Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1881, Image 3

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    n fiTi rr 4
IT t T \ i rf
\ VTrTT nA rT > ( \ < \ 1 nni
Tlio Fasliiouaule Four Proclaim
Their Ability to Warm
tlio Speaker's Ohair ,
\ Kisaou , Kiofor , Diiunoll and
Hiacook on Hand , Fault *
lossly Attired.
Preparations Progressing for
the National Memorial Ser
vices in the House.
'WitheringVlilow * nnil Tortnroil
Spliistors Gnthoviug to the
Capitol to ' Cntoh On. "
Washington Ham. Corrcfpondencc St. Lotus ttcpuli
The nppronching spcnkvrship con
test has brought many congressmen l <
town , candidates all of thuni , and sot
Bt | culation and hopes Mildly to work.
Hy tliL-ir wondrous all'abijity and their
now clothes are the majority of the
candidate. ! known , and though they
would scorn the itisimtiition of dress
ing for tlio olliuo , thuro is nut ono of
them but pays nioro attontioii to his
pompously buttoned frock coat and
tlio polish of his boots than liu did n
year ajjo. These little muttera of the
toilet tell wonderfully in tl.o gcnui
impression thu candidate inakua , aud
thuro is no place whoru an ill-lilting
coat proclaims itself so loudly as in
the spoakor's Possibly tlio in-
llucnco of such n wcll-drcBsed presi
dent la seen in this little matter , for
in the way of 1'rinco Albert coats
the chief iKagistr.Uo is beyond
all rivalry and
, his trun-
oral appearance perfection. Clou.
Kcifor , of Ohio , has noticeably im
proved in this roappcb lately , and is
nowa glass of dignilied fashion , though .
tiinu was when ho was as indifferent to
the cause , and careless of cut and fit
as his whilom colleaugo Garliold.
With his iron-gray hair tossed b.ick
from his forehead , his full bu.ird , blue a
yes and broad shoulders , tliis fnvor-
ito son of Ohio will sot a fine picture
in the frame of the Speaker's chair.
Mr. Dnnncll , of Minnesota , will equal
ly adorn the place , and to St. Louia
his appearance is already familiar an
presiding officer of the Mississippi F
Jliver Convention. These two candi-
dateB , and Mr. Hiscock.liave each one
headtj nut-tors at thoif sopanito hotels ,
but leading them all a. a man of dis
tinguished manners and presence ,
Mr. Kassc > n has taken for himself
whole house and tluiro entertains
"on prince. " The niatiHuti occupied ele
by the ex-minist-r to Auotria is thet
of .Mra. Van Rcnsalaer iKorry , on IS.
otreet , three doors fiom Woniilcy'u
hotel. It is in the most fashionable
iuarterof | the city , hanf-somely fur
nished , and by its nearness to the caterer makes banquets a posoi-
bility on ten minutes' notice. A.s M r.
.Kiiaaon is a widower , without any was
lady members of his immediate family ,
goaaip has set itaolf to .find . some great the
iimport in his takiiw ; the white lo-
, plumt of a house upon his done shoul
Preparations are ulroadyiin progress him
, -foniho national niecuiorittl > floi > viceg , to On
bo .Iield in the liall of the house
.of repreaontalivee at the
capitol - men
tel , in honor of ciho mar ho
tyred president , some time before
the holiday recess ftCongroos. Ttejy was
will bo very imprcseivo in .character.
Thoproit : hall in which the obac/juica /
of Lincoln were hole will be drapediin
black. All the seatg in tlio galleries In
.and on the ilo r will bo reserved for ville
prominent men and women. ilfitbc
programme partly fo-mod in carried and
i > ut , two Konatois < uf whom .Konater
tiliormun will probably bo o'io ) and poor
< wo representatives ( of whom-J. iJtan \
< lnlph Tucker , of Virginia , vtill prob- : ook . one ) will deliver iiwinorial i
AftcrJlev. Mr. Porror shall liave dued
offered.piayer , a poeia , written by llann
Men. Ilasrison Glazier , of thir city , iblo
formerly of Hiram Cti'Jege , will bo M'ut'
reiwl byJloDresontativoo A II. i > 'etti- 'Put1
boiio , of Tennessee , formerly of h'iraa' stake
Collage , and the Marine 13and will chain
roiidor appropriate music. the
To young ladies , apiintom and art liana
ful uiidowe , Washingtoi ) oilers indwco- nibal
mentc this winter were ivolL Mtuko-
for tlwia do consider. tTho imprcH- l-ftcad.
aion gonoraBly prevails .f.way from that
here liiat it ie a wonderful place far find
iiiatch-walaiij ; and full of inatrimontaJ cgitin.
prices. Just now it truly it , for be < eid ,
ginning with 'resident Arthur , Sena "
tor David Davis and Secretary Folger , plvint.
