Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1881, Page 8, Image 11

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Thursday Morning , Dee 6.
Wivather Report *
( Th * following ouMrvftUonn nro token nt
the mvmo moment ol time nt nil the stn-
tlons named. ) ,
WAR Mi * * ni sT. U. fl. Bin'At , 8'iivicit , 1
OUAIU , Dec ember 7.1831. (1:45 : p. m. ) f
Illver nbovo low water mark , four feut
and Irozcn.
fell * oonl.
Frederick leading Hatter.
Donne. Ilctiable lint tor.
Gloves nt the 09 cr nt utorc.
WlnUr cixp't cheap i.t I'Vedorick's ,
llngwlom Kclln menU { or cnili , only.
LadtM Hand Dngii nttliotfJ cent store.
--Apples by the Uarrel nt Uufl ll'H.
cltcO Iw
A. P. Juhninn , Dcntlnt , Jncob'H Llock.
1123-0 m
CbrMmiis and New Years Card at
' ntO-ltn
Hoepe'e , -
BONNKIl'S for best Stoves and Fur-
nlture. > 9-tf
Beautiful Cliri tma CanU at Kuhn'
DTOR Store. novMlf
Specialty of PrcBcrlptl-nn nt Opera
Houieiharmacy Schrotor & llecht. oc itl
A number of citizens nliut off their
houM oonnetlonn yesterday at tbo W
ginning of the vratcrworku teat.
Old gold exchanged for new Jewelry
Rdholm & Kricluon's ojjporfto th pxt ;
flico. 28
cy GooAi In cndlo variety at WHITK-
HOUSE'S , ICtb ntreet. decl t-lm
Tbo Silver Cornet band with the
Cwtl ami-Murray rumbination dlncouned
come fine mu > ! e on the ntroole to-day ,
Judge Bcneke n'nod three Blocumbi
yesterday , and all went to jail for
want cf caih to liquidate.
Frank Mayo , the tragedian , beginn
his three nighU' ei gaycment at the Unyd
op ra houne to-morrow night with "Vlr-
ginini. "
There VIM a good audience at th
Academy yesterday to hear Uraco
Oarll nd and John Murray , in the play
"Pygmalion and Galatea. "
TIIK ItKE acknowledges tba receipt ol
abandomoly printed iiivitatlnnto atteix
tbo banquet of the 1'latUmouth board o
trjkde. at thu Perkins bouio this eveulog
In ro'ponso to n telegram from the
family of Kicbani Snjder , tin romninao
that unfortunate yonng man were y <
UvJay forwarded by exprtM to Christ
Snyder , Williamsburg , Pa.
The attempt to create a' fuel panic
sunong conkumeraof soft coal , br a inorn
l9g newspaper , WM somewhat lll'tlmcd In
tlivr of the. protent wexthor and IndUa
iocs generally ,
LoBT yesterday , between Fifth
and Chestnut itrosts , and tbo Mercy Hoc
TitaJ , a lady's Gold Wt h ( Hunting
Cose ) . Finder will b suitably rewardec
by returning tbo same to the oOi o of Jiod-
dii & Thrall.
It is reporte'Uhat ' the young man whc
wna mixed up in several little dilBrultioa
with Omaha's equestrienne , nSout the
cloio of the HOii'on , mid nubnc < ] ncnUy
tended bar at a popular valoon , haaHki | ) | > C (
out for parts unknown.
Goo. Alien U nolon ur iu our employ.
and \rc w 11 not bo responsible for any
collections nmde by blui.
, MFQ. Co , ,
Houtl ) Demi , hut.
ilecG.lw .St. Mo ,
The funeral of Young Hartley , nhc
wna killed recently by fnllliijf from n trail
jj Schuylcr , took ' pjace ycatenUy
In m Undcrtukcr .Tncoba' cstablishmtnt
Kev , J. W. Iugrra officiating. Hi.rtl y'H
father arrived yesterday and was in time
to be p cBent at the burial , which took
place nt Prospect Hill.
The Fanners' Home. Protective itociety
will meet In th Staltenburg bull at For
Oalhoun , on ThurnJay evening , December
8th , at 7 o'o ock. Very imp rUnt bun !
nees will be brought before tliu nociety
and all pa ties interested in thu dc truc
tion of wolves , protection from prairie
fires , the discussion of agriculture , liortl
culture , stock raining uud all other farm
topics , nro expected ai.d requited tu
Attend ,
The Plattmnouth Journal says
"Frank CoIc , who WIIH charged , aloni
with Stringer llrandtnot , of robbing n
lodger nt a Tenth fttreot hotel , in Omaha
and shooting at Policeman Flunk Ka < per
had no difficulty in proving an alibi , am
the prosecution was BO weak that Htringe
Brandtuot wai ditchurged without n trial
There is no doubt In tbo mind * tf any wh
are acquainted with the facts in the rns
that there n not the ulighte't crouod fo
the charge , as young Brandtaot is known
to have beuu at homo at the time the rob
Lery was cooiuilttfid. "
An cheap m the clionpoat at Nichol's
Flanneli ! Flannclnl Flannels-
"Boston Ktoro.1
Cheap at the .
Now RaiBins , Figs , Dates , Citrpi
and Lemon I'eol and other dried iruit
of 1881 , ut J , I. N ichor * . doc7-2t
Blankofa ! Blankets ! Blitnkuta-
Chtnp at the ' 'Boston Stonj. "
ownore of MILOII COWS. Th
8TAH feed , umnufactured by us , pro
duccB abundant milk and ricli cream
Try it. POLAND * OWYEll ,
dccOthCt 1413 Dodge street.
Everything first clau at Huber
Eight Silver Stroamo and Eight
Pots of Gold.
The Second Grand Show by the
Omaha Wutor ( Worko
A Network of Lace Across
Faninm and Piftoonth.
A Boantlfnl and Brilliant Display.
