Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1881, Page 8, Image 15

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    THK OMAHA DAILY BEE : Fill DAY , DECEMBER 9 , 1881 ,
Friday Morning. Dec 0.
WnMher Knport-
( Th following observations nre taken at
the iwime mnmont t tlmo at nil the i > U-
timiMinmed. ) .
WAR DtpARimurr. U. P , SII AI , S nvicn , \
OKAIIA , December R. 1SS1. (1I5 ( ; | > . ni. ) f
The Omaha CHr AINiiIonwl-lccl'br.iu (
Cbriftinnaon Tuexlny evening , Dec , 37t1i ,
atllio llaptht Church.
'Jhrco jilnln drunks wore fined lha
umial nun in | x > llco court yostordny.
One paid nnd two vent to jail ,
The Ilwy Boo will hnvc ft candy jmll
at tlic Cliriitlui Church , Hatunlny after
noon. 1'r CP , 5 and 10 cciitn n plate ,
5fr. IJ. Van Tuyl , formerly agent of
tiic Krlo rallw.iy nt Jlini-linmton , N' . Y. ,
him a cepttil the position of taiigvnt : of
IheU. iM.rnilrond.
Oao hundred and fifty men employed mi
tlie new clovutor nt tlio tran-fer Htruck
ycttterday hccnuso their cniiloycri4 [ wautvd
to nay them monthly Iti-U > ad of Hcinl *
The oxcnvatlnn for the collnr of the
now court house li In progrerH , The whole1
block will bo surrounded by a 1)03 ni ftucn
ci ht feet high and the public excluded
from the
The cane of the Orriiha National bnnk
vn. the City of Om ba , vriui fmlnhcd in the
United Btatra court yesterday , after
vhicli a rcccM v-tia taken until 2 o'cli ck.
'The iran < l jury U utlll in a-nalon.
Orrin Hlckok arrived In the
- city j cs >
tcnlny with a iitud of four fjiot bornPH ,
one of which Is "Eva , " en route to Now
Yoik to attend Muckoy'H n le. The train
from the west VYrdncfduy left lilin nt
I/mT ycRttrday , liotwecn Fifth
ml Chestnut ntre ti * , anil thu Mercy Hoi-
pitnl , a lacly'n Gold Watch ( Hunting
Cft c ) . Finder will bo imitiibly rewarded
by rttitniiiif , ' thu H.VUC to the oll're of Kod-
dU & Thrall.
. The Union Fira Insuraaco Company
nf Citlir < irnli ) , ono of the Htnunch com pa
nic * that pul l all IU IOSKOM , amounting to
more t an half n million dollirn Iu the
Chic go fire , bin been placed in thu ngcu *
cy of C. T. Taylor & Co.
Thu O.iiiih.i hoard of trade nro In
march of ciilt.iblo rooitii < , having ( jiven up
their former loc.ttlon.Vh it they nhoiild
have la a Hiildlm ; , adapted both to the
rtoce-rtititM of thu board nn I for the cat ib-
linhmuutuf ai'hamt > cr of commerce.
The Karnwt Worker * dealru to expreiM
thulr Hlnceru thank * to thoio who contri
buted HI > , liberally to their annual dinner ;
and a eoto , thulr many friemU for Ibolr
liberal patronage. Mm. W. J , Mount ,
Frc Uleut ; Mliw M. J. Truland , .Secretary.
The total Kiwtern cattle Hhlpuicntrt of
the past ncason have been U'J.lOJ head.
Tlie rtwU running Knst from thi point
tavo ab'iut etjirtlly ( Hrlilcd thu trini : < iM > r-
tatton of this imuieiuo nnnmat nf Bt ck ,
which far exceed * thut of nny previous
Anotliur one of the 0. & N. W.
was em trial in thu litrit Court yoiter-
day. The cane of Peter Clurlr , iriwl
.ycitciilay reunited in a verdict in favor ol
-the j > lnini HT for 8110 , 9117 bolng th
.a'QH'Utit originally allowed him by the
-Tho Northweitern Nat onnl , onu of
thi ) bent miaidgeil Fire Coiupanleii it
1 Amcriai , therefore onu of tha Hiifent to
Innurc iu in now iu nsency of 0. T. Tny
lor & Co. , at the old place , corner of Four
teenth and Doughi' , where Mr. Taylor hiu
Item Ioo4iteil fur twelve years.
Ouo/AlU'D in no longer in our employ
an > l we will not be reoponRlblo for nn ;
collections tiinde by hlui ,
f TUDKUAKKIl UllOS. AlrG. Co. ,
South Jionil , Ind.
\ KTL'ltr.llAKKIl & WKLCIl'i
tvcM-it St. JoH | ) h , Mo.
i N w Y ur'n nl ht will bo ccleVrntei I
. DoyiiV opera houtc by the holiday fenti
valof i he Luthcrnu tiuntlay tchoul. Th
rrolimlnarv meeting' woa held in MAM
Meyrr'tf niuulo Imll 1 mt nljjlit. Thi t Sun
day rchool In noted for brilliant , orlgltm
aidcliannlu ' holiday entertnlnineuts.
Kva L'.oyd , the notorioui woman wh
attracted no much attention from th
ncwipapcn miuie time no by roison <
\te\ay \ \ accuned df murdcilng n worn MI in
. Chicago , wan taken in again by the police
Wednesday , Old thing drunk ami ill-or
dtrly. Shu wai dlucharKed thU morning ,
Irat there teem * to be no hope of her re
form , n.-t Itbitandlns all the cff. rta made
in her I < rhalf ,
-The antiu .1 election of office n by the
Ouialia Tumvurfiii , took place Mondiy
o\-eulng , with the fallowing re ultt F , W.
Wlllr dt. Flntt Sp aVerj 0. llonacker , H c-
end Hpeiiker ; Bemlln , Flrbt Turnwarft
Kaseurwera. Second Turnwarf ; Keftlrr ,
Fint Secretary ; Chwi. Jlctr , Second Hecro-
taryT. T. Truhnut , Treasurer ! M. Saul ,
Tet'KWarfjN , Altendurf , Htandard-Iiearer ,
TriuteoD , Jtortr , Meyer , Rchrm , Nebcngln
A circular hai l > cen inued from 0 , A.
R. headtjuarteiBttt Lincoln bating that
aralod p.-npofcaU will bo reached nt thu
headqunrteni of S , J , Alexander Depart-
, Bent Comtnunder , In Lincoln , Nvbratkn ,
nutil January 21 , 1882 , from citier , towni
nd villugcv in thl * State , dealrouii of necur-
lug the location of the uext ooldten * re
union , the Mine to l > e held during the yeai
1882 , under the auaplceg of the Urund Kn
4. cciopinent of the Oraud Army of the Ke-
public for Nvbrokka , at ouch time B may
faereafter l > e do lKiiatcd.
