THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TODAY , DECEMBER 9 1881 The Omaha Bee ! The only .Monday inomtnu dally. TKUM8 1)Y MAIL : Ono Year $10.00 I ThrroMontfw.MJ Six .Month * . C.OOlOno . . 1. THE WKKKLY 1JKI' , tiullhhcd c TO2UMS POST PAIDr- Onc Year $2.00 I HireoMnnths. . BltMonthi. . . . 1.00 I Ono " . . r All Commm cation * rclntlni ; to New * i\ncl Kdilnrinl nil tew xlinuld bo addressed to the KniToa < THE Urn. BOSIN'KSS LKTTKKS-All Bnelm Xi ttuti ( and KemtttAnrM should bo n drtnscxl to Titr. OMAHA I'tmuHHiNfl Co rANT , OMAHA. Urafu , Chcckn nnd I'oi office Orcleis to lw in.ulo imynWo to t ! order of the Company. QMM PUBLISHING GO , .Prop'i E.ROSEWATEB , Editor. Edwin Dnvlt , MnntiRor of CH Ciroulntloii- John If. ricrco la In dnrro ot the Mn Clrcu itlon of Tin * . DAILY Bin : . I. 1) . Chamberlain correspondent m pollcitnr. MOUK room in our nshonla in d iimtulcit of our hoard of education. Evr.tiv liil > oriii { ; man in Oinnha r juices over the prospects of a mi winter. SECUETAUY HUNT seems to h.ivu sure thing on the imvy depnrtmci nnd will continue his studios on tl ultramarine for the next tliroo ycnri WII.UAV H. ENOUGH lias Hubscribc $1 towards Uic Garfleld Mounincnt Fund. William is evidently rocovo ing from the Directs of the Into cm pain. _ _ _ _ _ _ Tun farce of "Uox and Cox' * at continues at Washington , nnd "pen of laughter" grunt the antics of 11 shamming assassin o ! I'rcsitlotit On field. AxoTiii'.K infernal machine has bcc discovered in Montioal. Tliin o : plains the dmhiirHOincnt of at lea $25 of O'Donovau HosBa'a alarmist ing fund. NEW YOUK is howling loudly ovi the defeat of Frank Jliucuck for tl npcalvorship. Tlio Kinpiro Htato cr not expect to hold all tlio otlicca. ' . is time Ohio had a chance. Axn-MosoroiY is nuking yrc ; headway among the New Yoik d mocracy , hut no decided prophecy i results will hu in order until Viindo liilt'H railway lobby at Albany In been fully organised. EvnitY southern ropr 3cntnti < cornea up Binilirig at Washington f the oldjlng and an appropriation , pri cipully an appropriation. Charlent ( nslcs for a fen * millions in support her publio schooln. JUST as soon as the saloon intoro in this city discovers that ; 01 people can neither bo threatened m bulldozed into their demands the will pull in their horns OH quickly i they thrust them out. Two red handed murderers we : acquitted in New York last week , will now bo in order for the papers that Htnto to road the went lectures i lynch law , and UH demoralizing ollc upon the community. CITY ENGINEER KOHKWATKII attri utca the failure of the hydrant ten of the waterworks to an insudicieni of power in the engine house of tl company. lie thinks moro steam all that u needed. By all means 1 us have more steam. TOM Mmi-iiY , General Grant's o collector of the port of > ew Yorkh boon appointed first assistant Unid Htates treasurer. It is to bo hope that Thomas will not Kignaluo his a point men t aa ho did that to his poi tion in Now York by making ov three hundred removals. TIIK Plattamoutn Board of Tra held their banquet last night at t 1'orkin'H House. A largo number invited guest * were present from va iu portions of the state to enjoy t .hospitality of one of Nebraska's nn thriving cities. A full account the proceedings vull be published to-morrow's BKK. IT is estimated that under the pn out law at least 875,000,000 of pi 010118 will bo | wml out to swindle- ConjrrcHS owes it to the count ly provide some plan to chock the frau which now attend the operation the arrcagO'Of-pensiona net by sect ing an increased clerical force nnd more thorough system of oxaminnt ! into claim * . Tan hill for the compulsory u-li ; incut of army olllcers after forty-li years of uutixu Huryico , is excitins di perate opposition in military circli It in conitidered a violent atnh at t system of waiting for ( lend mei boot , which just begin to cot around at the time the expectant < ficw U ihelvud on hilf pay , THU NATIONAL BANKS. Comptroller Knox , of the troaim department , has i&sncd hii report < the npcrnlinni nf the nation.i1 haul for the pait llscal year. During th ; time eighty-nix now banks wcro orjrai , with an aggregate authori/ ( capital of $ ' .1,051,050. Hcscrving (1 ( ten per cent required by law , 85,1133 f > SO in nolci wcro issued , incron&ir the circulating medium of thocounti by tliii amount. This is otalnd t 1 Dm largest number of batiks otgnnm in nny ono yoir ninco 1872 , and i bntUonty-six voluntarily diHcontiinu operations the total number of the1 institutions wnn increased by i\l o\or that of last year. Since the e lablisliincnt of the imtiomil bankii Rjstoni in 181 ! ! ) , 2,031 linnkn have bo < organised , and orcry ntato in tl union except Mississippi possess Inaucial institutions operating nnd , lie nationul bauliini ! law. The