\J THE OMAHA DAILY BEETHURSDAY. . DFCRMB R 8 1881 he Omaha Bee. rnWlohetl very i The only MoaiUy nwtiiititf TKKMS UVMAHi- ! Ono Ycr..510.00 I Three Month * Six Montlu. . ' . .00 | One . . UO THE WKTJKljY HKi : , imblMiod ev. TiKHMSl'OST 1'All- : Ono Yenr ? 2.00 I Tlireo Montlu. . fX > 81s Month 1.00 I One " . . M COUKESPONDKN'PK All Commnnl- OftUon * relatlrm to New ai U'.tlltorinlmnt- tew alionld be ftdilro ed to the KlHTOH or THK HIT BUSINESS LKTTKKS-AI1 Hu 1ne LetU-ra and IleinUtniirw nhould l > o tv\- \ drwwed to TUB OMAHA llcnunms < i Cosi- DANT , OMAHA. Draft * , Phocki and Port- office Ordem to l > e iii-wle jiftyaole to tlic order of the Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs E.ROSEWATER , Editor. Edwin D vii , ManARor of City Circulation- John II. I'lerco U tn Ch n'o ojt the Mall ClrcuAtlnn of THK DAILY 11KB. I. 1) . Chamberlain corrcni > omlcnt and Bollcitor. CANDIDATES for the ciibinot will have to remain on the ragged edge ; inotlior week. KRIFKH can boast of being the first Ohio man ever elected Hpcnkcr of tlio house of ropresentntivus. HvviNii failed to capturetho speak- cr'B cliair Kasson may now enter the aonatorial race with thu field nijainst Jim Wilson. TUP. Herald has "got 'em again , " nnd the Doano law is , of comae , at i ho bottom of it. The editor of the Herald ought to ho put in railroad stocks until ho quiets down. CONORKSSMAN Hu'iiuiiN is trying to pay off John Cliupiiiiin for Bulling out Col. Sapp in tlio comjrostinnal contest last year. Congressman Hop- burn may commit a fatal blunder. it comes to 1m nn issue between - tweon the interests of l.ucpcra of low groggeriea and tlio natrons of our public schools thetu will not bo much question as to which t-ido will receive the support of every decent citi/on of O in aim. JKKK. DAVIS him cturned to Anucica with the proceeds of hin histoiyof the "lost cauao. " An enterprising Now York reporter tried to pump Jell' , us ho stepped out oj the Htetunor , but as usual the old rebel chief asked to bo lot alone. IT must lie fun to rent land in Ire land , under tlio present condition of affairs. There is thu cheerful knowl edge , according to u Cincinnati pa per , that "if you pay rent you nro ahot ; if you refuse to pay rent you are jailed. " TIIANKH tit tbo enterprise of Jim Stephenson Omaha will BOOH havn a section of solid atone block pave ment , which will ( fl'ectively demon strate that stone block in the cheapest na well as thu best pavement Omaha can invest in. DISPATCHES from Washington iissert that President Arthur luia urgently requested Secrotaiy Kirk wood to re tain the portfolio of the interior do- partmont. No moro honest and eiH- ciont secretary of the interior has ovoi held oftico in Washington than plain Ham Kirkwond , o ! whoso sterling in tegrity and hard common aonao lowi1 and the west are equally proud. I'KTITIONH against unjust dUcrimin atiim in railway rates and to fDibit extortion in freight and trjnuporta tiou charges were introduced in tin senate on the first day of the suasion They were temporarily laid on the ta ble. It is safe to predict that over ; western senator that refusin to hee < those petitions will be tabled whet hifi term expires. T : < " . sooner the vacancies on th 1)0nun of the Uditod States snproni court are filled the better it will b Cor t'io roputiition of tint body Justi ) FieldV ubsenco in Kuropu and liu incapauly of Judge Hunt leave a bare quorum for the trnnmic tion of business. It is ututud ua a fac that recently a western railroad cat > came up , in which Justice AlutUum had been retained previous to hi going on the bench. In order to si cure a quorum and to permit u di cUion of the court , Justice Hunt w actually carried up to tli conference room and the chii justice announced the decision of tl court as not having boon participate in by Mr. Justice Matthews but coi currod in by Mr. Justice Hunt , tin retaining > < quorum. The fact tin Justice J unt had not "heard any i the arguments had not appeared i court and was not on the bench win the opinion wua delivered created great deal of comment among nui ben of the bur and has raised tl question whether an imbecile judg ainiply < .ling to the conference rooi can fiivi. . .n opinion. Such a state * nlfairu us now exists on the suureu bench calls 'loudly for immedia remedy. OUR VVA'IKU WOK1CS , The Usta Hindu by thu wn'er coinpnny do nut coinu up to thu standard required by its contract with the cily of Omaha. This fact is by no means to bo construed inlo n proof that the Omaha water works nrc n failure. For all the practical pur poses of domestic iiso , manufactoiies and ordinary fire protection , the water works are in every respect satisfac tory. Tlio wnter is clarified , pure and wholesome , and the How