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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1881)
/ r FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , DECEMBER s , issi , NO. 144 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Very Brief ProcoGflinga in tlio Senate Yesterday , Progress of the Fight for the Possession of the Council BlufTt ) Fostoffloe. How the Chairmanships of the House Committees Will Probably be Distributed , Formal Occupation of the Ren ovated White House by President Arthur. Long thy Undent of MlnoolltinoonH Notes From the Capital- CONGRESS. National An ochtcJ 1'rc-is. rilOCKKDIKUH IN TUB HKXATK. WAHIIINOTOK , December 7. The morning hour was occupied with the prosecution of executive business , reception ception of communications and pot I tioni and thu introduction of bills. Nothing of public importance in either class. WASIIINOTON , December 7. The introduction of bills occupied the time of the senate until half past 1. Mr. Hoar offered a resolution for a select committee on woman suffrage. Referred. Contrary to expectation , Mr. Merrill - rill , whowas to address the senate on his tariff commifsion bill , did not do aobut instead moved to adjourn which was at 1:45 : p. m. agreed to. rKOCHKDINOS IK THK HOUSE. The house met at 12 o'clock. Iho territorial delegates were all sworn iu save Mr. Cannon , of Utah , whoso credentials were objected to. A dis cussion followed , sharply participate ! in by Mossro. Haskoll , of Kansas Cox , of Now York and Randall , o Pennsylvania. Pending the question the message of the president was road. After the reading of the message , McKinley , of Ohio , introduced u resolution elution that a committee of ono from each state bo appointed to act with a senate committee to provide proper recognition of the the president's death. At 6:30 : p. m. the house adjournoc until Friday noon. HA.WKEYE OFFICE SEEKERS National Associated Proes. THK DISTRICT ATTOUNEYSUir. CHICAGO , December 7. . A . .Wash ington special says there is quite an interesting fight -over two prominen offices in Iowa. The first is that p : the United States district attorney ship for that state. 'James T. Lane , pres ent incumbent , who hM ' for reappointment ; his commissioi expired on the 8th of Nsvomber one he has been holding over since that date. His most prominen rival is John Runnells , of Dos Sfoines. There arc several other minor candi dates in the field. A meeting of the Iowa delegation in congress failed to agree on any ono to recommend to the president and adjourned over ono week , when the matter will again bo discussed. Rourescntative Hepburn ' ' ! was for a Mr. Anderson , but Air. l ? I Anderson withdrew Irut night and Mr. Hepburn's support will probably go to Mr. Ruiinollp. Should this bo the case , and Senator McDill also vote for Ruunolls , it ia considered mos likely that Mr. Runnolls will bo ap pointed. COUNCIL ULUFFS POSTOmCE. The other fight is over the p stmas- toratiip of Council Bluffs. Tlio pres ent incumbent is Mrs. Jane Baldwin. Her commission expired some time ago and she was reappointed by Mr. if Arthur. Representative Hepburn , in whoso district the postonico is situ ated , did not happen to be consulted 1 ! about the matter and has consequently felt very much aggrieved. Ho , in conjunction with United States Marshal Chapman , who is hero , ia working to have Mrs. Baldwin dis placed and a man named Armour ap pointed to the position. Armour was first led to seek the place because his wife's mother was the first cousin of President Garfield , and when Oarfield was alive ho saw him in reference- getting the place. Mrs. Baldwin is endorsed by Secretary Kirkwood , Senators McDill and Allison , and a majority of the people at Council BluUs. _ COMMITTEE CHANGES- XnUonal Amoclatccl Pre ' . SKNATE 11EOUUANIZATION. WASHINGTON , December 7. Since the senate committees were formally reorganized changes have been neces sitated by the retirement of Senators Conkling and Platt , the death ot Burnsido and the admission of Sena tor Windom to succeed Edgerton. The republicans , although they have passed a resolution continuing the \ \ committees , are not altogether satis fied with them as now constituted , When vacancies occurred they were tilled by putting the now man on the same committee as his predecessor , but at the bottom of the republican list ! Thus New York lost the chairmanship of the com merce committee and the foreign relations committee passed from ( joner.U Biirnside ( by Lapham who auccet'dod Conkling ) to Kdmunds , who also holds the chairmanship