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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1881)
THE OMAHA JLY BEE ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , PEPEE/11 1881 NO. 141 ANOTHER OHIO MAN. ! f\ lesnlt of the Caucus of Republi cans for Spoakoi1 , -J. Warren Koifor , of theEtRhth Ohio District , the Ohoson Ono. .An HxcitingContest That Took Sixteen Ballots to Determine. The Democrats Sit Down on Proctor Knott and His SkyScraping - Scraping Resolution. Mlsoolltuiooun Notes From the Na tional Capital- NftUon&l AuocUtcd Vnvw. THE SPEAKERSHIP- National Atxoclntcd l'rr . WAlll'.EN KKIKKlt , OH OHIO. WARHISOTOK , December ( \ . The npcakeiBhip content began to-day with Kcifer in the front , and though for a long time it looked as if the needed few votes would not bo secured by the Ohioan , nnd that a dark horse would aurely win in the end , it haa roaulted oa won generally expected. Thu cau cus attracted n largo crowd to the house end of the Capitol , the third house being decidedly in the majority. Ono of the first features of the fight was the ap pearance on the scene of Rev. J. Hyatt Smith , the independent con gressman from Brooklyn , Now York , notwithstanding his repeated promise to hisfullow independents that ho would keep awav from the caucus. His as sociates were indignant over his ac tion nnd were not slow to allow it. II. M. Williams , leader of the Mis souri greenbackera said : " \Vc had il all fixed to command the situiv tion. All the groBiiback congress. men and two Virginia read justers were in it , and all could have gone righl had not Smith spoiled the game. " The supporters of Keifer began tht day joyously on tke assurance that the administration was with them. Tim they strongly boasted of and talked hopefully of their candidate's ohancc.s , These and the southern republican ; hold a caucus at the Conprea aional hotel early in the day , They simply endorsed their action ol last night to insist upon Brownlow , ol Tennessee , for door-keeper , and follow their own conviction with reference tc the epeakeiship. Some three of their decided to vote for Keifer , t > r if the contest was close between Keifor ane HiHcock to bolt the former and rut Dunnol in aa the dark horse. Senator Frye of Maine waa earlj on the ground putting in good wort for Ki3son. Being an agent of th ( - - administrationhis"actions to a cer tain extent exploded the idea that Keifor was receiving as much support from that quarter as was claimed. Indiana had onU decided to give Orth a complimentary vote on tht first ballot , and afterwards to support Koifor until a split occurred , whoi they would wheel into line for Dunnol. The members of the Indiana delegation were very sanguine of Keifor'n elee. tion , and claimed ho waa supported by the administration beyond a doubt. The president , it was claimed , was againat the monopolists , and luid fa. vored the stalwart support of Ivuifei as a rebuke to the Nuw York Centra ! railroad mon for thoirhojtility toward A ' Colliding and 1'latt. Indeed , they N further added , that in hia coming mesbago ho would develop hia attitude in that respect more fully. Tha Mcl'horaon party caucnsscd in the journal clerk's ' oilice , and plcduod allegiance to their to tht last , while promUes fully as ntronj ; were pledged to Keim by the Cameron element , with thu permitiaioii that they could change to Kainey if it wai possible to defeat Mel'hersun by elect ing the S jiith C.irolinian. The situation was just in the shape above described when members began assembling on thu floor of the house , shortly before noon. The Burpriaii occHHioned by a full attendance at tht first ballot , ainco White , of Kentucky , was known to bu absent , wns explained by the discovery that the vacancy hail been tilled Iluv. J. Hyatt Smith. Tht first ballot HUowcd the strength ol the respective candidates , as follows : Koifor 52 , Hiacoik 45 , Kasson 15 , Rood 12 , Burrows 10 , Orth 8 , Dun- uel 4 ; total , 14i. On the second ballot , White , of Kentucky , wivs present and the total 147 vote * were distributed as follows ; Koifor 03 , Hiscook 41 , Kaison 1G , Ueod 12 , Burrows 10 , Orth 8 , Dun- uell , ' ! . Tlio excitement in the lobbies out side was intense during the balloting. After the second ballot an enthusiaa- tie Oliio man , unable to mippraHS hia tinthuaiasiu , riuhoil down the main corridor and riurclianini ; a cabinet pho tograph of Keifer from a neighboring stand , stuck it up in a conspicuous place , labelled in b'uo ' pencil , "War ron Keifer , speaker of the house. " The third ballot resulted in'mihr to the second , except that i ) of 1 Uncock' * votoa wont to Kasson , It looked then as if Kasdon might yet win. Thu next nine bnllota , however , allowed very little ch.inge. K.ich e.iniliiluto had its force fully until the thirteenth ballot. Then there was deflection of 2 from HiHcock and with th H fdight gain the Keiferites took nuw lieurt , and the vote on the thirteenth ballot was ; Keifer Dl > , lliucock 37 , K.'uiaon 10 , Reed KJ , Burrows 10 , Orth 8 , Dunnol 4 , Total 147. The fifteenth ballot gave Keifer 01 , Hisoock 31 , Kason 10 , Ueod l.'t , Bur- rowii ll Orth 17 , Dunnel 17 ; total 145. 