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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1881)
I'l The T. One Six IIrc rc Ono Six. C ( eiktii ton THK THKm Lett ircsi PANT intci QM1 Ed Olro , Toh Jlrcu T. : elicit CVL ave noth KR ) hio oust 'aol natc mi V TUB id tl o bol orald CONI pay t C ( 11 teat rn in \VlIE con i > gger , blio t astioi ) Blip ] laliu. JKKF .h th > st cf rk ri al tl alon < rmt 1 , ui in. e , a < Urn jailt 1IANJ ilioru ction 1 , v toth oil ai invot 181'AT Pre calcd niont. bscor ofiici Kirl ity at the v JTITIO i in n rtion charg to oii" { ' were it is 'm go i petit , inn o ; THE 01VIATTA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY DECEMBER 3 , .1881. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Morosting Meeting of the Women's ' Foreign Mission ary Society , Mayor VauRhan'a Enorffy i : Dispelling the Smallpox Scare. The Town Overrun With Petit Thieves and Vagabonds. An Unuinnlly Intorc tlnB Batol Quito a large ntinibor gathered it the Oongrcfjitional church onTucsd.iy ovoning. TliiB was the evening of the commencement of the CongrcR.itiona nssocia'ion ' , but the clergy gave way to the ladies here workint in ( ho interest of the \Vomcns' Jtoanl of Foreign Missions , Mrs. Quo. F. Blai'oun , of Grinnoll , Iowa , nnd Miss II. A. Ilillis , formerly of Iowa , novr i missionary in Coylon. Prayer vai offered by Rov. Goo. Littliof Lewis Oass county , Iowa. Mrs. M.iioun was then introduced. She spoke in a very plousing manner from nianu- script , of the work there wai for women in foreign mission liolds. That as in most heathen country's the mm ory and want and wretchedness fell to the lot of women. It becomes thu special duty of v omen in all civilized communities where their rights arc respected and protected , to work in a canso that tends to alleviate their Buffering , elevate their moral and Hocial condi tion. In order to do this three things wore indispensable : Thought , prayer and money. They must have moro of those , especially the latter. In very eloquent terms she pictured the sinful , shameful condition of women in heathen lando , where wrotchodnoos was the rule instead of the exception. Quoting a declaration mido by that celebrated reformer , Martin Luther , she exclaimed , "This U a hard world for girla. " Hho related the fad of the early marringo of girls in heathen lands. How , oven at the RO of four or five years husbands were selected about the same ago and together they were locked up in cloao confinement until they wore mature enough to love each other il they could. How Homo were doomed to upend a whole life time in dirt , misery and rags , the slaves of husbands from whoso presence - once their very nature * shrink in dis gust. gust.How absolute the power of husband over the so-called wife. Whim ho laughs aho must l.iugh ; when ho sings ho'muot sing ; whim ho cries she must follow suit. But when ho dies the same relief is not afforded her. She must bo stripped of all ornaments and live through a miserable uristonco. She spake of the condition of women in China , where half of the female population of the world resides. Referring - forring to Buddhism she said that the accepted belief among the women wai that men were gods , and in order for themselves to bo on a place higher than the brute creation they must bunr sons in this world , die and tnut to luck for ngain appearing in the flesh u nialo instead of a fnmalo. Mra. Magoun is a very fine appear ing lady , a plo.uant speaker , and seems to have her heart in the work , Shu islho wife of Professor Ma uun , of Gririuoll collet1 ; ! , this state. At the conclusion of her remarks , "MrH. liillis WHS introduced. Slio spoke very rapidly , mid rather indis tinctly1. but at the name time what aho ail wim quite intorcst'iu ; . She described the exact location ot the is land of Ceylon , its climate , govern ment , etc. , and that it has thii tago over the heathen countries apokon of by Mrs. Magouu on thin island , that the women are on top and Hitmen are the one * who 'sit ouutono lluors and the thinnest part of thu noun. Hero the god they worship is made with hands , but the pno they talk about is the g6d who gives them xico. She spjko for an hour of the nchool work carried on there through the instrumentality of the women' * ) board of foreign missions. Mrs. Ilillis is not a very ploanan speaker , yet she has a way of making horsulf/iuito interesting. IIAUD ON CLAHA. Our morning contemporary devotes about half a column relating how Miss 'Kellogg visited one of our first class saloons nnd partook of a ricli lunch that there was three in the party am the bill como to § 10. They know what they are talking about , for thu ; had a reporter who stood by nnd who watched every mouthful she ate They muko the bold charge tiiat Miss Kullogt ; talked all the time she wa eating ; that she even laughed righ out loud. Thu Gatu City editor \vil too when he reads that article. . Now Miss Kellogg may bo a very pee aiiiger in thu opinion of The Nonpareil worthy of nothing but empty chain ) to aing to , but when it is claimed by th.\ ahuet that she hasn't the right to visi any ono of Council lilulls * palatia saloons and partake of u first claa Duppor , wo think it a httlu hard 01 Clura. It is reported that Miss 1'oole , wh satin with Miss Kellogg , remarked th next morning after the concert , Urn under thu circumstances it was alinoa impossible to sing. In thu tir t phie it was very cold in the gicen loom the horses underneath wvro atiunpiu their fee , and ono of the gas jet kept up a continual hissing sound. TIIK UTfLK OUNT. If there is a man in , the city can get signatures to n paper , tint man IB Vauglmn , It is said the ei orgy and peisistoncy displayed by hii in procuring thu doctors' cerliliciit that there was no case of small-po * i the city , was simply remarkable , believing lieving that if thu facts was ttprea abroad that small-pox was raging here it would cause irreparable injury t businosj. Ho arose in the ni ht time , and almost in hii night shirt , wont from doctors' homo to doctors , and persuaded them to sign the in strument , so it might nppt-ar in thu morning uapors , M it would Imvj n tendency to ( liijioll any fear the small pox report mijjhl hero r.iiso. A TAMP. MdUSK. There it a tame mouse in an oflicc on Hroadway. He will como out ol his hole and oat crackers out of the hand of the proprietor , who says hi would not exchange him for either member of the city council. WIIY IT HAITKNKI ) . Part of the Council Bluff local garu way yesterday for thu president's message , which appeared in TIIK BRK in full , occupying fourteen columns. The coon that assaulted the woman about a week ago , as reported in TIIK HP.K , and robbed her in front of the Ruvoro HIIURO in this city , was ex amined before ] Judge Hurko yes terday , and ) held for his appearance - anco before the grand jury now in Hcssion. AN AS.SAUI.T. A man by the natno of Horden com plained at headquarters that thu HII- | ) oriiitundont of our mammoth grain jlovator ainaulted him lust Sunday livening. The case was put down for licaring December "lot , IHH OPINION' . President Arthur has a brother ; his namti is William. Ho uis interviewed by a Nonpareil reporter in this city , I'lR'Hilny uvuiitng , and g.ivu it an his opinion that the government had begun at the wrotiu oud in the ( iiiitoau trial. They shouhl have tiHud the "hump" ir.U , and discujsod thu meritu of the ca-io afterwards. Thuru is a horse in this city going ho rounds nmoni ; traders that lias lad his tongue pulled out by thu roots. roots.M. M. A. Upton has constructed a very ine house on the corner of Hoventli ivunue and Tenth street. Yinco'it iatlon did the work. WATKIl MAINH. Ono hundred car loads of water mains arrrivcd in this city yesterday ivcr thu Northwestern railroad , > illod to Council liluffd water works ompany. The peonlo will wako up omo morning nnd tint ! thu Missouri ivcr trying to