The calm air ys Urday and the bright
uruhlne , made the manager * of the
water works think it an excellent oppjr-
unity to make the test , which ha.i been
wicc postponed on account of the wind ,
which driven the water off In Hpray nnd
irevenU accurate mcaHur * montx ,
At ten o'clock ibo majority of tlio city
ouncil , Mayor Boyd , Chief ( Julllnftii and
thor iiffloiaw , with a nuiiiber of promi
nent cltiztins and tax pnyoiK , met inan ff.r
Shclt-in nt tli corner ( if Klftcetith and
'Hrnbaiu , Irom which they wcru | c pared
0 wlttierH 1 10 Kcuiiid tfHt of the w rkc.
. 'hob Hoc. rtn wcro drawn outnndconnec-
Ions nituliiwith tlniliyilranU on Twi-lftli ,
riiirteunth. Kourtcenlli anil Fiitceiith
troct < at tlteir ii.tTKCktnn with Kain in.
< ? o lin.-o wan UHcd nml 1 in h , li inch end
1 inch no lt'H. City Kn intt-r Hosuwater
H Mtutionetl on the cunt iiorch of tliu
cnlci nee of lion. W , A. I'axt.ii , from
vlilch a view of thu entire city it coin *
iiand ( I , ami tliero ho me.i tuod
ho height reached l < y the ( drcami.
, 'ho county ninvcyor , K V.Hniitli.wiiHulM )
wutcbliiK tliu htict't with uu iiiKtruuivnt ,
rom the Hito tif tun new cuuit IIOIHC , op.
ositu i'axton'H hoiiKp.
At n few inlnu cs nftvr 10 o'clock the
water w.m turned on and Htriumi I t'gun
( i rite in the air. ( hu noen buinx hvla tn
n pcrimndicular by the p pemun of the de >
'llio Twolftb Btreet jcU ntnrtcd first nml
ho oth M nlinont lnHtatitantoui > ly , and
eon cirht Ntruatni of wntur were ri ing
n i ho air , In direct line , and liku a row of
uammuth or Itrobdignagian t tin *
niiiH. Thu nun wn-t junt at tlio right
i lght to lend a gorpeoun effect to the
IL > play , and It looked like nn avenue
n tairy land with itn silver fountains and
arching rainbows , fur there wan a gr ud
ainbow > ib ut each jvt. A crowd ot pco-
ile OHseiiibled in the Htreetti ami watched
be right with interest , until the Ktrret
3omcr < In the vicinity became deluged and
from the station an the hi 1
ho force of the streams at lire
> resiuro WOH m re ammrciit. A line
lru n from the upper front cornice of
io d' opera IUIUHO tu the lower edge of the
lag flying above Strang'ii building , would
> e ninety foct ubove the ntroet and it wan
noticeable that the water seldom readied
tlii * height a though tteveral'tiuivs ' a npurt
would be in lulu and the wutor
Heut to a height that appeared to bo
Hlightly bovo OIH hun < lreil l-ot.
The wind had rlH > n after the tent MTAH il < -
Urinine i up < n and mane Hpray of tlie
Rtruamn from ttio time they left th no/-
: ea until th < y Hprtad nut ut the numinit
iko n snowy p&rachuto and felt to freeze
on the n t wnrk of telegraph wiren anil
transform them Intj thouHands of yard * ul
Icy fringe.
After playing for several minutes the
wa cr wan chut off and thu uozzlun
ch nu'cd , uftor whicli thu vxpcrimt nt wna
'llion the ouncllmnn ordered thu Fire
Kinj bro ight out , nml the ( tuction being
put down in thu clntorn in front of
o lllaku'n place , a tream of water
was thrown alongside n , Binulo Htreum from
the hydrant at the Wahash ticket oilier
oor r. The Fi e King threw the hlghe t
stream and most compact but the hydrant
was on a corner where the HI I ( I i reeze
feathered the stream o fa < it OH it came out.
Uy thm time the wind had . risen HO hlgd
thai it WM necensary to abandon the high
kchool tett ,
The following ro the figured of the tet ,
as given by the engineers ; Height of ne
tream , IM feet ; average height of uvr
Mtre ni , 110 feet and eiehtinches ; average
height of eight streams , 10'J ftct. The
prensure at the waterworks was 1"0
pounds , which would th > ow the wut r
in still air tu the height of 140 fwt.
Uy reason of the Mind the test t the
water workn wa * ngain postponed. It
will tnka place to-morrow , if the wind in
not too strong. Superintendent Sheldon
> Ut s thu the top of the rm.Tvolr In on a
evol with the cluck in the high m.luu > l
tower. Thin will insure u Htrram over thu
milding when the prcnAuro is iipplied.
A mure aniiim'til Kcenu than Unit uttlie
noon lunir in tin vicinity of tliu Opera
1 1 mibo , would bo hard to Imagine , nit in
ddttiun to tint tire engine , nnd waterworks -
works uttrnclioiiH , the cornet band of thu
irttcs Cartlund company i-nnia nlona- and
fronailv.l.thu crowd xnd Mr * * , Nolllo Itur erode
rode by ( in K nm niticent grat hone \\hivh
pranuml . nd leniwd about ju t uufUoient to
xhow thnt the lit le wont n in imvy blue
telvit who at HO gracefully on hU back ,
was thoroughly hit miB
The First Appearance ) of the Greal
Tragedian nt Boyd'a.
Frank Mnyo , the well known trngrdiun ,
who has time and again delighted bin au
audiences in this city , lll appear n
Uoyd's Oportt House to-uight In Virglniuo.
Mr. Mnyo'u talent IH nowheru more app e
i i ited than in this city , as was proven
ilurinj hl < engagement here last neauon
He hai that peculiar power which wins
and holds one from the beginning , There
has already been n largo rt nerve for th <
entire series , including three nights anc
mutinef , and a piolitaljlo rngagement Is
prnmlsvd Mr. Mayo in thin city.
