THE OiMAUA DAILY BME : FRIDAY , DECEMBER 2 , 1381. THE DAILY BEE , Friday Morninpr , Doc 2. Wrntlior Report. ( Tin following ob ervntlnn are Inkcn at the * anie moment < l time nt all the sta tions named. ) T , U. S. SHI L 8 rmcr , ) Otuilt , Itpctmlror I. 1831. ( l:4ri ) . In. ) ) "c. a It ITtONS. u Si" 3S SS Den cr V > 18 NK.ll.Uht Kalr Cheyenne. . . . 30.15 SE Llfrht Cbiidy II tta. HO.M " | llrl k Cloud Onuht 3I.SJ RjFrciih Lloudy Yanklon . . . . f.0.31 m CM in Clo tly l > f Jlolnr . . 3'l.8t ' ' DiTcnport. . . M.M 'iJ ht Fair Ht Paul SOX l-Uht Ht , M.3) f P lf 30.24 N K I , Kht loud/ Vincent * NW I ht Clear 30.-7 N K Krenh Cloud ; Hiiford 50.31 Clear Oumrr 30.3) N i : uehi Cloud ; I ) nrt o < l. . . 1U. < 1 v K | iiit llaty AMlnllKilno. . 015 ClinlCilin ( , 'lmidv LOOAL BREVITIES. - Tlio iniiil K"t p.ftty limlltliycnlcr - ikyV HUH. December opens bright nnil Biintiy. Tlie omens for n fnlr wl ter nrc KIKH\ \ . Tlio Internal rev niic roccipt-i nt the Om.ihn jMislollico diiriii { November were > J,807.-I8. Tlio ovcrlnnil trnlti last nljilit left OK * den nine hour * l.ite , but mndu tii | nil but ttvn hoiirii of the t.tnc bcfuro rebelling Oinnlin , The Irwin and Klliitmijncd H'.ock of banlwarc U olfereil for xalo by the A ! K * ner , W. ) , Hroatcli , Uinaha , to wliuiu In- iiirc ! ! ! ) can ba ndd c soil. The Hastcni Starii rtynt the Slaso.nlo ball to-night , will bu n delightful nllnlr. Dancing will begin at preciiely 8 o'clock lly rrdrr of tli'i ' committee. It is said that the liritt three day * of December rule tlio winter n.onth * . Ye- to day governing December would make tin outlook a poor ono for coal dealers. A Sabbath school will be held nt the Northwestern inllroad depot at 3:30 : o'clock p. m. next Sunday , under th nuipice * oj the Young Men' * Chriitian Aisocintion , The street can nro Hti 1 losing time on account of balky te.amn. I'crhapi the hones with caudal npiiendatrcs nre aihnm- ed 11 trawl in front of "hob-till" earn. T. W. T. Hichardn had a valuable overcoat ntolen from hid reflldenco on Tiisn- liy.Vcdne d y DetectiyeN'elii.'hsucce dod - od in capturing the cc > At and returniiis it to iU owner. la the proceedings of the county com- luiesiooen yesterday , n resolution was adopted which vacates the houne in the court luuso grounds licretofore occupied by icveral families free of rent. Max Meyer received ycatenlay a haniV Home present from C. D. HoberlM , pieai- dent of the Albion , HooneCo. bank , in the shape of a novel ! } ' designed ink Htand. It should be teen to be appreciated. A lad about 15 ye in * old , named Lee , woo thrown fro u a wagon attached to a runaway team near 13th and Leavenworth Ktreets Wednesday. He was tnmewliat bruised ' .tit not Heriously injured. One of the connundrunn which will never bo nniweru I in tliU world \ , to what extent tlm city council will bo re- Hponnible in the next for the profanity in- ducetl bjr the bad iddewnlkii the public Huff - f r from ? The > ecretary of tbe Xelnwk State Medical Hociety baa LHSIUJ a call for a meeting of that organization to be held In Unonln on Tuesday , Ie3erub r'7th ! , lu or der to take into connideration the enforce ment of the itato medical law. rTh * mine cane which hvt occupied the attention of the United SUtea Court for keveral dayGlidden v . the County of .Dakota iri sli'l on trial. Liku a previous ttuit it involvrn lha validity of ? a" > ,000 of Daki.ta coiuty bond * famed hi 1H70. There is emu shifting going en nmoni ? the choir oingers of thU city , which will TtiHult In Hiving the lUitiit | church n xplendld male ipiartetU clioir : MfMjrH. V. S. nnl J. L. Smith , who Ir.u-n H long lieen niemb nt of the Trenbyterinii choir , lecognized ox the best in towu , where Mm. Ijiteyand Mm. Kstabrook , nith the two Hnitilu , make up the quartttte. The other two gentlemen who complete tin new choir will be Jay Nbrthrup and W , K. JfaMi. Tlio successful introduction nl "Conrad's Original liudweiaer Hour" may with propriety bo compared willi Caesar's "Voni , Vidi , Vici. " For the public good : Conrad's Hud- wciser Beer. Narrow * oap * A young man about 1 ! ) years old , while skating , fell into a pond on the corner of 15th and Williams streoln Wednesday. The water was quite dean , but after floundering about ti while he succeeded in getting hold ol of firmer ice and crawling out. II was a narrrow escape from drowning , 1C HeacUthaLUt Of all other preparations or inediclncH , Jr can iof tuuaen , headache , dizzineiw or ir reKillaritlen of Uia a yatein , Ui'itoocK Dixxil ) OITTKIM have noc < iual. They neve : fail in affording immediate relief. I'rici 91.00 , izo 10 mnu , < odlw A tfitl package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT' " " " " fren nf charge. At C. ( \ Goodinan1 Death of MM Peabody. Jliss Jennie Kstello Peabody , aiate of Dr. Jumoa II. Peabody , died at tli reaidonco of her brother at 11:3 : Wednesday , after an illness of aevera weeks. The deceased was a prominen nieinber of the Trinity church , ain was bolovetl by all who know ho : Her death will leave a vacant chair i a Borrowint ; household and caua grbf in a wide circle of friends. NEVEHOrV'EUP. If you are Buffering witli low nn depressed spirits , loss of appetite , get eral debility , disordered blood , wva constitution , headache , or any dibuai of a bilious nature , by nil means pr < cure n bottle of Electric Hitlers. Yo will be surprised' to see the rapid in movement that will follow ; you \ vile lo inspired with new life ; etrungt and activity will return ; pain and niii cry will cease , and henceforth yo will rejoice in the prubo of Eloctn Hittem. Sold at H - > / . n bottle b Ish & SIcMahou. "WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladiea enl > MC. X. GooJmin. THE KELLOGG CONCERT , A Brilliant and Artistic Musi cal lintortninuiont. The Most Fashionable Audience - dionco Ever Scon in Omaha. MlM KclloRB Receive * nn Ovation , Whloli U Shared by Her Compnny. The grand concert presented in the opera house last evening is undoubt edly the musical event of the season in Omaha. The fame of Clara Louise Kellogg , heralded through both con tinents ; of itielf would hnvo been enough to attract n largo and musical ly enthusiastic audionco.lmd she never before visited the Gate city. But when the melody of her magnificent voice had once be fore electrified and unarmed the most critical residents of otir city , and whore it was known that who waste to appear with a support equal , and perhaps superior to any in thu world , it was not RO Burpn'sing that thu fashionable , and largest audi ence that ever greeted a prima donna hero should have boon drawn to gether. All available seats in the par quet , parquet cirele , dress circle , nnd nearly all in the family circle were filled. Mayor IJoyd and family oc cupied his private box. Miss Kollogu's support were none othur than Miss Clara I'oolo , ( Mrs. Clara 1'oolu King ) , one of the sweetest contraltos iu America ; Sit ; , Briguoli , the world famous tenor ; Siir. Taglia- pictra , the wonderful Italian baritone ; Ir. Timothio Adamowski , a violinist f great merit ; and Ilerr 3. Liobling , 'HI accomplished German pianist. The programme consisted of twelve .umbers . , delightfully arranged , 'ho first was a piano see - o by IlorrLioblingAndanto and Pol- naiso from Chopin. This was i-olljrcndorcd and fittingly load the irilhant entertainment to follow , lerr Liobling tis a conaciontious ar- ist , with Huperior method and care- il , though not brilliant , execution , { is selection was the same presented y that master of pianists , Joselly , at 10 latter'a recent performance hero , id compared favorably with it. Miss I'oolo and Sig. Taglia- oitra then sang the charming uut , La Favorita , from Duni- otti. They were very favorably re- eivcd , and Miss Poole achieved decided success. Of Tagliapctira'a laritono voice much can bo said. Bo om ! doubt ho is the best now up- n the American concert stage and no of the best in the world. Thu iiagniliceut duet was encored heart- ly , but was not responded to. The nexc number was a violin solo iy Adamowski , who presented Fan- : osio Caprice , from Vieuxtemps , in a nest artistic and technical manner. ' < > an enthusiastic encore ho respond- d with the well known serenade. When Sig. Brignoli , the great enor , appeared , he was most heartily ipplaudod. lie sang Quando lo Sere , 'rom Verdi , with much of his former rawer , but , to the regret of its many idmirors of this great tenor who had > eon enchanted by his singing in daya one by , it was evident that Brignoli > growing old and that his oico has lost much of the sweet- ess and purity of tone. A veteran in loncort singing , and ten years ago nrivalled , Brignoli has won laurels n which now lie might with pro- rioty rest. This.iii his third appear- nco in Omaha , the first being with 'aroppn lloaa and the second with lisa McCullough. The fifth number was the signal foi , burst of applause , for now , for the Irat time , appeared Miss Kellogg in ; ho beautiful Taeca la Notte , from Verdi. The reception of the great ! > rima donna wan indeed an ovation , and she evidently thoroughly appre ciated , and acknowledged the compli ment by her most magnificent vocal efforts. She was encored n aiti and attain , responding twice. Mist Kellogg lias lost none of her graceful imd fascinating appearance. II01 Ircssvaa indeed a marvel of art , and nply exhibited her olegmt figure vvliilo in perfect accord with the fail 'ace ' which has drawn so many distinj ; uishod admirers to her shrine. Sig. Tagliapetria again appeared in ho sixth number , and exhibited the ull power of his magnificent voice it : ho song of The Palms , from Fauro , lie received and responded to an en huniastic encore. In the 7th number Herr Liobliiif igain appeared , playing first , Fantas ! cs from Bondoll , and aocond , Gar rotte , from Bach , after Jossoily. Tin latter performance was accomplished with the loft hand alone , and as ai artistic performance it was highl ; " creditable , Inasmuch as ita exocu" lion was almost in the line of diflicul finger movement it could only bu ap predated by accomplished musicians Miss Poole appeared in the eightl number , sinking Tia I , and rospondet : o two very hearty encores. The remaining members of the pro gramme were presentjd as follows Big. Brigi.oli , who sang Embarrass ment from Abt , and responded to ai oncoro. Miss Kellogg , who sang wit ! touching sweetness Good-Hyo froi : Tosti. As an encore nho guvo wit ! charming pipuancy Lot Them Gc and then respom'udto ' the continue applauio by singing , in | her peculia style , Swaneo Hiver. The presontr tion of this old , and yet over now favorite sung with all lovers of moh dy , only confirmed the delight lit previous appearances had con ferret Adiuuowski played excellently n solw tion entitled Polonaiau , his own prt dilution , and gave pleasing res pom to a long continued oncoro. The concert closed with a splendi quartet from Martha by Miss Chi Louise Kellogg , Miss Clara Pool Sig. Brignoli , and Sig. Tagliapiotr At its conclusion the audience r luctantly withdrew , and n.s thu bri limit nnd fashionable inseinblaj passed out it was thu unanimous ve diet that Omaha had been treated the greatest musical event in its hi tory. After Burjjlari. Chief of Police Lyman , of Lincol was in the city on Tuesday , lookii for a brace of crooks who had BU coodod in burglarising the apartmun f a Miss Manlry , and wore supposed ; to have coum lo Omaha , Hu made a flomoivhat thorough search nf the town , hut was iinniiccepsfnl in fitidin ' his men. It is probable that they de cided to 50 east before thu oflicer.i got on their trail. Omaha isn't a very congenial place for auspicious charac ters , PERSONAL' F. P. Knlttlit , of the Brll Telephone company , IK In the city. Mr. Kd T. Wlnej , of Kent , lluwll k. Co. , Chlcnjjo , U In the cJLy for A few d y . L. 11 , 1'altner , of HuRtlnirji , wai In the city yeMcriUy , nnil paid TUB llir. a | > le - nant call , lord Ueiumonl , of KngUnil , wan a pM- dfnger on the noon train westward yenter- day. en route to 'Vrlfo . Pnill nnd .Iny Mutton nnd their w ves nre visiting their fnther. Hon. KtcrlinK Morton , at Ncbra ka City. Senator 5muil''rii ( left ycstorday after noon fur WnnliniRton City , to bu pren nt nt tlio opening of congrtM on tlie nth. MM. A. II. Swnn , nf Cheseniip , iccom- panUd by quite a party of Iwliei' , came In Iwt nljjht to nltetul the KclloKg concert. llcv. Thnma % Harriion , better known ui tin boy iircnclier , of Mnpsnclnne't ' * , passed ennt lait ni 'l't ' , ru'.nrtiiiiK from CaUfornin. 1' . 1' . Shi-lliy , n kitant ! frviwht n ont , ntnl > t. 1 * . Nicliiil" , division miporintonilt'iit of Union Pnclfiu railroad , are In liiticoln. I ) . C ) . Clark , tupcrintfiidetit of the co I d. | > nrtineiit of UIB Unloi INicifie , left on the noun train Wo Jnsoday for Hock Springx Wyoming. Col. K. F. Kinytlio went lo I'nppilliim ycdtertlay in reapomu to a teletjriitii refen- IKK to busiiU'HS arUlnj ; from the Slocuinb luw coiitciita the e. Senator Van Wyck and wife left Ne braska City for Washington , on Tuesday. They will return when con re ndjmirna for the holidayn , to remain a week or two. Mrs. J. C. Flood , wif i of the Bonanza King , anil daughter , occupied n Central Pacific director ) ' car attached to the noon train yesterday. They are returning to Han Francisco from New "V ork. K. K. Dix , traveling agent of the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad , and Lytiinn McCar- ty , general wcHtern paxHenger agent of the U. & O. railroad , with heidquarteM at Knnsns City , are in town. Thomas F. Sothnn , of Chicago , correspondent pendent of The American Cattle Journal of thnt city , nnd Hell's Weekly AIcsseiiKC- , of London , is in Omaha for a few ilayc , looking int. ) the cattle business. Mr..I. Willlnmsof 15. F. Troxcllfc Co. . who has resided f rso'ne yean in Council UluuX IUH ini'clm.sed a fine lot on .I'arn- ham street , ami wil. BOOH ljuild n spacious residencetlicreon. . Mr. Walter Huni , tic'-et agent of 13uf- falo , N. Y. , was in town jcsterday , and waa thu guest cf Mr. John A. Tattle , of the U. & jr. road , formerly of Hunlo. Mr. Iltinl has b enocan extensive pleas ure trip nouth and went. A party recently cngnged in the explor ation of the country between Kweetwater and the Wind river mount itus have just returned after an absence of over a month It consists of J. F. Nicho's , of 1/indon , Knglaiul ; Prof. Aii-hey ( , of our state uni- vcrsity ; Gen. Iiowe , Samuel K. Imogen ) , and J. L. Lovctt , of thin city. Me4sr . C. C. HnuHel , Col. C. S. Chase , Sam'l Hurna. Mr. Faulkner , C. II. Dewey , HenryT. Clark andE. Hosewater , of this city ; ( Jeorge Smith , of 1'latts- mouth , chairman of the Nebraska delega tion ; and ( ieneral Vifcmaia , of Lincoln- all delegates to the Missouri river convention - tion at > 5t. Jo. returned home yeitenlay. The Metropolitan hotel reguter indl- eaten Iho fullowing arrivals : ( J. S. King , of the Southern Utah Timas , 'FriscoMU ; < Anns Dakin , PlatUuioutb ; K. W. Higgi anil wife , of Potter ; M. F. Hill , of Lin. coin ; 11. Beer , of North Platte ; John Hullinan , of North Platte ; W. H. Me- Knaw and A. II. Ctinn , of Plnttxmouth ; MUx .U'liuiu Cook , of Cuiiccil IMulTH ; Noali Sicrer , of Deidwood. II. M , Sin ! h , Ksq. , for Hometime pant general agent of the II. & M. nt Atchuon , K * . , liai tecaived the appointment of assistant general freight agent to tleneva' Fre'ght Agent Harris , with hcadq\iartern at Omaha. Mr. Smith'ri well-known abil ities as a Urxt-claNi rai road man especially lit him for the position to which he ban been called , and hit many friends in Omaha will be pleased to know of his promotion. The Withnell House register note * the arrival nf the following visitors to the city : Mr. J , K , North ami daughter and M a. Splell , of Columbus ; George S. Smith , of I'lattsmouth ; Judge U. ( i. Hull and wife , cf Lincoln ; C. K , Suinnir ami wife , of Schuyler ; S. C. Smith and wife , of led ! Cloud ; Mm. J. K. Smith , of llentrlce ; W. 0. McLean and wife , of Papillion ; Mr * . L H. T. Clarke nn.l . Miss ( iertie L. CUrkc , of Belleviie ; P. G. Iteynnrd , of Council HluftV Kd. T. Cook , of Long Pine ; Frank North anil lady , of Columbia ; A. H.Swan , ' Thomai Swan and A. L. Howie , ; if C'liey ens * ; John M. Kagan and Mim Carrli Iteufun , of Hantlog ; Mr . Areman , o Scbuyler ; Kd. S. Connelly , of Albion ; Mm F. P. Ireland , of NebrajknCityC. ; Puller of Nebraska City. AMUSEMENT CONSTELLATION Frank Mnyo Next Week. Next vrcok Frank JIayo , tlio favorite ito actor , will visit Diimha with hi Grand Leqitiumto coiupany , and wil jiluy in Itoytl's oiwnv h'ouso Doccnibo B , ' . ) anil 10. The Detroit Kveniii News , Npciikiii < , ' of Mr. JIayo's per fdnnancoof ' 'Virxiniu8"says : "Fr.iul iNfuyo and Ilia snlondul company \vor juou _ at their boat last uvemni ; , ii 'Viryiniuj , ' It was a iiingnil ; cent all around perform mice and the only wonder is mn that stars like Lawrunco Bar ret Kdwin Jooth and John I\cCtilloug \ hnvo dnrod to como hero so tiian times with ' { .ticks'and 'aupen' toauji port them. Mr. Muyo ia the Urn to give these ynuul ol as they should Ion' , ' a o huv been produced with competent pec plo and necessaries. t8 ln"WINEOFCARruii" REED RELEASED , The County Co art Makoa n RiRhtooua Doclsion. Some Fnotii Not Creditnblo to the Municipal Antborltlot. Frank Hood was taken before Coun ty Judge Chadwick Wednesday on a writ of habeas corpus , on which his release from the county jail was nak ed. Yesterday Judge Uhadwick rendered a decision sustaining the writ and rolcartinx the prisoner , This ia the result of a case which ha.4 boon botoro the public some time. Reed WAS nrrcstcd about six weeks ago on the charge of being a suspicious character. Hu was lined $10 nnd costs. He paid it. Three weeks ap > he was again arrested on the name charge , coupled with that of canying concealed weapons. He wan fined $25 nd coats. Hu paid it. On Monday 0 was a ain arrested , us ho wns coin- peaceably from nn untertaiument 1 the Opuni House , was arraigned on he charge of being n "suspicious iliarncter , " mid was fined $ iiO and osts and Bcntenced to 10 days in the oimty jail. It was the imprisonment 11 the county jail from which ho was oleased yesterday by Judge Chad- vick. The judge , in sustaining ho writ of habeas corpus ave it as hit opinion that prisoner could not bo sentenced by ho city police judge to the custody of lit ) county slieritF ; and that there is 10 such ollensu upon the statutes as a 'suspicious character , " which can bo mnishcd by imprisonment ; that these mints were well taken by Charles lodick.JEsq. , the prisoner's counsel. Hood has been fined , altogether , or being a "suspicious character" ? 85 nd costs of three oxnmina- ions. Hu was sentenced to ton lays in jail nnd obliged to servo n jart of his sentence for the amo of- anso. All the evidence produced in : ourt against Hood was , that ho was nknown , and that ho had at the dif- brent times ho was arrested vinous s of money , ranging from $200 to 500. Upon the examination ho ro used to disclose his business , or his esidonce which ho had' a perfect ight to refuse. Upon the outside nnd in he hearing of the city police court he statements have been made that Iced was believed to bo a "crook" , nd banker , or "fence , " for the hievjs and crooks which are claimed o bo operating in this city and Couu- iil Bluffs. Not u word of c idcnce to .hat effect ha.s been produced upon uy or either of the examinations , "he question then arises , very per- incntly , why was not such evidence reduced if it exists ? The decision f Judge Chadwick is manifestly just. n what degrco Judge Boncko has lonformod to his prerogatives is a egal question. Ono thing , however , looms patent. If Heed has been around ore for two or three months , as is llcgcd , regarded nil of the time as a 'suspicious character , " ho might ave boon watched and du- ected. If he has cominit- od no offense , why lias e been made a prisoner three times , nd fined nearly ono hundred dollars , imply because ho had money and kept his mouth shut ? There is an in- fh'ciency somewhere , or an unjust nistako somswhere.Vhen the time ins come that a police force of ten ncn cannot detect nefarious proceed- ngs by ono man who is known and uspectcd , in two or three months , , ho question arises very ( plainly whether the present municipal police ; ovcrmuent hadn't better shut up hop. A 'World of Good. One of the most popular medicines low before the American public , is Hop Bitters. You see it everywhere. People take it with good effect. It "milds them up. It is not as pleasant to the taste ns some other Bitters na t is not a whisky drink. It is more iko the old fashioned bone-set tea that has done a world of good. Ii you don't feel just right try Hop IJit- 'urs. Xunda News. novlu-dccl WEDDING BELLS. , TVhlch Merrily Rlne In Thli City and Lincoln. The season of "marrying and giving n marriage" is fully opened , and ocial circles in this city and Lincoln , well as other neighboring cities , are brightened with the nuptials of many happy .couple. Two weddings occur red Wednesday , ono in Omaha and the ther in the "capital city , which are worthy of especial notice , and each ol which have called forth the brightest hopes and fondest well-wishes of rela tives and friends. Mr. Frank E. Winkleman , the well known conductor on the Union Pacific road between Grand Island atid Nortl Platte , was married Wednesday al U o'clock to Miss Hello Jennoy , daugh ter of Headmaster Jennoy , of tin Union Pacific , corner of Ninth ant Pierce streets , llov. Ingrain , paste of the Christian church , porfurmci the solemn ceremony. A largo num her of relatives and friend were present. The bride wa attired in an exquisite win colored , 1 satin plush dress , witl garnet jewelry and tea roses , and presented sonted a beautiful appearance. After the ceremony n bridal fcas was spread for the guests , which wa both luxurious and elegant. Thu fol lowmq gifts were among the token by the friends of the happy coupli A set of silver knives and fork ; small and large spoons nnd Bet t china , from the following niilron men ; P. Totthoy , J. D. Moore , J. 1 Hensley , G. A. Jnhnke , 0. S. Howell W. A. Deucl , 0. E. Gump , Joh Hallitf , 0. H. Crow , lUehnrd Connol Martin Horn , T. A. Taylor , Fran Huiitoon , F. 0 , Martin , Win. Luhoj James Robinson' , II. F. William ! Gus. Hob ) , Low , Farrington , C C. Kiscr ; a china tea sel hand painted , from Mr. an Mrs. Hochlinijer ; oil painting from Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McElroy , c Grand Island ; two statues , from Ml and Mrs. Ueatty ; ice pitcher nnd got lot , from John T. lUin ; lamp , froi Mr. nnd Mrs. Harmon ; one butter dish , from Mr. nnd Mrs. Hinckly , of Denver ; ono pair of vases , from Frank F'Miila , North Plntte ; cake basketMr. and Mrs John Heady , of Gibbon ; two napkin ring * , from Patsey anil August ; t\vo from Mr. and Mrs. Harman ; wo china cups nnd saucers from ilr. nnd Mre. Hay ; fruit dish , rom Mr. ami Mrs. Bennett ; cake ilate , from Frank Uurbin , of Council Hulls ; card receiver , from Mr. nnd Irs. T. D. Sargent ; silver cup , from Dr. M. J , Gahah.Grand Inland ; jewel ind toilet case , from the groom ; wax ross nnd tablespoons , from Miss Jelle Wnlbridgo and Emfiold ; "Hill's Vlbum of Biography and Art , ' from ilr. and Mrs. F. E. Slmrts ; nl- urn , from Mr. nnd Mrs. iarnoy Byrne , of Duncan ; syrup up , fro1 , Jennie , May and losio Williams ; syrup cup from E. J. iVnlters , North Platte. Pickle caster tul celery glass from Miss II. II. Chapman , Grand Island ; rocking hair and stand from Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonney , mother nnd father of the iride ; rocking chair from Mr. J. inland ; a pecuniary present from ' . Mahatij table cloths , nap- ins and towels from Thomas ml Mury Logan ; castor from P , 'ogg ; spoon holder from Mr. and Irs. Clark ; silver sugar bowl and reamer from A. II. and E. W. Gillett , nd Miss Maggie Todd ; silver tooth lick holder from W. 11. Shields ; set f teaspoons from Geon > o Jenney ; not f silver kniven and forks from S.trah enney ; supar nnd mustard spoon 'rom Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ew- ng ; butter knife from F. B. 'ierich ; two vases nnd tooth pick iclder from Chos. Llommloy , Don or ; silver sugar bowl and creamer 'rom Mr. and Mrs. Morgan. Peter- on and Horace Morgan ; watch case rom Grant Hohl ; silver cake basket 'rom ' Mr. and Mrs. George Chamber- in ; pickle case from Biro Sarget. Council Bluffs ; painting from Mr. and "Irs. McCIuro. ATKINSON IRWIX. Hon. H. M. Atkinson , surveyor ; eneral of New Mexico , and Miss Ida L.Irwin were married at Lincoln Wed- , esdny afternoon. They loft for Chicago cage on their wedding trip , nnd on heir return will visit two days in Omaha , December Oth nnd 7th. They hen go toBtownvillc , Mr. Atkinson's Id homo , tifter which they will pro- eed to Now Mexico. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Irwin , of Lincoln , nd is a sister of Mrs. Thos. Creagh , if Omaha , and also of J. M. Irwin , vho is employed in the oflico of Mr. \tkinson in New Mexico. The heart- eat congratulations are extended by TIIK BEE. _ _ THE PHOENIX. A New Omaha Medical Society Rts. Ing From the Grave of the Old. Died Recently , in Omaha , Doug- as county , Nebraska. "Tho Omaha ledical Society. " For several years is health has been poor owing to the iiharmony of its parts and for months t has languished , thauxhafewfrienas Tied to keep it alive and restore it to healthy condition ; but it died from ho wounds inflicted by its guardians who should have been its friends , and rom which it could not recover. No ihysician was present when it died hough more than fifty were in the ity. Had five been there it might mvo been saved. Twenty-five could have been there but they were not , and it is dead. "Not by the public minister of justice nor by a hired " ; nifo ; but that self hand which writ ts honor in the acts it did hath with ho courage which the heart did lund t , splitted the heart. " SiiAKsrK- : . The foregoing is furnishud by ono of : ho mournurs of the defunct society. There huve been aimmberof attempts o revive the former association of the physicians of the city for mutual ben efit , but all have failed. The micleus , lowovor , of a now society is stated to DO forming , which promises to grow into a healthy youngster. Ten physi cians are now meeting each week , up on which occasions one of the number furnishes a paper of not leas than twentv minutes' length , which is aftenranls criticised niul discussed. As yet no constitution or nume has been given to the new society , but it is hoped BOOM toiuako an organ- "zation , which will both bu more ilounshing than the old one was in its palmiest days , and ako'duvoid of the petty jealousies and war of individua ! egotisms which tended to demoralize he former association. As a name 'or the now society , TIIK IKK ! would uggest "The Phiuiiix. " A Willing Endoner. MLLWAITKKK , Wm. , .JulylH ) , 1881. II. W. WAKNKU A. Co. : Slits ] am rocoinmend yo\ir Safe Kidney ant Liver Cure , and you can cheerfully use my name. 31 us. A.NX KKI.LY. eod-lw Saratoga Lyceum' The regular meeting of theSaratog : Ijceum was held Wednesday. Ai election of flicers resulted as follows President , Chan.V. . Tousloy ; vice president . II , Lawton ; secretary Constable Page ; treasurer , Louis Lit tlefield. The question to bo debatet next Jlonday evening is. "Hesolved That a limited monarchy is prefunibk to u republican form of government. ' GREATEST IJKMKDY K' OWN. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the gruntc * medical remedy over placed within tit reach of sulluring humanity , Thou sands of oncu helpless hiill'iiroM , no\ loudly proclaim tliuir praise for thi wonderful discovery to which the. owe their lives. Not only does it posi lively euro Consumption , but Coughs Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , llaj Fever , Hoarseness and all directions c the Throat , Chest and Lungs yield at once to its wonderful cunitivo power or as if bv magic. Wo do not ask yo to buy u largo bottle unless you kiun what you aso gutting. Wo therefor earnestly request you to call on you druggists , ISH it AIcMAiiox , and get trial uottle free of cost which will con vlnco tlio most skeptical of its wonder ful merits , and show you what n regular lar ono dollar size bottle will do. Fo sale by Ish & McMahon. M ) NOT TO BE FENCED IN An Attempt by the B. & M. Company to Close Ninth Street. The Manhnl Order * the \Vorli- mon to Qnlt ODorntlont- Early yesterday a citizen of the "irat ward , south of the Union IV ific and 13. it M. depots , called upon Councilman McU.ivock , chairman of lie committee on streets and gtadcs , nd informed him that tlio H. & M. ompany had men at work fencing in , > r rather , fencing out , that portion of Ninth street , between the alloy-way uuth of the U. & AI. depot and the racks. The property on both sides of this struct up to the alloy way was pur chased some time ago by the U. it M. Company , and will eventually be on- .irely utilized for deuot purposes. A uige steam ehorel has been at worker or a number of days cutting nway dirt rom the eiiiKuikmuut south of the lopot. A grnvel train and about one lundred laborers have also been em- > loyed in loading and carrying oil' the : attli thus obtained. Tlio usual habit , of residents in this icinity has been to go to the depots > y Ninth fitrect , and to also taku ho sninu way across the tracks to the J. I * , depot platform and thence to "cnth street. For this purpose n irond ( light of stops has facilitated tlio escent of the cmb.inkment. During ho recent work of excavating , the ocation of these stairs has been dug way and the steps removed. Wednesday , as above stated , the com pany's workmen dug post holes across N'iiuh street in the line of the alloy ud yesterday planted several posts , 'he residents around there conse- ucntly made the protest to Council- mn McGavock , and the latter gentle- nan called upon the Marshal to atop proceedings. When the Marshal ap- icarcd upon the ccciic , the foreman ) f the tuncc gang stated that he lad received his orders to go ahead nd fence the atreet out , and didn't enow anything else about it. Ho .bought , however , that it was the in- ontiou of the company to simply enco across