145.By thU timu the friends of Hiscocl : recognized the inevitublu and after a hurried consultation it was whispered that Keifer would win. Thu Michi- -Kan delegation tried to go solidly for Kottur , but one member hold dimly to Burrows ; 10 went from Hiscock to Keifor and thus he a ecu roil the nomination on the sixteenth ballot thu vote being : Keifrr lUt , Hiscock 18 , Kasson 10 , Heed 11 , BUITOWB 1 , Orth 8 , Dunnell 3 ; total 144 Tlio nomination WM mode unani mous and Keifer accepted the honor in a short speech. HIKOll OFKH KRS. The nomination of minor omcors won then the work of an hour. Mr. Mcl'hornon , of Pennsylvania , who was clerk of the lust republican honso , was nominated on the 1st bal lot , receiving W4 votes to 44 for Ituiiioy , of South Carolina. For Rergcant-at-nrms the following men were put in nomination : Gun. Hooker , of Vermont , Gen. Dauaon of this city , Mr. Brown of IV-nnsylva- nit , Fort of Illinois and Uainoy of South Carolina. Gen. Hooker re ceived thu nomination , getting 80 votes. Mark Sherwood , of Michigan , nominated for postmaster , For door- keopker , P. B. Brownlow , of Tonnes- .see , sun of the late Varson Hrownlow , was nominated. Hev. J. F. Power , chaplain ot the Vermont Avenue Christian church ( President Garfiold's church ) , was nominated for chaplain , thus completing the ollicora of the houso. Republican * consider the ro- silicas a satisfiictory one. They claim that the organization thus ellectod will heal existing or prevent any incipient aoctional soruj in thu party SOEB I'BSJiHVLVAXIANS. It has leakedout to-ni ht that when McPhurson wait put into nomination for clerk , RiiBSoll'Eirott , of Pittsburp , arose and paid "if McPhereon wat noiuinatod it.vtxiuld . necessitate hit withdrawal from the caucus ; Cannon , of Illinois , asked if ho would to vo to for hi in inopon houce if nominal- cd audKrrctt replied that waa iiuiattoi for future oonaideration. M ol'her- son waa nominated and Krretti and Barr , both Cameron men , left the caucus nnd did not return during it : sitting. It is ntatud to night bj friends of Errott that neither ho noi Barr will voio for McPhtr- son , which wil ) place the ruptib. licana on thu clerkship in the minority , There is no question of the repub lican caucus numincca. The I'ennsyl vania delegation w'll throw its entire vote , with but one or two exceptions , for Mcl'hors'in as clerk. Leonard , ol Columbus , Ohio , one of Kotfor's sup. porters , will probably bo reading elork of the house. Ho was formerly clerl of the Ohio lower house. THE DEMOCRATS- National Awociatcd I'rcru. TUKIU LITTLE CAUCUS. WAHiiiNarox , 'December 0. Tht democratic caucus was held in thohal of the house of representative ) ! at half past 7 this evening. Mr. Bouse , tht chairman of the caucus of the las' ' house , called the mooting to order , Frost , of Missouri , and Welborn , o : Texas , were elected secretaries. Mr Knott , of Kentucky , otl'erod the fol lowing resolution Resolved , Thatwo _ hereby dcclan ourunaltorabtq swj jenco tothegrea ' " ' ' principles'of the"3onix cra'licvparty- set forth in the platform adopt ed by the democratic national conven tion held at St. Louis in 1870 , anc supported by the democratic nationa convention in Cincinnati in 1880 , unt pledge ourselves to their support on til ! occasions in which they may bt brought in question during the con. grt'ss of which wo are members. The resolution was supported bj Knott , Regan , of Texas , and Hooker , of Mississippi , and opposed by M Lane , bf Maryland ; lianimond ol Georgia , anil Herbert , of Alabama , and on motion of thu latter indeli. nitely postponed , by a vote of 51 tr 41. 