oi the judiciary committee. Mr. Me- Millan , who was chairman of the re vision of lawn , by the retirement of Conkling got the commerce , giving him also two committees. There are but thirty-nine committees , standing and select. Had Windom remained iu the senate ho would have boon en titled to the appropriations committee and a place on the railroads and trans portation routes to the seaboard ; as to Edcerton ho amis to tin- Foot of the Hat of republicans on pensions , patents , and edu cation and labor , his former standing coing for _ naught. At n caucus this morning it was proposed but not generally favored nd a committee was appointed to consider the subject , and it is quite probable some voluntary changes will bo made on the republican side to AC- cmmodato existing circumstances. Another caucus will bo hold in a few days. 110UBK tomilTTKKH. Speaker Keifor is'hard at work on the housecommittees. . The chair manship state is nut materially chang ed since yesterday , though nothing dclinitu can bo stated , njwclal to Cincinnati Comincrchl. The announcement of standing committees of 'the house by the speaker will not bo made for a week. There are eighty-eight republicans re elected , and sixty or seventy who have been members in previous con grosses. There are forly-two stand ing committees , three joint and five select committees , so that only about one-half of the old members can bo provided with chairmanships. Reed , of iMiiinu , would probably bo as signed totlioclmirinansliipoii elections were it not that his own seat is con tested by Anderson , democrat. His preference would J > e be judiciary , of which ho was a niferabcr lost session. There are four equally prominent re publicans who sek the sumo honor , Robinson , of Massachusetts ; McKinley - loy , of Ohio ; Williams , of Wisconsin , and Willits , of Michigan. Tlio committee dn rejections will be a very important committee to the re publicans of this cdn rcss , there being seventeen contested election cases , fifteen of which ore , from the southern states , and involvoltho scats of demo cratic members. \ The chairmatiBhip of the ways and means committee will bo given , it is said , to W. D. Kelley , of Pennsyl vania ; appropriations to Frank His- cock , of Now York ; banking and cur rency to A. W. CrapoJ of Massachu setts ; Pacific railroads to Benj. But- torworth , of Ohio ; claims , Richard Crowley , of Newj York ; commerce , Mark Ii. Dunnell , of Minnesota ; Dunnoll is chairman of the Missis sippi river c < mmisaion ; public lands , John H. Ketchum , of New York ; post oilicos and railroads , Joseph G. Cannon , of Illinois ; dis trict of Columbia , Henry S. Nual , of Ohio ; war claims , C. 0. Carpenter - tor , of Iowa ; public expenditures , Romual Do Pacheco , of California ; ag ricultural , Edward K. Valentine , el Nebraska ; Indian affairs , Russell Er- rett , of Pensylvanid ; military affairs , Anson G. McCook , of New York ; naval affairs , Goorcro M. Robeson , ol New Jersey ; foreign affairs , John A. KasRon , of .Iowa } unless Kasaon should prefer to bemamed second on the committee on ways and means , when W : W. Rice , of Massachusetts , would probably . .cxppct the appoint ment. - " , Thomas L. YouBf/oflOhio , haa the choice of' Urnto'ri * B < JjJublio build- - Tennessee , railways' and canals ; James B. Belford , of Colorado , mines and mining ; Horace F. Page , of Califor nia , education and labor ; A. Herr Smith , of Pennsylvania , accounts ; George R. Davis , of Illinois , invalid pensions ; Jay A. Hubbell , of Michi gan , pensions. Of course the list is subject to change , as mombor.s themselvuH may agree upon positions sought. The joint committee on census will bo an important committee this sua sion , having in charge the apportion ment bill and will probably bo ton- tendered B. F. Harris , of Massachu setts , Orth , of Indiana , is spoken offer for the elections committee , and Julius C. Burrows , of Michigan , for paivate land claims. These are the important committees , but there are still twenty more chairmanships to bu provided for. It is usual for the upcakor to consult with the members who are prominent in the party before making his final assignments. Thu labor of forming the committees will bo un usually irksome this Benson , and most of the republicans will bo obliged to serve on three or four different com mittees. CAPITAL NOTES- MINOU COMM1TTEK CHANGES. WAHIIINOTON , December 7. The republican senators hold a caucus this morning to determine changes in the committees made necessary by the succession of Mr. Edgorton