Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
I'uhltohfd every morning , except Snndi
The only Monday morning dolly.
Otic Ycir. . . . . $10.00 I Three Months .
Six Month * . fi.000iio | . . 1 ,
One Year ? 2.00 I TlirccMontlm. .
BUJiloiitlis. . . . 1.00 I Ono " . .
] : All Comrnti
relating to New * nnd 1 'ditorinl in
ton uliould bo lulilrc-wed to the I'.DITOII
Titc Urn.
UUSINESS LV.rrr.llS-All IluMni
Latter and Kctnlttivticps nhnulil ho r
drewd to THE OMAHA I'muniUM ! Co
TANT , OMAHA. Draft" , Checks and I'o. .
office Onleis to bo inado tmyftule to t
order of the Company.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , .Prop' . ]
E , ROSEWATER , Editor ,
Edwin Bavin , ZffaimRor of Cl <
John H. I'lorce Is In Clmrpp of llic Mn
Clrciutlon of Till : DAILY IIKJ : .
T. I ) . ClianibctlMn corrcniiotulcnt nn
KVKIIV tlnw in Omaha furnisho
another arguniont for nubstanliall
jiarcd Btrcots.
TUB beat ' ( , ' for Quitcau would b
to make him repeat ono of Kvart
novontocn Ica uo sentences.
Two bills have already boon introduced
ducod in the oonato for the .idtninaiot
of Dakota to the sisterhood of ntatoH
It is bound to conic.
PiilLADKUMtiA journaliatn propoai
to make aoiuo filling icco tiilion of tin
lifo and Horviccs of Col. Forney , win
died ycalcrdiy in that city.
Eviiuv cattle nmti in the went looki
forward to a fine winter for his hordt
nnd correspondingly largo returns 01
his investment in the Spring.
Ho subsidies to nionopolicn for an }
purpose and nn oquilablo reduction in
the tariff should bu Iwo of Iho walch-
vrorda of the present conurrus.
IT is n < iuoition whclhor David
Davis' independent platform will be
ftblo to hold his weight. Doth the
party platformt nceni lo have failed ,
I'IIOF. TIUE'H nlniannc will Imvo a
email oalo. The professor predicted a
cold NoTcmbur mid liuavy snow
alorms durin Iho early part of Do-
GHNKUXL LoxusTunur is coining
into prominence us Iho possible Ma-
hone of Georgia politicH. The Ineak
in the solid south socniri to bo grow
ing wider every day.
the nail on the head when ho stated
that Iho theory of the prosecution was
that Quitcau'a insanity was nothing
rooro than pure doviltry.
TUB Brooklyn theatre- horror 1ms
"been paralleled in the disaster at the
Tiunno opera house , by which up
wards of five hundred lives are re
ported to have boon lost ,
A correspondent in The Now York
Herald auggosla lhat a list should be
made by the government of its pen-
aioucn and posted in a conspicuous
place. It would take a bill board
Teaching from Chicago tu Omaha.
THE first practical niovo in congress
towards river improvement was thu
introduction of n bill by Senator Yost
in the senate providing for un expen
diture of 820,000,000 for the improve
ment of Iho Missouri nnd Mississippi
rivora. By the terms of the bill the
amount is to bu equally divided be
tween the two riven , according to
the plan of the river commission.
WIUTTIKU and Wendell Phillips
have shaken hands. This news inny
not interest tlioso who do not know
that Whittier once described Phillips
"Ichnbod fallen lost " while
M , so , so ,
Phillips retorted that Whittier was
"un arch fiend , plunging down to the
lowest circle of hell. " [ Republican.
The literary editor of The liepubli-
! can is decidedly out of his reckoning.
, . "VYliitticr's poem on "Ichabod" "was
written after Daniel Wob'stor's vole
on the "Wilmot proviso , " and referred
to hia change of front on the question
r $ of the extension of Uavery in the ter
| i ! Y ritories.
A WEtfTKHN'Bcimtor was overheard to
uy tu his colloaguov.oh a railroad
train the other day : "Ho is my ideal
of a senator. Ho 1ms the biggest feet
' and thu smallest head of any man I
ii ! ! know. " TJiHlJv.n publishes this , and
intitmxtus that it was said by Koimtor
Van Wyck concerning Kimator Snun-
dors. The intimation in equally nu
insult to both the Nebraska senators ,
TUB BKI : intimated nothing of the
kind , and mentioned neither directly
or by implication the names of either
Senator Van Wyck or Senator Saun-
dm. If the Republican , following
Us usual policy , niehea to ntab A po
litical opponent over another journal's
htuldoni , it must Uko the en tire re
sponsibility , u it was forced to do in
the COM of Senator Paddock during
tie hut icnatori&l campaign.
I'rosidcnt Arlluir dovoles n consi
orablo portion of his iiicxnngo to tl
consideration of the financial inic.itio
tlo recommends the calling in of tl
silver corfitlcatnft , the coestUion of tl
coinngo of Hint motnl , which und
an act of congress Imi been carried <
lit the rnlo of $ ' . ' ,000,000 a niont
Both of thoiio recommendnliona w
moot with serious disapproval throng
out the west , and should be rqu.ill
condemned in other parts of the com
try. The United Sltvles is nol y <
rcvly to demonoti/.o silver. Th
n-oiild bo the certain result of (1 ( ;
comtion of the coinngo nl tli
mitiU which furnish n market fr
nl.trgo ninount of bullion not used i
trade and maintniim lliu Value of th
metal. Silver production in otio (
the runl industries of this country
It cn i ui n vast amount of cnpitr
and employs ninny thousands of mm
Upon it arc based many interest1 ! i
western ntntcs and territories whic
would languish with th decline. Ou
country is the greatest silver produce
in tlio world , the value of our hullioi
nmoutiting to nearly 810,000,000 an
nuitlly. Thu commonest prudonc <
would scum todiutatu tlmt wo nhonh
not dcNtroy ono of our principn
sources of wealth Jitit iihido from tin
disaslroufl rosullH to the mininj
inlurcsts in this country , the dcmonc
ti7.ition of ailvur would affect ul
values. By a ninglo stroke mich ni
tlmt contemplated by the rccominen
tlations of the montage and Secretarj
Kolgur millioiiH of dollaniof loss woult
l > o entailed upon the country froir
lliis ciuno. The obligation of all con
tracts would bo changed materially t (
.ho disadvantage of the borrower ant
purchaser and a corresponding appro.
