Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1881, Image 6
Pi Xhe 1' . Ono Six D TC Ono Sli. C ( Cfttil ton * THF. nt Lett ire ! PAN1 inlet Oil Ed Oiro .Ton i. : elicit CA iavo notli KK ihio ouae Hi : 'ncl natc Itll V THE id tl 0 bol ornld icksi CON < PI ? t Ct itest rn in \VlIE cun i > Rgcr , blic t jatioi laliu. FKFF h th iat ci rk rt itep ] alt ] alon > r mi 1 , ui in. e , a > tha t ; H jaiU 1 UAN ) ) honi ction t , v toth ell 01 invci 1S1-AT Pres cated : nent. ; accr oflici Kiri ity at IhoM < IT1TIO 1 in n rtion charge o oii ; won It is * -Til 80 ' putit .nn o ; " . soon i of tlu uro nr ' 10 ro i Fie * Iu ino" ; a bare ) f busi n ccntl up , in bcun } i on tin i quor of tlT < lly ronco D anne aa not Hr.jj I iu l > j inp111' o J ur rguiuo and w , leal elf f the on Mrhi < . .B vi . .in aa nc call ? I TEE OMATIA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY DECEMBER 3 , ] S81. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. Interesting Mooting of the ' Missionary Women's Foreign ary Society , Mayor Vaughan'a Energy h Dispelling the Smallpox Scare , The Town Overrun With Petit Thieves and Vagabonds. An Unuinnlly Interesting Batol of News Quito n Irirge number gathered in the OonRrciotional church on Tuesday evening. This wns the evening of the commonccinenl of the CongrcR-Uionn nssocin'ion ' , but the clergy gave way to the laclioa here working in the intoroat of the Woinons' Hoard of Foreign Missions , Mrs. Quo. F. Mai'oun , of Qrinnoll , Iowa , and Miss 11. A. Ilillis , formerly of Iowa , now i missionary in Ceylon. Prayer win offered by Rov. Goo. Litlli > , of Lewis , Oass county , Town. Mrs. M.iqnun waa then introduced. She upoko in a very plaiting manner from manu script , of the work there wai for women in foreign mission fields. That as in most heathen country's the mis ery and want and wretchedness fell to the lot of women. It becomes the special duty of women in all civilized communities whcro their righto uro respected and protected , to work in a canso that tends to alleviate their Buffering , elevate their moral and social condi lion. In order to do this three things wore indispensable : Thought , prayer and money. They must have more of those , especially the latter. In very eloquent terms she pictured the sinful , shameful condition of women in heathen lands ) , whore wretchedness was the rule instead of the exception. Quoting a declaration made by that celebrated reformer , Martin Luther , she exclaimed , "This is n hard world for girls. " Hlio related the fact of the early marriage of girls in heathen lands. How , oven at the ago of four or five years husbands were selected about the same ago and together they were locked up in close confmomont until they were mature enough to love each other it they could. How some were doomed to spend a whole life time in dirt , misery nnd rags , the slaves of husbands from whoso proa- unco their very naturou shrink in dia- gust. gust.How absolute the power of husband over the so-called wife. When he laughs she must laugh ; when ho sings ho muat sing ; when ho cries she must follow suit. But when ho dies the amo relief is not afforded her. She must bo stripped of all ornaments and live through a miserable existonca. She spake of the condition of women iu China , where half of the female population of the world resides. Re ferring to Buddhism she said that the accepted belief among the women wai that men were gods , and in order for themselves to bo on a place higher than the brute creation they must boiir aons in this world , die and truit to luck for again appearing in the flesh u male instead of a female. Mra. Magoun is a very fine appear ing lady , u pliuiaut ape.ikur , and Booms to liavo her heart _ in the work , She islho wlfo of Professor Magoun , of Qrinnoll collcgi' , thin state. At thu conclusion of her remarkB , Mrn. llillis introduced. She npoko very rapidly , und rather indis tinctly1 but at the name time what she eaid w.m quiio iutorcst'iu , ' . She describud the exact location ot the ia