THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR , . OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , DECEMBERS , 1881 , NO. 140 \ TRUTH ATTESTED. SomoImportanl ! > tftf iH6UU of Well Known People Wholly Verified. of tlio itite ncnti , Mv \ \ M tin power ami talue o ( th-i article of which llier pcAV.vrspubllahhcr.wIU. t e fae.ilmlla . , hirw of iKirllpi ' " ; oio Mnwrity H boron i . | iir , . { Ion. fho Truth of th o t tllmanlala li b o. Jute , nor 13 the fact * thcr announce b Ir i : -I hue froiutntlj utalV * fe hldiiev aud \ . \ \ tt CUM lor loc I auctions attendant upon mcro rhiunmtl' atlaciii. and have n ! ay * derived benefit therefrom. I h < alto tud the Safe \ with aitl.f.c'ory re. * ult * . 1 consider these medicine * worhof onfldot.r * . . Deputy Treasurer. . . . . OMAIH , Nun , May 24 , issl. 11. n. WAUWIR&CO. , liochcstcr , N. V. : O KTH : I Imc usol jour bafo Klilnc ; and Lifer Cure ttiU spring ai a liver Imrljrorator , anil 1 flntll ( ho IILHI icmcdy 1 oxer tried. I hc iu l 4 bottler , n < 1 It IIM mixilo mo feel better Mian CUT 1 uld before In the U. r. It. Shops. OMAHA , Km , May 24 , J8S1 , 11. II.VAnirn & Co Sim : Fur more than IB yiixrs I lm\c RiifTered much In onviuicncu from combined kldniiy and Ihor iil5CA.-es. id hive bi u mi Me to work inyurln y orf tiinl < olHlnnlTce cJ I rieila great imny ineillcln s and doctorx. but I grew worno and wor o ihy by day Ira < tel 1 I had BrUht'a l > isea < " , mid i wished rn } > ilf dead If I could not have speo.iy relief. I toolt your Safe Kidney mid Liter < lire , kuowli.p iiottilnu ct c Wftsu\er known to euro tli.i illn-iuo , ami I hav not been di apK | > lntid Tn m illrlnc hat cuivtl .me , and lam pcrfw ly well toiliv > , i. throrgh your Silo Kidney and Liter Cure I wish jouallsucc m In imbllihlnx thi * v.luablc r meJythroujjh the \\orld. n. r. n. H. Thousands of equally n'ronir endorsement ! many of them In case , vhere h po was aban doned hive been v < luntarily gl\fn , fhowinjc the retaaikatlu power of Warner1 * Safe Kidney and Liver ( Jure , in all il ecaseof the kldnejs , liver or urinary o gann. If utiy cue who reads thin ha any phy ial trouble romoubn the grc.t danger 01 delay. THE IRELAND MILLS , On the Papio , Is now In running order again and rcmh .to d ooattim work day and night. And wo warrant entla'action to all turners ho will favor UB with their patronage. SOFLBIP & DIBRKS. PROBATE NOTICE. Etate of Ncbrukn , DOURI | County M : At K County Court , hold at the County Court Room , In and for said County , Oct. 24th , A. P. 1831. Present , A. M. CIIADWICK , County Judge. In the matter of the estate of Kcli Mongonsen , deceased : On ruading and filing the petition of Peter M. Back , praying that admlnlitratlon of aaid 'stau may be granted to himself , ai adminUtrator. Ordered , That November 30th , A. D. 18U1 , at 10 o'clock , m. , U assigned ( or hearing said peti tion , when all persons Interested In said matter may appuur at a County Court to be held , In and for a ild County , and dhow cause why the prayer cf petitioner ahould not De crantcd , and that no tice of pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof , be giicn to all persons interested In mid matter , by publishing a copy of this orderln TUB OMAHA WKKKLT Un , a newspaper printed In said County , for three successive uuuku , prior to said day of hearing A. U. CII AL'WICK , no'witt f/vmfv .TiHci" PILES ! PILES ! PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! No One Ne d Suffer ! A sure cure for Blind , Bluetllng , Itching and Ulcerated I'ilua has been discotered by Dr. Wil liam , ( at ) Indian remedy , ) called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has enroll the worst chronic ciscn of 25 or 30)cir et.ii d n. . No ono neeil sutler lite minutes alter am fi\g this wonderful soothing infdiclne. Lotion * , iimtni- mcnto ami electuaries do more harm than goo * ! , William's Ointment absorbs tha tumors , allajs the 'ntcnsc ltcling , ( particulaaly at night after getting warm in bud , ) acts an apoultice , gives In- ntanl and painless relief , and ispreparcd only for I'llca. Helling of the private parb , and for noth ing tlsu. Read nliit tha lion J. U Ccdlnlicrry of Clcvc- and says nbcut Dr. William's Indian i'ilo Oint ment : I have iiRC'l scores of Pile * curd , nnd It affords mop casti'e to sty that lla > c never found an } thin" unlch gave such Immediate and perma nent relief as Dr.Vil imii'a Indian Ointment For mile by all druggists or mailed on receipt of price , 31.00. HENRY & CO. , Prop' . , CLSV1-.LAN1) , OHIO. For Bale by C. F Goodman. HAWKEYE PLAIMGf IILL 00. , Des Moines , Iowa. Manufacturers of SASH. DOORS , BLINDS , BRACKETS. MOULDINGS , &O. Great reduction In Bank Counters , 1'Ians fur- nlibud , and work furnished In all kinds of hard orBOftuond , Counters llnlshod In oil when dc- si rod. ShtUin of all kinds