Nation in gold would f611ow.
The arguments for the abolition ol
lilvor ns lugal tender are too familiar
Lo western readers to require repeti
tion. They have been answered again
nd ngiin , Tlio west h becoming
, ircd of having Wall street direct the policy of our government ,
[ t is in favor of honest money on n
loin banifl , but not u basis of gold
ilone. It will never favor a policy
vhich would certainly ho Huicidal tome
mo of iln greatest intoroals and dis-
slrous to the welfare of the whole
Sioux CiTVoniy maintains footing
11 northern Nebraska because of tlio
DW iniltoad facilitira from that point
0 this. [ Omahu llorald.
It in about time that thin scnnolcss
wnddlo should otop about railroad
nciliticfl und the obstructiouo which
ho Doauo law places in the way of
> nmha'H trade. Several days ago the
lorald was highly indignant because
) akota City morclnnta and Dakota
ounty fiirmorn could sliip goods more
licaply to Sioux City than to Omaha ,
ml that Sioux City merchants obtain-
d hotter rates to Nebraska points
lian merchants in this city , on ac-
aunt of the operations of the railroad
ivr. As the distance to Sioux City
1 less than one-fifth of tlio
iataucu to Omaha it in difficult
> BOO what particular injustice there
i in this fact , and equally difficult to
> o why the companies should bo ox-
ucted to carry goods as cheaply for
10 hundred miles as they do for
vonty miles. Hut if the railroad
Miipanies are BO eager to assist Oman -
n merchants in extending their trade
lore is nothing in the Doano law
liinh prohibits them from transport-
i merchandize from Omaha to any
oint in Northern Nebraska just as
lieaply as they do from Sioux City to
lie same point provided they do not
Itargo a greater sum for the same
lass of merchandize to points loss dis-
int from Omaha. Under the sumo
revision ol the law the railroads
lay ship hogs from Dakota county to
[ r. UoydB packing house at as low
rate as they ploaao per carload or
or hog , or per anything oleo , but
icy cannot charge a greater sum for
10 came quantities from Blair or
lorenco to Omaha. In other worsts ,
> o Doano'law says nothing about tba
iwuoss of rates to bo charged. It
roridcs that the maximum rate shall
ot bo higher than the schedules
force on November 1st , 1880 ,
ut leaves it to the option
f the roads how much below the rate
icy miy go in order lo invJto or
.imulato trade \sit1iout making un-
ist discriminations against shorter
istanco polnte. What provision could
o made fairer to the railroads it is
itUcult to see. 13ut the corporations
ikvo decided to enforcn the laws in
icir own way and to endeavor to
lake its operations obnoxious to the
Boplo of Nebraska. The 'lomody
ill be forthcoming and every sign
Dints to the fact th&t future legisla-
on will not bo more favoiablo to the
lonopolit'B or affori them an equal
pportunity to sot at defiance every
lie of justice and equity ,
Tim evils of a low valuation of tux-
bio property are very forcibly
roughl out by Governor MoEnery ,
f Louisiana , in his message to the
igtslaturo of that state , recently con-
Diiod at Now Orleans. Tlio governor
lys ; "There'in no icason for the
inlimicd cry of poor I/misiaim and
cr impoverished people. Wo must
mliro the fact that she is rich , and
> rco her to the front rank of the
atos. Her assessment roll for 1880
IOWB a valuation of $177,090,450 , and
for 1881 , at8lGUOall. ! This
wrong and should bo coircctod , Sui
vnlimtioin dq no no credit. Whi
the property of this slalo in tht
ou lily allowed , even at two-thirds
its value , it will dhow n valuation
quite $000,000,000. The cotmlit
tioiml limit on taxation \\lll then
more than HiifDcicnt. The tax rat
c-xii then bo reduced , the hlato go
eminent sutitninud and the utito do
unnimlly decie-iird. Cotifalunco w
bo restored ; our bonds will bu on tl
tnaikot , nl reasonable intctcet , coi
inawlinp a premium ; c.ipital will ra
idly find UKvny bore , and we will i
longer bo humiliated by the low cratl
cfour state , "
Wlnt applies lo Louisiana will a ;
ply equally veil to 'ubra.ikn. Tl
MicHMncnt of property in man
portions of our ntntu in n deluair
and a wrong to our pooplo. In Omal
thottfiind of dollari worth of propcrt
annually oic/ipei taxation on acconi
of ill ) low valuation , while the corpor.
lions deliberately shirk on tlio nhou
dtrs of the jirole ] this expenno i
maintaining , the govurnmont of tli
slate. A high valuation and low ta
rate In infinitely bolter than a lo1
valuation und a high r.ilo of taxation
Such a nyiik'iii places tm in a wren
position before other potlioiin of th
country , weakens our credit and di
prccintcH our resources.