land of Ceylon , its climate , govern ment , etc. , and that it has tliit ml vantage tago over the heathen countries spoken of by Mrs. Magoun on thin island , that the women are on top and I hitmen are the one * who'sit on Atone floors und the thinnest part of the soup. Hero the god they worship is made with hands , but the o/io they talk about is the g6d who gives them rice. She spjko for an hour of the uchool work carried on there through the instrumenUlity of the women'ii board of foreign missions. Mrs. llillis is not a very pleasant speaker , yet olio has a way of making lieraelf iuito interesting. IIAUP ON OLAHA. Our morning contemporary devotes nbnut half a column relating how Miss 'Kellogg visited one of our liret class sal'joiiH mid partook of a rich lunch that there was throe in the party uui the bill come to § 40. They know what they uro talking about , for the ) had n reporter who Blood by and who watched every mouthful she ivto They muko tliu bold clmr o that Miss Kellogg talked all the time she was eating ; that she oven laughed righ out loud. The Gate City editor wil too when ho reads that urticlo. Now Miss Kellogg may bo a very pee singer in the opinion of The Nonpareil worthy of nothing but empty chairs tu ning to , but when it is claimed by tlu heet that she hasn't the right to visi any ono of Council IJlulls' jwlutiu saloons and partake of a first clus uupper , wo think it a little hard 01 Clurn. It is reported that Mies Poole , wh mini : with Miss Kollegg , remarked th next morning ufter the concert , tha under the circumstances it was almou impossible to sing. In the lint pluc it was very cold in the gicen room the homos underneath wvro atainpin their font , und one of the g.w jet kept up a continual limning sound. Till ! J.1TJL1 ! UIANT. If there is a man in , the city wh can get signatures to a paper , tint man is Vuuglmn , It ia said the energy orgy and pei sistoncy displayed by hi ) in procuiiug the doctors' certilicut that there was no case of small-pox ii the city , was simply remarkable , believing lioving that if the facts wns uproar abroad that small-pox was raging here it would cause irreparable injury t business. Ho nroso in the time , nnd almost in his night shirt , wont from doctors' homo to dnctnre , nnd poraua'lod them to sign the in- fltruinoiit , ao it might npprnr in tliu morning tmpors , M it would have a tendency to diipoll any fear the small pox report might hero raise. A TAMK MOl'Sli. There is n tame mouse in nn oflico on Uroadvuiy , He will como out of his hole nnd oat cracker ! ) out of the liniul of the proprietor , who saya ho would not exchange him for either member of the city council. WHY IT HAtTKNED , Tart of the Council Bluff local gare way yesterday for the president's moisaRo , which appeared in TIIK HEK in full , occupying fourteen columns. The coon that assaulted the woman about n week ago , as reported in TIIK HKK , and robbed her in front of the Hevero Ilouao in tins city , wns ex amined before ] Judge Hurku yes terday , and ) held for his appear ance before the grand jury now in session. AN AHSAU1.T. A mnn by the nnmo of Hordcn com plained nt headquarters that the su perintendent of our mammoth grain elevator nisaultud him hiHt Sunday evening. The case wan put down for hearing December'Jlit. HIS oriMo.v. President Arthur baa n brother ; hid name it William , Ho wan interviewed by n Nonpareil reporter in thin city , Tuesday evening , und gave it in his opinion that the government had begun at the wrong end in the ( ttiitoau trial. They should liavo naed the "hemp" , and discuised the murilH of the 0.10 afterwards. There in a horse in this city going the rounds unions traders that has had his tongue pulled out by the root a. a.M. A. Upton has constructed u very fine house on the corner of Seventh avenue and Tenth street. Vincent Hntlon did the work. WATKK MAINH. Ono hundred car loads of water maiiia arrrivcd in thin city yesterday over the Northwestern railroad , billed to Council Bluffs water works company. The peonlo will