furnished and put Into building ready for jialnt on ihort notlco Our workmen are the bct > t mechanics that can be procured. Ktt\u money by ( 'hitv us your COD tracts. Stairs , Newels and Daimlers. Our foreman In this department was formcrlj with Frost Manufacturing Co , I Chicago , HI * , and luw done BOIUO of the flnoat Stair work In the NortliH cut. Onlrra by uuill nromotlv attend l n o m WAR IN PASSENGER RATES BROS , . Brokers In all lUllroad Ticket * , Omaha , Nob. , offer Tickets to the East , until further notlco , at the following unheard of Low Kntea : Ohlcairo , 812 ; Round Trip , 824,00 , These arc limited first-Clans Tickets and irood for return through the year , and via the Old Rcllablo Chicago cage , Burlington < t Qulucy Jlailroad Also , one way to . Zdcla-e , NEW YORK , * 2000 , BOSTON , 20 00 , PHILADELPHIA , 2500 , 2300. WASHINGTON , 22/ ) , 2000. For particulars , write or eo direct to IIOBU1E BROS. , O < ialen In Reduced Rate Railroad and BtoanuhlnTiekcti ) , 1500 Tenth St. , Omaha , Neb. Remember the place Throe Doors North of Union 1'aclUc Railroad Depot , East Side of Tenth Street. Omaha , Alizuxt 1. mi aulMawIm MnSTEU'S SALK. In the Circuit Court ot the United States for the DlstrlU of .Niibnutla ; Nuw Krel Hecuilt ) llarthu A. Conr.idHid I fitmn'U I1. llirud ? ' * roKrcutiii'Kii oc HOKTUAO . Public notlcu U liuit'b ) Klvi'fi , th in pursuance and bj Urainofndicite entered In thu abe o cauw , on thu 2ml ilu > ol tkptcnbtr , ItvSl , I , ELLIS L. BI'.RIIOVMtpoclal : Master In Chamrtj In ti.ld Ojiirt , will on the tth day of Det-imber , Ib31at the hour of a o'clock In the afternoon of I ho tun diy , at the * t > tt door ol the United HUtcs Cotirt Home anil I'o-t Otllco bulldliijf , in the CltJ ol Lincoln , tonuutvr Coun ty , ktatuand nUtrkt ulNtbiaaka , bill at auc tion llu follnwlng dcscnbid property , to-wlt ; The northwt-t nuarttr of > Uoti ! nuiiiberctl ten (10)in to nIilp num'cre.l thirty ( BO ) and rooKe.numl > trid ii (0) ) ta-t , In thu Coanty of LHion and Htatu ol Nvbranka KLLH L. 1UKRBOWEH , Special Mukr In Chancery , a. IU-LL , Solicitor for Complalaaat. oV < t > tH HISCOCK MAY GET THERE. But All the Stalwarts are Going Over to Keifer , is Beginning to be Barely Mentioned m This Conneotion. Secretary Lincoln's Report Re commends Batter Coast De fenses nnd More Mon , Comptroller Knox Defends the Bank Examiners and Blames the Director . Mlicollanoous Notss from the Na tional Capital' " * K H K * THE SPKAKEREIU1HIP. Natloiifil AsfHiciutwl tv * . STAMTAItr VH. ANTI-HTAIAVA11T. WASHISHTON , December 2. The republican caucus moots to-morrow at 12 o'clock , noon , in the hall of the house ( if representatives , when the question ai to who will bo the next speaker will bo Bettlod. The only developments during thV day is that the fight is Bottling dowmbetwcon thu titnlwnrts nnd nnti-HtalwartH , Keifer loading the former a'ucj Bis- cock and Kasson being the condidnles of the latter. It is openly admitted by Hiscock's friends that ho has lost ground during the day , and it is plain to see the opposition of Conkling nnd the presumed preference of the presi dent for Koifcr has J operated ngainnt Hincock nnd of coutso in favor of Koifar. The action of the Pennsylvania dolegalion'wush hold an angry session of throe hours this evening , without coming to a de cision , is regarded us a blow to His- cosk's chances. In this mooting it was announced by authority that Don Cameron favored Keifer and would ex pect the delegation to support him. This led to a heated debate and it is understood Campbell andBoyno spoke violently against such action. This delegation holds the key to the , aitua- sioti and if it holds solid , as is' , How improbable , it will elect whoever it supports. To offcot Koifor it is said on good authority that the anti- atalwarte from Now York will.runito on Kasson when it is found Htacock cannot be elected. Kassoii is believed | to possess more strength in the west than Hiscock ; hence his nomination. As the matter now .stands it appears Hiscock will develop more strength' on the first ballot than any other Can didate. Dunnell and Orth. are considered out of the contest. After the fir i ballot Koiter will gain nnd it isthoh more than probable that the bo between him nnd Hiscock. , This combination , if successful , COrl- [ templates making Heim , of Pennsyl vania , clerk. At a meeting of the southern re publicans had to-night , nine out often ton decided to vote for Keifer ; the odd ono will vote for Hiscock. This adds largely to Keifor'achances , which were formerly largo in hia favor. THE ARMY. KEl'OHT OF SECUETAUY LINCOLN. WASHINGTON' , December 2. The annual report of the secretary of war was issued this evening. It is largely made up of the reports of the bureaus in the department , which reports have been published heretofore . Ho con curs most heartily , ho says , in ( Jen. Sherman's recommendation ( hat the ; irmy bo increased to make its com batant force 25,000 men. The ctuil : oxpenditurcs under the department i 'or the fiscal year ondin Juno : > 0 , ; 1881 , wore S 2,122,201 'M ; appropria tions for 1882 wero14,88' ' ) , - 723.