Dr. Ainolla Burrouglui , Withuoll
nouieTuuadj | > yi _ nd Fridnj-s , 10 .
jo. to 4 p. m. tf
The Theatrical Firinnmont
Ablnco with Light.
Magniflcont rcrlornmnco of
"A Child of Stata" ub
' HplemlMi" " .Mnjrnlficint ! " wcio the
unnnlnioiu ve Alaa concerning "The
Child of The .State , " which catno from tl.e .
lip * of thcitj who were eo fortunate W d
ncadayai to Attend the prcscn ntlon of
tbis ureat drama , at Boyd' * Uper.t Htwe. .
There wfv > ; i Cna nttondnnoi but mil Mich
a ono nn the pisco diM-jrves , pliyed by that
utronsciit of utronir combination * la 1 by
Mewirs ( Seorgo Hoey anil .Tan. M Manila.
The drama nprtui in Hoi nnd whither have
tone two I'nrlflinn Kcntlemrn. "Cunnl
Maurice D'liancy , " by .IBM. M. H.mlle ,
and Uros Ilcnl , bU mend , by Mr ! cv.
They ara on a trip of pleasure and beguile
tr.o time with what to them nro inncocenl
fllr ntlon' . " ( > ertrande"t nn orphnn , nnd
hcnco n "child of thu Htato" IH uijlrl In nn
luyluui where fthc hftH been csred fur un
til she IIOH reached wnnvitihoml. "Car
liiif , " another "child f the 8 nto" ii A
lmly',4 UMid in the tcrvlce i > f Von llnl-
tn'ck , tlio chief ma iMr-ite of the city.
AH ( lertrand , there ppe.ired for the tinit
tlmit in Omulm thnt rciuarknhlp ti'l '
pnv.rfnlly nctre * * , Slijnor.i
MnliTonl. Thin lady bin already 11
rmtlnnil reputation from her part
in the " ( Jalley .Slave" and ntliur
( I atn.ix but in none IOM Mm find xo full
Kcopu fur her nrtintic reiillzi.tion of ( be
character at In "A Child of the Ktntu "
Minn Kva IVkur reurcci'iitH "Cnrllne" in
H ple.iHiiu manner nnd c rrlux he-
part exceedingly wed througliuvU
There wax a Inw in Holland In iho olden
time tlnit , a child nf iho State , beliu the
ospj' ' iiil waul of the government , Minuldbi ;
pr t'clrd , nnd thnt nny inn whn c in pro-
mined bur lief ore -hi- readied the uj'u ol
Iwi'tity-oiii ! nhould bu coiripullod tu either
honor bur with bin muni or MI ( In thu
penalty ot death. ( Jcrtrun 1 w.w tired ol
the lifu uf un orphan i ylum nnd longed
forllmily. Thu attention ! of the li.ind-
MIIIIO Count Maurlcii were tliereforu en
couraged by her to thu end that phu ml hi
U".oinu iKiittoHt ot | IH ! K"hl " ' " ' name.
Tliu count w.m iinmnr.I'M while bin friend
\viw we < tde < l to n inyhterioit por.-iuinl e
who dncri n t nppear In the piny , but wn
in i < iiioiii ] I to have been "fair , fat aud
21' , " i nd p Hio-HCil of a mont vxeni ! h
tumxT. | llefuro the ymiUL' count nnd ml
lih jio.iiti.m nnd learnuil of the hiw
fur protection of "the child of the .State"
ho hud treu eiiHiiaretl , and hod K'v'fH
( iortraiul written teatiiiiuny Kainnt. | Im-
Von Hnlmlck , thochti-f muilHtrnte ; , itn-
pcrftomilcd liy Air. H. Iti'n Uiiviun. u
well known B'lir nttor , had boenweddetl tu
l julne 11 part curried by .Mr * . J J.
1'rior , forovcr twenty yoaH"iind : thu fruit
uf their union w H a liviuitiful girl num d
Mnria , whUih chaiacterMihHKiumal'iurco
nH-uiiH-s IL trnnxpired that t u younx
count vinitcil nt the homo of the chief
mii i-triti' , and u puMHlonati ) love i etwveu
him and tbo bonutliul Mnrin opr.niK into
boiii ) ; . 1 tin wooing pr > ifrc iud favorably ,
until two IIIMV ictorx apKuicd | upon thu
: ciif , " \\'aldlor , "by Mr. MnrkM , 1'ri'C ' ,
unit hlx HOII "Chrixtiiin , " an advocate , i > >
Mr. H. J. M01-01. Christian WKM nlxo
madly in ovu with Mnri.i , and wheu bu
perceived hN rlval'ti ndvimta e , iiuincd-
ntely plnttisl to xecuru thu Intu-r'ri riiir.
For thin the girl ( ieitiand W H the uctivo
. ipi'nt. Thu C.IUIII'H Kold and namu hid
boon her firitt object , but now thut xhu caw
unother woman imtnlled in her place , thi
jealmiiy of her pa lonatc nature bfoim- :
iiflaict- , Mid ( die found xhel vcd tilt ) young
Frunchuum with her wliolo bo HX. He
tyiisli nature wax nroimed , und xhu wrote
the count , ilemaiiillng her ligliU Ho en
deavored to tuitixfy her with gold. ThU
flic Hiiurncd , though nccoiitlng for Ihu
tlmo C > eiii ( , ' , anil mude bur way to thu
luxn Ion of the clreC'iim.strain ' ( where nliu
found employment. There nho HU whnt
nho had mnpicioiicd nud lint met thu
in i ( ( iAlrutu'B daughter. In tha presence f
ho riialall of her tigerish u..turo wiu
ar u ed. Hut uho waited her Hint- , until
thu day whcli'tho betrothal pnpcr. for the
iunriuu ) uf thu yuum ; count und M .irin
woio to bo ulgnnd. An Do li ncy taken
the pen tu lix ! IH ! name tu the docu
ment , nbo fiU-prt fnrwaid nnd fiercely
pioclalinii li rielfandherrilit'undduiiatud |
to i hn poor the trold xhd hai lutxiivod iv-t u
bribe. The jjeifeut i Tliuu
KCCIIM uno f the inoit runiiirkihlB KCIJIIHH
navtud upon tlu mimic titaxe. Thu
count reel-i under the terrible den .umcut.
ilin Intended lietrotlml fall * ceiiielenii into
her muibcr'H aruiK. Von lUluduk ! x | iir-
yli/.eU by the xhook , and wh Iu WH ubeiK ,
who I * nlNoii'm it'i rale , liUfonCluiHtiau ,
It AH lleiii , and Car inu , appear upon the
HCi'iic , tlio pa rloiritu ( : trl nud h r In-
veiled lover fncu inch oilier. Thuu
it 11 thut burning w.inli of UCUIHII-
tlon nnd reciiinin 'tiou fioui botn are
exchanged. In thin hceiui It U iinpi Hiblo
to beliuvu thu : utor.H nru nut htnnd UK in
the cxict inirltlonx of tliii cU-iraclfru they
asHiimo. Thu count , with terriblu ilemin-
oiutlonn , Charon thu womiin. to do her
worxt und IllniJH dei ! uico In hurface , whilu
with cruel bate iiiul burning love miiiiii ( ! ( ,
in e\ery word and Keaturc' , Hliubitxhiu
marry her or K to thu bcairold.
