Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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he Omaha
Vnbltuliii * vcry morning , exceptH
The only Monday morning d-vily.
r . MO.IO
M.-ntl . . . 5.00 Oio . . 1.00
ntv ; BIK , cv.
Onp Year . 32.00 I Three Monti * . . f.O .
Sk Month * . . . . 1.00 One " . . 10 !
COUr.i:8PONUiXOU : ; All Commnnt.
Oatlons rolntlui ; to Nuwx and 1'dltnrinl mftt-
t M tlmnU bo midrenctt to the Jlnnon OK
Tun ] > w.
BUaiNKSS LKTTEHS-A11 ln ! , lncH
r.o-.V'r and llcinUtanoc < nhmit ] { bo ail-
drewi-l to Tun OMAHA 1'onusiiiNo COM.
PANT , OMAHA , DraftN , Check * and 1'o-jU
office Onlf in to bo in.wlc ) ' " ' " to the
ordtr of the Company.
OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop'rs '
Edwin Dflvlfl , Manager of City
John If. Piorc-o U In Clmwi of the Mall
Clrcmtion of THK OA1LY 11KK.
I , D. Ulminborl.iln corroHpondont and
Hinii [ ) ricc < ) jncaii economy erA
bankruptcy for salnricd mon.
A FEW words from thu Jltrald on
the cold wjvvo will now bo in ordur.
ANV fair tantion must bo bnicd on
a f.iir mid impartial aiweBsmoiit of
property. _ _ _
IN another mouth lunatics will
CO.IHO quoUiiK Mother Shiplon's bogUH
AKOTIIUK quarrel is said to bo
brewing in the San Francisco mint.
S.iti FiMimuco Huirorn from a CIBO : of
pepper mint.
\v \ Ivicfur f.iiU ingottiiif , ' th.itHpcak-
orship thu glory will have dupirtud
from Ohio UH a homo of olliso BoekoiH
and ofilco h
T AKTIIUK'H mcmigo'iR in
print , but L'liardod by Hit timu-lockx ,
loullo-lin-t'lod , H.xfu and of
: i ( ) - ) , a Hquad
police. No lepoitera need apply.
iY increase iu the capacity of
onriivur for InumpoilnMon
IUC.UIH a docrofinu in the eap.xcily of
our r.ulronda to ] ) liindur thu public.
Sr. Jnr..s river convention hits
proved n aticcc'fw as far im numbnraaro
cnncorned. 1U true HIICCOSB can only
bo judged by its effect on the trousury
WiLiiurt STOUKY i said to have
received a spiritual rovalation that
the Chicago 'lltnctt has the largest cir
culation of any paper in the went.
Wilbur combincH religion with adver
lluutou ) combination ! ) am invaria
bly made with the object of pravunt-
ing lower tnrill'ratefl for the benefit of
the public. When the railroads com
bine iig.iinat the public , the public
must combine u .uiist thu railroads.
ONI : of the firat duliea of
will bo to i > ; is3 a blli Bottling the oz-
peiiBea of the late President llartiuld'H
Hickno.19 and pro"idiuir for the widow.
It will then bo time uumgh to incur
new expenditures for a presidential
mansion other than the White HOUBO.
IT'H hard work to unit a Ringer ,
I'atti complains becatmo her audiences
do not como to hear her iu full OVO'
ning drcR3. Just where ] ) ersona arc
to gut evening drctses after expending
their fortunes for n ticket of admin
aion , the talented xingcr fuiln to ox <
THK largest mortgage on record viu.
filed in Cincinnati last week. It wat
for $18,000,000. The mortgage i tc
the Mercantile Trimt compnny , ol
New York , and J'H \ > y the HaltimoJo {
Cinciiin.ili & Wcutern railroad com
puny. About the first indication o ;
life on the part of tv now railroad ii
the filing of a niortgago.
THK now overland routoto the ] 'a
cifio coast by way of Now Orleans , E
Paso and the Southern Pacific will bi
open for tr.illic on tint 1st of Januray
Aa might have been expected , tin
railroada have pooled their ditToren
ces and there will bo no compotitioi
between the Texas Pacific and tin
Southern Pacific roads.
THKIIK is ono of his acquaintance
win does not believe Quiteai
insane. This is his former wife , noi
Mri. Dunmiro , who is in Waehingtoi
waiting to bo examined as u witncs
on behalf of the prosecution. Mr
Dunmiro scouts the idea of the aseai
sin'a hnanity , and says that she di
not think him insane when ho pawne
her trunk and clothing for board , an
then went on" and left her to sltil
for herself , She declares that in tea
of being insane ho is bad-tompere
and vain. Uo lias always had an ur
governable temper , and from this eh
Buffered greatly while living with hin
He is a man filled with vanity , an
has a fondness for notoriety , and sh
eays that nothing pleased him so muc
as the publication of his name iu th
The sooner our mai ufnotnrora and
morclinnlB Irnrn that it pays to be
honest the belter it will bo for their
own inti-rcstc. A deal of inter-
oat han been attr/iodd nnn n dealer *
in the i-nst by the immcnso falling oil
in the export trade of butter and
Various ica'soiiH have been as
for this st\to of aff.tin. Some
oxporlcrj attempt to ucci < tint for it by
saving that ( ho B canon in Kuropo this
year hai been iv wet ono and an i-x-
ri'llonl ( mo firit\stnr.ige | and that therefore -
fore the demand for butter and chceeo
from this country was not HO urunt as
it might have been had the Fonnon
there been similar to our own. Others
attribute the falling off in exports to
the high prices of butler and chetso
in this country ciuuiod by the drought.