it isii wklwor'e adminstrrition straight with
through. The English minister , Mr. Chesti
.Lionel Sitckvilla-West , tuvj.or three killed
( prospective cabiuot ollici'rs , : id a re . -
spectable fraction of the senate and lciy. %
iiuuao , are ( tour one croiitumi , and i lataa
there is the regular suply ] of young and
ariay and navj ollicers u < f for
eign ntttitchus who alwayH Jove in th-
ui ) hail 033. For well -do wriud W < ! K-H
thcte is no pluc j like the uipi'-il ' ( al warming
though the city swanimith H'jper- Fin.tiljr
fluouK females tliuru is ahv.ijH v.ol- ing
CD mo and a chatij'j [ < > r more. 'Iho be.tinx
M'hite Home , from all that is knowu , the \
will ho ivithout a iiiutrtHs' for tills indlieu
.vvintc'i' , and at ono or ( wo dinuet- canu'lit
parlies 1'reaident Arthur had laugh 'h.iining
ingly told th' ) wives and dauyhtein of tlnong :
hi.s c.ibinet ollicera that he expi'u ed \IasT.
them to work Irird f jr him thia so.i- died
fton , meaning tliey tliould .stuiul in "IH
line with him and tdiake the hands of 11va
the one , two and three thousand ulto
file through during reception hours.
Secretary J'olger has n
young lady ( piartci
dauglitor who will receive for him' , Mill
and Mr. NVest , the Ku lish iM in later , do some
Arill have for tlio presiding genius of manglt
the great LuuMtioti huildin a pretty ifterward.
1'J-year old daughter , who haa notyo't much
been even presented lo the Queen , : Afncai
In the return oflrs. ] \ . Kugono Ha'o party
and her motlier , Mrs. Xtch Ulmtuller , the ou !
much pleasure is expressed. For two thing
winters their residence on II street hai I 'team
been closed , barred nnd bolted , and tllOHU
now bt-fxra in its front window it pla killed
card , ' 'Fur bale. " The tfreit brown Now
stone houio has boon the scene of life lountry
and yiycty for the last Btirriii' ' quar great
ter of n century , mid in Iho ye.irH Chid ,
that it was owned and u.sud by iSona- or 'rog
tvr Chandler was n gathering pl.uo \iiij. ; ' ,
and baiujuot hall for nil that genial show ,
soul'ti friends. For seine reason the " \\'l
family have taken an aversion to the phant s
houBo , and while ofluriiig it for Bile "If
have rented the residence of Afr. Ljvi live BI
P. Morton , a Iwlf a blojk the he
further tip on the same
street. The Washington people ,
always atjoj to Ihmr tieiijlibor's
doings , have been sorutini/.ing the
house since it has boon put in order
tor the incoming family , and all the
artistic lolk in town are oxoiteil over
Mrs. Halo's window shades. The
fashion of turkey-roil window shades
in place of ghostly-whito Holland
lias lately reached here , and rages
fitfully and wonderfully , lit Mrs.
Hide's ollcnding windows there are
green similes on one lloor , blue on
another , and red in the \ostibulo , and
the combination of thu three brilliant
aniline colors would inako thou'sthetie
young women in Patience groan :
"Hod and blue and urcen ! Primary
colors ! Oh ! South Kensington ! "
Senator and Mrs. Logan arrived
last week to take up their habitation
hero for the winter , the spring , and na
much longer ns the long session of
congress may last. The senator , it is
said , w.ts hurried away from Chicago
by tlio incessant and persistent attacks
of ollico-scokers , although Washington
is hardly thoha\on to seek for rcfugo
from that sort of thing. This session ,
as for the years and years past ,
Senator ami Mrs. Loian will
occupy their same suite of rooms at
i fiishionablo bearding house on
'IVolftliBtioet. Administrations have
come aud gene , their fortunes and 10-
ations changed with each one , but
thu Logans have maintained the s.nno
oven style of living , and nuver launch
ed out upon the tempestuous sou of
louse building and housukccping in
Washington. The bright , fresh taco
of Mrs. Logan , with its roll of gray
tair , is moro cliai-ming and attractive
vith each season , nnd while Hio slow
vhitening of her locks bring ! out her
air complexion and dark eyes all the
> etter , the general is still swarthy and
> lacker than a crow'n whig in hair and
long mustaches. Ui'iiAM.ui ,
A Showman's Recollections of
Koopom Killed nnil Destruc
tion Done liy Thorn.
.N'cw York Mm.
"Of all mad elephants , Ilannihal , 1
think , was the worst , " said Dr. 1. A.
