KENTUCKY'S CAVERN. A Twenty Milos' Trip. Through Subterranean Passages and Chambers. Mammoth. C.vre , With a History of ItiPhonomonn. nnd Wonder ful Proportion , Gormriomlrnt Cincinnati Commcrcltl. Ono of the greatest natural curiosi ties in the world lies less than two hundred miles from Cincinnati , lies- idents of this city can reach it in ten bourn of pleasant travel , and yet it is safe to any that not ono out of every two hundred of the citizens of the Qucon City hnvu over BOOH it A hundred people visited Niagara falls to every 0110 who visits the wonderful cavern of Kentucky. There nro va- rioud reasons for this. First , Niagara is fortunate in being well advertised , \fhilo Mammoth cave , for some ron- aon , seldom sees it name in print. Secondly , Niagara falls in nnui.iged for all the money it is capable of bring ing to its shrewd ngonts , whereas Mammoth cave , until very recently , was under the control of non- progresnivo ideas. Third , Niagara lies uncovorctl beneath the noonday' sun , and distant view of its splendor can always be had ; Mammoth Cave is hid den iti tlio darksome depths of the earth , with nothing visible to the out side world but its cavernous mouth. Fourthly , Niagara lies almost in the direct line of travel between the great centers of eastern nnd western popu lation , and is of coinpar.iliyely easj access ; Mammoth C.ivo is shunted in a wild region of the south , near which no great tide of travel lhvs , and is eight milea from the nearest railroad station. And yet , in unite of all this. the ; subterranean exposition of natural wonders is worth more than the time , trouble and money it requires to see it. SOMETHING ABOUT Till : UAVK. Before attempting to describe any of the wondrous sights of the c.ivo it might bo well ta briefly not out a few historical facts about it. Mammoth cave ia situated in , or ratiior under Edraonson county , Ky. , the center of the wildcat section of the statp. The noted James brothers , it is eaid , have several times been in hiding within cannon shot of the place. There are over seven thousand square miles oi limestone formation in this section , and all of it is supposed to bo honey combed by subterronean passages and cavernous halls. The whole county of Edmonson is dotted with sink-holca and nearly four hundred cavern- mouths have boon discovered , though most o them give access to but very small caves. Only one entrance has boon discovorcd to Mammoth cave ; at least , but ono has over been made public. It is believed the guides could tell of other means of entrance or exit , but it is their business to keep this itnoweldge , if there be such , to themselves. The cave lies under a high table land which rises 312 feet above the waters of Green river. TUB ENTRANCE TO THK CAVE is at the end of a ravine back of the Cave hotel , and 118 feet below the building. The visitor goes down a winding path until he arrives at the place where thu ravine seems to have run up against a precipitous bluff and knocked a huge hole in the hillside. The hole is the mouth of the cave. It is twenty-four feet in height and thirty wide. A small stream of clear water Hews from between 'the rocks above the opening and falls upon the rocky bed below with pleasing oliVct. Afc nearly every season of the year a constant fog or bank of mist obscures the entrance , caused by thu meeting of two atmospheres , ono of which is colder than the other , and thus con denses the moisture in thu air where the meeting takes place. Upon the day wo entered the cave the tempera ture inside and outside happened to bo about trio same , and the fog was absent , something that rarely occura. TUB TEMPKUATUHB OK TUB AIIl the cave never varies. Until reef - X ccntly it was declared that the constant temperature inside the cave , winter , spring , summer and .autumn , was 50 ° Fahrenheit. But very recent scien tific testa have shown that this inoas- uromont was marked five degrees too high ; the tumperaturo is shown to be but 50o , and from that it never varies. Tlio atmosphere ia very pure. Oxy gen and nitrogen boar the same re lation to each other in the cave nt- inosphoro that they do in the air out side ; but there is much less carbonic acid gas in the cave than is found in the air we breathe. In the dryer parts of the cavern thu proportion is about l-5000th and near the rivers it is lass still. Not a trace of ammonia has ever bean found in the cave prop er. The humidity of the atmosphere varies os you dncond to the river and lake regions. In the upper avenues and chambers , upon the walls and floors of which nitrate of lime is de posited , there is a destitution of moist ure almost absolute. Ilore animal matter mummifies instead of decoying by putrefaction , A dead body lett in theao passages would turn to a mum my. In thojo same regions , for the same reasons , dust never rises. Not a trace of cizone can be detected. It is Raid that tlio atmosphere of the cave ia the most exhilarating on the face of or in the earth. Fragile , deli cate women have been known to tr.ivol on foot over ton , and oven twenty miles of the rocky , rough passages in the cave , experiencing little or no fatigue , whereas they could not walk one-third the distance in the open air. The preat purity of the cavo's atmos phere is not full } realized until the ex plorer emerges into the "awaot , pure country air" of the outxido world. The passages from ono to the other at first ia like transition from the air of the streets into a close dormitory , where a score of sleepers have spent the night. GOOD rOH CONBDJIITIVKS. Tliis extreme pnrity of the atmos phere of the cave founded the im pression , some fifteen years ago , that a residence there would cure , or at least check , consumption. The test waa a sorrowful ono. A half do/.en consumptives , about 181 ! ) , entered the cave for the distance of a mile or more , whore they erected hula of atone and some of wood , in which they took up their residence. During the first few days they were greatly -encouraged by the efloot. Then bo- gan a reaction. of thorn soon died in tlio cave , and all tlio rest expired - pired soon after tlicir rot urn to tin- external nir. Let physicians exp am the cause of this eflect. Short trips into the cave are advantageous to people nlllictod with lung troubles , in * tlanmmtory rheumatism anil dyaen * trry. The public ought to bo warned , however , dolicxto as may bo the sub ject of the warning , that there are certain constant pounds in every laily's Hfo when , under no circuiu- stances , should fllio enter the cave Serious results , and oven death , have frequently followed this violation of nature's law , when the victim was en tirely ignorant that she waa defying death. HOW Ilt-U'OVKKKD. It is a matter of legend , if not of history , that Mammoth Cave was dis covered by a hunter many years ago who chised a bear into the mouth Ho followed and explored it for quiti n distance. The Indians , however , had occupied the main c.ivo years bo fore. Evidences of their aborigine habitation were discovered to a dis tance of a mile and a half back from the entrance then up to the verge of the liottnmlcst Pit. This awful sink hole they could never cross , as it was * ono hundred and seventy feet deep and extends entirely across the pas sigo. Hut white man's ingenuity long afterward throw a bridge across the chiiim nnd gave access to miles upon milt's of the cavern , which extends tends Btill further into the boweln of the earth , a distance of aoven and a half miles. tun CAM : IIUKATUIIS , strange an it may seem. For half n it inhales the outer air ; then it holds its breath for u few days , after which it exhales for a nix