Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1881, Image 8

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Thursday Mornlnpf. Doc 1.
Weather Koport-
( Tin following obimMlons are tnkcn ( xt
tlio mme moment c I time nt a 1 the nt.v
liom nainpil. )
Win IlirjuntRXT , U. B. Pin'tu n RVICP , 1
OuillA , No * mlicr 29.15SI. (1:45 : p. ni. ) f
ifoon'ri pha * fur i\o\cmlcr , 1S81 ; full
rnnon , ft h : thinlqnnr'er , lillh ; new mmm
Jilfit ; firit qunrlur , IMlli.
Clarn Loulso Kellogg nl the orera
houfo to-niht. ( ;
Kiank .Mayonpsns nn cn.ijoniciit ( ( at
the 0 | > r.i lioii ! < c to-inoirow w.o'- .
The telrgr.iplicrK , after tlifir bnnqiict ,
ent thu 0. II. 1) ) , n line lot of i > rn\nlotiH. !
S vi ral w agom broke down 1 1 the
romer of and Ifoward itrcoU ycntcr-
--Ifcnry Volkcnntoin han'bccn arrested
for telling liquor without n ( ; nvcrinncnt
llocy & Hardio'H Combination ] ircHcnt
"tho Child of State , " at the Opera HOUKV ,
Dec. 7th.
The mail Bcrvico has bcun extended to
Catvtrt , n no * town huluoen Central
City nnd Numaha City.
Gco. WluMTian , who nearly killed
-Jailor Miller , lia < ) > con tnkcn to Ik'llcMiu ,
St , Clair county , 11 e , , wbcru bU rulntivcs
Sn-nucl M > tz , of tbli city , came up
from ] Lincoln yesterday with hi4 wife , who
linn licen n nallvnt at the Imnnu aHylutn
thorn ,
{ 'chantlan Urok , whore Ihrillinctalo of
capthity with SlttliiB Hull wn | HiblUhfd
rocmtlv , 5 < anxiinm to obtain uinployment
in fniiip iirdinary pr filio- < .
-ThoboiiBo of F. K. Spctnian , Klc\-t
ntli and .incKmin , ua burclarircd < > n
Monday Jilh-ht , a watcb and mimll HUIII ol
money bc-iiiR can led nwny.
The chan o of weather , wh'ch lioran
TuowUy cvtnliiR , br < iiht ( { a fnll of tain
and nlcct which II.IH left tlio tldownlltn in a
tlanHi'rouBly slippmy ixjnditinn.
-7-Tho llRrinomctcr at .Mnx ftfcycr fi
UroB. indicAlcd 3 ° nbovu zcr at2 p. in.
yoxlcnl .y , 20 ° 1 1 7 n. in. to-day , nnd .0 °
nt 2 o'c ock yo tcrday aftonioon.
Whir" in IhoVorld doe all Iho Tea
KO tel Am thcr large Invoice in or Kind
package * direct fiom arrived to-day
at Alctcalf A UroH. , 1000 I'lUiilmni ntrcit.
A Lincoln phynlcian , who U well
acquainted with Vcnnor , the wcatlior
rrophet , PBJ-H he in n fraud , and that he
himself lauf-l art the credulity of the pub
lic in his predictioDH.
I'l * prcsi'iit pcai o anil quirt of locr
DbiiglaD utrcet i greatly improved of late ,
and Iho new drug tioro of Chut. Kuhl-
wan & Co. addn greatly to the appearance
of a heretofore neglected locality.
A , threo-ntory brick b'ock lxty liy
ono hundred and twenty foot in nlze , will
bo erected next fpring on the Tmnont
hoiiBo corner , Sixteenth and Capitol ave
nue , by lion. Ijonnzo Crounnc.
One of the counimdrutna which will
never bo nil-were I in Uiia world i , to
what extrnt the city council will bo ro-
cponai'jlo in the i cxt for the prof nity in-
ducttl by the had bidewalka the piihlij Hiif-
fcr from ?
The' iccrftary of the Nol raska Stnto
Medical noii.ty luw IHSIH I n call fur n
meeting of that organization to bu held in
Lincoln nTuoxIay , Io3rmbur27th , in or
der to take into coufidrratlon thu enforce-
nicnt of Iho Matu medical law ,
The examination tf vitnu'fci in the
WRO of Martin Kranioy , charged will :
the buridnu of lioyd'h pacldng IIOIIHO , ro
juiltcd in the pii oner bo ng hold to bail it
the KIIUI of $1,000 fur hU nppuarnncu al
Uio district lourr. Other nrro.U : ire ex
pco ed
Both ( ildcM of the hydrant nt the cor
nerof Ninlh and Farnam , wcro open fo
er l boura yesterday , the whole vicin
liy W H Hooded with w..tcr , while the slit
tore ran full an after an A | ril f etict. 1 (
will bo ulippory wnlkinj ; there when
frerzeii over ,
The Harmonio Hocloty is in active ru
htanalof the "Belli "
of Cornvlllo" with i
view of surpassing the'r former oxc.llen
entertainment. Mr. Dexter , of St. lxiul
who haa lindly conientcd to take tin
chaiacterof "Jcaii.'tha Lone Fiuhennan,1
n part played by him a hundred tlmex , u
mote , in eiifctrrn citiex , will pleaie our ] > e
pie with bin fine \oico nnd conception
thu cliar cter. We beaDeak for Hutuina
fnlr nkleii , und Iho opera borue wilt b
filled to ovcrflownu. Wo hear of 'Von
merce" and "Inuoh party , " 1 nt the latci
development i * the "matineo paity.1 Tli
ladifD , wi'h their children , are fornJn
jjrtiiH'and wlllgoto thoniatiueoSaturd
in a body. The "Poppletou litcrnr
party , " numbering uomo ninety of the tin
ladled und gtntlt > meii of iho city , will b
the moat numerous.
