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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1881)
I AM ATT A n A 11 , V 1VMF. i NOVEMBER 30. 1881. VHE DAILY BEE. Wednesday Morning , Nov. 30. Wiuitlior Knport- ( The follmvhxB observation * MO tnkcn ftt the Bamo moment erf time at nil tlio ata- tlnns named. ) . HHMmvr. , r , tS. . Sin AI , HMIVICR , > 0 mnNoitinlcr29 , , 1831. ( liUi p. rn.f OUw 1/oulfo i In Omah 'J'lmrs lay iilglit. Tlic new Union elevators will 1m open nl Innhsut UvouctkN for public { nopc lion. - The hl'cct car track must again 1 lowered to conform with the 10th Htrue grade , The-l-'arncHt Workcra will give lhcl dinner nt tlio Clirin'.ltm chinch tc morrtw. Friends invited , Tlio Standard Club party nt Stnndar Hall this evening will ho followed b the Uii'ty ' Club reception Tlinrmluy night One of tlio .laiiiCH boys I' thought I bo hovering around in this ncighhorlux with n brnco of revolvers nnil a brace i hunting dogH as companions. Capt. .Marsh hai ordered nevornl cxcnr KOII CAM fur Hummer travel on thu Hnim com Park extension of the utrect rallwu which will he opened lit May. -Home miscreant brolco n $100 plat plain from tlio front window of 1'nndt store recently , and it required tlio ( Tori of twenty nr thirty men Monday to n place it. On y these who 1m o heard tl "ChimoHof N'ormnmly , " BH rendered ! ) the Harmonic Singing Society , can rcM ? the tare treat that is in ntoro for the hive of charming music and fine acting. Ha urday afternoon m.ttiuco and evening He ilfd. Admission fil ) conti. Xo extra' charge for riwrvcd HCalH , Thi Nebr.iHkn Rendering and Drying company lion been incorpontid under the laws of Nebraska , the incorporators being Thomas Olbnon , Oberndorf , Mayer it Co , , W. .T. llroatch , II. C. Cranz , A. Polaclc and C. I1. * Goodman. The authorized cap ital stock ID $50 , 030 , and the object of thu organization la the drying of animnl olfM nud a 1 business pertaining thereto. Kcls 1'cten.on , A teamster who HVCH on the military road , wan badly bruised and had one of hii liorHea killed on Saturday morning , by driving into a ditch near tlio waterworks rcnorvoir. lie hii filed a bill for damages with the County Connn'Miion- cro , it beinc a county ronil and the law not making the county responsible , ItH allow ance in left to the Commissioners' cllHcrc- t'on , Stanley 1'clcli , the high kicker in the .Jollities Monday , landed one of hia rub ber shoos in one of the globes of the top chandelier on the east Hide of the Hinge. where it took fire and filled that part of the thuatre with a very unsavory odor. Mr. Doyd threw it down into the pai- iuctto | from which a gentleman carried It to the door and throw It Intj tlio direct. One of the city p ipor uayn Campholl I the Mormoa who died on thu tra'n Sunday him gone to meet 13rln'ham Young. There in nocert.inty of that. Men ot Camp' bell's cljHi are usually nlncero and carneN' , in their belief whlli ISrhjhain Young was an arch hypocrite and scoundel if ever one lived. If one ban gone to his father its no nlgn the other will jjln him in the Hot box. T , W. Shea , an Klkhorn farmer , came It } town yesterday v > ith a load of poul try which ho Hold to .T. H , French & 3o. 3o.he AH ho wai not w.dtod on immediately , he went across the way to refresh the inner man and in paying , for whatever it Wan < ! ropp > d a roll of bills amounting to 82.'l , 4in the tloor , After K'nlni ; buck to his work the money was returned to him by a color ed man who saw him drop it , L. F.Iusonbcrry | , tha otrpcnter who suicided at Fort Omaha Sunday night , in mild to bo a member of the OUS family of Von Dusenberryn , mice ted ai the most wealthy In the Vnlted Staten , and of the old Knickerbocker stock of New York. Thu deceased had fa brother and brother-in-law in Molinc , Ills. , who have been telegraphed of the death , The remain ! will be hold until to-day to nwait a ponsihly reply from the relatives before burial , ProiiiUcuoiM nhxtiDg on the public ; nads about Omuha IK becoming too com mon an 1 merits the attention ot the pro per ikuthorltieii. On Ust Sumlay , homo one of n number of boyn in Idr. Ilrown'H ynnl , no r the old Arlington Houston > Sixt.