Graves , the veteran showman at Bun-
nol's. "Most elephants recover from
mad fit within a few days , but Han ' "
nibal well , ho would keep up a taut
rnni for weeks and months at a time. |
The longest spoil ho over hid begai
early ono morning in Juno , 185-1 "
whife ' traveling withHayniond i - War
ing'a 'monagorio lr m Partuekot t
lMJiver. Ho broke away from hi
kouprr and ran tlio highway thirti > ? i
icilea , smashiiiL' everything ho could
I'.illc about elephants being lae.'o
Hr.nnibnl looked ai big r.s a locomotive
tivo that morning. Thu keepe a
attuBipted to chock 'him ' , find wn
chp.sed into a swamp. Tlio first * ehi < ]
the mad elephant mot wai abr.teh
or'o cart loaded vith mutton , Jl '
mnaslied the cart , killed the horne of
broke the driver's r.rni , aud Hcaftorec
thcupiarters of mutton along thu high
ways. T\\u vogetabJo wagons wer
upset and the horsec were killid , th
drivers escaping nnrurt. When tin for
fuuy of the tit was spent , Hanniba
found beneath u tree on tin ro.u ,
side completely erhausted , and fo
time submisnivc. Tusk chain
were applied , aiwi for many week for
afterward ho wae kept under th it
strictest surveillance. To approae ! .
during this i ? iri d was daagorous
turning out one morning in But ]
lington , Vt. , I fourd a number of wo "
and children petting him , wink Ot
as swinging his cars in uvidcn its
enjoyment. TJion ] know the spel au
broken. He vas very ifocilo anc
tractable the lest -of thut season , .
"Hannibal was iho most viciou olc wn"
phant that over tramped with a show
1849 , while we iroro at Councilsoli'n
, O. , a Btr.imjor g.ivo him a pail o
water. He drank ilio water leisurely
tl en , suddenly turning IHO head ,
struck the man witl : his tusks. The .
follow died. While chained at ber
\VilIiamburgh , Jr.Y. . , in 1 57 , he d
n lit and pursued the keeper int <
stont-yard , wheu lie got wedged ii
inioiig the bowldoro , and sub .
in that diloium- . lTp to 184f
llannil'tl was noto.i'or hi.s nncli'inge-
goad nature. In these dr.yu olt
' Tnwnsund used to bo his keejior.
' lied trained Xin : to drive tlio can
tr which it wiw customary to Liv j
him. Ono < iUy 'Put' started use
stake mid haudui1iho slttlgo t <
Ilannib.i ! to comloto ] ) the job. tHan-
mat'o a ponderous blow at the
itiike-he.w' , but struck .his . fool in-
. lie throw tJco sledge ho far rial
il required an Jiour'n Hoarci to
it , aud never v.'cmld touch ono
. Hannibal lived to ha 100 years
and killed twelve men.
"Columbi-s was another bad cl said
. In December , ' 184W , while ihinjj
J . d it '
P.aymoi Waritrg'a ineniigorie , The
Chestnut aireet , PhtJadulpJiia , ho jcon
his kofjtier , took posaession < il Hovel
tho.-nhow , itn < retained jt foe- three llavci
killing ii. that time two camels , , o
, and upsetting a largn stove y
two nuiixu ] cages. Tlio doors : oast.
ibnrricadud cannon wero.iuu'jiitod .gor
thotruet ' , nut' soldiera paradtd the coast
in rcat'inciis to grvo liim a tifdouK
rut-option should Itu appear. iunt
two keep < rs entered the bdld- ilr/oad.
fruu above - '
, j-adt'led the CD-JBH- lootant
, Hid drop peal u nooscil rope to
t\dtir. ' He v/alL d into tint tru { ) , Jbljj-
\\lieu hu iuali > xu ! that La AU-S Huch.'t
, submitted ijiiintly t < > the jrcat
oienitioii. | Coluinbiiii foil tions
ingh a bridge at Norlh Ailame , ailuri'
, the itilloiviiig flummer , and ground
a Sow Uys Liter. recent
IMlViJJiiiiii8 , or .Canada Hill , " 11 it S.ui
\va. pniftifasioiiiilly called , was olutio
s' Jityl keeper. Foiejiaiigh'H atabli
lioinoo killed him in winter n thu
at Frankfort , Pa , in 183. ( ! ork ,
went into the olcplmnt'e dun to nd
! chorPH , and his crushed and aps
body witfl found a few Jiours rincip.kl
. ( Joo. Waste was kille-l in than
tlio t name niumior by Tumor's circuit
Unineo. J5uforo a re.'ouing have
could got hia body away from : onipanics
elephant it was denuded fof ovcr > - to : the
1'iit ' one boot. The "olophant and ui
'ixarrohad fijiolls oftanur than The K
I have mentioned. Jn J850 ho Il.iverJy's
his 1 kcqicr and two cornels noir KV muy
Orleans ( , and then raided the throng
; for inilui around , doiii'a
dcalof daningo to farm property.
who is thu only ono rf the mad
'rogue' elephants alive , killed John
) ruwea
the | : > with '
i opor Hobinflon'd '
in i 18" ! ' , "
: hillhlaiiiH ) !