months' period. In other words , during summer months -hon the external mer , * tem perature is much wanner than is the temperature of the cave , a constant Htmim of air pours out of the mouth ; and the hotter the weather grows the stronger grows the from the cave. When the external temperature _ is about the same a * the c.ivo'sthat is , fifty-four degrees a calm exists in the cavern's mouth and it holds its breath. Such was the condition when wo viailed it. Uut in winter , when tlio thermometer goes down toward Koro , the cold air of the valley rushes into the cave as though pursuing an army of demons into hades. At cer tain aeaaons of the year the current of uir in the passages near the mouth is ao great that lights are blown out. This current of air becomes neutral ized , however , as one joes further in , and finally is allayed entirely by the reservoir properties of the onhmring chambers , which are to bo found after a distance of half a mile. S.U.TTETEU was manufactured in the main cave in 1812 , by Archibald Miller , of I'hilaci dolphin , who took it to the east and sold to the American government to bo used in the manufacture of gun powder. The cave is still just as rich a mine of deposit for the mineral as it waa then , but nobody could now sueni cessfully compete in manufacturing it there with the markets of foreign lands. The East Indies and South America at this later day supply the trade. Potash saltpeter is largely shipped all over the world from .Bom bay and Calcutta. Whereas boda- Haltpoter is found in unlimited supply in the Desert of Atacama , on the west coast of South Ainerica.Tlun | profitable arid desert lies partly in Bolivia , party in Chili and partly in Peru , and it is tlio innocent cause of the tierce war which haa but just boon waged among these throe governments. It is hardlylikeiy that anybody will over go to war over the rights to Mammoth - moth cave saltpeter beds. The po- tritied hoof tracks of and ruts of cart wheels made in 1812 are still 'to bo seen in the cave nearest the entrance. The saltpeter pita at.d the bored logs used as aqueducts to convey water into the cave for use hi making the saltpeter , are Btill in existence , and owing to the purity ot the atmosphere , their wood it solid and poifect to day as when placed there , nearly EOVe enty years ago. DAKTK'H INFKUXO. Neither Dante nor Jules Verne has ever boon in Mammoth Cavo. It is not strange , therefore , that neither , in their pictures of subtuiranoan horrors rors and mysteries , has pictuiod any thing KO awfully sublime , so grandly imprcsaivo , as this greatest of na ture's exposition. 'Die mind of man cannot grasp the magnificence and glory of nature's work in those cav erns until his eyes have seen and hia soul felt the subterranean wonders. It is not in the power of man to do- fcribo what is to IJH seen in these un derground halh and chambers , and it will not bo attempted hoio. We shall give BOIUO facts and data concerning - corning the most wonderful of the thousand sights that are to be seen there. THI : OUIUES. * There are three regular guides at tached to the owe undoovoral "nubs. " The oldest guido is Mat , n colored man , who luia lived nearly sixty years. Mat has buon yuido in the cave for forty-two years. His BOH Henry is ono of the substitutes , and has been taking parties in for fifteen years. The other two regular guides uro Wil liam and Nicholas , both colored. William ia a ventriloquist in his way , and puts the gift to pleasing use for the benefit of hinguests. Thr original Hiiido , whoso daring explorations re vealed many of the wonders of the cave to civilization , was Stephen Bishop. His remains lie buried under the red clay of tne neighboring hills. A mistaken idea provailu that the guide will collect exorbitant fees horn the tourists he takes in charge. Tin's idea should be exploded. Ilo is paid n monthly sal ary by the manager of the cave , and is entitled to no Icei unless the vis itors freely conhibuto n quarter apicco , which they nearly alwnys do. to ahow their certain appreciation for his efforts to please everybody. Each visitor to the c.ivo pays two or throe dollars at the hotel oflico for a ticket admitting him ruspectivclytothoHhott or long route in the cave , Ho joins the regular party of the route indio nted , and a guide sets nut with such i a party at a statjd hour in the day. Tourists over the short route start usually at 7 o'clock in the evening , \K \ and after exploring about eight milcf of underground passages , return to the earth's surface an hour bofon midnight. The long-route voyagort nsually atart nt 10 o'clock in the tiny- time , and gel back about (5 or 7 o'clock in the m citing , after tr.unpini ; throniili nearly i.\tocn miles of the miraculous. They tnko lunch with them , which the guide carries , nnd eat it nsually in Washington hall , which is seven miles from the mouth. Kach visitor carries an oil lamp. Tlio uuido carries tno , ami also has with him i\ bottle of oil , from which ho relills the lamps while the party is atnchiiig lunch. In n haversack at Mis aide no carries a supply of wliito light powder. This ho uses from t into to time to illuminate the wonders of the underground \\orld. The cave i.i owned by an estate nhich possesses 1,500 acrfls of the A-ild lands about and around the eic trance It ia managed by Finiicis Ivlett , an intelligent , highly educated Anstrianwho took charge of the ea- tate a year ago , and has already brown much hto into the manage ment. The great drawback at pres ent to the cave as a popular resort is the dilllculty in getting to it. Though "illy eight miles from the Louisville and Nashville railroad , no brunch road accross the country to the cave Jins over boi'n projected. Mr. Klctt cny the mill etui company refuse to build the branch b-causo they want to buy the cave and are sharp enough not to add to its attractive qualities. Ilo declares that the estate will in a few years have a railroad built across the country westward to tlio Ohio rivo'r , whteli is but twenty miles dis tant. Meanwhile the experience of , ui old-fimo stauo ride through such a wild country will give people of thin luxurious generation a taste of travel iia our grandfathers found it half a bundled yeaiH ngo. MftUtutf n Ralso1 John HIUM. Credit , 1' ( ) . , cays Hint fur nine immthtt lie cotiM nut i.ilso hi.s liniul to i < li ul , tlir > null liuiii'iicis in tlio shoul der but liy the u o of THOMAS' i.nrriuu OIL ho wan cutlruly cured. dtctH'tullw FACING DEATH , Terrible Stmmjlo in n Oar With a Dospornilo- Detroit Post , Dec. C. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon a thrilling upisodo occurred on the Michigan Central in-bound express train near K.Uamazoo , and but for the courage of a woman might Itavo endnl ed in a terrible tragedy , When the train neared 1'okagon a man , who hud been apparently engaged in reading a newspaper , waa seen to rise suddenly in his seat , and turning to a person seemingly his companion , shouted in loud tones. "You give mo your re volver and lot mo go or I will brain you ! " A desperate struggle instantly ensued between the two men , and the startled and now thoioughly fright ened passengers precipitately tied from the car , with the exception of a plucky little woman. The man who uttered the exclama tion was Henry W. White , alias Bur ton , a notorious stago-robbor , bandit , nnd desperadoen route to the Detroit house of correction. The individual ho addressnd was United States Mar shal P. P. Wilcox , of Denver , Col. , who had him in custody. The excla mation wns instantly followed by the prisoner bringing down on thoollicer's head with terrible force a pair of handculTi , which he had cunningly picked from his wrists with a tooth pick. The otlicor was momentarily stunned by the blow , but made n des perate i resistance. Blow after blow was rained on the ollicor'a head by the prisoner with the hundcuils and then he made a success ful effort to get the revolver. The otlieer shouted for help , but 1 none came. The prisoner cocked the revolver , held it against the ofli- cor'a breast , and pulled the trigger , but it failed to perform the work in tended for it. A desperate struggle for the possession of the revolver , a six-shooter of > 14-calibro , knoivn as n bulldog , now took place on tlio part of the ollicer. Now it was in hia hands and then in that of the prison er. The most mysterious thing about the , atrugle is that , although each tried to fire the revolver , it failed in cacli case to respond. The muzzle of the weapon while in the hands of the prisoi.or waa thrust arainst the left temple of the ollicer with such force that the prints of it were p'amly ' dii cerniblo when ho artivcd in Dotioit. During the contest the lady , n Mrs. Smithson , from Denver City , remain ed in the car and labored heroically to aid the ollicer. She threw her arms about the deaperapo's neck and tried to hold his hand * . She remon strated with him and tried to calm his fury. Toward the close of the struggle , the prisoner seeing ho could not kill thu ollicer nor got possession of the keyo to unlock thu alwcklca on hia foot , placed the mu/.zle of the re volver against hia heart and again it refused to respond. Finally the ofli- cer grabbed the bell-rope and stopped the train. A brnkcman , attracted by the struggle , hud come into the car , but was afraid to touch the prisoner. The struggle was fortunately brought to n close by the opportune appearance of C. F. Oliapin , of Denver , from the forward car , who joined forces with the offi cer. The two guards , whom the offi cer had brought with him , wore in the baggage car , smoking during the struggle. Word finally reached them of the peril of their chief , and they came rushing to the rescue. The prisoner wns _ soon reduced to subjec tion , and his hands pinioned behind Ilia back. White did not hesitate to announce that lie intended to kill the ollicer , rob the passengers , and make his escape to the north woods , lie said ho was virtually n dead man when once within the walls of thu house of correction. Wilcox with hi : ! prisoner arrived in Detroit o'JO : ! o'clock Saturday evening. 1'hu latter has been lodged in the house of correction , to which he has been oontonced for life. White wcigliH about IfiO pounds , has sandy hair and mustache , mid keen gray eyes , Ifo is as lithe as a panther. Jie is quite well educited , nnd liar nil thu lequisito talentn for n thief. His courngu is unquestioned , and hi during unsur passed , lie was b rn in JUrlon county , Texas , twenty-eight years ago. His hands are red with human oiood ; and hia few ycaro marked with ither crimes. Thu first man he killed , vas hJH father , During his brief nrccr ho has robbed the passengers vnd mails of nine stage coaches. The > ulk of hit ) depredations were coin- ' ' v ' ' rado. Ho was sentenced during tlio adininistralion of President Hayes to ton years in the Wheeling \\tst \ Va , > ponitentiaiy for robbing a sla-jo , but wns subsequently pardoned. About five months ngn , between 8 and ! ) o'clock at night , ho robbed n stagO'Coaeh on roulo from Alamosa to Like City. There were thirteen pas- Hungers in the coach , and White did the work unaided. Ho pl\cod a polo across the road on which ho suspended gunsacks. When the coach drove tip IIP halted the driver Possessing wonderful powers of mimicry , he personated the voices of threeor four men behind the breastworks ho had t cared. The passengers wcro thoroughly frightono i by such imposing display of force , and permitted to White parade thomjou the roadside. Ho blind-fold d them , wont through their pockets , nnd robbed the mail bags. Ho then made his escape , and the p.issongors after ho dup.mod soon discovered the ruse tlnvt wns played upon them. White was soon after captured at Puoblo. While en loiito to Denver city he jumped oil' the train and tried to get a horse that stood ne.xr by. Ho was recatitnrod and taken to his destination , tried , convicted and sentenced for life to the Lanunio city penitentiary. I'jion it being runresonted to the jud o of that district that thu prison at thai point waa an nwifo place for a man of White's elmrncter the sentence WAS changed to the Detroit Mouse of Cor- rectum. United Slates Mnrslml Wilco\ in formed a Post and Tnlnuio reporter Saturday evening that lu < had dealt with hco'ren of desperate inen biit hud never met the equal of White. Ho s\id ho look every net-wary precau tion , ho thought , t i Ining him in safety to Ibis city. He Inul watched him closely all the way to Detroit. Hoforo ho left Denver City ho put nil his private busineso in order in c.iso of accidents , knowing the character of the man ho had to deal with. Wilcox is a powerful and determined-looking man , with keen , black eyes and of fearless appearance. S.itmdny evening - ing ho was sulleriiig quite severely from the terrible struggle he had passed - od through , although ho made few complaint3. His head , face , should ers and hips wcro badly bruised. The hearing of his loft can's slightly im paired. The blow which ho iccoived on . . the loft side of hia head had made him partially deaf. Ho is stopping nt the Kussol House , and leaves for Washington , D. C. , Monday , ilo is entitled to great credit for his coolness and courage. Bnokun'H jvniion Sn.lvo. The best salvo in the world for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , totter , chnpnud handa , chillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 2f > c per box. For sale by T n tfc MflMAiioN. Omaha. Gentle Women Who want glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of almndnnt , beautiiul H nir mast nso LYON'S KATHAIRON. This elegant , cheap article always mates the Hair crow freely and i'ast , keeps it from falling out , arrests and cnres grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair Btrong , giving it a curling tendency and beeping it in nny desiied position. Beau tiful , healthy Hair ia the sure result of using Iiathuiron. Tills Krua > ' > l > vclliu cure/a that moat WhotLor ID Its Primary , Secondary or Tortlnrp Stage. Hcmno3 all tracc of Mercury from tlio PJS- torn , Cures Scrofula , OM Here < , llhcuiua- tinn , K'zcm.i ' , Cainrrh or uuy lilood Disease. Cures WHou Hot SprinRf ) Fail ! Mahcrn , Atk. , May 2,1831. \VohaiocaHoaln our town \ilio lltoilatllot anil ere finally cured with H. H , S. MlUAMUUVifeUl'linr Mtmplils , Mcnn. , Mny 12 , 1S81 Wo lm\o sold 1'iHi Irat les of rf.H. 8. in a yuir. H lias niiiicrinl HitliUctton. tnlr 11111111011 lilijHlclaim nuw icioiiiineiiil It " a poillhci hjiuclllu , H. JU.SHt'lH.n ( t Co. Loi'lsullf , Ky , , Mny 13,1831. S. 8. R. InsKl" ' ' ! I'fltvr call lucllon than any mcillilna I liaio mer HeM J. A. ! ' [ . .V.NKII. Donvet , Col. Mays , 1831. K\cry purcha ir iptaks In the hl hi'iit tcriiu or H. K. ti. L , MoUjCtur. IllcliiiioiKl. Va. , May II , 1881 , You can rtfi'r nnjhoily to tin In regard to the merits uf .S. S. ti. Poll. , Miller it Ca Ha'u inner knouiiH. H. H total ! to euro a case of Byiliill | , when iirnperly talion , n , li. Demure ! . . . . . . . . . . . „ „ i , iilWatrcn : , ; > Tlia aliotu sl neru arouentleinan of liluh etanil- A II COI UriT , Uoicrnor oKJwjruh. IP YOU.WIHII W U.TAKi : YOUlt.1i ; O'A 'jo in : i-Aii ) roil WHEN CUIIIID. Write for particulars anil now of litllu took ' .Munnwu to thu Uiifrrtuimlu. 81.0UO Rxwnril "HI l > u [ alii to any ilifinUi who will llnil , on aii'ij l < li > 0 liottli > H H. 8. , ono mrlitluof Mercury lodUu 1'ottxi ulumorniiy Jllnpril HU ! ' t ll'l tT HI * CO , Prop' , Allaiiia , fla. 1'rleoo' ' regular sUe reduced to 61 T > \ a ot Ilo Hmall it a , holillii lialf thaiunntlty | , pr.tu , Hold hv KIJNNAIII ) t CO , , ally. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW i BIO South Thirteenth Street , with ; V-ps W < * ' ' x * > a x * " - Jfl ' ' ' . ' - * ! * ' Iv * * * * J J * ' . 1 BV r jvin ? ! J - . & ' n : jMrJVJ wAfffCf awis' ss mm M \ | lUli.4IIJ.iuKl ! iMM.VWt UIui.allJrit aaii Ts No Changing Cars \Vhoro direct connection nro uimlo with TrWRh SLKKl'INU CAK LIKKSfor NKW YOHK , I10STOX , rillLAIlKI.l'IIU , DALT1MOUK , VVA8I1INQTON AND ALL EASTKUN tlltJJ. The Short Line via. Peoria Her INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- VII.I.K , ntul all ] > olnu In the TDK llutr UXl For ST. LOUIS , Whcnullrrct conncctioiid nr\ > made In the Union Depot with thu Ilirouirh ' ' ' ' Sleeping Cur Liticaf'or'ALli'l'o'll'NTlJ" es o UToc1 aca : . HEW LINE DESMOINES TIIK KAVOlUTi : KOUTK FOU Rock Island. Tim mn' ( ] \r\lcil Iniliircnumt * offered by thll line to trnolers mid lonrltita nro M follnnn : Ttio ccleliratc.1 I'ULLMANUO-ulivol ) PAI.AOK fll.KKPIWl OA11S nin only on thin line C. , II. 4 ( } . 1'ALACiKAWINO : UOOM OAU8 , with Norton's Kriltnlni ; Llinln. No extro ihtrga lot wiatu In Kocllnlnir Clmlrs. Thofumoui 0. , n , A ( j. Palftro IMnliii ; Cnts. Oorjjoom SmokltiK Cure lUUil vlthelcpuit lilffli'lnckntl ml tin revolving chMrs , for the oiclusUo usual flral-clasn pasaoti * 8tOTlTr cl > wil nipcrlor equipment comblrnt with their ( Meal through nir ntrun i'inciit , unkn tliln. alwvc nil other * , the thorite route totne Kiwi , South ami SouUuvuit , Try It , nnil ) o will find tnuollnu n luxury In- cteiwl o ( n iltacomtort. Through tlckottlo thin tttlohrntiul line for nalo t nil otlluoi In the Unltuil State * nnd Uuiiuta. All Information niout rntiM of ( ire , Bleeping Our oecmmiiOilixlloiiH , Tlinu Tnlilcs , oto. , will bo cheerfully given liy spi'ljaa \ to TKUCKVAL LOWELL , GinorM oncer Airoiit , Chicago , . J. 1'OTTKU. On. 'Muniwor Chicago. Sioux City & Pacitic THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Huns a HelM Train 'Ihrouxh from Council Bluffs to St. Paul Without Chance Time , Only 17 Hourt. IT m JLOO UILES TUB SHORTEST UOUTE , FROM COUNOIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUT1I OK DISilAUCK , mid nil points In Northern Iowa. Mlnnceotn and Dnl.otv Thb line la oiUlp | > od with the Improved Wctlnhou9a | ; Autom&ila Alr-brako tnd Millet rutlorm Couvlor and Duller ; and for SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFOUT In unmirpiuctod. Pullman 1'alnco tilucplni ; Car run throtiKh WITHOUT CHANdK between Kail sea ( Jit y nn J Ht. Paul , \la Council llluOa nnil Hloux Ulty. Trains Itavo Union Paclflo Transler at Coun cil UliilTH , at I'M p. in. ilally on nrrlval o ( Kanaai City. Kt. Joseph and Council Illulld train from the Sou tli. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 : p. m. , Mid at the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:30 : noon. TUN UOUUS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTUEH UOUTE. OMlcincnihcr In taking the Sloilx City Ilouto > nuict a'Dirnn h Train. The Bhortvxt Line , tlio Qulckuitllniu nnd a t'omfortalito Illdo In the Through Cars between COUNCIL iiLurrs AND ST. PAUL. tSrSci that j our Tlckcti rtailla the "Sioux C.ty anil I'jiilllc Itallioad. ' * J. S. WATTI.KS , J. K. I1UCIIANAN Hiiporintt'iulcnt. Gcn'I I'OHH. Au'cnt. P. K. HOniNSON , Aus't Ocn'l Ilwi. Ag't ' , , MlnHouri Valley , Iowa. J. II. O'llllYAN , Soiitliwofturn A'ont | , Coiincl liliidd , Imsa ! 8SO. SKORTJ.IHE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St. Joe & Council Bluffs is THU Direct Liiie to ST. LOUIS AND TUB EAST Prom Omaha and the Weot , No change of earn between Omaha anil bi. and hut ono between OMAHA and NiW YOHK. Daily PassengerTrains EABTEIIN AND WK8TEHN CITIES with LESS OUAKQCSond IN ADVANCBof ALL { OTIIEU LINES. Thl entlro line Is cquipiiod with l'unmn' ! ! I'alftce Weeping C.ire , PaUca lay CoAcIuo , Miller1/ ' S'jfuty riitforni and Coupler , and the colobratoJ o. tarBoo that your ticket roads VIA n.AN8Ah CITi' , HT. JOSl'l'II A. COUHUIL ULUl'fa K&11. ro.i'1. via Bt. Jo'iuph and Bt. Loulu. Tickets far tula ft all coujnti itatlons In the West. J. e. UAIINAKU , A O. DAWEH , Ocn. fl'ipt. , St. Jownh , JIo | Don. i'ttss. anil Ticket Ayt. , Ht. Jouopli , ilo. I ANDV pQHmit , Ticket Agent , n utrccl. DISEASES OKTUB- EYE & EAR DR.L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. lloforonccs all lUjputaWo yilclarm of Omaha. tzrOWce , Corner IGtll and Farnham Bit. , Omaha. Neb nuMinotf I The Only Kuov/u Real Curo. W , J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. 7.n1 THIS NTW AITD CORRECT i jsyonrt nny Tcasoiinbln I CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTEW i > ' I . , ( . . . . w r ut jdll tutalUt WliPli .t.iU'llll. ; .iiiilltl' riMtrdtili ti'trti'OO/ * Jilcago am' ill < > f thi ! Principal Points In Iho West , North ind Northwest , Junciloii > ii HiNwwdI'Hi point ? tim.u'nb f.\lin unl.ft rlo-.ij - " < muoeJoj wlili ihotMlus'of ' U funmml.s a THE CHICAGO & , NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , tt Ciprnvt The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. II Vi.iV".1"1' ' ' ' ll ; > l"lv > \ " "uiiiu .ini' . . jiuiiMiiiKi-f. " .irccn niy ; i.ak ( ) Superior i-na - . Cnnl mCr * uro y Con-ion Ticket AgciiU fii this Uulluil StaUw nuV ! Itciiieiubcr to nils for Tickets via tills they rend over It.niul Uikononoothnr. MAIMS miUUnr.Gen'l JliumicrClilcaKO- . II. STBSNETT , Oen'l 1'iiss. Acont , Chicago. HAIUlY P. DUKL , Ticket AfontjO. A N. W , KnllwAy , Utli And ritintiftm gtrcotn. 1 I ) . K. KIMI1ALL , Aulitent Ticket Airout 0. & N. W. lUIIwuy , Hlh.Mi.l r rnh tn itreitl * J. I1KI.L. Ticket Aiont 0. ft N. W. KAlbvuy , U. P. It. U. l ) i > o . RAMKHT (1M11K Oenoml Arnr . WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. The only and/j / jtional pinto Unit original firm of\ \ m is giving for iu- 11 o g o r a Bros. i 'TiS- * atftiico a single m All oil * Spoons , F o r k a nnd plated Spoon a Knives plated triplothioknusa with the greatest plato only on of care. Each the a o o t i o a lot being hung on a scale while trhoro expo d being plated , to to wear , thoniby insure full deposit a making n single posit of silver on plated Spoon them. them.Wo wear us long asa Wo would call a triple plated especial atten tion to one. our sec- Rival. Orient. Tlpnad. All Orders In the West should ho Addressed to A. B. : . . HUBERMANN , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. LGUTTER ! ELGUTTER'S ' m CLOTHING. ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties in BoysM OLOTHING. ELGUTTER'S ' NoveltiBB in Youths' ' CLOTHING. ELCUTTER'S ' NovolMos in Mon'sii ' CLOTHING. ELCUTTER'S ' NovoltiGS in Wliito FANCY SHIRTS. ELCUTTER'S KovoltiQS in Under WEARS. ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Fancy NECK WEAR. ELCUTTER'S Novelties in ' ' Fancy SILK H'DK'FS. ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Holiday GIFTS. MAMMOTH 'CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Cor. Farnham & 10th St. 1001 105itt ? WOOLLEY & DAVIS W8 Stationers , Paper Dealers aiid Engravers , KEEP ON HAND A SELECT STOJK OF. BLANK , SCRAP , POCKET AND BILL BOOKS , FINE PAPER , INKSTANDS , PAPER WEIGHTS * Latest Novelties in Wedding Goods , Menus , Visiting and Advertising Cards , BallJProgrammes , &Ci Also , Paper Bags , Flat and Wrapping Paper , Envelopes , Bill , Tnf" * yip < \ IJntn P'naflq |