TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER (5 ( , 1881 HIE DAILY BEE. . OMAHA PUBLISHINQ CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Fflrnh.im , bet. Olh and 10th Strccti. TCUMS OK Sl'llSUllll'TION' . Ono copy 1 yearIn nh-Ancop'Mmlil$10.00 ( ) 0 month ! " . . . 5.0 > month " " . . . ; ) .co RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TIMKCAKU CI1ICAIIO , < f. Tl 1 , , VI\NKArOLIH J M ) OMAIIV RMLROUI. I ave UinMia P.t cn cr No. 2 , 7:60 : a. m. Ac- coiiiiiioilatlon No. 4 , 1:0 : p. in Air luiimalH v.vxenui'r No. 1 , B:10 p.m. Accommodation No. 3 , 10.M . in. travnd OMAIH RAHT on mnrtn tttVttv , C. , B. ft O. 7.10 a. m.-C.0 ! p. m. C. A X. W. , 7.40 a. m. 3:10 : p. m. C. , R. I. A , P. , 7:10 : a. m _ ,1-10 p. in. K. C. , St. J. A O. a. , ! cn\oi nt 8 r , . m. a-d fl-SO p.m. Arrhcntst , Ixiulaat 6:30 : a. in. and 6S2 : p. in. IV. , S , I , , A P.JciVMatS a. m. end 3:10 : p. ru. ArrhcK nt St. loul-i ntCIO : n. in. and 7:20 : m or. B , It M. In Nclit Through Kxprcss , E : ! 0 , m. IJ. ft M U . - > in l-\pa' s-C 2vH | i. in. U P. Ourlind KprtIfUii. . m. 0. * R. \ . tor ttiuoln , 11 ' 45 b. m. O. & It. V. tor Osccoh , 0.40 n. in. L' . P. freluht No. B , C:80 : a. in. U. P. frnltfht Vo. n. 8:20 : a. m. U. P. freUht No. 13 , 2 : < 0 | > . in. U. P. truvlit .So. 7 , li:10 : p. in. emigrant. . . P. Dcmcr cxprc i , 7:35 : p. m. II. I' , 'rel/ht NII n , 1130 p. in. U , P. DCIUCT freight , t:2j : p. m. lkMVlM.-CI.OM ll\Hr AMD KOCIll. C. B. & ( i N.liO . it. . 7:25 p m. 0. It N. W.l:4fi ) : a. in. 7:26 : p. ni , ( ! . R. I.&P. , :46 : a. m. 1):05 ) : p. m. K. C. , St. .loo fc < J H. , 7:10 : a. m.:45 : p.m. FROM TUP. AK&7 AND 80UfllW li7 , 0. ft R , V. ( ram Lincoln l.OSp. m. > L' . P. Prttlflc Ilxpri-sj : t:25 : p. in. B & M , lit .Scb. , Through Kxprcw liH p. In. U. fc M , Lincoln Kvprcss 0 40 a til. V. P. Denver c\prcHi , 7Ma. : in. i . I * . tnl ht .So. 14-260 p. in. U. P. s'n n 6:10 n. in. Emigrant. U. P. freight No. 14 , 1IG : p. in. U. P. > o. o-llOO p. m. U. P. Vr. 12 l:4R : a. ID. IT. P. Dcnur freight , 1:10 : a. in. U. ifi R. V. imxeu , ut. 4.4 > p. u . DUMUT TnMX3 litrVRKS OMAHA AND OOUxtlL BLL'm. Leave Omaha at ' .00 , 9.0P , l':00 : ar.il 11:00 : . ui. ; 1:0 : 'J.OO , KCO , 4CO : nnd o.C < i p. m. Uiuc Council lllulfn at 8:25 : , 0:26 : , 1025 and 11:25 : n. in. ; 1:26 : , 2:25 : , 8:23 : , 4:26 : ami 6:26 : p. m. Huntajs The dummy lenvoo Omaha t 8:00 : id 11:00 : . m. ; 2 : ) , 4uO : and 6:00 : p. in. Lca\c Council HlufTa at 0:2r : > and 11:20 : a. ui. ; 2:26 : , 4:25 : nil 5:25 : p. m. T/iroiiihatid ) loral pisscnstr tialns bctuecn Omaha and Coil" II 111 u UK. lca\o Omaha 6:5J : , 7:00 , 7:45 : and & : M a. in. Loa\u Council IllnlTi 7:25 , 11:2J : and 11:30 a. m. ; 5:20 : , : EO nml 7:00 : p. in. Opening an" Closing of Mrlls. ROCTK. CLChK. n. m. p. in a. m. p. in. ii i : N. W . 11.00 noj 0:10 : 2:40 : O , K I. & P.icifie. 11:00 : u.co li-.W 2:40 : Ciliate , I ! . & ( J . 11:00 : B:00 : 0:30 : 2:40 : . 12SO : flM : 9:40 : S oux City r.nd 1'idtlfl. , n.wi 030 2:13 : Uiloii I'iclllc . 4:00 : 11:40 : Oji.ihift R. V . 11:10 : 15 t M. In Neb . 4CO : H:10 : Omh' & SlouCity. . . . . GW ) 733 11. 'j.M. Lincoln . loSO : 0CO U. 1 * . I.Inwln , Sumlay. . . 1:30 : llCO : U. P. Dcmir IN . :00 : 0:30 : O. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : . : to local unlln for SUutui io lea\ohnt oncuii -day , iiU : 0a , 111. Oiflco optu Sunilays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. r IIAU. P M. Abstract ar d Konl Lstate , JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposite Post Office. W. H. BAHTI.ETT 817 South 13th Street. Architect ! . DUFRENE & MFA'DELSSOHN. ARCHITECTS Room Crolghton Illock. A. T. LAHGK Jr. . Room ! ! . Ciclshton Block. Doot and tihoet. JASIES DIVINE & CO. , Fine Boots mid Shoes. A good assortment of borne work on hand , corner 12th and Harncy. THOS. ERIOKSON , S K. cor. ICth and Douirlaa. JOHN rOKTUNATUS , t30B 10th etre t , manufactures to order good work kt fair prices. Rcpali-inp ; done. Bed Springs. J. K. LARKIMKR Manufacturer. 