for domestic and manufacturing purposes ni abund ant as anybody would desire. Since the works were put in operation their efficiency has been tested in half a dcixoii ordinary fires with miilorm tmtfafnction and success- And while the feats under extraordi nary fire pressure hnvo not c.imo up to the standard of excellence required by the contract , wo have no Icar that any fire could nmko diHaitroiis head way against the streams of water that can bo thrown from our fire liydr.uits in thu present condition of the works , It would be very far from the truth , however , to claim oorfection for the works at this time. There ia atill much to bo done by the company before the works can bo accepted ns completed by the city aiithoritiea. It is the niunifust duty of the council to exact compliance with every reasona ble provision of the water works con tract. The settling basins nnd storage rcaeryoirs should bo subjected to pro per tests us well us the hydrants and pipes. It is hardly to bo expected that these can bo successfully made before the frost is out of the ground next spring , and the water pipes have ample time to settle. For our part wo should prefer to rely upon roaor- voir pressure for all practical uaes. When our water supply is entirely distributed through Ilia storage reser voirs , wo can pluco greater reliance ; upon the stability of our water works system. iiuiHiimcli UK the company are now supplying all who desire to avail tlieinnelves of the water works , nnd fiirnisliii.t ) > reosoimblo IIru protection through their hydrants , there can bo no valid teason for lefusing to accommodate - commodato the company with nn extension - tension of time fortho final acceptance of their works. Tina ia all the com pany can reasonably nsk for , nnd wo do dot believe any citizen or tax payer - or will interpose objections. THE ALLIANCE CALL- In another column of TUB JKK will bo found the call for n special meeting of the I pbniskii State Far mers' alliance , to bo held at Hastings , on Wednesday , January 'Jiith , 1882 , to take into considerations such meas ures us may seem best fitted to per fect ita oigani/.ation throughout the slate , increase its usefulness to u large class of our citizens , and to prepare the producers of , Nebraska tor the political campaign of the coining year. In issuing the call the executive officers of the alliance have not only requested the attendance of repre sentatives of each local alliance but thuy also extend a cordial invitation to nil active members of the alliance that can afford to leave tliorr farms to encournge the CIIUBO by their presence and adU moral weight to the dolibdra- tions of the convention. The call l.aa been issued in response to urgent appeals from n largo number of farmers ivho were unable to attend the regular annual meeting of the alli ance because it is held at u time when most fin mcBS are engaged in the work of harvngting. At auch a time it ia voiy difficult to obtain u general ex pression of the opinion of the farmer voters upon questions which so vitally affect their intcats. At the January acesion there is no reason why there should not bo a full representation ol the precinct alliances and nn attend ance of farmers which will show tc : the monopolies that the farmers can ami will take an inlcrost in politics and ii determined to seek redress for hie grievances by the proper exercise ol his righta as a citi/.un. Lot it bo perfectly foctly understood that the special meeting of the Alliance is to moro ef fectively prepare it for the eomiiiL contlict of next fall when the numopo lies will once more urrny themsulvei auuinst the producers if this state To succeed in the battle there IIUIH be no clashing of personal ambitions no division of opinion na to men IVIK measures. Tlioiough organization i nocimsary in nvoiy precinct in tin otutc. Kvory county , every precinct every school district should have ai elHinoiit Alliance thoroughly preparoi to do earnest and effectual work ii thu campaign , perfectly agreed to their methods of operatic and determined to intrmit noitlie threats , bribes or factional dissension to turn them from their purpose , 1 is to effect this peaceably to bo d < aired end that the special meotin of the alliance will bo held in Jam ry. The action of this convcntio will decide the political future of Ni braska. Upon its action depends , I a great degree , the growth and proi perity of this state. Shall immopoi kings rule our people 1 Shall our lei ' ialature bo packed with the tools < the corporations , our city and tow govonimnnts with brass collared nor of monopoly 1 Are the corporntioi to bear their just share of tl burden of taxation , or ia that load t bo shifted upon the shoulders of people already plundered