Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1881, Image 2

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A Merciless Octopus Whoso Ton
taolos Spread Over Nevada ,
Stagnating the Coiumorcin
Activi'y of thoPooplo.
The Cnntral Pacific's B'oodj
Path Thr.ugh the Sierras.
Conclusion n ! Confront mnn
Rot's Gront Speech-
( From Con rooloml tlcrord , 1'ilmiirj ' . ' . "
Nor win Iho neci-siity of serin inir i
fair return for thu inonuy invested l > j
tlic Central 1'noili" railroad owner hi
urged in explanation of thuir oxtruor
ditmry chnrges. Wlion they liuijai
the construction of tlio roiid tlioy paii
taxes in the nggruunto on propurty of
all kinds amounting to loss than SI f > 0- ,
OOO. To-day tlicir railroad proport )
nlono , with thu indebtedness standing
against it deducted , in mined by them
: t the enormous HIIIH of over one hun
dred and oifjhly-si * million dollarH.
Uut it cannot bo shown that thuy over
advanced money enough frotii tlicir
own pockotH to build a nhiglo line ol
tl.o road The bnmh of the govern
ment and the subsidies and gifts ol
the people were more tlmti ftuflioiunt
to build and Block the road entire.
The original incorpor.itors p.iid in 1C
per cent , on 81,000 a mile for one
hundred and fiftnon miles , the unlimi
ted distance from S.icr.iiiicjnto to tlie
Nevada lino. Twelve hundred and
fifty shares of Hlock were subscribed
at § 100 pur share , of which Messrs.
Stanford , Htmlim-lo'i , Hopkins and
Crocker took siv hundred sh.trca.
As.suniin'4 , however , that they ad
vanced the required 10 per cunt , on
all the shares atiliHcrihod , and their
original investment did not exceed
$12,600 all told. On thin small in
vestment the gentlemen have done
well BO well , in fact , that in 1877
L'rcBidont Stanford reported the pro
iperty of the Pacific to bo
worth $187pOt : , < ' 80.lii ( , while Mr.
Crocker , president of the Southern
Pacific , valued the property of that
road at 811f , H5l ! ) , ( ) l. 8 , making the
total valuation of ? : K > 2,8 Unl2.W. ! (
The indobtodiHus of the Central Pacific
was Riven by Mr. Stanford at § 85- ,
; i9 ] > ( , and the indebtedness of
the Southern Pacific win placid by
Mr. Crocker at $ IO,41ttn2. : ' . 5 , making -
ing the total iiiduli'cdiiuss of the two
roads Slir > ,80li8t ( ( : fi < . The account
then stoud ; u follo\\ :
Value nf Iho moper y nf
both roads $ Oa.S'.W/Jiia ' I. I
The indobtodiiCHH ( if both
roads . . 115,80(5fi83 ( li ! )
AmcU over lin il tie- , $ ; HrriIOl ( ! ( ! ! 0.
Independently of thu United States
TxmdH loaned to the Central J'acific ,
-tho gifts to the two roads amount to
91,011,280 , according to the execu
tive ollici'rs. 'J'ho nut earnings of the
roads are rep < -rtud at § 75,000.000. In
reality they have hoen much larger ,
as their oxponau , like their construc
tion accounts , luivo all'orded luriio
margins of profits to thuir manugrrs
in other capacities.
A pait of , the wealth of these railroad -
/road goutlcmon two yo.inj ago con-
aisled of $54,000,000 of wutorod stock
' of the Contiul Pacific , and $30,000-
000 of Southern Pacific boin <
l , { an average -
l'i lt , ago of $ ! ) D,000.000 in stock , which
'ii cost thorn only the price of printing ,
i and upon nlnch tlii-y aro'compollin
the public tojpay thoinS per cent yearly
in dividi'ii U.
| The Southern Pajitio hai hoon con-
istructed and paid for from the earn-
! liiujsjortlnj Central Pacilicyot theown- |
ors issue $50,000 i i stosk and $40,000
in bonds pur inilu , and charge such
rates as willonablo them to collect an
I nually 8 per cent and 0 per cunt on
the bonds.