1617 Iouda.i t. Cooks , News and Stationery. J. 1. FRUEHAUP 1015 Kornhnm Street. Cutter and MoSHANK & SCIIUOEDEll , tha oldcut B. and E. bouse In Kohratka catabliiihod Ib75 Omaha. OK.VTKAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. KYAN , touthwcit comer IBth.ind Lodic. ! ; Best Hoanl ( or the Money. Katlsfactlon Quarantocd. Uetla t all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. \ Good Teniu for Cash Furnlchpil UnnmH Supplioil. Oarrlagcs nnd Road Wagons. WM SNYDER , 14th and Harney StroeU. Jo wo era. JOHN BAUMER 1314 1'arnham Street. Junk. II. HETTHOLD , Raia and Metal. Lumber , Llmo end Cement. KOSTEU & GHY corner th and Douglas Sta. Lamps and Olasswaro. J. BONNER 1309 Uoiulas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tnllors. O. A. M.VDQUEST. Ono ol our most popular Mrrchant Talloro It if- celvlni ; the latest doaUiiH lor bprliiR umi Bumini-r Goods lor gentlemen i ) wear. StjlKh , durable , and prices lota ; ovur 215 ISth bee. UoUf.A' farn. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholwslo and Retail , Kon- cy Goods In great variety , JCcjih.M-s , Car.l ISor.nli , Ilocie'rj , Oloi18 , Coi > rt * , &c. Cheapo't HOUHO in the West. I'lirchrmm na\o SO per cent. Order br Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. JOHN WEAIINR & BON'S , cor. 1 ! th & Jac kson sts Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILL ! ! , blh and Furnbnm St' , , \Velflaina Bros. , propitctorj. ( irocori , Z. aTEVENS , 21st bituccfi Cumlii ) , ' tn' ' l'-1 T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. 2 d tnd CuralnjrbtlcctB. Hardwaie , Iron ana btccl. OI.AN & LAKOWORTIIY , Vholl ! ale , J10 nt YM itth etrtct A HOI.MKa corrifr Wh nnd rayornl ! * Harncit , Uaadlcs , &c. fl. WEIST 20 12tU St. hct KariiHartley. . Hltel * . ANFinUnOUSEGco.C nBeMOthfc rarnlMEl DORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 013 Kuriihr.m ht. SbAVKN'8 HUTEU F. Sla cn , 10th Bt. Southern Hotel , Gua. Hamel Oth Lcaicnnorlb Clothing Bought. -SHAW will | iay hl'r ( > , t Cat.h prlco for tecond hand cIoUiliu' . Oornir 10th and Karnham. Dontltts , DR. PAUL , Williams' Plod ; , Cor. 16th k Dodge. Oruc > , Paints ana Oils. KUHN & CO. Pbkrinidbte , Fine ano llivnit , Cor , 16ID knd Douirlia street ? , W. J. WlIlTEIIOUf K , TiolctMc&nttail , 18th St. C. FIELD , 2022 Worth Slhe Cumins Street. PARR , Druifglst. 10th and Howard HtioeH. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN II. F. LEilMANN & CO. , New York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and 1312 Farn- h3in strict. L. C. Encwolcl also boots and ihoea 7th & Pacific huruiture. .x'A f. GROSS , New and Sunnd Hand Furniture I/ nd Stoves , 11H Iwucuw. Hlghett cash prleo , ' aid for gocond hand t-ooos. > BO.V.VER 1309 Dourla at. FIDO coeds , ic. f-encn Worlm , , I' ClRnri and Tobacco , WEST A PK1TSOH F.K , numifikctuien ot Clc m , and \Vhotc ale IVnleni in Tohacco * . ISOSDoticliw. V. K. LORK.N7.KS mutuifiiMiirer HinVornham Florltt. A , Dondnhno , pUntd , cut ftowcm , KMI , ooqneti etc. N.V. . oof. IRth ( in i Doiu-lM itn-cU. Civil Engineers and Surveyor ! . ANDIthW UOHEWATKU , Crcljthlon Illook , fo-.ni Suncji , rule and Sewcnire Sjslpinn UommlMlon Merchant ! . JOHN O. WII , LIS.14U DO.IRO Street 0 n DF.KMK1U KorilctAll ( ncolinjo MlicrU % . raenl In Ifillv ami Cornice Workt. Cornlroortf , Mixnuficttitoni Iron , Tin , Iron anil Hhto Ilponins. Onlcrs trnin niiy localtt ) tiroinptly oxrcutiil In the licet jnniicr. Factor } unit OIIUv 1213 Hartley St. 0. SI'KCHT , Proprietor. Gnh.inlrcxl Iron CornliciVlnilow CAJX , etc. , manufictiirixl ntul put up In any putt o ! the iiiutitry. T. S1NIIOI.1) 410 Thirteenth street Orock r > , . UONNKK 1WM Doumvi street. Good lint. Clothing nnd FurnlitiliiR Goorti. OKO. II. PBTKUHO.V. At o Hats , Ca | > , lloot , Shooii , Notions anil Cutlery , > l S. 10th street. Refrigerator * , Cnnfield' * Patent. . 0. P. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Karn. & Harnuy. Show Caio Manufactory. ) O. J. WILUK. Maimfaoturcr ami Dealer In all kinds ol Shun Owes , U.rlBht | . Cases. A „ 1317 CAM St. FUANIC L. aKUIIAItD. proprietor Omah- * Shotv Uaxo uiimil.ictury , 818 South Ifitli street , bctueon I.oivenuottli unJ Marcy. All goods uarmitetl nret-ulixti. Pawnbroker * . inth Pt , . hut , far A liar 8love nna Tinware. A. IIUUMKHTKU , Dealer 111 Stoves atul Tinware , nnd Manudcturor ol Tin llool * and all kinds of Hullitlng Work , Odd Kcllona' Illock. .1. KONNKK. 