richmond , Ind.
Builders of
From 3 to 25 H. P.
For nil Qralni and Seeds , Including Clovt
and Timothy.
Feed Mills , &o. , &o.
It will puy you largely to write , stol
ing what you want nnd how
you wish to pay.
Unuiurl Inducemonti to Oath Purchaser
Aomu * * ROBINSON & CO. ,
io2wtf Richmond , Inc
1319 Farnham Street.
Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at
1316 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a
stock of
DfV West ,
Preparatory to moving we oftor our entire stock at a great sacnQco. Study carefully the
pricea wo quote , bear in mind that we buy all goods for cash , do the largest strictly retail dry
goods business between Chicago and Sanfrancisco , and aim to give our customers the benefit of
all the low prices and extra cash discounts given us by manufacturers end importers.
We Imvo purchased five bnlcs of a very fine and heavy rod twill Flntmol , full 20 inches wide , nnd nro cibsing
them out at 50c. n yard. They nro fully equal to nny ever shown bdforo for < 30c. to G5c. 25- pieces of boat quality
woHtcru Shirting Flannel ut 3" Ac. , usually sold for 45c.
In Colored'Blankets wo hr.vo reduced our § 0.00'Blankets ' to § 5.00. Wo rocommnnd this particular Blanket on
account of size ( being Gx7 feet , ) weight nnd texture , .13 beini , ' the very cheapest over i shown hero.
For the next fifteen days we propose to inaugurate five leadeng prices in dress
25 Cents , 50 Gents , 85 Dents and $1.50. V
At 25 cents Dress Goods that sold for 35 cents and 40 cents. At 50 cents Dress
Goods that sold for 75 cents and $1.00. At 85 cents Dre s Goods that sold for
$1.25 and $1.50. At $1.50 Dress Goods that sold for $2.25 and $2.50.
At 50 cents a Black Cashmere usually sold for 75 cents. At 70 cents a Black
Cashmere usually sold for 90 cents. At 80 ceits a Black Cashmere usually sold
for $1.00. At $ L.OO a Black Cashmere usually sold for $1.25.
We are hero showing an elegant line of Cronnu , White , Old Gold and other now colors in
And recommend them for
We are daily opening novelties in Fancy Goods , Handkerchief , and aim to sliow more than our usual assortment
200 Dozen Seamless Fancy British Sox 25c , 25 Dozen Men's Fine all Wool Scarlet Half Hose
50c. a Pair fully Worth 75 , 25 Dozen Fine English Merino Eose 35o. , 3 for S1.00J Seam-
lasss Unbleached Sox $2 00 doz. Extra Fine Unffleachefl Sox 812,50 floz , Best QnaUty Linen
Collars $1,50 doz Best Quality Linen Ouffs $2,50 $ doz , Another Invoice of ' Men's ' HmuSewn ,
itched bacfc Derby Street Gloves $1,35 pair , , usually sold -at $2,00 to $2,50 $ Every Pair War-
'anted ' not to Break , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 25c. Heavy Merino Shirts or ; Drawers
50o , t worth 75c , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 75c , worth $1LOO , Heavy Memo. . Shirts or
Drawers $1,00 $ , worth $1,25 , For $1,25 We sell a very heavy Ment Merino Shirt , err Drawer
'hat has heretofore sold for $1,50 ,
S. . IMIOIRSim & GO. ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Emporium of Fashion !
We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska
to the announcement of the arrival of the l&rgest and most recherche
invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wrapss Silk , Plush and Embroid
ered Matelaise Dolman's ever km ported west of the Missouri.
Trimmed Elaborately with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie , ,
Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties.
Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques ,
CLOAKS FROM $5.00 TO $150.00.
To the Members of the Nebraika State
Medical Society ,
WAIIQO , Neb. , KovcmWr 2i. 1681.
A * iH'chl twtwlan of the Nobra ki Htato MuiH <
cal Society It talloil to meet In tb city of Lin
coln on Tiuwlny , the 27th ilay ol December , A.
13. 1681 , at thu hour of 10 oMoik it. in.
Kor thu iiurKwu of taking inch ntlon , at may
bo thought hot In relation to thu law rin l.i -
the luacrjcu of medicine. In the Kta'c of tin-
ul > a and such other lutliitxu a may bo. in-
iiulrnl to ho ilonu by til Htato Mcillcnl SorUity
InsprrhlfUMlon. Jl W. STONK , II. ! > . ,
rrc ! ik nt Nubraaka Stito Medical BocWiy ,
A. S. MAX8KIKUK.M ) I ) .
Secretary Neb. Stat Mod , So. no20illhv3t
And Notary Public.
ock oilto
In Convenience ,
Lang & FotickY (