But , inviting .is the subject may be ,
it is not my purpose to inquire into
the mothodHby which the owners of
the Central Pacific livvo acquired
their stupendous wealth. I luvo do-
sirodjonly to nhow that their extortions
are as unnecessary aa thuy are un
grateful and dishonest.
In relation to.oxoeB.iivo charges and
discriminations in Novada-and I
have not deemed it noce Hary to go
[ beyond I have presented facts which
in no oasuntial particular will bo
denied. 1 have submitted the printed
\ rates and instructions authorizing
' 'thuHp merciless charges , toguthur with
Tocoiptod bills showing that they have
been collected. I have shown that in-
. atead of advancing the induatrius of
the state , the railroads are Hitting like
an incubus upon the of unter
, prise and dwarfing the I'lii-igies of the
people with thu panilynm of thuir
' almost boundless impositions ; that for
-overy dollar they collect logitimatuly
for services performed thi > y uxtoit
aimtlior in addition in thu form ol
c' rges for Hurvicus never ronderedj
tii.ithoir diBcriininatioiiH uxtund ti
lindividiials as wull as to uoini'minitii'ri ,
and that their favor fruiuiuntly do-
tci'l's who Hhall succeed and who fat
in usiiii'hp ; that with a full knoul
cd ; of thin iiuirchantH along the line
of i.ioir road , fearing the penaltiua
thuy have HO of tun uoen muted out ,
toll in whinpoM of the rates thuy pay
and iiusitato to exhibit their receipted
railroad bills.
And in connection with thoiiu fact
and statements I now make thu unier
tiou , basud ii | > un a ruaaonablu t'Hti
iinato , that during the past tun your
the Union r.nd Cuntral Pacific railroai
compaiiius have iiisoluntly and with
' utoxplanation taken from thu pocket
of the people of Nevada $ : (0,000,00 (
in gold more than thuy woru justly
entitled to , and for the collection o
which thuy have had no authorit ;
more respectable in the eyes of fail
minded men than that of "stand an
deliver' '
All i tat the pcoplo of Nevada lu
is that their freights from New York
Chicago , or St. Louis nmy bu duli\
crud from two hundred and tllty t
aevun hundred miles east of thu uo !
den Outo at San Francisco nttcu froi
the same points. la this iinrcasuna
bio ? They are willing to pay for Ian
dredK of miles of carriage which thu :
. 'fronj'- ' ' < never receive , but , in th
Viiamc > f humanity , they implore tha
'they l. ity bn relieved of thoudditiona
b'urdun of way rates back.
' * TJioIleagan bill will give them thi
relief , After the allowing that I hay
nude , will it bo denied by thin 1
Lot not thn provisions of the bill In
inisundoratood. It upoaks not ol
inlliiM , but of diatancui , and providif
< imply that car-loads of the saint
lasses of frei hts pissing over inter
state roads nhiU ho subjected tu
charges li" gre , ter for a shorter than
for a longer distance not charges
per mile , I repi-at , but in the aogre-
gate , without respect to mik-s.