ontii nmnber of national banks now i ) ] icr.tion is2l.'UJ , , tlio greatest nun jor over in operation at any 01 time. The controller calls attetitic . > the rapid oxpainion of tl miking businui.s during the liwt yea and oxpicssoi the opinion that th great incrcaso is not the result of I gitimalo hu&lncR'i Irnimctions , but i venturesome speculation , He rcuun nends that that the limit for loat upon Htockijuid bonds he increase 'rom ten to fifteen per cent , tipo caiiital and Hiirphm , and that son joimlty be then imposed for violatic > f thin provision , which would mnl such loans unprofitable if the penal ! should bo collected. Attention in d roctod to the security to depositors a 'ordodj under the present ] systor .ho average annual loss to crodito Having been only ? . ' ! 10,000 in the but ness of corporations having an nvcrn ; capital of about $450,000,000. Du ing the sinen years from 1881 to 18 * . the charters of 1,080 banks with circulation of $ l)2u81,085\\illoxpir ! ) Seven hundred and twenty-eight wi lapse in 1885 , and 2)8 ) in the year pn ceding , Tlio introduction of hills in congress during the present BCBHU : 'or the extension of their charters wi undoubtedly bring out a thorou . discussion of the entire national ban ! ng system and the arguments for an igainnt its continuance as n pn-tof tl inaiieial policy of our government. Comptroller JCnox indicates h opinion that the people nt largo < not thoroughly understand the prii ciple ofjiutional bank taxation and th. . the burdens homo by the banks moi than compensate for the privilege which they g.iin from their dopoa of bonds and their circulation gnarai teed by the government. MINING SHARPS. Thine is a lull in the mining fcv cast just at the present , and homo the newspapers are reading their eu Rcribora lectures upon the wickcdnc of weitorn mine operators , and t ! flwindling methods by which worthlc properties are foisted upon innoco and ignorant purclmseia.Veste mining oponxtors are certainly , to BI the least , no more wicked than easto operators in "arious opcculativo onte prises. Every mine , until its value assured by a steady production of tl precious metals in paying quantiti is a business speculation. It must 1 considered ay such by the purchase and ought to bo entered upon \vi st the same and no more prucnutu than would bo used in investing in speculative enterprise in the ca < There are certainly no icasons wl mining may not bo carried on just honorably and just as tuirly as ai other enterprise operated by a sto company. The history of this indii try in the west furnishes n number examples in proof of tli position. The great dumber mining investments , ni in rai road stock operations , is th the desire to make money r.ipidly tracts to it's pursnit unscrupulo men , whoso only object is to lii their own pocketa al the expense their stockholders. If it wcro asoa to locate a railnud as it is toatakoo a miiiiii' . ; claim , thereis no doubt th the number of shorn investors bogus railroad stocks nould bo ful as great as these who lament tin haste in dumping their pockets some western hole in the ground in nlpulated by unscrupulous sharpei It is a singular fact that wo hear a gre deal of the swindling oneratora of tl Comstock lode from Iho lips of tl very w n who ore- silent aa to t equally 'outrageous steals in Erie a : Elevated railroad stock , and the meted od of the Jlobinson consolidation n mojtomphaticallydenmineed by parti who have themselves assisted in llei ing the "Iambi" in Wubashand Wei era Union. Let ea3torn capitalii use the same precautions in niaki ; investments in western mining ent < prises that they do in other specu ! tivo operations noaier homo , lot tin understand that all speculation ii plies risk , nnd MO shall hear h howling about ickcdne&s of mini sharps mid the Hhamcful impositiu practiced upon credulous stockholde Tin : telegraph announces the fal illness of John W. Forney , of Phi dolphia , editor of the Progress , ni for many joara n politician and joi tmlist of high rank and great pron ncnco. Ho was born in bincasl county , Pennsylvania , in 1817 , from boyhood win connected vui journalism , editing when only incut ycam of nco the Lancaster Intoll gencor , and ten years later bccomir the proprietor of the Ponnsylvaniai one of the largest nnd mont inline : litl of Philadelphia journals , AI Forney teen became prominent : national politico. Although idc ; tified with the democrat pirly ho wan ntrongly opnost to the oxtLMision of slavery i the territories. From 1S51 to 18. ho wai clerk of the homo of represo : tativcn , editing at the Kamo time Tl Washington Union. In 1.SJ7 ho r turned to Pliiladelphia and fotindi The Pros ? , which was conducted the interests of Stephen A. Dougl ni n for the prcsidonc The defeat of Mr. Douglas made tl first