wnko up Homo morning nnd find the ISIinBOuri river trying to nut into the kitchen. WANTKD A UOVKHNMKNT imiLDINU Thov following reaolntion otl'ered by u.x-AUonnun Graham waa adopted by the board of trade Tuoaday evening : Resolved , That the board take im mediate action toward nucuring to Council Dluifii a United Status court liouao nnd poetofiico buildinu. On motion the board adjourned un til last evening , when committees were to be appointed to petition con gress in thi nutter. HOW IT lUri'KNKD. It is now reported that it was the gas escaping , cauaed by John Limit taking off his now plug hat in Abbott's iillico , that broke thu glass so sudden ly during the examination of Sulli van. TO HP. C11UDKD. Union avenue is to bo graded fifty Feet wide anyway immediately. This will onuhlo the Hordica to pans back \nd forth. If it is to , bo only fifty leot wide it should bo constructed liUh enough to answer the purpose of loveo. , AHOTHF.n CONFIDENCE C1AMK. Again wo hoar of the successful playing of that old confidence game Tuesday in this city. An old gentle- : nun who lives in Charles City , this itate , by thu name of J.V. . Young , * ras on hu way to visit his family , from KanauB.Vhilo on the train hemet met n young man to whom ho ut once beamo HO atUched tint ho waa wil ling to loan him money on demand. Durum the conversation with Inn ngruuablo' j oung companion a sccoi.d young sharper appeared upon the nccnu nud'inforinod young man No. 1 that there a valuable pauk.tgo at the pxprosH ollico in Council Blull' for him , and in order to get it out the cliargeii would have to bo advanced to him , Adams , ns ho tvni thu ugent. Young man No. 1 , nut having any thing less than n hundred dollar lar hill , borrowed about § 150 , the i ho amount of thu express charges , t'lom the very agreeable old friend hemet mot on the tr.iin , promiDinu' to m ike it all right ns soon na Council Jilutl'-i wns roAohod. The old limn missed Ins young friends when the train stopped. In some way they failed to connect with the Ilerdic lino. The old mnn came up to the city , repaired to the American express otticu , nnd inquired for their ugont Adams. They never heard of the name"of Adams buf'iro. lie started lor police head quarters , where ho reported the case , tellinp the nbovo story , which may bo true but is certainly the moat unrea sonable transaction to which our at tention.him been celled , IIKLD ur. A man going home from the Kol- Jogg concert waa met by two young roughs ou lower Broadway , who ordered him to hold up his hands while they searched him , taking his purau containing about $1.75 in sil\or , when they disappeared. HKIUOUB CHAllflH. The Nonpareil indirectly chaigoa Chief of Police H. 11. Field with di viding with oiimhiiils. Such u charge against the clmrnctor and 5nto tity of a man who has lived in Council Blulla nearly thirty years and always born a most exalted reputation in this regard will not bo very much substantiated by Btich n "aquib. " TOO FUNNY. A man by the name of Hullinglon , who was a "little oft1' yesterday , bo- yun to ilourish n revolver and dis charged the same ut random in the vicinity of the Ogden hotel , for nil of which , to him innoont amusement , ho was taken in and obliged to conn down with § 0.85 for the benefit of tin school fund. KNIQim OV 1'YTHIAH. St. Albans ledge No. 17 , K. of P. , t their loj-ulur meeting , held Tuos. day evening , December 0 , elected elli < C'-ia for thu uiiHumjr teun aa folloHH ! Cht'ster Tibbetta , 0 , 0. ; G. L. Smith. V. 0 ; A. L. Ayroi , Pielato ; F. M Patton , K. of 11. S.V. . Yruing , M. of 1C. ; J. P. . Stagg , M. of F. ; B. A. Iloarala , M. of A. : J. U. Coon , J. G. ; T. Hall , 0. 