The funeral of Johnny Sw t noy 01
currod Tuesday afternoon. A vast coi
ooimi ) of ic'athoi and companions follov
ed bin rtnmins to the gravrf. Among til
uiouMcrii of tha U. 1' . Nhnp * , where ho ha
learned the Irado and waa entering upon
career of iicefuln-kn , Lin death WAV a uliot
almost equal t > pcrtonal bfru4vemcnt , vi
they tihoWid their btroni ; attaclnnent I
utti-uditg thu funeral to a mnn , Of Join
ny it can truthfully bo ta'cl ' thathuwi
wholly freui f thu vicoi tovhich fo n ar
young men of to-duy mo addicted. Tli
in the Hccond time that dentil hut fiitfM
the bom t > of Mr. aud MM. Htvccnuy ,
few ye.irii ago they I urled a d.inijlitor wl
vaujiist fn'erlng Into womanhood , ai
now their cup of iifllictlon in inuilluw n
The i > yiu | athtci of every parent ulll go o
to I hem in this dark hour ,
Part JOB leaving town or d !
their Jimmcliola t'd'fcta will nnd
money by'calling on A. L. Fitch
Co. , 00 fc'outh 12th fltroot , who pi
the liit'lii'st OABH prioo forBt'oon
furuituru. u2-ltn
A Mother mid Daughter Con-
tendiufj ia Police Court.
Aoonnatlonn Exolinncml nnil
As a general tiling tlio proceeding
al police court drag nlong ruthur ino-
notonni ly , but once in Hvhilu there
in a mjinutiot ] in the court loom and
ono of tlicflo infrequent afFuirR waa
vitnussud by thowo in iittundiinco ytB-
turdiiy. Mrn. Hill and her dau h
tor Lizziu , who remdu on Wulxtor and
10th Htroct wtsro before Jmlgo llonoko
on the chnrgo of dialiirbing the nencu ,
but nftor cotiHidurntii > n Juilgo Iloiiuku
full it to ho III'H duty to discharge both
with the ndvico to tlui dnnglitor to go
homo with her mother nnd bo n good
The circuniH'nnriH which directly
lud to thu ii ] > ] iu.iintiuu of iho paiticH in
court , occuned about (5 ( o'clock U'cd-
nendiiy , wlu-n u ciowd galhorud at
thu AlcShanu corner , on Cnniiningi
utiuut , North Oinalia. A rojMirtor
who hahtuiitid to thu Hiotvin [ told
that \voiihin wim hanginu bur danuh-
turuiid H.IM the lattur , a iiropimti.'nfing
Uirl of jiorhapH tliirlucn JUIIIH ( f : iito ,
driuiucl by tliu liuir of bur huad lor
iifaily a block buf ITO tlio ollicrrn came
and arrenlud both mutlior and daiii > h
tur and took thuni before
the ] ) f > lice judge , \vhcro Iho
former put up bail and
the hitter wan given money by a hind
Iio.irtud ollicor to pay her utruut car
faio up nnd back , to the r < fidcncu of a
frtund with whom flho natd ahu could
lind refuge for the ni ht. 'Ihowit-
lu-HBCH ol the all'.nr H.nid that the girl'n
oIluiiHU uoiiMritod ingoing to the honsu
of a neighbor where ho wan found and
removed ftuniinaiily nn Htated ,
At the cloto of the examination in
court Alrn. Lhll turned to ollicur Mo-
Cluro , who inadu the arrobt and aecus-
ed him of acttni ; in a nmnnor unbu-
coniing an ollicor and promiaed to net-
tlu with him , Ho replied that if the
reports of her neighboruveio trim ulio
Hhonld belauded in jail fora while. A
wordy encounter followed in which
thu uoiiKin threatened Buvundtimeii to
"nettle with him hoieuftor. " Shu
then atiitted to go , telling her daugh
ter to "como along now , " but thu i. it-
tor drew back and piotosted to the
judi.'o with team in her oych and tor-
lor in her voice , tlmtuho did not want
to go , IIH HIO | wan airaid her mother
would kill her. JuJgo Uunoko
told her to go with her
mother and if aho abused
her to telephone him and ha would
have her in rested. 'Iho girl wept and
implored not to bo allowed to betaken
taken and Haid her mother had choked
her until iihu couldn't ' breath for over
a minute , that nlio had threatened to
tiu her up with a rope and keep her
that way and HU on.
The bjat.iiuli'r.s in the court room
all took hiil.a duiinj. ' thin performance
and , to their credit bu it uaul , with thu
with a very Cow exceptions. The
ty of the court was dinregardud
ami everybody talked out IIH they
"You have disgraced mo enough
now , " aaid the mother , "and aa I
Dover was disgraced bufore , 1 ought to
got a rawhide and tuko youbome with
it. " She aho Haid nho ought to
' 'break tlio girl in two" and called on
the oilicors to "handcull" her and
make her go. Liv./.io still resisted
and criud and nuido every
pica pousihle to bo kept away from her
motbor. Shu xaid the neighbors told
her that they would como down and
testify for her that her mother abused
John Thomas who runts the house
to I\lr \ . Hill put in his oar in the wu-
man'u de'eiiho until ho was shut up by
UiumieMioii IIH to how ho was inter-
onled in the matter.
Ollicor Sullivan remarked that if it
wax bin girl he would kill her.
There are , of courao , two
nidiH to everything , and it
is naid that the pirl in thin
canu ia wayward and diKobedient ;
one peraon Minted nh was keeping
bud company and liable to und up in
a life of bhamo. She is too young yet
for any anch foolish idea as that
but ceitainly if anything would nave
her from it , it is not cruel treatment
at homo. An ollicor informed Tin ;
ltii : reporter that the girl had nctuul-
ly grovtn no desperate that oho wanted
to buy poison to kill herself.
Mrs. Hill inn very prolty , lady-like
looking woman , of evident' rolineinont
and does not look capable of the con
duct attributed to bur. Her daughtei
is tlso of comely uppoaranco , bright
and interesting , nnd it would bu grntl
fying to every ono to kii"w that all
niiauiidoiBtaiidinga were amicably Bet
tled. If they cannot bo , the girl
nliould be allowed to do what aho pro.
her willingness to do , go to tlu
reform school for a while.