The number of tenant farmer ) re
fusinK to pay rent in Ireland is in
: rcasing in the southern counties un
3er the encouragement received froii
the American land Icnguo and th
premise of pecuniary aid in the case o
jjcctmcnt. The Hituation in Irclam
mnuot bo said to bo ( satisfactory. Dur
tig November 520 agrarian outrage ;
vero reported , including two murders
luntice Fitzgerald admits lhat tin
[ overnmotit measures have caused nt
leureiso in crime and states that tin
lulictinonU now pending are donbh
hose of hiat year. Meantime UK
ioiirts of the Land Lenguu are almoai
wampod by the number of applicu
ions for the reduction of rent wlucli
re pourini ; in from all quarters. Tin
iponitioim of the nub-commissions art
icccasarily slow , lisa lhan ono bun-
Ired casun having already boun do-
ided. It was confidently expected
hat after the decision of tlie first case ,
housandn of disputed holdings would
0 compromised by the landlords with
liuir tenauto. This remit has not
jllowod , and Ihero are now 58,000
pplication for reduction of rent on
lo , and at the present rate of settle-
lent it will tale : more tlmn fifty years
j decide upon their merits. It is
reposed to increase thu number of
ib-commisRions in thu viuious coun-
es and in this manner to give more
jady hearing to the casee.
No wonder the c/ar fools uneasy
'hen ' thu latest discoveries of science
ro brought to bear upon the dcstruc-
on of hiu life. The last plot un-
irthod by the police conlomplalod
Hiding up of a balloon noarGalehina
irrying a quantity of dynamite and
tplosivo fire balls whiehrwero to bo
roppod into the palace yard with Iho
) sult of a great explosion , fire and
infusion in the midst of which the
ihilists wore to seize the c/.ar.
Mr. Paul Uert luw been trying to
utify his appointment in an address
1 hia nibordiiiatos for taking the
linistry of public worship. This
unislry has only roconlly been at-
ichod lo Iho minislry of publie in-
ruclion in place of the line aits ,
Inch have boon erected into a sepa-
ito department. His excunu is that
10 position of the ministry of public
orship is "neither religious nor anti-
3ligioun lhal it ia a ministiy of po-
co simply , and that he , as a man
brought up in the study of eeienco
nd law , " is as competent to fill it as
nybody. The aolo reason for having
minislry of public w orship is , how-
ror , that a very largo bodyotFrencli-
icn and French women are sincerely
' .tachod to the church , and consider
iligious services the mosl solumn and
nportanl of human duties. To these
must bo rather start ling to luuo for
10 slalo Diipervision of tlicsu Biir\ ices
gonlleman who looks on Iho whole
ling as an English distriul commis-
oner in India looks on the worship
Juggernaut as so much iiiumbo-
imbo , at which ho secretly laughs.
. cannot bo but mortifying for the
liniHters of all donominalions lo have
i traneact busiuuss with an officer
ho considers them either gross itn-
lors or liarmlofs dupes , and pays
lem Iheir Htiponds sis a deplorable
inccssion to a degrading popular
Soldiering in the German infantry
rvice is not exactly boy's play , for
10 private , when fully equipped , 1ms
i carry about \ > ith him a weight of
ty-four pounds. This includes the
othing , accoutrements , arms and
umuiiition , the first mentioned , with
her personal articles , weighing about
rolyo pounds , the knapsack mid con-
nts eighteen , and the remaining arles -
: les thirty-four. This is nil official-
icgulatedfor the man in full match-
g onler , even to the smallest detail ,
lius the clothing weighs throe
muds , Iho boolj , with double sides ,
roe pounds and ten ounces , and the
ilmot four pounds and eight ounces.
lie knapeuck alone weighs four
| ii > uuds and nine ouncoi , nnd cont.t !
fhirt , stockings , shoec , drill troute
hymn book and prayer book , wi
omo other thint lumped toj othnr
three pounds and nU ouncei i ratioi
olio pound and two ounces ; tuu pnc
of aminuiiitioii , conlaining fet
rounds of ball cfttridgrH , and weiji
ing four and one-half pounds , hcaic
a screw driver , box. of create , o' '
Then there is a bolt , a bayonet of ti
pflundfl weight ; a cartridge case , co
tnining forty rouudi of ball cartridgi
weight five nnd ono half pounds ; coo
ing utom.ila , two pounds ; overcn
live pounds and thico outlet's ; havi
sick with a ration of bread , two ai
oue-hilf pounds ; drinking fiai
knife and npoonn , t-vo pounds nt
llireo ( iiinct'H ; a spndo , with HH cove
thine pounds ; n pur of cloth tdov
and a ten jiound nllo. The ro ul
lions laying down the law thus precis
ly and heavily have been promulgati
this auluiun.
Spain proposes to rai.'o a populi
subscription lo purclmpo from Ktiglat
Gibi.Utar , which li really a part of tl
Spanish dominions and to which Em
land has no moro ri 'ht than she h ;
to Florida. The Spaniards have Ion
contended ag.iiiul Ibis * invasion <
Iheir rights and the Knplish hav
never yet consented to any hone1
agreement by which it could be pn
Vented. How Gibraltar ia tioco !
* ary HH part of the route to India is
military problem upon which nine
can no doubt bo siid on both sidea
This policy of holding outposts , aa i
weic , around the globe is peculiar !