0. Trustees for tlu ensuing year : K. J. Abbott , J. Spauldiug und J , A. ilenralu. Kop- rcsojtativos ) to the grand lodge , which meets here uoxt October : Put Chan. rellors Kdwin J. Abbott nnd .John H. stum. . To treulllorof TIIK Mn- Wo sco n statement in your pnpcr to the effect that in their opinion nil houses limit in Council Bluff * should bo erected on the bottom land * . NVu write to enquire your ruanmm for ouch a stalnmeiit. ' 'CiTiZLX. " Citizen is mistaken , No such dec laration ever appeared in TDK Br.E , it must havii been the other paper he borrowed. IUW.Y Ht'llT. A man was thrown from bis horse on Fourth avenue , receiving iitiito a severe injury over the left eye besides a sprained ankle. win IH IT' Competition is the lifo of trade. The street line hns curried more passengers ainco the Herdicn wore put nnjtliaii c\or bufoio , nnd the latter have all they can do. IlEMOVKIl. Kx-Aldcrman Thnnips K. Gavin Ins moved from his residence on Fr.uik- lin avenue into thu ArniHtrong house , in Glemlale , whuro the family will liavo more room. WHO IH IT ? Mayor Vauglian leceiveda lotU ryot- tcrdiy from iliu c.-nlner ot a bink in Burlington , low.i , innking inquiry in repaid to a man by thu name ol Dixon hoi < preBiniied to have been killed in this city. The mayor replied that no such killiiii ; li.icl been brought to Lhe notice of the authorities here , but that an investigation would bo in stituted at once. HAD IIU.HINIISH. There never was so much robbing and thieving carried on in Council [ iluffn as ut thu piesent time. I'ouci : 1'iiJKiNcn. Frank Wright , arrested for being Irunk , wan lined $ ( > .8.i ; no In nils on land ; xhovuled it out on the streets. Charles Hodges was put in Wright's > lace in thn calaboose for the same iffeiiRo committed yesterday , and will uttlo with the court this morning 50.85 or stone pile. A couple of vagrants who were giv en lodging at police headquarters , wore given something else this morn- ng , thirty minutes to leave the city. MIHCKU.ANKOUS AND PKIWONAI. . Florence Herbert with , as claimed , i first-class dramatic comp.iny , will commence u week's engagement at Dohany's next Monday evening. Ono of our city council finding that ho thing was about to Cav-in , got out from under. He moacd out. Morgan , Keller & Co. have a now vngon , to bo used in their undortak- ng busi.iess. A man who will take out his pocket- > ook and empty its nionied contents nto the hand of a stt anger on the iromise that it Khali bo returned , in his enlightened ago is altogether too ; eiieruus. Ho ought to loiu it. Music stands and cabinetu , the inest in the city , at J. Mueller's. The western mutual aid society of ) cs Moir.cs very generously paid Mrs. lletcalf $5 per week during the three wockfl she was down hearted on uc- ount of being burned out. Ebon Newell , of steve polish fame , las so far recovered from bis recent llncss as to bo out upon the streets again. Mrs. Magoun while in the city iu a guest with Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Dodge , jn Fourth street. Mrs. Hillis , the visiting missionary rom Ceylon , is stopping with the amily of A. 13. Walker. Vic Keller has accepted a position n the auditor's oflico , where he may to found daily. TIIINKH mPFKHKNTLY. "Refusals will servo their full term , iitd an another if they like.BEK , th inst. [ Now , Mu. JlKK , please ) rush tliat little lock of wool from ivor your eye. The refunalrt servo hoinBulvcBnot ethers if that is vhat you moan. If you moin servo inolht'r yuar , HO of every 100 voters Bay no. S. D. Hoi'Kix.s. lucrcdiblo. 1' A. Hcuilcli , ilrnguist , Kuthven , Out. , vutes : " 1 liavo the grcuteitt confidencu u Minr liruuocK HITTKIH. In one caiu uith which I am porsoiuilly acqunint- > il was almost increiHb e. Ono .i'ly ' luld nio that lialf a liattlo did her iioro K"i > il tlinii hundrcdn of dollar ' worth if innlicinHIO ! lind proviounly takt-n. " I'riru ? 