Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1881, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DA ELY BEE : TiriTR&lUY DECEMBER , 1881 THE BOISE BASIN , Glimpses at the Old-Time Fa mous Mining Region. "Lrwt Ditch" of the ArRounnta. Idaho City corrcs. of Sin Francesco I'hronlrli. It is linril to inmgino anything more beautiful nnd nicturc.iquu tluiu thu lloiso basin during the autumn woatliur. Riding front Idnho City over to Qurirtxburg , up hill one ininuto and down dale thu next , you cross nn oxtuinso of country very much like the rirto from Grass Vnlloy to Dutch Flat , in Californni , as the old road used to go through the mining camps of Little York nnd You But. Even the rents nnd lares in the gorpoous robe of Nature , inndo by eighteen years of placer mining , have not been nble to detract from the beauty of the drive. Tall nnd som ber pines line the crests of the hills , that gracefully uudttla'o about you , recalling Taylor's verso : Thv htimnn children "hall restore tlii-Rrncs Untie with thy fallen pinm ; The wild , liarbiiric licmity of thy fact1 Khali round to classic litiu.s , Jloore'a crook , on which Idaho City is located , lias bcon mined for n dis- tnnoo of nearly sixteun mileH almost continuosly. Every foot of ground that was worked paid elionnously , but provisions were so high from 181H to 180S that many good pieces of ground were neglected , just because they only prospected S3 per day to the hand. Thuso diggings were soon covered up with tailings from the richer claims , until they nro how thirty foot under the debris on the average. Marion Moore was the discoverer of these diggings , and lie afterwards was killed in n street light ( arranged by npvculatorH for his especial beuoH ( ) at Silver City. At first there were two villages on the creek , ono about a mile below the other , and both built of log houses. The upper was called Bannock City and the lower Buoun Vista Bar. After the great lire of 18G5 the tormer town was rebuilt lower down the cicok and called Idaho City. The upper remnant of old Ban nock , near the mouth of Boar run , was then known as Logtown. and Htnnds to-day , a and relic of departed wealth and prosperity. A HED-KOCK PLUMB. The only thing that could niako monoy'plontiful in this place would bo a bedrock Hume , but the great dif ficulty would be in getting the right of way from everybody. Some few men would ' sell , and gladly , too , while o'thers would want such prices for their claims as would be an actual prohibi tion of the enterprise. It would cost § 1,800,000 to put in the Hume all tlie way from the head of the : ruek to its junction with Grimes' creek , and about another million to where it would dump the boulders into Boise river. There are scores of acres that would pay § 5 to the hand per day , now covered up with slicken.s and cobbles , and there must be tons of lost quicksilver nnd amalgam in the depis of that slum , a' reminder of the careless and slipshod mining of former days. Not less than five mil lions of dollars could bo taken out of there in three years , but I fear the capital to work this is not forthcom ing. The delegate , to .congress , Hon. George Ainslio , has been endeavoring to get congresional legislation on this subject , but without avail. Grimo'a creek is a tributary of Moore's creek , and haa paid nearly as well. It takca its name from a pioneer prospector who was murdered there by the Indnians in 1804 A high ridge divides jit from Moore's creek , and from the top o' that ridge I caught the most magnificent view that my eyes had beheld since I stood on the top of Capo Horn and looked down at the American river. JJelow me lay a broad