Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1881, Image 3

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    tllli UiUALlA JLJAlJLjl IMUUAI ui ; cau i > u i v / - , 1001
, *
An Instance of the Reclamation
ot a Convicted Felon.
The Trno Story of thn RctlcmpUor
of a Young Man Who HnA Boon
a Convict Soverril Times-
SAM Kranclno Col I ,
"Do you believe it is possible for r
mail to rctriovo a lost character niu
bccoinu nu honest uiul useful citizen
nftcr once boint ; a convicted felon ? "
Those words wcro addressed to tin
one tiny in the spring of 1878 , in tin
alouping car of the eastern-bourn
overland train. They were spokei
by n man whom I Inul never sicti
whoso acqunintnnco I liiitl m.ttlo th.r
tlay whilti wo were bowling alonj.
through Wyoming Territory. I Inu
been in California nearly thirty years
and this was my lirst visit unst sinci
my arrival here in 1810. Nearly linl
th it number of years had been npenl
JIB < ui nflicerof the law , and of coursi
1 was well versed in the uriiuiim
history of our stale.
1 looked ut my interrogator slmrplj
for n second before I nuswored him
for the reason that the question win
put in u very peculiar tonu of voice
1 replied : "Yes , but not often. "
The answer seemed to please tin
party , and ho asked mo to narrate au ;
circumstance of such n nature tlm
iniglit have como under my observa
tion , which I did , aa follows :
"In the year 1848 Ultra lived ii
one of the eastern states a family con
mating of the hnsbind , wife ant
three children two girls and a boy
They were educated people , an <
moved in the most respectable society
In the year before mentioned , tin
head of thin family was duly oloctet
to the senate of the state in which In
lived , uiul upon the meeting therco
ho was choHon to preside over tha
honorable body. In the spring o
184.U , the gold fever being then at it
height , ho , with hundreds of others
caught it , and the result was a voyng
to the golden state. He had one
been a sailor , and owing to his atipo
rior knowledge of nautical matters
ho was tendered and accepted th
command of a fine vessel that hai
boon purchased by nn association o
gold hunters , and in the capacity u
captain ho came to California , briny
ing with him his wife and children.
"They arrived here in the fall o
40 , and soon became quite wealthy
After a residence of several years h
was elected to the judiciary , and final
ly died , respected and honored by al
who know him. The boy _ , now felt n
it were to look out for himself , see
fell into bad associations. Ho wn
fond of horses , and embraced over
opportunity that u tiered to seek 01 ;
the native Culitoniians and Mexican
( then more plentiful than now ) an
assist them in driving their great herd
of horses and cattle , that were run
ning comparatively wild on the broa
plains surrounding the bay of Sa
At the time of which I speak th
country was infested with desperadoes
Such mon as Tom Bell , Jack Powori
Narcisso Bojorques , Procopio , Jua
Soto , Pie Ochoa , Pancuo Altamorant
and many others , had full swing c
the country , from San Diego toSisk %
you. Whole bands of horses and civ
tie were often run off , and if th
owners attempted to follow , the
wouldjbo either driven back at tli
point of iho knife or pistol , ornu :
dercd outright.
"It is not to be wondered at th :
the youngster I am telling you abou
should have eventually fallen in an
associated with these mon. He ha
learned to speak Spanish as iluontl
as a native , and , in listening to' the :
stories of adventure as they sat aroun
their camp fires , he became infatuate
with their mode of life , and finall
changing his name and became one i
"My first acquaintance with hii
was in 180. , . lie , with three othors-
Mi'xicans called at the house of
farmer in one of the central countii
of the State , and , knocking at tl
door , asked for a drink of water. Tl
farmer's wife was alone , and natural ! ;
was much alarmed at the appearam
of so many armed men at her door ; bi
she turned to go into the kitchen f <
some water. As she did so , one of tl
party grasped her by the throat , an
prevented her from making an outer ,
while the others tied her hand an
foot. Completely helpless , she coul
do nothing , and remained quiet. Or
of the men held a cocked six-shooti
at her head , while the rest of the gai
searched the house for plunder. Ol
taming what little money there was i
the dwelling , they tied the woman fate
to the bed , and , mounting their horn
road away into the mountains towai
San Jose.