Few nro rropircd to admit the real
reason of the dccreasohicl ; in largely
due to the fact of adulterations in the
mamifucluroand became oleonmrgarino
and lard chceso have been diBposud of
loan enormous extent by shippers to
Great Britain and the continent at
genuine butter and milk ohoeno. How
much the dairy nmrkol haH buun nf-
fueled by thcso outrageous fraud *
which are rapidly ruining American
trade may be seen from Jho following
figures : During last year the aver
age export of checFo was Homethin
over 12,900,000 pounds a week. The
avra o this year was scarcely over
1,000,000 pounds week. The ex
ports of butter last yiar averaged
about 450,000 or 500,000 , pounds a
week , while this year the average
dooi not reach L'60,000 pounds a
eek. A largo percentage of the ar-
do exported is , in fact , oloomarga-
no , hut it is cleared as butter. The
xport trade in oleomargarine , cleared
ndor itn lawful , ie also lern
lau that of jrar , but a Mint qnun-
ty of the Bluff cleared ai oleomarga-
no in not in the fdiapo of imitation
utter , but in in oil , Ohomar-
aiino in used by butter manufautur-
rs in Germany and Holland
nd in other countrioi. ( ) nc-unr- |
cr of the oil is used with the tlircc-
nartfrs of butter to form an art id"
hicli is there sold at good prices , and
'hich in very deceptive inappi-aianu' .
'or the week ending November 24 ,
880 , the exports in butter wcru
21,007 pounds ; in choou52,0111 (77 ;
oleomaigatiiio115,780. . For the
vcek ending November 215 of thin
ear , the exports in butter were 2-18-
! ! ; in cheese , lL'yi,7)0 , ( ; in oleomar-
; arino , 208,0 , 0. To Rotterdam ,
70,05 ! ) pounds of oleomargarine ,
mostlyolcomatgarine-oil ) , wasfihnped
n the wcok ending October 27 , 1880.
I'o the same place only 135,000 poundc
ere Bout for the week ending Novenv
ur it ! : of this year.
In their dcsiro to make monoj
rapidly by swindling purchasera , tin
dealers in dairy pioducts have over
eached tlionmolvfH. The proteati
gainst thcfio fiauds in the bnltei
.ml . cheese maikols have been strong
ml cmjihatic , but they have nol
been heeded. The oloomargaiinoani
iird cheese manufacturers declare thai
, heir product is pure , healthy , prop
rly branded , and sold for what it is ,
They declare thai it M never offerer
py thorn under any other than ito roa
name , but admit that after these
rticlt's leave their factories the hrandi
are removed by nnicrupuloua doilon
and that oleomargarine then becomei
miter in thu foreign market , am
lard chocso becomes milk choose. 1 $ ;
this penny wise and pound foolml
policy discredit is cast on the enlir
American export trade , iind othe
branches sluro the general ditiliunt ,
A little over a year ago , a numbe
> f our foreign consuls called the at
tuntion of the government to th
adulteration of American food prr
luctn offered for sale in the Drills
inarkot. It was then predicted tha
unless prompt measures were taken b
> ur oxportora to ship nothing In :
pure articles to compete with foi
oign productw , our trade would suflt
severely in consequence. Thti prt
diction has boon verified. Thu
such a Htato of nlfaird i
permitted to exist is n shaint
ful commontiry on Amoricai
commercial honesty and the goo
name of our people. The only eoi
eolation is that the guilty pirtic
seem to bu the ones who are sull'orin
moat severely in consequence of the :
dishonesty. If they learn from th :
condition of affairs that it pays i
trade , w elsewhere to bo honest , tli
leenon will not have boon in vain.
The leisure momonU ol ox-speaki
Randall are now devoted to inventin
a policy for the democratic minoril
in the iioxt house of roprcsontativei
So far , Mr. Randall has not mot wit
very flattering success. Being hitnso
a protectionist and not in accord wit
the time honored theory of the den
ocracy on this point , ho is forced I
content himself with outlining a nog ;
tivo form of opposition to any lightoi
ing of our custom burdens and wit
this end in view bringj forward
proposition to abolish our intern
revenue taxes. Mr. Randall hut
th < > idea that by such u happy strol
ho will attract the suppo
of the oouthorn tobacco and dUtiliin
interests , and at the uumo time til
away all excuse for any further cu
tailment of the government revenue
tlnn killing t > vo bird- * with onu policy
stone. Ilii second idea for a demo
cratic policy fr.unowork i to imif-t
upon P , thrre | > or conl. bond in fie
place of the thrro and a half per conta.
already j.l. cd by Ex-Socretary Win
dom , Combiiiiiu' the two , one eco
nomic , thu other finincial , Mr. U'in-
dall boliovei that the deinocralic mi.
sorily can show to the people if the
United States seine roifon for
thc-ir cxidtenco as a pnrly , and
unite in opposition to any republican
plans which may have fur their object
the weakening of thu democracy in the
public cslceni.
Mr. Iluidall's propositions will
hardly bo tikon up Jiis
party. They will meet with almost
as must opposition in the democratic
raiiks as on the republican side of thu
house The democracy nro not yet
far enough advanced to commit themselves
solves to a policy of protection or to
bind themselves not to discuss a ques
tion uhich they have for years hypo
critically inserted in their
party platforms. While free
trade doctrines are stondily lining
ground in democratic manufacturing
districts , and while many thouiands
of voters Among the rank and fdo hold
to a modified form of thu doctrine , or
else wholly reject it , still the party
leaders cannot entirely divorcu it
from their economic creed , and hold
their job. Mr. Iltndnll has been in
congrcffl long enough to know that
any square insuo on the quest ion of
free tiado or protection would bo
one-half the democratic
dodged by fully -
cratic members of the house of ropro-
BcntativM , and that any attempt to
commit individual members either to
the abolition of oursyst'm of protec
tion , or to an increase iu our present
taiitf would bo vigorously resented
On this account bin plan for the aboli
tion of internal revenue taxes cannot
bo accepted by the frco trade oleniont
in his own pirty. If our surplus rev
enue is to bo reduced by reducing tax-
at ion the importers will never submit
that that redu ition shall accrue only
to thu intercut of the tobacco mann-
f.teUiros and dintillers and thu frco
traders will certainly not let slip such
an excellent argument for an inimcdi-
to reduction in the burdens of our
intouiB duties.
