Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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    nrrnwr A T.I A TvATfV T > mn a A nmi : > iA V TM mT\n > T T > o 1001
The Omaha Bee.
Pub'.Khed very niornlnfr.oxccptSundny ,
Th only Monday morning daily.
nr $10.00 I Three Mcmtru.M.Co
Month * . . . : i.000no | k . .1.00
THE WEEKLY IJEH , published or
ry Wednesday.
Ono Ycnr. $2.00 I ThreoMontlu. . fX )
Bhc Months. . . . 1.001 One " . . '
COKUESPONUKNOi : All Cfrnimunl
Hums relating to News and KdlUrrinlmnt' '
tors shouUJ bo nddromod to the Kiirroa or
Loiter * mill KonilttniKiw should b ftd-
dressed to Tim OMAHA PunMsiitNO COM-
PANT , OMAHA. lr fta , Ohi-okii nnd Pojt-
offlco Ordeis to l.o nwdo payable to the
order of the Company.
E. ROSE WATER , Editor.
JEdwin Diivls , Mn nRor of City
John If. Plerco Is In Churt'B of tlio Mnll
Clrwutlon of TUB DAILY HKB.
I. I ) . Ohambotluln correspondent and
MAKK that IIIOSSB O short Mr. Pres
OVKU120,000 immigrants have been
Jandjd at Costlo ( Jardon up to date
this yojir. And tlio cry w still they
MIHS KttUMau haying departed , the
JTcrald can devote itn ottdntion onuo
more to the boniitios of the mon
opolies. _
TIIK morn-tariff convention in
York was a failure , BO far AS awaken
in < { public interest was concerned.
Wo have tariff in plenty already.
A largo crowd cheered Premier
Qladstono as ho drove through Ohes-
tor to Ilawurdon recently , among the
most ontusiaatio in this respect being .
a group of Irish cuttle dualorH , ono ol
whom inquired , "In that the man who
gave us llio land bill ? "
A WKHTiuiN Hunator was' ovrhoard
to lay of his collcau'iio on it railroad
train the othur day : "Ho is my ideal
of a senator. Ho has the biggest feet
and smallest lieail of any man I
know. " It is almost safe to sny that
Nebraska constituents had no intere-st ; >
in the conversation.
TIIK corporations and thu canals are
the two conflicting topics which will .
cnigngo the attention of the Now York W
Je 'ialnturo this winter. 1'nrtliur west
the antagonism in between thu robbers
and the rivers , and HUH is the true is
aignificiinco of our great conventions
to couaidor cheap tranflportution by
water. TJIK
SyiiVKHTKIl FlIANKMK Wll.SoX will ) .ho
will bo remembered by many old
flottlors in southeastern Nebraska ind
us the projector of various uiituccess-
Inl enterprises has boon sentenced by ) or
a Philadelphia caimiifal court to ono lim
year inipritionnient in the penitentiary ho
and a Iioavy line for dishonest deals
aaa ticket scalper. Sylvester is a
cheeky nnd ornumental dead boat. 'roiu
His laat deal in Nebraska was oa dis anti
reputable IIH his latest venturo. coln.
Act'tmniNij to estimates made by
parties who have access to thu pension > ini y
bureau it that '
appears claim-agents' '
fees for claims filed under the arrears- 'roin
of-ponsion act aggregate more than o
? 2,000,000. That nccounts for the on
milk in the cocoanut. The bill wan vure
never a soldiurs' bill. It has been a
claim agents' bill from the beginning. > y
It in about thu highest nnd most barefaced - nun
faced job ever worked through con- tavo
uress nnd signed by a president.
Ax extremely interesting suit hns
1 > een entered in the United States
court at Padueah , Ky. . by which is to the
bo tested thu constitutionality of a atutu pay
legislature drawing the color line , lly
Kentucky laws a poli-tux is imposed
exclusively upon negroes , and it is This
claimed that this distinction is in violation and
lation of the Fourteenth amendment. itself
There is also a state school fund ap
preprinted exclusively to the educa an
tion of white children , and the validity ble.
of thiswill be determined. Thu auil
is ono of a large number brought by first
the state against negroes to recover who
poll-taxes , and a hearins ; will be helc of
at th'e present term of court.
AUO.NO the moat valued exchanges lars
of TUB BKK is the Now York Tunes , of
jMpor that may justly claim to bo thu insist
leading republican journal of Amor made
ica. While advocating the priii
ciples of thu republican party parts
the Times has boon a stauncl tine
champion of tlio rights of thu produ
core and an earnest advocate of rail is
way1 regulation. Its fearless exposure urer
uro of fraud and corruption in th elected
public service , wherever it has been
found , cannot bo too highly commend
ed. According * to the prospectus his
just issued , the Timrt will b" mate acting
rially improved during the coming land
year , jits excellence in thu past us an Rimh
accurate and carefully edited newspa Savage
per "Warrants the belief that its year
patrons will receive thuir money's It
worth , John
A late IMIIO of the OMAHA HKB con-
ains ari attack on CniiRruastnan v al-
oiitino , for which the inhercntciissed'
HUM of the editor "f thnt journal limit
be uololy responsible , as neither the
iiuiu nor thn burden of the charge 01-
hibits the slightest reason for the per
formance. The exploits of the crank
in journalism nro not oftfn such ru >
entitle him to dignified attention , but
some portions of TIIK Jinn's attack on
Mr. Valentino arn so outrageous that
the quality of the slander deserves
notice , even if the vietousncss ( if the
niirco bn tfrimrnlly acknowledged.
[ Omaha Itepublican.
Whenever this paper has in the ux-
erciso of the mint sacred function of
jniirnnlism ni posed dishonest or in
competent public nion in whom thu
railway monopolies liavo an active
ally and tool , the Omaha
has always como to the front as their
defender and champion. In almost
every instance the answer to every
charge no matter how well sustained
hns been "it ma villainousslander. "
Our recent review of Valentino' *
past career was called out by an arti
cle from his homo organ which sought
to create the impression that Tim BKK
was actuated by mercenary motivui or
disappointed ambition in representing
Valentino as a ma-i of small calibre
and . , a tool of the railway loonopollun
Such exposures always appear untimely -
timely to the organists of the Union
Pacific , but wo have no apology to
make for keeping the people of N -
brankn informed about the trno char
acter of political loaders iap Ully
when they occupy high positioni of
honor nnd trust. Wo are lot in
the leant surprised at the hran at
tempt ot The Republican to make
Valentino appear as a victim of a foul
slander and model of public virtu * .
Every intelligent man in Nebraska
knows thut the mun who edit * the
Rojnibliian is hired to whitewash
every rogue in the service nf the mo
nopolies nnd black wash and hound
down nny man that darcsto raieoliis
voice in protest against thr * political
dominatiMi of giant corporations.
Now let us see whether Mr. Valon-
tine wan nlandcrod.
TUB HKK charged that Valentino'sL'
knowledge of law was acquired in the
West Point land oflico and was confined - ' .
fined mainly to practioo in bar room *
with incidental efforts as co lection ,
agent , in which capacity Valentino
failed HOmotnncs to report to his
clients collections made for them. ,
The fact that Valentino spent a great
art of his time in bar rooms and billiard - :
liard Imlls nnd does HO upend his time
this day c.mnot bo successfully a
gainsaid. In support of thu charge
.hat his conduct n collection agent
H dishonest wo cited the fact that he . .
collected moneys for the McCormicli
. . . . ,
reaper company which ho reported . .
uncollectablo and only paid over
after the fraud WHH discovered and .
Jiteata were madu to disbar him.
HKK charged that Valentino pro- ,
, . bo
i ,
cured his nomination to congress by
aid of the Union Pacific thtouch
jribery. Wo reiterate this charge now
in proof refer toIr. ] . . ] ohn M.
nmrston , who will doubtless roiuem-
that ? 100 was paid by
to a political middleman for
vote of a delegate to the
republican state convention from one
Douglas county. This delegate hailed
Florence and was elected ai an
U. P. man , but sold out at Lin JL'31
. Ho received $50 before and $ i > 0
Valentino \\as nominated. At
eainu convention § 200 was offered in
U. P. cappers on behalf of Valon- nre
) for the vote of another delegate in
this county whom we are ready
name. At the same convention the pnr
votes of Fillmore county which L'O
directed to be cast for Crounao by
delegation were given to Valentine ery
a fraudlent change of ballots. The few
that changed these ballots may well
done no from pure admiration fur
Arnlontiuo , but we suspect he was re-
wnrdud on the spot by a payment in is
ireenbacks. Tin : IIK charged that kets
Valentino robbed the tax-payers of ent
Nebraska of $1,8(50 ( log-rolled through and
legislature two years ago aa back ish
for services on the bench which ah
honevor rendered and for which Judge thou
Orill'oy had already drawn pay , tor
IH a matter of record rival
the Republican dimply content : stan
by ignoring the charge. TUB ooun
charged that Valentino's conduct
congressman has not boon credita
In support of this wo need only and
to the fact that among his very
appointees wasa disreputable nun OUB.
notoriously makes merchandise suns
his wifo'a honor. It is bpgf
necessary for TIIK key
enter into further purlieu boon
, but thu champion whitewashes the
political twot
prostitutes will aw uaua
that these- are foul Blunders 187f
by a journuliiitic crank , make
There in another crank in these the
wlio is also slandering Valen pills
whom wo commend to thu lender In .
mercies of the Jttjutb'lean. His name the ! :
ilohn Rush , now deputy treas- it
of Douglas county , and recently "B
treasurer of this county on the emits
republican ticket. John Itushcliurgi young
Valentino with being
swindling him out of
homoBtead while Vuluntinu was lutes
aa register of the West 1'oin
ollice , and the charge madu b ; Kills
has been sustained by Judgi Ullti
in a decision rendered his All
in this judicial district. in o
ma } be inherent ctissodiiciu ii thin
Rtmh to insist on his rights to ofTI )
rcpositts his homestead or it Piny bo
luih is a crnnk. In any evvnl TilK
Inr commends him tothotondcr mer
cies of the Republican.
It is very plain that the Liberal op
position in the Gorman Heichttag do
not propose | to submit in silence to
any attempt i at forcing them into ap
proval of Hismnrck's social and economical
oinic policy , A vigorous speech
wai delivered i by llorr Iliehter , who
is the ablest shaker upon economical
questions | on the Liberal stdo of the
Hotii , and the speech is said to have
produced BO extraordinary an olFect
that no representative of the Government
motif ventured upon an immediate re
ply ' . hut preferred an adjournment
for the t day. llorr llichtcr'a pointed
remark that every Gorman willingly
rccogni/ied the Immortal norvicpB ten-
lerei by thu Chancellor , but that the
German people had cwino of age , and
demanded a controlling voice in the
government of their affairs , no doubt
xpresaoH the feelings of a majority of
Uiei nation ,
' . I5IHMAUCK adopted his old
tactics to win support from the ojipo-
nilion in a Tory characteristic speech
. in favor of the incorporation of IJain-
\ > arg. This city has no far been a
fr port in the Gernmn cuatom ays-
tern. . Riimarck's npcoch culminated
in n appeal to the patriotic feeling of
, . _ . , , .
th German people , whom he wants
to keep in mind that all his plans and
projects have but one aim ; to consid
er the unity of Germany. This is a
favorite ( urn of ipeoch with the
Chancellor when lie is hard pressed
for an agument to put bin opponents
at a disadvantage , and he has fro *
qnently used it with effect. Tlio patriotic
rioti nature of his political aims in
this respect ia scarcely doubted by
anybody. Hut the question is whether - '
er the measures ho insists upon *
are . necessary for the consolidation
of Gorman unity , and oven
whether their adoption would not bo
calculated rather to weaken than to
strengthen the popular desire for that
unity by making it less desirable nnd
, .
attractive. . The argument against
him on this point is
. . . very strong nnd
will tax his ingenuity to the * utmost.n
. , , . ,
With regard to the incorporation of
Hamburg in the Xollverein , however ,
ho . is not likely to have much trouble. .
Tlio measure was. at firnt strongly op- '
posed . . bj the merchants of Hamburg.
Hut it has been modified so ns to leave
part of the free port intact as to"u
commercial . . . facilities , and a great many
citizens of the old ITnnsa-tovvn have
meanwhile come to the conclusion
that the change as now agreed upon
may . bo rather advantngoous as to of
their , interests. The Reichstag is now al
asked to make an appropriation of
40,000,000 marks to carry out the
ngeeomeiitand ' that sum will probably"mn
English economists are beginning to
cheer up since the latest trade returns
show that the '
country's traffic is no
longi decreasing. It is increasing
this autumn , both in the direction of
exports nnd imports. Judging from
October , in fact , 1881 promises to boone
ot ( the b st business years that
Great Britain has ever had. The im for
ports of thn month amounted to over
JL'31,000,000 ' , or to fully 14 per cent ,
more than in the same month last
year , , and to only . ' { per cent , less than are
October , 18 ? ! > . Hut since thcro
those whc think there is no profit
these imports how is
, it with ex
ports ? Hero the record stands 13i are
cent , higher than lust year , and
per cent , above 18711. Altogether
there is a steady progress in thu recov
from the "hard times" which , a
years ago , swept over England as
as the United Slates. In homo
branches of trade there is still little Eng
profit , but the expansion in gonor.d -
solid and substantial. Now mar in
have boon found on the contin
as well as in the United States Cald
the Colonies. The value of Urit to
trade per capita ia etill a long way . .
ad of that of the United Stales , the that | |
though the absolute value of the 1st ,
is rapidly drawing up toward id ed
, by reason of the larger and con
Btantly increasing population in this got
Until now the position of Bosnia gliidi
Herzegovina in the European po stake
litia system has boon rather nmbigu less
. The latter province , in ono a
, has not boon at peace since she Eng
began her insurrection against Tur thou
in 1870. Roth , however , have who
occupied by the Austrians since trim
ratification of the convention bo-
twoeii Austria and Turkey in April ,
. Now , Aubtria professes to the
her domination absolute , and on sitio
4th inst. the introduction of com knoi
pulsory military eervico was decreed. dical
proclamation to ihu people ol ing
province pains were taken to make where
clear . that the now burdens shall bo
litllo ! irksome as poaHiiblo , The ro as
" are to be drawn from the thu
men , those of L'O nnd 24 alone
' called for at first , and sulmli 42
c are to bo allowed. ' 'S ;
li is only now and then that ono crats
A glimpse into the heart of the 14 ;
unti-Semitio movement in Russia , 1 ,
sorls of speculations are indulged that
on the continent in England and in empire
country , but Rutaia is such a fur- fewer
land thut thcro is little rcnlizutioi result
of the state of things. Re
cently , however , a local committee at
Ddcsan adopted , with only one dis
senting voice , a series of hearties1)
recommendations to the minister of
Lho interior that show just how mat-
torn stand. This declaration was to
the effect thnt thn Jnws ought to be
debarred from holding elective or ju
dicial ollices ; that it ought to bo made
illegal for them to Icnao crown lands ,
or purchase other lands ; that the
number of students in thu lower
schools and colleges should bo limited
at least to ns small a percentage nn
corresponds with the relative number
of Jews and Christians in Kusnia ; thnt
an old prohibition against the employ
ment of Christian servants by Jews
should be renewed ; thnt Hebrews not
practicing specific trades should be
forbidden to settle in the rural districts -
tricts ; that advocates professing the
Jewish faith ought not to bd permit
ted to plead in the courts ; nnd , worse
of all , HO far as the livelihood of many
is concerned , that all Jews should bo
prohibited from holding or buying
hills of exchange ) or promissory notes ,
unices ! they are registered members of
thu merchants' guild ,
Ex-Miniit r Wwliburne oxprcU
great things of the new French minwill
iitry. The prevailing opinion is that
it will , b merely an echo of Gnmbetta ,
and an establishment of paraonol gov
ernment . , in its most olFcnfiivo form.
Mr. Washbimio does not think
. . . ' . so.
II * believes that Gambetta will make
hit , nark as a moderate president of
the . council and minister of foreign
affairs , and holds that ho has of late
gained , in the esteem of die people of
Europe , whatever their politics. Mr.
Waahburno snya of Cazot , the minister
of justice , who is an eminent lawyer
of Paris , that ho is "a thinking re
publican ; " of Gochory , the minister of
posts and telegraphs ( a new portfolio ) , l
that ho is "talented , " and was a great
friend of Thiora , and o on of
others with whom thu Illinois status- °
man when abroad , bad a personal ac
quaintance. Nevertheless , on the
whole , the cabinet is composed of un
known quantities , save that they are
Gatnbottists. The chief will bo a 1 in
all. Moat of the ministers have been
radical republicans to date. M. Paul
Bert , the minister of instruction , is 01
best known for the pronounced hostil CK
ity which ho has manifested to relig of >
ious influences in the schools. Over
half of thu new ministers have been at
one time or another connected with
Gambetta's newspaper. Allain-Targo ,
the i minister of finance , is oditor-in-
chief ' of the Jirpnlliqnc Francuist , and
Proust . ' , the minister of line arts ' is one
his associates. If this isn't person'
government , what is ?
The bishops and priests of the Ro
man Catholic church in Spain have
rallied to the supf ort of the conservative
tivo party in opposing the civil marriage ed
riagc bill ; but the Sagasta ministry ,
supported by the liberals , are dolor-
mine to push it through , and will
doubtless succeed.
China is rapidly making efforts to er the
compete ] with other nations in the em
ployment ; of such modern conveniences
fort traveling and for the internal and mo
external exchange of commodities as
will constitute for her some important
claims to civilization. Steamship lines
being promoted and extended ,
lograph lines uro being extensively f
constructed ; railroads are projected to
connect all the important cities. Nor u
the arts of war neglected. Forti out
fications are being erected , arsenals As is
established , and European methods
generally introduced in both army and ,
navj for
According to published advices the
English : lire yory solicitous to know been the
what . , our Government proposes ) to do or
the cases of Chili. ' The opinions these
seen to prevail that , in seizing Garcia color
Caldoron , Chili has offered nn insult ' '
the United States which must be dotji
attoned for , and regrets are expressed
* * the Monroe doctrine stands in tlio tic
J way of England's joining the Unit
States in putting down excesses in land uare
Peru. This country will doubtless the
on very well in coming to un un offer
derstanding with Chili without out
advice or help. There are En for
glishnion who have a' considerable agents be
< in Peru , and they would doubt do
like to have matters assume such ing
shape as to provide an opening for
English interference. It is well ,
though that England has such a *
wholoaomo ] respect for the Monroe doc.
The new Gorman reichstag shows
following I changes in und compo nnd their
of parties , estimated from Kniifl.
known results and from the in zutloiH
dications furnished by thu vet here
in the hundred constituencies our
; ballntagos will bo ro
quired' United conservatives , 85 , more als
against 100 in thu last parliament ; ver
center , 110 against 10 , " > ; national census
( ixcetx
liberals , 47 against Ut ; secessionists. to
against 22 ; progressists , 00 against men
other liberals , 7 wgainat ! > ; non A
inoarehists , 7 ugainst 4 ; social-demo to
, 8 against 10 ; Poles , 17 against
Alsaeo-Lorrainors , 14 , and Dane Allwiny
A singular fact in thu voting is ivll
the socialist votes throughout ( he given inlxht
have numbered about 200,000 womna
than in thu previous election , a her. wliicli
in part attributable to the BO like
vero repressive measures Htill in force
uraiust them , and in part to Ihoso
economic projects of the chancellor
meant in part to benefit the operative
classes , which have earned for him
in some quarters the design.ition of
The British ambassador al Paris is
said to have notified the French gov-
eminent that England cannot look
upon the invasion of Morocco by
Franco as favorably as she did the oc
cupation of Tunis , The idea seems
to bo that Franco may have the mid
dle of the Mediterranean coast , but
Britain must not be overshadowed at
either end.
Opera cloaks are as lung as the drcsn.
Crystal beads decornto evening bonnets.
Cannry colored inolro hv ry fashionable
for brunettes.
llottlc-green Is now n very styll h color
for walking dresses.
Ermine is now only used for cloak lin
ings and theatrical garments ,
Alntdcn sonlskins nro now used altogether
for nvcques , ns Shetland cenls nio almost
Quaint : nnd tiny Queen Mali ; > < > ko bon
nets of white plush bo tvur arj worn by
little girls.
Mnguificont j white dieses of all kinds
will bo thu rage Ia the fnshionab.o world
this ' winter.
Tailors who make Indies' drcwscs nro
. . s numerous in Now York city ns
London , where the fashion originated.
Spanish bonnets of white plush trimmed
with cnscadcH of iiutrl-huadod In u nnd
wr-aths of white silk POIUIHJIIH , nro "love
ly" for blondes.
Mw. If G. Urnnd
, a lady 08 year * ol
died In St. Joseph , Mo. , front pyii'tnii ,
cawed by the bite of n rut upon her foot
while she was sleeping loot July.
Tnwiify , yellow-colorod Danish glove' ,
cvblntf fnr above the elbow ? , are worn
with elegiut evening dr snos nf the mont
delicate description , especially those of
white and cream color.
Jennie June say * she has Worn dresses
for over thirty-five years , nnd in that time
she hns denlt with two hundred dres
ers who can never , never see the gntes of
> cnrlMB and gold. They stole her cloth.
Muffs continue Kinali , and , indeed , nro
inado merely l rg enough to b-ild the
hands , Hag muffi nro popular , because
of their utility. They nro made in reticule
shape \ with n pocket on eacli dido , and with
cords and tnsscls , or ribbons to liaiu nn
the arm : whoa not in active use ns a iniitf.
Such muffs nro mndo of plush to match
with suits i trimmed with that material. ni
Great variety prevails in furs this season ,
nod the range of prices may also be said to
be infinite. ! Fnr borders , now nniong the
most fiu-hionnblo of trimmings , begin as
low as 2 > cents per yard , and thence go up
up , until they end far beymd the reaih of
oulinary purees , among i-ea otter , Arica
chinchilla , blue and black fox. nnd cm'li-
of nil , the rnro Itussfan sable , ; i borde- in
f which foots up 10 thu sum of $10 per ns
yard.Mil .
Millinery this season does nut depend
very largely npon floral garniture , but
there is an increasing demand for feather
adornments of every kind , both for bon. the
netH , hit ? , nnd nho for muffs nnd dre-ts
trimmings. Many of thcso birds and
fenthers nre very expensive , being brought
from foreign climes , nud showing tich and
fctriking effects of colors unknown to the
son sters of our own Aiueiicau forests and
If Miis ! Lillian Ducr , of Pokomoke C'ty ,
Md. , hiul been two years Inter with her It
little pistol she would have earned the
title of a hip-pocket crnnk. After being
convicted of killing her fri nd , Misa Kiln , who had cnielly refnhcd to nm'ry net
her , Lillie received the lightest possible
fcnteuce , and , oa mitturo r llection decid
that she would innrry a man instead of
looking ! further
among her own sex for a
husband. She married last week.
The favorite fur set it the rnulf and pelerine -
line , or round collar. Ladies \vlio require
much warmth over thu elicit choose the
pelerine , a i omul cape , straight on the low
edges , nnd extendinir half-way between
s nn < l elbows , the depth nt the
hack measuring about twelve inc-hes.
Nc\t _ to this in fashion comes the small ,
round Kiissian co lar , which is really the
t popular a ment of the two , since itn
email si7e makes it far lo.-ri expensive than
Amonfj the minor novelties on the shop
counters is a newly invented safety-pin for
shawls , bonnets or scarfs , which will bo
mid very useful. The pin has n bead on
each end , one of which comes oK witli a
slight procure , but can then be readjusted
hen thu pin is fixed in palace upon the imt
garment , thus pibtrnling it from slipping fund
of of position , or thu simrppoint , which to
usually bare , from pcr.itching the hands.
bonnet pins these neat little articles ar *
particularly commendable.
lienvcr fur is in great favor this teaMm then
fw" etnand is dressed in various wnys.siich their
the natural brown , the colored ben\ers. tlit-ir
plucked , half-plucked and uiipIuckL'd
benveix , the nil i cry or point d be ivers , and
now golden bea\er. lirown fnrx have that
gradually coniiiu into favor for t\v i shall
three years , anil now quiet rival the
glopsy black furs , A good choice among ilar
i < the na'.nnil beaver of dark brown in
, which nature , not art , has made ally
'ombre. ' each skin shovviiu a Jiretty ly pi
rangu of tints , nnd this is pi curved in the
polerincii , bordew , mulF * , etc. ,
There is such a dearth of female domes papers
Morvnntrt In t'utmda that u nuinher of H
ladies of Montreal recently hclit a lege
meeting nnd appointed a committee to lire-
a plan to Micour u'u domentics in I'.ng- Ito
to emigrate , nuihni/ing ollicers of
Canadian government in London to over
nasistanco in paying for passage nnd poured
insuring provision for their reception nnd There
support until employment was secure ! the
them , which it is stitted could easily to
obtained nt good wage * . Th < London was
of tbla ladles' league would doubt- firpu
Itmsrind the very servant * they need in the did
tituto regions of Ireland ; und In assist month
them t > Canada would not mil v a Id the hard.
anxious hnuHewivei of the Dominion , but exploit
befriend the iMverty-xtricken girls of the tale
KiLt-rftld iHle , nnd caiixe the Buu hlna of
cmfortnbl4 exlatenen to btream Into tbvlr escorte
midduucd livis. where
The writer f letter fioia Cha'iton , tion paying
vn , to Mi eastern paper thlak * ' there Hainlin
cp > c'ul. ' needs for beveral hundifd
thoiuond ofHho educntwl nnd refined girls
women of the oaHtern statex to miiko If
honied in Illinois , lovra , Mit-souri , curate
% " , \Nobrnxka. . They thould bo let'e
encouraged by thu vnrious church orgnni- out
eiut and bo welcomed a ml rt'cflvcd more
by the bnmo clans of goiKi people * t
various departmontn where wkill nnd Is
rduciktlon nro required. Such a inUsIon.iry "having
enterprino would largely tone up the mor large
of our extern states , nnd be worth give
than av > < times nil thu gold and sil beoaiii
In the United States Tieamiry. The l ) \
hhows in ( ho enntcrn xtatesng'eut ollker
of vviiinrii. und i'i thu fctut s rofrirvd tinnoche
nnd all the great wutt a great e\ct s of ceedim
, and
Middle-town young lady ha * a hcavjr when
uimtache. She utoutly ri'lu fH to submit pointed
the .razor , nn I a lifo of splutter-li'Mxl ' is promUn
inevitable. Thus far-midno farther the centive
, fi innul. Its par. gi-pli inll.untM ma ,
cnrlodiiy without natlnfying it. Nnuie- it. r
ntiues nnd in full bhould always be ed lr
In eiicb cascv. Her iiuiuo revealwl wnn
n'Bi'tie tLU too exitlm unt young skilled
f inn tha llfu of Bpin terh od to Vanity
The Jirrnal pi omnturily condemnj the
Honie'nmbiiloiii youiigiiiaiiwio ) vvdiild than
to have a jalr of inoiutachoU In the with
family but ciin'tgrow them hhnnclf , might
find In this I nlry M ddletovin girl hl < nn -
< > rnl nllinily. Why , indeed , should nny.
liody icpiiilntd her Itvcamo of fur nim
tache ? Can tlmt which mui think their
miMt irrcslstlblo clinrni bo wholly rcpul-
Ivo In woman ? We'd like to tnko n look
nt the girl , anyhow.-Huffnlo [ Kxpiess.
Hiiblnitcin's "Diutnon'Ms in propnrntion
at the Cologne Opera-Housc.
Dhustcr has nverlnlion ( teorge Clark's
"Connio Koogah" combination.
Mift Annfo Loui o C.iry was the chief
attraction st the o > enfng of the opera
hi use at Urbniia , O. , Inst Thurday night.
Mile. Hneft mode her first bo- upon the
Now York stnge in loth'n Theatre on
Monday evening , In the character of Ad-
rlenni I/ecouvreur.
.1.1 If. Hnverly hns tng.igpd Mr. 1'rfd
Hangs for two yenrs , nii'l ' will "ulnr" him
first in 'Michivl Strogoli , " and afterward
in tha legitlinnte drama.
llcing nuked if he would return to the
Unl'e States , Salvlni repltud : " 1 hnve
been there t twice , and America Lns had nil
the Italian . tindegy it want * . "
Miss Hnttio Schell , miprnno , nndthedis-
tlngulfhi'd contrnlto MII-S lluinin Wlnnnt
will DO the soloists nt the next lirooklyn
Phlllinrmonlc concert nnd lelienrsal Ieqiuvt
comber 1C and 17 ,
A clm'iRo hns taken place in tlio mem-
bo'shlp of tha1 , verf close cor.i > rntloii , the
Mendelsohn Club , \ \ illiam Jfcnrd , bari
tone , has resigned mid Mncgrane Coxo ha *
been elected to his place.
Ixmdon was already threatened vv ith n
deluge of orchestral conc'-rU when Mr.
Wnlter Mncfarrcu recently anuouncod
three moro. They am to be given In St.
Jamoi' Hull on l-'tbunry " . " > , March Hand
Mr. Longfellow , who i-i fond of the
thfutrc and always goes to the ' 'first
nlghto" at Bostou , is quoted ns wiving It at
Signor Itos J's po'forin.mce of ' 'King Lenr"
Is the finest interpretation of the part he
bus ever seen.
In the Hnfoporn theatre , at Vienna , on
November 3 , a celebration wns held of the
sixteenth nuuivenn y of thu firnt perform
ance of Weber's "ler ) Frcischiita. ' In
lierlin this opera hns been snug over five
hundred times
Miss Mary Anderoon uttra-tod crowded
houncs throughout Inst week , at the < host-
nut ntreet Opnra House , Philadelphin , nnd
W8H ro > iveil with great ontliUBianm. Thu
ongagemcot was the best thnt wliehiwover
played ia Philadelphia ,
Mi Annie Louise Cnry is m ctioned ns ! ,
the iH Messor of 8450,000 all carnoil by "
her own charming v. ice. Among her
treasures i < one of the most nerfett omer- f.
nldsintho wjld : it vveiKhs twonty-tl.iee , ,
cnrntf , nnd is nlued nt S.'O.KK ) . It was } i
bouybt nt the hale of Queen Isabella's jew-
l''B ' >
' . Mnrgueritu St ra , soprain , who is
atnong the recent arrivals from Krnope , is i
nformer pupil of J. K. Pnlne of Noston.
Uuring her six years abroad nho studied r
with the celebrated nino.itros.Saii Oiovnn-
nnd Lnmperti in Milan , nud Mnrtel n
Paris. S will be heard I
e nhortl > * in con
certs in New York nnd Boston.
Mr. Franz Hummel , after a senson in dic
London in whith ho plnyo I at the Crystal
Palace and Mr. Onuz's comerts , went to
lierlin , where ho achieved pronounced
success , Commenting on thit tact Tno the
Athenaeum mentions his appearance n
London la t i-en on , and says : ' 'But
s many r'auis'B were then befnro the
i.ublic , his merits may hnve I eon to n cer
tain extent overlooked. "
Speaking of the money which .vealthy
nnd btaze-stmck ladits sometimes pay for and
privilege of appearing in pub ic , a
New York manngerieco tlysaid : ' "jomo
nuintcuis do nut care at all iibout the
money. In one of our thontres half of llio
nctrensei nre amateurs nnd bulling to good
New York familiesUne lady I know of the
who acts cccasiomilly and spends u t-ood She
denl of money tbnt way. La t year her
lo'bes vvcro § 10,000 , but bhe did not mind nnd
, and her agent bought himself n nice
Jiitle place In the country. "
Joseph Rubinstein has fo-wnrded the snw
pinna scnro if ; the lirt-t half ofthet-etord
of "J'" from 1'aleuno to Leipzig ,
where the first net is alrendy in piess.
Paul Schumacher hns bad tb privilege of
examining the tcoro of the lir-t parr , and
oommuuicatcH his jmpre-sipns of lite Mils- th
ikwett. The Orail motif is written ! n tlie
f-tyle of the old Ca'bolic church musii ;
Tun Kundry motif i < wild and agitnted , of
suggesting that of the Walkyne < ; nnd the
Swan motif from "Lohengrin' " occurs the
ughcmt tin opera whenever the occa-
ion calls lor it.
Among the students in attendance it Coo _ it
college , Codur Hnpid' , is an Indian maid
from the Brule Sioux tribe of western
She is a bright nnd attentive to
M ' . K. A. fioodnow , of A\roicuatcr ,
Mass. , who purchased for Mount Jfolyoku
heminnry the Hne ehtato of ( ioodnnvv P.ira ,
. .institution n Thank giving presl .J
of 8- > , COO in cinh , to bo invested nn n
, the income of which thai ) be devctcd New
keeping the park in order. Ho
The School Board , of Keokul ; , is lis- 8ireu larger
ciintinuii'g High School commencement * , ]
the ground that students who gradunte
nnd receive their diplomas nnd speak WHH
piece' , are KO filled with the belief in Hiifo
own greatness that they thinlc n the
hO in n col ege unneces-ury. smart
The Illinois State Uo rd of Health rules any
after the rimt of Jjinimy no child
bo ndndtted to the pnbliu bchxils iiuleil
without a certificate of vaccination. Sim the
action has been tnken in * cvctal cities cither
the northwestern states , it being gener with
fear-d thnt small-pox will bo unnsiml- deck
uvalent during the winter. "
The suit against Bowdoin slon
College stu "I
for huzmg reminds Maine newx-
of nn experience of Dr. Cyrus W.
mliu , now prosi lent of Mldd'cmiry ' col only "E
, who was hazed because the I oyn
thought ho was too great a faror-
with the faculty. His fellow Kngle
students bored boles in the ceiling
his bed , and when he wns unleep house
two gallons of molasntH over him. two
were no matches In those dav s , and und
frightened studout , supponing himself "Pret
be weltering in blood , r < n ont-.loo a and of
Ml/ed by the boy * , who lighted bon- „
and ducke < l him i.ndor a pump , Ifo wood
not recogni/e his ciptors , hot kept his Is
shut und hiv eyes open and thought Hash
. The boys were too proud of their omb
to keep quiet ; nnd , 10 runs the Wo
, one line morning t-everal brilliant but In in
frightened young men found theuist-lveu Hrush
1 by coiiitnblcti to a nqulrr's oflice ,
they weie glad to c nip umisu by
n turn which , n the eollegH tradi De
hns It , wns uutflcient to carry Mr. rnilro
through college und tlio theological trunks
seminary , though
Vanity Fair , of Han Trancli-co , Is ac "I ! > < ! >
In its nsheitioiirt , llio Mtdlctl col-
of the Unlvcrnlly of California turnn front
gr duntes to prey upon the ijublio with Timts
than ordinary InaifTerenco l > their "
qiialificatiouH. Ono student in parttcnlur "A
mentioued , of whom we re told that to a
wholly failed in his examluntlon n better
majority of the faculty denird to editor
him Lin diploma nntvvithxtanding , want
> e h'n family had been reduced lo advhe
'by th i war ( his fnthor had been nn buslncM
in i tin reb 1 army ) ; and on I'r. Mm- worth
refu iin to be u paity to the pro. .
; the young nniii W.IH called in
obked ; Jf thry gave him hi < di column
nnw would he pronilft to study nnd
he got home ? lr. Maitiinipolio list ,
out the ab.surdityof askin , ' such A night
from a man who , having the In
before him of obtaining his diplo might
hail yet failed to ttndy enough to eairi line * ,
utitvvasoim | > uec. and the really learn writer
Martiii'iachu ' was inennleil. It the
for biich rtubt orn honesty that Ihix
nnd lenrned man wan get lid of. " n
Fair calls the medicil college of huve
univertity of C lifurnia "little better elsewhere
a farce/ ' and nays that ' 'the faculty , c'e on
a very few exception" , U eoinHMfd | of rintown
men who know lees thnti the hut-year
tiidentof good catter * anil Kuro | : Mi * ol-
Icgvt. "
_ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ „ _ _
'I'he notireable thing nbout the marriage
of Noah Trnverso nnd Mrs. Klizi A.
Krutr , of IMilvvillo , Iowa , the other day ,
Is thnt ( acli { 4 7'i jcats of nge.
A girl at Ciultcmllle , N , C. , wa
locked In a room bv her father , who.
chained n ravage bulldog under the win
dow ; but hei finer poisoned the do . pried
oiien the window , nnd carried her ill to n
A French matrimonial adveili oirent :
- ' Marriages.--A young man withm t
fortune , but po s'using n iinmo honorably
known nnd a I'eneroiis heart , wiilics to
pardon n great fault. ( A rich young girl
preferred. )
( ! ovcrnor Murray , of Utah , sent ( Jitv.
crnor Crittendrn , his hnlf-brothor , of Mis
souri , ns a WMldiliij present , n silver biick
weighing eight nnd one-half ounce" , nnd
inscribed : " 18Mi. C. .1. 1881. Alficilon.
ate cotigrntul.itions of I'M nnd 1'helyn.
Utah-Missouri. "
- .
One of the best
miintcnded nlires on a
good many iuviutIons to f Mdoiinhle wed
dings is the copy of nn invitation pub-
limbed by nn f.xchnnge , which nadi us fol
lows "Mr. and
Mrs. tcspcctfnlly re-
qiuvt your presents rt the mnrrin o of
their djuiliter"etc.-Ncw [ York MniL
Th < > tirnnd Duke and Duchcts ( if Bndcn
found among the presents nt their recent
Hllver wedding n huife pine tree made of
HoliJ siivcr trunk , branctot and cones. It
wns intended not only to remind the pnii
of tboir ( t rman home , but to couimeinor-
ate the traditions of the house of linden ,
in which the pine pl y < t a prominent part.
A fcwduyg since A youngnmu was jailed
in MoMIcinville , Tenn. , for carry ng n pis
tol. His tweetheart , o young Itwly recid-
lug in Lincoln couotvt heard of his troll-
b.ennd weLt to IfcMinuvillo.nml , by i > er-
Honal atipcnlri , induced citizciiH of that
town to go oo Lii baud. ' Sbo then married
Lim , nud the two departed for her home.
A Nnslnillo girl Lrinx for * iddeu to.
nnrry her lover , i lotniheu obedience , but
ouo day requested lirr father to hand their
pastor a note on Liu way t > hucineps. Thui
lie wan uusuapectedly led to deliver nn in-
vitntiou to the clergyman to call nt ouco
mid pe'fonu the
prohibited ce-emouy ; nd
the latter , proimmiug that jiaronulconsent
had teen obtained , rendily obeyed th -
From the old worldcomes the nrrorthat
Mrs. Cnrtwright , one of the mo-t f shion-
ublu w. men of the American Colony in
I'arij _ . , is to marry the Earl of .Ashl urn-
hnui > n bachelor , just turned of for y , .
nho belongs 1 to n family of fctupcndoas an
tiquity. , . Among his other possetsions nt
Inn splendid ! home in Kent nro the mlken
\mdervear and shirt worn by Cburlea L on
the scaffold , ui d bequeathed to the Karl
by xoiiio ' old ancestor who wns in thot
toubl'r timea n ( Jrooin of the Chamber.
Mrs Itecdcr , on the death of her hus
band , received the following letter from
Frniiklin 15rollinr of Carroll , Mo. : ' ]
hive ju t icceivid the newp. Will you
marry me tow ? Knclostd find SiOO to
ring you and your children here. "
Urolliir nnd Mrs. Koeder had been en
gaged before the wnr , but an tincontra-
od report that ho had been killed in
bnttlo led her to marry another man.
When he learned that h- had loit her he
went we."t nnd waited 20 yenra to rcnevf
courtship , She said yes.
Ka e Deering , n Maryland ciuntry girl
20 , has ) b.un pestered by n mnn named
Peddic rd , who has been seeking for her
hasd in marriage ever since ho was 14.
She finally go ; n situation in n .Baltimore.
milliuciy store , _ but ho followed her ,
Micceeded in decoying her to the
house of a clergjnnm , a ter which he
thuwed her a marriige ceititicate and
claimed her ns his wife. Her pluck wns
ccmilto the occasion , Invvever , and she
denisd the pretended manLige arid defied
Jiretended hiiihnnd to nssert his claim.
had just apijo led to the courts to pro
nounce hia marrinne certificate fraudulent ,
readily got n decision in her favor , the
miuiutei- who was cluimed to h ve per
formed the ceremony denying that he ever
the parties.
Ten million f.ilso teeth were prodiif f d in
s country last year. Chew on that.
"Ornntes , " say the dealers , "will be
cheap this winter. " Not if yuu buy them
the train boy.
Canada expended § 2,000 in preepiitinf ;
piize tight and yet n Toronto b. > xing-
master charges SI per lesson and has fifty
The cigarmakors of Milwaukee have
out i on u strike. This will lie good
for the unokors. The world has
tuiffer about all the Milwaukee cigarx
can ttnii'l.
The story that a Louisuilo ( girl refused
ma ry a lover whoso breath smelt of
whisky is another proof thnt n man who
Bn't carry roosted coffee in his vest
trocke can never hope to have nn ' Hon. '
before his name.
The rew Secretary of the Treasury has
jnstpiid S10 for a cow he killed on the
Jersey marshes while sninu huntinif.
now J news tlmt n cow is coiiMidcrubly
th n n rmipe , and also ha.s n giejter
spread of hoi us ,
ThisHnfe is empty call at the house , "
the caul which burglars found on the
in a ( Jreeii Itay ollice. They called at
hin.-.e nnd robbed it of $000 , and the
oflico clurk hasn't got the big
more. [ Detroit Free Press.
"Jt" [
At theater nnd opera this winter , man's
m-iledictlons me forcible and nudible for
rc.ifon that ho cannot see over , or on
side of the huge piece of millinery
which fashionable woman gees fit to
herbelf 1 when on dicss parade.
Hah ! " ho exclaimed , vv th an uxpres-
of groatdisgust , after kissing his wife ,
dn believe you ve been smoking ci aret *
cheap ; and nasty ones , at thnt. ' ' "It's
too true , " nho replied , nonchalantly.
took ti'cm out of the bundle you
brought home hibt night. " ( Urooklyn
Not long since a family moved into a
) n Austin avenue. Aftern week or
a friend of the family called on thorn
asked how they liked the locality.
"Pretty well. " "Have you cal ed on any
the nekhlurn yety" "No , but I am
i'toif th-roH any more of my fire
missing. ( Texas Sittings ,
this a Chignon ? No , it is a Plato of
, lint where are the Hriioh and
? Wo cannot * ervo the Hnsh unless
hnve o nrunh nnd Comb. The Comb
the butter nn4 the linby hns put the
In the Coffee Pot. Don't cry ;
Children , we will Give you noine nice
Molatses with Preltv green Flict. In it.
politest man I eber seeil ivns at a
id depot. A fellow with n lot b
on a long thing vvheelin' nroun'as
ho vverp trym' ter run over every-
Finally A man tepped up an' sez :
bee yer hn < 'elderably trouble rimnln1
| > eople. To oblige yer , I'll utan' In
of yer machine. ' [ Sew , ( Jrlcans
young mnn from theoiuntry"wiites
city editor asking If authorship
than thc < lhrntrlKd profession , The
has not given an answer , and if he
) to do the rural nelson a kindiiMs we
that he urges him to embark in the
of discovering cometH. They are
from S200 to S'SiO apiece , nholenale- . Herald ,
When the editor receives by innil n tu o
nrticle an dry as the past smmnei
us interestliii ; ns the dvlinijuunt tax
he looks as bland ns li ! o'clock mid
, an I impatiently rurmrkii : "Wlmt
inuuffernblti riibhish ! The twelve pages
easily be boiled down to twelve
and improved thereby ! " Hut the
is MI old patron of thu paper , nnd
artlc e goes in without n par tide of
elimination , und the ed.tor illudes to it In
paragraph Minielliing like this'e
the pleuturo of pre onting our renders
a very nlle and Inteiebling uiti-
" ( told \e. ( jrcenback,1' tie. N"ot