1 , trlul N/O 10 centH. due 5-eow GUA.VS SPECIFIC MEDICINE- TRADE MAftlt I' " " " " 'TRADE ' MARK Hpnrniator- rlieit , Impot- cncy , ami all follow nn n IEFORETAKiNB. c.i'u-nco of AFTER TAKING. hut AI'iiM ; , u IOMI of Memory , Unttcmxl LUMI. tudi" , 1'ttln In ( ho Hack , DliniifM ol Vl-lon , 1'iu- inaturu Old AKU , and many othtr Pl-cisis that lead to IiiMiilty or Coiiauni | > tlon and n I'rcnm turo ( Irave , XslTKull lurtlcularH In OMr | iamnhlit , vvhlih vvn iliflrc' to tend Irco t , mull to < vor } onv , tlliu bpi'illlo MtMlUIno In told h ) nil dniUt | nt 1 | HT jincki o , or 0 ) > .ick V IH for 8. ' , or will bo Milt frco liy null on rej ntn ( thu inoncv , Vij oddtuwlnu T1IKOUA IKlllCINi : CO , llullilo. N. V. ror nalo hv 0 K floodr "ctinn.i rul 1'ltUUATK NOTIH. In the mMtcr ol the 1-JiUtu o ( J nuyj K. l h. decta-cd. Notlco U horulij fl\en that the crcdltoranl N kli1eceuse.I , III meet th odmlnUtrtx ol mid KnUt , ln'Ioro me , County Jud o of Doiulu County. Neliraaka , nt the County Court lloom In Hald County , on Ihu Uth daof DtHvmlxir. IMbl , on the Hth day ot Fvbrnary , 1S.V2 , mid on tliuOth l y o ( April , 188. , at 10 o'cloik n. m. caih day , for the pun100 of | > re < intliit- their claluia forox. amlimtlon , adjuntmcnt and allowance. Hl > iiiont i ate illoHiHl for crudltora to iircnont tlieli ilulni , and ono > rur for the admlnUlrotrlx tc ncttlUHaldtMtatf , from the (1th day of October. IbSl , this notice will bo imllUhetl In Till OUAIIJ WKKKI.Y llxi for four wedomiccuuihely , prior to the otli d y of Doccmbcr , 1881. . ( A true copy. ) A , M. CIIADWICK , Conntv Jnd.'e. WAE IN PASSENGER RATES I IIOIIIIIK 111103. . ItroUr * In nil lUllroad ricktlo , Omaha , Neb , , offer Ticket ! to the East until further notice , at the fallowing uubuard o OhlcaKo , I2 ; Hoiind Trip , 44,00 , Thenu art lluiltixl Kint-Clugllikftii anilvocHl for return through thovarand via the Old Itcllable Chi : i'o , llurllii tou A ( julncy lUilroad Aluo , oui KOSTON. IMIILADELI'IIIA , S5.DJ. WAHIIlNvn\.V , SilP . ' " , ; " , * " ' "flterryo dltn-l to IIOIIIIIK 111(09 , . IHiilcM In lUdiuvil I tu Halroiuland bteauulilpTukit * , bi Titntli Ht. , UnuU Neb. lU'uiemiwr the | i | co-T ir e Ueorn Nurtli cl I'nlon 1'aclllc lUllro d De\x > t , Ea t t do ofTiiiiUi bJrr-et. Omaha Auiutt 1. 1281 Dexter U. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW ouses LOTS For Sale By FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS , , No. 1 , Vcwhouno. T roonu , No. 2. 3 atry houiw , 0 room * , well , clsttrnond harn , Welwtcr , near Uth street , $2 GO. No. 3 , llouo of 10 rooms , on Harncy , near h street , toni > foundation , $1000. No. 4 , Larva house of 11 rooms , on Webster itroct , near Urtlirhton Collcvo , $3S < | 0. No. 0. H use of 7 rooms , on Conn , near 17t street , 8)0. ( No , 7 , House of 8roomsStot , on ITthetreel near Iznril , $3 00 , No 8 , llouso of fi rooms , on Caw , near 14th , 22.X182 ftoi lot , & 1300. No. 0 , Ilouso of 3 roomj , kitchen , etc. , or Oass , nrarltth t cot , S'OO. No. 10 , Ilouso of 3 rooms with lot 2x132 foot on Cms , near Uth Rtrcct , 81)00. No. 11 , llouiu of 6 roonm , on ICth street , near DouKlan , 44x6(1 fcot lot , S4000. No. 12 , Iloiipcof U roonm. br > ck foundation , on Hnrney , ntar27th fctrict , 81000. No 13 , Iftoryncw house of 0 rooms , brick fcundatlon , off M. Mar'a nvcuuo , near convent , No. 14 , Ilouso of firoomi and summer klt < hen on 20th street , near dark , $2.rOO. No. 1 % Ilouso of 8 rooms , on Hhonnan aonue ( ICth street ) , near Nicholas , $22i'iO. No. IB , 1 j-irory houvo of 4 rooms , collar , stable , etc. , on l.rtcni rt , near 22dntrect , 81500 No. 17 , 2tory brick house of 0 rooms , near in 1 ol red itrtttar turn table , ? i3W ) . No. 18. Iloiuo and 2 lots , 4 blocks Heat of High School , SiVX ) . No. 10 , llouso nnd 3 lota on rood to park , near luad St. M.irj's avenue. J3MO. No.LH ) , llouso an J lljlots near HascallX South Omihn , S2MW , No. 21 , House and lot on Datonnirt street , near loth strict , $1500. No. 22 , 2 stc.ry house and l"t 32x00 feet , on Davenport , near 12th street , 81300. No. S3 , House of 4 rooms nod 2 lots on 17th troct , near Irani , 81200 , No. 2G , ilouso and J lot on 10th street , nea Dodge , $ OM. No. 20 , House anil J lot on 10th Etreot , near C r > tel avenue , 81450. N . 