valley nearly as wide as Tone. Hero worieveral little ham lets , Oeatervillo , Granite City , Placer- villo and Quart/.burg , although the latter stands so deep in : i ravine that wo could only rccognizu its locali ty by the escaping Btoam from the hoisting works. Hipped and rent in every direction by the "giants" and "monsters , " this oxpuinito valley still maintained its classic contour and Mmilcd sweetly in the glow of the rich , sensous autumn sunset. But for man's love of gold it would yet have been one of the fairyst untouched vales of each. O.UAUT7. MIKI.S'li A There has been a failure of quart/ mining in this part of Idaho , except in a single instance. And yet there is no good reason why men should bo the case , for them must bo a fountainhead - head for all the gold that has been taken out of Moore's andGrimes' ctvoks in the past eighteen years. My theory of it is that the people of this section , disgusted at the swindling manner in which the San Francisco atock-sharpora had managed the Owy- hoe leduoj , rojolved to invoke the aid of eastern capital and "jumped from the tryi g-pan into the fire. " The Now York and Boston Crutmscs invariably sent mil some of their masculine Pinafore relativen to superintend the mines , when in reality they could have better af forded to intrust their interests to men they never saw. I can show you a "holo in the ground" from which § 120,000 was taken out in two years , of which 8120,000 was brought out by a poor crippled Irishman now in Idaho City in oiglit moutiis ; and the other § 0,000 , in sixteen months by the nephews , cousins and uncles of the Now Yoik directors. Candidly , I think the miuos of Ida ho have suti'ered more detriment from this cuusu than any other. And as long aa a quartz mine pays a profit of DO cents per ton it is a very nice thing to have , nnd the very moment it lacks live cents per ton of paying ex penses it is a pobt and n nuisance Eastern mine owners who liavo in vested here would have done well had they been born orphan ! or remained bachelors , for reasons cited above. Had the bonanza kings been punuhud for their thievery and * the eastern frrconhonw been kept out of quartz ventures , underground - ground mining and milling would iVavo become , by thia time , ono of the learned professions , and placed on a par with theology. But the case stands about as I suy , and as wo had no hand in the creation of the evil under which wo labor , wo are equally powerless to dev o remedies for them. . .1 1.k { - . ' ' " 7 ' ' 'n * "H1 ' : quietly lapsing into a Rip Van \Vinkli SII007.0. ( lAKDK.NALLI.V. . On the other sitkof a high ridgi which sopir.iti's the waters of Granite ami Grimes' creeks from tin I'.ijetto river , lies Oardon valloy. In all my wanderings over the Pacific slope 1 have een no summer resort to surpass this lovely nook. The pines como sloping down to the edge of the crystal , where the silver trout snaps at the gaudy butterlly ; the clanging wild fowl yeer in their flight and alight to nest in the grassy mead ows , thu timid deer steals nway from his mossy bed on the mountain side to drink of the ice-cold river For n week of recreation in July I cannot imagine a moro delightful camping- ground than Garden valloy. The whortleberry hangs iU delicate cups ot pink over my blankets ; the nzalia lights up the crest niles with her white blossoiiH , and the columbine nods her scarlet ( lowers in the pure moun tain breeze. The argonauts of MO halted and made a rally in this basin , like the broken columns of the old gii'trd rallied at Waterloo. A few , nnd a very few indeed , are wealthy , and onjuy a flemi-metropolitnn life nt the territorial capital. But thu most of the great hearted young giants have died off ; Homo naturally ; others in street all'rays or barroom fights. Idaho Ims witnessed the wreck of nome of the broad-chested fel lows who built up the Shasta and Siskiyou towns. A few poor old men hang around the b.isin towns and work about four months in thu year , and there tlu-y sit , awaiting rest and the end of the earth. Will the world ever again behold such a race ! 1 think not. Idaho to-day is more California than California herself. The ' tenderfoot" is yet in the minor ity , but the time is coming when he and the " .Jack Mormon" will be tramping on the Argonaut's grave , and when that day docs como , may 1 not bo hero to see. M. Unrivaled AH l > cin n certain euro for the wont formi of dyspep-in , indigestion , comtipfttion , impurity of blood , torpid H er , disordered kidneys , etc. , and na a mtdicinc fur er.tdi eating every species of humor , from ai : ordinary pimple to the wornt ulcer , Hull' IKX'K HLOOD lliTTKlw Hand unrivaled , 1'rice SI , trial size 10 cento. dcc-5-eow SUBSIDY LANDS. ConRTCBslonnl Kollof Asliod in Bo- liulf of Nobraslcu Homc- ntondora < Corresiondcneo nf Tim Ilm. Outrageous frauds have been perpetrated - tratod upon many of the settlers and homesteaders of the State of Nebraska. Wo will not say who the responsible parties are , but that some one is re sponsible is evident. Many farmers after spending years of toil are beiiif ; compelled to abandon their home : without any compensation whatever and that contrary to the Act of Con gress of 1864 that gave them theit grant and in violation of the Act oi Congress of 1870 , which was intended to settle the dispute between the set tlers and the Burlington & Missouri River Railroad Company by declaring that the right of the company attach ed at the date of the withdrawal of the land from market. The Supreme Court of the United States of America al56 "declared that the land must bo selected before any right can attach thereto. That the Company so understood this grant is evident from the selections thai they made in list ono. In said list they exempted over thirty thousand acres knowing it to have been covered by pro-emotion or homestead entry. When this list of land was selected it is found that it had the accompanying certificate duly certifying that Uiotu lands were vacant and unappropriated and having been entered. Now it is seen from the exemption and the certificate that accompanied the withdrawn ! that the company well understood their granting act nnd acted in good faith. But when they returned in a number of voars after ward and attempt to claim such lands , telling the. settler thereon that their right was attached Juno loth , 1875 , wo ask them why they did not select these tracts of lands when they made their first selection , and ask the with drawal of them at that dntu instead of years after ? Wo find upon examination of the records that a iargo quantity of the land from which this railroad company is ejecting the settlers is said to have been selected from 1874 until I. ! " " , after the settlers have been living on them from three to live years. Wo find farther that list No. i" con taining the lands selected in 1874 : uid 1875 is without the certificate such -is accompanied list No. 1 , inInch they declare the lands to bo vacant and uimpppropriatud , and when at Wash ington and in the interior depart ment , and in the railroad division of that department when wo inquired into this matter , wovoio told that they assigned the railroad company these lands because they were in odd sections and within twenty miles of the road nnd that the right of the company attached June 10th , JSiiiJ. Wo ask again if this was all that was necessary with list No. D , why they required the certificate with list No , 1 , and omitted it with list No. ( j , And farther if the clerks in the de partment weio the legally authorized agents to inako selections for thu B. tfc M. railroad company , why not act as agents with list No 1. THu reason for this is obvious : list No. 1 was in keeping with the nets of congress and in compliance with the rules and regu lations of thu department in selecting lands not otherwise appropriated while list No. f > embraced many tracts of land which were exempted by list No. 1 because of valid pre-emption and homestead entries thereon , upon which settlers were livmu and had been living for years when list No , i > was said to have been selected. Now the Burlington it Missouri River rail road company churned that their right attached June 15th , 1805 , to all the odd numbered sections within twenty miles of the line of taid road. If thu he true wn nek them why they did not select the entirety of these sections in Hat No. 1 instead of waiting a number of years and selecting the parts of sections that were exempted in lint No. 1 , but in- ' . , , , in il.t y- , rTb ! ' not " - only inideiico that thoau lands did n < t bi'' t < > till-in , f-'V ' in iluuo , 1S 0 , 1 myaoif made inquiry as to uhuthu they owned the northwest quarter ol section twenty-one or not , tliey assur ed mo they did not , they fanliot stated that thu United States land ollico would know all about it ; wo asked ngain if they did nut own lands in 1870 how they came to own tlmni in 187-1 , after having been entered by others. Again wo nsk why the de partment canceled the clailm of many of the parties who had entered lands under the rulings nnd regulations of the department years after their entry was made ) Would it not have been better to have said to them that these Innds belongeil to the company nt that time than to have taken their money nnd their years of toil and compelled them to abandon their homes without any compensation. The Supreme Court of the United States has said that the grant to the Burlington iv Missouri River Railroad Company is a grant without lateral limit * and that land may bo taken at nny distance from the road to that it is taken in eqiul qnmtitUM upon u.xch side of the road , and farther that the land must be selected and withdrawn before any right can attach thereto. Now , as there are lurgo quantities of land given to thu Burlington iV Mis souri Uiver Railroad Company without selection and were set apart , for their use when cottiers \\oro nlivady living thereon , we therefore ask that Con gress investigate this matter and re store to us our rights W. II. TiimiTs. These languid , tiresome sensations , causing you to feel scarcely able to been on your feet ; that constant drain that is taking from your system all its elasticity ; driving the bloom from your cheeks ; that continual strain up on your vital forces , rendering you irritable - ritablo and fretful , can easily bo re moved by the usu of that marvelous remedy , Hop Bitters. Irregularities and obstructions of your system are relieved at once , while the special cause of periodical pain is permanent ly removed. Will you hoed this ? [ Cincinnati Saturday Night , docl-13 A Brotherly Burro. cgai Oitli | : . A Mexican brought a burro tc town to-day nnd anchored it in fronl of a plaza store where there is a mu sical clerk on tap. The burro qnietlj listened to thu alleged music for r time and then began to sweat undei the pad. AH th" discord waxed stronger his soul was stirred to its ut most depths. He seemed to catch 01 ; to the tune , and as it floated out or the chill December air scenes of hie childhood's homo over on the Teco- lotu floated before his mental vision , Opening his feed receiver ho gave waj to a burst of songs which , joined will ! thu music of thu store clerk , created such harmony us is seldom produced but by the blending notes of a horsi fiddle- and tho' Las Vegas fire com pany. The concert was BO refresh ingly exquisite that a Hibernian lady , who was passim ; , stopped right in the middle of the street to admhingly exclaim - claim : "I wonder which o' the cray- chures sings the swatost ? " FACTS THAT WE KNOW. If you are sutlenng from a severe cough , cold , asthma , bronchitis , con sumption , loss of voice , tickling in the throat , or nny affection' of the throat or lungs , we know that Dii. KIKO'H NEW DIHCOVEUY will give you immediate relief. Wo know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured , and that whore all other medicines had failed. No other remedy can show one half as many permanent cures. Now to give you satisfactory proof that Dr. KJNCS'H NKW Discov- KKY will euro you of Asthma , Bron chitis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Se vere Coughs and Colds , HoarsenosH , or any Throat or Lung Disease , if you will call at J. K. LSH it MC-MAHON'S Drug Store you can get a trial bottle free of coat , or a regular size bottle for SI.00. janlUly(2) ( ) Sioux Gity & Paoiic THE3 SIOUX CITY ROUTE Runs a Solid Train 'IhroiiKh from Council Blufla to Kt. Paul Without Change Time , Only 17 Hours. IT is XOO MILK8 TUB BHOHTKflT ROUTK , moii COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS 0ULUTII OR DISMAUCK , and all polnta In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This line Is equlpjxxl with the Improved WcatlnghouBC Automatic Air-brake ucl illlloi Platform Coupler and Duffer ; and for SPEED. QAFimr AND OOMFOKT ri unnurpiVHiHxl. Pullman I'alaco Hlucplui ; Car ninthroUKh W'THOLT ' CIIANOK Iictwcen Kan paa City and tit. 1'aul , vir. Council lllulla and Sioux City. Trains leai o Union Pacific Trnnbtor nt Coun- ell llluflH , nt 7:36 : p. in. dally on airitnl of KaiiHtv . 'ity , Kt , JoHcph and Conii'll Illulli train fioin thuhouth. Arrnliik'nt Sioux City Il:3fi : p. in. , and at thu Nuw Union Uupot at St. Paul at lii:30 : noon. na < nouns IN ADVANCE OK KOUTE. tnkin the Sioux City Route , 'ou iet ; a 'I hrnuuh 'I rain. Thu Shorivnt l.lnc , : hu QulckeciTiine ami ft CoralorUblu Itldo in the between COUNCIL I1LUKKH AND ST. PAUL. THco that ) Diir TlrkaU r ad via the "Sioux O.ty and I'aolfic Kail.oful. ' ' J. H. WATTLKH , J. K. VL'CIIANAN hupcrlntundunt. Gvn'l I'OIM. Atont. P. K. I1O11IN80N , Ain't 1'cn'l Pft . Atf't ' , Mlmiourl Valley , low * . J , II. O'UUYAN , SouthwwU'rnrtKcnt CouncI liluffi , l OR AND OPENING I ProfvxHor KUher , ( from Bt. l-oul ) Danrlntr A < adtmr. Standard Hall , cor rlftuenth and rani- liam , Tuesday uvcnlnii , September Uth. ClanHcs for l.tdlui ami Clcntlemon oominenct.i TiH-Hilay ivenliit , ' Scptemhor Uth ; clannciw tor Mlxnei and Slinttra , coinincnclnj ; HntiirJ ty after noon at 4 o'cl.-dc , Cla-wej for Kami Hew , will be trruiiKo * ! to nit thu honorable jutrorm. Altio Imllet dancing IMII be Uiixlit. M lllxjril , and | ieiluc natlsfoctlon to ichol. ' , en.itthe Daiiln Acidumy or at the "udclonte cfthe | > ntror . I'rlvutu 'orJcil oj 99 Jclt atllnj Utiyer & ' Dandies Nuts Fruits Etc Etc , , , , , , N. P. JENSEN'S RESTAURANT "And Confectionery ! 