"Tho oycs of the woman had in
been idle. She hau impressed upri
her mind the faces of the whole gat
the young American aiming tl
rest. I was sent for to investii ale tl
cose , and from the perfrct descriptii
given of them by the woman , I EOI
made up my mind as to who the guili
parties wero. I secured all thn
after n hunt of more than a vt-ar ; b
of my search it is not necesjary
speak. I will only relate such of tl
circumstances im are directly conuccti
with the subject of my sioiy. 1
was the first one arrested , arid upi
being confronted with the woman , " '
identified as one of the gang who In
robbed her. Ilo pleaded guilty ai
wan sent to San Quentin for outi ye.
"I saw nothing moio of the you :
man for about two years , when , ha
poning to bo in San Jose in compa :
with another oflicor in search of HOI
c.ittlo that had boi-a stolen ( wo h
Htarted out just at the break of da ;
when turning the corner of a atriJ
wo r.ui against our young man , w with as u-'ly a looking npcuiin
of u Mexican as I ever paw.
" 'Hello , ' I said , 'What are you t
ini ; horuatthU time of the inornin
for no one was yet astir-in the town.
" 'I am going after my horse , '
replied ; 'I am working on n lanch t
on the road a piece. '
"I suspected that they wore up
Home mischief , so wo searched tin
and on each wo found an eight-ii :
Colt's revolver.
" 'llather nice tools to go to w
' remarked ' I will if
with , I ; 1 guess
you in and turn you over to. I
sheriif ( the late lamented J. H. <
ams . NVedidsonnd they were fmet
for carrj , ing concealed w eapan ? , ant
having no money were compelled ti
serve thirty dajs in the county jail
lie told mo afterwards that our CAUS
ing their detenaion prevented then
from carrying out a plan to run oil'i i
band of fine horses they had deter
mined to take.
"Another year passed without inj
seeing the young man. One tlay ' .
received a dispatch from one of tin
northern countries , stating that i
valuable American mare ( ilcscribiiij
her ) had been stolen from that coun
try , and asking mo to keep a lookou
for her , as the thieves were cominj
my way. I soon found , not only tin
animal described in the dispatch , bu
several others ; and found them to <
with our young American , and in in ;
own county. Ilo was hold , tried ant
convicted , and the horses weio re
turned to their rospccuivo owners
This time ho again pleatled guilty
mid was lot ell' with one year's impris
onment in the stale prison. Hi
served out his term and was liberated
Afterward I met him occasionally , bu
ho would only pull his hat down ovt <
hia oycs and try to avoid mo. Lite
I heard of him at San Jose , and tin
he wns about to be married. On th
very day of his wedding ho was at
rested nn a charge of having stolei
six horses from a farmer in the cell
trni portion of the 'itato. .Me wns ik
tained in j.iil about four months , nn
wai finally discharged , there being n
evidence to convict him. Ho re.ill
had nothing to do witli the stealing t :
those horses , as T afterward recoverc
the animals and ariested the real cu !
prit and had him sent to the stat
"lie wus released from the San .los
jail , every botiy believing him to bo th
real thief. 1 lost eight of him fit
more than a year , when one day as
was coming from the upper eountr
on the Central Pacific railroad th
train stopped at a station , and wh
should get aboard but this young mar
lie saw me , and , as usual , tried t
escape my notice. Aftcrtho train ha
got well under way I left my scat an
wont and sat beside him and ontnre
into conversation with him. I askc
him what ho was doing , and all aboi
himself. Ho told me ho was marriet
and bad quit the old business forovei
Of course , I thought that was barol
probabb , ns very few of his class foi
sake their unlawful calling. Hut li
assured mo it was true , and tin
ho had done nothing of the kin
for several years. In repty t
my question of what he was doni {
ho said ho was on his way t
a town ( I won't mention the name ) i
search of work ; that employment ha
been promised him , and ho e.xpecte
to get it. He further .stated that li
with his wife had a room , where the
had been living , at the station i
which ho had boarded the 'train , an
that all that ho and his uifo had hn
to eat for four dajs wns some soil
crackorsj with only water to drinl
The tears started in his eyes an 1
told mo this. The train stopped an
wo both got oil' 'Now,1 said 1 , '
what you toll mo is true , and yc
really intend to become nn hone
man , I will help you to be so.