breach in the rohtions which AI Forney bore to the democracy , nnd 1801 , at the outbreak of the rebcllio lie joined with the lepublican party uiging on the government a \i oroiis prosecution of the v > a From 18il ( to 1SOS ho acted i clerk of the United Slat lunate conducting nt tliu fanio tin ihc WiiBhington Clironiclu , which b came u daily in 1802. Jn J859 M Forney traveled in Europe and up < iis icttirn spent nomc time in Icctu ng. Ho was sent by Grin lo Hho Vienna cxpniitiun nnd w. . argely identified with the centcnni exposition in 187(5. ( Severing his co : nection with tlio Philadelphia Pre in 1877 , Mr. Forney devoted hia n lontion to politics mid coriespondeif but his journalintic instincts were ti strong to permit him to retire fro active work and in 1880 ho foundt Fornoy's "Progress" nnd again r siitnod his connection with the dem cratic paity , opposing the election General Garlield and giving a vigoroi support to Hniicock'n candidacy. Mr. Forney vvas a man of rare for of character. His acquaintance wi [ Hihlic men extended over moro tin lialf n century of journalistic life , great portion of which W.IH spent thu national capital. AH n journal ! lie was fearless nnd outspoken , strong friend and a bitter enemy. 11 editorials wore pungent and forcil mid r.\roly failed to otriKo the cent of every question which they discm ed. His death will ho sincerely r glutted , and takes from tho. ranks American journalists one of the fi remaining men of the old school journalism of which Greuloy , It lyinoi and Webb wore types. Tins American theatrical manac knows his business more , thoiough than any member of his profession Europe. Patti'a concert tour v\as dismal failure until Henry Abb took charge of the pri ma donna. T first move was to flood the press \ \ i notices of the enormous sums U paid for the singer's services. Tl waa Hupplcmontcd at Brooklyn by "popular ovation. " Tlio "uxcit crowd" who wcio paid twentyA cents apiece for the acrvice , unh : nosscd the horsoa from the carria ; wreathed it in llowcrs and drew t' singer and Nicolini , her lover , throu the streets iu triumph to the hot A full and detailed account of tl "spontaneous enthusiasm" appear ! in the metropolitan papers the nc day insured n § 10,000 house. On t ovenimi following Mr. Abbey count up his profits and laughed at the gi libility of his countrymen in swixllo ing the bait of n very cheap oxpodie to secure free advertising. Harm ; used to nay that the Amrrican pcoj liked to bo hu nbugged , and Patti , 1 this time , must bo pretty well cc vincod of B.umini's unerring jndgmo as a nhowman. IT is over thirty years since N. ] Uanks , of Manaachusotts , was olcctc aftoraprotractodfitmgglo , totho spo erahip in the house of the Thirl fourth congress , iu the winter of 18E Mr. .Hanks was the first speaker ov elected by the republican party. T speaker of the Thiity-lifth congrt \vns James G. Orr , of South Carolin democrat ; that of the Tliirtyixt William Ponnington , of Now .Icrse republican ; that of thoThirty-sovent Galusha A. Grow , of Ponnsylvani Schuylor Oolfax , of Indiana , w elected speaker of the Thirty-eigh congress in 1803 , and held the ofii for three congresses , until ho w elected vice-president. Mr. Blai succeeded him in 1809 , being chos speaker of the Forty-first congre : and ulso hold the oflico for three c < gietses. When tlio democrats cat into power in 187"i , M. C. Kerr , Indiana , was elected speakerbutdi within a year , and Samuel. ) . Hnnda of Pennsylvania , waa elected to thu vacancy , Mr. Randall has In the position for live > ears and has in been retired to maka room ICeifer. A Ni'M 111:11 : of Now York capital ! propose to build and equip a lleet stool ocean steamers , live hundr fi-ct in length , and calculated to ma the trip to England in live days tin The plan is liloly to end in the proj sition. General opinion nmongsaih attributes the acknowledged unsi worthiness of many of our trans- , lantio vesfoU to their great length n want of width in beam. The con qucncu of this narrowness in shape the frequent sweeping of the deck lic.ivy seas and the necessity < f kcc | ing up steam during storms i being able to shorten sail nnd lie I \s the old packctn wcro nblo to do in ler Hko circumstances. Speed ia ni the first cnnsidcra'ionin ocean Voynj 1117. Security is much moro to 1 thought of , a-id the safest nnd not tl most rapid lines nf steamers nro thoi which Bcctire the greatest patrotini Trom the public. The Unmlni : Conflict' Yotl , Trltiuno , All over the country the pcojilo ni bo innintr to wake up and brush tl : dust of blgnttcd prejudice fiom the eyes. Every county throughout tl length and breadth "f the great wo 1ms ita earnest and determined worl uia for cqiml lawn and equal right There in a content brewing - n politic contest , not between