beyond tli powernf endurance' I'lifM1 ate n f w ' thequestions the Farmers'Alliance will ciled : ! upon to answer. It must nn- nver them by sumething moro than mote resolutions. As wo undnntnrnl it , tlio coming meeting cftltu Alli ance is not called to create a now party , but to nay to the old parties , in tones which cannot bo mistaken , that corporate mouopolici shall not rule Nobriika. If the old pirtics nro the tuera. tools and machines to resistor the decrcss of the monopolies , they are doomed. Thu Farmers' Alliance has n mission to perform , nnd it purposes to uiu every available and legitimate means to tecuro the object for which it was organized. GEN KILPATRICK. A telegram from Washington an nounces the death of General Hugh Judson Kilpntrick , minister to Chili from the United States , and more widely known an it dashing nnd skill- fnl cavairy officer durinir the Into civil war. Ho was born near Deckertown , Now Jersey , in the ycnr 1830 , and was appointed to the military academy at West Point in 1857 , graduating just after the outbreak of the rebel lion and receiving his assignment to duty na n second lieutenant of the First U. S. artillery on the Gth of May the snmo ycnr. Eight days later ho was promoted to a first lieuten ancy , attached to the army of the Potomac , commissioned a captain in the Now York volunteers , nnd at once entered upon active service. Ho was wounded in the bat tle of Big Jielhel in Juno 10 , while leading a charge and on his recovery was commissioned lieutenant colonel of the 2nd Now York cavalry of which regiment he became colonel in Decem ber , 18C5J. It was during the Kappa- hnnock campaign that Colonel Kilpat- rick won his spurs ns a brilliant and dashing cavalry ollicer. Ho partici pated in ever battle of the campaign in the second battle of Bull Run and did excellent service through the scr ies of actions in Maryland. During "Stoneman's raid" totlio rear of Gen eral Lco'o army ho commanded u brigade - ado of cavalry winning golden - on comments from his su perior olllcora nnd receiving the commission as brigadier general of volunteers on Juno 13 , 1803. Gen eral Kilpatrick took nn nctivo part in the battle of Gettysburg , whcro ho commanded a brigade end : v division. In the succeeding battles in Virginia ho earned the reputation of being ono of the bravebt nnd most effective cav alry officers in the service , and his raids into the enemy's country were larked by a reckless daring and a rilliancy of execution which added iroatly to his laurels. Ordered west 1804 , ho joined General Sher man's command , and at the bate - o of Uosacawas severely 'oundod , recovering in time to take mrt in the famous "March o the sea and the subsequent cam- iaign in the Carohnas. In Juno , 805 , ho was promoted to bo major- ; cncral of volunteers and brevet lajor-gcneral in the regular army. He resigned his commission in Dccein- or , 1805 , having the month previous- r boon appointed U. S. minister to 'liili ' by President Johnson. General Kilpatrick was recalled in November , 1808 , nnd immediately intorcd into active political work. Ho fas an ardent opponent of General Grant's second candidacy , espousing ho Greeloy cause and stumping the wintry , for the liberal republics ns. lo was reappointed minister to Chili by President Hayes , which office he leld at the time of his death. Senator Jones of Nevada is down on .ho civil-servic reformers , says they an 'men of no genius , force or popular ! ' y , " who do not attend caucuses 01 'mingle with the bottom stratum , ' nit want to get into public life ' 'through the upper story windows. ' Well , the civil-service reformers nn down on Jones. They recognize thai ho has genius , force , nnd popularity enough , and ho mingles with "tin bottom stratum" sufficiently , liu lobody cares anything about his opin ons or about him , except so far as hi n a friend of the President and ro luctw his views. A man whoso bus ! iea in the U. 8. Senate is merely ti inuke n market for the silver which hi mines ia not n statesman whoau opin iona honest people are bound to ru spect. liujj'ulo fa-piess. If John P. Jones had never owned ; silver miiio or known Chester A Arthur ho would still bo entitled t1 the very enviable position which h now holds and has always maintainei since his entrance ) into publi life in the United States Sun ate. No representative of th west ia more thoroughly respected b ita people than Senator Jones. Ho i a monied man with moro braina tha money. His wealth in dollars an cents is a tritlo compared to his moi tnl possessions. For over thirty ycai a resident of the Pacifia coast ho hi always been the poor of her publi mon and his enterprise and spirit hu\ shown themselves in every movi mont having fonts