THE OMAHA DA FLY BEE : WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1 , 1881 rolvoon tlio vice-president. What is the intention of the constitution in its spccifica'ion of imbility to jllschnrgo the power * nml ( ItititM of said ollioo , is one of tlio contingencies which c.ills tliu yicu president to tliu oxoroiso of prcsidi-ntml functions. Is tlio inn * bility confined to lonu continued in- tollictUAJ incnnncity , or has it a broader import ? Wliat must bo ita extent and duration , how must its ox- istencobo eJtablijhed , hns the presi dent , whose inability is the subject of inquiry , any voice in determin ing whether or not it exists ? la the decUion of that momentous and dictativu question confided to thu vice president tit is it contemplated by thu constitution that congress should provide by law precisely what should constitute inability and how and by what tribunal or authority it fihonld be ascertained. If the inabili ty proves to bo temporary in its na ture and during ita continuance thu vice president carefully oxorciai-8 the functions of the executive , by what tenure docs he hold his ofliuc ? Does ho continue as president the remainder of the four years term , or would the elected pres ident , if his inability should cease in the interval , be empowered to resume his office , and if , having such lawiul Authority , he should use it , would the vice president lie thereupon empow ered to resume his powers and duties an such ? I cannot doubt that thrse important questions will receive your early and thoughtful consideration. IK CONCLUSION. Deeply impressed with the qrarity of the rosii'iiimhilities which have so unexpectedly devolved upon mo , it will ho my constant purpose to co-op- crate with you in such measures as will promote the fjlory of the country and the pro pority of its people. ( Signed ) CIIKSTKH A. AUTIICH. WASUINOTOK , D. 0. , December G. OOCIDBNTA.L JOTTINGS. WYOMING. Thu Cheycnno Kynasium lias disbanded. The Inter Ocean hotel nt Cheyenne has been xold fur S2 ,000. The Kock ojirinKS coal minex arc tun ning full force , Averaging 115 care n day. Laratniu ban a r. > al emato boom ; $35,000 worth charged | iindN in oue day rcc-ntly. A Kawlins restaurant man named Ilrrt- zol ekipprd on * , but week , lo.ivin mourn ing creditors behind. Territorial papers urge an amendment to the asseHsmen lawn HO an to catuh the cattle men before they ilinpoee of their herein. . Th'i Tiaramio Boo rtrang lias made ar rangements to build tvro-stiiry brick office , get a power pwu and other tin- provementi ) . Thu cultivatinn of oats and bailey in Johnso cuuntv the past teason , has prov ed quite remun-i'ntive. ' Thrcuhitii ; ma chines are now at woik. The moral Kentiment' of Buffalo , .Tnhn- Bon cou ay , in on the up.gnvle. The dati e house IH now closed a' . 10 o'clock at night , and entirely prohibited on Sundays. The three companions of the late K. 'IS. ' McCauley , iiccid ntly poisoned nortli of Kawlins , arj at the latter place , and though a iye , it IH feared they will no : re cover. John McNamara , of Richirdson county , Nebraska , who hud been working i t Car bon , attempted to board a freight tr in at Medici e Bow. He wan hnockeH I'own , his left wrist run over and right hand bad ly crushed. He was also injured intern ally. Thiity-ei ht miles clue west of Cheyenne , pa Horiia creek , in a silver bea ine belt that is Bai I to bo four miles long and one wiiio. Sixty looat om h ve been made there dur ing the pant summer. Assays yield n * high as foity ounces of silver to the ton , but the averagetwenty. * ! . COLORADO. The Robinson mine at Ljailvillo has petered. Pueblo countyTproperty is assessed at $4,429,400. The tota' assessment of the State footn np $9(5,59 ( ,18r..48 The public Rchoo's t f 1'ueblo tempnr.iri- ly BUB , . exiled fur wa t of fuel. Red Cliff is now a permanent station on the Denver & Rio Gran e raihoad. Hurry Irving h'u just sold hw interest in the Xowman Mines , at Rico , for $200- 000. 