Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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NKXV YOIIK , December 0.
Money cloipd at f > tier cent. , 1 ut dmiiij , '
the greater part ol the iby WH * trin. < riit
ami loan * t one lime \\\te tu high . > < 1-32
percent , ami inUiost.
Kxch.tiiftci doled ftc-sdy nt I 81 ®
I M.
OiivrrmnciiU clus d uteaiiy as
folloxx's :
Currency fi's i r.O bid
4's coupons 1 1 ij bid
XyHCOUIHUH I 11 ; } 01,1
Sit continued 1 02 ? nid
G'H continued 1 OOJ bid
Pacific railroad boud.1 closed as follow * !
Union firf-ti- 117iffil ( 17j |
Lann grants 11'JJ
Sinking ftnnU 1 21 © 1 231
Centrals j 1 IfiJ
The otnrk m.irkt-t to-day was not very
active , but Hrong until near thu chxc ,
xvhen there xvas n-\\o.k fci-llii ? , ami re.ic-
tion nf i@l'i' per csnt. from the highest
point of the d.xy toward clo t xvas iu a me.xsuru dus to IUIIUUH of bunk troub
les in Phil.idelphia ,
The following mo Hie closing
A .V T If
Ptefoir.1,1 . . . . 02J Michigan Cent'l S2i
US Q 138ft Mol'a 10- !
Can S GO ? Norlhxvost rn . . 1:7
CvSt A 13.1 } 1'referred. . . .140
Central Pacific. 91" " , NYC .1:18 :
DA UU 8 i N,1 C 1)5 )
IJ , k W 127 ; } Nor Pan . . . . : iO
-JUk < D&il ( ! 107i Prefened. . .
Krio it West. . 44 O&M
Eric 4f > q OC . 451
J'refeirvd. . . . U3J. irniiiii Pacific. .1191
Adams 110 . 40 , '
Wells V 131 i'referroil. . . . 81 $
U.S. PM 41 *
Anii'iii.Mn i)7 ) Heading. , ,
HAT Sli-i llot-kl ,140"
H&StJ ' .15 * Ht Paul lOti
Preferred..Ill do preferred. . ! HI I
I C 133 " M 112 <
K.tT IDA Pacific. . . iiSi
L S 12I | WofltemUnion.
L &N 102J
State b-w.U unelmncd. ;
Vollowinj ; are the liihist prices on
mining stocks at the New Yorkminir. ! ;
ex hangc ;
UiKlio 2J.1 Unadilla 115
Cent. Arizona. Ifi5 Little I'itn. . . 17
llartenz 14 Quic'iHlver. ' . . . 13 |
L. Cio-se 25 pfd ti'J
Sutro 110 Ciia Min'r.s . 4J
South P.x : tr 0
CHICAGO. December' ) .
Money xras in goo I demand I > Y tha boaril
of tr.ido men ami others ar.d the inavkct
xva.1 linn at lig ? per cent , per annum ; nil
the A1 paper offered was taken by our
leading dncount house.
lljstern cxchan o betxvceu city banks
was rather xveak at 2550 cent ? discmnt
per § 1,00' ) .
The clf-aiimf-iof the Auoeiatcd ban.ixvere :
FriiUy J vuninp , ' , December 9. )
Grain Steady Wh.afc advanced Jc ; bnr-
ley ilecliiied Jc for No. 2 , and advanced 4u
on No. 3 ; rye , corn and oati unchanged.
Kggs declined 2o.
Lemons declined 1 5032 00 per bor.
Celery advanced Ss.
In drugs Calomel declined Cc ; chloro
form advanced uc.
Local Grain UealmK * .
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 11 ; cash
S'o. H , 'J7A ' : rejccteil 72Je.
BAltLl-flr. C'aih No. 2 , 91c ; No. ' 3
79e.11YE. . C.inh , 83c. .
CO UN. Cash No. 2 , 47c.
OA.TS. Cnvh. 30c.
HAY 07 00@9 00 per ton.
Provision ! .
yiiOUR Spring wheat , Rtrnifht ; ( rrade ,
$326@37-1 : "Pioneer" California , ! ? 125 ;
patent , 33 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight
Snide S3 S54 25 ; intent , $ -1 DO ® I 00gra. ;
ham rye , 32 75 ; Wheat , ? 3 fij ( ) Queeu
153C. ? l 75 ; Jasper , $ ! 50 ; Big Siuiix ,
SllLLSTUl'FS 15ran. per cwt. Sic ;
Bcreoninss , per cwt. 80c ; chorts , per
cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cxvt. 1 20 ; meal
bolted , yellow. 1 40 : white. SI 00.
POTATOES Salt Lakes , 1 25 ( 1 a" .
Nebraska * , 1 00@l 10.
SWEET POTATOES 0cmiine lt\\w\- \
line , 4f < f,5u per lb.
PJt.UlUB CIIICKKNS ? 3 003.r'0 '
per dozen.
QUAIL Per doz. , * 2 00 2 f < 0.
WILD OKKSK 2 fiOf3 W )
WILD BUCKS 1 25 ( ,1 50.
EG US Vinn at 2So.
BUTTEll Choice , Hcarco nt 21@2tc ; ;
poor , tie nuirkel ; fair , 18fe21 ; creamery ,
APJ'LE.S Good. Hound , very f < c.rco
at SI 75 500wr \ bbl.
HONE VT California xvhito clover in
comb , 2425c.
LEMONS Steady ; per box , C5 f.O ©
J1ALLAOA C ! IlAPl-S-Per : bbl.,88 f.O . ;
per half bbl , SIM ) .
BEESWAX Yellow , 20@22c.
ONIONS 1 .W1 fiO per biwhcl.
CABBAGE -51 002 00 per dozen , as
to quality.
CKANBEUIUES Per bbl. , § 10 00 ©
11 CO.
CELEllY-Pcr doz. , fiOgG.'c.
IJKEritiEnfJHESU Per lb. , O&lllc.
OYSTEHS SelectM.nOc : atand.inU , IOc.
Grocers t-ltt.
COFFEK.-Uio , tair ; lllic ; I o , gu.xi . ,
lie ; llio , prime to choice , 1-Uc ; Old gov't
Java ; 20i@2.'JJc , Mocha , 23ic ; Arlmckle'H ,
TEAS. ( Junpowder , goort , lf > ( felMC\ \
Choice , lK1@7fc ; Impi.-rinl , good , 40@lne ;
Choice , fityaJRe ; YoungJIyHon , ( rood , W"i
50c ; choice , , * ® ? 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
Me ; Japan , choice , W@75e ; Oolong , ,
35@40 ; Oolong , , 40f 5 ; Pouchong ,
Kixicl , 35@40c ; choice , 3 * > @l 15c.
SUGAK.S. Cut loaf , 10 < jc ; Crushwi ,
lie ; Granulated , J07c ; Powdered , lie
Pine powdered , HJc ; htnndani Colfeo A.
lO c ; Now York Confectioner' Standard
A , lOJc ; Good A , IOc ; Praiiie Extra C ,
SYIIUPS. Supr houRC , bbls , ISc ; half
bin , 60c ; kefTB , li L-alloiiH , S2 35 ; choice
table syrup , fXcj ) luilfLbls , Me , kegn,82 31.
SODA. Dxvii-ht'.s lb papers , 3 00 ; De-
land do , § 3 00 ; ChurchV , $3 00 ; Ke sodu ,
1'carl , is : Sllxcr Oloss , 8
Com Starch , i@'Jc ; Excelsior
Glass , "c ; Corn , 7ic.
BALT.-Dr.iy lomii- , per bbl , 1 05 ; Aeh-
ton , in nackK , H 50 ; bblj dairy CO , fw , aJ.O ;
bblsiiairy. 100 , 3f. 3G , ' > .
DKIKO KJlUITS-Ohuica halx-on ,
Cn--xii , , lit ; Tart
'IVo honn iiall ,
1 ! > ' ! thrM ho-p pall , a 'JO' Xo. 1 tub-
.1 .1r > 0j No. ' . ' tiilx , . 8 Mi No. 3 tub7 SU ;
piiin i > r xvij < hbmU , t Wj Double Crvxvn ,
i \\Vllmckit ; , a M
LIIAD IV-xr , SI ( M.
-JO ; Allpiw , c :
Kutniet ; * , St 00 : CWnt , l.V ! |
Mai-o SI DO.
MA'I'OHKS IVr c.-vllK , . ! )0c ) ; rouml
Cfti' * , $7.1" : quiirp c.-ue" , S-V10.
IMIOVJSIOXS-llrv.xVfRst bacon. 1-U
. hoicivlani , 13k : iiri d b.-pf , llljc : lv > uli- ,
w , c.tnv&t veil lie ; hnins , Moj bacon , > lde < ,
12\r \
12rMHW VlOlvLKS-Mpilhiiii , Iu
* 10 00 : ilo in hulf bbl , 'i " . " : smalls in
12 00 .Kin . hilflshb. 7 CO : itlu-rkin-c , In
Mils l CO ; dr , ir. hnlf hhjn , 7 r,0.
