Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1881, Page 2, Image 2
9. TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 3 1881. MAXWELL THE MURDERER Some Things Ed , "Have Away" Before Ho Was Lynched , BominisconcoB of Hia Many Desperado Adventures. Whab the Brothers Did While They Were in Nebraska. Description of tlio Old Mnn'n Home nnd Snrronndtuz * . The capture of Ed. Maxwell , one of the Wisconsin murderers and despor- ndoes , by Sheriff Kilian , near Ciriuid Island , nnd the snbseiiuent lynching of the prisoner after ho wai taken back to the scene of former crimes , nro still Iri'sh in the minds of the roadars of TUB HUE. Maxwell was induced to talk while ho was in jail in Wisconsin and made some interest ing discloslllcs. IIIH AIlVn.VTL'ltOl'S were recounted by the luttor in n style which , if torso , was eraphic , nnd dif fered entirely from the conventional , braggadocio style indulged in by Uig Nosed George nnd scoundrels of that ilk. In fact , nothing seemed to dis gust the man more than loud talk of nny kind , nnd ho said frequently that profanity was n.i useless ns whisky drinking , or running after lewd wo men. men."If I had done either , " ho said , "I tihould long ago hnvo been caught , or , inoro prob.ibly , boon shot in a brawl I haven't n very good temper when roused , anyhow , and whisky would make a devil of mo. " In short , it seemed to nil who talked with Maxwell nt nil , connectedly , that ho had taken the robbers of yo olden times as prototypes , nnd had modula ted his voice to softest accents in or der not only to keep up the role , but as well , to surprise those who expected to moot n blatant man , full or strange oaths and lewd romembr.inces. What was the nearest call you over Lad , Maxwell ? asked the reporter atone ono time. Why [ touching ] , I came nearer to turning up my toes ono night in II - linois , when all I was after was somej0 thing for Lon and mo to eat , than I over had before or have tinee. Wo were mighty hungry , and were in too thickly settled n region to make it healthy to bo seen around much durcui ing the day time , so one night about II o'clock Lon hid in some bushes near a farm bouse and I started to work the pantry. I got in through n window easy enough , and the jirst thing I did ( it wasn't us bright ta day by any means ) W H to stuniblo against a bed in which a couple of half-grown kids were Bleeping. Ono of them raised up" on its elbow ( I could see better when my eyes became accustomed to the change from outside ) and yelped , in n whisper , 'who's there ? ' I kept still as a mouse , and the youngster lay down nnd pretty soon was sleeping. I then wont to n door which I was sure led to the pantry but , bless you , it opened right into the room whom the old limn nnd women wore sleeping. She must hare been half ivwuko and heard me , for she gave him a nudge. Ho woke n weasel , and ho must have . r "with his revolver in bin hand , for he opened on me with a ! I-caliber ( I could tell the izo by the report of the cartridge nnd the ping of the bullet ) and before I could roach the door lie had fired twice. I heard the whiof the ball each time , and ho didn.t miss mo n mile , so I turned and ran out of the room , and jumping through the win dow I had left open , made some of i the tallest running time on record. The old follow followed me and let fly the other four chambers in my direc tion. Lon heard the row nnd tlio lint thing I knew ho had opened lire At the house from his brush lay out. I tell you the load whistled round me there for n while mighty lively , and I wag glad to got to cover oven though my stomach was empty. ' A TKIIIUTK TO Bl'OOI'KNIIVKi : . "What aliases did you use in travel ing through western Minnesota and into Nebraska. " "Oh , any that conies into our bends. Once , when we crossed n railroad , near Iowa somewhere , Lon picked up : i book that had evidently been dropped from n train , and was called Spooponkyko. We read one story in it I rmnombor particularly- about thu time thu old man and his wife went fishing , and she caught nn eel and 1 think Lon laughed for thu first time "since Fanny died. Wo ca'led ' ourselves Spbopondyko to thu lirst fellow we met and had tiny conversation with , niid'I recollect'bo said "Well , , stran ger , that's n durn queer sort o' name , ain't it ? " The name we used moat , however , was Thompson , after Lon's wife's stepfather , because it wasaconi- inon name and familiar to us , " "How did you gotnlongfor clothesf "Wo djdn't got along nt nil while we were around Leech lade , and were the sorriest scarecrows you ever saw. Wo had torn up all the lighter parts of our clothes to make bandages for our wounds , and keening these bandages wet euro us in the end. When we started south wo got soinn clothes a coat , two vesta and n pair of pants and afterwards found some shirts nnd stockings in n house wo burgled for food. " AUMH AND AMMUNITION. "Didn't you run short of ammuni tion ? " "No ; we didn't have to use much , and we made every shot count. ( Mix- vrell's pride in his markamanship cropped out upon nil occasions. ) When vfo got to Nebraska we bought the machine for loading cartridges that > was afterward captured when I WUB , ' "How many arms had you ? " "A great many more tnr.n were ol any use to in. I often thought that we overloaded ourselves. Wo had u Winchester and throe revolvers apiece "Wo carried the apnro revolvers wrapped up in our roll of blankets till wo got to Nebraska , when we bhippml ' them nwny. " AIIOUT HIS KATHKIt. ' 'I suppose you were very sorry not to have soon your father ! " "Yes , wo both wanted to HUD the old man very badly. Lon hud a heavy { { old ring he ( > aid seven dollars for , that I was wearing when captured , and nnd 1 concealed it ni 1 wnnted to fiend it to father. ' When 1 went out of the cell to got dinner I laid the ring on the Moor , nnd while I was gone thu turnkey swept out the cell. So the ring was gone when I c.inio back. I didn't say anything about it , because theic was no 11.10 giving the thing awny. 1 guess the turnkey's got it. ' TUB I'AHBNTS of the outlaws , for the last live years , have lived in niiomeitend some 1U miles a llttlo west of eouth of Ivonosaw , in this ( Adams ) county , nnd near Morse- villo postollice , in Silver I.ako pre cinct , though they got their mail nt Osco , just over the line , in Kearney county. ins 'on iiorsK. They lived in n neatly built nml nicely kept nod house , about IHtSJii , having nshinglodroof and bonrd floors. It is also plnstuied within , so that , with the exception of being plastered around to the door nnd window jambs , without wood fltiiihi nnd not being plastered overhead , its interior appearance is much that _ of any other finiahed house. It is a low one story , with a still lower attic , reached by a perpendicular , stjitionary ladder , where the three younger boys stowed themselves at night. The beds are curtained oil'at ono end , and a cleanly-kept cupboard , or safe , near the ntovo , nt the other , nnswors the purpose of pa try and l.irder. Over head were hung n couple of shooting- irons , but only such as are kept for gnuiu purposes by most of our home steaders. I'AMILY HISTOilV. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnxwell are natives of Cumberland county , I'a , but moved from there to Wyaiidot o county , Ohio , soon after their marriage , where they lived some yenrs , nnd whore Edward and Alonxo , and a sistur be tween them , were born--Edward being 28 years old nnd Alonxo 212. Tlio family then moved to Ful ton county , Illinois , and thence by successive removals to Woodford and McDonough counties , in the same state , during which time ono girl and three boys were added to the fnuiily. In the spring of 1874 the old gentle man and Alonxo came to Nebraska and took up the homestead whore the family now reside leaving Ed. in jail in Illinois on a charge of burglary. In thu fall both returned to Illinois , hut in the spring the family , with the exception of Ed nnd Lon , came to the homestead , hero , whore they have since continuously resided. HI ) . AND I.ON. IN THK I'KNITBNl IA11V. The father , on leaving Illinois , pro cured thu best counsel he could gut for Ed. IJut , thu result was ho wan sent to the penitentiary for ono year , from which , by the force of the "good time" provision , he was lull-used in some eight or nine months. Not long after , however , both Ed . nnd Lon. were arrested for burglary , and convicted. Ed. being sentenced tor six years , and Lon. for a shorter timo. Upon Lon's release , he cimo to Nebraska , remaining some thing over a year , and working ex- Trauuror Thome's farm , in Silv'er Lake : , for the season of 1878. He was n hard and faithful worker , raisinc ovorSOU busholsof wheat. Sel ling his grain , he returned to Illinois , early in the fall , but came back in the spring , and purchased 80 acres of land , near Mucon , in Franklin ciunty. Ho then went to Northern Wisconsin , sis the father believes with the purpose of ournini ; money to pay for his land , nnd to live thcncofonvad nn honest nnd upright life. Ki ) . OUT or rniso.v. But by virtue of his "irood time" it Booms that ho behaved uniformly well in prison Ed. was released from the penitentiary , last January , in a little ovnr fouryears from his commit tal. He at once went to Wisconsin , whore Lon. was , and had married , and joth were soon after , charged with lorso stealing and thu rest has boon , old in all the loading papers of the liy. The father says both boys wore "good boys at homo. " Ed. was full of life and fun. Lon. was quieter and a liard worker , but always sided with Ed , , and was disposed to ' 'help him out , " in any of his alltiirs. Ed. se always to have boon the loader , ami to have had n power over Lon , thai the latter nt least did not resist. He was very much embittered by the death of his wife , which occuired through fever , while Ed. and Lon were _ both absent on some of their ox poditions. Ho thinks she was no properly treated by the physicians and tlioso about her. Ed. had neve been in Nebraska , until thu time h _ was recently captured , near Gram Island , where ho was apparently inak ing his \\iiy \ to see liis father am mother ono'j more , whom ho had no seen for eight years. ESriMATION or Tlll'.III NUIIIIIIIOUM. All the Nebraska members of th family stand well in the estimation o their neighbors. The father is super intondont of the neighborhoodSunda school , and ia , \vo believe , . member of the 1'resbyterian churcl a farmer whose credit i above par with all who know him The mother would impress anyone , a a lady of more than usual sense am quiet sensibility , bearing herself witl wonderful fortitude nnd calmness , un dor the overwhelming calamity "tlm has ovurtakou her. The sisters un above reproach , and among tlio moa respected ladies of the vicinity. Mrs. Thorno , it is said , is greatly distressed by the conduct and fate of her oldo brothers , A SlBuifloant Tact. lljo cheaH' | t medicine lit use U TIIOHAH hCLKCTiuu On. , becauno HO very little of | IK rniu red to ciFtct a cure. Tor croui dlptborla inul disc es of ti.o IIIIIKH m throat , whether uswt tor bathing the clu- or throat , liirtaldnu internally or u It in n iimtclile > s coniKuiml. | eodlw = ; b Avin4l _ _ _ Auotbor r t. Patent Locomotive. Kt. l.ouU Itallut ) ' lle l.tir As the locomotive Fontaine is a re ported failure , there is n noncandi Uate i for favor on the Cumden nnd At lantie line. This locomotive lias twe driving wheels on each side of Jive fee eight inches in diameter ; four eylin tiers of ton and a hall inches in bore two on each side four ; cross heads urn 01 double connecting piston rods on cacl side. It la evenly balanced , and wil do nwny with the jairing on the rails when in motion , because the powei will ho exerted on theijunrtorsoctiono the . driving-wheel instead of 01 the half section , us jjn locomotives now in mo. It i said that when the engine wa rst built it was r.iisjd upon four jack crows and tired p ; the throttle wns ilioiicd , nnil tliu engine rnn up to bout 275 revolutions jer minute vitlioul dangerous vibration , proving lie corroctiiciis of the principle" em- iloyed in balancing. Tlie Two Voice * . i ni r vmrr. Life In M > full of trouble , HII frniiijht with Kfi f and pnln , With ( striving nnd uith ymnl K I'or tlilngi wo ne'qr itttain : H < > filled with vain ciulonvor , Ho 1 ulcn wi h iti \ < w , Thftt the HtroiiR-nt licnrt must cluiJdcr At thinking of iticron * . Oh , If wo cnnld lint nhmibcr The weary liiiiirn nwny , I'orifelttli ) , ' all the ttlnls That Kither round the ilny ! If we could drop our cnwe * llcsidtM the pnlh we tri'ivl , And go our ways in glndncM , With not n tenr t < i SKCOM ) Vlti : . Oil , life IH nut fo > slumberl llcntrinif , ' to dare ami do ; endeavor , Teed ! and iiinn be true ! Think not HO much of trouble , And not mi much of bi n , An of HID crown lewnnlinK The bcniurs of n croii. Help those who j urn y with yon Hy cnnicnt wonU and dwN ; Hear ono another' * bunions ; Uf thought BOW prucloim feed * . So Hhnll thu way seem fll rter , Lews hedged itlx > ut with pain , And life Intre more of nuiishinr , And leimif chilly rain. - [ U en K. IJexfonl. A CHINESE WEDDING. Clio Union of fen Yon.'nnil Sadie Mshoney. 'liiMtt" Trlliiino , Noumber 'M. Among tlio marriage-licenses pub- ishctl in yesterday's paper was that of Sun Yon , of No. 142 West Lake street , ui'i Sadie Mahoney , of No. CM Mil- vnukeo avonuo. While tliuro arc sev eral Chinamen doing business hero vho liuvu wliitu wives , tlio addition of loniu other to the list is a matter of ; omo HUlo interest , and for tlio pur- > OHO of letting tlio public know how his last Htrangoly-wedded pair were ( jetting on r. reporter last evening : allod ut tlio number indicated on West Lake street , which , it is almost uiporlluiiuu to add , is u laundry. A 'orlorn looking old maid , evidently of Swedish or Danish extraction , who vas doing ollico duty , explained that 3on Yon had been away all day , and n fact had been attending to business so poorly of late that the laundry bus- ness was going to thu old ] f arry. \ny number of people bad called dur- the day _ and Monday to see about heir washing , but all to no avail. 3cn Yon was too much wound up in novo eve affair to have any care for 'wushce , " and there was no tolling when ho would ngnin settle down to ) usiness. A little inquiry developed 'ho tact that the o cl maid's noao was i little out of joint by reason ot the nnrraigo , and she no doubt , nt some line or other , had calculated upon * vooing the Clnncao proprietor herself. n answer to questions she explained hat she frcquuiitly worked by the day or Yon in the laundry , as also did ho brido-elcct. HUH .IKAI.OU.SV OT T1IK cropped out when she said that Sadie vnii it pretty girl , 'nutter looking than 'lorselt' , only 1(5 ( years old , but very frivolous ami naughty , making a hab it of staying out o' nights and loafing. Tlio conversation seemed to create considerable consternation in several narrow apartments back of the ollico , uul beyond a scanty curtain in the ssn owiiy bare feet and ankles were ) lainly .visible scurrying to and fro , ind the simultaneous swish and rustle if well-starched skirts betrayed the ne.soMco of sundry females. The re porter began to suspect that he had struck n Chinese harem. Suddenly a pair of ankles directly beneath the curtain nnd the latter was drawn aside just far enough to show a face made : ) oiuitifiil with paint , [ powder , and a blonde wig. "Is she pretty ? Urn ! Slio's as pretty us a picture , " and her head was suddenly withdrawn , only to reappear in a more advantageous plucu on the other side of the curtain , "Is she as good as she looks ? " naked the reporter. "Who , the bride ? Well , I should amilo. " "Are you she1 ? "Me ! Not much. She's away too. Love on the brain. " "Whore does she live/ / " "Ileio , I suppose. " "And her parents/ / " "Oh , they lives on Milwaukee nvo nue. No ( WO. Do they know Hho'in tends to marry n Chinaman ? No much ; TIIKV'I ) mtUAK . iir.u NICI : ; IIKKOHI riujv'n U'.T 111:11. : " "When is the wedding ? " " 1 dunno. Next Sunday I guess Sadie went to see the minister yestor day , nnd they BOJS bo's a coming hero Sunday afternoon to splice them. " "Any more girls roundabout hen on thu lookout for Chinese husbands/ / ' "Dunno. " As the reporter was about to with draw , the owner of the blonde wig am pretty nnkles , who had nil alon ; , steadfastly i of used to materialize to nny great extent , volunteered the in formation that it was her belief thai there was no use of nny ono trying to witness the ceremony , for it hnd very likely taken place already , and Yoi nnd bride were probably making n wedding tour among the cheap lodg ing.hniuea , or among the laundrioa o. other Chinamen who were equally blessed with white wives. The honeymoon oymoon was likely to bo a short one , and she expected thu couple soon t < their washtnba and soapsiuh. Bnokiur * Arnica Salvo. The beat salvo intho world for outs > bruises . , sores , ulcers , salt rheum fever sores , tetter , chapped hands chillblnins , corns and all kinds o akin eruptions , This salvo is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction ii every case or monay refunded. 1'rico 25c per box. For sale by T-H & MoMAiioK , Omaha. ' One of the Reasonable Ple.imrei ll'o ' , n p oiwrly coskiil , alTonli llttlo o ] iio | > ri iMit ciijo ) uii-iit , uinl inn milucimuni tor tl u toavoiillriuvil < l > HitU | > . lint ulitu ilironl. tiiri.-otioiiliiraiiili-iltiilultli ' oitcitvr'iH ouuil limtvM , tliv foo.1 U iu i n with nlitli. niul mom mi | > ortaiit of all , U as ImlUtiM | , y and noiirUhe. Imu.\6tcm. l ! o tliU ifranil tonic anil vorrcitlto hliMi to miu'iiy ( oii.ilpitlon , l.lllou < iiew. rlim liiu'lun , lu-ir all I a u . A , G , TROUP , ATTORNEYATLAW If } on 8uOtr from Ij i > | > cf > iln , nio IIUIIIIOCK I1LOOI ) IllTTEKS. If J on arc adltitctl nlth Illllon'nci" , n o DUItDOOK 11IXJOI ) llfTTKKS , f } ou tire iirottratcil with sick Headache , Uko IIUIIDOCK 111.001) IlllTKItS f your Ilowtlsaro dliordcrod , ri'iftilalu them nlth IlL'UDOCK III. jOD 1II7TEH8. f j-our Illoodli munrr , purify It with IIUItlKKJK III.OOU DITTEItS. fouhato Indigestionjou will lindnn antidote n IIUIIDOCK UI.OOD IllTTKIlS. f you arc trouMcil with Sprint ? Complaint" , er adicate Hum with JIUHPOCK I1LOOD IIITTCIIS. I your l.HcrH torpid , restore It to healthy action \ltli IIUHDOCK HI.OOD niTTKUS I jour I.hcr Ii Affected , you " 111 find n sure re- toratli u In IIUIIDOCK M.OOD IllTTKIlS. ( you luvcnny species of irunior or Pimple , full lot to take IJUIIDOCK 1)1.001) ) IllTTKIlS. f you have any tyniptonnot Ulcers or Scrofulous Horcs , a curatlto remedy u ill bo found In UUIIUOCK 111.001) DITTEIIS 'or Imittrtlii ; , ' strciiKth nml xltohty to tlio ej3- cm , nothing can equal IIUIIDOCK I1I.OOD 11ITTKIIS. 'or Ncnous and General Debility , tone up the intern ulth IltmDOt'K III.OOD niTTEIlS. Price , 1.00 per Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti FOSTER , MILBUEN , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ith & JIcMahon and C. F , loodnmn , jo 27 ood-tnc Tnls Kruat ( [ "ccifle cures that most lott.-isonic SYPHILIS "Whether ii > Its Primary , Secondary or Tortinrv Stngd- Ilemoici nil trace * oM cicury ( rain the sjs- toui , Cure * H.rofnln , OKI h'oru' , Ithcuinn. tit in , 13' 7im . Ca urrh or any blood Cures When Hot Spring Fail ! Mal.crn , Arl . , May 2 , IbSl Wo hni o owl In our town we o lived at Hot iiinir and uciulliially cured willi S S. si. Ml'ltiiv , , Menu. , May 12 , ISSt Vi'o haa hold 1/2UU liot Ics of . - < . S. S. In a year , t lias ueiunixrnial \ Nitlsfjctlnn. hnlr Illliuk-d | iiiicmiia | now i ( 'commend It ' .s a positive ipeiltlc. S. & Co. I.ouU\IIIc , Kv , , Mny 13.18S1. f > . S. S. has yiii ii In'ttcr tali Mc'lan than any ncdlcine I Imu c\cr sold -I. A. I ° LNEK. . lon ) c-Col. May 2,1831. Kiery purcha cri peaks In tl.e lil'/licst tenns oj S. H. S. L. Muisactcr. lllchn end , Vn. , May 11 , IgSl. You can refer am body toi In roiaril to the merits of S. S. S. 1'clk , Miller & Co. Hare nci er known S. S. S to fall to cure a. case of Sj phlll * , uhun iirnpbUy taken. ( II. I , . IHtiLunl. ) . . . KllW.rren , , lerr > , n , . Tlio alioio bl nera aicL'Cntleinon of lilt'li eland g AH COI.O.UITT , Governor IF YOU WISH \VK W f.l , TAKE V1UH CASE TO 11K 1'Alt ) i'Olt WHEN CUIIEI ) . Write for partlculam and < > > i\V | of llttlo lionk 'MeHtaio to the I' frrtiinato. " 81.OOO will bo laid1 to any chemist MIO will llnd , on an-ijaU H > 0 bottles S H. H.onu partlcU of Mercury Iodide rotas- slum or any Mineral Hiibstmuu. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Toii' . Allann , C.a. I'ricoo' resiilamlzo ri-duced to VI 75 per ot. tlo Small a gu , holdinglulf tlio quantity , , Sold liv KENNAHI ) & CO. , enerally. LIQUOR LICENSES. To tlio Liquor Dealers of Omaha- MAVOU'S OFFICE , 1 November L'8 , 1881. ] The C'"ty Council of Omaha , performing thu iluly di'vohiiu titi m it umlcr tlie latinn of 1S81 , p uviilb'K for thu licencing uf ( IciiU'nf in ii < inn in Xebraskn. havu jmsseil an iiiilln < < ncu wnioh tukes clfect ou the 1st dny of .1 .unary , A. 1) . 188. . Under t'ie ' terniH of this orilhiuiue n \thu 1 jiropofo to c'iig.i'e ( in the vending of in- tiixicalinn liiiinr.i | in thin city , inii t file \\ith the City Citric of Oinnlia their uili- | | L-ation for license nceonipnuiod by a put- ! tlon liom thirty fiee liolilors le ident in the wunl whoio it in | ; rope < i ! < l to sell lljinor , n bnod in the sum of $ . " > . 0 I con- ditloncil an r < iuivil ! hy law. and the re ceipt of the City Treanurer uf O iiulia for th ) nnioiint iluo f r the time the llceiinu is reijuiit-d at thu nito of $1,00J per anniini. HhinkH u ill ho found In the otlice of the City Clcrrf nnd will bo fiuiitiheil upon np. on. Under the law no licence can cyoml the end of the iMinicipal yenr IH the lirnt Monilay after thu lint Tuwiiay in Apiil A. 1) . 1HS2 , All applications for llccnve must Ho n\or for the spnco of two weeks , iliiiint ; winch time the notice required by Inw must he publUlinl liy the applicant , a blank form of Biieh notice will tie furnlnhed by the city clerk. To give the rluht to Bell liquor , uommenchi } ; January I t , 18Sappltca - tlona and petition * HI ould be mule on or before the 10th ilny of December , A. 1) . , 1H31. OnJammry l t , 1882 , all saloons for the Kilo of liquor in Omahn , not licerm. 1 under lic | wild ordiiinnpiuu t u\uo \ and remain cloicd , for violators of the Nw will he arrested by the manhn nnd police of the ulty. il ) JAMIII : K. nltO-Ct of Omnlm , c Mary J. Holmes , Ju t | iiildl hod : Madeline. A cplendld net * no\t'l liyMiui. MAII J. UOLVIIM , wncwu noivli t'll o I'liorinoiibUuiul are nad and ru-rond with null intcrvb't. llcautlfully bouuU ; pilcv , ' . ' .MMhandfomo iiowoditlonaofMn , liolines' other uorki Teniiwfet n" Suinhlnc , l.i'in Ith cm. } ; ditlil.lo , hMiia Drowning , SlarlanGrcy , 1) West lawn , r'orest Homo , etc , ttc. ALSO , SOt.I ) I1Y ALL COOK8KLLKHS : MAY AGNES FLEMING. A Chanced He.irt. Another Intensely Inter- I'stliiS noul hy MAV Aoxiut FLICUINU , autlior of tliOHfl caiilul noicii Uiiy FjirUc-ourt'ii Wile , A Woiiiicrlul Woman , > Inl MairU c. Silent and True , 1 est for a Woman , etc IKautlfully I'oundj price , SI.U ) , Q. W , CARLETON & CO. , I'ublUlKW , N. y. City. W. J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Ornci Front Ilooini ( up it&ln ) In lUnicom' now brick bulldlnB , N.v , corn < r fft nth cd ' BASWZ & WELLS , Will Remove in a tew days to BOYD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE You will do well to call and examine our stock of BOOTS I SHOES At 1422 Douglas Sfc , near 15th , Which will be Bold at Extra ordinary Low Prices Be fore Moving. .CO AND H a n d s o mest IN THK- MARKET1 For Sale by WM. F. STOETZEL 521 South Tenth St. FITS EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS. Permanently Cured no humbug by one month's usaee ofDfl. GOULARD'SCelebrat. fd Infallible Fll Powderi. To conMco iuffer em that tliwto | > ottders I'l ' do all wu claim far them o will H'nd tlitm liv mall , poit paid a free Trial box , Dr. Qoulard h tliu only pli ) ! ! u that IK CM'l made tills dlncaso a ipvclal study. anilM to our knowledge tliousuiids hi\o heen Permanctly cured liy the usu ot thc o Powder * , we will guarantee a permanent euro In e\ cry caw or refund you all money ex pended , All fullcrenshould gl\u tlic o I'ow dcru an early ( rliil , and l > u convinced of their curative iwneri I'rlceor lar.'c ' )0\ , $300or4 bo\e forSICCOO , Hunt by mall tonnymrt ol the Unl'oJ Htatf * or Canada an rnvliit cl tiilcc. or by rxpri'iu , C. O. ) . Addrem , ASH & ROBBIN8 300 Fulton St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. I.OTTIS3 PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. ZU mil 219 North Main St. , Ht. Louli , WIIOLUHALI PUlXiUI IK- BOOK , I DADCDQ IWUITIKOI NEWS , r HArhno i\v Ai-ma KNVKLOI'KS , CAUI ) BOARD AND Printers Stock. larCuh | < al < ! lot Itagi and ftftt Stock , Scr Irou anJ ilctals. Stock WmebouM * 1S2S to 1S37 , NottL THE JELM MOUNTAIN T r AND j IT"x" i i i * / c i i \f JT * g JUvp ' Mining and Milling Company. aiiltil , - 3rtPOO. * Capital Par Vuluo Stock of Share , * , - . . . - . 4l.CCU.cOO. tif.,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMEL MINING DISTRICT. 1)11. J J. THOMAS , I'rosldent , Cummins , Wyoming. WM K TII.TOX , Vlce.l'reslJent , Cummins , Wj E. X. II.UUVOOD , Sccrctixry , Cummliu , WjbnvJnsr. A. O. I.l'XN , Treasurer , Cuinmln" , Wjonilnit. Dr..I. I. Ihormu. touU Miller W. S. Itrmnel , A. O Dunn. . . . . K. X. llnrtvood. . . . . Tranels Le.ixcnu. ( leo. I ! Fnltn. Lewis /Column. . . . Dr. J. 0. WitUiis. ' aJiiirSin C.1UV. . KENDALL. Anthor'tcil > U'fnt for ? nlc of Stoik ; Vo42. . Oinahn..Vb. FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , * 1121 Pornham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments . , made ua will receive prompt attention. Inferences : State Dank , Omaha ; Pbtl & Co. Ilnltimorc ; Peck & llanshcr , Chlcnito ; " ' > ! ' * r" > Cincinnati. WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER -AND DEALER N Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. 0,4..n8.iy WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS- ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jv 18-me We desire to call the special attention ot the trade to our elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PRICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , & open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & OO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. CLOTHING , HATS , GAPS , -A.ixrD : : Gent's Furnishing Goods , -AT THE- NEW YORK STORE. H. M , & M. PEAVY , Proprietors , 1309 Farnham Street , OMAHA , NEB. Oc2 .im WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnhstn St. , Omaha , Neb. -WHOLESALE T TTWn&TS1 ! ! ? PA AT Ii U1V1 JSliJCv ! } UUlilj OS On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , WOOLLEY & DAVIS Stationers , Paper Dealers and Engravers , KEEP ON HAND A SELECT STOCK OP BLANK , SCRAP , POCKET AND BILL BOOKS , FINE PAPER , INKSTANDS , PAPER WEIGHTS Latest Novelties in Wedding Goods , Menus , Visiting and Advertising Cards , Ball Programmes , &c. Also , Paper Bags , Flat and Wrapping Paper , Envelopes , Bill , Letter and .Note Heads , sxwca-x.zi POWER AND HAND I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , M.N.NO HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha