Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1881, Image 1

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rand , consider whether it is not a wise
policy for you in buying to bo sure
.you nro getting the ruiiKst nnd BEST
.cigarettes made.
are niado of the roiiF.sT and BEST TO
BACCO , grown immediately around
'Durham , North Carolina , which ia
mow universally recognized as being
the finest and best grown in the world
for smoking qualities , and always
commands the HIGHEST rntcKS in the
They are AiisourrKi.Y frco from
opium , valerian and all other dolotor-
Jous'drugs , and covered with genuine
.imported French' nco puper. An ox-
iporionco of seventeen years in the
'manufacture of the celebrated DUKK
OK DuhitAM smoking tobacco , which is
' now well known and used throughout
the length and breadth of this fair
land of ours , has taught W. DUKE
: SoN3 & Co. , that consumers know
'land appreciate a good article when
they get it ; and this policy of always
using the VERY IIEST leaf , regardless of
cost , and of keeping their goods up to
one uniform Hiuit standard , has re
sulted in a steady and rapid increase
from a small beginning until they are
now ono of the largest smoking to-
tbacco establishments in the laud.
This same policy will bo pursued
with reference to the Duke of Dur-
tham Cigarettes , and they , are offered
to the tradotntthnir ) merM , alnrio , and
think consumers will 'npprecTato the
effort to give thorii flib"lpurest"and'
.boat Cigorot c made , if THEY DO COST
JMORH THAN cheap Cigarettes niado of
rpoor tobacco xvrappod with rag paper
.made from the filthy scrapjngs of rag
pickers and flavored with most 'injur
ious matter.
Our 'most positive advice to all
. smokers is to avo'id using any "i > oo
rpiiED ) ' Cigarettes , but use the purest
.and best natural leaf , such as North
"Carolina alone'produces. . i ,
North Carolina leaf stands hand of
the list for its fine smoking qualities ,
.and commands tlio highest prices of
: any tobacco grown in America , . , and
docs not need the addition of noxious
drugs , as ib possesses natural merit.
EEMEMDFK that Duke Sons & Co. ,
.aro among the oldest manufacturers in
- 'Durham , N. O.j that they have ono of
the best appointed and equipped
csmoking tobacco factories in America ;
that they are headquarters for this
fine leaf and have FIIIST OUOICK of
the crops ; that they use only the BEST
imported.rice paper for wrappers , and
that the trads mark below , in connection -
" " tion with the firm name of W. Duke
tSons & Co. , is an absolute guarantee
of true excellence !
P. S. Ask your dealers for a trial
jpackago of the DUKE OK DURHAM
Sporting Notes.
.National Assoc'atccl Preps.
CHICAGO , December 11. The city
is full of sporting characters. A scries
of lively sparring matches occurred
.last evening at McUormick's hall.
About ono thousand people were pres-
-ent. The following indulged in set-
tos with , gloves : , Abe Williams ( colored -
ored ) and Tom Scully , of Chicago
draw ; Clias. Andrews and Paddy Golden -
den , of Chicago a lively match , end
ing in a draw ; Clias. Norton , the
champion middle-weight of New York ,
and Dick Welsh , of Boston attracted
much attention with the science dis
played Billy Hawley and 'Ed. Dor-
noy , of Chicago had a give-and-take
of hard hits ; "Soap" McAlpjn , ox-
champion of California , and Frank
Owens , of Chicago-in which Owens
was knocked clear out of time.
The event of the evening was the
match between Mike Donovan , of Now
York , and Tom Chandler , of Chicago ,
with soft gloves , in which some fine
.sparring was shown.
MHUFHIS , Decrmber 11. The great
pedestrian contest , lasting 75 hours ,
closed at 11 last night with Hart
( colored ) the winner. Score : O'Loary ,
301 miles , 75 hours ; Hart , 300 miles ,
74 hours , 25 minutes ; Harriman , 270
.miles , 73 hours , 45 minutes ; Schemhl ,
" 242 miles , 74 hours , 45 minutes.
NEW YORK , December 11. Paddy
Ryan , who is matched to fight Sullivan -
' van for 82,500 a side February 7 ,
wont into training to-day at Far
Opening ; Indian Territory.
National Associated Prow.
CHICAGO , December 10. A Wash-
> .Ington special says the secretary of the
interior is now at work on some papers
bearing on the granting of the right
of way through the reservation of the
Choctaw nation to the St. Louis & San
JFrancisco railroad. According to the
decretory the eastern portion of the
reservation is a splendid piece of
country , capable of subsisting a largo
population if opened to settlement.
