THE OMAHA -DAILY BEE. ELE NTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY KQ11NING , DB013J\EBKR \ ( ; , 1881 , NO. r\ XLVII. CONGRESS. 5he Senate Alreafly Proceofling in Its Sedate Course , Heifer Elected Speaker of tbe Honoo by the Poll Party Voto. All the Other Republican Norn- ineos Successfully Placed in Position. The Moesage to bo Delivered to OouRroHB at Noon To-day. Nqtosirrom the Nix- tlonnl Capital. CONGRESS. 'IfatlonaJ AtMoclatcd Pro * . I'UOCKKUIXOS IN THK MKNATII. D. C. , December fi. At the opening the ncnatu was not as fall as usual , but tilled up soon after by the overflow from the house . The senate was called to order at 12 o'clock. Senator Windom's creden tials were presented and ho was sworn in. in.The The usual committees to notify the liouso and the president were ap pointed. A largo number of hills , miinly those which failed in the last con- grewB , were introduced and laid on the fable to bo referred when the committees arc appointed. At 1:10 p. m. the aonato tank a re cess until 2:30. : The most interesting and only in cident of political interest in the pro ceedings was during the three minutes the senate was in session after recess. Edmunds offered resolutions review ing and continuing the committees as they existed at thu close of .the last session , and asked that Alley Ho over under the rules. Pugh wa ready with another reso lution intended as a substitute , leav- iud it to bo divided by the president pro tern , whether the committees should be equally decided between the two parties , and if ho so decided them to designate which of the com- urittoes shall be constituted with a majority of members democrats , and which , with a majority of republicans , and that thu senate proceed to the election of committees on the basis in klio usual way. Edmunds made a point of orc'erthat this rosoulution was not in accordance , \ . with the rules of the senate. Without decision , both resolutions and the point of order went over until to-morrow and thu senate adjourned. F UO KDtK08 1.V THE HODKK. The house proceeded to organize by vfcho election of oilicen. Mr. Keifer vwaa elected speakerthu ballot being as follows ; ' Whole number cast 285 , necessary to a choice 143 , of which Keiler received 148 , Randall li0 ! , Ford 8. Mr. Kelly , senior member , admin istered the oath. Mr. Keifer , on takincr the chair , returned the usual thanks. Ho said that neither parly hud a majority in cither house over all oth ers , a tiling which had not ex isted since thu period before Lincoln's . rst term. There had not been dur ing the interval so few vital questions of national importance left unsettled to dr.iw party lines upon as now. In purely party mattcis ho would alwajs bo found a republican ; in all otheiH , "impartial. As the prosperity at proH- ent w s greater than ever before iu tlio country , bo hoped the present congress would bo a purely business congress. Objection wrts made to the aweiiring in of Messrs. Wheeler from Alabama , Van VoorhU and Wads worth from Now York , and Chalmers from Miss issippi. The fit nt and last named woru by rule ut thu clnir made to atand aside temporarily an I thu swearing in of the otlier momb rs w.ia .proceeded with. Noirly two hours were consumed in swearing in | iiem- bers. bers.One One of the most interestinz features was the retaliation of Mr. Brags ( of Wisc-tnsin ) to Mooro's ( of Tonnesi'e , ) objection to Chalmers ( of Mississippi ) being sworn , imitating Mooro's pom pous manner. Mr. Hrajri ; appealed in the name of humanity to the great American people ple and to the memory of his de feated friend , Casey Youni ; , against the present Hwenriug in of Mr. Mooru. Finally , however , those cases were all disposed nf and all members except Scales , if North Carolina ; Morse , of Massachusetts , and Ducstur ; of Wis- eonsin , who were absent , were sworn iu , The house proceeded to the com- nletion of its ion by the election of clerk Mr. Kasson nomi nated Mr. Edward MoPhoMon , of Pennsylvania ; Mr. House nominated Hon. George M. Adams , ex-clerk ; Mr. Murch nominated Hon. Gilbert DoLiMutyr , of Indiana , The ballot was as follows : Whole number of votes , 280 ; necessary fora choice , 144 , of which McPh'imon ' received 118 , Adams 12 , > id DoUMatyr I , Mr HoPhorBuii was then sworn in , 15r- rett nnd liingham , of I'oniui lvania , did not vote. ( Joorge Hooker of Vermont , John F. Thompson of Ohio , and Leo dall of the District ot Columbia wore nominated for sorgeaiit-at-arnm ; Waiter - tor P. Hrownlow of Tonnewjui' , Cluu. W. Field of Georgia , II. 11. Wil- lianu of Missouri , and II , Sherwood of Michigan , for doorkeepers ; 0 , W. O. Knowlin of Florida , and W. C. Mboro of Pennsylvania , for postmas ter. ter.Mr. . Hooker was uloctodas sergeant- at-arms , Mr. Brownlow as doorkeeper , and Mr. Sherwood as postmaster , Thu following nominations for chaplain - lain were made : Nov. F. D. Power of the District of Columbia , by Mr. Hobospii ! Hov. W , P. Parson o Georgia , by Mr. llonso ; Hov. lU. . Ingalls of Iowa , by Mr. Murch. Mr. Power was oloctdtl. The speaker appointed Messrs , Uiscock , Orth and Kgan to inform the president that the house was now it session , and would receive any com munication ho might mako. The hoiiao , at 5:20 : , adjourned. Tbo president's message will , ol course , bo presented to both houses to-morroir. " , CAPITAL NOTES. MOVED INTO THE WltlTK 1IOU.SK. WASHixarox , December fi.Tho president will remove from the Grey house to the White House to-day. The White Llouao is in very good con dition for bin reception , save that an odor of paint pruvadcs it and some minor arrangements are as yet incom plete. KMI'LOVKU POn HAM' i f'KVTfltV. Tim lionornhlu assistant doorkeeper of tlio aonato , Oantain Isaac Hassott , completed his fiftieth year of norvico in the senate to-day , having onturud the service us a page oil tlu > rocom- mondution of D.uiiel Webster , from Massachusetts , on December fi , 18JJ1. Thuro were six sonatora who did not occupy their seats to-dav : Mussrs. Groomu , Ilumpton , Jones ( Nevada ) , McMillan , Van Wyck and Williams. PAY I'OK DAY8 LOST. The question hiving boon submitted to ComptrollerXawrenco , of the treas ury , as to whether employes in the government printing ! ollicea should bo paid for time lost ' while the depart- montn wuro closed on account of Ihn death of President Garlield , ho rendered - dorod a decision to-day in ellbct thai they were entitled to pay for the thno in which the departments were closed by order of the puUlio printer , but not nu the clay oHho funeral appointed by the president * to bu observed as a day of mourning and humiliation. AFTEll TIIK 1'im.SIMMONS. All indications now point to a via- orous onslaught by southern republicans - licans on the poatollieos throughout the south. Many of these olliccs are now filled by democrats and lukewarm rppublicaim. A move in this direc tion has already been made by Sena tor Kellogg , of Louisiana , at whose request a list has been propitrod of employes of the postoflico depart ment , showing the compensation they receive and the states they hail frcm. tVn effort will bo made to havw the ottices of thin department and all other departments of the government apportioned out by states , and thus aocuro fair representation of southern republicans to oih'co. This pro gramme 1ms received an impetus by the success of the southern republic ans in electing Brownlow as door keeper of the hoase. COMMITTBE UL'MOllS. It is conildcntally assorted to-night that thosonatocoinmittoos will remain unchanged , and that Kelly will have the ways and moans chairmanship in the house , Kaason foreign affairs and Hiscock privileges ad ] elections. Supposed Snloldo. Special l > iip.itcli to Ilio Ilcc. Smtu.vo , Colo. , December 5.hi. . J. King , a druggist rf this place , was FoUnd dead in his store hero this morning. He and Frank Mar shall , a carpenter , who hud been baching together , wont to dinner about noon. Kina was feeling appar ently well , but seemed sleepy , and said he would liu down. Marshall left him and wont to work. Return ing about j o'clock , lit'found King on the floor. Lie Deemed somewhat sleepy , but was conscious and would not talk. Marshall wont for assist- unco and took King to his store , and pii him to bud , supposing him to bu under the influence of liquor. The } ' returned about 8 o'clock and found : uin dead. Ho in supposed by some to have died under the influence of some drug. F t lures N'ntional AsH'ciituJ I'.tn- . NKWOIIK , December f > . Isaac Farwoll v , Co. , m-uiuf.ictiirorH of sow ing tilk , this city and Jiuston , have prenfiitod a statement at a mot ting of creditors held in Boston , showing their liabilities to bo § 40,088 , und the nominal assets § 51,911. Kit sotlle- nient wnx elVcUd ) ) at the meoting. The Now York creditors of Grain , Rising it Co. , boot and shoo manil- factnrers. Hoston , liavo received notice of the failure of the firm. * Liabili ties , upwards of SL'00.000 ; assets machinery and outstanding accounts value unknown. Dispatches received thin afternoon imnounco the failure of Little iV IMonl- ton , manufucturers of boots and nhoop , Georgetown , Mass. The liabilities are reported very largo , but no esti mate has been received. Baltimore dispatches ntato ( > . II. Manko & Co , manufacturers of boots and shoo * , have undo un assignment. Liabilities , § 70,000. Canada Kicking- .Vatlonil AujtocUtoil 1'runs. TORONTO , Out. , December fiIt has bi'en announced that tlin Cana dian Pacific railway Hyndicato had dccurod control of the Credit Yidley railroad , which has obtained the run ning powers ( > f the Great Western railway. It causes considerable talk her. ! . Tlio syndicate aru also reported to have secured and consolidated every important line in Ontario , u.\- cept thu Grand Trunk , thus reducing the Canadian rail vuy system to tw.i linei. There in a great outcry in Mil- way circles , as it is feared the syndi- cito's immense resource ) will enable them to compel the Grand Trunk to amalgamate , thus placing the Doinin- loa in the power of a giant monopoly. The Cotton Producer * . N tlonal Anioclnted I'rtsw. ATMNTA , Ga. , December fi , This city is filled with distinguished men who cotuo to attend the exorcise * of the planters' and manufacturers' week at the THE COMICAL CUSS. Himself and the Spec tators on the Grin , Yoatardny an AmuoirjK Day in the Amusing Trial of the Assassin. Guitoau Prefers to bo Hanged aa a Man Than to bo Con sidered a Fool. A Suggestion to the President Regarding Reconstruction of His Cabinet. The Grant Momlnh From Saratoga Promptly Snatched. QtJITEAU National A ) ciftt l ( TCM. ( 'HANK TKSTIMONV. NYAHiusc.TON , December o. The court room was crowded when it opened at 11 a. m. ( .iuiteau made a speech , Baying ho wanted the insanity oxpertn to understand ho claimed to have been impelled by a pewor bo could not control to do a certain act. The ( | iiestion wus whether that was insanity. James IJ. Kiernan , an insanity ex pert , said heraa editor of The Chicago cage Medical 1'eview nnd hud studied mental diseases as a specialty since 1874. In reply to n question by Sco- villo , ho said if it was tmo that the prisoner's habits _ were n-ally as de scribed , if insanity' prevailed in the family , if many persons had declared him insane and if it was true ho hud been dominated by the idea that he was inspired , that the witness on such assumption would regard the prisoner as insane. Ouiteau looked around approvingly. lie got excited because Davidge , in a question , used the word "vulgar , " and said that there was nothing vulaar in the caao , but everything waa high- toned. [ Laughter. ] Ouiteau smiled approval upon iho laughter. The witness said a person who be hoved ho was inspired by God would , in acting out the inspiration , act with his usual peculiarities. Guitoan here broke out about some utterance by his ux-wifo , which ho hud just seen in u paper , and ho wanted the court to know that it was all lies. After ono question hoaskoc , "Where hereditary insanity exists in n man , docs ii not have to show itielf sooner or later upon sufHciont cause ? " "Yos , sir , " replied the witness. "That is all , " said the prisoner. The subject of emotional insanity , inspirational and hereditary insanity , was further discussed and Guiteau broke out with the remark : "Well , if the political situation had not been what it was during last spring there would have boon no occasion for my inspiration. " The audience lauched at this remark and Guiluau looked around approvingly. The witness stated that probably ono person in five are insane. "Ah , " said Mr. Davidge , "that does not leave much chance for many of us. " "No , " fcroko out ( Juitcau , "that takes you in , judge. " "Well , " sain Mr. D.ividgo , "if ono person in five are insane , two of the juroia in this case are doomud. " Mr. Scoville "Probably the law- jorn will tukii their places. " Tliis mdly was greeted with a loud peal of laughter. Guiteau grinned again and patted Scoville IMI the buck upprovinirly. At 1 o'clock a recces was taken for Inilf an hour. The first witness after re-cess wan Col. R. J. Ilinton , of The Washington G.i/wtte. . Ho remomberjd seeing the prisoner at lopublican hoadqtmiturit. Formed the opinion that he w.ia a de cidedly ill-balanced , cranky egotist. lie thought thu prisoner's speech a ridiculous count ruction. Guitoau interrupted him : "It wan nothing of the sort ; it wan highly spoken of by the best men nf the na tion. You1 to witnot-H , "don't know what you are talking about. Scovillo liad no business to put you on thu stand. I am no fuol. Seville - villo cannot prove rno tel l > o a fool. I would rather bo hung as u man than acquitted UH a fool. Putting such u man on the stand i ) an insult to me. If yon ( talking to Scoville ) had not put Davis on the stand it would have boon bet- : er. I thought you wuro a smarter awyer than you are. " This outburst caused cuiiHiderablo oxcilimient. The prisoner gesticulated wildly , and paid no huud to Scovillo's endeavors to quiet him. Chnrles II , Nicols , superintendent of the Blnomingdulo asylum , was then called. The hypothetical condition ) f the prisoner's mind at thu time of he assassination wus propound to iim , and the witness elated ( iuiteau van a fit subject for u luuntis asylum. Ciuiteau brandished his arms fiercely mil said : "I rest my case on the fact hat I was inspired by the Deity , 1 will not allow any otlier defense. " "Had the prisoner , " imkud Scoville ) f the wiuiuiH , "knowledge and men- al capacity to judge between right ind wiling , to nnduttjUiid the iiaturu ) f his act ? " Witness In my opinion , fiuilean van insane at the time ho shut ho president. Dr. Woostor , of Snlem , Mass. , in regard to the prisoner's insanity , said 10 was a little dubious as to thu oxuct iicaniug of the word "inspired. " ( iuiteau exclaimed : "Inspiration , in his case , moaim the interjection of something into the mind foreign to it. " A hypothetic case was explained to : ) rs , Gelding , MoHndo , Chatting and Finhur , who said , if the- suppositions were true , Guiteau was imuno at the imu ho shot Gar field. Hcovillo said ho expected President Arthur to testify , but ho was too busy with his message to congress to attend court. Ho expected Clifford , of Chicago cage , to bo prtmont to-morrow. There were only two or throe ifloro witnesses for the defense. Prisoner I want General Grant and Senator Coukling and other prominent inon who were engaged in politics last nprin to chine here. I don't care for Scotiile'e opinion I know what I am about , ntid I would like your honor to nubmeiia thwo men. I wan to t ll about the politics ! situation. It is very important for mo to show thin fact , and I want thtvie men nubptvnaod , and I claim I WHM on friendly relations with all the promi nent men of the republican party. The ntmoval of President Gurtiold wus iwing to the political situation. [ Pounding on the tftblo und shouting. ] It in important that the factn should come out. Scovillo is a good man , but he has n narrow view of the &ise. Ho is a good lawyer , but a poor poli tician. Scovillu thought Arthur would bo fAillicicnt for the purposes of thu de fense. Prisoner--Oh , no. I want Grant , Conkliug , Platt and others who weie interested in the politics ( if the tune. I want your honor to K'.INI nu mder siibpit'iiaing these men. 1 uunt Storrs , of Chicngo horvsUs" . 1 eon- uider him one of thu ino t brilliant men of the bar. Hu linx the true theory of the business , and ho dniHii't take any stock in thu idea that 1 am a fool. Storrs says I am the ablest lawyer in thin case , nnd X do not quar rel with him for his ( opinion [ laugh ter ] , and I want to nay right here that I would bo pleuood if Arthur would recognize Storrs' abilities arjd mnko him attorney general."I make this announcement publicly. 1 am not looking for any favors , and 1 think it would bu nu honor to Arthur if ho would make Emory Btorrs attorney gen ral. Extracts from Guiteau's book , "Truth. " were read by Scovillo , and couit adjourned Until ' 10 a. m. to morrow. " * ANOT11K11 AMrfAb [ Prof. J. W. Biiivfll , < f Saratoga Springs , Now York , % * limited this morning on the churgjo < being a crank. Ho claimed to-IJF t true Messiah to come hero , ii will , .f' r the purpose of casting out the devil from Guituau. SAIUTOOA , December 5. Prof. J. W. Shivoly , of Saratoga , the grott Messiah crank , arrested at Wash ington , D. 0. , to-day , is believed to be Jonathan W. Shivoly , ot 130 Beoknian otreot , this place. Ho is down in the directory aa a photograph er , but his wife nays ho is un oil painter. While the family makes it" permanent residence here , ho travels from place to place in the purtuit of his profession. Mra. Shivoly says he lef t home iu September and the last she heard from him he was in thu west and she expected a letter from him from Chicago or Cincinnati. She adds that a number of years ago ho Buttered severely with neuralgia ? nd < nt times when excited would 'conduct him self in u peculiar but harmless manner. Thoab portods would cover two or three days , after which be would become perfectly rational. About a month ago , in Cleveland , he sustained an accident by which his head was injured , and she feara this may have caused temporary aberration or insanity. Mrs. Shively did not know her husband intended visiting Washington. Hu is a son of a cler gyman , and born in Jackson county , Virginia. Mrs. Shivoly is u native of Alexandria , in that state. She is considerably alarmed about him. Thu Shivoly family have resided hero for upwards of tun years , but within u year or two phssotl the winters in the HOllUl. Mnrino Nowi , tional AM ciatui ! I'ritw. ISi\v ; YOKK , December ft. Arrived The Wacslaiul from Antwerp , the Italy frcm Liverpool , the Saratoga "IOMI llavanna. December f--SaiIed- ANTWKiir , ) - - - ) u the 3rd , the Bolgcnhicd for Now York. HAMiUMtu , December 5. Arrived --Tho Bohemian , from Mow York. HAVKK , December fi. Ariivud The Onlidn , from New York. Sailed On the 3rd , tlio Ainerinuu. for New- York. PIAMOITH , December --Arrived --The Cimbriu from Now York , for Hamburg. LiVKHi-ooL , December 5 Arrived -The Sarmatiaii from Boston , thu TOXIIH fro n Mont real , the Spain and the Germany from Now York. Sailed - -On the 3rd , the Alaska , for Now York , direct. Qi.'Hii.ssTOWN , December fi.Sailed On the 4th , ' the Scotiu , for Now York. LONDON , December fi. - Sailed- - The State of Georgia , for New York. GI.AWIOW , December fi , Arrived The State f Ponnuylvariiu , from Now York. LONDON. December fi. Sailed- On the 3rd , thu Egyptian Monarch , for Now York. QUKRNHTOWN , December fi , - The German steamer Alamuna , has ] iut into this pjrt/with her nluft broken. The Virciuia Lel | latiiro , Nttlonal Amndatuil I'rwtK , HiciiMDNii December fi--The , - - lux- JHlaturo will assemble next Wednes day. Neaily nil the rca'ljuhtcr mom- bor.i arrived to-day , but very fmv of the democrats have put in an appear ance , and those who are here do not seem to tike any interent in thu uittn- lion. Tlio roadju tuts hold their cau cus to-niMiTow night to iiomina'o ' candidate for np nkur of the liiiuso , and a canduliitu for United StatoK Hiuialor. Thuro is no opposi tion to Fowler , of the Bristol Nowi , but Kiddlobor 'or and Masnoy also have largo backing for the uonatu. A large number of ftciiaton * from the HouthwoHt are avowed Massoyiten , but it is gunurally conceded by disinter ested persons that Mahono's choice ( Hiddloborger ) will bo elected. AH the read just era expressed it to-nluht , Muhono a organisation will boat Mas- sey'H popularity. SKINNING A BUCKEYE. * An Ohio Editor Who Saw the Royal Bengal , Price 81 , 000 , The Brutal Murder Committed bv n Georgia "Trusty" Yesterday , Uunblo to Moot Ex- ponnos , a Oliicacco Mnn bia Family , DnyV Collodion fof Crime * I'mmnltlnii null Firoii. CRIME. AiKocUdtl I'nw. AM ( MIIO V.I > IToll VI TIMI.KI > . NKW YOKK , December fi. Mr. llarrin , editor of The lUvt'inia ( Ohio ) , who with novunty-livo oth er editors aru stopping at the Grand Centnd hotel and "doing" the city , aid who wan taken in by confidence men on Saturday ni ht last , and robbed r rather lost in gambling nearly 51,000 , lemains in the city mid is now busily engaged with two detectives 'rum police lioadqunrtiTs in tvarohini ; for the place whoie the bunko men relieved him. Superintendent Wal ling has taken an iiitetVHt in the case. Mr. Hirrin is certain that it waa iu thu vicinity of Washington Place. A confidence man was mrusted yoater- day mid Mr. Harris positively identi fied him ivs ono of the men who vie timizod him. Mr. llarrin in about 05 years of ago. The bunko men re lieved him of all his money , with the exception of $4 , but ho dumored BO loudly for junticu that they at last con sented to uivo him $20. ni.Arurr.KYT December 5. The firm nf Dunlup tCo. . , Jerm-y Cily , N. .1. , UH to-day declared by thu | niHtmnster general to IH.I it fraudulent tiiieeiii , a"il matter addieii > < l to it irderod withheld. A HAH CASK. C'KU'Auo. December 5. Frank Banks , i Gonimn laborer , Kilkxl his infant BUI ) , > . boautifnl little boy , thin iiiurniiig , and then cut his own throat , but will proliably roitivor. Ho was dcppondcnt on i. " 'unit of liis ina bility u > meet family hiln > . A nurrL ATI.AKTA , ( Sii. , December B. To day a b'utal killing tiioV phico in HorilHon county. A convict nuinod Huttorrel , a "trusty , " waa sent away from the camps to attend to a nnttor of businenH. Hu went to thu house of a rei | njoluhlo farmer and made im- proptr proi > osals tu the wife of tin farmer , who was alono.SIio started to run when ho nhot and killed her. ' CK1M1NAL J Low * BiiAM'ii , N. J , December fi. John Tabor was found dead .last night at tho1 residence of Miss Nellie Morri with whom 1m Hvud.i Kvi- donee adduced points to foul play. Suspicion rents on the woman , mid a pout mortem will beheld. Nounisrow.v , December 5. Thos. Downey , engineer of thu Pennsylvania railroad company , ht > wm : tried at the last term of the criminal court for manslaughter in killim. Miss Uutta of Bryan Maur , by striking her with his locomotive , withdrew his plea of not guilty this morning and entered a plea of guilty. At the former trial the jury \uno unable to agree. Judge KOBH sentenced him t > the lightest penally ho could-- live ilaj in prism and to pay the eosta nf the prosecu tioi1. PiTTMii'iiu , December fi. Thisovo- ning in a broil in a wdoon , Samuul Lefdiu was shot and killed by a man named Abermithy alias "Bloody. " CiiirAdo , D 'eombor fi. The habeas corpus ciso of Caldwull and Butler , fhiirged with iho jewelry robbery at Wjandotte , Kaimas , will bu heat d to- ii drrow. Governor Cullom bus decid ed not to disturb the warrant. MoNTitKiit , December 5.-Tlmro luivo been no further development's re garding the infernal machine. The affair caused great excitement , Analy HIH will bo made of the machine by ox perls. The thievin who Htolo Muhii Sinith'tt iteiim lire safe IILTOPH iho bur do . Mr. Smith ollVrs : i reward of § 1,000 for the captnin of tint thieves and an additional $ , "iOO lor their con viction. CASUALTIES. LOST IN TUB I.AKK. DKIJIOIT , December fi The names of those abonnt thu ] > ropeller Jane Miller which has boon mUsing since her departure from Owen Sound , On tario , on the 23rd urn ascertained to be Captain Andruw Port , Iliclmrd Port , Frederick Port , J. Chriutiiin , Alex. Soilos , G , Cornell , and four deckhands ( mums unknown ) , com prising the crow ; p sseimorH--J , Walker , S. Vader , James Hollock , James GilloHpio , L. Bnrthart and wife , and tun unknown lumber labor- em. AU the above bolongud to the city nf Owen Sound and are believed to ho lost. THE MINNEAPOLIS FIRE. Nation > l AitHOcUilml I'ttw. Till' l.os-ilJh , M i.svKAi'OMh , December fi. Thu lat 'ht Htateinont of IO BOS by tlio great mill fire of Sunday morning foots up SllU.fiOO.difttrihutedas follows Pills bury iV Co.-On "B" mill § 100,000 , htock in came Sli.OOO , stock in Kxcel- r mill STi.OOO , stock in Kmpire mill , ; 1) . Mormon -Hxculmor mill ' 80 , ( ) ( ! ( ) , on cot'ou mill 810OUO ; Croaker , Fi k Jv (5n. On Minneapolis mill. S.OOO ; L K WutHoii-On Km- | > ire mill , 870,000 ; I ) . II. Barber ACe Co Onslockfi,00 ( ) ; Sidle , Fletcher , Holmes , fc Co--On stock , $11,000 ; II. Hompkort--0n stock , § 8,000 , ; to railroad - road property , S'JO.fiOO. THK 1NHUKANCH is $207,000 , divided in Hinull amountw among a number of eastern companies. At this time it is known that four inon wrp killod- Neil Frederick assistant chfcf ongiiutor ol the fire do pirttmit ; It. K. Itobiiwoti. millwrigh in the Minnmpolifl mill ; Jdm Tuhcy nember of the hook aiul Iwldor coai , mid Alexander Hurkensweopc SAIIATCOA , N , V. , Docoinit'r fi. The Milton Centre tannery , owned by Samuel Haight , of Ballstorti was burned last night , Loss , $1CO.OOO ; insurance , ftiO.lKXr Ono hundred and fifty h.-vndn are tl'rt'wnout of oinjiloj- uiont. ATIANTA , ( Sa. , December 5. Two heavy tires occurred to-day olu at Flowery Branch , n small town on tlio Air Line railroad , by which half iho place was destroyed ; the other wait a very heavy lire at Marrotta , dewtroT- ing bmitiiHS homes lo the amount of § 80,000. CINCINNATI , December P.A special nays the machine shops * f thu Ten nessee penitentiary bumed this ovon- ing. l/cs ) , ? 1 > 0,000. There was ijri'af consternation among the 744 many of whom escaped. The Pnolilo Connt. atlntml Awoolfttixl SAN FiiA.vnsro , December 5. The city ollicialrt elect take their seals to day. Their will bo several contests in account of otHcitds not lilhig their iionds in tlio time required by law , inincipally for the otlices of shorill' , lax collector and treasurer. The French consular ni > ent at Los Angeles t'ntertiiined the French visi tors in a royal way. They leave for the oust to-day * The now bo.ird of supervisors marched into the court room this morning and took their seats forcibly and elected John A. Smitb and J. 11. I. D.xvis lire comuiisstonerH , While the now board WHSoting the old board was holding n caucus in u committee room. Shortly after they entered the chamber and finding the now board in session took seats on the side. After tlio now board adjourned the old ono took the desks but the clerk took away the books nml put thorn under lock and key. The nor- gont-at arms refused to act. The board then adjourned to this evening , nfter declaring the position of clerk and Hergont-at-imns vacant and filling the vacancies. Dormoiid , the idieriir , retired ouiet- ly with the rest of municipal ofljcura. Anothnr Go-An-Yon-Pleiue. f > ntloiwl AvnocUUil rriiw. Ciiit'voo , December fi. The twen ty-six hours go-as-yon-pleaso pedes trian match for 81,000 a wide , between - tween Charles Howell , of England , and John Dobbler. of Chicago , com inonccd at 0 o'clock this ovonimj ui ile.Connick'R ' hull. The men were in goo.1 condition and kept neck am ! neck -for the first ten miles , which were malln in one hour , twelve min utes and tan seconds. Hotting is five to four on Uo'voll. At the und of . .ho 15th milo Doblor claimed ho had L on injured by a pletod tlioMd mill ) nt 12:1:54. CTho 20th milo waa flubbed Ifj'S } . hours , , ' 5-i minutes and 4'J acconda by. neck and neck. Honoll will now win easily , Corro pordcnce of TIIK Ilnr. BI.AIII , December fi. District court iuin session hero thin week , JudgoSav- ago presidinr ; with his neiml dispatch and olliciency. Very little criminal biiHinesH at thin term. The grand jury found two indictments against Sutton , ono for burglary and ono for Miooting at an oflioor. He plead guilty to the charge of burglixiy and was sentenced to a live year's term by the judge. . Several important trialnaro being tried and a number of non-iesident attor neys are here. Donavon's TunneHseeeiiiis sang huro last night to an audience of about four hundred people. Last , Satin day J/ike / Koppoll. of the Kuppell IIOUHO , and Wullaco Flinn , of the city hotel , had < | iiitoan alterc.ition at the depot , in regard to gutting on to the tiaum fnr'pnHiiciigor.i. Kepiiell asH.inltod Flinu by hittini ! him in thu mouth , whereupon Flinn struck Koppcll over the head with a piece of iron , inflicting a very nurioun wound Koppoll was lined mid Flinu bound over ID await thu action of Iho grand jury , but that body failed to find a bill ugainst him. Trainmaster A. T. Potter's head quarters aru now at Norfolk , where lie spends the most of his timo. Mr. Potter ban miide many friends here , md thu puoplo of Mlair aio sorry to lose him nu a resident. The Pilot of thin week notices our communication in TIIK BHK in rather t rjiugh-shod manner , stating that by ligning ourselvuii as "Hi , " wo ai'o try ng t'o lead the people hereabouts . < > believe that Hi. Clark JH the cor- espondent , nnd spouks of our indif- : orent communication and luck of learning , etc. In our occasional short md hasty written coiinnunicatioim wo Irivu undertakun to give the nou.i In u gonoial and lir'of ' limn- ner , without coloring citli r liilc. Asto trying tohadtiopooplotibeliovo ) ) ( that Mr. Clark is the corrusponde t wo have to Hiiy that nothing of thu tfnd was our intention nnd wo aio somewhat HiirjiriReil that The I'ilot Hhonld fie ( linpoKcd to notice our inof- feiiHtvu coniiiuinie.ition. Wo will nay 'urtfior that if wo wore permiit < 'd tu jivu our view of the cuiuu of The Pl ot's noticiuu' our communication it won ) i greatly relieve un anil give na in immense amount of Hatihfiietinn , mt knowing that as a corn bpomluit vo wiiiild not bo permitted to take up ho npieo ; of ' 1'iuKI \ \ \ in tliu * way , > o will eloHu , Imping in the future hat our uoinmunicatioii.s will nut at- r.iot thu iiltenlion of The Pilot in Kiich a glaring manner , lli\ , Itidlcatiuuw- N.i'.loi.uJ Anbocl tcil I'nun. WAMIIINOTO.V , December 0. For ho upper Mississippi and lower Mis- ouri valleys : Partly cloudy weather , opal riiina , south veering to west winds , stationary or higher toiupora- urn , followed bv rl iii | [ baromutor , FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Discouraging Features of the Irish Troubles , A British Ship Whipped by a Blavor Manned by Araba. Mnniuia of Lorno Douioo the Report That Ho la Kot Oominc Back. The French Prohibition of ? Airn > rican Pork txvbo Coa- ditiouoIDy EoacmdeiC. ULiooltmtMKtnii laielllRonoo Via ilhe Ckblo. FOREIGN IN3JELLIGENCE. l A < wiK.lato < l I THW I1IIHII Oi'iiMN , l > ocember f > . It iV goner , lly bolioveil bore Shot the present * risin is the most important of thc- vhole land r ovomeiitr for the people- ave clinched with the government- ml have thu. > far succeasfully resisted 11 thu strength of coercion. 11 is a- tartling fact that two-thirds of the otita are not being paid and that the cnatits have no intention of paying * hem , without a- hearty reduction , vliich * landlords refuse.- The land ourts me so slow that iho act yet i < 10 remedy whatwver for Mm troublu. . 'ho guvorumont < did not expect thin > lolay , believing ihat aftorn few dcci- ions the landlortia-and tenants would : icttlo it between thomselveni The ictual sigmticanoro of the situation uj > his : The government baa- employed ho force demanded by the landlords xnd the conciliation demanded by thu- iberals nnd both liavo thus far failed. Iho people did not wonder at tho- strength of the land league-while per- uitted to have its own way , but now hat. force him beoniuoud the disorder * continues and the country is experi encing a "roign of terror. " FUllITi WITH A HLAvnit. LONDON , December fi < A dispatch from .Xany.ibar , on thn east coast of frica , says : O.i Saturday lastf Cap tain Urownrigg , of her majesty's shiu London appronhed a slave dhow Hying ; the French colors. Bib fired ! iv gun across her bow to compel her to > sur render. The dhow allowed the Lon don to draw near , and on her coming to close quarters opened' fire on her. Thu dhow was manned by on Arab- crexv , who wore armed with rifle * . Their fire killed Captain IJro\vnriig ; and three of his sailors , , and in thu- confusion that followed the dhow put up her helm , veorodi around , and es > cauod out to soa. The Marquis 4 eumo hio dulica onrly iir'tlic nyy [ Io will positively sturii accom- lunicd by Princess Louiao. A dispatch from Dunbar Hays the Transvaal burghers are Boycotting tho- English , and all enira cment signed ; n the Transvaal fnrbidi the employ nent of English trades or settlors. MIHUKllI.ANJCO fH. BIKM : : , December fi\ Comnhim. . > oen elected prebidont and M. Vigior ice president of tlio Swiss council of state. Both are radicals. PAKIS. Dcoumbor fi.--M > Rouvier , miniHter * of commerce , has informed. hi > French committee on the commer- iial treaty with the United States , hat Fninco would rescind the prohi bit ian on American salt pork provided he United Slates government would n'ivu gii'ir.inlccH of inspection prior to- exportation. PAIUH , December TK Prof. Nor- lennkjold him written tiv M . D.inball lirecfor of the school of mines , un- louncing that ho in preparing for a > lew expedition to the Arctic. Now Knimns Railroad. rUioiiil Antoi > Uti < < l Prt-HH LKAVKNwniiTH , Kan. , December & . The charter of the Loavouwortb , Jlatno & Southern railroad was filed t the office of the secretary of state t Tonoka to-day. The road is to run. nun Leavonworth to Olathe , crossing- lie Kansas river at DuSoto , sixteen oust of Lawrence and from ) lathe into southeastornljlvansas. Tlie ncorpoi-ators are K. P. Wilson , Joa. Vhittaker , 11. D. Rush , S. F. Neoly , latthow Ryan , J. W Crancer , M. I. limloy iindT. A. Hani , of Loaveu- vortli .1. Harris , of Olatho ; Ilenry lopkins , of Lansing , and T. . " ) . \nder.-ion , of Topoka. Pit/ for Sylvo torFraudin Wilson- atlornl AniocUti-d l'r w < . J'liii.Aiiiii.i'iiiA , December 0. Two hundred people responded to-night to the cidl for a IIHIBH meeting at tin * BHombly building to protest againnt 10 severe sentence passed last week n Sylvester F. Wilson , the railroad ckot broker. Speeches were tnudu > y John DcMorgun , of New York , and / . 13. Vaufjhan , of Virginia , and ics- lutioiisdunonncini , ' the eentenco were dopted , The Bella of St. Louis Mnrrlocl. AiM'jchtu.l 1'rciis I'liii.Aln.i.i'iiiA , Dooember fi. At 2 i. m , to-dity Mitts Nellie llir'letino , ell known IIH the "Uollo of St. IIIIIH , " who a couple of Hummers ago fas rupmtud as butrcthed to S. .1 Til- en , was married to Mr. Fred. J. Par- more , a millionaro resident of St. jouin , Thu coiumuny took place nt 10 in.insion of her aunt , Mm. Klin Iryaii. llov. Nelson MioVickur oili- ialed. Will Hava to Pouy Up , tDil 1'tui , Djcumbnr 0. The gen- r.U term of thu superior court hav- ng decided that Saratoga county mat pay 8118,000 on mi alleged ver issue nf bonds , the auporvisom * committee on that mutter decided to- ay to appeal to the higher courts to etenninu the county's ' liability ami. U extent iu the prouuHoa. ,