parlies. Irt b < twecn people and monopolists , co | inratiotis and moined aiirtoerac ; Henry Wnllncr , in the Wintcrsi ( Iowa ) Chronicle , says"There is conflict coming , and ho ia blind wl does nol sto it , betwton the poop' ind the monopolinls that will by i inuo delcnniiio whetlici thin govcn iiiunt is a governmi'iit of the peopl IjV the people , and for the people , ( of tlio monopolies , hy the monopolii ind for tl'u monopolies , The longi thu c.inllict ia postponed , the moi severe it will bo. " Tlio Snjjar Monopoly. Sin I'l-ii'l'in Chronicle. The Pacific coast sugar monopol sells nngar to merchants in Uenvc and Ivaimis City , places 1,500 an 2,000 miles from this city , for thrc cents n pound Jess than they Btll t merchants in this city. They do th to catch the tmdo of the cities ntimci The morchanla would otherwise bu Irom Chicngo or St. Louin , where tli rates for sugar mo 2 ] cents per poun less than these fixed hy the monopol on this coast. lot it Piny. Inc-oln Democrat. Oilicially , TUB OMUIA BKK has larger daily circulation than nil tl Omaha papers combined , Sir IBrool and our faultless I.ngllah , to the coi trary notwithstanding. For the sal of our tape worm friends of The Hi publican , with such a prelude , wo she a tear ; : md now let thu music play. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. DAKOTA AND THE DLACK HILLS. The Dakota iicnitcutiaay bund * hold 51 ( 'H- The Uap'd C'ity planing mill has eot mt'iiced c Thu 15iu n eouiiiv tree ] > lantcrH will ho their annual in-ctint' the lir&t week in Ja uaiy. The griiul jnrv at Vnnkton tins tniin out nine frch iiulictmoiiti for alleged 1 ui frauds. Work on a Lutheran church , with ei-plo bovcuty fett Iii0-h , IUM .been bii at I ant/jii. Tiic llapid Mica cninpnny nro bu Mil ustfi to aecnnimoilito the miner. . T iiiie.i Icclh-es aru reiimk ilily extensive , ar the mineral of gixxl cguility. The Hartley Hydraulic company Ins foico of about m.-ienty ineii-eniiloj | o nloiiR the line of the various ditchus at Humes and i.t the tnuipauy's * nw mill. > rwo luiiulred Indians have left 1'ii l.idKo for grand bunt. Tlicy a nocomp-inied by e\cii Unitpcl SUtcH 1 diau pol ce , vvh iso biuiiieM it is to see th lift ilepiediitioni aiu committed. WVOMINQ. Kenle'latc in Green ri\cr is fining u and dwtlllni ; houtui are in denuuid. The railrosil men of Laramlo ma d ciissiiiR w avs an J incnrw to start : \ c operatix o btore. The toiritorinl scribes will gather I iramlu mi the lath to orgsui/c a imitii admiration kniiety. The remonotranco aifainit the rc-a poiu ment of Jmltre lleuc to tlio nape bni district is beiug nuuicrou'ily hiKiied. 15cn Carter , n wild , untamed cow bu cleaned out u ccxmi'ivc ' ! in Lnramio wi hu iruii. Ho waa talcou in and will 0 i for a month ortuo. Henry Hortcn.n Laramie nloon keepi niadon target of himxclf but failed tu 1 the bulls uyc. He bored ft hole in 1 bretmt , hem over , juit for fun. Cheysnno hiut w city telegraph Kjntei with fifty-tv/o patrons. ] 5y a , litl witchlni ; each of their patrons may plucetl in commuiiicatiun w ith any lurt the United States. Burglars cracke t the till f Murrii ca'oon in Chovcnnc and Hnmpled the cm < no and clgan. A femulo board ! : Ea e wiis raided the H.IIIIO evcninj ; and i inmate robbed of S2" , " ) . , The Wyoming Staik < ! rowers As ci t ti at recent meeting at Choji'iin aHirmed Ibis rule adojited last May , p hibtinfftheworkini ; c.f . cattle between t dfttetof Uec.lstandtliatfixcdfortheK in alr.iund.up of the following sprim : , \CP for the miri > o o of tzin0' them if in dangc from ve.ithcr , or to talco up nnd feed their cunditiou rtmler * it iiecej aiy. NEW MEXICO. lbuqneniuo bra j that oh' * ro mimes. i thousand dolluia worth of bo and whi ky c orj dsy Cieor ctuwn piys out SL'O.OM PI mouth tor miners. An i-\cell ut Ahowii fora comiarati\t''y ) IIUK camp. The Hoeorro distr.c-t three iniltM est the city , \ielcN irold , siher , K lcm ai copper , nnd a nunibsr of thu rarer preclo uictali. I'jnos AltoBtho oldest gold cnmp in tl territoty , hni iirotlured , itUe timittctl , Ii twcen two a < nl three million dollan in tl l > few yearn. New Mexico i-ro IOIIR will f.i tonii.h t world in her now hidden wealth. Up this time little , rAcept pro | > ectmK. h been goiiiKOn. Sinulter * , reducing wor nnd ptamp mills are jiut from the ban of the rec'tor * , icady to nuiiU the IHJ ! iiintninmlrc | | ) octnix. [ J < . V. Opt.c. MONTANA. ( ilcadive1 * $ .V)0 ) tchool hoiua U neat completed. Mnlicnant fcirlut fever ii still raulm ; Hitter 1 loot \atley. Alnntanatrnt about Sl.iXK ) to the O. field M nuuient Fund at Clcvelard. Butte hop * * to hftvo the 1ft > h & XoH ern Koneramhops located within lierli i i Measlier county i xpt-ctt t kh ! | > M mai H S',000 rhcoi | tient year to the a U mutton market. rreUthtera chaice $14 jK r ton for hat In ; ; co. l fro-ii tha tunk to Bentoj a d Innos of : ii jullcs. Sw rdes and Norwegian- , are largely the asumlant on the Yell > w tone railro wotk. Tlicie are nbout COouthoura above Mile.t City. Twenty.ineuillllaii ffct of J-aned hn l > rr will be required ft r th Northein 1' oittc L'rWrfenlxtwofuTlKiniiuoii1 * rher ai Uu U , Rdiit n otif 'JIO mile * . , Them U no dltguMn , ; tha firt tli MII illpux ba M.U id . - \ irulent form we of the rato' , nud that the lcntbi > ouio d ii tpri dinnU | u < ntojion iu nnd 1 yoiul tlu cominunltiu where cases 1m Apraru ! , Thi U believed to be tmo to Divide , Unite nn' ' Dei-r Ixid p , In P orllow nnd Door I , 1 J ouullerf. [ II lent llcrild. COLOnAUO. Tliun w ftll | > 5nnchool in ll nvcr in ipci c I , i I''i feet In length und Its vvld I > feet , four , tnrifliiili , The Denver Hvcnltit ; 1'rena , after ant hlcnce of > omc B \ innath ' ( uritinn h nitpcnded publlcatiiin , nnti Truth VM i in t tnifbed by fiio nnd water comhine 1' IJulh r , nt Lemlvillo , the ntli Ity , ntteinpleil to rutr.tio n little i'lrl , h UMcatiKht btfuie accoin | > liMnK hi1) pi p "o. A limb m idc n enticlt out of hi ; lid cent hiui to the lio'pilil. Dr.T. . S. Ncwberry repnrti llilt i Antliriclte creek , In I'olontdo , are fem innny thou ind ncrciof nutliricito crt 1 belter quVity than tlmt of IN ini ) Uuii Itccttit nnnlyMi made nt thu t'Chool mitic-i , kliow it to contain Ion thnn 1 i cut of f.ulphur niul II per cent of ah. CALIFORMIA. The cjiforcfmeutof tho'tftl" Pundavli lrtcrcaniiii ; the liUMiiiss of thocouit-i ai Captain , Io rpb Toihmn. of I.akeTnhc ] irii < i'cs tit Dut nn iron > i\cht ontbuthcii tlful Khcrt of v > aler. Hi-nry CntHon , of Stewart' * Point , ne Vctaluinii , imt n hnndfnl of | i vviUr In hi glo\ , tfic other day , t clean out t pll > c , but kept the can nndc-r lli arm , a1 the ci tents iyniteil f torn n blii't from t fctove , 1iluwiii | ; the roof elF the bou bieaKin ono nrtn , niul probably dcHrnji : thu 3i0'lit of 01 e of liis eycn. Another ImninzA ha'J been utrnck lie th- bite oMUld mountain , iibonta qu- tur of n mile from tlio city limits In wh i-i known us thu old. Sell and Mnrtin cluii Tliri-o levels , t-xi oiins .5 or 00 feet of two-font vein , hlinw ail the qtinrtr. in nil- Id bo nciily h ilft. old. The disco ; civ ' Kunuiuu bonan/a of ononiioiiB MISCCLLANEOU3. Pait Lal o City had forty-one dto'ln ' November , seventeen mncr ten jc.ui ) "Kc. "Kc.Tho Fiircmo ) comt of Oregon docidi tbo I'orlland miyoraltv * qiu-Htion in fvv of the present incumbent , 1) . I' . Them son. son.A vein nf coal , of very ( oodqilidity , h been struck in Dixia valley , not a re way fiom Klko , Nevada , nnd them Is Mattel in. : proni ect that n valuable bed fuel will be dcv eloped. The WwhhiRton territory IcgWatnran joiiruud ! > ine die on the Int , nnd we vconvencd in Hpecinl Region the nc\t da The nidHt im | > ortant measures paused w the following : Organizing the county ( inriicld , named in honor of the late pro dent , by dividing Columbit county ; ux cmpting mortt , ' ceH fiom taxation ; prat inj ; city ohartor to coven villages withj te population of 8,000 ; closi ; holmes and preventing the > < nlo tiii liquors on Sunday ; clnn property , attictctiiforc , will be mbject taxation ; Teriitori&l tax reduced to NEBRASKA STATE TARMER ALLIANCE- KoliooofSpoolnlMootlnRto IjoHc nt HnstinRS Tn lesponso to a yanornl wish u pressed in many paits of thu etat ni'd ' for the reason that the regul council mcotin of thu alliance occn .tin duto ivhon farmers tuu tCncr.ii ! detained at homo by the urgency their private aflairs , thu cxccufi committco have determined to call special meeting of thu atitc nllianc to bo held at Hn&ttn s , Adams count \Vcdncsday , Junuary ' 5 , 1882 , nn continue u long us may bo necessar The vvoil , of this evening will 1 to adopt muasuics to extend our c Sanitations into every county in tl state , to appoint a general orgdiiih committco ( ono mombcr for cat county ) , to work in connection vvi the ei.ccutiro committee , to discu and adopt measures by which prccin organization made bo made moieyc oral , thoiou h and systematic , and genor.illy solidify , strengthen and ha moni/e thu alliances throughout tl state. The ratio of representation for tli meeting will bo thu same as for tl regular annual mooting , vis. : ono del gate for each suboidinbto allinnc and ono delegate for each tvvonty-ti members or major fraction thereof the fliiino. liut in addition to the tegular del gates to this meeting , all mumbu of the alliances of the state are u gently invited to bo present. L this bo a gr.ind gathering of the boi and flintnv of the state , repreiontii its greatest material interest , nnd 1 the muasuies for further organiwitii w liich it may adopt bo such ita to e cure beyond pcrudvonluru thoachiev inont