object tliodevolo ] meat of her resources or the advancement mont of her prosperity. The chnr | that nobody cures for Senator Jonc public opinion ia based on the shorn Ignorance of the history of the sonat In the financial controversies of tl last ten yearn no voice has boon Ii toned to with moro marked attontic than that of John P. Jones. H speech iiWii | ) gilvor production nnd consumption will alwaya remain n book of rnforcnco for future econo mist ) , not became- advocated nu in- cl'Mfry in which i' * anther had n p c- 91 .ulinterest , lint , iiecHiitn it wiw thu most concise , comprehensive , nnd in uvory way the ablest presentation of ; v great American industry that has yet been prepared. Every public man in "Wflnhlnttoii { who has been brought into conaclwith Senator Jonc.4 will repudiate Miu statement of the h'sjircfs that his business in the United States snnate ia merely to make a market for the silver which ho mitie.i. On every question of national importance Senator Jones has had a decided opinion and has never feared to express it. It ia a tcstimon to his sterling common sense that in a largo majority of instances his views have mot not only thu endorsement or his parly majority but the approval of the nation. With his views lipon the civil ser vice. TTO have nothing to do. It is a well known fact that durit.g the entire Hayes administration the sonatornovor asked for office on behalf of his friends. Ho has consistently lefused to make himself an office broker for hungry politicians and to throw upon the government the support of friends who have been unable to takecaro of them- aolvcs. This ia a record of which few senators can boast. PIIKHIIIKNT Annum haa a fair chance to give a practical proof of his civil service policy in the contuti over the Council Blufla poatoflico. Having reappointed - appointed Mrs. liaklwiii for a second term ho is naw naked to revoke thn appointment because. Congressman Hepburn desires to assist United States Marshal Chapman in his scheme to corral all the federal offices in the dis trict for a coterie of political hucksters. Mrs. lialdwin has filled the position to thu satisfaction of the patrons of the Council Bluffe oflico nnd no charge can bo brought against her. Wo Khali soon BOO -whether the president is disposed to remove efiicient officers whoso time has not expired without cause , merely to gratify greed and personal spite. MAVOII BOYD will receive the cor dial support of every law-abiding citi zen of Omaha , in his determination to enforce the license law at any cost nd at all hazards. NK < T to mining the cattle interest of Colorado is by all odds the most important. A meeting of cattle grower a repreaenting ono of the six teen round up districts of Colorado was held in Denver Monday evening to devise measure a for mutual protec tion against the theft of unbranded cattle. The magnitude of thp Colorado - rado interest is made manifest by the fact that the cattle kings in the single district represented in the gathering own 150,000 head of stock valued at 2,500,000. Among the resolutions passed at this meeting the following are of interest to parties west of the Missouri this side of Colorado : WHKHEAS , It has come to the knowledge of the principal cattle - tlo owners of the Hearer and Republican country that largo numbers of cattle are slaughtered up on the prairie and hauldd to the line of the Burlington and Missouri railroad , and there sold to the contractors ; and. AViiKHKAH , There are at Una time of the year ninny unscrupulous parsons in this section hunting , who are not owners of stock , and are supposed to be engaged in hauling meat to the line of the railway ; and , WHKUEAS , The law requiring per- aona slaughtering cattle to hold hides for thirty duya for inspection is violated lated ; therefore , bo it llesolved , That wo as cattle-owners of the principal cattle range of Colorado rado , comprising the Platte , Beaver and Republican country , do respect fully request the Burlington & Mis souri railway contractors not to pur chase any cattle from any party or parties unless delivered to him on foot or with the hides accompanying thorn. Resolved. , That the hides bo hold according to low , or until the same are inspected by the Colorado state cattle inspector , furnished for that purpose. IOWA BOILED DOWN. Macedonia wanU n now town hull. Mount Ayr It HOOII to Imve a pork pack ilU { ejtnblUhlllPnt. The now town of Clcarfield in Taylo com ty IsHuiJ to l > e building up fast. The lown City alcohol wo ks clcaret $ liHH ( ) on ' .IOU head of cattle lout season. MUM , Holt & Hall , of Oaceola are talk ing of ettablishiug ac e , ti.eryatllamburg Ninotv ex-Boldierti I ave agreed than fate to tuku in the Sliiloh excursion next J car T o hundred re deuced ami ix bricl blocks will bo put up in Storm l.ako uex year. Packet * are still naUguting tha Miusit HI | i , carryiiiK height along the Iowa tow I UTCCS. ( | A carriage team and : t spoil nf 'tionlc 11 liavo Just beeu thii | [ > ed from LeAIuni t , \ buulnesi c tal with a capiml of 40,000 au upwnrtU. The Davenport K'UCII-H9 ' worku are no' ' busilr eiiKopd in supplying the west wit a choice article of maple syrup. Went Liberty in blessed with 108 unmai riecl ludiea over 'JO yearn i f ago , and nt ouc'talf that number of young men. Two mineral uprlngi whose watcni ai said to pom < u excellent medicil iiropcrtii , u have Leeii discovered in Tavlor county , ' , Clinton claims mio huutlred and tliirt ; 8 throti million feet of lumber , cut this yea st MI Incruano of thirty per cent over lai > ' 0'r' u A Terry man , the other day , shipjw 10 7,600 down I'gKH to Denver. They ca . . him S1.800 , and he expects to tell them f < $3,000. 11 Mausonhad a "bee" on the 1st to rali is th frame of the Mcthodlit church bull Inif , 11 lake the place of thu one tumad H il in > t summer. The Atlantic Telegraph tolU how bear. CM w rklnj : near n mill dam in th t vicini ty In two nights lulled a tree nearly two fent in < l amcter. \ttm ( ' "dnr It pills dai y fair f < vvn in miulmd SU institute , li.wfng won the nivrchAtiiKo premium ii creamery butter and the first on iiniry btittor. A -lire sign of tlioi \ o-pcrity which p-o * v iM In HIP northwpite n counties U the largo number o' Imr n and grainatiei whlih have Ijctn 1m It the i i\st f.\ll. In a oorn-hiiiliins match 11 Coitana the other dayV. . l ) . lUllanl nnd H. W. Thiima * encli got aw y with M ) liii licUaul I1) iMMiml.s In fo ir hours' working time. Thu twelve naw ml I * I . the ' Hut u d M. trlct during 'ho year ending December 1 , cut 11)3.000,00 ) fe-t of lumber , an Increase of ISO per cent over the previous jmr. Hcnrv Latnar , of Mu cUino , will be 10. yearn if ho iws tn the Sfith nf March. His jieallh U ox client n I hUtpiritx gnnd. It it thought ha U tlio oldest Minn in tlio BMo The eighth annual meeting of the Iowa liniiioved Stock Breeder's As'oulation will bo lio'd in Iowa Cl y. commencing TUOH- day evening , December 13 , and cluaing Decemeer 11. llancr.ift , the new lown on the North * western road , lift en miles n ithof Algona , promises to become one of the Hinting jilr.ccs of the county. Several buiin BH JioiHfB nro goiug up nnd othern nre pro- jcctcd. Shi mcntsof onions fr'in Davenport tli prcn-nt Kcasnn amount to 101,300 buehcls a alimt 2CO.OOO last year. The market opene at 7fi to 80 centn per bushel for ear ly onions rnn up to 81 4 l and then grad ually dropped fo present figures , SO ccnU tu 9J ccnU. STATE JO [ 'TINGS ; Wayne county has no PlnttHtnouth will Illuminate Main utreut with oil Ian ] > s. Several car loads of coal came round the famine at Kxcter. TMI tlmimnd fialmon eggs hnbe n "planted" in Wuod river. The tollUion nt Imlinnola reunited in thu smashing of a caboose into pieces. The Grand Inland hope company is pro curing new uniforms at n cost of § 160. Governor St. John of Raman , will tell the people of Lincoln , how the old thing works. The Union Pacific coinpnny has ap pointed regular Hurneous at the different ationp. Floating Ice in 1'lnttp liver carried away le p atform used by the workmen tm the chuyler bridge. Ne' raskn City Ins a French "crank" ho aimn > s liiintelf byhooting holes irough hii ) Hlmnty. Grand Island is still growing nt a won- erful rate , and yet it is almost impossible find a vacant house. Dr. ltrovn , of David City , pressed al i H with n corn shelter and left two lin- era in its friendly grip. Johnson county is ovoiflou ing with ped- ers. Grocery sharks , clothing men and her representatives of f amis. The hporting clubs of Hastings , Hebron , lexaniliia , Hca'ricc , DeVVitt ami Marys- lie are Hlaughtcring ] igcons at Fairburg. The U. P. comtany wants Sl.OOO iu end < fiom North J/oup , Valley county , efore they ill build a § > 0 depot at that lace. The boilers for heating the Lancaster mutv builiiiug are now in position in the asemcnt , and thu $3,000 radiators are on i way. The clerkfhip of Fnller'on ' county will o ntittlcct m the courts. James II. Fort the contestant ; Geo. \Vinberstecn ) ! da the certificate. Larcc quantities of wood is bein ? taken rom the Otoe reaervat on by parties wha re Htill of the impression that Uncle Sam wes them n living "anyhow. " There are thousand * of acres of dfsira- le .chool lands in Custer county awaitincr ppraieement by the state , and which will e leastd as BOOII nn such uppraisement is node. The range for 30 miles ia nearly all urncd off between the South Loup and le Platte river , in Custer and Daweon aunties , and many sheep lanchea de- , royed. Dorchebter is convulsed over the sudden nd mutual separation of a farmer and his nfo. They drafted l gil paprs , divided ! io family auU funds , uud departed on op- osito paths. Tlia oo.l l de.ilora of ISIuo Springs raised 10 priui * $1.50 per ton on the strength iat the supply of coal in the United tatefi will bo consumed in leis than one lousaud years. The i-tar mail routes radiating from Silt- on , under the new letting , Harvico to > be- in n it June , are as follows : Sutton , ia Clay Center , to Fmrfield and Blue lill ; six times n wfelc to Fuirtield , and 'armers' Valley and Stocltham , to Auro- a , three times a week. A. coal discovery his b en made on V. . Whittmore'a farm in Gage county that ) romiuei to be of considerable importance , 'he rirntdiscovered isoutcropping of cannel oal , but it is thought tlmt upon further nvrsMgution a paying vein of biiuminous oal will be brought to light. Wheat in Pumas county ranges from G o 1G hushelH per acre ; corn a fair crop , specially on od. Chinch bugs injured oma pieces. The hay crop is immense , lany of the emigrants tint went east last eason are returning those that remained n their claims h.ive dune the beet. PXWflKE rAIlAdllAPIIH. are about done husking com. Ti.e coal milieu in the vicinity of Cin- innati are I ooming. Pawnee will have a lirst-olass "Slocumlt lotel" in the spring. Pawnee don't want any Valentino K. K. ) in hen- next year. Our echoolK are in a very projperous Condition thrughout the county. Pawnee whi'ky IH aid to be like Jay 3ould' * railroad ntock badly wa-ered. liurcharil , our new town in the west itrtof thu county N now competed by all and telegraph facilities und wants a itiWdjiaper. About twenty pretty , talented uiimar- rled young ladiiM reprci.eut the mil iner ind dr. ' smaking linsinesH in nr ctylish young i itv , uud it in not a gxod placu for nillinersito marry ) either. Our city has a trio of ranker * composing mo mm. They are polite , holiest iind en- terprising. Tlie oldcs' . is near nighted , and the y ungest ia love Hlghted. Their credit ia always good und stock at MI advance. The Table Hookers inadt an attempt to burn u car load of t es that waa standing on tlio mad crossng for a few days. Table Hock folka do not mean to bo imposed on if they nrd the junction of a great railroad , Onrciiy can now l-oist of n first claw pnrk packing house which is the r.-sult ol busineta Uct and enterprise on the part ol Itickert 15ro . , the jroprietors. This ( inn has a tine now building and is already hav ing ft large run of custom. The Kuterpri-e it constantly compli mentlng our county's goo < i looking girl * , yet some of them want to know why iti editor skipped to IHinoia'to marry a younf girl in 'hat state. On the whole liis ac tioni are as counUunt as hln teachings , On last Monday an excursion train rai from Ateldson tbroush J'awnceto the wes art of the state. This w 11 gj down tt history ai being the first train ever nn through the country , and will open a iiev chapter in the era of pnnperity that ha ; dawned upon uu. The Pawnee Republics celebrated it niuthnnnivera&rylast week. It can iiov look Iwk ou lia post career and congMtu lateiUelf on being the largest and bcs the state south uf Linco'n local ] > ai > * r in It can boast of the boat paying advcrtl iti | patroiugo Mut the largest bonafide circula tlon of ny , and w re it i.ot for it * editor iirun llttl crat.ky nt tlme , wniiMbc \iJiloM ln-wcp-ipcr. Sino thu rercntfirc t O hi H B n new iiowcr press and a fine fireproof ofllcebtcliinsurei iti futu-e ncctt * . T.ltcrary ooc.'uilpi thtoiighotit the cnunty re now mi thu tf < oin. Tlit o ii not mi- tlicr county lit Ili't slflti ! tlmt can excel 'awnec In tlmt direction , There it a > i rganbed literary in almost every cch ol htriit , which sliowi that wo arc not be- iind the world in coming to the front rank lacked by superl < r literary talent. Henry Hlld-rbrnnii. nn aged farmer llv ng a few miles sou h of this cltv , was ttncked by an angry bull ono day la < t vcek , and narrowly e c.iped being gored death by receiving n fevero wound on ic wriit and nn Injury in tbo lower part f the alxlomen. At this writing he is re- ovcring. PAW.NEE CiutF. PAW.NKP.CITI , Dec. n. NEBRASKA STATE TARMERS' ALLIANCE. fotioonf Spooinl Mooting to bo Hold nt HnntinRR \VriinosJar , January 25,1882 * In rcspoiiBo to n general wish ox- ircssed in many parts of the state , in d for the reason that the regular ouncil meeting of the alliance occurs t a date when farmers are genor.illy otnincd at homo by the urgency of heir private nlfti-re , the executive onunitteo have determined to call a pccial mootin ? of the state alliance , o bo held at Hastings , Adams county , n Wednesday , January 25 , 1882 , and