Mrn. . , N. Y. , wilten
I haVl'Uard liUlUIOOK llUOOl ) HlTTKKH fill
nervouH and biliuuH . nuUci , und hav <
r < Hiinnnmde < l llieni lo my f li'iidn 1 be
liiuu thmi .iiierii | r to any oilier n edi lin
I Inn o lined , nnd cm ire mini ml ili'inti
a .y dim uqui Ing a emu for blllqt HI OH . '
1'rieo 91 , ti.l , mo lOitntx. eud-lw
11v - KovArlok , un Employo
v * tlto Smoltlmj Warki , ha *
IDHi His Iluud Cut Opou.
A Bomowlmt Borious , though not
" 1 fatal uifuir , occurred Tuesday nt 1
o'clock , at n miloon and bourdin
n houjo on tlio corner of Thh'tcuiUl
iny and Loavonworth Btro"lb , kept b ;
lln Joe Knvan , in which it ia alleged h
I'd struck n man numud Jamei Kuvaricl <
A an omployo at tliu Hinuliiug work i
10ml with a ho ivy pilchur nnd suvorcl
ml injured him. Kovarick Btatos thi :
ut hu UIIB In Iho ] ilnco wit
a fiiund , Uotli Hitting down nnd coi
yureing. llu htati.'s that Kuvan wu
injoxicjitod anil got in nn iilturnitio
of witli touiebody who wan drinking i
ko the bar. Afirr ft few ongry word
tt Kaviiu throw a beer glasii nt iho nui
ttX ho wa quuneliiig with , At ihin jun <
turo Kovarick'a friend , foreaeoitiK
row , eaid to him , ' 'Jim' , wo'd botti
gut. out of luTo,1' Kovarick amentud
Mid tlio two i.Urtod for thu
door. Kavnti then riiftliixl from
boliind the Inr with n heavy Jjour
pitcher in his hind anil utruck Kova
rick wiili fonrfiil force over the Jiund
and fnco. Tlio blow cut a dc-cji gaili
over ( hi ) li'ftoyp , nearly thrco inches
l n ( { and clunr to thu akull , and badl >
hruiHuil Ills faco.
Thu injitrod imti sought medical
asiiHtancu fatly yrntutday. Dr.
Morrinm drcBnud IIIH wound * Kuv-
nrick B.iys that llie a. Hanlt wan cnliro-
ly uiipruvokud on Inn I art , and hoin
ti-niln to prosecute ICavuti both crim
inally and civilly ,
A warrant wait i wicd ycBtordad
fur K.ivuti and ho will bu aircBtod to
An Old Bottler Wukaa Up to
Ho Propound n nFntv Pretty Son l-
lilo Qunfttitms.
It was liito at iiifjht. The world ,
including the policemen , was uenur-
ally anloup. Itut in tlio nrcniid Htory
of a tnodviit btick structure the KHS
Btill llari'd brilliantly and lit up the
tiHtial activity of the morning MOWS-
paper ollijo. Thu ijionotonouH click ,
c'ick , click of the types , JIB they
dniipod | into nunicroUH " tick.i , " were
broken only by the profane remarks
of the foreman , a ho Biuvoycd a proof
abounding in "ringers , " and the oc-
c.iHiuiial arrival of the "dovil" with in voices of "copy" from the
tulograph cditor'ti room. Down in
the baHomunt the big prcas win
rmubliiig and rattling with steady
movement , Buuming to nay , "I tell
you the nowa ; I toll you the OWB. "
Hut in the local editor's sanctum all
was flerunu and that individual was
calmly Bucking a half-lit pipe. His
piio ; waa full , hifl proofs weroout , and
ho waa alone resting from a hard
diiy'ti toil a day of many miles of
tramp ever slippery walks , of many
tiruunmo quoBtioim and nicngro news
in return. Through tlio F.ibor-pimh-
er'o mind dreanm of the past weio
vaguely Hitting , clovoly pursued by
phanioniH of present and future am-
bitioiiH , vhilo oyer all hovcrid the
i-peclies of miiiHuouib unpaid billw. It
IIIIH been Haiti that he wan alone.
That in only p.irtly true. No
animate object wan in the
editorial room and Btill ho had
a companion , ono of many yearn" i > x-
periunuu , and who had evidently ar
rived at the itgo of diHcretion. This
companion was agoud-natnrod looking
Hindi , who Imd boon found in day a
gone by in BOIIIO dusorted spot , and
liad been ruscuod from his resting
place to bo given the poaition of "tho
ttilcnt editor" upon the stair , that ho
might counteract tlio talking propcn-
uitiuB of verboao visitors , and furninha
ampliation of mortality to the ex
change friend. The old follow held
an honorary position , to bo
sure , and had never been put
upon the pay roll , but ho
novortholeaa was a fixed part of the
establishment , and all atiompts to BU-
percedo him by younger and more
uctivo attaches , had been finally
checked by an upon revolt.