VIN'KOAll Pur * apple extra , 111 :
pure apple , 13o : l'ru < ltu. ' iniro ntmlo , Hc. !
llMl7x ) V New , $ 'i "o per hbl.
nKAKS-Mr.luin. ! hand i-irkrd M 7S
pfr lm lu > l ; nax-y , $ ; t ; ' 0 : c.xli-I navy , $3 M ) .
Slnl , i iiicli and larger , 0@
SOAl'S-KirkV8.ixmi Imperial ,
iiVn rnlinet. 3 KO. KirkV t-tandixrci , S W
( 3,3 , R > : Killed white Uuii.iu , fi tSOJ :
Kiik'n Kuto'-n , U 0 , * > : KlrUV IV-iirie IJuein ,
( ICe cakct ) , 10 ; Kii l\iiiintfnulia , 4 M ®
4 10.
L'ANDMW lloxo10 llw , Ifi oz , S ,
lGcbu\e ; .t011n. , 10 10. , l ii , IGc.
FjYU American , 350 ; (5 ( rt-pinvich. 310 :
\YYitern , 'J 7- " < ! North Stir , 'J 50 ; IicxvU'
lye.I GOj.Texvelllyp , 27' ) .
POTASH IVniisyivanla camt doz. ,
in case , ! l ! O ; itabbitt's Hall , 'J doIn iwe ,
1 1 0 ; Aiichnr Hall 2 doiu C.V-.P. 1 .10.
I-'IIJLD SnUD Ucil clover , choice
ne.xv , Sll 00 per btithwl ; nir.niiuotn cloin -
ncxv. § 700 ; xvhlto cloxer , IIPXX * . fit 00
nl alfa eluvcr , IIPXV , 613 ; alnilcp , nexx ,
Jl500. ! Timothy , K"1 ! . " ' , S3 00 ;
blue ; ; rt : ! > , P.X.II a clean , ? 1 < " 0 : blue ( 'ra s ,
clean , $ t " . "i ; orchanl Kram , 52 i".0 : it\t tup ,
ohoicp , 1 0i ; ; millet , eoinmon or Missouri ,
i Ocj millet , Cicnnau , 3t 00 to SI 2:1 ;
1 lunarian. SOc.
bushels ? " ' 00 : OWKO ornngL , 10 lmholii or
over , $ -1 fiO ; honey locuet , per lb. , iJHcj per
FISH Family white fmh , no lb h ! hbls
S3 70 ; No , 1 white iish , 00 lb h ( bblc. 0 30 ;
No. 1 .x-hito.lish. in 10 lb kits , 1 00 ; family
10 lb kits 7'ic ; Nuxx- Holland hen ing. per
ketj , 1 It5j IJiwRiau pavdlnes , 7.r cj Coini"-
bia rixur Milmon.iicr lOOlbs S 00 ; Oeor u'H
Hank codfish , lie ; Gen. bunelcus cutl Iiuli ;
'Jc ; bonelcsj lish , 5ic.
JtAOKKIU'Ur-HalfbMnmeasnmckcrel ,
lOOHi.1 , $1250 : lit bbl No. lex nboro do.
100 Ibs ( i 00 ; nt bbls , fat family ilo , 100
Ibs , Jl 83 ; mess mackerel , 11 ! lb kitu , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ex here , 12 lb do , 1 fiO ; No. 1 shore ,
12 lb tie , 1 00 : fnt family , 10 lb do , 7. " > c.
CANNED UOODS-Oysters 2 lb
( Vield'a ) , per p.-vse , SI 20 ; do 1 U > ( Field's ) ,
j > er case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( St.-md-ird - ) , jer cae ,
3 M ; do 1 Hi ( HUndard ) , per CWH , 2 M ) ; do
1 ! Ih ( hlnck ) , per ca.te , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
per east ) , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1
HI. * dozen , 1 COfel 70 ; do2Ui , per doren
2 55. Hariliue.s smill : Hall , imported , ono
quarter boxed per box , 1 Ijc ; American ,
imnrter ll < l\c per box , llu ; do half boxen ,
per bov , 21Je. 1/olwtorK , 1 lb per dozen ,
ISO. Toinatoen , 20 ! ! : do 3 lb per
Law , 10 : Com 2 lb ( Mountain )
per P.IW , 370 ; coaked coin , 210 : ilo
2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , 3 " ' > ;
Ktrin ; ; be.ins per case , 2 25 ; liinia beniiH
per ea-e. ! 2,20. Succoi.ish i > er ca e , 2 25.
rcaj , eoinmon , i > er ease , 2 00 ; in-as , choice ,
pet case , > iiO. lilaukhurric * , 2lb , pur case ,
280 ; htraxvbei'rie.t , 2 lb , per cnte , 2 7i :
r.v.pbe.rrien , 2 lb , , 2 7.ri3 ( 00.
, 2 IN per case. 215. .
pears PC r cast,1 , 30t > ( ! ? ! 00. Whortleber
ries per caie , 2 80. K ; , ' ; ; phmi' , 2 lb per
a MO , H 50 : do , choic" , 2 lb , per cae. . -1 50.
( Jn-en gages" H > per ease , C bO : do vhnice , "
lb < Hr e.xse,4 SO. Pine Apiilcs , 2 lit , per cr.
i 00& " > 75. Pcanhos , 2 lo per caai , " 10 :
do 3 Ui , cans , f > 00 < Kii 50 ; do , ( pia ) , Jl lb , per
Oisp,38"i ; ilopie , ti Iti , per dozen. 3 fiO ,
KICK Carolina , SaSAc ( ; , 7i
.S.'ie ' ; fair. OJ@7.
I'BANDTb lloastcd , choice , red Ten-
nefuee , fls per lb ; fancy xvhite , lOo per lb ;
rn'v white Virginia raw , IOc ; roasted ,
11c. .
Dry Goods.
35110WN COTTONS Atlantic A. Sic ;
Appleton XX , 7e ; Atlanta A. 8c ; Uoott
VV , 8c $ : Huckeyo LL'I I7cj } Cabot W ,
S'j'c ' ; Indian Orchard d. xv. , Slcj Luxvrenco
LL , 7cj Mvntic itiver , 7Jc ; Pequot A , S'je ;
Sh.-iwmut LL , 7c : Utica C , 5.1c ; Waehu--
ctt 1 ! , "ic : do A , Sjc ; do E'4S" 12jc ; Wail
c lt BB , 74.C.
4-4 : 7c : Alligator 33c ; Argjln 4-1 , 7c ;
Atlantic LL. OU1 ; I5.idfjer Stnt1 X 4-1 , 7c ;
Benninglon Cfl , Gc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Uicc
Indian Orchard A A 9-8 , 8Jc ; Lnconia O
Wamsutta 4-4 , 13c.
) .in L4-4,10c-,15IackHtoncA A iu ucriulUc ;
FulL ) Q , lie : Indian Headtihrunk 1-4 , 12'c ' ;
L-.iis'iale , IOc : do cambric 37 , l.'lc ; New
York MillH , 13c ; Peipiot A , lOcj 1'epporell
N G Twills , 12J.c : I'ocahontas 4-4 , Ujc ;
Poeaws.t 4-1 , SJc ; Utica , lie ; Wamaitta
O X X , 13c. .
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic. 10 07. ,
1"linltimorc ; do , IOc ; J.oue Star , 8 ox. ,
12c : Sav gc , ISc.
: > uCKS ( Colored ) Alb.iny E broxx-n ,
Scj do C , ilriv'Vlf < lnA , stripes ami
plaids , VJJc ; do XXX broxrn an l drab ,
stripe-i and plaiila , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
19c ; L'runsxxick ' brown , S c ; Chariot fancy , 4
12Ac ; do extra heax-y , 20c ; Kail llivur
liroxvn , c.\tra heaxy , lljc ; Indiana A
broxvn. le ! ) : Nujionset A bronn , Ijc.
TICKINGS AinoBkcaR A C A 32 ,
17ic ; do XX bbiB 32 , JS c ; Arroxvjiina ,
9Jc ; Clavemont 15 B , lojc ; Uoniihlog.i ex
tra , 17J ; Hamilton P , HAc ; Lciv'ihton A
30 , Ific ; Minnulir.ha 4-4 , 20c ; Oinpgn suppr
extra 42.Sc ; Pi.-arl itiver 32 , IGju ; J'nt-
nam XX Mini Htrine , 12c ; Shutuckot S ,
10e ; do SS 12c ; Yeon-nu's blue 21 > , Sic. '
DEXl.MS. Atnoskcak , blueand brown ,
lGJc , ; AuiloxtT DD blue , 15ju ; Arlington
blue Scotch , 18le ' ; Concord ( ) OO , blue and
broxvn , 12Jc : do'AAA , do ilol5 { ; do XXX
do do 1 He : Hnymakur'N blue mid brown ,
9jc ; MvHticHlxer DDnlripe , ll c ; IVarl
liixer , bliiu nnd broxvn , ITiic ; Uiicasville ,
blue and broxvn , 13 c.