of the objects for which our s cioty was organised. liy onler of the executive coi mittcc. E. INOKIISOU , , President. J. lc Knows , Secretary. JI. C. JJicjtLovv , Oh'n Ex. Com. State papers please copy. The EnQllsli Farmers' Alliauoo Clilciijo Tribune , The Farmers' Alliance in Englun an organization nkiu to the Land Lt guo in Ireland in curtain wa > s , Krovjim : rapidly and reaching that pi fvction of it * plans where it vsill HO ask for legislation. As its origin ai objects are not clearly undciatood this country , and as it may BOOH coi prominently into public vioiv , abr statement of them will bo of interei Tn 187U there was a feeling of qrc depression among the English furme and widespread disappointment v oxprcstcd becausetlio goveimne iH'gloctod their interests , This disj pointmont made itself felt ; but , i stead of applying any remedial me ; sures , a Commission of Inquiry w appointed. Thu two associations th existing , the Farmers' Club and t Central Chamber , v\hich wcro und Conservative control , brought prctanro to bear upon the govor ment , but accepted the comnmsio which had no more idea of grant ! the requests of the farmers than t barnacles of the Circumlocution Cfli had of satisfying Arthur Clennii when he attempted hia L'tMiorons i rand for Daniel Doyce. Under the circumstances , the moro ardent of t agricultural 'reformers formed t Formers' Alliance , an organi/wtion e tirely kept aloof from politics , ai bent upon advocating and securing i forms purely from the tenant-farmoi standpoint. The program of the al jinco is thua stated by ono of iti mxn inent members in the Ixmdon lime Security for thu capital of tomml freedom in the cultivation of the si and the disposal of itj produce , refer of the game laws , apportionment rates between owner and occupier , i adjustment of tithe rent charge , alu ition of the law of distress , reform laws relating to ownership and trni for of land , securing ratepayers tlu legitimate eharo in county govor uicnt , watching over the interests fanners in respect of railway charge maintenance of oiTcclivo rcgulatiui in respect of cattle diseases , the bo tar representation of tenant-faimcra i Parliament. The proginm nf the ] ] iurliah farn era , it will bo observed , not only ii chides the main poin'A of justit which have been conceded to the Iris tenants , Riich as security for their ca ] ital , which includes their improvi inont of rales and refoim of the law relating to ownership and transfer < lands , but aho many otlier.roforma < a minor character no compaicd wit the alwve. 'J'ho allinnco has cvidun ly been cnuourayod by , if it did m actually o\vo its origin to the Lati League , and wo may well believe wi briny its demands bcfoio P.irliaincr tvilh oven 1.101 e force and push thn the Irish Land bill vvai prcsnud , hi cauao it has moro intelliuuaco atid it iluenco in its lanka. It is one of Hi great meaiuros which the Liberal pai ty will have to father , for , bavin awarded justice to Irish farmer' , i part at least , it cannot consistent ! refuse justice to Knglish farmcn Judging by the steady progress th alliance is making the Btrugirlo camu bo far elF , and may only wait the con pieto settlement of the Irish qucatioii hcforo it comes to tha front demanc ing its lights and prepared to iiinKo stioug and united demand. Jacob IMnrtzoir , Lancaster , X. "Y. . nj jour SrniNo lliox-'OM vvotkt well fi everjthini ; you leeommind it ; mysel wife , and cblldicu have nil mod it , an vou c.iu't find n healthier family iu Ne YorkStJte. Oct. 5. 1SSO. eod-lw TRUTH ATTESTED. UomoImportantMatomoatsof Wo ! Kiiawxi People Wholly Vorlllocl. In ordir lint tin1 public nmj fnllj rpili/o tr r'cnulncin.B.H ot tliu state ntnt , . .Hcll nit ) ) K ) crniulnlue of thu nrtkle of tlu upcnk.wo ptlblltli htriwithtna s'uullo H'RH ' tuns of parlies ho ° o sincerity U licjonlquo tton. Hie Tnith of thtjo futlmonlalH ti al lute , nor ran thu locta tliv ) announce bo I ; noncl. OMMH , Xn : . , Maj 21 , 1SS1. II. n. VTAn rn&Co. : IIAK Sm : I Ime frequently uteil VTnrner S'lfc Klilncy ami Ilcr Cure for local nffectlo ittcmlnnt tioii eotero rhcunntlc nttackn , At hft\onUns Oerh cd licnLflt therefrom. I ha' ' aho UHd the Sn'o rvjiio ulth catltfictory r suits. I conMiler thc u uuxlicltita orliy : contMcucu. DejiutjTreasurer. . OMAIIV , Nrn , May 21 , 1'Sl. II. TT. WARNER & Co. , llochrstcr , N. Y. : OKVTN : I hvc usuJ jour fcafc Khlnoy ni U\or Cure this spiliiff a n llvcrin\Iiontor , ai 1 Olid 1 the hist , icmcily I u\ti tried. 1 In HIM ! I Ijottlei , n < 1 It has undo me till belt than tncr I c.lil bdfure In the t r. r. n. shoiw. , Ntu , .Maj24 , 1SS1 , H. H. VWliNriitCo. Hi" " - , I'ur lunret'iai15 j aril hive stiffen in omimcma from combined Udiuj 41 ImruU'e.i-n , id lute bcci nu bio to wor ! 1113 urln 3 or ; , ' ninUo biliyntlec id I ried tircat man > mcdiilii'-R and doctors but 1 ( in \ orto nnd uor cilaj bj ilay I .wtoH I ha Brl.hfn Dwvv , and 1 ulshcJ n'3-ilf deal i ( i-ould not hit u tpt-oU 3nhef. . I took jour Sa K'iineand I.Ucr cun. , kiinnlni ; nottiini ; cl \raj e\er T-.noun to euro tin disuw , an 1 1 IIAI not been di'appointdl Th nitdiclnu hai cur * me , at.d I tun pirfoc lyul ! toii.inuir l thro ( , 'h ) our ' a'o Kldnpj and LivvrCuro wish j on all sine t.,111 ) iubiisiln0thU ! v liuli rcnicay throu h hu world. U. I' . II. U. Shop . Thousands ( f equ lly s'ronjindot cinent3- many ol tlii'm In c.uui vhera h po Mas abai donid ba > ebcin\cliiiitanlj lri > n,8ho inK tl remaikulile poncrof VVarnii's hafo Kidney at : I.hir Cure , In all d HCUSU-of tliu IddnejH. Hn or uriuar } oiians If mi- ono vho riads th ha any phy tal troublt ! riiuenbui tha gre dthy "to West for being the most direct , quickest , ai eifeut line conncctliiK the sreat Uctrox ] > lls , CII CAOO , and the EADTICKV , NORTH-EAiriRS , Soiri and 8oiiTii-RsraRH Lihra.wlilih terminate thci Mlth KXWHAS Cm , LRAV8.VVOITU , ATT1IISO Couvai , llwrrs nnd OMAHA , the COMMHUCI. CaxTMj from which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penotritoe the Continent from the MIs-ou Bit cr to the Pacific Slopo. The CHICAGO ROCK ISLAND it PJ CITIO RAILAVAY Is the only line from Chicago ownlntt trac * In Kansas , or vvhlch , by lid own roud , ri-achen ti polnUnl > o > o tnmcd. No THAstrMu BY CARRIAU No MIBSINO coMirmovs ! No huddling In 1 t cntllatixl or unclean can , as et cry lawn er carried In roomy , cliuuj aad tcutllatoil coache ui > on rust EnprtiH Trains. DAT CARS ot unrltaled ma nlflconce , ruu.Mi PAUCK Swunho CAUS. and our own world f&moi UIHINO CAKJI , upon nhlch nicil are soncd of u nun ssed excellence , at the low rate of SRVKNT KLM Ciurre KACII , with ample time for bealthlt entojrucnt Throiwh Can bet ccn Chicago , Poorla , M traukN and Missouri Ilher l\lnUi ; and close co ncctlons at all polnU of Intersection with otb roads. We ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to evei place of loiportAiicu In Kansas. Nebnuika , IJIv Hills , Wtomlni : , Wtali , Idaho , Nexada , Caltlornl Oregon , Washington I'crrltory , Colorado , Arltoi and New Mexico. AsII bcral arran enicnU n irdinif lajrjta e anj otliir line , and nteiof farcalna B asl oiv eouiKtltorv , who furnlih but a tithe of the cot fortDon Don and tacklfl of iportnuen free. Tickfta. in i Mid fnlden at nil princh * offices In the United BUtci and Oaruda. 11. K. CABLE , K. BT. JOHN , Vlcorros'tftOcn. Otn. Tit andlVu'rAt tlanairer. Chlewo Chicago. ATUVNTIO \ HULK FLORIDA ! i C'o.vsr C.cfAi , k OKV ; ciionu : Lou Co. lune of 50OOO Share * of S10 coo nt par , NVini iio.vun OK 40 ACUKS you KAO 10 hllAUK.S , Kl'.O.M CilOHV. LANDS OF T1IK "DlsSTON rCHCHlhE. " OIT CK THIRD AM > Cuitrvfr fcTK , I'nit.irr IIIIIA ; UKOADUAC , N , Y. . HOIHH 111 113 , Detailed | > ros , > ctu vtith dicriitvo | ! m i inniicil to nipHcnntii | njv2tiA30 MraskaLandAgen DAVIS & SHYDER , IEC6F rnhsm Gt. , , , , Omaha , Nebra AOO , ( Can.ullr KtcctcJ luid In EuUru Nebrukaf. tale. Great llir lnt Iu Improved farms , at Omaha cit ) proi > trt ) . 0. F. DAVIb WKBSTEIl BNYOC1 Ut LaodC m'rU.P. & . . . e \ \ JS3EZ1 For Sale By FIFTEENTH AHD DOUBLASSTS , , No. 1 , Vcwhoupc , 7 roomr , near baunrferv , $1200. No. 2. 2 story houw , n room * , well , cistern and barn , Webster , near 15th street , 32500. No. 3 , Houeo of 10 rooms , on Ilarney , near h Btrctt , stoim foundation , S1000. No. 4 , Large houno of 11 rooms , on WcbeUr itrctt , near Crcin'hton Collcife , S500. No. 0 , Hnuso of 7 roomn , on Cess , near 171 street , 3000. No. 7 , House of S room ; , Slots , on ITthstrett near Izard. $3 00. No 8 , llou'c of 5 rocnw , on CaSs , near 14th , 22X1S2 fco' lot , 81BOO. Ko. 0 , Hou-,0 of 3 rcxinis , Utchcn , etc. , OP Can > , nrarlsth at tut , C-jOO. No. 10 , lloii"0 of 3 roomi wltlt lot 22slS2 feet. on Ca s , near 14th street , S600. No. 11 , House of C rooms , on 10th street , neat Bouglai , 44x00 feet lot , $4000. No. 12 , Hoiificof 0 roouui , brick fouuditlon , on Harncy , near 27th btrctt , 81000 No 13 , 1 ( torj nc' houto of 6 rcxima , brick foundation , off at. Mirj'g nxenue , mar consent , J51BOO. No. 14 , House of 5 rooms nnd summt.rI.lU hen on 20th stieit , mar clarl. , C2500. Jin. 15 , llou"o c ( S rooms , on Sherman a ; cnuo ( ICth street ) , near Nicholas , .yiJSO. , No. 1(1 ( , 1 1 , tor3 house of 4 romi , ctllir , itablo , etc , , 011 Da\cnnort , near 22d strci t , 81DOO. No. 17 , 2 story brick home of (1 rooms , nunr : n J of red ctreU car turn table , 8 .150. No. IS , House and'J lots , 4 bloiKa west of Illch SJiooI , S2WO. ' Nn. 10 , llouso and "lots on rovl to park , near herd &t. ilar3'j a iime , S-'MO. No. 20 , IIoiiMi and 11 J loU Le , % ;'d , South Cm-ill i , S2r.0i ) . No. 21 , HOUMJ and lot on Daxennjrt street , near 10th strict , iJMOO. No. 22 , 2 ti.rj hou o and I-t 32\CO feet , on DAvenpcit. near 14th street , J1300. No. 2. ; . Houto of 4 rooma and 2 lota on 17th trcct , near Izard , ? 12oO , * No. 2j , iloiijcand J lot on 10th ttrctt , lira No. 20 , Hounoand J lot on 10th street , near Cap tel a\Liiuu , J1450. N9. 27 , 2 hoiutj und lot on Jicl.fon , near 13th street , 4JOi ) . , No. 29 , Miou-cs nnd 1 lot on CalifornK , near 3th strict , ? 5000. No. 30 , 1 l-ktory brick houfo of 4 rooms with lot WK2GO Icct. onbhirnianaicnuo ( ICth street ) , mar Izard , StiOOO. No. 31 , Ij-story house and 33x60 feet , on 13th met , near llonard atrtu * . 4-000. No. 32 , S.-etory hou"o of 0 rooms and two loU on Ma on , near Ifith street , ? 3000. N ° (35 ( , Larjru house ajd full lot on Caplto MMHio , near 13th street , s 2iOO. No. 3U , 2 three-story brick housei M 1 lot 44x 13 flit , on Chlcairo. near Ibth street , $5 0 cadi. o. 37 , llouse of 7 roonniith Ii lot 1'aul street , near Ibth utrnt , 327'fl. No 33 , llou e and lot on ISth street , near Sherman , SI 850. No. 39 , House of 6 rooms with 44x60 feet lot , on ISth street , near California , $2500 No. 42 , House of 8 rooms with lot 160x150 feet , on Coburn , near Colfax street , 83DOO. No. 43 , House and 2 loU ou Chicago , near 20th street , 875JJ. No. 45 , Larce hotwa of 7 roonm , closets pantry , well and cistern , on Ibth , mar Clirk street , fcJSOU. No. 4U , Laivu boufu with full block , near new ihottower , * 2000. No. 47 House of 9 rooms with J lot , on Padflc , near llth street , 3000. No. 40 , Urlck liousoof 11 rooms , well , cist-era , jra.s throughout the liome , teed barn , etc. , oo Farnhani , near 17th street , HMO , No. (0 , Hoiine of 0 rooms , icllar , well , etc. , OQ 19th , nc r Taut street , ,000. No. U , House of U rooms and cellar , lot 33x132 , off St. Mary'a ai enui- , near convent , $1500. No. 55 , Four hoiiHb andb xl20 feet , on port , near lUth etnet , 85000. No W , Hou'O of 8 or 10 rooms , on California , no.r2ltt trivt , S5MX ) . No. f.7 , Houtuoftl room' , mmmcr kitchen , cellar , lUUrn , veil , jroocl barn , etc. , near b . Marj's aMimu and 21ut btrcit , fJixK ) No. 5S , New house of 7 rooms , K ° od barn , on VV'clwtcr , near 22d strict , S2MX ) . > o. 5'J , Four houfc-i with J lot , on 12th street , neiir Ca-is riSW. No. 60 , Homo of 3 roou'8 on Dueiiiwrt , near 23rd btreit. fc'.W ) . No. 01 , Hondo of 0 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street , near 22nd ttreit , { 5000 , No. (12 , Home of 4 room ? , 1 Btorj , porch , cel lar , ilsU-rn and \tcll , on Hurnov , ntar lft stnit , 17 0. No. 03 , IIoucc of 4 ro'iu1" , cln eti > , harcine-ni nnd cellar , mnrVVhito I.t .id Works , itltiW. No. 04 , lluilJlni ; onlii ud lot , on Uodec street , neir no"t otlloe , stoiu beluu and r ems abe > c , bOO No. OS , 3 Iota with burn and other Improve- nuiits , mar street car turn table , tf2iHX ) . No. 61 , Now lion-e of 0 rooms on 17th , near Cunitiu' street , tlOOO. No. tJ , Large Unu housuot 12 looms , e\crj- thlturoinnltfte , on Ibth , near Chleasro , JSIOOO. No. 70 , lIoURUon Ifith tftriet. near Lta\onport , toro belou an I rooms above , barn , etc. , S1WO. No 71 , lloimi of ! > room * , line cillar , all com plete , on CAllfornU , near 21et , 87000. No. 72 , Drirk house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Daven jxjrt , near 15th. SiOCO. No. 73 , 1J story house , (1 roonn , rollar , wri uid cittern , on Jackson , mar 12th , ? lbOO. No. 74 , llrick house with 2 loto , fruit tree * , etc. , ou loth , m-ir Copltol aionue , * 16,000. No. 75 , Home of 4 rooms , basement , lot ITJx 132fvct , ou Marcj , nrnr 7th075 , No. 7U , 1) to house , a rooms , on Cam street , near mill street , H.'OO. No. 77 , 2 torj home , 11 roomn , clotetf , fur- ec , fruit tri-fn. barn , etc. , on t'arnhaw , Dear uiH.f. No. 81. 2 hou csilth 1) ) rooms , nu other Ith room , on c'liieajo. n r I ith itrctt , 13000 , No. tZ. IJ-ftorj house , tirixims , or a , f ind 100-barrel rUtcrn KO > 1 birn , on Hirie tit. , near 20th ( nc-iriir government corrall ) , flbOC. No. W , S-story houfo , tlrooiin , coalihcd , ( rood well , clitirn , cu } lot , ou Capitol nicjiui , uc& IVth , 2 00. No. bl , J ftor ) house , S room * , 4 tjetow and 4 ho > * , 3clo 'li'coiUr , ttell anil riitv'rn , tUi 6 ris urotiihl , ou baundurtntrcit , . No , S5 , 2 storcn , hon e on lcM < t j lot , I ao run 2inmtoiu ApiII l t , lasl , oul'aclilc ht. , near U , I' , dejiot , tfsOO , No. bC , Home , 15 room * , well , cisttrn , itc. , near 15tu and llarne > itrmtx , fJOOO. No. b7 , S tor > house , 3 rooms , well with i 40 feitof water , with Sairikoftround , ouSaundcru itievt , lu-ar U. b , Uatrii-ki , 000. GEO. P. BEMIS' Real Estate Exchange 16th nnd Dougl s Street