27 , 2 houKoa and lot on Jackson , near 13th trect , 4300. No. 29 , 6 houses &n J 1 lot on California , near 8th street , 6000. No. 30 , li-ntory brick house of 4 rooms with ot COx'200 feet , on Shtrman avcnuo (16th ( street ) , near Izard , $3000. No. 31 , 1 } story house and 33x66 feet , on ISth rcect , near Howard street , 82000. No. 32story house of o rooms and two lota on tlaion , near ICth ittreet , 83000. No35 , LarK'o house a d full lot on Capita venue , near 13th fctrott , 32aOO. No. 30 , 2 throe fitory brick houses v.i lot 44x 13 fctt , on Chlra.'O , near ISth strci't , $5 0 each. I o. 37 , llouhoof 7rooiiHwith lUot Paul street , ni-ar Ibth street , $2760. No SB , House and lot on 16th street , near Shirmixn , SloM. No. SO , Iloiidoof B rooms uItli44xCO feet lot , on ISth street , near California , jlSOO No. 4' ' , Iluuieof a roomH with lot 150x150 feet , on Cohurn , mar C'olfav sti\eti3500. No 111 , Ilotme und 2 loU on Chicago , near COUi ttrcit , * 75JJ. No lri , Laruo house of 7 room * , clo et pantry , will ( uiil clsttrn.on Ibth , near Clark street , $3500. -No. IU , l r e houne with full block , near new sliott ouur , $ VOOO. No , 47 HOUHO of I ) roomi with } lot , on Pacific , mar Uth htrict iOIXJ No ID , llrick honso of 11 rooms , well , c'ctern , VM thrnu t.ont thu house , ( rood barn , etc. , ou rnriihim , mar 17th street , 8000U. Nn til , llou'u nl U roomx , cellar , well , etc. , on 10th , nt'iir Paul etreut , $ 000. ha. [ a. House of U rooms and cellar , lot 33x132 , cff bt. Mary's utnuc , near convent , Sl&OO. .So..rti , tour linim'S and8a\120fuct , on Daven port , ni'vr IBth ftret.t , J5000. t\o. f.O , Iloii'oof llor 10 rooms , on California , ne r Slut tn-et , W500. -Vo. 57 , HoiiMiofO roonm , summer kitchen , cellar , ( UUrnell , K O'l 'n" ' ' . etc. , near St. llnrj's nvtiiue and 21st street , J3000 No , CS , New hoiixu of 7 roonm. peed bam , on WoUU r , n r 22d street , C2500. Ivo. H ) , Four houses wltli J lot , on 12th street , near Cam S2 , " > 00. No. do , Ilouso of 3 rooms on Davenport , near 23nt street , f.KX > . No. ( il , llouiu of 0 or 10 roonu , on Hurt street , near 22nd * tr t , 8MXX ) . No. ( .2 , Iloii i of 4 rooms , 1 story , porch , cel lar , ilMem and well , on Harney , ne < ir21at street , 1750. No. 113 , IIoiiMu of 4 rormx , closeU , basement and u , ninr \ > hltu I.ujul Works , $1COO. .NO ( H , llulldiii ) : on leased lot , on Doduo street , mar post olllecutoro below ami r.oins above , boo No. ( J5 , 3 lots with barn nnd other Improve ment * , near tn it tar turn table , 62000. No , 07 , Ntw lieu o of tl rooms on J7th , nuar Cumln street , * 10 0. No tyl , I trRU line houiunf 12 looms , e\er > - tiling ( omplctc , o i 18th , near ChlraKO , $ lKJuO. No. 70 , HOUKJ on 18th street , near lmvcn | > ort , tore beloK'anJ rooms abovn , barn , etc. , SI WO. No 71 , HOUDU of 8 roonm , line tUlur , all com jikti' , on California , near 21xt , f7000. No , 72 , llrick house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Dav en port , mar Uth i'M 0. No , 7J , ltcrv house , B rooms , rellar , wcl uut tUtern , on Jackson , nr r 12tli , J1SOO. No , 74 , llrick hoii-e with 2 lots , fruit trees , etr , on Ifltli , near Capitol avenue , 415,000. No. 76 , HOUKO of 4 rooms , lum. ment , lot 17Jx I3J feet , ou ilarcy , near 7th , 8075. No. 70 , 1 J-ntory house , 8 rooms , ou Cossttroet , ui r Ikth strict , # 4 X ) , No , 77 , 2 tory huiuo , 11 room' , closets , fur ace , fruit trtcx. barn , etc. , on 1'uriiluun , nur thhtrtet. toOOO. No. hi , 2 houtt * with 0 rooms , and other with rooms , on Chicago , near 12th ttrtct , JJOOO. No. b2 , 1 { story house , 0 rooms , 4 eloacts , well and 100-bariel cUtcrn Kootl barn , on I'lcrco Ht. , near 20th ( near new iov eminent curralt ) , $1SOO. No fc3 , 2-ntory house , 0 rooms , eoaUhud , ( food well , cUterii , ou I lot , ou Capitol avenui' , ut4 12th , WOO. No. SI , S-itory house , 8 rooms , 4 below and 4 bove , Scloccu , co'lar , well and cistern , with G cr s ground , on Blunder * Btrttit , near llarrucks , 2JOO. No 86 , 2 stores , house on leawt > lot , lca c runs 2 jeanfrom April Ut , 1BS1 , onl'acirie bt , , umr U , I1 , depot , JOO , No. Rfl , Houm1 , 16 rooms , well , cittern , etc. , urar lath and llarnev trii .t , $ UOOO , No. 87 , 2 ttory house , 3 rooms , well lth 40 feet of water , ( th 6 aerrnof Krnund , on Saundon itrett , ncur U. b. Uaiiuckii , < iOOO. GEO. P. BEMI3' Real Estate Exchange 15th and Dougl a Street rTHZSaiOTZ offm. m > i , i . i min of lev _ , en1 by tlioiira nrf uiltiuofornuri jnur duticn fiToul . . . .thl Tk to ri loictirnintiLrTf i > nt Hop Dlttoro. , Uic Mop U. Mym ere joxtnR n < l inj ? from any U CHi-ciitlon or dlvlpi tltm i U Ton arc > nnr rlrJ or i < lnpn : , cM or lyounu , rruircrlnir frort foorhNUlh or Unzulth nnff on A Led of tick nrrs , rtlj on Hop r hen fr foa fttl ru/illy from n > ni that your tftlim form of Kidney ncitli * clcnnttnif , tori' thitt mlirht ln or Mlmulathiir , without MottetMng , r a tlnioly tin * of Hop Hcp lttoro crut'narueoin-t o. t. o flaln > . dl n It an alioolntt , of Ihoilomn. and IrrolMa. Mtrrln , tlood. ] HOP drunlcennon bio e Q r e for ana ot oiilum , Too will beep tcbAdco.iv youuKs narcoUc * . op D lttort trtstn lowfnlrltM.try NEVER Circular ut It mny nvo your llfo. It Mns FAIL TO CO. , saved hun tlMtinltr , H , 1 aroclo. A Toronto , OoU tan To the Members of the Nebraska State Medical Society. Wtuoo , Nob. , Noiumbcr 2. , 1631. A ppechl Bch Ion of the .Vu'iraiVa ' Rtnto Moll- mi 8ocli.ty IK cnlloil to inout In the city ol I.I . - coin on TIIO < IAV | , the 2tlhc' v ol Dcicinbtr , A. 1) . 1SSI , nt iliuhour c ( lu oclcik a. m , For the jiurpo'c of Ink/n mich action , ai mny ! Kitho'iiht ; titht In rclitlon to the liw r pilnt MR the practice ol n idl.ine , In the SU u of No- luacVn ami such other usiiiCKS M nn ) lie re- qulr il tojjciloi oln 9 111 State Mcilical Society niipoclil 'ctislon ilV. . SToNh , M. I ) . , I'rcnlJont .S tbraxka State Medical Society. Attoi-tcd : A. 8. JIANSK KI.DIM I ) . BtcrcUr ) Neb. Statu Med So. no2MH 3t Articles of Incorporation of the Millard 1'nrmors' Club. Articles of Incorporation made and adopted this 20th Uny of October , A. D. .881 , by nnd between the undersigned incorporator - corporator * , OH follows , to- wit : NAMK. Articla I. The name of thin club aboil be ho Millnrd Farmon' club. PLACE OK BUSINESS. Article II. The principal pltvco of buei- ICHH of this club snail bo at Millnrd tta- ion , county of Dougla , Nebraska , NATUKK OP BU8INESH. Article III. The general nature of busi ness to bo tranoacted by thin club is to conduct a general literary and social busi ness nnd other entertainments of a nodal character. CAPITOL STOCK. Article IV. The amount of capital Btock of thin cluh Hlmll be two thousand dollars , lividi-d int shares nf one dollar each , wliiih i-hall be in the - paid manner pro- cribed by the diiectnrH. COMMENCEMENT AND TEIMIMATI"N. ! Artie e V. Tim club shall co.-nmonce to .rannact . ImMneHB and exerci-e ite corporate io ers the 29th day of October , 1881 , and ta puweiK shall ceiifo nn the 'J'Jlh day of October , 1981. AMOUNTS OK LIABILITY. Article VI. The highest amount of a- > llity or indebteilnexs , which this club h.ill at any one time i-ubject itslef , shall , o three hundred d < ll rs , OFKICCItS. Article VII. The oflicers of this lub shall be conducted by ri loard of three directors , who shall be ilectcd from among the stockholders , and hey shall appoint a president and such other officers aa by law is required. JULIUH SCHUAEDER , J. BLUM , CLAUH SCHUMANN , W. , STATE or NKDR.WKA , \ COUNTY OF DOO LAS. f On this 29th day of October , A. U. 8881 , lersonally appeared before rue. Charles Jrandos , a'notary public for said county , 'uliqs Schrocder. J. Blum , Glaus Schu- nann , W. Gerndorf , to mo known to be he signers ot the foregoing articles of in corporation , and acknowledged the some to > e their voluntary act and deed. [ HKAL. ] CHARLES hiiANDEa Notary public in and for Douglas county , Nebrank.1. THE BEST OF ALL FOE HAN AND BEAST. For morn thnn u third of a contnry thn lrxlcnii fllustniiKT.Iiiliiieiit lias been Known to mlllloiiH nil over tlin vvoild nF ( In ) only Had ) rullunco for the relief of luooldciitn uiwl