41.On On motion of McKenna , of Went Virginia , all thu present ollicers wort declared the mnnincu.s of the caucus and at 0:30 : p. in. thu caucus ad journed CAPITAL NOTES- National AHIOC ! itod I'retw. AhSISTA.VT SKUIIKTAUV I'l'TO.V. WAHHINOTO.V , December . - The report which was in circulation yes- tuiday that Assistant Secretary Upton had been removed by Secretary Fol- gur , is denied in the treasury depart ment. Secretary Folgor refers nil in quiries on the subject to Mr. Upton and Upton refuses to talk. Secretary Folger says tlmt the resignation would not under any circumatancea bo made to him , but to the president. The in dications are that Upton has or will send in hii resignation to the presi dent , to take eilect at the end of the year and that this has been done at the BUL'geatiun of Folger. It ia gen erally expected ho will be succeeded by Lydecker , of Now York , who waa removed from the custom service by Prefiidont Hayes. There are rumors that more changes in tlio treasury department are likely to occur in a few days. It ia stated that Ansistaiit Secretary French will go ; also Chief Brooks of thu secret service department. LATIWr FKOM < ! L'ITBAU'.S CAHK. Mr. Scorillo in conversation to night , said that he had Been thu presi dent during the day , and that ho would testify in Ci in lean's caao on Tuesday. On the aiime day Hon. C. B , Far well will be called. Scovillo I'.xpecti the trial to continue four or five wosks. Within n fuw days , he says , there will be some novel aud on- toi tiling law questioni ) to bo argued , which muy occupy several il'ijn , In the exiHimutioM of experta , Mr. Sco- villu will bo assiuted by Mr. Reed , nf Chicigo , and it in poasiblu that Mr. Rued will continue in thu c.iuu until thu end. GRXKHAI , JAMKS AND I'AltTV. Postmaster Clenoral .lames and As- s'xtant 1'oiftmuster fJunonil Elmer ar rived in the city this evening , on their rat urn fioin a trivi through Florida and other southern states. Suiold * . Four \VAYNK , Ind. , December 4. Mrs. Christian Schumacher , nn aged lady , committed Buicido by throwing horaelf iu the canal , this evening , C u e , cruel treatmout from her dis < iipated husband , CRIMINAL AFFAIRS. Montreal Wild Over an Infernal Machine Found There , Which They Attribute to the Feman Organization in the United States. A Mississippi Planter Shot Dead by a Nocrro Who Was Indebted to Him. A Massachusetts Man Murders Another for Money for a Wedding Trip. Misoollanooun Criminal Now * oi the DAV. N&llanM Associated l'r w. ALLEGED FENIANISM. Na't < in : > I Arwclrttcil 1'rifN. CAXUUANK rUinilTKNUt * . MONTIIKAI. , December 4. V fact has just como to light which the authoritii'H are cnduivormg to keep from the public and in the strictest secrecy , which ttliown that there was Borne foundation for thu rumor of Fe nian donigns ng.iinst British institu tions in thin city. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon a man passing the court house discovered an infernal mnchinc- . Further examination proved the machine to be one of the most per fectly made of its kind , being of strongly constructed galviuii/.ed zinc , fitted with clock-work of the most ap- provodkind and loaded with six pounds of dynamite. Great was the horrorol thosu examining the machine to dia > cover that it was in full working order , and had boon goiiiK about two hours. It was sot for eighteen hours , and would have thus exploded at t ) o'clock this morning. The firwt thing to dr was to open the clock-work and stop the motion , then to institute inquiry how thu infernal machine came there. The beautiful and per fect mechanism proclaimed it to bt of American make , although Clark says it may be of German manufac ture. Clark is well acquainted with the nature of these explosives and says the charge was euflicient t < : blow up tlio court house or anj other building in Montreal. Il is hardly possible to imagine that the attempted outrage can be attributed to the local fenian crganlzation on ac count of the defeat of the land league president in Fridays election. The af fair evidently points to a widely or ganized fonian movement in the United States against British institu tions and a dangerous collusion with the customs officials hero by which the machine was smuggled across the linos. The author- itiau are endeavoring to Jcoer. the matter dark 'and refuse the prof any information on the subject. II is believed an ollicial investigation will bo opened to-morrow , and probably n reword will bo oll'ered to discover who placed the machine in position where found. CRIME. National A < acat ! l 1'rcsi. A DKl'AUIiTIM ! KXECt'TOIt. t'mi.MiKiriiiA , December 4. Last night Stephen Price , a dry goods dealer , was arrested on a capias Issued by Anna P. Richanhon , Edward Richardson and Thoesoly Richardson , who alludes that they gave Price altogether $81,000 to invent in niorrg.tgiin , but that he appropiiatud thu money