you don't find the work you expe
come to mo , and I will sec what I en
do for you. ' He thanked mo at :
"In about an hour he came to m
I saw at a glance that lie had bee
disappointed. 'What success ? '
" 'None , ' ho replied. ' 'I did n
got the work. "
"Calling him into my private ollic
I had a long talk with him , and at tl
end took a handful of silver from n
pocket and handed it to him , savin
'Here , take this ; it will keo ] > you f
a few days , and in the meantime ] w
try to get you work to do. '
"He took the money , and look *
me full in the face for a Hoenn
turned suddenly away into : i coiner
the room and burst hit > the most en
rowful cry I over heard , llosobln
as though his heart would break J
soon as lie could master his emotion
ho turned and came toward me , ai
taking my hand said : 'May ( Jed k :
me if ever I do wrong again' I'll def
of starvation in the Btrccts fir t ! '
_ " 'Stay hero a little whili > , ' I i-aid ,
will see if I can get you thu woik y (
want.1 In half an hour 1 had obtai
ed for him a job to cliivo a six-hoi
team. I returned and told him wh
Iliad done. His face lighted up wil
the satisfaction he felt. Hudrovo tl
team for about two months , and tlu
got a job driving a Band cart. I
tinaliV secured easier employmen
Since that time I have entrusted hi
with the care of property , where , hf
he been so disposed , he could ha'
stolen hundreds of dollars ; but lie w
true to his resolution , lie hw ; nov
returned to his old coinpanioiiH or the
evil ways.
"Almost any evening you mjg !
meet thia man with his wife and bab
as they take their evening walk , s !
lo.utiug confidently ami lovingly t
Ilia nrin , and ho looking down upi
the little v.onmu and baby , apparent
MB prouil of them as man can bo. I
in a line-loukiiig man , dromies neatl
yet ho in the ureat throng of pcopl
us they meet and pas * him on t !
H ! leet day after day , would for a m
mutit imagine that they were in t !
presence of a man who , in the you
jjono by , was a noted desperado ami
terror to the stoik-raisers from o
end ot the Bt.itu to the other ? Tl :
little wife a id liaby hud made an IK.
est man of him !
"Ynu naked me to rolatoan install
of a man who had boon u convict
felon and had become an honest m
again , I have done BO. It had be
nine ycaiH sincu this man made t
vow that henceforth ho would do
moro wrong , but would prefer atar' '
ti n in the htrt'oto. "
Aa I finished my story my comn :
ion sit with his face resting upon ]
hands , silently thinking , and thim
rode milo after milo without speaki
any more , liut why did ho uuk i
that puticular question in such
peculiar way ?
I know why. but ho never H
peeled that I did.
I know that there was a blot up
memory's page that had boon a torte
to him for many years. 1 know tl
ho , too , had mrnglcd hard n
bravely to drive into oblivion a to :
bio mistake made in his early you
and for which in a fur away caiti
prison he had paid the penalty.
I know from what ho mid. i
questions ho asled during our ti
that it pleased him to know that
ollicor of the cnld , stern law could by
any possible clmucobohunmno enough
to assist in reclaiming n fallen man ,
1 aho knew ( lint my companion was
now a thorously honest man , having
the fullest contidcnce of his employ
ers , and 1 mentally prayed that God
might keep him so.
so.llAiutv N. Mnitsi ; .
OAKIANU , November 1 ! ' , 1881.
To Pomona About to Mnrry
"To IKT OIM about to mnrry , " Douglas ?
. ) cm > Mnaihlcfl wiw "don't : " wo ni | > | > le
incut by fnyliiK , without InyliiR In n < W | > ph
of Sl'lilNtl 15uv stM , widen cnres nllmnil-
narl mid other kidney mul blmldcr com-
l.lnlnU. . Price W ) emits ! trial bet lot. 1C
cent * . Otllw
Thn Cnr-Drlvor
lntjr > lcw In New York Hi r M.