Iho Indians who are on the reserva
tion are not of sufticiont number nor
with the disposition to cultivate and
improve the land ; hence Hie demand
.lor opening it up for settlement ,
which is the objective point of those
asking a right of way through the
reservation. Tim consent of the
I f council of the nation has already been
obtained and the matter must now go
from the secretary to the president
and through him to congress. The
consent of the council stipulates that
right of way bo granted through the
t southeastern part of the reeerviitiow.
A. Logislntlvo Visit to Atlanta-
National AmocUted 1'iws.
Louis viLLK , December 11. The
Kentucky legislature yesterd-iy de
cided to visit the Atlanta exposition
s' in a body , adjourning for that pur
- pose on the 17th.
Kicking Over the Possible Distri
bution of Committees ,
Arthur Doflaoa His Position
-on the Present Senatorial
Contest in Virginia.
Preparations for a Rousing Ro-
copti'on to Speaker Koifor
, Next Friday.
F.elinghuyson'a Appointment
as Secretary ot .State to
bo Made To-Day.
MUoellMooat Note * From tlio
National Ataoclatol Press.
WASHINGTON , December 10. There
was not much haW developed to-day1
with U'gard to the organization of the
houid committees. The tight far the
chairmanship of the appropriations ,
conimordp and judiciary committees'
goes ortjK-igoroualy butweon the east
and-west ! Ohio claims the right to
firat.-refiMnl but Speaker Koifer has
promised to act fairly with all see-
iionanvith i espoct to their protection
of publrcfintorest , aud.he will proba
bly do BO witli that end in view ,
SpeakorJKoifpr'was at the Capitol to-
'day'englgod ' in the work of organizing
tlio corainitteos of tlio house. Ilia-
cock , Itoed and Burrows * were with
fiim 9 considerable part of the * time
andwill ixj prominently ropognizod in
the Maigmnoiit of chairmanships.
Hiscock is 'thought to bu'almost sure
of the.'kppropriations and McCook
will get tlio military affairs. This is
all New York wants.
hopes to secure two and may bo three
cummittoes. Peeler , ono of the mem
bers who has been spoken of for the
military affairs committee , says ho
thinks Browne will got the committee
on invalid pensions , or some other im
portant place , as he is an old and in
fluential member ; that Orth is a
prominent candidate for the foreign
relations committee and will no doubt
get that or something else ; Calkins is
being urged for a committee chair
manship also. None of the Indiana
members , however , are urging their
claims. General George R. Davis ,
member from Illinois , says
is not crowding , urging or putting
forward any one man for a committee-
ship. The Illinois delegation stands
upon its merit. Koifor knows the
men and needs no suggestions on their
The day has'been too blustering for
driving ; ; couse < ] uontly the < hotels w\d
public departments are 'full of mem
bers of congress. flho ? deportment
offices are besieged with them , and
the hotel corridors swarm with mem
bers of the house. The talk does not
yet extend to the business of the ses
sion , beyond the formation of com
mittees. Now and then , however , is
heard dissatisfaction with the speaker.
Said one prominent republican to-day :
"There is likely to como trouble to
Speaker Koifor if ho serves Pennsyl
vania and Ohio to an overdose of
committees. I have been told upon
what I consider authority that Ohio
will get at least four and Pennsyl
vania five committees , and that Iowa
and Indiana will get one each. Now ,
I cannot speak so positively for Iowa ,
butl can say for Indiana , and Illinois ,
too , that if they are to be treated
shabbily in this matter there will bo
some trouble. I heard that Indiana
said that if they got only ono com
mittee there would be a day of politi
cal reckoning for Kcifor , an1 that ho
would bo paid in coin of his own
mintage. "
National Associated I'tcso.
\VAHUINGTON , December 11. The
White House was unusually quiet yes
terday , it being Saturday , und only
members of congress being admitted.
There were a number of other visitors
but they stood no chance for a presi
dential audience. Thry waited around
for a while and then left. Among
those ivho saw the president went the
following senators ; Ingalls , McDill ,
Cameron ( Wis. ) , Sawyer , Harrison
and Beck , and Representatives Lind-
sley , McKinley , Hammond ( N. Y. ) ,
Blount , Nual , Marshall , Ford and
Van Horn. Representative Flowur ,
who defeated Astor in New York in
the recent election , also called. The
number of congressmen who call upon
the president nowadays , is larger than
usual. So many matters have accu
mulated affecting afluirH in the differ
ent states that members of congress
must call upon the president , who is
devoting most of his attention to such
business , and will continuo to do so
until dispoiod of. Then the rush of
congressmen will bo over , although
there is no doubt they will continue
to monopolize a great part ot that portion
tion of the day net aside for callers.