-12. The estimates for 18811 are § 44,511,275.08. The attention of congress is called to the need of legis lation to prevei.t intrusion upon In dian lands , especially from Kansas into the Indian territory. The present - sent punishment for intrusion on these lands is : v tine not easily collected. To : these should be added imprisonment in military jiais. The number of general court mar tinis is 1702 , and of cases before infe rior courts , 8,500. Ho recommends the repeal of the law limiting the number of judge advocates to four and : lm organization of the corps on the same , biuis us ether stall'corps of the army. : Ho asks that the law bo so changed so , that the earnings of the military : prison nt Lcavenworth may bo applied . to its support. Especial attention is . called to the subject of coast defences ; the casemiited works , which farm n argo part of our coast defence , wore built before thu invention of modern armor and the introduction of rifled jinis. They are of masonry , unpro : ' tected by armor and unfitted to with stand the assaults of modern ships of wnr. Defense by forti- lications nnd torpedoes is the only ono at all practicable for a coast is extended as ours , comprising so many rich marine cities , extensive navy yards nnd depots of supply. Modern wars como on suddenly ; if a scriousintornatioiial dispute occurs be tween formerly friendly nations a readiness for defence and nn attitude of belligerency nro sometimes the best proventativcs of actual war. The necessary now works and proper modifications of the old ones will ro- quiru many years for completion and he HiijH it seems n matter of common pruduncu that wo commence ) without delay and with liberal iipnro- printions , to put our coasts in ix lit condition for do uimo. llu Biy : of thu si iml service du- pirtinont , thu wluilu work of whiuh tuoniH 1'iitiruly militaiy , thut it Hhould not 1m intorforudvith by uninilitary diitiivhith ! , it ehould bo cluarly and puniiununtly supnratud fruin , und the force of iiiun and oll'ieon * inureaiiud to bo considered uvuilablo in thu tiiuu of war , llegarding the military academy , ho recommend ljml.tho , tini ? .for * hc course of sti , ' ' > ' l > extended . to live incronk.p of o < > year. years , nn . Tl-o .f the rccon1"of publication * . the war of the' rob A on ' proceeding ns rapidly ft conii8tont vrilti accurate " hnvo ) co11 preparation. Two volu published , nnd ton volum. " Ilftvo bcou nindo reaily lor the printer. . Ho recommends nn npprop.1'1"011 $ 100,000 for the completion S * tno ncrth wing of the state , war nnd bulhlinu's , nnd also $400,000 for i west nnd center wings. Hcg.irdinc ; the iottics , ho nays the total uxpetiuituivs of the govornmenl tip to this lime , on account of their improvement , nre § 4,550,000. Thorv has boon a substantial maintenance ol thn prescribed channel during the eighteen months last past , with n loss of only four days. THE COMPTROLLER'S REPORT NV.IonM An-KK-intH frffH. TICK NATIONAL IIA.NK HV.STKM. WAHIII.VOTOSDecember 2. A pur tion of the report of the comptroller of the currency were given the pres5 dent to-night , This portion deals with the question of the duties of liank directors and examiners , and on the use of checks nnd drafts in the business of the country. Regarding : lie duties of national bank directors , 10 begins by saying that the recent 'allure of the Mechanics' National bank at Newark makes the study oi .he question especially important just now. After quoting the law , ho says the duties of directors are plainly defined - fined and they are responsible for the safety of the funds committed to their care , nnd if. it is shown that * any of thorn had notice of illegal trannnctions it is n serious question whether they are not legally bounil to make good the losses wliich may occur , nnd it is a question whctherthey nro not 'also liable for losses "which may occur from neglect of duty , even without nftico. If this isjliot the just and proper construe tlo'n of the present law , then it bo- CQifttOs n question for the consideration whether additional legis lation on this subject is not required [ a cashier is placing forged ; paper among his bills receivable , tiud trans mitting such paper to distant places irhero it is purported to bo valuable , it is not possible for an examiner in n day or two to unravel this 3vil work ( which may have continued 'or months ) and obtain correct bal ance sheets. A thorough analyzing and scrutiny of everything would again require ono or two weeks. Examinations should bo periodically nado by n competent