0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : EH [ DAY DECEMBER 0 , 1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Proceedings of the Regular Mooting of the Oity Council , Capture of n M > m About to C pen n New Criminal Industry. Minanllnneou * Now * from This Pntt of the Slope. TIIK 01TV COUNCIL mot again in extra icasion WuJiicsnay evening. On call of roll the innyor mul Alilcrmun Dawnon , Fotidn , CKnrcl.Hl , Kcllur , Spotman , Cavin and Untlmnk responded. Mr. Keller ic- marlcod'tlmt Mr. Cavin had sorno doubts . to whether ho could longer act with this august boJy officially , as ho was no longer a citixon of thu ward ho Imd the honor of roprcflontitig. Tlio mayor thought the matter should at once bo referred to City Attorney Holmes , ttho after deliberation arose mid in n dignified manner proceeded to render nn opinion. The purport of which was that when nn alderman ceased ( o rcflido in the ward from which ho was chosen , ho could no longer represent the ward in which ho formerly resided. Keller -wanted to know if it didn't make a difforrnco when it was an adjourned meeting of the body. Mr. Holmcn again arose and explained that when on alderman ceased to reside in the wan ] from which hn had boon chosen ho could not legally represent said ward in the city council. The mayor said thai hu thought that Mr. Gavin wan of the same opinion , Mr. Citviii ATOJO , and , in a voice that told of the emotion within , stated that ho had1 boon compelled to move his family from the ward which ho had had the honor of representing. In .1 very neat speech ho returned bis heartfelt thanks to the mayor and council for the courtesies extended sincp ho had ncUid with thorn for the upbuilding ( if their chi.son city. A motion was made t > > proceed to elect an alderman from the First ward.- Mayor V uglian presented the fo'luwiiig candidates : William Siedom , Hon. Oeorgo Carson , ,1. L. Formali. John IJeno , Joseph lloea , .Tamos Wick 1mm and lloport. Ituin. Aldurm xti.Gnl vin moved that tho'mat- inattor delayed until thu next meeting. Gavin's motion being seconded , a bal lot wim tukuii , remitting in a t.io vote. Thu mayor cunt his vote in favor of an immodiiito b.tllot. An informal ono was taken , which resulted as follows : M. . Hniwn 2 J. 1 . VVicklmm 2 Frank Ouitnellit 1 George Carjoti 1 Thu first formal ballot resulted in the ET.KOTIOX OK HOIII'.HT I'.AIK to fill the vacancy caused by Gavin's removing from the First ward. Petition of Bell Glover , signed by Gucipachor and others , for a saloon on Lower Main street , was presented , and on motion of Alderman Unthank , was referred to police committee to Toport nt the next mootinir. Aldurmnn Dawson , chairman of the commititec on tire , reported that woll- diggora wanted $8 per day to sink the tire well on Main street , and suggest ed that a committee ho appointed in addition with power to act * o doter- niino the niza of the well or whether it would not bo moro practicahlo to have two smalt wells instead of ono large one. , On motion ot Alderman Unthank uids for constructing thu now ongiuu liousu nt the junction of Third and Fifth btrc-ctc , woio received. . P. D. Moom.nv bi'iug thu lowest bidder the awarded him. On the matter of piling kf r the foundation. D.VTSOII rnovod that a committee of five be ap pointed to decide what shall bo done in this direction and report at the next meeting. , ' 1'1'u rei oit of the destination of the finmll-p < > x house was received. The committee stated