Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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NRW YOIIK , iJeeemher S.
Money wan stringent to-day nuil liuncil
nt C jwr cent. , couiui ! < uiou ranging from
Mil to 1-32.
J\ch.ingcd ! closed tlculy at 1 81 ( < r
i $ : . .
Governments bonds clotnl ftrau M
follows :
Currency 0V 1 HO bjd
4's coupons 11 & bid
4l's coupons. 1 144 bid
Mi continued 1 02S I'M
C'B continued 1 00 , ' Ind
lt.MI.HOAU IOS1) .
railroad boluU closed , as follows :
Union first * 117JW1 173
Lntin grants 1 13 foil 13J
Sinking fund * 122123
Centrals 110
The imrkct todayM rcry quiet , tint
film , thu strlni'cnt market checking bus-
itu'tto n great extent. The features of
to-day's dealings \\KIO Itiohmcnd & Unn-
rllle , and Mnnluttnn Hencli , tthlch wtro
pxcepliona'ly ' strong and underwent wide
Hue mtion' . The closing quotations fur
the gciifnil list were | to 1 } percent alH\o
the lowest prices of the day , and in spcei .1
C.OM'S n greater ndvnuci rccurdel.
Tlia foUnttlng nio the closing bids :
A.VT1I pr'f. . IM 20
H.I Q. . . . .138J Piefutrol . . . . fill
on .u r i\ . mi Mo Pa . . . .
Cedar Knlls. . . . 21 N .1 C
Central Pacific. ! > l ? NYT . ! 3fp |
O& A 13IH Northwest in 1274
OCC&lHi Preferred ,110 ,
CSt L& N. . . . 83 Nor Pac . . . . , 'W
DL.t W 1271 Prefericd . . , , , soj
Adams 311 PIKVU .S'J
Ameiicaii 07 Htl'aul 10(52 (
U. S 771 do preferred .11 ! )
U ft St .1 U5.1 , San 1'rancixco. . 43
Picfimd. . .110 , ' do preferred till
TO 133r do first pfd .ior
1B&W 51 ? Texas Pioific. . . 537
K&T 40 } Union PftciLo.,118
LS . . . . . .121g Waba-Oi 42i
I. k N 74 Preferred . . . . 823
Michigan Cent'l U2i Western Union. 852
Following are the highest price * on
mining blocks at tile New York mining
i hangii :
liulwer. . . . . . . 250 Nor Bcllo. . . .
Boston con . . . 51 lilting Sun. . . ! )0' )
Vittsburg. Silver Clilf . . . 235
70 Sutro 110
California. . 100 Storimmt ll > 0
( ! od haw . 15 South Pa 315
reen Alt . 2)0 ! ) Union con. . .1350
Little Pittn 100 Virginia 225
CIIICAOO , December S.
There is no let up in"the demand for
money , liates were lirm at Gjii7 ( jicr cent ;
MILill hums were loaned at 8 per cent ,
exchange between city banks \\.is
cents dUc'iint per Sl.OOD. The
dealings of associate bauls i/ere 67 ,
Ouinha WLolnhalo Marlcot.
OincK ot-TiiK OMAHA HUE , 1
Thursday Ktcuing , December 8. J
To-dny'rt icports fiom the diffeiont
hou'CR showery little changes in piicca.
AVlicat No. 2 unchanged. No. 3 declined
2o Rejected declined \c. \ Bnrly nd-
Tanccd 5" . llye unchnng > d. CDHI nd-
vanceil ic. Oata advanced Jc.
In dings htryihnino declined Cc.
I5y an error of the typo a decline of ] ( [ y
Jc on all grades of sugar was not noted in
ret lew yesterday.
Local Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 110Jcash ;
No. 3 , ! ) S : rejected 74'.c.
_ _ 13A11LKY. Ca < h No. 2 , lU c ; No. 3 ,
/ <
JHYK. Caeh , 83c.
COltN. Cash No. 2 , 47c.
OATS. fash. 3ic. (
HAY & 7 OOfea 00 per ton.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
8325@37.r : "Pioneer" California , S4 2J ;
patent , S3 7o@4 (50 ( ; winter wheat straight
ifradc $3 S3 ® 1 25 ; patent , J4 fX4 ) 90 ; gia-
nam rye , 82 75 ; Wheat , * 3 00 ; Queen
lije. § 1 7 > ; Jasper , 81.50 ; Big Siuiix ,
$1 0 , ) .
14YE FLOUR . 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. SOc ;
screenings , per cwt. 80c ; shorts , per
cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , i > er cwt. 1 20 ; meal
bolted , yellow , 1 40 ; white. 81 CO.
POTATOKS Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 35.
Vcb-.vikax , 1 00uH ( 10.
tine , KSt.'ic per Ib.
PllAUUli CHICKKNS ? 3 00@3 59
per dozen.
QUAIL Per doz. . S2 002 50.
WILD UKKSK 2 C0@3".r)0.
KG US Finn at30c.
BUTTlill Clioice , scarce at 2l@2 c ;
poor , noniaikot ; fair , 18@21 ; creamery ,
. ,
APPLIES Good , hound , very scirce
ftt SI 755 00 per bbl.
HONEY Calif ornu white clover in
comb , 21@25c.
LK.MONS-SUndy ; per box , J7 .r > 0 ©
80) .
MALLAflA GKAPK.S-Pcr lhl.S fiO ;
per half bbl. , $1 50.
I1BESWAX yellow , 2022c.
ONIONS 1 5'i@l ' CO perbuHhel.
CAUBAGK ( < 1 00@2 00 per dozen , ai
to ( jnality.
CRANBiilUIKS-Per : bbl. , 810 00 ®
11 (0.
CKLERY Per dor. , OOc.
IJUKSSKIHSKKSE I'er Ib. , 0aillc. (
CYSTijlS-SelectH,50c ; Btandarcin , 40c.
Qrocers List.
