KENTUCKY'S CAVERN. A Twenty Miles' Trip. Through Subterranean Passages and Chambers. JTnmruotli CAVP , With Illiitory of It * Phenomena nnd Wonilor- ful Properties. Ooim > ] > ondrnt Cincinnati Cotumcrclil , Onu of tlio greatest imtnml curioai- Uca in thu world lies luss thnn tvu ) hnnJrecl milca from Cincinnati , lies- idcnts of this city can reach it in ten hours of pleasant travel , ntul 3 ct it ia safe ( o aay thixt not ono iut of every two huniirctl of the citizuna of the Qucou City have over soon it A hundred people visited Niagara falls to every ono who visits the oiulorful cavern of Kentucky. There uro va rious reasons for this. First , Nugnra i& fprtunato in being well advertised , while Mainnioth cave , for some ren- aon , Boldoin sees it naiuo in print. Secondly , Niagara falls U muniged for all the inoitoy it ia capable of bringing - ing to its shrewd agents , \\hurcna Mammoth ewe , until very recently , was under the control of non- progresRivo ideas. Thinl , Niagara hus ttncovorcd billionth the noonday sun , and distant view of its splendor can alwiiya be had ; Mammoth C.ive is hid- dcn in the darksome depths of tlio earth , with nothing visible to the out side world but its cavernoun mouth. Fourthly , Niagara lies almost in the direct line of travel between tlio great centers of castorn and wea orn popu lation , and is of comparatively tusj access ; Mammoth C.xvo is situated in a wild region of the south , nuar which no great tide of travel llowa , and is eight miles from the nearest railroad station. And yet , in npito of oil this , the subterranean axpomtion of natural wonders ii worth more than the time , trottblo and money it requires to sets it. SOMETHING ABOUT THIS UAVK. Before attempting to describe any of thu wondrous sights of the u\vo it might bo well ta briefly sot out a few historical facts about it. Mammoth cave ia situated in , or rather under Edtnonson county , Ky. , the center of the wildest section of the state. The noted James brothers , it is said , have several times been in hiding within cannon shot of the place. There nio over seven thousand aquavo miles ot limestone formation in this section , and all of it is supposed to bu honey combed by subterronean passages and cavernous halls. The whole county of Eilmuusoii is dotted witlisiuk-holca and nearly four hundred cavern mouths have been discovered , thougl most of them give access to but voiy small cavoj. Only ono entrance has been discovered to Mammoth cave ; at least , but ono has over been made public. It is believed the guides could tell of other means of entrance or exit , but it is their business to keep this laioweldge , if there bo such , to themselves. The cave lies under a high table land which rises 312 feet ubovo the waters of Green river. THE ENTRANCE TO THK CAVE is at the end of a ravine back of the Cave hotel , and 118 feet below the building. The visitor noes do\vn a winding path until ho arrives at the place where thu ravine seems to have runup against a precipitous blutT and knocked a hugo hole in the hillside , The hole is the mouth of the cave. Il is twenty-four feet in height and thirty wide. A small stream of clear water flows from between the rocks above the opening and falls upon the rocky bed below with pleasing oiFm. At nearly every season of the year a constant fog or bank of mist obscures the entrance , caused by the meeting of two atmospheres , ono of which is colder than the other , and thus con denscs the moisture in the air where the meeting takes place. Upon the day we entered the cave the tempera ture inside and outside happened to bo about tlio same , and the fog AV.I' absent , something that rarely occurs THE TEMPKUATUllB OF THE AIR of the cave never varies. Until re ccntly it was declared that the constani temperature inside the cave , winter , spring , summer and .autumn , was 50 ° Fahrenheit. But very recent scientific tific teats have shown that this measurement uromont was marked five degrees too high ; the temperature IB shown to bu but 50o , and from that it never varies. The atmosphere is very pure. Oxy ijen and nitrogen boar the same ic- lation to each other in the cave at- inosphoro that they do in the air out' side ; but there is much less caibonit acid gas in the cave than is found n the air we breathe. In the dryer parts of the cavern the proportion ii about l-f > 000th and near the rivers i ia leas still. Not a trace of ammonia has over bean found in the cave prop or. The humidity of the atmosuhon varies as you docond to the river and lake regions. In the upper avenue and chambers , upon the walls and floors of which nitrate of lime is deposited posited , there is a destitution of moisture uro almost absolute. Hero aninia matter mummifies instead of decayin by putrefaction. A dead body lett ii these passages would turn to a mum my. In those saiuo regions , for th oamo reasons , dust never rises. a trace of ozone can bo detected. is said that tlio nimosphcro of the cave ia the most exhilarating on the face i f or in the earth. Fragile , delicate - cato women have been known to travel oil foot over ton , and oven twenty miles of the rocky , rough passages in the cave , experiencing little or no fatigue , whereas they could not walk one-third the distance in thu upon air. The ereat purity of the cave's atmos phere is not full } roali/ed until the ex plorer emerges into the "sweat , pure country air" of the outxido unrld. Thu passages from one to the other at first u like transition from the air of the , streets into a close dormitory , where a score of Bloopers have spent the [ night. GOOD KOU ttONHDMITIVKS. This extreme pnrity of the atmos phere of the cave founded the im pression , some fifteen years ago , that a residence there would euro , or at least chock , consumption. Tlio test was a sorrowful ono. A half dozen consumptives , about 1811 ! , entered : the cave for the distance of a mile or more , whore they erected huts jrof atone and some of wood , in which they took up their residence. During the tint few days they were greatly -encouraged by the efloot. Then bo- can a reaction. Several of them soon died in the ca\e , and nil the rest ex pired soon after their return to the external air. Let physicians CTP ftl" the cause of this ollect. Short trip * into tlio cave nro advantageous to people nlllictod with luii } : troubles , in- tl.unmatory rheumatism nnd djsen- tery. The public ought to bo warned , however , delicate ns may bo the sub jcct of the warning , that there nro certain constnitt periods in n\erj lady's ' lifo when , under no circum stances , should she enter the cave Serious results , and oven death , have frequently followed this violation of nature's law , when the victim was en tirely ignorant that she wan dolyintj dentil. HOW IIIMCOVKUKI ) . II is n matter of legend , if not of history , that Mammoth Cave was dio- covered by a hunter many years ago who clmed a bear into the mouth Hi ) followed und explored it for quitt a distance. The Indians , however Imd occupied the main c.ue years bo fore. Evidences of their nboriginn habitation were discovered to n dis- taiico of n mile and a half back from the entrance then up to the verge of the Hottondess Pit. This awful sink hole they could never cross , ns it was ono hundred and seventy feet deep and extends entirely ucioss the pas si o. Hut white man's ingenuity long afterward tlnow a bridge across the chasm nnd gave access to miles upon miles of the cavern , which ex touds Htdl further into the bowels of the earth , a distance of seven and n half miles. tun CA > i : nururiti.s , atrnngo na it may soom. For half n 3 