416 10th St. , OMAHA , NKD. - vr"v - -liter , r- \TTrr.'At Wwt for being the most direct , qnlcknt , an wfeat line connpctlnc the crfftt MHropolln , CHI UM10 , and the KAHTKRN , NOHTII-KAITIIKI , SOUTI nnd SOUTII-KAHTURN U.VM , hleh teiroln.Methrrc vilUi KAXRAR CITY , LRAVRNWORTII , ATCIMKOS Cot'itcik IlLvrrn nnd OMAHA , the CoMviRnAi CH.VTHR * from hlch nvllnto EVERY LINE OF HOAD that ( xinctmton the Continent from th Ml uiiri lUvcr to the Pnclllc Slopo. The CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND , t PA- OIFIO RAILWAY I < the only line front ( 'lilm owning trvx Into Kaniuu , or wlilch , by Ita own mwl , rnvchm t < ic iioliiln nlKn o IIMIKH ) . No TiUNsritR * nv CAKRIAOK No MMKIMI roNSKrriOMi ! No hiuMhtiK In II ) . vvntllAUx ! or unclonn cnre , M eNO' ( u cnuor l " .krrlvd In roomy , climn nnd vontmU'l cotrhiw n ) > on Kant KxiimM Trtlnn. I'AUACX NLKrriNo CAM. nnd ourown orld.f nioi DIMNII CAIIH , IIIHIIIthlrh mmla nro * or\i l of tin- < un l < < l MCoftVnco , nt the low mtc of .SKYKXH- r'lvn CKXTH lum , with Mnjilo tlmofir hmlthtnl onlpyinont. ThronKli Can brtwraii Cnlcni0 , Protla , Mil wniiKroamt Mlxiotirl Ul\er I'olnM ; mul dew eon noctlons at nil | < ouita of Intorww on with othrr dttllll. We ticket ( do not force ! thin ) dlrwtly to ovcr > tilnco of Importanoo In Kiuisiui. Nctira. < .ki , IllncK llllls , Wyoinlnu' , UtAh. Idvho , No\ft.ln , ( JillfornU , Ort'iruii , VVa-tihik-Um Territory , Colorado , Arlconn nnd Now Mexico. An .1 tKirnl armnirenienui nwardini ; l > nKK'a-o at nny otlicr line , nnd rnU < of fitro alnny * am ow M roinpetitoni , who furnUli but a Ulhn of the com fort. fort.DOKH nnd tncklo of ) > ort i on fro . TickoU. tnapH uiul ( olden nt nil ptlncl | > a ollci'S : In the unlbxl SUU and ( iinadit. U. R. OAI1LK , K. ST. JOHN , Vlco Pnw't A Hon. Don. Tkt and IWr AK Man.or , Chlcnro Chloniro. Gentle Women Who \vitit glossy , luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant , beautiim Hair must use Ll'ON'S KATHAIEON. Tills clcgnnt , cheap drlfclo always niaues tlio Hair prow freely and last , keeps it from fulling out , arrests and cares gray * ness , removes dandruff and itching , makes the Hair strong , giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desiicd position. Bcnu- t'.ful ' , healthy Hair Is the sure result of using Kuttiairon. FITS EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS. Permanently Cured no humbug by one month's usage of DR. QOULARD'SCeleurat- ed Infallible Fit Powders. To comiro sullcr- ers that thcHopnrJ ra l 1 do all wo clam for them we will Rend them iiv mall , pott p ld free Trial box. Dr. Oouhril In thu onl.v ph ) § | . clan that haa OTCI in idu this > tlj auw apodal study , and aa to our knowd-d o ttioutau In have bevn Permanetly cured by the \tu of thuw Powden , we will guarantee a permanent euro In in cry eiiso or refund you all money ex pended. All -ufTercr-i nil uld g\\a \ Uiu-u t'ott dura an early trial , and bo oornUi.ixl uf thc.r cumtlvu powers I'rlou , for lane ; 'MX , ? 3 00or < boxeafnr lOOfl , sent by mail to any | rt of ( he Uiil 01 Htitex oren Canada on ruciolpt of prlco orbv uxproni , D. Addros , ASH & 300 Fulton St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. BASIm & WELLS , Will Remove in a tew days to BOYD'S ' NEW OPERA HOUSE You will do well to call and examine . our stock of BOOTS I SHOES At 1422 Douglas St , near 15th , Which will be Bold at Extru- oruirnry Low Prices Before - fore Moving. 1880. SHORT LIHEriaisO. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AN I ) THIS HAS r Prom Omaha and the West. No chania of ran batwuen Oiruhk and fi > . ix > uU , mid but ono Ixitumn OMAHA and NKW VOIIK. Daily PassengerTrains ILX1C1I1XU ALli fUHTKHN AND WIMTKIIN CITJUS with LESS OIIAIUIIH and IN ADVANCE of ALL ; mill'.lt LIKia. Thl * nntlre line IH wiuipiH'd with 1'ullnii.n'i I'alico Blwnlnx Cam , I'ttUwja UayCoacliiM.illllcr' ' vifuty I'Utionn ami Coupler , and the colubratu.i that your ticket rood ) VIA nANRAV (31TV ( , ST. JOHIU'K ti COUNCIL UI.UW8 Itull rowl , tbUt. Jofpi ! and Kt. l/oult Tlclut : for wlo at all oouiioii HtAtlons In thr W nt. J. I' . IJAUNAItU. A 0. WAWKi ! , Den. K'Jtit. , St. Joncph , Mol Oen. Tat * , and Ticket Alfl. , St. Joiivpn , Mo. | AMbY UOUUR.I , Ticket Aifont , 1C 0 Farnhain otitct , A. D. IUuAm > Uunural Ain-nt , _ OMAIM.NK B. D. MoLAUQHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Publlo. rrtr \ > . .u n , . . No Changing Cars urwKM OMAHA & CHICAGO , Whenitlt t niniKwtlon to HI.VIC nl SM'.KIMNH OAH LlKKHfor NKW YOKK , BOSTON , IMm.AI > KU'llIA. ItAI/riMOHK , WAHIIINUTON AND ALL RAHTKIIN ITIKS. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , L0U1H- V1LLK , ami nil ) > olnU In the For ST. LOUIS. Whtro illroet conti tion MO nmlo in the Unlcn I > i' | > ot with thu Thnrnch Sl.vnlni ; Car Umw for ALL , POINTS S3 o XTa ? zar . NEW LIMEADES MOINES TI1R FAVOHITK UOUTK KOIl Rock Island. Thv unw\alc | < l Iniliicnuentii ollonxl by thla Una to tmMslnrs anil tourttta iim iw follows : The cvlolirntnl I'l'LLMAN ( lO-whwl ) I'ALAOR HLKKPINO CAIIS ran only on thin Him C. , II. * o. . I'Ai.Acr. 'HAWING IIOOM CAHS , HUI tlnrum'a Kvdlnlni ; Cluxlrs. No uxtm iaive for mwtalu lUtll nine Chain. The funous 0. , II. A Q. Pftliu-o IMnliiR Cam. Ooivixmi HmokliiK Can llttoil with olcipuit hluh-bkckcil rattan revolving chain , for Uio oxclunvo uno of first-dins | wtcii- Stwl Track and tupcrior oqulpmcnt cornblr 1 with their tfUNit through rar amusement , imlu > thin , aliovo all others , the favorlta route to tne Kot , South and Southeast. Try It , and you will llml tmcllntf K luxury In. tra < l of a lUix-omfort. TtiraiiKh tlckcU vlo thin colcliraUKl linn for B li nt all ollx-M In thu Unltod Htatta ami CanmlA. All Infonnntlon nujnt raU-n ol faro , Sl pli\x Out ccinmnnilAttonii , Tlmo Talilcn , etc. , will bo cheortully Kivvii by niplylni to fKHCKVAI , IXWKIL , O nonl oincr Airvnt , Chlcifro. Of. 'ManiU'OT Chlnu l. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. C. SPECHT , Proprietor , ' 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB , MANUFACTURERS OF GALYAIIZED IBd Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IEON 5 SLATE EOOFINB , Speoht'e-Patent Metalio Sky- Patent Adjustable Ratchet Oar nnd BRACKET SHELVING. Inmthu ( { cnoral Stit Atfint for the above line ot Kooda. TIION VENOING. Crcetlngi , Balustrades , Vorandns.Ofllco and Bank Railings , Window nnd Cellar Guards ; also Ii AfJKNT Pcerson and Hill Patent Inilrio Dllml. novliltf BebrasliaLandAgem DAVES & SNYDER , ISOSFarnham 3t Omaha , Nebra -OtOO.,000 u h.C3EUB Sl Caro.ully > loclwl l.inJ In I'Vwtcm Nubroskafoi nlo. Great Itniyalna In improved farina , nnd ) niaha city proixirty. 0. F. DAVIS WKBSTKR HNYDKU Frttn I nd ( lorn'r II P " DISEASES -OKTIIK- EYE & EAR DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Auri t , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Reference * nil Itcpiitublo ynlcliim of Ornali * . tOTOtnco , Corner ICth nnd Farnham Sti. , Omnhn. Nnh 'iir/Aiin > tf CONTINL'KH TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. . I have Kloptod thu Uon nun Trade Mtlk , and llmy uno-l * will bo NTA.MPKI ) with tlio LION ui.I . my NAM 1C on the wunu. NO OOODH All ! ' OKNIJINK WITHOUT Till AIIOVK SI'AMI'K The bent material is uivd and thu movl uklllix * workmen aru employed , and At the liwtttt cabt price. Anyone uixlnni ; a price-lint of food will confer a favor by Minding for one , DAVID SMITH MOORE. STOEY OF THE SEWING MAOHINE containing a handwinu and c < < > t'l iriKrar- I it frontinplerro ; al o , iii finely i