Gazing upon his friend's placid
countenance , the rovcriea of the lo
cal man were drifting jilting unbroken ,
when something seemed to agitate the
ancient features , and before the as
tonished looker-on could credit his
noiisi'B , the old fellow had actually
yawned two or three timi's , grinned
wider than over , and then solemnly
winking with his left eye , had 8 : > id ;
"Say , .Young man , what are you
giving us 1'
1 I 1 don't don't know what
you mean" Btammured the ono ad
"You don't know ? " como from hia
Hkulltihip ; "you don't know ? ha ,
ha , ha , ha ; ha , ha. That's a line an
swer to give a man who saw more of
iho world than you over will , and that
before you wi-ro a baby. You ought
to bo uHhamud of yourself. Whore
are your manners ? Well , tliorc , you
needn't look BO scared ; "ho added
"I'm pretty good nattircd to-night ,
and foul like having a little chat with
you. I've kept my mouth shut a
good while , until my curiosity is get
ting the bettor of me , and I want te
ask you a few quostiona. "
"All right , Bir , " aaid the newspaper
man , respectfully ; and then , as a bril
liant idea entered hiscimfuscd mind
"I'll tell you what I can , if" this erv
gerly "if you'll allow mo to inter
yiew you afterwards on iiomu subjects
pertaining to the experiences of tin
pa11 of you that isn't here , in the Hiiirii
land. "
"Young mill , " said the skid
solemnly after u moment's pause , "di
you observe theee sunken checks urn
hollow eyes ? Ik-hold in me tin
wreck of a once noblu manhood. '
was OIICQ prosperous and happy. Ii
an evil hour 1 foil , I allowed an in
Icrvimv with Little Mac , of tin
Watchman , and hero I am I solemn
ly iidjuro you , nivo us a rest. "
The reporter made an obedient gea
ture , and the skull wont on : "Wha
t I want to find out first is , is my eli
friend A D. Jones still livinc ? Yen
Well , well ; Tvo had my spirit tak
two or three trips around the gliou
country , nnd ho ran across Gov
Richardson , "Jack" Morrow , am
"Old Man" Williams , but couldn1
find Jones nnywhcre. I thought i
wtui because he might have mieaud th
train and gone up the river on
steamboat ; but I'm clad to hoar thii
he's still around anddoing well. June
was ix trump in his youngur days. "
' 'T is town of Omalu lint grnwi ,
SOT o , 1 H'ckon. Whono mayor ? Whnl
Jim Iloyd ? Why , whore's Col. Chase
He must have moved away. No ? 1
it possible. Well , yon youngNtci
couldn't have douo much better tin
tin-loot Hoyd , if Oluuo concluded t ;
retire to private life. Yon tell me liny
ia well fixed now and has put up
bit ; opera house. That's junt bin
He'll blow in excuse my ancici
vernacular , young man all he make
for improvemonta , if he's enconragiu
a You uay you have u city counc
or of twelve ineiuboru too. Democrat ii
did you ay ? Well , you could
bo worse otf- hut not much , " and
hero the old chap grinned , and then
haw hawed right out at the first
joku ho had perpetrated in many a
"What improvements hat the city
obtained J Do 1 hear you right ? Gas ,
water works and n Ronor ? UAH it bo
possiblu 1 How time doen change
things. I atipiiuso you have the streets
nici'ly pavctl too. "
The skull attentively watched the
young inan'n blushes a the lat
ter confessed in the nocativo and
then saidrather stonily : "I don't won
der yon color up. You ought too. A
city of10,000 , inhabitants and Btill
knuo deep in mud 1 used to w.ido in.
Well , how bin n police force luivo
you ? What , only ton ? Do yon know ,
joung man , that I feel like getting up
and going up to the next meeting of
the council myself when I hear that.
Why you should surely havu fifteen ,
and twenty wouldn't bo too many.
Sumo day you'll find yourself left
in the lurch , and thmi nobody
will bo to blame. There
never is. And I suppose you lot the
olllcers drop into saloons whenever
they feel like it , too , and then late at
niulit run in some belat 'd but hontst
pedestri.ui on general principles ? Yes ?
I t bought FO.
"You loll mo the Union 1'acific has
a big bridge across the Missouri , I
suppose they've built n passenger way
iiliing'mlo thuir track on the bridge ?
No wngon way , and 25 cents a passen
ger for three miles ride ? Ten dollars
a car load for freight , too ? And you
stand it ? Well , I'll have to
Btop talking to you , or I'll
forgot my smile altogether ami make
thing * so hot for you that you'll have
to brace up and do something. I'm
thoroughly disgusted. Perhaps youis
ii n good city. I hnpo BO. JJut 1
don't wnn't to hear any more , or I'll
chatigo my mind. "
Then hu shut up , and wouldn't say
another word. Not a whisper con
cerning air.iirs in that Hpiritual abode
could the reporter get out of him. Ho
still remains in his place on the table ,
but his smile is more subdued , and the
reporter is afraid that ho made a mis
take in not giving the old man more
tufty and Ices truth.
Mr. Kd T. Wines , of UcHt , Knsscll &
Co. , Chicago , is ia the c ty for a few days.
Pmil nnd Jay Morton and tlio'r vrea
are visitlnjf their father lion. Sterling
Morton , at Nebr.vdca City.
P. P. Sh-lby , a .ibtant freight ngent ,
and J. P. Niclioli < , divinion anperinteiulcnt
of Union Pacific railroad , urn in Lincoln.
D. O. Clnrk , eupcrintcndnt of the co 1
d.purtment of the Unio i I'.icifir , left on
the noon train yesterday for Iock ! Sprin n ,
Col. 15. F. Smytlio went to Pappilllon
ycRtcnlny in rent onso to a telegram refer.-
ing to biisinMi aii ing from the Slocuinb cnnteata thu e.
Sunutor Vun Wyck and wife left Ne
braska City for Washington , on Tutuday.
Tlioy will return whoa congro-s n'ljonrnH
for the holidiyi" , to remain n week or I wo.
Mr.T. William ? , of B. F. TroxelUt Co.
who hnH resided f rto-no year-in Council
Hlufftf , IUB puichaBcd a iino lol oa Farn-
liam xlreet , nail will soon build a spacious
residence thereon. .
The following clients are at the Jlotro-
politun : Frank I ) . Hall , rgent of Frank
Mayo ; K. I ) . Hoer , of Scward ; K. C. Si-
morn and C. W. Parks , of the Uni'eil '
States engineering cor ( > ; Mont.Vadclell ,
of Council BlutTH ; J. W. Combs nnd wife ,
of Rising ; II. JOIICH , of Sioux City.
The following guusts are at the Creigh-
tonhouM : Dr. Ci. W. Wilkin' , of Dakota
C.ty ; C. V. Davenport , of KJakland ;
.TamcH Folcy and R ISIaco , prominent cattle -
tlo de.ilerH of 131 > ir ; A. H. Youngblood , mi
extensive pork packer from Atlanta , Ga.
A party recently eng < Ked in the explor
ation of the country between Sweetwater
and the Wind river mount-ins have jutt
returned after an absence of over a month
It consists of J. F. Xiclio'H , of I/omlon ,
Knglinul ; Prof. Aughcy , of ouratato uni
versity ; ( lun. Lowe , Samuel K. Rogers ,
and J. L. Lovctt , of thii city.
The WithnoH Houwe register iioteH the
arrival of the following visitors to the citj :
S. S. Lowe , of Fremont ; F. Jteider , of
Sidney , J. II. Van limn , Lvanitouyo -
niingTer.j John F. Coad , of Chtyenne ;
A. S. I'adtock , of Beatrice ; N. A. Duff
and H. 11. Carpenter , of Syracuse ; F. P.