ontinuu us long ns may bo necessary. The work of this evening will bo o adopt measures to extend our or- animations into every county in the late , to appoint n general organizing onunitteo ( one member for each ounly ) , to work in connection with lie executive committee , to discuss nd adopt measures by which precinct rganization made bo made more gcn- ral , thorough and systematic , and to ; ciicrally solidify , strengthen itnd har- lonize thu alliances throughout the tnte. The ratio of representation for this meeting will bo the same as for the cgular annual meeting , viz : ono dele- ; ate for each Bubordinbto nllianco , ud one delegate for each twenty-five members or major fraction thereof of lie same. But in addition to the regular dele gates to this meeting , oil members f the alliances of thu state are ur gently invited to bo present. Let liis be n grand gathering of the bone md sinew of the state , representing s greatest material interest , and let lie measures for further organization which it may adopt bo such as to so- uro beyond poradvcnture the achieve- tent of the objects for which our so- iety was organized. By order of the executive com- littec. littec.E. E. P. INOEIWOLL , President. J. BtmnowH , Secretary. H. 0. BIOKLOW , Ch'n Ex. Com. State papers please copy. Jacob Martzoff , Lancaster , N. Y. , says our SPItlJta Ul-OHBOSI workn well for verything you recommend it ; myself , vife , nnd children Iwve all used it , ami on can't find a healthier family in New York State. - Oct. 5,1880. eod-lw BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE' ' ! JAMES E liOYD , Proprietor. U U MAKSU , Business Manager. hursday , Friday and Saturday and Satur day Matlneo , DEO. 8 , 9 and 1O. tic management announce with pleasure , the appearance of MAYO'S BRAND LEGITIMATE 00 , MEMBERS Under the management of Mr. E , M. OAUDIN Ell. By far the Largefttt Dramatic company eier organized for traveling. Thursday Evening , Dec 0 , Shaltospear'aSub- Inc Tragudy. VIRuINIUS , Doc. 9th , will be ne enUil , with all Locko'uOrlulnal Witch music , hakeapcar'a wonderful MACUCTH. Saturday fternoon. Dec. 10th , Grand 25 and We. Matinee , NGOMAR. Faturday evening , Dec. 10th , hapwpeai'a GreatTrtgedy of IUCIIAIU ) III. < cuar prices : 2Gc , 50c , 75c and 91.00. Scuts Bccnred at box olllco , Tuusday morulng , a. m , ilccC-tlt ilccCtltMs ! Richmond , Ind. ESTABLISHED 1849. Builders of ENGINES OF ALL SIZES , From 3 to 25 H. P. CAW Mil I C For Larce or Small SAW MILLO , Engines. onEcxcxi SECxixds ror all Qralni and Seeds , Including Clover and Timothy. Feed Mills , &c. , &c. [ t will pay you largely to write , stat ing what you want and how you wish to pay. Unuiurl Inducements to Coin Purchasers. ADDRESS : ROBINSON & CO. , no2wtf Kiohmond. Ind. Examination of Teacher * . I will be present at my olllce in Crclghton block on the flret Saturday of each month to ex amine such applicant * an may desire to teach n the public Bcnoola In Douglaa county. Quar terly examination llrwt Saturday In February. Uay , August and Movunber. J. J POIKTH , Ooimty Supt. ubllc Instruction The Oldest Established JN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , Du lnc 8 traneocted eamo u Uut of an Incor porauid oank. Accounts kept In currency or gold subject to elt-ht check without notlra CertiHcatcg of deposit euod payable In throe elx and twelve montlm , jtsanog [ utvreat , or on dtuiand without interest. Ad\ancca made to customers on approved eocu titles at market ratea of interest. lluy and null gold , bllla of exchange , gOTorn rnent , state , county and city bonds. Draw el ht JnOa on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parU of Kurope. Sell European peonage tickets. COLLUCTIONS PROMPTLY UADB. DexterL.Thonias&Bro , WILL BUY AND BELL ANR ALL TRANSACTION OOXNBCTID TUlRIWnO. Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc. IF TOD WANT TO IDT OR BILL Call Office , Room 8 , Creli'bton Block , Omh , Western Horse ana Cattle In snrancB Oompany , Capital , - - - 810OOOOOO Insures Horws , Mulei and Cattle against IOSB Ii accident , decease or thelt. Agvndcn In all conn tie * of the State. Send f < " rln-nUr . e20wl Edward W. Simeral , AIT GENE'S TRUTH ATTESTED. SomoImporlRntMfttotnontnof Well Known 1'eoplo Wholly Vorlneil. In order tint the puMic ina. fully roillrxj Ilic rcnulncnc'n of the itiicTcnt * , .11 writ tullio > owcrand tilno of tha nrtlclu of whiili they pc.Ak.wc pul.ll h luriulth t' o far-ilmllo ' nrcsof ivirllefi wliososliiccrtty Ii Kjonlquca Ion. IhoTruthof thc o t'ntlmunlals \i \ j- utc , nor can the facts they aiinotmco bo lg- * > / norcd. ' . . . . Ottoit , Ntn. , May24 , isei. I. II. WtRM'ii& Sin : -I ha\o frcqucntU H CI | M'nrntr's Safe Kidney and Liter Cure for locil nffcctloin ttcndant upon sou-ro rheuniatl.i attacks , and atoaMaya derhcd bcncflt therefrom. I ha * < r ho us.