ear it inhales the outer air ; then it hold * its breath for a few days , after which it exhales fcr a six months' period , lu other words , during sum mer months , -vhen the external torn- poialuro is much wanner than is the letnpuniluie of the cave , a constant Btroun of air pours out of the mouth ; nnd the hotter the weather grows the stronger giowsthe blast from the cave. When the external tumporaturo is about the same a the cave's- that is , titty-four degrees a calm exists in the cavcin's mouth nnd it holds its breath. Such was the condition when wo vieiled it. Hut in winter , when the thermometer goes down toward rove , the cold nir ot the valley rushes into the cave as though pursuing an aimy of demons into hades. At cer tain Hoasons of the year the current of air in the passages near the moulh is so great that lights nro blown out This current of air becomes neutral ized , however , as one > oes further in , nnd finally is allayed entirely by the reservoir properties of the onlanjing chambeis , w hah are to bo found after a distance of half a mile. hVLIThTlllt was manufactuied in the main ca\o in 1812 , by Aichibald Miller , of Phila delphia , who took it to the eist and sold lo the American government to bo used in the manufacture of gun powder. The cave is still just as rich a mine of deposit for the mineral as it was then , but nobody could now suc cessfully oompolo in manufacturing il there with the markets of foreign lands. The East Indies and Soutl America at this later day supply the trade. Potash saltpeter is larcely shipped idl over the world from Bom bay nnd Calcutta. Whereas boda saltpeter is found in unlimited supply in the Deseit of Atacamn , on the wes' coast of South America.SThisprofitabl HI id desert lies partly in Bolivia party in Chili nnd partly in Peru , am it is the ini'ocont cause of the lieico war which has but just boon wugoj among these three go\cininents. is hardly likoiy thai anybody w ill ego \ o go lo war over the rights to Mam moth cave saltpeter beds. The po tritied hoof tracks of and nils of cai wheels made in 1812 are still'to b scon in the cave nearest the onlrauco The saltpetoi pits ui.d the bored log used as aqueducts to convey wnto into thoca\o for use in making th saltpeter , are still in existence , am owing to the purity ot the atmosphere their wood it solid and poifect to day as when placed theic , neatly EOV enty yeais ago. DASTK'.S IXFKHMI. Neither Dante nor Jules Vcine ha ever been in Mammoth Cavo. It is not strange , therefore , th it neither , in their pictures of sublet ranean horrors rors and mysteries , 1ms pictuiod any thing no awfully sublime , so grandly impresaivo , as this greatest of na ture's exposition. The mind of mar cannot grasp the magnificence ant glory of nature's work in those cay orns until his eyes have seen and his aoul felt the subterranean wonders It is not in the power of man to do pcribo what is to be seen in thcso underground dorground halls and chambers , and r will not bo attempted heie. Wo shall gi\o some facts nnd duta concerning corning the most wonderful of tin thousand sights that aio to bo BCCI there. Tin : OUIIJKS. " There nio tlnce regular guides nt inched to the cave and several "subs. " The oldest gnido is Mat , a colorc 1 man , who has lived nearly sixtyyears Mat has been puidp in the cave fo forty-two years. His son Henry i ono of the substitutes , and has bee taking parties in for fifteen yean The other two logular guides are Wij Ham and Nicholas , both coloroti William is a ventriloquist in his way and puts the gift to pleasing use fo the benefit of his guests. Tlif prijjim guide , whoso daring explorations re vealed many of the wonders of th e cave to civilization , was Steplie n Bishop , His remains lie bunod undo the red cluv of tlio neighboring hills , A mistaken idea prevail ! ) that the guide will collect exorbitant fees tioin the tourists In takes in chargo. This idea should bu exploded. He is paid a monthly Hal- nry by the manager of the cave , und is entitled to no feei unless the vis- itors freely contiibuto a quarter apiece , which they nearly always do. to show their certain appreciation for his efforts to please everybody. Each visitor to the cave pays two or throe dollars at the hotel ollico for a ticket admitting him respectively to the shot t or lung route in the cave. Jie joins the regular party of the route indie ated , and n guide sets out with such a party at a statjd hour in the day Tourists over the short route start usually at 7 o'clock in the evening , and after exploring about eight inilct of underground passages , return to the earth's surface nn hour bcfori midnight. 'J'lio long-route voyngort usually start nt 10 o'clock in the day time , and got back about (3 ( or 7 o'clock in the oNonni } , ' , after tumping through nearly si.xteon miles of the miraculous. They take lunch with thorn , which the jjuido carries , and oat it usually in Washington hall , which is .set en miles from the mouth. Each nsitor carries an oil lamp. Tlio unido carries two , nnd also has with him a bottle of oil , from which lie lelllls the lamps while the party is . .unching lunch. In a hnveraack _ nt his aide lie carries a supply of white light powder. This ho uses from time 10 time to illuminate the wonders of the u ml ui ground world. ow.vKKsmr. The cave is owned by an estate which possesses 1GOO , ncios of the A ild lands about and around the on- Iranco It is managed by Francis Ivlett , an intelligent , highly educated \ustrwn , , who took charge of the es tate n year ngo , and lias already hrott n much lite into the manage ment. The gioat drawback at pros- out to the ca\o as a popular resort is the dilliculty in getting to it. Though only eight miles fiom the Louisville and Nashville rnilrmd , no blanch rend accross the country to the cave hns over been projected. Mr. ICIctt fays the raihoiul company refuse to Innld the blanch b'-cnuso they want to buy the cave and aio slmtp enough not to add to its nttractUo qualities. Ho declares that the estate will in a few have a railroad built across the country westward to the Ohio m or , w hicli ia but twenty miles dis tant. Meanwhile the experience of in old-time Htnuo ride through such n wild country will give people of thin luxurious generation a taste of tiavel .is our grandfatheis found it half a hundied yeais ngo. iTolm n H. OtoiHi , 1' O. . for iiino imnithrt he cnuM not I.IIMI his linuil to H heiul , tlir- ugh lami'iieis in tlm shoul der luit liy the u > o of THOMAS' KI.VCTIUO OIL ho wiw uiUrulr cured. dtcO-codlw FACING DEATH. Terrible Strnculo lu n Railroad Car \Vitli n Desperado- Detroit I'ost Deo. 0. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon n thrilling epiaodo occuired on the Michigan Central in-bound express train near Kalamazoo , nnd but for the courage of a woman might have end ed in a terrible tragedy. When the train neared Pokagon a man , who had been apparently engaged in reading a newspaper , was seen to rise suddenly in his seat , and turning to a poison seemingly his companion , shouted in loud tones. "You give mo your reveler vol\or and lot mo go or I will brain you ! " A desperate struggle instantly ensued between the two men , nnd the startled and now thmoughly fright cnod passengers precipitately lied from the car , with the exception of a plucky little woman. The man who uttered the exclama' tion was Henry W. White , alias Bur ton , a notorious stago-robbor , bandit , and desperado , en route to tlio Detroit house of cornction. The individual ho addrcssnd was United States Mnr Blial P. P. Wilcox , of Denver , Col. , who had him in custody. The oxcla matioii was instantly followed by the prisoner bringing down on thootticer's head with terrible force a pair of handcuifi , which he had cunningly picked from his wrists with a tooth pick. Tlio ollicor was momentarily stunned by the blow , but made a desperate - perato resistance. Blow after blow was rained on the ollicor's head bj the prisoner with the handcuili and then he made a success ful effort to got the revolver , The oflioer shouted for help , but none came. The prisoner cocked the revolver , held it against the elli cor's breast , and pulled the trigger , but it failed to perform the work in tended for it. A desperate struggl for the possession of the revolver , a six-shootei of 44-calibro , knoivn as i bulldog , now took place on the par ; of the oflicer. Now it was in his hands snd then in that of tlio prison or. The most mysterious thing about the stiuglo is that , although each tried to fire the revolver , it failed in cacl caao to lospond. The tnuz/.lo of the weapon while in the hands of the was thrust gainst the left temple of the ollicor with such force that the prints of it wore plainly discernible corniblo when ho iiriived in Dotioit. During the contest the lady , a Mrs. Smithson , from Denver City , remain ed in the car and labored heroically to aid the oilicer. She threw her arms about the dcaporapo's neck and tried to hold his linnds. She remon strated with him nnd tried to calm his fury. Toward the close of the struggle , the prisoner seeing ho could not kill the ollicor nor got possession of the keys to unlock the shackles 01 his foot , placed the mui/lc of the re volver against his heart nnd again il tcfusod to icspond. Finally the elli cer grabbed the bell-rope and stopped the train , A brnkeman , attracted bj the struggle , had come inU. the car , but was nfinid t < touch thu prisoner. The ntruggl was fortunately bi ought to n clos by the opportune appearance of 0. F , Ohnpin , of Denver , from the forwnrt car , who joined forces with the elli cer. The two guards , whom the elli ccr had brought with him , were in th " car , smoking during th struggle. Word finally reached then II of the peril of their chief , und the , IIa IIy came rushing to the rescue. Th a prisoner was soon reduced to subjcc : tion , and his hands pinioned bohin his back. White did not hesitate ti announce that he intended to kill Hi ollicer , rob the passengers , and make his escape to the north woods , lie fluid ho was virtually a dead man when once within the walls of tlio house of correction. Wilcox with his prisoner nriivod in Detroit (5fiO ( ; o'clock Saturday evening. 1'hu latter has been lodged iu the house of correction , to which ho him been sentenced for life. While weighs about 150 pounds , has sandy hair nnd inuBtacho , and keen gray ocs. Ho is ' as lithe as n panther. Jio is quite well oducited , nnd liar nil thu mquisito tnlontH for n thief. His courage is unquestioned , and hm durum unsur passed , lie was b rn in Ballon county , Texas , twenty-eight years ago. His hands nro red with human jiood ; and his few years maikod with ither crimes. The first man ho killed , * as his father. During his brief areer ho has robbed thu passcngurs uid mails of nine stage coaches. The ) ulk of hm depredations were coin- nil'ed in ' " -v > ' . , - . " . ' , - lado. Ho was sentenced during the ndininlstt.ition of President Hayes to ton ytnrs in the Wheeling UistVa ponltontiniy for robbing a stnjje , but HJIS subsequently pardoned About fiu ) months n n , hotwein 8 and ! ) o'clock nt night , ho robbed n stage-conch on route from Al.imosa to lake City. There wore tint teen pas- Bongois in the conch , and \ \ Into did the work unaided. Ho placed a polo across the road on which ho suspended yunsacks. When the coach dro\oup he halted the drivoi Possessing wonderful powers of mimicry , ho personated theoices of throe or four ineu behind the breastworks ho had icnied The ( Mssengers were thoroui-hly frightcno i by such imposing diaplny of force , nnd permitted to While pnr.ido themon ) the roadside , llo blind-fold d them , went through their pockets , nnd robbed the mail bags. Ho then nuulo his escape , and the pissongors after ho duparied soon discovered the nno tint vtas played upon them. Wluto was soon nfttr captmod at Pueblo. While on route to Denver city hi > tumped oil the train anil tried to got a hoiso that stood WAV by. Ho was rt'cantutod ami taken to his destination , tried , convicted mid sentenced for life to the Lnntinio city penitentiary. I'jiou it being rctnesonted to the jmli u of tint diatuct thai the prison : it that point was an unsifo place for n man of White's character tlu > teuteiico w is changed to the Detroit House of Cor- leetioii. United States Mnrslwl \ \ ileo\ in formed a Post and Tiilnmo lepoitcr Saturday evening that ho had dealt with hco'res of desperate men , but had never met the equal of White. Ho slid lie took o\ery iiei-i'siaiy piccau- tion , ho thought , l < > Ining him in safety to this city. He Imd watehod him closely all the way to Dotioit. Before ho left Denver City ho put nil his private business in otilerin c.iso of accidents , knowing the chiiiacter of the man ho had to deal with. Wilco\ is n powerful nnd deteiiuined-looKinj ; man , with keen , black eyes and of fearless appealniico. Satmdiy e\en- ing ho was suu'ciitig quite hevorely from the terrible struggle he had pass ed through , although ho made few complaints. II is head , face , shoulders - ers and hips were badly bruised. The hearing of his left oar is slightly im- paiicd. The blow which ho icceived on the left side of his head had made him partially deaf. Ho is stopping nt the Itussol House , and lea\es for Washington , D. C. , Monday. Ho is entitled to great credit for hm coolness and courage. Bnolmn A.rnloa Salvo. The best salvo in the woild for outs , bruises , sores , ulcers , nalt rhouin , fever sores , totter , chapped hands , chillblains , corns and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salvo is gnar anlood lo give perfect satisfaction in every cnso or inouoy refunded. Price , 25c per box. For sale by T"n & M MAHON , Omaha. Gentle Women Who want glossy , Inxnrianfc and wavy tresses of abondnnt , beautiim Hair nmst nso LION'S KATUAIRON. This clccnnt , cheap article always makes the Hair crow freely and fust , keeps it from Hilling ont , arrests and cares grayness - ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it n curling tendency and keeping it in nny desued position. Beau tiful , healthy llalr is the sure result of using Kuthuiron. Tub gnat ipccllic LU re a that moat loitjuonn dlucn'o Whotlior ID its Primary , Socondury or Tortlury Stage * HcinoNoj all tracc of Mcrcurj from the ejs tun , CiifLi Sircfula , OM Herm , Illiutinia- tltiii , 12 zuiia , Oainrrh 01 an ; Ciiroi Wlion Hot Springo Fail ! MftUcrn , Atk , Mftj 2 , IHil Wo lm > o cases In our Umn wlio livoilatllo Sprln = ' > anil uiro finally cured nlth H. H S. MlCAMlKIS & Ml.lllll Min ] > lii , Mcnn. , Mny 12,1S8I Wo ha\o Bold l..Ki Lot ks of H.H. 8. In a ji.a It lias universal HitlaUctlon. talr inliun | ili8lcmii9 now itcuinincriil It f a posit I- hiacitlu. H 1UNHHH.U ( fc Co. I.onlsiillf , Kv , , Mil } ] 3,1831. 8. 8. S Iimifluii In-IUreatl luUlon tlmti any mcilldnu I line u\c.rt < olil J. A. F . . Donici.Col. May-J , 18I i\cry purclia cr ijiciku In the lilxnuHt tirins of H. K. ti. L. Ilkliinond. Va.Maj 11 , 1831 , You can rcfir an\lioily to IIH In rusianl to tlio tncrltH ( Jf H. S. K. Poll. , Miller & Co , o nn\tr known H H. H to fall to euro a CMC ot Byphlllt , when properly taken , II , I. Ikniard. - } , ( la. iil : Warrin , The above sl/ntra aroLtntkinsn of hlvli etanil liitf. A II COUiUHT , Governor olCloork'li. IK YOU WIHII WKV I.l.TAKi : YllUKMU UA 'jo ni : I'Aii ) KOIIVIIKN CUUID : Wrltofor pirtkiihrs anil uojij ul llttlu 'Vuita.'uto thu Uiifcrtunatv. 31.001) , R : wi will l > o [ aid to any t nlio mil llnil , oti niii > J U IbO ' - ' " ' , . ) ( bluinornny Sllnenl i CO. Hroji' Atla > iiii , Ra , 1'rltool nfiilar slzo rcilucc < l to gt 7'i ( x-r ot Ho Hir.ull B zo , liolJln0'lialI tlio quintlty , 1.00 Bold } > r KKKNAKI ) & CO , , ami Irua'iii t Omcrafly J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY AT LAW - - I 810 South Thirteenth Street , with fr-SSfKJr" V' ' -W * .v a.-i * M- * ' No Changing Cars \Vhoro direct connoctloii nro nimlo with Tl wieli SLKKPIM ) CAP. LINKS for NMV YORK , I10STON. I'llILADKI.PIttA , DALTIMOUK , WASHINGTON AND ALL RASTKHN P1IU. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- V1LLK , tul all j > olnt In the Till RIUT till For ST. LOUIS , Whcn'illrrct rontipctinni ivro iimlo In thn Union Depot nlth the Throudi SlrriiiuE C f Una tot ALli V01NT3 eg o TET TP aar. . HEW LHE ! < DES M01NES TIIK FAVOKI1R HOUTK FOR Rock Island. Tlio unifitnlcil Iniliidtnmiti otTi-rpd liy thll llro to triuoli'rnftml tourluUinroM follows : no t In Itcc'.lhliiK' Clrnlrs Tlio famous 0. , It 0 , . I'aluro Dining Gun. OorRoous bmoklnit C r > llttcil with c-lepuit liljih Ittckml tntUn rcxohlnc di.Mrn , tot tlio mclusKo use o [ fltnt claw p H8i > n- ftrre. ftrre.8totlTr cK M-tl mi | < criOT oqulpmonieonillri\l with their ( 'Joat tlirouuli cur luniigiiflciit , nitkt * this. BHo nil other * , tlio ttorlto route to ton Kail , Soutli mill Soutluvut. Try It , nml jou lll tltnl tnvollnu a luxury In- dteiMl ot n discomfort. Throuuh tickets \lo tliS rclolirixtuJ line ( or Bale t nil cillcci hi the Unltuil SUtBt nml Canvtn. All InforiiMtlon ixi.jut rntot o ( faro , Hl CVxr iixoimiio.Utloim , Tlnio Tables , cto. , wil cheerfully gl\on lij | M > 1) ' U' to rUUCKVAtj LOWELL , GtnerM oncer Acnt , Chicago. . J. POTTKU. Oo. JUtmrcr Chicago. Sioux City & Pacific THE SIODX OITY ROUTE Huns o Solid Train 'lliroun'h from Council Blutia to St. Paul Without Chance Time , Only 17 Hour * . IT is AOO UILES TUG 8110UTEBT UOUTE , FB01I COUNCIL BLUFFS TO BT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTU OK niSMAUCK , nnd Ml points In Northern low a. Minnesota anil DiKoU. Till : ) line la ixulipod ] ] 1th the lnipro\ WostliiKhomo Automatlo Alt-hrako nd Millet Platform Couulor and lluOor : nnd ( or BPEED. BAKETY AND COMFORT ! iinauniaHioil. I'ullnmn I'ataco Hlecplnp ; Car run through WITHOUT UIIANOK liUnocn Kan Han Cllj nnd Ht. Paul , v la Council Hinds and Sioux Clt > . Trilno ItaAo Union Paclllo Trinstcr ot Coun cil Ululla , at 7 : ) r > ) i. in. dally on arrhal of Kaunas ritj , St. Joseph ami vJoiiin.ll ] llulTa train from the South. Arrhln nt Sioux City 11.J5 p. in. , and at tlio New Union Depot at at. Paul at 12.30 noon. TKN UOUJ13 IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER KOUTK. i Ilcincnilicr In taking the Slonx City Itouto \oui-et a'Ihrmit-h Train. The Shortont Line , the Qulcki" ! 1 line and a Comfortable llldu In thu 'IhroiiK'li Cnri COUNCIL IILUITS AND ST. PAUL. XSTSc'i that ) our lickoti rtadla tlio "Sioux anil I'.iiilk Itallioail.1 J. S. WATTI.I 9 , J. II. 11UCIIANAN HnporlntuiKlcnt. Oon'l I'.IHH. Audit. P. 12. UOBLNSON , Ass't ( Jcn'l Pftii. Au't ' , MI HOiirl Vallcj , Iowa. J. If. O'llllYAN , BouthuiutoniAh'i-iit , Councl lllulld , loua SKORJJJNE. 1880. KANSAS CITY , St. Joe Kouncil Bluffs U TUB ONLY Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND T11K EAST Prom Omaha and the West. No crnnge of cars between Onnlia anil n . uouli , anil hut one Imtwoon OMAHA &ud NI.W VOIHC. Daily PassengerTrains EASTEKN AND WK8TEIIN CITIES with LESS CUAHQUS und IN ADVANCK of ALL { OTIIKR UNIJS , Thh entire line Is eiiiipiioil with I'ullman'f I'alnto Hlccpliiic C ra , Pr.laco Iaj Co'xcliw ) , illllorV Snfuty Platform nd Coupler , mid the colobratoJ WcotlnKhouso Air brake , jtarHoo that jour ticket roada VIA nANBAh C1TV , Bf. JObl.lMI i. COU1ICII , IJLUKta Kail- ro.ii ) , via St. Jontph and bt. Louie. TlikoU for ualo nt oil COUJKMI ntatloni In the West. J. I' . BAKNAKD , A 0. DAWKS , Ocn. B'ipt. , Ht. Joitrh , Ho | Don. i'&M. anil TUkut AKt. , Ht. Jojtpli , Mo. I AADT RouiiKN , Tlckot A Kent , 10 M Karnhaiii Btrcct. A. U , UAnxiHO Uciicral Auont , OMAHA.NK DISEASES OK TIIK- EYE & EAR DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL A88I8TANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. llcfcroncca all Rcputillo y lclan of Omaha. , Corner IBth and Farnham 8tt. , Omaha , Neb u26rniitl The Only Kuovni Heal Cure. ikc'J-iiion til Irl W , J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY AT - LAW. NT W AWD CORRECT ron i Jayonrt any teaiouibta ijiicstlon ttmt tlih CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN BY - < > ' ' ' jiiH"Mnut > ulicii , t tU'lliij , .iiotltu til fniu > L ttiooi I lilcago am jt | ofthf Principal Points In ( ho West , North ind Nolhwest , \M.iily t > x vijinr pit" .Vnp. Tli IVictpnl Cltp | < of dm Vvr < r vut NV.Khtr < r dt < Htntl < > flii in In irontl Hi tnttumu trams ui ito < iio > tuiuae kui MtU thetntuscf inifln ! > mUt i Junction points V"t/N v < VW W < * 5flSt3Bfjr ) \ AtV&2 > \ * * * NVfcaaV < < &W I S d'OVN.S 1 N THE CHICAGO & , NORTH-WhSTERN RAILWAY , The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. Cnmulnt. Jtemenuiertonsk fnrTlckcts via this roail.lm surethey roml over tt.nml tnko none othetv HAIIJIX IirauiCT.aen'lIUimaKcr , Chicago- . H. SIKNNKTT , Ucu'l 1'oss. Apont , CUIeasc HAUHY P. tlUKl , , Tlckot AjontjO. A N. W. Knllwty. 14th AMI ! PMnhMU itrcotn. 1 n. K KIMI1AM. , AsilaUnt Ticket Airont 0. U N. W. iuilvmr , lllh.nml r rnh in itrciti' J. HUM , , Ticket Aifimt 0. A S.V. . Kftllwny , U. P. It. It. lei > ot. HAMKST Ol.AIIK Ocnomt Ai-oi-t. WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Silver Plated Spoons and Forks , The only und/j / Uional plato Unit original firm of | m ia giviin ; for in- llogora Droa. sUinco a ninglo All uu < Spoons , Lv-i ] Forks nnd plated Spoon a W > tx "mt\ \ i I Knives plated triple thickness with thu grontoat plntu only on of euro. Each the a o o t i o a lot being huntf on a scale while whore ospo d being plated , to to wear , thereby insure a full deposit making a single posit of nilvorou plated Spoon thom , wear as long asa \Vo would call a triple plated especial attention one. tion to our soc- Rival. Orient. Tinned. All Orders In the West should ha Addressed to . B. HUBERMANN : , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. MttZI LGUTTEE ! ELCUTTER'S ' NovoltioB in Ohildron's CLOTHING. ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in BoysM OLOTHING. ELGUTTER'S ' NoveltiBB in Youtlis' CLOTHING. ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Mon'sb ' CLOTHING. ELCUTTER'S Hovolties in White FANCY SHIRTS. ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties in Under WEARS. ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Fancy NECK WEAR. ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties in Faiioy SILK H'DK'FS. ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Holiday GIFTS. MAMMOTH 'CLOTHING HOUSE , 1001 Cor. Farm ham & 10th St. 1001 106sLf WOOLLEY & DAVIS Opposite P,0 , Stationers , Paper Dealers and Engravers , KEEP ON HAND A SELECT STO3IC OP BLANK , SCRAP , POCKET AND BILL BOOKS , FINE PAPER , INKSTANDS , PAPER WEIGHTS * Latest Novelties in Wedding Goods , Menus , Visiting and Advertising Cards , Ball.Programmes , Also , Paper Bags , Flat and Wrapping Paper , Envelopes , Bill ,