pnln. IL IH u modlcino nbnvi ; jirlcn niuf prnlso the lititt of KH 1.1 ml. Korcvery lunii of c tuniul jia'n ' the Mustang I.inlmunt \ > \ \ ItliotiUm equal. It linnetralt U < HI unil lillliclc to thriy bone limiting thu continu ance of ] > alii unil liitliuiniKitlnii iiuiios- Hllilc. IIH iill'cctHniioii Iliiinim Klcsh uiiil tlin llruto Creation iiruciitmlly vvoiulur lul. Tha" - I.lnlntcnt Is nrodrcl by soiuoliotly In cM'O liousr. Kv ory iluy lirliiK'H iiuwa of thu nKiiiiy cifnii inv fill M ulil or Ijuru HiiliiliiL'il , ot rliriiiiniUc iniirljTH r J HlOH'il , Of \nliiiililn hour ur ox nui i-il by thu healing IIOWITU ! thly \vlilrli ipcoillly cnra < puoli ailment * ) of thu IIl'.MAN rijKSU us It li < uiun 11 < 11. , Hivolllnps , WtlfT Jt > liit , Cniitrr.ctril ItIiiiri 'iI Ilurim ml SdililH , llli' ; ! irli HC mill Hprnlll . l.vii IUOIIOUH llltrw mill Norc .Vipiilr. , CnUril llremt , uiiil liiilecit rvrry fiifiii of cxtrrnul UU- riine. It hrnU ivlllnnit scnr * . For the IIKUTB CUIUTION it rures Sprnlu * , Mvvliuiy , KtliT 'Joint. , Fouiuleri Ilnmesi Horrs.IIoof I l - c.c > , 1'oot Hot ) Screw AVorni. Scnl i Hollow Horn , Ncratcliri , Wlitd- K Ha , Spavin , Thruuli , Itlnclxine , Old Norei , I > ell ] > ! ! , Film upon the bight anil every olhrr nllment lu which the occupant ! of the Ntnble nml Ntuck Ynnl nrc lUlile. The Meilcaii 9Iuitnii | ; X.liiluicnt iilvvtiys cures anil uuver ilbujipolnU ; uuil U la , pobitlvcly , THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOE MAN OH BEAST. THE IRELAND MILLS , On tbe Papio , II DOV In running order again nJ ready [ to d uoutum work day and night. And we warrant utli'act'on ' to all l m era who will l > or ui with thiilr patronage. SOFLBIP & DIBBK8. MANUFACTURERS OP PLOWS , MOLINE , ILL , Wholesale Dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Moline Wagon Do , Farm and Spring Wagons , Deorofe Mansur Oo , Oorn Planters , Stalk Gutters , &o , , Moline Pump Go , Wood and Iron Pumps , Wheel & Seeder Go , Fountain City Drills and Seeders , Meohanicsburg Maoh , Go , Baker Drain Drills , Sliawueo Agricultural Go , Advance Hay Rakes , Juliet Manufacturing Go , Eureka Power and Hand Shellers , Whitman Agricultural Oo , Shollers , Road Scrapers , Ac , , Moline Scale GoVictor Standard Scales , A , G , Fish Racine Buggies , AND DEALERS IN All Articles 'Required 10 Make a Complete Stock. Address All Communications to DEERE & COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa. THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND lEJIR , Mining and Milling Company. . _ _ _ . Worklnp CopItU , - _ - _ _ - - KOI ,000. Capital Bto < k , - - _ _ . Si.oro co. Par Value o ! blurts , - - - - - STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. WM E TILTO.V , VIcc.Pri ident , Cummins , Wyoming E. N. HAHWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming. A. G LL'NN , Treasurer , Cummins , Wjomlng. Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louis Miller W. b. linmol. A CJ Punn. tl.Ii' . llarood. Francis Leavens. Oco. H. Folcti. Lewis Zolman. Dr. J. C. WatkliiB. o2mr5m OHO. W. KKNPALL. Author zed 'gent tor Fqle o' S < x-k ; Pox K , Omahn , Kfh. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Parnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Oonil nmontc m&do us will receive prompt attention. . Reforoncoi : State Banlt , Omaha ; PUtt & Co. . Baltimore ; Peck 4 Banshor , Chicago ; M w .w * n Cincinnati. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALUR N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. WHOLESALE D T ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , Nfctf. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jy 18-rno FOSTER & GRAY , WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , IE1. O. ZMZOIRGKAiItT. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb. Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. It always gives satisfaction , 'because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheapest - est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded.