Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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NKW YOHK , December 2 ,
Money clofcd at (3 ( per cent , but was
ktrinKt > t during the greater part of. tlio
diy , an I loaned at lime * ntconiiniii < < | oii of
2 i ere nt. pur tlitin , atd Ii-
cloacd firm nt 4 M&4 S. .
lioverninents bondo closed stront , ' , M
follows :
Currency ( Vi . 130 bjd
4'a COUIKW . 1 173 bid
4'H coupons . HHibid
CVi ctiitinuod . 1 O''J Md
C'a cuntiuued . 100 bid
nAlt.ltuAl ) UONDH.
Pacific railroad boinU closed as follown :
Union firsts . 1 17J@1 17
Irtiid ranti . 1 16 1 lUJ
Sinking funds . I 21 dl 23
ContraU . 1 ini&il 1
Market not so nctlvo , and the coitrio of
market prices was quite Irregular , but tb-j
market loft off Htrongalaii adv nc for the
day of J@3Jc. Uovernment stocks were
oxcoptlons and closed gencrnlly lower than
ycat rd y.
Th following nra the closinir bids :
Following are the highest price * on
mining stocks at the New Yorkmiuiug
exchange :
Itoblnnon 000 South Silver . 41)0 )
O&M 30 Union Con. . .1GOJ
00 Silver Cliff. . . 32T
Slalo Line 2i3 95 Green Moun. . 300
Iron Silver 20.i Sutro Tunnel . 120
CHICAGO , December 2.
The ' .ankp wera tendered a fair amount
of morcanlile paper at li@7 per cen . At
these rates the market ruled firm , but th
supply of loanable funds keepu iu exeebs
of all legitimate requirements.
The clearings of tha associated bantu
wcra $18,400,000.
Kastern oxchanjo between city banks
was weak at fiOc discount per $1,000.
Omnha "Wliolosalo Market-
Friday Evening , December 2. J
Markets wcro generally quiet to-day.
Wheat advanced "c , liarlcy unchanged ,
Ijc ! nnchangeil , Coin advanced lc ] , Oata
advaucud IJc.
In the provision market celery advanced
Dressed chickens' , turkeys und ducks not
ipmtable , the market being glutted and
Helling at almost any price.
_ LocalPrnln Dealings.
WIIKAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 ODJ ; cash
Vo. H. 5)7i ) : rejected 7i"Jc.
BA.HUBV. Unah No. 2 , OOie ; No. 3 ,
70o.11YJ3. . Cash , 81.\c.
COUN. Cash No. 2lli.c. .
OATS. cash , aijjc.
IfAY ? 7 OOS'J 00 per ton.
Cattla Good shipphur , 81 00@ " > 00 ; fat
: ows and heifers. § 2 7-r3 2.1.
Hojj.-i Mixed iiackin , S- ' .r)0@r 7.r > .
Sheep Slaughtering iu demand at $4 00
© 500.
FLOUTl Spring wheat , straight grwle ,
f3 25@3 7. ; "Pioneer" Califonna1 2 > ;
iKitent , ? 3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight
< nule $3 85@4 2.1 ; patent , U 50@4 nOgra-
naiu rj-o , S2 7. > ; Wheat , M Of ) ; Queen
liee. SI 7. ) ; Jaspu- , SIr > 0 ; 151 ; ; Sijnx ,
$4 OJ.
11YE FLOUH S3 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , per cwt. S.'ic ;
RcreeningH , per cwt. 80c ; Bhorta , per
cwt 1.00 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal
bolted , yellow. 110 ; white. SI CO.
POTATOES In car lots , 10."i@t 10 ;
Salt Lakes , 1 25@1 : ! . " . Neb ; aakas , 1 00
@ 110.
8NYKKTPOTATOKScmiineMuM.v < ! :
tine , per 11) .
per dozen.
QUAIL Per doS2 OOdiO TX ) .
WILD OHKSK 1 f.0 2 50.
WILD DUCKH-I 25@1 . .U.
KIJGH Firm at 3t'c.
HUT'J'KH Choice , hcarce at 2r @ 2'.le ;
) K > or , no market ; fnir , 22&2.ri ; creamery ,
: w@t'c. :
APPLKS Good. Miund , very scarce
at SI f > 0l7.r ) per bbl.
IIOXK f UalifJrnia whitu elover in
comb , 21@25o.
LKMON8 Steady ; per box , 57 CO ®
80" .
MALLAGA ( JHAl'KS Per bbl.Srf r.0j
per half bbl , ? l.r)0.
BKKSWAX Yellow , 20@22c.
ONIONS I r u@l 00 per buhhcl.
CABIJAGl--SlOO@200per : do/.eu , aa
to Duality.
CUANBKUlUKS-Per bbl. , ? 10 00 ®
11 I'D. '
OF.MiUY Per ilo05c. .
1JHKSSKDGKKSK Per Hi. , Jl llc.
OY8TKUS-SelectHCOc ; standard * , -JOc ,
Grocers List.
TEAS. Onnpowder , good ,
Cliolce , IX75e ) ; Imperial , good ,
Choice , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , ( rood , 3C < 3
50c ; choice , 65c@ l OOj Japan Nat Leaf
35c ; Japan , choice , 00@75c ; Oolong , gojd
35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 4053 ; Suiichoni :
good. 35C 40o ; choice. 35o)45o. )
SUGAHS.-Cut loaf , lljc : Crunhod
Granulate ! , 10'Jc ; Pomlered ,
Fine jwiwdered , lljc ; Standard Colfeo A
lOJc ; New York Confftctinuer'd Htandan
A , 10jcj ( Jwxl A , lOJc ; J'mirie Kx n C
SYUUPS. Sugar house , bbl * . 48c : ha !
bl , COc ; kegH , 4 * uallonn , S2 35 ; choiei
table nynip , fXc ) ; half bbls , 53c ; kogs2 31
SODA. UwlRht'H Ib papers , S3 00 ; iJc
land do , $3 00 ; ( Jhurch'd , § 3 00 ; Keg
STA11CH. Pearl , 41c ; Silver OloHd , 8
@ 8Jc ; Com Starch , 8i@ttc ; Kxuulalo
OlttitH , 7c ; Corn , 7Jc.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 O.ri ; Ash
ton , In sackH , 3 W ) ; bbU dairy 00 , CH , 3ri
Mill dairy. 100 , 3n , : ! ( M.
DItlKI ) FJtUITS-Choica Imlven
peaches , newcroji , IOcKvaiiorated ; Apple-
5 Ib 1 b xe , 13J1 Ic ; MIchit8ii , 8.\c \ ; Nev
'ork apples , hjc ; Priinei , old , 7ic ; new
Sic ; Currants , 7@7j , < ! ; lUncklwrrleH , new
CKKKSB Full Cream , l.r > cj J'ar
Kklm , Hie.
WOODKNWAKK Two hoop pall"
1 05 ; three ho p pails. 2 20i No. 1 tub
a W > ; No. 2 tub * , , 8 CO ; No. 3 Inbi , 7 M
pioneer WMhboanln , 1 Mj Double
2 IK ) ; Wellbuckef , 325.
LKAD Uar , SI C5.
SPICKS. Pepper , 20 ; AINplce , 20c ;
Clove , 4.c ; Nutmeg , § 1 0 : Ca-ssla , 2 : < c ;
Mace SI 00.
MATCHKS Per caddie , 5Xc ) ; round
cn es , S7.05 ; square cases , S.V10.
PUOYlSIONS-lreakfa.H ! Kocun. 14 *
jhoice lanl , 13ic ; dried beef , 13Jc ; should
erK , c.inviw cil t'cj ' hamn , 14c | bacon , side. * ,
"NEW PIClvLKS-Medlum , In lwrrol ,
$10 00 ; do In half bbl' , 6 75 ; unnlU , in libl ,
12 00 do , in half bbls , 7 CO ; gherkins , in
bis , 14 00 ; do , in half bbN , 7 M ) .
VINF.GAll Pure apple exlra , Iff.
lire apilp , 13c ; Pru sinir uurn amile , Itio.
HOMINY New , 5l 00 per hbl.
11KANS Medium , baud picked $3.IK )
tr bushel i navy , S-l 00.
KOPK RM , i Inch and larger , Ojc ; 3
ich , lOc ; i inch , lOJt.
SOAPS Klrk'n Savon Imperial , 3 45 ;
irk'n Katinet. 3 45 ; Kirk's standard , 3 50 ;
{ irk's white HuMlaii , 5 25 : Kirk's Kutoca ,
05:1' Kirk'H Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) ,
iO ; Kirl-'s magnolia , 4 55.