committee so- ectcd from the board. The small compensation provided by congress Ibes not contemplate the yearly audit- hg of all the accounts of a bank by an examiner. In many instances the capi- , il of n bank has been found to > c impaired nnd a deficiency ins been mnde good without the cnowlodre of the general public , [ n other instances a bank has been obliged to pass its usual dividend , the number of banks passing dividends hiring the-preient year being 1,550. . These disasters do not show weakness n the banking systtm , but rather n vcakncss in human nature. Some ulditionul legislation will be required ; nit there is not so much necessity for idditional restorations as there is for ncrcased care upon the part of cxam- ncrs and increased diligence and sa gacity on the part of the directors and ithers who are in .charge of great rusts. CAPITAL NOTES : S'atlonal Associated Prci * . YKI.LOWKTONK 1'AllK. . \V\sniNOTo.f , December 1. Gen. ; ahoiidan , who has matlo ii tour lirough the Yellowstone park , reports o Gen. Drum that the government ippropriation for the preservation of hu property should bo increased , and : company of cavalry detailed to pro- cct and care for the property. ] \1r. \ .lames 15. Butler , late Unitnd states attorney for Tdnho , has been inpointed clerk , vice George Lam- ihere , whoso name has been men- iioncd in connection with the Lite ireasury investigations. The government depository at Tuc- 1011 , Arizona , has been discontinued. The United Stales ship Con.stitu- ion , now nt Now York , will bo put jut of commission in a few days. All jf her ollicors wore detached to-day , ind mot of them , including Coin- nnnder E.V. . Sheplierd , have bten ilaced in waiting ordcra. The department of state is in receipt ) f a communication from Consul , at Bordeaux , relative to ho exhibition of agricultural products o bo held there from June 1 to Xo- -cmber 1 , 1882. Tliis exhibition will > o of especial interest to American .vino growers nnd distillers , ns from .ho ravages of phylloxera in the most productive vine district of Europe hero are strong probabilities of nn im portant market being created for American \yinca and spirits , The ommunication will bo published in 'ull in the January number of consular reports from thu state department. Tbo CaldwellBaiikCoilapte. National Associated I'ron. Ttn-KKA , Kas. , December 2. Dis- matches received hero to-nii'ht from Juldwell state D.uiford , Smith , Tau- ler nnd Dcnman nro safe in the muds of n committee who will protect them. The best of order prevails , though the feeling is deep nnd deter mined that Danford must pay up Bvery dollar before ho loaves Cald- ivell. Danford nnd Smith and a com mittee of depositors nro nt work on the books of the bank , nnd the ux- uniimtioii shows the liabilities to bo 805,000 and the assets Jlili.OOO , and these probably wotthli's * . It is said the books allow that D.uiford ilrow out of thu bank $05,000 within the past year , and there are evidences that others have aimed his stealing. The transfer of prpourty to Major Hood is cited as uvidencu of this , D.inford fitill claims that if ho is given a chance to oxplninho can cleanup everything and pay all he owes. He seems to realize the fiict that his neck in his danger , but dis plays remarkable coolness for ono in his position. The eud ia not yot. SATAN'S OWN SON , His Testimony in His Own Be- , lialf Concluded , Ho Followed Garflold to Church Frequently but Couldn't Shoot Him Thoro. Ill-Tomporcd Attacka tlio Ohxiroh. Po..lbUltr' atntTEAU Nttlotul Amoclatcd I'm * . WAHIIISOTON , Doccmber' The court room was moro crow il'd tlfin usual this morning , fully half t'i ' x at tendance being ladies. ' . ' < aii < hnl Henry before court opened r , 'iisted the nndionco to observe tbo aiiinc de corum ns they would in clni."ch. una neither npplnud or bins ilnn xig the proceedings. < At 10:10 : a. m. Judge Cox touk his' , sent. A few momenta later the priso ner arrived. Quitoau nnnouced be fore examination liegan , that lu would decline to nnswcr any question of yes terday , lie would answer anything new. , Jndgo Porter then opened the ex amination by asking if ono reason for removing the president waa to increase the sale of his book. Guiteau said all true inspiration came from the Dotty ; ho had never rend much about Napoleon or Cntair ; did'nol like his own nnmo Juliuspllio did not hko the name "Sambo ; * ' believed in the doctrine - trine of preordination , and regarded himselt ns much in the employ of the Deity as Paul or Martin Lather. Tlio prisoner here broke in , siying ho would dcclino to answer nny more questions. A little coaxing lnoujjlit out the reply that the same in pna- tion that carried him into the Oneida community moved him to kill Oar- ficld. Referring to the establishment of the theocratic paper , Uuitcau said ho failed because the