CAMBHICS Barnard , flic ; Eddynlono
lining , 24 inch double face , HJc ; Gamer _ A
fdazed , Tic , Manhultan jtlnvo iiniuli , 5 'c ' ;
Newpoit do Gcj do ( jla/ed , fi c : 1'eimot do
. * ic ; J/i.kwooil kid hniah , Cc.
COUSET JEANS -Amory , 8cAndros-
corein witlvcn , NJcj Clarendon , C'/cConeH- / ; 1
toya hattpena , 7jc : ifallowull , 8u ; Indian
Orchard improvud , 7Jc : Nanasanxett , "jcj T
Pepporill s < attcen 94n ; llockpurl , 7fj'e.
IMUNTS-AHpnn , GJc : American , CAc ;
Ani'ild , 7c ; Berxvick , lc ; Couhi'co , fc ;
ConeBtoga. ( ijc ; Dunkirl ; , -l'c ; Dunnoll ,
Gi@7c ; J'.ddystone , 7c ; Gloucfnter , < ! oj
Ilarrnony , fAu : Knlrkeiboeker , lijcj Mer- 1
riinao J ) . 7e ; Myntlc , njo ; SjirafucJ , lie ;
SoulhhridcT , lie ; do. liin haiiiH , 7o : Marlboro
bore , fl'jc ; Orirntal GJc.
. 10J ; Aino < .
I'.1 Ar'yo ] , lOJc ; Atlantic ,
! lo ; Ciiniborland , 7 c ; JlifliluiKl , KAu ;
Kenilwortli , 8Jc ; Pluii > : ett , lOJcj HUH- 1
hex , Sc.
C'OTTONADKS Abbervillu liUcj
AirateOc ; AniPii < Mn , lie ; Artliian , JUc ! ; '
Cairo 1) ) and ' ! ' , ] % { Clarion 1) ) and T ,
l"ic ; 1 Jet-can f'o. tripehandT , ICc ; Key-
done , lHJc : Nc.ntui-ket , lOcj Nonpai ,
Die ; Ocuan U itnd T , IHje ; Royal , HUc ;
Sussex , 12u ; 'J'ioga , JUlc ; Wuclnirctt f.liirt-
inUccks , I'-'Jc : do , Nankin , 12ic ; Yoik.
plain Nankin , l-jc ; do.clitckK , btiipcit and
fancy , lUJc ; do , 8 oL'Oc. . (
SHKiTINOS-Aiidro : oSBinlO--J,27.5c :
do I ) . ) , 2u ! ; do 8.4 , ic ; Continental C
JU , lie ; Krnlt of Iho Loom 10-1. 'J7i ; N w
\ ' 1'I' * ° 9 " " ' i / - " . ' , " ' .
7-1 , ! ! ! < : do 40 , irc { IVpperdl ' .K5. We !
do 07 , 'Jlc , tin f > 7 , ISe ; LHIca CC , Xicj dc
W , ' . " 'ic ! ilo 4S , 17c
IJullclIrR M.ilnr ! 1 ,
IIMi : r r barrel , SI JC , bulk porlm. ,
35o. Ccnu-nt , bbl , § 'J fiO. Iowa pl.vtrr.
bbl , $ J MI. Hnlr per b . .T j. Tancd
felt 100 lVn , J3 f.n. Straw K\m1. ' f
PAPK15 Ht awpapct , S'c : rni ; paiu-r ,
li- ! dry pxnls iai > or , 7c ; iiitntli paper , lOo ;
new * tinprr , 80
rOAli Cumberland MncV tnitli , ? 1' ' ;
\lorii- . Hun Hlctisbuiv , $12 ! AVhlteliroixt
lump , $01'.0Vhltcbrcii . ; .t mit , Si5 f > 0 ; Iowa
IMIII | > , $ ' 1 f > 0 : lowi : nut ftlftO : l ! < < ck S
NV ; Anthracite , nil * hc < , 813 00.
Lumbtr ,
KKN'CINf J-Xo. 1 , 12 tu 20 ft , $20 00 ;
No. 3 , IS to W ft. . HI 1)0 ) ; xhpotlnc div cd ,
No. 1 , IS 00 ; Nu. 2 , 111 00 ; common board * ,
drciitt d. 20 Oil.
KlJAMINll-HJ ft. and under. p r M ,
10 00 ; 10 ft. tuddln , 22 C0 | ' . J ft. 22 00 ;
2 ! ft. 1C OH.
K1MSIIINU No. 1. tinWilJ , H ami
2 Inch , S.0 00 No. 1 tliiNh 1 iiu'h { ? t5 00 ;
No. 2. linlch U , 1J nt'd 1 ! inch , 84500 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , SIO 00 ; No , tinhh , 1 iiwli ,
C-'OOO ; O. ( ! . Inttons ptiCO feet Hit. ,
f-1 0(1 ; wt'H curblnu , " ? ' . ' 200 ; rough ami 2
inch batti'iH per 100 feetlir. . 50o.
STOCK 1HURHS Axtock. 5 0 ( X ) : }
? ; 00 ; C. SIW OO : common htocl : , ? 22 50.
l'I/ORIXt ; Xo. 1. SIO W ; No. 2.
KC IKI ; No , 3 , $22 00 ; yellow pliu % No. 1 ,
10 00.
SI JUNO No. 1 , S2I 00 ; No. 2 , $2200 ;
No. 3. § 1SOO.
SHIP LAP Vldin , $22 00 ; O. G.No. t ,
? S200 ; No. 2.821 ! 00.
OKIMNCS 821 00fifl37 00.
IiATII ANDSHINOliKS A Htjxrbe ( t )
klilnulo83 8S , Nil. 2 , ? 2 f.O ; No. 3 , 52 00.
Lath , S. ? f.O.
Pnlnti Oils and Vnrnlihci.
PAINTS IN Oil , \Vldto load , ttmnha
20c ; Kix'ticliinct' , in oil nirt , 15c ; Raw
and buvnt umber , 1 Ib c.wn 12c ; raw nnd
btirnv Sienna , lc ! ! : vandyku linnvn , 13 . ;
i-etincd Umpbl.u : ! : , 12c ; uo.\ch hhick , P'o ;
! "ory blnck , It3c ; drop black , llic ; Pnwsian
blue , ! 50o ; ultramanno blue , ISe ; chnmio
green , L. M. & 1) . , lie ; blind nnd shutter
ijree.ii , L. M. it J ) . , 14c ; 1'aris Kreen , li-c ;
I"dian rctl , 15c ; Venetian red , .Ic ; iSiscnn
ltd , 22c ; Venniliod , I. & ! ' . , ISc ;
chroiuu yellow , L. , M. , O. it 1) . O. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , _ $ ' ; ( ; > > ldcn uchre , li ( ; patent
ilrycr , tic ; prnininK colors : light oalc. dark
o.i c , walnut , chcKtnut and : u'j 12c.
Dry ° alnt
\VhitB lead , Gc ; Kronch fine. lOo ; Paris
whiteins 2Aej whitliiff rimers , IJc ;
v\hitim ; coml , 14c ; lamiiblaek < u'rmaii-
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , Sc ; PIIH-
wian bhif , 4"c ; nltramariut * , Ito ; x-nndyUo ,
brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , -lc ; umber , raw ,
tcjsiointa , burn tlc ; cii-nna , TAW , 4o
I'arid ijreen genuine , ; 55u ; Paris ( jrccn coni'l
2.ic ; chrome Rrcon N. Y. ' 20c ; chroin-
ijri'en K. , 12i' ; yvrmillion , Kng. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , ISe ; Indiiui red , ] ( \ : ,
rose pink , _ 14c ; Venetian rontl , OiMikMHi'H
' ! | c : vetftian red Am. , lc ; rod lend , 7Jc ;
chromo yellow , Kenuino , ' . ! 0c : chrome yel-
lnv. % 1C. , 12c ; ochre , ruchello , Ho ; ochre. . ,
1'ri'iu'h , 2jc : ; oclne , Aintrii-an. IJc ;
\V5ntcr'n mineral. 2e ; leh'njh brown. 2Jo ; bro\m. 2ic ; PritiL-e's mineral 3o ;
VA1INISHKS Bnrreh per trillion.
1'nndture , extia , ? 1 10 ; furnituie , iTo. 1 ,
91fniniture. ; U , & " .e ; coichtn , 51 10 ;
Coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; D.-mmr , ! ? I 50 ; .lupau.
70c ; n phnltuii , 70s ; ! ielluc , . * 3 f-0 ; hard
oil finish. $1 30.
OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , ll.Jc : 150 *
headlight , per gallon , IL'Jc ; 17" ' ' hi'.aclliKhf ,
ner K-dlon , lOc ; crytloline , per gallon , 20o ;
linsi-ed , r.w , per gallon , ( ! ( i ; liusectl , boiled ,
ner gallon , ( ! Sc ; lard , wiiitrnt M , i-orcal-
Ion. 1 05 ; No. 1 , ROc ; No. 2 , d5c : taster ,
XXX , per gallon , J HO ; No. II , 1 15 ; sweet ,
per gallon , S.'e ; sperm , W. 15. , per gallon ,
1 35 ; tish , W. Ii. per fallen , OOc ; nenttfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 0"c ; lubri
cating , r.ero , per gallon , SOo ; Hummer , 15c ;
uo den machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3'ic ; No.
2 , SO : Bpcrm , bignul , per gallon , SOc ; tcr-
pentinu. per g.dlon , Olc ; naptha , 71" , per
gallon , : Wc ; 01' , 20c.
Clear * and Tobaccos.
CIGAllS. Seeds , 815.00 : Connecticut ,
2j.OO ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana , 8-iO.OO-
Clear Jlavaiu , ? 75.00.
TOliACOr ) PLUG. CJolden Rule ,
2 lib , ( JOu ; Spotted Kuwn , file ; Our Rope ,
I 1 qus'.ity ' , 62c ; Star , poinid , 21
Ib , butta , COc ; IfoiKii Shoe , pounds ,
. 21 Ib , butts , ( iOc ; Purity , 21
Ib ! , butt'r.2u ; Queen Rep , a lib , buttK. 53c !
CJilt KdHu , jionndH , 21 Ib , buttK , 00 ; Army
and NjW'y , pounds , 51c ; liullion , poumlx ,
58c : Ixirillard's Climax , pounds' , ( Mu. )
Catling O. S. , < " > Ib boxes , ) > er Ib C5c ; T > ori-
illard'u Ti er , C5c ; Diumond Crov.-n , OUc.
SMOKING All icradcH Common , 25 to
33c. ( Jranulated BlackwelU lnrham , Hi
oz51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 07 , 50 < - ; Seal of
Noi tli Carolina , 1C nt , 40 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , Id 02 , 3Sc ; Lone Jack , 4 ox , linen bajH ; ,
l > or Ib , $1.35 ; Jlnrburfra' Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , . )5c ; 7Jc T.iil. 0'ic.
Heavy Harnware Llct.
Iron , rates , ? ! J 50 ; plow utecl , cast , "in ;
cast tool ilo , 15 ( | 20 waRon spoken , M.t ,
2 25@ : 00 ; hubs per pet , 1 25 ; fisllocH , awed
dr1 -10 ; tonnncs , each , 70@H5c ; axles ,
each , 75c ; Miuare nutsr ] Ib , 7@11c ;
Wiy-hens per Ib , 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , 0Q)12c ( ) ; malleable , Kn ;
ron wedx K , Oc ; crowbai.s , lie ; hariow
teeth , -lc ; horsexhuoii , ] ) t-r ke > ; , 5 00 ;
bteel. 7&8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 00 ; 8 to 10 , J75 ! ;
tkl , 4 004dJ ; 25 ; Sd , common , 5 00 : 'Jd ,
fine , fl 50 ; clinch , all Hi/.eM , 5 25 ; ( Id ,
75 ; 8d caslni , I 5 ' ; JOd ca.iiiw 4 25 ; 10d
linifhI 75 ; Sd tinish , 5 00 ; lid fiuinh , 5 25
half krtH , lOu cxtru.
SHOT. Shot , $1.85 ; I5 clc shot , ? 2.10 ;
Oriental Powder , Utgii , SO.-IO ; do. , half
kept , § 3.tH ; do. , iinurtcrken , 81.88 ; Rlawt-
iu , keifB , $1.35 : Fuse , uer 100 feet f/Oc.
Hones and Mules.
The market is brisk ami all grades ar
Bellini ; well nt a hlljht ( advwico in pi ices ,
'J'hu ( it'll mm I for j , ' ° ° d horsen oxeet'ds tins
Mupply coiii'iderably. Pricun range ai fol.
1'ine hinj-lo driven * , Sl. < 0. to 300. ; Uxtra
ftr.ift hews S175. to 225. ; Common drnft
hon-es. SJOO , to 150. ; ICxtra fann horncs ,
8110. to 125 , ; Common to good fann horm.s
SIX ) , to $100 , ; Kxtra pliiRM , SGO. to 75. j
Common plu s , $20. to $40.
MULKS. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , ny > ,
to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , 6100. to 140. ;
14 to 111 hmid , $7fi. tolOO. ; 13 * to 14
hands. § iX ) . to 70
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 25 iicr wino
gallon ; e.xtin California Hpirit' . 187 j roof ,
3 ) per proof Dillon ; tiipl refined Hpirit.i.
1i > 7 proof , 1 21 per' pioof ulon ! ; re-diHtillcil
ki < kies , I 00(5,1 ( 5u ; fmo blendrtl , 1 Mf ,
250 ; Kentucky bouihoiM , 200@700 ; Kn. .
tticky and PeniiHylvania rj-w , 2 00 ! 'j7 00
PiltANDlKS Imported , SO 00@10i)0j )
domentlo 1 40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; clomeitlc ,
40@3 00.
IJUM8 Imported , \ 50@0 00 ; New
Knvland. 2 00i ( ? 00 ; dommtlc. 1 KOffiJH 50
OHAMPAONRS Imjorted per ca e ,
2iOOC4'l ( 'J\/n'jv4 , case , 12 00 ®
CLAltKTS-1'cr cane , 4 50@IO 00.
WINKS Ithiiic wine , per case , 0 00@
'JO 00 ; Catawbj , per taneI 00@7 00.
Hldc f-uri , Etc.
HIDKS ( Jrcen butcher'H lililc , 7c ; green
cured hideH , 8c ; K JCII wilt , part curotl
hide * , 7C " .l/cj / dry Hint , Bound , 13 ( J4c ; dry
calf nnd kip , 12ujlc ( ! ; dry Halt hidebound ,
ll@12c ; crwcn calf , wt. 8 to 15 ILu. 10@llc ;
reen calf , wt , under 8 llw , jicr itin , f > 0c ;
Kreonpeltf , 81 00@1 15 ; green lamb nkliu ,
81 Uwjl'Jfii damaged hideH , two-third rate ,
cut ncored and ona crub classed
, two-
' , . < . . "i * n . . . .4 , , r
! 0. ; No. I , IOc. Mink , No. 1.P0e ; No. J
; c ; No. 3 , liiejNo. 4"ic. . VIA , No. 1
fiO.'i No. S , 2.c. Skunk , No. 1 , black
( Cics short i > Uie | , 4tVii.irrnxv ' '
broad ftrlpe , IOc. 'Inllow , f
I'arlvilie , ( * 0.-i : Acid , T.-utarie , file : BaK-iiu
t'.ipabin , per lb , 72c : lUrk , Sx ; < .nfriiR , t > cr
lb , 12o : Calomel , per lb , 70c ! Ciiiehoiildl" ,
in-r or , StV } C'lilomfonn , iwr lb , 9 , > e ;
) vor' * jnmilen , l er lb , Ot 40 ; Kp < nni
- > nlt , per lb , SJc ; Ulyeerltic , pure , per lb ,
48n : Lend , At-ctate , PIT lb , Z\r- \
Oil I , C.xstor , No. 1 , l > er xal. * l W
Oil I , Cix-.tor , No. 3. per R l , S12.1) ) Oil
Olixe , pi-r gill , SI 10 : Oil , Orinminin. )
Opium. 31 ? 0 : qutohu. V. * W. * .
per I 117. , f 2 00 : I'liU-wiium , Iodide , per lb ;
S2 10 ; Salat-tn , per orlOo : Hulpliste of
Morvhine , per cz , S3 S."ij hulpimr Hour ,
\ < t r lb , 4ic ; StrvchLlno. tier oz. ? 1 45 ,
Morlnnuiwwheil , liplit , M lf'-fl : hravy ,
13 ; K > e : medium unwashed , licht , ISffiaX }
tni7.wn hed , choice , 32c ; fair. We ; dlmiy
nnd v2Sc ; hurry , blnck nnd cottcdTO < IH
Conn oil Illtiiri Tllnvlift.
t'or > Cll. . . . .
1'lonr-Mamifacttired by ( . 'r stal nnd
City Milti. RToi" t W ; ] Can n.t nnd Mis-
HourMlour , 3 Ml © t ' - ' > Krahum , 3 7f. ; rye
limn , 3 10.
ran nnd Shoiti 17 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton.
Wheat-No. 2 , $120 ; No. 3 , .IOc ; tc-
jeotoil , 70o. .
0 < rn-No. 2. S , rejected 40.
O.\ts IMI. 2 , 40o ; rejected , IU.
llnrlovNo. . 2. UOc : No. 3 , 75e ,
Ilny-7Kifi8r,0. ( ) (
Wo'xl000(5)8 ( ) 00.
LUollntTR 5305CO.
Ciittle-Shlpp HIT , -I flOCZS OOr milch
cows 30 1)0 ) ® 15 OU per head ; hutcler *
ctock , 3 00f f3 Ml.
Klieeji I IK5 ) ( V ) .
< 5 Hides - .rikS ; hides , 7 lc.
Wool IB © 5.
15utter-2tiu32c. (
KS' H 30c.
Potatoes 1 005T11 20.
OnioiH-1 251 40.
Grand Jitnotfoii
oti , In. , Pcc mU r ' .I.
l 'Ki irc.
UutUv 10@18c.
( JincAno. December U.
On "Chungo the lending grain nuukeU
fo toniuttiiat tuiHcttlcd. 'J'lui rereljitu
nt prain wtru 310 ear loads riubriieinu
13 of wheat , 170 of coin , Mif > ats , 5
of rye. : \ \ d 41) ) of bailey.
Klour Stu.idy at about imcli.iigcd )
piii-en ; eou.moo to choice wentvru , i 50
C < 50 75 ; Minnesut.i , do. , 5 25 © ? fiOjp.iteutK ,
7 DOfe'.l 25intcr brandH , 0 'iOip7 ( 7 ;
ryu ( Uiur , 2 JJUii ( 0 10 ; bnckwhent , .S 50i/j (
8 75.
WheatQuito nn active bu iuesua <
tnnisiict d ; in No. 2 , tpf' Klarly in
the day a weaker feeling was deuloped.
Tin1 mark t op ntd at about ' , ' ( ! lower
mid reccdi'il : ui i.ddition ol jj c. At
tlii- decline the di-nnv d b.-c.iine more
iictivn nnd prierrt ir.dnal ; y ad\nnetd H i
( ( / , ' ( nboMi iiibidc lijjun-i" , then ivceileit
ubiiu A > flucUiated , nnd tinilly elo-ed at
about jo lower on tlio rcgul , r b.i.vrd nnd
. n c.dl a1 27' , ' f"1enlbor ; 1 2h ? < i. )
1 2 > § for ilunu.iry ; 1 I'.02 lor K ! ruaiy ;
1 ill } } for Marcit ; No. 3 , Hprini ; , ijiiiet ,
at 1 15)ii'l ) ( 15' . ' ; rejei-tcd , .S.r0e ) ! ! , accoid-
in r lo luc.itidii.
Co n Weak dining tlw eur'y part of
ay , p.iiticidiirly for in ro d ft-m-d
eriuH. nnd wile > weroin il t 8i °
il clinc. Tlie doiiiaud , however , was
tn"Tc nrgrnt iliivniR tlumiddl" of tlie t-e-t-
NH'ii , ami piict-i > v.'cie nd\ need it' 'cvitli
nooi | ; | husitit'-K reported nt tlio .iiiviiiciiiK ; No 2 niv I hi h ini\cd closed on
cull ht , Olio for December ; U | c f'-r -
tlnnnaiy : 01 Jo for Kcbruary ; UOJje [ '
Jlay ; ( ilic | tof .Inne ; rejfcted. 5iln5i'jc. ; ( ! lrreKtilar : ind higher ; No ticliiwd
call at Ili c for Dccetnbor : 4540 for .l.-in-
nary ; 45jc lor Kelirtiaiy ; 10jc ; for May.
iyu ! Quiut nnd dull ; No. 2 , ! ! 7Jc f < i-
Dctember ; ! ) ! ) u for .lanuury.
liarley Dull and lower : market cnliic-
H * noiiiinal ; No. 2 , 1 0 ! for January ;
No. 3 , SIOJc.
i'orrfhlov \ , lit lower raiiRo of pricci ;
n > e > > s closed on call nfc 10 75 for Decm-
ber ; 1705 for .Funnnry ; 17 27i17 30
for Kol.nniry.
Laid -te-idy : closing at 11 02(3111 ( < 7J
for Dect-mber ; lOlTifor the year ; 11 20 for
UolIc Meats We.iV nnd l wer ; short
ribs closed nt 8 75 for January ; 8 85@
HH7i fur 1'Vbninry ; ! ) 50 fi.r March.
VVliinky Quiet at 1 17.
Btitto ! In fiilr demand ; creamery ,
choice to fmicy : tO3.Sfairtoood,33ffi35c ; ) ;
dairy , choice to fancy , 28 < WU2c ; fnir to
good , do , 18@25c ; fresh made ] iiickiii | {
ntock , 1lj@l-lc ! ; common lo good livliu
paoked , Kl@18ciol ; , ! H ( < ? --4i3
Kfi-f-i Supply ample for the demand ,
Mid priccK Hleady , at 25c per dozen for
nd 1E ( :22 : tor pickled.
Uec'ts. Shipm'ts
Flour . ] 3f)51 10,4 , 8
Wheat . Ill 153 20,238 ,
Corn . 10fi72 ! ) yj,407 ,
OatH . 38,470 4 ! ,420 ,
Uye . 5,2fM 1,408 ,
(3IUOAGO , FJcccmbor ! ) .
iteceiptri , 31 ! 000. nrkct gerier-
nllv htr.ui 'er for good htock but tlio poorer
Kr.vleM wuiu iinlv steady ; common to ii'id
mixed , 5 05(7i,0 ( 15 ; heavy packing nndhhip-
piOg , 0 IfifroiJ : I5 : li ht hug * J > Ii0@5 02 ;
Bkii < nnd cull * . -1 25f 5 'il ) .
( 'uttlo Keceiptu , 4,000 he.vl Market
about ID.liii'her .for ordinary Hhipping
graden niitl oth-iei actiio linn ; common
tu fair nil ppin cnttlI 2 ( 500 ; K' > ' ( d
do , , 5 KOPillOO ; mivfd biitcherH'ntock , 2 25
I 50 ; ht cker * ami fteilcii- 3-l ( ) 10.
Sheep ItfcviptF , - , ' 00 Market
| ) iiKialiy | nutivu mid hteadv ; common , 't 00
SIO ; fjfr , 375ch Ice , 4 GO.
Kntiins City Prodnoo Marlcot.
KANH..H CITV , December 'J.
Wlivnt IleceinN , 7,508 ; withdrawn ,
21,034 ; in t ire , MI7.010. Murket Hlrnv.inU
iicrvoui' , but no decline ; No. 4 ca-Ji , HJC
hiil , Mi ) ; a < lc--d ; December , 85'- ' ; January ,
tSO c bid , 880 asked ; No. 3 cash , ! ) . " ) U bid ,
t)8o ) nuked ; Dotember , 'Jlio lid , I'OJc ' a.kcd :
.lanuury , 1 01 ( , lfll4 ; ] 'cmiary ! , 1 01 bid ,
1 05 i.Nlied ; No. 2 cash , 1 J'.l bill ; 1 21
Corn Jtcceip7.48 ! ) ; withdrawn , 13-
.107 ; in dtoru , 72,744. Market fov.ri-li ;
deinnnd fuir ; tradiiu : Unv and viilno- (
lower ; No. 2 ca h. Olu bid , 02o - . '
December , OIS01ic ( ; ; January. ( iOio bid , {
filjuasku ; F.ib u-iry. Olubid , ( iloiiHkeil ;
May , IMo bid , 05c ai < ked ; Nn. 2 wldtu
mixed , ( iliu b d , Otic nsl , d ; Dccvmliur ,
fiilu bid ; Oau ; ; ,
OaUK nun ; No. 2 caMi1 lie bid. 45o
imkcd ; D cumber , Hjju bid , > llJjiiHko ;
iFunuary. 4iubid ( , tOjJc ah ) d
HyeSlovv nnd weak ; No , 2 emit , 87io
bid , no iiffeiniiDvcoiubt'r ; , KH c bid , UOc
lluy Hecui tiigood ; mar ! > et klow und
weak ,
Knnrn * Gity Liv Stock-
KANHAH Cirv , DerBiuherU.
Cattle llteu pin , 214 head. Market
uteady nnd onchuiigcd ; native now * ,
good , 3 OofeS 40 ; fair I o good , 2 I'JX&'i 00 ;
ctl owugH , 1 tiOdi , " 00 ; nntlvu fi-ederw ,
3 80 ; Colniado fcteiTH , Jl iir.W.y ( ir ,
IloK" lieceipt * , 1,03'i ' , Market Mining-
cr and ndvaucud OfT/jlOo uinw.-couiit of ludit
receipts : choice , ( JOCC/010 ; jjood , ft K &
G 00 ; liulk nf mica , fi fiSfofi !
Turpoiilino Mnrlxot-
WIIAII.VOTON , N. ( ' . , Dfceiiilnr ! l.
Kplrllii Tiinivnline Finn nt f)2' . huid ,
2 2.i ; i-oft. 3 r,0.
WII.MI.VGTON , Del , , Dm inherit.
ItoUn - l''irm ; Dtruined , 1 & . * i ; rood ,
Hilrlls-Dull | al 5ic. !
at 2 15.
r'v-r. J. vl. 'J " " ; mff.
No-jr Korl : I'roitupo
N KXV YOHK. De ember ft.
> lnnr Quiet Mid in ni ltrnta deinniH ,
S inllicrii tlniir dill .
; c.initnnii to elioieo ex-
tr . 5 7f'Crt S , ' 5J.
Wheat Stemly ati-1 H htly In'clier-ntul
in moder to thin ml : No. ' 'red xxInter ,
1 421f.fl . It ] ; N , . . 1 white , 1 IOJWIII ;
MiitfiniU-il s rinir. 1 21 ; No s red IVcr-m-
ber. t 4-JJ : < fo. , , lum y , 1 UJftf 1 Ijj.
Co-ii Oft-Oilo hrnx-xvxi.d tl clinlnirop-
tin Mmiu. I'lmvndrd inKp.l , 18i 7'Jo :
NI3,70 | . ' : No. 2. 70jfT7li' ( . N 2 xvliite ,
iI > ; P : No. 2 Diwinlvr , TOVfJTOJe ; lo. , T n <
nary "U ,72Jc. ,
Onls Itijtli rand fnitlv netive : No. 1
white , fui'i-i ' N"2tU _ , .VJtc : No. I u.ixinl ,
M ! ' , Nn 2 il'i. , 5 'uMJ ; > u , SliiUudDi.
c inber , PO'W'fi. ' ' .
1yi ! ) U.i 1 ; S'W.vJo '
Hurley I mil nud
Port Dull : 'lilliie.s on * pnt , 179.W
17 Ml , iu w tin , 18 0 MS l5. !
Lnrd Anhadtlrwrr ; December , 12 273. ;
.l.mnary. 114r..itl ( 17 .
WhU.v-N.niiuV. , . ,
I'ttroleum-Maikvt dull nmt noinlntl :
united , Sl5e ; cm . in I'AiieK OJ.W'jo ;
relit ed , in luirel-s , 7ii" iiAed ,
St tionin Proiluc *
ST. 1.0L1M. Deeriibpr It.
I'loiir 1-xs'or.
lipit-tlpriied lim-er , nilxanped but chulo nlf : No. 2 ml , I 3"ij\C"M \ R > for
cftib : 1 Mjtor.human ; 1 41 ? f r IVbni-
nry 141 f r Mmch : 1 di.'f.i 1IS ? for May ;
.No. 3 do , 1 2 ! > JKl ( | 3 . i i , | . No. t do , 1 'M\
Oft 21.
Coin ll ! | > lier ; Wldiir.Jc fnro.iHh ; Giljc.1 . !
tWJu fur lleet'inbei ; lilSfiitil o fur .t.imi.'in ;
ll5jC1-"Se | ; for Pebiusii } ; | .ijjo . fur Miucli ;
Oat llihel ( ixt I7l ( l"in forcw'ij ' 47
MI'S ) for .liiniiaij ; IS i.4K-'c fur Kcb'-
ru.m : rivii'njtifnr ) ! ( .May ,
Kyp-Slo"xxitt | # o bid.
H.irlej CJnutnt8." l.'i
Lead Stp.uly ill 4 M" > .
Hutter Uncnnsed ; dairy , 30g5e ;
pruiinpiy , : r > ( ii14tc. )
KKIS Uncha red at 24Si.'x- ( ' .
" hitky Steady at 1 1C.
I'orlc Sloxv ; 17 I'i ! I id for 1'V urnry ;
17 I'll f.lftul / > l.
Lik-d-Slov.-iit 11 K [ nrki-i' .
Uec'ti. .
Mimr . 0.000 S .t)0i )
When ! . .rAXKi ) ( 8,0i > 0
Com . Wi.OOO SOHK1
Outs . Pf , ( > , i 2'illK ) )
Uye . ni'iiu ' 2Hti (
Kiuloy . U.OOO
St. Louis I tvo Gtook.
Sr. LOUIM , December ! ) .
llofn Aclixo nnd Mrpi ve y H bt ,
5 Il0ii5 ( 40 ; "S orkfi-H. 5 7f' ( i > 5 S5 : puclting ,
5 Uil6i"l ( Ifcbutrlioin' tofuiR-y , OLOJi ( ; ( 50
Kiivi. i.- > , PMil head ; nhiiiuientn , ! > 00 head.
Pcorln Product ) .
PKOUIA , December1. !
Whe.ittiixnl Hiunpb't eontiiuto s-c.nrco
and aiu mntei\dy : thciis it n demand at
full pici.x , i him n 1-iwer unidex are dull.
Corn Active , ( inn ainl hixhei ; tulnw ,
iWJc ; low mixed , 02c ; hi > : h mixed , 02c ;
m-\ed , OHc ; No. 3neu , r SJt .
Uiits Mi 111 and higher , but inactive ;
N < i. 2 uhlte , Hie ; icji ctcd 45in
Uye Finn , but HCIIIXV , and in iond ; de
mand ; No. 2 , 1 00 ; reject d , ' . 'So. '
ilt'y lirly Kte.uly , but inactive.
lilmimv Kiiinvrand itendy til 115.
llec'K Ship's. . 400 iiono
Coin. . . 44,075 47,0(111 (
data . ll,4f,0 , 5250
Hye. . . 33UO 1,00(1
Hat Icy . 2,200 m nn
Chioiiiuntl Vroiliicio.
CINCINNATI , iJ.'eemlu-i 9.
Pork AI.-SH , jobbing , 17 J > 0f > .18 OJ.
Lard Diillpiinii'hienni , 11 I 5.
Bulk Meats l-Ji > ier ; i lear hides , 905
( ? 920.
Uncoil Q'liet ' ; ele.-ir hides. 10 7.riffU ( 01) .
I'liiur Wtfiikj fiiinily , I ! 30ij7 5 > } .
Wheat Weak : No. 2 red. I 32.
Coin Ens er ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oati Kinn ; No 2 mixed ,
Jtye-StHinir No. 2 , 1 074.
Bin ley Knsy ; No. 2 Canada , 113.
Whisky Finn at 1 15.
Xilvorponl Produce.
Lix'riiPOOL , December 9. , I0rf ( iilfutKln.
Whent - Winter , 10diid@ll ; xvhitp , 10
7d10. < lid ; Hprini ; , ! ) 10d@10. > lid ; club ,
10K 11 © Us Id.
Corn 5s lid.
Pen 75s.
Lard 57fl 3d.
KcceiptH < f xvhcat fur t\w \ p.iht Ihiee
dnyn , 301,000 ccnlals , 103,000 cental * be
ing Americaii.
E > tl.ibortjIilvo Stock.
EAST LIIIKIITV , Pa. , December 9.
Cat hi Nothing duin ; ? . llecuiplM , 705 ; Hhipmcntrf , 1,221 hcud.
HOR-I Actix-p ; leceiptH , 1,400 bend ;
nhiiunciits , 3,000 head. Philadelphia.
G 40@U 5 > ; Yorker * , fi DOfri.G 10.
Sheep -Dull ; reeeiptx , OUJ ; hhipnienlH ,
_ _
Baltlmorn Produce.
liALTlsioiiK , December 9
Wheat Ited xx-inter , tinner and inactive :
1 39l 39 } for iwh inn Dcuumber ; 1-tlj
© 1 4lJ for .Intnu y.
Com Mixedwrttein , linnerntGflc ; Wlc
forc4hand Decembor.
PhilnUolphiu Prodnoe.
Pllll.Alii.l'lllA : , December it.
Wheat Steady ; 1H1 1 41i for CAHI ;
1 I3i@l 431 fur.lann ry.
( 'orn Ka-slur ; C'.IJii/7ilu ( for cash ; 712 ®
H'ic for.Ti.mmry.
OaU Loxvcr ; f)2Jii,53jo ( fur CIHI ; Ti.'JJ ©
f > 3-j for January.
HypQuiet at , 9Sc.
Toledo Pronuoo
TOI.VDO , Dcci'inbcr ! ) ,
heat Firm : No. ! i red , 1 39 for Jan
uary : 111 for February ; 1 43J for March ;
1IIJ 1 for A pi II.
Com Firmer ; No. 2 , ( ! Uo for iwli and
February ; 0 @tXJc ) for May.
Otttn Nominal.
BnlTK.10 LIv Stooli ,
EAHT BUKKALO , December 9 ,
JIo H- Sternly : Vo-keri fair tn n'locl ,
G 05 ; KOO.I . niudiiim xvui htt. , G 10y ( I ) 25 ;
gooil to cliiiice lieavy , II 40fel ( 50.
of Enjilaml are uulcliuil over by grim
wnnloro both day 'mil ni lit , ; ind visil-
irn to thu fjranu liialoncnl tower of
London nru only nblu to uut n juiPHiiif ;
{ Inncu of thcso xalmiblcB. litil liuro
in Omahii i a magniliupnt I'olli'clion
of jowuls , rich mid rare , v/liicli arodia-
pluyod at all IIOUTH , and tlin ( , ' ntlii-
manly andintorpri8injiirm ) ! { of JIcHHr ? .
Kdliolm it EricliHun who luivo takini
such euro in Huluctlia ; thin collection ,
will bo ploaucd lo hiivu you not only
sue Ilium but uxaminu Ilium ut , your
ItilHtire , und if you denim to got nny-
thin" , in llio line you ciiu ot it luiro
for It'HM nmiioy tlian ulnoxrhuro , nnd
can ( { o Iiomo Hati.slied Dial you liavo nn
lionuut ui liclu. Tliuir store in
llio poslolliuo , on l.'ilh htruul.
On mid after Monday , Ducumbur 12lli ,
tlio S. 0. it J' . xvill run a tliioiifjli
train for Sioux City , having Council
Bin ( ft aUuvon forty , und fiu-alljiointH
in Northurn Iowa mid Southuru Da
kota. For further information ajiply
lo J. JI. O'UiiVAK ,
S. W. A. ,
( IecH-1'Jl Council lilullH , la.
Como und KCO my Htock and com
pare prices , Kino now joxvelry store ,
Houtliiiasl corner of J-'lovcntli and
" , ! - i17-l !
A. Diyrootitublo ITouso Taken
to Jnil i i a Bunch.
The Oi-ciipniits Ulvo Dull mill Xf t-
tlo Thnir
The | Milieu fnrco Hixllied foilh
Milk nhrmt elexni oVhick Thursday , end
Mlotitly u iouinl" 1 n lioit'i ) of 111 fitino on
the curlier of 'i'u-rlf h nud Capital : ix cnxp ,
long krj't by nuc .1 nnio JMckliimn. When
Iho hloek do In I been cf tahll.-.heil lie | In-
i ravr of the inUitutiiiii xx'erp ordered to
cuine tin tli and "lixkp n. walk"
mi tlio charge of hi'it : ; di-snnlei-
Ij pptxoiK. Tln'i.i xv-re li\c irl
iOul four men , lipsi'p < the lckiiini ! ! linr-
rt-lf PmtcslH xxeio of no uxull , and the
p leemim innxe-l in mild'iln to tlin'ii he.ilqu.irter ( > . Her1 all " ( .ill
up" M Illcicnt IMIMIS | for nppi'ar.inrn o-
dny , Mini thin uftcinnn.t tli-y xuie tliuJ
Rli'l nllovxc.l tn ili'l-cit in ix . > rr
" o pilioi1 ( i bp dpi lie in I'Mpxit of the
ilium of llu-lAxx'ti' u-ni'lui - Duli : < i n
dii : x ks'iin. Thpx * ntulo that bobai
iitliirtMtint ; hi-Mt'lf im i'oeo.itily in
tlio alful B of Kiniipy und llnloy , xvho : u-p
I'mler niiiMt uin.liniiv pf robbitu n nvf'x in
Imli'uui. 'I'n xxbat "he lin-
extent " linfoiiplu
thi-i m.ilter iiiiiil dcUultely iitatpil , hut It
is ( Iniimsl xlie n-xld phe
' * -nuld-lxi | > u tliouniutil dolais' ' r.xthpi-
than wt "ihn liiix'V P.IO I tin1 Mifnouil
U xvns m : < ipleioiied that'lio intended tn
> ; n ball for onp OP both , and thcril
w.i i annupcj tlint llwv bo tlll ' ( - i ) ) . "
\Vhatplfivlthr "imliinr" "f IIP' him p
umldhixoiu Ihm n-atter IH not cilcixrly
i hnwii.
The iix-i'put ' anxiety nf thin xxotnr.U tn
M't Kinncy ie lljiiu l.t lv ) the oilieeis to
i bivftURft ulio linn bp i'totoui been in
n < iv : xvitli lilin. 11 is cl.iimc I liy uthrii *
( hut , tbey HID xery n-jir ivlativpii-
f.x't : , luulhur mill nl-te ! \xJillo the
XMim-in , nxxpll us lirr fr.i'iidn , iu-niU that
it xi-ntui'Vpite trie' . , " a d hho cxidonre *
[ or thisth-i fr.rtllit.t ntiicr iilue.i'N i-qiiully
us uiitniinxiK , uil I'Vrti K-KH oiilei-ly P.UI *
dueted , und on the HIUIIO ftrei-t , xxeie lefl
5 | iCiiNHON'rt | ; ( IT KMKNT ,
ekiiiK u culled nt Tin : Jlr ollicj
to-uax1 mid pintiwtpil xtnill'jly K iilusl tlm
wp'H I tliul nlni had hitd nuytliim- du
xxith tin Ivliiiiuj-llitlpy matter .Shu
iituU'H tliat ICimiey illicit oil her msintuncn
xvhen ho xv.m LMpluri'd by tliu nHli'iim
I ut xvhen ulio ( p-trncd tlin extent of
the otfeilM' ' forhieh Im xva <
arrested ho rifu.ed t > n M"iid him nny id
xvlutevei. She a ) o htiiti-K ill t thu iinmi-
lition ciml by n pnb'ieiiti- ' iu i mo ninj ;
[ iippr to tlio plfppt. that N.I ! IIPIII tu
eii'-1111 xvith Kimioy or isn nny x\nv n-
LelpHted iu his ntfail' , is untiK-ly fal-P. Shu
claims to iiiixeiliuv hud r.n.s tnnib n xxllh
the p.'llco ' fmiv and has n i IP M'li ' tn glxp
for llui xvlio'e-iitlu uiiests hint m\lil.
r ON TIM : I'tnoxi vr.
aniinij thu dcnd inoniln lii'lovi'iiiu
rupnr tbnt iiKcni'ial laid wat t > -n
by the poll o.
DiMini WIMP ninil p.iuliotuly oppncd und
oxuiy Nl ito' was PH iifnllymirxvyeil befoio
K"ltiii 111 , ' [ 'litiiimur pnivi'd to ho i'ii-'j- '
li"-s. nnd nil va < 4iMit't ] idonu the linu up to
n lutu hour. Thp keupi r nf < iw of HIPPO
ijiii-ftlonalil'1 in-ti ntiont Kiild : " \\'n kr on-
our biisini'-i is ilnl.iwfid nud xvo aru will-
in j to | iay inIIIHM ( v.'hirh amimiiU annu
ally In $120 f r kroi [ r < and 5575 for in *
imit'e ) to curry it on. Hut it MOMIM Ions
lather HX'i'io to 1-ii.ponr in > ey , xxhiuhio
pay Milunlaiilv , nun day an 1 tiien nfri-Mt
us ' lii' Hi-it. ' 'Nipinro Mntko'ae
c-iudin ? to my xvny of thiul.ini-
Wp xvould rill I'Hpccial attention tn
tlio adx'ortiMoinoiil , of thuHwift S
Company , tn Im found in thin
Wo learn that the 00111(1:1 ( : ny h.ivu
reeoiitly orootiul costly and iiujuovoil
iii.iuhinury , by xvhioh lliotr i-ap.icily
for thu nianufacluro of llii'ir Womli'r-
fnl Blood Itimiutly known ai S. S. S.
has buon moro than ilotibk'il. The
conif uny i compnpud of H mio of our
most reliable and miter jinn ! ir ' i-iti-
/.uns , nnd from tlio long army of ( OH-
timoniala from the most rdiuhlu
people in dill'uroiit parln nf the
country , liio rumrdy BCUIUS to
bo Specific for all Biich dim'aaiis
IK , Caturili , Eczema , Scrofula , Ulion-
nmtiani , and nn antidolo or
or of Morciiry from tliu syHtom-in
fact , u curn for nny iliHuiuo nriiiinnt-
ini ; from a disordered condition of the
blood. Il is xvilh pluiiBiiro that xvo
note , in connection xvith tlipir in-
croasrd capacily for tlio iminut'actnru
of S. S. S Hint they liavo rcducud the
price of the rugulnr H\V.C \ lo 81.75 pui
bottle , and from no\v on put a small
ni/.c holding halt' thu amount , which
BUH ) | at $1.00.
Thin in a , ujovo in Iho lijjht diri'c-
tion , and placv.s S. S. S. xvithtn thu
reach of all MtillururH. Atlanta ( CJn. )
CoiiBlitulion , Oct. U.'J , 1881.
Dull iu the IT. S.
nud Eluowlicro.
wo. * dull ill both tin ; Unilt- ( !
.SUitpHiuid diMrii-t cou-U ycHti'iday. At
the funnel' this cai'j of I'oubody x1' . J'liil
lip.HxvnK calli-d , I nt llio p/irlies / not bcihi ;
ipwly the coiiil look a ipct > .x by puUii.K
on IU honni-ab'p tind w/ilkln iiut.
Tim u'liiiid JurtrU Imny ploHetuI In xi-.iMori
nnd IH hiipjiosed In bo iuxpiillalii ) ; ! thu
Umitli miuileruaxc.
in distript cunit nnolhur mill a di
llio North Nfliriukt ralhoul : coiiiiinn ) ' IH
on trlnl. tlio pliiintilf lM-iiiii ( ; Ki'iithniiaiiby
thu uncommon namu of Siu'th ' Thu Jury
in th'j WIHU of Nlvlmlai O'liyiminxntnt-l
thu hiiiiiu cnmpanv l"it itvi'iiini , ' iciidcii-il
vunlicl of 6iMI.25 : for pi I'ntilf.
TwodrunkK without cmbdll ! > .hmunt'4 of
any nut p.ilil their fliaM in tliu pulk-o
The oxamlnalidii of .folin ICvnim , a'ii'i.
lo huvii fiaudidcnlly ublniu'jil u hoivn of
onii | [ ! ; < , a colmi'd man , IN | UOIC- ;
In ; ; thin ufteinonn ,
Mr . ( J. 1" . Ueijfiior liJi jiii-t oiiciii'd in
th'i opei a hoiixi ) block on I'ifteenth trel
with a full line of yminuih ) > i , i-rnxvi-Ii > ,
einbiold'-ry , ullkn , uid fancy K-n.xlM. AH
kinds nf t-iainp'nt ' , ' domi for Ki'ii
ami iitilllne pnibioliliiry , I.IICH : | |
( 'itu mo a call , nov/'Ol
A Little Boy Run Over nml Killed
by the Cars.
A nad accident occum-d at a railroad
CKMnin In thu .Second xvaul la'it i-vtnin
A boy numud Itoubuu K. Hold , wti'iion
of Clirln. i.uuon , win Htiuck by < in uiiil {
and Inntantly killed. Hcvi-ral freight ui.ri
pnbscd ovtr bin icinaliiri , crnshlnj ; mid
Tim boy , xvho wamiboultwnlvoyoarxold ,
went homo iifler rchool and then left
again. Ho xvax minted at Bupiu-r time ,
und noon the nnwH of his liorrlblu dcalh
XV.IH conveynd lo bin tuuiou.i ivolher'x
eiird , i' . U'Donncll , imnlri'er , and.I IUIKH
llomachur , tiruman if Ihu cngino , No.
215 , xtato that tlniy know iKthlug of
the tad , until iHitlHodbv ( ! "
i iri'ii , nun of thn btnkeinen , thftt .i loy
Imd lierti im oxer. Thn .niitl inn I re
nini in xx r. ) t.iltpn 11 the tpildpnct1 , frun
whcra Jho funer-il xvill take place. N'd
l-liinp t-iii lie nttii'hed to anvmip. ( thu
'my ' xxai doiiblhus
GnthnrmH In ,
Tim police captured four "Xulu ' ln t
nifiht nud penned them foi-o.xnmin.nlmlto.
Tlio Lloyd xvoman was a xln ncc'iminu *
latpd with a l < eil In the c.ilaboov. The
imduignuind ipiariru havp a pcculinr
fncin tli n for her , nn I RIP | hn < aNo picked
it I or fnv.iritoc.ip. . Whc-n-ho ol pretty
cll HPUS in ! slip xx ill ftcor for Ids hoit nnd
fake lb , ' in ddli * of Iho ruad iiuli ln > find *
him , Tln-ii ibn begun to howl nd > will
IIPVP1ft , up till Idvvlp is nn bar ntm.
A i > umll lioy xvith prciimturp f , r * waji
inn ii- oil ff'i'e'al | irhinl' < ! > 4 , lie Ufin
ttr nn "UHiii-cii-d of iliicvln - pi-t.Mlon" .
A - Mc'cct ' In Tenlh .
lixi-ly t htro.-t p nee
lO'iilt" , ! in ono of th p riiul ) ants beiiiK
put iu 'I'lli'tcr p'lic. ' .
nmlty Bnvtioil ,
.Inhii Hi'Hily , it plunil > er in the employ
! the Miicltiiu xsMrk'vu tevrrely
mrivtl in thi < face by an pxplmion of ta ?
ntonl iv ii Ipnmin. Ills oyoi aM om < j <
xx-liatiiijiui'l , but to wlmt extent pintiot
Im ilitpriniiuvl , Up lives near Hoyd'
kfn In uctf ,
tlio UOSB eoui'h I'hyn-
Sec caul in iinothor column.
doc. ! Mf.
imij rt'contly opmii'd a furnituiii A ml
rop.iir mom on the northeast uortiornf
Thirti'otitli and Dodyo alreula , xxheru
Im ia prqianvl to do all kindu of fur-
nilure ropiiirint , ' , ciirpoiitur , nllko and
lnro work on short notice. Ilo also
liuls in mm- and ttccoiuMiaiul fuini-
tvitp. dec2-tit
WANVKU. A tew moro good active
ruliahlii purchasing amenta to soil the
i.UJit running Ddino.itic nuxvinj nia-
cliine. For terms nddross , W. D.
Woninek , cuiiuml ; traveling atjont ,
Omaha , Nobi-.wka. Nltf.
WANTIUI A young lad lo lurxrn the
ilry goocU
( it'IUl
18-i.H 00 : n. Kith
JAxll'.S Kl'.0\l ) , I'rnmlrlcr.
II U .MAIC < 'I ' , IliisIneKS Miiiaijcr.
Tliursilny , Frkliiv nnd Cnturdny nnd S.-itur-
uny M.ltlnco ,
DEC. 8 , 9 nnd 10.
Tin * uiaiittL , * inont iitn unoo \ \ Ith pK'A-jtlro , the
I nilir tlir ui-inwiiliil' ' Of Mr. I" . M.
lilt. II ) f.r tint | j\lwt D-nin I'llmil ILIIIJ-
itM-i or atiU il for irn.ttln .
Tluirsit.iyCvenlnK.Dpc 0 , Sha'ieiin'rtHiiW
lue 'liUKuly Mlt INII'-t ' , DmDm , will te
no ttilul , vMiliull l.o.-kii'iiirlkiliial XVlUliinii'ti- ,
> liiil.espmrVoniliitnl MAt'tU.TII. hntimlay
iitti'riinon. Hi . Utll , llnunl 2.'i : > lnl &H' . Matlucv ,
IN'llOMAK.xnlunlxx < -\iiiiiiir. liiv. lulli ,
iwpi-ni'H | llieutTr KUI'.V ' ot KirilAIl : > III
cula1'ili'o | ! 25c , liOc , VOc niut * I.OO. mL-uriU nt liaollito , 'lu-wliy nioi-.iliitf . ,
II . i.i. 'liVfi-i't
Tri'.ill o" on tlio.MUCH , ro'lsj IIICIICI'H ncil
r.Mii "J. Oltunscs , " liy Dr. K VV.
Vl l Dn Mnycr , of No * ' York City , illnrouirer of
tin : mitlil ilal ir.utiiii'ut. AiUanuil tlici ry lui-
l.-u't" nnil ntutlliitr ermol , oration * .
, ucnU ctn , | JK4 of xolcc , H nittilu ,
- \ . Ii nnrhitl4 nuJ iniili-riiilupil e'linti-
tiitlon- Ir in U tauiiul | wl i. "
t MI" ti o ami aunt pnstn c nnld t t anv o o ,
o1' r , t-i i . 't ' of iMif.tlrinI ( . u , D.jvwy & Co ,
1-uhlWi P * , N > 1 1 INuto . Mrunt , Ne\v Yuik
Will Remove in a tew
days to
You will do well to
call and examine
our stock of
Atl42Zloiigla8SIiJfcari5lli } ,
Which \\l\i \ bo tkilcl HJ IDxirii-
or .in ry LevPticiH Oc-
i jro JSIovuijr.
Wo. Ifi'frt Twl'lifm * ! ! , ( . < .
; i , a. . , - - r j A * : s.
Kir. - ; . > , I
Oandioa , Hivs , PrnitB , I3tc , , Etc.
rAnd Confectionery 1
110 10th St. , OMAHA , NKB.
Omim Front iloonu mjintnlro ) In l
mm lirluk liullillnx , N , . cnriii-r niii'ntli ml
in elrfit .
Geo. P. Bemis
16th and DodgoGti. . Omitin , Neb.
"iioy dou > BTKiiiii-vt. brukerhKf lumlnw * .
ltoun lit njwculuto , ami thuiu/r/ti / i\uy
oociku uro Inuurul to > MIK
Dexter L. Thomas ,
Edward W Bimetal ,
ttf.V. IIUA.M. A. C.
Altorneys-at-Law ,
fl W COU. Ill ft DOUGLAS BW.
v VI