Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1881, Image 7

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010 Furnham , btt O.hnnd 10th Street * .
TKU.MH OK SimseiltlTION.
1 j-car.ln < h-imccp ( utiulil ) $10.00
* month * " " . . . f.0
MiOtlth IV 0
run CARD cinr r.o , HT. r n , ,
Omixhv1'iw'enscr S'o. 2 , ? : Wx tn. .Ac
coinm.xlition No. 4 , l.OOp , in
Air Unnlifv "wttiirrr Ko. 1 , 5:10 : y. m.
AccetmnoilAtlcn No , 3 , 10:10 : a , in.
a , B. A Q. 7 : > > . ra. 8 : 0 p. ir. .
ft A X. V. ' . , 7 3 . ni. ? :10 ( i. tn.
0. , R. 1. i 1' . , 7 : 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. m.
K. 0. . St. J. ft U. 3 , , IMUK at s n. m. n"il 8.80
p. if. Atrivut at St. Louis at ( ! : JO a. m. ftnJ & : DJ
p. tu.
tu.W. . 9UL. fc r.lmuMat v m. ami 3:40 : p.
tu. Arrive * r.t St. I/ouU ntC:10 : a. m. nnJ 7:30 :
H. A M. In Xcb.ThrnuKh Kxpnw , 8tO ft. m.
11. f. M. r.l < filn K.\i > ri"M-6"J'p. to.
IJ P. Otcrhnil Kx | > i ( . * , 19'lft p. ra.
O. ft It. V. ( at Unjoin , 11 45 K. m.
O. A H. V. ( or OvoK , 0 43 fi. m.
U. I1 , freight Xo. 6 , Ss'JO R. in.
U. 1' . f r.'litht S'o. < > , NSO ; . in.
U. 1' . ( rclKht No. 12 , 2'l : ) p. ra.
U. 1' . tr i til No. i. 'i'ln p. m. emigrant.
. . . P. Denier c\pr < H , 7D5 : p.m.
U. 1 * . fri-mht Vi | 1 , U 30 p. 1 .
U. I * . Uviii cr frclnlit , ? :85 : | t. u.
A8T A.1U
C. n. & O. 6.00 a. in. 7:25 : p in.
ft & N. W. , 0:41. : a. ti. . 7:25 : p. in.
0. K. 1. t l'ti:45 , : a. in. 11.05 p. m.
K. C. , St. Jou AC U. . 7:40 : a. m. 0:46 :
ARRtriNn moil Tim n 7 ANO sotrnvriiST.
0. & B , V. Uncoln 1.03 p. m.
U. 1' . 1'iiclllc Kxjm H 3:20 : p. in.
{ I tt Jl. In N'el' . , Thro.uli Kxprcw tU : p. to.
n. fc JI. Ittnuoiti Kxpn-M 9 40 a m.
U. 1' . Denver rtprcwi , 7Ui : : n. m.
t ) . t' . KttilulilNo. . 142 W p , in.
V. f. * n e tJO : r. . in. Cni
II. 1 * . freight Xo. 14 , 12 : ' 5 p. in.
II. P. M ) . f VM > | l. IU.
V. V. Jp. 12 1MB n. in.
U. P. Denver freight , 1:10 : n. m.
O. A H. V. mtiH , or , il j p. in.
Lce Omaha at 5:00 : , 9.00. U:00 : and 11:00 :
1 ra , ; rO 2M' : , B 00. 4:00 : nnil tCCi. . tn ,
I/CMC. Coiinel. niuBs At b:26 : , PS5. : 10.2J and
1J5 a. m. ; iSB , 2:26 : , ! i:4& : , 4:2i : Mid fciop , m.
Sun nj-h The dummy Uvxvca Omaha at 8W : >
mil 11 : ( ) a. m.J SflO : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. IXOH
Cauudl n'.uBd at 9ii : ! and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2:2fi : , 4:26 :
and 6:26 : p. m.
Through and local pdwcnjcr ttainn between
Omaha anil Ooii'i U Illull-i. Irfm c Oimlia S:53 : ,
7:00 : , 7:45 : and S-JO : a. in. I.saio Council Illnll *
7:2Ti : , lit * ) and 11:30 : a. ui , ; 6:20 : , C:50 : timl 7:00 :
p. in.
Opening an' ! Closing of Mrlls.
r-orrx. cms. CLC K ,
im. . p. ra. a. tu. pm. .
Calcaco&K. W . 11.00 B.OO 6M : 2:40 :
tiiilcftrfo. U I. * - l' dfle.ll:00 : BCO : (1:50 : 2:40 :
Ohlcajto , 11. fc < i . USX ) 0:00 : K-M 2:40 :
Wabuh. . 12:30 : 6:30 : 8:40 :
SouxCity and rndHc. . USC : 2:40 :
Dalon I'm-llc . 10 11:40 :
( inuthi&H. V . * : ) 11:40 :
1 ! . ft II. In KIMI . 4:00 : 8:10
O-uihafe Slonx City. . . . 6 0 730
IS. A M. Lincoln .
U. r. Utiooln , Sunday. . . 1:00 : 11CO :
U. IMJonver Kx- > . P:00 :
O. . Sioux City & St. I1. . .11:00 : -:40 :
Local ninllt for S-tAteot Iowa Icavo bnt ooco a
day , \z : ( iSO u. in.
Oirlw open Sundays frnm 12 m. to 1 p. m.
TIIOS. V 11AU. I' M.
BaaiiiBSS Hirectory.
Abstract ar.d Real titnto.
JOILK L. McCAQUE , opporfU Toflt Ofllce.
W. R. BAUTLETT S17 South ISth Struct
Architect ! .
Koctu 14 Crolghton Block.
A , T. LAKOE Jr. . Room 2. Crolehton Eloci.
Boots and Shoes.
Tine Itoota taid ShOM. Avrood oasortmcnt of
homo work on haad , corner 12th and llamoy.
rUOF. K1UCKSON , 8. K. cor. 16th anJ Donglw.
60S 10th street , manufacture to order good wort )
at Ittir prices. Kepalrinif Uono. _
Dad Spring * .
J. V. LARKIMEH Manufacturer. 1617 Doni-las t.
Dooks , News and Stationery.
J. I. FltUKHAUr' 1015 Famham Street.
Butter and Egfrs-
McSHANK ft SCHKOEDKK , the oldoot . id K.
house in Nebraska cstalillohol 1876 OniAho.
soathwtrt conitr ICthaml Dod .
Doit Board for thu Monuy.
B&tbjfaction Quarautned.
Uc&li at all nouro.
board by the flay , Week or Month.
Gcxxl Terma far Cash.
! llnmns Hupplliil.
Carriages and Road Wagons.
WU. 8NYDERHthandHarncyStreeta.
jowa on.
JOIIK DAUilER 1314 Famham Stroet.
H. BEP.TI10LD , ROES and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER It Oil * Y corner 6th and Doujlaa Sta.
Lamps and Glassware.
J. HONKER 1809 Hemlta St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our niout jiojmlar Merchant Tailors In re-
ctlrlni ; tlie latest ilodiiw for Spring nnd Sinr.ini r
floods for ircntlomcn s wear. Stylish , dunlilj ,
and iiricftj o.-cr 215 13th bet. UouK.&Farn.
MRS. 0. A. HIKOEU , WJioltwalo and Retail , Fan
cy Goodn Inruit ( variety , Zciih > rs , Caid Uoant ) ,
llOBion' , Oloves , Comota , kc. ChiAjHttt lloueo In
theWB8t. Purchasers Have SO ptr cent. OrJ r
br Mail. 116 Fifteenth Street.
JOHN WnARKK & EONS , cor. 14th& Ja < k8onnts
Hour and Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnhiim 8t ) . ,
. , iiroprietars.
Z. BTEVKNB , 21 t between Cumin * D'l ' Imr
T. A. McSHANE , Corn , jjid and Cumln btreita.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel.
OLAN fc UANGWORTHV , Wholeeale , 110 ani1
112 ICth street
A. HOLMK8 corner IMh and ( V.lfotnU
Harness. Saddles , &c.
B. WKIST MISthSt. bet Karnfc llarnfy.
, ANFIKLD HOUSE , Ceo. Canfleld.Bth fc Furnhiun
DORAN 1IOU3E , P II. Cory , U13 FamhwnHt.
SLAVIC'S IIOTKL. K. bin en , 10th fct.
Southern Hotel , Ous. Haincl Oth JfcLnvenwortb
Clothing Bought.
C .SHAW will i > ay hlghcBt Coth price for second
hind tlcU.liif. Comer lOUi and Varnhau.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
rUrmsciiU , Flnu "uno Uocxln , Cor. Uta t.nd
Uontlo ttreuts.
W. J. WHITEHOUf \VholMi'o&UotAU ' , 16ti st
0. FIELD , 20 3 Worth Sliio Cuiiiliig Street
PARK , Dnr.'lit , lO'.n and Howard Streets.
Dontlstt ,
DR. PAUL , Williams' i'lock ' Cor , 1EU > & Do.lfr .
Dry Goods Notions , Etf.
Ktw York Dry OooilaSwru , 1310 anil 1312 Varn
U C. Kno 6lu ftlao boot * and ehoes 7th 4 Tai-lflc.
A F. GROPP. Now and Second Hanil Fnrr.ltnro
ul BtOM * . 11H ImvtiUA. Hishedt caui price
aid for Bvcond toant.
. BONNER 1300 Douyla t. Hao oed , U.
fence Work ] ,
! ivq > rn. . v""H"--r" , T-ar-
Tob cco.
VKPT A FKUSCliKH. inMiuf Hurfr ct Cl/f / ns
lid Hlioliivilr l > it\li'M in Toiwri os , ISOti Donsl
' '
A. IlnnAQhuo , | > Unt , cut f ow
. N. W . cor. . nn 1 Doughs < lnU. .
Civil Engineers nnd Sunroyor * .
'on Sur ejo , ( inwloundSowcnne S > rt ius
JOHN 0.VII , t.lR.Ull lX > lkStreet. .
U D I'KKUKK r-Vr > lnU ore Urge atUrrtl > < > -
ntnt In livll nnil WitiVb
Cornlco Works.
iwtorn Cornice VorVn , 'M.innfMlnrcrp Iron
.jrnlc" , Tt'i , lion ami Shin Kooflliii : . Onion
torn in.v I'vrtlltj romptlr cve-entrO In tbs beet
CAiinft. I'.wtoiy ixixl Otlire ISIS lUrm-j HU
0. H1T.OHT , Proprietor.
Uhanlrixl Iron L'crnltr . Wliulow C i , t'f. >
n.inuliautfl M ) > 1 pnt ip In an } part ot Iho
oiiiittv , T. 410Thlrt < -oilhlr-t
OrocVery ,
. IlO.VNKK 1S03 Pouciai ( trcct. Ocwl Hue
Clolhlnj ; and f-'urnlihlng Qoodi ,
OEO. II. PCTWISO.V. AIM Hat * . C r , Boot ,
K4 > , Notionand Cutter ) , Sl S. 10thstreet.
Dctrlgcrfttors , C.\nficld'n Pnlont.
C. F. OOOD1IAN llth at. K > t. Farn. A Humcv
Show Oa a Manufactory. ,
0. J.VIUK. .
ilaiuifichirer iiul lc lor In ail klmli ol Shnw
Uao , 1'i'rlcht CiM * . a „ 1317 C e < St.
FRANK I. , OKiUiAlin. proprietor Omaha
Show C ) inanufaitnry , 818 South IBthstrctit ,
Lmu'iiuotth nid Htrcy. All K00 < ln
l tlr l-cL"w .
Stoves ano
Nrsnnd Ttnmire , r.nd MiJiuf-.ctnrcr
of Tin Konfn nnd all Ulndi of Ilulldlnc Work ,
Oid ! Fellow u' lllocl : .
J. DOXNKII. ISOl ) UouitliwSt. Oooil and Che P.
Seed * .
J. KVANS , > Yholen ! e and Retail Heed Urllll and , Oild Fi-llown 1U11.
Physicians an I Burgoom ,
W. B. OII1S ! ! , M. U. , lUoru No t , Crottfhton
Heck , lf > th Struct.
P. h. I.UlbUMtlMl , d. U. Miutonlc Illock.
C. L. HART , M. I ) . . Kyf nd Ear. opj' . postofflw
Oculist and Aurist , H.V 16th and Furnhatu St
Grand CcuUnl Gallcrr ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Masonic Hall. Ftrst JatiaWork and Prompt ,
unxw iruarantcen
Plumbing , Qas and Storun Flttlnc.
P. W. TARl'Y & CO. . X1012th St. , hot. ttirnham
and DoiulM. WorK promptly attendnl to.
I ) . 7IT7.PATRICK. 1409 Douglas Street.
Painting nn aper nnglng.
'IHNIIY A. KOSTKK3. Ill Do-hco Street ,
titioo mores.
Phillip tanir. 1JM Famham Bt. brt ISIh ft Mlh.
Uecond Hand Store ,
PERKINS A LEAR. 1410 DouulaH St. . How and
Second Hand Furniture , House Furniiimng Ooodt ,
&c. . bnuirht a d nold on narrow ru\n/tn .
In the new brick block on Douuhw Stroct , bag
Jutil 0 } Jiod a most olopiut lletu Hall.
Hot Liuich fiom 10 to 12
cicry day.
" . ' FAI.COKKK 679 16lh Street.
CHAS. UinVt'K , lOlv : Fsmham bet. 10th & 11W.
U9 Cent Stores.
P. 3 HACKUB. 1203 Karnhun St. . Fi\ncv Oooda
Mary J. Holmes
JU'tpubllriiM : Madeline. A nilt > niUil nun
noTol by HKH. MA.11 J. HUUIKH , uhonu noiclf
sill 1,0 ciioriiioUHl3' , nml are reail and rt'.ronJ
with uudi Intermit , llcnutlfully bcutul ; nric < < ,
. "Also ImmlKmio newcilitlonHOUIri' . llolmi-a'
other Morkn Tuniiictt nn SuiiKhlno , Lena
lliicrn. KilithL > lo , E < ln.i DroniilnMarlon Grey ,
West I a n , V'oiuHt House , utc. , etc.
A Chanced Heart. Another intensely inter-
otlii ) ; no\cl by MAY AUNKH FLXIIINO , author ol
thobe capltfil novilA l > uy Kirlrcourt'x Wife , A
Wonderful Woman , JIad llarrlaito. Slli-nt and
True , Lost for \\V-man , etc Iliautifully bouiul ;
price , il.LO.
a. W. CARLETON & CO. ,
OatSliloodlni I'liblisliirn , N. V. City.
John G. Jacobs ,
( Formerly of Olxh& Jacobs , )
No. 1417 FarnhamSt , Old Stand o <
Corner 10th and Howard
Streets ,
Rates , Two Dollars Per Day ,
25 < 16m
DexterL.Tlioinas&Bro ,
Pay Tnxoo , Bent Houses , Btc.
ir TOU wxsr TO I.LT on BKL/
{ 'all ut Olfice , Rooui 8 , CrelKhton Block , Oaiftha.
Axle Grease
on Wavona , I'.nL'Kiw , Kvaiwra ,
and Mill Machinery , It IM i.NVAi.uAfxn TO VAKX
iin A NO 'iKAUHTXHR. It cures Kcnkhu and all
.thiilc of norto on Jlonts and Etock , 03 well an on
men.CLAM &WISEManuf's , ,
Q05 Illinois Ctrcct , Chlcano"
sn ' * > t ' " ' .
Permanently Cured no humbug bv one
month's usntn of DR. QOULARD'S Celebrat
ed Infallible Fit Powders. To tonvica tulfcr
ire that there poudeniwlil ilo all wu fhiin for
tht'in o III eel" ) them l > v mail , pott paid a
free Trial box. Dr. ( foulard U thu only iihyxl.
dan t'lut has uui m.Tlo Ihln illiuipo a hjirclr.1
vtiidy. and A3 to our kiiowlcdK'o thouunU bate
hot n Pcrmanctly cured by the mu of thv o
Powders , wo will Kiiaranteo a permanent
emu in evil ) cooj or refund you all money e < <
ponded. All < ulfurcrs nil , ulcl iiiu thc > o 1'ow.
dcrH nn firl > trial , and tu comlnud of their
turatnei > C' era
1'rlie , lor hr o Vix , tz 00 , or 4 bojii , forJIO.CO ,
> fiit livtnalt loan ) ivirt of thu Unlui HUteii nr
CanadH on of prl.u. or by c\iirct i , ( J. O.
1) , Addruif , A8H & ROODIN8
300 Fulton St. , Brooklyn , N. Y
The llmiRry Bonrtlor.
IIY 1) ) c ,
'Oh , Ifslwnil , wli tnno limtdcr tnl *
V M sc.srccly tin- ' , nut c\on inott ;
l > lot mo tnkc OIK' you will - < rt'
I'liu iu\ili > ! < make y.iui ricli urn ! tut. "
I'l.o lm ln nil . > ' too wi p n man
To nr.uc V in t \VOIIIIII'H : iilwi ;
lirnidpn lie kisow > lii 'il Jiuvi' licr way
A * UMial , co lie unid , "you n ny , "
liu , l'fi ( jvi < e , lie ( .onclit n frlvnil
TftiupJ for mi nittitu. ] | "t'onui ll ] l l
A \vovk with me , " lie < ad ! , "ntul chow
My Mifo wlist iNMidrri nu > , you kiiuw. "
Tlio tj > l > lu wma l lil. lo 'oe.
I'lio w ! c , m hiiiy ] | ) , iM r-il tlu < t n.
The luvtK IKI.I drr Inoted hit M > t
[ 'rrturt-d to tlii liUlcvrl best.
lie quickly ijol to work nnil ( ) > end
V i nuud nf Initt-r on his lircad ;
I'ut nil the Hi < pir in hi en
And hpiiiitd lili ) 'liU > , liku mounl ! > ! n < , up.
The \\\f \ ( in liorror looked
I'D sec her pmhtu ( ? ) pi HU liut ,
Ami idiiKMt fidnU-d i n tlio lloor
ICncli time the ho r.lod cMlud for luort * .
"Oh , Mr. Jimrn , " Mi Minitiiifd , "will you
l''xcii u nir , hut ni u you not HiroUL'hJ'
1 Tlir 'Ugli what , " ho irinnnl , "line lunch !
Sot I I'vojust c iiniiii'iiced plcuso IM-H
that pie. "
"Oh , hu l\nd" ) ! gro.'incil Ihuv'f tba'
n\K\\i \ \ ,
"Do inakt < him Kn > wc'iv riiinod quite. "
l'l told ynu no,1' ho l.iuglifd , "lint , < luar ,
\Vo cjin'tj you look him foi n year. "
A Xio < tor.
l\ana Clt > Siind.i ) Tiini-n.
The health is culd , thu shc < urny ;
hi'Htin my drviiina I'm sittijiK lirrv ;
The houho is still , no oiiu i
I'M ) lived n yenr nlnco noon to-ilny.
A Imried ywir ; ou of my lifo
1 thnift it ; to tho.loinb did hritiR
A potent spell , my wddmj ; lit'K.
And said : "Itinu not , 1 urn u wife. "
And then 1 _ turned nnd c'int ) i awity
Poor li.inishcd yi'iirl 1 feel ntnin ;
The n-idiH'KS thut ii nc uly pdn : ;
Vor bo ; ! 1 found those linut tu-iiiy
A loiter , lyinu all thuso ycnrs
Utunli UN thu , nuw Rpoaks to me ;
1'iAcli oca nht'll holds n couniUn won.
So , love liui'H liold lovuV tmilc * nnd teau ,
I traced rno yellow , fndrd line ;
'Ilia that died eame forth
Aivi ' to'id hiiforu inf. fair ns when
I folded lifo'H rotes , drank i H wiuo.
O love thatdi d ! C'aa true love die ?
Or didit tliou dip , or wast thnu true !
Was it dcath'n donrthoucHiiiestthiounh ,
Or didit though only pass it hy.
O memory ? O youth ! T know
What once ha * liei-n can ho no more ;
I know 'tinvifo to look before ,
When looking buck doth i-rio o ono o.
Si > mutt 1 i > ut away tin * piin ,
Inery fliauio n tint dry these tear" ,
And hid tliix i liost of other yean
Dejiart to come not I'nck
'L'here ! 'Aro uhl the nilios , duud nnd srny (
I lay thu hatur , dremnin done.
COIIICK iiutiim now ; M > , hardly > v n ,
Peace fiilds her wingnvi h mu to H.iy.
The court room was crowded. I
ceo tutu yet in his iair young man
hood Btnndiii ! ! up before thu jury , n
look of calm dolcriiiinatiou un liifi
linnilsomo face. The judge said- -
" .lulius Hurt mail , it is iny duty to
notify yon that the piinibhmonl for
murder bus bucn aiiieliorntod .since
the act with which you me charged
was committed. Then it waa death
by hanging ; now it may ho imprison
ment for life. You have your choice
under which law you will bo tried ,
What any you ? "
There was no tremor of tlie blood
less lips and calm WIIH his reply.
"Lot me tried by thu law in force
when tlio dcetl was done. "
He had chosen thu severer punish
ment. We all knew what it meant.
lie preferred death to u life of dis
Julius Ilartiniin was a young Vir
ginian who had only been in the atate
for a few years. Ho waw about
twenty-five , of medium heiyht , fair
complexion , with light hair and brown
eyes , a fine type of Virginian man
A short time before this .John Har
ris , a farmer , had boon foully shot
while bleeping beside his young wifu ,
a bride of only a few months. Hartman -
man wan dcrk in u country store not
fur from Harris' farm. I5oth of them
hud paid court to Nova Brown , and
both men loved her with idolatry.
Xeva was dark , young and beautiful ,
and only sixteen when she married
It waa a beautiful Summer evening ,
a year before the time 1 have just re
furred lo , that Juliua and Nova stood
on ii rustic hridgo eroKMiiy a small
stream that ran by the store. They
v-ro talking of love , you may bo sure ;
shu with down-cast oyua tapping Ian-
jrtiidly the rough roof-board , and ho
leaning toward her , hin hand on the
railing behind her , and looking in her
face with wistful uycn. What were
they saying ? I do not know. Tlie
sun was setting in the west , and thn
golden glory of his departing rays full
like a halo upon the fuir KUCIIO. They
lingered still , until tlio ahudows gath
ered about them. His arm gradually
stole about her. She turned her face
for thu firat lime to his , and the ( 'Wy
of thu Buiifieb was nothing to the glory
of love in her eyes ; then she laid her
head on his shoulder , with a cooing
little carosfl as sweet aa the billing of
"TooToo Too-ha ! " in omnioim
sounds came from nn owl in the leafy
branches of ii tree just over * their
They both started in niipriuu at iln
being BO late. Just a they stopped
oil' tlio bridgu the owl llotv out with a
wild , weird fchricL' , and Hipping hm
sombre wings close over their heads
sailed into thu dark forest below.
Nova trembled. There WIIH some
thing weird in thu scone and the oc
currence. But Julius reassured her ,
and homo they went ,
Another scene , a few months later ;
this timu , standing at the gate of her
father'a house. The evening waH
threatening , nnd dark clouds , sur
charged witli lightning , hung around
the hori/.on on every oidu ; and again ,
ii. the woods hack of thu linld , cam
thu wild Havngejcroani of Ihu owl.
There were cloud'J , too , upi.n the
brows of both Juliim and Nova. They
had quarrelled a foolish lovers
( juarrcl nnd neither would give way.
80 they stood uttering common-places
until a thunder chip overhead warned
Julius he must go. An ho loft , Nova
"Will yen come hack
- * * *
Oh , fouhili , 8lullorii ) ) , hunwii
Von have douo a lutl tinny tlH even
ing , ilulnn Itnrtinniim \ hayo
uviiwn jwilous of your rival , llntris ,
and < nk'stioiunl tinIruc lioart of your
litllo swiuthvart. Diiln'l y > u know
wom.'tu would riuhiru nuytlnnj , ' else
bettor tlmii hnvinj , ' her lldi-lity qnrs-
lionod ? Vim linvo driven lior ( toiu
you with thut null-"no , " nnil nltlmugh
ho nuy Blictl tours you will IIO\LT
know it : nml l > y-nwM ) ' l > riilo will
c ino to lu r nid , mill lm will h wo vo-
vougo by fulling into tlioarins of .lohu
llitt .Juliiia atrodo Iwinownrd , unthinking -
thinking of such tilings , llii mind
was liki ! the I'li'iuuiilH roatiiii ; ubovo
him , wild and ti'iniR'stuoun , mid by
tliu aluulows on ln'ovxW ) oni- know his
thought ! * wuro dink.
And so Nevn did ito to.lohn llartii ,
anil liocoiuo his bndo. ilohn WIIB i\
rmlo but xodd-hi'arud innn , and yet
liic'kiny Iho rvlliit. > iiii > tit tlmt suited a
girl ot Neva's tusto. Old woinen
shook thuir Iui. l mninotwly , nnd sviid
ni ) good would cnino of it. Neva faded
away Bluntly. Her eycn ware sad nnd
sunkuii and'uho worn 11 rcrowl on her
t'ncf continually. li a | > iHHiitint'ntln\d \
inado her licrco and crosi.
IU\t \ she never mot .luhwt Ilatt-
man. Only oneo did ho try to live in
the olil tunes again. Ono ovtMiinit
her husband hud k-uti unusually un
kind to her , and oho \vandend oil' to
the liMlo foot hridi/u where .lulins and
who hud Alighted their troth. Konio
Biniiauh btishoH hid her from the vie
of thu store , and shu etaycil until the
mincet , and raw .Inlitis ride away
Cnn we toll what the look in her eyes
was ? So end nnd loving and miser
able ! "It might , have been , " but
"Lost , lost , lost ! "
She turned and looked down into
the babbling stream below , and a
ciystal tear-drop fell from her cyoc
and mingled with the Bnatkliii'j : wa
ter. It was perhaps the last tear
Nova Harris over nlied.
And what of .Inline ? Taring his
way to a Hid , sad doom. "When ho
heard of Nova'd marriairo ho remarked
that "John Harris nhonld ntvur Imxu
hrr. "
The nngol of destiny added a inuiut
to the ladder which you worn descend
ing when you aaid that , Julius Hartman -
man !
A few dayo nftorwnrd ho met Harris
and struck him. Ana another lounU
\vns added to the ladder.