time had nut jet arrived for such n joinnal. His ide.i in founding a theocratic daily paper was to make it read of the Deity in [ this world. Ho said his ideas on the truth wore his own , written fourteen years after ho lof the Oneida commu nity , and had no reference to the ideas of Noyes'tho founder of thu Oncidn community. "Ihavoas much brains as Noyes , " holding Noyes' book in one hand and Guiteau's in the athor. Judge Porter continued the exami nation , endeavoring to show that the Quiteau book was not inspiration , but \strict copy of Noyes' . Guitcau hold that his book wa inspired. Ha re peated his book was written without nny reference to Noyes or his book. He would have Mt the Oneida com- iiiuniiy before , Jin thought it Ood'a will that he remain. A letter objected to early in the Jay was hero admitted. In effect it liacussod the establishment of the lailies in the large cities of the world ind the good they would do the cause if Christ on earth , The idea ot the > a > er the letter contained , would bring Christ to the breakfast tnbh jver morning instead of once n week is at present. During the reading of ho letter , which was quito lengthy , juiteau interrupted Corkhill with frt- | iient explanations of certain sen- onces. The letter was written when Juitoau was 23 , and atatcs the writer lid not expect to exert much influence u that direction until ho wan . ' ! 0. Several notes and letters written by he priioner in relation to the Oneida community were recognized by him Porter resumed his examination nn joints mentioned in the let er. fho prisoner said that the idea of t 8- lablisliing the theocratic press was * ouml but not feasible. Noyes and a tow others were the only men in the community who practiced social Aa he ( the primmer ; , mm a Hhakcr , ho did not buliovu in the devilish delusions ; lie never had any Ruch delueions ; he believed in a personal devil and a per- jon.d Ctod ; he believed in temptation ind when he feels the prcnanro he bo- liovcH it comes from the devil or from Ciod. Ciod.The The counsel using the word "mur der , " Guitcau broke out that Judgn Porter wasjusing the word too freely Domiim to the question of insanity , Quitoau said that us he was not an ex port ho could not aay whether ho was insane or not. Referring too his sue- ing the president ono night with a loaded pintol coming from lilatne's liousu , the prisoner said ho did not ill- lend to remove him then. Bliii ourul the president were tocjothcr ; they pro ceeded to the white house and ho fol lowed them down through Lafayette park. Both neuiied in excellent spir its and were as hilarious as twoHchool- boys. The prisoner IUTO broke out in ribaldry about lilaine and his disruption of the republican party. Returning to Gadield's viuit to lilaine the prisoner said he did not follow the president to the White House , Ho lind visited the president's church times and on all these occasions ho had his pistol. He liad surveyed the position of the president pow ; ilid not take out his nistol and point it at thu president , lie did not know of a better phico to rumovu a man than at his devotions , The counsel said , "tho nouHpapcra inspiied you/ / " "Tho Deity inapired mo and the newspapers confirmed the inspiration. Put it in that shape nnd you will have it. " He was not ready to remove thu president until June 18. The court then took a recess until 1 o'clock. After recess thu examination was continued. The prisoner mid ho du not intend to remove the president a1 church. Ho went to the jail iibou the first week of Juno and wanted to BOO the accommodations there , II wrs there only once , -III * motive in vi.iitini ; thu juil v'M tt > look at its interior , M lie expect ed to live in it for th * removal til the president. Ho hired tlio luck to go to the comolory , not ttifl jull- He Ml in tlio park bccnMSO ' ' nis health , niul not fur1 nn opporlun.- ' ) ' * ° slioot the prcsiuoiit. At the * nint > 1m hud his pistol with him. lie WM UHiinlly nn cnrly riser , nnd tnny lii\\ " gene to the river on Juno 18th Ami tired his pistol ofT when ho tfclit to tlio rivor. The prisoner still tnnln * tuinod that hu took the precaution to .lund for ( ! uneral Sliurnmn to rccuivo prtttection becnn u the i > ooplovonld think him n di nppointua ofllco acukur and hnng him botoro ho could explain thu motive that nromptod him. Airs Ciitrlii'ld'n presunco , the prisoner ng.iin atixted , saved thu president's life o the 18th of .June. The { iritoncr then took up a papo and roliiHud to nnaivoriieatioim | miles Rnmctliing now was tiskod , nnd Sco n.'Io slid no then lit the priaonur' 'ilijcctioiifl wi-ro well fotindud. \ It-gnl spat then took pkco botwcci ' Porter. the witness said , thn when at uVu depot July Und ho wen to the water tfjosol where ho remninet for some time. Ho took out hia piato and wiped it WliMi he c.iiuo out h saw Hluino and Gurfiuld in the mos relations , cng.igod in Ho Mint twice nt tin luvsident in the back , lie felt re at the deed , but his duty tt American interests impelled him tt do it.