000.It It is estimated that S.'tO.OOO were hpent by the ladies of Denver f r ilresst-M to wear to the enmity ball. Thu county j lil at Denver fa crowded with . . 1 members of the vn.T.uua , an pife > - sion will tuke uutico. The Texas mn-ltt-r at Oalcyville t hipped 288 .IM of bullion , weighi'tj ; l.'ttuiiH , to I'iiiladelphi i , valued at V13,4rhi.i5. : The wholn valley < > ; tlu North Fork of the ArkiuiKas i.s said to be an immense placer , nnd ground in vaiioun lucilities in nuiil to havu yielded heavily in gold. Tun Chic'igo , lHirlin'ton & Quiricy people ple continue 10 Much ibo tliu light ( if way into the city of Denver on terms guneially satisfactory to property ImlderH. The association or atiizcd at l ) avcr to raitiu m n y fur th < - erection of a i iirlleld uionti iii'iit luxe Minouuco I that the eff < rt in a failure and the money already ro- ccivtd will be refunded to CALIFORNIA. Two now canning factories aru way in Sacrameiilo. The Hiibacriptioii for the Veterans' Home iu San 1'ianciiuo amounts to $14,500 , Threj Ch nese lepers were discovered In a umall ehanty near the depot in San .Toi < e , A locouintivu for thu new railroad at Bodiuwau hauled into Um thu other da } by Hixtevn mules. It wiiglitd 0 , IK pou.nU. Thu Urgent humpback whale ver cap turud iu Monterey Bay was killed lunl week. It measured 85 feet in length , ami yielded ovrr a bund ed barrels of oil. There are 500 miles of streets in Kar Krancisco , 25 milett of whicli art ) payee with cobbles 20 Htonu block' , fiC anhpliall , 58 broken atone , 27 wood plank , and foui with wooden hlocUs. Thecodto each pei quare foot is : Cobbles , 20 cents ; basall rocks , 33 cents ; composite , " 8 cents ; mac Adam , 12 cents ; H od Mock , 3 < cunts planking , 10 cents , The Marysville levee is completed ; cost of 83 000. The average height of tin levee above high water mar * of last A'in tor id three and a half feet. Tim avora.'i height of thu levee abo\- the city lottl ! twelve feet. The average width on ton i icfeet , with rt basts of h'fty feet. Wurl on the leve n in Butter county i near ) ; fin'shed. ' Thus far , $3jfiOS.n : habrei expended in the woik , UTAH. The deer law expired Nov. 30 , Ogden bin aline of Hcrilic cuachct. Machinery for the Ogilea Iron work itre.arriviug daily and put iu place. Thomas Cmaw fell into the nhaftof th ur.'ka mine and was dashed to piu en. Og'li'n ' in to have a now mammoth hr tel , to be built ou the corner of Main an fifth ttrects. It is raid tint umitll-pov { * very pt.i valent among the Ute luillani ou tli UinUh reservation. A young man n me' Oould , foil under Utah ami Nort 'er i truck , itt Ogdvn , an lid injurifn resulted fatally , Tbo amount ot dried fruita ibippcd froi Ogdfn by the Union Pacific during tlip muiith of October foot * Up to lMViU > S pounds. _ MONTANA. Tlio new Miner' * ball at lluttp \ * being or.iiieineiited with pink granite. Ti i her fit for manufacturing into lum ber is very tcarcc in the \icinity ot Hutw. It is estimated that the population nf the ter itiuy IIAS Incre.ued 10,000 the present year. A blacksmith at llutto thawed out dv- ramlte cartridges by the tire , .uid soon af ter the chop disappeared. Montana Is the only ci-ctinn of the union that reminds of the ( jarfield monument fund , llo/eman forwarded f"Q ( M ) Tlunks- giving day. The jury in the ca e of the City of Huttc against Joseph Knlnvorth , < rii'd in * he polio lie * court , brought In the following re markable