His whole natnro changed. Hu
had loved Nova , ho had trusted all
his hopes in lifo ( n her. And ho bu-
liovod now that oho had never loved
him. Nay , inoro ; ho loved h ° r still ,
and the maddening thought each mo
ment dwelt on his mind that another
man hohl her in hi anns and claimed
her for his own. No wonder ho nnulu
utr.\n o and peculiar rcmarkH about
1 er huilmnd ; no wonder ho was oftoii
heard to wiah that H. rris wnH dead.
And all the time the nugol of
du tiny was adding roniulH to the
ladder , and Julius waa following
down , uncoii.sL'ious of the pit bolow.
Ono day it ( lashed over the country
like wild-fire that John Harris waa
murdered ; shot , in bud , with his wife
beside him. Who did it ?
Puoplu remembered the old rivalry ,
they remembered the threats and
cruel wishes , they tracked a horao
from the fence where the murderer
stood to Julius Hartman's store.
Julius had reached the last round
of bis ladder , and destiny left him at
the bottom of the pit , Hullbcating in
the ( lump tir.
Thn court was in session ; Iho jury
was empannelled and nworn ; Julinn
WAR arraigned , had entered the plea ,
and taken death for the penalty if ho
were convicted. The ntato's counsel
had introduced all the circumstantial
evidence above mentioned , when the
widowed Nava Harris waa put in the
witness box ,
Uartmiui , Imviuc been in prison for
seine time , was emaciated and p.ilo.
Ilia face flushed , nnd his eyea ex
pressed surprise when Nova came for
ward. And well ho might bo.sur-
She told that the night her husband
was killed she heard some one call at
the fence , and sat up in bed. They
were nleeping on the gallery. She
saw Jnlitm 11 art man Hitting on hii
horeo , with a Hhot-gnn in his hand ,
which ho discharged into the sleeping
body of her husband , and then turned
and fled in the direction of hm More.
A murmur of indignation ran
through the crowd. Public opinion
wan loth to believe Julius guilty upon
meru circumstantial evidence ; hut this
clinched it. Julius Hartman was a
cold-blooded murderer. No wonder
his face turned palo and red alternate
ly , and that ho stared in ghautly horror
ror at Nova , the Neva ho had loved HO
well !
No nocd to fret , Julius ! You are
stilling in thu pit !
The State had closed. Jnlitm and
hift counsel retired to consult about
the defence. They had about con
cluded they could do nothing , when a
man uteppeil into the consult imj room
a man wearing a broad 'sombrero ,
with hm pants tucked into his boots ,
and a white Khirt and blue blouse , n
handkerchief lied around his neck ,
HindrcsB , taken in connection with
his browned , bold , but handnoino and
diiuhing face , indicated him to bo one
of tlio.rj peculiar character * dubbed
"cow boyHj" a cla n among whom are
to bo found many vicious and danger
ous men. As he entered ho approach
ed Julius , and ankod pormihsion to
speak to him privately Ho tonic him
to ono side , and they hold a hurried
consultation , and then both unmo
luck to where the attorney wan stand
ing. Tim expression on Juliim' face
indicated something important , Home-
thing hopeful.
Thu Granger had told Julius thut
he knew the man who killed Harris ,
and that Mrs , Harris wan privy to Ilia
The attorney expressed himself IIH
very much pleaued and insisted on
going immediately ; hut the ntianger
"Sen lioro , piril ; not so fasl. 7
want to know how 1 am going to come
out of this thing. I don't want ter
BOO a fellow who is innocent swung up ;
but I ain't u-gwino to put my neck in
thu halter to save him. "
"You needn't do Ihut , " responded
the attorney , who began to Hiispect
thu truth ; "if you nru thu mnn that
did the shooting , you can turn statu'it
evidence and Have Hartman and yuir-
nelf too , and lot thu guilty liinmy bo
hung herself. "
"Stop ! " Julius had been quietly
i : < r.-r Ji-i li ( . "No need of abim-
how can it boOuco / so jinro nnd
tender mid loving ; nmvmi wicked , so
eruol nml roAenaoful1 She. will never
know liuw well 1 have l vod hor. " A
PVUM > , nml then , "Yes , Mm shall
Ucntlomon , tins testimony shall not
ho introduced. "
HenmiiRtinnco nnn i.solcfa. Attor
ney nnd client rctiunod to the court
loom , nnd tlio old nun who had s oed
up bravely fur nuny olioinn nnd saved
them , nml who believed .Inlini inno
cent , was Imiky > lion ho voso nnd
"Oontloiiion , wo havr no dofonco tn
oBiT. "
People wondered why ll.irtman oat
RO culm nnd quiet nnd unmoved.
It was nnly Itocniisu tlio dniiii ) nir of
( he pit hud chilled his ( U'iisibiliu"i. (
The jury 10 ired nml utiirni-d in n
few momeiitfl with n verdict of guilty ,
usessiiig the death penalty/ lid
llnrtuinu still unmoved , while over
the dock onpoMto him , with a thick
veil over htr face , , t the murderess ,
Did Mio know thut tht > kuowleduii
hi' mis djinj ; for the love of her dis
nipated nil lent ? Did ho earo ? Would
nho HOO him hum * nnd luivor toll itf
Auothor Hcom'in tlio dark tragedy.
TliM ttmo the sun was nhinlui ! hri ht-
ly. The trees were i reen with leaves
timt the onrth clotncd in verduro.
Krom woodland nnd hodirorow , on
prairie nml Ion , a thousand birdmmido
Hwoot mtmio on thu soft Runnnor nir.
Two miles from the court hnuro , near
a grove of ginnl nnkn , on the inir iu
if u broad , upruiuliii ) ; Jiniino , ntuoil un
ominous looking ntnirtnro. Tlio
builill'who went to it iin > t intlio luorn-
inx frightened nwny n liujjihnrnod
owl. It was thn hcnfioh ! foi Uio o\r-
uutiou of .Inline Bwtman. Kvory
etTort Imd boon ivndr to po' him lo
npjily for n patdcu , but ho ftoiulily
ruliiRtd. NuMilind nuvcr IW.MI near
him. Hoviii losipmul to hit. Into.
His fiitliur and mother from Iho old
Btr.tu Imd oomo to urn him dm. Ho
only nj.Rorti'd hia iniuxcmiu , uiul they
boliov od it.
ThousiuidB woru ( tnthcrod nbont Uie
instrument of dirndl. A iuw otliciala
ami olhuis were Rtmulin ; ; on the plat
foi in. A mom ; them vas the Ktran or
who badolfoicU to liulp.lnliun ; iiroruod
in the Hamo noculinr garl ) . Mixed up
with the vwt crowd were a number
of others dreawd like him , nnd there
ivan u strantio , determined exprc-H.siim
on uaoh of tliuir countoncea.
Across the prairiu came n alow
cavalcade. .Juliu * was thenin n
wu on , rhninod , nndHoldiorly bruuj hi
nj ) the van , A miniator of God \uis
with him. Ho was very fnir nnd ealm
nnd handtiiimu. It wim the work ol
but a few momuuiH to rolcaso hin
bound limbs , nnd foarlosnly ami
Htcadily ho nscumlud the iicallbld. The
Hontonco was road , a prnyur wau Hiiid.
mid tluMi the doomud man wa ? lick
if ho had anything to nuy.
Ho mid it briefly , a toiled hia in-
nocunce , forgave hits oni'iniun , nnd
nuked CSod'a ' mercy. His hunds won.
] ) iuioned , the dark cap drawn over hi
fair young face , und Ihu oOicor utooii
wailintr the sij-nal. when with a mid-
dun ( sprint ; ami a rapid movement the
cow-boy from behind severed the rope ,
jerked the cap ol ) ' bin head , and tolt
him to jump. Thuro WIIH the BtillnesH
of death in the vast crowd : moinonl.
tbon a hundred voice Hhouted to hiu
to jump. .InlhiH ntood n momnnl
irrunolnte , nnd that moment cost
him his lifo. Thu stran m- , Honing nil
hopu loit , nnd thu military approach
ing , sprang from the acallbld and naH
soon abaorbud among hia follow.
A now ro ] > o wa.s procnrttd , thu cni
roadjuatvd , und with a murmured
"God help inn ! " Julius Jlartmnn was
launched into eternity.
As the dull thud of hin fall WAH
hoard n groan of human ayony wont
up tram thu crowd ; but above it and
nil thu noise and confusion of the nmiH
of humanity , siiglu ) voicp a woman's
went up in a mad , wild , agonizing
scream that echoed tar down in thu
woods , nnd wan answered by onu IIH
wild nnd shrill-- the yidl of an owl.
It was Nevn Harris. She fell into
thu arms of seine of the mirroundorH ,
and waH bornu elf the ground inaonsi-
The chapter had cloaed. Thu inno
cent had paid the penalty of hin lovo.
Julius Hartnnin lay dead nnd low at
the bottom of the dark Pit. And the
guilty actors in thu drama went forth
into the world , miBUHpocted nnd frcu.
It wiis yeaiB afterward when on her
death-bed , that Nova Harris confesHml
her crime- , and gave an a reaaon for it :
"I loved him HO , nnd ho deserted
mo and mined my lifo. I wanted to
ruin hia. "
Perhaps so. Who can tell I
AH bvinira curtain euro for the w r t fiitiiw
of < lyeie | | > -i > i , imli i'Htion , roMhtip.'ilion ,
impurity of blood , toipiil li IT , ( HfonU-rci
kidiioyH , etc. , nnd its a iiicilicinu for eraiii-
cnUiif , ' every Hjieuum of humor , from un
ordinary pimple to UIH woml ulcer , Jti'it-
DOCK lit.oop 1'ijvmiM i-tand mirivnlvd.
I'rico 51 , trial H/.U ! 10 cinU. dec-5-vov/
Un Itrimlu'il b > tlmCity Counrll til tliurltyof
Oniutin :
lluita hlilunulk lie , within lilliui rtaj f rom
tliln diitu , pn < | > ari'd unil hid U > tlui l < ni nrary
/ntilu liiHalcl rlty , In ( rout ol nml iidjolnlux Iliu
loiluv'ln ' ( lificrlfmlTUIHHH \ \ \ , > lz :
( At 1 , vsuHt Hiilool t-aundcrd M , , In Ijiock | 18 ,
HI Inn'xadilitlun , 4 firt wlih- .
lal 1 , o l Kldaol KaundoiHKt , In tiloili 12 ,
HI Inn'H adilltlor , 4 ( vtt vtlilu.
Int' ' , ui > t ldooIHaiiliilcr'nHt. , In Mock 12 ,
Hhlllll'rt aililltlori , 4 ( cut Miilo.
Ixjt 11 , u < t fcldu of KnuiidriH Ht , In Idock 12 ,
Sliiun'H addition , 4 ftit wldo.
Lit 12 , Mint flilool H.IUIIIITB | HI , In Id'ick 1' ' ,
HlilnnV udilltton , 4 d'Ct wulv.