English. There is scarcely a countr ;
which hiia not an English gnrrisoi
mounting guard on its coasts. France
although but a short distance froii
England , is watched by the channe
islands. Heligoland , which shouh
belong to Germany , is an English fort
Malta wan taken from Napoleon ant
from Malta England keeps guard 01
Italy and the African ports. Cypru1
looks out upon Turkey and the en
trance to the Sue canal. Aden look ;
ifter Iho lied Sea. llong Kong is ai :
nitlook upon China. We in America
tavo similar experience ! ! in the island !
m our coasts he'd by Great 15ritain ,
Wo have Buffered more than hUtorj
ias over told from their occupation by
Cnghstid during our civil war. It islet
lot inconceivable that r.omo day it
nay become a sciious question whether
70 ohould not insist upon England
withdrawing from Nassau. The ( [ lies
ion involved in the concession of Gib
altar to Spain is one that may ulti
iiately interest the United Stiles.
Gambolta's foreign policy has been
upportcd by two votes of the cham
icr of deputies , the majority reaching
in the question of Tunisian occupa-
ion 318 votes. Gambotta brought
ho firat debate lo an abrupt close
fithout deigning lo reply to the
tricturos of the opposition , nnd his
ppcal lo tlie deputies for Iho ncces
nry money grants is weak and ova
ivo. Ho disclaims any intention o
nnexing Tunis and protests as vip
rously against the abandonment o
lie principality , Imt neglects to de-
no the middle course which ho ro
; ards as practicable. He appreciates
lie potency of national vanity. Ho
news that the mass of the constitu
ncics would resent any loss of pros
igo abroad. They may be utlerlyin
ifieront lo colonial enterprises anc
penly hostile to schemes of conqucsl
nd advcnlure , but they are unwilling
> him ) n retreat sounded if an ad-
anco has been deliberately planned
nd laboriously executed. He knows
Imt the nalion has been anxious to
ogain its influence in Europe , anil
Imt a policy similar to that which
Ir. Gladstone had the moral courage
3 adopl in Afghanistan and Xululand
ould bo unpopular throughout
'rauco. ' A withdrawal from Tunis
ould expose his ministry to popular
Midonnution. It would bo n con-
ission of failure and wrong-doing in
10 first foreign enterprise in which
10 countiy has engaged since its ru-
romunt from European politics after The rathcitln are Htiong ud-
ocalos of poacu , but they cannot con
inco their countrymen that the ends
E international justice should bo pro-
loted at thu expense of national Bclf-
itcom. Gambolta can well afford ,
loroforo , lo Ircat his critics of the
ctremo left with indifference.
There is a growing irritation in
.ussia agaiiibt foieigners generally ,
; id especially ag.iinst Germans. It
reported that in consequence of
lis ictiowcd feeling of animosity ,
roignors settled in lUissiu are HUoly
> suffer , and that a ukase is about to
3'promulgated , abolishing existing
ia < : lmonls in their favor. Many
rofossions , such as that of railway
igineers , are in Huuia semi-official ,
ul by the existing law a number of
icso appointments are open to for-
gnors , but the proposed decree will
ako them ineligible for these posi-
uns. The consequence of such a
reclamation will prove > cry serious
i many foreigners itaident in
Tlio Mexican corrcHpoiulent ofa
ew Orleans paper says thai the
tango in business , which will nocos.
rily follow the construction of BO
any railroads in Mexico , will afford
mencaiis an opportunity to control
larger proportion of trade than has
it fallen to. our nharo , At pieacnt ,
the major pnitnf the wholesale bu
IICJH is in the hands of the Germ
importers , who nupply retail deah
on a l tn credit. 'Jhrsu denler.i a
no haivily in debt to the imjtorl
tlut they can neither change tin
relation nor protest against what th
deem nntcnsoiiablo changed. T
German importer in effect suppli
thu puoplo tin ough the retail dosh
triving the Litter junt enough to ke
him giing. It is a very compact ai
poweiful combination , und piobat
no moro c-xictitig than importers
any other mtionaliry would bo
their place. Hut the incieased Ira
of the last two years , resulting fro
the employment in Mc.xico of mai
millioni of American capital , is ra
idly working out the deliverance
the retailers. Their increased trai
and larger aggrog.ito of profits enab
them to reduce their credit nccoui
and then place them in n position
purchase of whom they plcaio. It
staled also that disbursement
, , the i
so much money has wrought quite
change in Mexican nuntiment in r
spect to Americans. They are mut
rnoro friendly tlmn formerly , an
moro inclined to outer into close bus
ness relations with the United State
The now lines of railroads will ope
up a business for now retailers , wli
will naturally obtain their supplit
from the business centres with whic
the lailroads connect them. Th
Now Orleans Journal advises th
merchants of that city to send agent
to Mexico with samples of goods suil
ublo for the market.
Within a few months , the con
struclion of a lailroad to connuc
Haku .vid Tiflis Ins been undorlakon
mid its completion will afford diroc
communication with the oil region
Huku is on the Caspian sea , at tin
eastern extremity of the Caucasus
ind Tillis ia nearly in the center o
the province. A railroad already ex
tends from Tiflia lo Poll , on Iho Blacl
ica , and Iho now road will cstablisl
xmncclion between one end of tin
xnintry and the other. For a conaid
: rable distance it skirts the Kouthorn
'ace of the Caucassian mountains ,
vhich separate , as by a lofly wall , llic
lorthcru Caucasus province fiom llic
outhern. The reqion around IJaku
iossesea boundlc&a wealth of pretro-
eum in all its forms , and yet , though
t is less than -100 miles off , Iho cosi
if transportation in so high that lAnm-
ylrania oil can bo sold in Tillin
heapor than thai from Baku. Aiound
Jaku naptha binata oul in nalunil
treams , and the whole Caucasian
ogion , from sea to PO.I , is a vast rea-
rvoir of oils. The opening ot this
ountry lo commerce will undoubtedly
ring Caucasian prctroleum into com-
otition with the American product in
> thcr parts of Europe. There are , in
articular , great expectations of sales
11 Italy and Spain.
Jim ( J'Ncil la in Xew York , .
ljn llico is lecturini ; in New England.