1309 Douzlas St. Ooo.l and Oeeda. J. KVANS , Wholmilo and Retail Seed Drills and UtlltUatora , Odd Krllous Hall. Phyilclnna anl Qureeon * . W. B. OinilS , M. U. , Hioin No 4 , Crolghton lllocl ; . IStli Street. 1' . S. LDISKNIUNO , d. D. Masonic Illock. C. L. HART , M. 1) . . Kyt and Ear , opp. postofllLu DR. U 1) ) iJUADDY. Oculist anil Aurl"t. H. W 16th ftnd Farnham 8t Photogrnpnori. OEO. IIKVN. PKOP. ( "Irani ! Central Cillery , 212 Sixteenth Street. ntur Mixoiilc Hall , Vlrct-class Work and Prompt noun Kuirantecp Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TAUPY & CO. . 216 12th St , bet. Farnhim nnd Douglas. Work promptly attended to. 1) . PIT/PATRICK. 1400 Douchs Street. Palntlne an nper MfLNIlY A. KOSTKUS. Ill DodRo Street. Ghon otorei. Phlllli ) I.MIIT , 1320 ramnam t. bet inth k 14th. Second Hand Store. PEP.KINB & LIIAU. 1410 loualasSt..Ncw and Sucond IKnil Furniture , House KnnilphmgOno fitboivht unH sold on narrow innri'lns Ualooni. IIF.NRY HAUl'MANN , In tl.u ni'A1 brick hlnik on Doujli' ) Strsct , h-io just cpcnoil a moil cle n'it Ikci Hall. Hot Lumh from 10 to 1'J e\ cry ( lay. " Oalwlonu " . ' I'AII'ONKK 679 IGth Street. Utidortnkers. CHAS. HinWE , 101'J Fnrnham bet. 10th fc lltd. 00 Cunt Stores. P. C. I1ACKUB. 1205 FarnliHtn St . F ncy Oooiia CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All sufferers from th's discaso that arn anxlouu to lie cured should try DR. KISSNER'8 Cele brated Consumptive Powders. Thcso Pow ders aio the enl } prepaiatlon linoun that "ill cure Consumption and all diurascs of the Throat and Lungs indeed , to ttron , , ' ii out faith in them , and nl.-o to com luce you that thcv are no hnnibu ' , o will forward to cicry buUcrer , by itall , ] )0bt paid , a free Trial Box Wo don't want jour money until you are per fectly f a1 itflcd of their ciiratlio powers If jour life \\ortli savinc , don't delay In chine ; these Powders a trial , us they " 111 surely cure jou. Price , for largu box. tSOO , pent to anj paitof the United Stales or Canada , by mall on rei cipt tf price. Addrces , ASH & ROI1HINS , nlldly MOKulton bt. , Bror.kUn. N. Y. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA Si ii § R V ILEB & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OM4.HA. To Nervous Sufferers THE CHEAT bUROPCAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It U a i. ( siueeurc | for Spcrmatoi rhea , Eenilrn ft'.skin / . Impobincy , and all dii.caseB resulting Ironi Silf-Abuii , ut Mental Anxiety , I/jra Hemorv , P nn in the liacli or tilde , and rut that lead to CoriHiimitlo ) > i mnanlty nnl bwciflc | Mtdlelno U _ tent free to all. Write lor them und ct fol par ti solars. Prlco , SpcHflc , Jl , 09 per pacl'ago , or six park. iiria for JC.OO. Addreiu all ordcia to B. SIMBON 1IEI1ICINE CO. Noil. 104 and 10(1 Main lit. lluffalo , X. V Hold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J.V. . Bell , / . K UU , and all cfrui'iIat < ct cry where. John G. Jacobs , ( Fariiicrlyof Olih& Jacoln. ) UNDERTAKER. No. HI ? Karnham St. , Old Stand o' fWOrdrrs av TeUfianh Solicited 17 A. MARTIN , MERCHANT TAILOE , 1220FamhamSt. , Desires to announce to his friends and the Gei eral public that he has resolved to reduce his prices to the lowest notch consistent with tha principle of "live and let live. " Gentlemen desiring a first-class Suit of Clothes , in all respects equal to any and second to none , will r1r trroll fo o > mM Mr. Mflrf.in * ON THE DUMP. The Fnrndino of 11 um nml Thnr-.s ot Every Grrulo A Muah. room City An cnstiTii correspondent sljotchcs the railroad town of Olondivu , near the hotitulnry of Montnnn , on the Northern Pacific , ns follows : "On ronchinu Olondivo 1 found the tinvn to consist of nbont ! ( ) ( ) luibitii- tions , and composed about half nnd half of wood and canvass , The wood uii buildings uoro of the roughest do aoriition. | After supper I took it walk aluiix the line of housuj constituting the only street , in the place anil found it contained ! ( ! hnnsma mid tents nil told , 20 of those beiiif ; liqu'or saloons , y dnncin < ; places of the lowest typo , and the balat co dwpllinj : housea and atoris , includint ; the only hotel in thu jiliico , which is known as the 'Grand I'acilie. " Tliia hostelry is thu most piiiintivo ono 1 have stvnck in my travel ; . It consista of n luni ; wooden front building with a cnnvnsj roof ; this is occupied by n liiptor bar , billiiird table , and writing table. Three wings of similar constructions lire built on I ho bick of this , with coniinuiiic.itinir doors in the ends of each. The lust contains the dining room nnd all the washing accoinmoda turns of the hotel in the ulmpo of two basins , two towi > la , and a buckut ol water. The other two wings are boil rooms or rather , I ought to say , ono bed room each with a solid row ol buds placed along each sidoof the long building , with a passage way down between. Thuro is some slight at tempt at a wood partition at ono or two points to subdivide the accommo dation , and a piece of canvass hung tip in the shape of curtains , to insure piivaey for the lady guests of this magnificent establishment. Every bud is supposed to contain two people ple , and the buds number somewhere about fifty. The cooking is bottoi than might have beun expected. The first morning after my arrival I got up piotly early and w.\lked out to in- spue * the town and see how tin people of Glendivo spout the Sunday. I directed my steps to tiio ihor , urn found n number of peoulo luiry load ing n river steamer , which was going up to JMjlea City , about 100 miles above , with grain , Hour , beer , am' general merchandise. As I approaches the boat a commotion took placi itmongst thu men on board. I heart' n little swearing , a knock or two , am' saw a man stagger oyer to the side o ! the bout , with the blood stivaiiiiiij , from his head , and holdint ; his back. I learned , on inquiry , that two mei had qtmrolod , ono hnil stuickithi club , the other dro\\ his knife and cui nt his opponent , who retaliated \vitl an axe. Both men -voro pretty badly hurt. I asked Dr. JJinluigh , of Miles City , who dressed their nounds about their injuries. TIe said tlie ono struck with the sixo had got a knock on the head , two on thu back , am ono on the leg. The Doctor told hin that ho had a yioat inistoilnne. The man replied that ho had. 'Yes,1 re plied the doctor , 'in not being killed outright. ' It is just , possible that tin man didn't agieo with the medical on this point. In talking with the cap tain ot the boat I learned that all the scum , criminals , and roughs follow the w ku of the railroad constinetion. Certainly the class of laborers loading this boat were the most villianous lot of nipn I had over peon together. I noticed one man take oil'his hat and his head was literally scainei with Bears of old wounds. These moi do not carry piatolshko tlie same class in New Mexico and Arizona , or else the sillair of thu morning would have had a more tragic ending , but , over without , they ave u lawless band of roughs. " Hope on , Hope Ever- No mutter what thu ailment may lie , rheuuiuiigmneuriilg 11 , Imnencsa , usl'mm ' br"iicliitis- ntlioi tr utinent. Imo failed liopeon ! RO at once for THOMAS' KI.KC- TltlcOu , . It will recuro you iiinneiliate relief. cocllw \Vanted to bo a Cow Boy. Santa Vo New Mexican. A frail , delicate looking youth ar rived hero from Chicago a few days ago and went to the Grand Cential hotel. Hero he secured apartments for the night , and having enjoyed a big dose of tiled nature's sweet restorer , vent down to breakfast very much re freshed and in better spirits than ho had been possessed of on the proceed ing night. Ho was a hey in whom there uus a spirit vhich yearned for distinction and he had come west to make : i hero of himself. After bivakf.iat ho stepped out into the oliice , wheio he espied a largo , portly man , who was sitting \ > y the etovo warming himself. This manrtppoarcd tothoyuuij ; hero a puifect giant , a typical Western , big handed , big hearted follow , who would throw out a paw to a Bhang"1 and tuy , "J'tit it thar , paid ; I know your racket and I'll see you through. " Accordingly our young Uhicngo.m resolved to appioach him und become acquainted. Ho dro.v up a chair tim idly and opened the conversation with a frank statement of the object of his journuy out to New Mexico. Ho said lie had heard a great deal about cow hoys. Ho wanted l < bo a cow boy himself , but the fact was ho did not exactly know how to bn ono. Would not his friend tell him what to do ? He had