" 1 have druv this 'ere car , " ho said ,
"nigh on four years , and in that tinn
not one of the tolks as uses this lint
regular as ever ax it so much as
whether chaps of my kind has got an )
Thanksgiving dinner or no. And I
guess my pardncrVsporienco ( .thocoiv
ductoH is much the same ns mine
Talk about a legal holdiday ! Ttiero'i
no holiday for us , working as wo d <
nigh on 'ill houw u tbiy - the yea
tlnougli , barrin' the time wo lose
when wo have to lay up with iheunia
tidtn. Things is all wrong. It's enl ;
the few who enjoy life , and as fo
making Thanksgiving a letnl holiday
according to law , why don't ' they fun
the companies wliot break it by compelling
polling their men to work full tim
when everybody else is enjojinghis
"Now , when do you intend to tak
your dinner to-day1 ?
"Right on this 'ere car- same asm ;
pardnor. There's heaps of folks Ron
to church to-day in this very carwho't
never think of applying practical re
ligimi to ns fellers. "
'What do you mean by practical re
ligion ? "
"Why , by seeing if wo are humai
like other folks , and taking n kintlb
interest in our condition. Not that .
ask or expect every passenger tti ti |
us a quarter just because its Thanks
giving , but it makes me mad to see BI
many of the rich folks on this lini
warmly clothed , well fed and cheei ;
looking as thinks no more of th >
feolin's of a street car driver than i
ho was a machine and BO ho is. Why
they treat the bosses better i or we
They get their meals reg'lar. W <
geta "em when wo can. And still the ;
call this 'Thanksgiving. ' It mighUi
to some , it ain't for me. Fellers lik
us had a'most better quit living fo
what good they gota in this world
G'long there , " and the mouatach
bristied still mr > ro fiercely as the re
porter got oil'at the street corner.
I saw so much said about tinnici
its of Hop Bittern , and my wife wh
was always doctoring , and never well
teased mo so urgently together HOUR
I concluded to be humbugged ag.ui :
and I am dad 1 did , for in less tha
two months use of the Bitters m
wife was cured and she has romaine
BO for eighteen months sinco. 1 lik
such humbugging. It. T. St. Pan
St. Paul Pioneer-Press
Iirae of 50.OOO Shorcfl of S1O eao
nt par ,
WITH noxc.s OK 40 ACKK.H rou KAI :
IIIIIV. llHOAUHAY , N. V. . HO iW 111 , 113.
Detailed jiro rcttiR with doncritivo ] ma |
n.uiloit to applicant * n. 2G&30
puci1r cures that ino t
"Whotlior in Its Prlmnry. Socondni
or Tortinrv Stugo-
Ilcinaiixnll trarcnnf ' crctiry I rom tlio . \
ifii' . Cures S < rnful.i , OKI So > c < , llhciinu
linn , K zvina Cu urrli or any
llliJOll li. OHSO.
Cures When Hot Springs Fnll !
Malicrn , Ark. , MnyZ.lMI
Wo n casoa In our ton n who lUolntll
hprincj und wvru Utility cuied wlthH H. a.
McL'AMtiox & Mnun
Memphis , Menu. , May 12 , 1881
Wo ha\u hold 1 , ' . ! ! K ! bet lea of ti. S. S. lu u yui
It has fslten universal u > tlfactlou. Inlrmlndi
plijKlcinns now rceonimcnd It HH u po HI
lHcinc. H. MANMHUII & Co.
Lonlivllle , KrMay lit. 1SS1.
P. H. S. haHgltrn better eutl fti-llori than : u
medUIno I hate e\tr HoKl .1. A. FL > XMK.
lon\ci , Col. May 2 , 1M1.
K\cry purcha er tireaks In the liinniBt ten
of H. S. ti. L.
Klchmond.u. . , May 11 , IWil.
Vou tan irfcr anybody to u In reirard to tl
merit * of S. S. S. Pftllt , Mlllir i Co.
Ha-c llo cr known H. H. H to fail to cure a ca
' of H.\phlll , when properly taken.
I II. I , . DeiiLinl. ) . , . a .
Mi Wwen.
' The aho ( ! ci'-uirsareuuitleinjii of hlzh stan
Oofcrnor 01 Goorgli.
IK vow wisiiM : w U.TAKKV'UK ' CAI
Write for particular : ) and "spy of lit
'MtM.iio to thu I1 ifrrtunate.
Sl.OOfl Rnward will bo | nM to a
cliuniUt who will , on ana. j bit liiO bolt
S K. H.fno partldiof Mercury loilMo I'ot
Kluin oruny illrienil Huliifinii ) .
riWH-T Hl'KOIr'10 CO. I'rcp * .
AtUn a , ( in
Prii-o of rigtihr cl/o rrdiiccd to 51 75 per
llu Hmall B.D , holding lull the quantity , ] > r.
fioM bv KKtiNAlID & CO. ,
nml IiruxKlsts Gucually
Corner 10th and Howai
Streets ,
Rates , Two Dollars Per Da
Tnrrnut'a Seltzer Aperient
M v prawtlv lx > called ho "llorctitM"of mall
cine , for It rli an X tnru' a\ifr. \ < vxn ttablr * , m
MUxstlin rceupcrathepowm of thoqtttm tile t <
ilo the * ork o ( rv < tor tlon to health. No tnoill
clno UUP ! Nature alon car * . TM Arrleni
open the jwopfr Mtmio * , thti functions ivre per
inllteil to rv umo their work , ami tlie i Ut > nl
< DnuofST9lA |
lA > ly cod ,
iVhovniit glossy , luxuriant
, iiilravy trosscs ot'nbunuiuit ,
ipiui < it\il Hair must use
ilecnut , cheap nrUelo nlwnya
nalics llio Hair prow IVcely
iul fust , licciis it from fulling
3iit , nn-csts nud cures gray-
icss , romoTcs djuulruflf anil
tchinir , mnkos tlio Ilair
itrong , giving It n curling
.cadency nud kncping It in
iny desired iiirsiui/ii. Benu-
\ful \ , healthy llnlr is the sure
esult of using Kuttiairon.
t\'ct for ljcln the nioRt direct , quickest , > r
mleet line ronncctiii the k'rcr.t Mttro | > olis , OH
"JAGO , nncl th KARTKXN , NoRTit-EASTnaN , Hem
incl SOUIII.KMUKIIX LINKShlch tcrmlimtethcr
with KAKHAR IITT , LrAvnNwomii , ATCIMHO
CKMHHN Iroin which rulinte
that pi'iictmtrn tlio Continent from tha Mlsmu
ilr to the 1'aclllo Slojic. Tbo
* thu only line Iroin Chicago owning track In
Knn a , or which , by Its own rood , rcachm t
polntaabo\e imtnoJ. No TRANKI'XRS nr CARKIAO
No MiftMso coinxcnoKH I No hutldllni ; In I
vcntllaUvl or unclean oiru , M eierv passcncur
carrl H In roouoy , clciui anil TcntllAtcil caichi
upon Fast Kinnvw Trulin.
DAT CAna < if unrh-alod mifnlfloonco , PCU.X' '
'Anon ' SLKttmo CARH. anil ourownworld-fi'iio
i CAM , inwti which rao-iln ore iiirvod ot u
cd excellence , at tlie low rate of SEVKXI
CKNTI ( ion , with ample time for hoolthti
ThroiiKh Can between Chicago , Poorla , M
waukco arid Slliwouri lllvor Point * : and clew co
occiloni at all | K > Uita ol iDtenecuon with elli
Wo ticket ( do not forget this ) directly to mo
place of Importance In Knnsaa. Nebnwka , Ilia
llllls , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho. Nevada , Oallforui
OrvKon , WiwhliiKton Territory , Colorado , Arko
and New Mexico ,
An II boral arranffomonto rotfardinff bos OKa
auy other line , and ratoa of faro alnaya aal ow
compctlton , who funilith but a tithe of th * coi
loi-s and tackle of i rtsincn free.
TlckoH , mAVd nnd folJora nt all princlpa
ofllccfl In the Unltvd .State * and Canada.
It. II. CAIU.K , K. BT. JOHN ,
.Vleol'rcs't&flon. Don. Tkt tmdlWr A ;
Positively Cured
All sulTertn from th dlsca o that nro nnxlo
to be curul should try DR. KISSNEITS Col
brntcd Consumptlvo Powders. Themi To
ilcm nio the only prepa'atlon knonn that u
ctiru Contmniption ami all diHKUios of the Thro
ind Uunrsiink'id , m ttrtmg I" our faith
Jii'iu , andalwi loconUiico jouthat they are
iimliu ; , ' , ur will lorwanl to every millorcr , '
nil , jiurtt piiid , a free Trial Dox.