that the sumo wan fired without their onnsont and before they hud time to doliburabo upon what couiuo to take in the promises. Mr. Vuttuhun remarked that it was thu vrorkof an inrendiiiry , and ho would give § 25 for his photograph. An ortli.uiiicorirn passed extending the firu liiuiU of the city. % Thu to loiving usolution was pro- BunU'd and petfood unaniniotisly. \Vhureus , It has become nccmary for Aldunnan T. E. Gavin tr > resign lti ofllco as nn aldurmiui of thu city on account ot his removal from the First ward into tha Third ward of the city ; therefore bo it Resolved , That wo regret that we art > thus compelled to never our of ficial relations wli oh have nlwaysl > oei of the ln'flt kind and with u view foi the bent intcreet of the city , honestly advocated and exorcised in matters 01 public intvrr.st to the city coming be fora the council for transaction , am wq lope | our personal rolatioiiH maybe bo niuiutniiiud in the future as the : have' ' been in the put , us friendly am courteous. The mayor c.illed attention to tin great number of . , HOLD AND D&IIINO HOU1IKUIKH being committed in this city by con fidencfi men and others , as indicatec liy letters constantly received by bin and the account * in TIIK HKK uiu other daily pap-TH. lie remarket lliat ho deemed it wise for thu coun cil to take foino action to proven sucli high handed outlawry. Ho rec omuionded that a special detective b employed for sixty days nt the ex penuo of 8200 to lay around am watch for these men. The nemo o Weal Jackson waa announced , wliei Bouio ono roniiul.'cd that if they em ' "a detect ivo his name should no nown. "You are correct , " sait ono of the body. Thu mayor \ra thereupon , on motion of Church ill instructed to hire his own man a f 100 per month to help ferret out tli robbers and gold brick an idea , The mayor ulto called thu uttentio of tb'o council to the iinportanoo o Laving a government postoflice an court house nt this point. That the Miard of trade hail already taken ac tion in the matter and they should receive the hearty co-operation of the council and every citizen of Council niufTs. After transacting other important justness the council adjourned , SNIDE noi.D niuuK. Some time last August two men went to the brass and iron foundry of S , D. .v S. J. Hopkins in this city , taking with them some old scrap brass , lopner , &c. They wanted to know wlnl t brick could bo cast for. The y fitntod they had boon nngagcd in mining operations in the west ; that . .I'cyora \ about to open a saloon in Council Bluftn to hn designated the ninor'a nuloon. The brick they pro- toscd to bo an imitation of n gold trick , as they proposed to place it bo- liud the bar in front of a mirror. J'his story appeared to IMr. llopkins very plmniblu. Ho told them ho vould do the work for § 8 , $ > to bo paid down. They paid tlio ? < i and loft ho shop. In a few days they re- nrncd , paid the bnlancoof the money vith the exception of a few cents , and putting thu brick in a wngon drove olf. Their conduct nt the time > f taking the brick away was such that ilr. Hopkins'Mispicioim wcro hrousod. In remarked to bin wife that ho liought thoru was something wrong , t RO inpressed his mind that ho im- nediately came up town and reported vhat Imd taken place to John W. Gliapinan , proprietor of The Nonpareil ml a llii : : reporter. Mr. Chap nan remarked that it was the > 1d brick ganio that had nit recently bocn enacted so success- til in Denver and cautioned that milling be