the street to prevent > coplo from falling down the bank vhilo. the excavating was going on and the steps were away. Councilman McGavock informed he Matshul that the city was ro- ponsiblo for all danger to pedestrians md would protect the bank. The Marshal therefore ordered the oreman to move the posts , fill up the loles , and leave the street open for ravel. This is doubtless a sensible nove , as , the street once fenced in , ho railroad company \ ould bo in a losition to enjoin the city authorities rom removing the obstruction , and lelny proceedings by vexatious legal irocccdings. SPECIAL NoticesT" TO LOAN MONEY. OXEY TO LOAN Cull at Law Olllce ol D. M1 L. Thomu Room 8 Cretehton Block. ? " A A AA To loan at from S to 10 per ce t NJf.'UU on good real eatatesecurity , by DR. ISAAC KDWARDR 1109 Farnham St. 2OCJI III III'1'0 LOAM At b per centlu- P/iOU.UUU Ureet In mmi of 12,600 knd npwirds , for 3 to 6 yean , on Brat-clMB city and arm property , lluiu RKAL ESTITI and LOAN AORNCT. ICth and Doiulea BU. HELP WANTED. \\rANTKD-Agoou Rill for general houw- YV work. Eiuiulro t Intulllgcnre offlee , llth tn-et. near Karnam strce . 019-2 * Good aicntH for all WANTED Invni , genteel work big pay. Call ir ad-lrt-w , J. 1' . DKVuttif , 1015 Capital Avenue , 0135' _ _ A \ ANTKI ) 1 irfjiectable ircntluinen to room > V ami noanl. IwiilrohOuthHC | < > t eonitr Ibth ml hard St . Gl.r , tf A good home bv .1 toy clctrn WANTKll ' .wars old , willing to Jw'ork and want * o go tn wheel Ai'drctx ' , .1. Frederick , lice olliio OlU-f 17AMB ! ! > liltl ( or funeral lieu iiwork. &t . , . , V „ „ ' . Oit-tf 0tj | jiirv'aatcnuc. : - \ir.VXTKI ) An attitt that can do flrst-cla- ' uorkat A'ctihlng bulldlngH illi In.lii 'nk for iihoto-cnirravln ; . Apply at ontu to .1. , llcuollicc. CorfortaMe fnrnUheil rjom In WANTED ward , north of U. P. track , for n hits * man employed cvtry day in hU oltic1. Address , C. U. , live otlice. 11-1 - In ptUate f iniily , at SW .So. WANTED-Cirl Itth Sc ; must thoroughly undcihtaud utarchlng and ironing clirt ! 1 tfcrcixes tc qulri-d. UlJi-J' - - with boird for WAX-lKD-KurnNhedroom mil , in private family , centrally Urated , Inferences racl ed. Address , E. D. M , , Omaha Dee otli c. ANTED A g'tl from 13 to 15 to betp In W family , ti q lire ut 1017 Chicago Ht. BOT-1 WANTED Korin ahil lior d for jcntla- man and wife In a f lea-tant locality , con venient to the po t ottlrc. Addre s , U. II. L. , > ee IHce. S9il-lf ANTED A liundiy vnmen and | Ktiitry W girl , at Emmet Hutise. 5'J7 1 WWANTED Koom and h u.rd by man WANTED ' . Inferences changed. Ad * ilreM.X. , lleootlire. 68C-tl - > NTKl > lly a nurricd louplu oltt-r Dec. WNTKl rooms with board In private Until ) . Addrcyt nfth tcrnu , O , II. , 1400 Doug las St. SiS'tf 'ANTED-A hou'ckeeperht 1103 Kirnham tnc ( , up stairs. 4U8-tl Vt7ANTKnOlrl to do homework. Knqnlre \ > 1110 Farriham Et. < i-tl Fundinr bridge and heel bond * WANTED Clark. IMIevup. M-lf FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. 1.1011 BKNT-KurnUhwl room , S W. dr. lOtl I1 amlla < cm > or' . U17-7 IlKKT A pliwa-it fmUshol room foi gcntl.Mnan.atUCKJFatnhamfit. , bet , lUth anl 17th 010--J- lOHUK.Vr-l ! dislrable rooma , three MocUi 1 from post orllci ! , 17th St. Addrei-wlth re feronrc * . Mm. L. 11.Ilmton.curc ol Carrlir.So.'J OH-3 * CattiRUMllh C rooms , new ant ITIOUKUNT , liupilr ) on pieinlscM , at M'\ I an Ma'on. 3 blocks nouth of St. yary'K avonuv , . . " " " . " . fiVi-2' CII AS "KAISEH. 11\OK HKN'T-ttoortii abe > o S. JaeoW tlothlnj J1 home , 1121 Farnluni tt. , nultabl forfllli or > leejilnf | a | artmenU , Kniulie In the clothliif tore. ' ' 017-1 'I OIt IIKST One parlor on ground floor ftnt I ? one chamuer handiomely furnlihtil , 841 ! California St. CIS 0 MINT HOUMI of 0 rooau , U2I 10th St. Foil l"aul. " 3-B 1011 I1KNT Furnl.hcd room * , at wrtb 1 corner Utliand California. 5vi 21 011 , UKNT Two well lurnUhwl rooirn will 17 J boird , Wil Caa bt. , brt. Ztth at.dSUt. I710H 1IKST A boardlm ? house of L' roomi , on Dodtre ttrcet , near iuielt'nj ' work and hoju. Itent , 4O1) | > er ntrito. l'ci c Ioi tfiicnoiUt DtwmitT. Hoarder now In th nouw will itnaln. J3ilKd I. MOHTON , 3W B 10'h Hf. " " > SPECIAL NOTIDES-OontfflUBd SAI.K I'tano , Apply 125 Howard , t * I. Poll Mid 10th SK cotl-l' ipoil HKNT , niKAP-Homo , 1) ) utory , 21th I.1 Mill DaiiKtMSiM In uirc olW. 0. Hum- liam , at llutwrmann's Jewelry .More. 59Mf FOR KENT A lultof ( urnhhttl roomn , patlor ami two li Iroom , aluo n Mngle room. CM- cwro Btrcot , between Ulh a. . il 1Mb , centre brick home. 4RO-U FOK KENT t.arRotiAmlKomc y Jurnlnhcd bAck I rlor ; al o front room ccond ftiry brick. - , 1013 dun ttcct , 6 iloort west o ! SOU , . FOR UKNT r'urnl.hcd roorru . , north . fide of California St. , 2d door went of 2Ut. Inquire after 1 p. m. 4X4 It I1OK KK.NT 2 itory liouoc , H room * , 4 \ r v 1 closet * ; fcUofcbjrnfUiilrtil. ! 24 : Dcn - yort St. 4" > . ' " 1Oll KKNT ruriiiahro roomo \ i Mel- chant * ' Bch nueN.E , cr.r. Iflih ami Dodge- itrtxt * . SALE. E10II SALK A irsod sctcn-cftr-oM her e 1 Warranted to ilrlte slnglo or double. En quire of ( .corKO Cantlil J , Oilfield IIOIIKC. novlS-tf FOU MAI.K \ ftnc Colt's Iterch Loadltii ; Shot Gun. ( huil iw new. Ha * been usnl > rry lltt'e. Cost $85 , will tnkB'JO. ' Adilcss I , . W. lice OllliT. ft73.ll tJlOlliiALK Ono IMVO cook ran > ! u ami ono 1 jurlor set of 7 pieces. , I , . Jtaglnii , Att'y , ( .rcigliton nicck. City. KVMf PlUlt } < AtiK Two Kccunil hum ! en lnca In fliot- 1 ; rlavt condition , one 25 II. 1 > . and oneO 11. 1' . Knm'lru Omaha Foundry ami Machine Co. FdHSAI.12 Team gooil ponies , chew ; nt Itcil Ham , Itith St. HICK FOU CALK. B 203-tf ESTAmtOOK & COF haarattllntr IOIIK llstu ol hotiscH. loin BKMI8 atid ( arms for oalo Call and get them. _ SALE Maps of UoiiRlaii and Sarpy out FOK . A. ROSUWATKlt , 1620 Parnham street ' _ 320-tf AND LAND UctniB rents houses , HOUSES stores , hotels , fartr ota , lands , oulcca rooms , etc , See 1st page MISCELLANEOUS. n.UK SIOUX ClTVnUTTON JUNlJFACTbU- JL INO CO. , Will pay eah ( or horns by the car- loaddcilrcrcd at any railroad depot In S oux City. Texas -tccr horn preferred For particulars tul- ilrcs , I ) . C. Koble , Supt. 013-J1 CLASS SALESMAN ( from New AFMIST ) delrcH a nlmatlon where his ecrvlcce would bo required. No objectin ! to going wrat. Addrcsi A. Hlock , care I ) . Goldstoin. council Iowa. dec l-6t T GST OR STOLEN-Small liver and whtto , JLj mostly tthlto , pointer dotr. The party who hai the doc " ' " Hnd It more profitable to return to owner than to keen Mm , as I shall nmku trouble If not In my tKisses'lon bco o Saturday. Q SO. ll. FITCHKTT , carriage blioi ) , 315 bouth 15th atreet. 00 1) CHANOK FOR A GOOD UAKEtl A iVIth apinill rnpital can buy n bakc > y , con- H'HiInt of an oian gxlO feet and a b.ihehou e 14x 24 with gold Htoio rounn and f.mlly rooms to cut ( or 815 per month with 2 years lease ; ic-t location In of the liveliest - one towriu in Nc- jnnVn. Inijulrocf II. U.C'larl. & Co. , Neb. SsO-3 IS CRAYON I'astilo ami Ol' ' , PORTRAITS l o decorative uaimlnir. MRS. O. It. VARDXEII , room 1 , Jacob's Block. 5J2-U Kcj-d rn Farnham , In front of Toft's. FOUND can he sail e by proving property nil pijlnp ( or tliiri advertlscuicut at the Boo tllco. 123-1 B ' REALKiiTATK BOOM. Sec 1st pajfo. HAY At A. H. Sander's ttiml sto.u BALKO HonioySt. sla-tf KillS' KKAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. a B EMIS1 NEW CITY MAPS. 10c. Monnte B Mape , SS.M ) . QhO. P. BEMI& COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES , NOT1CK. Special advcrtlseraentf , ruch ai x t , found , To Loan , For Sole , To Itent , Vanto , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In this column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINK for the tirst Insertion and FIVK CENTS Ell LINE for each subsequent Insertion. Leave adv crtiscuicnts at our office , up-etaln , comer Uroadn-ay and JIalii streets , Council IlllfTrl. "VirAXTED Btcrybody In Council Bluffs lo VT to take Tim Itxr , 20 cents ixr week , do \ \ ercd by carriers. Olllce corner llioa Jway and .lain . , up ntnlra. Council lllulla. uoi-tt To purchase fne lilockn of lots WANTED without inijiroi emcnt * , In a line mnilni , ' south I'Diiiineiii-lin ; at Ilroadwav , cither ; of < ; . & N. \ \ ' . depot. Address Perry , In -an ; of TIIF. line i ttlcu , Coundl IUufTi > , oun 2t VfOriCK VouutnKet the quickest and tct .N pictur a f jour children , &e. by patron- tins liarke'ncM'tNior gallery near jWHt olflce , Council ItliiffD , atihe iihes the new Instant ncous iroi csi. u imd Hcrdic fate allow cd to Omaha .idles. fit u. 0. d. \\TANTKI > Agcntt to < ama s liest pay- W IriL' bii-lii(9 in the i oun try. Address C. M. , lleuolllcf , Coiincil BluHf. Xo\9-tt SAI.K- -Horse , buggy md harm's , cheap IIOH 1 cash. Address NY. II. C. , lice olllco Illulti. .N'o\'J-3t ' TICKET OFFICE \Var In railroad tickets continues to boom. L'w rcccdcntod aw rates to all eastern iwlnt.1. Hvcry ticket ruarantre < l. Orders filled uy telephone. From ono to ton dollar * saved by purchasing tickets of U. A. 1'oticr , successor to Potter & Palmer , No. 40 South Fifth street , four doors below the post- ottlcp. Council Ulnfli , Iowa. oct3-tf ANTED Hey , with pony , to carry papers. Inquire at tlisii oltlce , Council lllulls. ' 'octl3-tf To buy 100 tons broom corn. WANTED address Council Bluffa lire ni Factory , Council 131 uff * . Iowa. B58-20tf A flret-clasa broom tier. Mayna WANTED Council Bluffs. Iowa. CCO-30' SALE Old papers 40c per hundred , at FOIl Bee cilice , Council Blttfls. s 27'tf EDWARD KUEHL MAOIBTER OF PALMT8TERY AND CONDI TIONALIST , 498Tanth Streetbetween Fatnbam and Hainey. Will , with trio aid of guardian iplriti , obtain for any one a glance at the past and present , and on certain conditions In the fu ture. Booti and Hhpcs made to order. Perfect tattiUctlcn cuariiitied anS1 > Absolutely Pure. Made from Orap Crek.n Tartar. No other artlon mak uch llsht , flaky hot brcadi. uiurloui jxwtry. Can bt eaten by DyrprpUe rltront fear ol thelllt re.uUInB from hra 7 ittt'ble food. Sold only In c n . br all Oroctn ROYAI. IUftlS-0 WU-tiKlVco