\V'e don't want jour money until j-ou nro p <
fectly fatUllnlof thclrciiratlto pouerx If jo
ilu l worth navlujr , don't delay in K'hlng tin
Powders n trial , UH they will ntrtly euro you.
1'rico , for lariu box. i'JOO , eentto anj part
the. United States or Canada , hy mall on rcici
of price. AJJr.hs , AHII &HOIII1INH ,
ulldly WXit'ulton bt , Uronlilvii. N. Y ,
t = 3
B \l aa & ?
TLER & CO. .
Hole Manufaoturore. OMAEL
To Nervous Sufteren
Dr , J. B. SirapBon'H Specil
It In a io | tUfl curu for Hpcrtnatoirhen , Sercl
Weuknets. Imiotruicy , and all ilU.i wi raiull
from B'.ll-AliiHO , UK Muitr.1 Anjkij , IMIH
Memory , I'alnHluUiu Im I. or Klilo , and dliuu
< " . ; . . . ' TTrr" " " thit Icail
nt free to r..l , 7 > r < to ( or them nnd get full )
PrUHpcHfcl.CO ; ] # t in-kift , or tin p
wwi for Vi.OO. Aiidri'H.i til onl' mti
II. KIMhUN Mf.llt'IrflS CO.
Koa. 101 r.nd 1CXI Hilii bt. IluJalo , N.
Sul.l In Onnhi \ > y Q. V. Goo.lman . , J. VI I !
I. K III' , and all ildi lttiovcr/Hhuro
John G , Jacobs ,
( Formerly of Ol htiJacolw. )
( to. Illr FirnhamBt , , Old Bland o nell
or Tvlovntib HollciUxl V7
No Changing Cars
Where itueH ronnrctlon nn < nmlo with TILnVi
r-llll.ADKl.riUA ,
lUI.tlMOKK ,
The Short Line via. Pcoria
VILLK , nml Ml iwlntfl hi tlio
Whom illiccl ivmnrctioni arnmvlo ill the Unlin
Ucjct with the Thro.uU Slcvplnir C r
19 < oQar xsc. .
THK FAvournc KOUTK von
Rock Island.
Trio unwivalod Inducement * ottered by thin line
to tmeiloni nnd tourltU nro M follow * :
The celebrated PULLMAN ( Ifl.wheol ) PALACK
RI.KKPINO CAUB run only on thin line C. , II.
Horton't HocllnlnK Chair * . No Um ch nro for
unit * In Ilocllnlnif Clmlrn. The famous U. , H. A
Q. Palace Dining Cars. Oorvroui ) Hmoklntf Can
llttol with rlopvnt hleh-ruvukixl rattan roolvliiK
clialns for Uiu exeliuUo UN of flnt-clanj peas n-
( fern.
fern.8t l Track and ur.rlor cnulpmont comblre I
with Uu'lr peat throxigti cnr nrrtn emont , m > Kui
thin , at > eve nil others , the faxortlo route totno
Krmt , Sovitli atnl ikiiitlieaiit.
Try It , nnd you will tlml trarrllnK a luxury In.
ateoil of n illioomlort ,
Throtijth tlckoU lo thin colohmtud line for A ! <
at all otllcxirf In the UplUtl Hlnttn nnd Oanatla ,
All Information nlout rntra of faro , Sloniln
Car arcfluunoilatloim , Ttnin Talilea , etc. , will K'
cheerfully \\m \ by nppljltu' to
General anirer Aveut , Clilc o.
n . . M
To tlio Xjiquor Dcnlnm or Omnhu
Tlin City Council of Uiiinbn , | ) ciforniinj )
tlio duty d'-viiUin ' , ' up > n it unilor tlio le is-
l.vtion of 1881 , 11 oviilinj , ' fur tlio liteming
nf ilculerH in iiitioi-s in NuhniHkit , haw
piiiwed mi imlltiJiico wlilch tukcH clVect on
the 1st iliiy of ,1 iiuinry , A. 1) . 188. .
Uiult-r fie ternm of thU iinllianca a'l wliu
] iriij > ow to i'iijMRO in tliB vpudiiiK of In-
toxicatiii ) ; linuurH in thin city , nm-t tilt ;
with the City Cltil ; of Omaha tliolr uiili- | |
oatinu for license , accompanied liy n jn'U-
tion tioin thirty free holdout re iilent in
tlio wnrd whnio it in jiroito > i > d ti ) Kt-ll
liiiunr , it bund in tlio HIUII of $ "iOI ( con.
ditiuucd a.s nquhcilby law. nnii the ro'
ceipt of tlio City Treasurer in" O i hn for
thu nniount duo fi.r tliu ttnii ) tlio licen a it
required nt tlie rnto of ? 1,00) ) jicr annum ,
lUunkx will bo fouud in tlio nlllco of tin
City Clerk and will bo fnriiixhed upon ftp
nllcntion. Under tlio law nn Hcvm car
IKHIIC beyond the timl of tlio namlcipal youi
which in the tirt Monday after the tirsi
Tiiwilfty in April A. 1) . 1882 ,
All upplicationn for llconno mimt lie ovui
for the njuco of two weeks , ibirlii ) ; whicl
time the luitico rcciuiral by law must bi
publiiilieil by the applicant , a blank fern
of Huch notice will bo furnislioil by the cit ;
clerk. Togivotlio rifjlit tii _ del ! Hijuor
counncnciiiB.Iiinuiiry Ut , 1881 ! , npillca ]
tinnti and petition * H ould bo mule on o
before the 10th dny of 1 ) rccinbarl A. 1) .
1881. On January Int , 188- , nil Baleen
for the Hale of liquor in Omnlm , not liceun
c < l uiuler the H.iid onlinnnji'inusl close nnt
rt'tiinin clnhod , for violntorK of the law wil
lie urrefiti'd by the injirshiu nntl police o
the city.
( Sinned ) .IAMKII K. Jlovn ,
( Copy ) nllO-fit Mayor of Oinnhii.
Proo nor Klihcr , ( ( rom St. I | H ) Dnnrlir/
adumy , Slnmlurtl Hull , cor Filtientli anil Karn
ham , Tuesday e\onlnK , Seiitfiiilii-r Oth.
Cl.uwo3 ( or Lnillui ) nnil ( luntlcinoii commcnL-l.T
Tuvwlay tvcnliiB Hcpttiiulior Illh ; cla w to
Mlnnos nnil MaHtri ) , commencing Sutunhy after
noon at 4 o'clrck. ClaniipH ( or FninllluH , wlllli
arrniiC | < l to milt tlio hunorahlo jiatrona. Alw
Imllut dantiiiK' can hu tJi\lllt. ;
TunnH Illieml , anil | ioioc' ' Bntldfnctlon to nchol
on Kiiaruitvcd. J'rliatoluilruutloiwwll lofc-l *
on attho Dancluif Aci'Jemy or at the -uslileni.
ol thu i trona.
I'rUato ordctl ) oo loft at Mm Meyer ;
Han for ( wlo Mm. K. O. KilIocR1" TralloriiiRH n i
tern. Thronifh InBtrurtlon In t e Art of IJontfr
In given In thin Hj-iitcni. I oilli denlrinif purfet
fit I | ? Co tinned from the latent Krcnch dcBlin
< can ha\e the material cut , IxwUd nnJ dmped a
n i vrrv reasonable prlwn , Uh KUarantco of pel
° fictllt. Have removed from 811 to Ull 18th ate
o up Htain. .loOdlm
> a BOGOS & HILL ,
Ho. IfiOH Pnrnbiuu Strcot ,
J >
vnr ' . < . ' . . "i " ' < r ii1 fcntril Hold
V Sioux City & Parito
IluiiH : i Kolhl Train 'lliroiuh from
Council BlulTu to fct. 1 aiil
Without Chance Time , Onl17 Hours.
aiidr.l ! nolntfl In Northern low.v Mlnnenota at
DaUttA. Thin line In tiuljirul | with the linproyi
V/ostlnuliouxo AuloiiJitlo Alr-bralo and Will
I'latlonn Coupler und Ilnlfur ; and for
In unBiirpaifcd. I'nllinwi I'alvti Hlo'ijiln Ca
riinlhrouifli WITIIOIiJ'WIIA.VlJKU.twiKii Kn
nnd St. l'Mtla \ L'ountll HIiiftH in
hloux City.