como all the way from .Illinois to become a brnvo cow boy , and if some body would just toll him how , ho would repay the kimlnwmf God would spare his life. His large friend took in the situation. Ko far from being in that ainiablo humor .which the young man had supposed wns a characteris tic of thu frontiersman , ho was morusu. lib head ached , in fact , ftoin thu of- ftwtn of the night bc-foie , and being a highly respectable ciliV.cn , ho did not feel complimented at being mis taken for a cow boy in the presence of so many acquaint ances. He paused a moment nnd then gravely proceeded to give his in structions : "You want to got a pair of big boots , anil a pair of hugospurs. Then you want a buckskin suit , with plenty of fringe , a broad brimmed white hat the broader the hotter ; two forty-lives , a knife , a Winchester and a horse. Then you want to got drunk and Tgot on the horse ; then take- the reins between jour teeth , a revolver in each hand , and go down thu street at a full inn , shooting at every jump. Then come back and yell as. loud as you' can , 'My name in npil I'm piinlfin for n fight ; for a trip to Chicago , white the lis teners gave a shout that rent the air. The would-be cow boy is on his way back home. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Hnml-Mnilo CkriiUmni Gift * K.V II. In Nun York Pout. Ill addition to the articles men tioned recently ns suitable hand'iuado Christmas gilts are the following : A hiindsoiuu tidy in mailu of alternate strips of black velvet and nida can- v.xss. Have the. strips of equal length , and straight across the top , but pointed nt the bottom ; the black velvet strips should bo embroidered with bright-colored silk arounil the in foalher-stitch modification edge , - or some fication of it. This is all the orim- mentation necessary to make a pretty effect. On the canvass work n scroll or a stripe with silk and worsted com bined. Finish the tidy by turning down at thu top and side * and blind- stitching , and putting a tassel on each point. Very pretty tassels are made of crowel. Make just as yon would a common , worsted towel , and when made take a ifeetllo nnd sope- rate the threads in ns many p.'uta us in possible without breakine them. They will look soft nnd lleeey if rightly made. Urueh broom cases made ot still' canvas ? , nnd ornamented with applique Mork or with monogram worked in silk , or with a bunch of ( lowers , are pretty. An other gilt requiring more time nnd skill is made by covering a pane of glass or a piece of wood the right nie : : with velvet Then p.xint n landscape- on n bristol card , and paste upon thu velvet. A small card may bo inado very etl'ectivo in this way. Tf you ur.o wood for the foundation , bo sure that ) it will nut wnip. Cases for blushes and combs are not hard to make , nnd are useful in protection from dust. Cut u foundation of pasteboard , cither in shape like the bruoh or long and narrow ; cover tins with nny Bultable material , from silcsia to cilk ; lay the brush and comb on it and take another strip of pasteboard and bend to form n cover. This ii : to bo attached nt the sides only ; the ends nro left open st that the brush may be nlipped in am out eatiily. Cover this also to mntol : the other part , and ornament to suii your own taste. Tlia Ilifilorinu'R Rolativc. NORTH UMO.V "SiiAicnts , " \ CMVKIA.M : ) , O. , Fob. L1 ; ) , 1880. * J 11. II. WAU.VUI & Co. : Friends I take pleasure in saying that 1 have used your celebrated Safe Kidney ant' Liver Ctirp , nnd that it cttied me o ] Bright's Disease sifter 1 was given nj to die und all other remedies luu failed decieod-lw ( , TAMIS : S. PctrincilTrorK Denver Time * . From twenty to thirty-live milcf from Deliver , beittfpn ( Jhorry crcolc and Running crrek , the Denver No\vOrleans railroad forces shuck ai unusual obstiuction , it being nothing less than ii bmicd forest. Thf trees are all petiitled and Dualiz are of all sixes , and liu buried at various depths , fioin ton to twenty-live feet , which is as deep as any excavations weio made by thu workmen. They came upon these relics of a by-gone "go ii at least half a do/.en localities , mid have mot with not a little diilicully 01 their account. The trees are very perfect nnd could bo taken out nearly whole if suitable machinery wan em ployed. The trees thow thu bark uui the grain very perfectly. Above these buried lopioscntutivcti of n once mammoth forest grow the pinus of the present generation. WORTH Y OF i FlTlSE. As n rule we do not rccommcirJ patent medicines , but when wo know of one. that really is a public benefac tor , and docs positively cure , then \ > o consider it our duty to impart that in formation to all. Electric bitters aio truly a most valuable medicine , ant will surely cure Biliousness , Fever and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Kidney complaints , even where nil other rem edies fail. We know whereof wo speak , and can freely recommend tr all. [ Ex. Sold at CO cents a buttle. Ish it McMuhon. (7) ( ) Viiry Characteristic. ork Tunes Wo took no notice of the .article in the Omaha .Republican , which was ru produced in ono of our local papois , because it wns so characteristic of that journal , ( The Omaha Itepubhcan ) on the issues between thu people and thu railroads , that we have come to ox pec I just Bpch htull' , whenever the biilijcet is treated upon , in that paper. It WUH an insult to every honest voter in the attite , but when the Omaha Ito- publican speaks npim thu i ail road ( | iiesUon , it is like tin ; evidence ot a robber in bin own behalf. FH1CE OF COST. Dit. KIMI'H NKWV DI.SCOVIIIIY for Consumption , Coughs and Colds Asthma , I'.ronehitis , etc. , is given away in tiial bottles free of cost to the alllicted. If you have n bad cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , ho.UHcncss or any direction of the tluont or lungs by all means give HUH wonderful remedy a trial. As you value your existence yon cannot afford to let this opportunity pa'is , Wo could not nll'ord , nnd would not give this remedy away unions wo knew it would accomplish what wo claim for it. Thousands of hopeless cases have already been completely cured by it. There h no medicine in thu world that will euro one half thu canes that Dit. KIXO'HNKW DiscoVJJKY will cure. For sale by 0) ) ISH it MiuMAiio.v , Omaha. HMlSCIUCt / Mil' ift M I IITtO .lltll Ch Cora s llcrso Powcts , ills , Culuvalort Marseilles M'lg ' Co , * Jo 28-wly Mary J. Holmes , Iti t | i1 > ll li ( < < tMndellnc. . A * | tlrtMI < l tie notcl In Man. MAHT J HOMIM , wonmr \ \ * toll to i norinoiiiil ) , ami nrr r.ml and u trail witti aucli Initial llrniitiruliA lioiiiul , iiflw $1.50. ' VAt ohaml ome tirw rilltioiivnf Mr llolinrV other wnrkf Tcnitut n Suiinlilnc , Mut llUcn IMIttil/ilo , K.liiilUo iiliiir , Mnri\nUri'\ ! , West IAWII , Fort t HOIKO , ilc , itr. ALSO , sou ) nv M.I , iionusr.i.t r.us : MAY AGNES FLEMINC. Hoirt Anoll-or intriurh lnt < r noul l > > MMiiNM ri.MMVi , i\iillmr of tlioxc iA | > ltil novel * ( mi r.itlfcour' ' Wit\ Womlrtlul Woimii , Mul Miurl.iv-t' , Silent niul Trite , 1 rut [ or u W.Mnaii , etc IK.MitilulU Imuiiil ; price , $1 H ) . G. CO. , 0 t21il"0illiii I'lililWura , X. V. Cllj. FLOB1 DA rls a IOM-K. uinnri I.AMI ' I uo ofnO.UOO SUnrrN ot 010 nt pur. \\iriino.Ni-sor .JO M'uix FOU K.M-II 10 MIAIUN , I-IOM : rinmv. I.AXIH or nil : "Dissrox prnriiAsp " OI'F I ' - TuihliM > I'liriiM r MPui1 \HM , . linn. Hi nu > \ ( \ > , \ \ . | < vsiu , 1 1,1. nctnllol I'tiiiiirrtiH \\itli ilohciiij\i | | < mi | > n.nlUil to applii anti n i\ ' 'H.V.'IO BEST ALr , FOE ! AK AwJD SBASI , i ii ' c f i nvtin ! \ * Ltuxr 1 .In liu < u ( .1111011 fit I iimvi liimilii' ii'iinii ' " \ \ in. . cuiiv H. ' ' ' foi U li'llcf OP II" . i I It Ii u lliiillclni n .in i > pitro inul pi.iin1 - tbr IMA I it I lit M" . ! ' iwij loan ollAtuuill pu n iMn-liuiK l.lnliiH'iil l > v lilioat an oiii.ul It | iriii'int < t ltci.il mill iiiuuvlf in llui \vty lioiii'-niiiUliiK tinIM ntliin illicit of pulii iiinl Inlliinnniition Itnpn- hlbli llh rtciMHIip"M ! Hum ri I U'nli ' n < I Hi I'M ii' ( n iitloii aiv t Hiiiil1\ \v lul. Tli Mi'Alcmi G3 \ Ji H ff tTTB R ? \ R rt'ti ' IIISMll . i I.I inn'm ' la ni'i'iH'il l y HiMii < < bi < ih In M'\I iiKiusi1. . I/ i i ) iln1)1 IIIL- , nr\\-i 111. 'I In ntiivny nfiiu nnfu1 ! M nlil 01 limn Ij iiluliliil , 01 fhfiiiiiuiic nn > Uin i Mul.ll , III II M i 3ltllll Ill'l.ll- < ! - . . . -L..S Kuril nlliucntt i > l tin lit MM I'M..11 111 tcii r iinin 4 11 . , fiiioil'iiRi. iisir. Jllllltl. < riuiri.f till .Cttvl- . , \l-t < * lllHl Slllillt , ( .1. 1. tJrll'K-'K fltllt' ' , fNprillUn. ; * I. ll ( > It N Ulll'H JtlMf : > < > > ipilrx | , I'ul.xl III ikl , am I lin'.rvil cvny ltr > ii of ovli-i'iiul < : ; % - Cll.f. II 111 Ills 11 II limit KIMI'h. I I'lil1 ! ' ! < Illll Til C li ! AT1OK II ( UK" ! SfriliKnliniy. . HtHV .Tolntx , l iiuikili t Iln i ncKH Mirri'N , IVfHif l N * ! , li'ool ( Cm , Mi-ron lyiiiui. t ntf , tttillnw IIoiii , S'n ntctu'S , V.'liul- Ulil Niu-i-b , I'oll Kill , J'lli.i upoti tint Mlit null cvri'j olluiullii.riil III lltlll.ll tltO IIC-'CllpIllltH ll ( ! lC .Stniiit ! nml bliicJc Vmil nrc HnliU. Till * ninxlrnll j1ll luui { I.llllinrlit nlwaya curu1) unil novut1 illauiiiioluta , ami U is , positively , THE BEST OF ALL FOR MAN OR BEAST. TO JOHN CONNOR. OMAHA , Nni. , Oct. 2Slh , 1881. ) DllUlil.tH COI/MV. f You are hcicby notlllcil that Doxttr L. 'I hnin is purchastil at thu cciuit ) tre.'iHiirir n ollkv , nn tin 6th day of Junelt > 70 , ivt prnntu Kile. 'I ho fol- lonlm ; panel ol land for lavrs of 1877 , for ol lit ilollfiraainl nlintj.L ( t cento ( fH hM , anil the silil Dexter I , . Tlionm has triihfemil KiliI icr- tlficato ol salu \Villluni Connor for the BIIIII ol ten dollars nnd tv cnty-thruo cvntH ( lU 2.1) ) Do Bulitloii | of propirt\ , to-\\it : Coinmuiu UK 10 27 chains , llof S\V lorncrof hil : , thuneu K : i. - ImliiH , thence l ii.llljclinliis.iliunia : ) Klji.li tins , thi'iicu 'J.I J chain * , to pi iru of liix-lniiiii , ' In 8 W of S i : bocilnn No. 1(1 ( , iniio ( IB , 13 , contain hiiT ono aero That I ulll take out n tax iloud In thrco niontha from dale of thlt notliu. ir2utl : , IM8.O1JATJ3 NOTICE. Htati ! of jVdiraska , IoiiilaH ) County , HI : At a County Court , hi hi at the County Court Room , In nml for mill Comity , Atiii8t | I t , A. I > . IbUI Present , HOWARD It. Kill HI , Count } Jtnlicu. In the nutttr ol thoc'Htnto ol Joncpli II , Xel- uon , ili'teiMil : On ri'ftillncanil flllni ; the , I'tltion of Murllm fi. Ncleriii , prajiiu t ' 't the initmmont , pur- porlln ; lo hu .1 mil } .mthi.iitiu'.tul i-niy ) of the ait will nml IcitJUiH nt of uiiil dri ua oil , und ol the prch.ito thureol , liy llio Uinult Onirt ol rounl.iln Connt } , St.iluof Imlhiui , nnd thlndii Illod in this l iurt.in.iy hu allouul Mill ruiunliiil , ox thu lautill r.ml ti Htiuncnt of H-ilil Jcmpli II NvlHon , tli.i.iaH'il , In and for the Ht.ito of IV- braxkn. Ordcnil.Tlmt . An u t 87th , A , I ) . IWtl , at 10 o'clock .1. in , , Iu.u.ai ni'il for liintini'B.il < lii'tlliiii | , uhen all | icrHon Intcri'itoil in Kilii inittir inn > appcarataCountj Court to IM hdil , in anil ( or until County , ami i-lioiv rauw why the prnjir t I'CtHloiiurhlioilldliot ho nilitul , and Hut nnllii of the pi'ridciu } of Kilil jtttition and tin1 hMirin ' thereof , hu glim to ell PITMIIH lnt < n > tul In mtlil uinttir , puliliiihliiK 11 < opj of thin onhrin'IllK OMAHA U'KHKU HI-K , a ntxp.ipur prlntnl In mid County , loi'tlnco uuu.uniM' ttlH , prior to hull ) ilny 01 litnrind. [ A ( mo ropy. ) HOWARD It , SMITH , " " ' " , ' ! ! enmity Juiluo. Stito of NubriuLa , Douiil.ii Coiintf Kt : At a County Court , hilil "t the County Cn'irt llooni , In and for wild Cnunly , ( ) i t. V4lh , A. I' . JMI. I'lWit , A. U. ( JIIADIVIC'K , County JmUu. In tliu matter of thocitito o [ Ntla Mon ciiheii , ilcic.iaeil ; On ruadinx' and IHIntf the petition of 1'ittr.M. IJjilc.prnjiii that ailiiiiiMatnitlon of Halil < tiw nay tor inioil | o liiinwl' ' , at U'lmlnMr.itor. Orderul , 'Jlut Novcnihir JOtli , A , D. Ibdl , nt 10 o'clock 11 , in , N asslj.-nc.il fiirlii-arlni ; vl'l pctl- .Ion , uhrnull IIITHDIH IntiriM'od ' In Mild initter nay uppcarat u County Cum I to ho held , in and 'or ' add Countv , and hho ' iuii'0 wli ) thu prayer of potltloni'r hlioul 1 not bo errant' d , 'Hi'l ' ' that no. hoof iiundcrioy of bildp iltloii iui'1 hu huirliiK licreol , hu ( 'lu n to all purson * InteruHtcd In nalij natter , M ' imbllililnn u ioiy | ol thuonli rln Tnr > UAIIAV'KKKLV llru , uno * pii"- printed In raid County , for three * siK'ctmini uu < KH , iirlor tould d y of huirliiif A. 11. CIIAbWlCK , POLAND & QWYB. . > ' , Commission Merchants , "or the sale ol I'nrm 1'roduto ; I'ntntocH , Poultry , IJiittcr , r.'ix * n ct'litd and no d on tomintmilon. Cmh ndiancco inado on ronfliiniiiuitii. Vsrehouie and Gtore , 1413 Oodc.u Olrc-ol Omaha , Nol ) . r1KK\ | tfcjifiMlxr llth , > > t the nnilcr 1. BiyniJ , liilnc ; on tlio Jinl/u llri.'it'1 * ( all"i tHoanil a hall inllca went nl Oiialu. Dong In * CouutNtI ) , , ono milch LOW , sujipoHcil to Im Iliu icarH olil , no tur uurknor liiniulx , red uiid vrlil'.o | . ( cV.kii JAMI.hU HAl.l' i.'ICiio\J3-Mri : | "BOGCS & ML" REAL ESTATE BflOKtiiS No. iriOBFarnbam Street , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * //OTA'M. / / ARLINarON. WAVtnUY HOUSC. SAI1ATOQA HOTEL , UECD HOUSE , WOODS HOUSC. COMMERCIAL HOTCL AMERICAN HOUSE , HAUL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , DEPOT HOTEL. CITY HOTEL , UAI1NUM HOUSC , HEVEHIE , EXCHANGE HOTEL , WISNEIJ HOUSE , mural House , CREICHTON HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , CENTRAL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , COMMEIIOIAL HOTEL COMMrnCIAL HOTEL HAUTNtY HOUSC , OELLOU HOUSE , NELIOH HOUSC , OOnCHESTEH HOTEL. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , CENTRAL HOUSE , 1UTTLC HOUSC , QAOE HOUQE. DENVC.I7 HOUSE SANDERS HOUSE , WOODWARD HOUSE , PACIFIC HOTEL , EOTES HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WILDER HOURE COMMERCIAL HOUSE METRO'O.ITAN HOT OREENWO ID HOUSE , HAMMOND HOUSE , CENTRAL CITY H UNION HOTEL , UELDEN HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , SCOT T HOUSC , SUMMIT HOUSE , NEOLA HOTEL , EMERSON HOUSE , ULANCHAKD HOU3E , PARK'S HOTEL , MERCHANTS' HCTED , A. & N. AND O. it I ! . V. R. I ? . , UUNTUAfi XUIIKASKA. MOKU1S .IONKS . Agricultural IinnriiHirnl * .1. A. HAlili . \gricilltui.ll Implement 11. I'KI'PHU , t CO . Cicuural Merelmmlino V. 11. ANHKLL . Ounur.il Merchant ) iso . ) . V. IWOWN . ( Juuural M rchtiudiso UKliNllAltDT A : SON . General Merclmudiso SISAINM'XTVALKK15 , V CO . iiiiimsoii , Ni'li ) ( I'uin-r.il MnichiMiHso \ \ . ( . BOSTON . Who'.i'Milo mid Itolail [ I. mlvuiv , St-ivvn , A-C .1. 1. X KLSOX . C3r < .ccr KE1.1.KU IJISOS ( Jroci-VH \Y. IC - VT1M D.iviil ( illy li.iliury . , Cioooiisu \ . .1. IMAlt'l'lN lownlij , Silv r uri > : ml Cl J. 1 > . AIOIKJAN Knrniliin uitil I'liil ,1 AIM IDS Mlililj iiinulii'i' , Linnn A. , ! . M Al.OY Htuli ( < r luniS ci-Yiifil ( ! . ( J. ( SROSS Mc.it IMiiiktit , IViik lokiic. ' and ( iwcorj' CliO. KM AHA Mu\t ! aiiukol C. It CMUUUIIM.L Sioi-k Hai'ur l.Ol IS SMITH llariK'SHiiiiilSa'UUoH 11ANYH A. 15ltIRTfi ) , Uaib-r Shop Sl'KhTS iV KUSTU11MAN ) Craiu anil hti.rk JIHItCMANTS'A TnFAIlMl : llh' HANK 1M1 V Luoniuil , I'mukura Itl'NTJNC-iV HUNYON llwil listato OHico , Ago * ta U. It UuittH O. 11. FOR 1) ' . Itiml I'lstalu ' , IJOHH anil liisur.inco Olfico MAKT MILLER Attnmey at l iw anil l an Ollict ) RO1JEI5T.SYIiSTOVKR.V U JLL1AM.S. . Altiirnoj-nalso TlioroiiyhbrifdStock DEAN it CL1NCMAN Allori.oyH , Uu.il Katalo anil Abstract Ollico HORACE OAKl'lKLD . Attwiiuy t , Lnw DR. C II. 1'EEItLKS I'hyaicinn anil Sun-eon 1C. IJ. TA YLOIt Clerk of Dmlrict Court FRANK DA VJS ' ! ' - a iirur nmhirCounty K.V. . LKONIIARDT II. , fc M. Station A cnt CEOIUiE OSTIilMIOUT Imlgo of Uutler County HENRY WILL Coinincicial Ilousu D. J ! . I5ULLOOK David City HOUHO ( it. M. H. R. , Central Nulmiska. ) iS. Tliyepson llariliraro , S't'oveii ' unif'J'iiiware C. 0. Turner IlhtokBinith and Wnquu I\raknr G. A. Derby Heal liHtatu , .Justice of the IVaco and InsuranceAeit. { ) . . .1. \ \ ' . StvicUIor Cicner.xl W. E. McCloud it Co , ll.ii'dwariStoviB nn < l Tunvaru ] \lotroiiolitin \ ; ilotul W.V. . Hlintulilt , I'nipriclor w TD mr n T Pl | H I ) h d v U B nl j ll u > Uhlia * 'Mr tilim Sivetlie Barains 1NT A1J , KINDS OF - ! .kj J WATCHES.CLOGKS , SILVERWAHESOL1D AND 1'LATKIJVAIK \ AND DIAMONDS. At Pi'icoa that Suit Any Customer Who Really Firat. Articlo. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Effdus'vely ' by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS FOIL Till' ] SMITH AMEBiGAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. POWKR AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MININU UAUIIINEUr , IIKLTINO , lIOHi : , I1IIARS AND IKON K11TINOB. HP . STEA1I I'ACKIKO AT WJIOLUiAU : AND IthTAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELU " I . "TO / > NO. 206 Farnam St. , Omah a