\VhatcauEC3tho madness of ulo- ikin ci
? " was usked. anleed
you ; have .iver noticed , yon mny every
BOOH that there are ti.smiea from 25c
head of the elephant , just behind
the ear. When thcso are kept open ,
a thin , watery sulutinco exudes thero-
fiom. 1 hnvo always rem.itkod that
oluph\uts nro kindly disposed ami
easily handled while , thrso issues nro
open , but just as soon us they become
Ringed madness ensues. The insertion
sortion of a common tape noodle
brings relief. "
"It Is true that elephants are fond
of stimulants aud narcotii's ? "
"Yes , exceedingly so. NY.w , there's
a popular error that should bo correct
ed. It has always boon thought that
if you g.ivo an elephant tobacco ho
would never forget it , and years after
ward would kill" you did an oppor
tunity present itso'f. That is no : so.
On the conttary , there are but two
thing * which they relish more -.tpplo-
trot ) houghs and thistles. Their pas
sion for lino-cut tobacco is Homcthing
marvelous. Seine years ago , when 1
was travelling with the elephant Con-
Hiioror , it was my custom to carry a
nieorsolituin pipein a particular pocket
in my eoat. Ono day t loft my coal
within roach of his trunk , and in lesj
time than it takes to toll it , ho hail
found the pipe , crushed it , aud swal
lowed it , case , stem , anil nil. Duriiii ;
the few fears I wai with Coiiiiierer | I
reckon ho must have eaten several
hundred pounds of tohicco. The
truth of the mat tor is , gentlemen , an
elephant , like an intelligent person ,
will eat only what suits hi ) taste , and
never harbois any dislike for these people
ple who give him disa reoblo food. "
"Pour on OIL"
L. P. Knllett , Marlon. O . ulntes that he
hat iikoil TnnMAs'Ik'l.i'eTHir OH. Inr lutinn 1m f < unil nothing to equal it in snolli *
inx thu imiii inulgiv in ; ii'lief. vml-lw
Humor of tlio March.
KJinl. II. Kootu In the I'lilhilolpliln Thiics.
Ill the march up the valley of the
Shuiiandoah the abundance of blackberries -
berries ollcrod substantial repasts that
did us much good. One evening a vast
Held of them attracted our attention
and the whole division of Anderson
vas stopped perforce , because there
were none loft in Uio ranks to move on
and went in to "till up. " fionoral
Wilcox facetiously remarked to ono of
his Colonels to "turn out your cattle
to tirade , " and when ho thought they
had a surfeit ordered the Colonel to
"drivoon his cattlo. " Passing through
thu . town of Charlestown , Va. , the
ladies of th.o place in their foivxir
caused General Posoy to dismount and
"kissed hirw for the Mississippi Bri
gade" and would not lot him oil' light
ly. Shatj'sburli was reached nnd a
rest given us for several liours , which
some of us occupied in reveries of the
battle fiiri ht there
nearly a year pre
vious. While sitting on the porch of
cottage with a comrade , n door be
hind uo was partly ojvsnod nc id : . lady
uiotly asked us if wo did ns't wish for
something to oat. Assenting wo were
told to go through the gate to the ro.u- .
the j house , so as not it > atti-i-tmuch
attention , which WP did. The lady
soon appeared with broad , milk and
bulk , and a delicious lunch it was.
After disposing of it we thanked her
her 1 kindness .ind started away
She. . called us back aud mid , in a quiet
nnd . 'dignified manner. " 1 have given
freoCy to yon won -Hitch as 1 have to
give , but I assure yow it is not done
.any sympathy for your c.iuse , for
is ono I abhor and detest , but bc-
C.IIMO I thought you were tired aind
hungry. I hope to see the I'nioa
preserved and prayift may bo , without
any more battling , for I have .flrm-
S3 in the Union army fighting fur TO
preservation , " The quiet dignity
patriotism of the anil
lady made a
cloep impression 'Oil mo , one tin t I
shall . . never forgot. Ono evening ,
while quietly -
tru-olging along -near
Dorryvillo , , an aged no ress , leaning
' . ' fence ' , put > tlhc query to ns : run
'Is dere any store BOJOIS to luind
yov.n's ? "
Ecplying ; in the aflirmativo , she ell , '
biokc out u' ain ' ' liuforo God , I-nuli- the (
seed so many people afore. 'Tree anil
vo doy've Wn pas in' , uih2 now
hero's mote , fiest think , all i-leso TKN
in do wul , and dey'iuil ! got
, .
- *
A \VilJiuG Emlorsor-
H W. WAUJTW : & Co. : Su-s 7 *
recommend your Safe Kidney nnd /
< r Cure , and you can cheerfully
stiy name. Mus. ANN Ivuicr.
R'nvorl y' Ttoatrlcnl Chain : !
I n * .
Ifawsrly , the Aluxnndcr of manage
warfare , haw Ijy no ineaiiH ncsjvi'd
point. The .low world
wnich'Iio ' has ycttoconqneriHaBclunio :
a taf.2iiitudo chiuucturistte of , tliu
. ( The campaign can baldly bo
tn i be opened as yet , but cwiry-
) ; inirin readimuiaifoi- movumont.
fact ; , in regard to his schema lur/o
obtained by .reporter of The
Jlovelantl Herald ro > u ono of Mr
Ilavcrly'-Kcoprentativefl. It is , in brief ,
efltabliiri ! a chain of theatres direct-
acroKii the contineut from coast to
. Acmattur nov/ stand , a nnin-
coiiBJrlorH i n visit to the Paci/jc /
to lie almost int. great and lia/-
an undertaking 'as an onifage-
in Hiifland or other T7i
, iin point I'jlac'j
. A linn of confifdurablu iiu- huTitv
time is nocussaj r , and the
kiii of frit
( '
] - til'Cf
bo 1 avoid.u-J. Ao ono Aindertakea wi ,
. 'i tour uiti'.ioiit
a coiiKciousiie.HS of W'W-
risk , or without taking precauA C. -
to bo ' iju-
I fnL'y projjaied in case of
failureMr. . Ifcivorly'w btudy of the
has been thorough , and hia
leriso of tdo California Thontro
f'ranciscoiias a step ton-ard : i TQ
* Iho proWom. Jlo has now
hiuiaulf on both sulux nnd TH
cunt roof the continent at Nuw-
Chicinij , uml San FranciHco Dr.
ho will HOT labor to fill up Iho
by 1 leasing tlicutrus
at nil the tlt Is
] . intuiyuning citie.s not more
a : days ridj apart. When the from
i comphto Mr. flavurly will 1 ' "
little 1 diliiculty in moving liin
to and fro from the Atlantic
Pacific v.'ilh compatativu ease
uith us little t' UH ] iofsiblu.
ucliemu ( is a Iiugii one , but .Mr.
' well known pluck and unor-
. Lo counted on to carry him
auccetiHfully ,
J' . ice
l-tu lot
Euokim i , iruica Halve.
best salvo iitho world for outa , Hold
, Bore , nlcew , salt rheum , J. K Ii
sures , teller , chapped hands ,
; , coma and all kinds of
cruptionR. This a.ilvo is guar-
to give perfect satwfactioii in ATI
ciso i or inonay rofundcd. J'rico ATIi
Ixix , For fl.ilo by
& MuMjtiiON , Omaha. ' '
Tarrant'fl Salteor Aporiont
. . .ny propfrlv liecalledlio "ItcrcutpV of nu
cine , ( or It cliatu .Vi\turt'"ii nn cviii oUblc' , nn
nllowd the reciipcMtlt o IIOWCT-I ot the trm t
do the otk ol u'tlorutloti to hrolth. No iml l
rlno iiuoi Nnturo alotio rare * . 1lil Ap rli-n
open * the jiropor vcmie , Iho functloni art- per
inlttrd lo resume their work , niul tlui lotion
ti\\ol. !
Who uniit glossy , liixnrinnfi
nnil navy tresses of nbundant ,
botuitiihl Hair must use
clecnnt , cheap arliclo nlwnys
niauos the Hair prow freely
and fast , keeps it from fullhtq ;
out , arrests nnd cures grayness -
ness , removes dandruff nnil
itching , makes the Hair
Rfrong , giving it a cnrlhu *
( eiulency nntl hoeping it in
any desired posit ion. Beau
tiful , hnaltliy Hair is the sure
result of iisiu liutliairou.
pjfc ) fnaA U&Mi v j
t3r K ) mi nu > ntnu Vi o
? i.fl.u . liu-iw.ui-al. * man i'f Ifi. .
rnoilliy ti ! Hrnlnnf \ tcllliu'0
jri ir < liitlM nvuld I t woi 1 ; , lo rt *
Hop Uittoro. UM > Hop Bi
If Tounroioun.t nnd ruffFrltiB from nny I. .
dbioulloii or dli'lpi lion i II yoiinm-nur
ili'il or flnn ! ' , i > M yiiunir , dulri-rliu' fnw
poorlii'nUU urlmmu Init nn a beii of kk
ini > , ulun He
Whorrcr yonnn * .
ThPIIOTlT > OU f l' < tianlly fro in t4)ino
Hint yi > ur kS'flciii form of K I d n o v
nct'd clcfliwnii.ton tliat mulil
Inii ni ilhiiulnlli'ir , l H1 ! ! pICYrlli ! < .
wtllioutfnfoTfn " | > y A tlmoly UM' uf
.nltu HOP HcpfuCtora
D. I. C.
h on nUioluU.
o lofiniKi , unit Irrchlitit ,
ttnirrlf , fftnoit , hlo euro tot
tMrorntnt * !
atii of o4uni | ,
You will bo
rircillfytnuino unrcotlua. '
Hop Uittcrp
w < * n 1C uutl ) NEVER
iti K may tintrrnnRS
P ave your
life. It hat FAIL * -ru co. ,
caved hun * CprtrtU'.S
.V Ton.Tito . , Onl.
Sioux City & Pacific
IUu.8 a Solid Tntn 'ihronjh ; fiom
Couucil fJluftb lo bt. Paul
Without Clmneo Time , 'Only 17 Hour * .
IT I' )
ll points In Northern lorni. Mlnnwiof * !
Dakota. Thin line tu equip/oil with tlio Impr-TV
WosUn { house Autonuvtle Alr-hralio nil Hf3c
rintlotin Coupler mil lluffr ; and for
Iftunnriiaiwcil. Pultemr Palace Slocplur Car
throiiKh WITItOl . ' '
Cl'.yand Ht. I'M ! Council llluffu an Is
Sioux , City.
nu leaf o Union I' < w'lc Trnnsfer
Ilhidn , nt 7i5 : y. n. tls'ly on nrrhal ut Iliiu. .
'Uy , 3t. Joseph arid Joi ill Itlulfs train froi
i'Mith. Arririnritfioii\Clty : ll:3fi p. in
* , Ihu New Uuton I ii ot nt Ht. Paul 112:3
| "
S"I Ri-mcmlicr In tiiUInc tlio Hloux CkyCiont
itii'lhroiiKft 'lir.iiu 7ho Miurloit Lin
if. .iickiwt Tini-c r. OoinfurtAMu IIMt. Id th
if.c nm liuttvtn'ii nc
* . . > our'IVlif.4 read \U the * * Siou
ty-i nil I'nclllc It/JI.ooil "
. - < . WATIM.S , J. II. ItlTIIAN.UJ
Kiiiicilnti'iiilr.-nt. , ' ' '
( 'LII'I I'n-ts. Ajriit.
P. K. I1O11INSON ' ' nnd
, And't < cii'l PIVH . Aft ( ,
IiHMiiirl Viilluy. lo va.
J. II. O'llUVAIi , SHitli trn ' ( , - -nt , nny
Ooiinci Illiirr * . Inwn
SUoe&GoncflBtafls "
Direct Line to ST. LOU S
From Omahaand the West. to
cam bo .
but ono lj.tM'.un O&UIA nd and
NKW 7O1SIC. Ilium
Daily Passenger Trains i nil
iiucmxu AU. i-cllv
OHA ! iy ; and IH ADVAWUKof ALL ! '
! entlrn J/no Id cxUi'iud | | wltk
' Klociiliif ' < ii , 1'aluco l > ty Ooi 4t-i , Allllnr1 .
I'latfonu nd Coupler , iM < i th * celebrated
hco Out ; our tkhct runt'.i VU nAN3AS
, HT. JObt-fll Si COUNU/r. , UI < LVti Jtall.
via fit. JOMI , & nnd ht. lyjulu.
tuhita for eik ) at til COUIIOH rfat.cto In Uii
OAWE.S ) , Onn. .Supt. , Nt. J < xrtib , JIuJ
- 1'aiw. un.I JV-Act At. ) , Kt. Jr ] Ii , Mo.
I Al.'W lioKUM , 'llckc't AKbat ,
UU > I'arnhuiii utrcU.
A. 1) . liASVitn. Uc/ar l A olit ,
fMervous Sufferers
J. B. Simpeon'a Speciflc
a positive cure for Hixmiatoirho , Horulu *
fielf-AliUKi , an'jHtitol Aiuktj , tow I'llll
. , . Palin - lo - Uiu - or Blc'c , , iud dkcaiict y | >
--J ---i "
thfct Joad ro ill
at ) J
'hu bpijc.flc
ildll'oilJO it
itti TOM
with wondir.
lul IUU.-KI ,
Hint let Ic.tia r.nd ict ; lull iur- nt/i L'
, / ,
, fine -Hi , JI.OO jwr jir kt c , or U pad. Ilils
ei.OC.Ian M all ordcn to or
H. KIMhOM MKUICINi : TO. ily l <
Hoe. 101 mid IM ilnlu t-t. lluRalo , K. V. nutv
In I Oniitbii hj C. Y Oofjilinan , J. W. Ili.ll ,
lib , and all iliurelutjuciy * '
110 i South Thirteenth Bluet , vrltb
' '
M.Woolworth , No. Ull
JSe $ % & &
' * < fir\ * i/nfrr " - - as ° \
/7 iyn > bnTO wH !
MP'israwsjEssrsvrscr Jinin ;
, j | l m/EjS ® 5
* t"XWCJ'ttT > 55tST t3 * " r ; StavnL . * * , * * * * iij'
No Changing Cars
UTwtc direct eoi > ntfllr > ti aM mi li > with Tnili |
5I.KCI-INU v\tt MMkltar
UAI.T.MOr.K : ,
\siiiNcn ON
The Short Line via. Peoria
V1I,1.K , and nil i lnls In the
Whcro dtrrrt coiinuctioin nro m-xilu In the I'nlon
Ik'iot with thti 'lhrouih "iKi-iiIti ; Our
Llnco for AM. I'OINT.S
SS Q ) TV " 3 ? 33C .
Rock Island.
The iim < i\nH > il tniluoriiu'iitn olfrrod liy this lint
to tr.iNcirri * and tautlnU nrv.follo.t :
The TOlcbmtwI PULLMAN (10-uhii-l ( ) I'ALACK
SLKKPINd OAKS run only nn thU line C. , H.
11 or urn's ItpcllnliiK Umlra. No o\tr. ch.irifo for
H < ntaln HccllnliiK ClmlrB. The InmminC. , II. 6
Q. I'aheu Dining Onn. florfiious .Smoking Can
llttud with vlo nt hl h'haLkuil rattan rtMnhlng
chair * for the cxchtslio
, use of llrel-tlass pateon-
ifnrs.Gtiel Truck nd superior equipment conilili o I
* lth thdr uJcut tlirou lifnrnrreiiK'einont , nuKts
thlf , alio\i > all otliora , tlio favorite route to tnr , Sdutli nnd
Try It , and you will tlnd tra\ollnif luxury In-
utwul of n illfk'Oiiifort ,
Tlirou h llckcti vlo this c leliratml line for mil
it all ollUcs In the United States nnd ( Vuiiula.
All Information ni.jtit r.iti'fl of faro , Slui'iilnj ;
Oar acvnnimndiUoit * , Time Tulilcn , etc , , n 111 Iw
cheerfully given by upplylni ; ( o
Uenoral on er Ai cnt , Clilc.ij0.
Or. MauiU'Tr ( 'hloitro.
West for brtrf the most dtro.'t. iintckcat , an
afeat line oairioctlnR the .crcrrt llotrofolls , CIII
CAQO.anifitij KANTRRN , Xfiurii-KAirit.nN , HOIITI
nd Sou-nJ-IJ'inTiiiiN LINRB , wKi-litorrviiutotliorR
with KAHS CITT , LrxviTnoiiTii , ATCIIIBOV ,
COUNCII , HKXKB mil ! On * en , the OOMMIIBCUI
CRNTEUV frcn-j which radixiu
that ponotTStoH the Contlnsnt from the lllwiour !
Ulvor to thl 1'ttcldo 81oic. Thu
the onf ! Hun Ircm ChluKO ounlnif tmch lirio
, t which , by tin own roiwl , ruaUic-i t.vj
mlntfl nl vo iminoj. Xa THA-WHO ) nv C'Anituvnl
No utkKun ' coNNBcrujiMl No litKidllnc In IX-
icntllatrt' or unck-in rjm , ui ov rv i < uwcnirer ii
cnrrlod Ui roomy , cK .i and vinitllntod conohM
upon Fmt rKiiri ) ii Tiilns.
UAvOAiu < oiiiirl\ild : nuiftilflconce , I'VILKII ,
I'ALACK H'.KKl'INd C'Anf , Itllll OlirOHM UOrlll./.V'l /
DIMWI < ! ' n , niion wl.loh inmUaro Horvnl of
Hurvvw | i' oiuulluiicc.dt thu low ol flKVr.
"INK OATHEACII , wltliamjilo tiiiiofor liualtliful
Tliro-j ti CUM Ixih-vnoii Ohlcaso , J'wirln , V.'l '
wnukiKjfnd tllsHourl Itlvor I'olnts : and ilonocou
< lloji. ) at all jwliit * ol Intuiwctloii with otiici
Wo tlpki t ( do not / irptt tlilnill ) ( clly to men
lilncucrrjiiijiortAncoiii Kaiuiw , NelinmLn , Illkcli
IllllM , W oinlnjr , UUii , , NoMviln , C'alifor.-sh ,
Orcfoii/V'ft ( liliit'toii Turrltory , Colorado , Arlronu
N - vJIuilco. .
AH II lural nrrtuijroriiciifi rixordinK lioin.'Aira i > "
uthv. * llnu , niulviit H t-f faru aluayn nnl ow M
comix-tltorH , who fmiiluli liuta tltliuol thu coin.
Do HAid tftekloof fno.
Tlclvc i , ni | utid folikiv ivt , nil | irliicl | > ft
olIictB Imihn Unltral HUteu urid i ; < ina < ] n.
it. K.CAW.I : , F. HT. JOHN ,
I'nh't & < Jen. Ouri. Tht and IWr AK
Miiniuror , Chliniro Cnlravo.
Positively Cured.
All diiffurrrH from < h'n dimiiwi tliat nni nnxloiu
bo cnri > < : ulioiild try DF ? . KISSNEII'S Ccle-
bniled ConiujmplUo Powdern. 'I In to 1'otv-
doruaia UKJ only ) ) rtpa'atlun ln : un thut "III
OoiiHuixiition unj nil ilmio oi of tliu Throat
Lunc Indo'd , ro tlronH our faltli In
, ttiia.Vi | to i-otu ifi''i ; . \iu tint tln > v are no
liumliiif , ' , u < uill ( nuiii ( o iiu-ry mill'irir , hy
, post I'm ' ! , u free Trlnl Hey
Ui don't wait > iu in nn y nnlll jnu are MT-
niMtl' i'l iiirJlUi' ' | xj i'ri If onr
'H , rlh r.\liif ,'i hlnyln t'lilli ; them !