nurnved wood cntu , and bound In an daWatu bluu and ( ( old lIlhoL'raphed enter. N' < chari { whatever In made for thli nandhomv book , wlilcli ui lx > obtalnud only by application at the h anch and tulxir dlimto oflleo * of The Hlntftir MauufacturlnK Co , THE 8INOKK MANUrAOTUUlNO CO. , PrlnclpaJ Office , at Union Bqunre , Now York TEES NHW AND CCftRECT MAP * . .tcyoiirt ftiiy rra.iou.iblt' tniMt'.ott tbM tlA CHICAGO & WORTH-WESTERN . . . . . , , . i > "rt lur tnu m iUi' Miri nut-mi * L nun i ( . i , Chicago nut ! < ( ] of thn Points n iho West North ir ( J Northwest , arfl | , \ , , Jlii Vni | Ibc rr ici | < nl ritic nt tlir sVr < ' - , , , , Maunnt on th s ro.iil. Us Uiituijjli trains utnku uliuo romir < itlo > j * ltl ) tbutf mu ( i ll rullmi : < N > Jiinctlnn notnK . . W * % - , T r ° " * , \ ) l .L L J N C/r,4 ' TTTron ii KCTMtt nrixii VA > .i . " " " * * THE CHICAGO A NORTH-WtSTERN RAILWAY , IM jirlnrlpul HUM. nun o.ictivnv ilnllv frmu two to fournrmoriI'asi ittitrpv , - - - l > t llll < I' ' " ' ) ' n'iiil o-sl of Chu'aqo that list's llio The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. g Mw.n7 ] ; ? ? wnn - isi&vteWn,0omcaRn- ! f'lf'v'i' ' ' . "v " : l ' " , Vl'r f r'"ir ° rllll ! ' " " " . "Wlntiiin , RUiini-.sot.i ft CtMitral Unlcota WUN i'Xi ' . > . \N < il-N"1"- ; ! > sJci&Yniil.toliI.lno."Clilcn : i.Ht. I'aiilninl Jllmipaimlls l.lnc. I NIT. IllIIH.K i iTpmt fi ; Dtitiuiinu I.tno. " "Mlhrtiiikoo.tSrci'iiHayft l.aUoftiniorlorI-ut ' Ca.i''i- ! < < IU'r n > ! ; lmi 8ultl ll > ' " ( 'OUIIOU ' I'l'-'kot Acuts | ; In the t\Ho < l Htutc-j iini lU'incmlict to ink for Tlckots via this road , tin sum tticy rend over It.nml take noiio other. BAiyi.N lll'aUjrr.Cicii'lMwiaKcr.ClilcaKO.V. . 11. STLXXtTT , < IIAHIIY P. miKt , , Ticket Aifont.O. JU S. W. ItallwrAy , 14th and Fiu ihaui iitrooU. D. a KIMltAU , , AMlnlvit Ticket Aitcat C. A N.V. . luin-ny | , )4th | n.l . I mh m J. I1KM. , Ticket Ak-ont 0. & N. W. IUIU' y , U. P. R , U. IKipoi. HAMKST C1. HK Oi-n rnl Arnnt. INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS TO HE REPAIRED , IE IT Gh IB . "V"13ST G- TO HE DONE OR JEWELRY40 be While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors. For the Best Watch Work , For the Best make. * " : Jewelry , ( own . ) For the Best Engraving , , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST . DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately onluryod my workshops nnd putting in now . .nd improved ma cliinury , I hope lo ntill moro iniprovo the iiunlity and llnish of our urk and till ordur.s with nioro proniptnoss tliiui is uniirJ. O-A-TTTIOlsT ! My Motto has alivnyx boon nnd alwiiyB will ho : " to % , ( \ aunorior facL'l liea nnd tluin ndvurtino thu fact not buforu - \vihrudvortiaumuuts. . Seine unprinuiplud dtialurH boinj ? in the habit , of UHpying my iximouncuinontn , I would boy you , the reader o [ thin , to r draw a line hotwucu Biich copied itclvort'woiiioiita anil tliono of YOUTH vury truly , A. B. HUBERMAP , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , _ Sign of the Striking Town Clock. Omaha , A POLAfSIT 9olli"s Oheyenne , * & * V/JJ .vJil. , Colorado Fall and Winter CLOTHINGII LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. OXCJDJEIEM IN 'J ' Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all r 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NKAK FOURTEENTH , W. J. WELSHANS & GO. , WHOLKLAM : AND UP/TAIL I > IALEKH : IN- Flour , Feed , Grain , Baled Hay. PROPRIETORS OMAHA CITY MILLS , ci : iiiiANimur- Winter and Spring "Wheat Flour , Rye Flour , Graham , Bran , Corn , Oats and Chopped Feed of all Kinds. O O35U JM . . Cor. Eighth and Farnham Staeets , Omaha.