by Mr. Windom. No important changes were made. M\U.0\ . Two cases of ninallpo.have up peared hero. Till : WHUTAKEU CASE. The decision in the Whittakcr case haa been completed by Judge Advo- catr General Swaim , after u careful review of the facts , and is now being written out by his clerks for trans mission to Secretary Lincoln. STKKL ItLOOM TAJUKK. A party of iron and steel manufac turers and importers are bcforo the secretary of the treasury to-day argu ing against the old slot 1 bloom c.uo. The controversy grows out of the fact that a rate per pound is charged at the custom house on the stool blooms un der GOO pounds , while thu rnto fixed iy thu tariff regulations on GOO pound blooms is 45 per cunt , ad valorem , making a largo discrimination in favor of certain importers. The argument will take all the afternoon. TIIF. HOUTH IX THU I'AIII.VKT. A delegation of southern represen tatives called on the president to-day to ask the appointment of a southern man in the cabinet. President Ar thur said he would consider the mat ter and promised i concilatory policy towards the south. CAUINIT : IIUMOK.H. It was rumored to-day that Secreta ry Blaine had insisted on being re leased from the portfolio of state at once and that the name of his success or would bo sent to the senate to. morrow. Mr. Blame said his resig nation had been in the hands of the prov'dont for somn time with the tin- dcrstandini ; that ho would accept it at lis convenience. President Arthur stated to-night ihat the resignation of Secretary Blftino had not been accepted and ho could not say when any cabinet nom inations would be sent to the senate , [ t is Raid , however , that the now at torney general and secretary of state would bo nominated within ten days ; that Hunt will remain till January , James will stay till next June , Lincoln will be given a prominent foreign mission and Emory Storrs will then bo appointed attorney general oral , replacing the temporary appointee to the department of justice. AT HO.MK. President Arthur dined at the white house this evening , accompanied by his secretaries , Heed , Phillips and Drown , and having as guests John D.xvis , son of Bancroft D.ivi * , and Howard Carroll. The president's personal etl'ects , books , papers , office desks , etc. , were removed from tlio Jones mansion. The president's bud chamber will bo the "Nellie Grant Chamber. " The white house in its now dross is greatly improved. The main lobby has been kalsomined in light shades and the chairs , lounges , etc , Imvo beenro-covercd in light silk shade. In the east room the furniture tureis rich , the woodwork is all ebon- ized , the upholstery is of old gold with golden brocade window curtains The green room is tinted a Nile green und is more beautiful than before. The blue parlor remains as it was. The red parlor lias boon elaborately renovated , the velvet carpet is ren dered brighter with a filigree crimson wool mat , the woodwork is rosewood , and the furniture ia in crimson plush. The halls and stairways have all been rccarpotod in velvet. Upstai'H all the rooms have been made comforta ble and cheerful. U01UULL ON TUB TAKIK/ . Senator Merrill gavanotico Monday that ho would address the senate to day on his bill proposing tariff com mission. Routine business consumed nearly two hours and Merrill declined to begin his speech. He will probab y deliver ii to-morrow. THK BANKUUIT LAW , * . The sub-committee of the senate judiciary having in charge the subject of the bankrupt laws have prepared a report to submit to the full committee at its next meeting. The members hope a bill for a permanent bankrupt law will be perfected and reported to the senate before the holidays. CASUALTIES. A MAN TKAV. DBTUOIT , Mich. , December 7. The Canada Southern railroad bridge be tween Trenton , Mich. , and Gross Isle , is a veritable man-trap through which half a dozen people have fallen to the river and drowned within the past year. The latest fatalities are the .tlrowning'of Jay Smith , a Gross Isle farmer , Monday night , and a German employed at the stock yards on the island hut' ovemiig , 'the parties in .each case being in the'act of crossing tothoii hombvwhcn tl icy fell through. MINOR UAKUALTIEH. DETROIT , Mich. , December 7. The schooners Cosaack , of this port , and the H. H. Baldwin , of Cleveland , at 2 o'clock this morning , while trying to get in , went on the rocku. Both are in great peril and thu crows Imvo not been rescued , as the wind is blow ing 'M miles an hour with heavy seas bacaking over thorn. The Cossack ia owned by Capt. S , B. Grummond , of this city , and thu insurance expired yesterday noon. The Baldwin in owned by Peter Smith , of Cleveland. Montreal's Infernal Machine. National Associated 1'rem. MO.NTUKAL , December 7. Another infernal machine has been discovered concealed at the north wall of the court house , the location being the same as the first ono. It was similar to the ono which caused thu excitement - mont on Sunday. J. B. Rouillard , mining oiuincor , and John Finn , chemist , have examined the contents of the explosive boxes and have dis covered them to bo onginoaof d us trac tion far more terrible than expected. Under the direction of the police to day , they will not give any more in formation other than they have found them to be not only intended for dm- truction of property , but aimed direct ly at taking human life. The expla nation of the dynamite not exploding in ths second box when thu powder charge went off is tiniple ; dynamite will not explode when frozen and that in .tho boxes wan congealed at the time and in still in that condition. The reason also why the clock work of the box first bound was not aot at work or a cap attached to the nipple , was that being placed near the other it was expt-ctud that when the latter exploded it would blow up the first aljio. In the box were pieces of U'Donovnn Roasa's newspaper , dated in November last. Eicli box is an oblong square of galvani/ed iron , -1x4 x9 inches , containing twelve cartridges of ordinary dynamite , generally known as giant powder labeled "Atlas. " A Colored Cadaver. National Auoelatod 1'ruu. ATLANTA , Ga. , December 7. When .ho Georgia railroad train arrived to- light , a trunk was opened and found .o contain the body a negro woman. File trunk was for the Southern Mod- cal college at this place. The FrrBcl nt' Brother. fatlnna Gnu-Arm , December 7. Major Ar- hur , of the United States army , jrothor of President Arthur , arrived n thu city this uttonioon from San Francisco. Ho and party are en route for Now York. Indications- S'atlor.ttl A oclatid J'rcoH. WANIIINOTO.V , December ! 8. For the upper Mississippi and lower Mis- rouri valleys : Parly cloudy weather , local rains , followed by clearing weather , warmer , south veering to colder northwest winds , rising preceded - ceded in the east district by falling barometer. NOT SO VERY CRAZY. Testimony in Rebuttal to Show the Fallacy of the Olaim , A. Number of Preoport Wit nesses Who Never Saw it in the Family. How Guitoau ia Trodtod by the Crowda Through Which Ho Daily PasBos. Solution of That Ccnuplrnqy Sonsa- iion Dlnoornrnd ia Chicago. ' 3tl GUITEAtTv THK I'llKHIDKNT tt.tKKK. WASHINGTON , December 7. The court room was packed at the opening this morning. The jury were early in their scats. Guitoau was escorted in hirty ( ) after 10 o'clock. His hands were full of papers and lid settled down to their potusal offer tlio hand. cuffs hnd been removed. , As soon as Judge Cox took his seat. Guiteau became excited and said : "Tho American peo- | ilo do not desire tlmt this case should bo tried aeojn. Now , 1 am not satisfied with th political sit uation as developed in this case. Thu president of the Uiiitod States would never have been shot if it had not been for the political situation. I ask your honor to aubixuna Grant , Conkling and Platt. They were so down on Garfield list spring tlmt they would not speak to him. I have a right to show that if yonr honor does not permit mo to do this , I think the court iu bane will grunt anew now trial. I also desire io say I will make the clossng speech1 for the de fense after Scovillo baa had his say. Scovillo says ho baa submitted six writte i questions to President Arthur but has received no answer up to the preapi.t tima. ,1 don't want President Arthnr dragged into this case in this way. I think a great deal of President Arthur.I made him president and he ! knows it. Ho in president of the United States , and 1 made him B , and I think I should have something to say in thin Witter. " i It was arranged between the coun sel that the president's answers should bo put in as evidence at any sta o of the trial. Gun. W. T. Sherman was the next witness. Ho simply recited the or ders ho had issued for the disposition of troops at the time of the assassina tion. tion.Drs. Drs. Spitzka , of New York , and Nettie G. Kudo , of Chicago , wore called but did not answer. Scoville request ed that attachments bje issued for them.The defense her * rested. In rebutUSTf'tlbneral Sherman was 'the first witness placed ' * n the stand. him at the time of his arrest on the shooting