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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1881)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : THURSDAY , DECEMBER 8 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Thursday MornlnR , Dee 8. Wfvnthcr Report- ( Th following observations nro Ifllccn ftt the same moment ol lima nt nil the iit.v rattemon neil * oonl , Frederick Iadln(5 ( Hatter , -Donne. Itcllnble Hatter. Glare * ftt tbo 09 cent Ktoro , Winter cnpt cheap i.t Frederick' * , Ungodom RclU mcnt , for canh , only. Ladle * Hand Bngs ntthaOO cent store. Apples by the Uarrel at UuMl'n. tltcfi Iw A. P. Johnson , Dcntlfit , Jacob's Llock , ii'23-Cm Cbrintmafl and New Yearn CardB ut ' nJO-ltn Hoepe'g. - KONNKU'8 for best Stoves and Fur- nlture. nO-tf Voautiful ChriBtiniw Cards at Kuhn'o DniR Store. nov23tf Specialty of rrencrlpthna at Opera House i hanuncy Bihrotor&l'echt. oc2MI A number of cltlzonit nhut nff their kouM conMCtlonH ycntcrdsy at the IKS- ginning of the watcrworlu teut. Old gold exchanged lor new Jewelry Kdholm & Krickeorfs orjpoaito tbe put ; boo. S3 IIouoAT PKESKNTH Toys and Fan cy Good * in cndlo H variety at WH1TK' HOUSE'S , IGtb fitrcct , declet-lm The Silver Cornet band with the Cartlfind-Murray combination dlneourned lome Cno inufic on the etroclB to-day , Judge Beneke u'nod throe Slocumba yesterday , und all went to jail for want cf caih to liquidate. Frank Mayo , the tragedian , heglnti hi three ulgbU' 01 gaycment at the lioyd oprra bouno to-morruw night with "Vr- ! ginini. " There xvim a good audience at th Academy yesterday to hear Uracu Cirtl nd and John Murray , In tbe play "Pygmalion and Galatea. " THK BEE acknowledges the receipt of a handsomely printed invitation to attend tbo banquet of the Platbmouth board of trMlc , at the Perkins houio tliln evening. In rc'ponso to n telegram from the family of lUchard Kn ) der , tin romoins of that unfortunate yonng man were y < - today forwarded by expreiut to Chrkt Snyder , WilllaniBburg , Pa. The nttempt to create a' fuel panic among coniumeraof ioft coal , br a inorn- lag newspaper , was somewhat ill-timed in view of the. proteut we thor and IndUa- ioni generally , LOST yciterday , between FifUi and Che tnut itretti , and the Mercy Hot- Tital , a lady' * Gold Watch ( Hunting Cace ) , Kinder will be niitably rewarded by returning tbo name to the offi c of Jiod < d ! . & Thrall. It is reporte'ltbat ' the young man who wag mixed up in eevernl little dilBrultloH with Omalm'e equestrienne , nSout the close of the Hou < on , mid nub c < | iieiiUy tended burnt a popular saloon , hau skipped out for parU unknown , Goo. Allen l nolongor iu our cniplny , and \vc w 11 not bo responsible fni any ooUcctlona made by him , ijTunifn.vxxK UROM , Mra. Co , , Kouth llend , liui. HTDDWIAUEU & WELCH , decG-lw Ht , Jtiivph , Mo. The funeral of Yonng Hartley , vho vraa killed recently by falling from n train tiMK Schuylcr , took pace | yoitonlay fnm Undcrtkkcr JncobH * eutabllshmtnt , Ilev. J. W. Ingrro offlcIatiM } ; . Hurtley'H father arrived yesterday and WM in time to be p ceent at the burial , which took place at Frost > ct 1(111. The Farmers' HomnProtoctiTeitoolety will meet In th Btaltenburg bull at Fort Calhoun , on ThumJuy evening , December Btb , at 7 o'o ock. Very imp rUnt busl- neet will 1)0 brought before tnu nociety , and all pa tiei interested in thu destruc tion of wolves , protection from prairie firei , the dUcumion of agriculture , hor'tl < culture , stock raining und all other fann topics , nro t-xpectixl ui.d reiiutHtwt tc attend , The Plattumoutli Journal says "Frank Caolc , who wnH charged , nlonf. with Ktrin cr lirandtnot , o ( robbing r lodger nt a Tenth street hotel , in Omaha , and shooting at Policeman Fiauk Ka < p r , had no dIOlculty in proving an alibi , and tbe prowutlou was so weak that Htrlngei Brandtuot wa < dlichargod without a trial There is no doubt In the minds cf any wlu are acquainted with the facts Iu tbo cum that there was not the llghte > t grouod foi the charge , as young Brandtoot Is knnwr to bave been at hotua at the time the rob bery waa coojmltti'iL" OYSTEU8 AH cheap fti the cltenpeat at Mchol's dcc7-2t Flannels ! Flannelu ! Flannels Cheap at the "Uobton Btoru. " Now HaiBins , Figs , Dates , Citroi and Lornon Puol and other dried iruiti of 1881 , ut J. I. N ichor * . doc7-2t BluiilcotB ! Blankets ! J31inkots- : Chenp at the "I3onton Storg. " To jlLKMENDAIJlYMEN , nnt owners of MILCII COWS , Tin BTAlt feed , manufactured by us , pro duces abundant milk and rich cream Try it. POLAND * OWYEH , dccGthCt 1413 Dodge street. Everything first claw at Iluber RUE DES RAINBOWS. Bight Silver Stroamannd Eight Pots of Gold. The Second Grand Show by the Omaha Water jWorks Managers. A Network of Lace Across FarnamJ and Fifteenth. A Bountiful and BriUtaat DUplay. calm air ystUrday and the bright unnhlne , made the managera of the dtcr workfl think it an excollt-nt oppir. unity to make tbe tent , which hxi been , wcc pontponod on account of the wind , hicb driven the water off In oproy nnd rovcnbt nocurato meMurrmento. At ten o'clock the majority of tbo city louncll , Mityor Itoyd , ( Jhlef Culllaii | nnd ither official * , with a nuii.hor of pronil- lent citizens and tax pnyoiH. mot manugrr lliclt'in at the corner of Kiftceiitli nnd in , Ironi uhich they wcro | o ] mrcd , o wittierH 110 Hccond tent of tlin w rki > , 'hob ' Hoc.irU wcro ilrawn out and coiuu'C- Ions niiul. ) with tlm liyilranU on 'LVrlfth , riiirtounth. Foitrtuunlh utid Fifteenth tr ct at tlielr ii.t-rouLt on with Katn in. * hn > o waH lined and 1 in I ) , 11 Inch nnd Inch noiilus. City l n inecr Ko owater H MtiUioncd on the runt porch of the iil nco of Him. W , A. 1'axt ' in , from , vliicli a viuw of tbo entire city it com. imiul ( I , and tliuru ho men moil , ho height reached liy the Htreami. I'lio county pinvcyor , K V. Smith , wnialno wutclilng tlio htreut with an iiiHtrument , 'nun the idto of tin * new court > , op- itito I'axton'n IIOUHO. At a few mlnu CD after 10 o'clock the water W.IH tiimcd on iind ntn ami I CL-HH U ) rise in thu air. Ihu noVA bein liflil to n pcrimndictilar by the p pcmuti of thu lie- lartment. llio Twolftb utrect jctn ntartcd find and .ho oth r nlmoxt in tnntunioui-ly , and loon cieht Htruams of water wcra rl ing .n ihouir , In direct line , atidllkuu row of mammoth geyHern or ISrobdignagian t un- ftiiiH. The nun wai junt nt the right eight to lend a goreou * effect to the di ] > lay , nnd it looked llko an avenue in fniry land with ItH silver fountains and arching rainbown , for there wan a gr nil rainbow ib ut each Jet. A crowd ot poo- do auneiiible < i in the Htreetn nnd watched he right with interont , until the strret lorucr * In the vicinity became deluged and inpaHanblc. From the station on the hi 1 .ho force of the streams at iiie iressuro wan m re apparent. A line r Mn from the upper front cornice of lo d'ii opera IIOUHO to the lower edge of the flag flying Hbovc Strang'it bulldlug , would be ninety feet ubove the ntroet nud It won notlci-able that the water seldom reached Jilii height a though several tiuifH a spurt would be made ami the wutor Hei.t to a height that appeared to bo lightly bovo 0111 hun'lreil ' f > ot. The wind hail HH-II after the tetit WIH de termine > up < n and nmoe Hi > ruy of thu Rtruanm from the time they left th noz- i ea until th < y Hprtnd nut ut the summit like n snowy p&rachuto and fell to freeze on the n t work of telegraph wirex ami transform thorn hit > tliourt..ndn of yurdii ul icy fringe. After playing for HovcnU mlnuti's ' the wa cr waH fhut off and the uozzleu ch nu'ed , uftcr which thu oxpcriment wan it'ncatoil. lliun the ouncllmnn ordered the Vire Kim brought out , and the suction being put down in the cistern In front of lee Itlaku's place , a stream of water was thrown alougnlde a slnglo Htreum from the hydrant at the Wabaiih ticket oilier cor r. The i'l e King throw the hlghu t stream and most compact but the hydrant WON on a corner where the HI Iff I recze feathered the stream a * fMt aa It came out. By this tima the wind had nsen HO hlKh thai it was necessary to abandon the high school tctt. The following * r the figured of tbe test , as given by the engineers : Height of one stream , IHO feet ; average height of tiv > - utre m , 110 feet and elirht Inches ; average height of eight Rtreams , 103 feet. The pressure at the waterworks was l"t pounds , which would throw the wut r in still air to the height of 140 fot. . My reason of the wind the test t the water workti was sgain postponed. It will take place to-morruw , if the wind in not too Htrong. Superintendent Sheldon tat' B the top of the riM.TVolr U on a level wllh the cluck In the high Rihnol tower , Thin will inuuro n stream nv r the building when the nrcHiuro is applied. A more aniinft'id ' scene than unit lit the noon hour in the vicinity of the Opera llouiic , would bo hard to Imagine , nn in ddltuin to thi ) tire engine , und waterworks - works nttrnctlonfl , the cornet bund of thu Oraca Curtland company i-onio alon ? nnd Hi'reimde.i.tho croud mid Mrri. Nellie Ilur e rode by on K ma niticent gra horre hicli pranciHl nil leaped about just milUoient to nliow that the lit le worn n in navy blue velvit who nat HO gracefully on his buck , wns thoroughly hu udntreiw. FRANK MAYO. Tlio Flrat Appearanon of the Great at Boyd't. Frank Mayo , the well known tragedian who has tluio and again delighted his uu audiences in this city , lll ajipear a Uoyd's Opera House to-night In Virglnlus. Mr. Mnyo'a talent Is nowhere more app e 1 tted than in this city , as WAN proven durinj hU engagement here last senHon Ho lm that peculiar power which win and holds ono from the beginning. There has already been a largo riHerve for th entire series , Including three nights am mutinet * , and a piotitablo engagement is proiuisi-d Mr. Mayo In thin city. The Detroit K > enii > K News , speaking of Mr. Mnyo's perfornianco of "Virgin lu , rnysi" ' 'Proud Mayo and his spleuiU' company wcro seen at their t cat last oven. imr , in 'Virjdnlus. ' It WOHH magniricent alUroun I perforinanci' , n < nt the only wonder dor U now that stars like Lawrencu It ir rett , Kdw'n Ilooth and John McCtillougl have dared to como here no muny t me with 'st'cks' ' and 'euperi ) ' t > support them Mr , Mayn IH the lirst tr.igedhtn to give theiio griind oil plays as they should long ago have been produced with competent | > eople nud accessories. Taking thu rank nnd file into consideration , one mutt uc knowledge that no tragedian wan cv r bettor sumxntrd In the hlttorv of the locit stage , 'lha performance of 'Vliginliu lust nljht was utmost a revelation. Mr Maya's Virglnlus rose nt times to the kslght of grandeur. " Duck Mitts and GlovoHnttho M13os ton Store. " The White SewitiK Machine Co have removed their salesroom to No 121 , N. Fifteenth street. The roon formerly occupied by the Wheeler am Wilson Co. dec. 3 Ot. Men's sciirlut , all wool shirts am drawers , only $1 'Jfi , ut the "Dontoi Store. " Come and BOO my stock and com pare prices. Fine now jewelry stoie southeast corner of Eleventh urn Furnham. d7-lt ! JORGENSON & HANSEN are ii the Turner Hall store , corner of How ard and Tenth streets , with a full lin of clothing , hats , caps , men's furnish ing goods , clears , tobacco and smoken article * . Call and BOO them , LAND LEAGUE Enthnilantio Mnatinc ftt Hnll JLnut NiRht Fnndn Clark's h 1 wa < crowded la t nluht with Lioso de iroin of hearing report from the N'obroiika dclogAtei to the Chicago conven- Ion. In ih1) ftWnci of the rc 'ulnr olllcur. ' , Ion. 1'rtt Murphy was called to the chslr , nd Mcnsrs. Clinx. linnloy nnd 1'nl Mul- en were chown as secretaries. Hon. John llunh , < n t.thalf of the N - ire > ka dt'leiffttcn , made a verbal report of he proceeding * of the Chicago convention , which WIIH exceedingly interesting. He ook occasion during hlx address to justify lie action of the convention in CUTre - KecL aiid tbx applnuxe wh ch interrupted im ! from time to tiiuo showed how near lint action reached the popular lieirt. At the conclii-liin of .M , Uush's ro- narks , on moi Ion of M , Donavan , the re- > .rt was accepted , nnd ihu nu'ion of the lonveiition unitnimoiii'ly pjiro\cd , grcnt ipplitiue fo lowing thi action of the meet' ng. ng.MeH rx. Ilrcman and Nichols , the er the ladlei ileleg.itu to t hicago , were > oth called fo' . but ex dined tlieliHl\i' with brief Bpt-tchon , Mr. riiomns Cjllvii Hpoko nt Home length , appronthu ! convention resolutions nml iction of otirdoli'giitci. Miuot CoinmisiioiiiT Konl wan loudly callnl for , but Jeclinnd to mnku nn ex- ended runpoimf. llu spnkn of tlio h gh utelligfnco which tli.i'UctiTiVed thu body , vhoio nctioii uni uirlur ili < cii ( > < ion , mid aid that ho M with them to UIH extent of 8')0 , which hu contribute I nt the con- eiitl n to Omaha wan not lie- du'l b'TiHttrrt in liberality toward Hiif- cring Urin. 'I liu W.IH nn excellent introdiictinn to ho rea biflncHx of the u cftln , ' nud MIke MO moved thu nppointln nt < f n commit- til of two t" I'MHi the Hame and open thu lib i liplion lint ntonce. Thin motion \VIIH u\fiitually lost mid boso present nnd desiromof fon'rilniting oward thu fuiid asked for wcro desired to iind In their iiamo , with amount of don- Ion , to tha secretary. S ver 1 lumdri'd JollarH were tluiH niiftd jcforo the iiuctlug adjourdod. farmer * ' Protnotlyo Association. MlLl.AlU ) , December i ! . Tlio mretlng f the association wnscilled to order by ) r. Link , the president being nb > ent. The minutes of the last mcuting were ead and apf roved. The treasurer's report showed $1.90 in ho treasury. The correspondence with the Hum- iolt society for the recovery ( .f stolen lorsca aiid mules was read , and the follow- ng resolutions passed : llesplved , That the secretary br instmct- cd to inform thu Humbolt society that we will hold ourselves in rcadine-B to respond , o any call nnd iu every manner within our i ewer , to oaMut in ciriying rut tlio ob ject of the two organization , and will fully co-operatowith them. KeHolved , Th t a committea of three bo appointed by thu ch ir to take Into con- side ntlnn the advisability of taking steps ; < > have th H nneoclntiou incorpomted , HO IH to ghe it a egiil existence. On this commltt werenppninto I James McAr- lie , Dr. lieu lo and Allan Uoot , this cuin- iul teuto rtportnt the next meeting. Th fo owing officers we-c duly elected President Dr. H r\ey Link. ec ctiiry John Hullunbcck , Treasurur Al an Hoot. Captain Alexander Albrn. LicutoniUts J. H , I'itmey aud John Latin. Dr. Ileedlo nn I John Thomson were ad- mittu i as momb rx. \djourncd for ono year. A SHEEP STATE- The Wool Growing Interest * of Ne braska Anaiuklly laoremo- iag in Value. Mr , Wm. K. Oowdy , representing Wai- r Brown & Co , , wool vommlasi in mer chants of Itaston , was in the city Tuesday eu route to Nobi aska City. Ho is out here soliciting cornigum-nts a his house , nnd thinks Nebraska is , in .ho future , to ha a great shecp raising sttte. Ilelii , of courn ; , from the nature of his business , brought into contact more or IOSH with the r nchmen of the state and has recently visited t-ovcral ranches Ho reporti noveral quite extrnsive ones on which the shocp ranged from 5,000 to 2,000 bead. A Krecport man not long no drove 25 , )00 ) down from Oregon , nnd pic cd up 1 , - KX moro on i ho nmd. Tncse have beci nit on the farm to feed , and when fat wil 10 put on thu market of the state. Mr. Gowdy secured cpiitua number ol ! ( inHignmcnt for the coudiig season , nm 4 veiy much pleased with the outlook far ure valuable cropx of wool. im reports on file in Lincoln , up to y 1st , 1881 , showed , nays Mr. dowdy the presence in the state of about 'J.'O.OtH lieud of sheep , nnd this number i ) 1. rgely Increased that date , no IOM than 17,000. WANTED. A tow more peed active reliable purchasing agents to sail the light running Domestic sewing ma chine. For terms address , W. D W/omack / , general traveling agent Omaha , Nebraska. Nltf. DON'T FORGET that wo are sell ing the best FIVE and TEN cent cigars in this city. THE OELEBRA TED TUURBEIl NO. G wo oiler at 0 for 25 cents. TUURBER NO. 10 , 3 for 25 cents -ALMOST COST. Try thorn and bo convinced of the superiority ority of our brands. SOHUOTER & UECHT , Opera House Pharmacy , one door north of lioyd's opem house. dot5tt : . OYSTERS. PKAKLS or TIIK DBKPIHc. . DKKT SKLKT.I : 'Me. FAVOKITKH : : 25c. decU-lt ! AT WM. GKSTLKMAN'M. Miss Louisa Uarstino , teacher o vocal and instrumental music in St Uarnabas parish school , desires a limited mmibor of private pupils Addrcus , Bt. llamabaa rectory , 19tf The best selected and cheapest line of hoods in the city ut the ' 'Boston Store. " STILL OPEN FOR INSPECTION AND NEW NOVELTIES DAILY ARRIVING AT KURTZ'S. Do no fail to BOO the largo , varied and choice selections of suitable goods for IIOL1 DAY PRESENTS , among which arc NOVELTIES IN COLLARS , " . " HANDKERCHIEFS " " FANS , " " HOSIERY , nnd a full nssorlinent-of line HAND MADK KNIT UOODH. elcuunt CLOAKS AND DOLMANS ; alao many new and desirable goods , M. A. KDRTX , Creighton Block. UOLIDAYTAND TABLK DELI OAOIES. FLEMING & CO. , GRO OKRS. NAILED AT LAST , A. Trio of Snfo Blowora Oauyht and Cngod. A Lively Search for n Pnir of Bnd Birds. \ ye ir or so ngu , Itwlll be rememlicrcd , a gang of cafe bursars were operating In thU city It WM A bad night that one or more eo ohmation lucks didn't succumb o the combined e ( Torts of diamond drills and gunpowder. Potlt pilfering WAD all i carried on to an alarming extent nnd In one or. two Instance ! where men were catipht in the \ery net almoU an-i irought Iwforu tlio bar of justice , a hand was interposed t < i save them from itnprls- minent , nnd there were shekels enough to ilro counifl to defend them. One nan diil nil tlii * , Luke Kinney , n peed .ooking young fellow , who wan proprietor of a calo-iti on Tenth and Douglas itrectc , which han since auipen led oper- itions , Kinncy nn one occasion mlled from Ills pocket a Imndful of ono imidrt'i ! dullar bilN and put up three of them fnrtlic worst lee < Ing v.ignbondthat u-r inblieil n mini , for ho win cnught iutnplnz elF the U. 1' . tr'ln ' , No.1 , near .ho nail NMirkH.'nwl curiously enough HCV eral pockets were picked on that very .rnln lietweon Piipillion .nd Umnha TliB fellow got olT by the nid of Luko'a money -lid n shrewd attorney. Dan Haley was Luke's par ncr in the Iquor Imiinutx nnd tli lattcrlnul n brother Pom n\f \ and theio three men are at l.vtt cnuuht in tin1 toils. Tutsday Shiriff CosRrove , ( if Allen county , I dianc , who had arrived fromtliu H'ltst during thu day , stnrt < d the pollen on .ha trail of l.uku Kinney nnd his paitncr i'oin KimioyI being believed to bo In Clln- ; on , lowx The rhargo ngnin t the three men is the ibb ry of the poHlollico n.tfe at Shtlton , a F W miles couth of Ft. Wayne , Indiana , from thin ? 300 worth of postage stauipH and $300 < > ith of other property wax Htoleli. The 1 ttor WHH shipped [ ruin Plymouth , India1 a , by express to Clinton , Iowa , via Chicago , and this fact being learned , the Clinton n cnt w u Instructed not to do Ivor the box when culled lor , and oantiimi the tlilo\o < were followed west , Kinnry thu elder and Ha ley coming t Umnha , and Tom Kinney , being still In Clinton to look out for tno box. It wafl expected to catch all three at Clinton a' d Sh nil Cosgrove wan armed with a requisition from Uov , Porter , on the Governor of lown , but nx it turned out the bird * had migrated to their ol I headquarters and hero they were ailing their plumage when the police got ufter them. Policeman Nightingale ran across Kinney noy about 7 o'clock in the vicinity of his oM haunts , at T > nth and Douglas streets , nnd at once arrest ed him. Kinney broke away and started off un n run. Quick as thought the oliiocr threw his dilly at him striking him on tbe back of the n > ad ar.d knocki g him down , aftir which ho easily captured him nnd lodged I Im in j ill. Mnrnhnl Angel , Policemen Donahue and Nightingale nud Sheriff Coagrovo up in Donahoe's sug Cbtion , surrounded Wal lace's saloon , on lower , Dougl s street , near Ni < tt > , it being suspected < hat Haley was thero. Itso happened that he was there , ami he ran out of the back clooi in hopes of making his es.upe , but Donahue took him in on the fly. The tuo were taken to th U. P. depot , th'o inten Ion being u get them across tlie river and make thing * s ife , but it leaking out that there wan no requisition , Kinney d-cliued to bo kidnapped , and c nsequent- ly both men were lodged iu thu c unty jail.At At 2 o'clock yesterday a telegram won < ent to Governor Porterjfor a new & ( iuisition. | The prisoners will bo hold twenty four hou , , anyhow , on the warrants under which they ar * now confined , and if neces sary rearrested at the expiration of that time. Shiirm Cosgrove IB quite a young man , .being scarcely thirty years of age and his county in the second most pop ulous in the Hoosicr state , Foit Wayna tbe -unty s-at. beiug a large and import ant railway center , on the line of the Wa- bash. Five deputies are required to carry nn the businrsn with Air. Oosgrove and , an tha latter says , Allen county U the banner democratic county in the state. The officer expect * to get nw y with hii game some- t IIM to-day , and ia confident that Tom Kinney in already arrested and on his way to luuluna.J IIAUEAS COHPUH AITI.IEI ) KOlt. At three o'clock this afternoon Charles H. Hcdick , Esq. , and Walter Bennett , INq. , attorneys for Haley and.Kinney , made application bo ore Jud o for release - lease of thu prisoner on a writ of habeas corpus. The grounds upun which the ap plication ia ma'lo aio that the nolico j.idgo . has n i jurisd ! tion in the matter and can not commit the prla ners to the county jail. Argument was hoard at four o'clock. WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rule wo do not recommend pniont medicines , but when wo know of ono that really ia n public benefac tor , nnd does pomtivoly euro , then wo consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitttiri are truly a most valuabla medicine , and will surely euro Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney complaints , oven where all other rein- ediea fail. Wo know -whereof we apeak , and can freely recommend to all , [ Ei. Sold at 60 conta a bottle. Iah & McMabon. (7) ( ) Jenseii'a Ileataurnnt , 41G Tenth street , is pno of the cosiest little sung- Aeries in the city , wiiero you can always go and get a good equitro muni with polite and careful attendance. Mr. JeiiHon is just now engaged in enlarging his plnco as lie findb his room too circumscribed to accom modate the trade ho has built up by conscientious , pninH-taking euro and solicitude for His patrons' wants nnd needs. Mr. Jensen is an artist of no moan attain ments and several nautical scones decorate his walla painted by himself which alone are worth a visit to his place to see. These who contemplate giving Holiday entertainments and dcsiro to secure the services of an artist to decorate or frost fancy cakes had better call and eccuro the services of Mr. J. , as ho nutkiB a specialty of that line of handiwork , and outside of New York it is a question if he has his equal in the country.JKNBKN'H JKNBKN'H RKSTAURANT , 410 Tenth Street. Men's all wool half hose only 0c , at thu Boston Store. HERE'S WHAT I WANT : HOSPE sells motto frdmcs for 20c. HOSPE sells 8x10 frames for lOo. HOSPE sells SMxao chromes for 85c. HOSPE sells L'L'iltO paintings for $8.50 , HOSPE sells engraving from 51.50 to 83 fiO , UOSPE sells organs from $50 up. HOS E uulls pianos from $160 up. UOSPE lolls mirrors cheapest in town. d7-tf PERSONAL Tlio lioey-IIardlt combination ara ut the Metropolitan , Marshal Dierbowcr ttturned yoitcttlay from Nebraska City. W. A , Patterson , nl the Western Union telegraph office nt Ogdcn , is In the city. Major Wm , Arthurof the pay corps , U. S. A , , the only brother of 1'residfnt Ar thur , wan in the ci y , Tueclay , an over land passenger for tlio cost. The following arrivals , among others , are registered at the Metropolitan hotel : A. L. Webb , of Kear.iey ; Wm. McCnrty nnd wife , of Kiwllni ; MM. VK. . Muster , of Denver , The following guests arc at the Withnell honi > c : L. M. Kcene , of Freotnont s II , E , Hosper , of Denver ; W. U. Lutd and daughter , of Sioux City ; K , L. Homier , wife and child , of Montana : K , Hugh , i f Cheyenne ; G. II. Jewctt , of .Sidney ; Manley Knylcy , of Ashla d. Mr , Slicndan Corbyn , one of the mana gers of the Mayo legit mat ? company , in in town lucking after the interests of the coming nttrai tion. He imforuiR in thut another star has bu' n added to the Con stellation , nnd in future Henrietta V.ulem will add the luster of her talent to the forty brilliant * . The arrlvnN nt the Canfield house yes terday includ.d the following : Joints Clark , of Kvnnston ; U. P. Kciney , of Nebraska City : F. W. Alilek , nnd J. Fo'ey , of Clear Creek j MM. A. W. Mun- H n , of David ( ity ; C. C. Miles , of Grtf- ton ; It. P. Sheldon , of Lyons - , J. II. Stirling , of Exeter ; 1'red llanlo. ' , of North 1'latte. ARMY MATTERS Aiiicnmont of Recruits Board of Survey. The following orders have been issued Irorn the headquarters , department of t e Finite , Omaha , Neb. : Privates Frank Sachase and Samuel Me- Kntyre , te-enlfated nt Fort Sanders , W. T. , are assigned to troop D , " Third cav- alrv. alrv.The The following named recruits enlisted at Fort Omaha , Nub. , are assigned as folio AH and will be sent to the utati > ns of their tncps or companies on the first favorn le oppo tunity , viz : Frank Hullgartb , Li onel L. G trton and James Gallagher , to troop "K , " Third cavalry , and Clurles Boeker , to Company "H , " Fourth In fantry. The following named men enlisted at EfartD. A. liUdsell , W. T , , are assigned as "ollows : John Bitter , to Troop F , Third cava ry ; Robert Feitch , to Troop G , T ijrd cavalry ; DharlesViflcs , to Troop I , Third cavalry ; Frederick Pont , to Troop L , Third cavalry ; L'arker II Dic , to Company I , Fourth [ nfantry A boa d of survey , to cnna'st of Major TamoP. . Martin , asiistant djutant cn- eral. U. S A. , Captain John V. Furc. assistant quartermaster , U , S. A. , Ifirpt L'eutunant Dan. C. Kinginan , orps nf cn iueers , U. S. A. , in appointed to mod at thr Bub.iUtcnco depot in thi city , at 10 ] 'clojk a. m. , Decembe 8 , 1881 , or ns soon thereafter as practicable , t > exninine into Mid report upon and fix the roapo ixibilitt For tlio dtmaced condition of some 714J lb . of Green Sfal smuking tobac o , for which Captain Thomas Wilson , C. S. , is accountable. The board wlllrecommend what disposi tion should be rondo i > f the tobacco. A VICTORIOUS SEASON. Th * Union Paolflo Ball OlnVa Ci Record for ' 81- The folio win J is a record of games play td by the Union Pacific Railway Base Ball club during the HKASOX OK 1881. May 7 , at Omaha , U.S. Barracks 21 to S Ma. 2latr > n h , U. 8. RarrtCtS . .15 to 4 May 28 , atOmalia , Haierley's Min-trcls.17 to 0 June 11 , at Omiha , I ) . & M. n R. Co..10 to 2 July 3 , at Denver , De vcr I rowni 21 to 11 July 4 , at Dem or , U. & R. O. It. It 7 to 6 Ju y 10. at Omaha II. fc M. K. K. Co. . .11 to I September 21 , at Ashland\UiUnds 8 to 3 116 41 Thlfl showing is equal , If not superior to that of ny amnteur club in the count y , uud altln ugh not many of tvo games were very cloxe as regards ncoten. n number were decidedly interesting. The U. I' , c ub , as will bo seen did not sutler H de- fe it , nnd another season will doubties nee them able to c > pe miccossfully with the bait of the professionals. Died. Thomas 15nrry , at 8 o'clock a. m. , Wednesday , December ( Hb , 1881 , funeral Friday December .Sth , at 1:30p. m. , fiom the late residence , * 1112 , Chicngo street. GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the greatest medical remedy over placed within tlio reach of suflbring humanity. Thou sands of once helpless sufferers , now loudly proclaim their praise for this wonderful discovery to which they ewe their lives. Not only does it posi tively euro Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , .Bronchitis , Hay Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by magic. Wo do not ask you to buy a largo Itottlo unless you know what you nso gutting. We therefore earnestly request you to call on your druggists , IHH t MC-MAIION , and got a trial bottle frcu of cost which will con- Inco the mo'it skeptical of its wonder ful merits , and show you what a regu lar ono dollar si/o bottle will do. For sale by Ish & McMnhon. (4) ( ) " " "BLACK-PRAUGHT" rim-n * ' ' " \ttion mill heartburn. At C. F. Goodman. CHRISTMAS BAHOAINS ! HIOKMAN'S ! - HIOKMAN'S ' ! Trimmed Hats from COo to 820 00. Ladies' Cloaks VKUY CHEAP to close out. out.Linen Linen Collars from 5 to 25 cents. Ladies Ties a full line. 50 dozen Silk Il'dk's.--new styles. VERY CHEAP. Embroidered Slipper Patterns. Embroidered Tidies and Table Scarfs , the Handsomest ever brought to Omaha. . Childrcn'ii Hoods , Handsome Styles , Children'u eacques , Le gins and Mit tens. VERY NICE. Zephyrs , Our Own Importation. Canvass of all kinds. Artificial HOUBU Plants for Christmas and Now Year's Decorations , Handsome Embroidered Photograph FranH'B-JUSTIN Motto Frames Very Cheap Handsome Cheneele scarfs , Very Choice. dec7-l HIOKMAN'S HEADQUARTERS , DOUGLAS BT. THEY WEAKEN. The Firet Applicant for n Liquor Liconeo Undortbo Slocumb Law. Mayor Itoyd having set his foot down in 1 declared that he intended to enferce the Slocumb bill on and after January 1st , nd tbo Meyer being known to bo an ugly man to contend with when he gets his jock up , a number of the irmor dealers , who pledged .hein elvei to'go head without n license mvoalready weakened. Six of theinje- terday announced their intention ot cir. culhtmg their once Thu tirxt application made bv n dealer n this city for n license under the new law wasmado yesterday by H. R. A. Pundt , .be . grocer. BUST BEES Annual Election of Offlocrs-A Biff Candy Pnllinn. The Busy Bees held acry intxjtcsting i ceting Tuesday nfternnon at the rest- lence of Mrs. T. W. T. Richards , about twenty ot the members beliu present. The following officer * wcro cl.Ofn by inanimoiH vote : Preside 11 , M > f > ttrGoo. Pundt ; Vice President , Minn Alice Coomb * ; Secretary , Miss Nellie Rose- wnter ; Ticav.irer. Mrs. Kichnrtls. The following were apt ointed n standing committeoon iidvertising : Vic Ilosuwater iinrry Sharp nn I Jo se Uichaids. A cominlttoe of three was npK | > inted to Iraft u con-titution nnd bylaws , to be 10 lorted nt thu text meeting. The lJunv I'co1) nro | ird nrin to sivo hf ir friends a candy pull nt the Christian Uhuroh next Saturday , beginning at 1 p. m. They havu H cu eu the nervices of an experienced confectioner and Mill have sev eral \arieties of c.mdy for vnlu , fresh , nt nve and ten cents p r plate. Dr. Amelia BurrouRhu , Withnell House , Tuesdays and Fridays , 10 a. m. to ! p. m. - tf Card of Thanks. We , the undersigned brakemcn in the emp oy of the Ui i n Pacific railway iom- pany tender ou thanks to the officials for their kindness shown at the interment of our latu friend , William < T. "nrllirv. M W. RII.KT , WAKHEW HUBLDUT , N. D. M'DONALD , D. J. M'DONALD , Jx1' . KNKIQHT , W. II. SCOTT , J. HEMIY. SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. rONEY TO LOAN Call at Law Office ol I ) . L L. Thomas Room 8 Creltrhton Block. A A A To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent . . . .HIM ; on good real e8tftte8eurlty , by nit. ISAAC EDWARDS 1109 Farnham St. I tcrest In sums of | 2,500 and upwards , for 3 to 6 years , on flret-clifls city and ( arm protwrty. Bsuis RIUL ESTATI and LOAM AQRMCT. 16th and Dounlcs Sts. HELP WANTED. ANTED First-class barber at Sani'l Corn- W Bold , No. ( SuO 16th St. UT.-lf A go d , cheap pony , address WANTED uge and price of pony , J. D. V. , Boa offlvC. 607-7' ttTANTED 60 mca to work on rallreacU. En- YY quire at intelligence olHcc , llth : t. , near Farnham. 771 7" IANTEB-A ( rood cook. Mrs. Howard B. W Smlti. N. W. Cor. 21st and Dareiiport. - . 670 tt " \TTANTED A young man as lixht porter. VV Must , boot good churactor. A. CRUICK- SHANK A CO. CiO-tf Brght boy in stenographer's o- WANTED learn the bu tineas. Apply Bell ft Amos. 602-7 ANTED A girl at French Coffee JIou , W 10th at. OC6-U A good rook. Scundiravtan lrl WANTED . API 1 vat HoUJ i nmaik. llth street. WSO - ( practical airentfl for nil WANTKD-iool , genteel work Mir par. Caller or ad Jrese , J. P. nKVuuB , 101B Capltnl A.runuo , fllS 7' O n hn , Nub. - - - that can < l WANT-D--AnaitU - bulldlnjrn with Indii ink 'or photo enjrra ln . Apply at once to J , II * 'lercc. Bee odlco. -\Tt7"ANlEl ) Furnished room with hoard for IT 8 f ulfoand on , 10 je&rsoil , in pritato family , centrally li.eattd. Iof [ rences ixchang- ixl. Addrej' , E. D. it. , Omalu Ileo olll c. UOI-S- - Room and board by man WANTEDRoom txcbungud. Address - dress X. , Beoofflc * . thfl-tt - - a married cou | > le after Dec. W-NTED-By ' rooms with Ixxird iu pritata f .mlly. Addreon ufUi terms , O , R. , 1400 Doug las bt. 7h tl _ > Olrl to do homework. Enquire WANTEI Fainham St. . ' - ! tf Fundln. ? brldgu and school bonds. WANTED CUrk. ntflevua. FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. FOR RENT A.pltofint front room , newly turnlsbcd Southwent corner IDtti and St. Mtry'satinue. 601-16' llousooiU rooms on 14th St. , bet. Chicago and Caw. Apply at H. E. Cor , Hth and CaiiHU. ti72 S' nOR RENT-Fir t-clats dwelling hnuse with JL. 5 ro'ima , ut 920 per mouth. Inquire at corm - m > r27thanaCun.lngSt. ' "TIOR KEhT-Furnished room , at No. f > U9 19th JU C B8 and CallforuU. 73-tf "riOR 'tENT Fur .Inhrd room In a prltate fam- JL1 lly. 1 bl iclc from thd U. I' , depot , 1 11 S. lllhSt , , for 1 or 2 gentlemen. C76-7' REST Furnl'heroom.IUDKjrnham't. . , FOR . i Uth and 17th St. 606 8 RENT Furnished room , at 0)7 North FOR h St. 853-ia HKNr-roitagn on 17th St. , beJtcls n and Browntll IU I , 9f6 tt RF.NT A s'lt or tingle roon-s , nicely EOR , at N. W. cor. Vvth and D ten- port. RENT ttpoins ter L. V. MorM ktcrc. FOR , ti DodgHt. . 6i7-12 A Ont-cliss hall ( or 80 Ictv pur- FRRENT Centrally locatc-l. For | wrtlculira cnnulro Kenrard Dro . ,14th and XXiUKluiKs. WM-tf REST Fuminhed room * wither without FOR ard , t 6W I8ih St. , near Dodge. MK8 , C. BRUZEUt'S. Ctii-7 RENT One parlor cn ground ftncr and FOIl chamber handJouuly furnished , X112 California St. t63 tf T7IOR IlENT 'tore anH dwrllin ? ltb ill larpe J1 roon ) , corner 12th and CUrago Halt a mile fr m any other uotlan ktoro. TIMOTHY KKL EY. 654-10 LENT Fe\eral fir t cliw roomi at A A. POH ton' * , California S : . , t t , 14th and I th. < en'leineii preferred. Flrnt-cUtsbcardli'ghoiuw ' In wuie block , BXMU' RrNT After D < e. 91. No * . 21S. ! lc and FOR , South mh St. WM. R. BOWEN , IWXi Capitol at enuo. flii.if FirnlshedroomwIthdoMt. Good FRRRNT . Suvecfl4il4. KuquUcat Y. V. U. A , I" ' * " SPEUIAL NGTIGES-GoniiDUBd i.iuiv KENT N'lfcly furnished rooms , 141T X' I toward HC. 8M-S ; FOIUIKNT New houMsofT ro-mn , 19th and Oraco SU. Knqulre K V. Kmlth. 6S1-M "I710R KKSr S rooms , at nonhwcut corner Mth JL and DougUs SM. _ OCT-B' 171011 IlKNT Houfo , 4 room , south end 10th at. 1 Knqulre J. L. lUCngue , opposite Port Office. eti-il _ 1TT ! < II ftri.ST Room , funlfthed or untutntthtd , JU S. W , corn r 1Mb and IK ward. C22-U T7IOK C ENT FurnUbeH room , 8. W. < Yr. 16th J ; andl > \ .nporl. 017-T FOR R ENT A itilt of furnished rooms , parlor and two bedroom * , ftlito a dingle room. Chicago cage trtt , betn ten 14th a > .d 16tb. centre brick houBc. _ _ 4BO-U T7IOK RENT Largo himlramayfurnUbcd back H parlor ; also front room ttcond rtory brick hous1013 Cuu street , & doors west of JUtfc. 