The applicants for presidential post-
offices , sub-treasurers and positions of
this sort took a rest to-day , encour
aged by the suggestion of
the president during aovural
days past that he would
be glad to have those quitstions
dropped for the present. Notices
have been posted in the hulls and
waiting rooms of the White Hound
stating that the president will posi
tively not receive any applications for
oflico in person , and that all applica
tions of this kind must be imulo to
tha proper department ) ) . Yet office-
seekers insist on going to the presi
dent in person and pressing their
The committed appointed by the
republican caucus of the Virginia
legislature had nn interview with the
president yesterday. In discussing
the senatorial contest the president
said that on general principles ho was
always in favor of a repuulicatij but
Virginia having formed a coalition it
changed the state of affairs , and no ho
did nut intend to take any part or
express any opinion in the matter ,
and ho had so informed the friend * of
Mnhono as well ns republican * . Ho
had considered it a matter for the
state legislature alone to determine.
National Avxxlutcd rrws.
WASHINGTON , December 10.
Clerk McPherson has appointed John
Bailey , of the District of Columbia ,
chief clerk , in place of Green Adams ,
of Kentucky ; Charles W. Oleshboe , of
Michigan , reading clerk , vice Thus.
I'ottit , of Kentucky : Aaron Russell ,
of the District' Columbia , messen
ger , vice N. A. Olcott , of Connecticut ,
and A. Horborfon Loyd , of Pennsyl
vania , messenger , vice Adam llisin-
g r , of Illinois.
During to-day the speaker has had
several conferences with the clerk
roUtivo to the appointment of such
otH'cors by the latter as como in con-
CaoS wltH the chair , notably the jour
nal , reading a id tally clerks , whose
appointments nro usually inmlo to bo
agreeable- the speaker and repre-
Boiitatives on the floor : The result of
their conference was the retention of
the present journal clerk and
the appointmentof Charles W.
Closbeo , vice Thomas. S. I'ottit ,
as ono of the reading clerks. The
other reading clerk and the hilly
clerk were not decided upon and the
present Micumbonts may not bo dis
turbed for some time , although it is
more than probable tlio pressure for
otliccs will eventually crowd them out.
, Mr. Brownlow , the new dooikcopcr ,
was besieged all day by an nimyof
would-bo patriots anxious to servo
their country and to be mustered into
the service at once. The reappearance
o ( old faces after nn absence of six
yprs indicates that the hand of death
falls lightly on ox-oilicials. Even
men appointed at an early day have
returned to take part in the scramble ,
which leads to the impression that
piikings around the Capitol are fatter
than fall to the lot of ordinary small
National Associated Press.
WASHINGTON , December 11. About
1,000 invitations are being issued for
the reception to bo tendered Speaker
Koifor by the Ohians at Masonic torn-
plo on Friday night next. All sena
tors and members , officers and clerks
of both houses will receive invitations.
About twenty ex-speakers are pres'ont.
Speakers of. the legislature will aho
bo invited. Judge Lawrence will deliver
liver- the opening speech , receiving
and congratulating Speaker Keifer , to
which , the ( latter js expected .to ro-
Bpoml.Aftorthe ro ponse numerous
gentlemen are expected to make short
speeches. The whole will conclude
with a ball. Extensive preparations
are being made and a very georgeous
affair is anticipated.
National Associated Prcst.
WASAINGTON , December 11. Owing
to the proposed caucus action in rela
tion to the senate committccsthecom
mittees of that body have held no
mooting yet , save one meeting of the
committee on privileges and elections
on the New York senator casop.
After the arrangement which will be
submitted to the caucus Monday and
presented to the senate later , there
will probably bo more activity. Dur
ing the four days in which the senate
lias been in session , there have been
introduced 350 bills , a largo number
of executive communications , reports ,
and innumerable petitions , all of
which have boon referred and now
await action by the committees. If
no moro work was brought in there
would be in those abundant work for
an entire session. On Tuesday the
presentation of bills in the house will
bo in order and the floodgates will bo
opened. Not less than 1100 bills are
in the hands of different representa
tives ready to bo presented at the first
National Aesoclatcd TCJU.