Mr. IlnndaH'n second idea for a
arty policy is even moro impractica-
le. Thu lust democratic congress
orried for months in the vain at-
empt to pass a three per cent bond
nd failed in the attempt. Such a
end , terminable only after the ox-
iralion of a number of years , would
o on many accounts much lees favor-
bio to the government than Secretary
Vindom's three and one-half per
cuts , terminable at the call of the
rcaaury. In the firtt place , such a
wml could not have bcou floated at
iar. England's three pc > r cent con-
ols fluctuate between 97 and ! )9 ) per
onl. The "Windoms" already com-
nand a premium. In the second
ilaco the government option to call
ho bonds at will provides for n roidy
and economical disposal of our sur-
ilus revenues. It saves the treasury
Icpartmunt from the necessity of go
ng into the open market and purchas-
ng bonds at a high premium , without
which course nearly § 8,000,000 month-
y would bo withdrawn from tho'cir-
ulating medium of the country. The
uponority of the treasury plan for
ixtonding the five And six per cents
tax been completely demonstrated ,
.nd Mr. Rindall cannel plaj
the demagogue Btiflicioiitly to
rally his party under the cry of a
ewer rate refunding bonds any moro
: han under the slandard of no interim
levonuo. Lie must seek new issue * .
If he wants homelhing entiiely new
and original lot him learn a losioi
[ torn Senator Mahono'a leadjustora
and inscribe on his parly standard
"No political fossilizi-d ideas. A fai
count and free ballot. " Thh wouh
not bo EO startling in its originality
but it would bo entirely now urn
oiiyinul to the democracy.
O.VK nf the mcanoat monopolies ii
uxiRtenco is thu coal monopoly. It i
not confintd in the east to the man
iig'trs of the collieries in Pennsylvania
but extends to every local dralc
throughout the country. The trans
Missouri country is at the mercy o
the Union Pacific railroad company
which , after robbing of his cluin
every ptivuto nilno owner along th
line of their road , has monopolized al
the mines and holds a monopoly o
Wyoming coal throughout the west
Thu St. Louis Globe Democrat aays
"There is something wrong when
few men , whether minors or traders
can counteract in n day the advun
tagon in the way of cheap fuel vrhic
Providence lias given this part of th
country. Of all combinations , thee
are the most outrageous which declat
that thus much and no moro shall b
used of the frco bounties of nature
Public and private interests nliko de
in and that no artificial barriers b
put in the way of the obtaining at a
times hll the coal that can bo usoi :
and at the lowest price that any on
can soil it for. "
SKNATOII .IONF.H , who sits very noa
the throne , u reported as gayini' thu
it is pretty well Bottled that ex-Soiu
tor FrolinglmyM'ii , of Now Jersey , hi
been tendered and has accepted th
ollico of secretary of state , and wi
succeed Senator IJUino in the near
future. Hois repotted to bo actively
engaged in settling tip his extensive
law Inisinc.ii preparatory to that
ovont. Mr. Frelinghuysen U a gen
tleman of superior ability , polished
irunnorn , extensive public experience ,
and largo weallh , with an excellent
record as a e' statesman ,
qualifications especially fitting him
for the positim. ,
SKVKIIAI , eastern jnurnnli have been
throwing mud at Minnesota for set
tling her flt-'ilo debt at fi ty conta on
the dollar and accrued interest tit
Hovon per cent. If the same state of
alfiirs had cxulod in New York state
Ihn bonds would never have been
paid at nil. The people of Minnesota
were swindled ontr.igeously on behalf
of the coiporatiotis and never got a
single mile of completed railroad in re
turn for th ir loan of credit. The
proposition for settlement came from
the bond elders themselves and
amounts to apiymunt in full of the
> rincipa1 with Ihreo nnd one-half per
mt interest to dato. Even this
nount is pajing very dearly for a
histlo which was never delivered.
Ruuto.U ) organs are publishing
litorials on the "Railroad nnd the
farmer , " which are intended to show
lat thu inturcat * of the two are idcn-
cal , especially that of the railroad.
'h y nro when tariff ! are low and
ervico fair.
Wi' record with pleasure that Ex-
lay or Colonel Champion S. Ohaso
a ? ono thu cuuimittuo on resolutions
- tho. St. Joseph Missouri convention.
s it rosolvor the colonel is a success.
Ijvniir bunting water main in our
roots shows the folly of a Macadam
tavomont. It wouldn't stay intact
wenty-four hours after it was laid.
The Christmas number of St. Au7io-
is seems to outdo all previous efforts
f its editor and contributors , re-
larkablu na they have been. Such
'ascinatingstorirs ' by Mra. Mary M .
) edge , Rev. Washington Gladden ,
' 'rank Stockton , Maria George , .lainqa
laldwin , Ilonry Ktiller , Edward Eg-
jk'.ston , W. LI. Vonablo and the rest ;
uch inspriitiiiif voraes by Mrs. Jack-
on.Thos. Dunn English , Emily II. Miler -
or , EVM O don and the others ; such
xquisito pictures by liiush , liluin ,
jionnun , Jesaiij McDermott , Hop-
cins , Lungrcii , Uolo , M errill , Me-
Vickar , and many more , surely wrro
ever gathered into thu pages of a
ingle number of a single periodical
lofore. There is but one tft. A'icltolui
ind no family should bu without it.