Ireland , i f Nebraska City ; J. ( i. Kaine , of
( irand I.iland.
At thoCantield House : Mr. and Mr * .
Clark of No th Pistte ; AI. B. Miiqihy , of
PlattHinouth ; H. N. Morgan , of Grand
IbUnd ; Mm. Palk , of Uiaud Island ; F.
Stinion , of Council Kluffn ; K. S. Wilkin-
HOII , of Uawllns ; Chus , HolliiiH , of ( irand
Island ; 1 ! . F. Morchouse , of Fremont ; II.
J. Hl im , of Hawlln.s ; J , A. Fruwley , of
StronubnnJI. ; . C. Bittenbcuiler , of
Ortceola ; J. ( J. Knine , of ( irand Inland ;
J. M. Courtlnml , of North Bend.
To Printer-
Tne following letters , addressed in
caroof TJIK IJKKoflice , await the call
of the following printers for whom
they are intended : Horace Wilkinson
(15)i ( ) Guorgo 0. Maus , Louis Naglo , J.
WilHon , S. L. Hall , Frank P. Mannis
( U ) , Cluuk'H Church , J. F. Hill , John
\ \ . McQee ( ) , Master Harvy Dona-
I have been appointed state agcnl
for Schlitx's Milwaukee Heo in kegs ,
Parties desiring to handle same plcast
apply to or address M. A. McNamara
Omahn , Nob. " 15-tf
't Largest stock of jewelry am
it watches st lowest prices at I1UBER
10a MANN'S.
ourrotailJcwolry Dopartniont , 'Jooi I
, iiinn who nudcrtitiuid * the business
r "
o Chan. Hhtverick has rccoivod n larg
d lot of nuw chamber Beta , in lateBt mv
u best Btjlea und of auperiorior work
i , rvmntihip and finish , which ho IB oiler
it ing at low prices. A careful inspoc
? a lion by parties interoatod in solicited
ill Qonoral IJousohold Furniturb ,
c , 1208 and 1210 Fanihain '
The "Star Route" Indlotmontfl
of Corbiu , Iddiujjd nnd
Clary Anuouacod.
hiding * Glvnn n RccoRnlznnoo for
Yenterday in United States court
the indictnii'iitfl ot Charles F. Iddings
and Kd > vard Corbin , agents for the
Sidney-Doadwood star mail route , and
Fred Clary , postnuster at Sidney ,
were announced. Iddinga gave a re
cognizance for nppcar.inco during
courtj Guy Barton becoming his
sureties. The indictmunlB read "For
conspiracy to commit an oll'ence ngainst
and defraud the United States govern
ment. "
The ofTonccs charged in the indict
ments nrothusBtatcd in thu bill render
ed by the grand jury ; About March
1878 , the United States entered into
.1 contract with 'Ihoma1 ! A. McDovitt
for carrying the mails on route No.
1)1,1 ) fid , between Sidney , Nob. , and
Di'adwood , D. T. , fora compeiiBation
of Sft.TTo per annum. The sched
ule time fixed by the | 'O3tollicu
department was eighty hours between
these two points. In November , 1879 ,
the route was expedited nnd thu
schedule lime ) was ti.xod lit fi ty hours
during the suntnuT and nixty-tivu
hours during tlio winter. By the ex
pediting of thia route the compensa
tion WHS inctoaBod to § 0 , 25 per an
num , The contract was sub-let by
McDovitt to Monroe Salisbury. Iu >
dings it Corbin were the agents of the
route at Sidney , and Claiy naa post-
muster there. The indictments find
that Corbin , Idclingj and Clary con
spired to make false m.iil bill , or re
ports to Washington , regarding the
time and arrival of the mails , making
such reports correspond neatly with
the schedule time , when in reality
the mails neither departed nor
arrived on time , generally be
ing delayed several hours and
in ono insUnco , two days.
These falsa roports'laro alleged to
havu been made for the purpose of
defrauding the government , and to
cover up tlio fact that the mail facili
ties between Sidney and Deadwood
were entirely inadequate to the ser
vice. It is also claimed that when the
route was supposed to bo expedited by
the addition of extra horses and
men , for which the difference
between S0,77fi and S2,325 ! ) was
paid , that no extra facilities were fur
nished , and that U was impossible for
tlio agents to carry the terms of the
contract into effect , and that the par
ties indicted entered into a conspiiacy
to make false reports.
The indicted men claim that they
fulfilled thu terms of thu contract , in
creased their force to seventy-five
men and over tlueo hundred horse. ' ,
and that as far as possible the schedule
time was conform
A "World of Good. .
Ono of the most popular medicines
now before the American public , is
Hop .Hitters. You see it everywhere.
People take it with good otlect. It
builds them up. It is not as pleasant
to the taste as some other Bitters as
it is not a whisky drink. It is more
like the old fashioned bone-set tea
that has done a world of good. If
you don't feel just right try Hop Bit-
tors. Nunda News.
Morgan Manled.
A young man by the name of Mor
gan , a runner for an Omaha oil house ,
and the deputy sheriff of Polk county
got into an altercation with the pro
prietor of the "Star" oyster saloon on
Tuesday night which resulted in Mr.
Morgan and the deputy sheriff get
ting soundly thrashed , which no doubt
had the effect of convincing them that
tlu-y can't come to David and ride
rouih ; shod orer decency. Rising
City Independent.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption is certainly the greatest
medical remedy over placed within the
reach of suffering humanity. Thou-
si'.nds of once helpless suffeiers , now
loudly proclaim their praise for this
wonderful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does it posi
tively cure Consumption , but Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay
Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of
'tho Throat , Chest and Lungs yields
at once to its wonderful curative pow
er na if by magic.Vo do not ask you
to buy a largo bottle unless you know
what you aso gntting. Vi'o therefore
earnestly request you to call on your
druggists , Ian it McMAiiON , and got a
trial bottle free of cost which will con-
\ ! nco the most skeptical of its wonder
ful merits , and show you what a regu
lar ono dollar size bottle will do. For
sale by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( )
"WINE OF CARDUI" for Ladicn only.
At 0. K. Goodman.
Alter Burglar * .