ver.l ct : " \Ve. the jury , find the defend < nt nut guilty , and mav the Lord may mercy on his null. J. 11 , CurtiK , Kutotnan , " DAKOTA AND THE DLACK HILLS. Cuitcr county cries f"r artesian wells. A new bank has been opened nt Ouster City. City.Kailrnad Kailrnad meetings are the order of the evenings in the Hills. .Several tliou and sheep have been given In clnrge of Lincoln county farmers by ea.stcru parties. Th Huliool for deaf mutes at Sioux Valls'kii open f < r pupils and the tuition is free to all deaf and dumb ic idiiits ! of the territory. Au ear of corn measuring fourt en inches u length , nine and oiie-iialt in cir- ciuntereiice and weinhing two pounds wi\s ral-u 1 in Miner county this Rea on. Avcr'a roftl d covety near Mandon , on the Little Hart river , is salrl tu liavo lilos- Homed out iut i fifteen foot \ein , furnish ing a pro luct that favor.ibly comp res the best qualities ot I'ittsburg co.d. ARPONA. A I'hcnix man is niirHing 12,001 carp an I will supply tliu marko next spring. The and ntuity of Tucsnn is to ha\e its treetH lighted , the eouiicil having voted to erect 150 oil lamps fcr tnu purpo-e. The Mormon settlers in Arizona are huldiua ! fort for protection ngaiiiBt the India'a. at ! cost of $8,000. It will be calledjl-'ort Muroui. NEW MEXICO. ] .a C'ruccs ft 11 htrapn the leather for bloody murders. Las Vegas has organized a fire protec tive and tire bug exterminator. Paul du Chaillu , the famous traveler andw.iter is d"i g the country. IJan- quetu wo e tendered , him in ttiu principal tuwns. "Rustlers" attempted to run of a lot of hnrnes from the r nch of C. 1 $ . Kmith , nar Holbrook Smith's men pursued the thieves and having overtaken them , shot them dead from their horses. WASHINGTON. There are 1,751 children of school age in Spokane county ; number enumerated , l.G'.IS , not e nnierate ' , 53. number of childien in the county , 2,338. The c nstruction part1 snt out by the Western Union Tele''ra'ih Company , to I ) ild a line at Like Pend .I'Oreille , "built seventeen miles of line in twunty-ouo days IDAHO. Fresh milk hi ings 81 per gallon at Hailcy. Hay in now worth $33 per ton iu llailey and S 0 in Ketclinm. ( Jold h is been discovered on Deer creek , nine miles wo t of Hnilov. The vein is thri'o feet wiilo and can be traced 700 feet The ere assays SA5 to the ton. In Idaho , fencet are made by digging trenches about two feet wide and piling uj sagebrush beside i hem to th ) iiei lit ol three feet. No horse ever trijs to jump tint * sort of fence , and no hog can over get beyond the ditch. MISCELLANEOUS. The telegraph line is fiiiiahed from Ku gene to Springfield , in Lake county , Ore gou. gou.Over Over SMO.OM in nsHemmrnts will be come delinquent in Xovaila mines during this month. The Portland police have arres ed a Chiniisi burglar iu whoso don a lirgo qua ititv of goods ot varius kinds weic found. The depth * of the Kureka , Nc\ada min-H. fr in thomrfaco of the g ound al the top of their shaftu to the Sutro tunne level. ar - as foIovv ! : Utah. 1,1 ( ! " > feet ; Sierra Nevada. 1,501 ; tJninn. 1,502 , Ophir , 1,000 ; C. .t 0. H'mft ' , 1,550 ; ( Joi. Virgmi.i , 1,1)25 ) ; I tonne r uhaf t , d'ouklfc Curry , I , < i7ti ( Jouldi ; Curr , a ad I5oit Ac 15el her shafts , 1,4 JS. Making n Raise .Inlin llay.s. Credit , P , O. , fays that for ninejiiouilis liecouM nut r.tisu his hand t ( Ids he.i t , thr u.jh lamonebs in t o Hhoiil- dcr , but by the u-e of I'IIOMAH * KL UTIIK On. lui entirely cuit-d. dccO-eodhv A SMALL TATE OR The Sequel to n Scene in n. Suburban Station- The town of Wood Hirer in this Stuto is now enjoying a puriod of enviable - viable notoriuty. Its rural serenity hftH been diaturbud by n moral earth quake and its