The Detroit Kvening News , apeakind
of Mr , Mayo's performance nf "Virgin
iu , rays : " "Krand Mayo and his apleudl'
company wcro seen at their ( cut lant oven-
Inir , in 'Viniinlui. ' It waHainogniticent
all-roun I perfornianci' , nticl the only won.
d r Is now that stars like hawrencu 11 ir
rutt , Kdwin llootli ana John McCulliiugh
hnvo dared to come hero HO muny t mo
with 'at'ckn ' * and 'miiierii' t > Htipport them ,
Mr. Mayn IH the iinit trngediiin to give
these grund oil playii OH they should long
ago have bc u produced with competent
people aud ucctxnorifH. Taking thu rank
unit fila into coneideratlon. one must a
kiiAwltdge that no tragedian wan ete ;
bettor supportsd in the hitturv- th * locu
stage. The performance of 'Viiginiiiii
lust nljht was ii'moat a revelation. Mr
Mayo's Virglnlus rose at tluius to the
kalght of graiuteur. "
Buck Mitts and Qlovonattho "Dos
ton Store. "
The Whitu Bcwinu Mncliino Co
have roiuovod tlioir nalosroom to No
121 , N. Fifteenth street. The roon
formerly occupied by the Whculcr uut
Wilson Co. dec. 3 Ot.
Men's jcurlet , all wool shirts ntu
drawers , only 8125. itttho' Boatoi
Store. "
Coma and sue my stock and com
paroprieee. Finu now juwulry toio
southeast corner of Eluvunth urn
Furnham. d-it !
the Turner Hall store , corner of How
ard and Tenth atroota , with a full lit !
of clothingmts _ ) , cape , men's furnish
ing gooda , cigars , tobacco and smokers
articles. Call and see them ,
EnthuttnAtta Moetinc nt Glnrlt's
Hnll Ln-it NlRht-
F nh tin
liu 1 wni crowded lai-t nl ht with
hof > c ilc lrutH of liearin ; it report from the
Nubr.ifikn ( li'legatiM to the Utiicago conven-
In tin i\lencs nf the regular olllcur. ' ,
ion , IVt Murphy WAS called to the chtlr ,
and Mourn. Chan , llaulcy nml 1'at Mill *
en were cheM > n fin secretaries.
Hon , .John Ilunh , 'n ' lehalf of the NP-
jra ka dcleiat ii , maJo a verbal report of
he proceeding * of thu Chlcagoconvcntion ,
which Mas exct'vdlugly interesting. He
ook occasion during hU addrexs to justify
he action of the con\entinn in curre -
MDcct , aiid th * npplnupa wh ch intemipted
lim from time tu tltuo showed how near
hat action rrnchcil the popular lieut ,
- t tbo conclti'iiui of .M , Hush's ro-
narks , on moiion of M. Donnvun , thu re >
> irt wax accepted , nnd the nu'lon of the
lonvention iiimnlinuui'ly approved , great
ippldime fo lowing thit ucliunof the meet
nf > <
MeH < rK. Ilrcmnn nnd Nlcholn , the Lit
er the bullet < ! c'lcgntu to i hlcngo , were
> oth called fi ) ' , lint exctlned tlit'liiH MM'
with brief fpecchoif.
Mr. I'lioinai ( 'jllen Hpokc atHOIIIClength ,
appro in thu comentiun resolutions ami
ictloii of iiurdelfgiiteH.
Mie t Commis-iiontT Ford wnn loudly
culled for , but decllliixl to initku nn ex-
clidrd ru. | ) iimi > . He xprikn of the h gh
ntelligt'iico which cb.iiuctvri'ed thu body ,
whiiio action wni nii'ler ill ciu.Miin , nml
aiil that hoas with them tu tin extent
of d * > 0 , which he contribute I nt tlio con-
entl n to fbii w that Umuli.i W H not lie-
ihi'l h r i-isturrt in liberality toward hiif-
oring Mrln.
'I IIM V.\M nn excellent ititrmhicti'm to
ho rcn Ini-iliHH.snf the 11 cctln and Mlko
. .eo moved tlm nppoli.tin nt i f n coiniiilt-
eu of two t'i I.IIHI the niiine and optn thu
Kill ) criptinn lint at once.
Thin motion WIIH uu'ntually lost nnd
IIOPO prcHcntand ( loiirmnof fon'riliutiiig
oward tliu filial asked fur were dt > iral to
iind in tliclr iintno , with uniount of doiu-
ion , tu the Hecretnry.
H vcr I hundred dollarH were thun rained
> eforu tbu iiuetiug niljourdod.
farmers' Proteotlro Assoointion ,
MiUAUI > , December U. The meeting
of the a-nociatiim wane died to order by
) r. Link , the proaident being nb't'tit.
The in in u ton of the last meeting were
ead and approved.
The treasurer'ri report showed 81.00 in
ho treasury.
The correspondence with the Hum-
) olt society fur the recovery uf stolen
torien aud milieu wan read , and the folluw-
ng resolution * pnHacd :
Itenolved , Thnt the Rccrctnrybe instruct
ed to inform thu Humbult society thnt we
prill hold ourriolveH in readlne-n to respond
. ( i any call nnd in every manner within
our i wer , to as iHt in c inying rut thu ob-
| ect of the two iirgiuii/atKin , and will fully
: o-opcrfttowith them.
uMolveil , Th t n , committeu of three bo
pointed by the ch ir to take into con-
Mlilo Htinn the adviRnbility of taking stcpn
to have th H association incnrpoiuted , PO
rt to give it n egiil exihtrnce. On thin
nmmittMH werenjipninto I .lamen Me Ar
il e , Dr. Uec lo and Allnn Hoot , thin c , ni-
mi tcu to report nt thu next meeting.
Th" fo owing ollicers we-o duly elected :
I'rcnident Dr. Harvey Iiink.
r-ce et.iry John Hnlleubvck.
Trennuror Al nn Hoot.
Captain Alexander Albro.
Licuton tutu .r , H. I'inney aud John
Lr. ) lleedlo an 1 John Thomnun were ad *
mlttui as niomb rK.
Adjourned for one year.
Th "Wool Growing Xntereits of N e-
Iiraaka Aaaeally lnoreac-
iag in Value.
Mr , Wm. E. Oowdy , representing Wal
ter Brown & Co. , wool commiiisi in jnor-
chants ot Boston , wax in the city Tuesday ,
en route to Nebiaska City.
He is out here soliciting con < lgum"ntn
to his house , and thinks Nebraska ia , in
.ho future , to ha a great sheep-raising
stite. He In , of cours ; , from the nature
of his business , brought Into contact more
or less with the r nchmea of the state ,
and has recently vlnitod fovcral ranches ,
lie report * noreral quite extrnsivo ones on
whicli the hlioep ran ; d from5,000 to i,000 !
A Frocport man not long aeo drove 25-
)00 down from Oregon , nnd pic cd up 1 , -
M moro on ibo mud. Tnese have beer
ut on the farm to feed , and when fat wil
IB put on tliu mnrkot of thu state.
Mr. Guwdy secured quite ft number ol
nHignmenta for the coining neason , am
veiy much pleiuicd with thu outlook for
future valuable cropn of wool.
Thn report K on ( ilu in Lincoln , up to
May 1st , 1881 , nhoxved , Kayn Mr. ( iowdy ,
tbo presence in 'be utatu of about 20,00 (
liuud of Hheup , and thin number ia I. rguly
Increased that date , no ICIH than
WAMTED. A tow more good iictivo
reliable purchasing agents to sell the
light running Domestic sewing ma
chine. For terms addresa , W. D.
\Vomack , general traveling agent ,
Omaha , Nebraakn. Nltf.
DON'T FOUGKT that wo are selling -
ing the best FIVE and TEN cent
ciptarn in this city. THE CELEBRA
TED TUURBEIl NO. D wo oiler at 0
for 25 cents. THURBER NO. 10 , 3
for 25 cents-ALMOST COST. Try
them and be convinced of the auperi-
ority of our brands.
Opera Ilousu Pharmacy , ono door
north of Uoyd'a opera house ,
BKHT SKLKTH : ! )5c. )
FAVOIHTKH : : i.5c.
Bliss Louise Uaratino , teacher o
vocal and instrumental music in St
Barnabas paristi Bchool , desires a
limited number of private pupils
Addrcw , St. Barnabas rectory. 19tf
The best selected and cheapest line
of hoods in the city ut the "Boston
Storo. "
fail to see the largo , varied and choice
selections of suitable gooda for HOL1
DAY PRESENTS , nmong which are
" "FANS ,
and a full assort men t-of fine HAND
MA UK KNIT aooiw , elegant CLOAKS
AND DOLMANS ; also many now
and desirable goods ,
Creighton Block ,
A Trio of Sftfe Blowers Caught
and Cagod.
A Lively Sonroh for n Pnlr of Bnd
A yetror no ago , Itwlll be remembered ,
a gang of f fe bur lftrs were operating In
thiii city. It was a bad nl hl that one or
more en nhmation locks didn't succumb
o the combined effort * of diamond drllN
and ( runpowder ,
Potlt pilfering wan all i carried on to an
alarming extent and In ono
or two InstancM where men were
caucht In the very act almost an-i
) roui > ht Iwforo the bar of justice , a hand
wat intcrpoicd t < i save them from imprl * *
onment , nnd there wcro nhckels enough to
lira rounitl to defend them. One
nan diil nil thl < , L'lko Klnney , a peed
ookinu joutiff f < -"wi who wan proprietor
of a > ulviii on Tenth nnd Douglas > itrecU ,
which IIM flnce su pen led ojier-
ittonit , Klnney on one occ.viion
lulled from bin pocket a hitndfiil of one
lundrcd dollar bllN and put til ) three of
them fw the worst lee < inf ? v.njahoml that
VIT Kiblicil a man , for ho was caught
lumping elf the U , P. trdn , No.1 , near
.ho nail works'mid curiously enough HCV
eral pockuU were picked on that very
.rain between 1'upilliun tnd Omaha
The fel'ow ' got oft by the aid of Luke's
notify nd n hhrcwd attorney ,
I ) n Haley a hukc'n par ncr In the
iipior liu.xiiicfn and tli Inttcrlnul a brother
Tom nl 'i and tliu-o three men are at
cniiuht In the toiK
Tuuediy HluriffiCo Rrovp , < if Allen
county , I ( liiint , who liad arrived from the
.nut ' during thu day , start. < l the ] iolici ) on
.ho i rail nf l.tiku Kinuey nnd hin pa'tner
L'om Kimioyi being buliuvod to bu in Clin-
on. Iowa.
Thu rhargo againnt the three men in the
obi ) , ry of the poBtollico nafe at Sliolton , a
' vf miles couth of Ft. Wnyno ,
b'rom th'n (00 ( worth of pontage ntatuiiH
and $ .100"tth of otbor property unit
Htolcn. The 1 ttor was shipped
Turn Plymouth , India1 n , by express
to Clinton , Iowa , via Chicago , and this
fact being learned , the Clinton n cnt WUH
instnictetl not to do Sver the box when
called lor , and oantiinu the thlo\o < were
followed wext , Kinncy thu tldrr aud Ila-
loy coming t Ouinha , and Tom Kinncy ,
being htlll in ( Mintun to look out for
tuo box. It was expected to catch
all three at Clinton ard Sh nff Cnsgruve
was armed with a requisition from Gov.
Porter , on the Governor of Iowa , but ax it
turned out the bird < bad migrated tn
their ol I henilquartcrH and here they were
ailing their plumage when tbo policagot
after them.
Policeman Nightingale ran across Kinney -
noy uliout 7 o'clock iu the vicinity of his
old httimtH , at TV nth and Douglas
streets , and at once arrest
ed him. Kiuuey bruke away
iud Blurted oil un n run , Quick as
thought the olKccr threw his liilly at him
striking him on the buck of the n > ad ai.d
knock ! g him down , afti r which he easily
captured him and lodged t im in j il. !
Alarnhrtl Angel , Policemen Donahue and
Nightingale aud Sheriff Co grove upm
Donahoe'ft mig ehtion , Hiirri > undcd Wai-
laoa's Huloon , nn lower-j , Dougl s street ,
near Ni'.to. it hein BJepected 'hat
Haley was thero. It so happened that he
was there , and he run out of the back doot
in hojitH of making hia eH.ape , but
Donahue took him in on the flv.