WASHINGTON , December 11. The
recently mooted question as to the
legality of A. M. Gibson's appoint
ment as special attorney for the United
States in the star route cases has been
recently discussed by those interested ,
including the acting attorney general
and Col. Bliss and Col. Conk , of the
counsel for the government in these
casoi , and the result is that a few
days ago Gibson filed at the depart
ment of justice the usual oath of oflico
prescribed for a special assistant
attorney , accompanying it with
an attidavit that ho had
been appointed as suchj'by Attor
ney General MacVeagh , His ovvn
oath , however , is the only evidence of
his appointment now on the records
of the oflicu. Gibson further altered
his report to suit the oflicial require
ments. It was properly prepared and
addressed and submitted yesterday
through the usual channels. The re
port was niado in writing this time ,
It was signed , however , by Gibson as
special assistant attorney , In view
of the statements made by
Col. Bliss and others , Acting Attor
ney General Phillips received the
rnport as an oflicial communication ,
and will in a few days transmit it to
the postmaster general an bearing
upon matter under his department. It
ia said that .Judgo Phillips is governed
by the idea that Gibson is acting un
der authority of the attorney general ,
though ho has no documentary evi
dence of that fact. There is another
question liable to arise , as to whether
or not Gibson should not have a regu
lar commission before ho shall bo
recognized as special attorney.
National AMOclatcd lrct
WASHINGTON , December 11. It in
stated that the president will send
Senator Frclluchuyson's name to the
senate on Monday. Secretary Dlainu
remarks that the department is ready
to bo turned over to his successor at
any tinio. Frolinghuyson's ' house is
being pat in rciullnoss for his immedi
ate return.
There is a number of Applications
for the mission made vacant by thy
death of Minister Kilpatrick. The
president is not , disposed to fill the
place until ho o'btaina sonic further
information in regard to , .CUili , and
the recent nation in secession and
carrying off the Peruvian president.
The number of female applicants
for positions Ims increased largely
niul is by IK > moarii 'confined to clork-
shipH but most t\xu bent oii postollices.
One in Kansas \vaMs to bp register of
a hind oflioo.
ooon \J , ' ( oositnu.
The early rotui' homo of Goshida ,
the Japanese mijiistor , will bo greatly
regretted hero.vHU government de
sires to profit byiii ) al > ilities and ex
perience in the conduct of affairs at
Vuddo and it is quite certain that in
his no w sphere ojf . 'public duty h < > will
do much to strengthen tlio cordial
lutiitiis nlroadyUxi&tingbet\voon the
United States aihl Japan. His lait
official net' ' wai 'to recommend his
uovenimoni to purchase the legation
hero , which has'already ' boon accom
plished. I' ' was naid , for with Japanese -
ese gold , nor wMHlio land presented
by our government , as was tlio
with Japan wh6nsho offered without
an equivalent to > , assign certain lands
in Ycddo for an American legation.
Ex-Senator [ JEaton , of Connecticut ,
has arrived ( to efedeavor to obtain n
a revocation of jtlio order dismissing
his 'appointee ia ( ho senate library.
Mr. Lake , a representative has in
troduced n bill' rovidingfor the issue
of silver certificates of one , two and
five dollars doncimination on the deposit -
posit of silver dollars with the treasury.
C'lIIll'AND PEllU.
The secretary-of state , with the ap
proval of /president , will very
soon make public all the instructions
sent by the department to Ministers
Hurlbut and KUpatriok in regard to
the difficultiof between Chili and
Peru. .
The president has signed a postal
convention for.tho exchange of money
orders. botweotT the United States and
Victoria , to take effect xTur'iary 1st ,
1882. fV " " .a
HUNT Q1 iB TO HbJjlO.V. v
Secretary Hunt. loft fotf Boston laat
night , owing to tlio saddle illness of
the father of Mriu Hunt. .
. ,
fit VJ. "
' Ropri35ilutiV ' Jiirillau
- < , of
Pennsylvania , in tnoro than likely io
bo assistant secretary of the treasury
to succeed Mr. Uptonvhoso resigna
tion is to take effect on the 1st prox.
Gilfiillan , who has been in the city for
several days , has the strongest support
of any candidate for the place and is
at present at the head of the list.
WASHINGTON , December 11. In
the circuit court yesterday before
Judge McArthur , the case of Capt.
Howgato vs. the United States was
called. The motion was to quash the
writ of attachmcntlovied onHowgiito's
property several months ago to secure
the government against the alleged
embezzlement of money < by Capt. How-
aato belonging to the United Status.
After exhaustive argument on both
sides , the court declined to allow the
motion , and counsel for Howgato
noted an appeal.
Tha Elks.
National Associated t'resa.