COFFKB. Ilio , Jair , KUc : Ulo , Bood ,
He ; Ilio , prime to choice , 14 Jo ; Old gov't
Java ; 20i@28ic , Mocha , 28Jo ; Arbuckle'a ,
T1JAS. Gunpowder , good , 4.r > @W > c ;
Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@15c ;
Choice , 00 ,75c ; Young J.IyBon , froal , 3(5 ( ®
50c ; choice , C5c ( 31 00 ; Jai > an Nat
S5c ; Japan , choice , C0s ( > 75c ; Oolong ,
35(2/10 ( ; Oolong , elm co , 10@55 ; Souchong ,
gootl. 35Ai40c : choice. 33(5)45c. ( )
tJUOAUS. Cut loaf , ] 02o ; Crwhod ,
lie ; ( jranulated , lOjc ; Powdered , lie-
Fine powdered , lljc ; Stnndanl Coffee A.
lOic ; New York Confectioner > Standard
A , 10Jc ; Gootl A , lOcj Prairie Kxtra 0 ,
SYJIUPH. Sugar house , libl * . 18c : hn'f
bin , COc ; kejtB , 4J gallons , 52 35 ; choice
table Byrup , 50c ; halfbblh , 53c ; ke fa. ! ! .
SODA. Dwlcht'n 11 > papem , Kl 00 ; De-
land do , $3 00 ; Church'd , ? 3 0" ; Keg xoda ,
8TAKOH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Hlher Gloss , 6 }
@ 8Jc ; Com Starch , 8 'c ' ; i\cclblor :
Glvi8 , 7c ; Com , 7Jc.
SALT. IJray load , per bbl , 1 05 ; Anil-
ton , in b.ickx , 3 50 ; bbU dairy ( Xin ) , , 3 15 ;
bbls dairy. 100 , 3s , 3Gi.
DUIKU FUUlTrf-Cholce halves ,
i > eache , new crop , lOc ; K vaiiorated A pple > ,
5 Ibbuxen , 13J@llc ; Michigan , file ; New
Yorkappltw , 8ic ; Primes , old , 7ic ; new ,
fie ; Currants , 7@7i ; lilaukbenies , now ,
OIIKHSB 1'ull Crewi , He ; Pait
SVIm 11 Jc. .T . -
WOODKNWAUK-Two hoop pallc ,
1 05 ; three hoot ) paiN . , a 'JO . ! No. I tulw
, ,
' i : n I 5. . % ;
pioneer i\r > hboanl < . 1 R5 ; Double Cnttrn ,
JOO ; NVellbucketv , 325.
hKAD Dixr , SIK5.
SPICiS.-PopiH'r : , 20 ; Ml-plfo , 20o :
Clo\e , I3c ; Nutmeg , 91 Wwito : ( , 25o ;
Mncci ! ? 1 tH ) .
MATCHKS Per cvUllo , ! Ko ) ; round
CA e * . S7.ft ) | < piare c-i-"i < s 85,10.
PUOVlSIOXa-Hroakfast bacon. 14j.
jliolcc Inrd , 13Jc : dried b.-of , ISic ; Mvmld
r < , cnuviisjed I'c ' ; liiiuu , I lo ; bacon , Bide" ,
12 o
oS'KW PtClvLKS-.Me < llutn , 111 barrel. ,
? 10 00 : ( Id in half Mils , 5 75finiallii ; , in 1)1)1 * ,
12 00 do. in ! . - . ! { bl-.i. 700 ; gherkins , in
bbls It 00 ; i'in half bbi , 7 50.
VINr.OAK Pure _ npplo ovtrn. If.
pure apple , 13cs Pni * lne tmm ain.le , lO
HOM I NY New , 5 ? . * . " 5 per bbl.
1JKANS Medlnin , hand picked Kt 7
per bushel ; nvy , Jf3 50 ; c.def nnvy , S3 50.
UO1M' Si al , J Inch and larger ,
SOAPS-Klrk'i Savon Im ] > oriM , 3 30 :
Kirlt'.s nalliipt. 330jKlrkN oUndaixl , 3 50
fa 3 33 ; Klrk'a white liu lau , 5 25if500 ( :
Kirk's KutocM , 2 05 : Khk' Prairie Queen.
1100 cakci ) , 3 10 ; Kirk's mairnolln , I 550' !
1 40.
. 10 Ihs 1C or , 8s
lGcbnxc : ! 40 lb > . , 10 or. . , ( li , ll > c.
LYi : Anicric.ui. 3 40 : Greenwich. 310 :
Western , 2 75 : North Star , 2 f > 0 ; LowU
lye , I 00 ; Jewell lye , 27t' > .
POTASH l'enulvatih canst dozn
in cn e , 3 3. " > ; P.ubbltt'a Ball , 2 dor. In u.ue ,
1 TO ; Anchor Ball 2 dor. in 1 SO.
KILLD SH1JD lied clover , choice
new , ft ! 00 per bu hel ; mammoth clover
new , 6700 ; whit * cloier , now , SHOO
al ulfa clotor , now , $12 50 ; al-dlte , new ,
61300. Timothy , ( , < > od , new , 53 00 ;
blue grniy , oxlr.v , ijl 50 ; blue grass
ulonn , 81 25 ; orchard , S2 TiO ; red top ,
rhniiv , 1 03 ; millut , common orMNsoml ,
SOc ; millet , Herman , § 100 to $125 ;
Huiunrian. " "
HKUGKSHKP Osage ornncc , 1 to r ,
b'.Hicls S5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or
oter , S-l ' " 0 : honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; pel
100 Ib ? . S25 00.
FISH Family white fish , PO Ib hf hhls
S3 75 ; No , 1 white fish , 'JO Ib hf bbls. li 30 ;
No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
10 Ib kit' , 75c ; New Holland hei ring , per
keg , 1 35 ; Itussian sardines , 75c ; Colui"-
bin river salmon.per lOOlln , 8 00 ; George's
Bank codfiah , Cc ; Gen. boneless codfish ;
lljc ; boneless flub , 5ic.
MAOKKIlKIv Half bbl moHs mackerel ,
100 Ibs , $1260 ; hf bbl No. 1 ox sliore do ,
100 Ibs 0 00 ; hf bbls fat family do , 100
Ibs 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
No. 1 ox shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 7oc.
CANNED GOODS Oybtors , 2 Ib
( Field's ) , per wise , SI 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
per case , 2 fiO ; do 2 lt > ( Standard ) , per case ,
8 90 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 50 ; do
2 Ib ( slack ) , per CAM ? , 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
per cose , 200. Onions 3SO. Salmon , 1
Ib , per dozen , 1 G0@l 70 ; ilo 2 Ib , per do/en
2 n" ) . Sardines , small lhh ! , imported ono
quarter boxes per bov , lljc ; Ameiic.m ,
quarter boxes pur box , He ; tin half boxes ,
per box , 21 Jc. Lobaterr , 1 Ib per tto/en ,
1 SO. Tomatoes. 2 SO ; do 3 Ib pur
crt e , 310 : Corn 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per vMf , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 210 : do
2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per eiy-e , 37i > ;
hiring beans , per case , 2 25 ; Lima beans ,
per case , 220. Succolabh per c.iso , 225.
