Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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A Midniclit Fleet of White
"Wiugoin n.Tropio Boa.
From the
Bottom of the Indian Ocean.
COI.OMIIO , C 3ylon. September 25 ,
1881. Ceylon has long been justly
celebrated for tJiom , nutl site of thu
principal fishery is Salivaturin , Ju the
bay ef Coildntchy , about 135 miles
north of Colombo. Wlion your cor
respondent first viiitod HUB plnoo , in
1801 , there had not boon any fishing
for auroral years , the oysters having
suddenly disappeared aoino lime pre
vious. Now , however , n new deposit
hud about matured , which , it was de
cided , should bo fished the following
year. lions let me remark that tins
disappearance of the pearl inollusk ,
and its total absence from the banks
sometimes for years in a matured
utnto , is unfortunately no un-
commou occurrence , though I ho
cause is sometimes a mys-
tcrp which many people ex
plain in many wcys , each having his
own pot theory. Some think that
akates and water anakrs , which
abound on the banks , dcsttoy them ;
othc ear that abnormal currents iu
aoino yours awcep down upon thu
banks , bringing from Mnnanr and
Tnnnobon , wliich are just above ,
muddy deposits which pniaon the
water , rendering it uninhabitable for
tlie delicate oyator ; but my lamented
friend , the laro Captain James Wore-
ley , flomo time inspector for Ceylon
and Tuticoran pearl bank. " , was of
the opinion that the most mischief
was caused by fishermen , who wore in
the habit of illegally drawing long
heavy nets across the bnnka at night ,
for the sake of the abundance of fish
obtainable , and for plundering poirls.
This practice , ho averred , was BO
common , notwithstanding the banka
wore supposed to bo guarded , nnd wan
no sure to disturb and detach the
oysters from their moorings-for they
ndhoro to the rocks by n delicate pre
hensile ligament , that , to use hia own
words , "no wonder the bividvcs were
swept away and destroyed. " It is
probable , however , that they disap
pear from a combination of the fore
going causes , with perhaps another
not yet discovered.
The pearl mollusk of Ceylon , of
which there are Bevoral varieties ,
'notably the leaf oyster nnd bootol
oyster , has a similar hinge to the
mother of pearl oyster , but is not half
the sir.o of the latter , and owing to
thinness und want of quality in the
lining of tbo sheila , they have little
commercial value. The pearls , how
oror , nro unsurpassable for shape and
color , and always comtui n 1 a high
price. .Tho npawn ilatB about in coagulated
agulatod masses itself to rocks , nil-
chors , buoys or any other object suit
able to cling to , and if left undisturbed -
turbod , will frequently develop am'
mature all along the west coast of tlu
island , and allixes in thuso old locali
ties. I have often seen the oyatorH at
Colombo on old anchors lately recov
ered after yearn of immurBion , and 01
buoys set to mark fTio dangers to navi
There ia atill much dispute about
the time of their maturity , but I think
they produce small marketable pearls
at four years , quite largo ones at live
years , maturing , and dying i t cL. ycara
* ; % 'of 'fgoiy Tbo"pearlr banks "nro" gener
ally inspected once a year , in Novem
ber , and when the examination indi
cates that the oysters contains nufli-
ciontly largo pearls to pay for lishinu
notice is published in the Ceylon and
Indian newspapers that a fishing will
bo allowed the next year ; generally in
March ; ray from the first of March to
the end of April , fifty or sixty days ,
which was about the period occupied
by the work your correspondent at
tended in 1802. ThonoticobohiKgivon ,
a general rush then takes place of mail }
thousand people to Salivaturia , am
in the few days marking the close nl
the month of February such a trans
formation scene occurs in that drear ;
locality as no ono without witneaiiiii ;
it can realize. For the solitary tinin
habited waste is onddenly peopled by
n motley throng , representing al 11103
every Asiatic nationality and sect
Chinamen from the far east and Af
uhans from the farthest ninth west
besides people from Europe and Afri
en , though seldom from America
Two or three hundred boats , of tui
to twenty tons burdon. each laden will
passengers , goods , chattels and ligh
building materials , moor along tin
shore , and forthwith , like magic , i
largo and well appointed town spring
up in what was but yesterday tin
homo of desolation , nnd is taken pos
session of by a cosmopolitan multitude
tudo , largely composed of thieves
vagabonds nnd jugglers , who do no
forgot to begin to immediately ply
their several vocations. Over thi
impromptu HCttlciUont tlio govon
mont agent of the northern province
Mr. Twyncan , assisted by a polic
and small military force , holds dos
polio away , and it would bo hard t
find a better nun for such n dillicu
and trying position.
The boata that engage in fishery ar
manned by twonty-ono men each sa
ono pilot , ton oarsmen and ten divers
A government peon also general ]
ROCS in each boat to prevent tampe
ing with the oystora and robbery i
thd pearls. The remuneration to II
.fishers is one-third of the catch of
the oyatorH. The government taking
the other two-thirds. The boats gen
erally are divided into divisions of
I 100 each and given distinguishing
I colors , any red nnd blue. Each boat
haa ono moat nnd an immense goose-
wind sail. They nro roughly built ,
but sometimes gaudily painted , OH-
pociully those from Colombo , of which ,
however , there are but a few , as they
mostly come from the Coromaudel
coast of India und the northern ports
of Ceylon.
Preliminary to all fishing operations ,
the diaries may bo charmed , and this
mummery is pot formed by professed !
conjuror * known an "ahatk-chnrmcrs , ' '
who , a day cr two prior to the com- [
mpncomot of fishing1 , indulge in cer
tain diabolical cnchantmenta , and
afterwards , my every day when the
bofcta are out. they stand on the shore
uttering proyera , contorting their
f ce nd assuming bodily attitudca
the moit grotesque imaginable , besides
going through other toneelueu core-
monies too numerous and foolish to
mention , all the while abstaining from
food. Strange to pay , without Hit *
nonsense not a diver would go Into
the water , whereas with it they are a"
braui im heroes , and should "shark
attack them the would , as thry have
frequently done , cour.ncoi ? ly assault
and ulay him with their knives ,
mvmn ron TUB OHMS.
Tke nrnmttomunlB for fishing com
mence at midnight by the finiitf of a
uun , about which hour a gentle bieoze
begins to blow elf the land. Then all
the boats belonging to that day's divi
sion spread their broad , white eailn
and silently , liku huge i-pccter birds ,
skim nwny into the darkness. Their
emit-so is towardd the banks , some fif
teen miles distant , lying in twelve
fathoms of water. The part of the
hank for the day's fishing bus been
jroviously marked oil' with buoys.
Shortly after minruo the diving
bcgini from two temporary ncaf
foldings , ono'on each side of the
boat , formed from the oan. The
divuraarn assisted in their doiccnt by
an oblniii , ' ntotio weighing from twenty-
eight to forty pounds , attached to a
rope. The atone is hauled up by the
men in the boat imii'edintely after
reaching the bottom , an is also at a
given signal the basket containing the
oysters. These are gathered by the
diver during about one minuto'n im
mersion , no far nj my experience- goes ,
though T have heard of , without see
ing it , a man who could stay down six
The diving proceeds with great per
severance nnd vigor until the sea-
breeze sets in , or until the nun c osses
the meridian ; after which it is very
ditlicnlt to induce thu men to go
down , they claiming that it makes
thnm ill. So , after , noon the boats
start on the return , and come bound
ing on before a fair wind under a press
of sail , which , without their ballast of
oystorc , they couldn't ' begin to carry
safely. Of course , the return from
the banks in the most exciting phase
in the pearl-fishur'n calling ; for each
boat races hard to bo first. There is
the alluring prospect of , immediately
on arriving , having the oysters shared ,
each man receiving a recompense for
his late toil. To the mere spectator ,
also , the sight of a hundred boats
laden with precious bivalves nnd full
of dusky forms , Hying over a spark
ling summer sea , is an animatina
spectacle , which once seen never
bo forgotten.
At ivcd on shore , the oysters are
landed and dividei1 , the boatmen
either Bulling their one-third share on
the spot or hawking them in the ba-
winr , and the government utoring its
two-thirds share in largo pens pro ,
tectcd by strong pulisadcs. At 4 p ,
in : the tioverninont agent , assisted by
native factotums , begins his sale
kind of auction conducted in
Tamil , the language of south
ern India , and mostly spoken
by the buyers a thousand oysters
biing ofl'ored at a time , the purchaser
of that thousand to say rfn the spot
how many moro he will take at the
same price. Tin's operation is repeat
ed until nil the oysters are sold , after
which delivery is given from the pens.
Tim bivalves are piled in heaps by the
purchase and left ( o rot until the
uteiich arising from their putrescence
is most abominablo. To eiidurn this
is the ono great trial of the speculator ,
who must bo ever present when this
decomposing mass is being washed for
pearls , us otherwise his laborers would
undoubtedly steajHhb boat of them , a
feat they sometimes accomplish , not
withstanding the greatest watchful
ness , as witness n ludicrous occurrence
which came under the eye of your cor
One hot afternoon when sauntering
past the pen of u largo speculator , I
was suddenly run into and nearly cap
sized by a coolie , who darted out of a
narrow gateway , lie was followed n
moment latyr by a huge Moor , the
proprietor , who started oil' in chase of
the fugitive , who was now making
long tracks for the neighboring jungle
and at a pace which , judging from the
circumstances I , as a racing man , con
sidered would prevent his being takeh
The Moor was not only as fat asahog
but had hia legs encased in baggy
trousers , and his upper person
in a white tunic overtopped in grand
style by an immense yellow and white
turban , which gave his head the ap
peaninco of n highly decorated biuhe'
basket , wheruns thu coolie seomoi
light , lithe and strong , and not in th
least incumbent with collies , beside :
having ho advantage of a long start.
Yon niny bo sure I watched the rue
with interest , and was surprised ti
see thu Moor gradually getting noaro
to his man , whom lie overtook ins
nntsido of a patch of rather clos <
jungle. In this the coolie migh
prolubly have found concealment hiv
ho been allowed to reach it , and tha
ho did not succeed in so doing was by
no means hia fault , for ho rat
liku a deer , but after id no match for his lusty
muster , who btought him back in tri
umph , During .tho 'race the Mooi
contrived , regardless of buttons
straps , hooks and eyes , to completely
divest himself of his gaudy apparel
My surprise at the result of the race
though great , wan soon increased b ;
seeing a dosu of mi'dicino ( a strong
purgative ) administered to the coolie
which had the oll'ect of cooling hi
blood , 1 guess , besides resulting ii
the recovery some hours later on , of
nice pearl , valued by thu Moor nt 5 (
say § 250. This the muster's quick
eye had detected the rough in swal
lowing , hence the pursuit and hencu
the treatment.
Ono day'o experience nt the pearl
banks is like that of every other day.
I need only close this article by say
ing tlmt n successful fishery , such as
is poorly described in the above ,
yields to Iliogovornmont , which mon
opolizes it , nbimt { JUDO.OOO , nt least
SiiOO.OOO of which would probably bo
net profit , as thu cost of supervision
is not great. Tlio actual value of the
pearls , however , would not bo over
half a million dollars , as most of the
speculators generally , make largo
profits , and there are , besides , the
boatmen's and divers' shares , worth
$100,000 , to bo counted in.
You me fclrk ; . well , tla'ro U nut 11110 roue-
- ' - - " - " ' - ' *
ilytlmt will euro you beyond I > OA ; il ! > mtyor
doubt. If it' * hlver or Klduey trouble ,
Consumption , Dyttpcpdln , Debility. |
' ' Health llcnowur" U your hope.
BKUt Depot , C. ] ' . ( Joodman ,
Utnahu. . (4) ( )
The University of Wlce n in luw101
itndcnt * , 119 t cltiff nptclnl i < ttii nti.
The km Knpllnh tea h > rs of St. T/otii-
nthllo pclioo. * receive an a.\ ern'o Milbry cl
; n.r.i. .
-which f ItM
cKHwhich om
lion clRlite n yratn ugo h.u * btcn ujitn t
woincn hw now H8 tm ! nt
The proposed Unlvcmily of Ti
prol nltly be long In biilllni.fnKthi ( regent *
| | . CO\IT that they hnvn n < . their
inly ? : t7,00t ) of tlio SI u.U 0 ntcvt * ry.
Tlio fu d for the mlabH limrntnf fJar-
eld ] Vo'cK8orlil | i rtt William * Collfje ,
iii w ita IILM S 8 , (0 ( , < 'f uiilili i" ' ) c limn
mo half WUH contribnttd in New Vurk
Dnitniifith lini now tUflMmlrnlH. Th-
' 'nhiiinn clam haw (8 ( in'jinbcr.i thn Mn.ill-
nit ntniib r for many/rnr * . The nvrrnifn
number in tliU tlasn from 180(1 ( tu
clll l\u Wan 7- .
The tfiichers In tlio
olnni H arc dlrertcd lint tu tench tin ; tech
nlcnl rnlfS of Krnnnmir , but tu ulMUe the
r. nilini ; lea on in th'iw i K tin ) ,
irlnclplefi of the con'tru tinn nnd it
null til fentenc P. In th ndvnnc d riasn
; he dally newspaper niny lie wed for thu
c on : 'Thn piiplli lire drillrcl nl oln prnc.
leal inntliuinn leal examples- billn nnd
iccounti niid tradesmen' * cili'til.ttlon * .
Two le-noni n we'Jc In writing le. tern and
iitiHincsH foiiiis are Id bo jjlven.
" .Sotca of jniint ; | i o | > l" , ' nay * The
3crin on Itcptilillciin , "cixn red elf the
nilemf Kr.iiiiinvr fioin incinn y , lint they
: mm t cuimtriict n h'raniliiut Cal HCU'unce.
Tin ) HV.'tct K'll Kratluatr , no I'M.'ni'iiif , ' in
iiiaiiiicr. co ptuclrc of proiuuici.'itliui , nnd
MI proper in parti of HI cecli , will ( if en
ftiimltlo inoHl e n'KintHly in nyntax , when
HIO pnli liern \ n to paper. 'I'lic results ( if
too much the ny nnd no | iractlco to npuak
if nro xceii r.vrry ilny In tliotlnuiomoi
[ irnfei ( ir nnd public in * n. " 'J'ho c nro evils
.f winch TlinTrilxmuliiiri 'niiKcniiiplalnvil ,
and it IH pleasant tu * .ea thnt school ant -
t orti ! > H in m.'iny ilirtctioiiH aic ] > r c Ivin r
ami corr elmi ; them. I ho Itupubliuuii
wishiH tliu cchooN to ttiicli Dinun ; < itlior
thiiiKH thi ! cluticH of cltlzcii hii. |
StiiilentH of the ncndcmlc dpparlnient of
Miilil nn UnivurKily ie ndnutteil to the
now MehiMil of I'olltlcnl ciencu wlicno or
they hnvc completed tlio"rcipiirfd i-tuilics"
of ci her ( if thn Kcnvrnl conrro leadiiiK to
the degree of Il.tclirlor ( if Aria , llnclio of
of Letter * , or ISnchelor of .Science. Such
required tiiilien cinbnico HUT y thu whole
nf the work of tbo firrt two yuan. Sln-
ilonts who Imro cuniplotKl the htndieH of
tbe eccouil ytnr in nuy > thur collexo or
uni err > ity Imvinj ; conrstn of ntudy the fin-l
tw.i yenis of which nru Hiibatnntinl.y eml- (
vnlrnt to the lirnt two yearn in tlie aciuie-
mio dcmrttncnt ] of the Univ. ivity of Mich-
iKnn , niny ba lulmitted to tlio Schrol of
i'olitical Hcienco without fxamiimtion.
Curtincntcs of utiuulini ; and of honorable
dliimiHHnl will bo reipi ! td of all H mlenta
fioin culleKCH , but nu cx iiiiiintion for ad-
miHcion well I e held.
At thn recent meeting of St. l oiiis 1'cil-
IIROK ! nl Society , tlie ( mention ofrcudiiiK
in the public ulioul WIIH exhauitively dm-
ciixfod. Uno | ieakcruihtnl for reading
with eiiiliafii | < , Aritlioiit htiiiipiiiK to spiill
or oipluin. M'aJin , he thought , h ultl
be taught in n ninnncr similar to IUIHIC
If music WIIK tnn lit liku tli pivi-uut > h-
tem of rekdniK' , tlie leanu-r would bu i < ti > p-
ped at thn und ofuich chor anil ( pics-
lionud on the history und phllotopby of
mti-ie licforo K""K ' to the ntxt ului d to
obtnin hnrmonv nnd melody. Another
teacher paid thnt often in hit rending
cln Hci hog.iTpih * ] iii | HH new > * i > n | ci and
miiLMxino nrtirlvt to ruuil , silently at Hint ,
nnd uftertvnrd nlutid , uuch jinrtH us w. re
peculiarly ntcroithic to them , thnx culti-
v.tlnt ' , rt'nding. Hu cla-tntd thnt the
Ixnt JfiultH li'iil f.droht tehts In reading
ui-ro obtained in int uctivo rr.thtr than
in voice ) eullnru ivad ng.
Ib tnkcH jiiKt thrvu people to keep
recrc-t pmjierly , but two of thu threu must
bu deiul.
The deepest insult thnt cnn b givt-n in
Dcndw ol is to Hjiys "Vou nitit worth
lynching , "
A I'hilndulphln nmn unduitnkcs to re
cover unibrellnn , but of courao doea it with
ginghnni ,
A I'hllnilclpliiii nctor lugged away n
poun.l of butter from a I'ourding-housc ' ,
thu other dny , niinlnking it Tor a wig. (
The grcnt f carcity of calibago this ynr
leads tlio Now Ifnven licgLter to detect n
Blight , lhi\or of tobncuo iu Connecticut
cigar * .
If a fellow geeK Hknting for the
tiniu ho c.m never tell u hat'x going to .
turn up. [ N ew Yoik Lonur.erviiil Adver-1
The New Orlentm Tiinea h n learned
thnt the colored women f thnt city drink
great quantities of vinegar. This is u o.ui
cominentury nn the quality of New Ui leans
whisky ,
Boi.rdin hniiio butter was the princijml
topic before the recent dairy convention In
Iowa. The reuo utioiiH that ensued will
doubtU'H * Irail tu an iucrcusu of the tariff
on imported , hair.
A nmn near Honeheudx , K. Y. , knnwa
oxnctly wliut n Unie Iioir tan do if hu lias
cbunce. 1I can kill HU\OII piN | nnd
knock n yearling calf into a continental
three-conim-d hnt ,
A WUconshi mnn stole tlilrty-ninoHlicop
mid a steer , but the wnrrnnt changed him
with Htcaliii ( { thirty-nine strcrn nnil n
Hhoeji , nmUio left the court room with all
lild ri-putntion rentored ,
When n Kuuthern man has lots ot chid-
ens in liin heii'liotifc , tliu neigliburrf turn
out nnd duct him to con -roH ! ' , to they eun
tnko n whnek nt thu fowls with nobody to
interfere , Congrctf ! H of Boiue uau to thin
YPP , Algernon , hunten indeed tonipcrH
the wind to the Hhorn Ir.iub. liut then
yon must remember the Iamb wnii forcibly
i-horn n 'itiiiHt his will ; liodiiln'tK" and do-
liborutely pawn his ulattr for ? . ' ! Ii5 when
lie knew perfectly well that .Inly wnnn't
j-oinu to luet all winter.
A lli > cbe tor street-car luirio shot out
with his lieelx the other day , and hit the
driver with ono and the euali-hov with the
other , Mid un invmtigntion howcd thnt
ho had kicked H\K \ dollain into the drivel's
overcoat pocket , Such wonderful sa'-ivci-
ty on the part of the horxo vaCKetl the
discharge of the driver ,
"W'lmtdo you menu by disturbing munt
this hour of the nlghtr" anked nn AiUtin
di ctor nngrlly to n negro who woke him nt
tbreo o'clodc in the morning. " 1 jc al
lowed liimx , dnt yer was BO busy yer didn't
hull time Ur 'tend ter poor folks in der
dny time , w ; 1 'lowed I'd jem drnp in after
" '
Thin 's a Vourth Corpor. > ) . .Ho w.ilki.
fttilf Lu goii behind B rompnny of mldlcrt
ixud cumtttn munkct at ludf-mnKt. He h >
fond uf humiui bUiod und deliuhtH in cnr-
nnie. ; Ha * the fourth corporal v r bven
in n wnr ? No. Then wlmt doi'N hn knuu
about war ? He had a cousin who nmnle
a in 11 n by the nninu of Cunn.
A utrnnger pim-sing thcongh t-outhern
Miin nrl WHH nlTfbtetl by Houndu of level
ry In n publ'oiim ' nitimtcd nenr the bor <
derlim1. Accosting a man who wnu pick
I g bid teeth with a bowlo-knif ? nt tbo
door , he inquired the cjui.c of the couimo
tlon"Not much " be "
, - , explained ; 41
Arknnpax man wan shot here thin after
noon fi > r tvllhif ; n miake utory ; nnd tin
corouur'd jury hnt just ncqnltted thu pri >
In thU n brahH foundry ; No , it \ * :
traveling until , llti cnrtlex Ug tinnks till
OUT the country nnd nmlcos love to In-
in loom ( 'irU. Ho htis Ixen all over and
uuder llmopu nnd tnUen in all the
gnu ! nuihtein. Ho han bcou ed the Ali
clran. Hooantoli nioru mnntty t-torlen
than n politician. * nd hu ran get bilin'
slower un nioru liquor th n any I'overn-
ment ollleial , The bust wity tu yet alon
uith tr.i\cling men U to ( 'et : doii ) ; without
A Pennsylvania i > exMler has for Inn own
wear twenty uita of clothew , twenty-four
otcicoaU and thlrly.throa jiaira of Lid
Kvcn n New ifer oy banlt canhior ,
in ft I lili vlory , I not nrrn'ycd more t"Bii
one of t ( , 1'cnrnyhanln N a ( jrea'
-tnlo for m ny clntrilng nnvbow. A
native Dutch fa wlm dot n't put o
nltiRtccn vc ts mid lv woolen tomforter-
every nioml. p , all tlio ycur round , can't
ifet good HOC tty ,
A woman raiding nl Urndlnt ; , I'-i. , ha
A tongue of extrnordlimry length , wh cb
he restn while flccping by bnnpiiu It down
tn a-point considerable below ber cl in. An
Inuli fct\nntglrl , wh hnd bc'iiln'truelcd
to w ke her naily one monilnp , cam * fly-
Inu Imc tu the kitchen from lirr ml ilwn
with Dftle cherks nd ctirtl n ? cvet.
" \Vhat' the mattprV" nuked the e-ok.
"Atntttr Miuf 1" exclaimed Hlddy , "nhnro
t'io ' iiil 'hrrw lias f wallowed n > nnke. "
Tbo rijolt burst into InuJitor , whereupon
the girl ndded : "It's no lola I'm tcllin'
yo'n I ) go r h , wld me own cyex f caw the
tail of it Blickin' out of her month. "
Mnuinc ; n Rniso
John HftVH. Urcdli , 1' O. , nay * that for
nineiiionthi * he could not mfco hit * bnml to
is brad , tbr iiigh latnrn iM In t" " o o
il r. but by the u o of TIIOMAH' Ur.
Oil. hn wan etitlrclv cun-d. iVcti-oodlw
K ) on Buffer from Djcj li , IIRO
It > ou KI-O alllli UK | with lillloatnnui , 1110
nuitDocK iiu > ou iirrrr.itH.
If j-ou nro ] > rnatratiil with nick HrAit.ichc , tal.o
II jour llowilsnru rlborilfTwl , ri'ipilatu thi'm with
If jour Illootl U iiimro , purify It with
Ifjouhavc , jou will limlan antlilote
If nu are troubled with Spring Comlilii ) ( ( > , cr-
lth I1UI1)OCK ! 1L001 ! > niTTKUS.
If jour IjU tor ] > ld , ri tora It to healthy action
If jSnr Lhcr In nffectnl , you will flnil a euro re-
rtorotlt e in IIUKIJOCK 1IL.OOD BlTrKIlS.
If joutmoanyrpcclenof Humor or Pimple , fall
If you have jiy fjnnptoimof lJ1c rs or Scrofulous
Sores , acuratlvo rcmnlj * i\l \ bo found In
Fnr linnrtln | ? Btrcngth anilltality
toin , nothing can equal
For N'en'oui anil Rcniral DcbllUy , tone up the
Price , 31.00 per Hotlle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , MILBURH. . & Co , .Props . ,
Sold at holcaa by I h & MclUlion nnd C. F.
Goodnmn. ] o 27 ood-tzia
In Ho tn of FamilioN
loatettcr'H Hlnmarh ItltttTii In as much regantcil
1 a household lu-rculty us nu ar or cofTi'c. Tlio
casonoflhU Ii that jcar of exprrlonco Iiivo
rot oil It to ) iu perfect y rollablo In ihoso riuuxi of
mcrironey w hero a proiuptand coinonlcnt rum-
ily IH ileinnnilitl. Conellpatlon. liver complaint ,
* ljHpepsln , Imllgcatlon ami ollur tronblui ar
\crtomo by It.
Tor Hilo by all DnifTRl'lH and Dralom , to whom
pply for Uoitctter'a Alnwim'i for Ib32.
Tnli gnat iin-ciflu cures that moat lontuonia
WhotUor lit its Frimnry , Socondnry
or Tcrtlnry Stnjjo
Itcmatciall trnecMof creury from the sys
teui , Cures Hirofula , OUl .Sor * " , I'.lieunu-
tlnn , K.JI iim.'Ciiiarrh or any
Illaotl UlHcu'iu.
Cnroi When Hot SprixiRN Tail !
JInlvorn , Ark. , May ' . ! , 1SSI
U'u liatv rviM In our ton wlio Ihi-Jatllo
ilMTU Ilnstly tuu- < ) with S. H.
MemplilH , .Menu. . M.iy 12 , tSSl
Wo lia\o Kolil liO ( ! l t Icit of S.H. S , III uyenr
vh rn mmrnud Htl faetlon. 1 air iiifniie
OK reioiiimcnil It im a | < o ltl\
tauUillk' , Ky , , May IS. 1KS1.
S. R. S. lux grin n bvttei will ( telloii thin an ,
mcUltlnu I hat u oer olJ , J. A. KLIXMK.
Demur , Co ! . May ! . IKSt.
K cry purclu tr M vakn hi the hlirlimt Urin
ot .4 , S. b. L. ilcUiitcr.
Itklnroii'l. Vi. , Miy II , 1CS1.
\on imn rtlir anvboily tou In rccanl to th
itriu o ( H. b. S. Poll , Sillier & Co ,
Ilato nvur liiown K. S. H to fall to cure n cas
of SjpUII * , nlun | 'rnwrly | taken.
II. I , . DcnoarJ.i > , rr , ( jn
iil'urrtn : , ) " '
The aboo I n r aroiicntIvni iu ' . ' . ! \li- * tftni1
Governor oiCloorit .
ir vou WBv I.I.TAKI : v > uitdK OA
W rite for partleuhrs and oojiy of llttlo
bo3l : 'Jluwatru to the1. . ufcrtuiiAtc. "
81MI ) Rnwnrd IU > > t l'l < o ny
rlu'iniH wlio will Hud , on uti'.ujsU HO l.ottl'-d
H rl. S.onoi ittli'laof llercnrj , lodl.lo I'oUf
tlum or any Mlnrrul KubnUnee.
HWItTSl'KOlHU CO. Tropi.
Alluxiu , On.
1'ilroof ri'irubr kttn ri'duci-.t to SI 73 IH.T ot ,
lju buiall * Zi , lioldliin- lull the iiuauttty , J'ru v ,
KoU hy KKSXAIl 1) t CO. ,
C. F , Manderson ,
8 r rohjL H * . . ,
1319 Farnhaxn Street.
Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at
315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a
stock of
Unequalled in the West ,
Preparatory to moving wo oiler our entire stock at a great s&cnflco. Study careiully the
pricoa we quote , boar in mind that wo buy all goods for cash , do the largest strictly retail dry
oods business between Chicago and Sanfrancisco , and aim to RIVO our customers the benellt of
all the low prices and extra cash discounts Riven us by manufacturers and importers ,
, , , , ILiMELS.
\\o have purchased live bales of a very fine nnd heavy red twill J-'lamiisl , full 2 ! ) inched wide , and nro closing
them nut ut fiOc. n yard. They are fully equal to any ever dhow before for OOc. to U5c. 25 piecus of boat quality
western Shirting Flannel at JlTAc. , usually bold for 45t .
Our Jiliinkct Stock is the largest in Oinalia , nnd nn our prices will show is by far the cheapest wo over oll'cred.
00 Pairs 10-4 White IHankctB Sl.CO , worth $2.50. 100 Pairs 10.4 White Hhinki-ts 8i ! . < Xf ) worth SJ.OO. : GO 11-4
White Blanket ? 2.fiO Pair. CO 10-4 White BlankctH 83.BO Hair. 00 11-4 White lil.inkutn S4 f.O Pair. The Host
S5.00 Ulftiikots in tie ) Woet. 50 Pairo Extra Heavy all Wool Hlnnkota SO 50. 50 Pairs l'-4 Extra Heavy Blnnkots
87.00. 50 Paira 11-4 nil Wool 131anket § 8.00. Au Kxtni Largo San Josu , California , Blanket for $10.00. The
Very Uent Itargain in Omaha
In Colored Ulanketa wo hare reduced our 80.00 lllankuts to $3.00. Wo recotnmtmd thia particular Blnukut on
ccount of sirxi ( being 0x7 feet , ) weight nnd texture , BB bein the very choapcst over ehowu here.
For the next fifteen days we propose to inaugurate five leadeng prices in dress
25 Gents , 50 Gents , 85 Gents and $1.50.
At 25 cents Dress Goods that sold for 35 cents and 40 cents. At 50 cents Dress
Goods * that sold for 75 cents and $1.00. At 85 cents Ore s Goods that sold for
$1.25and $1.50. At $1.50 Dress Goods that sold for $2.25 and $2.50.
At 50 cents a'Black Cashmere usually sold for 75 ceats. At 70 cents a Black
Cashmere usually sold for 90 cents. At 80 ce ts a Black Cashmere usually sold
* r $1.00. At $ L.OO a Black Cashmere usually sold for $1.25.
AVc are lioro showing nn elegant line of Cream , White , Old Hold and other now.colors in
And recommend them for
We are daily opening novelties in Fancy Goods , Handkerchief , and aim to show moro than our usual assortment
. _ _ _ . ,
200 Dozen Seamless Fancy British Sox 25c , 25 Dozen Men's Fine all Wool Scarlet Half Hose
50c. a Pair folly Worth 75 , 25 Dozen Fine English Merino Hose 35c , , 3 for 81,00. Seam-
lesss Unbleached Sox $2.00 floz. Extra Fine Unbleached Sox 32,50 doz , Best Quality Linen
Collars $1,50 doz. Best Quality Linen Cuffs $2.50 doz , Another Invoice of Men's Piano Sewn ,
Stitched hack Derby Street Gloves $1.35 pair , usually sold at 82,00 to $2,50 Every Pair War
ranted not to Break , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 25c. Heavy lerino Shirts or Drawers
50ot worth 75c , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 75c , worth $1,00 , Heavy Merino Shirts or
Drawers $1,00 $ , worth $1,25 , , For $1,25 We sell a very heavy Patent Merino Shirt or Drawer
that has heretofore sold for $1,50 ,
1319 Farnham Street.
We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska
to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche
invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid
ered ( Vlatelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri.
Trimmed Elaborately Tith every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie.
Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties.
Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques ,
CLOAKS FROM $5.00 TO $150.00.
coy. Anun-
fufliii euro
Wrnknoa * ,
tlirn , Inipot-
incyati > lUI
ticll-AI'Ust1 ' ; ai liOMi of Mvmory , UliUcwil ! .
tmln , I'o'.n In tlio I'.u-k , Dlmnct * of VUion. I'ro
luaturu ( IM ABU , ni l nwny other PUMWH tliat
ItuJ to Inanity or ( . 'oinumi'lloii unJ a I'roma-
iJTh'ull tiarllitiUre In n-ir | mi'lilct , which
vtn lUilru to brnd Iri-o I , mail to t < > rryone.
jirfho Bi ctllc Mulldno N lold by all druitKM *
attl ) < rrl < urLaKCor 0) ) > K < ktai ( or (5 , or U1
ba wut fri'c by null nn rti j.tol the money , by
oddio-sluK T11KUUA .JfDIClNKCO. ,
Buffalo , N. T.
For iol by Ct F Good * ocTmt < d
In Convenience ,
Lang & Fotick