-enth ktreut , shot Mr. W. W. Itohurtu valuable Hotter hunting dog which wax on the opposite Hide of the ntreet from the juvenllci and only ubout thirty yard Uin front of hiii owner' * ho HO and buggy. Mr. Kobertfl Inteudu to protecutu the olFoiidcr to the full extent of the law. On Wcdnecday evening last ionic un known partloj dhot a valuable cow holong. ing to Mr , . .1.V. . llogfru , who rculdon in .Shlnn'u addition. At Icait fifty shot * uero lodged In the covr't hind quartern , princi pally in the udder mid penetrating to the cavity of the body. The hot cut Botno arteries and the cow bled to death inter nally , djing two thy * after she was lmt , when the cavity of the body was found 1 full of blttod. Mr. HogcrH la naturally d 1 bir- oiu of ascertaining who did the wanton act of cruelty and mischief , and if ho fimU out . will prJbectite them to the extent of f iho law. _ _ Sntlt factory. Mrn , Wallace , JJuffido. N , Y. , writen : ' J have u ed HuiiDOCK llLooo llirrr.ES for nervous nd bilious i eiidachr * , and have ieuomm nded them to uiy fiiendn. I [ he- lleve thtm t-uperior to any other lordl'ino I have used , and cnn rccoinmrnd ihtintjj any one tcquiiiug a cuie for hllloinineiiu. J'rice 81. tfitl sire 10 cent * . uod-1 w A triil package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" free nf charge. At 0. K , OoodnmtT THE CITY FATHERS. & .n Active BuaincBO Mooting Lost Evening The Omaha nnd Northern No- brnoka Oots Fair Troatmont. Sottlinjr the Contest of Au thority between Chief Qnl- ligan and the "Hooko. " Farther Eitonnlon Oiron to the Watt > r Worlcii Company , The meeting wna called to order ith President Daily in the chnir. 'resent : Cotincilmon Baker , Corby , Dollono , Dunham , llcrrman , McGav- ock , Ivaufman , O'Koefo and Stull. COMMUKH'ATIONH ANII I'KTITIONH. From the Mayor Reporting tlml lohai received receipts in full forcer- tain claims ngiiimt I hi- city ; that ho lias approved an ordinance inaUniap- ; jiropriatiotm for payment of liabilities incurred during October. Placed on From Jj. McDonnotl Asking Hint the time to complete the grading of Tenth street bo extended until May 1st , 1882. Referred. From Jno. II. Ilorback Asking that the alloys m blocks yUO , 321 , 335 nnd IJfi.'l , nnd that the portion of the streets ol Cumim ? , Burt and Iwxrd between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets bo vacated , in order to make aaid promises suitable for depot pur- pofles. Roferred. From Joseph Power , through J. C. Cowin , Esq. , asking for damages for injuries received August 20 , by falling into an excavation not protected , near Boyd's opera house , on Fifteenth street. Referred to the judiciary committee. From Addison Jones , superinten dent of the Omaha Boys' Industrial alet school , asking to enter into a contract with the city to keep certain street crossings clear. Referred. From Mrs. Mollie Freman , asking for pay for a cow killed on n grade be tween Douglas and Dodge streets. Referred. From the wntor works coinpnnyno- tifying the council of completion and readiness for use of certain hydrants. Referred. From certain residents on Sou h Sovonteoth and Center streois asking ' for the placing of a fire hydr.uit ut the crossing of these streets. Referred. Communication of the city engineer reporting non-fulfillment of a suwor contract by McCanly ft O'Brien nnd recommending that it be declared void. Referred. UKHOI.UTIO.VS. By McGavock That persons hav ing business vvitli committees of the council shall only be pnrmitted to bu heard ns they shall bo cnllod in regu ; lar order. Adopted. un By W. J. Baker-That the city en > gineer report an estimate of the amount of work done on Tenth street > nnd his acceptance of the same. ' Adopted. By Baker That the committee on streets nnd grades examine Tenth street with reference to an extension of the time for completing its grading. Adopted. By Herman That the services ofI3. | F. Baker , as sewer inspector , bo dis pensed with. Adopted. By Dunham That the street com missioner fill a washout at the north west corner of Ilarnoyand Eighteenth streets , in front of the county jail. Referred. By Daily That the city engineer nsceitain what obstructions should bu removed on Chicago street , through block 03 , between Eighth and Tenth streets , as deeded to the city by thu U. P. railway company. Adopted. By Kaufman That the mumburs i of the city council meet nt the clerk'n ollice Saturday afternoon nt 1 o'clock to witness tests of the power of the water works. Adopted. By O'Koofe That street lamps bo placed on 13th and Jones , Leaven- worth , Mason and Pierce streets. Re ferred. From Stull That the city attorney prepare an ordinance providing for vacation of the alleys in blocks 320 , 821 , ! UI5 nnd ; if > ( ) and streets , aa re form ! to in the application made roby J. A. Horhack , and published above. Adopted. From Stull That the right of way across streets and alleys from the north side of Nicholas street to the north line of Farnam street , to the extent of thirty-throe feet in width , in accordance with the petition signed and presented by J. A. I lor- bach , bo convoyed to the Omaha A- Northern Nebraska railroad company. This resolution excited a protracted and very interesting discussion , After a lime it was adopted , KKi'onm From the committee on claims -In regard to the sewer fund moneys nnd the preparation of nn ordinance i to transfer it into the general fund. Adopted. From the committee on streets and grades Recommending that the street commissioner bo instructed to put theresa Douglas and Thiitcenth streets cross ing in proper condition. Adopted , From the committee on public property aiid'improvcmenta Regard ; ing the pond at the corner of Itlth street and St. Mary's iivonuo , rec ommending that it bu fdlod. Placed on file. From the committee on gas- Recommending ommending that gas lamps bo placed on thu northwest corner of 18th nnd Lfnvt'iixvorth streets , nnd in thu mid * dlo of the block between Jackson und Luavcnworth streets. Adopted. To postpone ordering of sidewalks on 10th street to Dorcas until next spring , Adopted. From a special committee Report ' ing that they had investigated i the charges preferred by Chief Galligan against James O'Brien , driver of f the hooks , and hud found the charges ; not sustained , und recommending that O'Brien bo reinstated , and that , as there appeared to bo n of authority between Iho chief nnd ollicors ! of the hook and ladder company puny , that the coinpiny own the truck and horses nnd chooio their own driror 1 ' , and that mich driver bo sub ject to the chief nnd amenable to the discipline of the paid department. Adopted. OIIIII.VANUK3. A Rpccial ordinance , amending the ordinance for construction and com pletion of tho'watur work * , to extend the limn to .July 1st , 1882 , providing that in the meantime the water works company furnish a sufliciont supply from the reservoirs for public use and fire purposes. Road twice nnd re ferred. To transfer 81115 from the sewer fund to the general fund. Passed. Adjourned for ono week. THE PACKING HOUSE FIRE Kearney Examined Before Judge Bonooko Yesterday. Ho In Hold In 81.00U to Awnlt Action of tbo Grand Jury. The examination of Michael Kear ney , nrroated at Mnlvern , Iowa , and brought to thi i city on Monday , on charge of setting fire to Hoyd's pack ing house , WM held before .fudge Benucko yesterday afternoon. The | examination of Kearney com menced nt half-past two o'clock. JJJ Chief Engineer Galligan was sworn and tcstilied to tlio lire , its destruc- livoncss and the value of the propeity consumed. Itridgct Whiting , a sister ! of the prisoner , was then put upon the stand. She swore that until within a month she lived roi Mnlvorn , Iowa ; that she moved from there to Silver City ; that about seven weeks ngo Martin Kearney , the prisoner , cnmu to Mnlvorn ; that he told her and her husband that he had to leave Omaha because ho had ncnrly killed n man with n boor glasn , and wn.s implicated with two others in the burning of Boyd's packing house ; that ho told her ho neither dared write or tele graph hero to his wife ; the witness then proposed that shu come to Omaha and HOO his wife , and she did so , bringing a letter tote Omnha which told her to keep her mouth shut , soil everyboi thing aho had and go to Malvcrn. PERSONAL. ( ! io.V. . Kmil left for Montana , yei- terday. It. S. Jofwelyn returned to ( ! inml nd iterdny. Thomas Ciiny nnd viife left for Ogdcn at noon W. Winscct , the contr.ictor , is reiwyer- iu * , UK hit frlcmlx will bo glad to know. . . J. O. Hartlint' , of Hal y , Idaho , ] iarsed through the city yostcnlay , returning homo from Chicago. Clms. K isrnwn , genera' ngent nf the company , is registered At tha Can Held housu , and called nt Till : HKK ollico yesterday. U. W. ISryan , chief operator of the C. t D. \ CJ. It. 11. at Ottumwa , Iowa , an 1 . t.T. 11. Duggan , chief operator of the sanio road at Crcston , called at TICK BKE oflici yesterday. JJluhop A. H. Wilson , the Salt Lake tliet City rcproHcntativo of W. L. 1'arrotto t Co. , the well- known vvholennle hatterx of Omaha , came in from the vveat Sunday night , and will i emaln in the city a few dayH buforo proceeding on a brief trip to the eatt. - - The Slooumb OMAHA , Nob. , November till. To tlin Editor of The Ilec. If Watson U. Smith was murdered by a rumsellor , aa Mr. Ilnrria says , at- ical Slocurnb liuv are rosponaiblo for it , for nil fanatic laws do no good but create crime. I see that Mr. Hoyd intonda to enforeo thu above named law on and after January 1st , next. xt.nit May bo Mr. Hpyd will succeed , niter Omaha is not Lincoln or Columbus , erne Grand Island. Where there ia no plaintiff there is no court. Straw bonds will not do in this city , and we will see how many good men will sign their names to that ironclad bond. If the law is to be enforced at all let it bo enforced to the very letter. Lot every man who is oH'ored na a bonds man bo sworn that ho ia worth twice as much in renl estate above his in- dcbtodnoHB , when he nigns. A coin- mittoo ought to bo appointed by the Merchants nnd Manufacturers Union to see to thu above matter , BO that this fruit of fanaticism and know- nothiiigism ( twin-slatera ) is mndo M obnoxious as possible. * Memorial Services- Tlio memorial nervicea of the Grand Aamy of the Republic in honor of their dead comrade , the Into Col. Wat- sun H. Smith , were held at Clark's hall , last evening under theauspicoa of Goo , A. Custer post No. 7 , of which the deceased was an active and enthu siastic member. Despite thu numerous uttrae- tioiw about the city , the hull wat well tilled and theattnmhncu wait inoro than fair , Thu cur nuniy watt aft or the imprev aive rttunl of the order and uas ren dered nioro otl'octivo by the appro priate muaic fuiniuhod by a quartette choir consisting of Mi' srn J. L. nnd F. 8. Smith , A , D. MorriH and I J. Wealoy Vilkina. Remarks of an appropriate and interesting character were msxdo by Gmil. Chan. F. Manduraon and Ruv. W. ,1 , llauis ' , pjistor of the First ' liaptiat chuich. At the cloaoof the public services , thu I'ost went into secret ueasion. APPLES , A largo slock of the bout varieties of YOIIK STATJ'J APPLES at . I. H. FRENCH fc CO. ' . Call early and floloct winter's stock. nov"-2t ) To the ladies ! Another large lot of now styles of Uoye' Winter Caps just received for the holiday trade. Ele gant and cheap , FKKIIKUICK , n20-eod7t Leading Hatter. SIN SKIMMINGS , A Bold Forgery on the Fir t Notional Bank. The Bigcoat Fine Ever Impoaod m Pollco Court. The Crimlnnl Ronntl Up Con- donaed * The police v\ero succesnful Mod- day in rounding up quite a number of thieves nnd other' , beginning with the nrrcst of Herbert Johnson , the man who robbed the house of George Armstrong on Cess street , Friday last. , .Johnson was walking will a lady when arrested. The missing property was about $30 in silver from a treasure box , a revolver ver , a silver watch and some small cliuniro .Johnson WIM arrai end bu- fore .Judge Heneko jesterday nnd sentenced lo a term in the county jail. A KOKCIIllM'llECK. A well dressed , good looking but impecunious young man of about twenty years , was nnested Mon day on the charge of forging the iinmu of W. Yntca , of tlio National bank of this city , to a dr.ift on Chicago , fur the sum of Sl-'OO and rnising money on the same. Denn Fuller was the name given by thu prisoner ns his own. Ho had in some way scoured a blank draft of the First National bank , addressed to the Mer chants' National bank of Chicago , 111. The dr.ift was dated October Juth and numbered , at random of course , No. J20.0JL' . It was signed W. V.ites , cashier and A. Manson - son , teller. The handwriting was so horrible that it is doubtful if there was any attempt at forgery , but surprises thu b.uik folks is how Fuller obtained possession of the blank. Fuller presented the draft to Shaw it Itatliir some dnjs ago and wanted to borrow SL'5 and put it up . as security , but the linn die not bite. Ho afterwards went to the little peanut stand on Douglas street , near Fifteenth and obtained S5 in money and $2.50 in credit. When the dealer took it to the bank to see if it was genuine , the brand wa discovered and Marshal Ancoll being notified mndo the arrest. The felony ' if proven is a penitentiary of fense. uin ins On ( Sunday evening hist Mr. I. H. Rockonfiold , living at 1808 JSurt street , wont homo rather late in the evening and nt once laid down , leav ing , Mis. Ilockenfield rending in an adjoining room. Soon after the latter heard ! steps about the house and a moment later n heavy body fell ngainst the house with such lorco ns toRe jar it considerably. Mrs. llockonlield was of course fright ened and awoke her husband , who looking around saw nothing. In the morning a pair of torn pants was found , in the pockets being a couple of faro chips , studs , tobacco , a hand kerchief with the laundry number on , "J nurse containing § 1.15 and some other things , all of which the owner can : have by proving property. It isa supposed the pants were stolen by _ a thief who got drunk and lost them inn the yard as stated. A ma KINE. Probably the biggest fine ever im posed and collected in the police court of this city was that assesaad by Judge Boneko y or ) onlay on a man named Frank Eeod. Reed , it appears , was arrested . nbjut two weeks ago , when lie gave the nnino of Adams. " lie had at the time about $000 in his possession. Monday : hu was at the opera house with iya friend when ho was arrested by the police on the charge of being a sus picious character , lie had when searched about § 107 still remaining ia his possession , and yesterday , failing to a.itisfy the court that ho had a vieiblu means of support , ho was lined § 30 and sen tenced to ton days in the county ! jail. The amount of thp fine and costs was deducted from his pile which was then returned to him.Thu man is wo undor.itand not disposed to submit to tlio action of the court and a writof habeas corpus will probably bo sworn out to secure hia rJease. The operation - tion of the vagrant law certainly rums a little tyrannical at times .SMALL vuv. plain drunks and two disturb ers of the peace were lined the usual amount , which they paid. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ftodlw TO JOSIE. For Onuha Ilio. Though chain * of mountain * hlwh and And boumlltw utroanin between nn lie , JIv thoughts H .ar o'er the lotty jiuaks , To you my dearest angil boy. AHleep , awake , in vvalkn ordrtuni" , At Hiinriao an I at noun and ova , Thy uwecteHt infant Hinilo I see , Tlut < melli my heart for theo to grieu Sweet Jos'c , ha liy Innocent , The comfort of a mother true , Smile sweetly , over hippy he , 1'np.i hid * tli.-e adieu. OMAHA , November 28 , 1831. Almost renm'rkablB cure for dyspepsia \ , 'Well * ' Htalth cne. " The greatest .oHt billet and Iher remedy known. 91. DniKglttN. Depot O. F. ( .ooiluian , Army Order * . The following orders hnvo been issued from tlio headquarters depart ment of the riatto , Oinaba , Nebraska , November 20 , 1881 : FlKAPquAUTEua DEPAUTMENTj OK TUB Pl.ATTK.OjlAIIA.Neb. , S November , 28,1881. ) 1. Leave of absence for one month , with permission < apply for nn exten sion of fifteen days , is granted to Ma jor William T. Gentry , Ninth infan try , to take eilect upon the adjourn ment of t'onoral court nmrtial win session nt Fort McKinney , NV. T. 2. In compliance with telegraphic instructions from headquarters mili tary division of the Missouri , dated : November 20 , 18S1 , Captain J. P. Soliindol , Sixth infantry , is detailed to inspect and report upon the quantity - ity nnd quality of jjooda issued , and the manner of tho'r tluHvory , to the now nyoney i on Green river , Utah. \Vhim notified by the agent that bois IB prepared to issue to the Indians of that 10 nyency the yoods to which they are entitled , ho will proceed thereto and comply with the directions herein contained , and on completion of the issue , will rejoin his station. General Order No. 2-1 , nories of 187J5 ! ! , from these lieadquartcra , is re voke . Real Estnto Trn.iisfor - The following nro all the transfers recorded at the county clerk's oflico Tuesday and Wednesday , ns reported for this paper by John L. JlcCague , rcalo stale agent nnd conveyancer : Andrew J. Poppleton and wife to \N. D. PruyntliOtlO. Eliznbeth Place add. , \ \ . d.-8-loO. William O. Saumlors to Geo. E. Prctchott : part lot 01 , Gisu'a add. , w. d.-$150. Naomi Davenport to Lewis Plant : lot 8 , block 30 , in town of Florence , w. d. $900. James Austin to Fred Stoetx. : sun- dry lots in Orandviow add. , q. c. tl. $125. Lorenzo U. Williams and wife to E. G. Schlip , ot nl ; parcel in sw | sec tion 5 , town 15 , range J2 , oaitw. d. $ : Union Pacific Railway Company to A. M. Fleming : s | aw } suction 0 , town li ) . rixn o 10 , east. w. d. $5(10. ( W. W. Lovvo nnd wife to Albert M. Clailc , part of lots 8 nn.l ! , block 101 , Omaha , w. tI.-SiV.MO. Alien Koch and wife to L. 0. Jino- weld , lot 1 , Jacobs' addition , w. d. $1,400. lr. Van Camp and wife to Sarah E. Chubb , part of lot 8 , block 22 , Omaha , w. d. $2,500. B. F. Willoughby to F. W. Car- less , parcel in nxv ] , section 14 , town 10 , range 10 , east , w. d. $ ! )00. ) G. C. Manell to Maiy Maran , part lot 4 , block 71 , Omaha , w. d. $77o. W. J. Connell to Lars F. Nelson , part of lot 8 , block 107 , Omaha , w. d. 82,000. Aug. Kountze and wile to Anna Wilson , part of lot 1 , block 71 , Omaha , q. c. d. $100. It Honda the List Of all other proinrntions or medicines. In awes of n.xusen , ncndache , dizziness or ir- rcKuliiritiert of the s yatcni , HUIDOUK 15l.Oi UITFKIUS have no equal. They never fail in affording immediate relief. 1'rico § 1.00 , tri d Hizo 10 oiiU ( xllw Mooting of the Gnrflolcl Asioola- tion. All iiicyibcrs of the Gnrlield nssoci- alien are requested to meet at their rooms Thursday evening , December 1 , 1881. AH friends are invited to attend. W. II. C. STKIMIKN.SON , President. BKUY FULTON , Secretary. Do not ponder about the ills of this world but when you feel out of sorts try a bottle of Conrad's Budweisor Beer. " Ask your druggist for it. Died. DwvKit At the residence of 'William M. Uwyer , 2-0i ! ( Capitol avenue , nt 3:40 j > . in. , Noven her 21) ) . of diphtheria , Edna O. , second child of William M. and An nie Dwyi r , aged f > year' , 8 montln , J'unral nt 3 p. in. , November 3' . (4)A Exhilaration and buoyancy of body and soul are wanted , which will bo felt as soon as parties partake of "Con rad's Budweiser Beer. " "WINE OF CARDUI " for Ladies only. At 0. F. Goodman. Postoffloo Change * in Nebraska during the week ending ' November 20 , 1881 , furnished THE BEE by William Van Vlcck , of the postoflico department : Postmasters Appointed Arago , Richardson county , Henry Vollbrocht. Clovorton , Webster county , Sturgeon Kershner. Cowles , Webster comity , Thomas J. Ward. Hanson , Adams county , Jacob Smith. Martinsburuh , Dixon county. Jonathan M rtin. Moline - line , Franklin county. Will.xrd West- oil. Nomoha City. Nomnhn county , Philip Crothcr. Sterling , Johnson county , Clm. C. Wilson. Wayerly , Lancaster county , Mary E. Tr.xvis. Arrivals and Dopnrturos of Stonzn- N&tloiul AuoclaUil Press. NEW YOHK , November 20. Sailed The Wyoming , for Liverpool. ROTTERDAM , November 2- ! Sailed On the 2tith , the Mo. r , for New " York. LIVEUVOOI , , November29. Arrived The Cityof Burlin , from Now York , the Ohio and the Lord Gough , from Philadelphia. LONDON , November 20. Arrived The Utophia , from New York. QUKKNSTOVVN , Novoiubor 29. Sailed On the 28th , the Survia , for Now York. ANTWKur.Novcmbor'J ! ) . Arrived The Rlnnolancl , from New York. Suicided Niktloiial AssoclMcJ I'mst. DANVILLK , Tnd. , November 2i . Sidney Weat , ix farmer living seven ' miles north ot here , hung himself yis- terday. Temporary insanity was the cause His ago was 53 years. Quarantined. A ccl.tUil I'riKi. SEATTLK , W. T. , November Lit.- Now Laevina , this territory , has been proclaimed in quarantine by the lust ollicu department , because of small- GREATEST REMEDY KNOWN. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption is certainly the greatest [ medical remedy over placed within Iho roach of Buttering humanity. OH - .s.xnds of once helpless siillerors , IO W loudly proclaim their praise for this wondeiful discovery to which they owe their lives. Not only does it posi tively cure Consumption , but Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , lay Fever , Hoarseness nnd all s of the Throat , Chest nnd Lungs yields at once to its wonderful curative pow er as if by nuigic. Wo do not nsk you to buy n largo bottle unless you know you aso gutting . Wo therefore earnestly . request , you . to call on our , druggists , I.sii & MuMAiio.v , and get a oottlo free of cost whicli will con vince thu most skeptical of its wonder ful merits , nnd show you what a regu lar ono dollar size bottle will do. For aalo by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) A BREAKFAST BLAZE. Two Families Turned Ont of Doom nt Daj-ljronlc. About 5:30 : yesterday n fire look place on the north side of Dodge street , between IHh aid ; 10th which left two families without a roof over their head nn hour later. The house was a small ; ono story cottageof fiverooni | ? , three of which wore occupied by the family of Frank Nichoras , the owner , and . . txvo by the family of Charley Kohlor , who is a renter. There are six children in Mr. Nicholas' family and four in that of Mr. Kohlor. The wife of the latter was sick , having been confined but a few dajs ago. The Nicholas family had risen early and the eldest daughter , who was helping the Kohlor'a , was making biscuit while Kohlcr started the lire , according to an occasional custom , . . . with kerosene. A roaring noise was heard in the chimney nnd at tracted the attention of both the parties in the room who , on looking up saw the whole roof ubout the chimney in H blaw. Iho ahrni was at once given nnd the families easily made their escape saving nil their household goods , the lire mean time being confined to thu sp.xco be tween the ceiling and roof , the house itself however being lightly built , old and a mere tinder box Mrs. Kohler saved herself by running across the yard barefooted to n neighbors houso. An alarm WIIH sent in through the Central oflico by telephone , followed by an alarm pulled from Box 5 , and the entire department turned out promptly. The burning building made a bis , ' bl.xzo in the darkness of early morning , but when two streams were got on from the ad joining hydrants the lire was quickly drowned out. The entire roof was destroyed and the house probably cannot b" repaired. The actual dam age will not exceed $300 and there is a policy on the house for $200 , in the Glen Falls Insurance Co. , of New York , represented in this city by Judge- Weiss , which would not expire until April next. The probability is that in startin the tire it was too sudden a blax.o and set the chimney on fire and , the sur roundings bcinij so dry some caught from the heat and resulted in the do- struc.ion of the property. Hnnibngod A gain. I saw so much said about the mer its of Hop Bitters , and my wife who was always doctoring , and never well , teased mo BO ursrontly together sonic , I concluded to be humbugged ; and I am ulad I did , for in less than two months use of the Bitters _ inS vvifo was cured and she has remained so for eighteen months since. I like such humbugging. H. T. St. Paul. St. .Paul Pioneer-Press . novlCdecl SPECIAL NOTICES. TO LOAN MONEY. ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law OlUcc of D. M L. Thomas lloom 8 Crek-hton Block. O ( \ ' ( \f\f\ To loan at from 8 to 10 per cent 5 > tM'.UU" on R00" * rcat estatcsecunty , ntby tH. ISAAC KDWAHDS 1109 Farnham St. \'itj I.UAA At H per cent , la- . terest In sumiiof 82,600 and upwards , for 3 to 5 s , on first-class city indIAN farm property. URMIB HKA GSTATI and LOAN Aai . 16th and Doualcs Sts. HELP WANTED. _ T ) overal anrenlicc t'l'ls a' Mrs. W. WANTfcl ' , 210 10th St. , Mas nic block. . 6il-20 - I'urnished room with board for WANIED- and fen , 10 vwrs o d , In private family , centrally locited. Ucfuicnccn nxchanj- ed. AdJrcss K. D. M. , Omaha IJco otlltc. ni.Q A reliable intent to soil notclticH WANTKD ol selected tpeiliuo s of Pllur Ore , CrjBlnls of ( Jntrt/.Topi ? lion 1'vr tea A'ato ( , andOold bearing ( | imtz from the Colorado and Montana ii'lnm. Apply to Fred O'ilr , ' n , at the Occidental hotel. ( UO-gJ _ A girl from 13 to 15 to help > in WANTEII . ttcuirc ] at 1017 Chicago m. 007-1 - or 1 carpcn crs wanted by Tr WANTEII-3 1110 fnrnham St. ( XJ2-C01 \\rANTKI ) BooU-lecpcr r other situation W bvabuslnon ' man. Good cit ) references. Adilrea , 'C. F. , Ila > ollice. ( OJ : tO * l\rA2tTKH it o ' weconu iniMi HJ-K , in 00(1 .ondlti . n Illvuprice ui.d whrrriumcian bo Been , to 1' . O lion 4CJ. 691-23 U , ANTEII Hoom alnl liornd for n gentla * man and wifu In a pleasant bcalltv , con- xrnlcnttotbepostoUiie. Aildrctn , n. It. L. , - . 'ANTKII A fl.ii clis slrl for I encr l houeCKort. , muni I c ( rood cook , \ta-her andlroner Apl tlr J. M.TIiiirsl n , north 'do of Harney , Let. iitli an.I 2Dth S . i U j tf A Iiur.d V women and pantry WANTED Irl , at Emmet Ikiiw. Wi 1 W ANTED At tlio Culsbtoii Hoiii ) , aporlcr , . - clliiln ) . ' room uitl and a welter. WANTED -Itnom In prUati houiu not too fj > r from biiHlnem ) r Ion of ill ) , 1 > \ KC tlcnian. Answtr X. , Post Ollki > . M1' W ANTKU llooin find hrard hy man und wife. Itifcrtiu-cs i Nchaiiged. Ad- . , Iloeolllcu. isU-tf " 'A\rANTKD-Ilyo boy of ID , a ilaeo to work > > for bo-ird ttlill0atlciidli ; ihool. Add Nat Iljo cilice ' 41Ub , JW Wllll p 5S3 2'J WANTKD By a married rouplo alter Dec. IS , fiiriil lu l roonnsllh board In private Umllv. AddrcMHflh tcTlim , O , K. , 140(1 DOUR. las ht. 673-tf . A new milch cow. Slust be grit- WAMT.D Hnqulru of L. 1'oland , 1413 Dudxc Ure.t. All tf \\rANTED-A lieu elicej-crut lira Kami ham \ \ street , up stair * . 4ls-tf ) A tirat-closj womanc ok at Chris. WANTED ren.auraiit , 1102 r'arnham t > trtet. 451-tf \TTANTEn OfrH o do houiowork. > V 1110 ruriiha St. 41'J- WANTED Fundlnir bridge and iwhool boncU II. T. Clark , DcUevuo , W ANTKI-ltOto20alo.-v.Uofdlrt . near i'.trJ ami St. Mar ) 'f avenue , fcnqulro at Ileo l-tf FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. FOK KKNT Home of C roo.ns. 1221 19th St. , near 1'aul. C05-3 I70U SALK-P'sno , Apply KB Howard , Ijtt. JJ Oth and 10th hU COfi 1 * POK I1ENT Two well furiil'hwt rooms with .board , iOll CUM ht. , b-t. 2.tb and 'JUt. _ W.O 2" 1 7 > ( ) li TfKVT A pliala'it 'liiriTitiiil room fir < ? c'iitlmunatS.i'J Karnhauiijt. , bet. lull i and Kill LH0301 EOU IM ; | A hoardliiR house of eleven roonn , on KoJ r street , near smcltin , ' wnrku mid ihopa Kent , < JO per month , rowc stloii Kl < eno < liit Diccmbcr. noardera now In thu will remain. JAMEj I. MOUTON , 309 S. 10th St. ( XX-i SPEOIAL NOTIOES-Coimnueti F01 IIKN'T Office room , UOJ Karnhnui St. _ i > i * . c. n XCK im. f.9j-gii . 171 OH llh.ST , CllhAl' llotiic , It nturj. lh ami Dut'KHsHls In ulroof W. C. Iliim- liimat Ilnliirninnn'n Jcnclry store. t02-tl H "NT Furnished nr roimo , northwi-st oorncr 14th and Jkckton 't . F OK KKNT A suit of lurnl > hc < l rcoonni l h boud , In Hitter' * Mock Inquire on the premises. Is. K. Cor. OxllfornUand Ibth.StH. . _ 587-30 IriOR ' Itr.NT A unill IIOIKC , rear of Trlnltj Ilcctory Conipcno&tlon lisht pt\loe. SS5U Foil KKNT Kutrlihcil room , at o tlinrsi O'tncr Ibthand Cnllfornlv Ci3 29 KKNT A unit of furnished romi" . parlor and two bdlroom * , aim ailnjrlc room. Chi- C\vn utrect , Ututcn 14th & < 1 16th , contntirlck house , _ "TJ10K KENT LarKolmnrtnomnyfuriilslicil back U ) v rlor , nNo Iront room fccoiul utiry brick hous013 Ciuii ftrett , & doors west ofAiUi , 47fi-tf 771011 IIKNT ViunNheil roonn , north Ulo of L > California St. , 2J door west ol 21 t. lniulro | niter 1 p. Ill , 4 < 4tf J710H Itli.ST 2 tor > homo , S ruomt. , 4 . ' closet-ij altoalum if cktlred. Sls3 Davcn ixirt St. < " ' l.loll Kh.N'l v furuiHiitii ruoniovt MCJ * L1 chnntM1 Ei.hanKi > , N , E. ccr. Itllh and Dodge strixU. ZtO-tf FOR 8ALE. I7IOH 8AliK A Rood Roicn Jcir-old liortc , . .L WarranUil toilrlve uliujle or doul/lu , I'll- iiuiro of HeorL-o CanlkU , CnnlUUlhouse , novlS-tf FOU SALi : \ line CoH'H llecch I.oaclliiLShot dun Good us ncxv. Has been uxcdery lltt'e. CostSSJ , will taliofOO. Ailileni L. W. Ilio Olllie. 673-tf I71UU tAItOiio lar 'O took rai and ono JL lurlor set of 7 pieces. L. I' . .M , Att'y , Lrclghton Illock , Clt ) . U1U11 SAI.K T o beconJ hand cnclnesln first- rlni- ) condition , ono 25 II. 1' . and oncU II. 1' . Knqulro Omaha Fcuuiliy and Slachlno Co. rollSAI.i : Team good ixiiilcB , cherji ; at Him , 11th St. orfl-tf HICK FOIt t'ALb. ' 203-tf EaTAnilOOK & COR BKMIS has rattllnir lontt tibta ot tiousoj , lot InnJs Hid farms for sola Call anil get them. FOR SALE Matw of liouKkmniid Sarpy cue- tw. ! A. K OS tiWATKlt , 1520 F rnhAm street , 320-tf HOUSF.S AND LANU Bcmis rent * houeoo , storw. , hotels , fanr ota , lantia , offices roouiB , otc , Bca let pane MISCELLANEOUS. A NE\V YOKKH , A nlSO jcars , contcniilat- ] \ iiijjHil Imextmentln shrcp rihlnsror fnnn- Itii ; In lena or Nobraala , oflora hU services first for hH hoard \ihilc leirnlni ; , Is educated and w llln , hut has h-vd no ox erltnco at either of aboic hranchui. Address Joseph , lliuollko. W)3-30' ) T OPT * . ' .00 reward. A BinJl hlatk and tan J lilith , an wcrlnjr tothe name of PcarUFnd- er \ % 11 pkaso hrlnjf the name to Orvnd Central Oall rv.2iaN.lbth St. , and receive abo\o rc- waid. 591-30 00 I ) CHANCE VOIi A GOOD 1UKEK With a Binall capital can buy a bakc'.v , ron- Dislliu of an o\an fcxlO feet and a bftkehou-o I4x 21 with good stoic rooms and f.mily roomn to rent for ? 15 per inciithAltd i ! .viars leisc ; be tlxatlon in one of the liveliest towns in No- liriska. Inijuirocf II. O.Clark Co , , Omaha , Neb. MI 3 POUTHA1TS IN" CltAYON 1'antilo and OH. i l-o ilicorathu ralntln < r. > ! IIS. I ) . U. \VAHDNKK , room 1 , Jacob's Ulock. W2-tf FOUND Kejfl en Farnham , In front of Toft's. On tier can h-ueftan o by proving propirty and pj > init for tl.lj irtlnemciit at the Uco olllcc. ' 231 'B K1I18' UEALi > TATE BOOM. $ ec 1st pvgo. JAUKU 1IAV At A. 11. Sander a huuii atoie L 1013 Hame > St. ! EMIS' HEAL B8TATE MC1IANOE.-3 B B EM18' NKW CITY MAPS , 10 . llounto Maps , 82.60. QKO. 1' . I1KMIS. 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICB. Special advcrtiseuients , such aa Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted in this column at the lo * ' rate ol TEN CENTS I'BH LINE for the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for tach Bubst'iucnt insertion. Leave advertisements at cur office , up stairs , corner llroadway nnd Jlaln streets , Council Bluffi. Bluffi.WANTED Everybody in Council Muffs lo WANTED TIIK UKB , 20 cents per wick , lie livcrcd by carriers. Olllie corner uroadway and Main , up etalra , Council llluffa. CO'-tf OTICK Youcanftct the qnlikcst and leet plctur H f > our children , Sic. by patron. i7liiK lurUe'H tieiWorBallery mar ] est ollko , Council lilulTii , a ho nm lhunc\v In.itni t ntons procew. lr.di0.indlIiTdlcfare ! allowed to Omaha Mies. 5t u. o. d. Ct JL tlcketn ccntlnucH to boom. Uni rctnlcnted low . rateu to all eastern joints , i\try : tkket .M Trom ur of 10 Absolutely Pure. MiJofrom Gr pc Cro6.ii Tirtar , No other nrpatlon makt * such light , flaky hot breadi. Hxuriou * imitry. Can 1 > eaton by D > fp < .ptl * ltrout feir of them * re > ultln < from heavy ol , fold only In cam , by all ( Irocen ROYAL IIAKINO J-OWllKIl CO New York.