Pens , Lominon , per case , 2 00 ; pens choice ,
per case , ISO. Blackberries 2 Ib , per case ,
28) ) ; straw bciries 2 Ib , per casc,27.V
inspbenii-s 2 Ib , per case , 2 7f > ( S3 00.
Damsons , 2 I1' , ] t'r case , 2 4.ri. Bartlett
pears per ca e , 30o@100. Wlmrtlebcr-
lies per c.ise , 2 SO. Kgt ? plums 2 It ) ] > er , 3 50 : ilo , choice , 2 11) , per case. 4 50.
( Jn-en g.iges/J Ib per case , 3 fiO : do choice , f.
Ib per case , 1 50. Pine Apnl ilcs2 Hi , per case ,
4 00@5 75. Peaches 2 lo per c.-v-c , 3 10 :
do 3 Ib , cafce , ft . 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
ca o.38i ; do pie , C Ib , per dozen , 3 fiO.
KICK Carolina , S@8ic ; Louisiana , l
( SS'.c ' ; fair , OJ 7.
PKANUTfa lioasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , Ho per Ibj tomcy white , 10a prr Ib ;
r.i'v white Virginia raw , IOc ; n/n-ited ,
Dry Goods.
15ROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8Jc ;
Aipleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boott
KK , S\c \ ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
7ic ; Chittenango A , 0c } ; Oreat Falls K ,
8c ; lloosier , OJc : lloncbt Width , 7 c ; In
dian Heud A , 8'c ' ; Indian Standani A ,
S c ; Indian Orchatd d. w. , 8c : Lawrenca
li\i , 7c ; Mystic Kher , 7Jc ; Pequot A , 8/c / ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Ulica C , 5Jo ; Wnclins-
ett B. 7jc : do A , S'.c ; do K 48 , 12 c ; Wai
cwttBB , 7c. }
4-4 ; 7Ac ' ; Alligator 3-1 , 3c ; Argyle 4-1 , 7'i'c ;
Atlan'tio LL. ( ijc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ;
Bcnnington C 4-1 , fife ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , l\cc \
Indian Orcharil AA U-8 , S/e / ; Laconiu O
Wamsutta 4-4 , 13c.
BLEACHED C'OTl'ONS Andre ccg L 4-l,10cBIackstoneA ; A in.perial Oc ;
do do half blenched 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-1,8 j ;
Fidelity4-4 , OkFruit ; of th I/om,10J ; do
can brie l-4,13cdo ; WalerTwist,10JcTreat ;
Fulls Q , Gc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12'c ' ;
L .nsdale , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 13c ; New
York Mills , 13c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Peppcrell 2
N G Twills , 12Jc : Pocabontas 1-4 , ' . ( Jc ;
1'ocaHs-t 4-4 , 8\c ; Utica , He ; WaniButta
O X X , 13o. v
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 oz. , C
17c ; Baltimore ito , Hie ; Lone- Star , 8 oz. , 1tl
12c : Sav ge , 18c. tl
( Colored ) Albany K brown , 8
8c ; do C , ilra' < li- lo Y.A. , stripes and 8n
plaidc , I2jc ; do XXX brown and drab , n
ntripcs aim jilaidK , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , li
19c ; L'runswick blown , 8Jc ; Churiot fancy , 4
12Ac ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River 4h 4n
blown , i\tia heavy , HAc ; Indinna A h
blown , 13c : Neponsct A brown , 15c.
TICKINGS AmoHkeaK A C A 32 ,
17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , ISJc ; Arrowanna ,
Die ; Clarcmont B B , 15Jc ; Conestoga ex
tra , 17&c ; Hamilton D , 3Uc ; Lcwiaton A
30 , 15c ; Minnohnhn 4-4 , 20c ; Omegnsup'r
c.\ha 1-1. 2h'c ; Pearl River 32 , lOjc ; Put-
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetncket S ,
lOJc ; do S3 12c ;'H blue 2il , SJc.
DKNIMS. Amoikeak , blucand brown ,
ICJc ; Amlover DD blue , Ifije ; Arlington
bluu Scotch , ISic ; Concord GOO , blue and
brown , 12Jc ; do AAA , do do 13i ; doXXX
dodo 14Jc ; Haymaker's blue und brown ,
9c ; MyHis KiterDD stripe , lliic ; IVarl
Kiter , blue and brown , Ifijc ; Uncastillo ,
blue ami brown , llijc.
CAMBRICS Barnard , CIc ; Kddystone
lining , 21 inch double face , HJc ; ( iarner A
glazed , Cc ; M'nnhattan glove finish , 5i'c ' ; 14
Newport do tic ; do glazed , 5'j'c ' ; Pequot do
Cc ; Lo'.kwood ' kid miiali , Gc.
CORSET JKANSAmory , 8cAndnn- ;
coggin hatteen. SJc ; Clnrcndon , C'Vc ; COUCH-
togn Ratteens , 7jc ; Hallowell , 8c ; Indian
Orchnnl improted , 7ic ; Narrngnnsett , "Jc ;
Peiiperill satteeu OJn ; ltocki > ort , 7'i'c. *
J'JUNTS Allen" . CJc ; Amcrlcau , 0c } ;
Aui'ilil , 7c ; 1'eiwick , 4'lc ; Cochcco , 7c ;
kii ) : , -J'jc ' ; Dimnell , Sfl
7c : ( UouccHtur , icj !
jfaniiniiy , Tiic ; Knlchcihochcr , lJo ! ; .Mor- I ) , 7cj Myntlc , 5Jc ; Spratnir ? , icj !
.Southlirldp'o , fie ; do. ( Jin-jhuuH , "c ; Lliirl-
lx > ro , We ; Oriental CJc.
( MNGHAMH AninA-ens , lOJe ! Amos.
keai ; < ire-n I''f. ' Anrylo , lOJc : Atlantic ,
Oc : Ctimliprland , 7Jc ; ] | ighl.iml ,
Kcnllwoah , 8Jc ; I'lnn kett , 10\cj \ IM-
ccx , 8c.
