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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1881)
TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. DECEMBER 8 , 1881 Til 13 OMAHA PUOLISHINQ CO. PHOPRIETOHS. * * 010 Fnrnham , bet 0 h and 10th Street * . WIUIS OK bUHSCHirriON. One copy Ijtur.ln vhanccp ( Minld ) $1000 6 month ! " " 60 month " " S.'O RAIL A/AY PI MB TABLE. TWRCURD CIIICAOO , ST Mil , Mmiurot.11 AND OMAlll RAILROAD. \ L > vo Omnliiv Piw iijcrNo. 2. 7Mn.m. : Ac commodation No. 4 , 1 oo f. m Air oiuimtm ' ' ( vwenirrr No. 1,6:10 : p. m. Accommodation No. , 10M : ) n , m. LIAVINO OMAHA RANT OX IODT1I WJBffD. 0. , H. & O , 7:10 : . m. 3:40 : p. m. C. A N. W. , 7. 0 . in. 3:40 : p. m. C. , II. I. ft V. . 7:10 : a. m. 3:40 : p. m. K. C. , St. J. k C. 3. , lm\c At M n. in. ft" J 6'SO l > .tn. ArrhotlSt. LouUat 6:30 : a. m. &ml 6:62 : p. m. m.W. , 8t.Ii. & r. , Ki\csnt 8 n. m. find 8:40 : p. tn. Arrive * nt St. Loul nt 0:40 : a. in. and 7:30 : m WMT OR gOOTHWMW. B. & M. In Nob. , Through Kiprow , 8CO : a. m. B. & M. Lincoln hxjirwi-t ) 2O p. m. U P , OrcrUml KMTIM , 12:16 : p. 10. O. & H. V. tor I In.-oln , 11-45 * . m. O. A U. V. tor Osccolv 0 40 . in. U. P. Irvlght No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m , U. P. frclcht No. 9 , S'20 a. m , U. P. frclKht No. IS. 20 : p. m. U. I' . trcluht No. 7 , MO p. in. emigrant. - . I' . Denver oxproHg , 7 35 p. m. O , P. lre\irM \ Nil II , 11 30 p. m. U. T , Dcuvor freight , < rffi p. m. A&X1VISG rkOM ( AST ADD MHTTO. 0. n , & O 6:00 : n. to. 7:2S : p m. 0. k N. W.,0:45 : a. m. 7:2 : p. rn. C. II. I. kP..fl:46 : n , m. 0.05 p. in. K. C. , St. Joe AC 1) ) . , 7:40 a. m. 0:46 : p.rr. AJUUTOO rnou rim * rnT AND ootirnwur. 0. ft It. V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m. U. P. Pttilflc Kxprtwn 3:26 : p. m. B & M.lti Neb , , Thtongh Kxpruss 4:16 : p. m. n. * t M. Lincoln IV\ ) > roM -9.40 a rn , U. P. Dcmcr express , 7S/i : / R. m. U. M. Freight J.0.142 40 p. m. U. P. vn n 6:10 : a. in. KrrtlgranL TJ. P , ( rclRlitNo. 14 , l : ' 6p. tn. V. P. o. 0 9.00 p. ru. U. P. Sn. 1 ? l:4fi n. m. U.I' . Dem or freight , 1:10 n. m. O , & K. Y. tnUtxt , ar. 4.43 p. in. ptnurr TRAINS : OUAIIA AXD ooD.tcit , BLOTS. Leave Omaha at 3:00 : , 0:00 : , 10:00 and 11:00 I m. ; t'O 20 , 300 , 4KX ) nnd 60 p. m. Leave Council BluffD at 8:25 : , 8:26 : , 10 23 ami 1:26 n. m. ; iS6 , 2:25 : , 3:25,1:25 : : and 6:25 : p. m. Sundays The dummy lca\ca Omaha M V:00 : and 11:00 : n. m. ; 2:90 : , 4:00 : and 6KX ) p. m. Leaves Council niuffs at 0:26 : and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2:25,4:26 : : and 5:25 p. m. Through anil local pawtcnier tmlns between Omaha anit Cou > U Illufls. Lca\c Omihi fi'50 , 7:00 : , 7:45 : and S.M a. m. Lci\ Council Bliifl * 7:25 : , 11:20 : and USO : a , m. ; 6 : 0 , B:60iuid7:00 : : .p. in. . Opening ant Closing of Mc-lls. KOCTT OPIQJ. CWSR. a , m. p. m. a. tn. p. m. Chicago & N. Vf 11.00 9.00 0.30 2:40 : Chicago , K I. & Pacific. 11 tfO 9:00 0:30 : 2:40 : Chlouro , I ) . & 0. . . . . .11:00 0:00 : ll-SO 2:40 : Walranh 12:30 0.30 2:4 : SouxCityand I'ocinc. . 0.00 630 2.40 Union Pacific 40 11:40 : Omaha , & 1LV 4:00 : 11:40 B.JtM. inNch 4:00 8:10 -O imha k Sioux City 000 7.30 B. & M. Lincoln 10-30 0:00 : TJ. P. Linxilii , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 : U. P. Denver KM0:00 : 0:30 : 0. . Sioux City & St. P..11CO : ' . :10 : Local mails for Htato ol Iowa leave but oucu a day. ill : 0 30 a. tn. Office own Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. m. TIIO . K HAI.U P SI. Busisees Directory , Abstract and Real bstate. JOUN L. MoCAQUE , opposite Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 317 South IBth Street Architect * . DUFBENK & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 11 Crelghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2 , Ciclehton Block. Boot * and Shoet. JAMES DIVINE & co. , Fine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment of homo work on hand , corner 12th and Ilarnoy. THOS. EIUCKSON , S K. cor. 10th and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS. 00510th Btroet , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Sprlne * . I. f. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Douplatet. Books , News and Stationery. J. t. FRUEIIAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Egg * . UoflHAKE & BCHROEDER , the oldest B. and K. house in Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , rathwcBt corner lethand Dodge. Best Board for the llonoy. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ueala at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terras for Cash , Furnlahnd Rnoms fiyppllcd. Uarrlac > and Road Wagon * . WM BNYDKR , 14th and Harney Stroota. jews eri. JOHN BATJMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. H. nEP.TIlOLD , IUff and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. . FOSTER & OR * Y comer tith and Douglaa 8t& Lamps and dlasiware. J. BONNER 1309 DougUa St Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . O. A. LINDQUEST , One ol our moat popular Merchant Tailors ti re ceiving the latest dcslps for Spring find Summiir Ooode for Rontlomena wear. Styllnh , durable , and prices low ag ever 216 13th bet. Douc.&Fam. Millinery. MRS. 0. A. niNQER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan. ey Goods In Krcat \ nrlcty , Zephyrs , Card Boanlx , lioslory , Gloves , Coritets , &c. Cheapcut House In the West. 1'un.ho.wrs BI\C 30 per cent. Ordtr br Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. honnary. JOHN WKARNE& SONS , cor. 14th& Ja < ksonsts Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MII.LS , 8th and Farnham SU , Welahonu Ilron. , propriotsre. Urocen. Z. STKVKNS , 21st l .t ecn CuralnB anil Irar T. A. McSIIANK , Corn. 2M and Cumin ? Htrootc. Mardwaie , Iron and tttoel. OLAN & LANOWORTIIY , Wholesale , 110 ant1 112 16th street A. HOLMES corner 10th ami Calltarnl * Harneii. Saadlet , &c. B. WEIST 20 ISth St. bet Fariillarncy. . Hoteli , ANFIKLD HOUSE , Ooo. Canflold.Oth & Farnhnoi DOHAN JIOU8E , P II. Car ) ' , BIS Faniham Ht SLAVE'S HOTEk. F. Sla\cn , 10th fit. Southern Hotel , Qua. Hamel Oth & Leavcnwortb Clothing Bought. 0 .SHAW will pay hlghmt Caah price for second bond clothlnr. Corner 10th and Farnham. Drugs , Paint * ana Dili. KUHN b CO. PhAraaclite , Fine 'ano Uoodi , Cor. 16m ked Doneli * ttrceta. W. J. WHITEHO Uf K , Wholccate & Retail , loth st. 0. FIELD , 2022 North Side Cuming Street. PARR , Drujjirt. lOto and Howard Streeta. Dentlitt. PR. PAUL , WUlUmo' Block Cor. 16th k Dodge. Dry Qoodt Notlont , Etc. JOHN H. F. LEiiMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1812 Fini- him itroct. L. 0. Enewold also boots and shod 7th & PadOc. hurulture. A F. DROSS , New and SuflnJ Hand Furniture nd flto\M , llli Douzlaa. Hlghuit cash price aid for second liana tooot. BONNER 1809 DowJa it. Ftne KOodi , &c. F-ence Workt , OMAHA FENCE CO. GUBT , FRIES & CO. , 1218 Harney St. , Iraproic- ed Icu llo\p . rrnn mil vvl ! ' - , r > - - Clgnri und Tohncco , VEST & KIUTSC'IIKU. nmnnf\cturcr of indMiolo ale U-nlcr In Toixiecon , 1SOIViifla V K. UlUK.vy.Ky nmnnfytiircf 141Bl'arnh m Florlit. A. Donaphue , plMiU , CM t flow cm , rooils , ooqueli etc. S. W cor Ifllh nl Dom-lM utroct * . Civil Engineers nd Surveyors. ANDREW HOSKWATEH , Crrlghton Block , Town Siir\c } , Griwlo and Sevcrace StiUms a Uommlitlon Merchant * . JOHN 0. WIL 1.18,1414 Dolgo Slrwt. [ I B IlEKMKR. For ilctAlU oe large ad\crtls ' nent In I > allv anil WcckU. Cornice Worki. Wpft m Cornlcoorki. . Manufacturers Iron Cornlw , Tin , Iron and Slate Hooding. Onlors from any locality promptly cxocutol In the bc t manner , Factory nnd Otllcc 1213 Harney St C. SPECHT , Propnetor. Oahanlzed Iron Cornk-iM , Window Cai , etc , , aianufacturnl and put uit In any ixtrt of the ountry. T. S1NHOI.U 416 Thirteenth street Crockery. I. BONNER ISOfl Doutws street. Good tine. Clothing and Furnlihlng Goods. OEO. II. PCTKRSON. AIM llat * . Caps , BooU , Shoo * , Notions and Cutlery , KU S. 10th strict. Refrigerators , Oanfleld's Patent , C. V. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & Harnov. Bhow Case Manufactory. ) 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Gws , a 1317 Oasa St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Caoo manufactory , 818 South 16th street , betnren Ixv onworth and Marcy. All goods warranted first-class. Pawnbrokers. ROSENVBLD. 