Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
I'liblliuStd ( very monilns , except Siindf
The only .Monday morning ilnlly.
Onc Ye r.$10.00 I ThreeMonrtis.53 ,
Six Montht. 6.00 | Ono . . 1.
THK wr.KKLY KKK , rmlllshcd i
Ono Yew. $100 I TlireoMonthn. .
. . . . 1.00 I Ono " . .
connKsroxnr.Noi : AII
CAtlou * to New * nml Kdltnriftl ni
ten Mmulil bo addressed to tlio KDITOR
TIIF. llrr-
Iiettoni and Hemittftnrcs ahould bo i
droned to Tun OMAHA I'linti-miNti Cc
TAUT , OMAHA. Drafts , Checks nnd I'o
offlco Ordcis to bo in.ulc tmynblo to I
order of the Company.
T3.ROSEWATER , Editor.
Edwin Dnvls , Nannf or of Ci
John IF. Plcrco iIn Charro of the Mi
CIrciutlon of THK DAILY UKK.
I. 1) . Cliniuberlnln corrcsiiomU'iit ni
Moitu room in our asliooh ia d
nmndod of ourhonulof otl c.ilion.
llvr.uv laboring man in Oinnhiv i
juices over the prospects of i\ mi
HUNT SCOIIIB to lin.\0
auro tuing on the navy dcpnrtmc
and will continue his studios on tl
uHramarino for the next three year
WILLIAM H. ENOUGH has Hiibscribi
$1 towards the Gnrficld Moumncnt
Fund. William is evidently rocovt
ing from the effects of the Into cm
Tun fnrco of "Box and Cox" nt
continues nt Washington , and "pci
of laughtor" greet the antics of t
ahamming assassin of President Gt
AxoTitcn infernal machine has bci
discovered in Montioal. Thin o
plains the disbursement of at lci :
$25 of O'Donovan Rom's fikirinia
ing fund.
Nr-vvYoiiK iahouling loudly ov
the defeat of Frank IliBcock for t'
npcahorahip. The Kmpiro ntato c
neb expect to hold all the ollices.
is time Ohio a chanco.
AxTMiosoroiY is iiuUng gu
headway among the New Yoik tl
mocracy , but no decided piophocy
resuHs will bo in order until VatiiK
bilt'H railway lobby at Albany h
been fully orgaiii/.od.
EVEUY southern roprcicntnti
comes up smiling nt Washington (
the old.llng and an appropriation , pri
cipally an appropriation. Chariest
asks for a few millions in support
her public schools.
JUST as soon as the saloon interc
in this city discoveis that o
people can neither bo threatened n
bulldozed into their demands tin
will pull in their horns au quickly
they thrust them out.
Two red handed murderers we
acquitted in Now Yoik lost week ,
will now bo in order for the papers
that state to read the west lectures <
lynch law , and its demoralizing om
upon the community.
utcs the failure of the hydrant tci
of the water warks to an insullicien
of power in the engine homo of t
company. He thinks more steam
all that is needed. By all means }
ua have more steam.
TOM Mt'Ki'jiY , General Grant's c
collector of the port of > "ew York , ! :
boon appointed first assistant Unit
Hiatus treasurer. It is to bo hop
that Thomas will not ttignali/o hii i
pointmout as ho did that to his po
tion in Now York by making o >
three hundred removals.
Tar. PlattsmoutU Board of I'm
held their banquet last night nt t
1'orkin'H House. A largo number
iuvitcd guest * were present from \n
ous portions of the state to enjoy t
hospitality of one of Nohrasku'a nu
thriving cities. < A full account
the proceedings will bo published
io-inomm's UKB.
IT i estimated that under the pi
outlaw at least $7ti,000,000 of pi
sions will bo paid out to swindle
< 3ouirrc s owes it to the countiy
provide BOIIIO plan to chock the frai
which now attend the operation
the arrcago-of-jicnsioiiH act by nee
ing an increased clerical force and
more tlioiougli eystem of uxaminati
into claims.
Tin , bill for the compulsory u-ti
ment of nrmy Mfticera after forty-l
years of uclho neryice , ia exciting d
purate opposition in military circl
It is considerud a violent atab at i
yntom of waiting for dead me
hooi , which just begin to coi
around at the time the expectant
ficor It tholvod on ludf pay.
Comptroller Knox , of the troaiui
department , Ins issued his report <
the oponUioni of the lianl
for the pv > l llscril year. During th
time eighty-six now banks cro orjrai
ir.cditli an aggregate authori/ <
capital of S,0ril,050. ! ) Hcicn int , ' tl
ten per cent required by law , Sr > , 'J3J ]
fiSO in notes were ismictl , increasit
the circuhting medium of thocounti
by thi1) amoinit. This is ntnlod to 1
the largest number of banks otgani/t
in any ono yeir since 1872 , and i
buttnenty-s\\oluntarilydiscoiitinu ! (
operations the total number of the1
institutions was incrcnsod by oixl
oor that of last year. Sineo the e
tabliahmcnt of the natioiul unnkit
Astern in 1803 , 2,1)31 banks Itavo hoi
organized , iintl every nlate in tl
union except MisBiaoippi posaojs
linnucial institutions operating mid
, lie national bankini ! ln\Y. The onti
number of national brinks now
jpcrr.tion is 2l.r)2 , the greatest nut
jor over in operation ut any 01
iine. The controller calls nttontu
o the rapid expansion of tl
janking busiiiets during the last yon
and cxpiessoi the opinion that th
great increase is not the result of 1
itirnnlo hu&incBt Inumctioiu , hut <
venturesome speculation , lie rccon
mends that tlntt the limit for loai
ipou stocks , ami bond * hu incruisi
from ten to fifteen jior cent , upt ,
cauitnl and mirphiH , nnd Hint son
juimlty be then imposed for \iolntic
if this provision , which would mnl
such loans unprofitable if the penal !