Clara Morris has bo'n playiuu iu ew
Oik again.
Jny Gould boiiRht the Grand Opera-
OHSC , New York , lust week , for $ r 00,000.
Mr. James O'Neil will probnb y head
lie i ipmpatiy engagsd to dipport Mnd line
lodjeaka on her return to the United
tatoanext season.
Sarah Be nli.irdt ] ms won a ceriea of
nlliant triitin lw in Vienna. London
Drmpomlents declare that her acting was
: cci\ed _ with tcmi > < ; atnoin ai > ( ilauee , and
ler vN t to tlio Austrian capital seems to
are been ono prolonged fetu.
Wagner's "Meisterriincer" overture ,
.eothovcn'it . Paktnral Symphrny , nd
> aci. H 1 , major concerto for two ,
vovamb.ii , 'cello , nnd double bas' , with
inbalo. were played at the first concert
r the Vi uni I'hllharmouic society.
Mias Fanny 1)enport lias long been
esirous of acting Lady Macbath , and is
iw " , < 3llt r" "mkl ! tlle t-Aperimfiit in
liludelphin. Miss Daxenport is a clever
: i liiiOHtpeimnering actrenn. aud thorc- |
lit of thii hold enterprise will be awaited
ith int 11:4.
The iutrodiiL-tiou of the electricIhht in
teatri's is said to necuuitite a mx-olution
i all ths trnditional costumes of tha ut .ge
ini-ke up" as piacticed under the gai
'Kim ' ? . The false comp'exions , penciled
es nnd ITOXVD and iirtifieinl li l.ta . nro all
ouuht out in hideous du'onuity by the
; w light.
la Dr. Union's f.imoim Meiningen 01
lestw ti\c-H ringtHl douhloli'iisesaie u e
10 lofhtbtrlnjj being C. Hittui's larger
id moro jiowerful \ inlas lm\o been mib-
liut tl for the ordin iry ins iniuent" , and
id a new kind of kettle-diums adopted
hose iiitch c.i-1 ba insUnUiicous y
lauged by dim.lo . j > cdal uttacheJ to
During I'atiny DAxenport'ri nprfnrmaiico
Lady Mncbeth in riilndeli ! > hi hbt
I'unliiy nivht , a Binnat on was called by
slierit ! * officer leapirg nu the stage to
rvualegal pajx-r on tha rctroiH. lie
is pron.ptly oj'cted. The legal pro-
edlnif crown out ( if the trouble between
mm Dickinson uud J''iinny laeiport re.
Tdlng "Tho American Girl" drama.
Jenny Llnd , now re. idng ! In London , is
nn means the "cd lady tlmt somere -
irt deHcrilie. She U only Hhly and dues
it look fifty , her Iialr being but tdightly
uch-d with gray , her oyeHHtlll bricht and
ippy. nnd her fonn wtll jireFerxcil , Her
imu I * | > .tuiiu and nttr.ictho. Shore-
ins warm incmcrieii of America , nnd has
n'ly ' wvJeomod and ailvi-ol the young
uiencan kiu cni who lm\o Konght
> *
A I'lillailelpblii theatrioftl wig maker
) that C'hru Loui e Kullogg- wears
nfualon of blnndo lialr a > r nl long as
jlarKUvrite , " nt a cost of 8700j hut as a
le wige worn nn the etngo are chinp Imi-
tl ( > ii8. The curly brown wls- worn by
fTd'Bon in "JHp Van Winlela"ulgliN
ia than nn ouuco , and h con id red u
uvel of go l workiiiuiHliii ) , while tha
y ono coat , with the beard , 3150. Jlone
coil Intelf | iild t-90 for a blonde wig.
U lillmauVli" . M.i iuii llooth 9100 , ami
inny Un > cii | > ort $2i5.
Uccchcr has pronounced against dead-
aJintf w ell-paid pruMlierv , and in favor
taxing chiirclu .
Hie colored IiapU t , of Lynchb irg , V.i. ,
i au tuterprUlng iitoplu if , an U curreut-
r * | orted , they have recently built a
inch costlni$23.000. .
Die Tonnes f diocese con\aullou ot
: lVoU i nt KplDcopsl church reports
at cir ! . , 32 par ! he , nnd 'J38 comm
iilcnnl . The conCunntloni diuinff 11
ycnr were 281.
Tt.e . Aii.efi < .in Un tiiiAti as < ( ici < tion h
taken ft n to Imv , ne-v i omiurntaty (
tlie Old mid New Tetnm nta prepared.
h.-inM-ci npt > olntrdn mUronnrv to lab
nmrng the Sen ilinrnhu of the uet.
A .MnM-xchiisclli judio ; ha dccl I'd th ;
t c ringing n' n cliurcli bell at f o'clock i
Iho nmriiiiiK N H publln ntiloance , and
( -eoiloiniH un.hli | nt tlmt lionr , tin
< liimld d < soitlioitt iliiiurbin , ' the
utihbor } ; < ,
The immliT of lapiirtt awoclatiom i
Alabama i * rr , mtli 1-1'lj ehuichrs nr
70.00' iiieinbcnt. Jcsdi ! < licso nrc tl
col r-d ihurchcf , with 90.000 member
iiinkiry ; a K and total of 100,000 Uaptiv
In tliu
The Union Swedenbor nn church , Ch
n-o , iK-ciipicd this lecturu r 'out of its ne
Jiticf 'linday , NovpinherO. 1'or rn\iri
jentu tSo congrcira ion luxwnrnhlpa I i
lltrMiey Hall. Tlio llcv. L. ] ' . Mercer
f thin thurtli ,
nt'H the the charm of Ilolwrt Tel
yer } " "Well , " said n parl-ilii nor , "p thni
the finest part ol it IM tlie waj lie takes tl :
nudieiice lut" hii confidence towjvd tl :
nd of hh oennon anil tulks % 5 If each on
were hi * boaoin friend. "
Thu C"iurcg tlonatiiti nro doing notn
rn-rgetio li'-tno ' tuiiclonaryvork in No'
-itxlc. ' , ] J kot . nnd othur Urrltorics. A
S.n'ul'othey hae just uptn d an edt
institute , uhi < .h iit to bo tlio ncr dei arttncnt of the nnivLrrity .