CANDLES Uoxos , 40 Ibs If. oz , S ,
(5cboxm ( ; 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , ll-s lOc.
LYK American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 310 :
Vctstcrn , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis'
yc , 4 tXj Jewell lye , 275.
VOTASH Pennsylvauia cam , 4 doz. ,
u v > c , 3 35 ; Uabbitt's l > all , 2 doz. In ca-tu ,
UO ; Anchor liall 2 doz In e.iho , 1 50.
FIELD SKKU Ued clover , choice
ew , $0 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover
ievr , 87 00 ; while clover , new. $14 00
1 nlfft clover , now , 312 50 ; alsike , now ,
H300. Timothy , good , new , $ 00 ;
iluc grass , extra clean , 91 50 ; blue grmw ,
lean , (1 25 ; orchard grass , | 150 : rod top ,
hoiee , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
flc ; millet , Gorman , $100 to $1 25 ;
Hungarian , BOo.
HEIKJESEEB Osage orange , 1 to
; UEhel , $5 00 ; os.ige orange , lOlmshels or
ivcr , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per
1001bi > . . * 2500.
FISH Family white fish , 'JO Ib hf hbls ,
. 75 ; No , 1 whlu fi b , 90 Ib hf bbls , 6 30 ;
S'o. 1 white fish. In 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; family
0 Ib klt , 76c ; New HelUed herring , per
teg , 135 ; Hiuaian aardines , 75o ; Colui--
liu river miluion , per lOOlbii , 8 00 ; George's
lank coduidi , Cc ; Gen , b n lotm oodtUh ;
boinJi'H8 Cnh , 4Jc.
ACKEKEIy Half bbli mewiniaokerol ,
OOlb * , $1250 : bfbbl No. 1 ex shore do ,
.0011 * , G00'bf ; bbli , fat famUv do , 100
bs , S 65 ; uiet mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ;
STo. 1 ex nhore , 12 Ib do , 1 CO ; No. 1 shore ,
2 Ib de. 1 00 : fat funilly , 10 Ib do , 75c.
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 Ib
'Field's ' ) , per case , $4 20 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
er case , 2 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , [ > cr case ,
00 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , nor case , 2 50 ; do
. Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) ,
> cr cose , 200. Onions , 3 80. Salmon , 1
b , per dozen , 160@1 70 ; do 2 It ) , per dozen
J53. Sardines , HUiall r'sh , imported , _ onu
[ uartcr boxes per box , 14Jc ; American ,
juart ; r boxen per box , lie ; do half boxes ,
) er box. 2Uc. Lolwtorn , 1 Ib per dozen ,
i. 80. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib i > er
. 'oo , 310 ; Com. 2 Ib ( Mountain )
> cr case , 3 70 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do
J Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per _ cae , 375 ;
tiring beans , per case , 2 2."i ; Lima beans
> er case , 220. Succotash per case , 2 25.
I'eas , comnion , per case , 2 OOjpoas , choice ,
icr cane , 4 50. IJlackberrie. , 2 Ib , per case ,
J80 ; htrawborrios , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75 ;
aspherries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 75@3 00.
Damsons , 2 It , per case , 2 45. Bartlett
) ears per case , 3 Oo@4 00. yhortlelxJr
ies per case , 2 80. Egg plums , 2 Ib per
i e , 3 50 ; do , choice , 2 Ib , per case. 4 50. gages,2 Ib iier case , 3 50 : do choice , "
"b i > er cose-l 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case ,
005 75. Peaches , 2 lo per case , 3 10 :
; o 3 Ib , ca = e , fi 00@f 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per
case.385 ; do pic , G Ib , per dozen , 3 50.
KICK Carolina , 8@Sic ; Louisiana , 7J
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ton-
esKoc , P.C per Ib ; fancy white , IOc per Ib'
.w white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted ,
Dry Goods.
BK OWN COTTONS Atlantic A. Sic ;
Vpplcton XX , 7c ; Atuinta A , 8c ; Uodtt
'F , 8\c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
"ic ; ChitteiiatiL'o A , G.Jc ; lireat Falls E ,
Sic ; IToosicr , < 5Jc : Honest Width , 7jc ; In-
[ fan Head A , 8'c ' ; Indian Standard A ,
i c ; Indian Orchanl d. w. , 8j.c ; Lawrence
'Ai , 7c ; Mystic Uivcr , 7ic ; t'eijuot A , 8jc ;
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica C , fijc ; Wachns-
Ht B. 7ic ; do A , 8ic ; do E18 , 12c ; Wai-
; ott IB ! , 7ic.
4-4 ; 7).c ) ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7 c ;
Atlantic LL. ( i.Jc ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c ;
Jcnnington C 4-1 , OJc ; Buckeye S. 4-J , t.lcc
niiian Orchanl AA 9-8 , 8Ju : Luconia 0
iVamsutta , 13e.
tin L4"l,10c15hickhloneA ; A in perialllc ;
do do half bleached 4.4lc ! ; Cabot 4-4M , ;
Fidelity4-4 , ' .lie ; Fruit of thn Loom , 10 ; do
caiibric4-4,13cdoWaterTwist,10icIreat ; ;
Falls Q , lie ; Indian Head shrunk 4-1 , 12 .c ;
L iiH'Ialo , lOe ; do cambric 37 , 13c ; New
York Mills. 13c ; Porpiot A. ] 0c ; Pcppcrnll
N G Twills , 12ic : Pocahontaa 1-1 , lljc ;
J'ocass-t 4-1 , Me ' ; Utica , lie ; Wamsutta
O X X , 13c.
DUCKS Unbleached Atlantic , 10 oz. ,
17c ; Baltimore do , llic ; Star , 8 o/ , ,
12c : Sav ge , 18c.
7oOKS ( Colored ) Allmy E bromi ,
8c ; do C , i Ira" i i1v to WY , stripes and
] > laids , 124c ; do XXX brown mid drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12ic ; Arlington fhiicy ,
lllc ; I'runtwick brown , 8Ac ; Chariot fancy ,
12Jc ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Kivor
brown , e.xtia heavy , lljc ; Indiana A
brown. 13 : Nejionset A brown , 15c.
TICKlNCJS-AmoHkcapr A C A 32 ,
17Ac ; do XX blue 32 , 18jc ; Arrow.inmi ,
! ) .Jc ; Claremont B B , 15c ? ; Concstoga extra - >
tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton I ) , fUe ; Lewiston A
30 , 15c ; Miunehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super
ixtra 4-4. 28o ; Pearl Kiver 32 , lli.Jc : Putnam -
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket S ,
lOJc ; do SS 12c ; Yeoman's blue 2 ! ) , 8Jc.
DENIMS. Amo-ikeak , blueand brown ,
ic ; Andover DD blue , 15Jc ; Arlington
blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord OOO , blue and
brown , PJ c ; do'A.VA , do do 13J ; do XXX
do do 14. < : ; Ilaymaker'H liluo und brown ,
fHc ; My tlo JHvcrDUhtiipe , IIJJc ; Pearl
If Ivor , blue and brown , Ifi.Jc ; Uncasvllle ,
blue and brown , Kic.
C AM BKICS Barnard , 5jc ; Eddystono
lining , 21 inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A
glazed , 5c ; Manhattan glove finish , IV/c / ;
Newjiort do Gc ; do glazed , fijc ; 1'erjuot do
5c ; I/o jiwood kid tmieh , DC.
COUSKT JEANS -Amory , 80Andros- ;
cogglu Hatteen , 8jc ; Clarendon , lijc ; Cont-s-
toga Hiittecns , 74c ; Hallowell , He ; Indian
Orchard Improved , 7Jc ; Narragaiisett , 7Je ;
Pepperlll satteen OJc ; Kockport , 7/o. | /
PUINTS Alleiif , OJc ; American , file ;
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4c ; | ; Cocheco , 7o ;
, Conestoga. OJo ; Dunkirk , 4'i'c ; Dunnell ,
Oi@7c ; 1-Mdystone , 7c : Gloucester , Ik : ;
Ilunnony , Tijc ; Knickerbocker , ( Uc ; Mer-
rlumc D , 7c ; Mystic , 5Jo ; Kjirainies , lloj
Southbridffo , fie ; do. Ginxhums , 7c ; Marlboro -
bore , CJc ; Oriental OJc.
GINOHAMS Amoskeag , 10e ; AIHCH.
keag dress ll't' Anryle , lOJc ; Atlantic ,
DC ; Cuuiborland , 7Ao ; Highland , rte ;
Kenilworth , SJc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; .Sim-
Hex , He.
COTTONADESAbberville KWe ;
Agate , 20cj American , llo ; Artisian , '
iU ( .wvu ri , IMJV , * " , * . , .i.niff , l u , lil\ ,
plain Nunkln. I'-'iti ; < lochcckN , Hlrii > e-i uiiil
fancy , 12Jc ; do , 8 o20c. .
8HiKTINJS--AniinwcosBlnlO..27ici : |
do 11-1 2-lc do 8-1 22u Conllnenlal
- , - ; - , ; C
42 , Uc ; Fniit of the Loom 10-1 , 274 ; New
York inlllH 98 , 3Sc ; do 7 , 30c ; do .IS , 22Ao !
I'cmbroko 10-1 , 2.rHPwiuot ; 10-4 , 28Jc ; iln
7-1 , 19c ; < lo 49 , Kic ; Peirell | ! Mi , 21 c |
lo Ii7 , 21c ; do .r.7 , l c ; Utica J'U ' , ar.c ; dr
68 , 22joj ilo-18 , 17c
Building Material.
LIME-Psr barrel , ? 1 35 ; bulk per 1m. ,
3-r > c. Cement , bbl , $2 CO. Iowa phihtrr ,
bbl , $2 M. Hair per bn. Yc. Tuned
felt 100 Ibrf , S3 M ) . Straw board , 1 00 ,
1'Al'KH Straw payer , l.'c ) rag pnper ,
) c ; diy goods tiai > er , 'a' u aalla paper , lOoj
uuws paper , So.
I'OAl * Cutnhorland MuckMiiUli , SI'.1) )
Morrin Hun Bliwwburg , $12 ; Whltehrojv > l
lump , Sfi oO ; Whilcbrfii t nut. Si ( oO ; Iowa
lump , $ * ) Ml ; Iowa mil $ oT > 0 : Hock Springs ,
$ S ; Anlhracile , nil f > io , S13 00.
FENCING No. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $20 00 ;
No. 2 , 12 lo 20 ft. , lit 00 ; sheeting droised ,
No. 1 , 18 00 ; No. 2,115 00 ; common board * ,
dresoeil. 20 00.
FKAMtNG-ir. ft. and wider , per M ,
20 00 : 10 ft. studding , 22 00(22 ( fl. 22 00 ;
21 fl. 2i 00.
FINISHING No. 1. fiuMiU , 14 ami
2 Inch , * 50 00 No. 1 finl.h 1 inch $15 00 ;
No. 2. finish 1 } , li mid 2 inch. Sin 00 : No.
2 finish , 1 inch , SlOOOjNo , 3 ImMi , 1 liwh ,
* ( . " > 00 ; O. G. ballon * per * 00 foot lln. ,
$1 00 : well cmhliiff , 32200 ; rough J anil 2
Inch baltom | > or 100 feet 111' . . f'Oc.
STOCK nOAHDS-Aslock , S10 00 ; U
33 00 : O. SX ! ) 00 : coinmou stock , S22 50.
FLOOUlNVt No. 1 , SIO 00 ; No. 2 ,
Wi 00 ; No , 3 , § 22 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
8IDINO-No. 1 , $21 00 ; No. 2 , $2200 ;
S'o. .1. $18 00.
SHIP LAP Plain , $22 00 ; O. 0. No. 1 ,
32 00 ; No. 2 , $22 00.
OKI LING S21 OOfliJ37 00.
liin los M 85 , No. 2 , $2 00 } No. 3 , ? 'J 00.
, ath , $3 50.
Points Olli and Varnlshas.
PAINTS IN OIL Whllo load , Omaha
' . P. , 7c ; while load , O. P. fc C. Co.pure ,
, " : Marseilles green , 1 lo 5 Mi cj\ns , 20c ;
< Vonch zinc , green onl. 12c ; French zinc ,
ed seal , Uc ; French zinc , iu varnish nmt ,
"Oc : French zinoo , in oil a-wt , 15c | Knw
ind burnt nmbe-r , I Ih cum 12c ; raw atul
mrnt Sionnn , 13ct vmulyko brown , 13 , ;
erinod lampblack. 12c : conch black , lcc ;
"ory black , Ific ; drop black , IOc ; Prussian
bhiB , 30c ; nUnunarinn blue , 18c : chrome
gri u , L. M. Jt D. , 14c ; blind atul shutter
[ reen , L. M. A D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18c ;
. i linn reil , 15c : Veuutian red , 9c ; Tuscan , 22c ; American Vermlli.xl , I. &l . , ISo ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. * 1) . ( ) . , 18c ;
rello\r ochre , IK ; ; golden ochre , 10 ; paleut
Iryer , Cc ; graining colors : light oak. dark
oa i , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c.
Dry ° lnU
White load , CJc ; Trench 7ln . IOc ; Paris
whittling 2jjc ; whiting gilders , lie ;
vhitlnt ; com ! , lie ; lauipblack CJennau-
town , 14c ; Inniplilack , onlinary , 8c ; Pnis-
iau liluo , 45c ; nltramarino , 18c ; Vandyke ,
iroiy-n , 8c ; umber , burnt , t4e ; nmlwr , raw ,
lcKiouna ; , burn t , 4c ; Hionna , raw , 4o
? aris green gemiino , 85cj Paris green com'l
irc ; chronio green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom-
rpen K. , 12c ; yonuillion , Eng. , 70c ; vor-
nillion , America , ISo ; Indian red. lOc ,
mo pink , 14c ; venetian rcail , Cookson's
! -o : Venetian red Am. , lijc ; roil lead , 7ic ;
hromo yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel-
o\v , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3e ; o < ; hre ,
'Vouch ' , 2Jc ; ochre , American , IJc ;
WinterV niinural. 2Jc ; lehigh bwni , 2jo :
puuisli brown , 2.\c \ : Prince's mineral 3c ;
VA11NISHKS Barrels per gallon ,
'nrnlture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
> 1 ; furniture , U , 8'ic ; coach , extra , SI 40 ;
! 7ouch , No. 1 , SI 20 ; Damar , SI DO ; .Taiian ,
0c : asphaltum , 70c ; chollac , S3 50 ; hard
lil finish. SI 30.
OILS 110'carbon , per gallon , 12c ; 150'
ic.iillight , per gallon , 13c ; 17" > * headlight ,
icr gallon , 17c ; cryiitoliiie , per gallon , 20c ;
inseed , r.iw , per gallon , O.'i ; linseed , boileil ,
icr gallon , tiSc ; lard , winter t 'd. per gal-
on. 1 0.1 ; No. 1 , 80c ; No. 2 , ( MO : i'.u > tor ,
XXX , p'-r gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 Ifi ; sweet ,
> er gallon , S , c ; sperm , W. B. , pergnllon ,
_ ' , 'M ) ; Herm ) , hignal , ] ier gallon , 80c : ter-
icntinu , per gallon , tlc ! ; naptha , 71' , per
gallon , : > 0c ; 01' , 20c.
Clears and Tobaccos.
OKJA15S. Seeds , S15.00 ; Connecticut ,
S2.-.00 ; Mixed , Sltri.OO ; Seeil Havana , S50.00 ,
"Jlear Havana , § 75.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Knlu ,
il Ib , COc ; Spoiled Fawn , tile ; Our Hope ,
I ( piality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 21
I ) , butts , GOc ; llorso Shoe , pounds ,
.M Ib , butts , IJOc ; Purity , 21
b , butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 2111) , butts. Me !
3lt Kilge , pounds , 21 Ib , bulls , ( iO ; Army
mil Navy , pounds , file ; Bnlliou , pounds ,
"i8c ; l orillard's Climax , pounds , ( iOe.
FINK CUT In pails. Hard to Beat ,
Tie ; ( ioKlen Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c ;
favorite , 70o ; Uocky Alnnntajn , liOc ;
lumcy , ; Daisy. f Pc. In tin foil -
Jntlins O. S. , o Ib Inixes , per Ib Cr > c : Lori-
Hard's Tiger , IMC ; Uiainoml Clown , GOc.
SMOKING All grades Common , 2T to
" ! 3u. Granulaled lilackwolla Durham , li (
oz51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , fiOc ; Heal of
N'orlh Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , Hi oz , 38c ; Lone Jack.I o/ , linen bags ,
Dcr Ib , SI.33 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 or. , tin
oil , ' ) . " > c ; Dog Tail. ( i.ric.
Heavy Harnwara List.
Iron , rales , S3 50 ; plow steel , cast , 7Jc ;
tn t tool do. l.ri ( < ? )20 wagon spokes , tstt.
22.5@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , Hawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@8fic ; axles ,
each , 75c ; Hinmra nuts , jer Ib , 7@llc ;
washerSj jer ll > . 8@18c ; rivets , iier Ib , lie ;
coil chain , per Ib , ( ifojlt'c ; malleable , So ;
run wedges , tic ; crowbars , lie ; harrow
tueth , 4c ; hornonhoes , per keg , C 00 ; spring
steel. 7@8c.
NAILS 10 to 20d , 3 00 ; 8 to 10 , 3 75 ;
( id , 4 00 ; Id , 4 25 ; 3d , common , C ( X ) : 3d ,
fine , G DO ; clinch , all f > izes , 5 25 ; Gd , caMing.
4 75 ; 8d casing , 4 fil ; 10J casing , 4 25 ; 10 < l
finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , fi 00 ; fid finish , 5 25
half kegs , lOu extri.
SHOT. Shot , 51.8.Buck ; nhol , 92.10 ;
Oriental Powder , kegs , Sli.40 ; do. , half
kegs , S3.4S ; do. , ijuarterkegs , gl.88 ; Blasting -
ing , kegs , $3.35 : Fuse , ner 100 feel COc.
Hones and Mule ) .
The market is brisk und nil grades aru
selling well at a slight iidvaiica iu piiees.
Thodomand for good horses exceeds the
supply considerably. Prices rungo in fol.
lows :
Finn single drivers , S1CO. to 300. ; Kxtrn
draft horses , $175. to 225. ; Common dnu' , $100. to 150. : Kxtra farm horses ,
$110. 10125. ; Coiiiiuon logoodfanu horsui
SK ! ) . to 8100. ; Kxtra plugs , S < . to 75. ;
Common plugs , $20. to S40.
MULKS. 15 to IPi hands ( extra ) , $125.
to 150. ; IH to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. ;
14 to 14i hands , $7r > . to 100. ; 13& & to 14
hands. $00. to 75
Hides f-urs , Etc.
HIDKS ( Jre-en butcher'H hide , 7c ; greun
cured hides , 8c ; green Halt , part cured
lildus , 7 < ig7i'c ' ; dry flint , Konnil , 13S)14c ( ) ; dry
calf and kip , 12u)13c ( ) ; dry suit hidessound ,
11$12c ( ; green calf , wt. 8 toinlt-s. , lO llc ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , ) c ;
green jxilt , SI 00 ® 1 15 ; green Inmb skins ,
% \ 10 )125 ) ; damaged Indus , two-third ra.'e ,
cut scored and onu grub , clashed two *
U irds rate , ) branded hides 10 per eenl. olf.
Coon skins , No. 1 , 4fie ; No , 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
broad htripe , lOc , Tullow , HJc ,
Merino unwashed , light , 14(3jlCc ( ; heavy
lS@15c ; medium iinwaHhcd , light. 1820c
tub-wanhed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; ding
and w. , 28c ; hurry , black and celled woo !
JCc lehri
AM'OHOL 187 proof , 225 per win
ga Ion ; extra California spirits. 187 proo
1 3) ) | er iiioof gallon ; trlplu rcline < ihpiits !
1H7 proof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; re-distillm
Y Hikies , I 00ujl ( 5'j ; line hlemled , 1 50T <
2 50 ; Kentucky bourboua , 200fe700 ; KM
lucky and J'ennHylvunia ryes , 2 00u ( 7 00
BltANDIHS-lmMrted | , ? U 00@1000
domestic 1 40 ® I 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domeslir
1 40@3 00.
HUMS ImjHirted , 4 r,0@0 00 ; Net ,
England. 200WI 00 ; domeslic. 1 fs13 50
OUAMJ'AGNIiS-Iiiiporteil per case
20 00&31 00 ; A.mnicau , per case , 12 00 ®
18 00.
Oh.VKKTS Per CAXO , 4 r.OJJir ( 00.
WINKS -llhlnn wine , | > er CASP , t ! WXif ,
0 00 ! Crttnwba , i > cr owe , -I 00@ " 00.
'nrlmllp , f > 0o ! Acid , TnrUrio , Me ; lUtatin
? | > ! a , tier 11) , "Ocj Hark , H.vwifr.v , ] > or
i , IVVj ( . 'nloinel , per Hi , " ( > oj Cinclioniillu ,
ior ot , 80c , ' Chloroform , per Hi , Wo ;
) ovor' | > wlcn < , i > er Hi , SI 40 ; Kwum |
alls , j > cr 11) , ajcs ( ilyrcrlne , mi re , per Hi ,
Sc : Lend , Acetate , IKT Hi , IMci ( Vu
on oil , 110 ° , per L'nllon , llj'e ! doloO' ,
xsrsixl. 1'Jjfct Oil , ( 'nstor , No. 1 , per pal ,
1 Ki ; Oil , tfaator , No.3por cnl.Sl itt ; Oil ,
lllve , per pal , SIlOj Oil , Origanum. MX )
) | iluni , $110 ; Oultilne I1. A AV. A U. i S. ,
ior 07. , 8'J 00 ; rotAnxlum , Iodide , for ll > !
a 40 ; Srtlacin , per or , We : Sulphate of
InrMliIno , per 07. $3 8'j Sulphur Hour ,
> or Ib , 4Jc ; Strychnine , tier ox , $1 f > 0.
Onnoll BhilT
COUNTII. BlAlKl-rt , DeeeinK'r 2.
Flour -Manufncturod by Cryslal aud
Jity Milk 375 ( 4 M ; Kama * mid Mis-
inirl flour , 3 M@l 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rye
lour , 3 40.
Bran and Schorls 17 00 per ton.
Chop Corn 22 50 per ton.
Wheat No. 2 , Jl 15 ; No. 3 , Me ; to-
poled , 70c.
Com No. 2 , 5 , rejected 43.
Outs No. 2 , 40o : refected , 35 .
Barlny No. 2. OOoj No. 3 , 75c
Hay 7 008 M ) .
Catlle-Shipp'ng , 4 OOCtfr. 00 ; milch
cows 30 OOio.4'i 00 prr head ; bulouorn
lock , 2 75@3 2. ' . .
Shceit 4 00@f > 00. I
G Hide * to : G ri hidfi , Ic.
Wool If ) ® ' * .
l'otatoo -
Onions- Jo@l ! 40.
Grand Juctlom Mrurkwl-
G HAND JUNCTION , la. , lfccmV > r 'J.
Butler KXollSc.
Clttonft * JPToduoo.
CHIOAOO. Docembtr 2.
On 'Change the grain niarkcU were
il her , Thu rccoiiiU of grain were 390 ear
oftdn , embracing 4) of wbent , 20-1 of eni ,
81 ! of uiti. 7 of ry * . nod 00 of barley.
Flour Quiet ami not much inquiry ;
oraninn to choice Hi'rinir , vtentern , 4
7fi ; MlmiMiiU , .1 2'i@7 50 ; pnlenU , 7 fib
® 'J 7.ri ; winter wheat (1 ( nr , G P0@7 60 ;
uckwbe t Hour , 8 7.r @i ) 00.
Wheat In No. .Hpriugan Hctivo | H. < H-
atiyo ImmnoiM was trutuaeted and a
trtiDKor fo ling wm developed , aceorann-
ied with moro or lesn excitement diiriii ) ;
he HOHHion. Tin Mipply nhowcd a nxliio-
inn and influencca oiiernllj favorit' ' ' ! ? for
iolilon < ; hhortj were fre biiyrrn and the do-
iiand was nctivr. I'lie m r ct opcnwl nt
nbout tho'c'o ini ; liguroH on the ca 1 board
reiitoriiay , advaiiiftl gc , but reacted and
IIH ndvnuue W.IB lost. Tlio inntkrt line-
uated Hliuhtly aiul linnlly ad\nnced under
k i-harp doinaiul lid'dfti : pt-r bushel , TO-
cedett a triflu niul finally closed about l'/o /
in the regular board and on eall at 1 2S fur
JtCoiiihc-t ; 1 21) ) fortlnmiarv ; 1 2UJ fnrKcb-
u ry ; No. 3 Hprins , ' , 1 M 'l 15J ; rejected ,
iSfe'JUc , nuuonlinj ; to location ,
Corn An active Hpocnlutivo dcinnnd
ucv-ilod and coiuidernblo Ftrdnglh was
loveloped , accompanied witli nn advance
> f IJidtjMc in piico.t ; du'ivvrio * on Ueccui-
) er cnnlracU Wrie not IVH largo ns penerally
intluipatcil and operiitora wcro a litth
no e anxioiiH about their outstanding con-
ract , especially for tlie moro deferred dt -
ivericM. _ The market finally closed almiit
{ f ' 2c hicbcr on the regitlT board and on
call at Illju for . I ami ry ; O''Jcfor I'ebruary ;
ilij'c for May ; tilijc for Juno
Oa n l ! ttcr and Hteady ; No. 2 , 4r.J ©
in.lcforDuccnibur 1 ; 44 | c for January and
h'oliruary ; IGjjc for May.
live StrotiKcr and a fraction higher ;
SD 2 , UTJc ; ll'J.\c for IJcc ember.
ISarley ( Juiut ai-il Htvady ; No. 2 , 1 OJJ
for Deueinbei ; 1 0t ! for January ; No. I !
linihT aud in ileninnd at 8'lle. ) !
I'oik I''airly nonvc ; niens clo ed at
17-I2J17 10 for January ; 17 tin for J''eh-
runry ; 17 85 for March.
] , anl Moderately active mil fini : ;
clo > ud at 11 20 for December ; 11 37i for
January ; HfiRfor Kebrnnry ; 11 7u for
Miirch ; 1 1 8Ji for April ; 1 1 ! 'il ) < 5l | 1 92.J for
Hull : iMontH In \\p\\\ \ \ \ \ \ , request and 1111
changed ; ulioit ribs , rt ! l."i for Januaiy ;
Uiiisky-Qidet at 1 17.
Huttcr F.iir demand e.\i-tcd for chnicv
dairy and creamery , which WITH in mod-
eratu Hiipply and Hteadily held ; common tn
inoMium grades were quirt mid fttuadv ;
choice to fancy creamery , 3ll@i'Jc ; ; ordi1
nary to good , : i'JLOirio ( ! ; good to fanny dairy ,
2H@3.c ! ; common to fair do , , ] U@)22 ) ; liul.i
packed , in lSlo ; packinir Block , 12@1 Ic.
MggH JtcccipU fair , iniiiiry | modvratu
and prices Htcadv for nt ictly fre li ; 23@2lc
icj hoiHe : 1820c for pickled ,
Itec'tH. Shlpm'tH
J'lour . 11,471 12ii7 (
Wheat . 2J.liOl ( ! Ili71 (
Coin . 13lMi : ) ( l''HHK4
llyo . 1'JOJ 1,11'jr
Jljiley . IS.Ktt 21,03'
( JlliOAno , Dwcmber 2.
IIi-Ki. llrceiptu , 4JKX ( , ( ) hesul. Marke
active and steady on gen l hto/lc , 'jut in
fcrior gr > deH weak anil helling nlow ; com
nion to go d mixed , ! > li ( " i ! 10 ; 1 eavj
packing anil KliiiipiiiK , > i 10ft/jli HO ; I'hila
( IcIpliiiiH and lani hogs , 0 .torn I ! 45 ; Ugh
hoL'H , ? : > liOCi' ( > ( X ) ; hkipM and cullx , I 2ix
1 35 ,
On tlc-liceeiptH , 5,000 bend. Marke
Mow and weak on about till grades ; f .r ti
L'ood shipping c.itilr , 4 00i' 5 35 ; choicu do
570 ; exports , ( i ; iO ( , < ( iO ; mlxc'l butcUerM
stock , 1 ; nof/j I i ( | fui-diiiM and Htockntx
2 'J.CrtH . 80.
Sheeii-ltecelptH , 2,400 lion ) . Marke
itigiiitn and 1 .0 IT ; coinmou , 3 CO ; full
: iOy ] 75clioief ; , 4 B\
NowXorli froduoo
NKW YIIIIK , Doi'ember 2.
FlourStuuly and in moderaledeiiiHiid ;
No. 2 , ! t 20/4 ( ! 75 ; miperline , 4 2535 25 ;
soulliern , dull ; cominon to clioict extra ,
Wheat Irregulur , rlosoil firm at Might
adraaco ; No. 2 ml , 1 44(51III ( ; N" . 2
white , 1 37 ; No2 spring , 1 3" ; No. 2 red
December , I 4K&JH2 ; do , .lauuarjr , 1-IIJ
( < 1 451.
CornKtrong. . exnttid and hijbor ( ;
nngrail irmixtxi)5i/l71c ( ) ( ; No.2 ( ia ! ) ( < 7Jcj No.
2 while , 73c ; No. 2 December , GB70jc.
Oats- Firm , faiily active anil higher ;
No. 1 white , 5ijc : ; No. 2 white , Mtfin
51V ; mixed western. 452i ! ; No , 2 mlxeU
do. 48 ! & , riOlc.
llyttjniet at Ii8o@l 01.
Burley Nomiinil ut 1 02 ,
Pork- Quiet aud "toady ; mes , 18 2.V i
l.aul I'inner but fluid ; 11 ITifyjl 1 "ill
for ranlij 11 42ifi/jll 474 l"r DeeeniGcr.
Petroleum Dull and lower ; I'lilted
82&c ; crndu in luuicli' , ( ijd'7fc'c ' ; refill d in
barrels , 7Jc.
Jjlvorpool Produce.
] , ! VKiirooi , , December 2.
Flour Ameiican , 10s l > d@13H ,
Wheat Winter , 10s 4dCll ) * ; white , 10
7d ( < ' (10 < lOd ; nprJiis , ! ! . < Od'rlO < fid ; clul
Corn -7M lOd.
l'ork 70M.
1-ard r,7n y , | .
TOIXDO , December 2.
\ \ heat Iviniftrj No. 2 rod , 1 35J fi
cash or Drcember ; 1 37j for January ; 1 4
for February ,
Corn Quiets No , ! ? , lilljo for cash inn
Oata Nominal.
Clovolniiil Murliot ,
UI.KVKI.AJSH , December 2.
I'etroluumI'licliauxtd ; ktuiulunl whilr
110 * test , 7c.
St. LonU Proiluofy.
ST. Ix > uit < . Dfoombcr 2.
Flotir Viri tml liiKlint ; XXX , A IK ) ®
; 70 ; family , 'iSCiGftiW ; eholeo to f.uic ) ,
WliiAtHlghor and active ; No. 2 rrd ,
3'Jtn-l 3S1 for caili ; 1 3'J1 31 for D.-
emtwr : 1 37J for Jautiarv ; 1 3Hi'l IOJ
nr 1-ebnmry ! 1 15 for May : No. 3 do.
I ( . < , 1 IKIj No. 4 do. 1 I71n kiil.
Corn Higher ; OI4fa(15c ( for cashs ( Viral
Ijc for Doocnilvri < l" > } © ( KSJo for Januan ;
M4'iCtile for Febtuaiy ; tll ! fe71e ( foi
lar. h ; tS3 ! < tCH9c for May.
O. t. HlgliiT ; ItijGflrC for oath ; W\- \
> r December ; 47c for January ; 47ji
or February ! 4Ujo for May.
llyo HklieratWc.
Harley -Steady at Mta \ IS.
l ad Steady 'at I 85.
Ituttrr rnoiniiKt'ili dairy , ; iO ; < i ; C > c :
rrnmrry , 3o6ftOo.
liKKUunia'Ked at 2lV2. ( > o.
M hi. ky- Steady nt 1 10.
1'oik I'irinrr ; 17 M ) bid for Januiuy. Firm at 11 l.\
Koo'td. Shtpm'N.
'lour . 4,000 17,00 >
Vheat . il.OH ) ll.fKiO
orn . 73.000 UD.OCO
Ulo . II , (00 d.OOO
ty . 3.000 1,000
Url.y . 10,000 1.IKK1
SiLoulu JLivo Stooli
HT. I.OUIH , Dcocmlmr a.
Hogs Stsady and in good denrvndury ;
ight , ft OOCalfi 10 ; Vorkera , o r.lK < fW7 10 :
ftckiiiff , . ' > K.Vt ; 25 ; butchers' , tl 2JCn'.ti 40.
tiwIptM , 7.01W head ; Hhlpmiiut.i4 'J7.000
Balttnioro Jt rmluoo.
B.\i.HMonn. iVeember 2
Vliiur - 1'inn.
Wluvvt No. 2 led winter tirm at 1 37
a37i ) for cth and Deeom ur.
C rn Yellow tirm
PMlnrtolpliln Prtxlnoo.
I'lIluxDKl.l'lttA , Deoembet 2.
Whn t--W roiiR and hlgluir a 1 Sfljfrt
3'jj ' for OMk ; I 12 1 43 J for Janu.ry.
Corn Fftit and bighor ; 07Jfflt 71c for
ash and DsoMnln'r ; 70o | for'Jmiiury.
Oats Fir t .Wi Ol for cash ; . * > OJ ®
lie for Dtcwnlrar.
December 2.
, 1 tiO ; good ,
Spirit--Dull at o'J c.
Tar- Firm at a 40.
TurpentineKirmltard ; , 2 50 ; soft , 3 75 ;
'irginia , 300.
Ecatldborty Llvo Stooli.
KABT LinaiiTV , Pn. , IVcemlier 2.
Cat le Nothing doing ; receipls , 1,320
end ; rhlpniMits , 'J.IHIO hi < ad.
Hugt Fair ; recolp's ' , 2,800 head ; shin-
icnK 4C > 00 head. Phibidelphiis , ( i 30 ®
liO ; Yorkers , 5 JlO li 00.
Sheep Dull , nothing doing ; rrceipU , ! ,
00 head ; shipments , 2,400 head.
Bnffnlo Llvo Stooli.
KAHT BUFFALO , December 2 ,
Hogs Shade Btronijer ; receipts , 47 e rs ;
: ii | meiits G3 cars ; Yorkers , G OOG4I1 10 ;
oed iiH-dium weight * , G100'G2j ; good
eary , T , r.0@e CO.
Ginoliiiiiiti Prodnoo.
CINCINNATI , December 2.
Prousions- Mess pork jobbing at IH 00.
Lard Steady ; prime steam , II 25.
Bulk Meats--Steadyilear ; sides , ! ) 10 ®
Bacon Steady ; clear sides , 10 75fii >
1 00.
Flour Firmer ; family , I530 < $7 W.
Wheat -Firmer : No.2 led , 1 10.
Corn Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , ( Vi'/c. ' /
Oath I'inner ; No. 2 mixed , I8o.
Iyo-Firm ! ; No. 2 , 1 01.
Harley Stronger ; No. 2 fall , 1 OS o 1 10 ,
Whisky Finn nt 1 15.
TCannaB City Prodnco Mnrlcot.
KANSAS CITT , December 2.
Whoul Kecciul- , lO.'J'.l'.l ; nithilntwn ,
7 143 ; In rtore108,787. . Market linn
ml Irading slow ; December No I wa * 2Jc
ligher ; No. 3 December 2o higher ; NII I
cash , 8Uc bid , ! ) lc ) Hiked ; December ,
811 ] ; Jnnuury , ! IOo bid , ! ) Jc | asked ; No. 3 ,
i-ib , 101J ; Decemlior , 1 05 ; January ,
0i ( bid , 1074 ; Fobiuury. 1 OHJ
bid , 1 Ollj asked ; No. 2 , cash , 1 2Ird. .
25 asked ; December , 1 23J bill , P-'l\ \
ikfd ; .laiiuary , 1 25 bid. 1 28 asked ; No. 2 , I 31 j hid , 1 : ! ( i | indeed.
Com Keceipi" , 2I55 ! ; withdrnwn ,
W ; iu slorn 75lri. ! ( ; et linn but
( iiiet ; No. 2 , cash , li'Jc bid , no olferlng * ;
) ecembur , G2c bid , tile askeil ; .launnry ,
i2jc bid , ( i''H asked ; Febinary. Ii2c bid ,
10 olTuriugn ; May , liiic bid , ( ! 7c arkcd ;
No. 2 , white niisod , narh , li' c bid , nu of-
"eiings ; Decumbor , file bid ; no oirerings.
Oal-i Itecei ts withdrawn 1 ,
- > , 2,351 ; ,
800 ; in store , 40,1110 ; No. 2 , caih , 43o | bid ,
44c | asked : December , -li.c ! | bid , -Mca-lied ;
lannury , 45C.
Ilyelleeiipts , . ' , ' 'M ; uitlnlrnwu , 101 ;
iiiHtore , 3,1U1 ; Decemlier , 8Sc bid , H ! "
Mutter- maikel lower at
MutterItcceiptv large ;
J7c for choice.
- Iti'ceipts eijual lothy deinaud al
Tliu iMiropcan Itoataunint opuiuji
its door liit : uvouin ' to thu cnuru
[ itiblic ; and iiniiiudiutuly lliuru WIIRI
Uroal rush ! Thu want of a uluanly ,
well conducted [ iliico whuru the iiiinir
mail can bu rufrcHhcd , without taking
"his peck1' all ut onu tinio lias m > long
been full and du.sircd by thu humiiuftii
uoiumunily tlmt the proprietor of lliin
uatiibliBhinunt , Air. I ) , li. iVloryan ,
will undoubtedly reap a rich reward
from hit ) pecuniary 'm vuntiiru , Tlio
roonm of thu European nro furnished
und lit ted in ti most inviting niiinnur ,
and aru undur thu niiperviHion of n
immt conipetuiil and politu Htowurd ,
J\lr. S , W. Wiirner , from C'liioitijo ' ,
formerly of Nuw York < Mty , and atone
ono time connected willi the iSouthern
Ilotul in St. LoniH. Clean I > , IIIMH | ;
tnblu clotliH and Linen NiipkinH folded
uctiHtically , Clear ( la8 ( iolilottt ,
and line Hilvor iiro adorn
each tnblu and eorrt'Hpond witli thu
ediblua and the attendance. Tasteful
pictnrvH iidorn thu wallx nnil cheerful
cnrpulH cover the Hours , A fltandiiig
lunch counter in inetroiioliian Htylu
forms onu of thu main attraction ! ) of
the phicu. Thu cooking is e.\eollent
and judging from the nunpicious open
ing , Tlio ICuropoun ItcHtiiiinuit , 1100
Farnain otrout , is fated to become onu
of thu Standard Jimtitutioim of our
city ,
SVo wasn't iironnd inircluifiin any
ChrmtmuB iirtneiitH or bnyiiiK > ur-
selves any uiamontlH , hut it jnnt took
an hour for in * Iu look through the
fraud array of ptoodu at the .luwelry
Kuiorium | ) of Kdlmliii k KrricIiB.on ,
and wo will hut that yon can tet ; uny-
thii ) there yon muy call for eheaiii'i'
than thu uliuupunt , and everything is
warranted ; and if you Hpeak of clocks
they cun just daz/le yon with the
array and jiid 'in" ; from thu .sounil ,
theru is enough tick there to run a
healthy reporter a year. ( Jive them
a call and you will never iviji'et it.
Oysters 'Cio and -150 at liutlht' * .
IIIIH recently opened a furniture am
repair room on the northeast corner o
Thirteenth and Dodi/o streets , w her
ho id pieparcd to do all Icindp of fin
niture repairing , carpenter , olliue am
store work on short notice , Ho ale
deals in new and eecond-haud fiirni
j tu i V. duclMit
The ne\t Irgblnturfl of .M
fill contiln four clergymen , ami thu < dd
lay Rlate will get the law and the ( , 'o < pel
or the Mtiuo pr.eo. ThntV o oooiny for
'oil 1'rav lu-avou the goepol may a volume
ctter than the law.
Ahrajmni litnenln tohl Scu'plor Vol :
I don't like to hear cut and dried ser
um * . No- when I heir a man preaoli I
Ike t > sect Im act n < if ho wetv llxbtliii ;
ice * ! ' And ho > x ended III * lotiff anus ,
\iitiiu- the action to the enl , .
' ( tive the young man a rhanee , " oaya a
tiler. Ye * ; ii\c ; him A chmico ut a
lAuch fes l\al In H ratlin fora blue eyed
oil in it ] Hile homiot a d "juxt ton lov > ly
or anything. " Olvobima chance logo
Kit niul kick hilniielf foil o [ Ifle-i bco.\u r
le went to the festival. Cliri tlau at
Vorl" .
" 1'rii'iiiln , " rnee nald a cleixymaii to a
umber of propoa \ \ had enteied hi *
liun'h d r he pn po e ol gelling out of
lin rain "I haM'oile < h anl of Iliochuieli
itftiiK moil as a e oak tor one's MII * , but
[ tin ia the titut tiliii' 1 hnto o\er heard uf
t'n Loilig HUM ! an umbrella , -llarvahl
anipoon ,
"Ma , Imiu't t been a real good buy ninco
'TO bi'i'n gciiii ! to Sunday deltoo ? ' "Ye > (
ny lamb , " aiinwored the maternal p.-ueut
oudly. "And you trust mo now , don't
im , tun * " "Yen , darllnj , . " "Then , "said
Im little innoc ntvluit makot you kt < op
tin pre-erveM locked up Iu the paltry the
uno a * overt ' - Sutuliiy School VUltor.
Among the iiuiiuteit of n xu'ttcrn IIIHIIIB
sy inn H a man xtbo i < often perfect y
oiiMM * . And whi'ii accosted at "iieh tiini'
aum'K visitor * to wonder whj 1m N eon-
'mod them. Thin iimutu entered iulo
inirers lion the other day with u nailer
vhoio driMt priH'lalmed libn u clergyman ,
aid the inadmaii"it win too had , \MH it
iot , the killing of Cir.tnt at Chicago. "
MtwaV' Kald the iiiiiilntur , who followed
ho accepted eiHtom of ! \ Neiitiiig to the
lateiil tH of lunatic * for pence nnke
'lltytM wax aiHadn ted at Uinclnnatl ,
vax ho not ? " nzaiu aikod the lunatic.
Yen , " replied the clergyman . "And wan
lot Qucon Victoria murdered In her put-
ice ? " To thin c | ory from the madmnn ,
ho clorli'Al visitor once more nu wor d in
ho i ulrmati\o. The lunittio named onu
( tor another a d ' 7eu living royal pi > rnon-
vgOH , nil f whom the clergyman \TIVH led
o admit h.vl beou put out of thu way.
iniHldnu'hii c.itechiHiu , tlio muliimu : turn-
(1 on the oloixyinnn and nnld _ tioreely.
'your drexx NIOWH yon nro a miiiisttu- , but
ouarotho irnmtlinr lotormotji'dprini | ; -
eld Itepubliraii.
The Iiovo of the Pi t.
\H ailom watch from their prUon
Forlho long , gray line of thn o : iit ,
looked to the pant re-'rl on ,
And joyH COIUH over In hosts
I , Ike the wldto i < ea birds from their lonMti ,
lore not thu imltilic.ito
The futuroV unkmnvn to our ipiOH1 ,
'o-day IH tlio life of tbn pre oc t.
Hut the past IH a haven ol rmt-
Thu joy of the p.iHt is the bout.
'he rosuof the pant is bolter
Than the row wo ravi'h to-dny ;
Tin liolier , i me r , niul filter ,
To place on Ibo fbriuu where we prny--
For the hecrel tlMiught wo obey.
'here , ute no deceptions nor changon ,
Tlii're , all N placid and till ;
No grief nor late that estrange * .
Nor hope that no life can fulfill :
Hut ethereal nhulter from ill.
'he coarser delighlH of this 1 our
Tempt and debauch anl di'prave ,
And weji-yina poisonous ( lower ,
Kuoiung thai , nothing c u HI\O :
Our llosh from the fat ? of the grave.
tut Hiirely wo leave them , icturning
In grief to tin ) well-loved ne. t ,
'illod with nn lulinito .voiuiiin ,
Knowing the past to bo rest-
That the things of the past , nvo the hoi.
The Speetitor.
The I'rchhytciiaii ehureh at .Mount
. 'iiinii , Marjland , eu'ubra ed recently iti
ono liundred and sixty-H xth anniversary.
ThneoUied ISaptistsof Lynohliiitf ; , N'
ire nil ciitoiprWng people if , as is cur-
rent'y ' reported , I hey have U'd.'litly I ullt a
church rostingJ-23,000.
I'lio autumnal HiHKioii of tlm I'aptlxt
Jnion of Great Hritaln was held in two
cctioiiH , ouuat l' < irtsnioiilh and the other
it. Southampton. Mr. Spurgeon prriicho 1
it both meetings to crowdii ) cougie
A new evangeliftie movement for work
imoiig the masHiH lias been lifim in Itus-
, ou. In the committee , of which thu Itiiv.
Dr. ( lordiiii of tbo Clarendon street
church is president , aruHeveral well known
"ixinesR men of the city.
The . I emit fathers who jatelv occupied
.ho headiiiarterH | of the Kociity in ICuo drri
I'orti'H , Paris , have taken up their ahoih
in Die Aichiepixcoial ] city of Canterbury
Time's cluingeH are curious. The bund
ipmiters of the disciple * of Ignatim Loyob
now find refngo benekth th' caves of Cran
mer's calliidia ! This , taken with the
election of Mr. Jrrniiighaui , a Itomni
C.itho ic , for Iterwick , must m ke Monxlg
nor Capel moie than over M ngiiinn of Mn
gland's return tu thu faitli of Thoma
The Kvangelical Alliance has prepared i
progriimmo for the week of prayer fion
.lainiiiy 1 to 7 ino usive. The Hubjects
are as follows : Sunday Iteneweil con-e
ciMtioii. Monday Thanlisglvlnjf for U in
poral i' ml spiritual lilr * i < i s and iiiayer
for iheir i ! < > ntlmi'inro. Tuesday llundli
atjon and o nfwulim of ins. Weilnes
clay' ' I'rayer for thu blrsidnf , ' of led ! 01
Ills work and woid. Thursilay - I'raye
for llio young and all liaiiiing agrncicH
Fndiiy1'iayer lor peace nn I nghleuus
IICXH univciH.illy , Ralurday I'rayer fo
mishionsaml luvlvaln.
I Haw HO much said about tin ; mer
its of Hop HitUiiH , and my wife who ;
WIIH always ( Uietoriug , and never well ,
leaned mo so uruuntly together Home ,
I concluded to be humhuugcd again ;
and I am L'lad I did , for in less than
two months use of the Hit turn my
wifu was cured and she IIIIH remained
so for eighteen months since. T like
such humbuirging. II. T. St. 1'aul.
St. Paul Pioneer- Press .
DexterL.Tlioinas&Bro ,
Pay TaxoB , Runt HOUBOB , Etc.
Cstl at Office , Hoom 8 , Creluhton Illock , Onuhk ,
riani-U II , Kliiilulicrt mil ) . l.en Ilir li'litrt
diluiiil.uitH , lll tnku notli-d that on the lift day
( iI NoMinhir , 18-ii , .Max .Mi > jir niul Adolii
Mrjrf , a llriii dnlni ; liii liu > M4 iix'uv lleyi-r ft
llrother , lllu > l Iliclr ( ittltlnn In thu Dlstilet Court
ol Doiixl.ii C'onni } 1'flirankn , uvnlnot * ild ilo-
lciiilaiit ; tluuihltvt und piajiTol which nro fo
loirilo-o airilulniuoili3j.iMXu-itut | hy Hindu-
fwiilinln to I Im piilntlil ! upon lot thrt-o CI ) , In
liulHu'ii nildillon , to tin i-il.y nf Omtiliu , In liuiii _
ln ; County , .Ni-hruxka , to Hrnirn thu | iujim-nt o |
a nrtaln ] irooiUor.notu . d.itcil April I , Ib'l.foi
thu oflireu hiiiidrnl and Haionlj
lamundforlj-i'lKlit cuiitHi.i'nlilunlnty |
d.itiillnnol ; th it there Uuou iluu iiiion
uml mortjuuu thu mini o' thuu liimutict and
M.'ieiilj-1'i lit ilallurH mil foriy-ulplie ventx uiili
liiteruHt thiTioiiut IvMhuper t-uut iiur auiiuiu
from thu datunf mid note , und platntllfi imi >
for a ikcri'u thitdefuiidniita ho rdiilrul | lo p.iy
thu taint' , or that Mild pri'inNcs may ho kolil to
.itl"/j tlm amount found duu. Vou uu > ii'iiulrod
toniifcuiriild petition nn'or heforu thu iutli ili >
ol Joinmrv , , \ , I ) , lb .
li.tfi | Nov. U , Ihtil ,
ilA.VIMiVKIl.tllHOTIIiit. :
( It BMUlifiriini. , Attorno * . nlGet-tuM
Free to Everybody !
A Beautiful Book for tlio Asking ,
Miiltlncrr | on\llv , at the nearest ollir
f'1111-5 SlMiKIt MA\'t'KAtTUIUNO CO. ( or
, . - . , . . , , , . , „ , , , v- . . \ > , ftny Aftt'iiT pi'f.
„ . . \Mlllio vr < wiit < ii with n beautifully Unit ,
rated eopj of n N'cwllnok cnllllml
on TUB
ont.Mnliii ; n hMnt < nini < ntnl iwlly Hi-el' ngn\ -
a fiontl | > lerev ; a'so ' , S finely i ngnil l oocl
nt , niul liouiul In nn olnlioratn Mnn niul iteM
ithoirrnphed oner. N > v lmtcr Id inmlo
or Inls MAUil onio InioVhltli CAM tie nlitjitrtcd
illy liv niiltmtion | | nt tlio li mirli ami mlxjr
Iliiiito ollUx-i' nf The Stutter Slaimhctiirlnu Co.
l'rinct | > al OllU-e , 3t Union Sqn ir , New Yotk
M AI ftf * MfW fIff wv .
FS ' * ivrt' , ,5 If our\ri < n
r nftiu 111. . ini. vV V nwii i r l v M1
Mnlliyt'iiiktiiiliin ' * yij ti-iAtt Illiitfov rtiilii.
jour nuil ' 7/ iilclit "oik. in n-
r\iinnU'it nnil Uiti' y ttittimlntifii nif <
Hop Ottcro ! > viu.ltUM - Hop K
If yon nn > i iMU nn l riiiTc-rliit ; fmm .
niw-p Hun > > r iH"l | \ linn i It jiuiiir t
i nxl iv nliwX M , " ' '
twirhi'B.tliwrUiitnil' * .Inn nil n bttl jf mU
uorx , uly un Hop IU It ton' .
Wliop rr yonniv ,
Kiiiiir fro in ) iiu-
UllCIII'MT VUO f l i yniir rjftfiH form jf KI el n o >
miilc rlraiiAlntt , t i > - > itlm o tKat ininlft
\\-\i \ \ 01
nlllumtOiMTfiti I lir llnioly < iM- , > i
„ lco Hop HcpSt.tton
D. I. C
Ita nn AlMolnlt
I ami Iri-onM-K
of Hi" Kimiii , . no ? I lilc oum fin -
l IUVl , tlltlllll. Idrutikeiinotii
urn * of opium ,
You K-tlt tin Rtebucao , u *
e tlif yoiuiK | uarcotlc
Hop oUters
If j-ouiH-onlm-
nlr w ft k aiul | pM.v Briulfur
l.iwrnlrlU-O.trj NEVER Llmilar
HI It mny nnr rmzru ,
nvo your !
llfo. It line T0 CO. ,
anved hun- MtMlr > , H 1
drodB. ATofrMitfl , tlul.
n the mutter of the K tnUi ol Jami' K. 1th ,
Notlcu In liuruhy clvcn Hint the creditors ol
ill diiceixscil , will meet the ailiiilnlntrlx nl mill
ilAtii , linloro me , County Jiulo nl DoujjIiM
'ouiilv , Ni.'liiiinkii , nt tin ) Comity Court Itnom
n until County , nn tlm Utli ilnyol Dort'inlicr , 18H1 ,
DII llio ( Uli liny nf l' < Iminry , 1KS2 , niul on IhnUth
lay ol April , ISSi'J , nt 10 o Vloik n. in. VM\\ \ Jay ,
nr the | iurxi u ot ) irfHontlii ) ; tliclr claims lor ex-
Miiltmtloii , ailJiiHtnii'iit niul nllovvnni'ii. Six
noiil H nru nllout-il lor triilltorH to nrvsrut their
ilnliu , niul one > tar lor tlm nilinhil tratrlx to
irttluMilil estate , from tlio I'.tli day of Oi-loher ,
Sjl ) , this nutlcolll Im | niMihlnil In Tint OMAHA
A'mud.Y Vrx lor lour HtvUiiKiuveHihi'ly , prior to
lu > ctli ilav ol December , livSl.
tA trim eojiy. ) A , M. UHADXVICK ,
ntt1llw4t I'nuntv Jiulirn.
T tlm Mcoilicrs of tlio Nobrntkn Stnto Society.
\Viii i , Neli. , Noieiu'irr ' ! Si , IMil.
A Kioclnl | xi'HHloii of the Nulirnska Hlntr Mnll-
nl Hooli'ly IH I'.illuil to incut In thu city ol I.l'i-
on ! on Tuunlny , tliutflh imv of Ih'comlur , A.
D. 1 SSI , lit Umlinur o ( luo'cluik n. in.
For tlio i'i > riii' of tnkinc "H'li nctlon , ni nuty
10 thought hist In ri'litloo In tlm hov ( -
ni ; the | iinctlcu of n nllt hie , In thn Sta u < il No-
irnalii mill mifh other iHlncut n mxy In ru- lo ho iloni'liv ' s lil Nt4itt > McilIoAl Sofloly
n gpvel il nsioii. MV. . HTONK , M. II. ,
I'ri'slilunt Kobraskii .Slatn Mrilkiil Socliny.
\ttu9tcil :
A. s. MANSK a
Hccn'Ury Kelt. State Mini So no2Jilltw3t
Richmond , Ind.
Builders of
From 3 to 25 H. P.
For 8inn"
For nil drains and Seedi , Includloc Clover
and Timothy.
Feed Millu , &c. , &c ,
It will puy you lurgoly to write , Ht tiny -
iny wliut you want and how
you to ] ) iiy.
Unuaurl Inducements to Oath Purchasers.
no2\vtf Richmond. Ind.
Western Horse ana Uattle Insurance -
suranco Company ,
OJVdC IBLA. , 3W233E5. , - - - 8 1OO.OOOOO
liiKiiruri lIorxc'K , Jluloi ami C'attlo OKahmt losa hy
amlijuiit , ilcraaxo nr theft , Ai.'iidos ( In nil uoun
tll'H of tlio HIMO. Hl'lld f" ' I'lri'nlnrn
znmiiintloii of Toucher
I III ho prcHcnt nt tny olllco in Urulh'hton
lilmlcon thu llrnt Saturday nl each month to x-
anilne such nppllraiitH an may doilro to tench
In tlio jmlillc bdioolH In DoiiKlaB county. Quar
terly examination flrnt Knturday In Fuliruury ,
Hay , AiiKUHt and Novuinlior.
County Hiiin. nUli : liiHlriictlon
3E O 3E IT 3d. jfX If ,
1313 Fdrnliam St. , OMAHA , MED.
Until riiliUHilpriuii anil are now w > inu KIM '
lloilr llniKHulH , tl.'ift to tfl.iC ; ll' t Tut it
lliiiMcln , 9I.IK ) tojl.i.'i ; lli-HtS-iilyilarp'it , tfl.l
to 41.40 : Ik-Hi liiKraln , tOototl.10 ; CUiiAp In-
Krai u , U5ctoIDc.
MnttiiiB ( , Oil Cloth and Widow Shades
at Lowest Market Priooa
Ktock and Lowoat 1'ricei
In tlio matter of the KnUitii of Peter J. Johnooo ,
Notlro Is horohy ( 'lvtn tint the crudlton of
dircuu : > dv.ii ! mtxtUio oUinliilntrator of said
rJttaU' , Before ino , County Jud 'n of | ) onilas
County , Nohranka , at a County Court Itnom , In
bant County , on thu'I Hi day ol No\einhur , 1SH1 ,
on thu 2mi dny of . 'annary , lf > S2 , uml o . thu
21th Jay of Murch , 1SS' ' , ut IU o'clock a. m. eAcli
ilay , for the inirjiom , ' of presenting their c-laluui
for lixuinliiatloii. adjiutnu-nt and atlowaiuv ,
Hli iiiniithaaroitllovrvil for erodltors Ui prtisont
tliclr elnliin , anil onu j car lor tlio adinlnUtrator to
nettle wilJ rJituto , from tlio 21th daof Pentou ) .
U-r , 1B81 , this notice will lie pulilUlnxl In Tun
OMAHA WKKKI.V UKK for four vutkn !
prior to thu 2Uh day of Novemlirr , 1WU.
[ A truu eoj-y.jj A. 11. CIIAIIWI K ,
octl'J-wn Count
Rend for oui
Naiv Jlliistrn-
No. SO , for
Full and Win
ter of 18S1. Free lo any address. Con-
laiiH full dusuriptlon of nil kinds of goods
for jiersonal and fiunily use. Wo deal
directly with tlm oonstiiuer , iind toll all
CMidh in any ( juuntity ut u7iu/tv / < iprioos / ! ,
You can buy butter and cheaper than at
WAKI ) & CO.
227 and 22'J ' AValmsh Avcniie.Cl.lcyjjo.Ili . ,