The two were taken to th U. P. depot ,
th'o inten Ion being o get them acroBs Ue
river and make tlilnp-i s.ife , but it leaking
uut that there wan no requisition , Kinney
d-cliued to be kidnapped , and c nse < [ ucnt-
iy both men were lodged in the c unty
At 2 o'clock yesterday a telegram
was i ent to Governor Porter ffor a new
( iiiidition.J
The pri nneni will be hold twenty-four
hour/ , , anyhow , on the warrant R under
which they arn now con&oed , and if neees-
pary rearrtnted at the expiration of that
Sheriff Cosgrove is quite a young
man , .being ncarcely thirty years of
age nnil Ids county is theetcond most pop
ulous'in the Hoosicr state , Foit Wayne
the -unty s-ot'beiug a large and import
ant railway center , on the line of tiie Wa-
bish. Five deputies ar required to carry
on the business with Mr. Oosgrove and ,
as tha latter e yi > , Allen county
ia the banner democratic county
in tbo state. The officer
expects to get aw y with hU game some-
t iii'i to-day , and is confident that Tom
Kinney is already arrested and on his way
to luuiann.J
At three n'rlock this ) afternoon Charles
It. Kcdlck , Ksq. , and Walter Bennett ,
Esq.j attorneys for Haley and.Kinney , made
application bo ore.Tudo Ohiulwiuk for ro-
lenio of thu prlaoner on a writ of habeas
corpui. The grounds upon which the ap
plication is ma < lo aie that the nolico j.idgo
has n i juribdi tion in the matter nnd can
not commit the pris uerw to the county
jail. Arpnncnt was hoard at four
As a rule wo do not recommend
patent medicines , but when we know
of one that really ia n public benefac
tor , and does positively euro , then wo
consider it our duty to impart that in
formation to all. Electric bitten are
truly a most valuable medicine , and
will surely euro Biliousness , Fever
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney
ovenwhere all other
complaints , oven rem
edies fail. Wo know whereof we
speak , and can freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold at CO conU a bottle.
lah & McMahon. (7) ( )
Jensen's Restaurant , 410 Tenth
street , is , onu of the cosiest little sung-
goriva in the city , where you can
always go and get n good square meal
with polite nnd careful attendance.
Mr. ' Jensen is just now engaged in
u'lilnrgitif ; his place as ho findt ,
his room too circumscribed to accom
modate the trade ho lias built up by
conscientious , pains-taking care and
solicitude for liis patrons' wants
and needs. Mr. Jensen is an
artist of no mean attain
ments and several _ nautical scenes
decorate hia walla painted by himself
which alone are worth n visit to his
place to nee. Those who contemplate
( riving Holiday entertainments and
dcsiro to secure the services
of an artist to decornto or
frost fancy cakes had better call and
accuro the services of Mr. J. , as hu
makcH a spec tally of tlrat line of
handiwork , and outside of Now York
it is a question if he has his equal in
the counWy.
410 Tenth Street.
Men's all wool hnlf hose only 20c ,
at the Boston Storo.
1IOSPE soils motto frames fori'Oc.
110SPE sells 8x10 frnmos for IDo.
HOSPE sells 24x30 chromes for85c.
110SPE sells SL'xUG paintings for
HOSPE sells engraving from 51.50
to 83 f 0.
I10SPE sells organs from $50 up.
IIOSjE sells pianos from $150 up.
HOSPE sells mirrors cheapest in
town. d7-tf
The lioey-IIardl * combination nn ut
the Metropolitan ,
Manhal lilcrbower ( ( .turned ycitcrday
from Nebraska City.
W. A , Patterson , nf the Western Union
telegraph office at Ogdcn , U in the city.
Major Win. Arthuruf the pay corpn , U.
S , A. , the only brother of President Ar
thur , won In the cl y , Tucslay , an overland -
land paMengor for the east.
The following arrivals , among cithers ,
are registered at the Metropolitan hotel :
A. L. Webb , of Kearney ; Wm. McCarty
and wife , of lUwllus ; MM.f , K , Uuntar ,
of Donver.
The following gutati are at the Wlthnell
hone : L. M. Keene , of Frtoinont : II.
E. Hosper , nf Denver ; W. G. Luid and
( Uughter , of Sioux City ; K. U Honner ,
wife and child , of Montana : K. Hugh , < f
Cheyenne ; G , II , Jewctt , of .Sidney ;
Manley Haylcy , of Ahhla d ,
Mr. Sliendan Corbyn , one of the mana
gers of the Mayo legit mat ? company , in
in town looking after the interests of the
coming attrat tion. He ImfortuR ut thut
aunther star has bu n added to the Con
stellation , nnd in futuru Henrietta V.uleis
will n-Jd the luitcr uf her talent to the
forty brilliants.
The arrlvnh at the Canfield houoo yes
terday includrd the following : .Limes
Clark , of Kvanston ; U. P. Itcincy , of
Nebraska City : F. W. Milek , and J.
Fo'cy , of Clear Creek ; MM. A. W. Mini-
H n , of David ( Ity ; C. C. Miles , of Grtf-
ton ; K. P , Sheldon , of Lyonn ; J. H ,
Stirling , of Kxcler ; Fred llanlo ; ' , of
Assignment of Reorulti Board of
Survey ,
The following orders have been issued
Irom thi headquarters , department of t e
Plotte , Oirmha , Neb. :
Private * Frank Sachasc and Samuel M c-
Entyre , ic-enliiled at Fort Sandern , W.
T. , are assigned to troop ' 'D , " Third cav-
The followin ? named recruits enlisted at
Fort Omaha , Nub. , are ntsigned as follows
and will be cent to the rtati > ns of their
tnicps orcompanies _ on the first favora le
oppo tunity , viz : Frank Hullgarth , Li
onel L. G .rion and James Gallagher , to
troop "K"Third cavalry , and Uh rles
Boeker , to Company "H , " Fourth In
The following named men enlisted at
fort U , A. Uunsell , W. T. , are assigned as
ollows :
John Bitter , to Troop F , Third cava ry ;
Robert Feitch , to Troop G , T iird cavalry ;
3harles VVi.'ks , to Troop I , Third cavalry ;
3"redcrickl'oHt , to Troop L , Third cavalry ;
I'arker H Dc ! , to Company I , Fourth
A bo.i d of survey , to cnns'st of Major
Tame * P. Martin , aaiixtant d jut tint on-
eral. U. S A. , Captain John V. Fure.
assistant quartormaHlcr , U. S , A. , Ifirct
L'etitcnant ' Dan. C. _ Kingman , cirps nf
engineers , U. S. A. , ! R appointed to mart
at th * BubaUtence depot in thi city , at 10
} 'clOw-k a. m. , Decembe 8 , 1881 , or as Boon
thereafter ai practicable , tioxmninp into
vnd report upon and fix the ronpo i ibilt ! >
For tha dtmaced condition of some 714J
ilu. of Green Seal BUI.iking tobac o , for
which Captain Thomas Wilson , C , S. , in
The board wi'lrecommend ' what disponi-
tion should be made of the tobacco.
The TJnlon Pacific Ball ClnVi Clear
Rooordfor ' 81-
The followinj is a record of gomes play
ed by the Union Pacific Railway Base Ball
club during the
HKAHO.t Or 1881.
Jt y7 , at Om h , U.S. Ititrracks 21 to S
Ik 21 , ot Omaha , U.S. Barracks IS to 4
M y 28 , nt Omalm , Havrrley'a Min-trela.17 to 6
June 11 , atOmihi , IJ. &il. II It. Co.IB to 2
July 3 , at Denver , De vcr I rowns 21 to 11
July 4 , at Derncr , ] > . & n. O. K. U 7 ti 6
Ju y 10 , at Omaha 11. k M. H. K. Co. . .11 to
September 21 , at Ashland , AOiUiuls 8 to 3
116 41
Thin showing is equal , if not superior to
that of ' ny amateur club in the count y ,
uud alth' ugh not many of tv.o games were
very clone an regards Hcoie.t. a number
were decid.dly interesting. The U. I' .
c ub , as will be wen did not suffer H de-
fe it , and another season v/ill doubties BOD
them able 10 C' pe miccMafully With the
bo it of the professional * .
Thomas 1'nrry , at 8 o'clock a. m. ,
Wednesday , December u'th , 1S81 , funeral
Friday December 8th , at 1:30 p. m. , fiom
the late residence , * 111" , Chicago street.
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption is certainly the greatest
medical remedy over placed within Iho
reach of suffering humanity. Thou
sands of once helpless sufferers , now
loudly proclaim their pmiso for this
wonderful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does it posi
tively euro Consumption , but Cou hs ,
Colds , Asthma , .Bronchitis , Hay
Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of
thu Throat , Cheat and Lungs yields
at once to its wonderful curative pow
er as if by magic. Wo do not ask you
to buy a largo bottle unless you know
what you aso gutting. Wo therefore
earnestly request you to call on your
dnit itsts , THU & McM.uioN , and got a
trial bottle free of cost which will con-
\ inco tlio most skeptical of its wonder
ful merits , nnd show you what a regu
lar ono dollar size bottle will do. For
sale by Ish & McMiihon. (4) )
" " .
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" curt * cynpcp. !
l ! " ' " " ' atiun uud heartburn.
At C. F. Goodman.
Trimmed HaU from COc to $20 00.
Ladies' Cloaks VKIIV CHEAP to close
Linen Collars from 5 to 25 cents.
Ladies Ties a full line.
GO dozen Silk Il'dk' styles ,
Embroidered Slipper Patterns.
Embroidered Tidies and Table
Scarfs , the Handsomest ever brought
tn Omaha. .
Children's Hoods , Handsome Styles ,
Childrun'u sacqucs , Leggina and Mit-
Zephyrs , Our Onrn Importation.
Canvass of all kinds.
Artificial Hoimit Plants for Christmas
and New Year's Decorations ,
Handsome Embroidered Photograph
Motto Frames Very Cheap
Handsome Cheneele scarfs , Very
Choice. dec7-l
The Piret Applicant for a
Liquor Liconeo Under tbo
Slocumb Law ,
Mayor lioyd having set his foot down
an 1 declared that he intended to enforce
the Slocumb bill on and after January 1st ,
nd the Mayor bt-inp known tube an ugly
man to contend with when he geta his
back up , a number of the
liquor deolerc , who pledged
themnclve * toV > head without a license
have already weakened. Six of them jc -
terday announced their intention ot cir-
cuKting their petitions at once
The tint npilcntion | ! made bv n dealer
In this city fnr a license under the new law
wasmadu yesterday by 11. R. A. 1'undt ,
ihe Krocor.
Annual Election of Officers A Big
Candy Pnllinr.
ThcHunyLeei held acry intotesling
n ceting Tuesday nfternoon at the reel ,
dence of Mrs. T , W. T. Kichards , about
twenty ot themcmbcrB beiiu present.
The following otficer * wcro cloin by
inanimoui vote : I'rcsidett , M st'r Geo.
I'undt ; Vice President , Ml Alice
? oomb < ! Seerelary , Miss Nclliu Uoso-
water ; Ticasurer. Mrs. liichardn ,
'i'ho fullouing were api ointed a standing
committee on I'dvertiHing : Vic Koauwater
Harry Sharp an 1 Juxse Kichatds.
A committee of three was : ipx | > int d to
Iraftii con-titutinn nnu bylaws , to be 10
xirted at the next meeting.
Tlie BUHV liccs nro pre arin to aivu
h-ir friendu a candy pull at the Christian
Church next Saturday , bejnnlngat. 2 p.
m. They have H cu ed the services of an
experienced tonfcctioner and will liuvon < n-
eralarieties of cindy for pale , frenh , at
nve and ten cents p r plate ,
Dr. Amelia Burroughs , Withnell
House , Tuesdays and Fridays , 10 a.
m. to ! p. m. - tf
Card of Thanh * .
We , the undersigned brakemcn in tha
emp oy of .the Ui i n Pacific railway com.
pany tender ou thanks to the official * for
their kndnetw ! nhnwn at the interment of
our late friend , 'William J. "arlbry.
M W. RH.KY ,
D. J. M'DONAU ) ,
ONEY TO LOAN Call at law OtHce of I ) .
L\I L. Thomas Boom 8 Crelehton Block.
Q " ( \ fA A To loan at from 8 to 10 pr cent
' ' '
iNJ'\'vMJ on ROCK ! real ostnteswurltj , by
OR. ISAAC EDWARDS 1109 Karnhain St
' 1' WJAft At a uti cuncln-
tcrest In sums of 2GOO and
upnards , for 3 to K years , on firut-clmi city and
farm property. Bsum HIUL ESTATI and LOAN
AdRNCT , 16th Mid Doualcs Rtn.
\TirANTED Kiret-close l > arb rftt 3am'l Corn.
VY Gold , No. UuO ICtb St. 07itf >
ANTED A go d , cheap pony. > rfdress
y statlnc age nnd price ol pony , J. D. V. ,
Doe oflKe. 0X17-7 *
BO mt to work on rallr d . Enquire -
WANTED Intelligence oincc , llth : t , near
Farnhim. 771 7
A good cook. Mrs. Howard B.
WANTED M. W. Cor. Slstand Davenport.
- - 670 tf
A young man M li ht porter.
WANTED of good ctuauAvr. A. CltUICK-
8HAKK A CO. Ci9-tf
"ITrANTED Crght boy In stonetcropher'u of-
W fice to learn tlio bu.iuess. Apply B U &
Amos. 60J-7
'ANTED A Klrl at French Coffee ITouiw ,
W 10th at. 6C5-U
A Rooil rook. Scunilirarian olrl
WANTED . Apily at IIoUl i enrnaik , llth
itrcet. -
- ( x > .I practical aitenls for all
WANTKD- , genteel work lilsrpay. Caller
or ndlress , J. I1. PEVcmE ,
1016 Capital \vvnno ,
fil87' On ha. Neb.
* > Anaitlrtthat can ilo
WANTI at sketching hulMlii 'n wltli Indli
ink 'or photO'enitravlnj ; . Apply at enc to J.
II plerce , Bee olllco.
AN 1 ED Furnished room with boird for
W s f wlfonnd non , 10 ji'trn oil , In private
family , centrally Ii.c&Ud. flufercnccH ixchnng-
ud. AdJrej- . D. II. , Omalu Ike olll c.
- Room and bnard by mun
WANTED- . Heffrences nchangud. Ad-
drtag X. , Bea office. tM-tf
- - - a married couple after Dec.
W-NTED-Bj- roonu with board iu prhato
f.mlly. AddrcM wiuh terms , 0,11. , 1400 Dou -
log bt. t7.S-tf _
> -Olrl to do hoiueworU. Enquire
WANTElOlrl St. 41'tf
Funduvr bridgu and ichcol bonds.
WANTED Clark. BeTlevue. M-tl ,
OU KENT A.pleaeait front room , newly
F furnished South * e t corner IDtli and St.
Home of B roonm on 14th St. ,
bet. Chicago and Caw. Apply at S. E. Cor.
MthanJCui.SU. tfMT
70R nENT-FlMt-eUm dwelling house with
_ J 6 roim , at # 10 | xr ; mouth , inquire at cor-
nnr 27th and Ciia.iupr St. WM IS'
RENT-Furnished room , at No. M9 19th
FOR . , bet. U on and California. U73-tf
HENT Fur ilnhrd room In a private fam
ily , 1 bl ick from flu U. 1' , depot , 1 11 S.
llth St. , for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 076-7 *
RENT-Furn 1he room , 31)9 Farnlmm't. ,
FOR . iBth and 17th St. 6088
RENT FurnUhnl room , at 007 North
FOR hSt. 053-12
KENr-roitage ou 17th St. , bo- . Jacks n
and Ilrowntll IU 1 , Ufb-tl
RENT A r'lt or tingle roonrs , nicely
FOR , at N. W. cor. 2vth and D > en-
port. iCO-tf
RENT Rromi tier L. V. Morse itcre.
FOR U DodgNt. . 667-12
A Srat > ciH hill form Utv pur-
FRKENT Centrally located. For ( nrtlculin
enquire Kenuard Broa. , 14th and DouslaiSt * .
RENT-Furnlnhod roonu wither without
PUR ard , 16W IBih Ht. , no&r Dodge. MRS ,
T10U REST One parlor mi ground frnor and
JJ ono chamber bandjoimly furnl-hed , 112
California St. 3 tf
T7IOR IIF.NT Horoan't dwvllln-/ with ill Jarcc
J' rooa i , corner lith and Ct.lcaKO " H a
mile f r m any other notion ttore. TIMUTUY
KKL , EY. W4-10
LENT Fe rnl fir t rlau room * at A A.
FOR on' , California S : . , t t , 14th and 1 tb.
< en'leincn preferred.
In tame block ,
OR Rt-NT-Alter Dec. SI. NOJ.2IS. 516 and
F 217 , Bouth 12th Ht. WM. R. BOWEN , IMKi
Capitol a\enue. eitU
- ' l hrio t. Good
J.A , " ' "
1.10R KKNT-Nlwly ftirnUhed rootni , 14ir
JL' Howard.St. flil-S
FOR RtNT New htutt of 7 roim , 1Mb and
Oraco Sts. Fngulto E V. Hmlth , 634-tt
"PlORRBNr S room * , at nonhwcwt corner 20th
JL' and Doughs Slit. OCT-9 *
T710R RKNT Houfe , 4 room , south end 10th OtT
I1 Knqulre J. L. llcCague , opprolt * Po < *
Office ,
ST Room , fiiralnhnl or unfuinlnhrd ,
j. 3. W. corn r 16th snd III w-ard. C22-U
TTIOR CENT-FurnUheH room , 8. W. CV r. 16ih
JL' aiidla > fntxrt. 017-f
FOR R ENT A mlt of furntshnl rooms , parlor
and two Ixxlroom * , aluo n > ulnicls room. Cnl-
CAO street , between 14lh m.d 1Mb , centre brick
houM. 48Q-U
FOR RKNT-Largohandwme y furnWwd batlt
parlor ; alra front room Mcond rtory brick
houn2013 CUM street , & doors wcrt ot 20tfc.
FOR RENT-FurnUhed rooms , north side o <
California St. , 2d door wttt ol Slut. Inqulro
atUr 1 p. m. < 34-tt
| ? OR HENT J story noune , 8 room" , 4 largs
J.1 closet * ; alto , a barn U dielrcd. 2433 Davca-
1.1OK KKNT X luruLiiiwi roommui Mo4 >
JL ? chant * ' ExchangeN , K. ccr. Idtb and Dodgt
strut U. 289-tl
TTIOK SALE A good phno , ' r uould exchange
; ( r litj property mid ] KkV diffirence 1'alt
412 8. 13th St. 674-13 *
FOR SALE Largo bu lnc lotonllarno St ,
nuitablo for wholtHullnir. John L. Me
CHRUC , Opp. I' . 0. 021 U
Foil .SALE A mod M cn jcnr-old horoo
Warranted to drl\esltul' > or double. Kn
cjuiro of Oeorgo CantUU. Canlk'ld houw.novlStf
Ij OIl SALE One brire cook range and one
JL wrlorsct of7plcces. L. F. U.glnn , Att'y
i rclghton Block. City. (3-Mf
hALE Two second bund miglnoit In QiRt-
FOK rUi condition , ono 25 II. 1 * . and oncG H.
1' . Enquire Omaha Foundry ami Machine to.
Ill-rod-d 9
| 71OR BALK Team good ponies , chevp ; at llwl
JL1 Barn. loth St. _ ooIl-U
203-tf E3TABROOK & COE.
FOR SALE Maps of iJouglat. aud Sarp ) out *
ties. A. ROBEWATKR,1620Famhamstroe |
T OST I'hocton cunhlon and wh p. Kinder
Lj will be regarded by leatlng lame at F. J.
Kumge's. (03-7
FTIAKEN TIP NOTICE Taken tip on Saturday
JL Dec. 3rd , two bay hones. ages about 6 and
9 jean ; fair rieeand wll natched. Owner can
have Rame by pro Ing property and p ) lng
rharxra. WM. RAWITZER , J mile ww o }
Qualcy's reap fact ry , Duuxlo * pifcln < t.
_ 661 mm 6t
A MAN Of ( rtrit bunlncw hAbllo , vllh 500ln
Jcoeh , would like to invert in tome rbtabllth-
ed btutnc 4 whore he ran wor on ralary. Ad-
dreM LrtMOVstMkB , D. L. Bonu , Fort Oalhouo ,
ri .HE sioux cm * UUTTON MANUFACTUR-
1 INO CO. . Will pay ctu-h for horn * by thecar-
loadriodvere < l at ant rillroad depot In Hoax Citj.
Ti'xaa tccr born preferred Foi partlcu'ore ' ad-
drcs , O. C. oblo , Supt. 613-J1
York ) delrc a l'uatlon whcro nix wrrlcat
would bo required. Noolijce li'i to going w > ' .
Addrc > A. Black , ciru 1) . Ojldeto.n , nundl
Uluffn , lovra. dec 1-tt
IN ritAYON-Paetilo and Oil ,
l < o decorative palntln ) ; . MRS. D. K.
WARDNfiK , room 1 , Jacob's Block. 042-tf
NOT1CK. SpccUl advortlacmenta , mich as
Ixwt , Found , Ta Loan , For Sale , To Bent ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted in this
column at tha low rate of TEN CKKTd PKR
LINK for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS
1'ER LINE for each subsequent inwrtloa.
Leave odv crttsemcnts at our office , up-staire ,
comer Broadway and Main streets , OouooU
Bluffs. .
HALE. A bac burner utove nearly new.
Enquire of J. Y. Fuller , Room 1 > , Kcrctt'B
block , Couucll BluR > . d c7 It
frcih cow for ale , warranted treed
FUR , tntic nnd freofram viciousbablti.
i rkxi fr m iOto $55 , Including calf. Be or nd-
drci ) F. Airmvt'oith , Council Ulufln. tlcc6 It *
Eveo'body In Council BluOs k )
WANTED Tns B > x , in cents per week , do
IHcrcd by carriers. Office corner Broadway and
Main , up Btalra , Council Bluffs. OOJ-tf
To punha o fire blocks of lota
WANTED w.thont improvement , In a line
runnlrfhouth coinmcncliijt at Brnaduav , cither
n e of U. & N. Vf. depot. Addrws Perry , la
rare of TIIK BEB t Hire , Council Bluff * ,
Von mn set th qul'kcst and ) utt
NOTICE s f your children , &c. by patroo-
iziiitf KurkoV e'ccfl lorfallery ( mar | X5 fc rllico ,
Council I'lufTa.ahlia niH'j llic new Insioi t nouua
procena. HrjiljfonmlHerdicfaio alluucU toOtnita
Indies. lit e. o. d.
Accnt < to ramam-Bctt jwy-
WANTED ' In the cuuntry. Addrusa
C. M . Ileuollk-u. Council lilufln. JiorJ-tf
"T Ort SALIC Ilorito , biiggy "nd hanrf'Ks , cheap
_ J for cash. Adilrwu \ . H. C. , B o otllce
Council Bluffa. A'ovjt-St
pOTTER'S TIC'litT OFFICE War In railroad
L tickets contlnuva to boom. Uni recodcntod
low' rates to all eastern points. Every tlikei
guaranteed. Orders flllwl by telephone. From
one to tun dollarH bared by purchasing tickets
of C.A. I'ottcr , Hucceiuor to I'otter&l'almer , No.
40 South Fifth litre et , four doors below the port-
olUce , Council HlufTn , luua. octIS-tf
ANTED Hey , with pony , to carry papers.
W Inquire at Unit office , Council Bluffs.
To buy 1UO tons broom corn.
WANTED addrew Council BluOt
Broom Factory , Council Blufli , Iowa. 658-ZOU
\TTANTED A flrat-clona broom tier. M JTI
W & Co. . Council Blnffa , Iowa. 600-80 *
I OR SALE Old papers 40c per hundred , at
F The Beu nfflre. Oouncll Hlufl . w-27-tf
TIONALIHT , 408 Tenth Street , between Farnbam
andllainoy. Will , with tbe aid of guardian
iplrlts , obtain for an ; one a glance at tha poet
and present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Boot * and Bboes made to order , Fcrfcct
atMictlrn ruirtutrcd Aii26-i" <
Absolutely Pure.
VIode from Orap Cre.n Tartar , No other
arpatlon makes such light , flaky hot brtadi.
Hxurlous pattrr. Can rx eaten by Dytpepill
irt trout fear of the 111 * molting from beary
t stlbl food. Bold only In canj. by all Orocvrt
nnvr. n Ki " > POW KR m