Afftte , ' 'Oc ; Anierlcnn , lie ; AillMnn , UUcj
Cairo ] ) und T , l.'ljc ; Cltirlnn I ) and T , Ib
fancy , 12Uiio ; , S o21
SHKKTINOSAndroHcosKiii 10-1.270 ;
do U-l , 21c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Cuiitlni-ntal "C
12 , He ; Fruit of ( he I/oom 10-1. 274 ; New 52
York mills SW , Me ; do 78 , 'iOo ; do fifi , 22Jc ;
Pembroke 10-1 , 25c ; Pupiot 10-1 , M\c \ } do
7-1 , 19c ; do 1'J ' , IGc ; Peppcrcll ltd , 20c ;
do 07. 21 c ; da 57 , 18c ; Utica W , I o ; do
58 , 22jo ; ilo 18 , 17o
UulldlrE Mnlorlal. 1
bW , 52 " .0. Hair nor bu. T > c. Tnntd
felt ICW IK $0 f'O. Stiaw lioard. S CO
VAIM'.UStmw paper , JV ( ( MS | > aivr ,
Jc ; dry goivli ) iat > or , 7c ; iiinniln ajicr , lOcj
nown paper. .
OOAlOutnlicrlnnd blftck-cmith.
Mtirm Knn IMowburf ; , $1' ' ! WhlU-
lump , ? fi fiOj AVhltvbnvKt nut , ii 60 ; Iowa
lump , $0 Mi IUWA nut SOMMio
$ S ; Anthrncite , all fi.-.p ? . 813 00.
l'KXCI.\n-Xo. 1 , 12 to 'JO ft , $20 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 1H 00 ; MtcvttttK div cd ,
No. 1 , IS 00 ; No. 2 , 10 00 ; common board * ,
iltwseil. 20 00.
l-'KAMINli 16 ft. nnd wider , i > or M ,
20 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 22 00 ; 22 ft. 22 00 ;
21 ft. 2.1 Ou.
FINISHlNn-Nn. 1. flnNh 1.4 , li nnd
2 inch , S0 00 N. . . 1 fmt-h 1 liii'h SI5 00 ;
No. 2. tinWi 1J , 1J and 2 inch , § 4500 : No.
2 linMi , 1 inch , S10 00 ; No , 3 linWi , 1 in-li ,
$ : CiOO ; 0. 15. battom IHM iOO foot Hit. ,
$100 : well eurWiiK , $2200 ; toufjli i ami 2
inch battont i > cr 100 foot His. fiOo.
STOOK lUAllS-A ! lwk , S4000 ;
§ . " > . ' . 00 ; 0 , $ . ' ! 0 CO ; common stock , S22 f.O. .
K1OOK1NJ ( N'o. 1 , S ( IK ) ; No. 2 ,
SM 00 ; No , 3 , 522 00 ; yellow | iim < , No. 1 ,
S11)1N(5 ( No. 1 , ? 2-IOO ; No. 2 , $22 CO ;
No. : i. $18 00.
SHU' T.AV-l'lnin , $2. 00 ; O. O.No. 1 ,
$3200 : No. 2.S2200.
C1UUN(1-S2I ( OCKWJ37 00.
hATII ANDSUINUI.r.S-Aliwbost ( )
hlilmjlcs. S3 8 : . , No. 2 , S2 f > 0 ; No. 3 , $2 00.
Lath , 53 M ) .
Paints Oils nnd Vnmlsic ! .
PAINTS IN OtT * White Iriid. Omaha
J > . I' . , 7cvhito ; lead , O. 1' . & C. Co. , pun- ,
( i" : MarM'illuft Kfl-'n , 1 to o Jb , 20c ;
French yinc , qri'Lii seal. 12c ; Vrcneh ? inc ,
rod cal , llr ; l'ix ncli .tine , in varnish nx t ,
JOe ; French 7inco , in oil aist , Ific ; ln !
nd bnrnt umber , 1 lt > cam 12o : r.iw ami
liuriil Sioniia , lo ! ! : vandyke brown , 1IL ;
ixilincd l.imiiblauk. 12c : co.ich bluek , V'c :
l"ory bhu'k , Klc ; droji black , Ific ; I'miMi. ! ! !
blue , I0c ! : ultr.inmrino blue , ISc : chrome
( jreoni. . M. & 1) . , He ; blind and NhiiUci
L' i'i'ii , TJ. M. & 1) . , Ho ; 1'aiis Kfcen. ISc :
L'I di.iu ix'd , IHc ; Venetian rod , He ; Tii
1111. 22o ; Amciicau Vermillod , I. & .V. , ISc ;
chronu' yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ;
yellow oohro , ile ; golden oehro , 10 ; pattMit
ilrvor , Co ; KrAining color * : lipht oak , darken
onvalmit. . chestnut and aih 12o.
Dry ° nlntt
yhito lend , GJc ; French /inc. lOo ; Viiris
whitein 2Jc ; \ \ luting pildcrs , IJc ;
vliitinf conn , 14c ; lainihlnck ) Gorniiin-
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , So ; Prus
sian blue , 4fic ; ultramarine , ISc ; Vandyke ,
brown , Sc ; umber , burnt , c ; miller , raw ,
lc8icmin ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 'lc
Paris K'oen genuine , 35c : Paris urecn com'l
J5c ; chromo green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom-
Krcen K. , 12connillion ; , ling. , 70c ; vermillion -
million , America , ISc ; Indian red. 10u ,
rose pink , lie ; Venetian read , Cookton's
' 'io : Venetian red Am. , lc ; red lead , 7ic ;
chrome yellow , gcnuini20c ; chromo yel
low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , rochcllc , 3c ; ociiro ,
J''rencli 2'Jc ochre American l
, ; , , c ;
AVintcr's mineral , 2jc ; lehigh In-own , 2jo :
.Spanish blown , -c ; J'rinec'a mineinl
VAUXISIIUS Bands per pallon.
Fiunituro , extra , SI 10 ; fuinituro , No. 1 ,
Slfmnlture ; , U , 8Tic ; coach , e\tra , SI 40 ;
Coach , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , St fiO ; .Tnpan.
