Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Saturday Morning. Dee 2 ,
Wonthor Report-
( Tin following olMprvalloiu are tnkon at
the name moment ( t tlmn nt a'l ' the ta
tinn named. )
KAR DrrjwtMiNT , t' . ? . SIO'AI , S r.trr , 1
( ) nn , Dtctmlxr 1.l fl.l:4 : ! > p. m , ) I
lti\er bo\c low water innrk , four fotl
aiullinrrn. _
-llngJIili Literature Cln < at 11 n. in.
All trains east nnd wcil were on tlmu
ye > tcnJny.
-The police made three airw'n for
iliiinkenncdii last niglit.
Tlie I to men urn clnc-lnf rather dole
fully ! "What will the liarvcat l > c ? '
The completion of tlio Klor'ncc cut-
ntf I postponed unt 1 next xmmncr.
-They are fitting up the liolcxnn Nlntli
strtit ami tiuttltif ; them In pantalilo contli *
tion ,
- A CIIHC of ili-turlmnc ] of the peace by
calling bail cnnim * , WIIH before Judge lion-
eke yesterday.
Con Oromcr , nhurilf < if North IMatto ,
iiml a tlioninglibred Hettorilotfgivonlitmby
Tom Callan yesterday.
Kx-Coimcilinan Htophcn'on N pnvin ?
the xtrcct In front of IIH ! Inick bant with
stone. It i n ifreat Improvement.
It U unld. tliat thn Hint three dayH of
December rule the winter ti ontliH. Yu'-
Tlmnilav governing December would mak
the outlook n pmx one for coal dcalerH.
Tlie mntinco nnd evening perform-
anew * nf the "Chlmea of Ncirmnndy , " nt
tlio opera house to-day , will bocry
- V row in which pixtolrf wore pulled
ccmml nt 1'ivonkaH rnloon on Sixth
htr'ut l.ict ni.lit. No nrrcnU nnd nolxxiy
It is proposed to lift the debt of $3,000
now hnnuliiK over tlio > lr t M. K. church
by .Tiiuuary lnt by voluntary milwcrlp-
Tlie upeclnl car the Mnyo compnny do
their tAilrunding in in named "Deronda
Mayo , " in honor of the tragedian'u
Tim funeral of the laic Misn .Iiinu
I'ealxxly , which took place at Ilo'clock you-
toitluy , fr in the re idnce of Dr. Pcabody ,
was largely nttended.
-Tho oxnminatlon of Stringer Ilrantnot
and John Cusio , for hurxlarizmg I'atrick
Vord'n huusj and nhooting nt I'ollcemun
Ctup-r , conirs up to-day.
A Sabbath school will bo held at the
Koithwetterntnllroiid depot at 3:30 : o'clock
p. in. next Sunday , under the uuspIccH oj
the Young Men' * ChrUtlun Atkoctation ,
John Unumer , the Jeweler , 1314
nam , ha < mo rcmnrkably fine French
Open OlomcH in I'carl nnd Gold cn e.s
whiih lie L * offering nt very reasonable
-The "ClilmcH "
- of Normandy" this
afteiiioon mid cu-niiif , ' , hhould receive ,
at the handt of thi ) Onmlm public , UK
lusirtv nnd ample recognition ns did the
Kcllok'B trmipo.
There will bo plenty of nmuBcmont
next wcc'c ' for tlie.itrw goum , the Ifoey-
Ili.rdio compnny nppearl IK ut tlio opera
homo \V dnesdny ii'ijlit , and Frank Muyo
Thtintduy , Kridny nnd Sntnrdny.
Since the mud dried up the iucntlon | of
paving Tenth ftruft Hi'i'iim to hn\o coaxal
to njiltatc tha public mind. Jim Stephen-
HOB in thu only one \th in clnlut ;
at it , and tint in nt hi * own cxpenxe.
Superintendent Lane , of thu Omahn
public s heel , roportc , after alnil to
KnnsaH C ty , St. Joe and St. Loui < , tint
the Oianhii pupils in thu coi-rvHpondii'K '
grnden are fully art far advanced , and that
in thu primary graded our pupilx went
ahead ol their doivn-thc-rivor fr ! ndd.
- 1'Vaiik Heed , who was relcafi'd from
the county jail on a writ of haboiH corpun ,
turim out to bavu been ono of I'lnk-rton'ii
men tn < to Umi.hnt > invoitlnite n cuttain
impoitaut coao. llodoen not p OK | > SO to
gl u up thu job yet , however , and will
Htlll be ftiuml with plenty of caali iu hU
puckvU when wanted
The prc l4rnt of thu State liar as o-
elation II.IB ni > | ) olnted a committee to draft
resolution > rt'K'r ' liv , ' thu iloceaacof .liul ( , '
Kaley , Hon. T. L. Schiuknnd Col. W. U.
. Sniith , to report at the January mci'tliiK.
Thu coiiiiiiltteo conhUtH of J. C , Co in ,
chairman , < l. It. Wt-hstcr , J. II. Hroady ,
A. H. Conrerand ( ! . W. Covo.ll.
T..o Nubi nska Jeiuleriiij ! ( and Dry ! n ; ;
company hu o eltcted 0. F. CiooJmun ,
prcoident ; A. M. Clnrk , vice prentdent ;
W , J. liroutch , secretary j Thomai Gibson ,
. ' trva Mrer and generd m.innger , mid the
following illrevturH : C. F. Goodman , Vr" ,
J. Hnutch , Thoiniui till ) on , A. M.Claik
and Henry Gllxm. The company ham
purchuHi-d and , enlarged the old Glluou
fertlll/'nn workH on the rher north of
Tory oftuiivo BOO u
from Homo fynn of kidtioy complaint ,
and IB gradually dyinj ; Sy inclioa.
This no longer need bo HO , for Klootric
Hitters will positively euro Urifjht'a
distMao , or any disuasus of the kiiluoya
or uriniiry orgniia. Tlioy ui-u i-Hpccially
, 'adapted to tint clasaof disJasca , acting
B .directly on tlto stomach a/id Jlvcr ut
tlio Hiimo time , and will elx'fdily euro
wliuro ovt-ry other roiuodVlms fnUud.
Sold at lifty cutitit a bottfo by IHU &
McMuhon. _ _ (5) ( )
Duckwliunt U.ikcs witli Yormont
3Iulo ] Synijiis about the corrcyt tliinu
for brcakfuHtat tliin Heiisonoftlio yrur.
French , the Clrocur , IUIH eoinu line
liuckwJiuitt FJutir iimdo fiom uoloctod
grain wliicli IIUH boon thorouglily
' , Bcrconcil. II o lias ulao in atock eoniii
' choir Vermont JMaplo Syrup. The
very best that can bo found iu thu
Wont. _ _
TJirco inoru invoices of the finest
Silvcrwnro juat opciiud ut Huber
f * manii's. '
Stocking the Missouri's Tribu
taries with Cnlifornia
An IntorontliiR Exporlmont by the
ilr. II. Uockor , of Nortli lloiul , is
nt the Crcighton houno with 50,000
Cnlifornia Salmon. Of conrsu the
salmon can't bo very biy ones. They
arc , in fact , little fellows , each about
two inches long , and the whole 50,000
swim contentedly in six larqo galvan
ized iron cans. Thu cans are encli
about two foot in diameter , nnd tliroo
foot high , nnd BO arranged tlmt the
water in constantly ventilated. In
addition to this the fluid is stirred
every hour to give plenty of oxygen
to the tiniest ami inoit bashful of tlio
ti.Hl. ,
Thesu young sjilmoii are the product
of the Nortli Hund hatchurioa , wlioro
500,000 ojiggavui o placed ubuut two
months ago by the liah commission.
The youngelor/i nro nil very lively ,
and comparatively few dio. Tlioy nro
intended for the Ht roams in the north
ern country , and will bo put in at
dilForunt places.
An ia well known , thu Cnlifornin
Hiilmon , unlike the salmon trout , ii a
migratory Hull , and each year after thu
lirat the journey to the sea and back
again in made. Tliu present experi
ment in pisciculture which in being
made by the fish coiiiniisnioiierH of
thia atntu , in an especially entreating
ono. It aeuma almost incredible tlmt
the instinct of the liah should
load thorn to forsake the small
mountain si ream in which
they are placed , follow it
to the mouth , where its watera empty
into thu turbid channel of the Mis
souri , tlionco down thu big muddy to
the MiHHi'.isippi and fumlly to thu
blue depths ) of thu Gulf of Mexico.
Hut tin * more ditlicult thing to believe -
lievo ia tlmt the young nalrnon , after
fattening for n time in the salt water ,
should bo able to find its wny again
into the swift current of the "father
of waters , " ascend u thousand miles
again to the Missouri's muddy month
and swim through thu Litter's turbid
watera nnd over it many Band-bant to
the mouth of thu parent stream , and
finally find the very phtcu it first knew
on humu , and whoru it will remain
long enough to breed and spawn
What u journoyl , Tliroo thousand
miles nnd return 1 Hut the liah com
missioners boliuvo that the salmon
they are now "planting" will success
fully accomplish it , nnd any that a few
yearn will find all the headwaters of
thu state plenlilully stocked with thu
gnmoy , delicate luxury for which Cali
fornia and Oregon streams have BO
long boon famous.
A World of Good.
Ono of thu most popular medicines
now before thu American public , is
Hop Hitters. You son it everywhere.
Fuoplo taku it with good ell'ect. It
builds thorn up. It is not us pleasant
to the toatu as some other Bittora as
it ia not a whisky drink. It ia moru
liku the old fashioned bone-sot ton
that has done n world of good. If
you don't ' feel juat right try Hop Bit-
tow. Nundii NOWB.
Interesting Item * from the Meteor
ological Summary.
The month of November wi > s tin
unusually pleasant one , there being
but eight diiya on which thu clouda
discharged their contuntH in the form
of ruin or snow. The general sum-
nary will bo of and can bo
ippropnatoly preserved for future
reference and comp.uiHon. TIIK UKK
ia indebted to Mr. Alexander I'olUk ,
thu sjr eant of signal Bcrvicu in thin
city , for the following ( acts ;
Tlio highest bar was ; 10.7H ! on No
vember " ; i ; thu lowest bar , lilt. 051 on
November 7 ; mean bar , ! (0. ( 177. The
highest , temporal uro WIIH ( il.l1 ! on
Nuvembui5 ; lowest temperature 85
on Novembttr I'.l ; mean tempur.iUiro ,
itl > , ! ) ° , and thu prevailing direction of
the wind waa northwest. Thu great
vst velocity of the wind was ! ) ( > miles ,
in November 211. The total number
of miles of wind wuru 8,581. The
number of clear dnyu waa U ; the num
ber of fair days , ll ! ; uml of cloudy
days , 8. The nninbor of duys on
which rain or HIIOW full wuro 8. Tlie
total rainfall was 1.20 inclun. The
lumperatuiu of November , 1880 , was ;
Highest , 05 ° ; lowest , " 0 ° ; mean ,
1MU ° . rainfall , 0.7 inches.
A most remarkable- euro f r djvpepuln ,
ert ir-nlth envwer. " The ureateMl
tonic , bent bilious mid liver remedy known
$1. DruiTi ti. Depot O. F. ( .ioodman
Dost Selects . -I5i
Standard . , . itfii
Favorite . -Tii
The Chains , Gold and Silvoi
Watches , at HUHKUMANN'S taki
the lirat rank.
Fincat line of nowatyloa in 1'Ai'ii'
TKHIKS , I'OCKKT UOWKS and \i\l\lKl \ \
UAVIS1. loth atrcet opposite post
oflico. d2-tf
1IAHGA1NS InS.unnlo Moots , Shoe ;
and slipper * ut FULLlUEDirs.
DON'T FOUCJHT that wo are ell
ing THIO beat 5 nnd lOo. ciguis in tin
IJKIt NO. C wo oiler (1 ( for -'w. THU1
UlillNO. 10 , U for 25c. ALMOS'l
COST , Try tliein uml bu convmuui
of thu superiority or our Hraiula.
Ono door noith of Boyd's Opor
Mr. llccd corrects the Ul niont
undo in his c.iso yesterday tlmt lie was
incd tliroo times , Uo Tft only
inctl twice , first timu $15 for
UTyitig conccnlctl wcAponn nnd
lion $ r > 0 on general principle ! .
[ u is not n ( itrntiuer liuro l > y ntiy
means , having rolntivca living witlnii
'iglity niilufl of Oin.ilin. Ho liu.s 1/0110
o work in ChnrluH Markn' ruitaur.tiit ,
> ut Hays that the police intiko lifo n
mrilon to him by wntchinu him all
he time nnd thnt thuy won t lut him
nlonont all.
Dr. StongIM \ retunicil from Alabnmt ) .
Hon. .7. Ij. Welwtor went eaut yesterday.
Hun. Vfia , A. I'axtcn l\w \ gone to Dii.
Mm Dr. MatlicWMir , of Lincoln , in in
, he city.
C' . W. Kitchen came In from ( Jrecn river
Theodore Til ton piwed through the city
'huriday returning from Lincoln ,
JJcv. . ! . H , Mnxliold went to Schuylcr
'csleldny ' to remain over the Sabbath.
K. M. Itartlott has RODO on a trip to New
I'ork and Waililiuton.
Sherllf ( ! ro\or nnd W. S. Vnn Doran , of
N'orth rinltc , called ntTnr. IKK ! ollice yc -
, crday.
, f. Unlley , nnd Ohai. Selleck , of Her-
nnn , Nobraskn , called nt Til K HKV ollico
M nnRcr Mari-li , of lloyd'it Opera Hou e ,
eft yentenlay nftcrnoon for n few days
liil in I hicago.
Manager Mnrsh , of loyd'n ! Ojiera houfp ,
eft for Chicago yesterday to bo air
lent n few days.
or finu"ml 'left Thursday nftcr-
noon for WnHhinglun C'ity , to bo prcs nt
t the opening of congress on the 5th.
C. H. Slack , . f the U. 1' . hcadtmartoin
ni lc--n trnimforred to the claim depart-
lent of the Missouri Pacific , ut Ht. Louif.
Mr. Ynn Horn , who conducts the Moun-
ahi Trout lioufte at Ev-nston for the
Kitcheiif , pnHscd through the city yester
day on hid wny cast.
The Metropolitan hotel rtgiuter intll-
lotcH the following nrrivals : Kd. H. Con
nelly of Albion ; C. J. 1'helj , of Schuy-
cr ; JiiH ! ell K. C'oojier , of St. Joe.
The Canlicld benne register ahnwn the
'ollowlng nrrivilH : L. O. Schouter , of
Osceola ; F. A , Taylor , of Grand Island ;
neH Ward , of ( jilmoro ; O , liruton , of
. K. Dix , traveling ngent of thn Fort
.Scott & CSulf railroad , and Lyuinn McCar-
, y , Konoral wcHtcru passenger agent of the
I. & U. railroad , with headquarters at
Kansas City , are in town.
Mr. T. A. Taylor , pasicngor conductor
3ii the Union Pacific from ( irand Island to
'hoyenne , was in the city yeiterday. Ho
ia on hia way to New Orleans to nttrml the
conductors' conyrntion
The Withnell house register notcx the
> l'owIiiK ' arrivals in the city : Charles L.
itonc , of UnstingH ; C. L. Boon nnd
> > orga L. llrooks , of Northern Nebraska ;
t. J. Moore , of Lincoln ; George White ,
f DeiMoino' .
'L'ho Crcisiiton lioiwo rejklcr sliDwa tlio
arrival of the follou-inpcr3 ; < " 13'11 thu city :
. It. liailey , of Herman ; F. Dunn , of Sah
iake ; J. M I'nrmule , of I'latUmouth ; 11.
Decker , of doulh Bond ; Win. J. Mar.-den
Mid Jniuus F. 1'onvay , of oioux City ; F od
I'arker , Sioux Falls ; II. A. Ilenton , of
Col. I. N. C rniKh and wife , of Ham
mrg , lown , Mr. nd Mrs. S. ( ' , .Smith of
ted Cloud , MIH. J K. Smith of Boatricu ,
Mra. II. T. Clarke and dauqhtor of Balle-
rue , A. H . Swan nnd Tlm.i. Swan iiiil A.
iowlo of Cheyenne , Mr-i. Ntenmn and
Hiss Clnrktion of Schuyler , Mr. and Mra.
' ' . I' . Irel nd of Nubintkn City , i > nd Mr.
uul Mrc , .1. \ , ' . Noith of Columbus , were
ixmong thuHiiburl an viMturj to the Kel-
egg concert lustnight.
The successful introduction of
Conrad's Original IJudwoiser Beer"
nay with propriety bo compared with
Ciu-siir's "Voni , Vidi , Viei. "
For the imblic good : Conrad's Bud-
woiser Hecr.
Dr. Amelia Burroiigha , Withnell
lloimo , Tuesdays and Fridays , 10 a.
n , to1 p. m. nuto-tf
Ford Soliroodor'n Move-
Our old friend Fordinnnd Selinuder
has moved his headquarter * from 10th
street to Farimm street , next door
east of 1'utur Goos' liotol. In this
plondid location ho has opened up u
lirat class tonsorial palace , and is al
ways rondy to attend to his old custo
mers and make thu acquuintanco of
now ones.
Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con-
sumi > linn is certainly the greatest
medical remedy uvor placed within ( he
reach of suH'eriiig humanity. Thou-
hands of once hulnlusu sull'orura , now
loudly proclaim their pniisu fr.r this
wonderful discovery to which they
ewe their lives. Not only does it posi
tively euro Consumption , but Couglm ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , I lay
Fever , Hoarseness and nlliilujctions of
thu Throat , Chest nnd Lungs yields
at once to its wonderful cnrntivo pow
er as if by inngic. Wo do not aak you
to buy n largo bottle nnlcsn you know
what you asu getting. Wo therefore
earnestly iTfjni-st von to eall on your
druggists , Isn it RloM Aiio.v , and got a
trial bottle free of cost which will con-
> Inco tlto moat skeptical of its wonder
ful merilH , and show you what a ro u-
lar one dollar sir.e bottle will do. For
sale by Ish M o\fithon. ] \ (4) ( )
Fine assortment of TOILET All-
TIOLKiS , ( lomeitio and imported
SOAPS at pricoa far bolo\v tlioso
nskud by other dealers ,
Ol'I'.lt.V HOUHi : I'llAlSMU'V.
Ono door north of Boyd's opera house.
BARGAINS in Sample Hoots , Shoes
nnd Slippers at FULLRIKDE'S.
Solents . -15
Standards. . , , . , . , , . -10
Mediums . 30
Black Beaver Hats &J.7D at the
Boston Storo.
Hnvorly's Consolidated Spec
tacular Company.
They Will Appnnr nt Boyd'n Next
Mr. Clms. L. Andrews , general
manager for .lack Havorly , was in the
city night , and left nt noon to
day for San Francisco to open the
new California theatre recently added
by Mr. Haverly to the list of his
houses ot amusement , scattered from
ocean to ocean. The California theatre
is bin latest venture , and opens Christ-
nun eve with the grand spectacular
drama , Michael StrogolF.
Mr. Andrews comes from the Fifth
Avenue Theater , Now York , and has
organized what is to bo known
as Haverly'fl Spectacular Com
pany , and is a consolidation
of the two cotnnanics from
Booth's and iNiblo'B. Tnoy will pro-
dncu the original London version of
Michael Strogon" , something never
before attempted in thia country , and
to do thia they require forty-one
The scenery property and parapher
nalia for the now theatre leave New-
York to-night in chargu of W. II.
Daley , the stage manager ; Ilufus
Williams , etagu carpenter ; Mrs.
Harry Hudnon , costumcr , and John
W. Thompson , scenio artist. Signor
NoviBsimo , the ballet master , leaven
Now York to-morrow night. The
company intact , in charge of C. K.
Tnylor , leave Now York on Sunday ,
December 1 1th , in a special palace
car furnished by Mr. Pullman , in
which they will cat , sleep and live
during the trip from Now York to
Fred Bangs , tins tragedian , playa
Michael StrogolT ; Cecil Rush , Martha
StrogolF ; Kd Theme , the American
newspaper man , and Felix Morris ,
the English correspondent. The
dancers are all from Europe with
Adola Conulbn , a bountiful woman , us
"Star premirr Asaoluta. "
It is expected that the play
will have a run of at least
three months and nt the end of that
time "Tho World" will bo put on.
The company will return about the
1st of April , and Mr. Andrews said ho
thought they would stop over in Oma
ha. While hero ho took the measure
ment of the stage of the now opera
house nnd ho ia of the opinion that it
will bu largo enough to hold them. It
would bo thu biggest stroke of luck
Omaha has had in a long timu to catch
this company for a night or two in
In regard to"Mr. Havorly'a clmin of
theatre.s 'icros-i thu country , hi.t man
ager said it was true that ho con
templated such a scheme and the
purchase of the Cnlifornia theatre
had that end in view. By next year
Mr. Haverly will have a thentro
on Broad and Market streets , Phila
delphia and before long ho will have
another in Boston. The intermediate
points -vill bo easily filled up.
If you are suffering with iow and
dopreascd spirits , loss of appetite , general -
oral debility , disordered blood , weak
constitution , headache , or any disease
of a bilious nature , by all means pro
cure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You
will bo surprised to300 the rapid im-
provomant that wdl follow ; you will
bo inspired with now lira ; ntron ; th
and activity will ruurn ; pain and aiis-
or/ will OKUIII , iu > l 'ioTV ' ; rorti ! you
will TOjoico in the pzuiao of Electric
Bittor. . Sold at ! * - * n bottle by
1th & McMahon.
A Clioolty Operation-
About two months ago Moses Haw
kins found a horse in a deserted coun
try road. Uo advertised it but tie
iwner came. After a while a man
named John Evans put in an appear
ance and claimed the horse. It was
ilolivorud to him , and hu proceeded to
take numerous rides behind thu ani
mal. llocontly circumstances have
arisen , which go to show that Evans
obtained thu homo on pure cheek. A
wairan * , ia out for Evans' arrest.
Tlio Child of tlio Stnto and Its
The Ilooy Hardiu company , which
appears at Boyd's Opera lioiiso on
Wednesday evening next , in The
Child of thu Statu comes with the
warmest commendations of thu prcKS
everywhere. Of their appearance at
Li'avenworth on Wednesday night ,
The Times of yesterday says ;
Last evening thu Child of Statu
drew a lurgu audience at the new opera
house , that icecived this elegant and
truly meritorious play with a perfect
ovation of enthusiasm , It was a aur-
prito to see the now and appropriate
scenery sot especially tor thu piece , nnd
the elegant costumes worn by the bril
liant eompuiy. The story is so in
tensely intercut ing that the lines of
each uctor are eagerly Bought , to fol
low the plot thnt continually enrap
tures the audience , nnd when the de
nouement la reached they are wrought
to a pitch of feeling and sympathy
that olccita a perfect storm of applause.
Each ono of the ladies were thor
ough and nrtiatio in the portrayal of
their roles , and evinced nil
thu dolicatu and touching points
that make up the true actress.
Not ono word of adverse
criticism can justly bo said against
this company. Each member is the
ono for the place , uml thuy are appro-
ciiited for excellence by these who wit
ness their poifornmnco , The Hoey-
Hnidiu company , without exception ,
gavu the best and most pleasing dra
matic entertainment that has visited
Leavonworth this yrar , and with a
magnificent play , superb scenery , olo-
g. nt roatumus and first-class talent ,
they are sure to fill the seating capaci
ty of any opera houao where tlioirtruo
merit ia known.
A tmlpackage of "BLACK-DRAUGHT"
fr > of charge.
Al 0. F. Goodman'
Ho Shipped-
A warrant was issued in policl
court yesterday for the nrrcst of Wm.
Rundoltih , who has gone ncrosa the
river on an excursion for his health ,
It appears that Randolph
sometimu ngo gave a
chattel murtgago on a wagon to L. T.
Peterson. When Peterson came to
foreclose the mortgage the property
was found to bo missing nnd it waa
afterwards discovered that Randolph
had sold it and then skipped for Iowa's
friendly shores.
A Faravnblo Outlook for It * Com
pletion by Jnly Next-
"Well , how ( loon it progress ? "
null od a BKR reporter yesterday of
Mr. S. Shears , who ia directing the
construction of the Millard hotel
structure on the corner of Thirteenth
and toughiH. )
"Pretty well , " tho' gentleman nd-
dressed answered. "Of a necessity
work now is slow as wo are just get
ting to the more ornamental and con
sequently the more difficult parta of
the brick work. But still wo cannot
complain. I am full .of confidence of
being able tu upon the hotel upon Independence -
dependence Day of 1882 , and if thin
good weather continues 1 think there
is no doubt of its completion by that
timo. "
"What ia there about the Indiea *
entrance having been made too narrow ,
ns has been remarked by a number of
persons looking , it thu hotel ? '
"Nothing whatever. I have heard
the same comment , but it is miido by
those who don't know what they aru
talking about. The ladies' entrance
ia four feet and a half wide , and is
lnr o enough for the purpose for
which it is intended. It extends from
the west side ot the building about
twenty feet and terminates in an
amply largo vestibule , from which the
attendant of the hotel can bo called
by an electric bell. It is exclusively
for ladies nnd will bo uaed for no other
"Tho roof you now aoo being com
menced over the dining hall , at the
north extension of the building , is to
protect the lioavy center piece and
other ornamental decorations which
will constitute the ceiling of the hall.
Thia falao roof will proyont any acci
dental leakage of water in the rooms
above from injuring this frescoing and
figure work. Thu walls are to rise to
the saniti height as those of the rent
of the building.
"All of thu interior wood-work is 1)2-
ing furnished in Lircoln and will
bu shipped hero already to put
in its place. Wo are having most of
the duurs made of block walnut and
inlaid woods. These projecting
beama you ueo around the building
above the first story are to support
heavy stone coping which will bo put
up just as noon as it arrives. No ade
quate idea of the building can bo ob
tained now , as when the stone coping
and verandas are in place it will bo
materially changed. Especial atten
tion will bo paid to thu interior finish
ing , and I do not hesitate in Baying
that the Millard will bo as One in ita
appointments as any house in the
weal. "
It Honda the List
Of nil other prennrntiona or medicines. In
cusesuf n iu."ea , lie.ulneh'.1 , dizzine or ir-
resilariti ! < .M of tlio s ytom , BUKDOCK
Hrxioo Urrrriw have nocqual. They never
fad in affording immediate rrhuf. 1'rico
§ 1.00 , tri -1 sue 10 < x-f podlw
Magnificent Equipment of the
Opera. House Pliarmucy.
The west room in Boyd's opera
louse , which was secured by Mr. D.
\V. Saxu sometime a o , has for some-
imobeenin process of completion , nnd
ntI o'clock to-day will bo thrown
open for thu inspection of the public.
No expense has been spared
to make the room perfect
'or the business for which
t ia designed. The Iloor is hand
somely tiled in various colors , put in
by the United States Accoustic Tiling
Co. , of Indianapolis , 1ml. The fresco
work is very beautiful , and the credit
thorofor belongs to Homy Range , of
the same city. Claco it Luhnbuutur ,
ot St. Louis , furnish nil the fixtures ,
Whitall , Tatum & Co. , of Plnladel-
phiti , nil thu glass ware , and P.
Windhoim , of this city , thu curtains ,
which aru very lino. The counters
and shelving , are of heavy ,
carved walnut and the pre
scription case , which occupies
thu entire north end of the room is of
the same , with n beautiful , French
plate glass mirror eight feet high by
four broad. Saxo will have the finest
ill-ranged prescription caao in the
country , containing a duplicate of
every article in the store , with dark
closets for poisons , etc. The show
eases aru of ebony and plate glass and
will bo filled with a largo stock
ol holiday gooda purchased
by Mr. Saxu and to bo opened out to
day for thu fust timo. Thuao
gooda are of an extra line iKiality , and
something now in thia country.
At 4 o'clock to-day afternoon
the grand opening of Saxo's opera
huiiao pharmacy will take place , being
immediately after the close of thu
nuitineo performance of the Chimes of
Normandy. These who want to sou
thu finest sight in thu city will not
mUa soiling this opening.
AYKllAt her late residence on Howar'
near Thliteeu'h tttreot , nt 7 : . " > 0 p. m. ,
1) ' cumber l t , Mr * . Sarnli .L Ayer , wife
of Dr. .J. U. Ayer , ajd ' . ' ( ! yearn and 1 ! )
day * .
Timcral notlni hereafter. _
I have boon appointed state agunt
for Schlitz's Milwaukee Bee in kegs.
Parlies desiring to handle same please
apply to or address M. A. McNamaru ,
Omaha , Nob. IB-tf
Parties leaving town or disposing of
their household ellects will make
money by culling on A. L. Fitch A
Co. , 209 South 12th street , who pay
the highest CASH price for second
hand furniture. , n2-lm
I5 3. Mauer B'od to the Tune of
$100 by a Slick Scoundrel.
The Foruor Arretted in Salt Lnlto
Sometime in March last , n butclior
named Charles Meyer , passed H check
for S100 on Kd. Manor , the latter
giving him over $ ! K ) and goods for it.
The check purported to bo signed by
II. Beal and Culk and waa made payable
ablent Caldwell , Hamilton it
Co.'s. bank. Meyer had previous
ly given Mauer a like check
nnd the latter consequently had no
( | ii'fition ns to the paper's genuiness ,
When the check was presented for
payment , however , it was discovered
that it waa n forgery. Moyur "skip-
ped" immediately nftor passing
the check nnd 1ms not
been heard of until within
the past week , Mr. H. Wagner , trav
eling salesman of West A Frcitcher.
of this city , who has just returned
from a western tour , told Mr. Mauor
that ho saw .Meyor in Salt Lake City
a few days before. A dispatch was
immediately sent to the marshal of
that cityandjyusterdny nnjansvcr came
that the man had been caught and
imprisoned. Ho will bo brought to
Omaha to-morrow.
A Willing Endornor.
MLIWACKIK , Wis. , July 30 , 1881.
H. W. WAIIKMI & Co.j Snts-I
can recommend your Safe Kidney nnd
Liver Cure , and you can cheerfully
use my name. Mas. ANN KELLY.
"WINE OF CAKDUr for Ladies only.
AtC. F. Goodman.
ONKY TO LOAN Call at Law OHtco ol D.
M L. ThoniKi lloora 8 Urolchton Block.
'oan ' * ' 'fro 8 to 10 per cent
nPtH'.wUv on rooj real cutatcnocurity , by
UK , ISAAC KUWAHDd 11W Farnliam St.
QKOKltK1A'1X ) LOAfi At u per cunt la-
3 ! > /40U.UUU tcrcot In > nmi of 2GOO , and
upwardg , tor 3 to 6 3 cars , on llret-claes city and
farm proiwrty. DKMIS Unit , EaiAm and LOAN
AQKNCT. 16Ui and Douzlcs 8te.
'ANTED Agood man cook , at the I'erktns
House , I'lattemo uli , Neb. V323 *
WANTKU To rent btrlclly nrstcl M family
suite of room , lurnlsliod or unfurnished ,
nndtth board , for wile and ttmall family. Ad-
ilrmH at once , ( : . K. , lite Iticc. C20'J'
WANTED - Sltuat on by jouncman ( Dnnlah )
tonoukln prhaio f.inilly. Inquire nt
Br-andlnaUaii hotel , llth St. , bet. Lci.cmvortli
ami Jones. C31-D *
Situation by .1 Hncde as coacli-
WANFliD thorough experiences. Adi rcoe ,
Crllc Uo , 1313 Capitol mcnue , ttty. C30 3'
WANTED To rent by Ihe let of Januiiya
Rood rcsld nco of from S to 10 rooj.s ;
( food locality , west of 12th 8t. anil within 10 or
IS nilnutci walk from Karnham preferred Good
rufcrcncoclve i. Addrvai , J. E. II. , 1203 Kurn-
ham S . f.25 U'
A position totra\cl hv n
WANTED hai travelled In Ncbra k nnd
can furnish peed ffcrcnce. 1'renent position too
conHnlM" . Address , N. N. G. , leo office eU-J : *
WANTED A KOOU gitl for ( foncral house-
work. Enquire at Intelligence ) ollhe , llth
street , near t'nrram ttreu . fll a *
WANTKIl Qooit pnwticnl amenta for all
western tow 119 , gcntcul work lilcpav. Caller
or address , J. I' . DKVonl' ,
1015 C.iplt \\enuo l ,
618-5 * O naha. Neb.
-4 respectable | : entleincn to room
WANTKD . Inquire southwest torner Ibth
and Izard SU. Cir. tf
ANHKD Girl ( or K neral hou cwork , at
W 'JOiO St. Mark's lucnuc 013-tf
" | T7"ANTKD An attUt that can do flrat-class
VV work at sketching buililliiK' li li'dh
Ink lor photo-cngriuInir. Apply at oncu to J.
H Vicrcc , lieu ollice.
Co i fortable liirntshcd r join in
the iBtwinl , north of t P. track , for a
uilncHi man cnnilojod ovirr day In his olllo > \
0. II. , IJuo ollice. til 1-3
-VTrANTKD-Glrl 111 prhato f iinilj , at 800 ST.
W 1'lh Si J must thorou My iindcistnnil
t-tarchlnj ; anil ironing shirti. hLfcreiid-u re-
quired. 15-2' _
V'umiithcdrooin with boird for
WAKlUD nnd I-OM , 10 years o d , in private
family , contrail } located. Itifercnceschaii } ; -
ed. Addruj * , U. V. M. , Omala lice utIKc.
AN'l'KU lloom anil btunl by nun
W id wife , lltloreneiadiaiieil. ( . Ad-
llfootlice. ni--tf (
lly a marrisd < oupli * niter Dec.
WiNTKD rooms \\ltli
Uniily. Addrcb wfih ti'rins , U , It. , lliKJ DCUK-
las &t. _ 578-tf
A housekeeper nt 1109 Karnham
WANTED , up stiiirs. 4U-tf
\YTANTEh Girl to do hoaie crki llnnulro
\T _ U10 t'aniliain St. 112-tf _
\TrANTED-FnndInir bridirrond cbool bonds.
W H. T. Clark. Bellovuo. 20-tf
Kl.NT I'lirnltlied rooms , at north"cit
corner ! 0th and Ca s Hts. ' 23 0 *
UKNT Nicely furiiMicd rooinn , 1417
1 Howard St. 028-S
HfcNT New hnufu of 7 ronn , 10th on I
FOI1 . Kniiilroi | : . V. Smith. ( Kt-tt
OU KENT 3 roomo , at nonhwcfct uorncr20th
; and loniU8 Sts. 027-0'
FOH KENT -Adwelling lioinu with C rooms on
ClilokounJ 21th Sta. Emiuire on urmi
1710)1 ) KENT lloomtttli board tor a rouolc ;
[ ' muiit xl > o lelcrencm. Cor. 11 hand Maboii
Direct t. tiH b'
71011 KENT IloiiteI room , houtlicnd 10th St.
1 ICnqiilro J. L. JkCagnc , oppctlte Toit
Ollice. CiS-tl
TIOU HK.ST Itoom , furnlnhcd or unfurnlshid ,
T\ \ S. W. corn r Itth ond.llrward. 022 tf
I710K H KNTrurnUhcd room , S. W. C. r. 10th
1 ; ami la ciiK > rt. U17-7
HKNT A pleafant fun.lshi-d room for
KimtlcuiatKatWr'atntumSt het. IGth and
i7tii mo-r
| : - ' . > dcslratlo rooms , thife blocks
FOlUiNr- | t ofllie , 17th St. AddruHvith re-
ferenr , XIr . L. II. liuiton.cnrc ol t'arrlirNo.3.
011-3 *
CottiRuwlth C rooms , new ami
POKIIKXT . Jnc | jlr. ou pirinUm , nt "M and
Mason , y lilockii bouth ol tit , .
I7IOK ItKS'T nnu imlor nu ( 'round llocr and
I. mm clumitior haiuliomely funil licd , 'Jil'2
Callfornto St. _ _ _ _ _ ° 18 ° _
OIl r > iNT llQUM ) o ( 0 roo.ii. , 1.1S1 IBth St. ,
P mar 1'aul. C05-3
7IOU HENT Furnished rooiiH , at c t
1 . ' cTriur IttliiiiidOillfornl.i. foil JO
, KENT Two well fnriil'hiil rooms with
J board , 2011 Caku ht. , b-t. Svtli nml'JUt.
_ _ _ fl-2
ITIOH HIIST A boarding hou.e o ( ele rn
.1 ; roomi , on Dodge ttrrct , near tiutUm ; works
Hid > hop8. Kent , i'M ] H.T monlh , * IMmi lon
V'lU'iio Ut | li c , inter. Bonrdcm now In the
lu.o will remain. JA1IW I. MOltTOS , Stn ) U.
10th Bt. tmo-4
KENT A * iiit of furnlthcd rooms , jwrlor
EOR two bedroom' , &lao a tlnglo room. Chi-
cx'fo itrvet. betvtevn llth auU IMti , centre brick
house. IbO-tf
HKNT I.arifchAnilnomo y liirnl-litxl Wk
parlor ; alro front room tcconn story lirlck
, 7013 COM street , 6 dee wtst ot soth.
HKNT KurnMiwi roomi , north ld ol
FOR St. . Zd door west o ! Sl t. Inquire
aflyf I p. m 4S4 tf
ijlOlt HKST J story hounc , 8 room * , * ! ;
11 Clojetiisoab ! ! rnf ! dcdred. * DftMin-
port St. 4".1
n KKN1 1 furtiutiwl room" ow MM-
chAiits' KxchingoN , B. car , 16th ind Dodg *
- jgg-tf
Foil HALKIjtrgo bitslnciK lot nnfltrnn Ht ,
MUiUblo for holf tllni > . John I. . Sic-
U.IRUC , Opp I' . 0. CJ1 tf
I71011 BALK A. ( food M > CII jenr-old hcrtc
* \\nrrnntil todrUc | IIRC | nr doublo. Kn-
iulre | of Gtorgo Candtlj , Cantltlillioti < o.
SAM : A n e Colt's Ilwch I iutln ; Shot
Clun ( locKl as new. Ilinlmn tine < lrn l -
lltfp. Ooit MS , will take MO. Addcsi L. W.
HcoOnicc. MS.'f
171OH One Ikryc cook rniiKe nii < l nne
JL * ' p rlorii t of 7 nlcecs. L. F. M glnn , Att'y ,
iton Block , Clt.v. fatf
hALK Two Kucnnd h.tnil ciik'inn.1 In flint'
L10It clan one 25 H. I' . Mid one ( I II.
I' I'.miulro Omaha Kouudry and Machine l.o.
.I.K Team coed ixjiiltt" , chevii ! ftt IUI I
_ Barrj Hth St. o l-tf
haa rattling IOHK linn of hoitws , lou
lands and farms for Kile Call and gel
fj OK SALlSlapa of 1 > OUK1 nud Sarpj" out.
I1 tloi. A. nOSKWATEIl , 1820 Fftrnh m street
nnn . .
\ ' ,
AND LAND Ucmts rentt hoilfc ,
Htori" . , hotels , lirir ote , hnila , ofllcos
roams , etc. Sec 1st jmijr
A MAN Of trlt b'JSinem hnbltii , wli
X\ cash , vo > .Id like to Imigt in somu
ed lni lncfs where lie ran work on Hilary. At ! >
drcsHf rtwoweeks , D. L. llarns , Fort Uilhoun ,
Neb. 035-0
ri.iin sioux mrv BUTTON MAKUFACTI K-
i INQ CO. , Will pay rofh for horn hy thcrar-
loadrtclltcrcdat nnvnllroaddqwtltiH onx City.
Ttt Ucr horn preferred KOI vartlcularn ad-
dree , U. 0. Hoble , Bupt. 013-jl
A Yorkdc irc9 a si'nation where nix tcrvtct *
would Bo required. JToobJcctlou to ( jolntf wr t.
AtldrcBf A. Illack , cnro II. Goldstein , i ounc.ll
Itluffs , Iowa. dec lt
T 03T OR STOLEN amall liver and white ,
I.J mostly w hlto , pointer dan. The party who
has the dog will tind it more profitable to rtturn
to owner than to keep him , as I ehnll make
trouble K not in my i < o es-ljn befo o Saturday.
GEO. U. FITCIIETT , carria e bhop , 31B couth
16th ttreet.
A With a small capital can buy n liake-y , con-
Histln < of an o an b\10 feet and a bu chouse 14x
21 with to d stoic ro < ms and f mlly rooms to
lent for $15 per muiith v.ltli 3 years leaxe ;
bu-t iKatlon In one of the llubcst towns In Ne-
br < ska. Imiulrccf H.U.Clark & Co. , Omaha ,
Nob. f. 9-3
IN CltAYOK IVitilo and Ol" ,
PORTRAITS . iirtntln ? . MUS. 1 > . II.
WARDNEH , room 1 , Jacob's Ulook. 512-tf
FOUND Kejs on Fainham , In front of Toft's.
Owner can hai e nan o by proving propcrtv
and payiufcfor tlds tuhcrtlscment at the Kee
office. 1231
B EUIS' KEALJ'ilTATE BOOM. See Irt pajre.
> 11AV At A. II. Sandcr'B twni Htoiu
BALK1 llarney St. fllO-tl
1EMI8' NEW CITY MAPS. 10c. Mounte
) Maps , S2.BO. OEO. P. BEMIS.
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To H nt ,
WuitM , Hoarding ; , etc. , will bo Inserted In this
column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PEtl
LINE for the first insertion and FIVE CENTS
PER LINK for each subsequent Insertion.
Leave adv crtlscmentfl at our otllce , up re ,
comer Broadway and Main streets , Council
Et cry body in Council Bluffs lo
WANTED TIIK Urn , 211 cents pir week , lie
liiered by carriere. Olhce corner HioaJwny and
Miiln , up btalrs , Council lIluffH. _ OjKMI
- To pun ha'o llvo blocks of lot *
with or w.thout Impro-oiiH'nt' , In a ilnu
runnifK south eommeiKin. at Ilrrmlnar , either
of C. & N. W. depot. Address I'crry , In
iaie of Tin : DKK nice , Council IllullF ,
Iowa 3t
"VJOTICi : You can get tha quhXcst nnd lest \
JLN pictur s f your children , &u. by pxtrpn-
ixiiif ; HurkeV excIsior Bnlicrj' mar IICBS olliee ,
Council I lntlHnnlio iif.eilliun w insiai t iifitin
proton. lr.djc ! and llerdlclaie allowc-il Onrd a
IiMkrt. It c. o. d.
Ajrcnt" to < an\a-s Ict ! i > ay-
WANTED - in the itji.ntry. Aildruu
C M , Uecollleo , Council lilurtNo'Jtt
" 1710R SAI,1' Horse , buggy nd Iwri ess , ilieap
J ; for cash. Addriid \ > . H. C. , lieu flfce
Council lilutrs. No > U 3t
TICKET OI'FlfFWnr In r.iilroad
ticlicM continues to boom , tin rttulrntrd
low rates to all casttrn poliitn. ) ; > ir > ticket
guaranteed. Orders Illleil lij tcleplioni' From
ono to ten dollars tau'd by purchasing tiikcts
of C. A. I'ot'er , biiceosor to Potter & I'nlmcr , No.
40 South Filth strict , f m doom below the post-
olllcu , Council I'luffi" . lova. octia-tf
'AM'I'DBoj , uith pony , to carry paportt.
W Imiu'iru at IlEK ollice , 'council lllutle !
'octl3 tf
To huy lou tons lircxmi ixjrn.
WANTED mldrcs * Council Blufli )
Ilroom Factory , Council Bluffs , lona. C&S-20tf i
ANTED A llr t-cla"8 broom tier. Mayno
WMH & Co. . Council Illuffs , Iowa. ECO SO * >
MH SALE Old piwnUOc jier hundred , oj
! Tbo lieu otllco , Council Blulln. bi27-tf '
TIONAliI.sT , 4BSTenth Streetbetween Farnbit
and llarney. Will , with tnc aid of K'lardlat
spirits , obtain for any ono a glance U the paa
anc < present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Boots ami Shoes made to order , Perfect
tutWn-tlrn y
Absolutely Pure ,
llido Irom Ornrw C'refn TnrUr. Noothti
ar } > atlon nuJtt * luch light , flaky hoi brv&di
uxitrioi juwtry. Can lit eaten by Djrijuic
itr out , tiar of the 111 * rcml tlnjf from ) icay'
ic t"ut ) food. Sold opy In cant. ball Gro > .f