tut into thu kitchen. WANTKU A OOVKUSMKNT lU'ILDlNfl Thov following ruHolution olfored by x-Aldormiin Graham was adopted by 110 board of trade Tiiuaday uvuniug : Resolved , That thu bourd take im mediate notion toward securing to /ouncil Dluffi ) a United States court louse and postoflico buiklinu. On mellon the board adjourned un il last evening , when committees weru to bu appointed to petition con- rosa iu thin matter. HOW IT IIAl'rK.VKD. It is now reported that it was the put escaping , caused by John Llndl Baking off his new plug hat in Abbott's > llicu , that broke thu glass so suddun- y during thu examination of Sulli van. TO KR aiUDKD. Union avenue is to bo graded fifty out wide anyway immediately. This vill onnblo the Hurdics to pass back nd forth. If it U to , bo only fifty uot wide it should bo constructed litth enough to answer the purpose of a luvoo. , A.NOTHKR CONFIUENOK C1AMK. Again wo hear of the successful tlayiug of that old confidence game 'ucsJay in this city. An old gontlo- luu who lives in Charles City , this late , by the name of J.V. . Young , * us on hm way to visit his family , rein Kansas. While on the train ho nut a young man to whom he at once JOjatnu HO attached tint ho was wil ing to loan him money ou demand. ) iiruit ; thu C'mvira.Uion ' with bin grutublo * joung coiiij'union a svcoi.d oung alnirper appeared upon the ccnu aiul'iuforinod young mini No. 1 .liac thuro wm a valuable paulc.i u at ho pxpiuss otlico in Council Hlu/l' / or him , and in order to gut it out thu h argon would have to bo advanced o him , AdaniH , as ho wai the ugont. Young man No. 1 , not having any- liing less than n hundred dol- ur bill , borrowed about $ ! SO , the hu amount of the uxproas churgeH , 'loin thu very agreeable old friend he not on thu train , promUiiit ; to nuke it 111 right its soon as Council Itlutl'-i was renuhod. The old man missed ins young friend * when thu train stopped. In some way they failed to connect with the Hot-die lino. The old man ; up to the city , repaired to the American express office , and inquired for thuir agent Adams. They never heard of thu name'of Adams bef'iro. ' Ho started tor police head quarters , where ho reported the cane , U'llin ? the above story , which may be true but is certainly the most unrea sonable transaction to which our at tention.has been called , man or. A man going home from the Kel logg concert was met by two youn roughs on lower Broadway , whe ordered him to hold up his hamU while they searched him , taking his purse continuing about $1.75 in siUor , when they disappeared. HKUIOUft CHAtlOH. The Nonpareil indirectly ehaigot Chief of Police H. H. Field with di viding with criminals. Such a clmrgi against the character and integrity ol a man who has lived in Council lilufh nearly thirty years and always born i most uxaltud reputation in this regart will not bo very much substantiate ! by such n "squib. " TOO FONNY. A man by the numo of Buttington who woun * | Jittloofl" yesterday , bu gun to tlourish a revolver and dis charged the same at random in the vicinity of the Ogden hotel , for all o which , to him innocjiit amusement hu was taken in and obliged to com * down with § 0,85 for thu benefit of tin school fund. KNIQIIM OK I'VTIUAH. St. AlbaiiB lodge No. 17 , K. of P. at their uvular meeting , held Tues day evening , December tJ , elected ofli CHI-S for thu UIISIIIIIK term as follow H Chester Tibbetta , 0. 0. ; G. L. Smith V. 0 ; A. L. Ayroi , Prelate : F. M I'utton , 1C. nf II. S. ; W. Truing JI. of K. ; J. 11. Stagg , M. of F. ; S < V. Hoarala.M. of A. ; J. B. Coon , J G.T. ; Hull , 0. 0. Trustees for tin ensuing year : K. J. Abbott , J Spauldiug and J. A. llcarula. Hop rcaoiitativos to the grand lodge , whicl moots here uoxt October : Put Chaii rt-llnrs Edwin J. Abbott nnd John It. Stawj. MISTAKII. To UoiitltorolltiK ln- ! Wo dee a stntomeiit in your paper to the direct that in their opinion nil houses built in Council Illulfr el ion hi bo erected on the bottom land' . We write to enquire your reaaoim for ouch a statement. 'ClTizi.N. " CitiKon \ mistaken. No such dec- larntion ever nppnared in TIIK Bnp , it must liav. ) been thu other paper ho borrowed. IIAIU.Y IH'IIT. A man was thrown froni his horse on Fourth nvrnui1 , rccoiviiiK quite a severe injury over the left eye besides a sprained ankle * . WHY IH IT ? Competition is the lifo of tnulc. Tim strtot line hns carried moro paisongcrs fiinco the Herdics were put iinjtlmn o\ur bofniii , and thu latter have all they can do. UEMOVKII. Ex-Alderman Thnmoa U. Gavin Ins moved from his residence on Franklin - lin avenuu into the ArniHtrong IIOURO , in Gloiit'alo , whuru the family will linvu moru room. WHO IS IT ? Mayor Vaugban leceivvdnlotti ryot- lerd.iy from iliu cinliiur ot a in liurlington , Iowa , mnking inrjuiry in regard to a man by tliu namenl Dixon uhoii prusiimud to have been killed 11 tliis city. The mayor replied that 10 such killint ; had been brought to the notice nf thu authorities here , but hat an investigation would bu in stituted at once. HAD HUSINKSH. There never was so much robbing and thieving carried on in Council lilulls as at thu pit'.ient time. I-OLICI : ricKixm. Frank Writ-lit , arrested for being drunk , was fined $ ( i,8."j ; no lundn on land ; nhovulud it out on the streets. Charles Hodges was put in Wright's ilacu in the calubooeu for the same iffuiiRo committed yesterday , and vnll uttlo with the court this morning ! 0.85 or stone pile. A couulo of vagrants who wore giv en lodging at police headquirturs , wore given something nlso this morn- ng , thirty minutes to leave the city. MIHUKLLAKKOIM AND PK1WONAI. . Florence Herbert with , as claimed , a fii-Ht-clasi dramatic compiny , will sommuncu n week's engagement at Oohany's next Monday uvuniug. Ono of our city council finding that ho thing was about to Cav-in , got out from under. Hu mwed out. Morgan , Kuller it Co. have a naw wagon , to bo used in their undortak- ng busi.iess. A man who will take out his pocket- wok and empty its nionied contents nto the hand of a stiangcron the irpmisu that it Khali bu returned , in his cnlightonou ago is nltogethur too gonurous. Hu ought to lose it. Music stands and cabinets , the inest in thu city , at J. Mueller's. The western mutual aid society of ) cs very generously paid Mrs. ilutculf $5 per week during the three weeks she was down hearted on ac- ount of being burned out. Ebon Newell , of stove polish fame , ms so far recovered from his recent llness as to bu out upon the streets again. Mra. Mapoun while in the city is a guest with Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge , ni Fourth street. Mrs. Hillis , the visiting missionary rotn Ceylon , is stopping with the amily of A. 13. Walker. Vic Keller has accepted a position n thu auditor's office , where he may bo found daily. TI1INK.H niKKKUKHTLV. "Refusals will servo their full term , Uid an another if they like. " UEB , th inat. [ Now , Mu. KKK , please > rush that little lock of wool from > vor your t-yo. The refusals soryo hemsulves not others if that is vlint you moan. If you moan serve mother year , 80 of every 100 voters say no. S. D. HOI-KINS. Incredible. 1' ' A. Kciutch , ( Irn ist , Ituthven , Out. , iites : " 1 have the grcateBt coiifidcncu n jour lU'iuiooK 15iooi ) HITTKIIS. In DDL- CIIHU ultli which I urn iRTnonully ncquaint- \l tlieli'hiiccoMs wan almost incredib f. One la'ly tnlil nio that 1ml f a Uittlu tliil her moro ( 'outl tlinu Inmilridi ) of dollar ' worth if nil-dicing HIO hud prdvioualy taki-n. " I'rico § 1 , trial i/o 10 uentH. due 5-eow GUAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK,1'1,0 rcatTRADB ' MARK O'iy. An im- lallliiK euro f r Suiuina ] \VcnkiionH , Hpnrniator' rheii , Iinpot- uncy , niui all follow an a EFOHETAIllNQ. c < iuo co of AFTER TARING , hut Aliiifu , u * I.OI.H ot Momorj , Uimciiul LUMI- luilf , I'aln In the Hack , IMiiineiw ot Vl-lon , I'rc- tnaturo Old Afo ) , nnd many other Di-oiico that lead to Insanity or Contuiiiptlon and n I'ri'ina- turo ( ) ra\e , iO'VM particulars In our pamnhltt , hlih n dmlrti to vend free , nmll toorj one. tf/Thu Spiultlc MiHlklno IH fold h ) nil dru lBte nt $1 | * 'r pnckiKu , or 0 i ckifi for ? . " > , or Hill ho mil frto by mall on re j pt nf the inoni'y , bi addtcaalnif TIIKOKA IIUIICINCCO , Uulljlo. N. V , For mill hv 0 K Ooodr i'7iiii'.io < l 1'JtOllATK NOTIK. In the matter of the Kjttu of Ja u > a K. I h. Notice U horolijlen th t the crcdltonnl IJ deceased , will meet the mlmlnbtrix of mid KutAto , bvforii inu , County Judo of Dou/lnt CountNclinmlia , atthe County Court Uoom In nalil County , on the Oth danf IXHvmlxir , ttol , on the llth day of February. 1S 2 , and on thollth lUyof Airll | , 1882 , U10 o'cloikn. ui. ciulnliy. for the purKwe of | < rrw < ntliir | Iheir clahni tor ox- audnatlon , luljuttnient and allowance. sl > inont a ate * llo\srd for crudlton to ) ircnent theli claim , and ono jntr for the admlnUtratrlx U cttlimald cMtatt' , from the Oth day of October , US1 , thli nolle * will ho | mblUh l In Til * OHAIU > \ RKKU HKI lor four weeks mimamUely , prior U the oth day of December , 1881. . ( A true copy. ) A. M. CIIADWICK. ocll ) 4t _ Countv Jndo. WAB IN PASSENBEE RATES I IIOIIIIIK IIIIOS. . IlroVcr. In nil lUllroad rlckeU , Omaha , Neb. , offer Tickets to the Kast until further notice , at the following unheard ol Low liatfn ; Chicago , I2 ; Hound Trip , K4.00 , Tbeiw art llmltoj Kint-Cludlcketii and itood for return ihrouich the year , and U the Old Hcllable Chi ire , llutllugtoii & ( julnc ) llailroad Alito ' out KBWYOKK , . IIOSTON. > ! < i,0. > 1'IIII.ADKLI'IIIA , S5.0J , WAHIIINUTON , 2'iO' St. " / * " , ' * ' " . * " , Hrllorr f ° > ll rt to IIOIIIIIK IIU08. . IKulvn In lUdikul Into Italroodand btMiuihlpTukiti , Mi > liinth HI. , Onuh * Neb. I U'lnemoi'r the | ilaro Three Dcorn NiTlli ol I nlon I'acitlo lUllraad lei > ot , Eaal i du ofi'cnUi Street , Orooha Augunt 1. 1S3I Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT LAW ouses LOTS For Sale By HHBBHIH AND DOUGLAS STS , , No , 1 , Kcuhonno , T roomg , near SautMerH , 8100. . No. 2. 2 st-'ry houw , 0 room * , well , cistern and barn , Welwtcr , near 16th street , S2EOO. No. 3 , Iloutc of 10 roouii ) , on Harncy , neat h strict , tone foundation , $1000. No. 4 , LarKO hoiiso of 11 rooms , on Webstar itroet , Urelnhtoii Collcvo , S3MX ) . No. 0 , II u c ot 7 roonia , on COM , near 17 * street , 81000. No. 7 , House of S rooms , 3 lota , on 17th street near Iznrtl , $3 00 , No 8 , llousool 6 rooms , on Cast , near 14th , 22x1X2 fcoi lot , & 1300. No. 0 , House of 3 roonu , kitchen , etc. , or Cass , nrar3th t cct00. . No. 10 , llouve of 3 roomi with lot 22x132 feet , on Cua , near 11 th street , cWO. No. 11 , llousu of 6 roonm , on 10th street , neat Doujflan , 44xC feut lot , J4000. No. la , Houpeof 0 rooniH. brick foundation , on Harncy , marimh ktriet , 81000. No 13. l tor > 'Hew house of 0 rooms , brick foundation , of ! M. Marj's avcnuo , nu&r convent , 1164)0 ) , No. 14 , Ilousoof fi rootmamleummorMti-hcn on 20th , near dark , J2MO. No. If , HOUHO of S rooms , on .Sherman avenue (18th ( street ) , near Nicholas , S22M ) . No. Id , l J-story house of 4 rooms , collar , stable , etc. , on Daleniort , near 22d utreut , 1600 No. 17 , 2- tory brick houiw of fl rooms , near tn.l of red ttrcct tar turn table , ? 13M ) . No. 18 , Ilouno and 2 lots. 4 blocks west of High School , Si',00. No. IB , Homo and 3 lots on rood to park , noai load St. .Marj's atonuc. S3500. No. 'JO , llouso&nd 11 j lots near Hrwcall'B.Bouth Cmaha , ifiMW. No. 21 , House nnd lot on Daioninrt street , near Itltn ttrtct , * 5000. No. 22 , 2 titirry liouse and bt 32x00 feet , on Dayemiort , near 12th street , 91300. No. S3 , Homo of 4 rooms and 2 lots on 17th troct , near Izard , $1200. No. 26 , ilouso and J lot on 10th etreot , nea Dodgo$050. No. SO , House and J lot on 10th street , near Can tel avenue , 81450. at , 27 , 2 houKoa and lot on Jackson , near 13th trect , 84300. No. 20 , & houses and 1 lot on California , near 8th itreet , ftWOO. No. 30 , -story brick house of 4 rooms with lot GOx'200 feet , on Sherman arenuo (16Ui ( street ) , near Imrd , 30CO. No. 31 , 1Jstory house and 83\66 feet , on 13th rccct , near Howard street. 2000. No. 32 , i.-8tory house of 6 rooms tnd two lota on llason , near 10th ttrcct , 83000. N ° | J5 , Laru ) house a d full lot on Canlto onue , near 13th utrwt , S2sOO. No. 3 , J tluoe-fitory brick houses wl lot < 14x 13 fctt , on Chica/o , near 16th strict , 85 0 each. ln. 37 , House of 7 roomi with IJlot Paul street , near 18th street. & 7SO. No .18 , Ilouso and lot on 18th street , near Sherman , SloM. No. : in , Hoiwoof 5 rooms ulth 44x00 feet lot , on 18th street , near California , ijitoo No. II' , Ilouieof 8 rooms with lot 160x160 feet , on Coliiirn , mar Oolfa\ street , 43MX ) . No 13 , House uud 2 loU on Chicago , near SOUi etrcit. TSJJ. No ifi , Laru-ohoiiwof" rooiiiM , clOHct pantry , will mill cittern , on Ibth , near Clark street , $3M < i. No , 40 , Larsi ) houxe with full Mock , near new eliottowur , fiOOO. No. 47 lloufa of 0 roomi with ) lotonrAcflc ! , uciulltli strict ijZOW No. li : , llriik housoof 11 rooms , well , c'ctcrn , i'ai lliroiiK'l.ont the IIOUHO , Rowl barn , itc. , on VnriihMiijniar J7th Rtrcet , StXJOO. No to , Hou."u nl 0 roomx , eellar , well , etc. , on 10th , nt'ur I'aul stri'ut , $ ; ,000. No. Ui , Ilouso of U rooms and cellar , tot 33x13' ! , cff tit. Marr'niiMnue , near convent , $1(00. .Nu.M. Four hoiHcs nndSsxl'JOfeet , on Daven port , lutr 10th street , JSOOO. , Iou ! o nf Dor 10 rooms , ou California , No. 57 , HoiiHuofU rooms , summer kitchen , cellar , UUrn , well , K ud barn , etc. , near St. Mitrj's aiume and 21st street , $3000 No , fib , New IIOUHU of 7 rooms , good barn , on Wcbshir , IHAF 22d street , C2500. No. M ) , Four hautfca with i lot , on 12th street , near Com tsAoo. No. do , llousuof 3 rooms on Duveunort , near 23rd street , 8-.XX ) . No. ( U , liouio of 0 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street , near 22nd utruit , rf.000. No. t.1 ; , Ilouso of 4 rooms , 1 story , porch , eel- nd well , on Harney , nojir2l8t street , No. 113 , Hoii'oof 4 ro'tns , closets , basement Hid u , iu \\hlto luiulVorki , SICOO. No ( II , lliilldliiK on leased lot , on l > odic street , niar jiost olllce , store below and r oma abate , too No. US , Slots uith burn nnd othir Ini ) > roto- mentH , in'ir strut ear turn table , 82000. No. U7 , Ne lion o of U room * on 17th , mar Cumlni ; street , jlOOO. No ( i'l , lj rjo line house ot 12 looms , o\er > - iliiSiomt.Ietc , o i 16th , msar Chicago , ? .H)00. No. " 0 , lloui-o on Ibth street , nenr ua\cn | > ort , tore holownnd roomn nboui , barn , itc. , $1&00. No 71 , llounuof 8 rooms , tlnu tollar , all loin l > li to , on California , near 21st , 7000 , No , 72 , Hrlck house , 10 or llroonisouDa > cn | wrt , nvar Uth i-'iO-O. No. 73 , ljtorv house , 0 rooms , cellar , w l uid cUt rn , on Jackson , near 12th , ISOO. No. 74 , llrick hoii-e with 2 lots , fruit trees , etr , on 10th , near Ca ) > ! tel aonuo , 41 ,000. No. 75 , Ilouso of 4 rooms , ba * mont , lot 17)x ) 132 feet , on Jlaicy , nrar 7th , e 7& . No. 70 , Ij-etory houno , Brooms , on Cauttrout , mar IGUiBlrott , * 4WW. No. 77 , 2-ntory houto , 11 room , closets , fur &ce , fnilt truii , barii , etc. , on Faruham , near th btreet. & 6000. No. iil , 2 liouiH's vitb 0 rooms , and other with rooms , on Chicago , near 12th ttrcet , $3000. No. t > 2 , IJ-slory home , 0 rooms , 4 closets , well tnd lOu-bariel cistern gaoA barn , on I'icrco tit. , near Koth ( near new gourinucnt corrall ) , 91SOO. No b3 , 2lory houue , 0 roouw , coal liwl , ( food well , extern , on t lot , ou Cupltol avenui' , nut No , 81 , 2-ftory house , 8 rooms , 4 btlow and i IHIU3 cloceu , co'lur ' , well atul cittern , with 6 cr s ground , on Sounders atrcut , near llarracki , 2600. No 65 , 2 stores , house on loawl > lot , Ua > c runs 2 years from April l t , 18S1 , onl'aclrle St. , o r U , I1 , ilcjwt , $ six ) , No. SO. House16 rooms , well , clbUrn , etc. , near 15th and Harnt'V utrnitK , HJOOQ. No. 87 , 2 story house , 3 rooms , veil ulth 40 feet of water , with 6ai'rfsofirouiid : , on Blunders tre-it , near U. & , UairacLs , tiOOO , OEO. P. BEMI3' Real Estate Exchange 16th and Doujjl B Street iffr If you \roinnn If you rim a mnn of lev lioitrotnrf tM * U illni ! of tiiulit rkto n ttlniulnnMnml u totchrnlnncrTmnd Hop Bittern. * Kttt. u j Hop H. 1J yon are younc i n1 4 ntTrrtnjt from ny t dtrcittlon or di < M | > i 2 tlun i It you arc tnar- rlcd or Mnp ! , old or younff , milfr rlnf frori poorhrAHh or lonzulth ine on a boU of ilck nw % rtly on Hop OltttM. WiofTof yon HIT , t > Ji n < > Tfr you tctl rom Mme tlmt your iiyrttm Kidney nrcdo clcnn < lntr , ton- thnt niHrl't Inif.ot nire tntt\i by t timely wet Hcp Utoro plain * . ( ll < on'cl If KH BIKHJIUlt , of tlKnlmmith , ! and IrrcaUia. fnuvfn , tlooil.l HOP drunkcnneti bio ear a far UK of opium , Yea will tic t ( badco , o' ' cured If you UK norootlc * . Hop Dlttor tfyanaremm- floldbyrtnur- rlr w c n k and , Kt . Ik-ndfui ' NEVER Circular It7 ft m'n y not-rrmti envoyour Mfo. It hn FAIL 8TO CO. , saved hun- R hl ) er , It. 1 dredo. it Toronto. Out. To the Members of the Nebraska State Medical Society. WAIIOO , Neb. , Not ember 2. , 1831. A ppcchl fcBion of the .Velirailia Stnto Jloll- cnl Society IH coin on Tuo thcU'thc'av of Dvicniuir , A. I ) . IhSl , nt the hour nf HP octock n. m , For thu purpo-e of Inking such uctloii , as may HI tho'iKht hot In rcl itloa to the liw r gulnt UK the practice of n idlcinc , In the Sta u of So- iiiuVn nnd such other imlncKi im tniy tie re- qulr. il tojiciloiebys lil .State Medlc.iloctety nHfK'clil ' 'cwiioii. II W. STdNh , M. ! > . , President .Nebraska State Jlodlcnl Society. Atto-.tfd : A. S. MAN8K KUKSl D. Secretary Xt-h. State Med So. no23 < llt 3t Article * of Inoorporntiou of the Mlllnrd Fnrmors' dob- Articles of incorporation made and adopted thto 29th day of October , A. I ) . .881 , by and between the undersigned incorporator - corporator * , nu follow * , to-wit : NAMK. Article I. The name of thiaclubBhnll be ho Millnrd 1'armors' club. PLACE OF UBINKSB. Article II. The principal place of bufti- lew of this club shall bo at Millard bta- ion , county of Uougla , Nebraska , NATUUK OP HUBINE88. Article III. The general nature of busi ness to bo transacted by thU club is to conduct a general literary and social busi ness and other entertainments of a social character. CAPITOL STOCK. ArMclo IV. The amount of capital stock > f this club sliall lie two thousand dollars , lividi'd into sharps nf one dollar each , vhlih t-hall b paid in the manner pro- cribed by thn diiectnrs. COMMFNCEMKNT AND TEliMIMATIntf. Artie e V. _ This club slmH commence to .rannnct ImMneHB and exetci'Q its corporate mwers the 29th day of October , 1881 , and ts powers shall ceafeon the 'Jlh ! ) day of October , 1981. AMOUNTS OK LIABILITY. Article VI. The highest amount of n- jility or indehteilnecs , which tliia club ihull at any one time subject itslef , shall , e three hundred < 1 dlwrs , Article VII. The officers of this : luh shall be romlufted by a board of three directors , who shall be ilectcd from among the stockholders , and hey shall appoint a prcmdmt and such ther officers as by law is required , JULIUB SCHUAKDER , J. BLUM , CLAUH SCHUMANN , W. GER.NDORF. . STATE or NEBRASKA , 1 COUNTT or EVOfLAR. f On this 29th day of October , A. O. 8881 , tersonally appeared before me , Charles 5randos , a'notary public for said county , 'uliua Schroeder. J , Blum , Claus Schu- nann , W. Gerndorf , to me known to be he signers ot tbo foregoing articles of in- : orporption , and acknowledged the same to > e their voluntary act and deed , [ SEAL , ] CHADLE hiiANDES notary public in and fur Douglas county , Nebraska. THE BEST OF ALL FOB MAN AND BEAST , Fin1 morn thnn n third of n ccntnry thn Mexican ftlimtnnf ; J.liiliiientliaHlH'ei ] Known to millions nil over til" woild ng thu only afo rvlliinco for the rellol of acoldontn niwl imln. IL lx u moillrino iibovi ! jirlcnniui Jinilso tliolientof tin it I ml. J-'oruvcry lotin of cxlurnul pu'ji the .lnlinunt li wltliniitun cqiiiil. It iiciictrutu * llrxli anil muscle to tlitry lioiie nmking tlio cnntlnn- iincu of | inln nnil iiitliiiiiiniitlnii inipov- Hlbli' . liNctreclsniion llninun Klcsh mul thu IlriituCrrutlon urn equally ivoiulur- lul , Tij ! Moxlcan I.lnlnicnt Is niTilcil by noinolinily In I'vt'rj house. Kturyihiy brlniMuuwsor thu UKHIIJ' fun an rul kiiilil or liurii Hiiliduuil , ol rlifiiiiutUc murtyrii ru- hlini'il , or \nliiulilii Inmc or ox I i'il by thu healing power ol tlild which speedily euros puoli ailments of ' thn HUMAN I'LKSII us IlliiMimntliiti , MivclllnRi , KtlfT Juliitii , < 'ontrrctril'i , llnriiH ml MrnlilM , Ci > t"t Hruince mill lki > < bi > ii OHM llltm mul r < ii-CkVilir , Fruitlilti it Nnro iMiplr | , 4'nkril Itrenit , mul Imlctiil rvcry fdiiu of external UU- rnie. It lirnU ivllliinit Henri. For the lliuiTK CHIATION it rtiros Nprnliin , Nwlimy , KllfT 'Joints , 1'oiiiiilcr , Ilnrneis Norrs , Hoof 1 > U- casei , 1'oot Hot , Screw Worm , Scull , IIollo > v Horn , Ncratclirs K Ha , Bpnvlu , Tliruult , Itlnclxine , Ulil Norei , I'cill Kvll , Film < i | > on the hlglit anil every othrr nllmeut f \vlilch the occupanla of the Ntnbla nnil Ntock Vnril are liable. Thu Mexican Militant ; Uiilmeiit alwuya cures unil nuver UbuppolnU ; nuil it Is , positively , THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB HAN OR BEAST , THE IRELAND MILLS , On the Papio , Ii no * In running order itraln enJ ready to d co tum work ilay and night. And we warrant iitli'act'on ' to all Urn en who will fa\or ui with thulr patronage. BOFLBIP & DIBBK8. MANUFAOTDRERS OF PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. XKT.EIEITX'JBXC.CT 3EOir < . Moline Wagon Oo , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deero& Mansur Oo , Dora Planters , Stalk Gutters , fto , , Molina Pump Co , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Do , Fountain Oity Drills and Soeflers , Meohanicsburg Maoh , Oo , Baker Brain Drills , Sliawueo Agricultural Oo , Advance Hay Bakes , Juliet Manufacturing OoEureka Power and Hind Shelters , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shellors , Road Scrapers , fto , * Molina Scale Oo , Victor Standard Scales , A , 0 , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles 'Required 10 Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND Mining and Milling Company. VorklnfrCopltil , t3 ,000. lapltal Stoik , 81MO CO. Far Value oi brans , WO.OOO. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMEL MINING DISTRICT. DIl. J. I. THOMAS , I'roeident , Cummins , Wyoming. WM E. TILTON , Vlcc-Presldint , Cummin * , Wjomlns E. N. HAHWOOD , .S cretnry , Cummins , Wyoming. A. 0 LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wyoming. ) r. .1. I. Thomas. Louh Miller W. b. Brimel. A O Dunn. K.-V. llarocxt Francis Loavcnn. Qeo. H. Foltm. Lcwia Zolman. Dr. J. C. Wfttklus. o2mrEm OEO. W. KKNPALL. Author zed * gpnt for fftle o' Pfoch ; Tex < 4g , Pmohs.Kfb. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Oonilgnmenta made us will receive prompt attention. . , Reference , * : State Bank , Omaha ; FUtt ft Co. , Baltimore ; Pock 4 Banshor , Chicago ; * w .ir i nCincinnati. . WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER & AND DEALER N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEU. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. jy 18-mo FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts , , IEO. . WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. , Omaha , Neb. Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , 'because it makes \ superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. V