Now Mexico.
It i < teport'd that the mcmbcrn of th
C. imchin , Dniniiiican nivl 0ra orini
orders , wh ch were recently Mipprexitd I'
tlio I'rench govtrnmeiit , hie been re
licvtdof ilicir mo attic \ .wi tiylhcHo\
i-reiuu 1'ontilf , o tlmt they can now b
einil < iycd as or li mry priu.t in the diflo
int di ceaeii of France.
T lied Hue din missions of the I'liiccopa
church irceixcd liiHt ycjr fioui all tou
over SHJO.COO. There are thirtced mis
Uonarv bi-hopn in the field recehin.
pnchS3,0iO ( , nnd ha\ingnndcr them near 3
four hui dud uuVio i.nicH Three him
dred labor nin ng white people ; -II ainunj
coloint people , and fi2 among India M.
lilttlc moire is much need f r " < icoml'
mouruing ,
Dlrectoirfltoats nnd bonnets arc very be'
coming to t.ill , atitelyvoim n.
X MiiekhiUcrr fu < - , c llcd Husian cat ,
Jg vcry _ faslilonable for tlrtKS nnd Loiintt
trinuninr ! ) .
_ A fnohion journal nays that 'plump
gills nro co longer popular. ' Let IH all
mite in nailing thin lie at the Htart.
The coming womnu will iirt marry until
sin IH able to support a husbiiul in tlio
btjle he has Ixen accuntoincd to ut ho lie.
The soft ind fine Lorraine Hco nou so
iiopnlar is much cuipl .j l in tninmin'-
mderclothin'of-iurai } ! Bilk orTienciiJlawn.
Jluff'iof whltt fntin n d lace , gam-
Khcd uitli natural liuwetv , will bo carriul
it finhionible chinch vo dinjs this
Dark rival blue nml "ilvcr are \ery
itjli h roinbinitions in diun rivndc.ini.iio
Mfttunies of brocaded H.itin ami .Siuoii.m
sh or vchet.
A lidiicau girl Inn enough c rn
o buy lur a pair of $10 Blocking. : itidr.rm
ha will Icini to hkate. She has lojoom-d
eeultt and know a her biz.
A lot of New York iniideiii ) recently iot
ip a fair for the i oor , and ns ( juito a nu.n. .
ier niiwvea _ eiuage'iient n'n''H the eiucr-
iriseiai > | > < ) kcnuf re , a biilunt
i'hilaiklphia Nevv < .
tbnt in Jfanituba girU are
0 catce th.U each one lint , on the IIMT fre
% vu hundred lovcis to clioooa fiom. It
nay be atltled th it in ninu caias out of ten
he girls choose thvoist man out if the
nt [ Boston Post.
AIIC.VS item siysthtt u Scr.iutou l tly
i iies nil the tramps who call at her gate ,
or their mother's tackc. She i-etms to
ftve Holved the trjmp queetion. Trampb
ever call at lit r gale the sj-ond time.
'hoy niefcrton d js in the county jail.
Norristoun lloiiilil ,
The defendant in the breach of promise
a-einNew York testifies tlmt lui as'e1
is swettheart when she fell in lo\e wit
im , nnd she ansuerod that she did no
ill in love with him , but her mother ca
e would ben good caUb , aud told her tt
atcti lu'm. "and I Imo caught you. '
uch un answer as that is enough to make
ny lov e try t.i get a-vvny.
The aleeves of many hnnilsome drc st1
laile to wear under fur-lined circului ,
rhich nre to bo laid -idein a heated roon
r hall are made to fit the arm exactly
nd over them long mousquetnite govei
ro vvoiii. These gloves ofien reach lotlu
Ibowi" , nnd hhould wi inkle as little n pon-
ble. A glove largely adiertised of la'e
y mnny of merchantH has fastening
milnrto thorio mud with the old Htjleu.
ioven , in tna ohripe of little gilt htuds
laced on either side o1 the opening , atd a
ne Ell . cord is then twisted furring-bouo
ishion round them. This ia a much easier
lethod of s cniing the g eve tlmn by the
* ual one of buttoning thi"in , nnd is lets
kcly to cauH the annoi nnco of the sud-
en flyinif off of n button just its one's
lind und hands a e ready lo : anything
at suwliig it on a/alo ,
A youns lady named Ullman in > i'evv
"orkhas brought unit forSK.OOOdamiiges
jiiinst her fuiincr lover for breach of c n-
act. This contract consisted of hi/i KM .
in ti. her on coming home from ride in
10 juris , "I lovj you nd wouM lilto m
.ako juu my wife , " in kishing her on
aunj , uud in r.-iitiui ; to her letters in
lit h , amoiiir other tiling , he uaid , "I re
ived your loiter to-day , and would like
1 haw \oured it , ht np , pjn elope .ind
I ; ' "the day HCO i B dreary without you.