Chief of Police Lyman , of Lincoln ,
was in the city on Tuesday , looking
for a brace of crooks who had suc
ceeded in burglarizing the apartments
of a Miss Manloy , and wore supposed
to have como to Omaha , Ho made a
somewhat thorough search of the
town , but was unsiiccepsful in finding
bis men. It is probable that they de
cided to ( , ' ( > east before the oflicoM got
on their trail. Omaha isn't a very
congenial place for suspicious charac
ters , _
A moot remurkablu euro f' r dym > e | > Hia ,
"Well-t' H.ulth Honewcr. " The
t"iiicl > eiit bilious anil liver rcinvdy known.
$1. DruggUtd. Dfjiot C. F , doodiuun ,
Death of Mfss Ponlxxly.
Miss J nnio Estello Peabody , Bietei
of Dr. J allies II , Peabody , died lit tin
residence of her brother at 11S ; (
hut night , after an illnces of sovora
weeks , The deceased was a promincni
member of the Trinity church , am
waa beloved by all who know her
Hur death will leave a vacant chair it
a _ romping household and causi
grbf in a wide circle of friends.
A trul package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT1
charge ,
At C , F. OoodmoiT
at lowest possible cash prices at
Rnilrcml Matter * *
NktloniU Auomtal 1'rwi.
CINCINNATI , 0. , November 30.
( Jon. 0. P. Httntington , pruaident of
the Chespeakoit Ohio roadj Qon. EC-
ck'.i , president of the Big Sandy ; GUI.
Wicknm , second vice-president of the
Choiuoako it Ohio , nnd Col. C. W.
Smith , general manager of the Chos-
peako it Ohio , passed through this
city to day for Louisville to attend the
opening of the Bit ; Sandy railrpad
from Lexington toliuutington ,
HuBiivtLu : , Ind. , November 30.-
The connecting link between the Vor-
nor it Groenibury and the Fort
Wayne , Muncie it Cinc'imati roads ,
is completed and through liaina will
bo put on boUoen Fort Wayne and
NKW YORK. November .10. The
Denver it Rin Grande railroad no'ificd
the New York sioek exchange to-day
of a S5 000,000 issue of capital stock ,
for the purooso of extending the line
in Colorado nnd connecting with the I
Denver , lllo Oramlo it Western at the
boundaiy of Utah.
Lorisvim : , November flO The
monthly meeting of the fast freight
lines north of Iho Ohio river , to
gether with thu general agents of tlu-
railroads mod by such lines , mot here
to-day , with 150 membuis present.
The Chesapeake it Ohio and the
Louisville it Naohvillu completed ar
rangements by which the Lexington
branch of thu Short Line road , owned
by the latter , will bo used by the for
mer to tc.ich LouisvilleThu Chcsa-
ixaltu it Ohio also leased the Him west
of Louisville , which will enable them
to run ttirouuh trains from Memphis
to Newport by January 1.
A \ViIHnK Endorser.
MM.WAUKKK , Wis. , July 30 , 1881.
II. ttr. WAUN-HI & Co. : Snus 1
can recommend your Safe Kidney and
Liver Cure , and you can chourfully
use my name. Miw. ANN KKLLY.
Arrival and. Departure of Stoani-
NKW YOHK , November 30. Sailed
The Galleo , of Liverpool ; the Cal
ifornia , for London , and the W. A.
Scholden , for Rotterdam.
UALTIMOUR , November 30. Sailed
The Nova Scutia , for Li vet pool.
SoUTHAMi-ToN , November 30 Ar
rived The Doran , from Now York
for Bremen.
LiVKiirooL , November30. Arrived
Tin ! Caspian , from Baltimore.
QUEKNSTOWN , November.10.- Sailed
City of Montreal , for Now York.
It Hnudn the Iiist
Of nil ot'ier ' prop ir.itioas or medicinoH. In
oasfiof niutea , h < * ndache , d zzinoH or irregularities -
regularities of the M ystem , HuilDOCK
BI.OOD Hirrr.lLS have ncuqual. They never
fail in utrording relief. Pi ice
l 00 , tri Idizo 10 r > mx " nodlw
ON1JY TO LOAN Call at Lau Ollku al D.
M L. Thouiax KoomS C'rclchton Block.
' AC / \ \ To Io1 ! nt 'rom 8 la 10 P
.U\.M' on eooil real twtntc ocurlty ,
Ull. ISAAC KDWAllIHOVt Karrihmn ht.
1J ( I'OAft Al a per cualln-
tcrest In sunwot $2MO and
, for 3 to 6 yean , on first-e ! < v. city and
'arm ' property. UKMIB Kiuu EUTATH uid LOA.N
' . Ifth and
ITl TANTICU An artlut that can do flrnt-clais
VY ork at sketching buildings wllh li.dli .
, k'orphoto.inera\lii ) { . Apply at once rxi J.
Pkrce , Bco oHIco.
ANTBI ) COTfortahle iiirnlshctl r > om la
W the Jut wail , north of U P. trak , for a
H man I'uii'lojcd tilery day In hU oflU > > .
ii , 0. It , Don olllco 811
WANTKD-ClIrl In ptliato fimilc , at SOO S- .
lwtli 8r ; must thorouKlily nil' ' o t-tand
tanliln aiiii 1 roiling hlurU. I elcrunrea 1C-
[ Ulred. 01D-2 *
.TTANTKO . Girl for 1'cncral hou'ewor1' , at
> V 202' ' ) St. M r > ' * i \urnic. Til 8. K. 1 LT-
I.i : , at M. ItivcD So-Tn. n tf
. - room with boird for
H f wHi nhl KJII , 10 vtxirs < > il In prltate
'amlly , centrally ! cittd. Htfcrences i xehimg
1. Aiklruj' , K. 1) . M. , Omaha lieu ulll c.
Wi-S *
A.NThll A uirl fioiu la to IB to help 111
VY family. U < | ulre at 1017 Uiica , nl.