said about tli iili'uir , for ho present , ntt should it he noificd brond it would put thu parties on lioirgimul. The chief of police wiw et into the eecret so that it was only cwiwn to Mr. Hopltin , Colonel Chap- inn , Chief Field and a UKK reporter , .ftur receiving the brick from the lioi [ the inen took it sumo distance rein the city and biirriod it. They lion sot tlu'insoIvo.H ut work for their ictims. J. M. Scofiold , biother of ra Scofield , was deluded. Ono of lie confcdoratos approached Mr. S o- eld who is in the employ of Vnughan t Co. as driver ot ono of the Hcrdic's nd nuked him if ho did not wish to nakosoino money. His answer was 10 would bo glad to , provided bo ould do so honestly. Mr. Scoliold let the man at ono of our snlooim the line night as per arrangement. At ills meeting voung Scofield was in- ormed that ho knew an old thinor ho lived out of the city who had n old brick worth from 83,000 to 51,000 , which could bo purchased rom him for $1,000. That hu would urnish all ho had about $1,000 , if jcoliold would nuiso 88 0. That they ( Feet a sale of this prize und divide iio proceeds equally. On Wcdnea * ay a team wau procured and thu two iniceeded to whore thu miner who iwncd thu brick lived. On the way lioy mut the man they xvero seeking , nd thu three went to the spot where lie supposed treasury was buried , ex- luniud the name and taking it with lioin returned to the city. A meot- ig for final negotiations was arrunuod , 10 tame in a room at the Mount 'lenmint house , on Unper Hrpadway , Vodnesday evening. Meantime the I'iginal brick man wanted young Scofield to procure $200 from his mithor to advance the miner as mrt payment. Ho did not know vhethcr ho could raieo $250 , but mimisud to have somp at the meet- ng. Younu Scofiold in order to bo uro of liis gain wrote the following n an old torn piece of wrapping pu- ) er : "Cou.voit , 13tui'r.s , December 7. tilt. J. M. SUOFII'.M ) : 1 know an old liner who has u bar of gold coin , voighing ii i pounds and about ten nelicn long. You und I can buy this old bar for § 1,800 cosh. I will pay 1,000 and you $800 , and we are to ividu equally when it in sold , lo asked the first man to sign it. The mn took it , and after examining it , nd finding nothing in it objectionable , igned the name of 0. L. Watson , \bout thin time , as per arrangement vith the authorities * , an ofiicu walked nto the room and rn'ostud Watson. I'ho poor minor escaped , and as yet ho olliccrs have been unable to get rack of him. Watson was taken to all by Ollicor llosecruntv. , und at a ate hour AVodneaday , was brought bo- ore Justice Abbott , who hold him in ho .sum of $1,000 for his nppoaiance loforo the grand juiy , t-j answer to .ho charge of conspiring to cheat und lofraud ono J. M. Sciliold. Watson s a fmp , intolliijuiit looking youn nan , with duir hair and black inns- noho , on the whole pioprmsosHing. ilis biick was as well gotten up UE limnclf. It was about the H/.C ! > f a common brick and weighed ibout and onu-hulf . twenty-live - pouiidH. Thu brick resembled the genuine , ind from some of the borings found .ipon the floor hud evidently plugod ; buttkd of sulnhurio aoid that will , when applied to pure gold , turn il black , but on baser metals will put r polish , wan found in the room. Wat. . bon & Co. have no doubt Htiiiuk tin wrong town to set up in the "goli bnok" business , They may lie abli to pbiy the game further west , buUlu ' authorities in County Blull's uro 'not BO fresh. Ono of our