to his own nso and assigned bis property to JIBO- plo whom ho alleges wore his cieditora. The Uichardm > us are heirs of the llichiirdson and Pike estate , of which Stephan Price was executor. KJward and Anna lliclmrdson live in P.IH'H and T. Richardson lives in Now Yolk. Hail has been entered by the defendant in 8W,000. A7TEMITKD CITV OK Mexico , December 51. An attempt has boon made to asaansiiutu. Manuel Ledo , the governor of 0 1111114- joko. Ledo was passing between the government building and his residence when ho was lired at by two men who woru concealed. The governor es caped uninjured. Jacob O. Scavodnra and llamnn Sorvia , prominent Mexi can citizens , have been arrested on suspicion. The attempt is supposed posed to have been caused by politi cal ditliculties. SHOT II Y A NKUUO. VifKHiiuuu , Miss. , December 4. J , N. McCraft , A planter and propri etor of a store at Sunnyside Landing , was shut and killed last night while waiting on customers by a negro named Sam Cole , who came to the store armed with a gun and fired from the door. Cole was indebted to McCraft for rent and provisions , from which the trouble arose. KIKK TJIIEVKH AllllK.HTKt ) . NKW YOJIK , December 4. Daniel Quigley and Thomas Goodman , tlio formur porter for woven years , the lat ter carpenter for .John II. Merrill , whoso n orehousc was recently de stroyed by lire , huvo bo 'n arrested charged with stealing floods from ihu bnildingH. In Quigloy's housu three trunks filled with miHcellancous ar ticles valued ut $5,000 , were found. In Goodman's lumen costly white lauo Hlmwlii , which had beun slightly damiiged by water , and a number of article * ) were identified by Merrill. ClIIUt.ML KOTim , IVP.HT I KI.H , Mus-i. , Decfembor 4. Development here yester day in the murder of D < ivid Lovitt , of Springfield , found dead at Feeding llills with a bullet through hia brain , goes strongly to lix. the guilt upon Joseph Loomis , of Southwick , the man arrested here Friday night. Ho was Loritt'a chum and went riding with him Friday nd neck-tic. Loomjs failed to aoconnt for this fact or ( live n reasonable story of his wheroaboutB Friday night. It nppcnra Ixximis was about to bo married to a cirl immcd Slovens lirinjj bore , and they had arranged to aUrt for Boston on the 5 o'clock train yesterday morning. The theory of the killing is that Loomis did the deed to got the money for a wedding trip. A brother of the girl MM arrested this morning an an accomplice , but it is hardly thoueht ho was concerned in the murdor. Looinis and Ste vens are sons of farmers. NEW YOUK , December 4. - Mra. Kllen Peck , a well known confidence woman , was arrested yeHorday , charged with obtaining 8105 ftom Samuel W. Hans , by falsely repre senting she Wtxs in the contidnnco of several Wall street Bpcculatora who had formed to bull Chte.i o vv Northwestern railroad bonds. She in the amo woman who secured $ ! ! > , - 000 from B. T. Uabbitt a year or so ago. ago.Johannah Taiohorkillort , u box- maker , was arrested yesterday clwrcod with committing forgery on thu gov ernment records of mutomhurg. The German government claims his extra dition. I'olicoman Dcnnts 'O'llami last evening saw four men unloading cases of cigais in Dleorker street. Mo arrested - rested John 13num. W'ilo on the way to the station house BHUIII broke loose from the oflicor. and tired three allots nt him. O'Harra returned the flrt'd , proljably fat ally Wouudiim Uaum. Thooigars are vnluedviik 81,500. The jury in the case of MIH. Coleman - man , on trial for shooting Coles , of Minor's Theatre , rendered a verdict of murder in the third , degree. Sen tence wan postponed. The limit the law allows it ia state prison for four years. COLUHIIIA , Tcnn. , December I ) . Three prisoners set fire to the jail yoiUerUay , burned n hole through thu tloor and escaped , WASHINGTON , December 4.The grand jury this morning found four indictments asainst Tred li. Lilly , ex-deputy auditor of thu poatolliue department , for receiving money to influence his ollicial action , and t > vo indictments against Q. F. liradt for offering money 'to an otlicor of the United States to influence his ollicial action. The bails in euch was fixed at 80,000. UKI > BANK , N. J. , December 4. Permila Erickson , a reticient maiden lady nged 70 , living nt Port Monmouth - mouth , suicided by hanging. The authorities found $4,000 in a bureau and put two men in charge until rela tives would claim thu effects. When the relatives took charge the S4OOC were missing. PHILADELPHIA , December 4.On Wednesday lait a man supposed to be Frank Matthew ) ; was admitted to St. Mary hospital in an uiconectous con dition and suffering from serious in juries. Two unknown men who con- .yoyed him to - the institution left immediately aft s , his admission , 'giving ' liu cluo'.fTV 'lfi ittnAncp hiVhicli hia injuries were sustained. Ho died this morning , and the police are in vestigating the affair. CANTON , O. , December 3. Excite1 ment was caused this morning by tlu flight of A. D. Miller , manager ot thu Canton Spring company. lit telegraphed to his wife from Indianapolis that ho had left because of crookedness in his management agement- . This had been discovered by the company , but Miller said he had merely overdrawn his salary. Tim deficit will not bo over hun dred Ho was supposed to be a model of honesty. Niw : VOIIK , Deei'inbi'r 4. A dhso- Into woman named llattio Jlon-ard WUH bottcn and kicked to death by her paramour , Thomas McDonald , a'large muscular fellow , 'J8 juar.s old , early Sunday morning , at a honso of the lowest order on Ulirystio street , where they lived. KAN.SAH CITV , December 4. - \ special to the Journal u.tys a commit tee representing the depositors in the Caldwtll bank case will accept Dun- foul's proposition to tuiu over all thu aHotn of thu Caldwull bank , and his property in and near Caldvvell. It in thought the nBsots will pay at least 7 < i ceutH , nnd may reach 90. This will probably end thu tronblo. Indication * . Natloi. l A'eoclati < 1 1'nna. WAHHINOTOV , December ft.-Fox the upper Mississippi nnd lower Mis- rouri valleys : \\unn , fair weather , southerly winds , lower barometer. EZiEOTRIC BRIEFS- Nttloiul AIMOI latul I > rtMii. The departures of ocean steamers at New York on Saturday were the City of Chester for Liverpool , thu An- syrian Monarch for London , and thu Hhoin for Bremen. The arrivals woie as follows ; At Liverpool . the City nf BniBBiiLn and thu Helvetia from New York ; at Glasgow-tho Concur- dia from Baltimore ; ut Hamburg thu Bohemia from N w York. The Atlanta flouring mills at Hamil ton , hut. , burned Saturday morning , A. V. West , owner. Loss , § 10,000 ; insurance , $8,000. The Now York bank Btntoniunt shows unfavorable changi-H. Ixjans increased 3j(5L'IOO ( , ! , speoioa ilocnmbtd Sl,70itOO : : , legal tunder incruisnd , W ! l. 100 , donosiiu decreased fel'J'l/.lOO , circulation inurtaHud § liH,000 ! , rn- serves dcureuHud § 1,401,1)75. ) At Fmiikfmt , Ky. , on Friday night , Jno. 1) . White wai nominated for United Status Senator by thu itpnb- licdii cancua. Fosulblo lKitVtilkt \ Content. \itloual Ax'wlttikl Vtott. NKW YOUK , December 4 , In an swer to lottern received from Jack King , of Cleveland , O. , formerly of Troy , N. Y. , who styles himuelf thu KlO-pound champion of America , George FulljamcH , light-weight cham pion of Canada , publishes a letter his mllingntuM to meet XLVII. COK 'CRESS < The Shadows Oast by /ho Ooml11 Evonta. i % Synopaio of Prosidotnt ArtLju Firot Annti oi Possible Dolny iu the Eouso Over the Admission of bouthoru Mombora. . The Pension BuronutoRocsivo the Burly Attention of Congroas. MlnooHnnooun Rumor * in tlon With tlio Oponluu Natloiutl AwoctiiUHl 1'rriw. THE MESSAGE. Katlonsl A oclnt < Hl I'n-w. SY.NOl'SIS OF TIIH DOL'l'MI'.ST. NKW YOHK , December 4. The lirst message of the president to tliu now congicsH has been looked for with sdiiio anxiety , as indicating the policy of the nuw lulministiution. It turns out to ho a dignified ulul highly con servative docuinunt. The following is n synopsis of the message : The president opens with u graceful uiul sympathetic trihutu to thu late 1'rvHUtunt Garliold , and expresses the hojio tlmt the same generous leniency of uriticinni niul cordial co-operation tlmt ho rucoirud will bo extended to himself. Ho regards the spontaneous outburst of sympathy from all sections for the murdered chief magistrate ua ouu of the moat convincing evidences of iv coinploto maturation of good fooling throughout the country. Passing from this theme , iho president congratulates the poo- plu on the peaceful altitude of foreign nations to tho. American Republic. The recent centennial celebration at Yovktown not only cemented the ties that bind us to the inothor country , but was the occasion of international courtesy from Germany and Franco , and gave opportunity to receive the delegations of these lands with a gratifying exhibition of cordiality. The appointment of a commission to take action in regard to our connec tions with Chili and Peru will , it is hoped , result in the complete restora tion of pi'aouful relations between these countries. The president