THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , DECEMBER 9 , 1881 , HOLT COVNXV. Showlnj : ltd Womloi Growth and Prosperity ' TltrI1M - lown December i HILUUULK , , This thriving Htllo busincBs ccntt two or tlirco hundred inhabilanco five miles cast of Glcmvood , o\\ Walmbonccy , and is asking for nrti of incorporation , The rolling prairie scomsreliuvoi tlicso valley and sido-hill villages , licro vro have ono of the quietest 1 towns in Western Lwn. T. I ) . Lewis 1ms the "boss" i-roi liouso , and as miglit bo oxpcctc good growin" , ' trade , for ho was first Bubsciibcr for Tin : D.iav UK : the village , and when tlio mails en Tin : HKE past this tilllco ntid delay delivery , lie places the fact on his < -uido bulluliii board , thereby sav trouble to himself and poorer noi bora , who are always waiting for arrival , ret'.irdless of nil other pap Micklowiiit & Coats have the Hi steam elevator in this partof the nt with a capacity of twenty or twci five thousand bushels , and storage n hundred thousand bushels of cor the car. They dp a largo bnsin which draws heavily from the adji infj towia , and read Tin : linn. There is ono natural curiosity fo licrc. It is claimed that ono trai man of the bur ? , believes that earth is not round , and has for n < to demonstrate I titno been trying it is without motion , much the amusement of the 1 : who watch his system "Siu'hting the North Star" , raugci Jino with two lack nails driven i the door post. Wo entered his di gloomy and silent store , and fc him sitting by the ntovo , all absor in the sweet music of a mouth on which ho reluctantly neglected 1 enough to inform us that "all in papers were useless to him , and ho was too poor to take ono if ho uircd to do'BO ' , " and then quietly Binned himself to the siren numu the mouth organ. BUOKBVI Iowa" Stnto ( Asylum for Fat Minded Children. This institution was established the general assembly of the state Iowa in the year 1870 , and locate Qlonwood , Mills county , in the bi : ing formerly occupied by Bold : orphans. The object of this inst tion is to provide special means of provomcnt to that class of childrc deficient in mind , or alllicted auch marked peculiarities , of into as to deprive them of the benefits privilogco of 'other educational ( ii tuticms and ordinary methods of fltruction , The education imparted to class , includes not only ( ho nin elements of instruction of our com schools , whore that is practicable , embraces a course of training iu . more practical matters of every life , the cultivation of habits of el linoBs , . , propriety and solf-rolin , and" to develop and onlargu t capacity for useful occupations. .Idiots and imbccilea are fein in body as well as mind. T Igait and voluntary movpm afo generally awkward and s and their special senses inactive undeveloped , and are wanting inn cms and muscular power. Phyi training and development , theref nro essential , in order that their n tal improvement is made porman hence the importance and noccasit gymnnaatic and calisthcnic oxen an their treatment. The very feeble power of atton must bo cultivated and increased tlio most attractive means. The s ial senses must bo trained and < catod , vicious habit * are to bo cori cd , and the idea of obedience moral obligation must bo planted nourished ; and all this must b < cbmplishod by special means adit to the individual , as well as the oral treatment peculiar to such ii tutions ; and it is only insuchasyh directed and arranged for the ace plishiaonta of these special objects they can receive such benefit. Wo ( hid hero children and yc people , graded all the way from "dummy" in our commom Bchoo the idiot , classified and at work , we find the boy , who could count or repeat a nhor sontenc -stand with ordinal y composure , now put to nhamo some of our h less , neglected boys , who have 1 npoilcd by their smartness. Tlio school in a very important turo of the institution , lleiowc a choice combination of kindorgn training , calisthenics , and nu jynnmtica , oll'urcil BO kindly , ii ducod ovorywhorp so artfully , nn aisled upon so winningly , that o\ where wo find order , clu-oifulnos : interest in the task ; and the' compk'to contUtonco in the tea < will superintendent , * The kind-hearted people who xpendiiiK .tho best part of the live this noble \ \ ork , have --rout reap bilitica resting on them , and i ofton-aru , placed in very Irjjng cuimtttiicoji , requiring great pi\tu and the utmost self-command , A ut the same time it is nocupsni possess a native polish of tnannci' .inborn dignity and grace m c inovcinent , and an all pervading i of Christian oarucutnena and lov the noble work to which they given thomeclvt'8 , Very many of the boys and who have every advantage , seem ! in our common schools , would I with shame to see these poor , del cd and simplo-mindrd children i through their exercises checri promptly , and with all the enthui and pride of the "smartest Lc Bchool" who JCIIOWB ho can "spe school down ; " and the careless important teacher who has att notoriety an n "machine" tea might well take ) nrgonu from patient , quiet , Christian young ! who are helping thcso childi work out the problem of life an mortality , and demonstrating t thought foes world the wonderful ] and mysterious influence that vatod and refined Christian ladio exercise over vicious mid idiotic \ of any age. Dr. 0. VV. Archibold , M. D > rime factor in this institution fi ho beginning , i * the superintc tit , and to himvo I properly five credit in the Ho success and perfection oomplishmonls attained hero. Archibold has had the advantage iraining In quite a number of leading medical schools , iliclud Uellovuo , Now York University , < ii-go of Physicians and Surgeon ? , rio ] Missouri Medical College of Louis , and fur years has given whole sniil and thotujht to tl.o worl Mich asylums , and is the right mm the ri ht place. Of pleasing nddr a finished yontlcman , a hard Hind and thorough practical physician absorbed in _ the great work bo him , lie carries with him an atr phoro of kindness that aeenm to apjireciated by every one around Ii mid yet sustains that nalivo dign inborn nobleness and untiring one which commands and "leads the w in all the daily work , mid his w exemplifies in the strongest way , character-forming clement of ample and influence of refined cultivated Christian Indies and gen met I .Mure than a hundred of IhcHo wi of the Btato have been refused mission for want of room , and fact that two hundred and fifty admitted into that crowded instittil at present , tells how easily a si witli a SIJ.OOO.OOO state house , overlook the needs of those mifl'ei children of allliction. The pros building is intended as a wing to main building , and ib is a. won that human inginuity can invent w of supplying the demands of the f as well as it is done with the small propriation and the crowded coi tion of the building. Laying ai tlio question of steam-heater , lautu now sleeping apartments , and m Other much needed improvcme : more room is needed and , it seem us , demanded , that the clas cation might bo iinpro\ \ As it is , children from nil varietict families must hero mingle tnoro t they should ; and the boy , who cai speak a word intelligently ccpt to swear , must bring that into the presence of the child 1 and reared tenderly by some fait ] and trusting mother ; and. the c born of abnormal passions must quire untiring care and , contii watching , when allowed to mil with boys and girls in any aclioo homo. What would bo done with tl children should an epidemic appcn that peaceful homo ? is a problem , to intenoify the question wo must member that many of those chile inherit diseases , ivnd the faitl pliyiiician oftwi finds his wita pux to handle these safely , under the i ious and undivided attention of mother , but what can bo ace plished in these crowded rooms ? The aggregate expense of this ii tution , including teachers salai amounts to about twelve dollars each child ; while most of the insl tutions of this kind reach sixteen twenty dollars for each child , c year , and usually the produce < good farm besides. Such flatten has the success of this ontcr [ awakened , that the national assc tion of officers of similar and kim institutions in the United States Canada nro to hold their next'moo hero in Juno to Satisfy their dosii learn of the ways and means of complishing these grand results. J Jennie Van Dorn , the princ teacher in the school , has been in responsible position from the opoi of the asylum , and is a lady of ) i experience in schools of thin k thoroughly qualified and ace nlishod , and is a master sj in the school. MisuLxioy Kusaell Miss Laura Maker have boon with school for BOIIIO time , and are 111 their positions nobly. Miss Phi Coffin and Miss Mattie McLean. c fresh to the work with hearts fu ! sympathy with all the duties the ; nobly discharge , while Mrs. S. Archibold , as matron , has her hn and heart taxed every day , to mo all these dear children , and look n their child-ways , their joy andrews rows , and supply their wunts. As a pedagogue for years , wo 1 visited a great many schools , and i human nature in many forms , an us , the grandest triumph in this ii tution lies in the complete harinoi all its workings. That entire ci donee that every child has in teachers , and the perfect undcrst ing between teachers , the unborn praise awarded by the parents , am eciprocalcheerfulness , obedience , 'annly co-operation that scemn to r'udo the whole institution markii i giand BUCCIMS and an honor to Stato. The Historian' * Relative. NORTH UNION "SHAKKUH , " Cuvii.A.Ni > , 0. , Feb. iU ! , 3880 , II , H. WAIUNKII & Oo. : Prioii tuko pleusiiie in saying that 1 used your celebrated Safe Kidney Liver Cure , and * that it cured i liright'a ' DiBcaso after 1 was give to ( Ho and all other rcmudius failed < dcoiood ( lw JAM us S. Pniwor The Ute commtaiou has boon ii sion in Washington for the last ' and have made a renort to the B tnty of the interior. The r shows that the Ute Indians nu in 'all about -1,000 , , and are di' ' into four bands , each under char an agent , who has heretofore direct relations with the gnvcrm : The "Uintahs , " living for the lai years in the noiirhhorhood of the tali river in Utah , have made must progress in civlliai many of this band dwelling well built houses and on tilled farms , and Bonding their dron to well taught schools. White Rivers , the least civili/i all , tinco the miiHsacro of their i two yeiua mncu have been wand in the mountains of imrihwr Colorado. It has been tlio desi the government to settle thcsi dians upon Uintali river , in ord bring them under the civilizing uncca of this more advanced This has been nn important p.i thowoikof the commission the Benson , and they report Eome COSH The "Uncoiiinahgro" band , h fore du-ulliii } , ' in the valley of th compahgre JUver , in southwc Colorado , have also been remove point in I'tah wheio Wliito makes iti > junction with Green. ivith this band jcems to have b higlily successful in every parlicu' md they are now \\ellsettled in a I 'lie and healthy region. An attempt has been made to so1 > ho Southern Utes upon certain riv In southern Colorado , near the lini Ncw Mexico , but for various rcas 'his has not been regarded as des blc , owing partly to a lack of agrii tuml latidfl. The commission conscqiiot recommends the cnnsclidati n of 11 : Indians with the Uncompahgrc'S Utah The grand purpose of Hovornment tluoiigh this commis' is to break up the wandering ha and tribal rolationn , and to settle Indians on faimn held in severally they may gradually become citi/.i In this work the commission assured of complete success. At I tlio Ute Indians would liuar notl of housed , farina and schools , bill length in all the bands many of head im-n and chiefs have becc hearty Jriendsof the now departun The Growth of O'No 111 City. Correspondence of tin lie ? . O'Nniu , OITV , Nob. , December Seven years ago last Jlaj' , i colony wag located hero , and , some time , the nettlcr.s had to go Bond to Nelijth , in Antelope cour for their mail , which was fifty in distant ; but to-day wo are floiuow annoyed by petitions of parties wt ing the postoflico in this town , wl position , I undeistand , is tendorci W. D. Matthews , of The Front Mr. Hngerty , the present etimbcnt , having been remov From yood authority I learn t the ollico and its its perquisites worth § 1,000 per annum. Wlm change in seven years. The asses valuation of the county last Juno about $710,000 , sin increase over previous year of nearly 100 , an believe the assessed valuation i : year will bo over double what it this , or nearly one million dollars , account of of its rapid settlement miles of railroad built thin sea : You will BOO by referring to official returns of the vote cast judge of supreme court that Ilolt'rn the 3uth , and of the ( ! i counties of state , casting alargor votolthan'sov counticH which were soltled si-v years before her. Wo cast in county a larger vote than cither of following counties of the State , \ Antelope , Uoone , Cedar , Cheyei Ouster , Dakota , Dawson , Dix Franklin , Frontier , Furnna , Gaa | Oreoloy , HitchcockHoward , Kean Keith , Knos , Lincoln , Mern Nance , NuckollH , I'holps , Pierce , 1 Willow , Sherman , Stan toil Val Wayne , and Wheeler. While wo not cast to exceed five-eighths full vote , which remark I presume apply with equal force to the ves the counties of the Stale , tlio i for ouv County Treasurer was -12 n than for Judge ot Supreme Coi Taking the 900 votes cast us e < to five-eighths of the full i wo would have l-l 10 voters in county , and taking -IV as a basis population to each voter and I think that too high yhcro there BO many Irish families wo we have in this county , Ci-180 people , still have room for twenty times many more , and men of every and creed can come and take lau this county by simply paying the | eminent feca of $14.00 for a qua section ; bo frco from taxation tor yoar.s , with a good homo and wosl market for everything thuy rnise ; i railroads at their doors ; they search far before they find overytl to suit them as the can in the val of the Niobrara and Elkhorn. OCCASIONS : Hope on , Hope Ever- Xo matter what tlio ailment may rheumatism , ncnrnl 'n ' , lamrneHB , nstl brunchitU- other tr atmcut have f lioponnlpoat once fop THOMAS' 1 TitioOil , , It will tccuro you iinmei relit f. ocilh\ Soiling a Watch. Detroit Free I'rcsn. "Yes , " said the auctioneer , "sti ing up hero and selling goods 1 ' after hoar and day alter day as I ( fellow gets so that ho can toll whc i man wants to buy anything vhetherhe merely comes in to 'gi round the ahow cases. Now tin man coming in whom you coul ell silver dollars at fifty cents anii The stranger carried a black foa alise with the glazing worn oil'at iornors , and though respect dressed , there was a shiny appear o the sleeves of his coat that indie long-forgotten tailor. Ho lei longingly at the yellow watches , 'iimtly , and with evident roluctr noved along down the show case , the hunting-c.iecd nilvor watche kvhero the cheap open faced ones displayed , lions h'o paused , and noiiccd them us if luting their iintbablu value , mid nucb his pocketbook would havi slirink to oll'ect a purchaeo. "JIaiigea if 1 don't think snoo/.cr wants a white super' ' " claimed thu auctioneer in a low as ho darted around behind counter and assumed his professi smile and voice. "Wish to buy a watch this n ing , airl1' "I would if I could nllord it. " "Anybody can ntl'ord to buy i watches. It is actually cheaper mini to buy one of them than t without. You don't ' believe { ( I prove it to you. Tlio other day i low who was going out into the c try for a few diiys caiiut in here bought one of thoao solid filled 1 ing cased , stem windmt. mid pushing , thirteen jeweled , Ho movement watcltiis of nu < for $1 ' 'Fourteen dollars ! " escliiimei stranger , in it tone of surprise , regarding the yellow fraud with iiitcri-ht. "Yrs , 811. That's all the rosl. was only (50110 throe days , di which time ho became engage marry a girl worth § 10,000 , and lie e.imu back ho had awunpnd watch off for a four-year old colt ho sold for ? B5 , He came rig hero and got three more of watches , aim has gone out iutt country to swap them off \\itli a farmer for a pair of bay marc years old , that can trot bettor I5-10 in double harness Kxpec back to-day. " "Ho did very wrong , " sail stranger , sententiously , "Kh ? Oh , of course ! Corn t ( old him so. Told him ho ought tell the farmers that they could the watches hcio of mo for $14 , he is one of those wild , spcciilat follows , and 1 couldn't control h Will you have ono of them , sir ? " Thu stranger's right hand star towards his pocket , heaitatcd a i mcnt , and then drew forth a w worn but very coqnilcnt wal 1 'Yes , I'll take one , ' " said holies lingly. "You see I am going up i the Lake Superior couiiUy to prc among the lumber camps this wint and a watch will bo a good deal Cuiilpany for mo , " as ho laid down money on the counter. "Aro you a preacher ? " inquired auctioneer , with a look of surprise his face. "A very unworthy one , " was meek reply. "Why in thunder didn't you so , then ! T always sell clicapei preachers. That watoh only cost gl l.'Jo , and you can have it at c < Yes , confound it ! lor $10 , and hoi a chain in the bargain. Now out ! " an the htrantjer began mutter thankH. After ho was well outside the do the auctioneer explained : "I'd rat give § 10 than have that follow 1 that watch. I never cheated a par , befoie. Confound it ! I won't able to sleep all night. How ho take mo in. Who'd a thought lie u parson ? Hanged if I didn't th ho was eithur an out-and-out seed ( green policeman playing detect ! \Voll ! " with a little ncrvoUB lau 'if ho preaches by that watch , li bo tried for heterodoxy within month. ' ALMOST CUAXY. How elton do wo see the hard-wo ing father straining every nerve i muscle , and doing his utmost to s port his family. Imagine his fccli when reluming homo from a h day's labor , to find liio family pi trato with disease , conscious of unp doctors' bills ami debts on every ha It must bo enough to drive ono alir crazy. All this unhappiness could avoided by using Klectric liitti which expel every disease from system , bringing joy and happiness thousands. Sold at fifty cents a I tie. Ish & McMahon. ( S If yon suHcr trom Djspepria , < iso BURDOCK IILOOD JHTT1 If you arc alf.Ictctl with Hillmiinrs' , use IIUUDOG'K IILOOD I1ITTI If jou are prostrate ! with sick Headache , tal DUUDOUK IILOOD H1TT1 II your ttonclsarc disordered , rc iilatu them iiuuuociv IIL.UOD nrrn Iljour IllooJU mjmrc , purify Itwlth S-11UUUOCJK IILOOD UITT1 If 3 on h.ic Indigestion , > oil u ill lind nil ant ; In DUKUOCK IILOOD IHTTl If you are troubled with Spring Coiui > Iaint ndieato them with UURDOCK IILOOD BHT : If your Llxcrls torpid , restore It to healthy > with BUI1DOCK ULOOD WIT If jour Lhcrlaaftcctcd , 3onlllfliulasui toratl\oln DUItUOCK IILOOD I1ITT : If j on have any speilcs of Ilunior or PlinpU not to take 11UHDOCIC IILOOD IUTT If joii lm\c any pjmptoinuol UUcra or Serofi Sores , a curative remedy will ha found hi nunnocK ULOOD IIIITI For Imparting Rtrcngth and \ltahty to tin tern , nothlii ) ; can equal HUnilOCK BLOOD BITT 'or Ncn ou anil General Debility , tone ii ] Bj-Btcin \ \ 1th UURDOCK BLOOD BITO rice , I.OO per Hottle ; Trial Bottles 10 FOSTER , MILBUEN. & Co , , Pn BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale hy Uh & llcllahon and i JooJiuan. Jo 27 cod- IiiHon < c of Families Hoitdtcr'ii Stomach lllticrj 1 i nmcU ro ; u n household iicccitlty "i sujnr or cidi'c. reixson of tliti It that > car > of expcrlvnco | iro\ej it to bo prrluct y rullalilo Intlioioui iniorucniylicro a iuomitn"J | coin oiilcnt lOj-Uilemaiutfil , Constipation. Ihcr cpinj < l)6X-l | > ii , iodlgvitlon niul otlur trouble ouirit > irn uy Iu Formlu l > yall DriiKKl'UamlPrakrit , to1 > l > lj for IloUcUt'r'd Aluunai for 1832. Mary J. Holme Just puWUhoJ : Madeline. A norcl by MKN. MAW J. HOWKH , h w i bell to uiormoutriy , and are read and n uitli null Interest , llcautltully bounil ; Sl.W. , 'AI o haiuliomo ncweJitlonnofMrx. ll < otlcr work Tcimmt ant Hun.hluc , UlU'M , IMltli I. ) Ic. Kdiiallrottiilnir , Marian West IJVMI , Forest Homo , ito. , i'te. AI.80 , SOLD BY MA 1100KSEI.LEUI MAY AGNES FLEM1NI A Changed Heart. Another Intensely cull ii u notcl by MAY AOMIS r't-ruisa , nut ] those cayltil no\tl Ouy K rlicourl' * \ \ Woudcilul Woman , Mid Mairlajjo. gikn True , Ixnt for a Woman , ctu llcautllully I price , UO , Q. W. CARLCTON & 00. , Oat2ldcodlu < I'ublUhcn , K. V. C John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of OUIii Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKE No. KT Fatchim St. , OIJ Stand Cl NX WTOrJcri OY Tclcgraoh Solicited 1 1319 Farnham Street. Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at stand , with a present 315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our stock of Unequalled in the West , NOT SURPASSED IN THE EAST , . Study carotully the sacrifice. Preparatory to moving wo oflor our entire stock at a great prices wo quote , boar in mind that wo buy all goods for cash , do the largest strictly retail dry the benefit of to give our customers , aim joods business between Chicago and Sanfrancisco , and all the low prices and extra cash discounts given us by manufacturers and importers. BLAMETS , HOSIEEY , UfflEEf EAE , VELVETS , PLUSHES , SILKS , GASH : . CLOAKS , . EIBEONS , FLA \Vc have purchased five bales of n very fmo and heavy red twill Flannel , full 2 ! ) inches wide , and are closing liom out at CCc. a yard. They are fully equal to any ever shown hcfore for COc. to ( > 5c. 25 pieces of beat quality vcstorn / A. . _ Shirting 1 . . . . _ , , . Flannel Ol _ 1. at _ 070. il- * * _ 1 _ , usually _ L - . sold / . for I. .15c. * oo : Vhito ! 5.00 IJlankots in the West. 50 Pairs Extra Heavy all Wool Blankets SO CO. 00 Pairs 12-4 Extra Heavy ' . _ 7.00. GO Pairs 11-4 all Wool Blanlccts § 8.50. An Extra Largo San Jose , California , Blanket for $10.00. The rory Best Bargain in Omaha In Colored Blankets wo have reduced our $0.00 Blankets to § B.OO. Wo rccommnnd this particular Blanket on ccount of size ( being 0x7 feet , ) weight and texture , aa being the very cheapest ever shown here. For the next fifteen days we propose to inaugurate five leadeng prices in dress goods Gents , 50 Cents , 85 Cents and $1.50. At 25 cents Dress Goods that sold for 35 cents asd 40 cents. At 50 cents Dress Goods that sold for 75 cents and $1.00. At 85 cents Dre s Goods that sold for $1.25 and $1.50. At $1.50 Dress Goods that sold for $2.25 and $2.50. GREAT SALE OF BLACK CASHMERES ! At 50 cents a Black Cashmere usually sold for 75 cents. At 70 cents a Black Cashmere usually sold for 90 cents. At 80 cents a Black Cashmere usually sold for $1.00. At $1.00 a Black Cashmere usually sold for $1.25. yw , ! I E N We are hero allowing nn elegant line of Orcam , White , Old CJold and other now colors in IN SETS And recommend them for JPIRIESIEINTDS- Wo are daily opening novelties in Fancy Goods , Handkerchief , and aim to ahow more tTian our usual assortment ItDERWEAR. 200 BOZGII Seamless Fancy British Sox 25c , 25 Dozen Men's Fine all Wool Scarlet Half HOSB )0c. ) a Pair fully Worth 75 , 25 Dozen Fine English Merino lose 35c , , 3 for $1,00. Seam- BSSS Unbleached Sox S2.00 floz. Extra Fine UnnleaeM Sox $2,50 floz , Best Quality linen lollars $1,50 floz. Best Quality Linen Cuffs 82,50 floz , Another Invoice of Men's Pique Sewn , Stitched hack Derby Street Gloves $1.35 pair , usually sold at 82,00 to $2,50 Every Pail1 War ranted not to Break , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 25o Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers iOc , , worth 75c , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 75o , worth $1,00 , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers $1,00 , , worth $1,25 , For $1,25 We sell a very heavy Patent Merino Shirt or Drawer that has heretofore sold for $1,50 , , IP. & OO.n 1319 Farnham Street. shion ! We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri. CLOTH SUITINGS ! FRENCH FLANNELS AND CHINA SILKS I Trimmed' Elaborately with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie. Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties. WRAPS AKB SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE , Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques , $5.00 TO $150.00 lines Lcn THE OCCmTAL ! i , J. I. PAYNTER , liter o or ite IUU , A Proprietor mud Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. R Bates , Two Dollars Per Day , bOU 2Sd6ro I "I SUPERIOR TO AIL In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY -AND- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION BUY ! BESTS -BOLD BY Lang & Fotick