most respected phyai ciana was AS.SAULTKI ) IIV A "CKANK11 on Uroadv > ay night before last. Ai thu physician was passing down tin street , a well dressed young mm stopped in front and gave him a blow that caino near felling him to tin walk. Finding ho had failed ii knocking his man down , ho Hod U ] Broadway and stopped in front of i saloon. The physician rocoicnu bimst'lf , and following up his assailan with an ollicer , ho asked him to ex plain the reason ho had , if any , foi vaulting him. The young man np puared surprised , and denied that hi over saw such a man boforu. Tin ollicer arrested him notwithitandiii ) the denial , and hu was lodged in tin calabootu. Itobort llein , ALDKIIMAX UAVI.V. On the retiring of T. K. Gavin fron the aldornmnic board , Council lllult' loses ono of her best and most ef fiuiont servants , Mr. Cavin has beti but a short time in the service , bu during that time has served bin wart and the city faithfully and the cit ; well. Ho is ono'of our most staunci business nion. If at any time duriii ] his oflicial term ho bus erred , it ha boon one of judgment , and not fron my nursoiml or malicious motive. The 'ollowing Otm NKW COt.M'11 , MAX 'rom the First ward has boon an hon ored citizen of Council lilufTs about ; wenly-lhrco yours , haviiif come here n 1858 from thu state of Nebraska. [ ' 'or fourteen years ho has been in the imploy of Conradu Guise as clerk and ) ook-keepor. Ho has n wife and thret children. On the whole , it is said , , bo selection by the council was a very ( oed onu. JOHN r.OW'IIKJl , father of Mrs. U N. Gibbi , of this : ity , died at his residence in Sampoil nM Tiiosdny ovcniiiLt , after being sick ibout ono week.lr. . Boucher wan an honored cition ; and a very stnunch and active member of the Baptist church. IlllAKKVtAX ItUKV. White Templolon , brother of Mrs. Walter Young , of this cit } ' , n brake- nan on the mil road ( met with a very severe accident at Sidney. Mr. Tern- ) lcton , his father , who resides in this : ity , received a distmtch to come tn sydney iinmcdiatofy , as his son had ) een very badly injvrcd. VKIIY CONHOUhd Kl'JSTJ.K ran found in the keyhole of the doot if one of our prominent grocers on Broadway yestenlny morning : Old Morphia : "If you had not dept so 'darn' Into you wouln have had $ -1.50 in your drawer , moro than ou have now. " WAKI : Ur. I'unosyn onovvH. For tha next xhirty days Mueller vill 'it'll pirno.t and orgaini at extra ow fignrea for ( Jhristniaa presents. con P. . F. O. Norm [ .leaven Council Bluff's .o-day on an er.tondod busineas trip to St. Louis. Till : 1IOA11D OFTIIAUC mot at their rooms on Pearl atreot , Wednesday. What they did in only mown to those in attendance 0,3 thu ipal of secrecy was placed over the ips of ouch member. Wo sent Puck n , however , and ho says that they ook certain stops to forward the 'court house und poitoflico bill , " as Vndy Orahnm remarked , "work will etch it. ' NOTICE. PIMIKIM'K LANDINCI , COUNCIL Jr.UKFH , December 8. On my way up to Kanesvillb I found at the corner f 7th avenue and south 7th street a > oat tied to a trco behind a church. Strange to fasten boats this time of oar. CiiAiiLKH J. BKCKMAN. Officer dough arrested George M. "iillut for an assault upon a citi/.en Vodnceday niyht on Broadway. The tate failed to make out a ease , and Jillot was discharged. OJ.I ) KASHIONKI ) I'AVINO MATKHIAI. . A meeting was held at thu Baptist hurch last evening , for the purpose f orguni/.ing a moral society for the