NEW YOIIK , December 11. Thonn-
nual meeting of the grand lodge of the
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks wan held in their l dgo room to
day. There were present representa
tives from the Now York , Boston ,
Philadelphia , St. Loum , Cincinnati ,
Chicago , Baltimore and Pittsburg
lodges. A large amount of business
was transacted and the following offi
cers elected for the ensuing year :
Exalted grand ruler , Thomas E.
Garrett , of St. Louis ; esteemed load
ing grand knight , Henry Sanderson ,
of New York ; esteemed loyal grand
knight , James K. Cormack , of Pitts-
burg : o teemed lecturing grand
knight , Win. E. EnglUh , of Indianup-
olis ; grand secretary , Arthur 0. More-
land , of Now 1 orkJ grand treasurer ,
Charles T. White , of Now York ;
grand tiler , D , Foster Forrar , of Bos
ton ; trustees L. 0 , Waohiior , John
II. Girvin and John J. Lindall , of
New York ; Simon Quintan , of Chica
go ; David B. Holt , of Philadelphia.
Orlnnoll ou the Cattle Industry.
f atlonal AnxoclaUd 1'rcw.
NKW YOHK. December 11. The
Hon. J. B. Grinnoll , of Iowa , m in
New York on his way west. Ho has
just come up from Washington whither
ho ban beou examining the census re
ports or at least the unpublished portions
tions which bear upon the cattle in
terests of the United States. Mr.
Grinnoll IIOH been authorized by the
Union Pacific railway company to
make a visit to the country through
which their main lines und brunches
run for the purpose of passing upon
its resources as u cattle raising Ruction.
Ilo will give Hiiocial attention to the
territories of AVyommg and Idaho and
the Btato of Colorado and will incor
porate hitt views in a paper ho JH pre
paring for the national agricultural
association on the caltlo industry.
Frontier Operations.
National Awtociatixl l'ta t.
WASHINGTON , December 11. Forty
recruits have boon ordered to Fort
Lewis , Colorado.
Tlio Instructions Seiit by Blaiuo
to tlio Ministers ,
Which , it is Olfiimod , Eaoh Ful
filled According to His
Understanding ,
And the Carrying Out of
Which Threatened to In
volve This Country.
Everything HUH Now Boon Ar
ranged to the Satisfaction
of All Parties.
And Wo Are Still nt Poaoo With
All Nations.
National Auodatcil 1'rom
WAHHIMUON , December 11. The
following utlicul dispatches are hir-
nishtd for publication by the secretary
of state with the approval of the pres
ident. As will bo Aoon , they refer to
Poruvian-Cliili troubles and are only
a portion of the government corrot-
ponduncb , which will bo niado public in
its entirety iu duo time :
WASHINGTON , May 0,1881. I
To I. V. ChrUllam-j , K \ . , 1 luu.
Siu In your last dispatch you in-
formud this department that the
Chilean govuniHiut refused absolutely
to rocognir.ii General Poroli an repre-
smiting the civil authority iu Peru ,
and that Sunor Caldoron was at the
head of the provisional govern
ment. It the Caldoron govern
ment is supported by the char
acter and intelligence of IVru and is
really endeavoring to restore a con
stitutional government with n view
both to domestic order and negotia
tion with Chili for pcaco , you may
recognize it as the existing provisional
government and render what aid you
can l > y advice and good ullices to that
end. Mr. Elmoru has been received
by me as the confidential agent of
such provisional government.
1 am , air , etc. ,
( Signed ) JAMFH G. BI.AINK.
Iu pursuinco of this instruction
Mr. Christiancy on the 2Uth day of
Juno , 1881 , formally recognized the
Caldoron government several weeks in
advance of the arrival of General
Hurlbut , at Lima.
WASHINGTON , Ju o 15 , 1881. j"
Stvphcn A. Ilmllmt , HKC | . :
Sin The deplorable condition of
Pom , the disorganization of its gov
ernment and tlio absence of trust
worthy information as to the state of
affairs now existing in that
unhappy country , render it impossible
to give you instructions as full and
ileiujito as I would desirp to. Judging
from your most recunt dispatches from
oar minuiU'rtt. ynu will probably find
o tha part of W-fc pirt of the Chilean
cutJttttltltfa iff JppsssMbn.of Peru a
wlllingntuaaclhtato < the cttnMfiih-
immt of a provisional government ,
which has boon attempted by Senur
Calderon. If so , you will do all you
properly can to encourage the Peru
vians to accept reasonable conditions
and limitations with which this con
cession may bo accompanied. It in
vitally important to Peru that sliu be
allowed to resume the functions of a
native and orderly government , botli
for the purpose of international ad
ministration and negotiation of peace.