Tn tliin Hcene , particularly , Wvdncxda ;
theiictiux won viiperb aud thu nudltnuu
iit lii bruathlu < H tm.ipent-e , divided on tr
fyuipiilhy f r thu mnu nnd womiin.
The third net i * a continuation of th
nccoml. Uurtruud meeU Uriin Huni , wh
IF playing u tijiUtidid part all throu lu uiu
hu einleavoni to foice hsr to yluld tht let
ter which i-hu hoi It an evidence ugiilnxt hi
friend , thu uuiiiit. While In this ultemp
the latter appears a uln , unit aiiothc
fccno of ui < rt terrible piust > iun occur
1 ctwten him nnd ihu woiimn. Aijaln cb
given him the alUriiatiioof her love n
tieiith. He madly rcfuue.s to uuiliu her hi
wifo. A jin xhu oir < iiH , nnd a aln h
Hpuriis her , und then ho delivcrd to Walil
berR the fatal letter , I'rt'pn utliim for th
couut'H xriuot nre Hindu , At the naiin
time tin a Kcnl plan" , through u hU geH
tlon of CnrUtlun , wboui he tuittc , for the
outiut'ii ccuie | to Finn P. M rh , when
nlio u'C'ivercd from her HWOOII h titenrd
tu furglve her lover and limU litiu nlreaily
under the ban of the law , Th n her pa-
ix'iitH , fraring for her life , pruiiilco to lot-
low with her tu Franco in n few months ,
ChrlHtiun limit lilmself I alllu.l . in hU
scheme , and in ul n Do leaner. They
fight and i hribtlan U killed. Thin duel
\\ednoi > day was utrangely rcaliatlc. It
WIIH no hham tight in appt-aruncu , aud a
cold vhtidder run throuxb the nudience ax
Christian fell und writhed In hla death
Htrug 1-M ,
Do Lancy IH Immediately arrentod by
\Yalilberg , who Reeks now to avenge hin
don's death. A delay Is granted , but
nothing cornea of it. Certrand U still
mercileK uud would doubtloia remain no.
Again Groi Kent play * atinaKntllceut part.
He limla nlbtttr tlnipped from the dead
ChrUtiin'N handx. It IH directed to an mi
ni arri d woman and ttlla of a child which
wan the otfupriiig of her former alliance
with Cliri U n'j I .thcr. Upon investigation
and tu hit horror he liiuU that womni tn
have bt n nee other than the wife of Von
Helmick ami the child Uertiande , who
had been left a fondling to the care of it
woman unco dead. Jle hesitates btUruu
the WOIIIIIII'B liinior nnd bin friend's life.
At lost lie dUcluMM Gortrand's identity to
he nrlf. It u in thin ncono that the acting
of .Signor * Miijoroni comex out
hi full force , At ( Irnt ainazjd ,
then ojituundeil , the finally realizes the
truth , and her uiger , lia'uiuul jealoiuy
melt away a < front before the nun. Her
mother h now her only thought. The
< dying confemdon of thu woman , who had
cirt-d for the nupposed orphan , I * fotiud
and dUcliuet addli unal pioof of the lat-
ter'a identity. Mudamo Von Helmick re.
cpgnizw her daughter , an I the womau'e
heart bnaku over her pride. A
wltneu to a clandestine murrlngt
between Wnldberg and herself ?
ai > >
l > oan. who IhwurU the former' * deter
mined revenge. Vuu Helmio forgivva lU
wife , Do I ncy in panloned , O rtrondn
K'Vc * him up to her tl-ter Muriii , ( ! roi
Itfiil nnd t'niolitu ! are un ted , nt ho hn
now ' een a widower for mnny wcekf , nnJ
the play clo w.
ll Kilc < the principal nclor * mc-ntlnnod
imHirtant | jiarti * wcro alco plnjvd ,
by Mr. I'rinkVilllnnl , who rtpri''cnln
"Illdochc " n Wi.iulerer ; l < y Mr , .F. Urn
vine , an UK It/ , " a landlord ; m.d . by Mr.
11. AIonr. % H "Carl , " fticrvnt. Two
cplen id > tngeft-ttItiK.i wer Int odnccd for
tlie first tiiiio Wt'dn-Mluy , ono being n
nuihervatnry , In winch ono coul I almo < t
tic ! ( Inwcrt aid h-rtrtho caimri s
, .
Ax a whole the * of "A Child of
State , of which .Mr. llocy IH the author
hy ada tat Ml from tin r're cb , IH theme
mo t thrilling mid p'vrttulo cr | rented
in Omaha , nnd the tcrfi rmonce Wednes
day undoubtedly trmluniivullcd nmong
the Bucioty playi" Vfr wltneMctl In thi
city. The Hoey-1'nn'j combination can
bu aMtircd of n 'ti r rnskci * from ) > ar-
to dome , hhu d I ( if rx o agnln ,
M yo's Oponinp Night
ot Boyd's.
Splendid Production of tha Trage
dy ot Roma-
Frank Mayo opened at IloulV opera
with bin uicri | ) company In the nub-
lime tragedy of Vlrginlun. The an Hence
Ann largo and appreciative nnd uiteied
ully into the spirit of the play. The
whole > utirn cast vra-t especially htrong.
J hn pruH > Mict } of expert tU ( od nctor- citi-
ztna , lictiiri , ety. , rendered the perform
ance all tlio moro real nud very nutieriur to
many uf thu previous pret'ntattoim if
llii < tlirllliuK tr.igniJy Lefure Omaha audi-
Mayo'ii iKtii > ! { thronnhoiit win superb.
He exhibited nt tbo tirt : a alight defect on
uf voice , from a c-i d prohnbly , but a * ti e
tiogedy progrcaued hu nero t'.iN of ! and
Indeed the noble Kuinan l.e
In the kt'con : ! act , xvhoro ho f'ivu hi-
elored daughter to the kctrothul of Icilius ,
( ill of the fa her'ri tcmlcrnu .leemoi to
hiirinx from bin lipn. Thu thi d act din-
eUMed MiinethiuK i f the powo uf the great
ikctor'ii plityiug , Li t it wan u t until thu
lourth and tifiliU that the full ntrength
of bin pax.iloii wan given ( rou
Hope. When he appeared before
the lustful Decemvir who hud
tonnplied with hibiuu c.ient to rob from
VirginltH hm fair daughter he wa-i indeed
teniblo In hi" pH8iou , und when the fatal
thrunt wriui given which mved hi * < la"ii- !
tor's honor , but took he- life , ha tent o
thi ill through the house which showed how
yreut uiutlie realize iun avvukenod. a > ut
hU crowning triumph wan in tha closing
ct. it was Yirginiuy , Indeed , in < ne , nnd
the muttoringa and ravinga ioapr ! d by
Inn w.tuduring uiind were ktrangfly luul.