Ixit b , north nldu ol Cuinlri ht. , In Mock 2071 ,
U ( cct ldc.
Lot U , north HIO | | ot C'uinlnx Ht , , In Mo k 207) ) ,
U fllLt "III"
, nolh side ot CuminIn Idot-l. 'J07J ,
lx < t K. north hldu of Cuintnj HI , , In Mock 207J ,
0 ( oc't wide.
Ixjt ! trint t nl'lo of Hannilcrn Ht. , Ill block 1 ,
AruKtronx'x llrolivldltlon , 4 ( cct wUlu.
\AA \ t , uttt liln < it KauiiiIrM ft. , In Mock 1 ,
.Sriwtroni ; ' * Hr t addition , 4 K'it ldt .
Lot D , i'iitMlilo o(6aiindirn til. , In Mo k 1 ,
/rniHtrun 'i * Ilitt adilltlon , 4 fiut wine.
Lot 0 , nrxt nldci ol HaundcrM Ht . Ill liloc-k 1 ,
AoriistroiiK' ) lr ) t flilltlou,4 lict "I'l" ' .
Hucnitlilownlk to li rii.ilrnl ] ol V-lnili | > U.u
idunk and to bo III Mldtli , nn alictu H : > IVJU | | | | , mil
the riHpuctiii' o i r urovisri. : ( tha alxivrila-
vcrlbxl iirvndiici aiu lit rcLj r > jnlrel to it-jwlr
tlir K.iinr ,
I'a Ld D.c' . 0. 18S1.
j. J. L. ( i. JKWirr ; ,
Cllj Chrk ,
ICOfi Farnham Ot. , . . . Omaha , Hebra
Coru.utiy iwiiktwl lanij In
a&lr , urrat lar ! 'fvtn in Uiiiroti l ( ainui , uu
OrrjiliA city property.
MOUK1S JONES . Agricultural Tniph-tncnta
.1. A. 11 Alt II . Ayricultnrnl ImplomunU
II. PKlM'Kll iV CO . Ouncrnl iMuichniulJBo
F. II. ANOELlj . ( U'liurul Murclmiuliiio
.1. V. HKOWN . Gonural lorchamliao
HK1NHAHDT A SON . flotu-nil Murclmiuliau
SKA1USKNT , WAI.KKIl A CO . ( HuniMui , Nuh. ) li'iiin-ral - Jlorclwndise
\V. (5. J1OSTONVhiilesitloaml Hotixil llrtulwiuv , Steven , ito
.1. 1. NHLSON . ( Jmccr
KHLLKU UltOS . Clicoiiw
\V. K. (1 ATKS . D.iviil Oily , Orocurii-H , &c
A. .1. MAUT1N . Jewelry , SUvorwivro uiul GlocUu
,1. It. i\IOU(5AX \ . Kii'rniUuo uncl Umlort.iking
, ) AHl Khs IJKMj . I.iunhi-r , Lime , \-c
A. . ) . AIALOY . llnil ( ur LumhirYanl
fi. ( J. OHOSS . Aleut M.uXct , I'oik Picking and Gioccry
( ! K ( ) . HIMAHA . Moat Tiliulfut
0. H GHUltaiUUi . Sleek Kuisi-r
LOUIS SMITH . HitrncKH nml Saddlc-s
HA NT YK it TIOMKIITK . Mnrhur Shop
SPELTS .t KLOSTKIiMAN . ( Jniiu and Stock
MEIIOIIANTS1 AND KA 11A1 EllS1 MAN 1C . Hull & L.'i.nnril . , Uuiikura
HUNl'lNCl ttllUNYOX . Kuil Es a'.o Olticu , AnU I ! . II. Und.s
0. 11. FORD . Unnl KitntiLoan an I liifiur.irou Ollico
JIART MILLER . Altotnuj at Law mill LIMII Oilier
ROHERTR\VESTOVKlUtWlLLlAMS..Attorii ) H.iih > ' .Tlioriiii'hhivilStock !
DEAN & OL1NGM AN . Attui i.cys , llual Kntnto anrt Ahdnict Olllce
J1O11AOE OARF1ELD . . Attorney at. . Law
DR. G 11. 1'EEHLES . IMiysk'i .n . and Sun-eon
E. U. TAYLOR . Clerk of District Court
FRANK DAVIS . T-iiMiiror Huth-r County
F. W. LMONHA RUT . 13. .t M. Station Agunt
( JEOIKJE OSTE1U1OUT . Judgu ot Bullor County
HENRY WILL . Commurninl Huiise
D. II. HULLOCK . David City llotwo
\V. H. 1'nraoiiB , M. D . I'liywrinn and Sm con
O. W. Archihuld , M. D . npcriutondunt of the Asylum
M. G. Edwards . DrujryiBt
11. 0. Dyer . Grocorien
0. II. Towsluc . Hnkury and Eating House
A. .1. RuHsoll . ( Jonoral Moruhiuuiiso
0 , L , limit it Co . Popular Moat. Market
Mlcklowait it Coats . Grain Dealura
J. H. Lewis . flioccrit-B
Give the Bargains
& .
At Pricea that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wiahos R , Pirat-
OlnBB Article.
Are also Soli Exclusively by us.
THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office.
Or the Very Latent Styles.
tGth Stroot. Dot. Capitol avenue rvnd Davenport. Pura made
to Order und Repaq irinig rinonnatly done lOt