To obtain this end it would bo far
bettor to accept conditions which
may bo hard and unwelcome ,
than by demanding too much to force
a continuance of the military force of
Chili. It is hoped that you will be
able in your necessary association
with the Chilean authorities to im
press upon them that the mere liberal
and considering their policy the surer
it will bo to obtain a lauting and sat
isfactory settlement. The Peruvians
are certainly awaru of. the sympathy
and intercut of the people of the
United States and will , I feel confi
dent , be prepared to give to your rep
resentatives tlio consideration to
which the friendly anxiety of this
government ontitlcR them. The
United States cannot refuse to recog
nize the rights which the Chilean gov
ernment acquire by the successes of
the war , and it may be that the ces
sion of territory will be the necessary
price to be paid for peace. It would
Boom to bo injudicious for Peru to de
clare that under no circumstances
could the loss of territory be accepted
as the result of negotia
tions. The great objects of the
provifn'onal authorities of Peru
would Room to bo to secure the estab
lishment of a constitutional govern
ment und next to succeed iu the open
ing of negotiations for peace without
the declaration of a , preliminary con
dition as nn ultimatum on either sidp.
It will bo difficult , perhaps , to obtain
this from Chili , but an the Chilean
government has distinctly repudiated
the idea that this .was a war of con
quest , the government of Peru may
fairly claim the opportunity to make a
proposition of indemnity and guaran
tee before submitting to cession of
territory. As far on the iiifluonop of
the UniU'd States will go in Chili , it
will be exerted to induce the Chilean
government to consent that the ques
tion of cession of territory should bit
the subject of negotiation , and not u
condition precedent upon which alone
they wuie communed. If you can aid
tlio government of I'uru in Hecurint ;
such a result you will have rendered
a service which HUUIIIH most prming ,
Whether it is in the power
of the Peruvian government to make
any arrangement at home or abroad ,
singly \vitlitheusnmUncoof fi loudly
powura , which will furnish the IIUOOH-
nary indoninity or uupply the required
guarantee , you will bo butler able k
advise me after you havu reached yom
pout , As you are aware , more thai
ono proposition has been submitted U
the consideration of this govurnmenl
looking to fiiundly intervention bj
ivliich IVrn might bo enabled to meet
tlia condition which would probably
bo iui)080l. | Circumstances do not
seem at present opportune for such
action , but if upon full knovledgo of
the condition of 1'tmi cnn inform this
government that Peru can dcvisu and
carry into practical oll'ect a plan by
which all reasonable conditions of
Chili can bo mot without HO en tic
ing the integrity of Peruvian
territory , the I'overiimont of the
United State would bo willing
to tender its good ollices toward the
execution of such a project. As
a strictly confidential communication
1 enclose you a copy of the instruc
tions sent this day to the United I
States minister at Santiago. You will
thus bo advised of the position which
this government assumes towardn all
parties in the lamentable conflict. It
is the desire of the United Stales to
act in n spirit of sincoreat friendship
to the throe . 'publics and to use influ
ence solely in tliti interest of an hon
orable lasting peace.
1 am , sir , etc. ,
WASIIINOTON , , Juuo 15 , 1881. )
Jiiilmn Kilpatrick , KH | , inr.\toA. ? |
Siu The unfortunate condition of
the relations between Chili and I'oru
makes the mission , upon the duties of
which you aru now entering , ono of
rave responsibility and great delicacy.
Difficult as would bu any intervention
iif the United States under ordinary
ircumstancos , our progress is further
imbarronsod at Arica. Undertaken
ixl our suggestion , it isuvidont _ from
the protocols of that conference that
Chili wan prepared to dictate and not
'o discuss terms of peace , and that
.he arbitiatiou of the. United States
ipon any question of dill'eroiicu with
Jio allied powers of Peru and Bolivia
> vas not accessible and would not bo
iccoptod by the Chilean government.