[ other dciscd me to-d.y1 ; jou "will nl-
aysbenolid with the Mejcrsj" "t-il-o
cey C hen in hand nnd jnaki n good boy
him ; " "kinKntiin * an I tell her I loyo
) r like LJinburgcr checeu ? " "I nm a can-
date for jour lo\o and there I know I
iall have ths mot votes ; " "jou ono ( if
0 nicest , huccte-t little gnomics in the
nrld ; " "I nm going to the leap. y , a bill
id m goin to hug -.11 the grJ ! , but after
1 ouly the ral girl willdo for me. " Tiicsn
ings come pr tty high nt ! 52.,000 , I ut
ma pei'plo tiiubt have them , or think they
u-t , which nniounti to the Fame tiling.
The Detroit Free 1'ress reports the ful-
g diecusaiuu of woman suffrage by the
line Kiln cluh : "Tiie secretary mi-
iiiuced a letter from Annajoli < , III. ,
; ned Tlinin m .lones , nslvinu for the ( , cn-
1 opini n of the club on the subject of
iinan'H rights. Brother Ciardne said
at nn opportunity would be given Ml
i-mberH tu express opin'unis , i nd the lo\ ( .
'iistoi : ! : nroso and dt elated his objections
a speech seven ininuteN long. Sir I.n.v
nljwlo said that if politics corrupted
311 , It would m < ii > t certainly degrade wo.
3ii. Trustee I'ullb.iik Kiiil tliut if wo
rn could vote evoiy ollko in the count v
mid bo filled by men who pait their hni'r
the centre line , Judge KmiifT had
tended hewing society to witno-w thu
: cti m of n president , ard ho Ind Been
ery v oinan in lhat w > cety ! vote for her-
f Hoventeiii MUccebBive timea. Vickies
litli thought that when mothers of fain-
M would liave their heads iropped and
air eyebrows colored in order to wear
m 'ovigd , the I ullot wasn't exactly whit
9 female tex wanted , Yariou other
luliem d clar-d their obj ctiou" , und
u > n diecu'Klon finally ceased , the prefi-
nt mild : 'Iliii club does no1 , f.ivor da vvo-
in tuffrage movement not at present. ' ' ,
Enolmn jvi-nica Salve.
The beet salvo intho world for outs ,
uisos , cert > 3 , ulcers , wit ihouin ,
vtir sores , totter , clmpiwd lianda ,
illblaius , corns and all kinds of
in eruptions. This n.ilvo U gunr-
lood to give porfuct satLifaclion in
cry case or inonoy rofundud. Price ,
o per box. For sale by
Toil & McMjMIOir ,
Two Now Yorkers gut into n dispute a *
to which vvai the lun lti < g tb Mi in that
city , And ( m- ) had hi nun 1 rokui nnd tht
nth r got a fr.ic uivd ] n\ < , \
When .1 boy un nnkedVhcro WR th
text this inornlngV ho ( pilck'y ' epl ed. "f I
Is ' ( iHiculicro n llntchet' . " r'In Ilntchetut wnsln Acs. ' "Well , 1 knew U
wa < Homelhing tlmt ould cut. "
Old Vbrain M vvliot rein rl "Kfdntlo-
rcn ant-obdo rmntcr what ci wed at
1'e.tcr was ter tiifikc A nom o erj1 time n li
is told dnr would bo i ch n nol-o in d world
dnt jcr couldn't ' he.ihle i ens cackle. '
Th K > st Hcrmon In the wnrld never jet
reconciled the jirowl man , trjng \ to curl
bin feet up un i < lit uf Mgh under tlio ] < evv ,
tu the piiiu'til y oblruMv and . \ident fact
lhat the wlfr of liift bxiin hnd u ed his
b ackingliniOi to joli h the k tclirn etotc.
A ntw religious sect in MlnnciiotA nre
cilled the JJi miners , nnd thy have a
dream interptot r , niid nro governed in
their conduct by their dreams , doing jui-t
hat they dream they me to i'o. ' One of
that giing must be in a ciio rfnl frutne ot
miiiil uheiihegrts un in the tmfi hi ) ; uft r
dreaming of ritt-ng down on n beehi e.
Thn clergyman \vho o entd the e-\ercfC3
uf a fa ! with pwjvr , caid : ' 0 , 1/jnJ , we
anjiroach ti eo iindf-r the tui. pos of the
K-kcv county nyriculliirnl tociety. " Jlo
inii't have been n relitiv _ of the 'Chicago
preacher who Mnrtoi his Thaiiktgiving
jirn trnsfoloWEi " ( \ Ijinil , thou know.
ei > t tlmt we nroa 1 nilsctablo tinncin. If
you cii't , ytiti h. cl't ! reaa tiio
Tlio 1'aris correspondent or I ho Now
Yolk Tribune having iiatroniringly r -
uwkeil tlint 'Jtv..suioerykimjUilliclr
poor co n'Hgfoniitif , but iliey elil ROOII
iho i rincijilu of ( pulling liu Kpv pi inn. * ,
anil tlieli i-jei are not lica\en-dixctcii ! , "
thu Jew Mi Me BinpermirtliiiiKly cilNat-
tcntiou to the pkty of ClirMi , u Imnk
cashiers , wliolca\on thing but tin1 afe
unil the hot nto\ei > , nml tlio ilirectuis who _ , .
iit end neither tlio > jniagWiu nnr Hie 1
JUfincHs meeting of their hanks.
