i t/ / THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : ' WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 1881 JLTLE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Fnrnham , bet. Oih and ( Otli Streets , TEU.MS ot1 sunscuiprio.v. One copy I ) oarln alancopwMvMS1000 ( ) 0 month * " " 5.0) nonth " " .tO RAILWAY TIME TABLE JIVK c.uiu riucAno , HT. rift OMAIH lUILRIHP. Lvare OmiOiii ftwcnircr No. 3 , 7:50 : a. m. Ac- coinniodntloii No. I , 1.00 \ \ m Atr.'o Oiimha l'nsscn cr No. 1,6:10 p.m. Accommodation No. 3 , 10:00 : a. in. HAVINO OMAHA RA8T OR SOtmi BOUSD. 0. , 13. & Q. 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : ti. in , C. & N. w. , 7 : 0 a. in. 3:40 : R m. C , U. t , & I1. , 7:10 : a. tn. 3:40 : p. m. ti. 0. , St. J. & U. U. , lunca nt H n. m. .iiul R.fO : p.m. AtrlvoaatSt. IxjuUat 0:30 : n. m. and 6:52 : I' , tn , W , , St. L. & P. , lcA\caat 8 ft. tn. and 3:40 : p. m. Arrhca at at. Loutj ntG:40 : a , m. wid 7:30 : A m. WIt8T OR BOtTTHWMlS. II. & il. In Neb. , Through Kxprcsa , 8tO : a. m , II. & M. Lincoln Kxjircss-O 20 p. tu. U I' , Urcrliiul Exiri.HN | , 12:16 p. m. 0. t II. V. tor Lincoln , 11:45 : n. lu. O. .t It. V , tor OMcoln. 0.40 a. in. V. 1' . trclglit No. C , 6UO : n. in. U. P. frolirht No. 9 , 8:20 : . in. V , P. freight .Vo. 13 , 2fOp. : m. U. P. frulutit No. 7 , 8:10 : p. m. cuilgrant. .11' . Denver express , 7:35 : p. ru. U. P. frolrtit No II. 11 SO p. m. 'U. P. Denver freight , E:26 : p. in. IXBT AND MUTR. C. II. it Q 6.00 u. m. 7:25 p m. 0. & N. W. , 0:45 : a. ID. 7:25 : p. tn. C. R. I.&P..O:46a. : tn. 9:05 p.m. K. C. , St. Joe &C ll.J7:40a. : m.:46 : p.m. ' ARKIVWO raoM THH * IUI'T AMD BOUTIIWUT , O. fc R. V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m. f U. P. Pacific ExpruBx 3:25 : p. in. B & SI , In Neb. , Through Kxpruta ii5 p. m. D. & III. Lincoln Kxpreu 9.40 a ui. \ U. P. Denver express , 7:35 : a in. U. I' . KrolKht No. 14-2:50 : p. in. U. P. No. 0 6:10 : a. m. Bml - U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 : p. Hi. U. P. No. 8-0.00 p. m. I ) . P. No. 12 1:48 : o. m. U. P. Dem or freight , 1:10 : a. m. O. & R. V. mixed , ar. 4:15 p. tu. DUUKT TRAINS BirWIIKS OHAIIA A.ND DOOJUI. BLUFFV. Lcavo Omaha at 3:00 : , 9:00 : , lr:00 : and 11:00 : x m. ; 1:0 : 2:00 : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : mid bxu p. m. Laav e Council lllufTi ) at 8:25 : , 9:25 : , 1025 ami 11:26 : a. m.J 1:26 : , 2:26 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : and 6:26 : p. m. Sunday * The dummy Icavcj Omaha at 9:00 : and 11:00 : n. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : nad 6:00 : p. m. I.ravcs Council Ulnae at 9:26 and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:26 , 4:26 : and 6:25 : v. m. local lanscnjter trains between Omiha and Couu II lllull.s. Lca\e Oniilia 5W : , 7:00 , 7:45 : and 8:60 : n. tn. Lsaxo Council HliiUs 7:26 : , ll:2D : and 11:30 : a. in. ; 5:20 : , 0tO : nml 7:00 : p. in. Opening an- ! Closing of Mlls. ROCTK. Ol'llN. CI.C8K. a. m. p. in. a. DI. p. m. CMc KO fc N. W 11.00 0.03 0:30 : 2:40 : o , 11 I. & Pacific.11:00 0.00 0:30 : 2UO , K. & 0 11:00 : 0.00 030 2:40 : 12:30 : ( UiO 2:4n : B oux City and Pnclflc , . 0.00 0.30 2:40 : Union lUcifie 4:00 : 11:10 : 4:00 : 11:40 : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' n. & M. In Neb. . . . . . . . . 4KH ) 8:10 : Oiwhfi S Slouu City. . . . 000 7.33 B. &M. Uncoln 0:00 : U. 1' . Mucoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 : llCO : U. P. Denver Kx 0:00 : 0:30 : O. , Sioux City is St. P. . .11CO : 1:10 : Loc.il mails tor Ktatuo ! lo n leave but once a day , viz : O.UO n , in. Ofllcu open SuiuUj a from 12 ra. to 1 p. ra. TIIOS. F IIAUj P M. Business Directory. Abstract arid Real bstate. JOHN li. SIcCAGUE , opiwsltc Post Office. \V. R. BARTLUTT 817 South 13th Street. Architects. DUFRENK & SIENDULSSOHN , ARCHITEXTTS Room Crelghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Cioiehton Block. Boot ! and ( Shoe * , JAMES DuVINE & CO. , Fine Boats and Shoes. A good assortment ol homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harney. TUOS. EIUCKSON , 3. E. cor. Iflth and Douglas. JOHN FORTUNATUS , COS loth Btreot , manufactures to order good work tt Ml prices. Roi iring done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Douplaaet. Books , News and Otatlonery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Famham Street. Butter and Eggs. MoSHANK & SCIIROEDER , the oldest B. and E. bousa In Nebraska e tabllhed 1S76 Omiha. OKKTRAL RESTAURANT , JIUS. A. RYAN , southwest corner ICthand UodffO. Bc t Board for the Money. Sfttiolactlou Guaranteed. Uuls at all Hours. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Coali. Furnlohoil Hnnmg Supplied. Carriages and Road Wnpons. WM 8NYDEU , Utliaml Harnoy Streets. Jewo ers. JOB3J BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk , n. BF.P.THOLD , Rags and Metal. Lumber , Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OH AY corner Otli ixnd DoiiRbs Sts. Lamps and Glassware. J. CONNER 1309 Douzlas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A. LINDQUEST , Ono of our most popular Merchant Tailors la re- ceUlic : the latest doglins for Spring and Sununor OooJs for ( icntlcmcn's uir. Stjlixli , durablu , anil prices low an ever 216 13th bet. Doiu'&Fam. Millinery , MRS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholemlo and Retail , Fan cy Goods In ( jrcat s-aritty , Zephyrs , Card Hoard i , Iloslcry , Gloves , Cornets , &c. Cheapest llouso In the West. PiirdiiAon tavo CO per cent. Order by Mail. 115 Fifteenth Street. Foundry. JOHN WBAHNK U SONS , cor. llthfe Jn < Uaonstf Hour and Ktod. OMAHA CITY HILLS , 8th and Farnhum St ) . , proprietors. Urocurs , 7. STEVKira , 21st between Cumins ami Jrar T. A. MoSHANK , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? HtrceU , Hurdwaie , Iron ana Bteel. OLAN & LANGWORTHY , Wholchalo , 110 am' 12 UtliBtrcct A. HOLMES corner IMh nnl CallfornU Harness , Saddles , Etc , \VKIRT 20 13th St. b-t FnrnlUrnev. . Hotels . ANKIELD HOUSE , Goo. CanndJ,9th& Famhim DORAN HOUSE , P II. Cary , 013 Famham St. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. blavcn , 10th St. Southern Hotel , Qua. Hamel Oth ifcl.camiwortb Clothing Bought. 0 JillAW will pay highest Cash price for eecoad hand clothinir , Corner 10th and Farnham. Dentists. DR. PAUL , Williams' Block , Cor. 16th & Do.lg . Drugs , Paints and Oils , KUIIN & CO , Fine "unc Ocxxla , Cor , Uth fcad Douilis trcet& W. S. WniTEHOUf E , Wholesale & RcUIl , 10th at. 0. FIELD , 2022 Nottu Sida Cutnlnif Street. PARK , Druifglst. lOtn and Howard Streets. Dry Goods Notions , Etc. JOHN II. K. LEMMANN & CO , , New York Dry floods Store , 1810 and 1312 Farn- him itrtet. L.O. Enewolrt olao boots and shoes 7th .t r cino. Hirulture. A P. QR088 , New nJ Si Hand rurnltiiro n < l Eto\i , 1114 DOUJIM. cant ) price U ( or booonii harm cooos. UONKKK JS09 DoxwJ * st. Ktne iroods , A.C. < * f-ence Worki. OMAHA FENCE CO. OUST , miKS&CO , , imilarni-yBt. , Improve. eJ Ice IIO OH , Iron iui < l Wool Kencta , OCBco ? , Countcn ot Vine nJ WoJnut. Clp.ir * And Totmcco. WEST A FltlThOI ! CH. niMiufucturcrt ot , lO WholrrVe lH lor < In Tofwwo * . ISOMViucUs. ft. . 1.01IKX7.KS immilMtiirct 14lfl VMiihMii Florlit. A. Pen { htic , jilnnU , cut flo cn , * ccj , i > oqnct4 etc. N.V. . cot. Ifith n 1 PourlM trcctr Olvll Enplncert nnd Surveyori , AKIlllKW I50SKWATF.U , Crclchton lllock , Fawn SurrOra < lo inl Sowcrnso Sjstems a Sfclalty. | _ _ _ _ _ _ Uommlsilon Merchant ! . JOHN 0.'ll MS.1414 LXxteo Strcfi. D R I1KKMKIU Kor tlrtAll * it In Dallv and Cornice Workt , Western Cornice Works , JUmificturori Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron nnd'Hlato Hoollln . OrJoffl Iroin nny Ipralltjjiromtly | ovccntcit In tha bout nmimor. 1'actory Mul Oillco 1213 lUrncy St. C. SI'KCIIT , Proprietor. Clihnnlml Iron Oaruliv ) . Window Cnjis , etc. , uunutictnrpil nnd put up In any part ot the country. T. SINIIOI.ll 410 Thirteenth street Crockery , J. UONNEll 1309 DOUBIIU slrcot. Good lino. Clothing nnd Furnishing Qoodt , OEO. H. I'RTKllKON. Also lUts , Cn ) i , Hoots , Shoes , Notions anil Cutlery , SOI S. 10th street. Rctrlgeratort , Cnnflold'u Potont. C. P. GOODMAN Ilth St. bet. Tarn. & Ilftrnoy. Show Caie MunufactorY.i O. J. WILDK. iUnutMturcr and Dealer tn Ml kind ) oi Show Uow , Upright Cases , A ' . , 1317 Cam St. FllANK L. OKIUIAHD , proprietor Omiha Show Cnso nuntitactory , 818 South 10th strict , between Io.tcnuorth And Marcy. All warranted flrst-cliuw. Pawnbroker * . 10th St. . hct. fur A liar Btovei ana Tinware. A. UURMESTKlt , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer ol Tin Iloofa and all ktiiiU of IJulIdlng Work , Odd Follows' Ulock. J. IlONNKIl. 1800 Douslas St. Goml and Cheap. Seed * . J.EVANS , Vholomle ami Uclal ! Sixxl DrtlU and Cultlvaton , Odd Fellowrt Hill. Physicians ani Surgeon * . W. fl. OIB11S , M. D. , Usoiu No 4 , Crclghton Block , IPth Street. I' . S. LEISKNU1NO , J. D. Jl-vionlc Illock. C. L. HART , M. U. , Kye and Ear , ojip. poetotllio DK. L. II QUADDY. Oculist nnd Aurist. S. W ICth nnd Farnham Sts Photoerapners. OEO. IIEVN , PUOP. Grand Central Oallcrv , 212 SKtecnth Stroet. near Mannnlc Hall. Fust-class Work and Prompt ness Runrantccp Plumbing , Gas nnd Steam Fitting. P. W. TARPY k CO. , 210 12th St. , bet. Karnhani and Douglof. Work promptly attended to. D. riTZl'ATRICK , 1403 DoutfM Street. Painting an npor anting. 1ENIIY A. KOSTICHS , HI Dod o Street. Shoo Bcores. Phillip 1-nne. 1320 Farnhim Bt. bet. 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAK , 1410 Doinjlai St. . Now and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , . , boiu'ht and HeM on nirrow nmri'lns. tjaloons. HENRY HAUF.MANN , In the new hrlck block on Doiiijlts Street , has just opined a most clci uit IlccJ Hall. Hot Lundi from 10 to li ! a\cry day. Caledonia " J FAU'ONKll 079 IBIh Street. Undertaken. CIIA3. RIEWE , 10U ! Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. UO Uont Stores. P. C. nACKUS. 1205 Farnhura St. , Fancy Goods WESTERN CORNICE WORKS ! C. SPECHT , Proprietor , ' 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA NEB. , - - - . MANUFACTURERS OF GALYAMED IRON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON 6 SLATE ROOFING , Specht's Patent Metalic Sky- Patent Adjustable Ratchet Bar.inci BRACKET SHELVING. I am the xcncrnl Btite Agent for the alio\o line of goods. IUON FKNCING. Crestlngs , Balustrades , Verandas , 'Ofllco and Dank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; also GHNKKAL AGIJNT Peerson and Hill Patent Inside Blind , nov4dtf ez-x ? . PAPEE WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER GO. 217 and 210 North Milii fit. , St. Louw , WllOLKSALS BKAl.K.t , IN- BOOK , i nflairno IWRITINOJ KKViS , f r Artliid 1 WRAl'l'lNQ KNVnLOPES , CAU1) OAltD AND Printers Slock. tSTCofh ( laid for ROBS and Paper Stock , Sna Iron nnd MetiU. Taper block \Varchou6o 1223 to 1237 , Keith THE OCCMTAL ! J. I. PAYNTER , Proprietor Corner 10th and Howard Streets , OMAHA , NEB , Rates , Two Dollars Per Day , Semi for out New .Illustra ted J'ricc-List No. 30 , for I'allandWin- tcroflSSl. Free to any address. Con tains full description of all kind * of goods for personal and family use. Wo deal directly with the ronmiiiiur , nnd ficll all ( ; ootls in any quantity at u/i V i/e / prices , You can buy better and cheaper than at home. .MONTGOMERY WARD Se CO. 227 and" 2i9Vabash ! Avcnuc.CliJcago.III , BCltt-8ra ( OKLAHOMA. The Apparent Triumph of a Mau of Gouuiuo Por- sistanct ) . FiiloHt y with Whtoh Jin Has Up hold the Idon nf Col- nnirntioii , . f. - SpeclilO rreimiiJcM' > of The ClilroRO Trllmtio. VVniliTA , Kns. , JNov. LM.-Out of the active brniu nnd mlvonturous spirit of Crtpt. 1) vo 1'ayiio , known in border Hfo and drnina as tlio Scout of the Ciinaron , grow the project known aa the Oklahoma colony , scheme. And that scheme is the settlement of tin ) lands belonging to the government of the United Slates. n vast body of line nrnblo land in the Indian Territory , on the north fork of the Canadian rivur. The pro ject of planting u white colony in the very heart of the Indian Nation was at lirat regarded with inditl'urenco and afterwards with nbaolute ridicule ; but , to those who personally know Capt. Pnyno , and know him as he is , tins project is not the dream of u fanatic. To thorn I'ivyno is fostering no wild , fdibusterini ; scheme , nor lawlessly do- fyini * the novernniont of the United Stales. Capt. Payne is a man of abil ity nnd legislative experience. Atone ono time he represented tin's conntyin the legislature. 111 ! 13 A MAN OK KDULMTION and business capacity , and has an ac quaintance bounded only by State lines. Ho is thoroughly conversant with Indian customs , manners , and warfare , skilled in woodcraft , and the peer of any marksman on the border with the ritlo. His courage never was questioned. Ho is a yiant in stature and a marvel in strength. Such , then , is a pon-picturo of Capt. D.xvo Payne "Oklahoma" Payne a ° j ho is now called who for years has nursed his pet project of opening these lands for settlement , amlgivento the enterprise all of his time , attention , and nkill. Dtiring'tho JwarthoClnctawB , Creeks , Scmiuolcs , and Chicasaw Indian tribes went into the rebellion to destroy the Union. In the months of April and .Inly , 18i(5 ( ( , the Govern ment of the United States treat ed witli these indian tribes. In the treaties then made the govern ment intimated that it desired lands for the freedmen and the wild tribes on the plains. Thereupon THH nOVUK.VMT.VT I'Um'HAhKI for that purpose what are now known as the Oklahoma hinds in the Indian Territory , and paid therefor from 15 to 00 cents per aero , and thereby ex tinguished the Indian title. There are now no freedmen , all being alike citizens of the United States. Since the treaties by the yjvornment and said tribes the congress of the United States , acting upon the piotcst of the states of Arkansas , Missouri , Kansas and Texas , in connection with the civ ilised and half civilized tribes resid ing in the Indi.in Territory , has con stantly legislated against the intro duction and settlement of said wild In dians on the Oklahoma lands. These lands are not within any re servation by proclamation , law , or treaty , and are therefore government lauds , subject to pre-emption and homestead under the act of congress of September , 1811 , and the homestead - stead laws of 1802. In the month of March , 187 ! ) , the Oklahoma Colony and Oklahoma town company wcro formed in this city , with Capt. Payne as president of both companies. IN .IUXK , 1880 , Payne , with several companions , at tempted a Eottlement on the Oklaho ma lands , having , in the meantime , surveyed and laid out the city of Okla homa , but was prevented by United States troops , and Payne with his five companions were taken prisoners to Fort Smith , Arkansas , and there confined by the United States authorities for the period of thirty days , and afterwards , with out any trial or punishment , all re leased. In the fall of the same year Cunt. Payne made a hecond effort to settle on the ceded lands ; but was again ejected by the Federal troops , and confined at 1'ort Smith for twenty-six days. At this time Payne was indicted by the United States District Court of the Western Dis trict of Arkansas , The indictment was found muter Sec. 2LI8 , of the general laws of the United States , which is us follows : "If any poraun who has been removed from the Indian country shall thereafter at any time return or be found within the Indian country , ho shall bo liable to a penalty of § 1,000. " Upon the presentment of this indictment Pa ) ne by his coun sel demurred on the ground that the.se landi wcro Government lands , and no part of the Indian country. The court , however , overruled the demtir- nr , but 1'aynu never was brought to tiial , nor was nnythini ; further done in the matter , Dining all this time J'AVNIS WAN AT and actively engaged in hilt colony nchoiiio. In the late fall of 1880 I'aynu , with novoral hundred families compos ing his colony , assembled near Caldwell - well , upon the southern border of Kansas , mid attempted tocross the in tervening fifty-mile strip of Indian country in the Indi.in Territory be tween Kansas and the ceded lands , but wa = i restrained by Federal troops. After ii delay of several weeks the col- oiiinlH dispersed to their homus , and Paynu returned to Wichita , lint in thu face of all obstacles Payne persevered , and left this city about Nov. 1 , and , contrary to all expecta tions , lias now planted his colony on the to\v it-site of Oklahoma City , meeting no opposition from any source. Without doubt the law of the land is with Capt. Payne at least HO say eminent lawyers of St. Louis and Now York City who have been con sulted and li.'tvu carefully examined thin question in all of its bearings , OKLAHOMA is an Indian name , and means beauti ful land. And if this new country in all Ilia colonisth picture it , it muni bo a beautiful land indued , it is unoccu pied by any human being HIVO roving hauls of Indian hunters and Payne and his companions. It is a country diversified with dale and hillside , well watered , with an abundance of tim ber , and abounds with game , -Min- orcl Hpccimens brought here by Payne duiiny the present Hummer display coal , lead , copper , nnd oven silver. Millions of acres of the tine agricultural , grazing , ami mineral lands in the Oklahoma ceded lands will coon bo brought into mar " ket. The St. Louis "San Francisco Railway Company , ono of thy most vigorous and pttsliini' corporations .f the west , are extending their io.id from Vanita , 1. T. , to Albuquerque , N. M. , crossing the Indian Tertitory from east to west , and passing thun.gh tlio ceded lands of Oklahoma. It is , therefoie only a ijuostion of time when Oklahoma will bo opened to settlement , and il requires no pro phetic i'j'0 to sco the Territory of Oklahoma take her place in the sisterhood of states and territory of the union , O. IL II.STU\ ! : . QOV , PERKINS ON A .BUST. Hewn Frlahy Billy Gout Got Full of Boor nnd Smnnltoil ThtiiRs Gouornlly- DrrrUk OoiM In Sim Krunclreo 1'ost. A tall , thin man , with a red nose , gray side whiskers , and a melancholy expression drifted into the oflice of The Post last week , and asked , in u subdued voice , if there was an unem ployed reporter on the stall' just then. ' 'Because , " said the stranger , "a very pecnlhr thine happened up our way I live at Hayes Valley this morning , and which perhaps jou might work up into a sort of item , somehow. " "What sort of a thing ? " said the managing editor , winking to the light ing editor to get his club ready in case the sad man pulled out a poem or any other dangerous eontrivanco. "Well , in the first place , " said the stranger , ( distractedly , "do you hap pen to know the ollcct of boor on ani mals ? " "Can't say 1 do. " "It's exactly the reverse of what it is on mo. Instead of soothing 'em it excites their nervous organization to the highest pitch. Actually makes "em insane. " "Does , eh ? " "Yes , sir ; and this morning , as it was rather sultry , I sent my youngest boy for a gallon of beer. He stopped on the way and put the can down to piny marbles. MeGinty's old blaok billy-goat came along and drank up the beer every drop of it. " "Groat Ciesar ! " said the court re- poiter , smacking his lips , regretfully. "Ho drank every drop of it , and nearly choked to death on the can. Jlo stood blinking around for auhilo ; then ho started for a street ear , with all colors set. Ho hit the horse square amidships , and it foundered at nice. " "Wrecked , 1 supposo/1' / said the editor. "Precisely. The goat then glanced oil' , killed tlio driver and telescoped the car. 1 was sitting at the window all this tme , and my attention was attracted by Gov. Pet kins going down the street boll bent for election. " "Gov. Perkins ? " "That's the goal's name you see. McGinty is a strong republican. There were four men gcttim ; a piano cut of a wagon across the street when the governor went through Vm like a nilo-drivor behind tinw. The Steinway - way was sent to the manu factory and the men to the hospital. Terrible , wasn't it. " "Is this goat story in ono act ? " asked the militia special , getting out his Springfield. " "In ono scone and nine tableaux , " said the stranger solemnly. "On the next block the governor came across a Dutch picnic , headed by a briiia band. The Teutons were tooling Listen to the Mocking Bird , ' and the way that goat stood on his hind legs and waltzed around the pavement to the music was just too funny for any thing. I may Bay that it was actually amusing. It slipped up on a banana pool once , and fell against a cigar sign. " "Nevermind the scenery , " said the editor , motioning the devil to call in six of of the healthiest compositors. "Well , pretty soon the band changed elF into 'Como Where My Love Lies Dreaming. ' " "Did the goat come ? " "Yon just bet ho did. Ho didn't fancy the new tune somehow , and the lirat thing the dium major know Per ky wo call the goat Perky for .short Perky took him in the stomach , broke him clean in two , wont through the rest of the band , including the big drum , and so on clear down to the end of the picnic , which was four squares long. I think there were ninety-two killed and eight hundred and nix wounded. Pretty good , when yon consider the entile ( hiving power was only one gillon of cheap beer ; now , wasn't it ? Now , it occurred to " "Just one minute , " said the editor , signaling the stall' to spit on their hands and limber up for action. "Al low mo to explain what occurred to you. You concluded tocatch the yout when he got soUor and bring him down here for our benelit. You have him tied to a lite plug around thu corner , and if we will only ' 'hip in about four bitti for boor you will got the animal otaitod and wo can watch the fun. " "Uxnetly , " said the ntranger , warm ly ; "that is precisely my idea. I will now take up a col " * # # * # # & That afternoon such of the custom- cis of the Poht as toiled up into the editorial rooms wondered at the num ber of fresh blood ntaiiiu on the stairs. To Pornoim About to Marry ' To jicrkoim ubout to marry , " DiiiifjliiHH Jen1' Wit athito WIIH "don't ; " w mpple- inent by Miylnj , ' , without hiyiiiK In u Mijiply of Kl'lllMl Jil.OS. OM , whi < , h cur en allnimi- niiri i nd othur kidney ami bladder com. plaint * . I'rlou M ) ctnU ; tii.il hot ICH , 10 cvntu , oillw Tlio PnuNtor'd Vndo filooum fi'orrlbtnvui lleiul I , We are preparing a punster's hand book for the UHO of now aspirants for paragraphic famo. When the "groat American humoriut" sees n patchwork paragraph in an exchange- , built by a dozen different wits a paragraph , for instance , on ISoston , with its Hub-bub , good felloes , never tire , for wheeler or whoa , a wag-on the press , axle lotof qucstioi.s , hold your tongue , etc. when ho sees mich an dibit , he is seized with an irresistible deviru to "catch on" with a pun of the same genus ; but the pun for which he roaches may be BO elusive , coy and re tiring that he gralm for the unattaina ble. It is lor thu benefit of such pun- bters the handbook is designed. The annexed brace of tpcciiut'iiu will ahow tlio character of thu wotk : Undertaker , Shrouded in my tery ; ap-pnlling ; a .qravo subject ; lomb much ; aaillin lit ; it is coiiidcri-nl ; brought to abler ; bury good ; nen't rehearse any inoro ; corse clokts ; a lit tie moruuo gravity , please ; don't fool about it ; ghonl long with such nonsense , etc. Dressmaker Only sow , sow ; lusqtio in lior sntilrn ; a-hum ; a needles remark ; of corset it i * ; rtilllo horlent- per ; all tuckered out ; jabot in his u binding agreement ; gusset 'II d . seams sow ; a waste of time ; don't train on that croud ; \m-bi-iiscil opinion ; give him the nacquo ; up braid lior ; such puns aru enough to make an ap'-ron , ete. In addition to the foregoing samples the book v ill contain all the possible puns on such subjects in the wasp , the goat , eggs , oysters , poker , the mother- ill-law the itiuU' eomots fowls , , , , sea- serpent , Jonah , and moro thnn 100 others in tlnily paragraphic use. If our contomporat iofill kindly allmlo to the hand-book as a highly immoral publication , not tit to bo read alond in iho family eirclo of a variuly theater , mil call upon Anthony I'omstock to suppress it , the work will have an im- moiiBo salo. A World of Good. Ono of the must popular medieinos now before Iho Ainurican public , is Hop Hitters. Von neo it ovorywhero. IVtiple take it with good utl'oct. H Imilds thotii up. It is not an plcusmit to thu taste as HOIIIO other Dittora ua it is not a whisky drink. It is moro like the old faahionod bono-Hi't tea that has done a world of good. If yon don't feel just right try Mop Hit- turH , Nnnda Nows. novlo-deol Smart l nvv-yor anil Cttto Witiion. \ldenruJoiirim1 , \ youni ? lawyer of the city of 1'rov- idonco tells a story about hinmulf which is good enough logo on rreord , llo was trying a "mm eaau" at Hrw- tel not long aj'o when a witness wap put on thu stand to testify to the rep utation of the plnco in question. This witness , a stage driver , in answer to a juery as to the repntntioo of the place , replied , ' 'a mm shop. " The lawyer inqtiirod , "yon say it has the reputation of being a mm shor. ' " "YeM , sir. " "Whom did yon ever hear nay it was rum shop' " The witnons didn't recollect of any onu ho had heard say BO. "What ! " snid the lawyer , "you have sworn this plaoo has the reputa tion of hoiny a mm nhop , and yet yon can't think of anybody yon over heard say so ( " The witneRS was Rtagucred for a moinont-in the words of the lawyer , "I hud him" and the lawyer was feeling triumphant , uliun the witness nathored himaelf toKother , and quietly remarked , addressing the lawyer , " \Vull yon liavo the lopntu- lion of being a very smart lawyer , but 1 never heard any ono say EO. " DYING HY INCHES. Very often wo sue a person miH'oring from nome foim of kidney complaint , nnd is gradually dyint { y itiehus , This no longer need bo so , for Electrio Ititturs will jtositively euro llriglit'H disease , or any diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs. They are especially adapted to this class of diseases , acting directly on the stomach and liver at the Hfimo time , and will speedily euro where every other remedy has failed. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Tali it MeMahon. (5) ( ) THE OF ALL FOR HAN AMD BEAST , Tor morn limn a tlilnl of a century tlin known tomlllloiiH nil over the world HH Iho only Mid' ' iiillimcc lor tint mllcfol iirolilunut nnd imln. II H " mi-illrlno nlxivo III-ICD nnd pniHcUK - brut of lu it I ml. For r very Jbimol citcriml jia'ji ' tlio I.liiliiii'ii ! H Illii'titim It ] > riirtriilfn lli-.li anil imiiivln d > tint \cry liiinr--lllillvlilK till ! I'Olilloil- iinrn of pain mid Inlli'iiiiimtloii lni | > o - Hllilc. IIH I'lIrclHiipun Iliiiimn I'li'sli ainl llrnlcicii'iiildii urn Kjmilly wimili-i- till. 'I In Mr.xlniu Ilnliii"nt In norili'i ! liy nom'Oiodv In CM'iy llOIIHI * . I < M'lVlltl , > III IllfTH IH'W Hilt ttif nattily iirmi n tt ful M "III oi limn Hiilxliti'il , rlifiiiniittii niMityiM i Htoii'il , or \uliiutiln Im : ' or ox ml by lliu liciilln/i / power ol'ill ) : ) wlileli imrcilllv cuicfi Midi niliiintti of the HUMAN 1'I.I.MI us ltliiMimnli-.il. , SuclllMfn , Kill ] Joljit , , < inittr.rri il P'IIM . - I.IIIIIM mill SrnliiN , t i. . ' u " w n il ' < | iiiiln , . i ' > < . , tu > M ItlK-x nml | | | | ; H. . ( nfiii - - , Jmiirli , OIil . < VI - -i. J n > - ' ) - , < ' ! .Illilnliiii. MIII-O jVipi ( ! ' , < iil.nl Iti-c.ml , mill linlcfil i-M-ry fiirni of i xtd mil ilU- i-iuc. It In ii IM ttiilioiit Hcnm. Tor the liutrri ! ( IIUAI ION i < < un-n Slirnlnu , Ku'liiny , WHiT .Toliitfl , romuliT , Km itfHV Hiirt-H , Iliinf l l - < m < | iiro < > f ISof , Kftriv U'onu , "i-nli , Ilolloiv Uiirii , NtmtrlKN , Wlnil- ttullH , Himvlu , TluiiHli , IChiKli'inr , OIil Hfir.'n , Toll Hvll , film niton ( lie Nlutit nml CYt-ry olliiT iillmniit lo wlili Ii ili r iiiniit of Ilia Mtnlilr nml Mocli Vur < l urn lldlilr. Tlio Metlrmi J In t'i"K Mnlmciit always emeu unit nuvcr illsapjioUita ; ami Hla , positively , THE BEST OF ALL FOE MAN OR BEAST , Corn Shelters , Horse Powers , Wind MlllE , Cultivator ! & Corn Stalk Cutters. Marseilles M'Ig. ' Co , JoSSwIy DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN MOTELS ARLINnrON , J. 0. MclNTinE , Lincoln , Net. WAVEHLY HOUBE , JAMES W. CRADTREE , Wnvcrly , Neb. 8AHA700A MOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllfortl , Neb , FlEtD MOUSC , QEO. REED , Ulysses , Ncl ) , WOODS MOUSE , W. I' . ELLIS , Osccoln , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTilL JOHN HAHNAN , Stronnt. UTR , Neb. AMERICAN HOUSE , OEO. H. McCAIN , South Dem ) , No HALL HOUSE , A. W. MALL , Louisville CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK. Dl.ilr , Neb , OEI'OT HOTEL. F. H. UADDITT , Norfolk , Neb , CITY HOTEL , J , F. COLE , Pom , Neb. UAftNUM HOUSE , MR. VAN HORN , NcbMjka City IIEVEI1IE , D. DRUM , Unrtdlll.i , Neb. UXOHANOE MOTEL , C. B. HACKNEY Athlnnd , Neb. WISNEK MOUSE , PERRINE DUOS. , Wlsner , Nob. DRAPER HOUSE , C. WMIPPLE , Nlobr.ir.i , Nr-b , CREIQMTON HOUSE , P. D , THIBADEAU , CrclRhton , Neb. CITY HOTEL. L.J.JOHNSON , Namnha City , Neb. CENTRAL HOUSE , JOHN COOPER , Oakdnle , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. CLEMMONS , Scw.ird , Neb. COMMERCIAL MOTEL E. EVAN'S. O'N'clll , .Veb. COMMERCIAL MOTEL C. F. OA8SADY , Denlson , In , HARTNEY HOUSE , W. P. HUNTER , Wrstilda , la. UELLOU HOUSE , MRS. A. E. URUOE , Riling * Oily , Neb. NELIOH MOUSE , W. D. MOULTON , Wcit Point , Neb DORCHEBTER HOTEL , A. 8. KINKLE , Dorclieiter , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE . , J. Q. MEAD , Nelleh , Neb CENTRAL MOUSE , JAS. McKILLIP , York , r4eb. TUTTLE HOUSE , W. H. TUTTLE , Aurora , Neb. QAGC. HOUSE , A , R. GAGE , RepubllcanCltyNcb DENVER HOUOE CAIRNS & WILLIAMS , Halting * , Neb SANDERS MOUSE , CHAS. E. McNISH , Friend. Neb WOODWARD HOUSE , WAREN WOODWARD , Exeter , Neb , PACIFIC HOTEL , Q.J. PORTER , rnlrmont , Neb ESTE3 HOUBE , N. T hBTES , Grand lilnnd , Neb. COMMERCIAL MOUSE , F. W. WILM8 , Kearney , Neb , WILDER HOURE' THOMPSON REED , Wllber , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Nob. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , W. W. 8HUWFELT WACO , Nob. GREENWOOD HOUSE , 0. W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb. HAMMOND HOUSE , JOHN HAMMOND , Columbus , Neb , CENTRAL CITY HOUSE J. 8. OREOERY , Central Cltv , Neb. UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , Mo. Valley , la. DELDEN HOUSE. A. W , UELDEN. Woodbine , la. % CITY HOTEL , J. P. CREWS Coin , la , SCOTT HOUSE , H. SCOTT , Silver City 1.1 8UMMIT MOUSE , 8WAN & UEOKER , Crciton , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ , Neoln. la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emerson , la. DLANCMARD HOUSE , T. FOREY , Dlanchard , l.i , PARK'S HOTEL , COL. F. M. PARK , Shcnnndonh , la. MERCHANTS' HOTED. W. I. DOULWARE , Durllngton Juhctlon ( M. & M. H. ] { . , Ceiitrnl Nobrnnku. ) S. Tliyneson Hnnhvnro , Stuvoa and Tinwnru J. 0. 'I'urnur IHueksinith and \Vtii oii Mikkcr ( ! . A. Dm-liy Uonl Instate , .lustico of this I'oncu and limur.inuo A ont . I. \V. Stricklcr Ooticrul IMurclmiuliso \V. H. jUcClmul A Co Hardware , Stovoa and Tinware Alulropolitnn Hotel \ V.V. . Shutolill , Proprietor A. & N. AND O. & It. V. 11. 15. , OENTUAL N15HKASK.A. MORRIS .IOMKS . Agricultural Iiuploiuonts .1. A. HA Hit . Agricultural JinpleimmU II. IMOIM'HR it 00 . GoiiuralltlurclmmliBo J'II. ' . ANUKLL . Gonural Mcrohamliso .1. F. MWnVN . Ounoral Merchandise. JIK1NHA RDT t SON . General Merchandise SKA1UH5NT , WALKER & CO . ( Garrison , Neb , ) General Merchandise. . W. G. 11OSTON . Wholesale and Retail Hardware , Stoves , * c .f. T. NELSON . Grocer KELLER HUGS. ; . Grocers W. F. GATES . David City Makory , Groceries , \c A. J. MARTIN . Fowelry , Silverware nncl Clockn J. 15. MORGAN . Furniture and Undertaking JAMES 1JKLL . Lumber , Li mo , iSrc A. J. M ALOY . Had er Lumber Yard G. G. GROSS . Meat Murkot , Pork IV eking and Grocery GEO. SMAIIA . Moat Market C. H. Oil UHCH1 LL . Stock Kaiser LOUIS SMIT1 1 . Humes * and Saddlea I5ANTK & ROBERTS , . Harbor Shop SPELTS # KLOSTERM AN . Grain and Stock MERCHANTS' AND FARMERS' HANK . Hell A Leonard , Hankers HUNTING it RVNYON . Heal Estate Olliuo , Ayonta It. U. Lands 0. II. FORD . Real I'Muto , Loan and liimir.inco Oilico MART MILLER . Attoiney at Law and Loan Oilico ROIJERTSWI'STO\TERitWILLlAMS..AUornoypalRThoronglibrodStoc : DEAN & OL1NGMAN . Attori.oys , Iteal Estate and Abstract Oilico HORACE GARFIELD . Attorney at Law DR. G II. 1'EEHLES . Phynician and Suri cou E. H. TAYLOR . Clerk of District Court FRANK DAVIS . T-oasuror JJutlor County F. W. LEONH A RDT . H. it M. Station Agent GEO1UJE OSTERIIOUT . ludgo of Nullor County H ENRY WILL . Commercial llouso D. R. HULLOCK . ' . D.ivid Oity lloiwu Give the Bargains IN ALL KINDS Ol'1 ' WATCHES , CLOCKS , SILVERWARE , SOLID AND PLATED WARE AND DIAMONDS. At Pricoa that Suit Any Ou tomor Who Hoally Wishes Q First- Class Article. STAR TINTED SPECTACLES Are also Sold Exclusively l > y us. ALSO WESTERN'AGENTS FOR THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN GO.'S ORGANS. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , THE JEWELERS , Opposite the Post Office. Max MEYER & Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c , per dozen upwards , Cigars from $15,00 per 1,000 upwards ,