Since that time the war has closed ,
in the incomplete success of Chili
und in what can scarcely bo consid
ered loss than a conquest of Peru and
Bolivia. Thin government cannot ,
iereforo , anticipate that offer of
riondly interference on the sottlo-
uent of the very serious questions
low pending , which would bo agree-
iblu to Chili. It would scarcely be
consistent with self respect that such
nn offer should bu refused , and it
would be of no benefit to Peru and
Bolivia that , it should be offered and
declined ; but I am sure the Chilean
u'overnmont will appreciate the
natural and deep interest
which the United States fools
n the termination of a condition so
calamitous in its consequence to the
best interests of all the South Amer
ican republics. It should also know
that if at any time the intervention of
the good officers of this government
can contribute to the restoration of
Homily relations between the be-
igutanc powers it will , upon proper
ntimation , bo properly offered. While
therefore no instructions are given
you to tender officially any advice to
the government of Chili , which is un
sought , you will on such opportunity
as may cccur , govern your conduct
and representations by the considera
tions to which I shall now call your
atUutiun. Without entering upon
nydi9pijKW ; ! * to.'ho cause ; of the
attvwuibot , .i.v i'0iili ] on tlio oiio'Bidu
and Peru and Bolivia on the other ,
thb . government recognises Iho
right which the successful conduct
of that v/ar 'has' conferred
Upon Chili , and in doing so I will not
undertake to estimate the extent to
which the Chilean government has the
right to carry its calculations of in
demnities to which it is entitled , nor
security for the future which its in
terests may seem to require ; but if
the Chilean government , as it is rep
resented , have declared to seek only a
guarantee of further peace , it would
seem natural that Peru and Bolivia
should bo allowed to offer such in-
dnmiiity and guarantee before the an
nexation of territory , which is the
right of conquest , which ia insisted
upon. If these powers fail to offer a
reasonably sufficient indemnity and
guarantee , then it becomes a fair sub
ject of consideration whether ter
ritory may not bo exacted as the
necessary price of peace. But at the
conclusion of a war avowed not of con
quest , but for the solution of differ
ences which diplomacy had failed to
settle , to make the acquisition
of territory a sin quo non
of peace is calculated to
cast suspicions on the professions with
which the war was originally declared.
It may very well bo that to the ter
mination of such n contest the
changed condition and relations of all
parties to it may make such readjust
ment of boundaries or territorial
changes as are necobsary , but this ,
where the war is not one of conquest ,
should bu the result of legislation ,
and not an absolute preliminary con
dition on which alone the victor con
sents to negotiate. At this day , when
tlio right of people to govern them
selves , the fundamental basis of re
publican institutions , is so well
recognized , there it nothing
moro difficult or moro dangerous
than a forced transfer of territory ,
carrying with it an independent and
hostile population , and nothing but
necessity proven Ixjforo the world can
justify it. It is not u case in which
powers desiring territory can be ac
cepted as u safe or impartial judge.
While the United States government
does not pretend to express an opin
ion whether or not such annexation of
territory is a necessary consequence of
this war , it believes that it would bo
military authority. This government ,
therefore , has boon glad to lej.rn { run
its minister in Chili whom yuu mm-
vuudud that the Chilean uulhoritioa
have decided to give their support to
tlio efforts of Senor C'aldoron to u.itab-
Huh on a steady footing u provisional
government in Puru. You will , as
far as you can do so with propriety
and without oIllcioUH. interference , ap
prove amloncoura othis disposition on
the part of tlioso involved. At the
present inomoi'.t the completions of
the victory of Chili scorns to render
such a diplamatic discussion impos
sible. Tim result of the conflict 1ms
been not only the dissolution of the
responsible government in Peru ; itc
soil in occupied , the collection of its
revenues transferred to the conqueror
and its executive , legislative nnd judi
cial functions in abeyance. It can
never otiforco ordar within nor sccuro
pencewithout. . An effort , and appar
ently a very cnrnoit and honest ons.
has been made to crcato n provisional
government which shall gradually re
store onlor and the right of law , but
it is obvious that for such a gororn-
mont to succoctl iu obtaining the
confidence cither of its own
people or of foreign powers , it musb
bo advanced with a freedom and force
which cannot lie exercised uhrlo Chili
holds absolute oppression and govtrna
by forco. It will bo moro honorable
to the Chilean government , more con
ducive to Iho nocurity of permanent
peace , and moro { n consonance with
these principles which nro protested
by all republics of America , that jjuch
territorial changes should bo avoided
as far as possible ; that they should
never bo the result of moro force , but
if necessary should bu decided and
ti'iupurod ) > y a full and equnl dis-
cusiion between all the powers
\rhoso people nnd whose * na
tional interest are involved. The
Chilean uovorntnent anil this depart'
mont will bo exceedingly gratified , if
your influence in this , as a represen
tative of the United States , , should bo
corrected in inducing thu government
of Chili to give ift aid and support to-
thu restoration of a regular constitu
tional government , and to postpone
the settlement oj all questions of
territorial annexation to thu diplo
matic negotiations which is then pre
sumed , with thu certainty ot n just ,
friendly nnd satisfactory conclusion.
In any representation which you may
maku , you will say Hint the hope of
the United' ' States is that the negotia
tions may bo conducted and the final
settlement between the two
countries bp determined , without
cither side invoking thu aid or intervention - -
vontion of any European powers.