Litlli'i fiiciny Ayc has been publish-
id for nearly forty years with uniu-
urruptea uuccesB. It is a weekly
lugdzine , and gives over three and a
Itiartor th itiaaiid pages of reading
na ter yearly , forming four largo vol-
nncs. ItM frc < iuont is uo and ample
space enables it to present with fresh-
icss nnd complotono-'s the ablest cs-
i iyj and roMows , the choicest serial
ind .short stories , the moat interesting
sketches of tiavel and discovery , the
poetry , and thu most valuable
Biographic il , historical , scientific and
( oltiic.d information from the entire
) i > dy of foreign current literature ,
.ts pages contain the productions of
Hitch authors as Prof. Max Midler ,
ludutonu , Froudo , Huxley , Proctor ,
ooman , Goldwin Smith , Tyndall ,
Dr. Oariontor , Frances Power Cobbo ,
Kr.incis Gallon , the Duke of Argyll ,
Win. Black , Mias Thacksray , Mrs.
Mulock Cralk , George MacDonald ,
Mrs. Oliphant , Mrs Alexander , Joan
! ngolowR. D. BlackmoroThos Hardy
Matthew Arnold W. II. Mallock , W. W.
Story , Tourgenieir , Ruskin , Tunny-
son , Browning , and other distin
guished wnterj. Littol eontinucii to
jo the most thorough and satiafactor >
compilation of the boat periodical lit
erature of the world. It realtors can
through its piges oacily and economic-
illy keep pace with the work of the
"orumoatiitors nnd thinkers in al
The suliBcriplion price
C8 a joat ) is ohoip for the amount o
rc.idini ; furnialiod , while the publish
ofTer to send The Living Ago ant
and any ono of the American $
monthlies or weeklies , a year , botl
postpaid , for § 10.50. The publisher *
idno oiler to send to all now subscriber
for 1882 , remitting before January l t
the Meekly utiniburs of'1881 I.IBUCI
after the u-ceipt of thoirsubsciiptiona
Co. , Hoitton.
A. Qood Remedy.
llullilo Kiptcvui.
The Now York Post thinks Ouitoat
cannot bo legally removed from court
nnd that to ung him would bo n Iu
dicioim evasion of thu spirit of th
law. "If , " it says , "Guiteau w to b
corporally expressed , would it not b
jiut us vroll to have an officer of the
court give him ft boating every tun
he interrupted the proctiodings ? '
That may he the best plan. A friom
of the exprees sonjo days ago suggests
that an olllcur , armed with a baso-bal
bat , to fetch the assassin n crack over
lime he opened his mouth in cour
would prove a proper , t'fTectivo am
dignified method of dealing with him
Not the Qnection.
Whether Mr. A. II. Gibson wa
duly authorized to collect ovidunc
against the star route ring or not is
matter in which the people are bu
slightly concerned. They have
great interest , however , in seeing th
litigators in quoation brought to justice
tico , and they are iu no temper to sei
important evidence thrown out what
ever quarter it may como from.
The Aesthoio Snlnto.
KlonteJ Uill < * ) Jouriul ,
When you moot a female in th
street do not raise your hat respect
fully as if you mount to show he
civility. Such conduct IB regarded a
excessively vulgar. The gontoo
liing when you meet a real lady is to
omo to a sudden stop and stand as
igidly as though attacked with vio-
out cinnip. Then gmbyour hat in-
tatilly nnd jerk it down your cloth-
ng tmtil the loner rim reaches your
mbillciis , than jam it back on your
lilck huaj again , urinning Iho while
ike A hjcna. This accomplished
uccossfully htamps the true gentle-
will noon have n telephone
\ VccplnffVatrr wants mnro liouscs to
idler nuw POUUTS.
Thpre vu now fourteen crew * ou the
main line of iho It. fe M.
( leno i has m n wlio can talk an nppo-
entti duith In ni\ty inlinitett , for inonuy ,
A preHlntf ii'ed la Alma i * inorchnuufH.
V ( licn ) mnr final ! dwelling ! * would tinil
enanti at onco.
Tim erind jury of Hnono cinnty split on
10 Slociimb law , and the llijuor men are
nely lubricatlnj ;
Capt. H'HUer , of Louimille , linn com-
ilotcit a hi > h pond for the liroj ngatiun of
irji. It cnvor four acrvH.
The man Kern/ ) ' the Frnnklin oc.vlcmy
v 11 I ui tl n loilRii'K ' houno f r the accom-
noil.ithvi of ntuilctilH from a disUncc.
TlieHiirvcylnt ; paity for the H. A M. lm\e htnrtoil from HnnUngs to
urxcy the propo-ied routu friin tliat point
o Ar..pnhoo.
Otis Hiilxcbaii , forninn of Boulim'brew -
; ry at , Grnml IK nticl , tumbled Into a lu.ilt
ub and fracturedjnlrt kull. His rvuovoiy
n iloubtfull.
Ten tubs of California salmon wo o
timped In the Dlkhorn at Norfollt ,
'lunkKi\inK | ; day. The State finh com-
il-cion did thu work.
An ins-mo man is believed to have per-
died i n Dutchman crcuk , Cii'tor county.
> tockmen attempted to keep him within
reach of the Hcttlcni nt , but failed.
J. A. Hull , ( i Htoclc r iscr li\inj ( nouth of
ixfurd , turned a herd of youn ; ; tattle iuto
iii stalk tiuld and in n few bourn a ter-
wnrilH , found five of them deid , and bal-
nuco terrible ticV ,
Tin Oakdalo Btminary will opou after
New VtuM with aclana of twtutyor more.
lev. J. Ho d , of Selnnler , duclntd the
rtwtdciicvf of thr bmtrd in favor of Hev.