10th Bt. . hot. far ft liar Stove * ana Tinware. A. BURMESTElt , Dealer In Sto > os and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , did Fellow s'Block. J. BONNER. 1300 DouelMSt Good and Cheap. Seed * . J. EVANS , Wholcaale and Retail Seed Drills and Ciilth atom , Odd Fellows Hall. Hnyalclaris an 1 Surgeons. W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Rxim No 4 , Cretghton Block , UUi Street. P. S. LKISENR1NU , al. D. Maxonlc Ulock. 0. U HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postomue DIJ. U B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , 8. W 16th and Farnham 8U Photogrnphors. GEO. HF.ra. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , . 212 Sixteenth Streot. near Masonic Hall. Fint-clasa Work and Prompt- IHWH guarantcon Plumbing ; , Oa * and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARTY & CO. . 21012th Bt , bet Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. riTZPATRICK , 1409 Doughs Street. Painting an aper tinging. 1ENRY A. ROGERS. 141 Dodge Streot. Shoa oioros. Phillip Lang. 1320 Famham st. bet 13th & I4th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douuba St. New and Second Hand Furniture , Houw Furnishing Goods , tic. , boutrht and sold on narrow iimn-lns. aaioons. HENRY KAUFMANN , In the nuw brick block on Douulmi Stroct , baa just opened a moat elegant Ilcej Hall. Hot LUnch from 10 to 12 everyday. " Caledonia " 1 FALCONKR 67B 16th Streot. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Store * . P. 0 BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St , Fancy Goods CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. Al sufferers from th s disease that are anxious to bo cured should try DR. KISSNER'S Cele brated Consumptive Powders. These Pow ders aietho only preparation known that will euro Consumption and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs indeed , so strong i ? our faith in them , and also to comlnce jouthut the ) ' are no humbug , we will forward to every sufferer , by mall , post paid , a free Trial Box. Wo don't want your money Until you are per fectly satisfied of their curatlio pan era If 3 our llfets worth saving , don't delay In giving these Powders a trial , as they will surely cure you. Price , for largu box , i3 00 , sent to any part of the United States or Canada , by mall on receipt of price. Address , ASH & ROBBINS , nlldlv SCO Fulton St , Bronklvn. N. Y. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA BITTERS ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturer . OMAHA. Mary J. Holmes , Just published : Madeline. A splendid now novel by Miia. MART J. HOLMPJI , whose no\ols sell xo enormously , and are riad and re-read with such Interest. Beautifully bound ; price , $1.60. * . * Also handsome new editions ofMrs. Holmes' other ork8 TcnitiLst aii'l Hunnhlne , Lena HUcrH. Edith Ljle , Edna Browning , SI anon Ore ) , Wont I/ivi ! , Forc t IIou o , etc , tic. ALSO , SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS : MAY AGNES FLEMING. A Changed Heart. Another Intensely Inter- oKtlng noul by.MAACIM'H I'LKMIMI , author of those capital rio\.U ( ! uy Hirltcourt'H Wife , A \ VondtrfiilVonmn , Mad Marriago. .Silent and Trill , l.oxt for a Woman , etc Beautifully bound ; price , n.M. Q. wTcAnTETON & CO. , Oat2lileodli Publishers , N. Y. City. Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wagons , Buyglos , Keajwrs , Threshers and Mill Machinery. It Is IKVALUAHLH TO rARU KIM AND IXAMBTKUi. It cures Scratches and all kinds olfioroo on Horses ted Stock , on well as on men. men.OLAEK & WISE , Manors , 085 Illinois Street , Chicago 8K TO ; - . % * * > , THE OCCIDENTAL I J. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB. Eatos , Two Dollars Per Day , SMfltn PERU AND CHILI , A Iiium Goutlonmu's Accouub of Their Eolntions. Horrililo Crurltln Cnmmittoil by tbo Soldiurj' . Sati KraiifI fa Chroinlfle , Hi'p ' Among tlio lussi'iiuerj whonrrivud by tlio stoainiT South Carolina , on Tuesday was Seiior Don ( itiillurmo \V. Swnynu of Lima , 1'orti , the owner of liirgo Htiiitr t'st.itua in that country , llnving liold tlio coiiiiiiisBion of i\ lioutoiiiiiit-coloiK'l in tlio Peruvian nnny during the hto wnr with Chill , an tntorviow with him was sought by a Chronicle roportur yesterday , to uliotn lie sitid : "You have doubtlosR lio.inl about tlio disiiutus but\voen General Hurl- but and GunornlKilatrickthu | United Sttitea Alinistura to Peru and Chill. The conduct of General lulpatrick hna caused much comment in I'oru. Thu facts of tlio cnau briefly stated are us follows- Patrick Lynch , tlio General commanding the Chileim army of oc cupation nt Limn , issued a proclama tion setting torth the terms of penco. The document spcciltcd that , in addi tion to the money indemnity to bo paid by Peru , Olnli intended to tnlo ; and hold for over the Peruvian province of Tarnpaca. This iirovinco is the seat of almost inexhaustible nittr beds , the value of which cnnnot bo eatimat- ed. DIPLOMATS AT I.OOdlCKIIIJAI ) . Garcia Calderon , the Peruvian President , refused to accept. In mak- inij this refusal ho was advired by Jlmiflter Hurlbut , who furthermore told him that he was not in any event to renounce his oflice , or givu up the governing power. General Hurlbut , in n note to General Patrick Lynch , stated that the terms of peace proposed by Chili weru not satisfactory to the United States Goveinment , and that his instructions were to protest ugainat them. General Lynch repliud that Minister Kilpatrick had written nnote to him saying that he llurlbut had no right to muddle with his actions , and that no Hiich instructions had over been sent from Washington to him , and that lie ( Ljnch ) refused to recog- mV.o General llurlbut's interfcrenco in the matter. To thin note General llurlbut answered that Minister Kil- pattick had no knowledge of his in structions and reitor.ited liis protests. At the date of the lottcr purporting to have been written by Minister Kil- putrick , it is known ho was seriously ill and unable to write. The supposi tion is that the letter was written by Mrs. Kilpatrick , who is a Chilean by birth , nnd is known to exercise con siderable influence in her native land. Kilpatrick hoa , since occupying the position of United States Minister to Chili , exhibited considerable animus towards the Peruvians. " So matters remained up to the time of Senor Sjvaynu's departure from Li ma. A dispatch to the Chronicle of November U3cl says that President Calderon nnd the Peruvian Secretary of Foreign Affairs had been arrested by Lynch and sent to Chili. Senor Swayno , continuing , said : ' When the English , French nnd Italian - ian admirals were at Callao they wished to intervene between the combatants , but United States Minister Christiancy objected , stating that it was the prov ince of the United Statas to act as mediator in any trouble that arose on the American continent. " " * FIENDISH ATKOOITV. Sonar Swayno then described the cruelties practiced by the Chileans , outraging women , murdering children and aged people , and stealing nnd rob bing everywhere. The ofticors ran sacked the house of Senor Swayno , and appropriated his wines nnd pro visions , although he was under the protection of the British flag. Hav ing occasion to visit n Chilean maii-of- war to protest against the massacre of 1300 Chinamen by the troops , ho was asked to breakfast , but the meal was entirely composed of provisions and wino stolen from his residence. The line of march of the Chilean army was marked , ho said , by burned houses , roadways were strewn with the dead bodies of negroes , Cinnamon and Pe ruvians. When the women resisted the embraces of tlio rude soldiery , they were ruthlessly murdered. The Chil ean army consists of 19,000 soldiers at Lima and the coast ports and 3000 at Oroya , on the line of the railroad , to repel the attacks of GeneralCaceres who has a body of Peruvian cavalry that carries on a guerilla warfare with them. "Tho Chilean soldiers are bravo ni'ii , " ho continued , "but our defeats are to bo attributed to bad general ship. I believe- that Chile wishes to annex all Peru , although Santa Maria their President , says that ho is in favor of peace. Trade , however , is slightly improving , but wo have to pay taxes to both