The government of thu United States
nooks only to perform thooflico of a *
friend to all parties in this unhappy
conflict between South American , re
publics , and it > will regret bo bo com
pelled to consider how far that feeling ;
might bo affected and a more active
interposition forced upon it by any
attempted complication of this ques
tion with European politiast If , nt
the time you shall judge it prudent
and advantageous to read this dispatch
to the minister of foreign affairs , you
are authorized to-do so. The decision1
on this point is lect to your discretion.
I am , sir , JAACKH G. BL.WTNK.
National Associated Pr u.
TorKKA , Docenibor 10. Later de
velopments in the Atchison , Tbpek.-v
& Santa , Fo railroad construction steal
do not materially ahsr tlio case as re
ported yesterday. Tlio arrest of'
.wonty-two of the m a known to have
been engaged in kilo robbery has
routed considerable 3citoiuont in the
city , where many of them reside. L.
Norton , Jr. , the r.ioduiastor and lead-
.ng . spirit in the frauds has gone to
Kansas City , where Ho waa arrested
ast night. Governor St. John issued ]
A requisition for hi * return. Hbrtou
* * * * " K Jran . v. * < -renl i . ojlatq . . , interests
* ty * * - H44v t.44r.4 w * * * * - ' : *
hero , nupposed now to 'btfjiurcfikiea
by the stolen money. Cblumuv , his
wsistant , alno owiiu aovoral fine roai- H liuro , and an extensive cattle
rancli in Colorado. Tlio Santa ? Fo
road will make uo compromise. They
expect to recover a larqo portion ofi'
.ho ImU u million of dollars out of
which they have be n > dofraudWl. '
ToriiKA , December II. In tha mat
ter of the conspiracy axisting. foe the
> nst iix years among certain scatioiL
bosso * and division superintendents on.
the Santa Fe road , whereby the com
pany has boon defrauded out of an.
amount estimated at from § 00,1)00 ) to
§ 300,000' L. Norton , , Jr. , said to bo
the leader , gave a $10,000. bond.
oloman , ono of tlvo principal ones
engaged in the sshciao , cannot bo-
found. The cases o the others havo-
been continued tuitil Tluicsday. next.
Tir a.
National Associated I'rctu.
CniuAdo , DecuLibzr 11. The Ihrga-
four-story brick warehouse of D < M. .
Osborno & Co. , DOS to 010 South ,
Morgan street , was entirely destroyed ,
by tire this morning. I'lio- ' building ,
was filled with ruapeus andfarm - ma
CHIUAQO , December- The loss ,
on D. M. Oftborno & Go.'a aaapor
wurohouso and stock.burnedi yester
day morning , is $330,000 , ; ; insurance ,
81(55,000. (
LKKIJAHIOX , Term. , Docombar 10.
Fito broke-out in Murphy. & Wilson's ,
'ivory sUliJe-last nighiand.diistroyeoV
t. The fire sproatl to liargar'a foun
dry , court luouso , postofiico iuid oflico.
of The Wilson Comity HAWS , , all ofi
which wore destroyed ; . The court
records and coriutits.of fclia postoflico.
were saved iu a damagadl condition.
The Kewa lost all its i/ru3 / aa , but savedt
"ts type. The fine was the -work of an ,
ncenJinry. IjSSy J3Q\OUO \ inauranci > ,
812 > 000.
A SLANT A , Ga , Budeinbau II1. THe ,
Atlanta stro t car stoblos iinil twenty-
live mules and bx > rjcs weco destwyou\
by ire lost night. luws t8f000i ,
MOHUISVU.ILS , PecQUibor 10TIio. .
Morris inatitiUv an iiupasing butldine , ,
iotas destroyed Vy Sir * laet night. Thui
buratiny ; of a UeioswA oil lamp caused
tlio conUiigruUou.
New OlnoaM. Company. .
Nattonil AkwdatUl I'l.iu.
HI-HINOVIKU , 1)1. ) , December 11. A.
now company filed a cortilicato of or
ganization ytutorday , tbo St. Louit
glucose and grape sugac uonipany , of
Kaal St. IJQ\\\ \ , capital S.r)0,000. Tbo ,
uorponitora are John B. Lovirjgtou , ,
Philip C. iiauer aiu\ Frank S. Loving ,
Lillaol Suit * .
National AwtoiUUil Prciui.
CINCINNATI , December 11 , Two
libel suit not $25,000 each worubrouphb
against the daily Enquirer yesterday.
< i i
Ono i'iauo lor rent , onqulro i\t