In the priHoii , where OCCIKH the hiial
rceuv , the madman who htranglvd tlie
tyrant Decei vir to ilcuth and then hlnkH
into thu grim deHtroyer'x nrmt himself UK
the luiheH of bin lioloved daughter nru
placed befora him , hO"invd to be
iiiinu oilier lut the man who li'id
limn wrcakeil dire vengeance ,
An n whole , Muyu'.i DeifuriiKinc-
has r rely , If OV T , been equa'oJ ' UIK > U the
boardn in thin city.
lliu ntr.iii nui.irL | given throiu'hoi t by
\lr , K.iiifuci1 , IM JciliuMr. ; . Frank , an
hiiciuirt ; Mr. Koritberg , as Di-utatuii ; Mr.
Ahr mlt , itii X < imitoriouMMe ; srH. rlnntrr
.uid Hlakf , im AppliiM Cl'idiuH und Vibu-
htniiH , Oocemriri < ; Me * * . Malone ami
, H CriiiK Clnndiui ) nnd Marcim ;
Laura Cl neean Virginia ,
r of Virginiun ; MrK. K , J/ .
Davenport. a * S rvia , her IIIUHI- ;
MiiiM nl. M dden , as ) u female nlave ,
MOBHIX. Obcr Burton and ThompKon u-
i itizeiiH ; und . . Wodtt-ika , OH fintt nol-
ilier , WOH KHpouialiy Ktnntf , and can hardly
bo criticized , except at the expanse of ef
fort. Mia < Clancey , at Virginia , in vor >
lie uliful , but nbe neenm t lack nomowhat
in emotion , being at times piumive , nnd
nonlining henvlf mure to i eel tation of her
linen llmu the freedom of n.itural speech
nnd action. As a whole , however , the
} > lay gave unbound-id ratiafactinn , and
duuioiiittrated that. Majo nnd bin company
nrn Indeed all that U claimed for the 11.
Tliis evening thin auperb company p n-
K nt. with all Locke'fl original witch
iniisic , Shake.ipearf'rt wondeifnl "Mac-
ntitli. " Mr. Atayn amumos the rnle of
Mavbuth. in which ho in ( Dually a * h'ghly '
Npokentif ax in bin other xtrong diameter * .
A largo uudlence alto Kruutod thd Cart-
land-Murray tnuipi at tlio Academy of
Mtiftiu labt evening tu witncHH the play of
"Cumillp , " in which cli.ractcr the liern-
hanlt Iris iniido herself HO fnnmux. b\
( iraco Cartliind as mined thia role b
evening " ' ll manner which won for her the
pi niditH of the whole audience nnd
Htrenxthcued thu hold Hhe ix furt wenving
upon the admiration of thoao who have
been HO fortunate KR to Kee her thin week.
The htory of Camilla id the Htory < f the
wotimn in tlm narrow , ncluah , luxur'oiM
clrcloH uf 1'iirid. The protegu of adukooml
bin roporlod mUtruHH , with a circle of
dlsHiilutu ft-ienda , compoM-ol < f fmliioniiblu
people of lit le or n' < cbikrnctvr ; in tliix
atmoHphere lived Cnniiile , nnd her char-
.10 ! cr uiu hlowly being moulded and
tainted by hiThurroiiudingH , Amldxt thin
crowd tthu baipeuH | to meet u man to whom
hbo bfcomen en morcd , nnd who , by di"
oaiinv bin Inye for his mother nnd i-Ntrr ,
Htundi ubove thu others of tliH gid 'y '
throng. Ho leturni hrr low , hut , nlnn ,
the liunier. f social cnitein between them ,
( lien followri 'bo xtrusglo of her Iff ,
Atlltctinn li dn to hncrilico , n"d Hicrific * '
bringH Hurrow. Tlie attempt to liyo down
the character the world guvn her is tliu
Htrugjle of the drama , t tided by her mar-
tjrduni to pure olfictlon and uimellUb luvi
with dtath.
Uracj Ciutluml , in thin character
WAR all that could bs asked even by th HO
who Imvu teen the neerlens French nc.trus
wlio to lately elect ! Iliud thu American con
ti'ient. A finished elocution faultier
decUmatlon , and great burnt * of iianhioi
hewed her perfect mastery of tha
nrt of concealing nrt , which conic
nnly to the true actor o
nctroxH , "During nil her jwnlon In Camllle
Minn U.irthuul never allowed bur tondei
Hem tu lif concealed , and hence the am1
If nee never tired. Bhe moved thu ver
ilepthu of the | heart , und the liu < t nai
scene stirred ftlie audience with Hilen
horror an the Bluntly face of the i u id w.i
turned toward them ,
The ntron playing of John Murray , n
Annaml Duval , can admit of notlilng bv
cummcmUtlon and adiniU of little orit
IcUin. All of the support wo * very vtrout ,
aud iptve the deeply on ntional play
finUlied iierfectnesn , whlo.i few troup.gca
cUIui and fewer deserve.
You ore lck ; well , there in lust ono reme
dy that will uure you beyonil pomiibiUty or
duubt. If it' * Liver or KIduoy trouble ,
Conmnnptlon , DyspcpHln. Debility ,
' Wfll'H Health llonewer" IH your liope.
81. Dnigglut Depot , C , F. Qaodnwu ,
Omaha. ( ! )
I cm olloriiig n line of tlinsu
goods nt figure ! which I know will
umnzo und astonish you. Call nnd
BOO them. W. M. BUSHMAN.
Moro gooda , choice mid oed iu
quality , received nil the titno ut
. A , B. nUBBKHANN'S , nnd sold nt
I well known popular pric ,
Into Which Kiimoy and Enloy
Jumped , Out of the Fry
ing Pan.
They Are Nnllrd to the Cro i nt
N little lnt has lxn felt In the
prngrew of Iho cft-ie ngain t Luke Kinney
nd lnn I fnley , who were nrroattxl here
on Monday tilght on the charxv of liur-
glariilng tbo jK.stoflicc vault at .Sheldon ,
Indiana. .Sherilf CVgrocc had workwl
liii up well , nnd came to Clinton ,
I wo , anne J with the necccfuiry roquh- !
tlunn from ( Nr. I'orter. There he found
tbt t o of bin men had flown to Nebraska
and foil wed them here , with what
h already known ,
At I o'clock ycftcnl.iv afternoon the
p Ih nor.H Yntilirou ht before tliulgo Chad-
wick on a' will of hubcan corpus , the
round upon which tlie application wax
made being thr\t the police Judge hn 1 no
Jurisdiction in the n'nttcr nnd cmild not
commit the p Unncra to the county jnll.
The priHnnern were brought into court by
Jailor Miller. C. U. licdick , I'N'i. , and
Walter Dcnnet' , KM | , , appealed for the
pit onorn , and I > > htrict nUornvy Ilnruhani
and I'ritcbett Hi Crowcll for the otliecn.
Thu npiilicnllnu wan denied nnd on giv-
in nn opinion the judge mid that ho fear
ed the prlviUgcHof the habt n corpus right.
we e I ) lug alitiHcd , and mich nttempi
i > houJ I bo clucked. Tlio prisoner * were
thereupon remanded to the county jail ,
Tliu counsel for the defendant then
made preparation * to bilng the prt ! > -
morn before the courts again on
ii new writ. expecting to ap-
pc < > r before Judge Havago nt 11 n ,
in. tr-dny. In the meantino : , ( ! ov.
I'nrter hid tclegrniilird n reply to th" dis-
p.itch pent l > y Shcrilf Cxurovn for
i equleltlon paper. ' , saying that he Would
bavu tn hnvo the rtgular ) npein before
him , litrforc be coil d ixtuu a new icquM-
tion , nnd the SberilT tcl Rrnphcd hi
Deputy in Kort Wyno to forward the
neCfAtnry pajieM to Indianauolix.
Ho then went before the Uuitod Stittc
comn iraionwrn and caui-cd new pnpent to
bsir.adu , nriebting thu partlen for rob Ing
the pontofiicL" , auil had thuy been rrUajtd
by Judge L'hatl'.vick ypBterday afteruoc.u ,
tiiov would bavu been renrrc.itcd inimvdl-
Tiiis moriiiiig the two burglars wcie
takru bffnro Jungu lieneke and a thor
ough examination into thi * pnpeiH
under which they were held wan in-titutwl
mill they were found to bo perfect. In
order to prevent any further delay , how
ever , bin timu lieitig tno aluablc to wiwte
heru Sheriff Co irove ! turne < l bin priiouers
over to the United Stntcn ollicerd , Deputy hnl Allen. xrreHting them on a war
rant from the United StatpH comniWonvr ,
who fixed the t me for hearing their CJMU at
1 o'clock p. m. to-day
Sliei-itf CoHgrove will h-avo the city with
hid prl-oneiu noon NH poH.-dblo und accom
pany them as far iw Chicago , as guard ,
Special Agent Furay going through as
ileputy marshal. From Chicago thoBherilf
Hill iciufu to St. ? ul , Minn , to arrest
n man named Kreitchcr , who is changed
with with one of the most outrngcoux
rob crie * everconimltted iu Indiana. He
with two utlierH entered the IIOUHJ of nn
" ] d lady , over Huvunty yearof age , in
Fort Wayne , chloroformed lur heavily
and went hroiigh the hoiiHO , carrying oil
between 91700 and 81,800. KreitcherVi
two palB have already nceu arrortted , tried ,
convinced , und nnd nan tenced to long terum
in the pen ! 'cntiarv , nud after much bar
work , SherilT i ojgrove finally run down
the principal . < t Ht. 1'itul , where he now
Hex iu jail awaiting n t niufer to Fort
The heriff IH a holy terror to criminal * )
' ml , although frtill quite n young man , loin
th u thirty yearn ot itge , is making a mark
that might be JiiTlid by men twice bis
Those languid , tircaomo BonnationB ,
causing you to fool scurcoly able to bo
un your foot ; that constiiut drain that
is taking from your Bystoin all ita
elasticity ; driving the bloom from
your chcuka ; thut continual strain up
on your vital forces , rendering you ir-
ritnblo and fretful , can easily bo re
moved by the use nf that trmrvelous
remedy , Hop Bitters. Irregularities *
and obstructions of your system nro
relieved at once , while the special
cmiHo of periodical pain in permanently -
ly removed. Will , you hoed this ?
[ Cincinnati Saturday Night , decl-13
Opera House Shoo Store.
of all ui/.es all set in the latest of de
_ _
Watclioa of all kinds , gold nnd sil
ver nt W'lHFl'LB it MuMlL'LANB.
HOSI'E sells motto frames for 20c.
HOSI'E soils 8x10 frnmea for ICc.
HOSPK sells 24x30 chromes for 85c.
UOS1 E sells 22.\iO : paintings for
HOS PE sells engraving from gl.CO
to gU 50.
HOSPE Bella organs from $ f > 0 up.
HOSI'E sells pianos from 160 up ,
JlOSl'E sells mtrrora cheapnat u
town. d7-tf
As cheap us the cheapest at Mchol's ,
Now liaising , Figs , Datew , Citron
and Lemon Pool and other dried fruits
of 1881 , nt J. I. Nichol'fl. duc7-2t
owners of MILOII COWS. Th
STAR feed , nianufacturod by us , pro
ducu's abundant milk nnd rich croani
Try it. 1'OLANO * O W YEll ,
decSthCt 1413 Dodge struct.
Two Dry Good a Clerks wanted n
Guild & Mclnnia * . Gorman nn
Swede preferred , 1603 north IGt
street. doc8-2t
No end to novelties in ties , hand
kerchiefs , etc. , at W. 31. Bushman's ,
Do not fail to see the largo , varied
und choice selections of suitable goods
which are
" "FANS ,
nnd a full assortment of fine iunn-
AND DOLMANS ; also many now
nnd desirable goods.M. .
Oreightou Block.
Snvo Money , Buy of Kurtz.
( Soo. H. .Icwclt arrived Wednesday
from Sidney.
M. I' . Converses arrived home from the
wc t Wcdncudiy.
Itobcrt 1 ! , Str.ihoru nrriycil home from
Denver Wednesday.
W. It. I/or ng i.i in from hU Wyomlii ]
cattle ranchcH on n visit to old fricmU.
Will. T. Walker , editor'of The 1'yth
inn Journal , Indianapolis , in In the city.
V. M Came , general freight ngcnt of
the U. 1' . , anived from Denver Wcdnes >
C. F. Hatch , ffoncral Mipcrintcndcnt of
the Omaha ft St , 1'nul railroad , is iu the
Dr. Stone , president of the Kt.xlo Medi
cal a.woclalloii , left for Lincoln on the
noon train yen crday.
Waller Her , who has been In Omaha on
a brief vMt , left on Wednesday' * lr.iln for
hti homo at Trinidad , Col.
iTosor. Lcwh has returned from n trip to
Dakota'a. lie tliinkn It a
hard ountry as compared with the Oar-
den State.
Hon. W. C. S nderi > , otate trenHurer of
Colornib , and Mr. ( ! PO. W. JJobert- ! ,
formerly of thin city , called at THK UEB
ollice ycHterday.
Jamus M. llnrdie , of the Hoey-lliirdie
combinatiuii , wax the leading man in the
Academy of MIIMC under Cjri V manage-
mint iu ' 69 and ' 70.
Kx-City Mawlwl UvlnliHnlt left the 7th
for Omnha. 'the tcit wishcH of many
friends go with him. Ho haH ina'Io an ei-
ccllent dfricer nnd u firt-clnw citizen.
Yankton 1'rem.
Oov. John U. Kinkeacl , of Xcvadn ,
cast Wednesday on his wiiy tu
, 1 lo report * the mining pros-
> ccU of Ncvndn on the boom again , and
[ > rdtct n ftill richer yitld of the "pre-
cioiu" than ever l > ef ro.
AR a rule wo do not recommend
[ xitcnt medicines , but when we know
> f ono that really is a public benefac
tor , und docs positively cure , then wo
consider it our duty to impart that in
formation to all. Electric bitten arc
truly a moat valuable medicine , nnd
will surely cure Biliousness , Fever
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney
complaints , oven where all other rem
edies fail. We know whereof we
speak , and can freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold ut 50 cents a bottle.
Ish & McMahon. (7) ( )
The celebrated Wilson Bro's tine
shirts nt the Opera House clothing
store. docO-3t
Broruptonica the Boss cough Phys
ic. See card in another column.
dec. 2-tf.
Certainly it would seem as if the
moulders and painters of ancient
Venice and the Modiiuval ayes hud
sprung to life and renewed their
youth. Thia was the thought in our
mind this mom , as wo stood view
ing some of the rnro Venetian Glasses ,
Plaques , nnd Grecian ornaments ,
vases , statuettes , and bronzes , which
adorn the interior of BURN'S China
Palace. Ssch a "raro and radiant"
collection of articles of vortu was
never before seen or offered for sale
in thia thu sunrise city of the wont.
The White Sewing Machine Co.
have removed their salesroom to No.
121 , N. Fifteenth street. The room
formerly occupied by the Wheeler and
Wilson Co. dec. 3-Ct.
Come nnd BOO my stock and com
pufo prices. Fine now jewelry store ,
southeast corner of Eleventh nnd
F-irnham. d7-9t
Wm. Nevo sells jewelry 25 per
cent lower than any house in Oumlm.
Masks Gold and silver braid ,
spangles und friiico for solo at Mrs.
W. B. Wood , Masonic block , 210 ,
North Sixteenth street. dec7-4t
has recently opened n furniture und
repair room on the northeast corner of
Thirteenth and Dodge streets , where
ho is prepared to do all kind ? of fur
niture repairing , carpenter , oflico and
atoro work on short notice. Ho also
deals in now and second-hand furni
ture. dcc2-(3t (
WAXTKD. A tow moro good active
reliable purchasing agents to sell the
liyht running Domestic sowing ma
chine. For terras address , W. D.
Womack , general traveling agent ,
Omnha , Nobraoka. Nltf.
See our now and elegantly designed
chains , WIUI-I-LK & MCMILLAN.
Greater inducements now being
ollered than over before. Sco the
bargains in dress goods , silks , satins
and cashmeres , particularly.
dec8-2t W. M. . BUHHMAX.
Mr. J. Waddle , the popular harbor
desires to announce to his inanj
friends that ho has re-opened his shop
on the corner of Sixteenth and Web
ster streets , underRoodor's drug store ,
where he will ho pleased to moot his
many customers. d-3-s-m-w.
That you ! can buy an elegant SILK
DOLMAN or CLOAK at a figure
which will he to you better tlian a
surprise party ut
dec8-'t W. M. BUSHMAN'S. '
Look out for the Shoo Fly
Look out for the Shoe Fly.
On and after Monday , December 12th ,
the S. C. & P. will run n through
tmin for Sioux City , leaving Council
Blull * utmvven forty , and for all points
iu Northern Iowa nnd Southern Da
kota , For further information apply [
to J. H. O'BKYAN ,
S. W. A. ,
oc8-12t Council Bluffo , la.
WANTED A young lad to learn the
dry goods business.
GUILD & McIiooH.
d8-2t C03 n. 10th at ,
Army Orders-
Orders No. 70 , current series , from
headquarters Sixth infantry , assigning
Recruit Robert W. Skollield , to com
pany G , Sixth infantry , is approved ,
The commanding oflicor at Kort
Douglass , Utnli , will Bond Recruit
Skolfield to tliu station of his company
on tlio first opportunity ,
Hospital Steward II. S. Fletcher ,
U. S. A. , having reported nt thone
headquarters , in compliance with par-
ngrnpli 2 , special orders No. 2-10 , cur
rent ncrics , adjutant general's ollice , is
ussjgned to tltitynt FortOmnlia.Nob. ,
relieving Hospitnl Stnwnrd T N.
Gunn , U. S. A , who upon being re-
liuvrd , will report to the commanding
olTicer nt Fort Fred Stocle , W. T. , for
duty , with porniiesion to delay ten
days en route.
Dr. Kin 's Now Discover- Con
sumption is certainly the grc.itcut
medical remedy over placed within ( ho
reach of sutluring humanity. Thou
sands of once helpless sutferera , now
loudly proclaim their praise for thi.t
wonderful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does it posi
tively cure Consumption , but Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay
Fever , Iloaraonesa and all affections of
Iho Throat Chest nnd Lungs yiolda
at once to its wonderful curative pow
er as if by magic. Wo do not nsk you
to buy n largo hottlo unless you kno > ?
what you aso gutting. Wo therefore
earnestly request you to cull on your
druggists , ISH it MoMAiiox. and got n
trial bottle free of cost which will con-
! nco the most skeptical of its wonder
ful merits , and show you what u regu
lar ono dollar nizo Iwttlo will do. For
sale by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( )
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dyspop-
' - ' - ' wtion and heartburn.
AtC. V.
PEARLS or run DKEI * 45c.
FAVOUITK.S : : 25c.
docG-3t AT WM. GE-VTI-KMAX'S ' ,
Mi s Louise ( Jarstmo , teacher of
vocal and instrumental music in St.
Barnabas pariah pchool , dcairca a
limited number of private pupils
Address , St. Barnabas rectory. lOtf.
Opera House Shoo Store. dStfita.
ONKV TO LOAN Cell at L wOlflc of D.
M L. Thomas lloom 8 Croichton 131oci.
CF A AHA ' ° 'oan ' a' 'rora 8 to 10 per cent
OOl'.wU" on seed real estateaccurlty , by
lilt. ISAAC EDWARDS 1101) Karnham St.
O LOAN At 8 per eontlt-
terest In gumxot 83,600 and
, for 3 to D years , on Ant-class city and
( arm property. DKUIS HBUL ESTATH and LOAN
AOKNCT , 16th and Douzlcn Kts.
\A7'ANTED Day hoard In private fnmlly. Ad-
YV dress , J. II. Hh w , V. O. Box B'-iS. ( ( SO 10 *
Sltua Ion In Home kind of bUHl-
neai ork , hw hot l vvpcriencc. Can
ich n peed ref urtncoq. Wagis no object at Mn > t.
Ad < ] c.i , NeVirord , tcaadinavlan hotel , Omaha ,
NOJ. C780'
- practical ocnl for U
wo t rn towns , fontccl work hltf pay. Caller
or address , J. V. DEVOKK ,
1015 Caplti.1 Avenue ,
61S-0" O'linha ' , Nob.
ANTED Firat-class barber at Ham'l Corn-
W Held , No. 000 16th fit. CT'-tf '
ANTED A ( tow ! conk. Mrs. Howard U.
W Smith. N. W. Cor.'JlstanJ Davenport.
, 70-tf
A Rood cook. Boindua > ian ulrl
WANTED . Apply nt Hotel . vnmaik , llth
street. tM3 9'
' . Furnlulled room ith board for
WAN'lF.D ! and non , 10 years o'd ' , in private
family , centrally located. UcfcrenccK rxcbang-
cd. Address , K. V. 31. , Omaha Bee otlkc.
\T7 ANTF.U lloom and bo rd by man
V V and wife. Ilcfureucctj i xchanyw ) . Ad-
dreaa X , , lleoolHce. 668-tf
Olrl to do housework. Knqulro
WANTEIi Farnham Ht. 442-tf
Fimdlru. brldn nndwhool honda.
WANTED Clark , ndlavue , 86-tf _
KENT A store 22xTO , fitted for grotcr
F3K and lry goods. Apply
' Nek.
OS4-21' Wavorly ,
REST Furnishedandiuifurnlsh'drooms ,
FOR Bide 17th tit. , bet. Doujlas nnd DodRe.
077-1U *
HKNT 1'iirnliilicd room In a private
EilOlt 1 , 1 llock from the U. 1' . depot , loll S ,
Ilt > i8t.forlor2entlciion. | ! . 075-0"
' H'torv houw , 7 rooim , cMlnr ,
EORHUX'I cistern , SIS per moata. J221 N ,
IKth St. U3M3 *
FOP. RENT A [ ple.iKkit front rrom , nely
furnlihcd Southwest conitr luth and Hi.
Mary's avenue. 003-15"
KENT House of 6 roc < nn on 14th ,
FOH . Clilenjo and Caw. Apl'ly at C. K. Coii
Hill nnd Casn SU C72-3 *
KENT-Flrht-elws dwtllinp lionso wiHi
TpOH rooms , at JttO per mouth. Inquire at coi
ner 27thand Unnilnp St. 60S Itf
RENT-Funilshed riom. nt No. BOO 10th
FOR . , bet. UitM and Callloniia. fir
I710U KENT FurnUhe'l rjODi.SjOI'arnlirmrt. ,
JL1 bet. 10th and 17th t. l ft B
HENT FurnUlua room , at COT : North
FOR 01812North
1/ihSt. 018-12
HKNT CoitOK ) ) on 17th Si. , bu' , JiiVs.n
andllrownclllUlt , D.W-tl
HENT A MI * nr bltiKlo rc B' , nicely
FOR , ut X. W. cor. 'A th wil I ) veil
1011 IlKNT Iletn * tier L. V , Moreo rttrc
F 15U l > odq ) . 657-12
A nnt-rl u h Ute society pur-
EKHKNT IViitrtJIy located , for particulan.
enquire Kvnuu llron. , Uth luvi Uouitku tit * .
( X54-U
TnOR KENT One parlor o * t.'round floor ami
JP one rb iaber luntlsouxly ( urnlnhed , 9111
CallfornUSt. 663 If
T7IOII RKNT-Ftoro and dwelling with lit Uuge
_ L rtonaicorner 12th uid Chicago Half .
mile Irxm ajiy' other n Uon ttore , TIMOTHY
1710)1 ) LENT Be\cn4 flr.t data rooisa at A. A.
J } UlhHOnX California Ht. , bet , Uth und 1 th.
urnllcmon preferred. Firat-clitubcardinKhouse
In same block. 020-10'
filOUlll'NT ' Alter lcr. ai.Noi. 213. 215 and
L' ' . ' 17 , South ISlh at.VU. . I ! . HOWES. 1W8
Caj > Hol auMiua.
OK IlENT-lVnilthcdroomwIthclosct.
E location. SiieotlUH , IJumlrust Y. M.
C. A. 611-tf
TjlOH IlKNT Nicely rumlslicd rooun , 1117
J ; llowanlSt. 02s-S
TOU IICNT Niw Iiouno of 7 rooms , 10th and
JJ Grace StB. Eiiqulic E. V. Smith. CSl-tl
RENT 3 rooms , at northn cit corner 20th
FOR Doughn 8U. 0 7-9'
RENT Hotii * . 4 room , Bouthrnd 10th St.
FOR Enquire J. L. McCumic , oppo lt Post
Offlc .
171UR RENT lloom , furuUhrdur
I1 8. W. corm 116lh md Howard.
11 KNT A Milt ol lurnlshwl to uns , j-stlor
.1 ? and two b droom , Meo n inplo rcoin. Chi-
< wro street , between 14th : . 15th , cvntro lirlck
home. < ! >
"T710K Iir.NT-IarjfoliMii ! moylunUlic.l , buck
.1 : purlor ; Mw ( rent room hcconil ftory brick
liouji , 1013 Outi strcxst , t. doors wtt uf utti.
"Tion llRNT-FurnUhml rooinf , north ! do ot
JL1 TJillforiiU St. , al door wc t ol 2l t. Innulro
ittter 1 p. in. _ 4ii.t (
HKNT 2 utory hou , 8 rooms , 4 Unf
J : flo tf. ; also , ft barn UiUslreJ. S1S3 Daren-
port Bt. 4" . '
HKHT S luriuiljt-d rn iii oior Mw-
thmia1 RiehJini ; , N. K. ccr. ICUi and UO.IM
t.lOK SAT.K-.U ft barRVn , n. my nlw Uo-
I ? Mated canl e. New Yen. I'l'y m.ikf.
jiuuly n .w. Addrcm , I1 , ( t. llox SfiO , OS - . . *
17(011 ( SAM A ( food pUno , rr vould cxchantu
1 fer city property and pay differ * ncu Call
414 H. 13th Ht. 074-13"
FOH SAI.K f.irgo InhlnuM.lot onltruiie. Bt ,
uiublo for wliolo.MlliiK. John U Me
Ojip. I' . 0. OS1 tl
TTWI ! SAUK-A R3oJ Bcun ycixr-otd her
L WurrnnUxl to drive klnjilo or double. Kn
< | Ulro ot GvorKO CanHi Id , * ' nfhlil houw.novl8tl
TilOIl MALhtmo l > r(8 | cook nuico and on
1 } parlor net of7ple < XTi. L. K. Maulnn . , . AU'r .
j-rclshton llloek. City.
FOR SAI.K Two second hund engines In llmt-
rlaM condition , onu 2511. 1' . ami one 6 11.
1' . Knqulrc Omaha foundry uno Mnuhlno Co.
Oil SA1.B Tciira tfood I ) ldc , chew ; at Itwl
Jtarn HthJJt. orjl-tf
203-tf nSTAIlUOOK & COR.
J1UR BAI.K JUtw of DoUftlnK and Harpy out.
! tie * . A. BOBEWATEIl.UMFnrnhaniHtroa
2roferenica ftnd.Mlth Sli > 0 to $ lr > cash
would like to no In partnership in some iH
ud business , br to tuy need ( , pn\ln b , E. K. , Ue oUicj. t7tf-10'
TOST Black and tin pup , S months old , hulr
J quit * lonjf answers to the nnma of zip.
FlradollnrHrewiirJ ( or return to LIM ollice.
033-10 * JOSKl'H I1AKEU.
mAKKN WXOTICB-Tttkcn upon S.tuntay
.L See. 3rd , twoliay horses , nyta about 5 MM !
0 joara ; ( air \zc \ and will matched. Owner can
ro fiauio by proilng property nnJ iniUut
chanriw. WM. UAWITZKK , J mill ) west o }
Quolcy's tx p factory , louxlo pieclnc t.
061 re in 6t
ASIAN Of 8trit bnslnoa hullt * , with SMOln
cnah , would like to ItiTCBt In uomo cetabllsh-
d bunincufl where bo can work on ral&ry. Ad-
tlrcna lor two wcckn , I ) . L. liortui , Port Cnlhoun ,
N b. U35-U
rr .rtv HIOUX CITY nurroN
_ L INO CO. , Will jwy cftfh lor horn * by thecar-
looddeiverut ] at anv Mllroa < l depot In H out City.
Tewvj k' horn preferred For rjarticulnm m | .
OrtM. , D. C. Hoblo , Supt. tm-jt
York ) ilculn-fl n situation wlwru lib wrvlct
would bo required. No objection to going wmt.
Aildran A. Diode , " tire U. ( JoMbtoiu , t ouiicll
DlulTH , Iowa , dec 1-et
IN CRAYON 1'utilo Rtid OH.
FHTKAITS l iKilmlnjf. MKS. I ) . It.
WAKDNEK , room 1 , Jiwob'd Illock. 542-U
NOTICE Special advertisement * , such M
Loat , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent ,
Want" , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thU
column at the low rate of TEN CKNT3 1'KR
LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS
PER LINE for etch subsequent InFcrtlon.
Leave adv crtlscmcnta at our office , up Ulr ,
corner Droodwty aod Main streets , Council
TT10US ALB First-class ualoon 1 i mll 3 en t of
J.1 city on "Mo qulto , " on line of R. I. It. U.
Uood f'.cift to make money , Address ,
UKX Ofllco.
decS-flt Council Blaffi ) .
EOK SALE. A base burner i-tovo nearly new.
Kiiquire of J. Y. Fuller , Hooin li" , Kvcntt's
block , Couucil lluff . ( kc7 U
EOUR fresh ro\rs for -nlc , warranttxlooit (
inilkere , gontlonnd freofrum vicious habits
I'rlco fr mtlOto t'55 , Incltidlni ; calf. See or ad-
dre.HK. . Alii atth , Council lilulTrf. ilec5 It'
F.vcrbody in Council Itlulla tote
WANTED DEK , 20 rents pr ucek , dc
llvercd by carriers. Ollii'O cwner Broadway tuwt
Main , up Btalpi. Council UluffH. ( Hi'J-tf
WANTED-To purcha o Bvo blookM ot Ipto
with or without Impcoiement' , in n line
runnlni ; south vommencinx at Ilroaduav , cither
BI o of ( J. A ; N.i . dep < t. Adilrv8 Terry. , In
raru ol TllK HIIK < Oltv , ( touncll IlUifT -
Iowa Hk
"VTOTIC'K Yoiutin ( ? et tlw quickest and. l
1N pirtitr a I your chJVdrtn , tic. liy pr.tron
Mng tinrkoV excelsior tpllcry mar j ont otlkc.
Council Hlvitfn , OH ho IIFLH the new Insmi Vneiim
pro < e * < . Urd u and HenMc fare allowed *
ladles. tit . o. J.
Affcntt 4o ca
WANTED \ ' - In tbo country. .ViUlr
C. IS. . lk-oollk-u , CouniS Uluffi , _ MovJ-tf
BAI.K lIorBO tu gy nnd lmr - i , li eun
FOIl cnsli. AdcJruM W. 11. U. , Ituo < J Ace
Couacll Ulullx. Jfor * at
I tickets contlniKu to boom. L itniciV , ent l
tow rat H to nil jiointii. 3 > irf tkket
( jMtniiUiHl , Ordeu Ailed by tvhnhaniii From
oao to tun dollars i-ivt-d by pmshul'y tickets
of U. A. I'ot'.cr , aucwssor to 1'ottun i llru ) Utr | Kn.
U > South Fifth Ktriet four doors bulot4
, thi < ] > o t-
olHcy , Council lU'iffn. ' lou-a. oUiu-tf
A NTKD liiy , with . poiiyK to , w ry
W Inquire ft 6K otilcc , "Councii lliutls.
To buy 100 tons I jroom corn ,
WANTED , * addro * 'i ' > jniicil Klutl *
13room Factory , Council Ulu.'ft , ID * a.
WANTKD-A firat-clam b xa tier.
& Co. , Couiicll niiiflilovj . > . tier.MO SO *
SALE-Old papers Wei , vr hundred , n |
The I ! < olHeu. CounjilJUV .flu.
TlONAliIST , 403 Ten4).3. eet , between Farnham
and Hiuney. Will , wlfc ! the aid of Runrdlan
spirit 84. obtain foraanor aaRlanro At the pmt
and pa-fflcnt , nud outount tn condition. ! in tliu fu
ture. Boots and HJ oo ' jj io to order. Pcrfeoi
< itlf
Absolutely Pure.
Unto from Or p Cr ko Tartar. No other
nation nuke * uch light , flky hot breadi ,
ururioiu putrr. C n be * u > ii bj DyfpepUo
rlU-out teu of theul * rotultli ? from heavy
d. Bold oclr In OLHI , by all Oroctn
Htnr Vofk.