This bill doc * not go fat enough ,
but it will answer for the present ai a
compromise bctttcon unchecked dis
crimination and complete restraint ,
and railroad owners will do well if
they accept it. It embodies but n
part of the true principle of railroad
ing , which is that charges for carriage
should bo the pamo per mile for tin
same classes of freights , irrespective
of distani-c , with a reasonable allow
ance for handling freights when car
ried leas than a certain number of
Coiurroas created the Tnion and
Central Pacific railroad companies ,
and has thereby made the govern
ment a party to their acts. It is by
-lio authority of thuir charters that
'or ton years they have exacted
loublu intes in Nevada , and through
ho patronage of congruss they have
joon enabled to violate the laws of
rado and set at defiance the doccncicx
if intercourse. Vainly may wo look
'or relief in competition ; in appeals
'or mercy ; in popular or individual
> rotcst , The strom , ' arm of that pow-
; r alone which has rendered this mil-
road tyranny possible , must now bo
vlretched forth either to curb or crush
T bhall not consume much time in
liacussing the constitutional aspects
> f this most important of questions in
ufurring to the relations botweun the
ailro.ul corporations and the political
lowers under which , and nubjuct to
vhich , they hold alike their being
uid their life. The decisions of the
lighest tribunals in the land , as well
is the reasoi able Rtiggost ions of com-
uon sense , warrant us in asxuming
uthout further question that corpor
ations existing by virtue of spuuial
grants are untitlud to privileges' just
it long , and so long only , as they
uhsuivo the special purposes for
which they yore created
Their roads are public highways ,
ml not private property , and a ? such
luas legitimately Hubjcct to the re-
traintn of legislation .is are toll-roads
r private bridges , for the mo of
which tolls are exacted. The roll-
ng stock is theirs ; the rails and ties
re theiis ; the depots are theirs , to
out , soil or give away ; I ut thu high-
vays they have constructed through
ondemned private property and over
ho legal thoroughfares of the land
an never cease to bo the property of
lie public , for they become the estatu
f all through a mcrifico of private
i hts. This is a sacrifice which thu
tate alonu can command for its IISUB ,
nd neither in ilii name nor by its
uthority can this prerogative bo
Tansfurrod , either directly or indi-
ectly , to others. _ _
The few who content ! that
ro ptivato property , and as such bo-
'ond the control of legislation , at-
impt to sustain tlioniNulvos with the
ssiimption that , admitting the right
f the law-making power , to regulate
lilroad rates , there would then bo
othing'to prevent railroad corpora-
ions from being1 legislated into bank-
Thesd railroad gentlemen are driv-
ng their tent-pins on high altitudes.
t has boon maintained by the sti-
rome court , and properly , that if a
ate possessed the right to tax the
icuritics of the general government ,
ion might , it bo taxed out of uxUt-
nco by state conspiracy This posi-
on is lusud upon the theory of
supreme and indestructible
ontral authority. Uo our rail-
> ad autocrats claim ox-
inption from legislative control on
10 ground that they too occupy a
ofty piano beyond its constitutional
'oachf ' From thuir acts this proaump-
ion is rojHonable. Jtut the illustra-
ion is unforttinati ) , since it suggests
ho other extreme of unbridlud rail-
oad licuiwu. Say il were possible to
ugislatu railroads into bankruptcy a
ircsumption too absurd to be suriously
nturUinod what , on thn other hand ,
vould there bo to prevent railroad
iorporations , if unrestrained by logis-
ation , from taxini ; communities and
iidividuals to the very verge of ruin ?
I'lio answer to this JH , that compoti-
ion may bo relied upon to prevent
excessive charges. True , where there
s competition rates are usually satis-
actory ; but in.stoad of computing with
iich otlier railroads have fallen into
ho more profitable habit of making a
combined usmult upon the public by
iggreeing upon rates and dividing
lie plunder 1 1 once , oven where
: oniiutition | is ] io.isiblo it cannot
> o dupundud upon for the maintun-
incu of reasonable rates. lint com-
uitition is not nhv.ijti possible , and
where not , what aru the people to ruly
ipon then' There aio but fuw prau-
icib In railroad puesus through tlio
siurra Nevada niountuins. What if
thuru was but ( inuThia / would run-
ler competition imposuiblu , and una-
ilo the overland ro.uls connecting at
Ogden to absorb in charges , unless
checked by legislation , 'the untiru
irolits of our continental commerce , _ thuy now ountunt themselves -
selves with about two-thirds.
I spoke a moment ago of the pur-
| ) osos of legislation in granting Bpecial
privileges to lailroad corporations - of
the considerations utgwl in wairant
of the eoticossion of unusual
franchises , trampling to some
extent upon personal rights.
These considuraHoiiH are public
convenience and increased commer
cial facilities between communities.
and whunovur a corporation fails tc
confur thcso bunulits , its contract witli
the statu falls equitably if not logallj
void , and its chartered rights , forfeit
ed by every suggustion of fair deal
ing , revolt to the peoplo. Kailroads
not only foil to benefit but wantonlj
injure communities when they dia
criminate against thorn , and by tin
act their chartois are annulled am
their corporate privileges cease. 1
wo cannot take away theao violatei
chariots , wo can at least compel i
butter observance of the spirit o
tiiuir provisions , Wo might in jus
ticu do nioro. In strict regard to on
obligations wo cannot possibly do less
With a community of inlorea
lily drawing them together in ng-
Hive as well us defensive alliance ,
hu railroad corporations of Iho coun
try , representing a capital of over
luiir thousand million dollars , and tic
i rule controlled by nMo 'nit ' n-
'ciencelcsH mm , have .it ; , n Ui 10
ceded to a eomniercir.l and political
power as omniponuut in lotno of the
slates of thii union aa it is dangerous
to thoin all.
With tlm munaco * o p < ir ' nil rights
ind good govannnant , and7itli
juslictH upon the atiprc no heaJi
openly justifying their usurpations ,
it has become the questioned duty ol
congruM a d'lty so plain that it sunns
to mo that no mombir in Bnfely dis
regard it , inilets ho is hulmeted
against his own conscience to put an
end to the encroachments of thene
ovuishadowing combinations , whose
arms are steel , like thu tentacles of
the ilevil-liih , are taking a continent
to their vast embrace
And when ahoiildthis duty bo per
formed ? Not next year but this ; not
but . Wo should
to-morrow , to-day _
not sleep until this gigantic power ,
{ rowing bolder with its success , shall
lave pinioned the arum of authority
and fttiflcd the voice of legislation.
Wo are unshackled now , and may be
iblo to do what thn future might bo
wwcrlesB to accomplish. Therefore ,
ot us act act at once and not leave
.o mo who may bo losi resolute , and
.o events which may bo less propitious ,
, ho performance of a duty already too
eng neglected and plainly oura.
It is in no spirit of personal un-
'rieiidliness to the managers of the
Union and Central J'acific railroad
companies that I have made thin
shoeing of their misdemeanors. I
lave simply told a part of the simple
story of the people of onu of the states
) f this union burdens have become
como well-nigh uneiiduiable ; and in
ho humility of a great grief I am hero
cnccling at thu feet of legislation and
mploring that relief for a bravo and
uitient people which I believe the
nanhond and magnanimity of thirty-
eight Christian commonwealths will
lot deny.
Hope on , Hope Ever-
Nn mi tier whnt tlio ailmunt may be ,
heumn'Hin , ncumlgn , lamencHU , uhthina.
iri'iicliitlu- other tr atmcnt have failed
hopaon ! L'oat once for THOMAS' HI.KO-
me On , . It will K'cuto you Iimnuilinte
Hff. eodtw
Correspondence of TIIKrr \ \ ,
GLKNWOOII , Iowa , December G.
Vt Pacific Junction wo turn our backs
ipon the "Big Muddy , " and facing
ho rising HUH , find it four miles to
) lcnwood , the county scat of Mills
ounty. Located in a fine tract of
native timber , that stretches away to
ho northward and southward , it is
bundantly supplied with wood for
uol ; and as we approach in the valley
f Keg Creek , and look up the slopes ,
nd along the hill tops where , in
lany places , modern styles of archi-
ocutro poop out from the natural
imbor growth , and beautiful dwell-
ngs or public buildings stand out in
> old view on the summit of some
motlost little hill. Wo think of early
lomo , that "stood on seven hills , "
and wonder what race of people once
ived hero , and what a thousand yoara
nay yet record of this growiog , active
roung city of perhaps throe thousand
On every side * wo find the "foot-
> rintn" of the Mound Builder.- ) , and
> y the kindness of Mr. Seth Dean ,
ounty surveyor , who , by the way , is
t present the chief archaelogist and
weather reporter of the county , wo
voro shown his fine collection of rol
es , tools , dishus , petrifactions , etc. ,
ncluding parts of tlio remains of the
lastodon found in this county.
The Mormons were the founders of
v < ) present town , they having located
lore about the time thuy scattered
rom Nauvoo , and the place was
ailed Coonvillo after a prominent
ottlor by tlm name of Coon , and at-
amod some notice through the efforts
f Dr. Ehsha Kent Kane , the celo-
> rated Arctic explorer , who , about
hirty-fivo years ago , is said to
lave spent some time in Council
Muffs , then called Kanuvillu , and the
ocation of the government gun shop.
A detachment ot Gen Hartley's cav
il ry near Coonvillo discovered five
> arrcls cf whiskey Hucroted in or near
ho creek by clandestine Indian
radors , which gave the name of Finu-
) : xrrel Creek , and aftewurds thu pres
ent cognomen of Keg Crook. In 18511
voonvillo was made the county seat
) y act of assembly , and three or four
ears after , it wan incorporated an
Kenwood. The flint IIOUHO was built
n 1818. At present the line brink
ligh school building stands nut to the
lorth on a hill top , and the asylum
'or feeble minded children presents
ts imposing brick fiont on a hillto the
south , whilu the brick court
louse hai stood twenty live
years in the publioBqimrooiiaccntral
iluvalionhdu all around the biick
> uildings are growing fast. Two largu
> rck ! hotels mo nearly finished , ( and
ho town Hiidly neuils hotoN at pros-
nit ) , live beautiful and wull attended
> rick churches , whole blocks nearly of
> nck storof , lialln , piinting hotifes ,
&c.t Rpeak plainly of what if soon to
jo a brick town. "
The eontr.ict has just been lot for
the erection of a five or six thousand
dollar creamery with n capacity of
twenty-five hundred pounds per day.
I'lio Journal is giving a very inde
pendent little daily to the burgers ,
ind it is oxpeeted that Brother Lufkin -
kin of Thu Opinion will BOOH open out
a daily , for a time , and these
with the satisfaction of a good telephone -
phone arrangement , literary societies ,
and thu ontertaiuinonts at the beauti
ful brick opera hall , seem to give the
average citi/.en moru tlmn enough.
Among the leadois in thu t miles
and professions wo find \V , 11. Par-
eons , M. 1) . , homeopathic physician
and surgeon , who ugain invests in
Tin : BKK and finds time to read it ,
notwithstanding his largu practice.
M , C ! . Kdwardu is certainly onu n |
thu popular druggists of the county ,
while 0. II. Dyer is beyond doubl
ono of Iho leaders in thu grocery trade.
Henry liartul , tailor , clings iustinc
tivoly toTnu WIUKLUKB. : .
C. ll.Towsloo , the prineo of bakers ,
and confoctioneid , nlwaja liua n kind
word for the lopresuntatives of thif
offipo , while A. J. l ! n. oU , < n tin
south hide , liar built up n largo tradt
in general merchandise nnd reads Tun
MM : .
Dr. O. V > ' . Archibold is the most
pnnnlai'an > l : otiii1 " ' ' ' - ' ' on tl > !
str ct , auil ' UIJLI . n ! > nt. , ui'l
nidinger of tiio a.sylum for feebleminded -
minded children , an institution noble
in its conception\vorthy the strongest
support and the pride of the cultivated
C. S. Hunt it Co. , of the snutheast
corner , IT * Tide-awake , energetic
( lealero , whoio 'ouine-ja opcraiions
wako up thu lire-blood of a town ,
The lUntorlnn'n Relative.
NoitTii VMO.V " .SIIAKKIIS , " 1
CuVBtAM : , 0. , Fob. SI ) , IfiSO. J
II. II. WAUNKitjt Co. : Fripiuls -
I tnko pleasure in sayii g that 1 have
used your celebrated Safe Ividnoy and
Liver Cure , and that it cured me of
nrighl's Disease after .I was given up
to die and nil other remedies had
dccOcod-lw JAMES S. PIIIWOTT ,
If yon Buffer from Iyn | > qwK , u o
, t you nro afflicted with Iltliotuncm , uno
If jou are prostrated with nick Headache , take
If j our Bow cle are disordered , rrpiilntu them with
If your Blood la mpuro , purity It w 1th
f youha\e Indention , you will find an antidote
If > ou arc troHWcd with Sprint ; Complaints , er
adicate them with BUHDOt'K BLOOD IHTTKIIS.
f your Liver Is torpldi restore It to healthy action
f your Lhor Is directed , jou will find a sure ro-
f jou have any specleo of Humor or Pimple , fall
f you have any Ryniptomi of Ulc rs or .Scrofulous
Sorea , a curathu remedy will be found In
'or Imparting utrcnt-th and vitality to the ya-
cm , nothing cun equal
For Ncnous and General Dt-tilllty , tone p the
Price , 91.00 per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts
FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & HoMalion and C. F.
Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo
In Hodta of Families
[ lopttttcr's Stomach Ilittcrj in as much regarded
ng n liousiliold nccemilty KH BU TT or coffee , The
reason of thh I * that jears of csperienco ha > c
irov oil It to bo perfect y reliable In those cases of
cmunrenry where n prompt nnd convenient rem
edy la demanded. C'onntlpatlon , liver complaint ,
l'i ' spejiula , liullgeetlon and othir trouble * aru
enome by It.
For mlo bvnll Driifirxlita "id Denlora , to whom
( or Hostctter'd Almana < : ( orlS32.
Tnla | Teat ipvcillc cured that most loatbbome
\Vhoihcr iu its Primary , Socontlury
or Tortinrv Stngo. ;
lleiuoM'j nil trarcHot ' orcury from the a-
teiu , Cures S rofuh , OH here % lllieunm-
tltin , K ttmu On arrh or any
lllood Didcwo.
Cures Wlion Hot Springs Fail !
Mnl > > rn , Ark , Jlr.v'J , ISsl
Wojia\e C.IBOS In our IOIMI ului lived at Hot
SjuiiiK' . and were llnally cured ullh S. S. B.
Mrmplilx. .Menu. , May 12 , 1SS1
We liaiu sold 1,208 l > ot lot of 8.H. rt. hi a yiar ,
It liao then unhersal HitUfictloii. Hilr mliui < > d
| iijHli-lain | now luooiumcnd It "n a ) toilll\u
( poelllc. a. MANSHH.D & Co.
Ionls\lllc , Kv , , May 13.16 1.
P. K. H. haHiHtui better tatl faction than an1
mudldnu I lia\e intr t > old. J. A. KLtXNKH.
Denvc' , Col. May 'J , 1B31.
Kicry punha tt MieaUH In the lil/hrtt tenm
of H. S. h. L. WelsHttT.
Klchoiond. Vn. , Mny 11 , 1891.
> ou can refer anyboil ) to UK In rcxardtothc
nierlu o ( S , a. B. Polk , Miller A Co.
1 liii o ner k now n S. H. H to ( all to euro u COJH
of Hjphlllj , when iirnMrlv ) ) taken.
Tln > abet c glimeni Rreuentleumi of hlirh eland
Qotcrnor or Georgia.
Write for particular * nnd ooi > y ol littli
book 'Mo.fa.-u to the Unfortunate , "
,81.000 H wnrd "III I M ° .n ! , on anu ) U HO botllr.
H H , H. , one particle of Mercury , lodlJe 1'otis
bluin or any Mineral tubntante.
SWltT HI'KCU'JO CO. 'rop .
Trii * of reindar lzo rrducol to 41 75 per I ot
tU Small zc. lioldliii' lull the quantity ,
Jl.OO ,
Hold by KKNNAKD t CO. ,
and DniggUU Cincrnlly.
1319 Farnham Street.
Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at ,
1315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a /
stock of
Dry in the West ,
Preparatory to moving we otter our entire stock at a great sacrifice. Study carelully the
prices wo quote , boar in mind that wo buy all goods for cash , do the largest strictly retail dry
goods business between Chicago and Sanfrancisco , and aim to give our customers the benefit of
all the low prices and extra cash discounts given us by manufacturers and importers.