Trillin liato Union rnclflo Trniihf'r at Con
ell lllnflH , ut 7 3'i p m. dill > on arrival > ! l > am
( liy , Ht. .loiepli ami Oouir.ll HluIN tnin IK :
tliu hontli. ArriiliiKOtHloux t'lty lll'i : ! p. n
and at the Hew Union Depot ut hi. I'uul at U.
noun ,
tZTIleincinber In taKInf the Hloux Cltj lion
' . Thu Blinrwt JJi
yoiiL'etarlliroii'U ( 'Iraln.
tliu ( Jiilclifntllruo nnd a Comfortable Itlilu In t
tff6 < x that your TkUU road > U the "filo
City and I'm llio ItAll.owl1
/ H. WA-ni.l'.H. J. II. HUflllANAN
HuiHirlnlfiiiliifit. Uin'l I'am. Axcnl.
I1. K. HOUINHON , Aw'tlUn'l I'IVK , Ar't ,
MUhourl Va ny , ! - .
J , II. O'IMYAN , Boutliwmttim .
Coiuicl DluIT. , lov ,
\'m jt'i'dtiA nnj reasonable ittioMlan tnn OIA
i V > s nl > flirts ti > ' > P'I ofi i lor jnu to l.lkt' 'Victi ta\illtn. ! oltlKf rtltrctwr l > t fcr ,
Cliieagti and -ill of Uic Principal Point ! ; In the West , North and NorthwtM
ai.-'full. i it. , uMhl . Vrt | . Tlu VH-iPliifil ( .itlfMif tinWfM , i.l "V .
on this road Us t.ilonjl ! ! tr.Mliy iiiuku clew coiiucttluui tlitUfalu olul < MIMI | | |
lunctloti points ,
Ovrrnllnrittmtnrttinl llnc , nuii rnch way daily from two to ( our or moro K.vst r.nir.-i.
trains , H Ulliiuml ) roailcst nmiteaiotli.tlUM.Mtlio
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
KriiiiMubcr to ask for Tickets via this , bo sum they rratl ovcrlt.nnd take none othei
BAIIJ'IX lUUIim.Ucii'lAlauaKcr.ChlcnRo. . W. 1J. SUlX.NKTT.Ucn'irass. Apont , Clilcay
HAUHV I' . IOKL , Ticket Auont 0. h N. W. lUllwny. 14th nnil Painhtm rtroetn.
D. K. KIMIIALL , AHulnlAiit Ticket AxontO. A N. W. lUtlwiy , llth ami F rnham
J. llKt.Ii , Ticket Airont 0. A N. W. linllway , U. I * . U. II. Iopol.
01MW O.\nrrM Avrnt.
Manufacturing Company ,
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and forks ,
The only mid
lloRors Bros.
[ ft a Btnnco a siuylo ni
All ou < SpuoiiR ,
plated Spoon a \ , $ % *
F o T k B and
Knives plat ml triplothicknutio
with the greatest
pkte only on
\w \
of caro. Each
the a o c t i o R
lot buing hunjj
nn a scale while where expo d
buing plntvd , to to wear , thomhy
insure a full deposit - making a ainglo
posit of Hilvor or
plated B p o o u
thorn.Wo wear aa long an
Wo woultl call
a. triple plntod
aspociul uttcn-
tion to our HUC-
Rival. Orient. Tinuoil.
AH Ordure In the Went nhould bo'Addreiweil to
Wholesale Jeweler ,
OMAHA , - -
Stationers , Paper Dealers and Engravers ,
Latest Novelties in Wedding Goods , Menus ,
Visiting and Advertising Cards , Ball Programmes , &c.
Also , Paper Bags , Flat and Wrapping Paper , Envelopes , Bill ,
letter anil Note Heads. .
no0'coil ; ! i in
ELGUTTER'S Novelties in Cliililrou's ' CLOTHING.
FJ-OUTTER'S ' Novelties in Boys' ' OLOTHING.
ELCUTTER'S Novelties in Youfclis1 CLOTHING ,
ELCUTTER'S ' Novelties in Men's ' CLOTHING.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in White FANCY SHIRTS.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Under WEARS.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Fancy NECK WEAR.
ELGUTTER'S ' Novelties in Fancy SILK H DK'FS. '
ELGUTTER'S Novelties in Holiday GIFTS.
Cor. Farnham & 10th St. 1061