THE PRESIDENT'S NEW HOME Appw\rnnoo of tlio "WliUo ! Icm c After It Hi * BeenRnnorntod nnd Refurnished. New York Tilbutif. \V\HIUNOTO.V , Dee 4. The White House , after its baptism ot jinint ntid ilccorntions atul its now dronaiiitr ol tioli furniture , JH greatly improved in appuarnncc. The 'rntmformntum is marked. Almost from the very on- trnnco the much-needed ronovatton was begun. The decorations of the main vestibule nro of n eliaractci which docs not require fruqnunt altor- ationu. It has n tiled tloor which was only put last year , under Mrs. Hayes's dircc ion. The mnin lobby , which divides the house on the lowet floor , has been Rrcatly improved. The unit is kaUntiiinod in a light nhndo , and n heavy fne/o runs around it item the ceiling. The cha'ra ' , lounges , mid suttees have been recovtired withalighl silk tmd wool brocado. The double door , opening from this hall into the Ea t. Room , is hung witli RMCoftilly draped Turkish curtains 01 ! the inner ride , from an obonuod brack' ot. This is the only symptom ol insthuticiem in the entire building , Black cor tin and pretty little fiilvtn knobs nro arranged to allow its speed } Adjustment in any manner desired. The furniture in this room is rich , but not very showy. The entire efl'oci is subdued and pleasing. Thn wood' work is of obouizud wood , the up bolstering ; of the main nuite lieiiiK in old gold brocadu , softened by a thing , ling of gulden brown. The wood worli on the arniH of the sofas and clum torminntus in curved animal heads , The frame Iy the top piece ia carved in flowers and piottydesigiu the centre piece being n laughing mail faca. There are other settees and chaiiain this room , upholstered in ecu plush , while hcte and there areplHcod odd cliaiw , upholstered in crimson and gilt brocade with plush panels and sill fringes. The window hangings an tastuful nnd elegant ; the curtains arc of old gold brocaJo , the same as th ( furniture ; the Itmbrequins are ol pluah , embroidered with an artistii flower design in natural color * , th whole pattern outlined by gilt trac ings.The The Green Tloom is still the Oreer Room , but not the bottle green of tin past. The tints are of the faintes Kilo green , and their freshness makei the room beautiful. The walls havi been papered in a nrotty design pah green and white flowers on a gilt back ground. The velvet carpet has a ligh figure centre mid a bordering of shade : greens. The curtains are of Nile groei aatin , bordered by plush balls aw gimp. Tdo mantel lambrequins matcl those on the windows. A yellow sitii ottom.m has side panels of blue aiu yellow plush and a design in Kensini ; ton needlework of Hying cranes am rushes on the top. The furniture which consists of a couple of sofas am reception chairs , is in pale green Rath and plush. The woodwork is of obonj plainly moulded. All of the chain are of different nhapua. Under tin gaslight the new-comer would tak < this room to bo the Blue Room tin palo greens taking on that shade whet the day-light is gone but for i glimpse of the Blue Parlor , and Hi briuht bluss and gilt-framed furnitun There h.isboen nothing done to thi room , its furniture now charmingly old-fashioned looking just as well u ever. ever.The Red Parlor has been trade > sumptuous room. The caroet in o velvet , a light ground and deepl ; ahadud flowers , and a filagree crimsoi pluih an i the woodwork ia in rose wood , with gilt tracings. The divan are similar in shape to those in till other rooms. The chair with a heavj gilt frame stinds near the fireplace mid is made up of old gold datnasl wilhr.ti-od velvet flowers in cnm on A couple of other chairs are in otht * nil lam textures and have inlaid frame of Eaatlako patterns. The hearth i tiled , and within the fender are and irons and old-fashioned brass . shove and tongs. The window curtains nn of crimson pltwh , looped back bj thick atlk cords and heavy tassels The mantel and window lambrequin are made to match the fire screen which is of tapestry work depicting i a scriptural scene , and has a nmPHiv gilded fianio Hunnounted by an eagle The mantel ornaments are a bronz clock and vases. The stairways and halla have al boon rociirpcted in a dark red velvet On the second floor the library furniture turo has been n covered and the wall have been nuwly papered. The pre Tailing tint is crimson , which con trams well with the dark woods of th bookcases which line the room on t < l aides. There are large Rotteoi am comfortableewychairo , all tiphulntoro in the latest designs. Reading table ocupy the centre part of this room which ii circular in shape , like th Dlue Fur lor on the lower lloor. Cnil a Halt. Cblcazo Tribune. There U a disposition among farm orB to rush their young Ktock on t the market because of the present an prospective hi h price of corn. Man feeders of expenonco , however , knoi that under any circumstances this ide is a wrong one , and thet > men are dt tormined to hold their cuttle until the are ripe for thu block , believing thu if corn is unuiu lly scarce and const quuntly high , good beif will bu roln lively as high whun cattle have ins tured and made ready for sale , In thi matter the questinn of e.irly maturit must of necessity be considered , bt the trouble U that men who breed an feed cattle too evidences of early mi turlty very much sooner when feud high , anil in altogether too many cast maikot their stock before it is in cot ditiou to demand the best prices , . ' is mfo to assume that no feeder ca afford to sell young things tofuvocoi no m vttcr what the prici-a are , ai : thin fact is often illustrated win ahortii hted men oiler their calves at yearlings for Bale under thoao circut stances. They suck a convenient ma kut , whom the shiewd and inexpei uncod feeder ? who have Itarned t n keep their young cattle roaddy ai t oairorly buy their oflVrinqa and sh them into the country ugjiii to cared for and allowed to ripen , Ti pricu of corn ought not to iniluon farmeis to take any steps that will i eult in a loaa , and there can bo i doubt that too inauymunaruinfluunc by what they are lud to fear , rath than the protionco of actual faci There is certainly no good reason wl cattle , nnd in fact every species ol stock , should not for many years Income como bring top price * , na the law ol nupply and demand must control the questions. Therefore given the self- evident proposition that if feed is high meat must alto bo high , the fallacy ol selling stock before it is ripe and redy for market is easily demonstrated. Consumers , of course , desire- and de mand the young , lender , high-bred products of early mitiirily , yet they do not want stock before it lunreachod BUlliciont age. The Boonur ftedon appreciate the fact that their young cattle are the mo t valuable , and that there is no object in crowding them into the markets , the sooner they will bo recompensed for the additional feed , oven with corn at its present hich { .rice. It hna been found by careful and in telligent experiment that turn in pro portion to Iheir weight consume ( M more food than either cattle or sheep. TIIR amount of Knd in thu United Kingdom of ( tieat and Ireland tinder permanent pasture is stated at 21,717,092 , , calculated to produce fiO llx. of tlesh meat per acre. A rot'LTHY farmer recommends lay- in ? in n slock of sods bifuro cold weather sets in , and sticking them uj in a corner of the heti-liouse or undet other auitablu covnr wheio the hem1 cm have HCCOSB to thorn during the winter. TT is estimated that an acroof clovet which would yield two and one fourth tons of hay , will when fed to pigs pro duce as much pork an the corn from two iicroa yielding forty bushels pei ncro. Eiuhty bushels of corn , allow ing each bushel to produce ten pound ! of pork , would produce ei ht hundred pounds of jiork , which at seven cents a pound would amount to fifty-si ) dollars , Hannnh Jane ! Detroit Vrceroiu. . Toor , old tnnnl ho walked foobli , nd disconsolately about the leaf trown crmotery and paused now ant hen with a weak , irresolute air o ncorUinty that betokened a failim nil troubled mind ; ho seemed to bi ookiug for eomo one or something lid jut be did not stay his footste i , t any of the graves , and ho passei be costliest monumontn without : ; lance. Presently ho retraced hii waj nd , seeking hero and there amontr tin nmarkcd graves in the same listless aznl waj' , approached a laborerbeini ii one of the avenues , and asked remulously : "Cau you tell me where Hannal ano is buried , my friend ? " The man looked up roughly , and i he speaker had been arrayed in fun iroailcloth with a weed fu his silk ha e would luvo given him an utmrpcioui nswer ; but ho saw a thin old face ue u a frame of white hair , a bent am ihrunken form in hum bio garb , ant 10 answered respectfully : "Who did you Hay , sir wet name ? ' "Hannah Jane ; < ou know , nnd be auso of my son they buried her hen ustead of down in our country grave ard , where wo used to live years ago Iy son's a big man hero a businesi nan nnd he gave us a lot worth twr undred dollars to bury her in , ' . lought a ViriMimy ro o and a sweet riar and some sweet-williams am ilanted on it ; niobbo you'd know i : iow. " "I don't know : is I do , " said thi workman gently , "but if you thinl ? ou can tell me about where the gravi s , I'll try and help ye. " They walked up nnd down for i ittlo , and then the old man stoppei K-sido t splendid white marble shaf hat reared its fair proportions fa bovo the neighboring monuinents nd shaking his head feebly said will .ho old irresolution : "It's very strange , an' I can't mak < t out at all mobbe I'm gettin1 old ) ut I was sure this was the spot. " The workman put up his hand ti nde u smile. "That ore grave don't look like a t ever had sweet-william planted 01 t , deus it , old man ? I'm favorable ti ; hem flowers myaolf. Hallo ! Wo "id you say the name waa ? " "Hannah Jane , " answered the oh iimn , reverently lifting hia hat fron is white hairs , "an4 wherever yn ro , my dear , God bless you ! " h iddcd , looking up to heaven. "W.ill , now , " said the workman ; etting down on his knees to look a ho lettering on tiie bran new shaft 'this beats mo ! Hero's a II and i J-a-n-e ; what's the rest of thu name Id man ? Foster ? " "Yes , yes ! " answered the old man cngerly ; then a look of bitter dicap pointuiont crept ovur his faco. "Yoi ; lon't mean it , " ho said flowly 'they've never gone and put thei ; rer.fc monument over Unnnah June iho that wanted birds and flowers am : ho blessrd air of heaven above he uid the sun shinin' and the dew fallin on the spot where she slept ; she tha built n ladder to thu skies in gooi deeds and was humbler than a loetl child , and would rayther have had ; board at her head , down in the eli uroveyard , with plain Hannah Jan on it carved by mo ! It don't soon right , that'a all ! " He went away sadly nnd lingering ! ; and bo never ciime back , but the mai ho talked to planted sweet-william and rose slips on the grave and it look stiange to BOO them tnnghd in wil profusion about the stately marble ind whenever he sees a funeral sto tear that opot ho looks to see if an other grave in dug there , "for eom day , " lie says to himself while h works , "my old man will comi bac to hia Hannah Jane. " Hope on. Hopn No matter what the uilmeut tnny Ix 'heuinaUuin ' , neuinlg a , huii.neKn , & . { ; nn r.'ni-liitU- other tr utuifnt have faila liopaou ! unut utic for THOUAM' KLBI TluoOiL. it will ( ccure yuu immeiliat reliif. ecxtlw Ho 1'tcka Bun. Th" Bia < Mcst man in the elate is freight train conductor on the I Grouse diviaiou. His train was comii east , and thif. side of Now Lisbon tl conductor missed one of his brakemu a man named Orctg. ! After learnii that Inwa * not on the train the coi ductor signalled the cnginrcr to sto and it was tuckui" up slowly , tt beys looking for the body of their la comrade , expecting to find it mashi up finer thin powder. Two hours tl boys starched , in vain , forthodoteasi and then thu train was backed in New Lisbon , and a searching par ordered out. About thin time U brakeman was aeon walking along ti itivet with a girl on hli uria. Ho w mashed , " but not fatally. The con- uctor borrowed a shot gun nndstai ted or Oregg , but ho took to the uooih crtws the Lumonvieir ri\er , nnd is ubsisting on love , and what httlestull 10 uirl carriiH him in n basket. The onrtustor was BO mad when he got to \ > rtaiothat ; he had it hot-box , OONNUBIALITIBS. Mr. nml MM. Wil-on , of l'i r ! , w 'r iarred ! t rec time * nine morning. 0 u- ous tifoplo. Thrv tie I 'lie knotMltlin iieo fold c r.t , niul atlut-e-foM coltlin not tilly lirokrn. Mr William C. Hccohcr'-t brldf 1 < a atiftt.tor ef Mr. lllxflow , wlw waHoncn rmldclit anil uroivnroun KIOC ninnulnc > tiMr tn Introdu n French Ciiiintllun lwlt | n the fhoe bminw. A fcliool-niariu In Kentucky nunlrd no of her | iupili > , ant mbm > iiUv c- cetinu him lirfaUntf tlio nilisln > fh nl rrelrd him und i > fellow culprit with leal Impartiality rtiul cmiMiU'rftlilii rigor M * . John Sojourner waa lately married i 1/oulnlaun to hi" tifilmlff. HcN J2 i" rs tif ftfjo. and the entire litre of liU wlclowerliooil vut ti'sptlicrjn but alittln vern > cur. Hw latent brlilw In about lf > e.tiK old. \Ve bn | > (5 MmiptlnnK l ll' " ' no tochrok ic rum ntif notion of innrryhiK mi'ii > orc- nrin tin-in. It will be lnt | > o hiltlu to ae- mmmxlitto auy moro hiich ronplvH t the Imitmuie , m _ th t mitUuti u ii full. 'lilli.ilelpliln Ktf K. Mm. llitttio N. ( looilwin of Don Mn lies -n gruiitvd adivo co r .nditiuiied llmt ll iay the co t No hmiuer wan theiltctve mtorfit than iibimurrlcil vcain , butn > K * I'ct-d to pay timio ciMtM. The court pa intly w itvd and un muiu-y i'liiB f'Tth- ' oiuiiii ; , rec'iiwidou'iHtH ' dfi' ! li mill dii- ili-cil llattlu's petition. Tlio rmiilt 1 * i l she it ntlll Mr . ( tooilwln , and her r tiiini to male No. " h : ciniily | liei-n that f n m Htrens. This m ken nail muddle. A vnuuj trail wltn'O futlicr w . \j-ry ealtliy , and lie IIIOVIM ! unions the lir-t miliex , was inarrl d tit iH-jititlful Rirl -tt ; r ili iiiipliiU cuii-mony wiHC'incl ' dcil , nd jitut before tlio linppy jmlrveie o Htsirtou their join ttey , Uie liridcc Hint up t h n nutUur-m law _ mid cr. A friend wlto w t U > l < lil4 ; by , mid V.-M Mimizeil at thin e\tr-nrtliim y : iell n. HH ) thti liiiilc-uroom ( or an f\ ] > l llntioiu.f l < conduct , liu jeiilii'il : "Ha\o yon evt reoil tliofio beautiful lilies bj Teuny- "Thobittei Tn - tliorm bpfnru the ro p. T lie Must of whit r blown. " The frit ] ul x.iid he notice tht-m , but ICH.IW ( | H nppli iition , Tliiit fablu teaches dint lipeiuxn u mnr ; et 'umrrivd hn i not iiect sinly whollj .er.ft ol heuse. Tlio Hintorlnn'H Rclntivo , NOHTII UNION "SIIAKKUS , " CLKVKL.\NII , O. , Feb. > : ! , 1830. U. II. WAKSKII & Co. : Friends- take plcnfiuru in sayii g that 1 havi ised your celebrated S. fo Kidney ant "liver Cure , and that it cured me o Wright's Di eiHO after I waa given uj o die nnd all other remedies hu ailed .ecOeod-lw JAMKA S. PUKSCOTT. Jr.nh Billing * ' Wl dom. The man who guts bit twice by tin amo dog is better adapted to thai und of bimincHi than any other There is a great di-ul of religion it : his world that is like life preservci only nut ont the moment of im mediate danger , and then put on hall he timu hind mdo before Experience is n school w hero n man earns what a big fool ho has been. The man who doesn't believu in anj icreafter has got a dreadfully mean ipinion of hiniflo f and of hia chances. There are two kinds of fools in thif rorld : those who can't change Iheii opinionn , and those who won't. A good doctor is the gentleman thorn ( -horn we pay thteo dollars a visit foi .dvising us to cat leen and oxorcisi norc. Out in the world men show UH t\v < ides to their characters ; by the fire ide , only one. The world is tilling up with uducat d fools ; mankind read too much anc earn too little. Evoiy man has follies , and often imos they are the moat ititereiititif hings they have got. FACTS TIIAT'AVE KNOW. Tf you are Huflenng from a HOVUII lough , cold , n.sthiiui , bronchitiH , con iiimptioii , lo.-tB of voice , tickling ii ho throat , or any affection of tin hroat or lungs , wo know that DR VINCI'S NKW DiscoviiKY will give yet mmodiatu relief. We know of lain Iredi of COHOH it lin txjmpletoly cured in d that where nil other medicinei tad failed. No other remedy cai ihow one Imlf iui many { xinuaneir curoB. Now to ivo yon mitisfactorj nwif that Dr. KINO'H NKW Dmcov V will cure you of Asthma , J5ron chitifl , Hay Fever , Consumption , Severe voro Coughs and Cohls , IloarHonesH or any Throat or Lung liinease , if yet vill call ut .T. K. LSJI & McMAHON1 ; [ ) rug Store you can get u trial bottli ree of coat , or u regular Hizo bottli or 81.00. janl01y(2) ( ) OOJinNUK.1 TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness Saddlery 1 tavo MiupuiU tnu i/ou iw aTrnIo lltik , an all my Roods will ho STAMPED with the MO and my NAME on tha imo. NO ( UXHIH All OEKUINK WITHOUT TIIK AUOVU SIAMI' ! The btwt matarUl la uwil and tlie ii.o l gkillt worVuiou are omnlovuJ , and at the lowisit ca ; price. Anyone wlihln , ; A | irii-n-llitt of ( oed wi confer k fever by stmllnir for one. _ DAVfDSiyiITHMWRE , J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNBY - AT - LATS BIO South 17ilrtixinUi Btreet , with ' M , oolworth. nsro , BYRON REED & CC OLDISI 1HT1BLUJU1IO Estate Agenc ; IN HOPAflKAJ Ktep a mmplite kUtraci ot title to dt rtkl * la ( Vu * * n P * l r w' ir i A-.vS : ? < \ 'wt tcr bcmx the most dtnvt. ijtilfX t , n t < v > t line eonnecltnif the crrit Vnlmjiolln , rill AGO. MH ! Ihc KAirtmiH , NOIITII-KAMHIIX , ancn it ) rtovTii.Kumntt I.IXM , wlilch tcnuln tr then ttli KANHAS Citr , M VKI OITII , ATCHIIMH \ittNni. IltrrKi ftnit OAII , lh Oox ntnil MTUU Irom which nvIUlo EVERY LINE OF tJOAD i\t ponetMtcn the Continent tram tht Wlminrl l * irtoUinJ'MlflflSlorH ) . The U10AOO HOOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY A thi only line Irom ChlotKO ovinlnit tr rn Into MIW , or which , by Its ovtn ron.t , renehi * f.n > olnUiril > otonamxl. NomAMtniw HT CAMOAan' Jo IMIH txtNNKCtipiii t No timliUIng tn HI- 'iitllnUvl nr nnclutn crxrc , a * ntcrt nuu nicr If mrrVxl In roomy , clwin unj \ < > nlll Uxt oouchw pen font Kxiin-M T ln . HAT CAIW ol nnrlv l l in ifnlt'fonMi , PPU.MAM 'AUACII HtHKn-to CAM. unit our o n world f niouii IMINU OAKK , m > on wltlch moat nro i'tu l ol nit- trjui-wJ Bicolleitcu , t tlio tow r\to ol RIWTI , IKH CKNTS RACII , wtlh niplo tlmn t < I bmlthltil ilojinctit. Throuich Cam l > ot ( wn t'hliv'o , Pcorlix , Mil ikUiiixt nml Ml'-wurl Ultor 1'olntfl ; nml cloxn con ectloin l nil iiolut * nl Interm-iilon with othri c.l . Wo tlcVi\tJo not lorjjftt th ! ) illrottly to otor ) : ot ImjiortAnco In UMIKW. .V'lirohln&c \ ] V Illi"V > nmliiK' , b'Uth. lilivho , KdMulii , Unlltornln , rivon , Wivthlnirton Torrltory , ColorivJo , Aruoin ml Ni-vv Mexico. Anlllioml arriuiK iuiiit' ' H'lJar dini ; bmRH o M ny other line , imil rates ol tare it ! > nj < OKI ow iw ompotltors , i\ho lurnl hh tn Utlieol tin i-om- art. art.tVJifB mill UcKlo ol njvtrtsmon Irt-e. TIcKctA , initiM anil loMi-n at M i < rlncl | a fllcim In thu Unltixl Ht-ttwt and 'aim U. H. II. UADUK , ti UT. JOHN , Ice 1'rcn t & ( Ion. Oen. Tlit miill'n n'rAi ; Hnrmsi-r. Chlc ro Chlrairo. Gentle Women Wlio wont glossy , luxuriant nndrnvy tresses of abundant , boauthm Hair must nso LXON'S KATUATRON. This elegant , cheap article always nmcs the Hair prow freely and fust , keeps it from fulling out , arrests and cures grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair ntrong , giving it a curling tendency aud keeping it in nny desired position. Beau- t'.ful ' , healthy lluir in the sure result of using Kutliuirou. 380 , SHORTJ.IUE. 1880. SA3TSAS CITY , StJoB&GoiincilBliiffii a TIU OKI.Y Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TIIE BAST Prom Omaha and the "Went. No diarize of cam betwocn Oniatu i-.J M. and hut on b'liwctn OMAHA and NKW YOHK. Dai Iy PassengerTrai ns EASTKIUf AND WKBTKItN OITIB8 with LKBf CHAKOCS Rml IN AUVANCii ol AL.U OTIIKll LUNK3. Thli. entire Itnaa equipped witli Pullmfctj'i Vaco Can , I'aliijo buy Co'jchfH , UlUcr1 ! Ufcty I'mtJonu and Coupler , unJ Iho oclobntw t tliik'liciwo Alr.bri.kc. /S'rtoo Uut jour tlcloh ronbi VIA nANHAf 2fTf , BT. .lOdiil'H * COUNCIL llMIITo RMI oiil , Til Bt. Jew li and St. L/oula. TickttH lor tola at all cotnmn ? tAtinns in tb < Wont J. f. 1J.UINAHD. 0. DAWKS , Don. 3'apt. ' , St. Josttili , Xo | O n. 1'uJj. end Ticket AvrV , bt. Jo ili | , Uo. | AKIIY Uozexn , Tlclci't AKont , 10M 1'arntuiii utrcet. A. I ) . UAIUJJUI Ociibnl Aitoiit. OMAHA. HE ORAND OPJENIHG ! 1'rofowor Kluhor , ( Iroin St. Ixmlh ) Dinrlni ; Ac il ) in > , Ktnr.ilarcl llnll.ror KItteenih Mid mm , Tuomlij cvunlu , tioptvintiur Oth. ( or la'Uu.i Hint ( Juntlumuu comiuencin tvunln8cU | ] > inbor Cth ; rlaWHnoi MlHH Hiiiiii Mastorn , communcluj S.Uurdiy uftur teen ut i o'clock. Clan"H for Kumllkti , will b. trMnxixl tn n'llt the lionornble patron * . Al < hMlet ctuncliii ; nan ha taught. i'itl , ami pi'iIooidAtltdrtlon tn Kchol iciitmy or tt thu nt tha ( jk l'rUu.tnrorle. > o Jolt ' t M llnycr / rro'nl KENNEDY'S EAST - H T T T ft & CO. . Solo Manufacturers , OONSUMPTJON Positively Cured All suCTuroM from th f dlnrnxu tlmt rn rviuloi to liocnriid nhoiilil try Dt ( KISBNER'U Celt brutcd Coniumptlva fowdort , HICHII 1'ov ilurnu-n ilm only ptipu ntlon known thnt ul uiiru Uoii uiiiitinn | und all ilmiawH of Ihu Thro And Lungs IniUi'd , to Kroiu Ion faith I tlituii , mill ftl > to coin IIK J j on liat thdt oru n huiiilniK , vie will lo unit to cjvtry vutarir. Ii u all , | j t paid , a free Trial Oox Via ilon'l wiint jour nii.iny until ; ou aru ) x Icclly rtt l lludd tliflr ciirutUii | iow'urx Ifjoi Illo wortli rniln. , dnn'tclelii } In cltlni ; thu Powder * A , uu the ) will mini ) uiiru jou , I'rlto. for lurxu l x , ( ! 100 , cent tn an ) | * it i tlio I nllod Ktau'i or CanaiU , hy mill on roi cu of pricu. AdJriHH , AHII&IioltlllNri , ulldly 8 oKulton ht. , Ilror.Hui. N. V. Ctl OH. It. XKHOK i , it. Him Clarkson & Hunt , fineo-wi * tn tllrwrd4 It Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LA"W Ix X &iK " - K X - .V1- ! * ; * .tr. No Changing Cars itncixn OMAHA & CHICAGO , * > h i ilirrct conni > ction urn ntmln with T > nuiih HLKKPINO CAU LINKS tor SKW TOKK , IIOBTON , PlttLAUKMMtlA , HALTlUOniC , WAHHINOTON ASn ALL KASTKlUt ITIhS. The Short Line via. Peoria Cor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- VIl.t.i : , anil \ \ \ ( Milnbi tn Iho ffS OTCJTP JSC-J Till BltDT UN * For ST. LOUIS , WhiTO illroct roiinrvtion rp matlo in th Union Df | ot Itli the Through Sliimlng C f Llntn for ALL POINTS HEW LiNE DESMOINES TIIK PAVOIUTK KOUTK KOU Rock Island. The ilniti > &U'0 Inilucrment * oltortvl tijr thli lint to ttnt oU'n niiil kiurldU are M lollovrn : Tliu cololirato < l PULUIAN ( W-wh J ) PALACE HLKK1MNU CA11H run only an thbllno a , II & < ! . 1'ALACK 'HAWING HUOM CA113 , with llnrton'n lU-cJInliiK tlialru. No vitn chiiK lot Atfl In lti < cllnliiK Chain. The lainaiui C. , U. A O , I'ntnro Dlnlnif Cnn. OorRrom Smoklnc Otrr ntUxl vlUi cK'puit hl > ; h-hacko < l rattan ro\oMni ( clinln , lor thu oxcluatua ! ot flnit-clMn IOMOB- < cr ยง . Utwil TiacX M-J iup r < or ni rii > ont oomblt tc\ llh llii'lr pjcat through rar arnngumtmt , ntfku tlil . nbot a nil otlii-m , tha t.torlto rout * la ita Knri , Hauth and Houthixwt. Trjtt , and jou will Dnd tnw llu a luxury In- iittvil ol n dUrontlort. lliroiwh ticket * \lo thi * cclobntwl line lor tali at nil oillnvt In the United ( State ] mil Canniln. All Information atjut nti ol tare , Hlivplng i. ' r eccflmtnoilatlon * , Tlnto Tabloo , etc. , will be ly Kl\on hy aiiplilnE to f KBCKVAL LOWKLL , General miiror A rnt , C J. ItyiTKH. On. I'anacor Sioux City & Pacific THE SIOUX OITY ROUTE HUIIH a Sol 1. 1 Train 'Jhrouiili ( rout Council hluttti to t t. t aul Without ClmnRO Tlnin , Only IT Hour * . IT IH fl.O > O MILKS TIIK flllOUrEST IIOUTK , riven COUNCIL BLUFFS ro BT. PAUL , MIHNKAPOUSi i OK niOMAItUK , mil < H potl.ta In Korthorn Iowa. UtnncxoU and Oaliotft. Thin line IK iviil | | < ) ivd Hli the tmj'rovwJ > Vi' tliirhovum ( AutomaticAlrbral > o mci .VUlei flitforui Couiikr luti-r ! ; and lei 8PKKU. KAKCTY AND COMKOHT Id uniurr AK I. Pullinan I'atiux ! Wlt-oiilnit Car run throuirh W > TH < ) UTUIlAMIIKUtwLun Knn wiHCit > and HI. 1'mil , la Council IlliiITt and Sious City. Tralin Uo\u t'ulon Pocldc Truimlur at Coun cil IlliUTii , at IM p. in. dally on arrttnl ol Knnmt City , Ht. Jo-fpli and c'onticll llludn train ( ion the South. Arrl\liitat | Sioux City 11:34 : p. tn. , and at the New Union I > cx > t at HU Paul at 12 JC icon. TKN UOUK8 1.V ADVANCK OF AKY OTOJtB BOUTK. /t-irltfiuonilior In inKIng thu Hlanx Cit.r Houtc ) oiiirit Thriiuih Train. The Kliortont Line , tlio ( ulriiiwtTiiiu ! aud a ConitorUblo Uldo In the Throuuh > uni lietwi-i-n COUNCIL IILUI'FH AND HT. PAUL. liT'Heo that > our Ticket * ruid vU tlio "aloiu t'lty and 1'iulllo Ibxll.oad. " J. H. WATTLK8. J. R. IIL'CIIANAN Milxjtlntwiili'iit. Otn'l 1'iMn.K t. P. t H01I1NSON , , Wt < cn'l I'UH. . Atf't , Ml > iirl Vitllt-y , Iowa. J. H. O'llRVAN , Boiitliwiftorn Conncl WESTERN mm , C. SPECHT , Proprietor , ' 1213 Harney Street , NEB OMAHA , - - - MANUFACTUUKUB OF B1LTMIZED IEOM Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials TIN , BON S SLATE KOOFINB , Spocht'a Patent Motnlio Sky- Patent Adjuitoble Ratchet Car and BRACKET SHELVING I am tht Kuutml HUto AK nt lor th bor line ut xoodii. IltON KJiNOIWJ. Creitlne * , Daluitradet , Veranda * , ( OlDco ni Dank Ralllnei , Window and OclUr Guards ; alio OKNKUAL AJKNT ( Pe r on and HIM Patent tnilda Dllnd. norldtl UIIOIIF.K LAND < o. I.suo of 50OO Sbarea or 810 eucl ' \\ui Iio.surt of 40 ACIIKH you IAUI. : 10 HIIAUKH , 1'IWIM C'H'iKV. I.A.NIW Of TIIK "DlhSlOK I'UlK.'lIAHi : . " OKK Of TlllKI ) AMI ClIfHTMHtTH. . , I'lll'AUU iiliu ; llitmnWAV , N' , V , . Ho VIH ill. lia , Dt'laili-il | iriHn'ctiM , ulth doHtriitivininp | liiiilluii to itpiilicitnU juviGiWO ! MulU'r of Apjillf'Htlnii "if ik-nry J'uml for Ijiijuor MCUIIHU. Notlro U lu-riliy t'lvtn tint llunrI'tiiult , illi itiioii tlio 7tli ilt ) of liu'Tinlur , A. l . hi iiiin'.l utloii tn ihoiii .V r niiUr tv couiall of dm Im for llctipu t' mil M i't ' , | ilrltii ii anil Vlnoi Iliiuor * , ut .Nn."M \ 1' rilini' ftrj.'Ihlr Oniftliu , Nt b. , frm thu Ut il.ty.of Juntur ; ItW , tolhwl tlm' ' Air I , IciA If ti ) ru ho no filijcttlon , rtmriUhtnnco or rn im llli < l ttlthin two * n > from Dutinlur nl A. D. 1W1 , the ntU lluino wil ho Kraii' l , Apl'llcutit. TuiDAiLT ll Mnovivrnffr ftllliiuWUli Ilinalx ) ! notliof rt owtokniittli | ni e of the B ; Tlic City o ( Ojnuli * U not to t * chnrgt . J. / . U. 0. J f WkriT , OTIS JtfHW AJSU CORRECT Tron * . .tcj-oni any mMotiftbln qncstin & NORTH-WESTERN X.i i > ) , ul oiO" tit. , * > n t for jrnti lotah * vV r > trMWllur , In f\tbr > rrrH.inn ) ] Chicago Jiid .ill of thi ! Principal Points Id the West , Nurth and Nonri v'AWfuUy finnjlrio jlit" J'ap. Tim Vrt' ( HIM of the NVwt anrt Nnrtlivmt nro 'Mutlnim 9ti Hi U limit. Ill Uinnqih trains luuko close wuicc.lowUVlJ JUelnausctiiU raiUosuN * 4 junction THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. ll" < r'1 ' ' ' Or Northwf-st Ot ClllCftRO. l.iupi.t Kvtiifinber to ivsk for Tickets yU tliU sure tlioy rend over It , and Uxko none othei. JUKVI.1 UUaiUTr.auul MwiiiRcr.UhlcaKO. . " . W. JL STEJJSETI.Ocnarnss. Agent , CliIcaHO " ' . , . . . . , and fainbam itrootn. " 'IIAUUY P. DUKL TtcVot AKonl.U. & N. W. Hallway lltli } nrjU- . K1HI1ALL , AwlntiuU ticket AncntC. A N'V. . Hallway , Hth.and Karnham rtr * ta ! J. I1KLL , Tlckot , AKont 0. & N. W. Railway , U. P. 11. H. IXpot. AMVHT r-l ,1V nnnrrO ki n . WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , -MAKEllS OF TIIE- Fiaest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. The only iuid ( ! Uiunal pinto that \ original firm ofv is giving for in- Rogers Bros. otAnco a ainglo All ou < Spooiui , Fo r k a nnd plated Spoon a Knives plnlod triple UiiolciioHn with thogroatoat plato only on of cnro. Kikoh the n o c t i o o lot being hung on A ecjvlu while wlioro expo d buing plated , to to vrcar , thereby insure a full de making a ninglo posit ofnilvuroD V- * plated Spoon VIf. . Umin. Umin.Wo wear M long aa ll Wo would call s triple plated oapocial attention one. tion to our BOC- Rival. Orient. Tinned. All Order * In the Wort Miouldbo Aclilrcawd to A. B. HUBERMANN : , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. Omaha , A PflT A HIT Collins Cheyenne , * * * vJUf wX j Colorado Fall and Winter i LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. ox * IN Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Soil all i .1316 FARNHAM STREET , NKAH FOURTEENTH. 1058 , 5th WOOLLEY & DAVIS Opposite St'root , "o , Stationers , Paper Dealers and Engravers , KEEP ON HAND A SELECT STODK OP , BLANK , SCRAP , POCKET AND BILL BOOKS , FINE PAPER , INKSTANDS , PAPER WEIGHTS' latest Novelties in Wedding Goods , Menus , Visiting and Advertising Cards , Ball.Programmes , fee. Also , Paper Bags , Flat and Wrapping Paper , Envelopes ; Bill , . Letter and Hots Heads ,