peaceful paitime.s laic aside for u time. The town wouk doubtless havu slept on for generations lulled by the murinuringa of ualug iah atreani close by , but for the periodic calls of a brother of thu cloth , of the Methodist Episcopal purauasion. Al though imturo waw not excessively lav ish in her dowry , by dint of cultiva tion ho acquired n burning taste for the beauties of nature and art-leap women. The records foil to mentioi more than one nt whoso shrine he won a diligent worshipper ; her charms were innplu to Bootho the Plutonic throbs reverberated beneath hia vest like the distant echoes of a bane drum. At the period of which wo write not two moons ago , the revoreni brother felt his exchequer growing beautifully less and the prospec of replenishment aa remote n his desire to leave the clmrmoc neighborhood. During this puriod o financial depression ho concluded tc combine the ( substantial with the pan ' * H'IVU pleasurca , and went to board a the domicile of hia devoted , who slml be nameless hero. Shu had a husbnni with n wooden leg , which failed t licnnratoBuftlcicnt warmth toBootho ho frosted pedala. 'T-viia the winter of he discontent when the r. b. applied fo shelter from tliu chilling blasts of hi creditors , and royally ho feasted o her bread nnd bacon. Deconun thoroughly domesticated , ho sot t work on the diflicult feet of accom plishing her solo's salvation , and th performance of little acts of giillantr that increased hia importance by ucv oral degrees. The husband in th meantime kept hia weather uyo peolc and his timber appendage in fightin attitude , A party was given at neighboring town to which the tri id referred to were invited , and i overs of the townspeople. Returning the betook theinjelvo * to the depot an aited for the midnight train. Tlio d inmiVM sunglv tucked away on i\ invcnicnt bench and was soon asleep ; vn more member * of tlio party were odding in the shadows of tlio stove , hilo the r. b. attended strictly to is adorer. The lit full Ilicker of n rakoiunn' . ' ) lamp"a deep religious glit" over thin scene. The horoiiio nil fortified herself against tmer - nciea , anil when conversation liu.'gcd reduced a paper of candy. Tlio r. b. ow bog.ut to toy with the tassels of er inuH'iuid playfully tip her under 10 chin and between these nets a inngo of gum drops took place. Thn nnoroua snores of the sleeping nt- miauls alone disturbed this toto-n- < o Presently she Binolo the ovorend brother in the vicinity of 10 fifth ri'j ' and whispered in his oar , This is a good time for our busi- ess. " And then the light went out. The principal witness to tlm scone irked in the shadow of the ntovo , ith eyes half closed on purpose Ho as been summoned from Denver to _ [ Wear before a jury of deacons this FooTilo Those languid , tiresome sensations , uisiug you to fool Rcnrcoly able to bo n your foot ; that constant drain that j taking from your system all its lasticily ; ' driving the bloom from our cheeks ; that contimml strain tip- n your vital forces , rendering yon ir- itublo nnd fretful , can easily bo ro- mveil by the nap of that marvelous emedy , Hop Hitters. Irregularities nd obstructions of your system are elieved at once , while the special ause of periodical pain is permanent- y removed. Will yon heed this ? Cincinnati Saturday Night. decl-lH Dorchostor Novm > orresxtulenco | of Tlic llw. DOHCIIKSTEII , Nob. , Doceniber 5.-- 'lio winter is shorter at this end than ast winter. Coal is plenty. Grain nnd hogs , owing to good iricea , are being turned into money > y the farmers. Building in town nnd surrounding country still on the boom. All our merchants are putting in ixtunsivo ntocks of goods , to meet the lumand of the holiday trade. Tlio lumber yard of A. J. Neimayor t Co. lias been sold to 11. T. Decker , of the firm , who will continue to man igo the business in person and do the wmo rushing trade. Our now bank , under the manage- nent of J. C. Thurston , cashier , is n naterialulvanhigo to onr buaincs.s ueu and to the farmora , stock raisers , nd feeders of thu nurrounding coun- ry. ry.The most enjoyable nnd most mic- cesaful .social ntHur of the season was ho festival given by the ladies of the jhrirttian church ou Thursday evening , December 1 , for the benefit of Prof. Hush , formerly of Lincoln , but now ) .mtor of thu church nt this place. Resolutions of a very flattering nature , and highly commendatory ol ; ho professor's work at this place were passed , and several speeches wore undo amounting almost to culogiums ipon the professor aa a Christian gen- : lcman and an earnest and successfu worker in the cause of Christ , lie , s earnestly requested to remain among ua another year. The supper was among thu finest wn over sat down : o , and although an immense number of people were present , From town and from many miles in the country , no ono went away hun gry. The receipts of the evening were about ? 52 00 , and Prof. Bus ! was presented with an elegant copy o Webster's Unabridged Dictionary , by 'riemla and admirera. Altogether i was the most unanimous endorsemen any divine ever received from the people of Dorchester and vicinity. T. C. TJnrivnlrd As biniit ! certain euro for the wont forms if dyspepsia , indigestion , constipation mimrity of blood , torpid H er , disotdtrei minrys etc. , and as a medicine for eiadi eating every Bpecies of humor , from ai ordinary pimple to th worst ulcer , Uuu > 0'k Ui.ociu limKlts htand unrivaled I'rice ! * t , trial si/.e 10 cent'j. ' dcc-5-cow Bucluin'N ju-uion Salvo. The best aalvo in the world for outs , jruiscs , Bores , ulcers , salt rheum , 'over sores , totter , cliappod hnnda , chillbluins , corns nnd all kinds o ! skin eruptions. This "salvo is guar- inteud to give perfect satisfaction in every caao or money refunded. Price , 2oc per box. For sale by Ton < fc MoMAnoK. Omaha. ' ALMOST CJIAHY. Hrnv otton do wo BOO the hardworking ing father Htrnining every nerve anc uscle , and doing hia utmost to aup [ iort bin family. Imagine his feelings when returning home from a han day'a labor , to tind hit ) family prostrate trato with disease , conacioua of niipau doctora * bills nnd debts on every 1mm ! It must be enough to drive one almos cra/y. All this nnhaiipino.'ia could bo ( voided by using Electric Hittoro which expel every disease from the syHtem , bringing joy and happiness to thousanda. Hold at fifty centa a bet tie. Tali & AIcMnhon. ffl FACTS"TlfAT W J-rK NOW. If you are Huflering from a Kovero cough , cold , asthma , bronchitiH , con aunijition , of voieo , tickling it thu throat , or any affection of the throat or lungs , wo know that Dn Kj.No'ri NKW DihcovKitv will give j'oi immediate relief. Wo know of kiln dreils of cases it has completely cured and that where all other medicine had failed. No other i emedy cat allow one half IUH many pm-muni'ii cures. Now to give yon Katiafiictory pi oof that Dr. KIMI'S NKW Dtso > KKV will euro you of Asthma , Hmn chitin , Hay Fever , CotiHUinptioii , Ke voro Couglm mid Cohls , Hoirmiii'hs ; or any Throat or LUIUJ Disi-aso , if yoi willcul ut J. K , IHII it Mc.M\no.s' Drug Store yon can gut a trial boltl free of cost , or a regular nixo bottl for SI. 00. jsuilOlyiti ; Western Horse ana tiattlo In soranco Company , .Capitol , . . . * 1OOUOOOO Ineurui Horoui , Mulus and Cuttle aiimt IOXH b looiJcnt.Uorcojw or thclt. Aifcnciui Iu all coui ( lea Of the Htate , Hnd Inr rlrnulon B. D. MoLAUaHLIN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW And Notary Public. < t tor I'dne the mo t direct , qiilcki-xt , MI \tc t line ronncctlnR lh in it Mctrojiollii , rill AOO , Mid the KAHTHUS , NORTII-KAIIIIIRS , anirti nl HotTII'KAnrKKK I > liK , which toniunitctlicto , Ith KAM AH CITT , LRAVRHWORTH , ATCIIISON , 'oiisni. UU'rrii nnd OMAIU , the COVMIRCUI > iTRt from nlilch rikHMo EVERY LINE OF FIOAD i t jwnotrateii the Continent from the Mlmourt U\cr to the Pivcin > Sloiw. Thn CH10AOO HOOK ISLAND it PA- OIFIO RAILWAY i h only line from Chlo ( to owning trocit Into tuitni , or which , by IU own ravl , riwhcn trtc lalntu ntiot u imnuxl. No TRANHTRRX nr An RUHR ' Co MIHKISII ( Mssritiosnl No huildlln ; In III- antlUtrdorMiicliAii CA , IM ocrivw nuiT If Arricil In roomy , chan MH | > oiitll i l coMhm pan Kait Kxiircso Tmln . DAT CARHOlunrhMol mftziilnconc 'ALACK KutitriNii CARD. ntt ourounw ) IMSII CARM , uinn uhlcli uuvO't nro nonnl nt uiv irj * wl oxrclleniH ) , nt the low rnto ot a VR. > T ( ' 'INK CKSTH KACII , with ample tlnuili.r hcMthlul ThroiiKh I'Ain lictw-pcn Chicago , I'corln , Mil auki-o nml MiHKOiirt HUor t'olntu ; niul rliwn eon ncctloni at Ml | X > lnt of IntcrsooUcn with ollici roivln. Wo ticket ( ito not fowl this ) illrivtl ) t < i v\en ACO of Importance In KOIIKI * , NetinHkn , I'.Ucl Illln , W\omhiK , Utah , Malm , NuMvlfi , ( hllfornlo , rixoii , WashiiiKton Totritorj'i Colorvlo , Arirom nil Ninv Mnxlco. An liberal ftrninsonicntfl ro ifnnlinc biunmo at ny uthur line , MI j rote of faro Muitjn anl on MI competitor ! * , who furntnh but tltho of thii cent ort. ort.DOITS and tackle of njwrtflrocn froo. Tickets , inni nnil folilom at all prlndpik Illors In the United SUUfl aiul Oinala. 11. H. CAULK , K. ST. JOHN , * lcu rriw't & Ocn. Qon. TU ami 1'iwi'r AK Manager. ChlovCT ) ( 'nl uro. LIQUOR LICENSES. Co the Liqnor Denier * of Omnhn- MATOII'H OmcK , 1 Novumber L'S , 18H1. f The City Council of Oinahn , pci forming .ho duly di'volvin * up u it uinler thu Iu i iiiimi of 1881 , p oviuiiiK for tliu lKi'ii"iii , , if dealer * iu iiquon in Xebraska. Imvo > nsnrd an ordiniiuco wiiich taken effect on hu lnt day of .T nuary , A. 1) . 18M. ' . Jnder tlio terms of thin ordinance a 1 who mnxwo to engage Iu the vending of In , oxlcAiiiir | liqunrH in thin city , mu-t file with the City Clerk < if Omajm tlitnr applj cution for licciiHe accompanied by a jn'ti- .ion tioiu thirty free holders ro idont in Jio Wrtrd whn e it IH piiiiio-i'd to m ll iquor , n lx > ud In the HUIII ol $ Ti , 0 i con- lltioiu'd [ w mutim ! by law and the re- ceijit of tlio City Treasurer i i O < ha for Lit ninmnit duo f r the tiinn the licct u U requ red ut thn rate of $1,00 i per annum. ItlankH will bo found in the oltico of the City Clerk and will he furuMivd upon ap plication. Under fie law mi license ) can ijwuebeyond the end of thon.uninpid - Inch IH the hri-t Monilay iiftiT the lirxt Tuivday in Anril A. U. ISS'J , All applicatiiinH for llcensu iniwt lie o\cr f r the njmco of two weeks , diniiif ; which linio the notice requited by Inw must bo l > ublinlii'd l < y tlis api'liuaut , a blank form if nuch notice will do ftinuslieil bv tlio city clerk. To give the rifjht to sell liquor , ciimmoncing January Iut , 1S82 , applica- tioiiH and petition- ould bo in do on or before the 10th day of December , A. IX , 1881. On January Ittt , 1K8'J , all .saloons for the Halo of liquor in Omaha , not licenn ed under 'he Hatd ordinanj < MiiHt clriHo nnd remitin clontxl. \iolatorn of the 1 iw will lits arrctttcd by the uiarsha > nnd itolioo of the city. 'Signed ) JAMIUI K. Born , Copy ) nUO-Gt Maynr of Omaha. NetaskaLandAgenf DAVIS & SNYDER , IC06 F rnh m St. , . . , Omaha , Nebr * 9100 , Jarn.ullv Belectoil land In Kaat4ir Nohnukafoi ul , uriat llarKahni Iu imuro ud ( anal , an < ! ) malu city property. 0. K. DAVIU WKI18TKB HNYDKIl Ut Land Hoin'r II P _ DISEASES -OF TUB- EYE & EAR DR. L , B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist LATE CLINICAL A80IBTANT IN ROYAI LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. Ittferenctii all Kvputnlila h ( .Iclaim of Omaha Wromce. Corner ICth and Farnham 8ti. Omaha , Neb auliimutf BOGGS & HILL REAL ESTATE BROKEtfS N * . 16O8 Farnluua Stre t , JBC , - - 2NHE1XX No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , here Ulrwt i-onnrotion am miwlo with T - iufili SI.KKI'INO OAH LINKS for KW VOUK , IIOSTON , I'lllLADKUMlIA , UAI.TIMOHK , WASHINGTON AND AUi KA8TKKN IT1RH , The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOMH , CINCINNATI , IX3UIB. II.UK , an. . ) all | < olnt In the TUN HUM UNI For ST. LOUIS , 'hern illroct ronniHtion * ru uukilo in the Union IVH > t with th Through SliH'phiK Car Umwlor AU. 1'OlNTfl NEW LINEDBS MOINES T1IK FAYOIUTK UOtTTK FOB Rock Island. The unnitaM Inducements oderix ! by thti lln * o tnt elnrs ami tourlnU am UK follovrn : The ciilcbmtisl 1'UM.MAN (18-whi ( > ol ) PALACE LKKl'INIl OAKS ran only on Mill line 0. , II. Q. I'AhACK ItAWINO IUHM CAIIS , with orton'a lU'L-llninj ; Chalra. No mtru clmtv" tot > at In UivJInln Clmlm. The laiuoilA U. , 11. & l. 1'alnro Dlnlnj ; Can. OorKcoiu HinoklnK' Can ttixl vi Ith rhignnt hlKli-lncknl rottnn rotohlni ; haln , ( or the oxcliuho UHO of flnt-clun | Mwon > ure. ure.Htcol Track and > u | < orlor equlimont ) comblr 1 Ith their ( jacat through car armiKomont , mku il , aboi o all othoro , tlio favorite route to tnp "iut , South anil BouthMuit. Trv It , ami > ou will flail tratollni ; a laiury In- toad of n illfloomfort. ThroiiKh ticket * via thin wlobrntud Una for ( ale t all olliciw In the United HUtw and Conaila. All tntomiatlon abjut rottot faro , Slooi Inn ' ar anxninnoiUtlonii , Tlmo Tnblpj ) , ote. , will beerf ally ( th en bjr ajpl > Ing to f KUCKVAL LOWELL , General eniror Aiccnt , ' J. POTl'KU , Gfl. Manapur Ohlcaco. 880. SHORTJ.INE. I860. KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs U Till ONLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS ANUTHKKAST From Omaha and the West. No change of can between Omaha and - uouui , ami liut one between OllAIIA and NKW YOHK. SX2C Daily PassengerTrains tuciimo ALL EASTERN AND WRHTKItN OITira with LK8E CIIAJIQIS and IN ADVANCK of ALL ; OT1IE11 LINKU. Thli entire line In oquipmil with Pullman'i ralaco SlcopliiK Care , PaUco Day Coaches , Miller * Safety Platform ami Coupler , and the oelebntot WostlnghouM Air-brake. tZTBoo that your ticket roads VIA nANBAf crrv , ST. JOSEPH * COUNCII * BLUKKS Rati road , via 8t Jcwuph and St. Loula , Ticket * for ealo at all coupon stations In thi Weel. J. K. nAUNAHD , A C. DAWKS , Qen. Hupt. , St. Joseph. MoJ Qen. Pan. and Ticket Agt. , St. Joncph , llo. | ANUT DOKDKM , Ticket Agent , 1020 Farnham street. A. D. DABKIKK Qenorol Awnt , OMAHA. NR Sioux City & Pacilic THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Huns a Solid Train 'through from Council Bluli'a to bt. haul Without Change Time , Only 17 Houn. IT IN 3S.OO MILKS TUB SIIOHTB8T UOUTK , ruou COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTII Oil niHSIAUOK and alt polnbi In Northirri Iowa , Mlnnirotft anO Dakota. Thin line IH t | ii ! | > | dlilth thu bnprnvoi WuHtliihoune ( Autoinatli * Alr-lirako and Mlllei Platform Couulcr and IluOor ; and for SPEKD. BAKKTV AND COMPORT . Piillnmii PaUru Klcciilnif Cur run through W'TIIDIT ' C'llANOK Ix'tvus n Kan H.IH City and St. Piuili : > Council lllnlld urn Hloux City. Trahm liatu ITnlon Pacific Tramfcr at Coun ell lllulfH , at 7Ufi : | i. m. dilly on nrrhul ot Kanwn City. Bt. Jo cih | anil Ooiincll Itlnirx truln lion tlio South. Arriving at Mom Cltj 1 1 : a.ri p. in. and at thu New Union Ik ) > ol ut St. Paul nt l'J.31 noon. TKN IIOUKS IN ADVANCK OK ANY OTHKIi ROUTK. taking the Hloux City llonti youL'ut u'lhroiiKh Train. 7lio Shorn kt I.lriu thu Quickest Tiino and it Comfortable Illdu In tin arn liutucvn COUNCIL HLITKH ANI HT. PAUL. e&Hua that your 'lick. ti road via thu " .Sloiu City and I'udllc Koll.iuil , " J. S. WATTLES , J.Il. I1UC1IAKAN HuiMTliitiniliiil. Om'l I'uo. Aw-nt. P. K. II01IINSO.N , Am't ( .1 n'l PIWH. AX t , Mlfuviurl Valluj , lowu. J , H. O'UKYAN , Southwurturn Axunt , Councl Illntrd , IOHO BASTOZ & TOLS , Will Remove in a tew days to BOYD'S ' NEW OPERA HOUSE You will do well tc call and examine our stock of , BOOTS § SHOES At 1422 Douglas St , near 15th , Which will be Sold at Extra ordinary Low Prioea B w f-ro THIS NHW AND CORRECT MAP ' MI IX. jfyond any rcasoimMo question tlmt.tho CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN > .M lu'Lilui tin. ui j. tO-\ lor ) mi Kilakr nin'i' .nucliiij ; ln illini ilKo'ilou icivxtij. Chicago and all of the Principal Points in Hits West , North and NoHhwcst , . 'irofiilljT ninlnothliS'np. Tlic rrlMMir\1 ! | Cltlomf the Wf" < l And N'ortlihpif Rn MAtin on tliHrond. Iti tliMticli trnlus tuuku close COUUCC'.IUUH rtltli tbolrulnyoluil rullMudt > Junction points A . ' * r i * > . yj : " 7 < si 5 gg > t- > .y\- ) i i. L i ft ° c/ffi . ' . . . , . * ; MIN ! : < . nW \ rwjflOAdO , t . ! TyUTH r3Timi4RAirWA > ( THE CHICAGO A. NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , Ovpr nil of lltipi.rmii eaeh wav dally from two to tourormoro I'ast Kxpi 1 rains , ti Is the enl > roail west of Chicago that uses the The Imperial Palace Dining Cars. . , . . , . . 'i.-1 > i v cvii 1.1 t'linuif ii u i.iiiv iiinmkiir\i.ti. iivi ii iittv 4 i ii\u niin i nir IMIIQ t.Her > this recd lire fcuM by all COUIK > U Ticket Audits lit tlio UMltcil Status ani- . ( niiailiii. ( iti'iiii'iuher to jwk for Tlckct-s via this roadbn uro tlicy read over It.and take none other. HAKV1.N UliaiUTI.Gou'l WauaKor , CUlcaRO , W. U. STB.NNKTr , Ocu'l 1'ass. Apont , Chlcav IlAnitY V. DUKU Ticket AjjontJO. & N. W. lUtlway , 14th anil Fainhftm itreetn. 1 D. E. KIMtlAUj , AulnUnt Ticket Anent 0. & N. W. lUlltvay , lith.and Farnham ilrecll * J. I1KI.L , Ticket Agent 0. k N. W. tlalliray , U. P. H. 11. Depol. SAMK T. r-I.AHK ( lennral Airent. WM. ROGERS' Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- finest Silver Plated Spoons and Fork The only umlj Uional plato that original firm of i in giving for in- Hugo r a Bros , atanco a single' All ou > Spoons , plated Spoon a Forks and Kuivua plated triple. thiokuoHA with the greatest plato only on of oaro. Each the B o a t i o R lot being hung on a scale while where axpo d ! being plated , tc to wear , thereby insure a full do making a single poait of silver on pl t d Bpoon thorn. thorn.Wo wear aa long on Wo would call n triple plnttid especial attention one. tion to our BCO- Rival. Orient. Tinned. All Orders In the Wont nhould ho AildriMtwl to A. B. HUBERMAN3T , Wholesale Jeweler , OMAHA , NEB. Omaha , POLACK . , Cheyenne , Fall and Winter CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Gaps , Trunks , Valises. IN Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices te Suit all 1316 FARNHAM STREET , NEAK FOT7RTKKNTR _ Opening Dec. 10 ! FINEST HOLIDAY GOODS E Ever Brought to Omaha. LARGEST LINE OF FINE FANS , In all the Latent and Most Novel Designs , Celluloid Setts , over 50 Styles , Diaotiti and Kubher Setts. ; fl Do not fail to Call and nee thia ABSortmeat.-ttss. KUHN & CO , , Creighton Block. ' ' . > ' I'-