should bo collected. Attention in d
rectod to the security to depositors n
brdodj under the present ] syster
.ho average annual loss to crodito
Imving been only $ 'MO,00J ( in the but
ness of corporations having an iivcrn ;
capital of about $450,000,000. Du
ing the sot on yeais from 1881 to 18 !
the charters of 1,080 banks with
irculntion of $ l)2,581,08nilloxpir ! ) ,
Seven hundred nnd twenty-eight wi
lapse in 1883 , and 218 in the year pr
ceding , The introduction of bills in
congress durhi' ; the present KCSBK
for the extension of their chartois w :
undoubtedly bring out a thoroui
discussion of the entire national ban !
ng system nnd the iirgumonts for nn
against its continuance as n pjrtof tl
financial policy of our go\ernment.
Comptroller Knox indicates li
opinion that the people nt largo <
not thoroughly understand the pri
ciplo ofiutional bank taxation nnd th
Lho burdens homo by the banks mo
than compensivto for the piivilegi
which they gain from their dope
of bonds and their circulation guara :
iced by the go > eminent.
Thuio is a lull in the mining fc\
east just nt the present , and fiomo
the newspapers mo reading thuir EH
Bcribora lectures upon the wickedm
of wuitorn mine operators , nnd t
swindling methods by which worlhlc
properties are foisted upon innoce
and ignorant purchaseis. Westo
mining operators nro certainly , to s
the least , no more wicked than cnsto
operators in "arious opcculntivo ontt
prises. Every mine , until its value
assured by a steady production of t ;
precious umtnls in paying quantiti
is a business speculation. It must' '
oonnidorod as such by the purchase
and ought to bo entered upon wi
tit the same nnd no moro prouuitii
than would bo used in investing in
speculative ontoipriso in the eai
There are corlairily no reasons wl
mining may not bo carried on just
honorably and just us lairly nn ai
other enterprise operated by a sto
company. Tlio history of this indt :
try in the west furnishes a number
examples in proof of tl
position. The great dnnqor
mining investments , ns in ra
road stock operations , is th
tlio desire to make money rapidly a
tracts to it's pursuit unacrupulo
men , whoso only object is to li
their own pockets nl the expense
their stockholders. If it were ns en
to locate a railro.ul ns it is to stake o
a mining claim , there is no doubt tli
the number of shorn investors
bogus railroid stocks * ould bo ful
as great aa those who hmcnt tin
haste in dumping their pockets
some western hole in the ground n
stipulated by unscrupulous sharpe ;
It is a singular fact that wohcaragrt
deal of the swindling oneratora of tl
Comstock lode from the lips of t
very m n who are silent as to t
equally 'outrageous steals in Krio n
Klovntod railroad stock , and the mot
ods of the llnbiuaon consolidation i
most emphatically denounced by parti
who have themselves assisted in HIM
ing the "Iambi" \Vjdnsh and We
orn Union. Let eastern cupitalii
use the 8.11110 precaution * in m.\ki
inxoBtiuonts in western mining etit <
prirtes Unit they do in other upt-cu
tivo operations noaicr home , let tin
understand that all speculation ii
plies tialr , and wo shall h
howling about wickedness of mini
sharps and the hlmmoful inqxisitin
practiced upon credulous stocKholdi-
TUB telegraph announces the fa
illness of John \ \ ' . Tornoy , of ] 'hi
dolphia , editor of tlm J'rogress , n
for many j caw n politician and joi
nalist of high nnk and great proi
ncnce. Ho was born in Lmc.isi
county , I'cnnsyU atria , in 1817 , n
from boyhood wns connected wi (
jonrnnliain , editing when only iwcnt
\cats of ncu tlio Lnncastcr Intrll
goiicor , and ten yearn Inter becomir
the proprietor of the 1'cnnxylvnniai
one of the largest and most inlluoi
till of IMiiladelphia journnls. JI
Korncy foon bccamo prominent i
national politics. Although idci
lifted with the dotnocrat
pirly ho wan strongly oppose
to the extension of slavery i
the torritoiius. From IS.'jl to 18.1
haM clerk of thu house of Tcpreset
tativcn , editing at the r > nmo time Tl
Wnshinglon Union. In 1R57 ho n
turned to I'hihdelphin and foumk
The 1'ross , which was conducted i
the interests of Stephen A. Dough
ns a for the presidency
Tlio defeat tit Jilr. Douglas made ll :
lirnt breach in tinrehtions which M
I'orncy bore t < > thotluinucrncy , and i
1801 , nt the oiitbrcal ; f thu rebclliot
he joined with the lepiiblicnit purty i
utging mi the government n \l (
oroiis prosecution of the wn :
From 181)1 ) to 1803 ho nctcd (
clerk of the United Stati
senate conducting nt the nuno tin
the Wnnhiiigton Clitonicle , which h <
cnmo u daily in ISO' ' . In 18G9 1
Forney traveled in Kuropo r.nd upci
liis leturn spent nomc time in Icrtu
nig. HewasBunt by General Grin
io * lho Vienna exposition nnd wi
largely identified with the ccntcnnii
r.xpo3ition in 187(5. ( Severing hiacoi
nection with the Philadelphia I'rei
in 1877i Mi. Forney devoted his n
tontion to politics nud coriespotideid
but his journalistic instincts were tt
strong to penult him to tctiro fro :
active work and in 1P80 ho founde
Forney's ' 'Progress" nnd ngain r
sumod his connection with the dcmi
cratic party , opposing the election <
General Gnrfiold nnd giving a vigorot
support to Ilancock'n candidacy.
Mr. Forney was a man of rare fen
of character. His acquaintance wit
public men tret ended over moro thu
lialf a century of journalistic life ,
great portion of which spent i
the national capital. As n journal !
ho wns fearless nnd outspoken ,
strong friend and a bitter enemy. IT
editorials were pungent nnd forcib
nud rarely failed to ctriKo the ccnti
of o\oiy question which they discus
ed. Ilia death will bo mnccruly n
glutted , nnd takes from the ranks <
American journalists one of the fe
remaining men of the old school <
journalism of which GreoloyR lyinot :
nud Webb were typos.
Tin : American the.itricnl ninnair
knows his business more , thotough
than any member of his ptofossion
Kuropo. 1'atti's concert tour was
dismal failutu until Henry Abbi
took charge of the prima donna. Tl
first move was to flood the press wi
notices of the enormous sums i * 1
paid for the singer's services. Tl
was supplemented at Brooklyn by
"popular ovation. " Tlio "exciti
crowd" who wcto ptid twenty-fi
cents apiece for the service , unlia
nossed the horses from the carriag
wreathed it in ( lowers and drew tl
singer nnd Kicolini , hcrlo > er , throui
the streets iu triumph to the hot (
A full and detailed account of tl :
"spontaneous enthusiasm" appcarii
in the metropolitan papers the nc
day insured a § 10,000 house. On tl
ovenins following Mr. Abbey counti
up his profits and laughed nt the gi
libility of his countrymen in swallo
ing the bait of a very cheap oxpedie
to secure free advertising , liarnu
used to nny thnt the American peep
liked to bo hu n bugged , and Putti , I
this time , must bo pretty well co
vincod of Barmtm's unerring judgmo :
na a showman.
IT is over thirty years since N. 1
Unnks , of Massachusetts , was olccte
nfteraprotiactedstrugglo , totho spo'l
orship in the house of the Thirt
fourth congicss , in the winter of 185
Mr. Banks Mas the first speaker ov
elected by the republican party. Tl
speaker of the Tlmty-lifth congre
was James C. Orr , of South Carolin
democrat ; that of the Thirty-mi
William Ponnington , of Now ilcruo ,
republican ; that of the Thirty-sovent
Galusha A. Grow , of Ponnsylvani
Schuylor Colfax , of Indiana , w
elected speaker of the Thirty-eigh
congress in 1803 , and held the ofil
for three congresses , until ho w
elected vice-president. Mr. Blnii
succeeded him in 1800 , being chosi
speaker of the Forty-first congre-
and dso hold the oftico for thrco co
gtesses. When the democrats cat :
into power in 187. , M. C. Kerr ,
Indiana , was elected speaker , but dii
within n jear , and Haniuul .1. Hnnda
of Ponntylvania , was elected to I
the Mtcnnoy. Mr. llindall hns he
the position for lie j ears nnd has IK
boon retired to make room for Speak
A of Now York eapitalis
propose to build nnd equip a tleet
steel ocean steamers , live hundn
foot in loiigtb , and calculated to ma' '
the trip to in live days tini
The plan is likely to end in the prof
sition. General opinion nmougsailc
attributes the acknowledged turn
worthiness of many of our tr.iimO
lantio vosfols to their great length ni
want of width in beam. The com
quenco of this narrowness in shape
the frequent sweeping of the deck 1
lieavy seas and the necessity nf kci |
Uig up steam during storms instead <
hcmg nlilu to shorten sail nnd lie I
\s the old packets were nblo to do in
lerliko circumstances. Speed ism
iho lirst considern'ioitin ocean voyn ;
Hi'/ . Security is much moro to 1
thought of , n-ul the safest nnd not tl :
most rapid lines of steamers nro the !
tvhich secure the greatest palronn
from the public.
Tito Cnmlnt : Conflict.
Yorl > Trlliiinc.
All over the countrj1 the pcoplo m
bnginnintr to wake up nnd brush tli
dust of higntlcd prejudice ftom the
e-jus. Iliory county througlioiit tl
length nnd breadth of the greit wa
Ims tls earnest and determined yiorl
urn for eiiunl laws and tnitial righti
There in a contest brewing - n nolitici
contist , not between parlies. l"t bi
twccn people and monopolists , co
| > orntions nnd niomed aiiptocraci
lleiuy Wnllnco , in the Winters !
( Iowa ) Chronicle , snys : "Tlicto is
conflict coininy , and ho in blind \\1 :
does not sto it , between the poop !
ind the monopolints that will by i' '
iesuo determine wlicthei this qovcn
tiiLiit is a government of thu pcopli
Ijy Iho people , anu for the people , <
of the monopolies , by the ntonopolit
and for tl-o monopolies , Tlio long <
the conllict is postponed , the moi
fiovere it will bo. "
Tlio SnRiir Monopoly.
Sin rrv
The Pacific coait sugar inoiiopol
sells nugatto merchants in Denvt
and Knnsis Ctt- , places 1,300 nn
li,000 miles from this city , for Hire
cunts a pound less thin tlmy BC 11 t
merchants in this city. 'Jhoy do th
to catch thu tindo of the cities unmet'
The merchants would otherwise bu
from Chiengo or St. Louis , where til
rales for sugnr mo 2 cents per poun
less thnn those fixid by the nionopol
on this coast.
Lot ItPlny-
Iiuotn Democrat.
Officially , THK OMMIV JJni : has
larger daily circulation than all tl
Omaha papers combined , Sir Brool
and our faultless Kngllah , to the coi
trary notwithstanding. For the sal
of our tape worm friends of The Ri
publican , \vith such a prelude , wo she
a tear ; nnd now let the music play.
The Dakota pcnlteutiaay bonds hold i
-1 i : J.
The ISnp'd f'ity phiiinn- mill has cot
muiitcd tutu |
The IJtu n ( .outity tree j > l.intcr will ho
their aunuul m-ctitig the tin > t week iu Ja
u. ty.
Tlic grind jtirv at Ynnkton his tuini
outnino frcih liilictntiitsforallcn'ed ( ! lin
Work mi a Lutheran church , with
htciiloso\ciity | feet hijh , hjs.Lccn bii
at I nnton.
The ISnpId Jliea cmnpnny arc bu Idn
house < to acconimothto the ininei ' . Tl
inie i leil cs nro r mirk ibly c\tensi\e , nr
thu minsral nf good igu ility.
The llarnpy Hydraulic company his
foiLO nf about H tenty men implode
nloiiRtho line of the \arious dittliui : u
Humes and t.t the tnminiiy's | fa v mill.
'r\vo luiiulreil Indi ins lm\o Utt 1'ii
ltiJ'c ( , for a grand hunt. They n
nrcompinicd by to\cii Unitrd StatCH I
diin jxil ceh -so biwine-H It i to see th
no dcpicdntlnni n o committed.
llenl e'tate tn Green T\\er \ is fining xi
.and uwtllins hoututnro in deumud.
The railroad men of L.iramio ma d
cu8iiiRnn\snnJ incirw to ttart .1 e
operative ttoro.
The toiritnrial ioribe < will gather
Lurnmiu on the 1'Jth to orgini/e u iiiutii
adinbratioii tOLicty.
Tlio reinoiiitrniicn tit-ainst the rc-a
poin Client of Jiuk'e 15etk tuthoKtgu Imi
itistrict Is beiujnuuicrou ( ly Binned.
lien Carter , a wild , tint am ed cow bo
cleaned out teen > ' ! \e m Tmramio wl
ItLiKUU. Ho waa takcjiin and will jo i
for a month ortuo.
Henry Hortcnn Laramie saloon keepc
made n target of himself but failed tu 1
the bulls eye. He bored n hole in 1
breast , however , just for fun.
Cheylino has IT city telegraph rkc ,
with fifty-two patrons. Hy n litl
switching each of their patrono may I
plucetl in communication with any lurt
the United States.
Burglars crocket the till wf Murrh
pa'oon ' in Cliatcnne nnd nampled the cm
p.viio and eigars. A feinnle bo-vrilii
house was raided the name evening and i
inniite robbed of SJ25.
The WjonitiiRStCHjk ( ! rovve-M Associ
ti n at rece'nt ineetiiif , ' at C'ho ) e-nn
allirincd the rule adopted Hst May , p
hibtlngthe vutrklni ; of cattle betvv ecu t' '
dates of Dcc.lstanilthatflxuilfortliep : iu
alr.iunel'iip of tlio follou iiij ( sjirini ! , UNL-P
for thopiiriooof | pa in , : theinif iudanjjc
f nun w either , nr tn talco up and feeil
their coiulitiou renders it i
New Albuquenitto bragj that cli" ca
HUIIILM.I thousand dolhus worth of be
and wbi ky c > erj diy
( icor ctunn pajs out SL'O.OIO on
month tor miners. An e.\eellout sliouii
for , comparaU\eTy now camp.
The Socorro dlstr.ot three mlliM east
the city , \ields gold , silver , galena ai
copper , and a immbsr of thu rarei precioi
uictnlH ,
I'inot Alt < igthe oldest gold cnmp in tl
territoty , lias produced , it ise timatctl , b
Ivreen two a > id three million dollars In tl
past few > eur .
New Mexico trolling wilM.utonWi t
w orld in her now hidden wealth. Up
this time little , r.Ncept pnoprcting. h
been going on. Snulter * , reducing wor
and ftainp milU tire juxt from the ban
of ibo iru'torH , icady tn n.I t the po
miner * nnd | roi > cct < i . [ fi. V , Opt.c.
lioadvo' ! ! $ T > 00 tchool hoiua is near
MnliKnnnt tcirbt fever i still racing
lUtterUoot i alley.
.Montana trut uboutliX)0 ) to the O.
fichlM nuinent Fund at Clcvelarui.
llutte boport to hm e the Ut ih & Xort
era general shops located within herll i i :
Measlier county txprcit t bhip aimai
aB3 > ,000 rhrop ne\t > e r to the vaiiU
mutton market.
lVlghterichaiKel < per ton for Imi
Ing coil fwu His Lunlc to Ik'iitoj a d :
tanos of II ! miles.
Hw cdcs ud Norwegian * re largely
the asuinliuit on thu Yell w tone r.ulrni
woik. Tboie am itbout < COtmthofcru
above Mile.s City
Twcnty.tneuu'llinn fr t of rawed 1m
ber will be required f. . r the Northern I1
oilio LTiiljjeabeUeeuThoBiiwoji' * ri\erai
Uu ! < , n dln ncont jo ; iiiUen. ,
There ii na dl.guUin the fiot ti
inullius | ba M U id .a > uultnt form w (
of the rause , nnd that the loathsome ( li
CASK i * prei dlnBIU e < nta lon iu nml I
joiultlu iMiiinnmltii..shcro cases ha1
np iwrvd. Tlili U believed to be true i
to DIUdc , Unite nn ' Ie r 1/idqp , in R
or How nnilacr \ Tn l o c niutiof. [ II
Una HiraM.
Tlio n w iIlpinKohool in Denver in
pel e I , h llir fpct In length intl iti wld
11 feet , four fttorlv * high.
The JJemcr I > cnlnt > Prow , aflor nn
i tcnce of KOIHC n x in"nllu' < itr.itlnn b
jutpcndcd publicnti'in , nnd Truth was i
m ttrurlied by fironnd water combine
l'r > nk I'nllir , nt Leadvllp , the nth
hv , attempted to nutingo n llttlo fjirl , b
wns caught btftiie ftccompliMng his pi
pi c , A innbtnido aenucli out of liii
iiid cent him to tlio ho pitil.
Dr. F. S , Ncwbcrry repnrti tint i
Antliricitc creek , ( n I'olonido , nre fem
many thoiKind ncrtf of aiithriclt co 1
lett r iUiiity | than Unit of IN nn-3hini ;
litctnt nnnlyMs inado nt thu t-chnol
tniiie < , hli'iv. It to cnitainlc than I ] i
cut of t ulphur nnd tl per cent of ivdi ,
TJie cnforrcmcut of the 'tftt" Pundav h
It IncrciHing thd Viinincis of the couiU ni
lawjerV ftM.
Captain Joseph Todimn. of LakcTnhc
propo < ci to out n iron jncht ontbutbeii
tlful dhect of.nter. .
HiMiry Cnrwm , of StcwarLV Point , ne
I'ctnlunui , tint n hnndfiil < > f p udti in
liiiglnw , tno otlar day , I- clean out t
| iic > , but kept U c can under liU arm , ai
the co tPliti ignited fiom .1 bla t from t !
htovc , Ilov7i'iif ) ; the roof elf the hoil'
hienkin ono arm , nnd probably dcilroyii
thu 3in'ht of on.1 nf hU cyc .
Another tmninzliaa bun utruck ne
th base of 1) ) dd mountain , nbout n qui
ter of n mile from Iho city limits In wh
U known us Uiu old Kelt and Mtirtin rlnii
Tliri-o loxelK , uxio < iti'.5 or HO feet of
two fmtcin , Hliow nil the tiinrl7 | in sii-
to bo ncai ly b ilf told. The disco\ V ( H
LIUlice bonnn/a of inonnous diinen-ior
Tall Lake City had forty-one dia'ln
November , seventeen under ten jcais
ngc.The Fiipremo cnutt of Orcfjou dccidi
the Portland inijornltv ipit'i-tion in fa >
of the present incumbent , 1) . ! ' . Thoru
son ,
A. vein nf coa' ' , ofery Komlqutdlty , h
been etiuuk in Dixie valley , not n gre
way fiom ] ] lkn , Nevada , and theio is
llatterhu prom uct that \nltuble bed
fuel will be developed.
The WRfhiiiRton territoiylc Watuia a
jotirned sina tlio on the Int. nnd we
convened in npcclnl scsHion the next da
The mont important uiensurea passed v
the follow Ing : Organizing the county <
( tirhcld , named in honor of the late pro *
dent , by dividing ( Jolumbi i county ; x
ctnpting tnortg ges fiom taxation ; pran
ing city cbartor to KQ\CH villnjjps witb i
aggregate population of 8.0CO : closii
butincbs houses nnd preycntin. the nalc
intoxicating Hipiors on Suudaj ; clmn
jiroptrty hcictoforc , will be mbject
taxation ; Timtoiiftl tn\ reduced to
NatiooofSpooinlMootinB totioHo :
it HnstiaKH on "Wctlncsilny ,
Tn icspomo to a "cncrnl wish u
pressed in many paita of thu stat
iii'd for the reason that the legul
council meeting of the alliance oecu
at a date when farntors ate tjeiieril
detained at homo by the uigency
their private affairs , the exccutr
committee have dotoimined to call
special mooting of thostitc nlliunc
to bo held atlln tin a , Adams count
on Wednesday , January " 5 , 1882 , an
continue as long na may bo necessar
The voik of this evening will 1
to adopt muasuios to extend our o
i nni' itions into every county in tl
state , to appoint a general orgamni
connnitteo ( ono member for CM
county ) , to work in connection w il
the executive committee , to discu
and adopt measures by which precin
organization made bo undo moiegc
oral , thoioufjh and systematic , and
generally solidify , Bticngthonatidha
moiiirc thu alliances throughout tl
The ratio of representation for tli
meeting will bo the same as for tl
regular annual meeting , \i/ : ono del
gate for each suboulinbto nllianc
and ono delcgato for each twonty-ti
members or major fraction thereof
the same.
Hut in addition to the icgular del
gatca to this meeting , all inombe
of the alliances of the state nro u
gently invited to bo present. L
this bo a grand gathering of the hoi
nnd ainow of the state , repreaontii
its greatest material interest , and 1
the measuica for further oiganizatit
w hieh it may adopt bo such na to a
cure boyotul pcractvonturothoachiov
inoiit of the objects foi which our s
cioty was orgnni/od.
By onler of the oxecuti\o coi
E. J' . I.NOKIWOLL , I'residont.
.1. Ucuitows , Secretary.
JI. U. IMotLow , Ch'n Ex. Coin.
State papers plensu copy.
The Enaliili Farniora * Alliance
The Fanners' Alliance in 1'nglnu
an orgnnir ition akin to the Land Lt
guo in Ireland in curtain wa > e ,
j-rowini ; rdpidlr nnd roachingthntpi
fection of its plans where it w ill HOI
ask for legislation. As its origin ai
objects nro not clearly undciatood
this country , and as it may BOOH coi
prominently into public vicnv , nbri
statement of them will bo of inturei
Ta 1670 there was n feeling ofgrc
depression among the English farnmi
and widespread disappointment w
oxpicssed because tlio govciuiuc
ni'gloctod their intciuata. This diaj
[ Kiintinont inado itaelf felt ; hut , i
stead of applying any lemcdial me :
aures , a Commission of Inquiry w
appointed. Thu tw o nsaociations th
existing , Iho l 'annora' Olub and t
Oontml Chamber , which wt-ro und
Conservative uontrol , brought ;
prctsuro to hear upon the govor
niont , hut neceptvd the cominLisio
which had no moro idea of grant !
the requests of the farmers than i
barnack's of the Circumlocution Cfll
had of satisfying Arthur Oloimii
when ho nttompted his ciMiurom t
rand for Daniel Doyce. Under thu
circinnstancoa , the more nixlont of t ]
agricultural 'reformers foimcd tl
Fanners' Alliance , nn organi/Mion e
tiroly kept aloof from polities , ni
hunt upon advocating and securing r
founs purely from the toimnt-fnrinoi
standpoint. The program of the al
mi co in thus BtnUxl by ono of its proi
inent mpmburs iu the Ixuidon Time
Security for the capital of tenant
freedom in the cultivation of the ec
and the disposal of its product' , refer
of the game lawn , apportionment
rates between owner and occupier , i
adjustment of tithe rent charge , abi
ition of iho law of distress , reform
laws relating to ownership nnd trail
for of land , securing ratepayers the
hgitimato share in county govor
uicnt , watching over the interoata
fanners m respect of railway charge
ttumtunnnca of ofi'cctivo regulatio
in respect of caltlo diseases , tlio 1 >
tar roprcsontntion of tcnant-faimern
The prof'inm of the English fan
cis , it will bo ohaorvod , not only i
eludes the main pointa of jnsti
which have been conceded totholrii
tenants , such ns security for their c.i
Hal , which includes their improv
mont of rates nnd refoim of the la\
relating to ownership nnil transfer
lnM'l < , hut aho ninny other .reforms
n minor character ns compaicd wil
the nlwvc. The nllinnco has c\idun
ly boeti encouraged by , if it did n
actually OMO its origin to the Lai
League , and wo m.iy well huhe\o wi
bring its ( lomnntls hcfoio P.xrliamei
with oven 1.1010 force and push tht
the Irish Land bill was pressed , h
canao it has moro intolligimco nud ii
lluenco in its tanks. It is ono of t )
gruat manures which the Liberal pa
ty will have to father , for , Imvlu
nwardetl justice to Irish farnur' , i
part at least , it cannot consistent'
icfuso jnsiico to English farmci
Judging hy the steady pnnjrcm tl
nllianco is making tlio struggle cantii
bo fuv off , and may nly wait the con
piuto suttloment of the Iiish qucatioi
before it comes to the front domain
iug its lights and prnpirod to make
strong nnd united dom.uul.
Jacob Mnrtzolf , Imicastcr , JC. . , "n ,
jour Si'iHNo ilo.oM ) uoilet we'll f
cnerjthiii } ; > ou leeomnicnd it ; myse'
wife , und childteulmvo nil tued it , ai
von c.xu't nnd n hcnltlurr family in Xt
York State. ISi-O. cjd-lw
liomolmportrintbtatomontsof Wo
Kuo-ivu Pcoplo Wholly
In order th it the public mnj fully rpill o tl
ircmilnt'iitHji of tlio itate rent" , .H well nit !
pouernmlnluc of tht ) nrttflo ofhlcji th
speak , opnbllsli litrawltli the fie slnillo H'gr '
tures of parlies vtho'oBlneerlt ) i btvonlU | (
lion. The Truth of thuo trstlnionhln li abf
lute , nor can the facia Hit ) announce' bo I
OMIIM , Nti , ilaj 21,1551.
liAK Hilt : I hue frequently < i c < t Warnci
Safe Kidney am ) I. her Cure for local nllectlo
attendant upon noNero rhcunntla Attackx , n :
hn > onln8 dcrhrcl licniflt thtrolrom. 1 ha
nl * > used the Si 'o ' Ntrv.nolth natltfictor ) i
Bulti. 1 t-oMsklcr thc v int-dlcliita wor'liy
Deputy Trtasurer ,
, Nrn , Mny 21 , 1C81 ,
H. TT. W'Mitrn & Co , llochrstcr , N. Y. :
Osvrs ; I hc usi-J jour k-\\e \ Kidno ) n
I her Cure tMs sinln ni n lhorlinlforitor , n
1 find 1 the litst , itmc'ly I cui trlrd. I In
IM d I liotllcs , n il It has undc n c ( til but
than oicr I eld bdforo In the t | '
i. r. n. shops
i ni , JIij 4,1SS1 ,
H. H. WMisru&Co.
Si > > - i-'ur nioru 1'ian IS v irs I bivc suffer
ninth in onvemcm i > froine-umbine'il Kldnij ai
lutroin v-es , id hi\e been 1111 bloto wor
in ) urln v oi j nialio belli/nffcc id I ritil
trcat initny nicdleln and doctors but I K"
uorho nnilor t ilaj bj diy I w told I h'sIi ciw , and 1 iihej n > i elf deal i
rauld not riivu piM.iJ ) relief , 1 took jour Hn
KMne.v and I.iver v.ureUnnulij ; nettling tl
um ocrliiioun tociirutln dist ist1 , ami 1 ha
not been disappointed Th ui"dicino In1" cur
me , ai.d Iain pirfor 1 > vu-ll lodav , i ntir
lliro jh jour * -a'o Kldnrj and I.ltirUurc
wish jou all sine > In publishing thn \ lull
rcmcuj throu b huv\orlil.
U. P. 15. II. Shop" .
Thousands if e < | U lly s'ronj cndor cmcnta
manv of them in t.i o < vlieru h po was aba
dontd biv e been \ climtarilj fen \ , Bhow lnn' t
remaikiiblo power of Wvrnei'n Safe Ivldnej ai
Llvir Cure , m all d euao' of tbu Uldncjs , liter
or urhmrj OIKOIII If ntij ono Mho reads tl
ha any | ihj eal trouble reiucnbui the grc
dingcr ot dthj
( Yost for bclnc the most direct , ijulclcest , i
Bifeut line conncctlnir the jjreat SictroiwHs , CI
CAGO , nnd the EJLOTKRV , NonTlLEASiitiiN , Sou
> .iid SOUTII-RASTXRK Li.vrn , vvldih tunninatethe
with KAHHAH Cnr , I.nvsvv o ITU , ATCIIIW
Couscii , llu'rrs nnd O > uiu , iho Couxuri
CasT U from vvhleh nullatu
that penetrates the Continent from the Mkroi
Hit cr to the Pacific Slopo. The
la the only line froia Ch'easo owning trade In
Kansas , or which , by lla own roud , leiichc * t
polnta oliovo nimed. No TKAStrriu BT CARBIAU
No HISSIXO covKraiovs ! No huJJIln/ I
cntllatul or unclcnu cars , as every pa&SLn.'er
carried In roomy , cluan aud ventilated coach
upon Tout Express Trains.
DAT CAM of unrivaled in& ulflcunce , Putui
PAUCK SLKIU-INQ CAUS. anj our own world fa > uo
Umrso CARS , upon which mcala are sonod of i
urj sed excellence , at the lor/ rate of SKVKJT
KINI Ciurru EACU , with ample tlmo for healtbf
enloj menu
ThrouzU Care between Chicago , Pcoria , M
w-aukeo and Missouri Ilher rolntii ; and close cc
ncctlonj at all points of Interjection with oth
We ticket ( do not forcet thli ) directly to s\
place of Importance In Kansas. Nebraska , Ilia
llllls , Wjomlnir , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Callforu
Oregon , Mashln tea IVrrltory , Colorado , Artio
and New Mexico.
As II beral arranKcmcnU rrtrtrdln ; basrjca e
aiij otlur line , und rvtcs of faro ahsajn asl ov
comHtlton > , vtbo fuiniih but a tithe of the coi
fort.Doss and tackle of sportsmen free.
TicfcutH , uuutt Mid Inlilera at nil nrincli *
olf.cos In the United auten and Oinaia.
Vice Proa't * Oon. Ocn. Ut andPou'r Ai
. Chlctito
t\TL-\STIO v
iC'ovsr C.
luno of 50.0OO Sharei of 81O oac
nt par ,
10 hllAKEd , HIOM CI1011V. LANDS OK
"DlSSTON ' "
IIIIU ; llKOAPWAT , N , V. . llOlklt 111. 113 ,
Detailtxl | iros | > ectui < with ilr.rii | > tive nn
to ni niHciuiU '
IGC6Frnham Gt. , , , . Omaha. Nebra
400,000 UauCSHaBS
Cvt.ullr Mtocted land In Eutcra NebruVaf
ale. Onat ll-vr lm Iu luiproted firui , u
Omaha dtj
UteUnJCom'iU.P.a. . .
For Sale By
No. 1 , Kcwlioupc , 7 roonw ,
near baunrieni , $1200.
No. 2. 2 story houw , n rooms , ncll , cittern and
barn , Webster , near 15th street , 32500.
No. 3 , lloueo of 10 rooms , on Harncy , near
h Btrcit , stone foiiiulatlon , $1000.
No. 4 , Larirc house of 11 romns , on Webstci
street , near Crcl 'hton College , S500.
No. C , Ilnuso of 7 rooun , on Caw , near 171
atrcit , V3COO.
o. 7 , House of Sroome , Slots , on 17th st rot t
near Izard. SJ 00.
J < o 8 , llou cof Brocnif , on Casd , mar 14th ,
Wxl".i too' lot , ? 1MO.
fto. 0 , Housa of S roonw , lltchcn , otc. , or
Gum , nrar lutli st < tt , $ } 00.
No. 10 , Homo of 3 rooms with lot 22\1S2 feet ,
on Ca 8 , near 14th street , $000.
No. 11 , House ot u rooms , on 10th street , near
Bougla" , 44xCO feet lot , $4000.
No. 12 , House of 0 rooinx , brick foundation , on
Harney , mar 27th btrcet , $1000
No U , 1 ttorj inhotua of 6 rooms , brick ,
foundation , off dt. JHrj'e nvenue , near convent ,
1 uOO
No. li , 1 louse of 5 rooms and summer Mt hen
oil 0th stlett , neir elarl , 82500.
ISo. li , llou ° o of 8 rooms , on hhcrman avcnuo
(10th ( street ) near Nicholas , * CJ50 |
No , 1ft , 1 J , torjhou o of 4 romin , celKr ,
stable , etc. , on I > a\cnnort , near22 < lRtrtMt , S1DOO.
No. 17 , ' - story brick house of 0 rocins , neur
: nJ of red ctrect car turn table$1150. .
No IS. Ilousoand'Jlots , 4bloeUsvcst of Hlch
Seliool , S2WO. '
No. ii ) , ilouso and Slots on roaj to jmrk , near
herd Sit. ilarj'n axeiiuo. S.JM5.
No yo , Hou and HJloU near Uascall's , South
Cm ill $2rOJ
No. 21 , Iloiihoanl lot on Davtniurt street ,
near loth street , SaJOO.
No 22 , 2 ttrj hou o and 1-t 32\CO feet , on
Davenpoit , near 12th struct , ? UOO.
No. iU , 1 loutu of 4 rooms und 2 lots on 1 7th
trcct , near Izard , SiSuO. *
No , ' . ' "i , House and J lot on 10th ttnx.t , lira
No 20 , Ilouso and J lot on 10th street , near
C-vn tel avenue , JllSO
No. 07 , 2 hoiued ai.l lot on JulviOii , near 13th
jtnct , 4JOO.
No 23 , Chou-ce nnd Hot on Cnllfornh , near
3th street , $3000.
No CO , li ttorj brick hou/o of 4 rooms with
lot bOVJGO fort , on blitnniii acnuo ( IGth street ) ,
near Izard. SSOOO.
No. 21 , 1 } story house and 33x60 feet , on 13th
reect , near llonard utreu' , S-000.
No. 32 , i. etorhoif > o of U rooms and two lots
on Mn > on , near 1Mb street , 3000.
N ° ( JS , Large house ajil full lot on Capito
venue , near luth street , $ .2300.
No. M , 2 tbrco stor } brick houses 1 lot 44x
13 feet , on Chlcaco , near 18th street , $ i 0 cadi.
> o. 37 , House of 7 rooms ) with 1 } lot I'aul
street , ncarlbth street , S27'0.
No. 38. Hou e and lot on ISth street , near
Shennan , $1850.
No. M , House of 6 rooms with 4I\OG fe t lot ,
on ISth street , near California , $2500
No. 42 , House ol 8 rooms with lot 160x150 feet ,
on Coburn. near Colfax street , gidOO.
No. 43 , House and 2 lots ou Chicago , near 20th
strcit , S75JJ.
No. 45 , Larco houfo of 7 roomn , closets pantry ,
ft ell and clitern , on ISth , near CUrk Btrtct , $35OU.
No. 40 , Larxo house with lull block , near nn /
hottowor , S2000.
No. 47 Ilouso of 9 rooms with J lot , ou Pacific ,
near llth street , $3000.
No. 49 , Drlck bousoof 11 rooms , well , c'rtern ,
ZV ) throughout the house , gooA barn , etc. , CD
tnr/ihainiu r 17th street , tcOOO.
No. to , House of G rooms , ecllar , well , etc. , on
19th , ncnr Paul etrect , f,000.
No. J , HOUMI of U rooms and cellar , lot 33x132 ,
off M. Mary's avenue , near convent , S1DOO.
No. 55 , four hou is amlSSxl'JO feet , on Davet >
port , near 10th street , 85000.
No M , Iloii'oof Bor 10 rooms , on California ,
noir2lthtrit.t , SSHiO.
No. C7 , HotikuufU room * , nummcr kitchen ,
cellar , eUUrn , veil , pnod barn , etc. , near tit.
Marj 'i av i iiuo and ' . ' 1st street , f JuX )
No. &S , New house of 7 room ? , p > od bam , on
V.V cbnter , ni r 2-'d street , ii'M.
No. & ! > , Four hou-H with i lot , on 12th street ,
tie'lir Cast jJXKI.
No. 60 , Homo of 3 rooms on Davenport , near
2Jrd ktrtet. KWO.
No. 01 , llousaof Oor 10 rooms , on Hurt stroct ,
near 22nd ktrtet , $5000.
No. (12 , Home of 4 room' , 1 ctor ) , porch , ccl-
Inr , elattrn and \\cll , on Hurnev , ntar Utstrttt ,
No. f 3 , Hon < c of 4 ro"ini , clo < et , basement
nnd leliar. mnr U Into I.iod \ \ oils , tflOOO.
o. 04 , llnlldlni ; onliiaud lot , on Uodi.-e street ,
netrpo"t otlltc , stoie belou and rwOiiH above ,
bOO No. 05 , SlotB vilth b rn nnd other improve
ments , near strct t t-nr turn table , 42 ( > 00.
No. 07 , Now hoii'e of tl roouiuon 17th , near
Cuiniiu Btrcet , * 1000.
No tJ , Jjrce Unu house of 12 looms , cierj-
thlu ji-oinulete , on llsth , near Chicago , fSWOO.
No. 70 , llouRO on IHth xtrtt't. near Uktenport ,
ttorolitlou an 1 roomtabote , barn , etc. , $1100.
ho 71 , HoiiMi of S room * , line cellar , all com
pltte , on CAlifarnU , ncir'Jlst , $7000 ,
No , 72 , llrirk house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Dav en
pott , mar 15th.&OCO. . .
No 73 , 1J torv Iiouo , ( I rooms , collar , wH
uirt cittern , on Jacloon , ntar 12th , ? IbOO
No , 74 , llrlck hou o with 2 lot * , fruit trc ,
etc , ou leth , nir Capitol lucnue , 'IS.OOO.
No , 7S , lioiuv of 4 rooms , basement , lot 17x
132 ffct , ou Mntr > , nrnr 7lh , (075.
No , 70 , 1 1 torj bouse , a rooms , on Caw street ,
marlothstrcct , WOO.
No , 77 , Sutory bouse , 11 roomn , clotctf , fur-
ace' , fruit trtfi ) . barn , cte , , on r'arnhaw , near
ho. 81 , 2 homes \iith 0 roonu , nd otlif r Ith
rooms , on Cblcu o , nir lith strict , aooo.
No. fc2 , ltor > lionne , U rooms , 4 < loxU , < JI
tli 1 100 barrel rbtcrn x < l btrn , on flerte St. ,
near 20th ( nrar new ; : eminent corrall ) , flbOO.
Vo bJ , 2tor > liouff , Uroom * . coalihod , good
well , ri > teriion } lot , ou Capitol alcuue , uc *
12th , $2 00.
No. SI , 2 > tor ) house' , S room * , I tjelou and 4
hovr , eloM-tx , rt > < l\r , cll anil riittrn , HtUi f >
ens 'round , ou baunderintrcit , near liaruckn ,
2 IBO.
No. 85 , 2 store * , hou e on leaded ) lot , l o
rum 2 } lani ff om Apill l t , ls l , on 1'aclilc ht. ,
mar U , I1 , dejiot , sWX ) .
No. bG , Hou o , 15 rooint , well , cistern , etc. ,
near 15th and llarne > str > Kt , 0000
No. 87 , 2i > torv home , 3 rooms , uell vlth 40
fcit of water , with 5 ai rib olv round , ouSaundrn
itiett , iii-ar U fc. liairtckr , f
Eoal Estate Exchange ,
16th and Dougl a Street