Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1881, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , 13 EC EMBER a , 1881 JL'HE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnhnm , bet. Oth and 10th Streets. TI'.UMS Of SUllSCnilTIOX. Ono cony 1 j car , In vli Alice ( | i 'stiviUl ) - $10.00 6 months " " 6.0 > month S.CO RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TIKKCAKD CIIICAOO , ST. TUL , \ llWroLIS jANt > OMAIU RMiwHti. Leave Omahfi PftS'ctiRcr No. S , 7:50 : a. in. Ac commodation No. 4 , 1:00 : p. In. Air eOmaha VMrenifcr No. 1 , 8:10 : p.m. Accommodation No , 3,10:50 : a. m. LKAVISO OMAHA HAST OR tOUTII SOUND. C. , 1) . ft Q. 7:40 : a , m. 3:10 : p. m. C. & N. W. , 7:40 : i. m. 3:40 : n. in. C.H. I. &P. . 7:10 : a. m. 3:40 : p. tn. K. C. , St. J. i 0. 'J. , len > ci nt 8 a. in. a"d fl:30 : p. m. AirUcaatSt. Louis at 0:30 : a. m. and 6:52 : p. m. m.W , Bt , L. ft P. , Ic.-UMatS a. in. ami S'40p. m. Arrlxcs lit St. Louis nt 0:10 : a. m. ami 7:30 : m WB8T OR BOUTI1WRST8 , n. & 1 ! . In NoK , Through Kxprcss , 8tO : a. tn. II. & M. Lincoln KxprcHi-G 2J p. in. U P. Oierhml Kxprim , 12:16 : p. m. O. A U. V. ( or Lincoln , 11:45 ft. m. O. A11. V. for Oaccota. U.40 ft. in. U. P. freight No. 6 , 6:30 : a. in. U. P. frclizht No. 9 , 8.10 a. in. U. I1 , frelsht No. 13 , 20 : p. m. U. P. frclirht No. 7 , 0:10 : p. in. emigrant. . . P. Denver c\prcs , 7:3,1 : p. m. U.'P. trolirht Nn 11 , 11 SO u. 111. U. P. Dciixcr frelKhtE:26p. : in. AkMtlNb-FROM BAST AND fOUTD. a B. ft O 6:00 : . in. 7:25 : p ra. C. & N. w. , 9:45 : n. in , 7:25 : p. nu C. R. I. A1',9:15 : a. m. 0:05 : p. in. K. C. , SI. Joe &C 11. , 7:40 : n. m. 8:48 : p.m. AHRIVtXa MOM TUB ( VIST AKD BOUt W 8t. 0. ft I ! . V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m. U. P. 1'ftCiflo Kxprc- 3:25 : p. in. D & II. In Ncli. , Through Kxpruns 4l6 ! p. m , B. fe M. Lincoln i\prcn-D : 40 a in. U. I1. Dcnxcr uNprusf , 7:3& : n. in. n. I' . Freight No. 11-2 60 p. in , U. P. So. 6 6:10 : a. in. Emigrant. U. P. freight No. 14 , IJ : C p. in. V. V , No. u-0.00 p. in. U. 1' . No. 12-1:45 : a. m. U. P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a. in. 0. & K. V. tnlxctl , ar. 4:4) : p. ir. BUUMT TRAINS BBtftRRX OMAHA AMD COUNCIL rLwrs. Leave Omaha at 3:00 : , 9:00 : , lr:00 : anil 11:00 : . tn. ; 1:0 : 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : ami 6oop. : m. Leave Council DlulTn at 8:25 : , 9:25. : 10.25 anil 11S5 a. tn. ; 1:25 : , 2:25 : , 8:25 : , 4:25 : anil t:26 : p. m. SunJajs Tlie dummy ICAVCS Omaha at 9:00 : nd 11:00 : a. re. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leaves Council Bluffs at 0:26 : and 11:26 a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 : and 5:25 : p. m. Through and local paRsciiRcr trains licton Omaha and CoU'i 11 lllulla.\c Ouuha 5:50 : , 7:00 , 7:45 : and 8W : ) a. in. Leave Councjl IlliiDi ) 7:25 : , 11:20 : and 11:30 : a. in. ; 5:20 : , eEO : and 7:00 : p. in. Opening an' ! Closing of Mrlli. ROLTK. OPRS. C1.C8K. n. in. p. m. a. ni. p. m Chlca'eo&N. W 11.00 9.00 0:30" : 2:40 : Cnlcago , U I. & Pacinc.ll:00 : BCO : 0-SO 2:40 : Chicago , I ) . & ( J 11:00 : 9:00 : 0:30 : 2:40 : W bash ! 12:30 : 0:30 : 2:40 : S oux City nnd Pacific. . 0.00 0:30 : 2:40 : Union Pacific 4:00 : 11:40 : Omaha fcll. V 40 11:40 : B. &M. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omahafc Sioux City. . . . t.OO 7.3D B. &M. Lincoln lu:30 : C:00 : U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : 11:00 U. P. Dem ir K\i > P:00 : 0:30 : O.SiouxCltj &St. P. llco : iIO : : Local mi\IK tor .Stat ot lo a leave but ouco a day , viz : 0.30 a. in. Office open Sundajs from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TITOS. F HALL 1' U. Abstract and Real bstatc. JOHN L. JIcCAQUE , opiioslto Tout Office. W. K. BARTLKTT 317 South 13th Street. Architect ! . DUFRENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room Crclghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2. Ciclzhton Block. Boots and Shoes. JAMES DIVINE & co. , Fine Boots and Shoes. A pocd assortment of home work on hand , corner 12th and Hartley. THOS. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglaa. JOHN FOKTUNATUS , ittcetrhianuTntlurcS to order good work kt fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Spring * . J. t. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 DoudMtt. Books , News and Otatlonory. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. MoSHANE & SCHROEDEIl. the oldest B. and E. house In Nebraska cetahllKhcd 1876 Omaha. CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RVAN , toathwest corner 16thand Dodge. Best Board for uio Money. Satisfaction Ouarantccd. Ueab it all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. rnrnUhfd Rnnmg Supplied. _ Carriages and Road Wagons. WM SNVDER,14tii and Harncy Streets. Jew * c.'s. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk. IT. BEP.THOLP , Rags and Metal. Lumbsr , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OR \ \ ' corner Bill and Douglas Sis. Lamps and Glassware. J. BONNER 1309 Douglas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. 0. A , LINDQUEST , One of our most popular Merchant Tallora Is re ceiving the latvtit dcxlitn for Rprlng nnd Suninirr Goods for KtiJtlcimn'a v.u\r , Stjllth , duraldo , and prices low as ever 216 13th bet , Mllllnerv. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Wholrbalo and Retail , Fancy - cy Goods In grcnt \ nricty , Xcplij rs , Card Uoaril ) , Hosiery , Gloxcs , C'oriotH , &u. Cheapest Housa in the West , 1'urchisiri br.\o ZO per cunt. Orlrr by Mall. 116 Fifteenth Street. t-oitnclry. JOHN WEAHNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jncknonsf Hour and Feed , OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham HH. , Welthans Bros. , proprieton. Urocers. Z. STEVENS , 21st betnecn Cumin ) ; and lar T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlnir Utreets. rlarawdie , Iron and Steel , OLAN & LANaWORTIIY. Wholesale , 110 am' 112 16th street A. HOLMES corner Ifith and California _ Harness. Baddies , &c. B. WEI8T 20 18th St. bet FarnHarncy. . Hotels . ANFIELD HOUSE , Ceo. Canfleld.Qth & Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P H. Cary , 813 FaniharaSt. SLAVEN'S HOTEL. K. 8Ia\en , 10th St. Southern Hotel , Giis. Hamel Oth &Lia > cnwortb Clothing Bought. O .SHAW will pay holiest Cub price ( or ( ccond band clothlnr. Corner 10th and Varnham. Dentists , DR. PAUL , William * ' Block , Cor. 16th & Dodge. Drugs , Paints ana Oils. KUIIN & CO. Fhannaclits , Fine vanc Goods , Cor. 16th and Doiifli * ttrecU W. J. WHITEIIOUrK , Wholesale & Retail , Uthst. C , FIELD , 2022 North Slcio Cumlng Street. PAHH , Drutretst , lOto and Howard Street * . Dry Qoods Notions , Etc , JOHN H. F. LEllMANN & CO. , K w Vork Dry Gooils Store , 1310 and 1312 Farn. him struct. L.C. Encwold also boota and shoct 7thir clflc. huruiture , A r. GROSS , New and Suond lUnil Furniture od Stotci , 1114 Douzlaa. Hlghett cakh price aid fnr Kcond hand iroO'iB. BONNEH 1300 Donrla it , Fine eooJi , A.c. f-ence Works , OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIf3&CO.,1213HarnfyRt.1 Improto- 'A Ice Boxnion and Wool Fence * , lU'JInce , Counters of I'lne and Walnut , Olgnrs nnd Tobacco. R'F.ST A FR1TSCHER , manufacturers ol C1fr r , t \VtioIo-wle IH-aler In Totncctw , 1S05 Pou la . ff. . lxm.ES7.Ry mtniihetnret 1410Ki > rnh m Florlit. A. Don cline , plants , cut flower * , tcrdf , et . N. W. cor. Idth an J Pandas street ! . Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors , ANDREW 11OSKWATKB , Crelphton Block , Town Surtcyi , Grade and Sewcrajto Sstcm a Specialty. Uommltslon Merchants. JOHN O. WIL L1S.1414 Dodpo Strett. D n. llKKXir.R. For details tee larto sthcttlw- raent In IHIIv anil Weekly. Cornice Works. Western Cornice Vorks , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Stale Roodlnc. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the beat manner. Factory and Ofl'co 1213 Harncy St. C. Sl'ECHT , Proprietor. Galvanized Iron Cornlcis , Window Caps , etc. , mnnufactund nnd put up In any part of the country. T. SIN1IOLU 410 Thirteenth street CrocVory , J. BONNKR 1309 Doug las street. Good lino. Clothing and Kurnlshlng Qoods , OEO. II. 1T.TF.USON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots , Shoes , Notions and Cutlery , 04 S. 10th street. Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent , C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. A Harnoy. Show Case Manufactory. ] O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all klmls of Show Cases , Upright Cases , A ' . , 1317 Cass St. FRANK L. GKIUIAKD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , blS South IGth street , beturcn Loa\cm\orth and Marey. All good ) warranted tlrst-clo.'W. Pawnbrokers. 10th St. . hot. far ft Har Stoves aim Tinware. A. UURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tin are , anJ Manufacturer of Tin Roofj and all kinds of llullillnif Work , Odd Fcllous'Block. J. BONNEK. 1309 Douelas St. Oocxl and Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale nnd Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators , Odd Fellows Hall. Physicians and Surgeons. W. S. GIBB3 , M. D. , Rsom No 4 , Crelghton Block , 16th Street , P. S. LEISENR1NG , it. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. . Kyc and Ear , opp. poitoffluo DR. L. B GRADDY. Oculist and Aurist. S. W 16th and Farnham Bt Photograpners. GF.O. HEVN. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Prompt- noes guarantee ! ) Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 21012th bL , bet Farnham and Douglas. WorK promptly attended to. D. FITZPATHICK. 1409 Douslas Street. Painting nn nper ringing. HENRY A. KOSTK1XS. 141 Oodgo Street. ShooBiores. Phillip Lane , 1320 Farnham st. bet. 13th & 14th. Second Hand Qtoro. PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Doujlas St. . New and Soconil Hand Furniture , House FurnUhing &c. . hnticht and sold on narrow man'lns. tjaloons. HENRY KAUF.MANN , In the nun brick block on Douglas Street , has Just opened a most elegant Heel Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 o\cry day. "fialcdonia"J FALCONER B7B inth Street. Undertakers. CHAS. RIEWE , lOia Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Stores. P. C BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. , Fancv Qnoil" CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All sufferers from th's disease that nro anxious to be cured thould try DR. KISSNER'S Cele brated Consumptive Powders. Thcso Pow ders ate the only prcpa'atioti known that will cure Consumption and all distascs ol the Throat and Luncs indeed , FO ttron i < our faith In them , nnd also to com ince ) on tlmt tlicv arc no humbujfc will forwaid to every sufferer , by icail , postpaid , n free Trial Box. We don't want your money until jou arc per fectly tatiMlcd of their curative povvcrs If jour life is vvorth saving , don't delay In civliiK thesu Powders a trial , as they will surely cure jou. Price , for lar u box. S3 00 , Rent to mi ) pait of the United Slates or Canada , by mall nn receipt of price. Addrths , ASH & llOUItlNS , nlldly 300 Fulton bt. , UrorLIxn. K. Y. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA s 9 ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OM 4HA. To Nervojs Sufterers THE QRCAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a po | tiiocuro forBpcrmatOirhco , 8cmln Wi-akiic . luipotaiicy , and nil dlsuaseu rreultlnR from Solf.Almso , an Mental An\lat > , I/w Memory , Palng In the Hack or Side , and illwasc * that lead to Consumption insanity an J carlygraie The fi | > cciflc Medicine Is being used with wonder ful miccctw. - - - * " * - " " > -i \i \ Pamphlet * sent free to all. Write for them and L'et full par ticulars. Price , Specific , 91.00 per package , or six pack- tgc for ( .00. AdJrutf all orders to B. UIMSON J1KUICINK CO. Nos. 104 and 106 Main Bt Buffalo , N. Y. Sold In Omaha by C. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell. / , K leh , and all ifrugKliUeverrwhom. John G , Jacobs , ( Formerly of Olshft Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER. No. 1417 Farnham St. , Old Stand of acob RU. tWOrdeiH nv Telxvranh Bnllcitod 97 A. MARTIN , MERCHANT TAILOR , 1220FamhamSt. , Desires to announce to his friends and the Get oral public that ho has resolved to reduce his prices to the lowest notch consistent with tha principle of "live and let live. " Gentlemen desiring a first-class Suit of Glothee , in all respects equal to any and second to none , will do well to { jive Mr. Martina call. Good Business Suits to orker , $25. Fine Pantaloons , $6 and upwards. nldJni POETRY OP THE TIMES. Know the Gntnit- "My 'Queen , ' " salt li ; . "I'd like 'two imlr' With you. " The fair inaM Wiflio.l , And naKl : "Now , .luck , 1M 'boat' you tin-re , Tor , dnti'v. you see , I'm Iliiilicd ? " "Mat that ain't ' ' " 'Mraixht , replied her " .lack ; " ( Tlmt "hninl. i " dlmtiifd liUltMcr ) : "tiuch 'iil.iy1 ( on wonU ) you know 1 lack" And tlicn ho "douli'o Imupil" her. naiiio the < lav : I would Meal To oven 'hoard' your 1 vo 'tnbl stcrt R' Vive uio 11 siyht' Slmll 1 'order card * ' or shan't IV The "IJnceii" aid yu , nnd now , JM-O\VII boKI , "They dr.iw" their enrtiaKO wicker : On nft in mis you'l ' fco" tliein sir Ji lt ' hold * up n littla klcktr ! " LITTLE BLDE EYES. Or , How Slio IIolpoil Mo Out of It. I BY M. ll | .U'l ' "Can J sit \\ith youJ" "Certainly , sir. " "Xicu WoaUior. " "Sploiulid , indeed. " "Crops yrowiny finely/ / " "Yes , couldn't do bettor. " 1 was Hitting in u pusson or conch , on ti Wisconsin railroad , one day , years ago , when \ \ good looking , [ ilensant spoken man cniuu along , stopped at my seat , and the above conversation took place , the li\ttorpiul of it after 1 had given him a p.ul of my seat. Now I am regarded as a social man , I like a joke , ix good bit ; anil I think n sour , morose man , who uses hit ) toungo only when obliged to , 13 bound to die of some terrible disease , and note to some place of red hoi punishment. On entering a railroad car I ahvaya look about for n talkative man , and then yet as closu to him ns possible , and drain him dry , if the journey is long enough. And I want to state one thing more. Loft an orphan before I could realize the event which had nmdo mo one , 1 got kicked hero and culled there , and "urew up between folks , " ns they say. I ought to have had , at the time of which I write , a pretty thorough knowledge of human nature , and luivu been enabled to read in a man's face if he intended mo evil. I did not pride myself on being over keen or extra sharp , but the knocking around among strangers ought to give ono n good experience. Well , the stranger and I fell into an easy train of conversation as wo rode on together , and in ten minutes I began to enjoy his company. Mo was a well made follow , finely dressed , and he wore a line watch nnd a simon pure diamond ring. I never saw a man who could talk so easily and so pleasantly. It seemed that ho had butte to open his mouth and the words fell riylit out. 1 had traveled in the south , HO hud he. I had heard the loud roar of the Pacific ; ho knew all about it. ] hid been up in u huloon , down in mine ; been blown up , smashed up , and re paired again ; my new friend had ex perienced all thcsu things ; and was waiting for something to turn up of a more startling nature. Wo agreed on politics , and I had never mut such a railroad companion. Did you ever meet a man who , thoui > h a stronger to you ten minutes before , could wicst from you secrets which you'd sworn to yourself not t < reveal ? Well , ho was justsu ha man. It was not long beforj ho commenced asking mo questions. 11 o did not seem to be trying to ( jutz or draw mo out , but ho a kcd mo questions in such a sly , round-about way , that before - fore 1 knew it 1 was giving him my history. 1 was just at that time on the poinl of being admitted to the bar of Wis consin as n student of Law it Law , ul Uriorville. The linn were old lawyers , with a lucrative practice , and it had been talked over that in about a month 1 waa to become the "Co. " of the linn. A year before , an old farmer named Preston , down about four miles from Grafton , had died , and his matters luu boon put into the hands of L'iw & Law for settlement. Preston hud diet lich. Ho had money in the bank , rail load stocks , mortgages , etc. , ant : everything was settled up to the satis faction of the relict and the fatherless. About a year before his death , bnint , short for money and not wmhing It sell anything at a sacrifice , Preston had given a mortgage on his farm for iiri,0)0. : ( ) Wliilo the papers read "ono year from date , " there wan a vorba agreement that it should be lifted of any day when Preston desired , A month after , when , having the money , ho desired to clear oil' the paper , the old monoy-bags holding it ivtin-ed to disgorge , wishing to svcutu his inter est for a year , I was on my wnjr to ascurliiin the date of expiration. A liiu among our ollico papers had tleetioycd the memo randa , and T must go down and gel the date from old Scrip , who liven smith of Gmfton about live miles. The stranger had pumped all this out of mo in ton minutes ; and yet T never once suspected that ho was receiving info Dilution , "I urn not positive , " I added , "hut I am pretty surotho time ii the J.'Hh which would bo Tuesday. " "And then your folks will send down the money and discharge the mortgage , of course ? " lie inquired , "Oh , yes. I should most likely bring it down , " I replied , and it novel occurred to mo how imprudent I was. He turned the conversation into other channels , and did not once at tempted to pump mo further. Wo got to Grafton at half-past ton , and to my fliirpriao ho announced that ho wuu to stop in town onbtisinossforafowduyH. I had not asked his mnno of vocation , whilu ho know everything about mo , Wo went to the hotel , had dinner , and then I secured : i livery team and aroyo out , getting through with the business so that I was back to take the half-part two oxprcsi oust. I\Iy \ friend was on the porch of the hotel as I drove up , carrying that name hi in cut , digniiied face , "Well , did you lind out'he / in- ipiirud in his pleasant way , "It's on the 1'ith , as I expected , " I toplicd. \ \ u had lunch together , and whun wo shook hands and parted I hud IK. more idea of seeing him iiguin than 1 have of knowing you , At parting ho gave mo his raid. U wim a modest piece of pu&tbourd , and bore the numu of " ( juo. Haloigh" in script. Everything at the ollico went on in isirnl , and the ll'th came nt lonu'th. Law & Law had atr.vnqed for mo to 150 Utwn with the money , and 1 lookiMl upon it as n Imsimm of no special im portance. "Wo know you are all right , " re- narked the senior partner , as 1 was ibout to go ; "but \\unlto give you word of warning , nevertheless. Don't take any stranger * into your confidence until you Imvo passed out ho money , and look out who sits m t 0 jou. " It was something new for him tn caution me , nnd I c uld not but won- iler at It ; but in the bustle of getting nn board the train 1 forgot vlwt ho said. Ordinary prudence hud induced no to place the money , which \\us all in b.\nk bills , and divided into tlnoo packages , wheru the deft hand of a pick-pocket could not roach it. Interested in n newspaper , tuuo How by as the train ( low west , and , at length , the hoarse v'oico of the brakeman - man warned mo that 1- had reached Grafton. 1 hud leaped down and was making my way to the livery stable when 1 heard n familiar voice , and looked up to aeo Haleigh , Ho was se.vted in a buguy , and had , seem ingly , waited for me to cotnu u | > . "Don't express your surprisi' , " ho began , as 1 stopped at the wheel. " 1 did intend to go away , but 1 changed my mind , and 1 like this section so well that 1 am goingout to-day to look at u fmm , with a view of purchasing. Conic , ride up to the hotel. " Wo rode up , ordered u lunch , and while wo were discussing it Jlr. Ual- li ( Uncovered that the farm ho was going to sco waa just beyond the Script's. How fortunate ! T could ride out with him sco the farm , and return in Ins company , and ho would bo greatly pleased. 1 was also pleased. If anyone had told me , 'as we got into the buggy , that George Hulpigh meant to return with my money in his pocket and my blood upon his hands , I should have bcliev- ud him a lunatic. And yet George Raleigh had planned to do that very Biimo thing. It was a lovely day in Juno , and the cool breeze and the sight of meadows and green groves nmdo my heart grow larger. My companion was very talkative , but ho didn't even hint at my errand. " 0 , oxciiao mo , " ho exclaimed , after wo had passed a milo or so bo- yonil the village and were among the farm-houses , "T should Imvo ollercd you this before. " Ho drew from his pocket a small llask of wine and handed it to me. Now , I was temperate in rcg.ird to drinks. In fact , I detested the sight and smell of any thing intoxicating ; but I had not the moral coura o to tell him so and hand back the flask undisturbed. 1 feared to ollond him. and so 1 drank , perhaps , three good swallows. Ho called my attention to the woods on the left , as ho received back the llask , and when 1 looked around again ho was just removing it from his mouth , UK if he had drank heartily. In about five minutes I began to feel queer. The fences , along the roucl ucenied to grow higher , and the trees to grow larger ; something got into my ours , so that the vattle of the buu'gy Hounded a lonij way oil' . "How strange ! why , 1 bolicvo I urn going to bo sick ! " I exclaimed , hold ing on to the seal with all my might. "Von do look strange , " ho replied , a sickly Hinilo stealinu over Ins face. " 1 shouldn't wonder if it was ape plexy. " I did not suspect the ho hud played. His words were like an echo , and his face seeuied twice as lart'u as it usually was. My head began to snap and crack , and I was greatly frightened. "You are badly oil' , " ho continued , looking into my fuco. "I will diivo as fast as possible and get n doctor. " My tongue was so heavy I could not reply. I clutched the suut , shut my eyes and ho put his hoiso at his best pace. Wo mot a farmer's team , and I can remember that ono of the occu pants of the wagon called out to know what ailed me. llalcigh did not re ply , but urged the horse forward. About three milts from Grafton was a long stretch of forest , and this wo soon reached. The pain in my head was not so violent , and T was not so badly affected with opening my oycs. 1 hud settled into u sort of dumb stupor , with a brain so bonumhed that 1 hud to say to myself , "this is u tree , this is a stump , " etc. , before 1 conl'l inukosuro that I was not wrong. Half a milo down the loud , after wo struck the finest , and then Halcigh turned thu horao into a blind roud leading luck into the woods. I could not understand uhut ho intended , J tried to grapple with thoqtiostion , but 1 could not helve it. "Well , hero wo are , " oxcluimod Raleigh , when we had reached a point forty rods from fcho road. Ho stopped the hontt' , got out and fastened him , and then c.nno around to the whcol. "Vou don't feel juet right , but 1 guess you will he better BOOH , " ho ro- mirked ; "come , let mo help you down. " Ho reached up his arms , and I let go of the seat and fell into them. It Houmed to mo as if 1 weighed n ton , but ho carried mo along without an ef fort and laid mo down within about a rod of the fence which ran along on ono side of an old pasture , .lust now the effect of the drug was wearing off , and 1 began to fuel a little hotter , and 1 got u faint suspicion that something unusual had happened , But I was powerless tomovoulimb ; the sonsiition was like that when your foot gou.j to ulcup. "Can you spcukf" inquired Haloigh , homliit' ; over mo , "because if yon can , it will save mo some trouble. J want to know where you have stowed that monoy. " Now I begun ( o reah/.o my situa tion. His tuco looked natural again and the loud was oil'my tonguo. "Georgo Kuloigh ! are yon going to rob mo' < " I asked finding my voice at lust. lust."Well "Well , some folks might call it robbing , but wo divxs up the term a little by calling it the only correct financial way of cqiiiili/ing , the float ing cuirency , so that each ono is pro vided for , and no ono left out , " "Von shan't ha/o the ' / money ; I'll die lirat' ' " I yollcd rising a little , "Ah , I see- you didn't take quite enough , " ho coolly remarked , "well , I linru provided for this. " Ho wont to the buggy , procuml ronus and a gag , and knelt down ho- side mo. I had but little strength jut , and ho conquered mo in a moment. Laying mo on my right side , looking towards the fence , he lied my lmiul. , and then foioed u gag into my mouth. "There , now , you sco you are nicely fixed up , nnd all became you ucttd like a fool , itiHto.xil of a sensible youi'ij lawyer soon to bo admitted to the lur. " lur.Mrilo \Mrilo ho was spunking indeed while ho was trying mo 1 had cuuuht the sight nf the white fnco of n liltlo girl looking at na between the rails of the fonco. T could see her uroat blue oyes. There were rod atnins around her mouth and on thu little hand rest- ini ; on the rails , and I know that she was some farmer's duiU'htor soarohiiig for sir\\berries. 1 could not wain her of her danger , nnd 1 feared nho would bo seen or heaul. While Ruloiuh was tyinu the last knot , 1 winkud at the j'irl as hard ns 1 could , hoping should * \\ould see mo and move away. Hut ho dip not go. " \Vell \ , imiv for the money , " s.iid R.tlciuh , and bo began searching my pockets. Ho wont from ono to the other , removing all the articles , and finally passed his hand over my bosom and discovered the monoy. "Hu ! there it is ! " ho exclaimed , drawing out the packages , and he wns eool enough to go at it and count out the money. As ho commenced the girl waved her hund to mo. My heart wont thumping , for I i\\puctui1 ho would utter a word or u shout ; but oho punk down from sight , and 1 caught a glance of her frock as she passed through thu grass. "You BOO , my young friend , " re marked Raleigh , us ho drew oll'oiw of his boots and deposited some of the bills in it , "there's nothing like transacting business as it should be transacted. Some men would Imvo shot or stubbed you , but ita only the apprentices who do such work. All the gentlemen of our calling do busi ness ns gentlemen should. " He drew oil' the other boot and placed some tiftio * and twenties in it and then continued : " 1 have it nil planned hou to deal \vith you ns soon as 1 get this money ' disposed of around my purson. 'l shall lay you on your back and pour the balance of this wino down your throat. There's enough of it to make you sleep till to.morrow night , and by that time I shall bo hundreds ot miles away. As soon as 1 see that the drug has taken effect I shall untie your bunds and remove the gag. When you oomu out of jour sleep if you over do you hud bettor crawl out to the road , where jou will bo most likely to meet with some traveler. I want to use the horse and buggy , olhorw su I would leave tht > m for you.1' How coolly ho tulked ! llo treated the matter as if it wns a legulur busi ness transaction in which I fully no- qiiicHced. lie had mo a fast prisuior , and 1 felt that ho could do just as he p'eaned ' While I was thinking , 1 Raw the little white fuco appear between the pails twain , but in a niomont it faded away and its pluce Hits taken by the sunburned phiof u fanner. Ho looked florn mo to Raleigh and uack ngain , and 1 winked to him in a wiy which ho readily understood. UIH face disappeared , and 1 felt that I should bo saved. "No , old Script won't get his tin to-day , " mused Raleigh , storing away UK : bills in his pockets. "You will no back to Law \ Law , fooling put out and cut up. But they tilioultln't blame yon it is not your way at , all. Trim , hud you minded your business oil the curs and had not boon so frco with a stranger , this would not have happened. 1 was on mj' wnj1 to Mil- waukuo , and hud no thought of such rich pickings hero. " "Now , in just about a minute we'll bo through with this biisinens , " ho remarked - marked , trying to put the month of the flask between my jaws. 1 rolled my head to one side and ho did not succeed. Ho was junmiint. the flask "ag.iinst my teeth , when 1 caught sound of a sott stop , the crash of a club , and Raleigh rolled oil * my body. Ho tried to leap tip , but throe or four farmers struck him down , and ono of the blows rendered him sense- los" . JJoforo ho came to 1 was free of ropes and gug , and wo hud him nicely hound. Over beyond the pasluio a farmer and his humls were raking up hay. "Littlo blue oj'cn , " only 8 years old , hud wandered oil'ufter strawberries , and had fortunately witnessed part of Raleigh's proceedings. She had hur ried buck to her father nnd told him that "a man was all tied up there , " and ho hud returned to thu fence I'nderHtanding the situation , ho and his men hud moved around so UH to secure an advantage. Raleigh's cup- turo was the result. U'lu.'n the r.iHcal found his RoiiHcsho was tenibly taken bad ; , and ho cursor ] enough for a whole Klundont army. Wo took him back to Grafton , and when I hist miw him ho was on his way to the puniiunti.'uy tic MIITO a suntcncuof fifteen yeais , The mortgage was lifted , aftur all , and ( ho gift that Law A Law Rent to little Katie Gray kept her in druitseti for many a year. To PnnoiiM Aliout tn Marry "Tn norHniiH nhoiil to marry , " Doiiliu | < H JermMii udvlcu wn "don't ; " we mpple- inunt by paying , without laying In u supply of HrniMi JIi.ossoM , which curcn nllMiinf- nuii n ml other kidney and hliulilur complaints - plaints , f'rk'u 50 centx ; trial but leu , 10 ccntN , oillw FKEK OF COST. Dn. KJNU'H NKW DJHUOVKKY for Consumption , Coughs and Colds Asthma , Jiionchitis , utc , , is given away in trial bottles fruu of cost to thu ufllictod. If you have a bad cough , cold , difficulty of breathing , hoarseness or any affection of thu tin oat or lungs by all means give thin wnndorftil remedy u trial. As you vuluo your oxistuncu yon cannot afford to let thin opportunity iiuxs. \Vo could not ullbrd , and would not give this remedy away unions wo Know it would accomplish what wu claim for it. Thousands of liopuh'ss CUHUS hayo already been coinpluUily cured by it. There is no mediuinu in the world that will euro ono half the wises that UK. IVINO'H New Uiscovisnv will curu. For sale by ( ! ) IHII & jMuM.uios , Om.ihu. BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. IfiOH Fnrnbain Street , Kor h tl'Je OI > P Orftud Central Hold A. , vN. ANUO. , t It. V. H. 15. , OKNTKAL NKUKASKA. I\I015U1S \ .ION US . Agricultural Implements .1. A. 1 1 Alt It . \griutilt HIM I Implements 11. IMCl'PER tf CO . Oenerul Morelmmliso 1' ' . II. ANCiKLL . IMorehundiso .1. K IMOWN . ( lunural Moreliiinilisa ItKlNHARDT * SONT . Uouoral Merchandise RKARUKNT , WALK Hit iV , GO . ( Ourrinon , Nub ) ( Sonural Muichandiso \V. G. HUSTON . Wholesale and llutuil Hardware , Stoves , &o .1. T. NELSON . Grocer KELLKR im < ) S . Grocers W. I'1. ' CATKS . David City Jlukory , ( Jiocories , c A. .1. MAKTIN . lowolry , Silvorwuvo and Clocks .1. 11. iNIOHGAN . Furniture and Undertaking JAM 1CSKAi \ \ \ . Lumber , Lime , &o A. . ) . MALOY . liudgor Lumber Yard G. C ! . GROSS . Moat Muikot , I'oik l'i eking and Gioeery GI'X ) . SMA1IA . Meat Market C. It. CHURCHILL . Slock Kaiser LOUIS SMITH . nariicpsand Saddles RAN Y.K * ROBIN ITS , . Harbor Shop SPELTS tf ICLOSTHRM AN . Grain and block MERCHANTS' ANT ) FARMERS' MANIC . Hull * Leonard , Hankers HUNTING iV HUN YON . Real Estate Ollieo , Agents H. II. Lands 0. 11. FOR I ) . Heal Estate , Loan and limunuico Ollico MART MILLER . Attorney at Law and Loan Oilico HOHERTSWESTOVERit\VlLLlAMH..Att < irnoyfl.alsoTliorougibredStock ] DEAN it OL1NGMAN . Alton.oya , Real Estate and Abstract Ollico HORACE GARFIEL1) . Attorney at Law DR. G 11. PEEHLES . Physician and Surgeon E. IJ. TAYLOR . Clerk of Dial rict Court FRANK DAVIS . T- usurer Uiitlor County F. W. LEONHARDT . IJ. & M. Station Agent GEORGE OSTERHOUT . Judge of ISutler County HEN RY WILL . Commercial House D. It. RULLOCK . David City House EDHOLM Give the Bargains IN ALh KINDS OK JEWELRY WATCHES.CLOCKS , SILVERWABE.SOLID AND PLATED WAJIK AND DIAMONDS. At Prices that Suit Any Customer Who Really Wishes a First- Olnsa Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold EKclusively by us. ALSO WESTERN AGENTS FOR THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM ftfERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. ' L" I'T'lUP ' e = P T i Jt u JtCi5s i Of the Very Latest Stylos. IDE LOIE , GENTS , AUD OHILDEEN TA- MRS , HUBERMANN'S , 16th Street. Bet. Capitol "avonuo and Davenport. Furs made to Order and Rppaq irinig rlnonnatly done jot