oppression of vice. 1MUNKH. * A Mian was calaboosod by Ofiicor Jiuiu for being drunk. His name was lichaol WjlchfinodS085. ; Thomns Hughes was arroated by ) flicer Sterling for being drunk and aken to the calabooso , where the ourt imposed a line of $ G 85. I'KllHONAL. II. M. Wilson , of Avoca , was at the ) gden yesterday. S. A. Broadwoll , of Logan , nephew f Dr. Pat ton , was in Council Bluffs csterday at the Ogdon. Incredible , V A. Scratch , dniKvfot , Uuthven , Ont. , vrlte.s : "I have the grontent confulcncc n jour HUIIIIOCK I'.r.oop Jlimnw. In ono aso with wliicb I am iwreonally acrniniat- > il tliL'irHiiccosH iilnioit incredih'e. One ady tulcl mu that half a I'ottlo did her ioro good thnii IniiuIridH of dollar- . ' worth f incilicim alio had provlously taktn. " 'rice $1 , trial m/.o 10 cents. dec 5-eou- JexterL.Tliomas&Bro , WILL IIUV AND 8KLL AND All , TRitiSACIIOll CONNECTXU TiniRKWlTII. Pay Tnxoa , Rent Housea , Etc. IF Otl WANT TO RUT OR 8HLI. Col ) k Office , Hoom 8 , Ctclihtoii Illock , Omah . Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! U e < l on Wn/oni , Uuwos , lleiponi , TliroHhcrt tnd 11111 Muchlnory. It li INMU'AKI.K TO ruut HUH AND TsAtiHrKKH. It cures ScMtchOH nud all kindiiolnorco on Honci r.j Gtock , m well asnn n. n.OLAEK&WISE.Manuf'n . , 306 Illlnoli Street , * ' * ' * ' HK ) . > FITS EPILEPSY OR RALLING SICKNESS. Permanently Cured no humhuc ; by om month' * uiacp of DR. QOULARD'8Celebrat ori Infallible pit Powdori. To lomicn tiillcr cr that thi-BO po dcr will do nil wo cluni to thorn uo nlll Hcnd tliun hv mall , pott paid i free Tilul box. Dr. Oouhnl In thu only phnj clan that lias ovci made tliU dUcavu a npod.i tludy. and na to our knowleilKo thousanls lm\ Ixm Perninnotly cured \ > y the li.in of tin * Pov/dert , we will guarantee a pormanen euro In every cusa or refund you all money ex pendod. All rufloren Hliviild gl\a tliou 1'ow den an eaily trial , and bu comlnud of thut I'rlce , lor laruo ' > ax , S3 00 , or i boxes for ? 10 00 tent by mall to an)1 part ol the Unlto.t HUtca o Panada oti receipt of ptloo , orlir 01 press , O. ( J D. Addrcit , ASH & BOBBINS 300 Fulton St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. GRAND OPENING ! Protcmor Kliher , ( Irom St. Ix > ul > ) Danclint Ac dcray , Btandard Hull , tor Klllecnth and Kan ham , Tueiday e\cnliig , Sevtomber 6th. Clauses for Ladle * and Gentlemen comincncin Tuenday tvfnlni ; September ( Uh ; cluietu to UlMon and Mutter * , eoimiioncliiK Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock. Cluni-n for Kamlllci , will b irraiiKwl to 'ilt tbo honbralilo patrons. AU Ixvllct danclni ; can bu taught. Turin * Illwivl , and pcifuoi. nitUfictlon to echo aroiruarintcuj. I'rhatolnstrnctloiiawll ) OK\\ \ en attha lAr.lny AciJciuy or at the "uldotu of the jvxtror * . 1'rhoto'orlfii } oe .Itlt 'stl ! x Hoyer J pro' * ! iu K ( if Application of llonry I'uiul ( or Liii ! | > r LIciMixv , XCTIOJ- : . Notice Ii hereby slvtn tint Henry rundt , d | upon the * th day of JH.remher. A. 1 > . larfl.tilo hi Hpplli-atlon to lliennynr and city council of ( Mil Im , for llcvmo to cll Malt , Splrltuouiand Vlnoi IliiiorN | , nt No. 1218 Karnlum ttroat , Tlilr \Vinl , Umalia , Nvli. , from the Ut day of Janunr IbbS , to the H'th o' April , iwa. ' If thfrc ho no objection , romiiutraiifo or pri ten UUil within two ucolufrom l > it < nibcr tl A , P. IbtJl , tha laid lki'i ; u ullt hu pruned. llKMtf 1'1'MIT , Apill ] nt. TimlUliT IKB ti w par r will publUh the alioi notice l r tuo wki at the vipeuia of the a plloant. Ttio City of Oinalu ii not to do i-lurui therewith. J. J. U C. JfcWKTT , dcT-lSt ctt > - Clerk. SOLOMON'S GASH PRICE LIST ! 1204 Farcham St. , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . 're ervo It find Compare Price * WltliOtlicrt Ui > ' Clipper SIcdi . t TO OlnY rilppor H J < . f,0 o t10) WoKOiin City . OS 21x50 Uuoinoi IVtlnnt Vramti . BO SxlOC.mctl Wnlnilt Kratnci . 20 } \21 Curveil Motto t ramcf , Walnut . 2S tixU Walnut PratiiM . 25 IftmlMjT.o Vtl et Frames . ] 5 loom Moulding , Walnut or Gilt , 1 Inch IHT foot . lo in Moulding , Wnlnut < < r ( lilt , Ijlnch icrfoot . n IriM llooki ( or II rim MouMlnir , JUT Lor. . . to lol llDoin Uiitip , Complotu . ' . " > land I i > iipi > , Cninpli to . P5 ir.v Hnnii l.inip , Coinpltto . SO rnn Cent llncktt . 30 looil llrooin . IK lent llrooin In Mtrkit . 20 Child's Ilroom . . . 1 U Spittoon . 20 IiiMwlatcf . 30 Xtcinlon Ulury I < nin | > . 2 (0 ( Hail ( ; ollctionufct ) . . . , . fo ( la ! . Tunillcri ( ono net ) . 3 < .vr.p Chlmm-ji . 6 lood Ijintcrn . 40 Ono Cnllon OIH'in . 2.1 Low Prlcci for Iron Stone China Ware. 'nliatidln Teat , | r sot (12 ( pieces ) . $ 6 } luiill Tom , | > cf fitl2plcccH ( ) . , tift 'nlmndlc ColTcv , per Bit (12plo ( > ui ) . O.'i tilidlo ColTi.c , PIT ct(12 ( pltccO . 7ft > r.u.So' ' 1'Ic I'htct ( A ptiice * ) . l.r > nu Hut Tea t laid (0 ( plocci ) . fo -no.SjillrcaVf.T't l'lfttc < ( flplcc8) ; ) . C5 ) nu Set Dinner I'lilw ( ( I pIciuO . 00 'overcrl Turntu . U < 'rcttin I'ltclictn . 15 Vaili Howl ami I Itchcr . I ) Ihainheri ) . 35 Toilet Setn f r ll cl loomi(3 ! | ilecc ) . 2 ( ' 0 Dmt Pans . ID Icclo Duiino-.il' . 25 / o'llnjr Olosscn , nil I'rlco' . Jc dticSrV taiturns. . KOU CASH , uml joti nlll nil thuin at l-r. t 10 to 3ft per cent. IC H than IfOV.herM , an we ptircha'o for d li , at thcloucut it 8 , and t < > ll for C1 * Only. Jly ciiatoinurs arc ut obliged to p.iy for loss ol ) < ail dclitH , O.H uu .icpiiofiooltganlnocharh't-a are made. Qlve s a trial and bo convinced , I'Unto c.Ul and irleu ourOoodtai we htt a thousand * ot nrtlelci tot incut onod en tliU dill. All Are Welcome , Whether They Want Qoodc or Not. dcUood-tl The Oldest JSatabliBhed IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell. Hamilton & Co. . DitnlncHa tranavctcil B.MIIO KS that ol an Incor X ) rated nank. Account * kept In currency or gold subject to lent check without nolle * Certificates of dcpoolt netted payable In three , Ix and tuclvo months , jcarlnj ; Interest , 01 on onmnclwitlioiit Interest. Advances made tn customers on approved tecu Itlci at market rotrg of IntorcHt. Buy and sell KClJ , hllla of mchingc , Korern meiit , Mtatc , county and city bonds. Draw nlgrit dralU on England , Ireland , Scot- and , and all partH ot Kuropc. Bull K\iro | nn | \ic ticket ) . COLLKCT10N8 PHOMITf/V MABK. RIU'Ml United States Depository NationalBank OK OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Ste. UDEOT IUNK1NO K8TAIM8H EJJT IS 3 OMAHA. 8UCCE30ORQ TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) DTAHMS1IKU IS56. M K National lUnk August SO , IMS. 3AP1TAL AND PROFITS OVER 300 000 orricim AND DIUXOTOXI : , President. AUOU1TUM KOOIITZK , Vice Prosldont , U. W. YATISH , Cahhlur. A. J. rorPkvroN , Attorney , ] JOHN A. CHXIUIIIOR. P. II. DAV , Aut. Cuihlcr. Till bank receives dtpoeltJ without regard U Isfueatlmo ccrtHcatoa Ijinrlnp Intercut. UriTu drafts on San FmnclHco mul pilnclpnl Itlcsof the Unltud States , n\no \ London , Uiitifln ' . < llnLiirih anil tha principal cltlta ot the contl ncnt ol Europe. Sells pa 8onxer ticket ) for cml rante uy the In man line. nuvldtf KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ILEE & CO. . Sole Manufacturer. OMiHA. / . CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All Burforcrfi from th'a dUcaao that are anxloiu to be cured ihould try DR. KISSNER'S Cole. brated Ooniumptlve Powders. These I'OK < dcrs are the only prcpamtlou known that will euro Coniuinption and all dnuuics of tha Throal and Lunct Indeed , fo btron.Ii our faith In thvin , aiuTalso to convince > ou that they are lie humbug , wo will forwmd fo vtery Hutferer , b > ir.all , pout paid , a free Trial Dox. We don't want your money until jou are per1 fcctly ratUflcd of their curatlto po or > If yoiu ( Kelt worth Kkvlntr , don't delay in il\inK them Powden \ trial , og they will surely euro you. I'rico , for large box. HOC , sent to any pattoi the United Status or Canada , by null on rerolpl ofpricu. Addrits , Aall & HOI1HINS , nlldlv SCOKillton Ht. , Ilronkl\n. N. V. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY , Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specific It 1 < a po ; tt > oeuru for Spcrroatoirhoa , Bernini tVrokncii. Impatancy , uid all dlantoj rcejultluj Irom SoU-Abuae , M Mcnud Anilcty , Lowi Ucuiory. 1'alin In the Hack or Side , and dleeaaa - - " tliat load .U CoiiHUiuptloi Insanity an with \ [ ul _ _ _ _ _ Pamphlet tent tine to all. Writ * for thorn and get full pai Uculnra. Price , Eii clflc , f 1.00 p r package , or ilx pack ICM for 86.00 , Aiidrcai all orders to U. BIMBON MKD1CINE CO. KOI. lot and 100 Main St. lluffalo , K , V. Bold la Omaha by U. F , Oooduian , J. W , licll I , K lib , ted all druysUtwivery where. i SS-itwl Articles or Incorporation of the Mlllnrd Fnrmero' Club Article * of incorporntinn made nnil ] ( ) ( thi < 29tli day of October , A. 1) ) , 1R3I , by awl between the umltrgnc ! < l ln > corporatow , M follows , to-wit ! NAMK. Artlclo I. Tlio imino of this clulislmll lie the Mlllnnl 1'nrmcrs' club. I'IME OK IIURINKSS , Article II. The lulncipal plnce of hust < no < iof thin cluliclinll ! > < nt Millsrd ita < tlon , county of Douglas , Kebraskn , KATCI1K OK Ul'HIXKS'i , Article III. The general nature of lnwi < nena lo Iio trnn acted by thli club IR t < i conduct ft f-cncral literary mid social buni- tit * * nnd other cntcttnlninenU of n eoclal character , CAriiot , BTOCK. Article IV. The ntnount of capital nocU ( of thi4 club fllmll lie two thoiixand dolliirs , ilivlilfd Int'i dluirpt of ono dollar each , which > hall bo Tiaid in the mnnncr | > rc- perilled by tin * nlicctnrs. COUMCXCUIEXT AND TB"MINATI- . Attic u V. Tliiicluli ghnJI co.iimcnco tn trnnrnct lui'lnc H and wceici-eiU corporate | Mi\ven the litlth day of Ottobor , 1881 , and Its iMiweiH xhnll cu.uo < n the 'JOth day uf Ucloher , 1S1. ! ) AMOUNTS 01' MABILITV. Artlc'oVI. ' The liigbest nnumiit of a- lilllty or itideljteduerH , which this club filudl at nnr on > ' time mbject itslef , shall It ; thice liuu-iiod d II M. ovncKits. Artkln VII. The oIllccM of this dub HI all ha rondtn'ted by n board of three directors , who Khali be elected from among the stockholder * , and they chnll appoint a prenidmt and mich other ollicera as by law in required. .TUML'.H SCHIlAKDEn , .T. 1JLUM , CUU.S SCIIUMAKK , W. W.HTATK HTATK OF Nnm.\aKA , \ COUNTV or l. in-i.Af < . f On tldrt 2lth ! day of Octoler , A. 1) . 8881 , pcrfuiinl } * appeared before me , Charleh lirandi'i , a notary public for Fiiid county , JuliiM Suhroedcr. .1. Ultini , L'lnm Scliu * ninnn , W. Ot-rndorf , to me known to be thu mgnerx ol the foregoing articles of in corporation , and acknowledged the game to be tholr voluntary act and ilced. JSKAI. . ] ClIAIII.KH bHANDM Kotarv public In and for Douglas county , Kcbrank. ! . AND Handsomest IN TIIE- For Sale by WM. E. STOBTZBL 521 South Tenth St , GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK " , 0rcatTRADE MARK . Kiijjlblircm. uiiy. Atiun- lalllni ; cure for Hemliiat WenknoiB , Hporinitor- rhca , Iiupot * nicy , and all follow as a BEFORETAKIHQ.Kxiucntc ot AFTER TARING Soil-Abuse ; aijom ol Memory , Unheroil Liat\ \ tudr , 1'nln In the 1'acV , Dimness of Vlilon , 1're nuturo Old AKO , and man } other Dltoisos tha lead to Iiiiaiilty or Consuiiiptloi ] and a I'rema tureOra\o. fSTfnpartlculara \ \ In our pamolilct , whlcl ve dralro to tend free I r mail to every one JJTTtio Specific Medicine la > old by all drugUt nt 81 i > cr pacl n.1 ! , or 0 packijes for $5 , or * H b sent trou by inall on reel plot the money , b ; oddrcwloe TUHQIIA tlUUICINKCO. , Uuflalo. N. Y. For sole by 0 , F OooJtr ocTme-eod MANUFACTURERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , A Council Bluffs , Iowa. Molina Wagon OoFarm anfl Spring Wagons , DoerB&Mansur CoCorn , Planters , Stalk Gutters , &o , , MolinePump OoWood and Iron Pumps , WliBol & Seoflop Oo , Fountain Oity Drills ami Seoilers , Hoolianicsbnrg Maoh , Oo , Baker Brain Drills , ShawiiBB Agrioultural Co , Advance Hay Bakes , Joliet Manufacturing OoEureka Power ami Hand Sliollers , Whifcinau Agricultural OoSliellers , , Road Scrapers , &c , , Moline Soalo OoVictor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AXD DEALERS IN All Articles Required to Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ilecSnicQni THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND Mining and Milling Company. Working Caplt I , - $30 ( ,000. Capital btoik , Sl.OTO.iOO. I'ar Value ot Miarus , $25,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DK. J. I. THOU AS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. WJt E. Tlt/TON , Vice- President , Cummins , Wyoming E. N. IIAUWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming. A. G. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. : > r. J. I. Thomas. LouU Miller W. b. Bramcl. A. G Dunn. K. N. llurood. Frincla Leavens. Geo. II. Fales. Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. C. Watklns. no2m > 'Cni OEO. W. KENDALL. Author'zcd ' Agent for Sale of Stock ; Box 442 , Omaha , Neb. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consl nineiita mode us will receive prompt attention. References : State Bank , Omaha ; Platl t Co. , Baltimore ; Peck & Eansher , Chlcacoj " ' ' ' * " > Cincinnati. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DL'ALEU N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. n,4.rae.iy WHOLESALE ISTS. I'SH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUG-LAS STREET , OMAHA , NliB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jy 18-mo WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , . o. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. W. J. WELSHANS & GO. , AND ItETAIL DEALKR3 IK Flour , Feed , Grain , Baled Hay. PROPRIETORS OMAHA CITY MILLS , CHOICE I1RANDS OF Winter and Spring Wheat Flour. Eye Flour , Graham , Bran , Corn , Oats and Chopped Feed of all Kinds. Cor. Eighth and Farnham Staeets , Omaha.