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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1881)
tT \T "XI T T1 T7IT > (1 f\ t COUHCIL BLUFFS , Tlio Council Moefc , liut Fail to Canvass tlio Vote , The P ? st Houao Burnotl by an UD quenched Firo. Another Bide of the Complaint Against Mioa Nyo. Mooting of n Flourlnhtnr ; ' Company. The city council met on Monday evening , Mayor Vnujrhnn presiding. Spolnmn , Churchill , Keller , Dawson and Fortla responded to the call of the roll. The ininutcsof | the previous even ing were approved ns publishedexcept , that portion relating to "small-pox. " Several bills were allowed. 1'otition for saloon at : IM llrontlwny grinled. The question of moving the old laun dry building on Vinontrecton account of its clmractor nnd danger from fire was discussed , and referred to chief of police to investigate nml re- port. It was decided after considorn- able debate to erect a now engine liouso for storing tlio recently purchased - chased steam fire engine near the creek on Fifth nnd Hryaiit streols. Mr. "Wheeler was engaged as engineer : it the rate of $1,100 per annum. A committee of five was appointed to investigate and report as to the feasibility of locating n fire cistern nonr the Key Stone manufacturing companyon South Main street. An ordinance establishing a free public library was unanimously passed ; to bl under the control of nine trustees se lected by "this council" at their first meeting in January , 1882. ( Wonder whom they will select. ) The commit tee appointed to invostisrate ThomaH OHicera' claim against the city for a < lamngo dune to the foundation of his house near Indian crock by the action of its waters reported advorslj. The committee on police and public health report ed that they had examined the frnmo house in which the Into Htnall- pox case had appeared , and pro nounced it n decayed , dolapidatod , clangorous concern , and recommended its immediate condemnation and do- ntruction. A committee on street paving was appointed to investigate mid report the boat nnd cheapest niaterinl to bo n iipcd , and make an estimate of the cost. cost.A A lamp post wns located on the cor ner of Sixth nveiuio and Seventh Htrcet. The matter of procuring a team for the fire department was"roforrcd to Alderman Dawson. as Oeorgo F. Wright appeared in behalf - half of the ordinance granting the right of way to the Chic.igo , Mil waukee it St. Paul railroad through avenue E to tboU. P. depot. Granted. After transacting other unimportant business , the council adjourned until Friday , on which occasion they may count the vote as the grand jury moots next week. , Wo are in formed thnt photographs of our mayor nnd city coui.cil will bo on sale at the different curiosity stands in this city during the holidays. " HUUNINO A I'KHT 1IOUHI ! . Not n great while after the adjourn all ment of the council oil Monday oven- ing'nn alarm of fire was sent in from box 2. The department worn prompt ly on hand , and it was discovered thnt ' the old "rat" hotiso thnt has HO long disgraced the western part of the city , and in which the unfortunate of young man wan sick with thu small or pox , was in ilamos Uy the efforts of the fire boya tlio ilnmos'woro confined do to the post until it was thoroughly punfiod by fire. There in no question but that the old rookery surrendered up its oxislcnco in a good cause thnt ot preventing the further spread of the dreaded disease. A (1001) NilOW. vs The Cprtlnnd-Murrny Combination vs uro drawing crowded houses , and well they deserve them. The company is ono of the best that haa appeared in this city. Their price of admission is only CO cents tor reserved seats , and the orchestral music rendered by the Nutin biothers' is alone worth thu price. Till ! HENIOIl CI.AKS. To the editor of TIIK HKK : Plcaso allow mo sulliciunt space for the statement of n few facts in rela tion to the controversy over the sen ' ior class in tlio high school. It is composed of young persons just reaching that ago when the serious responsibilities of life are to bo as sumed. For many yearn they have looked with aniiuty nud pleasure teas this period , nnd every ono of them has realized to its fullest extent the im portance of leaving school foruvor , 1 perhaps , with thoroughness in prepu. ration instead of with a mere gloss , to minimum ! a high school education > , ns With that spint they came to their work nt the beginning of this , their " lost , year , Minn Nye was brought ; hero , a total stranger , from an eastern atatc , nnd placed in charge of the class in the matter of ulgobra , homl perhaps in uomo other studies. The it entire class soon became satisfied thnt thu board had misplaced her in that particular respect , but mibmitU'd to it with patience for montliH , and withhold their feolingN from thir parents nnd guardian's. A few wuoks ngo , on their own ro- vor poiiBibility _ , entirety , nnd without roa ohi particle of influence either at homo or elsewhere , they quietly brought the matter to the attention of the board , ing in the following form substantially : § First That as far nn was evident / from the attendance of the teacher ns indicated in the bchool room , oho was the incompetent in that particular place , and , Second She lacked eolf control , W. and lost her temper , so that her use Ir fulness as n teacher was greatly im vice paired. That course was not taken in haute ; and the form selected was that judged best , under the circumstances , tp avoid any injury to the landing of in tlio lonelier generally. Individual members of the boar I began invo tig.v tioni by calling the cnliro clans before them , nnd then again by having inter views with each separately. The re mit in every instance , was nn adhor- cnco to tlio original clnnrcs , imtl tlio cntiro class still adhere to them. Tlio pupils were cantinnod by tlio members of tlio board to keep tlio matter quit for tlio sake of the intercuts in volved , and fllio pupils kept faith in tlmt matter , talking alone among themselves about it , and to their parents at homo , M they had a right to do. As a parent of one of the , and one of the most consider ate in that close , I know tlmt I kept my own counsel in the matter , nnd snd nothing oulaido of my own fami ly , except when questioned by two members of the school board. The result was , a "white washing" resolu tion recommended by a committee of tlio board , adopted by the board , ami for the timothe public Mere mndo aware , in broad generalities , that something had been alleged to have boon wrong , but tlmt the class did not sustain ilsolf in the matter. That wns not only a brunch of faith with the claim , but it wai untrue. In addition to that , thi ) resolution tins been sup plemented by ati article traced to the pen of Mr. Farnhnm , in whichpharsh expressions are used toward the class itself. The uhnrgo is made that Karnham wrote the article , because - cause it in studded with familiar expressions of his. The fact is , that ho is the ruling spirit in the vindica tion , as it is called. The fact is ton , that during thu term , since the be ginning of September last , ho has only visited that cliws , under its prcu- onttoachor , once or twice , and wns in no position , and is not now in any po sition todecido one way or another in the matter in controversy. Tlio teacher in question was not only now to the class , but now to this cominu- nith and to the state , the class inter ests was of the highest importanc'j to them , inasmuch as this is its gradua tion year , and it would simply have boon fair to all , teacher , and pupils , to have given more attention to that par ticular work , ' in order to ascertain whether the teacher o < ployed at sumo expense , at least to the district , and under the particulir circum stances , was efficient. The class win actuated by no personal hostility. They are all old enough , nnd if the time spout already , and the work accomplished to reach their preH- ent gr.ulo may bo called educa tional in any sense , they are certainly competent to decide for themselves ivhothor any teacher they have ia of- ticient in "tho matter involved. The unanimity of the complaint is of some forco. My ncqunintanco with that class , my knowledge of their conserva tive and cautious disposition , my knowledge of their eagerness to make record on merit , and not merely on paper , has led mo to investigate thu complaint , and thus give its result. K.icli member of that clasa has as miiclrintegnty and pride of truthful ness as either the toucher in question , the superintendent , or the individual members of the board. They have much at stake as either of the per sons I have named , and the gratuitous assertion that they wore prompted by the rivalry of other teachers la wholly untrue. The class ask no sympathy from the public. They only ask that 10 the facts and history of tlio transaction - tion bo rnado known more fully than appears in the shrowodjy drafted resolution - lution intended to give n quietus to the class. PAUKNT. "llEQUIESUAT IN TACK. " "This Council" blushingly entered the council chamber on Monday eve ning and hold a protracted suasion. "Will they count the vote to-night ? " was the question nskod on the streets day. The people may let the mat ter rest. They won't count and declare - clare the vote until the courts of Iowa II. compel thorn to do so. They know 'hat their last chance of holding an ollicoin Council Bluffs hasgono , and they are bound to make the most out it. They will probably meet three four times a week while they are in and the Lord knows what they may before they return to private life. Let us all hope for the best. The following appear on the crimi II. nal dockets jtmt iHsucd from the clcrk'w office , state of Iowa , VH Henry I.I Dawson , malfeasance. State of Iowa , vs T. K. Cavin , mnlfcnpaiice. Same Ij. K. Fordn , same otfenco. Same 8. S. Keller , BIUIIO offence. All these gentlemen are nldermem of Council Blull'd. Chief Field was called to the thea tre last evening to take out Snake- nasty "Jim" who got in thoru through some means in a bonstly state of in toxication nnd occupied his time in sulting everybody present. Go nnd sooMueller's "SnntnClaus. " \ \ Thnt of brick was removed from Broadway yesterday. Good. The senior class in thu high school hold an indignation meeting over the mt' report of the committee appointed to investigate the charges of incompo- toncy preferred against Miss Nyo. and decided that before they would submit longer to bo educated through ] thu medium of n whitewashed school > \ marm they wouid lonvo school ! , There , now ; and they have loft. So thvro. now. Half of the city council don't wont count the vote. The balance hud "leaves" it wouldn't bo counted 1 , anyhow , and that's the difference "botwixt "oin. " . .MININO COMI-ANV. or hk The stockholder ) ! of the Durango- Mnpiini mining company hold their annual mooting at the ofllcu of Supp Lymnn , in this city , yesteidny. The following well . known mining 0'on ! ciiitora won In attendnnco : lion Joseph Knott , president of the com. lit patiy , lion , GoornoF. Wnght , John llerget , Kt | . , Tokin , 111 , , 0. J. ' . Crn- , .Grumull , Iowa , II. 0. Siglor , Oscooln , Iowa , J. 1) ) . KnotiH , Indian- , Kov. P. F. lln-seo. Thin com. pany are reputed to bo in a flourish- condition , operating about eight ' mines , which produce nt the rnto of , 210 per day with the nid of im- r p/ovcd mncJiincry , They have de cided to put in immediately that on improved plan , when they will be able to make n bettor showing , The officers of the company ure : Hon. . F fiapp , of this city , president ; , J. H. Shultx , of Logansportj Tnd. , ulc. president ; Stewart Spnuldtng , of 0. Chicago , m'crotnry ; John I ( ergot , IVkin , III , , treasurer. A UPAIJy QUESTION. Tlioro waa nuito uii intoroatiiif , ' case Judge Tnluott' court yo tcrdny. : , s of water tnulloti faiiu1 , Imil n cnlf. Jolin Q'JJoniinl roplcvinod tliosatiio. There wns tun or twenty witncsicn in court. The itulgo hcnrd the cvidcnco pi and con but Cfinuto the conchisirii that before deciding hu must look at the cnlf. In company with ( ) Uotnml nnd Snitn ho ropnired to the cnlf pun in ( llundnlu. The cnlf auno up to Abbott , nnd Bconicd to know him nnd inimt h.ivo sniil noniv * thing for luuit once decided ho bo- luiiL'uil to Kuiln , nnd onion * bin return with costs. Col. D. W. IXiiley , nji- . ponrod for O'Donnol , and John ST. Baldwin for .Suits. TIio cnlf was north from four to eight dolInrH. NKKIII.KS.S ATM KM , Foinobody 8ccnm to bo trying to ot up n nbout thorn buinf a CTIBO ot ninall'pox nt tlm Oudcn hotel. Now the facts are that Mr. Ira Smith whr > rucontly returned from Ht. Louis , and goon nttor wnH down \\ith congestion of tlio brain , Aomothing rcHoinbliny the Binall pox came out on his fore- hcnd. To prevent nny fnlho alarm , the proprietor had him immediately tnken from the house , and he IIUH mnco left town. Wo nay right hero if lliero ia a case of mnall pox in Council Dliill'i wo do not know whcro it is.Vo believe that the fire Mon day night nwept every vuatago of the diconso away , and the jicojilo can rest eimy , Should a case now tlio doutontgHhould make it known tliiongh the papers at once. MISL'iU.ANnOUH. : John Donahue , who was Kent to jail some time i\vo , , on conviction of hav ing stolen an ovorcoit , was ii''nin ar rested ( on u nimilar charge and tiilcvn before JuJgo Hurko. A chaiiyo of voiiiu WUH tal en to Abbott and the case continued until to-day when the hearing will bo had. Judge linrko'H court was entertained tainoi with two " " "drunks" only , yes terda ; . Jtov. J. G. Lumen , the pastor of the Baptist ) church , united in marringo Mr. Peter 1 MOIICIHOU to Miss Jfary 1'oteraon , all of this city and active worthy niumbern of the Scandinavian Baptist church. AVhat what would you do for ice no.xt Mummer ? Tin Cecilia Music club met nt the residence of Thomas Metcalf last evening. The audience nt the theatre last evening ! was highly entertained by a young man wr.o tried to make one "littl match" light up the whole $ house Ho WIIB loudly applauded , upon his final accomplishment of Uie on during font. ( , , Gen. G. M. Dodge , of railroad fame , him arrived homo from Texas , lookinc ! as if ho was enjoying good Imnlt Ho will go and then to Now York. G. ! _ A. Koyos , of Omaha , wa in Council Hindi yesterday a guest at the Ogden house. . Fraud- Tens pf IhouiaixlH of dol'nra nro Miinn- | dcrcd yparly upon traveliiu riuackc , wlo KO from town to town jinifcHsin to euro nil thu illd tlmt our poor Immunity ia li ir to. Why will iii. t tlio public luarn com mon "oust' , nnd if they are RUM * r ug from ilynpejula or liver complaint , invo-t ndol Inr In Hi'itiMi HI.OHHOJI. Sold by all dru ? mill indorse ) I by tlio faculty. BCD lot testimonials. 1'rice 5J cents , trial bottles cents. codlw TRUTH ATTESTED. on > Some Important Statements of Wall Known People Wholly 13 Verified- In nnlor that the imlillc nmy fully realize the Ci'iiulnrncFti of liu stnturcnt ) , AHullai the power mid ttliio ot thu article o ( which they on speak , viu publish hi.roivlth tl a fnc-nlmllu Kl im- tnruuof tiarlli' * whoi > e sincerity 1 lioyon I qius- on tion. Tlio truth ot thuo tcnllmonmU li ahno- lute , ncr ran tlio ( acts I lie ) ' unnoumu hu Ignored. OMAHA , Krn , Jlny 'Jt , 1S8I. well . II. WARNKR & Co. : DKAII.SIII : I liaiu frequently nto" Warnrr's S.itc HI nij ami UverCnra ( or la ul nlfcctloim nttcrulant upon Kuvcro rlicuniatl'i nttnckn , nml near li.-nn i\l'iy iletlvcil hcncllt tln'ii-froiii. I ) m\o aNo usfil the Hnfucr mo Ith rat I- fir ory re- Utu Kiiltx. I I'ontliler thonu niwllcljim worthy ot 10th cfl Deputy Tniwurer , port OMAHA , Mm. , Mn.vZ4 , 1881. . U WMINI-II ti. Co. , Uochi-ster. N.'V : no. ( ! KM : I ha > o n U'l jour bafu Kidcy niul vrr Cnro t' > U fprlii ' UtcrlnviKorator , nml Mind I thu hist tenuity I CUT Irli'il. I linvu nwl lliottlci n il It lias inailo niu fit ! better thnn OUT 1 uM lii-ori ( ) In the Hiring , 23r.l near I' . I' . It.Sliopo , lar OUAIM , .N'ni , May Zl , 1681 , II. II. HIHH : 1'or more thnn IS yarn I hae aulTenxl Mill much lii'omtnlcnco ' from coinhlncil klUiuy nnd lUcr ciluo.iMMI < 1 hate lirvn un hlo to uork near my urln y or imnlio lalnjf ilTic'eO I'rlola IbOO IbOONo Krc'ut nmnv nieillclnc.H nml ilocto , liut I grew \\ordijnmlMoroilayliyilay luiwtchl 1 luvd men llrl * tit's DlBtine , niul I wlshoj mytell ilevl III coulJ not h spct'ily relief. I took jour Snto Cum Kidney and Liter lure , knn h'i ; nothing tl > c . uai c\er knoHiitocnrotha illiieaxanil I huv thin not liecn dunppolntul. Th ni-.dlelnu has eiinj ' , nml I urn pirtec ly \\cll toilnvnilr ly throh ( jour t-ulo Kidney nnd I.Uert'iue I Ulion Ml nice M In piitillililn- ; ) \ liuble plete rcineay through the world , port anil etc. 1321 ninrNo r. r n.ii. i of ciii > lly ulronyenilotffnientj mait.t of them In I 01 vhcra Ir | > o Mas alan- JIIIUH ! lia > n | jcnmliint illy ultni.klioMliit , ' the renmikaUo power ot Waini'r'd riale Klilne ) ami ) ml l l.lvir Cure , in nil il ratio * ol the Milni'.Mi. liter mar urinaryOIK II . If " ) one who reailn thin marX an ) phy tal tioutilo ruuoi-lioi thu gre > t well iliiiKcrot ilt lay. IStli f V < VW _ . . . . . . / " < u cr OANAI. AcOKcr. < 2IXXNc cuoncr h.\K Co. IHNUO of 50,000 SbaroK of 81O onuh near pai'i WITH IIONUK OK10 ACHUS you IIACII mar 10 Hii.MtKS , ruoM niouv. LANPS oi' Till ! "DjhSTOX I'UltCllAHl' , " feet OFK cvi Tninn > ND CnrvTNur HTK , , riuu ru IIMU : IIII01PWAV , .V. Y , . ItO'Msni. 113 , Ui'tnllrxl ' . ' with . barn pi'o.soi'tn tlcecriptlvo | 9 innllixl to iiniillaiiits iu . . . . - . _ _ , . , , , nrar NeteaskaLandAgeB ham DAVIS & SNYDER Ion , IBOCF rnh m 81 Omaha , Nobra "SLOO.OOO M > JCSXX.TZt 3 HUP Caro.ully Mt-ct J Ivid In Kutcrn Neliruiiikfoi . ( fruat Ujrir-tlim In luiprotwl faruut , and Onula cltyiuoperty , ndn V , DAVIS WK1 ! TK11 HKVDKIl : Ut UulCom'r 11-P " A. G. TROUP , ATTOENEV- For Sale By FIFTEENTH AND DOUBLAS SIS , , No. 1 , Kow house , 7 rooms , near Sainiticrt , $1200. No. 2. 1 ! dory home , 9 roonn , well , clstcnianJ barn , WelnU-r , near Kith street , f2fXK ) . No. 3 , IIouw of 10 roonn , on Ilarncy , near h street , ntoii" founiliHIon , ? 4000. No. 4 , Lar.0 houco of 11 rooms , on Wcbstw struct , near C'relKhton Collenu , fiLuO. No. 0 , HniiHOof 7 rooms , on Caw , near 17t roet , eSWJO. No. 7 , Honio of 8 rooms , Slots , on 17thstreet near IzarJ. 8:1 : 00 , No H , lloiiKO of R rooms , on Cnw , near 14th , 22x132 foot lot , J1300. No. t ) , HOIIKU of S roonu , kitchen , etc. , or CORD , near 13th st cct , $500. No. 10 , llou'C nt 3 roonn tvtth lot 22nl32 feet , on Casi , near 14th street , $900. No. 11 , llonsu of 0 rooniH , on lUtli street , near Douglax , 44\GO fttt lot , $4000. No. 12 , House of U roomi. hr ck foundation , on Ilarney , Hour 27th htreot , 81000 No 18 , 1 ttory ne'v tiouno ol 0 room , brick foundation , oil St. M.iry'd ntonue , ntar convent , $1600. No. 14 , Ifotiic of 6 room < ami summer klti hen 20th street , mar dark , JMX ! ) . No. 15 , House of a roonn , on Sherman ftvcnue (10th street ) , near Nlcholnt , $22.10. No. It ) , 1 j-story IIOIIHC of 4 roonn , collar , jtablo , etc , , on , near 22iUtrect , ? 1600. No. 17 , 2-ntory brick IIOUHO of U roonn , near enJ of nil street car turn table , : * UQ. No. IS. llnuao nml 2 lots , 4 blocks \\ust of High School , 82.100. No. II ) , iloimc nml 3 lotn on road to park , near hold St. .Mnrj's luenui1 , . No. 'JO , lIoUHOiind 11 J lots near Ilrxscall's , South Onnlm. f2 ,00. No. 21 , House nthl lot on Davunp'rt strict , near lUth street , { 6500. No. 22 , 2-Btory house mid 1 t 32\CC foot , on D.ivun | > ort , near 12th street , J1300. No. 1J ! , House ol 4 rooniH and 2 lota on 17th trcrt , m r Iznrd , 31200. No. 2fi , ilouiio nnd i lot on lOtli ttrcot , oij- , . No. 2U , House am ) i lot on 10th utrcot , near Cap.tol avciiuu , $1110. Nu. 27 , 2 houses and lot on Jackson , near 13th trect , $4300. No. ? J , 6 hoiHca anil 1 lot on California , near 3tli ttrect , 2000. No. 3n , lj- tory brick homo ol 4 rooms 1th 00x200 Icet. onShinuaii avcuuo ( ICth street ) , near Izard. SJOCO. No. 31 , IJ-story house and 33x0 ( ! Icct , on 13th rcoot , near Howard street , $2000. No. 32 , 1-stcry houno ol C rooms and two lot * Mown , near lith etrcot , $3000. NPflfi , IJirKo house anil full lot on Capita cnuc , near 13th ttroct , $2 00. No. 30 : , 2 tlireo-Btory brick house ) wl lot 41x feet , on Chicago , near 18th street , $ J 0 each. to. 37 , Iloiuo ol 7 rooms lth 1J lot 1'aul street , , nuir IHth street , $2760. No. 3y , House and lot on 18th street , near Sherman , $1810. No. 30 , llousool 6 room * ith 44x00 feet lot , 18th street , ncnr California , $2MK ) No. 42 , IlouKOol 8 rooms with lot 1DCK160 feet , Coburn , near Colfnx ntrect , SJMX ) . No. 43. House and 2 lots on Chicago , near 20th street , , S75JJ. No. 45 , Lurio honsool 7 rooms , clobcts pantry , ami cistern , on 18th , near Clark street , 8MOO. No. 4U , I r 'i' lioiwo with full block , near new shott o i cr , $ JOOO. No. 47 Jloiifu of 0 roonia until J lot , on Pacific , lltli stnet S.iOOO. No. 49 , llrii'k house of 11 roomt , well , c'stern , . < tliniuk'l.oiit tlio house , peed barn , etc. , ou Karnham , near 17th street , 8 < iOOO. No. ( .0 , llouiu of 0 roonn. cellar , well , etc. , on , near Paul street , SJOOU. No. M , House ol 0 rooms nnd collar , Iot33\132 , cflKU Mary's aMMiue , near ronvcut , $ ldOO. No.r.G , Four hou m and 88x120 feut , on Daven , near lUth street , J..OOO. No. M , llou-o of U or 10 rooms , on California , noir' 21st street , $5500. No. n , HoubO of U rooniH , summer kitchen , cellar ' , rUtcrii , veil , | T"Oil barn , etc. , neaiSt. . Mary's [ ueinio and 21st strcut , $300 > ) No. 58 , New hotino of 7 rnoma , u ° od barn , on WutMtur , near 22il street , S2..00. No. fi'J , KOIII IIOIUCN with J lot , on IStli ttrect , near Ciu $25W. No. Co , lloiike of 3 rooms on Diueiipott , near . streit , tHX ! ) . No. 01 , Ilou8a of 9 or 10 rooms , on Hurt street , near' 22nd ' striet , 95000. No. 02 , llouko of 4 rooms , 1 story , porch , cel . cistern nnd ucll , on llurney , near 21st street , 1750. No. 03 , House of 4 rn-ms , clneet9 , basement collar , near WhiteU > od Works , 81COO. No. U4 , llulldliu on loaned lot , on Dodifo street , post I olllcu , storu bvlow and rooms abeto , No 05 , 3 lots with b rn and other Improve- nienlH ! , ncnr street far turn table , 32000. No (17 ( , No homo of U rooma on 17th , near CuinliiK'itreitflOOO. ) ! .No , t , lAruo line house of 12 looms , every thing ; complete , o-i Iblh , near Chicago , No 70 , Homo on 18th btrtet , near uavonport , itoru l > elowui.l raomi alxno , liim , etc. , ? K > 00. No 71 , llou u o ( t > rooiiM , tlnu collar , all coin , on CitlUornl.i , nuar iUt ! , # 7000 , No 72 , Hrlek house , 10 or 11 rooms , on Dnen , near 9WO. No 73 , IJ-ktor ) homo , C rooms , cellar , w.l ! cittern , on Jackson , near 12th. JlbOO. No . 74 , Ilrlek Iiou o vtltli 2 lot * , fruit trees , . , on lUth , near Capitol atomic , 916,000. No , 76 , IloiiKool 4 roonu , luuwmic'iit , lot 17J * 1321No , on Miiicy , near 7th , S < 17f . No 71) , IJ-ntorv house , Brooms , onCa street , Kith street , j-IWO. No 77 , 2 tory houno , 11 room" , eloncts , fur nee , , fruit tree * , barn , fti1 , , on Kurnham , nunr thNo .trtet , StOOO. No bl , 2 housfj vilth 0 rooms , nml other with roonm , on ClituKO , near 12th street , SKXX ) . No 82 , IJ.ntory lioustf , Urooms , 4elo cU , well l lOO.Ixiriel KfloJ harn , on rlnrco Ht. , 20th ( near nuu Kottrnment torrnll ) , { 1EOO. No i W , 2-atorj huuic , Vroonui , coalihnl , , eUtern , on Hot , on Cajiltol a\cnu , ncn ! , $2(00. No , SI , 2-Mory homo , 8 room * , I below nJ 4 botD , ScloHcm , eo'lar ' , vvll ami clutern , with 6 xrouiul , on Saumlert street , lu'ar llarruiki , 2IXX Nc . 85 , 2 ttoren , houfii on liuise < l I lot , lwv. e ninnStiunlroin Apill 1st , 1&31 , on 1'ticlilc tit. , U. I1 , ilf jiot , &WO. No. M. Houfp , U rooms , rll , cistern , ctc , IDtu and Ilarno ) stri'i'tn , 9.KXK ) . No. 87 , 2 storv home , 3 rooini , well with 40 ol uater , ufth 6 acrcnottrouiul , ouSaundern ttruit , mar U S , lUir.u-l , , f2000. No , SS , Utr o house of 10 room * , well , rUtcrn , , tto. , on t' tri'U , iiinrilst , $7000. No , fa , I.artjo house , 10 or IS room * , Cn Woo itirttriet. near 10th , inr > 00. No. W , i-irfc ' ouo ami beautiful corner lto I > nl'a unit 17lli streeti , $7000. P No , VI , 1 * lor.v lioti > o , U raouu , etc. , on Tarn , nearlOthttritt , $1600 No , 1)2 ) , Urtf * , iHUiitirul. trick lieu o nil , lift r I'ivoiijKirt ami 17th btrecU , 618,000 No. DO , l- torLilek lioutc , 7 rooini , ulth tot Mi 2101)01 feet , luur I'oppletun'D , on tilurniaii uvu- , 9KXX ) . nil or Int GEO , P. BEMIS' O'J ( in tin Eeal Estate Exchange til 111 In 16th and Dougl B Street 1319 Farnham Street. Within the next sixty days we expect to occupy our new store at 1315 and 1317 Farnham street , adjoining our present stand , with a stock of West , SURPASSED IN THE and meanwhile we desire that all Omaha should take advantage of the very WIE Preparatory to movinp wo oiler our entire stock nt n great sncriflce. prices wo quote , boar in mind that wo buy all poods for cash , do the largest Study carolully the strictly retail goods all t business between Chicago tind Saufrancisco , iind aim to fjivo our customers tlio bonollt dry of CLOAK DEPARTMEHT. Heaver Clonks , liaiidsoinoly trimmctl with I'ARSiiiunterio nnd Satin , Silk Velvet , § 5.00 to § 1.00. All Wool Heaver Cloaks , from 88.00 to 812.CO. lio.ivor Dolmans , hniuhoinoly trini- motl with Silk nnd Fringe , $8.00 , or with Satin Silk and Possmentorio Deep Fringe , Corded and Tiwslcd , 810.0U. At $15.00 wu oIlerahnudBumoly fur triinincd all Wool Diagonal Dolman , nnd nt § 18.00 wo show four styles of Dolmans worth fully $20.00. Liuht JncketH nt $ ! ) .50 to S12.00. In Light Dolmans wo show over 115 styles , from § 15.00 toU5.00 , making special prices at 820.00 nnd § 25 00. Silk Dolmans from-15.00 to 875.00 , nil handsomely trimmed with Fur Plush. DRESS GOODS. Ladies' Suitinga , Cashmeres , Silks and Plaids Novelties. 40 inch Black Cashmeres COc. , 75c. , ! )5c. ) , § 1.00. 40 inch Black Cashmeres , 75e. , i)0c. ) , 81.00 , § 1.25. Wo will agree in all cases to refund the money for Cashmeres should they not prove satisfactory. Our prices will bo found 20 to " > 0 per cent less than those usually asked for came qualities ; all wo asked is comparison , 4(5 ( inch French Flannel Suitings , SOc. SOc.4(5inch 4(5inch ( French Silkand Wool Plaids. $1.00. 48 inch French Foullo and Camels Hair in extra heavy weight , SI.G5 to § 2.00 n yard. 48 inch Drap do Etc at § 1.25 , 81.50 , § 1.80 , § 2.50. "HOSIERY , Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR. 50 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless Hose , 40c. j 25 dozen Ladies' all Wool Seamless Hose , extra heavy , 50c. 25 dozen Ladies' line Cashmere Hose , 75c. , worth § l".00. Children's all Wool Seamless Hose for school wear , all sizes , 20c. , worth 40c. to COc. Boys' all Wool Gray Mixed School Hose 40c. . worth 50c. to 75c. Ladies' extra heavy Fleeced Lined Bolbriggins , 50e : Ladies' line Merino Vests , 45e. , worth COc. Children's fine Merino Vests , 25c. to $2.00. $2.00.S - IMIOZRSIE ! & OCX , 1319 Farnham Street. m $ $ ? & We respectfully request the attention of the Ladies of Nebraska to the announcement of the arrival of the largest and most recherche invoice of Fur Lined Promenade Silk Wraps ; , Plush and Embroid ered Matelaise Dolman's ever imported west of the Missouri. FRENCH FLANNELS AND CHINA SILKS I Trimmed Elaborately with every Shade of Plush , Satin , Velvet Passementerie , Suits and Costumes in Innumerable Varieties. WRAPS AND SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE , Plain and Embroidered Dressing Sacques , HAWKEYE 'LAMM ' IILL CO. , DCS Moines , Iowa , lanufacturen of fiASH , DOORS , BLINDS , BRACKETS , MOULDINGS , AO. flrrat reduction In lUnk Counter * , I'Una fur. Idledand , work ( urnUhol In nil klmU of hard volt wood. Counter * rlnUlted lu oil w hen Ue- nd. hi > Ulnof all klmU ( urnUhitl unit put ito liulldln ; riady ( or paint on uliort notice Mr workmen are the teit moelianU'i tlut can t > rocuri'd , bat u uoovy by gi\ Ion ut jour COD racU. racU.Stalrt , Newell und O&luiten , Our foreman In thl * ilep itmcnt vtai lonoerlj Iih r'rott Jlanudctiirliijf Co , Chicago , 111ami lim dona iwiuo of the flacwt BUlr * oik itho.S'ortli i t. Order * by wall prom | > tly attemirO In. m Men's Sox , Shirts , UNDERWEAR. 200 Dozen Seamless Fancy British Sox 2fic. 25 Dozen Men's Fine all Wool Scar let Unlf Hose 50c. n Pair fully worth " " "o. 25 Dozen Fine English Merino lloso 35e. 3 for SI.00 Seamless Unbleached Sox S'J.OOdoz. Extra Fine Unblenched Sox $12.50 dm. dm.Uest Uest Quality Linen Collars § 1.60 doz. doz.15est 15est Quality Linen Cufls$2.50 doz. Another invoice of Men's Pique Sown , Stitched back Derby Street Gloves 81.35 pair , usually sold at § 2.00 to S2 50. Every pair warranted not to break. Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 25n. Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers 50c. , vorth'.SLOO. Heavy Merino Shirts or Drawers § 1.00 , worth § 1.25. For SI. 25 wo sell a very heavy Patent Merino Shirt or Drawer that has heretofore sold for SI.50. Seamless Shirts or Drawers from $1.50 , formerly 81.75 , up to the best Cartwrif > ht and Warner's Hand-knit Scotch Shetland Wool. OUDEHS TAKEN for Silk.Undcr- wear. SATINS , SILKS , VELVETS. PLUSHES , In this department all goods are of our own importation at the prices wo name. No IIOIIRO west of New- York can compote with us. 1 ! ) inch Black Satins , all beautiful lustre and well covered , 70c. , 85c. , 95c. , 81.00. 22 inch Black Satin , 81.00. 81.25 , $1.40 , 81.50 , 81.00 , 81.05. A complete line of Colored Satins at 90c. , equal to the 81.25 Satin of last ( season. Black Gros Grain Silk 50c. , 75c. , 90e. , 81.00 , all worth 25c a yard more. Cashmcro Finish Gros Grain Silk from 81.15 to 83.50. Wo have full lines of our celebrated brand of Cashmere Alexandra Silks Black and Colored Plushes , full 21 inches wide 83 50. 19 inch Silk Velvets from 81.25 to 84.00. Over 20 qualties to choose from. KID GLOVES. . ' ) Button Fisk , Clark it Flngg Gloves , 75c. 4 Button Fisk , Clark it Flngg Gloves , § 1.00. G Button Fisk , Clark & Flngg Gloves , 81.25. The above are well known in the iast as one of the best Gloves made. The makers sold its all they had , and we assure our patrons that they rank is lii h as any lirst-classGlovoknoA'n. Usinlly selling nt § 2.00 , § 2.25 and 12.50 per pair. Wo are solo agents in Omaha for Courvoisier Kid Gloves , J Button Courvoisier Kids , § 2.00 1 Button Courvoisier Kids , 2.25 0 .Button Courvoisier Kids , 2.50 Poster Lace Kids , all Lengths. . ' 1 Button Kcal Kidv Black , only § 1.25 1 Button Heal Kid , Black , only 1.50 When Gonu wo cannot replace. LAGES , RIBBONS , ETC. Hand or machine made nil Silk Spanish , Guipure , Chintilly nnd other now style Laces , from ono to twelve inches , Deep Cienm or 131ack. Spanish Lace Scarfs from 35c to § 5.00 each. Wo also add to our sock of Ten Cent Ribbons , Many now colors and extra widths in Satin and Gros Grain. Como early this morning. Our Blanket Stock is the largest in Omaha , and as our prices will show is by far the cheapest wo ever oll'ercd. 100Pairs 10-4 White BlanVets 81.50 , worth S2.00. 100 Pairs 10-4 White Blankets $2.00 , worth SIJ.OO. GO 11-4 White Blankets 82.50 Pair. ( iO 10-4 White Blankets $13 50 Pair. 00 11 4 White Blankets 84.50 Pair. The Best $5.00 Blankets in the West. 50 Pairs Extra Heavy all Wool Blankets gG.50. 50 Pairs 12-4 Extra Heavy Blankets 87.00. 50 Pairs 11-4 all Wool Blankets 88.50. An Extra Larpo San Jose , California , Blanket for 810.00. The Very Best Bargain in Omaha. 48 Bed Comforts 55c. each , wortl' 75c. to 81.00. 48 Bed Comforts 75c. each , worth 81.25. 48 Bed Comforts , very largo and heavy , at 81.25 each. Fine French Blankets of our own importation from 810.00 to 850.00 a TO ALL OTHERS In Convenience , DURABILITY , ECONOMY AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION BUY ! BEST ! -SOLD BY- Lang & Fotick