70c ; usplialtum , 70c ; shellac , $300 ; hard
oil linMi. .SI 30
OIKS 110' carbon , per j-allon.
lieadliht | ; , per KiHon , 12 c ; 17"i
per gallon , lOa ; cryiitulinc , per gallon , 20c ;
iinsted , r.iw , per gallon , ( ill ; liii'-eed , boiled ,
per gallon , ( iSo ; lard , \\interst M , porqal-
inn , 1 05 ; No. 1 , SOc : No. 2 , ( > e ; c.xhtor ,
XXX , per gallon , 1 UO ; No. 3 , 1 lf > ; swci-t ,
per gallon , h"c ; sperm , W. 1 ! . , per .Ulon ,
1 3"i ; liih , W. 15. per gallon , ( iOc ; ncnMoot ,
cxtr.i , per gallon , Toe ; No. 1 , li"ie ; lului-
eating , 7orn , per gallon , 30c ; summer , I'cj
- o den machine , No. 1 , per g.illon , .f."io ; JCo.
2 , "iO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , Mc ) : ter-
pentine , lior gallon , Glc ; imptha , 71' , per
S.illon , 30c ; Or , 20c.
Clears and Tobaccos.
CIOAKS. Seeds , Sin.OO : Connecticut ,
S23.00 : Mixed , S..00 ; Seud HavanaT 0.00 ;
Clear ITaxaim , $75.00.
TOUACU3 PLUG. Golden P.ule ,
2t Ib , COc ; Spotted Pawn , Olc ; Our Hope ,
1 quality , 62c ; Star , pounds , 21
11) , btittn , COc ; Slioc , pounds ,
21 Ib , butts , BOu ; Purity , 21
FINK CUT In pails. Hani to Beat ,
"on ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ;
Favorite , 70o ; Ifocky Mountain , ( iOc ;
Fancy , 55c ; D.tiHy. t > "c. In tin foil
Catlins 0 _ . S. , < " > Ib boxefl , per Ib ( i5c ; Lori-
illard'H Tiger , C. " > c ; Diamond Crown , Cfic.
SMOKING All grades Common ,
33c. Granulated lilackwells Durham , 1C
oz Sic ; Dukes Durham , 10 07 , 50c ; Seal of
North Carolina , 10 oz , 1 ( ; Seal of Nebras.
ka , 1C a ? , 3Sc ; jyono Jack , ! oz , linen bag ,
perlb , § 1.35 ; Marburgs'Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , T)5c ; Do , ; Tail. 6T o.
Heavy Harnware List.
Iron , rates , $3 50 ; plow eteel , cast , 74n ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokoi ) , set ,
25@3 00 ; hubs , per net , 125 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70S85c ( ; axles ,
each , 75e ; snuare nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , C@l2c ; malleable , Sc ;
ron 1 wedges , 6c ; crowbars , Oc ; harrow
teeth , -lc ; horteahoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spiing
steel. 7@8c.
NAILS-10 to 20d. SCO ; 8 to 10 , 3 7.r ;
fid , 4 00 ; id , I 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 ; 3d ,
line , 0 50 ; clinch , all HI'/OK , 5 25 ; lid , casing ,
75 ; Sd casing , I 5-1 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; 10d
finish , 4 7f > ; 8d nni.h , 5 00 ; Cd ( inish , 0 25
half kegs , IOc extra.
SHOT. Shot , S1.8"i ; Iluck chnt , ? 2.10 ;
Orientnl Powder , kego , 6140 ; do. , half
kegs , ? . ' 1.4g ; rto. , guai tor kegs , SI.S8 ; JJlant-
ins , kegs , $3. : > 5 : Fuse. u r 100 fuc.t Me.
Horses and Mules.
The market is brisk nnd all grnde * aru
selling well at a slight lulvanco in p ice .
Tlie demand for good horses exceeds the
supply considerably. J'ricert range a. , fol-
Iowa :
Finn single driven ) , SIPX ) . to DOO.j Kxtra
draft liDincB , S175. to 225. ; Common draft
lior-oB. S100. to 150. : ICxtra farin horses ,
5110. to 125. ; Common to good farm horses
SUO. to 8100. ; Kxtra plngn , $150. to 75. ;
Common plugs , ? 20. to $40.
MULKS. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 8125.
tol50.j Hi to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
to 14i hands , $76. to 100. ; 13i to 14
humid. $00. to 75.
Hide * f-urs , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , 7c ; green
cured hides , 8c ; green salt , pirt cured
AVUA , ivun uuii. wfc. o tu iil iui. , JU ( J1 JCJ
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibt , iwr skin , TOO ;
green i > elts , 31 00@115 ; grcfn lamb Kkinn ,
10wl2."i ( ; ; dttmagwl hides , two-third rate ,
cut scored and ono rrub , clnwoil two
Vic ; wiort strliio , JOn1 narrow htiipo 2 | > cs
bnad : stripe , IOc. 'J'nllow , BJc.
Druci ,
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Taitarlc , file ; Ualnam
Uopabla , j > cr Ib , 72o ; ISark , Hancafras , tier
, 12o ; Calomel , fiur 11) , 7l > c ; Cinchonidla ,
IKT 07 , bOc ; Chlorofonn , per Ib. 90c ;
Do er * powders , per Ib , $1 I0j Jipsom
lulls , peril ) . 3Jc ; ( flycciiiie , pure , per Ib ,
48c : l e.-vd , Acetate , | x-r Ib , 21c ;
Oil , f'aKtor , No. 1 , per b'al , 1 35 ;
, Castor , No. 3 , per gal , & 125j Oil
Olne , per gal , 8140 ; Oil , Orignnum , Mo
Opium , i 40 ; ( Quinine P. U W. & J [ . & H
per oS2 00 ; Potimsium , Iodide , per Ib ;
40 ; Hainan , per oz , 40c : Sulphate of
Morphine , ) ro$3 85 ; Snlpiiur Hour ,
perlb , 4ic ; Htrvuhtinc. uer oz. 31 45.
Liquors ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 22 , ' . per vlno I
gallon ; extra California spirit * . 187 proof ,
3J pcr ) ( onf gallon ; triple rctintd ( .pirits. .
2 Ml : Kentucky bourlwin , 20CV 700 : K . , -
tucky nnd Penusylvnnl * rye . 200 ( < < 700
BKANDIliS Imported , Sti OOfeUilK ) ;
ilomwtic 1 I04 00.
( HNSImputed , 4 S0@0 00 ; domeitlr ,
1 4l > d3 00.
HUMS Innxirted , 1 1WU.O 00 ; : w , .