the Peruvian Government and our Chilean conquerors , who hold all the portH. The gnano island * at Lobos are also in the hands of tlio Chileans. " Speaking of sugar production , Senor Swayno said that worn it not for the carrying monopily held by the Hritiah steamers and the Pacific Mail Cmnpi- ny , Peru could supply California with HUL'ar of a quality equal lo the bent West Indian product and ut very low rates. The object of Senor Sivaynu'a visit to California is to puichaso ma chinery for sinking artesian wells on his property in I'oru and to visit our principle manufactories. The silver mines of Aricacho are being worked and yield largu returns. The Chileans seized § 1,500,000 in bar silver ntSoro do I'UHCO , which was divided by thy generals among thrmsolveu. The value of a silver Peruvian dollar (02 ( cents ) is § 15 in paper currency. Living is gutting cheaper , and us soon an the terms of peace are settled thoru is no doubt that Peru will regain its former prosperity. Tbo Kin a of Railroad Constructors- St lioulu ( Jloliu-Dunoirat Gen. Q , M. Dodge , President of the Pacific Kail way Construction Company the American Construction Company and the International and GroatNorth- ern Construction Company , arrived in tlio city yesterday , accompanied by his private secretary , H , K. Wallace. They are on their way east from a trip of inspection over the 1DOO miles of road constructed uudor the supervision of Gen. Dodge in the past eighteen months. Gen. Dodge is now busy tlto JJow Orlr-ms mile * . This will bo complete * ' by the fust of ( lie year , and will i - , no of the quickest pieces of rnilimil e in struction tui record There nio but tliifly miles more to bo built to emu- ploto thu road , mill this is boUet-n the Atclinftiln Uivor nnd Chanty Hirer. The briilgo ever Atclinftiln Kiver is now boini { built , the transfer bunt being used nt present. Tim will bean an iron briilgo. At Aloxnndru , ever the Hod Uivor , n benutlfttl iron briJito will span the stream. A branch nt tlio Missouri 1'acifio will bo built from \lii.\miiiria , La. , to the Stati-lino uf Aikansas , where connection \vill bo mailo with the St. Louis , Iron Moun tain and Southern. The Iron Mountain is building from Noble , Ark , to tlio Louisiana State Line. Theao t\\n lines will bo connected before the ivpii.i- tbu of the cominj ; joar , when a direct rail communication between Kt Loins nnd Now Orleans will bo eHtaWnhed , and will bo known as the "St Louis nnd Now Orleans Short Line , under ono management. . The building of the Intenntioiiiil mid Gioat Northern from San Antonio to Lirodo , Texas , will bo tlnislied by December 15 , and the distance of tit- teen miles will bo covered by thnt timo. As soon as this work is com pleted an iron bridio will bo built over the Uio Gramlo Hirer. "When this atructuro shall have been completed , the Mexican extension will bo puihud forward with all possible i.ipulitv. This extension will bo built nniior the elegant title of the "Mexican , Orien tal , Interoceanic nnd International Itailrond Company. " It will be 700 miles ih length , and run from larcdn to the City ot Mexico in almost nn air line , passim ; through the best Mexi can country. It is believed beyond n doubt that Gen. Dodge has built nnd his been supervising constructor of more miles of railroad thtui any three men now alive. The General leaves for the east via the Vnndiilia this ovonmir. Making n Raise trolm HaH , Civdit , 1" . O. . nayn that fur nine moulln he couhl not ramo hix Iwml to IIH head , through IUIIICIIPHH in tinhhnul - dor , Imt by tlio u o of THOMAS' Kurriui Oil , lie wna entirely cured. dtcVooillw A CRACK SHOT. Tbo Moit Wonderful Rlflo Shoot ing on Kooord. California Aihtrtlstr , Prince Otto , the boy chief of the NuPorces Indians , the piologo of Cap * . McDonald , and , without ex ception , the most wonderful lijlo shot in the world , gave an exhibition of rilk1 shooting at Platt's hall , last week , that was far superior to the best work over done by Carver or Dr. lluth. The audience was select , and included sev eral English , French , llussinn nnd Italian ollicers , nnd evotyono piesont was satisfied nt the close of the exhi bition that they had witnessed the most wonderful feats ever performed with a title. After going through a miinuel of arms that would puzzle the oldest military general in the union , Otto commenced shooting. A frame work was built upon the stage , within which were a number of swinging class balls. Upon the roar plankment was suspended the figure of a man , lifo size. A five cent piece was placed upon the head of this figure. Otto's back being to the object , the word "about" was given , and the coin was pierced through the center. Ilo then put down bis rifle six feet from whore ho stood , turned a somersault , caught his ritlo again , fired , andcut the string of the suspended figure at which ho had previously fired. A pistol barrel was then placed in a small frame ; behind this was fixed a razor , with the edge facing the audi ence. On each side of this razor was a class ball securely placed. The pistol barrel , razor , and balls wore masked with a covering of white cloth. The boy was then blindfolded and his back turned to the object. The "about face" was given , when ho fired down through the pistol barrel , split his single rifle ball upon the ra/.or a edge , and broke both glass balls on right and loft. This remarkable feat was performed by the boy's sense of loca tion. Then a loaded pistol was placed diagonally from where Otto ntood. Three balls were yet swinging in con trary directions. Otto fired , hit , the trigger of the pistol , and broke the three balls. Eight metal balls wore then screwed on the ten foot frame. On the sides below and above bulls wore sot swinging in every direction. MacDonuld stood in front of the boy , who then fired over his head , and at each side of him , and between his knees , breaking the balls from any and every part where they were sus pended behind MacDonahl'sback. A targont was then put up behind Mac- Donald's back. The boy went through the same porformace , standmgopposito MncDonald , and rung the boll ( which is placed at the extreme rear ) at every shot by caroming on the metal balls , Six small lighted tapots were then ar ranged upon a slender perpendicular pole ; then , while in the various pos tures of vaulting and tumbling , Otto extinguished each respective light with his riflp. Ohm lulls were thrpwn up in the air in every oonceivable di rection. These Otto broke promiscu ously without any sight at all , for a largu business card was fastened over the point of hin rifle. This description of nhooting ho con siders thu most simple , and , though wonderful to the spectator , scarcely worthy of his own prowosH. Otto'u average in tins clasi of tdiooling iu 08 out of 100. Otto placed his weapon at a point distant six feet from him , then , at thu word "ready , " two glass balls were thrown in thu air. He tumbled , caught his rillo , iitpd and broke both of these balls with onu shot. Twelve glass balls Wtro placed upon a perpendicular polo m exact ro tation. Otto loaded , fired nnd broke every one of them in twelve Hocond.H. Otto's favorite weapon is the Win chester rifle , one of which , in token of admiration , was presented to him by the Winchester Killo company. To close the performance , Otto , while his left arm was securely tied to his wide , loaded , aimed , fired , and broke a large number of glass balls with his right aim. Buolmn n Arnica Halve. Thu best salve in the world for unts , bruises , sores , ulcers , s.ilt rheum , foyer oores , tetter , chapped hands , chillblaiiiSj corns and all Icindu of uldii eruptions , This salvo la guar anteed to give puifect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price , 2fm per box , For sale by 1 ' , ! . , , . v " > . , ' , AUTUMN THOUGHTS. SomoOloomyRr llrotlomAtiniit tlin SiMttott. Then. ' van be nnllting Bidder then the solemn hush of nature precede - cede the death of the j car. The golden - on glory i > f autumn with the billows t > ron/od and velvet imire of the skies abn\o tlio n jnl robe * of oak ami nnplo bospenk the eloUng hours of nature's teeming life a'ul ' the MleiU fa resell to humanity's gauyo under wear. Tint * while naluru dotn her roboiof arlet nnd gold in honor of the faio- well benefit to autumn , thei ond-oyod poet Mi'.iU swiftly away tn the neigh boring clothes hue , nnd in the hour of nature's grand blovv-i ut dons the ll.uniin.1 lUnuels of hii friend out of respect for the hectic Hush of the dy ing year. Leaves Invo their time to fall , and so has the piiee of coal. And yet how s.ully at Mirianeoith dio.iyingnatmo u the r obi Hi market. Another glorious summer with itn wealth of pleasant memories is stored nwny among thu nrehives of our hiato ry. Another gloomy winter 11 upon us , These wondeifiil coloiH that llamu ncrosi the softened sky of Indian mini- HUT hko the gory Kinuer of a rojal conqueror , eoino but to warn us tliat in a few weeks the water pipe will bu buiat in the kitchen nnd the decorated ush-lniwl will lie htoKcn. We Hit tbrotii ; ! ) thu dioamy bourn of Hummer hko swift uinged bumble bees amid the honeysuckle nnd pump kin blosBoiiiH , fttoiitig away pptiinps a httlo glucose honey and buckwheat pancakoH for the future , but all nt once , like a nownpaper thief in the night , the king of trust nnd lipu mel low chilblains ! H upon us , and wu crouch beneath the wintry bloat nnd bump our spinal column up into the eimii air like a Texas steer that has thoughtlessly swallowed n raw cactus. Lifo is one continued lound of al ternate joys and sorrows. To-day we are on the top wave of prosperity nnd warming ouisolves in the glad HUH- light of plenty , and to-moriow we are east down and depressed financially , and have to stand up the washerwoman an for our clean shirt or stay nt home from the opera. The October sky already frowns down on us , nnd Unfrozen team begin lo fall. The little buds have hushed their little lay. So has I ho fatigued hen. Only a little while and thuyniMi- ing chasm in the cold , calm features of thu Thanksgiving turkey will be filled with vohiptoimstulfing nnd then sowed up. Thu florid features of thu polygamous gobbler will bo wrapped in sadness , nnd ci.uibuiiy pie will bo a burden , for the veal cutlet goeth to its long home , and thu icoeivam freer.- or is biokun in the woodhoimo. Oh , time , thou bald headed pelican with the venerable corn cutter and the second-hand hoinglasB , thou playest htr.mgo pranks upon thu children of men. No ono would think to look at thy bilious countenance and store teeth that in thy bony bosom lurked such eccentric schemes. The chubby boy , whoso danger sig nal hung1) sadly through the lattice woik of his pants , knows that time , who waits for no man , will ono day , if ho struggles heroically on , give him knowledge and suspenders , and a solid girl , and experience , and a soft , white mustache , nnd eventually a low grave in tbo valley beneath the sighing elms and the wuuping willow , where , in thu misty twilight of the year , noiselessly upon hm breast shall fall the dead leat , while the silent tear of the gray autumnal sky will come and sink into the yellow grnfs above his bond. ALMOST ORAXY. How oiten do wo aeo the hardworking ing father straining every nerve and muscle , and doing his utmost to sup port his family. Imagine his feelings when returning home from a hard day's labor , to tind hi family pros trate with discaso , conscious of unpaid doctors' bills nnd dubta on every hnnd. It must bo enough to drive ono almost crazy. All this unhappiness could bo avoided by using Electric Hitters , which expel every discaso from the system , bringing joy nnd happiness to thousands. Sold at fifty cents a bet tle. Ish & McMahon. (8) ( ) LIQUOR LICENSES. To tlio Liquor Denlom of Omaha. MAHW'H ' Omen , 1 November 2H , 1881. J The Oily Council of Omnlin , performing tlio duly di'volvhi' , ' upon It under thu liitiou ( if 1881 , p ovidiiiK for the liLensiii ) , ' of di'nlerx in ! iciu | > r.i in Nebraska , liuve punned un oidlnuncu which takes clfcct on the lit day of .rnmwry , A. D. 188 , ' . Under the tonim of thin ordnance u 1 who propose to I'UgiiKO m tliu vending of In- Inxic.itiuK liqtinrs In tills city , mint file with'tlio City Cleric of Umulin tbulr appli cation for liccnxo , accompanied by n peti tion tiom tliiity free JioliluiH ru ident in tliu ward whmo it in jiropo-ed to nell liquor , n bond in tlio Mini of : * . " , ' ( ) I con ditioned nx required by law and tliu rj- ccipt of tliu City Treaxnrtr ni l.nnlia ) for tin amount duo f r tin. time tlio lictn-c ) U rciiurid | ill the into < > f 51,00) ) per annum. Blanks will lie found in tliu olliio of tliu City Cleric nnd will l > u fnniixlii'd upon up- plication. Under tliu law nn llci-nmi can itnui ! ln'jdiiil thu end of tliu iMinldpal vojr v liich in tlio fir l Monday after tliu firnt TiiuMlay in April A. I ) . 1K-C' , All applications for HUIMHU nuiHt lie OMT f r the ( .paw of two wtul.x , dining ninth limo tliu notice reijuiiul by hiw iniiBL lie publinlud by tlm iipi.lic.vnt , : i blank form of Htich notieu will bu fiirnihlmil by thu city clerk. To'ivuthu ( ri ht to pell liquor , cominvnciiiK ilaiuiary Int , 18S- . applica tions tuul petition * H'ould bo m du on or licforutlio ftith day < if DceoinhtT , A. 1) . , 1H81. On .Iniinaiy Iht , 1HHL' , idl enlooiiH for the Halu of liipior in Onialia , not liuvns cd under i litKiid oiiliniin miixt clew unil rtmiilii cloxul , for vinlatorx of thu I iw will lie arrcHlcd by tliu inarnluil nnd pohcu of thu city. SlKliud ) .FAMl'lt K. Uolli , Cnjiy ) nllO-Ot Mnyor of Oinalm. To Nervous Sufterers THE QREAT EUIROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific It l & po | tu ocuro for Hixrmitoirhra , Bemln * Wooknww. Icii ] toncy , and nil illstaHua ruxultlnt ; Irom Holl-AbUio , on Huital Atuluty , latai Memory , 1'alni In the llact or Kjile , Mid illntiaHui 1 " ' Dmt IOJKJ ( t'oii iniitlon | In HIM lt > an I . _ , _ ont fruu to ll. Write (01 ( thuui mil ( -ut lul tlcubtn. I'tlce , RjK'dflc , f 1.00 ptr j ck e , or li | cl. tgvu lor 85.00 , Aildrua all orilcn Iu H. HI11SON MKDICINK ( XI. No * . 1M and 100 Main Ht. liult&lo , N , V. Slid In Oiimhu liy U. y. Uooilinr.n , J.V. . Dull , J. K N4 , unil all ifr"L' lrt i.jrj' liuri. A. & N. AND O. & K. V. H. R. , OENTUAL NEBRASKA. MOHK18 .JONES Agricultural Implomonta J. A. IIAltll AL'rictilturnl Implements U. I'KI'PEll tV CO General Morolmiidiso F. H. ANOKhL Gonural 5run5hnudiBo .1. V. 1WOWN ODiioral MurClmudiBo HEINHAHDT A SON Guuor.d Rrorclmudiao SEAUGENT , WA LKER iV CO ( Harrison , Nob. ) Muichandiso W. U. HOSTON Wholosalu nud Retail Hnrdware , Stoves , .to .1. T. NELSON Grocer KELLER 1 UOS Grown NV. F. GATES D.ivid City K.iki-ry , Groceries , , tc A. .J. MARTIN Jewelry , Silvenvaro nnd Clocks .1. 1 $ . MORGAN Furniture nnd Undertaking .JAMES BELL Lumber , Limo , &o A. .1. MALOY Itad or LumberYnnl ( J. G. GROSS Meat l\Inrk \ t , Pork l'okinj { and Grocery GEO. SMA11A Meat Market 0. B. CHURCHILL Stock Raiser LOUIS SMITH Harness and Saddles BANYE & ROBERTS Barber Simp SPELTS & KLOSTERMAN Grain and Block MERCHANTS' AND FARMERS' BANK Bell & Leonard , Bankers BUNTING & RUNYON Real EsUto Olfico , Agonta R. R. Lands 0. 1L I'ORU Real Estate , Loan and Insurance Otlico MART MILLER Attorney at Law and Loan Oilico ROBERTS , WESTOVKlUfWILLIAMS. . Attorneys , also Thoroughbred Stock DEAN < t OL1NOMAN Atton.oys , Real EsUto anil Abstract ODico HORACE GARFIELD Attorney at Law DR. G II. TEEOLES Physician and Surgeon E. B. TAYLOR Clerk of District Court FRANK DAVIS Tn-nsurorButler County F. W. LEONH ARDT B. & M. Station Agent GEORGE OSTERHOUT Judge of Butler County HENRY WILL Commercial House D. R. BULLOCK David City House ( B. & M. R. R. , Central Nebraska. ) TTTXO.A.- R. Tliygcson ' Hardware , Stoves and Tinware C. C. Turner Blacksmith and Wagon Maker G. A. Darby Real Estate , Justice of tlio Peace and Insurance Agent .1. W. Stricklor General Merchandise W. E. McOlouil tfc Co Hardware , Stoves and Tinware Metropolitan Hotel W. W. Shufeldt , Proprietor EDHOLM & E RIGE80 N Givetlie Bargains IN ALL KINDS OF JEWELRY WATCHES.CLOCKS , SILVERWARESOLID , AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Pricou that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wieheaa First * Olasw Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively by us , ALSO WESTERN" AG-ENTS FOR THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS. Opposite the Post Office , I TfTTTTC - czs T Of the Very Lutoet Styles. LADIE , GENTS , AUE CHILDffl MRS. HUBERMANN'S ' , 10th Street , Bet. Capitol tvvonuo and Davenport. Fura made irinijr douo 10t