476-tf _ _ _ "T710R RENT Furnlnhed rooms , north side o < JL1 California St. , Sd door we t of Slst. Inquire after 1 p. m. _ 4S4-tl 1UK KENT 2 ttory noune , H room * , 4 larga closet * ; tltoalurnlf dtelrcd. 2433 Divoo- port Ht. _ 4I > 1'- ' " I. .1UK KKM K luruitiiMi ri > oui * utui I.JL ; chant * ' Kxchang , N , E , ecr. 18th ted Dodg * 'tracts. Bi9-U _ "OR BALE. I71OH SAI.K A good p-lino , < r ould exchange. fariltj property and pay diflirencu Call . 13th St. 674-13' FOUSALK Inrgo bunlnes lutonllarno St , HUltablofortholdullng , John L. ISc CaRUC , Opp , ! ' . 0. 021 U HALE A gaod w > < cn year-old homo Foil Warranted to drl e nlncli or double. Kn fUlro o ( Oeorga CantltlJ , tiuiBeld house.novlSlf novlS-lf SALK Ono larKc cook range and one ilOR 1 of 7 pieces. L. F. M. nti , Att'y crclghton Illock , City. 131-11 fjlOH hALK Two sucond hand pngliios In fltst- _ lj cn condition , ono 25 II , I' , uid one 0 II. 1' . Enquire. Omaha Foundry ami Machine Co. 4"l-fod-dol > FOR SALE Team ( rood ponies , cheim ; at Rod Barn , 16th St. orSl-U RICK FOK B 203-tt KSTABKOOK & COE. SALE Mam ol t > outtU and Snrp ) out. FOR * . A. RO8EWATKRlt20F rnhamttruei | 320-tf MIQOELLANEOU8. T O8T Phaeton cushion and wh p. > 1nd r Lj will be regarded by leafing tame at F. J. Kamge'a. 603T rfUKKN HP NOTICE Tsken np on BstunUy I Dec , Hrd , two bay hones. agc about fi aod 3) ears ; fair flM and well D atchcu. Owner con hare sme by pro Ing property and pn > tafr chanitK. WM RAWITZER , \ mile wrfllof Qualey's soap tact ry , UuuxUw pitclni t 861 vn m Ot A MAN Of strhtbiMlncm habits , wllh WOO to Jcn h , would llko to Imrst In some ektftbUtb- ed buslncM where he ran were on Hilary. Ad- dressl.rtKouveks , D. L. Bams , FortCalbouo , Neb. 635-0 ri , HE sioux nn' BUTTON MANUKACTUR- 1. INOCX ) . , Will pa ; ctu-h for horn-by theror- Ic Jlc.lverc < l at ant r illroad depot In H oux CHtj. Tixna tccr horn preferred For partlcu'araad- ' drcs , D. U. Motile , 613-Jl AKIIWT CLASS SALESMAN ( from New York ) denlrcs a sl'uatlon when his scrrlca * would bo required. Noolijoc li < < to going w > ' . Addrcs' A. Buck , care U. Ooldstu.D. ouncil Bluffs , Iowa. dec 1-tt IN TRAYON I'astilo end Oil , FRTRA1TS l o dooontlve painting. MRS. D. R. WARDNEK , room 1 , Jacob's Block. W2-tf COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOT1CK. Special advertisements , such M Lost , Found , To Loan , For BaleT Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CRNTd PER LINE for tbe first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent insertion. L wo advertisements at our office , up-aUln , comer Broadway and Halo stitU , Council Bluffs. _ . HALE. A baitc burner sto > e nearly ntvr. FR Enquire of J. Y. Fuller , Room 1 , K erttt'e block , Couueil Illuffi- . d c7 It fresh cows for ale , w mot d ( rood FUR . icentloand freofnm vicious habit * . i rlco fr m lO to 955 , Including calf. See or ad- drcM F. Ainan'Oitb , Council Blufls. ilccS It * Ever ) body In Council Blufls lo WANTED Tiis Bss , 20 cents per week , do llvercd by carriers. Office corner Broadway and Main , up stain. Council Bluffs. CU3-tf To punha'O fho blocks of lota WANTED w.thoiit improvement , In a line ninnlrj ; Mutti commencing at Brnadwav , cither ol C' . & N. W. depot. Address Terry , la rare of TUB BEK tttlce , Council Iiluff * , IOWB si NOTICE Yon can get th qulrkest and lunt plctur s f your chlldrtin , &c by patron' izinc HnikiiV eicfbilor ( fallery ntar poxt ( ilfico , Council Muffe. aHhc IIWH the new Inaiai t noous l > rocc3. Brnlxoamlllerdicfaio allowed to Omit * I.vlles. _ Ct e o. d. AKcnti to rainu Best jwy- WANTED ' in the country. Address C. M . Beuollleo , Council Ulullii. Xo > ltf SALli HOMO , buggy nd harrow , cheap FOR for cash. Addretu Nv. II. C. , Bne olilce Council Illuffj ) . NoW'St pOTTER'S TICKET OFFICE War In railroad f tickets ccntinuts to boom. Uni recodentod low- rates to all cnsUrn points. Every Uikei ( guaranteed , Or dors Ullwl by telephone. From one to ten dollars ka\od by purchasing tlckuta of C. A. Totter , tmccesoor to Potter It 1'almer , No. 40 South Fifth stn ct , four doors belOH the poet- olflce. Council Uluffii , Iowa. _ octl8-tf Boj , with pony , to campapers. . WANTED at Bus office , Council Blufls. octlS-tf To buy lee tons broom com. WANTED address Council Bluff * Broom Factory , Council Blufli , Iowa. B58-ia > U A first-class broom tier. M yn WANTED Council Bluffs. Iowa. { 00-80 * SALE did papers 40c per hundred , a4 FOR Be offloB. Council Blun . s < 27'tf EDWAED KUEHL MAQIBTER OF PALMY8TERY AND tCONBI T10NALIHT , 408 Tenth Street , between F rnb m andllamey. Will , with the aid of Ktiardlan spirits , obtain for any one a glance at the put and present , and on certain conditions In the fu ture. Bootitnd Bboefl made to order. Perfect atl f : tlrn pu r .itf l POWDER Absolutely Pure. Uade from Onpa Cre.n Tartar. No other arpatlon makes luch light , Oaky hot brMdt. Hxurlous i trr. Ca he oaten by DytpcpUt iri trout fear of the 111 * muMing from hear/ ratlble food. Bold only In can * , by all Oroccri Ar , RAKIMO POWIIKR no