Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1881, Page 4, Image 4
JEE ? OMAHA DAILY BEE : AVEDNESDAY , JS'OViMBER ' 30 1881 The Omaha Bee I'ublifthtd very morning , except KundA ] The only .Monday morning dMly , THUMB ItV MA1L- : nr Sin.OO I Three Months. * 3.C Months. . . 5.001 Olio . . . l. ( ran wnKKLY HKK , rr Wednesday , TVKHMS 1'OST TAIIJ- One YMI2.00 I Three Month * . . ( BlxMontliH , . . . 1.001 Una " . . 1 COlinKSPONUKNCK All Coinmun enttom relating to News find Kdllnrial irmt torn fOmuld i > u luMrewcd to the KlilTOK u Tnr. UKK. IJUSINKSS LTCTTKllS-All IJuMiiM Ix'tlcrn and UcmittAiirca Miould bo m : rlresxttl In TIIK OMAHA 1'tmuHlil.Nfl Cos TANY , OMAHA. Draft * , Check * mm 1'ojl ollicu Onleis to lie in.ulo pnyAblc to III ortlcr of the Company. OMAHA PUBLISHING 00 , , PropY E.UOSEWATER , Editor. Edwin DiwU , Maungor of Clt ; Circulation. John 11. 1'icrco U In Clmrre n ( the Mai Olreti ti.n ( of THK DAILY UKK. I. I ) . Chamberlain correspondent ntu Rollritnr. IlBADKit. " The inyslcr of IlAinlotin Anna Dickinson. TIIK Herald IB for nmcatbin lirsl nnd pliinilor. first , last , nml nil tin time. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUB Buffering women nro about ti hold another woman flufFrafjo ainvoii tion. FOOT li.ill is rapidly taking the nluci of Latin and Greek at the eastern col legus. CiOULti ia ( Uflcovorinu that bullyinj the brokers won't always work ii Wall .street. has fewer criiiiiiKiln l < tlidnijunro mile tlmn any cither ntati . in the union. Mil. IvAKSO.V COIltilUIL'3 lo bob 11 | iiercnuly in tlio lead of caudidatoH foi the spcakerfihip. No party was uvor killed by ridi cule. The FiirinorR1 allianoo will prove no exception. TUB motto in the star route prone , cut ions iiiiunia to bo : "If any mill tolls what ho known , nhoot him on tin ipot. " u Tin : Herald riclicnlos river iin- provemonl. There is very little jol printing for The Herald in attain- boating. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THK demands from Waahingtor upon Louisville dbtillonun are increaa ing in nnticipationg of thu opening o congrcaa next week. GUITBAI ; and hitt uounsel have become come national nniH.ineos. The out ought to bo nupprojsod by a ropu , aii ( ; the other by the court. I is inanguralini ; a wai on her slop-feeding dairymen. Milk , baor anil hogs are productn which Cin cinnati insiatn on rctainini ! in thoi purity , OMAHA people can well afford t talk lo ntrangcra about the weathm New Kiigland'x Indian summer ha been discounted by Nobruaka'a Nm umber spring. WITH eggs at three cents apiece th universal ery is "Lay on Mo Dull' , There is scarcely any industry whio ! receives more encouragement just < i present than that which engages th attention of hens. Mit. HLAIM : shoulil order bet Hurlbul and Kilpatric home , liotween them they hav inaiLigcd to place our government in vury ridioulouu jiosition before tl .South American republic. ACOOKIH.VO to The Oincinnnti Hi quirer , the appointtnont of goner liiii'l cotnmisaioner of the Union Y1 , cifio railroad has boon tendered < Ohauncoy I. Filloy , in case lie doi not got a place in the cabinet. Th will douhtlosa bo newa to some of t ) railroad nltieialn in Omaha. AMKUKIA is a debt paying cou'ntr but the ( [ uoation is now coining in proniinenco whether the Uniti States in not paying oil' i debt too rapidly for the col venienco of ita people. Not upcnk of the enormous direct at indirect taxation which this nccest tales , the rapid payment of the do' in taking away from investors ni truat institutions the power of safe i ; vestment at low rates of interest. JAY GOULD has traimferrod his nv road operations from the went to 11 oast. Having secured control of tl Now York & Now England road , 1 ImH now an independent line botwei Now York and .Boston , and also connection with thu Krio and Pen aylvania road for Now England trul at Newburg , Now York , Thin in direct cut at Yanderbilt's trullic , at will materially afleet the Now Yo Central's buBinew- . PAVING. Nothing should bo permitted I livort public attention from the pa1 ng question. It ia the one ( | iicsflic jf interest to every man , woman an child in Om.xlia. U touches Iho profi jf our wholesale houses and tl > ockels of our rolail merchant More than this , it is of the grvato inportance to the future growth < jtir city that tlio ( mention "Sin Omaha I'.ivo ! " shall bo answered : thu nlllrmalivo decidedly and rn ihatically. The disgraceful coudili < if our streets during the fall no Iravving lo a close has coht this cil houaands of dollars and has drive rom investment in our mid > lhor thoimmU of dollars whic lave gone elsowhure to build up at mnrovo more ( irogressivo cities. 0 > . loard of trade has nppoinlod a con nitte lo devise ways and means fi laving. Wo nndcrslnnd thai there ro studying the ( ( Uestion from evci land.point in order to settle upo .he safestaud atthosamo timotholoai jiirdunsoiuu method of raiding fund .o pave our city. Any plan will prol ably require amendment of the chai er by the legislature which in cas ! ) Boiuion of that bjtly H called b Governor Nance during the comin vinter will delay the matter until ear from the earning Januarj Ilioro is danger that in th nterval .which may elapf > eforo Iho ( ] uc.Htion of how I mo M neltlcd , our people may lot lieir interest in a tojiie which so v ally concerns the interests of Onmhi leanwhile , while truating that tli Kinsiigo of an apporlioninent bill I ( ingress will necessitate an extra HCI ion of the legislature at which 01 liartcr amendments can bo di.sctiBHci ot every citizen of Omaha resolv limsolf into .t committee of one t Ludy the ( mention of pavements. L < 10 advocates of a crumbling , and i ho end extravagant , nyolcm of maci am , examine how this pavement lu ailed in other largo cities. Let thee ho believe that wood blocks will 1 lost available for the use of our cit earn from the experience of Chica ; ; luvoland and Milwaukon , and the rom Iho combined experiences of nl Dmaha will bo prepared lo select I ha iivomiMit which i host lilted for he ireHunt needs and her fuluro growtli 'he ( piestion "when to pavo" has boo tmvurcd by public opinion by an em hatic "as soon at posBible ! " Th ucHlioim "How to Pave/ / " and "Wit Vhat Materiala ? " remain utill to h ottlcd. \VHY NOT ? \Vo \ have Iho iinest walor works an 10 best railroads in the world. Wh uiuld wo not also have cheap Iran : mrtation ? Herald. This i what Iho people of Nobrask ml the producers of the wcwt propos .o . find out. Why , with railroads BO lly constructed and inngiiiflcontl ( ( nipped at the public expense , ei owed with princely gifts of lam rom the people and heavy aubaidic nun the governments ohould not tli liippors of this country enjoy chcn importation ? Can Dr. Millei whoso paper lives by the grace and fi or of Union Pacific job-worlc , infori 3 ? Why cannot the west cnjo heap transportation as well i ho east , whoso railroads were bui vith private capital and which at rati OCH than half of Ihoso charged 1 : vcstern monopolicn have aromed the mtrons to a demand for goyornmei restrietion of Iheir extortions and di criminations against ( shippers. One reason why Nebraska has 111 iid cheap tr.insporlation on its rai roadn is because the people of tli state have not tuk"ii advantage of tl remedy which the constitution h iliiced in their hands. For six yen ifter thu ratification of an in&trumo vhich gave them the power to rcgula the monopolies they neglected apply its provisions to the abuses corporations within the atato. Eve election , or general , was cr ruptod by monopoly interforonc every convention was packed wi corporation henchmen , and every Ic inlature wai inlluenced by the tin on and bribes of Iho railroad manngoi : \t the last session of the Icgislatu the first Htui > was taken , through tl Doaue law , towards aocuring chisi nJ fair transportation for all ahippe in Nebraska. The passage the Donnu law was the lii indication on thu part of t producers of this utiito that they we determined to secure for Nobroa what Illinois and Wisconsin had pi viously accomplished. That law , v acted notwitliHtnnding the combin opposition of thu monopolies , utan to-day as an earnest of future ai more thorough legislation on thutrai portr.tinn question. Whutovor dofoi iheru may bo in its operation must remedied by the next legislate which will bo still more iiu pendent of monopoly cent than the last. The producers Nebraska uro determined discover why they cannot have die traniportation , and they propose bring every means within th power to thu solution of a question vital to their interests. In the me : time , if the br.ns collared editor the lltrahl knows of any reason , him speak it out or forever hold 1 peace. THEIIB nocina to bo very ntu grounds why the Hnwuiianreciproc treaty should bo abolished by congrct as FIIOJI as poosiblo. Tlio prcts o the Pacific const have very clearl shown thai this treaty has been tli means of enriching only a few pluntei in the Handv/icU islands nml a eugr pool in San Fiancieco , while it h : cost the government over a million < dollars a year in customs. It claimed that the refiners have agree to pay , and do annually pay , to tli Pacific railroad ( built with the publi money ) a subsidy of $100,000 to kcc om'orn ' sugars out of their market That the nndutiablo sugars of tl Sandwich islands arc sold in Ka Francisco at eastern prices with tli enormous freights of $2 pur 1C pounds addud. That by a secret undo : standing between the an wcfltern pools , and the payment < largo additional minis to the railroad , no competition is permitted to tak place between Hawaiian sugars at mittod free and Mioso brought in i full rates in thu eastern ports. Tli treaty ia a boon only to the rcfinen who have made immciiHo fortunes I means of it ; but it has not dimtniahu the eost of sugar to consumers an ; whcro in the United States. It found also that the plantations in tli Sandwich islands are cultivated li aorvilo labor , or nomothing nearl akin to it under the contract nystcn The Chicago Tribune Bays : "Wit the exception of the Ueasomor stci mill pool , the United Slates has novc known a greater monopoly Ihan the which has boon organised by the suga ring. It may be doubted whelhc any civili/.nd nation since the time c Elizabeth ban given to private i"d viduals such complete control of ai tides of general consumption amnn the people as thu Itossomor Sle < company and the Sugar Refiners' Ai sociation now enjoy of Ihoirrrapectiv commodities in Iho United States. " Tin ; first bulletin relating to rai road statistics has been issued froi the Census -Bureau. It covers enl Group 1 , the Now England stales , th railroads of the country having , fo .lie convenience of the census expert ! loon classed in BX ! groups. There at 4-1 railroads in Now England , opei ling r > ,88.41 ! ) miles of road. For th enaua year they earned 52,150,70 lassengora and 24,257,730 tons c roighl. They earned Sr.lG45PJ7.3 ( pent $ : { 2,422iMl.r } , and made rolil of S1,122,880.7G. ! Their capi ul stock is $1)0,573,801.IK ! ) } ; thoi unded debt S108i,200.C5 ! ) ! ) ( am heir floating debt 8l4j,830,724.8C ; 'hoy hud I1GD1 ! , employes an ! ioy killed 250 persons am ijurod HI 8 more. The tolr > ormamont investment in thes oads is § 321,014,008.02 , of whic ? 278,213,253.(1 ! ) is charged to con truclion and S28,247)0i.5t ! ) to cquii lent. The latter item include ,733 locomotives , 2,075 passengo ars , C70 mail , baggage , and exprce ara , 31,211 freight cars , and 2,58 Ihur cars. These figures are large ml everybody knows that Now Enf and's railroad business is but a a ma raction of that of the whole country Vhon the other fivegroups are bu efined , enormous figures may Looked ookod for. The lolal railroad invesi nent of the country ia little if at a hurt of five thousand millions , an ho mileage'now measures about 100 000 miles. OnKVKNM : is groaning over Iho o : irlatiotm of the Union Pacific cot uonopoly which haa recently bee intting Iho sunows upon that cib I'ho Cheyenne Sun gives the fncti which call for no comment , as followi Although coal is an abundant articl 'n thu country west and Bouth of ui within and outside of the territory 3hoyenno ia entirely dependent upo > no source of supply , and that it judging from the past , inconvenientl uncurtain. Some time ago aouthcr coal was upon our local markul , boin carried by the railroad company froi Moulder to this eily at a freight rate ( JL'.OO per ton , and thus affording 'air profit for handling lore at mnrkot piiccs. Kccen y , howuver the tailrond con > any ruined tlioir freight to $4.00 pt on , which was iv virtual jirohibilioi as , paying that turill' , thu coal woul coat the dealers § ( i.50 per ton on tli ears here , not to say anything aboi 1m expense of handling ; while U Union Pacific company , through the igunt here , delivers it at that prit throughout the lown. The treigl rnle on coal from Doulder lo Denvo 35 milcH , is 80 cents per ton ; fro Koulder to Cheyenne , distance 1 iniles , it is $4.00. The discriminati ( is prohibitory , and in consequence U [ utblic must draw all their fuel Bupil [ through the one office whim it c : be had. Co.Noittss ought to put a stop to 11 enormous waste of the publlu fun in the government printing ollicu Washington. Half the stun" which handed over to the public printer f preservation in typo is Houseless slu which there is no excuse for kcopii upon record and foristing upon tl public through the government doc inenta. Last week in Philadelphia single old book firm bought ton lo of this wasled material at onu-hs cent a pound which cost the govor ment nt least $50,000 to produce , i course it ia necessary to have an u thentio publio record of official t ports and of thu regular tramactio of congress but there is no excuse ( the abuse ot the printing license whi furnishes thousands of volumes llieso reports to ofllcors which ha 10 use for them or to congrcssmo who leave thorn in the document rooi until Ihcy are sold for paper stock. A Check to the Railroad * , ChnoTrll ! > un < ! . The niiccuFsful completion of tl iuitiet , making Now Orleans hurbt tccessiblo to sea-goitig vessels of tl ircsent iiicre.iscd sixc , hns done nine nid mnit do more for the commerce i that river. If congress can bo porsi ided to lavish the 8100,000,000 , c nero on its further improvmcont , : the river commission recommend , i lower to ciiiiipelu with the railroai vill porhapi bo grea ly incicascc Whether it can wrest from them an considerable portion of the iimnont raflic tht'V iw\\ control remains to I seen. Wiiilo the pool rales wci naintained il cost 'Mecu .o tratiflport a bushel ot who : .o Liverpool by Now York , an l > ut _ 8 cents a bushel by No Orleans. This operated to deflect a bu St. Louis grain eouth to No 3rloans. These rates , however , vat almost daily , and during the railron war of rates the advantage of the riv < route , in point of cheapness , disa ] leared. Whelhor the Mississippi ; lestined to regain its former iinpo nnco or not , its value in modifyin railroad charges , nml furnishing n xdditional outlet for our grain crop ivill bo inestimable. There is probi ) ly enouxh traflic for both river an railroads , but whether used or no our routes must bo kept open and i rood order , as a wholesome and lie essary check to the tremendous pov ir of the railroads when the latt < lappcn for a aiason to be in subslai ul accord. Toploa for COUJJI'CSH. ; ievchiiil Leader. The atlcntion of congress will prol bly bo directed at an early date ( .ho question of the revision of tl : tariff and internal revenue , but it lot probable or advisable that nn radical or important change will c should bo nmdo in cither. Thoi should bo no reduction in the rovi lues , except perhaps by the nbolitio if the tax on inalchcs , bank check : intent medicines and porfumen Phero will bo a largolobby on hand f irgo the reduction of the whisky ta : Mil it should not and will not be n lucod. There will also bo a stron iresauro brought to boar in favor of lational appropriation for loveoing tli Vlississippi river. It is to bo hope .hat . the important mid complicate [ ucatinn as to the proper method t counting Iho olocloial vote for pros lent , and determining Iho result , wi ) o taken up and acted upon in a 1101 mrtiaaii spirit. An npportionmei ) ill must bo pussod. There shoul also bo practical action fur a civil soi vice system which shall protect th oflices from the greedy grasp of prt cssional oflico seokoi-sandmaka meri ho test of appointment and promt ion ; and Ihero should be pronn consideration of r. bill to encoura lational education by appropiiatin 'early to each state in the Unioi rom the annual surplus of nation : ovenue , an amount of money for et tcation purposes cquivnlont to on lollur for each inliabitunt of thr stato. OCCIDENTA.L JOTTINGS. CALIFORNIA Tin nro aesayinff S89.70 per ton in pui in hiii been discovered near Pomona , Oa fornm. A Tweed riiiR has been unearthed in tl low city hall liulli ing of San Kranciso L'ho steal in tlie brick contract * * union ' . .r > 0 | .er cent or $ ! ) Ofi-1. Tim cit of tl juildlna to ilato is 83,487,022 , one half < vhich irt believed to have been utolcn , an another million will be ren.uirei to liuis and furnish it. The property nwnen of San Prancisi nro fut m H over the determination of tl Bupcrviiom to grant a fifty year fr.mchi , o the 1'elt-Shoro railroad , which won' nonopolizo nil terminal facilities ut tl wharves. The i ail road coiup ny * tree ' ay 81 , 000 000 fur the fr iicluso , cstiiunti .0 bo worth n quarter of n million a yea indignation nioetingA nro bcini' heUt , i unctions applied for , nud serioun rcsul irocx cctecl if thd mipurvisors ( jiant tl 'r.inehi. > e. MONTANA. CnRcfl of Hinall piix nre reported at lc Lod'c , ixnd Unite. YavcinatiHii is now order. On tlio 10th instant tlio men on tl LpKiil louder mine , nesr Ilolonn , dincove cd. on the Hi.1) font level , n hix inch vein riiliy bilver and Hilvur Klanco ure , Fnrth exploriitiona doveluped the fact that it w i gennino vein , and the ore iisKays up in WASHINGTON. Andrew Tump o WIXB hanged nt Va 'olvllefonuircter. . Unit o criminals < , hedlo\vii ( , ho did not pray nor warn tl Hiioctat rn. Ho inurchu I to the gallo\ with head eicctIn 'ini , ' n war i-onj ; . I sniil ho perfectly mitNHed to die for tl crime ho had committed , thut ho < leher\ Wnlla ia ( .till ( mnrantincd again on accnnnt of nnullpoxTl 'iu , which keeps up telegraph eoi immieutiun , H.-.VH thut Iho wli < le i.unib if eases up tn thoM was lljvitb ! eig : een dunlin uiul nixty convulo ecut c.-ue K > ftcen ( icrdons mu in the i eathoiuo , wh iii eij lit w H boon bo dfHchnrKrd. ! ca.f * at all are rojiorUd in WallaV lln , V/YOMINQ. .Miners' Delight 1ms enjoyed a sue rm every tiny for three wocfc * , OrjenlUvtria to have x now freig houcn to nocommodate the 1'ort Tlior burii ; ! and Wanhnkto froiubt. Tim inoit picking hniibe being huilt 1 the 1'iewcu lirotbtrn , nt Hhernuui , it 1 in } ; pushed to cninpletion , unit it Isthoug will I u tinibhed iiihido < I ten days. Kupt. Clark of the Union Pacific IR dca\oriii ( ; to nrrango inittt-ni with Cl . cnne , wlioieby tli railroad company w contimitf to furnivh the city with water. The erection of nod * wfrlca at the lull west of Larmnie , now pmjfcted by c Union I'iicifio company , will add anotl ; vnhutbla indiulry to the territory a fnrniali Lurnmlo with a fine noureo rovenue. The company ia nfgoti tl fur mucbliiery. The deiioji'ts of copjier ore near \Vai SpriiiLii , tn the Upper Platte country , n near lUrtville , are uttractlu ) , ' univeraali tonllnn , The vein in the Charter 0 Mine U eighteen feet wide , the pay tre four feet , and the ore rung all the w from seventeen to fifty per cent. UTAH. Larvo droves of cattle ore being driv from Utah to the California market. The dried fruit product shipped fr < Utah tbis year umomiti to at least $10 000 , The Kradlni ; on the brunch road of t Utah i.t : tvrn from Coalvlllo ta the Ci mon nnd NYanatch milieu it ccmuleUd v tlio ties en'beddeil. Work on the Lebl extension ot the Unl I'oclfio in ettinK alon ; very fairly , c ( the weather is. About five mi n ( the arc laid , nnd tlio tics are b i [ ilnced in position and bedded M fnst they a rive , COLORADO. llor thlovei made away with fix na nt Tiiui In < in : mc night , AntM4iy of ere from the LOT mine g < i 12fill 1 outlet of nilvof to Itie ton. Union nnd confederate mildlo'x celebrj oil Tlmiikogivlni ; together nt Leadvlllo. I'ucbli ) l In the throes of n coal fnmlti nnd the pni > cr * nro cujsln' th i rnllrnod * f all Ihcrois nut , 1'ucblo was lif-htcd hv ias Tliaukngivii night for the llrst time. Thoretnrt , fixture etc. . cost 580,000. 'J ho citizen ! thcro f ( jubilant. TIM jicoplc of Itod Cliff nro much c cited over the recent discovery in t ! llumbobit , which turns out even belt .halt expected. Three men own n five sttinp mill ne 1'itkin , nnd a ( , 'old mint ) noir by the mil flic three partncru cltar § 10 per day fro .heir cnte prfre. The Inveit'tjallon nf the prospect hole Xivt , the artist , invoked 8 0,00 nhnwa that it 'fun liberally " a ted Natt s investment is n dead los.t , The fir t trnln over tlio Denver , Utah 1'acific roail came into Denver fro Mitchell coal-hanks , it ii enld that co will noon b i brought lo Denver in lar | riinntiticn [ over thin toad. The heavisst oiitluy ever made In 01 month for ores at At go wn in Oclobc dutiiitt which month $330,000 was paid f > ren alone. It is o timalcd that tlic tot lutpnt f tbeso wmks for 1631 will I $3,000,000 , taking the first ton month * the year a8 the basis of the oitimate. DAKOTA. There is plenty of good government lai yet in Kingsbury county. Ynnklownllus hnd n $ W,000 blaz inohtly old i-licllH. _ l'\mr of thu bnrnido will build iubstiinlialhrictcH. Vei million's minfortiineH , by tlio lloo will urovo to be its j-reatcst bcnefnctu for already inn the good results le feci The new Inwnaito is located on the bfi whiiro t'ie watery e'emeut endangers i "epurityno more , and for beauty of loc ; ion and lightlincm CHU not be excelled , MISCELLANEOUS. Arizona has 150,000 head of uliccp. Tl wool industry ofortlie : u Arizona is ta ng an imporlint | lace. Georgetown , N. M. , pays out abe S20tOO per month t' > minora nnd in th time ship * nearly SoO,0.0 ! in nil er bullio The Tombstone ( A. T. ) mlninjr distri 'or the KX ! in ntha en'iing with Septemb yieded S2.741.C73.-10. Dividends loll _ nount of 8t-llfi,000hayc been deaUred line month * . The milling capacity is I1 clamp * . How They Are Housed. Chicago Tribune. Census statistics give aomo interes ing facts respecting the way in whic one million mid a quarter of inhab , auts of New York are accomodatt with lodging * . There are 1017 pe sons to each dwelling , and 4.9i po aoiiH to each family. There wei icarly ton thousand more dwelling n 1880 than the year previous , an he population 1ms increased noun thing more than 250,000. The it creased comforts provided in moder onemenls and rented dwellings cannc > e stated in figures. In 1870 the poj ilation was computed to bo 942'JO , ; families 185,781) ) ; in 1875 , by stal census Iho population waa found to I 1,041,880 , families 213,40" . The lai 'edcral cemn.s , 18SO , gives the populi tion 1,200,577 , families 243,157. Tli lumber of families to : i dwelling w : stated as 2.90 in 1870 , 3.25 in 187i 3.29 in 1880 ; persons to a ilwullinj n 1870 , 14.72 , in 1875 , in 15.00 , i 1880 , 10.37. Persona to a famil ; 5.07 , 4.88 , 4.9C. The increase S dwellings in five years allows that ci ital is largely used for the injprov nent of the condition of the pcopl Hurry Thorn Up. St. l.ouls Globe Duino rat. The Mississippi river committi oujht to hurry up with the propar tion of their memorial. The peep need more light. Ikith members i congress and the public at largo mm bo convinced that the river is a bi thing , and that it must bo improve For commerce without delay. Tl Facts speakes volumes. They shoul thereforobe placed before the men bora and the country , in graphic an convincing form , a ? soon as possibl The approaching session will be a lei one , but the chances for suilablo re ognilion will bo greater if nn appe is made at the opening , than if ll question of a Mississippi appropriate is loft to bo log-rolled over and ii podod by petty schemes some tin next summer. Boars in tlio Cntalillls. KINGSTON , N. V. , Nov. 21. Mai bears have boon captured recently thu Southern Calskills , and Ibis pc tion of thu mountains seem to be fief of them this fall. They neein to bo u usually bold. A few days ago a ti lar o black boar was found in thelm pen of Jacob Lomiu , living near Tin- wood , a little village in Iho wild lov of Ilurdenberg , Ulster County. 1 proved to bo an ugly customer , to and there waa a lively light before ! was caught. Washington Gesso , member of the notediosso liear-lim ing family , succeeded in capturing fo fine boars a few duyn ago , nearly ono titnu , not far from his homo Bhandakcn. lie sold the pelts at good round price , and the meat hod tribulcd among his neighbors. Fo bears are usually counted a lair et son's work for ono hunter , as t nkins are valuable , and the c.\rcu finds a roidy market. The most desperate encounter wi Bruin that occurred in this region f many a year took place in thu Sha daken Mountains on Monday of hi week. Washington .lux of Shnndako after a lonv , weary tramp , made t more disheartening by thu lack of ai appearance of game , was about to i trace his steps homeward , llosuddc ly hoard a rushing of twigs and undc brush. Ho was now far away fro any settlement. Peering through t forest ho soon saw a half-grown blu bear , which in a few moments mo was joined by three others fine , aha gy cubs. They had all emerged fro a dense thicket into a partial bit clearing on another border of whi the hunter was concealed. Althoui a long distance away , ho leveled 1 gun and fired. One of the cubs f dead. A moment after , with the oth chamber of his gun , he brought do\ another boar , llo then attempted reload his piece , but the other c r\ged animals having by this time d covered his hiding-placu , now poiinc upon the luuter. The struggle th ensued is described by the hunter moat terrific indeed. Ono of the HI mula tried to chow up the hunto left shoulder , mangling it badly , u while thia was going on , ho in a nag to plant his bowie in a vital spot in t other's breast. The blood spurt over him , but the aiiima' ' flunk at 1 feet. The remaining bear , bowovc gave him a haul tussle , but ho final conquered him nlso. Ho then snya 1 was nearer dead than alive , but inn aged after awhile to reload his gun ar bandage his throat as best ho coitli Ho then started toward homo , buthr not proceeded far when , with a dca cuing roar , the enraged mother sprai acrosH his nath , but ho was now 01 ablr d tn bring the infuriated beast I the ground by a heavy charge of bucl shot , llo finished the work of deal with the other barrel of his quit , nil then returned homo in triumph f ( aid in bringing his game to the aotlli moiil. After Twenty Years Philadelphia Times. Many retired merchants of the cit and the heirs and Icgalrcpresentativi of many of the businessmen who hav slept for years in Laurel Hill , woi agreeably surprised yesterday at Hi receipt of bank checks as payment c the remainder of the indebtedness t the wholesale dry goods linn of Hoe ( lionbright & Co. , caused by the fai uro of Hood * Co. , in 18(51. ( 1 < \ twenty ycara a debt fund has bee growing in the books of Iho firm Hi known to any ono but the partnei themselves , and for twenty years hV the business world forgotten that 887 000 had remained unpaid ninco tli compromise of the failure for over third of a million. Men ictircd froi business and others died , boliovin that when they received 75 pur cer of thcirclaimsagainst Hood , Bonbrigl : & Co. , in 1801 they had made a con promise for all lime. Of the largo llf 9t the firm's creditors in 1801 , a ver Few remain in active business to-day Wednesday and yesterday the remaii ing indebtedness was paid in fill with the accumulated interest of twont years. The amount thus paid was ovt 8100,000. Samuel Hood established a sum cloth store on Mnrkot street , nea Fourth , in 1823 , and transacted a easy-going but steadily increasin business until 183" , when Iho firm be came Hood & Co. A more cxtendc trade was then gained , and every thin moved along smoothly until 1801 , who the firm failed for S3oO,000. The fai uro caused but little comment in bus ness circles , for the reason that bus ness was ijOiierally in a state of staj nation , and failures alarmingly fn qucnt , owing to the outbreak of host ! ities between the North and the Soutl Out of t'o riiir.s of tlio house the W lirm of Hood , JJonbright it Co. grei into existence. Never Too Lnto to Moiiil- Thoa. ,1. Ardcn , William street , Kna ] > nlfalo writes : "Your SruiNo Diosao : Im worked on tncHpUndid. I had no 11 ] petite ; used to nle p badly and get up ii thenr riling unrcfredio-1 ; my breath wn very offensive nnd I aulFercil from so.vcr Headache ; since using your Sjirimr 151m f oin all these Hymptoins have vanished am 1 feel quite well. " 1'rice f > 0 cent" , tri.i bottle.lOc. . eodlw Pestilent Snobbery. Buflalo Express. Of all the pestilent snobbery th : disgraces a cerlain class of gilded yonl of America , that of hyphenizing li middle and last name is about * 1 ; worst. It is n Brummagem ; o of an English custom , without tli slighest ground for existence in th country , and would be funny if it wt not so monumentally asinine. Tli habit is not uncommon in Now Yor among some half-baked young swell who try to forgot that the money the nro spending wns made by the hone ; toil of fheir fathers The latest man festation oe the imbecility is furnishe by James Gordon-Bennett of the Hei aid. For Heaven's sake what page i the court grammar gave him a hyphcr NEVER GIVE UP. If you are suffering with low an depressed spirits , loss of appetite , ger oral debility , disordered blood , wea constitution , headache , or any discaa of a bilious nature , by all means pn cure a botllo of Electric Bitters. Yo will bo surprised to see the rapid iir piovcment that will follow ; you wi bo inspired with new life ; strengt and activity will return ; pain and mil ery will cease , and henceforth yo will rejoice in the praise of Electn Bitters. Sold at lity cenls a bolllo b Ish it McMahon. DISEASES orTHE Is DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurisi LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYA LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. lleferenceH all Ucputablo Physicians of Oinch ; fdTOftlce. Corner 15th and Farnham Sta Omaha , Neb atiZSui.itf Eznntiiiivtlon of Xo&chora. I will bo prcHcnt at my ollko In Crel hta block on tbo flr t Sitnrdayof each month to : anilno such apiillcanm MI may de lru to tone In the public Hchoola tn Douglas countv. Ouai lerly cxainlnntlon HD Saturday In Fobruar May , August and Novcmtxir. J. J POISTA irjSupt. . ubllo Instruction OBAND OPENING J I'rotossor FUher , ( from St. Louia ) Danclnif A' ' ademy , Standard Hall , cor Fifteenth and Fan ham , Tuccday eivnlng , September 6th. UlaiMOt for Indies and ( Icntlciucu comtucncl.i Tuwday t veiling September Cth ; elasseawk Mlsneu and Masters , coiumeiiclug Saturday aftci noon at 4 o'cl.-uk. Claasw for Famllk-s , Mill ! arranged to suit the honorable patrons. Ah bullet dancing can bo taught. Tcnus liberal , and peifec. satisfaction to icho art ifiiarintei'd. l'rl\at Instructions wilICK ! ' en at the Dancing Aciieuiv or at thu "olileui of the | > atrona. I'rUato ordcu * > oe lelt tMa > Meyer rte OIO.W. HJAN . 4. 0. CAMhBU.1 DOANE & CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law S W COIl. TH & DOUGLAS 8T8. v l' | on. a. CURESOK. j , a , UUN Clarkson & Hunt , Succw.v rn Klchtrda & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - rvm h N h. W , J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LATH Orrici Front Iloomg ( up italra ) lu Hanscow new brick building , N , W. coruor Fftecntb t trithim Slnvts. O. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY - AT - BO YD'S OPERA HOUSE JAMK1K. nOVI ) , t'roprio'or. U. IMA Hal I , ImsliiCKS Manager. Saturday Matinee , December 3rd. SATURDAY EVENING , December 3rd. V Reiwtltlon by Request of M ny Prominent , Citizens , of the Charming Opera , s THECHIMESOFNORMONDY IIV TUB OMAHA HARMONIC SOCIETY , l Soiti now on .Vo tit the low i > rle of 6'J central I h3 llox Otllcc , Opera Ho-.wo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t-ori7rist United States Depository - OP OMAHA. - Cor. 13th and Pamnta Ste. OLDEST BANKING ESTAUU3HMENT IK OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BHOTHERa * STARU9IIKD IBM. OrRinlted M National Bank Aufrort 20 , 1S03. CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVFJI 300 OOO orrtcima A D DIKBCTOM : niBHA * KocxTin , President. Auocstua KOTOTZR , Vice Pruldont. 11. W. YATM , Cashier. A. J. 1'nrri.wos , Attorney. JoimA , CRHIGUTOX. F.JI. DAVIS , Aisst. Cl r. Thl b nk receives deposits without rosard lo unntinte , Kiues tlmo ccrtlflcatca hearing Interest. Draws drafts on San Francisco and principal cities of the United States , also I/on.lon . , Dublin Edinburgh and the principal cities of thocontf ] nent of Kuropc. Sells passenger tickets for emlirrftntB'hy the In I rmnllne _ mivldtf The Oldest UstaMiahed BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co. , Dmlnora transacted same aa that of an tncor- porntcd oank. Accounts kept In currency or mid subject to cVht check without notice Certificates of deposit wuod payable In throe , six and twelve months , j < arin interest , or on demand without interest. Advances made to customers on approved BOCU rltics at market rates of Interest. Buy and null gold , bills of exchange , govern men * , etAto , county end city bonds. Draw night drafts on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Bell European passage tl"lets. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADR , PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the Estate of Peter J. Johnson , deceased Notice ia hereby given that the creditors of slid deceased , v. ill mot the administrator of said Estate , before me , County Judge of Douglas County , Nebraska , at a County Court Room. In BiuilCounty , on the 24th day of November , 1831 , on the 21th day of i'annary , 18S2 , and o.i the 24th day of March , 1S82 , at lu o'clock a. tn. each day , for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination , adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims , andoncycarfor the administrator to settle paid Estate , from the 24th daof Septem ber , 1S31 , this notice will bo published In Tim OMAHA WEEKLY BKK for four weeks successively , prior to the 24th day of November , 1881. [ A true copy. ] ) A. M. CHADW1 K , octlO-wlt County Judge. TO JOHN CONNOR. OMAHA , NFB. , Oct. 28th , 1831. ) DoraLAH Conrrr. ( You are hereby notified that Dexter L. Thomas purchased at the county treasurer's otlke , on the Gtli day of June , 1879 , at private sale. The fol lowing parcel of land for laxcs of 1877 , for eight dollars and nincty-eiRI t cents ( * 8S5) ) , and the HI Id Dexter L. ThonuB has tr nsferred said cor- tillcato of f ale to William Connor for the sum of ten dollars nnd twenty-three cents ( ? 10 ! ! 3) ) . De- Bcriptlon of property , to-wit : Commcuc njf 10.27 chains , KofSw corner of bE } , thence N 3.161 chaltu , thence K 3.1ijchain8thence3 16Jchains , thence 3.1 J chains , to place of bejinnln ; la 8 W of d E section No. 16 , range 15,13 , contain ing one acre I will take out a tax deed in three months from date of ihit notice. n2w3t" PROBATE NOTIE. In the matter of the Kstate of Jam s K. Ish , dccuv-od. Notice In hereby ( riven that the creditors of f > ald deceased , will meet the aduilnistilx of said Kstato , before me , County Judge of Douglas ' County , Nebraska , at the County Court Hoom * * tn uaid County , on the 6th dayof Decouiber , 1831 , J on the 6th day of February , 1882 , and on thefith day of April , 1SS2 , at 10 o'clock a. in. each day , for the purpora of presenting their clum ? for ex amination , adjustment and allowance. Six monttsare allowed for creditors to rrvscnt their claim- , and ono year for the administratrix to nettle said estate , from the tith day of October , 18bl , this notice will hopnbHaho4 in TIIK OMAHA \YRKKLY IKH for four weeksHiiccesslvely , prior to the etli day of December , 18S1. tA tmo copy. ] A , SI. CHADWICK , oclflwlt I'oimtv Jndyo : WAE IN PASSENGEE EATES ITo I . BROS. . Ilrokcrs In all Hull rood Ticket * , Omaha , Neb , , oiler TIckcW to the East , until further notice , at the following unheard of law llatcs : Chicago , I2 ; Round Trip , 821.00 , Thcso are limited ! lift-Class Tickets and goal for retain through the year , and via the OM Keliablo Chicago cage , JJurllngton & C ulncy Itailro&d Also , one way to let dvw , 2d cla's , NEW YOU K , $20' TO , U03TOK , 20 00 , I'lIILADELPIIIA , 25 03 , 1300. WASHlNuTO.V , 22 00 , 2000. For particulars , write or go direct to IIOHHIK DUOS. , Dealers in lieducctl Hats Ittllrowl and Stonniiihlii Tickets , k09 Tenth Ht. , Omaha , Neb. Hemtmber the place Three Doors North of Union 1'aclfln llailroad Depot , Kout Sidu of Tenth Utrcct. 1. 1RS1 L1SOAL NOTICE. Francis II , Knitlcbert and J. Knglobert , dufcndaiiti. will take notice that on the llrntdav of November , ISsl , 1U\ Meyer nnd Aitolph ileyer , a llrju doing bu iicss HH i'ax Jlejcr llrothcr. Hied their petition In the District Court of Doujos Coumy Nebraska , asiatnnt tuld do- funduitii ; thuoliject and piajcrof which are to foreclo-e it 10 talninortiagii executed by the do. fcndantd to thu plaintij uon lot thri-u (3) ( ) , In ( itid-j's addition , to thu city of Oimha , In Ilouf- Ifti County , Nebraska , to n'curc the jayincut of a eertiln promUory note dated April 1 , 1S7I , far the 8iim of ihruo hundred and seicnty.elght dol- laroamlforty-cluht cent8paableniiity daju from ditollunot ; Hut there Id now duo upon taldnoto and mortiiage the bum o three hundred nml bc\cnty-fi lit dollars mil lorty-clKh' centi willi Interest thereon at twelve per cent iitr annum from the date of raid noU , and plufntiffd pray for a decree th vt defendants bo required to pay the tame , or that said preixlws may bo told to satisfy the amount found due. You arc reaulred taantwcmalil petition onlor before the ICih day of Jamnrv , A. D. ISbi , 1SS1. MAXMKYKIt A n.HOTIIKR , llv SMVinr.i dri'LL , Attorneys. To the Members of the Nebraika State Medical Society. WAUOO , Neb. , November 218S1 , A * ixclal cession of the Nebraska State Medi cal Hoclety In called to meet in the city of Lin coln on Tuesday , the 27th 'ar of December , A. D. IbSl , at the hour of 10 o'cloc k a. m. For the pnrpoto of taking such action , aj maybe bo thought best In relation to the law Ing the practice of medicine , In the Sta e of Ne braska and nuch other lutlncss ai may bo ic- qtiircd tn be done by B Id State Medical Sovioty liivpcciiUesHion. M W. STONK , U , I ) . , 1'renldent Nubranka State Medical Society. Attested- A. S. MANSKH-UIKH : I ) . Secretary Nub. SUtv lied. So. ooSMltwSt SIBBBTT & PQL.LBR , \ ATTORNEYS AT LAW , \ D > VO > CITY , NEB , BpccUl atttntlon iUcn ( to collBctlCDd In DutJei * ' ' 4-raC'Oaj