Joo. L. Iiitile , of Omaha.
Loinl compl intx are rni'oil that porno of
lie boy. att-'iidinjj ncbool at O.ikd.ile c irry
evohorr * with tbeui. ShoU lia\u beeu
led at tlm tombdtonori end monuments in
liu graveyard by uomu of thu Loya.
Sovtral woll-exteriniiutiiid Hociotiea
A\O lioon fi > rincd in ( liller-nt [ > nrU of the
tate. with a > icw to takint ? concert d
immures during the months of J nuarv
rid IVbruary for the destruction of those
A herd of II , ' (0 xhtep pa'scd dewn the
luitdy l.xtt week ; destiu tioii , liouiul
tovi1 , tbirf couutv , wlicro tln-y will bo win-
crt-d an Hull ) , Tliov ore fiom aflh ng-
mi tunitnry und were two jcnw on the
mite. [ Ctmtur County Leadir.
Tliie waj a scalp dancs nt Mt Joy ,
Itoe C' initv , Irnt tiuudiy. Sixteen im n ,
.om n nnd ( hildrcn parl cipaio I , havitiir
re\iou-ly p-irt.iUen of sever 1 b wls < f
he " hbi'joyful " Tno fuu was fur nu
ll J the fur Hew fr tly. _ l.attmcd UUI H
.n . I bald head murk the \ictiiiH.
Iloburt ( ileim , a Laucihter county farin-
ir nud bnchelor , ai lioiind aud KnKfe I by
wo maskcil meu auil rolibed of > > UlO. No
luewt \ "Oil fnund to the robbers. Mr
jlenn in in a ) n. cariouH con lilion and
eaia are cntertiiti d th-t ho would not
ally from the i-hock ilu in very eccen-
ric fort of a in in , who has i > ers'ittted in
cet'iinig large Minis nf 1110 rey in the buunti
against the advicu of hisfiiendH.
The upply offoft coal throughout the
tate is vu y iitnir. d , nnd larro nnd sindl
o-vns sutftir alik . Wymoicans warm
heir sliiiiH by the ciudem of Jant week ,
while Cut Point in at the mercy of the
weather , and Iowa coil the only nalv ti n.
The Hyinpt'imu of famine ate felt in Rising
3ity , axil the cry is "Givo UB eoal or cor-
| ( or.itn blood. " Th A'nm ' Herald br.icee
in to tlie U. 1' . ring in this j-tjle.
"Thocompany USCH itH own pleasuie in do-
"iveriiifj coal tntliu towns alncy its line , nnd
iay no rogaid whatever to the w ntnof thu
citzciiR. As the c < inpany imiiH the coal
uincR from which oil Iho coil nlii | > | > ed over
its line in t l'tn frnm , they have it n their
iover tn co rce the ) > eoplp BH they see tit.
l.ast week nne iliy a portion of the inhabi.
ta > ti of tliotovvnof sheltonwere without
conl , the coniptny refused to sell , and n
man. by the name ot I'mler stole n few
chunks ( rom a pacing car. He was
urresled , but he c.tizena got him out ol
the clutchcH of the law and paid his fine.
Senator Jones' Wife-
Senator Jones , of Nevada , the blithe
and rosy host of the president of the
United Stiles , has gone b.tck to hie
nnunlain home , says a Washington
correspondent , to bring hii family on
liero for the winter. Mra. Jones ,
formerly Mrs. Gooruo Sullivan ,
a daughter of the collector of the poH
of Sin Francisco , has been absent fron
Washington for several wintbis , anil
is but little known to the host of latci
political and society people with whoir
the senator is so great a favorite. Ii
the few seasons that she has spenl
hero as mistress of thu giny-gratiitt
house on the hill , she was much ad
mired for her beauty and the quiet am
gentle grace with she discharged tin
duties of her stntion. Besides buiiif
fair to HCO , Mrs. Jones is uncommon
ly gifted and accomplished , speakinj
hoveial lan uagos perfectly , and is HI
thorough a scholar in I'loncb us tc
have tr.innlalod and briefed any num
her of solid books and treatises on tin
silver , metallic , and coinage quantum :
ttiat great sa > nutH have chosen to pu
their brains to. The vast nnd exac
information which thu senator posiesa
ca on nil these topics is i > roitly duo ti
this charming little wife , who ha
looked up all the profound wiitings it
foioigu tongui'H that could bo of tin
Joust intoreut or assietanco to him
Those who saw Mrs , Jones on calaoc
caeioiiB several years aao remt-nibo
very distinctly the blazu and magnificence
conco of her countess diamonds , ant
the beauty of the quiet little lad ;
with do'icato features , largo gray pyes
and blonde hair was in no wayuclipeet
by these brilliant adjunctc. Whili
the jovial senator has gout ) back am
forth across the country , in Nevad
one week and in Now York the next
Mrs. Jones has remained quietly a
homo with her children , occupjingi
beautiful house at Gold Hill , aaubur'
or part of Virginia Ciiy. It is expected
pectod that this winter the Jones diamonds
mends will glitter at all great outer
The Humoron * Trial at Wailiing
Ntw \ o k Tribuim.
The trial ot tha late James A. Gai
field for having presumed to liv
eighty days after it was the will n
that chief of humorists and that favoi
ito of the Washington uudienco , Mi
Chalks Ouiteau , that ho should die
contimiei' ' yesterday.
IKntcr Tribute.
A n at tesliinonial to Corkhill froi
the star route gang would only bo
jiut nnd grateful recognition of hi
services in not knowing how to do il
Detroit Fife
liuddcr Gardner expresses himself
liua : "Let tno aiy to vti tlint I donii1
olit-vo in insniiity. Do itidatio bun-
tr who cntcM my cabin ulll miea tlo
op of Ina bend. Dolnuatio wiiodrann
knife on nio run gvvino to got hurt ,
keep n tlot to Mtu do itmno llnuvrs
ho want to plunder my sjardon. If I
in drnwti on a jury Jflhnllo o to
end obpry insane prtBnncr to tlio pen-
I'titinrjjfor do longest po tiblo period.
Vlicn n man steals Tsball call him n
liicfvliiin ; ho rob1 ? 1 almll call him n
obbcr ; when ho kilU 1 thall call it
lurdcr , nn' hold dut du jury who lets
im olV urn entitled to thirty laihcfl
picco at do whipping.pest. "
Novcr Too Into to MoiuV
Tlio . .1. Anlcn , Will ! nn Mreet , "Haul
jtiir.t'o ' writen : ' 'Your SrntNrt Hi OSSOM
HHUorkdl on tnunpl-iuCd. 1 hnxl no iip-
elite ; used to Hlecii badly and get tip in
icm minis'unrcfrtvlio1 : my liroatli M
cry olf-nsiNu nnd I ntiircrcil from upvcro
endiM-hej cince uclng your Sprint ; Hies-
nn all thiho pyuiptniiM have vnnNhoil and
feel quito well. " 1'ritu 60 CL-IIK , trial
jotlloi lOc. ceillw
JAltKSK. 11OYI ) , l'rojirle < or.
) [ It. MAIlslI , Iiudlncs ? Manapir.
Saturday Matinee ,
December 3rd.
December 3rd.
cpctltlon by Request of Many Prominent
Cltlzcnt of the Chnrmlnc Opera ,
lltv < er\M Hcata now on H.VU at the low prlcj
1 trJ lytitrf , nt I lie llox Ulllco , Opera llotmn.
lot' ! " ( ICt
- ,
* . < nr ALL TnAKHACTlO.N
'ay Taxes , Rent Houses , Htx ; .
ir you WAM TO KUT on HILL
nil cl Ofllce , lloatn 8 , On Ifilitou I'.Iock , Omnha.
> t ? If Mm ori a man /It younrao
f of ( .a JIICW.K col r ui Ji or U b . .
neil bv tlio sU-u.ii of U mlclllwroTsrinla
j .IP itJl.rj nvolo nlzlitM > rk , to
! LI mlnn1nnd U4O
Hap Bittcro. waste , UM ; Hop Er
J' you are .oourr nrl ip from ( ijiy Ii.
dii u > Hun i > ilHsipi y llull | U JUll Hit , ' 1IKT
lull ur MwX olil vr Klyouuir.ttlfuin/
jiocrhiv.'ilUi or bLuntm ' /i live on a Uil-oJ tlc
in * * , rUy on Hop ttofj ,
. . 71icupnnnH ilto nn
wliemvir jou ful . . .tail } f i o m some
Uut yrttr njiti-m lornf ttldney
doa' < ! tint nOclit
Irk01 tUmuUtlif. . , , lmvol > i nioicrti ! ) . .
> ? - II tjy a tltnoly MH * of
ko Hop
CM to- .
You will bo
cnnil I f you use
Hop Bitters
ply wen km !
HI It mny
rj. , & hS.r
saved hun-
jesires to announce to hie
Vionds and the Qe oral public
, hat ho has resolved to reduce
i's prices to the lowest notch
consistent with the principle of
'live and let live. " Gentlemen
desiring a first-dies Suit of
lothes , in all respects equal
to any and second to none , will
do well to { jive Mr. Martin a
call. Grod Business Suits to
orker , $25. Pine Pantaloons ,
$5 and upwards. nldlm
To tlio Xjiqnor Dealers of Oninhn
Kovtniber 'Jrf , 1881. )
The CMy Council of Omaha , performing
.he duly il Milvmup 'ii it under thu le is-
aii'Ui of Ififtl , p oviiiinf , ' fur the Ikcni-iut ;
of ilealerri in iquoii in Xehrat < kn. havu
KISSK ! an nrilin nca wich takes effect on
: hu 1st tiny of ,1 nuary , < V. 1) . 183. .
Juilcr t' c tciniH of thix onlnanc" a 1 who
irojiot-o to i.'iig.iK'O iu the vendint ; nf in-
iiixiuiii. K liii ( | > IH ii this city , niut hlo
witli the City Citric of Uni.ilia tliuir appli-
cjtion for license accompanied by n peti
tion t mm thiity free holdcra re iilent iu
tlievv.rd vvlin. o it iw prnpo-Pil to Hell
liquor , u boud in the Bum of &r ) , 0 I con-
iltioned as rtquiitd hy law. and the re-
ueiiit of thu ( 'ity Treasurer i f O-alia for
th niiniunt iluu f i thu liino thu licei o in
requ nd at th rate of § 1,00 J per annum.
lil.uikH will be found in the otlico of the
( Jity Clerk and will ho fumihhcd upon ap-
jilication. Under thu law no HCCIIHO cun
irtHiie bcjond the ciul of tiiQinunicipal
which ! the lirnt Mnnilay nfter the lirht
TucMlay in A. 1) . 18 $ ' . ! ,
All aiplicati'ins | for liceiiiio numt Ho over
for thu Kpncuiif two wcvkii , iluiinj ; uhich
tiiiiu the iioticu rcquiied hy law niiibt ho
puhlinhid l > y ttiu ai > licint , a Iiliuik form
of ctich noticu will tie fuinwheil Ijy the city
cUrk. Toj-lvutlio ri ht to cell liquor ,
lenciiiR Janusiiy Int , 188" , applica
tion * nnd petition H ould ho m du on or
before the Kith day of Jic mber , A. I ) . ,
1S81. On.I.t uary l t , IRS'J , i.ll salootm
for the c.Ue of liquor iu Omaha , not licens
ed under bo * > a < > i oidinanjriuuxt C'I H and
rt-miitn cloHpti , for violators of th Uw wil1
ho arrested by the marxhai aud police of
thu city.
Signed ) JAMKU K. lioM ) ,
Copy ) n30-ft Mayor of Omaha.
Positively Cured ,
All ( Uffcrcra from tb diwuo that are inxfoun
to b cured should try DR KISSNER'8 Cele
brated Coniumptlva Powdcri. Tlnno I'ow-
deru m the only \ < uf& atlon known that will
cure Consumption aim all dinafcos of tha Throat
and Lunrt Indoud , to ttroni ; ! out faith la
them , and aha to convince you that they are no
bumbu ; , wo will fo wild to every sufferer , by
u all , pout paid , a free Trial Oox
We don't want jour mnner until } ou an pfr-
lectly Mr 'lifle < l nf their euntthr rowerD If your
life > worth eating , dnn't delay In phlng tbco
Powders a trial , im tbey will auruly cure jou.
I'rlco. for largu box. 300 , fentto any paitof
the Uiiftod stat or Canada , by mill on rerelpt
of price. Addriwi , ASH & HOUIIIN8 ,
nlldly S60Fulton bt , llrookhn. N. Y.
K ) . W. IHJ1HR. 1.0. OAMfBiUi
Attorneys -Law ,
- I't
Owoi Kront noomi ( np etoln ) In Ilaoivxm1
ouw bmk btilldlnv , N , W. ooroer rtteenUi ad
anilaiu fitrmU.
United States Depository
NationalBank ,
Oor. 13th and Farnam Ste ,
Orgtnltcd M & National lUnlt Aujuit 20 , 1863.
CAPITAI , ANIJ rnonrj ovui - aoo ooo
LI 11 RM AS Kotivrzf , i'ro-ii lent.
ACQL-em Kop-tnic , Vice ProeLlcnt.
II. W. Vvtm , Cashier.
A. J. rorrtimiv , Attorney.
K. U. in vis Aw . Cn&hJc.
Tbl litok receives deposit * lthont rrvatd to
amount' .
Is'ucMtlmo cortlflcstos bcAtln ? Interest.
Drafti drntU on San Fr&nriKO nnil iitlnelntl
cltlm o ( Iho rnltod b Lit 0.1 , nlio Ix > udon , Dublin
IMInlmrgiinnd the prlncliwlcltlisof Uiooonklj
nont ol l.urope.
Soils pomscnccr tlckcta lor omjr\ntg"r ! > y thu ID 1
man line
The OMoat LJatuhbahed
Caidwell , Hamilton & Co. ,
trammeled rjamo aa thai of on Inaor-
pornti-d oink.
Accounts Kent In currency or Reid robject to
sli/lit chock vdthoul notice
Certificate * ) of deposit wuodpnjableln throe ,
( rfx and tnclvo monthf , jtarhilni / , ; rt , 01 OB
demand without luturoet.
Advances inndo to customers on apprOTod oooa
tltlte ai market mton of Interest.
Buy and roll ifnld , bllln of exchange , govern
tnont , state , count ) and city Um1 .
Draw slir'nt ilrafta on England , Iralvnl , Scot
land , ( Uid all putn ol Europe.
Boll Kuropoan I-VUVUKB tlcVet" .
qtiplilt _
Oculist and Aurist.
Kclorcncea all Koputablo I'hyiilcKug ol Omaha.
xarOfnce , Corner 16th and Fnrnliam 8t ,
Oinalin. Neb u26niiU *
_ _ _
Eznmliint.lonoTotioUori . ' /
I will bo prci-eut at uiy otficc In Crolfrhton j
bloikou the first Saturdayof each uiontli to x- j
nmliio fiuch nppllcuntH as may dcxiro to to.ieh j
In tl.o Hchoola In '
public Douglas county Quar-
tcrly examination II rM , Saturday In February ,
ila ) , AUfjuot and Nov ember. *
J J PoiYn < , j
County Supt. nblic limtruutlon t
Permanently Cured no humbug by ono
month's ucnce of OR GOULARD'S Celebrat
ed Infallible Fit Powders. 1o com too xulTur-
cr that these povulirnwl 1 do nil wo d.nn for
tliim e will mini thunhv mail , post paid a
free Trial box. Dr. Ooulnrd Is the. cmlj phjtd- that has uvei made thii dHcat'i a r-poiial
xtudy nnd as to our knowledge tlioiiviti'lii Imvo
bum Permanetly cured by the IHJ of tluae
Powders , wo will guarantee n permanent
ore In pvcry cnseor refund you all money ex
pended. All MifTerern sh ula glvu thoM 1'ow-
tiers an early trial , uud bo ecu tint id c ( their
curath o povvcrn
Trice , forlarffc box , S3 00 , or 4 boxes for 810 00 ,
tent tij u.all to any i rcnf tlio Unl 01 SUtca or
Canada on receipt o ( price , or bv cxiim1 * , O. O.
1 > . Addro'B , ASH & ROUBIN8
300 Fulton St. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
In tha matter o ( the Estate of Pttor J. Johnson.
Notice la hereby given that the crwlltore of
mid dtceofcdl , lli inu. tthu w'niliiittmtor o ( ailJ
Kntntp , before me , County Jnd o nf DoiiKla *
County , Nchrar > kaat a County court Uoom in
raid County , on the 24 th day cf Novtml > cr , 1U31 ,
oil th'o 'J4th ia } of "anuan , l&V' , undo the
2lth day of March , 18S2 , at IU o'clock a. m. each
dn } , for thupurpoBU of presenting thdr dalnu
' ( or examination , adjustment and allowance.
Blx months are allowed for crulltora to present
their clalinn. andonojcnrfortho administrator to
settle raid I'Atnto , from the 21th rt.av of Soptom-
her , 18il , thin notice will be publlnheJ In Tir
OMAHA WKFKLT IlitHfor four weeks Huccemlrely ,
prior to the 21th of Novcmhir , IfcHl.
( A true copy. ] ) A. It. CIIAUWI E ,
octlflwtt County Jailifo.
OimtA , NI-B. , Oct. 28th , 1BS1. 1
lOlOMHCODl < Tr. f
Yon are hereby notidctl that Llexttr L. TTioinan
purchased nt the coinitj trcasurtr'H otllcc , on tin
6th day of June , Ib70 , nt prn nto Kilo. The following -
lowing ] iarctl of laud fur inxcfl of 1877 , for eight
dollamniid nlnctc'Kr ' t cents ( ? ! > bS ) , and Uio
B 111 Dexter L. Thoni-n has tr ntferrcd said cer >
tlllcatc of tale to William Connor for the Hum of
ten dollars mil twuitj-thrio ctnt ( ilO 24) Io-
Hirliitlon of priputy , to wit : Uruuninc UK 10.27
chains , K o ( S\V roriiercf K J , thence M 3.101
'halt , thence K 3.101 chahiii.ihini-oa lOlchaliis ,
tin ncv W 3.1 i chaliiH , to pai. e of bcxlni iu/ III
S W"of a Knee Inn N' . i , luiipt 16 , ia , contaln-
liijt ono airo Tliat I will tnke ou * u Ux dcod In
thrco months from date of lliit IOLCM. | nii ; it'
J : NOT1K.
III the mr.ttor of the Kxtnto of Joincw K. lab ,
dtc .a d.
Notlco lii hereby tlvcn that the crodHori nf
'aid itectorwd , viill meet thu ndtnlnlbtrlx of said
Kutatc , before me , County Jud c ot boutflm
pountv , Nebraska , at thu County Court Hoom
in Balif County , on the ( jth daj of DwumlMtr , 1881 ,
on the Mil cUv of Kchrunr ) , 16S2 , and on theflth
day of April , ISS'J , at 10 o cloilt a. in. inch dty ,
[ or the ptiriwmi of prtocntlu ? their claims for ex
amination , adjiistuunt and allovrun'-e. HI *
niont are olluvMnl for crudltora to prwent tlnJr
claim , and ono jear for the wlminirtiatrLx to
< ttlu wld ectatc , from Um flth day nf October ,
18S1 , ttilx notice will bopublUht.l InTiiH OMAHA
WKKKLY HKK for four wrelsnuccMiisltely , prior to
Oio fith ihy of luconibor , 1881.
[ A tme op > . ) A , il. ClIAnWIOK ,
' '
, - -
ocl 4t Cotnitv
KranclH II , Knffkbert ni d J. L < V ) Kixjlobort ,
ili'fondantri. will take notice > lnt on the flrvt ilitr
of NoMUilwr , Jasl , Mux lloer nnd Adolph
MI-JO' , nrm doing tiuuliiics ra .V'ax Mej r b
llrothcr , lllr--l thilr pititlon in tlio District Oourt
of Doiulas couiiiy Nctr skt , iiaiiist raid do-
fuultxnta ; thuolijoct and pinjcr of which are to
fori'clo-e a co tain mortsago executed by the do-
fcndantu to the pUlntlu ii | n lot thru ) ( ZIn
Uildu' adiilllnn , to the city of Orlinha , In Dom
lat County , Nebraiikii , to r-ccure tlio pa > nient of
certain promlxory note dated April 1,1674 , for
thu Buniof lime hundrvd and Hdvcnty-elRht dnl-
lar and forty-eight cinto mjablenlnty d yH frura
ditciluriol ; tint thcro lanow duo upon n.ld note
and mort'aiu thu iiuiu o thre huudrnl nixl
Hcvenly el hi doiUrs nuj for'y-elKh e nf wlih
Intertut thereon at twelve pur rent per annum
from the date of .aid note , and plimllffl pr 7
for decree th t diifendanti b * n uirod to | * )
th * ame , or that jd | premise * may bo told to
HalUfy the amount found > tne You am roiulrnd
tOBiij ori ald petition oiifor Mott thu Itllli U /
of Juiuarv , A. 1) . lbt > .
Datfd Nov. 14 , ItM.
Dv Sunuift dTVLL , Attornej-r , nlUf luM.
To the Member * of the Nebratt > 4 Illulo
Medical Society ,
WAIIOO , Neb. , Koti > nl > cr 'tl , | HH | ,
A ipocial Dwjlon of the Niitirukk IllaUi Mull
cal Society It called to incut In tha I llj of I.In
coin on Tucrday , the ii7th ar of DwomUr , A ,
I ) . IbSl , at thu hour of luoil'xk , in.
For the purH | ) o of taking null ftitliin , ai maj
bo thought bint In rilitlon to tin l w ritfulat.
In ? the pinctlie of n wliclni * , In llio HU a til No
biasla and such other iniliirM iu iu > y bo ru-
nuir il to bo do no by Id KUtu Mulli l Nxlclr
InipccUlri'Mion. ' M W. HIONIi.M , It. ,
I'reu'.deut cbrA.lLa Hutu MeJIiul hovlvljr.
Atteited :
A. H. MANSK r.l.IlK , M 1) .
SecnUtryNtU HUU M xl Ho. noSMltwU
Dexter L. Thomas ,
- - LAW