Knal.ind. 2 OOM4 OOj domestic , t N(33 ( ; M
CUAMPA(1NiS : Iir.ortcil | l > or ca r
JilOOg i t > ; A : iv.J , , 1200 ®
Cl' , MJKT3 Vcr c. o , 4 fiOWHS 00.
WINM'.S llhlno wine , per oi < , 0 OOjfl
20 00 ; C.ita b.i , per ease , 4 OOdt ' 00.
V : ! h"n\y
Couuctl DlufTs MnrltPt.
Cottxoiii BUTKS , D
I'lour-Mnnufnctured by I.- . . . . . . . . .
City Mills. 375WI SO : Knii'ns mid Mi
i-imt i ll'iur , 3 SO © I 25 ; K' ' ' ' l alll ; ! " ' ! O'
Hour. 350. .
Bran and Short17 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 22 r.O per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , $120 ; No. 3 , SUc : it
jeotod , 70o. ,
Corn -N'o. 2 , S , ruJrctou 40.
Oats Ko. 2 , UV : rojootixl , 3' .
I'.mley-No. 2. Wo : No. 3 , "Si
ll iiv 7 00 i'S W ) .
WihKl-0 OOfif.8 00.
Li1 1 logs-si 30T > CO.
Cattlo-Sldpp ng , 1 f'O ® ' . 00 : milch
cows ! , ' ' 0 005915 00 per bend ; buteler *
stock , 3 00 ( 3 HO.
Sheep OOSfTi 00.
( ! Hides , * > lc ; C ! 3 hiili * , 7Jc.
Wool lo © 5.
Butter ! > 0&,35o. !
p'otntoes -I ( XVff 1 20.
Onions 1 25it ( > l 10.
Gritud Jituotltin Mn-'liot.
1'g s 17c.
liutter 10@18c.
t > roUnoo.
C'uicAoo. Dcccmbtfr 8.
On 'Chnngo tha markets wcio nortous
nnd lowe- . The receipts of urain wi-rt
357 car loads , embracing 80 of hi'at , 181
of corn , 31 of ints , 12 of rye , and 47 of
Flour Itulcd iniiet and innrkrt without
special change ; common to chuico m > rin
wehtorn , 4 BOQi ( i 75 ; Minnesota , f > 2oii)7 ( ) 00 ;
pntents , 7 50 D 25 ; winter wheat , t. 50 ®
775 ; rye Hour , 2 . * iOo)3 ) 10 ; buck\t ,
8 WlCiS 75.
Wheat No. 2 , i prin ? , lower early , but
trading nctho nmi closed stronger. .Spec-
ulativo olferings veto liberal im4 created
n ttcnkcr feeling , but as the otleiings wrrc
nb orbed , a firmer fueling VUH duielopod
and piiucH fluctuated fieipientlv uitliin n
mudeialo range of p icts , 'Jhu murk t
op mil nt about the closing figures of yes
lerday , and afttr aomo slight fluctuation
rallied ucak and declined lc [ liclow onily
prii'cs , then lalliul Jc , but ngnin weaKened
and fluctuated and finally closed ui.out
d' ) " higiier on thu bn.inl and
n call a * . 1 : > 8rt' for December ; 1 2'.I1W
211 } fur January ; 1 oOAdill 30 | for J-'on.
rnary ; 131 for larcli ; No. 3 , spring ,
in fair itquu-t at 1 15J ; lejectcd , f-i'.l3o ) ( ( ,
acconling to location.
Coin On'y ' n umderats busine.- , was
ti.m acted and ilio aulinj ; waa steady du -
ing thr ( { renter poition of thtohi'ii. .
Tli tradiii- was inainiy of n 1J ( 1 uliai.u-
tor. Out idci-s weie smaller than usual.
1'ricm Hucttiilcd uilhfi t ) range of ; iiijc ( |
and loutr , moio paitictilinly fin
the m ro deferr d duli\oiii' < > . _ Shippini ;
demand modoiato. No 2 anil hi.h mixed
closed on call t (102 ( for DocemU-r ;
IJ'lc fir Jannary ; lilgc for Foluuaiy ;
for M aj' ; dlio foe June ; rcjictcd ,
O > t < Ijiiict and tob i.ibly ( itcady ; bui
nc-s mnik'inte ; No 2 closed on cull atI5'u
for December ; llJ LIu for .l.tuuary ; Hi ; ,
for MIIJ- .
Rye Stonily and linn ; light tiar.f-ae-
tion ; No. 2 , JIOc for Januaiy.
Uailey Lii"elts < and entiiely nominal ;
No. 2 , 'l Oii@l 0J ( ! for January ; 1 09 for
Por- Moderately active , but ii regular ;
meas closed on call nt Hi 90 ( > 17 25 foi
old nnd new fur Dcc'inber ; 17 174 for
Januaiy ; 17 47J for February ; 17 ( j'2)a ) ( )
17 05 for March ; 17 90 for May.
Laid Active , freely > ( fcml ami easy ;
closini ; nt 110"11 17J for thn year ;
11 42 } for Februaiy ; 11 mmu GO for
March ; 11 82J for May.
Bulk Meats Irrcgulm ; short ribs closed
at 8 75 for January ; 8 H2J for February ;
! ) 10 for March ; 9 27-J for April ; 11(52. ( for
Whisky Quiet at 1 17.
Bnttoi Chitlly of local chancier nnd
in choice with a few tales of medium in
ficsh stock , offerings were ample nut )
prices steady. Itoll met with a good de
mand , when choice , but common , nnd
old were not wanted. Choice to fancy
cicnmery , 1C@38 ; fair to good , 33@35c :
choice to fancy dairy , 28i > ' 32 ; fair to good
do , 18g,25c ( ; fresh mndo pncking , 12to)14c ( ) ;
common to good Indie packed , 1318c ;
rol , 18@2Ic.
Kggs In gnod supply mvl moilcr.ito demand
mand nt 25c pur do/en for strictly frusl
and I8u22 tor pic'ili-d.
IJoc'K Shipm'th
Flour 17,050 15,130
Wheat 37,029 20,0 3
Corn 91,123 ' 93,778
Oats 41,05(5' ( 43,93.5
IJyo 3 , 83 7 : > 1
Barley. , 42,003 15,108
StZjotila Froduoo-
ST. Loiim. Orcetvlior 8.
Kloui Lower ; family , li 00G 20 ;
choice to fanoy , I ! I5W,7 ( CO.
' Wheat No. 2 rod , 1 : nj for eahh ; 1 3 ! )
'or Jnuuan ; 1 42 f < r I'Vbiiiary ; 1 4IJ fur
or May
Oats .Slow nt 4fVS1i7ju ; ( for raali ; 47 j
or January ; iflo for Febrnarv.
Uye Uighi-i ut'J8/feliiu / ! ! bid.
Hal ley Dull nt 85cU 15.
r < ead Steady nt 48. " . .
Hutter Unchanged ; daiij' , I10u35c ( ;
crcnmery , 35(5jIOc. (
ICggs Unchaigcd nt 2-IS25c.
U hisky - Stvailv ut 1 IB. - )
Pork Slow ; 17 07J bid for January ;
17 0 for March.
Lntd Nominally 11 12 $ .
Keo'tf. Shipm'tn.
Hour 0,000 10,00) )
Wheat 20,000 40,000 4
Corn 33,000 1)7,000 ) 6
Jatu 7m l,000 )
tye l.ono 4.00J
Hurley 12,000 nuiio
Stliotil * Itlvo Stoclt' 3
ST , LOUIH , December 8.
llog-f Adixeo ; y light , 5 0f ( ) ,5 40 ;
Yorkers , 5 iW/B 75 ; packing , ' < JIOW.Il 15 ;
bnlcheH1 to fancy , l ! 'Ma , < > f,0 O'litnldu
irifi-H for lot' a\erajliig ; 118 poundu , Jte-
cuij tn , 11,800 head ; shipments , ( W huad ,
- - - -
Dry Gooils.
NBJA' YOIIK , Drc-iimber 8.In dry goodi \
hero IIHH been rather mom an limit Ion In
ho jobbing branches of trndu , a talrilistrl-
iiition ( if coiKiuialilo goods tin l fancy hull-
Iny Koodi hating been inuilo hj illy goods
obbeitiaiid lending notiiin houses , The
Umuiul nt m t hands has teen rellettil
iijht.asvfis generally rxpcctc'l ' , butagents
continucit to mnku cnmdilurablo iHlvi-rle. )
m former oidern , and thu tone of the mar-
ctl ruiuains finn.
Tulnilo Proanco
TOI.UDO , J ) , . , , , , , , , ,
\\heat Tinner und quiet ; No , 2 rid ,
39 | for January ; 1 41 i for I'cbriury ;
143 fur March ; 1 ItiforApiil.
Corn ( Jnlet ; No , ! , ( "to for rath nnd
. ' " * , . . ' ' , t
" *
Kainns City Proiluon Mnrlcol.1" '
\\s\sClTV , December S ,
\\beftl lioceintll.Milj uitlulrawn ,
7S4litin j toiv , lOI.O'.K ) . M r. ft * ln * and
wcnkci ; o. I ra h , SIJo 1 M , Vijc .vk d ;
Pcci ) btr. SI ; N , , . 3 oali , 7n ( iHJp ; D-
pemUr , ti5 < bid. itiijonski-ilj.lan nry.l ( X )
( ( i M OOJ ; I'o rnarj , 1 03J ; No. 2 wwli , 120 ;
Jnmmry , 1 21 i id , 1 2,1 nski-d.
Com-Uivt ! p . 2,132tltlulrAtn ; , 8.122 ;
In ton 7U.321. The market op.m-d .
oprnel higher , but clon-d wraki No. 2
c.i h , < ilp ; hooember , liNQfClgp ; Jnnu-
nry. ( WjV bid. lilt ako I ; Kelt miry. Ko \ ;
Mav , t ! * bid. tirtje nkedi No. 2 luKod ,
PJ h , t52i' bid. IMO akcd : Oecemlur , O'J
bid ; Hip niked : roji-ctod , f > 7c
Oat-- Weaker ; 'N'o. a cn. h , t In bid. I.V
asked ; I ) pi-mber , Ilo bill , I Ifp n ki' ' , l.'Jc bid , I0cnskul.
KNM.S Tin , DC. etiilK-
( 'alllp Uccopti * , IDS head Market
stead ) ; na > hu mw , gond , 30 ( 310 ;
fair , to goi'd , 2 12J3CO ( ; soil owags , l r > 0
KJ 00 ; iiatho fwileif , .1 j-0 ; cJilot.uli
stooi-s , 3 : i.r.i3 { IV. .
Hogs - Uccclpl3lrt MnrUct higher
nnd f oilers dimnn inunii niltniiro ; knlos
lou ; ohoioe ; 2 ! Ci ( Nii a" ; no I , 5 "o.jfi 'JO ' ;
i nuge , ; . 2iC I' ' O.'i ; bulk , , ' . Wn ) ( 5 ! > 0.
Poorln Proilnoo.
I'K'OIIIA , Uocpmbpr S ,
' Coin -Steady ; high niKul , OHi'i ni'xod ' ,
Oat > Steidys No. \\hite , ! S9r.f . Ilio
Kyi ; No. 2. 1 00.
MiRhwin s Him at I 15.
. ShipV
Wheat . 1,000 noi > i
I ' 01 n . 3S.H25 20.MXI
0.1(4 ( . 13 , CM ) C 125
Kyc . i-,0 ) , 3.000
lltuley . Iti.oOi
Cincinnati Produoo.
ClNriKS'ATl , 1 ) i > - ' ! . , < r 'S
Pork Mo , iinii't nt U'-OO
Lanl-tjuirtat U 17.
Hitllc Mo.iU Kiimtr ; iliwi tides , ! l ( XT
, ! i 121.
Kirm : olrnr sMci , I02.ffrll00.
l ; fniully. ( irO.ulT
. 2 spot 1 OP'
T Slow jvt ll3ThI ( U1
Whisky Firm nt 1 It. .
Baltimore Proilnco.
BAUIUOKIC , December 8
Wheat No. 2 led winter , ( inner : 1 33
( if I 39for / cii'b nn 1 Dcjeinbcr ; 1 41 J ®
1 12 for Jnmia y.
Coin Mlxeihu'bUrn , firm ; G'Jjc forca < < li
and Doct-mber.
Philadelphia Proilnoo.
Pliti.Aiiii.riiiA , December 8.
Wheat Ka-i-r ; 1 40jn ( II J forjculi nml
Decembur ; l 41 (0)1 ( ) 43 for Jnnu ry.
Corn -Ras'er ' ; ( )9Ji/l9jc ( ! for cash nnd
Doccmbei ; 7U@72i'for | Jmuiiiry.a .