We have purchased five bales of n very fine nnd heavy red twill Flannel , full 20 inches wide , and are closing f
them out at 50c. a jnrd. llioy are fully equal to any ever shown before for ( iOc. to Cue. 25 pieces of best quality f |
western Shirting Flannel at ; J7lc. , usually told for 45c. 4J
, ,9U-r " 'iKm ? to ia , th" lnrRestin Omaha , nnd as our prices will Hho\v is by far the cheapest wo ever offered. . f ,
2-I ? - , WlntolJlnukclB 81.50 , worth S2.50. 100 Pairs 10-4 White Blankets § 2.00 , worth $3.00. GO 11.4 * 1
- ° ii , aijkot ? 2lf ! ° \Vrt ( > 0 1M Wlllto 1JIalll < ot8 § 3.00 Pair. ( iO 11-4 White Blankets ? 4 HO Pair. The Best
-n rU ? U\t , ? V ' ? ? 1' Extra HcXVJ' a11 W ° o1 Miiikots ? < ' & 0. ( JO Pairs 12-4 Extra Heavy Blankets
97.00. 50 Pairs 11-4 all Wool Blankets $8.CO. An Extra Largo San .lose , California. Blanket for § 10.00. The
v ery Best Bargain in ( hnalui
In Colored Blankets wo reduced our § 0.00 Blankets to S5.00. Wo recommptid this particular Blanket on
account of HIZO ( being Gx7 feet , ) weight and texture , as bein { , ' the very cheapest over shown hero.
_ _ _ -
For the next fifteen days we propose .to inaugurate five leadeng prices in dress
25 Gents , 50 Gents , 85 Gents and $1.50.
At 25 cents Dress Goods that sold for 35 cents and 40 cents. At 50 cents Dress *
Goods that sold for 75 cents and $1.00. At 85 cents Dre s Goods that sold for '
$1.25 and $1.50. At $1.50 Dress Goods that sold for $2.25 and $2.50. h
At 50 cents a Black Cashmere usually sold for 75 cents. At 70 cents a Black
Cashmere usually sold for 90 cents. At 80 cents a Black Cashmere usually sold
for $1.00. At $1.00 a Black Cashmere usually sold for $1.25.
Wo are hero showing an elegant line of Cream , White , Old ( Hold and other now colors in \ . L
And recommend them for
"Wo are daily opening novelties in Fancy Goods , Handkerchief , and aim to show more than our usual assortment
200 Dozen Seamless Fancy British Sox 25c , 25 Dozen Men's Fine all Wool Scarlet Half Hose
50c. a Pair fully Worth 75 , 25 Dozen Fine English Merino -Hose 35o , , 3 for SI , 00. Seam-
lesss Unuleached Sox $2.00 floz. Extra Fine Unhleachei Sox $2,50 doz , Best Quality Linen
Dollars $1,50 doz. Rest Quality Linen Cuffs $2,50 doz , Another Invoice of Men's Pipe Sewn , h
Stitohed back Derby Street Gloves $1,35 pair , usually sold at $2,00 , to $2,50 Every Pair Warranted - , /
ranted not to Break , Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 25o Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers
50c , , worth 75c , Hpavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 75c , worth $1,00 , Heavy Merino Shirts or
Drawers 81,00 , worth 81,25 , For $1,25 Wo sell a very heavy Patent Merino Shirt or Drawer
that has heretofore sold for $1,50 , jj
S. F. 3VCOE.SE < Sc CO. ,
1319 Farnham Street.
Emporium of Fashion !
We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska
to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche
invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Wraps ; Silk , Plush and Embroid
ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri.
Trimmed Elaborately with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie.
' Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties.
Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques ,
CLOAKS FROM $5.00 TO $150.00.
Des Moines , Iowa ,
Manufacturer * of 8A8H , DOORS. BLINDS ,
Great reduction In Ilank Counters , Plans fur ;
nbhixl , anil work lurnUho.1 In all klndi ol hard
oritolt MOO < | . Counter * flnUhed In oil when do-
lr l , Sluhln.-ol all klntfj lurnUhtxi nnd tmt
Into l.uHJliiir rvatly ( or paint on ihort notice.
Our workmen nro the butt mechanic * that can be
procured , Sue rnoucy by ghlntf lu ) our coo
tract * .
8talr , Newels and Dalutters.
Ourtorenian In ihli tlrpartmcnt uvi < ormorl >
with Froit Manulacturlng Co , ( ,
111 * , anil ha * done uoiuu ol tug fluent Stair * oik
In the North * ett.
Order * l > ) mill promotlv attcnd J to. < > ro
In 'Convenience ,
Lang & Fotick