ANTED 3 or 1 carpcn'cra wanted bv Tr
unlH , 1119 h'arnham St. OJ2-rO"
liooU-l-copcr or ntlicr situation
byabuslntM' man. Good cit > references ,
ddrc-t , C K. , loj ! ollnc. 103 3J'
U ANTED Ko m ahd l oraa for n gcntl-t-
mnn and uilu in n j lotmtit Ucolltr , con-
cntcnt lo tliu i oi > t otllco. AdJrum. (1. It. U
ro like. 5 > l-tf
ANTrl ) A 1 umly womoii and uantry
girl , at Fiun ct H.uso.
. . - Kooin und bnaril Ly man
WA.ML.uKooin ( cfcrencen ixcliangeil. Ad-
aX. , Uceollice. dsC-tf
- llj iinurriocl couple after Dec.
W-KTFD l rooms uilli boird in prltule
family. Address wfih temn , O , It. , 14iHI IJo
luti at. 078-tf
ANTF.D-A liouaekeafor ftt 1109 Farnham
w itruet , up sluirn. 4Gy-ll
w" ANTED A flrft-iloHi woman < yok atChrm.
llcikt'u rm aural. t , 1105 Farnhaiu btrvet
4M-U _ _ _
\ITANTKn-llirltodo hoast-wcik. Enquire
W 1110 Fttinhum St.
Fnndlne brldifi ) Rnd school bond * .
WANTED Clark , licllcvuc , 2fl-tf
ANTKD-UOto SWIfa.hclilIrt . nfar ! r.l
W and 8U Mary'd atunuo. Kniiulru at llmi
71OK KKST lloon n abe > S. JacoliV ilothlnp
1 hi1 e , ll'J Farnhvn M. , mltubl for < III L
r sleeping apartmonU. Knrjulie in thu c'ctlilng
ttoro. Oi7-l
1 SOU HKST nno pallor on cround lloor n ( "
L1 n Lhnmber handacimly furni-heil , "IK
CnllforuU St. U130
7011 TvKN'r IIoiuo of 0 roo.m , I til 10th Bt.
near I'.iul , tOS 3
iviOK HKNT ruVnl h il'rooiu , at oith t
L1 cuncr iMhamlCitllforiiU. kM 20
SALB-l'ano. Apply 155 Howard , hot
FOH anil 10th Sts. " >
. ItKNT Tn viull furnl.hal roonm will
1 J b04rd , SOU Ca it. , bt. 2. til ai d BUt ,
YOU Tl KNT "A fTevivitTuirKhcd room fJ
I1 Ki-iitUiiiaii.atSOOrainhiniSt bct. lllth nni.
1711 , 010 M *
I710K CU.NT A bcardlnc house of ultver
X' rooBH , en Dodge ticct , near eiucltin ? w rk.
'iiidhhop * Hint , S30 per month I 'MCMIOI
K\\ono \ M IHivmter. HoarJei * now In thi . lll rcwiln. JJtMUi I. MOItltW , SvO A
jn-h M. e ° " - '
17IOH KENT , rilEAI'-Hoil'P. 'i 'oryie5tl ' ,
I' anil I > o glM H In ulro ol W. C. llu n
liam , at Iliihcru mn'a Jcmlry btorc. W-U
I710II ll"NT runiljhi'drriinfiiriiUhixJ ro iu
X1 coithwitt oomcr Hth and JnUon w.
OR KF.ST A Jtt of lurnUbcd rrocnn l
F boird. In H itttrV Hock Iri'l" ! " .O1 lb
. K. K Cor CaWoruU and lith M
IJIOIl KENT A nlt of furnUtuxJ r&'in" , p rlo
J } nd two b lrt < m < . lie ulutilo room , t ft
cno rtroct , brtwetn UUi ouJ 1Mb , rontro brlc
' '
hmi r\
" 1710H HINT I.nrtteliAnilnnmr } hirr.l'hol . U K
I' parlor ntio front rocm tccntm t-t ry lritk
K , 101:1 : CU.O rtlret , a iloors wnt i >
47.VH _ .
OH HKVT KurtiWicd roomi , north n'd ' * of
I ' C.Miforil St. , Id Jeer c , t ot Zht. Inquire
attf r 1 p. m. _ * '
( -KM Jflloiy hoiifo , s riMinit , 4 livrno
1 ilotoltiKo.nlmn ; If il. tired. 24.i3 I'Mfii-
\ < nrt S > . * " * * : .
_ _ _
I , 1OII KbNl z lurniitifii ruouiolu <
J ; chiintV EtchanioN , E : cr. W'h and
truU. '
1.10K r > AI.K A cajj te en ) rnr-oUl hur-o
Wftrrrintixl toorltcilrn'i ' or ilnu > > l Ku-
quire ol ( IiorKB LnnU. 1 1 , UmfUM lieu < c.
I , VOIl < A ! - \ nn-j IXili'H Hi-cili 1-oiKllnu' ? t\ol
t ( lun Oood a < niw. llasln-ui uial xi-ry
litt'e. Coitd. % will UUS X ) . Ad.U-M . U W.
J"UH AAII On * larvt' i-wik taltKi' M' < l olio
1 ) i > rlor Ptt of 7 | ilwui. li. K. .M . idnn , Att'y.
relEnton I'lock , Clt > . _ ; { * tf
I 1UIIAI.K Two mx'Oinl rmml ( In Ilirt-
[ } f\Mi \ comlltldn , OIIP 2ft II. I'.iiul"niicO if.
I1. Diqulro On uha KounJry ami .Machlnu t o.
t I ! Tr&m iooit ; ponltd , chcvji , M 1U.J
; dli St. oi'
Wvs " rnttllmc loiiii li < tel rti ) < 4Mv. mi . f.miH for Mle Cnll nnil fo\
J. Ol ! SAI.IJ .VhtH of IJOUI.-UP nhd tanimil
L' ' tlui. A. HOrfftWATKK , U.inKi\rnh' niKtn.e
AND tAXD llcmit nut-
UOUHES , hotiN , fartr oto , lixiuli < ,
rooms , etc. See Ut iujrc
- CI.APS SM.USM.lN ( from Nmr
Yorkilo lri.lsaKl uatlon liO'C hl MTV ion
on'il ' bo required. Nnolijre I > lo g ! HK w 8 .
Ail IresA. . Itlack , caru It. U Uttin , uncll
Ion.-i. ilcc i.t
T 0 Oil HlOLKiVnniMl l\cr nnd wh tc ,
JJ niosily liltc , pointer il ) . . ' . 't'cturtyuho
hos tlioilogwlll llnd It nioro prolUallu to return
to owni'r ihan tikccp Mm , n < > I tl'nll make
tronll If not In my tiot-c .l n I efi -aninl.iy. .
Olio. n. KIVOIIKIT , carrlago bliop , 31.r >
1 Rth i.trcut.
TOST lli-tMi'on Cnll'ornli and Chlrairo , , n
J IMIiSi. npal of Mi \\i-olcn inlttotia.
Ku dcr ttl I | ) 'cu ulia\c ho . at thU < fllie.
ANEW YOKnit , Azrd 3T yrnrj , toiitcnipUt-
Ini ; Kti Invi' tmont In Fli i-p r I Im.-or lann-
Ini ; in iowaor Xubnut1 a , < fl.r hU ncrv ecu llrst
. \cnr lor i N boanlulnlclo. rnln. , l flncatud nnil
w lliiiff , b < t I m had no < x irluicuat cither ul
aboto LraucluH. Address Jo-cpli , II unllnv.
' Sd.iiu rcun > ii. A mi II link in tin
ICS'l , mi werliiK tilh namu of IVjir. FnO-
cr w 11 pi n > ic Ijtl the s.iinu M ur.uid C-jn ml
linll o/JliN. Ittli ht. , Mid ruciiro nl'ovc. ' rv- fiOl-SO
oo n ciiAN'i'iKOII A annn IIAKP.U
A \lth nun ill capital can bu ) a laku y , con
ns in. i.f nn OMUI t.\10 fcut ant ! n ba c < ou-c llx
i'li ifo ul htjie rj iiH and f nilly rooini to
cut for 415 per i nth with 2 yiars ;
o 11 nation in ono of HID H 11 cat to\uu in Nu-
kiv. ItKiu.ruif . ll.O.CUuk & Do. , Omaha ,
eh. 0-0 It
30KT1IA1TS I.V i IIAYOS 1'avt 11 mid 01 ! ,
l-o iiLfor < tl\u i.aintiiiL' 31US. I ) . K.
'AUHNKU , rcom 1 , Jacob's ftlocl < . Cl'J t (
710UND Kii4in Kamham , in front oTi ( ft'a.
* Owner cnn ln\ean o by ] ir nlptr projvrty
ul ii.ijii.L'for tliU advertUunuiit i\t thu li
, hce. I2S 1
' IUULW1ATB I100M. hel t
) ALUu HAY At A. II. Sanders tu-i. i.
1) 1U13 Ilarnoy St. -ID-tr
BEM1S' pau. ;
' NKW CIT7 MAPS. 10Mounto
Slaps , 82.60. ( II O. 1' . I1KMIH.
NOTfCrt. Special adtortUomtntu , such as
xwt , Found , To Leon , For Sale , To lient ,
Wantx , Boarding , etc. , ulll bo Inserted In I bin
olumn at the low rate of TEN CKXTS 1'Ell
INK for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS
EK LINK far each eubecqucnt iiucrtion.
xnvo odv crllscmenU at cur ofllo * , up et Irs
crncr Broadway and Main otroct , Council
) Kicrjbody In Councn IlluCs lo
WANTKl THE llf.E , 2H centii pir n ; k , ilo
\crid by carriers. Ollico corntr ilroad ay and
I iln , up flairs , Counci liluff . ( . < . -i-l <
Topunha-o Iho blnoUi of loll
WANThU w ihout inipro ent , In a Ino
uriiil K south coiiii'icndiu at lir odwav , cither
i o o < 0. & .V.V. . depot , /ililn-m Terry , 11
uiio of TIIK lire Ilico , Couiicil LliifTi ) ,
u a ! t
TICK You can get th > i qul kcst end est
NO plttur s f thiMrtn , 4o. by julioa
ZIIR lii.iliu' cxciHor gullciy mar ] .o ullii'fl ,
XJlllicil I lufln. ttblio ami lln. in\v Ili ia t I CH us
oie . llr clBcandlltnlicfaic allo ol to < iniLn
ilia , tt i1. o. d.
ANTii : ) Agent to ( ainci'u I ! tt faj-
W l.i hiiMnr ! > 4 In thu luintry. Adi rcss
M , Huoolllai , Coiini.ll liluff' . Xiiv.i-tf
SAL1J Ilornc , buggy nil Imr ess , clionp
LlOlt 1 cnah. Address vi. II. C' . , Hoc oll.ce
Jouncil Uluffa. Kovibt
' TICKET OKKICB-War in railroad
POTTKIt'S continued to boom. Un rcAcdentixl
o\v mti'ti Ui all eastern polnU. ll\erj tiikut
guaranlewl. Orders filled ny telephone. From
no to ten dollars eaied by purtruuini ; tickets
f C. A. 1'ot'cr , uucccMor to Potter & I'almir , No.
0 South Fifth stnet , f ur doom IJB.OW . thr pcwt-
ttlcc. Council Muffii , Iowa. o < tlS-tf
- , with i > ony , to earn-
WANTKD-lloy ottlcc , Council Ul uilB.
To buy 1UO tons broura ooni.
For addrctui Council IlluOt
Dro m Factory , I'ouncjMllugi , Iowa. 058.20tf _
A flint-clans broom tier. Mayna
WANTED Council lilulfB. lown. 600 SO'
. BAMS Old jwiwrn Oc i > r hundred , at
EOT. Hue olllco , Council ItlutSn. i7-tf !
TIO.VAI.1ST , 403 Tenth StrcU , Ix-tweon Farnham
and Ilainry. Will , with the aid of guardian
milrilB , obUiln for any ono a glance At tlio put
anc < prtont , anil on certain coudltionn In the fu
ture. Haoit and Shoos uindo to order , forfi-ct
Absolutely Pure.
Mode from Orape Crik-o Tartar , Ko othf r
nqntlon mtVcs nirh light , flaky hot bread * .
Hstirlou * i uitry. Cto he ru > n by Dyrpeput
-ltrout fur of thelllr risultlnc from heavy
d. Pold orl > In cant , br ill Urcxxri