Oats Low or ; fl3o for c.uli ; " . . { ( uiMio for
Uye Quiet at 9Sc.
Liverpool Produce.
Livintroot. . December 8.
FlourAinerii.iii , 10s lidi13s. ( ;
Wheat -Winter , lOslidfells : white , 10 <
7doilt ( ) < lid ; npiini- ' .U KMfiJllOs 5d ; club ,
10i 11 frl Is 4d
Corn fi < lid
Per ? fi
Laii' ' r7s fid
_ _
Turpontiiin TtXnrlcot- ,
Wn.MiNnroN , N , ( ! . , Deci'inlcrii.
SpJiitsTinpentinc Finn nt f.2 . hard ,
2 25 ; soft. 3 f.0.
Wii.Mi.sai'o.v , Del. , December8.
Ro in Kiinii'i ; Htriiiiuil , 1 90 ; goud ,
1 95.
95..Sphil" ririn nt fl2i- .
Tar -IJnli-t at 2 15.
TiirpoitimSteady ; haul , 225 ; soft ,
350 ; tirain , 2 .SO.
CloTolnuii Mnrlcot. , December 7.
Pctrnleum Weaker nnd unchanged ;
ktnndnid white , H0 ° tefit , 7c.
Biillalo Llvo Stocli.
HAST BUPI-AI.O , December 8.
EtL.iborty Iilve Stooli.
KAST LniKiirr , 1'a. , December S.
fat le Fair and unchanged ; best , C 00
( ul > 25. Jtcceipls , 501 heal ; shipments ,
310.IfogH Active : receipts , 2,800 head ;
shipments , 3,100 head. Phih delphins ,
li 30@li fij ; Yoikeis , 0 75iti5 ( i 0.
Sheep Dull ; nothing doing : receipts ,
100 ; shipments , 200.
NawXorK .Produce
NKW YOIIK , December 8.
Flour --Dull , nnd in buyers f.tvor. Mln-
ncsotn extia , 5 10@l ) 00 ; ciiy mill uxtra
7 00 ( < f,7 75 ; southern flour , quiet ; common
to choice c\tn , 5 85,8 ( ; 374.
Wheat IJiiKcltl.'d ; opening higher , wib-
scrpicntly declining , ami fleeing strong nt
.light riw ; No. 2. 1 43f ) l 43J ; No. 1 wfiite ,
I 10l IOJ ; No.Ji Milwaukee , 1 3(5 ( in
store ; No red. December , 1 4IJ ( )1 ) 42 ;
do. January , 1 47S1 ( 48/ / .
Co'n - Dull nnd heavy. Ungraded
mixi d , C8rt ( 72c : No. 3 , 70h No. 2 , Janunry ,
71ife72ijc ; do 1'ub uuiy , 73J743.
Outs Less uctixe ; Iso. 1 white ,
No. 2 do. , 514 < ( f5'.V ; No 2 mixed ,
mixed western , li52c ! ) ( ; mixed utntc , 53J ©
Uye-Dnll nnd heavy ; ! )0 ) ( :07i : : .
Uarlcy Dull and weuir.
Pork Dull and heavy ; old mess on spot ,
172.1a'17 ( ' 50 , new do , 18 Oi'fSllK 25.
L'ird Dull and weaker ; 11 30 lor cash ;
II 274 for December
WhiskyNominal. .
Pctioleum Market dull and nominal ;
united , 83 c ; mi o , in banol , ( 'ife7jc ;
relii'ud ' , in barioli ) , 7 c nsked ,
Chicago Iilvo 9 took.
OHICMIIO , December 8 ,
Hogsltrcdpts10,000. . Aiarkct ttiung-
er aim rioro nctiio early in the day but
finally weak , finality gonurnllv bottoi ;
common to good mixed , & C5f ( ! ) 10 ; heavy
packing nnd shipping , 0 15f7G . ' 15 ; light
mixed hogs ! > 50 ( < 5 110 ; and culls ,
25(5,5 ( 25.
Cattle Iteceipts , 0,400 liewl , Mar
ket generally Mtti fncti > i.y and nboul un-
chiinged , ollt rings includa buti few fancy
ca tl , ithipping grades sell about stciuly ;
cominnn to fair shipping cuttle , 3 rWa >
7.1 ; good do. , 5 fiO&W 75 ; choice , 5 KJA )
10ujcportii ; , U 'I i ( ! > .Q KT > ; niixtd butcherx'
stock , 2 Mfija 75.
Sheep -Iticoiptc , 2(00 he id. Mnrkbt
good for chiiica fat wctliers but coiniiiot.
to fair formixeii lots nnd thin KI O | > in
nhumbuit siiiiply nnd not \\nntcd ; fair
75ft)3 ) UO ; good , 3 Oll@ l 10.
HIHM.IA ! utti.iitliJM ( 'Uuii lomll tlnu in Itutlui
\v / : , MII.H M , luiiui/ : , ! .
, E , VMS & CO , ,
125 Laealle Street , CHICAGO.
Grain nnd Provisions Bought
nnd Sold on Mnrgiua.
Dexter L , Thomas ,
mr sem
: ? * tW ? * *
* * - , . * , * _ * > * I ( k " . -r * . & * * V l J
W-J i * * ' - '
- -1fp * - -
_ . / . . . - J-
- - - " * - T * t A
Special Attention
Is Once More Called to the Fact that
Rank foremost in the West in Aaso rtmont and
Prices of
FurnisSiing Goods
Hats and Caps.
Wo nro'pri'p.irpd ) o moot thu doinnnd' * < if the tr.ulu in regard lo Laloat Stylef.
and I'aUi'nin. Kino I\l \ irulnuit Tuilorin in Connection *
- M. HELLMAN & CO , ,
1301-1303 Fattiham. and 300 to 312 13fch St
Is the first to make the announce
ment to his customers and
the general public.
Always sold at the lowest Market
Wecarry the largest stock and
make the Lowest Prices.
Orders promptly filled and every
attention given to patrons.
J y KUfc' IVW TnTlltl V ( M \W W MM flilJu jJLfcMl V
1313 Farnham Street.
, - - - - .
Omaha , Collins
Cheyenne , Colorado ! .
Fall and Winter
i I
HatB , Gaps , Tnrnks , Yalises.
f J& r f
Satisfaction Guaranteed , Prices to Suit all