of Oar field. A military force wan ordered out immediately. "Why was that done ] " asked Cork- hill. hill."Well "Well , " added the witness , "the shooting of Gurfiold under the cir cumstanced reported gave reason to apprehend it was part and parcel of a conspiracy pervading the country. Of course the military Wits bound to act promptly to bo ready lor any contin gency that might possibly arise. " Prisoner I am obliged to Sherman for ordering o"ut the troops for my protection. E. T. Dartou testified that ho knew the prisoner's father a number ol years. Ho was under the improasion if he acted up to the provisions of the Now Testament ho would live for ever , but did not think him insane foi that. He expressed the opinion all of Guiteau'u family were of sound mind * . A. T. Green , of Froopnrt , Illinoip , test ili ed ho know the prisoner's futli- era number of years ; always regarded him ao person. Jardner W. Canada , Dr. Buckley and Smith D. Atkins , of Fruoport , give testimony. Itecess was taken at 12UO : p. m. for one hour. The first witness called after recess was JUH. Cochran , of Freeport , 111. He stated that lie had been well ac quainted with the prisoner's father and never noticed any sign of mental disturbance on hifl part. IIu wns ac quainted with other members of the Family and never noticed any nymp- turns of insanity amo.ig them. The prisoner asked if the witness didn't know that his lather wnn looked upon an a crank on rcligioim matters. The witness repeated that he did nit. Prisoner "Well , this witness may < now about my father's habits in : > usinoBH matters , hut lie knows noth- g of hi * social habits. " Gov. Oiler , of Freeport , had known the prisoner's father for u long time , and never heard his sanity questioned. A. A. Babcock stated he knew the iriaonor'a father and family , and never saw anything indicating insanity in connection with them. The prisoner , who had been busy reading , hero exclaimed : "I am glad eneral Arthur raps Moriiioiiisin m lis message , and I hope he will rap t ngain. I expect General Arthur will give the nation the finest adininie- ion it lias ever had. Thu inossiigo ma the trim ringabout it. " A peul of aughtcr followed this outburst , and the prisoner looked at the spectators ind smiled. D.vvid Sundorhind , of Freeport , was next placed on the stand , He ; ave similar testimony in regard to he utility of the piiaonur's father and 'iiinily , as also did Horace Tarbox , and the court adjotrnetl at 't p. in , until 10 a. m , to-iuorruw , INl'IIJF.NTH. When Guiteau leaves the court IOUBO in the van each day there is more or loss hissing and yelling by the crowd , and frequently on the way lown crowds of colored pnopln end ichool boys jeer at the primi > 'r. In some instances in residences in thu t root a through which the van passes women are seen shaking their lists at ho prisoner. Guiteau do-'n not , of sourao , see these demonstrations. Jinco ho was shot at by Jones ho dors lot stand in the van , neither doe * hoe ( o to the front part of it , his favorite lo.iition being n seat near the door. This morning quito a croud met in the ioii hborhoou of Eighth street vast , with cries of "ahoot him , " "hang iim"utc. The prisoner undo a jump rom the rear to the front and hud liardly recovered from his fright when lie at rived at the court house. THK "MKSSIAH. ' Prof. J. W. Shivoley , of Satnloga Springs , who wns arrested here a few .lays ago and sent to the MIMUIU iwy- inn , now turns out to he the saino man who Mas arrested near Ohicng i ihoutamoiith ago , when , it will bo romembeti'd , at the time of his arrest 10 represented himself an poaawsed of Hccrets of a conspiracy to nsRitxsiiiato ( iarlield , in which Conkling , Grant ind others were alleged to bn implica ted. Comment on the Momnp v s'ntlorml Atwomtul Prow. NKW YORK , December 7. The Times , in two columns , aproves all jut the part referring to the star rou o fraud * . The TimiM says : "Tho president mttkea somewhat gingerly UlusioiiR to the star route fr.uids. It might 1mvo been worth while .o point out that the great reductions which have recently been made iu the exneiiHu of the ntar route service can .mly bo justified on the theory that .ho system which rendered necessary these reductions was both extravagant and corrupt. " The Herald has a column and a half , and says : "Tho message of President Arthur is admirably written ton , calm and dignified in style and tone , and advises congress as it is his constitutional duty to do so on many important subjects with a wisdom and nound judgment which will win for him the public H confidence and for his recommendation the attentive con sideratione of both houses. The Tribune says : "Tho message is strongest on foreign rolationn amt finance , but is not weak any where , and it will be generally accepted by the country as a judicious , moderate and in most respects a satisfactory document. On the civil service ques tion , it shows a disposition to submit as little as possible to the programmi of the civil service reformers. Truth says : "The luenKiigo speaks too well for itself to need any editoria comment. " The Star says : "Tho first message of President Arthur will bo a great disappointment to the country , which has expected so much and will receive in this message so little of proctica value and interest. " The Graphic says : "It is u magnifi cent production. The phraseology i perfect , with no vain repetition. The sentences are clear , cogent and concise ciso , the production of a scholar , statesman , a .isnaf-affairs and r pa triot. The message is full of subject worthy of thought and discussion. " The Post says : "Tho message in , on the whole , a very creditable paper The president has contrived to say something of value on a great man ; topics mid dismisses others withou expressing un opinion on them bu also without great waste of words.- The Southwestern Railway AMMO elation- National Anaorintcd I'rctn CHICAUO , December 7. At the meeting of the southwestern railwa ; asHOciution to-day , it was agreed will the Missouri Hacilic to leave a pottle ment of the now business to bomljiml cd between that company and Secro tury Midgoloy within ninety days , a the expiration of which time thirty days' notice must bo given to with draw from the agreement. The "association re-elected the ol < executive committee J. C. MeMull -nof the Chicago .t Alton , H. H Cable of the Hock Islrnd , T. J. Potte of the Burlington and J. C. Gault o the Wabash , and the executive committee mitteo appointed Mr. C. C. Churcl general agent at Kansas City. National Bain Ball Xieagno. Nitlonit Aworlnted I'm ) . ' Ciuc'Auo , December ? . The annua meeting of the national league of pro fcssiotml h'JHo ball clubs convened this morning at the Tromont house , I'reo ideal W. A. Hulbert in the chair. The following dolt'giiteii ' were present A. II. Sodon , Harry Wright , lioslon \V. A. Hulbert , A. ( ! . Mills , Chicago J. F. EV.I fl , Cleveland ; H. H. Win- fillip , Providence ; Freeman Drown , Worcester ; Hon. W. G. Thompson , Detroit ; .1. H , .Smith , Dufl'.ilo. Aftei the meeting wu called to order bj President Hulbert , a number of com munications were read and the tmua committees appointed. Adjourned tiil afternoon. The HnrtioulturUU. N.llonal Aiwoclatwl 1'rnn. CiiK'Ado , December 7. At the second end day's session of the annual meet ing of thu State Horticultural socie ties of Illinois and Wisconsin , 11 , M. Smith , of Green Bay , submitted v report on the crop of strawberries md other small fiuit , making a favor able showing. C. L. Watrous , president of the Iowa State society , followed in an encouraging report. Dr. J. A. Warder , of Ohio , read an exhaustive paper on uomo evergreens. oid j n National Axmrlatud I'reM. NMV YORK , Drcombur 7. J oiler- son Davis , iiccuiniianiud by his wife and daughter , arrived in thu HU'am- ship Nockur , of thu Itioniun line , this iftornoon. Davis was found on board ( ho ship conversing with Mrs. Davis. Ho looks bettor than when ho left For Kuropo several weeks ago " 1 do not care to express my opinions in .ho newspapers , " said ho to a re porter. < JWo have had a very un pleasant time at soa. I fool much jotter than when I left Southampton. * will loftvo this afternoon for Louii- illo , where I shall bn able to enjoy uiot life. " Tho/ibjcet of his trip was to hi ing homo his daughter , who md just graduated. II lias been hargod against liim that his object i visiting Kngland wat to draw the noimy from the fund that wns depos ed there by the confederate govern- lent , Marlnn Intollicnoo. | atlonkl Auoiiatixl Prnu , NKW YOKK , December 7. Sailed 'he Coptic for Liverpool. Arrived-- 'ho Luke Wii nipen from liiverpool , lie Ijihrndor from Havre , the Servia 'roin ' Liverpool , HorrKniiAM , December 7.- Arrived -Tho Kdinn fiomNowVoik. GIIASOOW , December 7. Arrived 'he Vurnusiia from Now Yoik. SuimiAMi-ToN , December 7. Ar- ivod The Mosellu from Now Yorker or Hrenicn. ANTWKIIP , December 7.The A'ad- i land from Now York. HAMIUMUI , Decomhur 7. Arrived 'ho Cimbria from New York. IIAV\NA , December 7. Arrived- Pho Newport from Now York. Yi'.HA Uurx. , December 7. Arrived The of Oily Washington from New 'ork. Nivv : YOIIK , December 7. The iverdue Uromeii steamer Nooknr ar- ived hero to day , bringing 1,01)1 ) pas- .oncers. . Her captain reports that hey hud contimml hurriuanes for six lays. They lost ono man overboard. The Parthia , of the Cuniird line , ivo days behind , also arrived to-day. " ikowiao the Lnko Winnepeg , seven lays belated , and the Lilinulor , of .ho French line , six days overdue. I'lii ) captain of the Uiku Wiinu'rn ) ) re- uirts encountering a hurricane on the J.'ld of November , in which Chief En- ; ineer Jamor Blair was washed over- ) oard and lost , amt Patrick Coonoy , fireman , was killed. The waves ran mountain high , and frequently lashed over the decks. For fifteen days the gale lasted. It was u fearful voyage. Thu steamer Yadorland , hence for Antwerp , November l8th ! , was ro- lorted near the mouth of the English channel to-day. The agent of the company said : "She's now two days thead of time. She was i cully blown over. " CHIME. CKIM1KAL MAU'HAITICK. Philadelphia , December 7.--Tho mystery surrounding the death of thu young woman whose body wan found on Monday night in a InMHO on Trotter tor street under circuin tanciH which indicated criminal malpractice , was not cleared up by the coroner's in vestigation to-dny. Ono witness said the deceased , whoso nitnio is believer to luivo been Koto Iliemaim , arrivoc' hero from Wurtomburg , Germany , about six months ago , while another witness stated the woman came to { his city from Ohio or Chicago. The inquiry is not concluded. CRIMINAL NOT1SH. lliciiMONi ) . Ky. , December 7. James Smith was found guilty a BoonvillerKy , , of wife.murder.nm the jury fixed. th6""puuwhYrient'i death. Ho was removed to jail , and an hour later was found hanging by th nock , dead. WASHINGTON , December ? . In th cuso of Uernurd , the govornmon clerk charged with irregularities ii .securing a pension for ono Morrisoi and receiving an illegal foe therefor the commissioner decided to-day tha the defendant by his own tostimon ; had taken an exhorbitiint sum , am held the accused in bail for $2,000 f < > his appearance at court. Virginia L uii laturo. Nntlonnl AMUC Mill I'raw. RICHMOND , December 7. The leg islature convened hero to-day , til offices of both houses being filled b the election of ruadjiiHter nomincou Governor Hiilliday sent his message sago , dealing for the most pait wit ! the state debt. Ho claims the dub can bo paid in full and says : "Vir ginia has been accused of , the mean crime of repudiation. I has been charged the federal uovorn ment or the party directing its dun tines lian used its patronage anil monoj to hurry her along to that disropula bio way. If thin bo true , then i there be any stigma it has been takci from our commonwealth and fastenei on the republic and will bloom on sooner or later in uiiHpcukablo disas ter. " General Miihono is in the city. Sorvlco. Xatlonil AxsucUtid I'ruii SAKATOOA , N. Y. , December 7. At a ineelim ; of eleven keepers o life H'tving Htations , lying botweei Sandy Hook and Harnomat , at thu Central hotel to-day , a resolution \viis Irawn up petitioning congrcHa to in- ereaso the compt iiiiiitton of lieoperti and crows. The keepers stated thai most of their crews are on the poinl of reigning , and their only retain- inont in the service was the expecta tion tlmt congress would enact a law giving them increased puy. Alteady ivo station keepers have resigned and rebellion in threatened which will : ) rcak up the service. , Killed HU Wife. .N' tlon l Anhoclatcd I'rr . FA I.I. Hivi'.it , Mans. , December 7. [ 'rank Charon , 120 years old , this noniing shot his wife who wan sleep- ng in bed , inhtuitly killing her. The couple have three children , thu oldest iged1 yeara. The murderer gave linmclf up and in in jail awaiting the iction of the urand jury. Uum and lomcHtiu infelicity were the caunes of thu crime. Charon exhibits no re- norm ) . r Cauduotot-H * Association. l I'rciti. NKW OULKANH , Dee 7. The Kail- oad Pasai'iigtr Conductoru' ' Life in- turance aRsociation meets hero ml loon , A large number of delegate ) uro present from all parts of thu conn- ry. All railroads Imvu tendered the courtesy of travel and arrangomorits lave been made for several excursions 'rout the city after business in over. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. - > - * * Bxcitoment In St , Potoraburg Over the Nihilist Trials , The Gear Sti onfjly Urffod to at Ouco Renew the War With Tuikoy. tiBoellannou * Foreign Nnwi of the Dny FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. 4llon.\l AwocUtitl 1'roKK. Ul'SHIAN M.\TTKKH. ST. Pr.TKli.sni'uo , December 7. More than ordinary excitement was iroduced by the developments made n tliu state trials here to-day , The { ovoniinent broadly charged that Jon. Movinsky ami State Counsellors ' 'ursotr imTjiu leir were pnitly \\itli contributing to the of Alexander 11. by their leghgenci in the perfoimancea of ccr- jtin dutiea. The cwir has been conforiing with a uniibur of prominent Pan-Sclavists vlio have been Hiving upon him the uiporlniictMif renewing the war with 'urkoy and rufusing to consent to liplomatic iirrangeinunts which dirt lot provide for the domination of Uissians at Constantinople. The position of Ignatieff daily bn- : omen more insecure. Ho appears to nxvo wholly lost the confidence of the eiiiperor. Absolute control of the telegraph ind postal service of the empire will , hortly be tninsforrod to the minister of police. It ia pioposcd to institute , thorough surveillance over all postal nd telegraphic communications. The prince of Montenegro has sent letter to thu czar complaining of the iiovemcnts of Austrian lleets in the Adriatic sea. The remonstrances are written in very earnest languttiio. Fifteen nihilists were arrested hero o-day. They were oilicers' uniforms and had crosses of the Order of St. George. Their intention was to at- ack Gen. IgnatiolVand the czar on St. George's day. M1WELLANKOUS. VIKSNA , December 7.M. . Hatu- josuno , Koumanian minister at the Austrian court , in a conference hold ; o-day with Von R alloy , stated that 10 was particnlary inatrucled by his ; ovornment to oxpuHR itH legret that the Austrian interpretation put upon the king's speech that ho uttered an unfriendly sentiment towards Austria. Ho begged to state officially that such interpretation did Uouiimiiia in justice , and that Roumania desired to hold an perpetuate the friendliest relations towards Austria. UOMH , Docembor,7. In the Italian ohnmbur of deputies I onlay , Signer Manclimi , foreign nliuister , in a speech charged Franco , with "acting most unjustly tn Italy and that Ger- preserve | > eaco"aiithey'"had' o objects with Italy which were'leading to closer relations. The gov- government , he said , hud refused all recognition o all nets consummated at Tunis. [ Cheers. ] France had said that the occupation of' Tunis was not permanent , but she w/nild not state how him ; it would lust. Respecting ISjypt , Sifriior Manclimi Maid that the policy of Italy agreed with that of England. Itniam , December 7 Bismarck suggested to deputies to taku a short holiday , as ho mo.uit to ,111111111011 a hOBSion of parliament to meet Janu ary 15. LONDON , December 8. The gov ernment | IIH : decided to largely in- creaeo the police in Ireland and form night patrols. TJio Cotton Producer ! . National Awoclati'il I'IOHH. ATLANTA , Ga. , December 7. The national cotton planters' association continued in session to-day. The old nlllcei's re-elected follows were - as : I'rt'uidunt ' , F. U. Murohead ; treasur er , George M. Klinesecretary ; , James N. Gudcn. Hon. Geo. B. Loring'United States commissioner of agriculture , deliver ed an able address before the associa tion cm "The Mutual Relations of American IndustrieD. " Flro R oord > National AsuoclatvU 1'rcM. NKW YOHK , Decnmbor 7. A fire broke ( jut in thu vnrniah room of the ( Jaylord-Watmm .nap publishing com- ji.iny , top floor , No. Gl Beckman ntrc'ct , this morning , caused by the explosion of a vanish vat , and caused a loss to Watson , John Wutz ( prin- teni' miterialH ) mid other tenants of SSG.OOO , and on thu building $3,000. Biirruolca Sold. National AxNOcliktvtl Crcwi. ATI.VNTA , fa. ! , December 7. Me- I'licrsou lurraeks , the property of the .government , sold hero to-day for S1U- 000. _ Obituary. S'atlonil AKHOcutcil rrnn. TOHONTO , Out. , December 7. The [ tishop of Algonia died in this city FottoifloB Postoillco changes in Nebraska dur- ng thu week ending December 0 , 1881 , furnished by Win. Van Yleck , if the pontoflico department : Kttiiblislied- Burr 0ik , , Otoo coun- ; y , Mrs. Jam ) Cowles , Po.stmistrcss. ' Discontinued Wonlield , Holt coun ty. Name Changed Avon , Hamilton county , to Maiquotto , and 0. H. \Vin-iig , appointed postmaster. Postmasters Appointed Chelsea , Holt county , Frank Ellis ; Geneva , Filmoro county , Sherwood Burr ; Leonard , Hamilton county , Charles Butts ; Momence , Filmoro county , J. \V \ , Price ; O'Neil City , Holt county , W , D , Matthews ; Pierce , Pierce coun- ly , Jacob H. Shurot ; Prairie Centre , Buffalo county , Wormau Newburg. t