-d the Safe .Ncrv.nc with katl'fic'ory ' re- ulK I consider tht-do incdlclucii worhy of onlldeucc. Deputy Treasurer. OMAHA , Km , Hay S4 , 1S81. I I. \VARS-fR & Co. , llochrater , N. Y. : j I have used jour bafo Kidney nnd I Lhcr Cure thl * spring Ma lit or Imlcor.-Uor , and i ) 1 llnJ I the bint rcinrdy I ever tried. 1 have ; lined 4 bottle * , a' il It has nrndo 1110 ( eel better thin 01 cr I aid bcforo In the pprln ? . U. I * . R. Shops. t , . . . . . OMAHA , NUB , May 24 , 1881 , II. . - H. WARS-MI & Co : HIBH : For moro than 16 y nr I rm\o Buffered much Imontcnlcnco from combined klilnry and Il\crulsco c9 , Mid luue been tin Mo to work , my urin lyorg nialM being aflec'ud ' I rieda Croat miny nivdlclnci and doctorH , but I grew worse and wor o d y by day I was told I had IlrUht'sD.'scaif , and 1 ulshed in > -t-l ( deal III could not have speedy relief. I took your Safe K'llney ' and I.her uure , knowing nothing clso was e\cr known tocurutha dUcaao , and I har. > j I not been dtiappolnttd. Th.1 imdiclno h&s cured me , and I am pcrfoc ly well to day , cntlrjy ) * thro gh jour Sato Kidney and Liter Cure I i > i wish jou nil aucc ss In piibiUhlng thh v. liable ( \ rcmoay through iho world. . -ft U. P. K. It. Shops. Thousands ( .f equally s'rong endorsements many of thorn In caio < vhoro h pe < w nbnn- oned bive been voluntarily given , phowing tlio cuiaikablo power of Warner's Safe Kidney and .l\cr Cure , mall il ca8o ot tha UUlnevs. liver r uiinaryoigauH. K nny ono \tho reads thU a any phy col trouble remo nbej the great anger ot Uilay. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ! ONE WEEK ONLY. THURSDAY , DEC. 8TH. A GrnnJ AmuRcment i\ent : Kngagcment of the Celebrated Eastern Slurs , GRACE CARTLAND AND JOHN MURRAY , Supported by a Powerful DRAMATIC COMPANY. nd Nunn Rro.'s Famous Drftss Hind and Opera rchcstra. Change of I'tosrunmo Mghtlj. Wednesday o\onlng , "CAMILLE. " Grand Mutinco nt 2:30 : , "THE WORTHY WORLD" . Popular Prices , tOc and 35c"chlldrcn ; undcf 14 , Sc ; KcHcnodScaU without extra cluiriro , for Uo at Kdliolm < t EricTkBcn's. llatlnco Wcdnea- y and Saturday. Matlnco prices , 26o to all lartsof the hou-.c ; children , Uc. delOt BOYD'S OPERA HOUSE ! J. E. BOYD , Proprietor. II. L. MARSH , Business Hammer. ONENGIHTONLYI Wednesday , December 7. SECOND YEAR. SECOND YEAR. THE FAMOUS 'ho Itecognizcd Dramatic Attraction of America la trio Or cat Wallaok Tlieatre Success by ( Goo. Hocy ) , A CHILD OF THE SLATE. New and Beautiful Scenery , Superb Cos times , Elegant Properties and Original Music , prepared ixprewily for this Comivxny by the Great New York and London ArtlttK. Box otHce open for reserved scats Monday , De cember 5th. dS-4t Send SI , 32. W , or $5for CANDY a retail box by express of the Left Candies In Ameri icn , put up elegantly and trictly pure , suitable for prevent * . KcfentonU Cincinnati. Address L. LUCKHNE& CO. , 210 & 218 Wrat Seventh St. , Clnclnnrtl , O. > de OdtwSm .r United States Depository NationalBank OF OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sta. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISIIMENT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) BTABUSIIKD 1856. Organized M a National Bonk August 0,1663. CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVEH > 300 000 OFTICBR4 AKD DIRIOTORS I HERMAN Korcmn , President. AUOUHTGB KotOTin , Vice President. II. W. YATKS , Caahior. A. J. POPFI.KTON , Attorney. ] JOHN A. CRKIUIITON. F. II. DAVIS , Aaet. Outlier. Tht bank receives deposits without regard to amounts. Issues time certificates boarinp Intoroet. Draws drafts on San Francisco and principal cities ot tlio United States , alao Lonilon , Dublin Edinburgh and the principal cities ol the contlj nent ol Kurope. Balls inaaenicvr tickets for emlfranUn | > y the In man line. mayldtf ciioiiKi : LAND Co , Issno of 50,000 Shares of 81O each at part NVini HONUH or 40 ACKKH FOK EACH 10 HHAUK.S , KIIOM CHOlUi ! LANDH OF THK "DlSHTON I'UllCHASE. " OFK'CK Tliml" AM ) ClirHTMJr hTH. , I'lll'ADKL. IIIIIA ; llKoiuwAV , N. Y. . HOOMH in 113 , Detailed prospectus with descriptive mapti mulled to applicanta iuv2Ci30 MONOGRAM. On receipt of 95,00 HO will forward n any ad dress , Irceof charge , 600 Delicious Cigarettes , ejoh beautifully decorated with monogram or name , manufactured from Vanity Fair Tobacco. Also , a small sire , wither without mouthpiece , expressly for ladles. I'leise be careful In gUing shipping directions. Adddreas L. LL'CEIINE & CO. . 216 & 213 West Reunth bt. , Cincinnati , O , diCJiwBm I.E-TUfflBftOO . - , , COMMISSION MERCHANTS 125 Lasalle Street , GHIOAOO , Grain and Provisions Bought and Sold on Margins.