- it.Portor Porter announced the cross cxami lation / > n the part of the govornmenl [ closed. Scovillc then took the prisoner in , mud , and be onio' ' in reference to the ntorviow with Corkhill ami Scoville , hut he then predicted the president's ile.ith , when nil tlfco papers mid the iresidont would ruuvcr , becnuso ho jid not think iho lord desired thu irosident to recover. Corkhill objected to the questioning > n the subject of thu inteiviow , and he court sustained it. The prisoner was here handed a etter for identification , addressed to . Ion. John R. Adams. The letter tinted that the newspaper project was K'tiinuon finely ; ho expected to receive ? 75,000 from Adams , Charles Fnrwell ind others , and to uecuro them by publishing his life. The estimated let revenue for the y ur was placed at 100,000. The prisoner said this otfur v s since ho bad scea Adams. Once > eforo he had addressed hia letter Vdums thought him a crunk and ro used to dine with him. Scoviilo then wont over the same { round as Porter in the morning. While Scoville was looking for a cor- aiu expression , Guiteau broke out , ( Hying he would appeal to General tVrthur and the national congress to do t way with MormoniBiiiaahoKnowthcso > eople were now Hutfering the same as i j did in the Onoidn Community. The prisoner was questioned as to ' us being in jail and said ho was ro- eased in both instances by the district ittorney. The prisoner said ho left Scovillo's- ' -ho'jioJ > ociiuf 9-v Swvillo thought him n crank. ; * This closed Gui lean's testimony ind ho was removed to his sent be- lind the counsel. The only witness examined nftnr uiuitcau was Dr. Neal , of Ohio. He net the prisoner nt Columbus three jr four years ago ; thought ho wnH in ane. Ho wni not an export , and had lever exiiiuinod the prisoner ns to his esponsiliilily fur clinic. Thu court nt ' - ' : ! ! ( ) adjourned till to- norrow. Guiteau is pntty well tired out by lis long examination , anil his friundd vould not be surpriseii if ho should > eciime seiiously ill before the trial is vor. _ Tlio Dfilrymoii Jatloual Aiwi tauil I'ro-H. GhiiAit RAPIDS , In , , Decembers. 'he national butter , cheese and eggs ssociation convention closed nt 1 i 'clock to-diy. The morning session V.IH occupied with dif-cusMoii of the [ iie.stioii of packing and shipping poul- ty nnd eu s. A committeu of live va uointL-l | [ to experiment in the landling of the latter nnd $ IW ) was ' tpprnpiuted for the purpose. A rcKolution pa Hcd stating ns the tanso of this coH\ention that railroad { HUB rt'gulaily atlvertising to run ro- rigerator c.iis and charging extin for rauspoifing the s imo bhould behold responsible ftirdan'iagcs result ing fiom lefectivo set vico. The election of olliccrs resulted ns ollows : Austin liclkimp , of Hoiton , iresidunt ; Robt. AI. Littler , of D.ivon- wrt , secretary and treasurer. II It was decided to hold the. next eon- volition at Madison , U'if. , on tlu > first 1'uesday after ThankHgivmg , 1882. Hon. Gee , Ii Luring , commissioner > f agriculture , addrt-ttHetl a large itudi- unco nt Green's opera house this evon- fc'- , , The O Bood Divuroo Ca o. S'ktloaal Awociattxl I'reM. UOHTO.V , December 2. In the Mid dlesex supreme court at Cambridge o-diy , UIIIOIIK petitions for divorce was that of James M. Osgood for di vorce from his wife , Mrs. K. Aline Jsgood , the well known hinger , nn ' .he ground of desertion. Letters were ml in which Mrs. Oagood had stated lie intended never to loturn to her nisbanil. Judge Loid rcbervod his decision. A Stormy National Asiocla'ed I'tent UO.STON , IJueembur 2. The uteam- Hhip Ithuiian , from Liverpool , nrrivud this aft'irnoon , after a atormy voyage. Ciipt. Filch reports durim ; iho entire pfh Hio hu oxpi'iionced heavy y.ilen nnd CIO.HH BSIB ; , during which ono of thu buaH * wiiH lout and two othets weie b.idly damngi'd. Kvurytliini ; move ' able on deck uim waslieil overboard. Indication- National As oclatid I'risn. < WASIII.NCHO.V , December ! < , For the upper Minaissippi and lower Mis r louri vulloys : Lii-lit ruin or snow followed by clturing weathur ; winds ; mostly northerly ; Htutionury or lower tumperaturo in the south and eus' portions , and higher preiaury. AMERICAN IRISHMEN. Close of the Session of the Irish National Convention , Ropolutiona Pledging the Aa- oiotnnco of thn Irishmen of This Country. BIc'no * ° 0 Memoiinlizod Ro- fira ' ° K Irish Amoricaua jn jj'-itlsh Jnils. The PananlvimU Pc Sooloty IU Sorrot- , THE IRISHMEN KntlonM A toClilcd o , Dccoinbor I ? . On the rt > U of the Irinh natiotml con vention this mmniiijf lliu chair ro.ul lovoral telegniins of sympathy and en- convenient from both foreign ami | The connnittop ) roxolntiotih nmdc an ixtldrc.i.i ruviowini ; rJiu courao of Ireland for tlio pust and prosunt , con gratulating the convention on the do- ( reo ot Imrniony which Imv prornilud froin thn outaut , nrnl nuhmittod n surica of rosolutioim of which the following - lowing m the atibatnnco : That there is a ilomanil catabhshod in In-land for : i nntionnl govormnuiit Ixwcd upon the will of tbo Irish p o- > lcr ; that the Ainorican people of Irish jirth nnd dcacont pleduo thomaalvcH o stand by the people at homo in heir nmniuiitoim etru glo ; tlmt the loiivontion thoroughly cndorncs the wlicy of tlio Irish lenders at homo , n.l nssurp them that they will bo ully sustained by their kindml in Luiorica. Souniul. Tliat wo heartily esxlnno ho "No Kimt" inanifuato of the home ii'cutivo of the Irish nntionnl land Bigtio ns the best nrnilrthlo weapon to fnko their laudford JAilon and as the tting ntiHWor nf the Irinli pooplir to lio- attempt of Iho cmrciun minority ) force thn notion cf ft dofectiye ) giiatiiro ) at the point of iio Kiyonot , and that with the view of iving practical oSxicfc t the foreign ' Jiwcntion rocomiucnds tktt a special 'Sn svy of 8250,000 Jrom the organizn- n ; on httru ropruHontud and all ether (1 rganizatioiiH friendly to the Iriah (1li use and from th - friends lia lib f Ireland , bo forwarded n tlio tint b mtalhnwjt before tholntof February , t 382 , to the central treasurer of the ci ational land league. ciB cih The resolutions wore unrucamoualy h loptod Mid the conrontioit took a ii JCCM till 9 o'clock. At the a5onioon Hcatinn , after re- 388 , the chairman appointed' ' com- titteo coiisMting of Judge 13ird , of onnecticut , Michael IJolund , of Ken- icky , I'atriak Ford , of N w York , . A. Collins , , of llwaachuaett * , W. I. Wallace , of Now York , Alex. Mul- van , of Chicago , and Andrew Irown , of St. Louis , to call future rish rights in promoting the objects nd redeeming the pledges resolved nd adopted by the convention. Subscriptions were then taken op , rounting to 27,000. A resolution waa adopted that the ' minimi ! appoint a committuo of iven to solicit of Secrofcwy of State laino aoiiio action of the United tatea government directed towards iu liberation of American priaoner.i ) iifined in liritish jails. Tlio convention then adjourned sine io. 1'im.AnKU'iiiA , December 2. The oniisylvunia peace society , at its an nul meeting to-day , adopted a rcso- ition expressing the spmpnthy of the gaiiization with tlio oppressed omen of Ireland , nnd ordered a , copy | i bo sent to knuu.'S CASUALTIES. itlonal Anio < .lnt < ; d i'rcss MADISON , Ind. , December 2. The - earner Kato Walters upset a skill' intaiiiing Mra. Hattie Joncx , MIBH ilda Sherman and a colored man lined Leo , who WUH rowing. Alias herman and Leo saved tliemsolven , ut Mrs. Jones was drowneU. AKKON , 0. , Dccombor 2. At mid- iglit a boiler o.xplodod in the Wads- orth mine near Doylestown. John tinolino nnd another miner were ; ndly scalded. The wounded men nd to crawl half u milu buforo reach * ig thu xurfnco. KANKAH CITV , Decombur 2. Chas. i.inner , employed on the Itluo river ridge , was run over by three hand : tra luNt uvuning. The workmen como ito town on the hand cnra nnd have eon in the habit of racing for fun. ianner waa on the first car , which backed up a little , nnd the others run ito it. liannur waa thrown under wheels ; his right unklo xvw smash- > d nnd it ia feared that ho is internal- ! injured. i NK nr T1IK PlrTY UOLUAIM A HoNXJI MKN. DEFKOIT , Mich. , December 2. A rakcman named John Curly , on the lichigan Central nilwny , aaw u 'oiniin and child walking on the truck. L train wai coming on unseen by hum. Ho courageously leaped down rum hia car and had baruly time to null them out of danger , ilia lout aught on a frog and his leg was evurud at thu knuu. M'AI.nKI ) HV IIUIM.VU KANSAS Uirv , December 2. Asa UchardDon , a young colored 0111- iloycd at the Kansas City distil'ory ' , ' ell into aut of belling wlop.s y CM tor- lay nfternoon. and wai aualded in a errible manner. The ukiu and Ik-sh oiled oil hit ) body in strips , although 10 was only in the boiling nnss for a 'ew eeconds. He was removed to hi.i jo.uding liouBO near by , and the phy- iciana pronounced his injuries fatal. ItiuhuruHun eamo hero from Canada , Hid was a cuttle tender for Uogors tt .iwyor , who are feeding a herd ol attlu at the distillery puns. An accident happened this morning near Mob-'rly , on the Wabash road , which delayed the "cannon ball" truiu , so that it did not arrive until 2 o'clock tins aftornoon. Tlireo frciiiht cars were thrown from the track and badly wrecked , but M fnr M could be learned no ono was hurt. A l.oy , whoso name is said to bo Henry White , was run over by a train nt Helena this morning. CRIMINAL NOTES. Nktlonitl A * ocl ted 1'ron , TUB DOMINION DKKAt'l.TBU. Nr.\v YOUK , December 2. It is re ported that CAshicr Joseph U. Itrcck- er. who embesaled upwards of S7f , - 000 from the bunk nt Chnrlottotown , Prince Kdward Islnnd , Dominion of Cnnndn , is hiding in this city Several Canadian detective * and officers of the bank hnvrj arrived to search for him. The fugitive is 28 years of age , ntul is the son of Ilnlph Urccker , ono c the wealthiest on the Island and nonliow of Brocket1 , n n\omb7r" \ "lid Ottan > liarliamont Tno cashier in | iiestion , " * "I"0 ft teacher in the Methodist Su.ny s iool , nnd a man ofMio inns' luni. ' > 'ftn" Boncrouft iln. j-tiht'9 , HANK YOIIK , Dcccmlmr 2 _ morniiiK John Hilliaid , president } James Doimrlftn , accrotary , and Adam Dilmnr , Joreii.'inhSwoenoy , J'atrick K. Sheehan , and Thomaa O'Callahan , di rectors of the Mechanics' and Labor- on * ' bank , of Jersey City , which sus pended November 2 , 1881 , were Ar raigned for sentence for concealing the insolvency of the bank. Milliard waa sentenced to eighteen months' im prisonment at hnrd labor in the state prison , Donnelan andO'CnllAhnnwcro tined 8500 each , and sentence waa suspended in the cases of the1 other convicted directors. Milliard's en- tonco waa applauded by the audtencc. Ho broke down , nnd his wife fnint d. Donnclnn nnd O'CalUhnh paid their lines , and the others wore dismiraerl. ANOTHER CMK KOK 11EMI' . IltooMraoTox , December 2. Ureat pxcitentont prevails in MintT ver the arrest of a ruffian named Ueo. Vance for committing a horrible > utrage UIXMI a 10 year old daughitr if Prank Hekor. It ia thoaght that lie villian will be lynciecf. CB3MI.VAL N01JC * , EIRMINOHAM , Ala. , December 2. fliss Xellors , living near hero , -while i > ing home on % lonely road thiougli he woods , was mot by a younp ; maa amcd Ilolcomb , who kaockcd her * jwn with a heaTj * stick and fractured rnskull. . M iae > Tellers WM found in dniirious conditfion in a rfiort time , it& enough waa leanied to give n clue o Her brutal uaaisin. A party of itixret succeeded in eaptunng. the cociidrcl. Ilolcomb was aeon to fili .is aotith with strrohnine. Ho die < I > ii graat agony. K'WnCiTY , Deaainber 2. ( Jhiof peerstoday received a telegram. ' ram i Umea Noble , of Btrnthroy , On- uio , Canada , aay ing. that ho had jusb mrnod that hia son , Doff. 0. Noble , ran mu lerod in this oity last Sunday nd aaki g for partiovlira. Neither ho polica nor the coroner know any- liing of awch a man on- murder oa hat date and the chief ion escapwl from the comity , jail this- lorning. Two of them ; Welach. and iolly , the iittera freight train rob- er , wore captured at Independence. 'hey had started for Chicago. Tho- pmaining eight were confined oit > rifling charges. Kellogg in the Capital. ptsjUl Il patcli to The Oiniha Itef. LI.VCOI..V , Nob. , December K Clam. miiao Kellogg arrived thb-afternoom nd occupied a box at the opura house lis evening. Every seat is oiiRaged ) r to-morrow night. Printers Strilio for Book H'clul Dl3iatcli | to TlIM IlKK. LI.NCOI.X , Decomoer 2. The Glohe mployes struck for hack pay this af- rnoou. The matter waa subsequent- settled amicably. ational AscUtud 1'rusi. IjO.NDO.v , December 1. Hanlnn ants the stnkctt raised to 500 a'sidc i his nintcli with Boyd. It ia possi- le that Ltuyd wilhit-ree. The tomb of the Rilcarres family at ) unlieth , Aberdeen , Scotland , won > rced by t'houls : uid the embalmed. iody of. the late uarl of Crawford , rhich was interred in December loat , ens stolen. It is supposed .tho object 9 blackmail. The lodge of the deer eopor of the house of Liaierick has ieen blown up , and the keeper so indly injured ho willtlie. The motivu or the act is tmppoaed tobe nivengo or beiny evicted. BKKU.V , December 2 In Koichstng. o-day during the debate on the euii- ration bill , Uurr JJottucher stated hat the Kuvorimient would produce new law on the subject early in. , the ipring. Hurr Kuppo , tt'ceBsionist , irged government protection for the imigrants both at ports of departure. md ports of lauding. Ilcrr liottiaeher- eulied that that had better bo loft to mvuto benevolence , and stated that ho government had no interest iu eeing its children leaving the couu- ry. Huron Frankenstein is arranging a. low cabinet for Davurin. The Ohio Man on Hli Travel * . Cutloriil AxMclatcd I'ri a. NK\T VOUK , December 2. Seventy- lix inuiiibers of tlio Ohio editorial aa- locuitinn arrived in this city to-day 'rom Yonuustown , Oiiio , whore they iad their annual meeting Tuesday ind Wednesday. On their wny to S'ow York they wore mot by thu nayornnd citizens ofUlornellville. Suicide , S'.tional A rclikti > J l'u i. IVANHAS CITY , December 2. Mra. lA'hmun , wife of u former reporter on The Cleveland 1'laindealer , atteinpted suicide this morning. S5ho came here in search of her husband , who had left her. She says she is the daugh ter of an ex-mayor of Boeton , S , Cftt- rill by name.