Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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Ths "Old Minor" of Gold Brick
Fame is Arrested ,
WiU the Grftiid Jury Indict the
Council ?
Another Cotnn unlcition Oon-
the "Qradimilng
Glass. "
Police Newd of a Spicy and
Vatuto ,
MUoollixncon * Montloni and Plnnt-
aut Pnfionnlii D lulled tip For
The Boa.
Tito i r.i il jury is now in
The cines nguin&t of tlio muni-
horn of the city council will coiuo bo-
Com tliuin. Will they imliotl It
( ouiu3 to in lliero is n pniluliilily ul
their BO ( bint ! . Undur thu inil ruc
tions ijiveu thorn by tliu cinirt wo
doti't HIM ! how they Should an
indiutinunt bo fnuiul il would in our
opinion receive no nurimis coniiileni-
tion liofore the jury. Axuini
Aupjiosing tlioy should nil bo con-
rictuil anil thu court inipoau u fine ,
tluH would not coiupul tliuin to count
the vote. If tliuflo inlorustud wish
< ho city'n charlor chnnuuil , it must bu
done eitlier by conscntinx t" iv now
olocti'in mill hiivo the qiK-ation Htib-
raittcd in such a mantxir tin to limvu
no ch'inco ' for grumbling or puih thu
mand.unu ) uh.ucty instituted to thu
finnl olid.
Tliu old miner ha * hjmi arru.itud , in
the pdraun ol Chixrluj Htuphan , a nnn
well known in this city to nporting
cliarrtct r < . The nrnut wan iniulu ou
Thurmlay night , on 13roadwftj , by
Oniec-r Uuaojranlz. Tlio "miner"
was .it onto t.tlion boforu Juaticu Ab
bott , who titu.l hist lull bond in thu
rum of $5fX ) , which i.s Biifllciont uhun
it is coinidonxl I hut ho han only tried
to play u very slurp giuno nnd failed.
.VI ) rfTTl.SU OK 11.VT1W ,
0. II. .Scott crentod cun.iidur.tblo
mcrrimunt in tlui court room yon-
torday inorniiu , ' . Hu wat dufond-
ing ag.unit it cLum fi r t'oon
brought by It ibcnck , of Ayoci. The
claim win ford.'liMidinKUcHuntawiiiHt
a crimiiul clu\rgc in ( hn dUtrict court
and uiiHiuutud 1.0 t\W. \ ( Sonjo i.f thu
older lU'.MnliuiH of iliu , including
Major L > IIIHII und Co' ' . 1) . U. D.nloy ,
swdru tliut Uibciiulc'n ulniDi wu ; row-
oiiublu. Scott W.IH fuolin bluu und
hanx hi * hoitd , whuu HOIIIU 0110 naked
him if hiicHteil. . "Well , not yut , "
ropliud Hui > tt , diojijiin * the loft mdo
of his under jiiw and turning hii eyL'-t
toward LVicivHl , "I want the teiUi-
rncmy of HOIUO of thoou uliuup luwyora
who arc not < | uito to hi -tonud l in
thuir cluryos. Mr. Ilarlu may take
the sin d. " From Mr. Hnrlo thu fact
that , hu wa.i iiualiflod to toatify
> elicited , wja'i ) Mr. Scott bcqati , "Mr.
Harlt' , what in your opinion would bu
a fair clmr o for Iliu Nurvicua rondurod
as nhmvu by thu tontimony lit thin
ca3o ? ' ' "Ono bundled dollaiH , " vn\ \ &
the aiiKWur. Suott woa noupluanud.
Ho doclarud ho had bi cu ducuived by
the u | ) | > i'ar.iuco of thu u'iliuisrt und
dropjiii } hi * hwtd fAclaimod , "Wo
ro t. "
JudgitlluoJ yuatorduy HUstaiiuul the
demurii r to unswur , filed by counsel
for the iiK-iulnii-K of the city council in
thu maii'lc-nnis | ii\nx'oilingi punding
in the di.Uiiulcouit.
7 1 IK ninil HOIIOOI. KICK.
In your \n\\tiv \ \ of l t WvdnoHi'ny ' I
reid u CDiiunuiiic.itioii fnnn "A frtund
of the cliiM , " concerning the nnptfai-
antnom CK Htin.t ; in our lii h Rehool , 1
wiflluh"i\rt'ei'ofthaturticlo wiiBOMgotid
a friund < > f L'o.incil lllnlt'i und it lii'h ( ,
echo )1 ) its ho purports to 1m of tlio
cltiBj. If ho wan , I doubt hiivilliii ; -
noasi to tluin nub into print.
"Thoc'iiMs/'iiH ' thu ' fiii-iur'auaorU ,
charges Mt > Uyo Hh "An inwulll-
cicnt kniiAledno of the mihjuctn
" ' ' to mdvo
taught , und 'un inibilily
oortuin ptubl niKin iiMthuiutita , uiih
a oiill f-ti utor want nl ability to explain -
plain tin ) irinciihs | ! involvnd. " 1 urn
ro.uly to boli'jvit tliut Misn Nye is an-
able "tOHih'o ouiliin probluun in
iutlum.i < icH , " iK'otuso it tulirs Iho
very huil utudu.KH in that scionen to
sol I'D corUin prub'.vnie ' , and ovoii they
fail to Holto tlu-iii all. ThinaUmo ilueft
- II not piovo Uml Minn N > u hits an instif-
ficient knukduiito bo a toacher. I
do not know how iniiny bool u of
mithenntu' : it IB r iuiicd of thu
Council IHuir * hi h Bchcol graduating
a'.tiBS ' to read , but 1 should btMiovo
MIDI Nye to bo a tadimto of aomo
high Hohool nr collt'go liurnelf , nnd if
it in him. at intiinuU'd , that ho luia
an inuufllcient knowlodj-o to bo 11
toaoher to u graduating olitaa it is not n
very Ki U npuUtion for the uuhoul
iluit r.uli.iitfd her.
I Thun nemn olio in accmod of an
* , utter want of lolf-control. l'i'rhuiii (
ti the "inuiden ludy ftoin BUIIIO point in
Now York" did At BOIIIO limu hu her
Bolf-ojnirol H ippono tint HOIIIO ilia-
ppointod iiBjiirant of thu senior ulasv
Vina thu cHtmi ! of iiuniuront httlu in-
cidonti liy whtdt to . ( .rovoku tin
"inuideu ludy. " Well , it is posaibli
aoinutimca for both niun and wonun ,
profenBorB nnd loiohumj yea , even foi
moinbora of a ( .t-nior data to h > u tlioii
Bolf control ,
But now I como to the very rcusm
why I Imvo written. Our rchoo
board appointed f , coininilteo to in
re ii Hto into iho above chuigeh
llio coinmitteu did HB duty , made it
rcpnr * . tliH board ucccjitocl Iliu eainc
and Miai Nye was vindicated. Tli
fnonUB f our school htro though
this wiia the end of the wranglo. IJu
no , UICBO Honiora had inadii up the !
mind * not to be taught by mi ;
"maiden lady from New \tttK , am
RO thuy turned tllt'ir oypn io Oni.ihii
Well , lut thoingotoOmalu.Yi woul
like to BUO BOIUO of "our iiulilcet bo >
ud most tiuthfulgirU" ininglH wit
the noble boya oud truthful girls i
our neighboring city. It will do tliuin
lotn of good and they need it.
Hut who is right and who is wrong
in this pro and con ? Who tclis us the
truth and who tolU us falsehood ? Tim
board nays Misi Njo is qualified < o bo
a teacher in the school nnd thotcniora
say film is not. Which side Mull wu
biliuvoIs / it pnssiblo tliut tlio gun
tlomaiily memoorfl of our school board
all and every one of them nhotild du-
ccivo the public for the sinipto teaion
of retaining a teacher a rolatiyo of a
member of the board ? Now , if I was
in Miss Nyo's place , I would appear
before the most approved scholars ,
professors in mathumalicand toachur *
generally , lut thorn exuminu and pass
judgment , not only between ono and
tin ) senior clas , but also between our
"noblest boys and most truthful girls' *
versus the board of education , whose
members' integrity is availed.
( ATiirm.vt : uocims.
This Aftorii/on and evening the peo-
pin of tliiw city will have un opportu
nity of witnujsin thu rendition of
1 Clarice , or , All for Lo\o , " "Oalutea ,
iho Sulno , ' ! and "Li-ah , the .Iswisli
Million. " The first in the role will
be played thin afternoon , Mitn Hog
urn comes to us well recommended H *
a xury inLilligent lady , a graceful and
pleasing actress , and not of the rant
in1 , ' kind , She hokU "tho mirror up
to nature , " nnd can "run the gamut
of emotion without jarring th nerves
or Hplilting the cars" of her hourem ,
Thu charming Miss Florence Her
bert opens areuk'n eng > iueinent at
Dohany'fl next MondHy uvoiiin ; ; .
Ki Alderman Cavin should have
tlniHt ) resolutioiiH written on parch-
iimnt and framed. They are vurj
"tino. "
lloukitm sr.yn ho is no mason , but
lie would like to neo tlio cnu in tliih
: ily who h s made ? 8 .besides u gland
jury fee ofTof one little brick.
Homo things got a little mixed in
mr local } t'steiduy morning. Acci
dents will happen.
Tlio mnuting at the Baptist church
on Thmsday uvcning for the purpose
of organizing a sociot * for the prevention
vention of rico and crime wan quite
well attonded.
Nobody can toll who Mayor
Vauuhan has employed as delectivr
until ho dotucla somuthing. This it
the way the business hould bu done ,
Mueller has the finest stopk ( if
piinos , organs , music boxen and inusi-
isitl novoltiuB west of Chicago ,
Council Bluffs favorite elocutionist ,
Miss JenMo Couthorn , will nppeur in
Itloom & Nixon's hall , December
It I'M now claimed that the $200 ex
tra policeman will make the most out
uf the Jitilo "brick" game.
lion. 0. H. Scott is working hard
beforu thu district court in tliu inter-
eftt of thu city , without pay.
That oyster supper eost Cavin more
thiin he has undo out of his olllcu
since ho han huld it. Wiuh wo could
Hay an'much of Homo other officials.
W. K. Yuughan is bound to rid this
city of nil crunks and thiovuR , even if
ho hits to nerve another torni to ac
complish thu feat.
Chapman , Hepburn & Co. are still
at work against the present incum
bent in cur pontotlice. Peter U.
thinks he uhould huvu been consulted
in the matter.
.1. W. Whuelor , recently chorfen by
the city council as engineer of the
nmv tire engine , has entered upon \m \
duly. He conies well recommended
and it presumed to bo a competent
Council lUufTn ia full of lifo nt the
nr nunt. liusincas is good and every
body iippe ra happy.
A joung student who tnot Miss
Nye on the street , remarked that ho
didn't blame thu school board after
Wo judgu by the following that the
reporter saw something at thu theatre
Tuesday night that pleased him better
thtinwiitohiniMiss ; Kulluqg cat the ft 10
supper : ' 'Wo regret Iho true merit of
'A Child of Ktato' wan not fully under
stood by our people , ami can now only
huuro thin excellent * company that
hen it f.iyors Council lilutfH with a
, ictind vicit The Nonpareil vill gunr
n too to fill the ( urgent opera IIOUBO in
lis city to overflowing.
After January 1st , 1881 , Wm. A
( oyiater wil devote himsulf ontiroh
i the practice of his profession niu
in bo found in his ofliuo nt all hours
lion. 0. II. Hcott argued the dc
umir ( o the answer filed in the in
unction suit against the city council
lik-h wax sustained b/ Judge Kocd
QLO. C.irRon came within thruo o
cing the now uldeimau faun th
niiat w ird ,
Tha elder Vunluvan ban rotirti
: om the ilerdiu.
The eouncil liluiTs Mutual lifo in
urauco company may bo considered i
'xcd institution.
There was slight fire in the noutl
i rt of ho city Tliursdny. It wn
xtinyuished by the inmtilci o ! th
loiibo , however , without the alan
loing Hounded.
A two-horsti toiun ran away carl
I'esturilay morn'ing up Oakland avi
me. It was up-hill biiMiuBd for ih
louos , however , and they wuiugla
o rest thuir weary bunds on thu nunii
ery frnco nnd await the arrival i
.heir . dtiver ,
A cow kicked a woman yistordu
nornlng as she. was in the act t
Htoopini ; to milk her , and intlicte
( uito a covure injury on her left knei
A little nirl tell down thu stall
eoinini ! from the tiitertiiiiiinei
ninilay niuht , but fortuimtuly n
cohod no injury.
A mining eompany with hrndqim
tuia in this city are selling $10,01
rtli of stock at lOo on the dollar i
ino fundB to carry ou operations.
As will bo seen by the follow it
communication Hopkins has brokooi
at the mouth again ,
To thu nlltor ot Tim llrx :
"Tliat Biiuib" about Chief Field vo :
poor wild nro at a man sworn into i
tee , tliut has not yet aworo ho ia
'og. ' Mr. Field and his subordiimt
IMVU inr.db a vonderfal improvcme
in the Uluiru , courteous and obhgin
doing thuir duty wi'hout feur orfuvt
If other departments hnd been man
aged as faithfully city warrants would
not have cone buguing for" " ' cents on
the dollar. So out of every 100
voters nro aw.tke 0 was hcforoclection.
S , IX Hoi'KI.NH.
A now boiler and blacksmith shop
in being erected as an addition to the
machine shop nnd foundry of U , I. nnd
H. J. Hopkins on 10th street and
Union avenue. Thu buildings togothiit
nil ! bu about HoxIQ. This will supply
a long felt want and shows the etiergj
of Hopkins fc Co , , nnd the interest
they take in the upbuilding of our
1100 NOTK4.
A c'tiplo of dogs stood up on
HroadwnySterdny and fought just
like two men.
A canine with n pint tin can tied
to his tail created more excitement
near the Nonpariul building last
Droning than the introduction tf thu
Herdics ,
L Graham WAS found dead drunken
on tlio streotn Thursday owning bv
Chief Field. Ho WAD conveyed to
thu caliihooio on a load ( if horse nm-
tititn. Hu rrmnrktid It wasn't nuite
no Bwt'ct n phico to ride nu ia a Her-
'He , but it wni onsy. Ho paid his
line yesterday morning , § 0.85.
T. II. Owun was picked up by Ofll-
cor Morao in a drunken condition yes-
I c nicy nnd tnkun to the cahiboost1 ,
ivhuro ho uwuitn Ilia turn ,
Stuphon Anduracm wan arrcnlcd by
Moiri ) , charged with the crime of
Urcony. Ho ulao uwnita his turn , before -
fore Bui ku.
Mrs K. C. Nowull is confined at licr
homo on Avenue K with u slight at
tack of rheumatism.
Shepherd Harrington , tcnior mem
ber of the firm of Harrmuton t New
ell , in absent from tliu city on busines ? .
A daughter of P. T. Mayno , is cjuito
ill with an attack of cliptheriu.
Oenruo W. Norris , Ited Oak , was at
tlu > Ogden yesterday.
United States Depository
Oor. 13th and Fornom Sta.
OrKanlMd u National Conk August 20 , 1Mb
UiRUin Kororzx , Prcmdont.
H. W. YATIW , Canhler.
A. J. 1'om.itTON , Attorn i > .J
F. II. DAHfl , Awt.
Thl b uk receive ! deposit * without want t
Inties tlin cortlflcatca bearing Intertrft.
Dratm draft" on Snn Franrlnco and princtpj
.Itlei , of the United State ) , alao London , Dulilh
( IdlntiurKh and the principal citlm of the conn
< i nt of Kuropv.
Hulls pamrnxor tlcktts ( or emlnrunti'hy the ti
tnan lln ni vIM * *
The Oldeat Established
Galdwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
DuAtiicm trannctod fuat M that o ) an tncoi
poratod rank.
Acconntt ketit In currency or fold ( object It
rtrht check without notice
Certificate * ! of deposit wnod payable In three ,
ilx and twelve montha , jnarlnf ; Interact , or ot >
demand without Intercut.
Adtanoe * made to cuntomen on approved aocu
rltlea at market rat ol Intorent.
Iluy and nell ( irold , bill * of exchange , government
mont , itate , county and city bonds.
Draw ( font dntt * on England , Inland , Scot
land , and all part * of Europe.
Sell European pawnge UcUetf.
Artloloa of Incorporation of the
Millar tl Farmer * ' Club-
Artiolen of Incorporution made nnd
adoptuil thin 2".ltli day of October , A. 1) .
1881 , liy nnd between the umientixncHl In-
corpunvtorn , BM folloHv , to-wt ! :
Article T. The nnmu of thin club ohall be
the Millanl FnriiKn' club.
Article U. The iirinciptU plueo of ba l'
nonM of thin club xliuU bn at Millnrd rta <
tlon , county nf DoughiM , Nebrnnku.
Aitlcln 111. The K ( ' ftfk' ' niiture nf btul
nrxn to bo trunHuct < Mtfy \ thl < club In to
conduct u utmrral Htoniry und Hooinl tmi > l'
n < > M und other eatertttlnuieutn uf u Hoclb
chtiract r ,
ArMclr IV , The Nmnuntof cupJtal I'ocU
o1 thlii clu' > s\ull be two thuiimind dolUn ,
illvldxl lnti < Mhari'n nf one dollnr each ,
vlilib bult be njld la the laannur lie-
Kirlbod by th iliifcUini.
Aitluc V. 'I'hi i-lut > Bhnlt co.niiionoe t"
truiivnct liUKine" * nnd i'ieiicl'eitHcxirHrHti |
the 2tltb day cf UcUibm , ISttl , nnd
! tn thiworH cliuH ceane n tlio"Jh dr.j u |
Oc'oler , 1WS1.
li AMOUNTrt ol' LI nil MTV
/"rt'e'o ' VI. Tbo hiichritt Miimuot of u-
lillity or Inilclitfilui'tc , wliiili tlil. < clul
hill tit aiir < m > - tlino > tlltj'ct iUlrf ,
Lc llirtH ) luiQ'lHii ' ) dill rn ,
\rttil VII Tliu uinoorx of IhU
elub hliuli l > e ronilit ! < < ! liy H
board < if three dlructoiv , who Khali lx >
. . . . . from au.ouK thu nU klmlilorM , mid
they nlml } aix | > iut n jirenldiiit and HUCI
otliur olUoora on by law in rfquireil.
JfLll'H HotlUAtUlKU ,
J. HI.UU ,
ilTATi : 0V Nni'lAHKA , 1
On thU th lUiy of October , A. 1) . 8881 ,
PcrBunally tkpKnirisl | before inu , Olmrlw
llrautti'H , n uutury public fur fM county ,
Juliui i * SchrHwltfr. J. Itluin , Clatw Sf' .
niuiin , W. ( leiiulorf , to inn known to lit
the nlfOUTu ot tlio forixoinu' artlcleD of
onriMiiation , uuil ucLnnwlrdi Hl thoMtmo t
bo their voluntary net ami deist.
[ HK.VI. . ] L'MAHLr-H I lu.scra
Notary public In and fur Dimglnx county ,
1O1G Pnruhttm Struot ,
( > ) ter , Cliopi njj Game ( Jnlrr ,
And Served Under Pareonnl 8upervlilon > o
Proprietor ,
Ob tit ATTORNEY - AT - LATfi
And Notary Public.
oc * 0 * o ll < r > 4 <
For Sale By
No. 1 , Vew boner , 7 roonw ,
ncur Haunitere , (1200.
No. ! t. 2 rt ry hotuw , 0 roomi , well ,
barn , Wclwtor , mar 16th street , &UM.
No. 3 , HOUKO o ( 10 rooms , on Humpy , near
h struct , Btono foundation , iMOCO.
No. 4 , Uirtro hou i of 11 room * , on Webtt >
trttt , near Crelxhton Collcijo , ) : > C < O.
No. 6. IIaa ot 7 roonu , on Cars , near lt
rtrcot , 91I > 00.
No. 7 , IIou u of 3 roomf , B lota , on Uthtrtrert
nrar Ivird , $3 00 ,
No 8 , lions oo(5 rooms , on C'i , near 14th ,
; iU2 fiMi lot , iVMO.
No , 0 , Houw of 3 room. % kltclipn , etc. , or
< : ) , m-ar 15th t ec't00. .
No. 10 , llouco o ( S roomH.wtth lot 22xia2 ( cot ,
in ttuwi , ni'ar Htli t.treet , $ tXX ) .
No. 11 , House of 6 room * , on 10th etrect ,
ouKhK , 44x6 < t feet lot , 1000.
No. IK , Hoi ( eolOroonw. br'ck ( oiuidation , on
llarniy , Btar 27Ui ttriet , * 1X > 0
No 13. 1 btorj iirw house ol 6 room' ) , drill
'ounilailon , off tit. Mr ) ' " n cnuc , ncnrconveut ,
No. 14 , Hoiuo of f room * and Hummer kit * htn
on 20th BtrMt , ncnr dark , IMXK ) .
No. 1 'i , HOUKO of 8 rooint , on Hhonnan ficnuc
ildth utrtet ) near Nicholas , 250
No , 111 , 1 J-4or ) liotiho of 4 roonin , cellar ,
lUMc , tto , , mi Davrn ort , near 22drtrict , iKKX )
No. 17 , 2-ptnry brick houno ol ( I rooinx , ncnr
) tiJ of red atrc-et car turn tiiblo , f. < M ) .
No , IS. Hou can < l2 lotH , 4 DlocliHWivtt of lll h
School , S2NX ) .
No. 11) , iCouKo nnd 3 loin on reid to park , ntar
lutvl St. Mar'Hn\inuc : , f . ' .CD.
No. 'JO , Hoiwcuiid lljlolaiioafla."cair , South
No. 21 , HOUM and lot on Itai-onp rt
ncnr 16th Htrtot , $6500.
No. 22 , 2 Mi r > houuo nnd I t 32(60 fret , on
Davenport , near 12th Htrcttl.00. !
No. ta , Hocxe of 4 roomn and 2 lot a on 17th
trcut , near Izard , $1200.
No. 25 , Ilouroandi lot on 10th htrcct , lea
No. W , Hnufioanil ) lot on 10th Htreet , near
CHU tel avenue , $1450.
No. 27 , " liouccs lot oil JicVson , near 13th
itrtet , 4300.
No. ij , A houses and 1 lot ou CalKornla , neat
Cth itrttt , fwao.
No. 30 , IJ-ctorybrlik lieu e o ( 4 rooms with
lot tOi2UO foot , on Hhtnuan avenue (10th ( Btrcot ) ,
near Izard , 8SOPO.
No. 31 , 1J utory houwj and 33x60 ( cot , on 13th
rcuct , nvir Howard nlno' , (2000.
No. 82 , l- torhoura nf 0 rooms and two lots
on SluKOn , ntor IMh ntrcct , KOOO ,
NO [ 3. , Lantuhouw a < td full lot on Captto
\entto , MM 13th ttn-rt , $ J ( O.
No , SO , 2 tlirro Btory brick hoUBri wl lot 44x
13 ( < mi , on Chicago , near 18th Htreot , to 0 rach.
ro. 37 , llouiw of 7 rooms with H lot Paul
itrcct , nrar ISth utivet , 42760.
No 3d , HOUKI and lot on 18th atroet , mar
Sherman , SIS50.
No. SI ) , llouno of & roouix ltli 44xC6 fwit lot ,
on 18th attttt , near California , &V.VX )
No. 42 , tloiiHuof S roouid with lotliiOxlEiOfrist ,
on Cobitrn. near Oolfax ntrctt , $ J5CO.
No 43. llouje and 2 lota oil Chicago , nrar Mth
itrc'tt , S76JJ.
No. 45 , I-arfie honmj of 7 room ) , cloncto pantry ,
rll and ci'ttrn , on litth , nuir Cl rk nueut , W500.
No. 4U , IAI O houao with full block , nvnr now
hott owor. 2vWO.
No. 47 llouxe ot 0 rooms with I lot , on ruclflv ,
near llth tr .t $3000.
No. 40 , llrick liuimoof 11 room * , well , c'ltU-rn ,
{ an throiiK'tJiut the houw , oed twrn , itc. , on
( arnhauj , mar 17th Hlutt , H00.
No ! 0 , Ilounont ( Jromun. cellar , well , rtc , , on
10th , ni r l' ul triH.t , Sl.000.
No. 63 , MOUM ot H rooms and cll r , lot 33x132 ,
cff Ht. Marr'aaicnuc , mar conront , $1500 ,
No , 65 , Jour hou'wi and 88x120 ( eot , on Daven
port , n < nr Itith Htrwt , tiOOO.
No W , riou-oo(9or 10 roonu , on California ,
No 57 , llouxo of U room * , numraor kitchen ,
cllar , rlntoni , well , grot barn , etc , , near 86.
ary'n numc and Slut rtrt'ot , # 3000
bo.M , New houio of 7 room * , Rood barn , on
No. CD , ' rour'houKji wfth } lot , on litth rtrect ,
car Can KSM ,
tia. fi > \ of 8 roon u on Davenjait , mtu
3rd street , ffruO.
No. Ul , Honor of 0 or 10 roon * . on Hurt street ,
rar 22nd ntr , t , th.OO
No. ; 2 , IIouno of i roouu , 1 story , porch , col
ir , cltttrn and well , ou Hartley , near21 tiitrt > ot ,
No , C3 , Hoii/w nf < l ro > m , clnncts , buempnt
nd collar , mwrVhlto Uad M'oiVu , IITOO.
! > n 1)4 ) , HulldlnifonloaNOdlot , on Iodi0 trit ,
i'or pmt offlco , etoru tnilgw and r-onia aboru ,
00No. . at ) , 81otn with b rn and other lm | > ro\e
mil * , mar i-litnt i-nr turn table , f' 000 ,
No. a ; , New bou o of ti rooms on 17tli , near
Cunilnx trrvl , (1000.
No UU , Ur o Olio liPtucof II loom ) , ntery-
h\ng \ coinplutr , ou IStli , mur Chicago , fiiOOO.
J.o. TO , lloui-oon ISth utrvct , mar i.Mriiport ,
torn bolo un.l rooms uliou- , barn , etc. , $ K > 00.
No 71 , Ileum of K room" , tine cillar , all coin
lute , on Citllfuriila , mr.rili't , 47000 ,
Nt > . 7. , llrlik lioui > t > , 10 or 11 roomson Davcn
port , near IMli * tX ) .
No.3 , lMon houne , 0 rootnc , cellar , wJ
and ilitrrn , on JicVson , near I'-th , 81NJO.
No. 7 . llrick hou-o with 2 lot * , fruit trcon ,
tc , un ieib , near Capitol nrunuv , flfi.OW ) .
No. 76 , IIouwi of 4 roomn , bani'inont , lot llj Hairy , nrar 7th , ( < I76.
No. 7 , ) j- torliouie , Urooutf , onCuuBtieet
01 nr II ti ! strict , $ AOO ,
No. 77 , 2 tory hotwo , U roouu , eloncU , fur
ait ) , fruit tr e . barn , etc. , on Karnbatontfcu
Ui ktreit , $ t > 000.
No. 81 , 2 helm * with 9 room * , And other will
roomo , ou Chicago , near Ititu ( tn > et , ? 3000.
No. hS , 1J tory houiw , fl rooms , 4 rlo tts , wel
n 100 Ixktri'lcluturii KOOJ Imrn , on 1'lerco bt.
ntar 110th ( ncvar new tra\niment corrall ) , llbOO
No fcS , i Btohy iiousi' , 0room , coalxhml , ( ( no.
well , cl.lrrn , on 1 lot , on Capitol a\euue , uca
No. 84 , 2-etory hou < o , 8 roonu , 4 below and
boo , U'lur ' , well and cUtcrn , ulth
cr n ground , ou AUnJi-niBtritt , neur ISarmki
No F5 , 2 Ate < , home on leaxed i Int , lra >
in juir P Vprll 1st , Ibdl , ou IVcldg bi ,
near U , 1' , 'MM * & 00 >
No.0 ( , llMM 16 roouu , will , clattrn , etc ,
near 1Mb ij 4V rnuv , fJOOO ,
No. b7t ' 4M > hotwv , 3 room * , well \vlth 4
fti'tofrMuKtli fi i\cii' o'roiiiiJ ( | , oaSauudui
treit , ! . % ti. UairacVii , I'JOOO.
Real Estate Exckngi
15th and Dougl ePtroot.
1204 Farnham St. ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB ,
Preiervo it and Compare Prices With Other *
' Clipper Sled * . $
c-t tl 0 1 Vfnfo i in Cl 7 .
2U' < 0 Cliroin'x Walnut KrftliiiH .
8ilO ( Jirvtd W tnut Kintnei .
J\2i i ur cil Motto rimca , Walnut .
I < xl4 Walnut I'rimcn .
llaiul-O'i t Vcltet Fnmn .
I'.oom Moulding , Walnut or Gilt , 1 Inrh iwr
foot .
llo IQ Moulding , Whlnut < r Gilt , 1 ] Inch
I IT foot .
llnwi Hook * ( or It om Moulding , | r LOZ. .
Itcil HoaiH Lump , Compline .
llMul Uiinix , Ctmiplitv .
rriM I and I Amp , CoiMplito .
Iron Oal Iluckit .
Okixl llrooni .
llcst llrooni In Markvt .
Child' * l.rooiu .
Split , on .
( 'ii < ipnUtCf < . . .
Kxrcntlon l.lbary Lamp . 5 !
0 ( lla R < } oMetinnu M.I ) .
(1 ( I'M Tumbler * ( one n-t ) .
lAiip C'h nine ) j
Hood Iftnttr i.
One Gallon Oil C.vti.
Low Price * for Iron Stone China Ware.
Unliwidlf Tun , | nr HCt (12 ( pieces ) $ 5
llanillu TCM , pur feti'j plceta ) . , . ( l.'i
L'lilnndli Coflic , , wi fit ( I'Jplu en ) 65
llnndlc Oi'lTto , p rwt(12 ( pltcoi ) . 7fi
Oi So IMo 1'Uln (0 ( pk'MM ) 4S
Pno Hit Tea i lutvi tO p ( < < ) . . . M
jiieHi RrmMnvt | 'l lc < ( H pii-cw ) 55
' tie Hct I'inticr l'liiUal ( ) pliciw ) . CO
Co > srcd Tureens U
Grrani I'ltehcr * 16
\Vnili Ho 1 nnJ I itilivr ft'
Chimlii'm 35
Toilet KCM ft r llctlltoonm ( : i pk < ctw ) 2 no
Hu t I'i'H IB
Htirlo Ihniohd V6
L Gklnir UIMKM , all 1'rlw.
Ootiductrra' luutcrtv.
tZJTt-cabj oprlrw VOH C SH , and Jou ill
find thtmot lt t 10 to 3 ) > cr tt'nt. Inn than
rlM.-whc-o , itn vrti purehn t ( or Ctftli , at the lowest
mte , and ( til 'or ' Canh Only. My ci ] Uincr arc
nut clillifed to | > aj-for lotwof bud dobtH , o u
kicp no liooliManil no cp.irtin nro made. Qlvo
us n trial and be convinced. PKn-no call and
price our 0 > < xU M o h vo thounan Ai of article- ,
not mont oned ca tliln bill.
All Are Welcome , Whether They Want
Goods or Not. dctiead-tl
H a n d s o mest
For Sale by.
521 South Tunth St.
Oculist and Aurist
Belereocvi Ul fUpuUble ytlcUni ol OmihJ
xaTOWco , Corner 16th and F rnh m 8ti
Omaha , Nb.
Wholesale Dealers in
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Moline Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons ,
Deora & Mansnr Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Ontters , fto. ,
Moliuo Pnmp Oo , Woofl and Iron Pumps ,
Wheel & Seeder Oo , Fountain Oity Drills and Seeders ,
Heolianicsburg Mach , Oo , Baker Brain Drills ,
Sluranoo Agricultnral Co , Advance Hay Bakes ,
Met Manufacturing Co , Eureka Power and Hand Shelters ,
Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellers , Road Scrapers , ftor.
Moline Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales ,
A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , t
All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock.
Address AH Communications to
Council Bluffs , Iowa. d cSinoim
i in. y IE ze ,
Mining and Milling Company.
Working Coplt.l , - f30 ( ,000.
Capital Stok , llfO 00.
I'ar Value of bhare.1 ,
DK. J I. THOMAS , President , Cumuilnn , Wyoinln , ' .
WM K. TILTOX , -Pnwidcnt , Cummlni' ,
K. N. HAJIWOOD , Secretary , Cummlne , Wyonilnp.
A. O LUNN , Tmumrcr , CumminW
Dr. J. I. Thomas. t.ouin Miller W. S. nritml. A. O Dunn.
K. N. IIa ; oud. Krai.cis Lc.\ven > . Cko. 1 * . Ful < . Le la Zolma * .
lr. J. c : WatMuu.
no ! nv&m OKO. W. KKNDALL. Autlior'nd zcnt fo Falc o Stock ; Box 42 , Omchi.Ncb.
onmissson Merchants ,
1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.
Coiuisomctita made ng will receive prompt attention. . . , Reference * : BtaU Baul , Ociahi ; K/itl
& Co. . Ualtlraoro ; Peck & liamdier , Chicago ; * * * > t n * Cincinnati.
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb.
The Only Bxcluelve Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska
IT IS-me
IF. O.
1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha , Meb.
On Kiver Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
W. J. WELSHAitS & GO , ,
Flour , Feed , Grain , Baled Hay ,
Winter and Spring Wheat Flour , Rye Flour , Graham ,
Bran , Corn , Oats and Chopped Feed of all Kinds ,
Cor. Eighth and Farnham Staeets , Omaha ,