calls attention to the necessity for an incrcuho in our navy.Vhilo trero ia at pres ent no danger of war with any foreign power , it must not forgotten that the great com mercial citit'H of the Atlantic and Pa cific coast are largely at the mercy of an invading foreign licet. Vfn huvo the material and labor requisite for buildinif.ships. and ill U thu maxim ol prudence to prepare for war in time ol peace. The expense will bu so ex tended through a aerie * of yearn as not to nnko itaolf burdensome to the people. The japid reduction of the public debt is a gia'ifiog exhibition of the financial j.ioaperity of the country. The revenue now raised ia ample for the ntacdt of the government , and the question arisca whothur it nuy not uf- fonl mi oppoitunity for reduction in seine branches of revenue taxation. Under a wise Bysteni of protection to our native industries , wo JiavoHteadily advanced in all i tliutriiil artK , and huvo been enabled not only to supply uur own wants at home , but to nend our manufactures abroad and creatis a coiiBt.mtly increasing deniand for tlient. The policy pursued in ruforonco to the abniiyini'H in hiMiing good fruit in an increased intercut manifested by liiem in regard to ugiiculUiio , eduea- tion , and tliu acniHition ( | of pennanent lioino.i. It will ho the aim of the ml- ministration to strengthen this policy , and BOO tlmt the rod men are protected in their r ghttf. The HUIIII iiifltitulod by the govern ment for the punitduncntnf pmons uocusiid of attempting to defraud in the mutter of the postal Btar routes will bu pushed with all ) > oiniblo dis patch. While thuro will bu no vin dictive pursuit of individuals , it will bo the aim of tliu government to nee that the roveriucH shall ho amply pro tected from fraud or robbery in the future. The president congratulates con gress that under the restoration of a fruo and impartial ballot at the miuth , industries of tlmt wcction are rapidly building up , and an urn of good feel ing is everywhere provident. The adiniuiitratinn will do all in iU power to strengthen thu fueling of amity and to bring the whole country in accord on thin topic. The prenident deliver/ * himself of Homo protniHing gonoralitiM , and un- nounci'rt IIH ! preferences to deal out official patronage in such manner us to Hi-euro qualified men for th > t public crvica. The inomigo co ! o with u recom mendation to oongreiiH toolitorvua ju- diciou * oconniy in making appropria tions. and expitvtRUH the hope that the opening Hosoion will draw more closely tliu bondM iinilo nir whole pcuplo in a coumion destiny. Thu foregoing in from the Sunday Mercury of lo-diy. CONGRESS NttlonM AiMOcl&tuu frcwi. I'ltOJIAItl.K lllUI'.rriO.X TO KOlTIlllll.S MliMIIKKH. W.iKiiiNiiTox , December ! . - Noirly eveiy member of both IIOIIKI-H of con- greBK is already in the city , and thu BUBuion is likely to bo opened with a full attendance to-morrow The day in the aonato will bo taken up by the reading of the pro idunt'n moiwagu. There 1 * u probability of delay in the organization of thu house , based on expected republican oppoBition to the swearing in ofVhouior of Alabama , of VI- ' > ' . . . ! . < ! P'1 ' > ' of South Caroliiin. Tn cnno thin o ] position is made , the 'president's me sago will not bo Rent in till Tuwdn ; Among the lirst busincw to I taken up by the house will bo a bi for the relief of volunteers in the di pnrtmont of punsiun claiun who ha\ ntood by the pension department all worked sovernl months witliout pay i the belief tlmt congress would nppri priixto money to p y them. NOTRi. Onilmm Froet , member of coi " " > m St. Louts , expect ] to intr < grw Irv solution in the house t < unco n rk , T amend the rules as i murro-T tu K i,0 appointment of proyido for vtteo to bo known r additimial cowm 'vot improvomei tlio MiKsiHsippi uxmlilo will en committee. Th | tvw roccnt cor body the concluflrvnnf x on the Hill yrntion hold in Sf. tx > h course , jtxil or improving this whin -uing t ] v.\-Spcakur limul U is i'-'Jv ' Mii/.i present u teen us the house n > g , j v ! 1 per cent ; funding 1 , 11 whiclt U iHidurstood will emludy provfsff . 'iiniLir tt those of Wood n $ urr conrti ill. The bill in not yet eomplotetd tut Mr. I'jiinV.dl hopen to have it .vady . by the time the hotMoorgnnir.ea , FOREIQjTAFrAIItS. ' tlon\l AixHX-lntwl 1'n-m , Duuus , December. 4. Latest ad- ices from the land convention nhow hat there are to this date 55,000 , ap- > lieationa. They are increasing at thu ate of00rt { \ _ day. They are now an uany applications from Galway and Mayo as from Ulster. A vast number , .00 , are from ICorrjS while indications 'rom Limerick and Tipporary are en- jouniging , but Cork , Watoiford and are behind ; Clare , Cavnn , l outh are not much butter. riieso indications show that wherever ho comuiiaaioiiB go , applicatipim begin : o pour in , while the ) > coplo iu those : ounties not yet vinitod are waiting : heir coming before actually applying. I'liero is no doubt that ns BOOH an the [ on commissions which have been Appointed get to work the applications will prontly increase. There have l > ocn only 178 decisions as the result Four weoKB1 work , being at the rate of 1 ! decisions per day by each commit- sion. Thu ten comuiiaaioiiB will , at this rate , only bo able to adjudicate on 7i85 ! caiioa pur year , Bitting six days in the week without vacation. Thus it will take six yo.ira to decide the caaon already before the court , but before the year is passed there will bo at least 100,000 applications. A. bnilitr who has boon serving writs iu Wrathowney hna been murdered. During an attempt to wreck the house of Captain Lloyd , at. Limerick to-day , the police charged the mob with fixed bayonets and disposed them. The houses of two process servers at ParsoiiBlown Farm , Him Limerick , have boon wrecked and buruud. LONDON , December 5. It is repott ed tlmt the government intends to abolish cotton duties in India , re placing the India revenue by an in come tax. The jewels of Lady Trovoir , valued at 8,000 , have been stolen by bur- olara from- , the ' < family mansion in Wales. ( " BKHUN- December 4. Tlio hcaltl nf the emperor is quite restored , and he has renewed hit * relations at court. A conference of delegates from the progreeaists , Hocessioniata and national liberal parties of the ruighstaghas been held , with a view to Rome concerted action , and finally adjourned , leaving the question undecided. ri.AMiKH oi' TIII : IMIIM : . The Austrian government has in- stiuuted it u minister at ItncharcHt to HUHpend puiHunal lelationa with the Roumanian government until Count Ivalnaky , the newly appointed Aus trian minister of loroign nHaira , ro- tin im from St. I'eterBbnrg , where , it in mid , ho wont to hold important uonfoioncos alFucting future relatiolia butweon llunsia and Austria in the east. ThiH Htep haa been taken in consequence of Prince Chnrlca' Hpecch in the Kouiniinian pnrlinment con cerning navigation of the Danube. A dispatch from .St. PolorHburg u.iys the RuBaian ollicialn , fearing that the dials for Htato eriincH which are about to bo commenced will excite the people , huvo issued a decree that thu trials ehall he held with closed duorn , and only the olllcials and the wife or onu relative of a prisoner shall wit- nt'HB the procoedinga. A dispatch from Bucharest , sayn Iho Kounnniun authorities havuiHuied or ders that thu government rules of the river police in Roumanian waters must bo unforced by tlio Roumanian otlicmls. The question tit issue iilIoclH Houmanmn territorial sovereignty , which Iloumnnia will mnintuin. A great upriaing of the Greeks in Macedonia is apprehended by thu 1'urkiah authorities. A largo number it arrests huvu been miulo , and it is reported that bodii-H of Turkiiih troops iru scouring thu housta on Mount Atlios and the peninsulas for anus that may bu concealed there by the [ i reeks. Mr. Graham's tenants nt Longhren , in Ireland , have tofused to pay thtir runt , and alao Btated their determina tion not to make application to the lund commipBion. Kx-Kmj > roB Kugoniu , who has been | iiito ill , IH reported aa being better to-day. At Dublin a lalmor lui born ar rested , charged with being implicated in the Htoalmg of thu body of ICitrl of Crawford and IJilnirrCB from ihu iiKirtuary chapel of Duneclil honro , Aheidoen. where it had laid hincu hutt Uiicemhcr. Nut otial Anoclitocl I'ruM. CIIY OK Miairo , Docdinbur . - Tliero ia troublu on thu Tuhauntupoc railro'id ' between the Indian lalmieru and the engineera. Thu Inditins went on a strike for higher pay which WIIH r fiiBed. Kdward Rhodes , chief of the con struction , who was recently allot , hat since died and was buried at Omula , The report that George Tugny , gun erid manager , woa vrouudud , Una boot : O"oV'T ! t1-1 ! * l'\ \ , THE MINNEAPOLIS FIRE. Inmenso Destruction of Mill Property Yesterday , Four Flouring Mills and Ono Cotton Mill Burned to tbo Qround , Four Firemen Killed and < t Number Injured by the * Falling Walls. The Loss of Property Aggro- Over Six Hundred Thousand Dollars. Other Fire * nnd CiunaltloK Gener ally in the Country. MINNEAPOLIS DISASTER > clitc.t ( I'ruw. N tlon lA , , . . . VK.MU.LS Hl'll.NKI. . r' is , December 4. At $ MIM.VWWIU nrning . was dis- uchHjk this n. room of the Villa. covered ,111 the oil , ntLd in the heart m-y "U" mill , ? itv Mltcr. The . thereat milling c , . Lire ( no dopartmeiiv mmmtly , but the fire jonsidcrablu when . . headway , ; .1 vnd made very rapid progrcua : oinbustiWo natter in the oil \ / rho tlainen rapidly spread from > L'illabuty , " involving in turn tlu ' .otal deBtruction of the Excelsior , the * . Minneapolis and the Empire mills. < I'lio tlamen also communicated to thu cotton mills of D. Morrison & Co. and wooden ollicca adjoining. 80011 caino iv terrible realir.ation of the disaster of 1878. A terrible explosion shook thu city to the vury foundations. Thu Trout walla of the Minneapolis mill 'oil forwatd , carrying down n portion of the elevated railway in front and carrying beneath ttio ruins four bravo ireinen , including Assistant Chief Engineer Neil Frederick. This gnvo ho tlamca fresh impetus , and for ; i lime it seemed us if the whole manu facturing centre was doomed. The inibora of the Empire mill burned liku tinder , Thu heat was so intenim Hint an approach was impossible. The llames soon leaped across the street and enveloped the dimt houtu of D. R. Harbor's Cataract mill. The fire men then turned to this now scene , for the destruction of the Cataract would involve the gioat Wnahburn and other costly mills. For a timu thu result was in doubt , but the work of destruction wns finally stayed. Tim mills destroyed aggregate about one- tenth of the milling capacity of the city , and theloM will be half a luilliion dol- ara on follows : Pittsbuiy "B" mill , owned by C. A Pillabury & Co. , capacity 800 barrels of flour per day , valued at $1:10,000 : ; tlio Excelsior mills , operated by the same and owned by , D. Morrison , capacity 000 barrels p r day , valued at $130,000 the Blinncaholia mill , owned by Crocker , Fislco & Co. , capacity 400 barrels daily , $100,000 ; tlio Empire mill , operated by i'lllahury and owned by S. Watson , Leicester , Masn. , valued SlUJi.OOO , capacity 050 barrels ; the Minneapolis cotton mill , owned by D. Morrison it ( Jo. , valued at f 50,000 ; other losses , $150,000. mi * . iii.ui ; > . O'Neil Krcdorick , who was on top of thu elevated railway track when the explosion eiime , wan instantly killed by the falling walla ; John Tuhy , member of the hook and lad der ; Alex. IJnrko , oweepor in "IV mill , WUH killed by nutono falling ; It. R , Hobiimon , an eniployo of the Min neapolis mill , buried in thu debris and the body not yet recovered. TIIU INMDKl'.I ) . Daniel lloharh , fireman , cut in the head ; I1' . L. Cotton , fireman , leg bro- den ; L. Schneider , miller , bruised ; Peter Nelson , lineman , bruised. CASUALTIES * National AiaodaU'd I'riwi A LOat VKKHKL. OWBN Koi'Nii , Out. , December .1. fiiu propeller Jane Miller , which loft ii > ro en the morning of thu3d of November , has nut been heard from. As shu is several days overdue fears. are entertained regarding her safety. After leaving hero thu Miller proceed ed to Medford , wherushe completed her caruo , which consisted ot supplies mid enernl merchandise for Lion a lloail , Michael , and 1'rovidencu Day. A numbur of emjity fish barrels and other portions of ft veasi'l's cargo , aup- [ Kised to bu off thu Miller , have como ishoro at Hay Island. The tug Tom Wright went out yesterday in search of her , but returned , owing to u heavy ale. The Jono Miller is a small pro * [ lollor of II" tons , and was command- ud by Capt. Andrew Port. FATAL UAILUOAI ) COU.IKION. WALI'OI.K , Deceinbcr 4. An engine and caboose belonging to u special on the Now York & Now England rail road yesterday afternoon collided with n pamonger train. The onyinrs and cahooau wuro wrecked and Engineer Clurk and Conductor Pratt Harring ton killed , us aho wa < ) Firemau Wood. D ggagu Master Kiibuellirn injured severely mid At sistant Super intendent Kcnimn in the lep. HIIOT IN 11IK I.KO IJV HISrAKK. Air. I'lU.AHKj , 111. , lociinber ! ! . Miss Lain n , McDonald and Miss Ituck * lus , gueita at a nocinl at Frank ] ' 'ain- liaiii's , took a horse from the stublu ior ridt1 and discovered a surreptitious , lining ered whilu loturniug , wore for horsu thieves. MUa ! Mclonald was aliot in tlio leb' , but not dangerously - ously injnrt'd. H1NOU OAKUALITIKH. NEW YOHK , December -Joseph Keogh , ugcd 70 years , fditor of a. Qerninn newspaper t Allentown , Pu. , was picked up in the niiddle of North river last night. , It ia supposed to bean an atUmpted suicide , but ho inya b fell ovf > rlw % rd from n ferry boat ,