A c'erjjyii an was rronl < ined by tb
fioiii ; Inlunil ConprcKntiniiHliit nnsociatioii
Llic ot cr dcy who linn had what n local
mjior mildly calls n "chockortd career. "
He lias Iv'cn aucc Hsively ail Kpiscopalian ,
k INlitlioilifit , 11 Presbyterian nud Cougre-
; ational prcaiher. The last ihurch of
wliich lie was pi tor lui Aoliiic.iliuarrel ) |
iud tlia church vvos burned , ns it had been
cveral jcain liefoic. Hu . a arrti-tii'l and
iniuittcd of tht ) charge of ucttlnt ; it on
lr , and then lie liroiikht buits tor nlnnder
mil false J piipoiutifnt nnftinst ihe in.iii.
) er . His certificate to the L'tij ; Jnlnntl
, SDC ation wivs fraudulently taken from
lini , and dur i r liin nljtelite he was ex-
it-lled ; but lie has now been reinstated nnd
iaH been iiutallu I ovei another chnrcli. It
3 to 1 e hoped fate will "let up on
iim" awhile.
ALMOST > . "i *
How elton do we BOO the hard-work-
IIR father straining every ncrvo and
nusclf , and doing his utmost to sup-
iort his family. "Imagine his feelings
r'hcn returning homo from n haul
uy'n labor , to lind hi * family pros-
rate vith diaeas'j , conscious of unpaid
octora' bills nnd debts on every Imnd.
t must bo enough to drive ono almost
ra/y. All this tinhuppiness could be
voided by using Electric Bittern ,
Inch exjiol every" disease from tlio
I'atcin , bringing joy and happinu to
louwnds. Sold at fifty cents a bot-
e. lab & McMfhon. (8) ( )
" " "
oiuoIzaportaitt&tatomontH ofWcll
Unowu People Wholly
In onler that the putihcn' * ! fully ro"Hu the
iiiulncncfs of the state tntw well m the
> erftiid value ol thj nrtlclo ot they
icnlf , vvcpuhllslihcr vvllht o facBlmilu iKPa-
irtacf ) arilcs whose fimcrilv In bc\on i uues-
Jii. Ihe Truth ot the-o t stimonliU Is abso-
tc , nor ca.i the fatts tlicv " announce bo lc-
ir d.
OMVHA , NFB. , May 24 , 1681.
. IT. WARSIIII & , Co. :
: I Imvo frctnentl } uswl Warner's
tfe KUner .itid Mvfr Cure Jor loc.l atlcctloos
tcimnnt ujion eevcro llnuinatl attaos , and
ivool js derived benetlt tlierefrom. I hdvc
ouHiUthoSato cr. no with Eatl-f.c'ory re-
1U. I coiiklder these uitdlcluca wor.hj of
nfli'e co.
Deputy Treasurer.
OVAIII , KKB , May St , leUl.
P. WAR-.SR&CO. , llochchter , N. V :
nnsTs : I have used jour frafo Kldnej and
\ur Cure tbls spring as a llvorimifforator , and
Ind I the best remedy I over tried. lha\c
cd 4 bottler , a < l it has made mo tiol bettor
D ev tr I old bcforo In the
U. P. li. Shorrt.
, , . . . OHAIU , Xin .May 21 , lt > 31.
II.ARSKa & Co :
iis : Kor more than 15 y ara I liivo miffertil
uh In onv enlcnco from coinbined kldnc > and
erilloeaucs , iid Imo been un ble tovorl. .
. urln y ornnuaNo biingnllec'eil I rlwla
; at nmnnndklhts and doctors but I grew
mo und or ed y by dny I was told I hid
kill'sIiivctw , and \UthjJ nj.e , dial it I
lid notha\ufiictMj ] rtlicf. I took jour Sofe
iini' } and Liver i uro , Minnlug nothingelmi
i ever known tocurotha dNuua , and I havM
tboLiidi < anpolnt < i ] Th in dlclno has cured
, and I nm pcrfec 1 > well ioila ,
o Kh > "ur S lo Kl.lnei aril LiverC'uro 'f
ihjoii&llmicc sln i > nbilihln ( { thli v.lutble
neav tlirough ho orld.
II. I * . 11.1' . Hlin | i
1ioikimn ! rf cqunlly ulrniiK iiiiloiHoniunt *
it ) of them In cisoi vhtrj li ju a uban-
nd Ktvuhu'ii vnluntaril ) ( ( h. ni-liowln ( li
laikablopanrrot Wiumr'i Mtlu Kidney and
er Guru , m all d t < i ui o | tliu Kidman. HUT
irlnar ) OIRIIH. If any ono vhn iiiidi thin
any ph.v ml trouble rtiiiixlu. thu gru t
K. VIGS M. iihitUKU , .
i E , mm & co , ,
25 Lasalle Street , OHIOABO ,
ain and Provisions Bought
and Sold on Margins.
ili t7iuc-o'illin
3 Nervous Sufterers
> . J. B. Simpson's Specific
: In a poiti\eniru | lor b ( > cna&toirhc3 , Bcraln *
i , Imimtaiicy , anil nil tlUrasai rumlttag
it HaK-AtMfo , M MfnUl Anxlet ) , Losat
nn . - , 1'alna In the llncte . or - fililci dnil dlec
kklUHrf * | ] | jt . , "
'f&tfffa Inennit ) n I
( 'i ! *
I T JS /
Mulleins I )
boliij ; iiwU
with MOM In
fill HurctiH
- . _ _ I'ampbliU
i iiw to ill. \ \ rlt lor liitm ted get lull \r.i.
'arc. '
rice , pc cH3c , (1.00 ptt pnckigo , CI Six pwk.
i ( or } 6.UO. AJ iirc all order * to
KOI 104 mil 100 Ualn St. DuUalo , N. Y.
> U tu Omaha by a r. Qoodnun , J. W , IMI ,
i Itt , uvl > 'I ifrn rt * "v rr " ' ' '