Powdcri Iri.J , m llic > i.-i.l mirc'/j-L-in-oii. /
I'rli-u , for l.iv l > * \ fl n , nut t' mi > put of
I nlK'il vliOK or I 'uml. ' , hy lii'lll ' nn iri i iiit
> ila A < llr < > , AS'I ' a ItrililllNH ,
I.IM/v > , / t'li f/ili tit , Jro ! UMI IN V
nii'.irt t'in\unrt \ > Lur
Seal Estate Agency
Keep a rmniuto | ! ah'lract of titlu to fU i it ,
ttuu-In Om thu nn liouvl.t * rountv. u.aiti
to Everybody !
Beautiful Book for Uio Asking ,
aniiMri } ; p.ivonally at the nar ( t olfico
! NIMtlilt MANI'I'AOrUIIINd ( JO. ( or
oitaluird Ifat udlnUneu ) any /MII.T jur.
wl | | liuprmtiiltil ullli n hcinitifitlly llp.i .
copy of a .Saw ll , ok entltltil
hind omo and contl > utoul i ii r tt -
fionlliplcru. ' ; itlno , 'Ji finely iii r.iu < l woi.J
tiinl lojiind In an vliiliorntu him' and ( ; < .UI
ihoifrupried O'.KT. N .cliurifi' wlmtmcr la .
iiniidwiun Ixxik , utikh hu ohUinvd
y i > | > | > lii-ation at tlio b am h and tulior
( illkM i.l 'I hu Hlngir Miinufiu turln Co.
1' Olllcu , 31 Union Kiiiw | , t.'ow Vo k FOR
John G , Jacobs ,
( Konii'jrly of fiWiJrvoob * , )
I'trnhim Kt , , OM fiUnil of txtb ID * . 10th
A KB C l j 4SW3Cr
ti v , . .leymirt nnj trwonai'liinpv .ni ilml Hi
Vnt K ' l'l ' 'tt'llC ' Prlnfpalf'olfS ' 1.11'Wo Vorf' ' n Vnrt'iWftsI '
.ucfi iy ! oinniincihlv Vi | > Tlie Pr"n-iimi ( HHcr tin vs. < . , . s.i.n.j.t , ,
, (
"iitMiroad ' M r
" 'ii i1 .
' ' .
mirlleii iiyliili. tia'us 'im\o close t-oiii-crMdm \ \ i' n .t .1 , , . i , ,
1 line * , rmn onolivny itallv from two ti
nail west of I'lik-aso tnat uses tlio
The Imperial Palace Dining Cars.
Jii'iui'iiiliorto nsk for Tlc'etsla ' tills .
roail.lio sum they tend over Itami tiVo none otlitrn
uAlim linniirr , ( icii'l Jluiiii'r,01ilearo. ; : . W. II. STK.N.NKIT , Oen'l I'.wa. Ajient , Clilr.uv
i."t1AUllV P. nt'KL ' , TkKot Aiiimt.O. & N. W Ilillnny , I Hit and K-unhum stroflto.
ID. K. K1MIIALL , AMlitant Ticket Aitent C. i N. W. luilnty , Uth and I'.rtihara stroeJ * '
J. 1IKI.L. Ticket Airnnt U. .t N. W. lUllway , U. I' . U. II. -
BAM 13 T. CLAHK Ocnrrol Ak-oiit.
33 3ST OIB .A. "V11ST Gh
While GUI- Work is better , our Prices are Lower
than all others.
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Competition in our line
Over All Competitors.
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
JPor the Best Diamonds ( own importation
in kifcfy onlnrgotl my wi n' < Hliops and putting in now , .n < ? initirovod
chiuury , I liiipti in eiill msru iniprovo Ihu ijuulit ) ' niul linish of our inn
ork iind fill ord r.i vvttli inure proniptiijiis limn 13 usual.
My Motto iVum alwiiyH buuit wnyii will bo : "Firot to ynin Riipurmr fii
andOiun nilvcrliiw tlio fact not Iwforo no wild iidvortiHuinunU.
Roeiu tinprinciplud dwilrtiM IHUIIL ; in the habit of CMiiying mv
tvviiouiicoiiiuiilH , I viul < l boy j-oii , the ru.-idor of this , to
draw n line luilu't'njM mioli copiec 'idvoitiMoiminU
anil tJin.'Mj of YCJIIIH vorytiuly ,
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. ,
Sign of the Striking Town Clock.
Opera House Clothing Store !
J. 3E . J "CJ3SST3n )
217 South 15th St. , Under
o Stick and Now Goods ! All Goods Marked in Plain
FiRurosI Strictly
Honest Goods , I ow Prices and Courtoouu trootmfnt will do
nil who nail nnd HO for tlianuiolve- * will bo catieflf-d llmt the
OPBRA. HOUSE GLO'L'HINU STORE ia the place to buy. .
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
MACIIINKItr , > IKI.TU < O , JIO'il.
J'ACl'I.SX , AT VtlU > l.i-JAU. AM ) IIKJAIU
A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha
Or the VoryLaloat Styloa.
StrooK Bot. Capitol 'iwomin And Dn-veuporfc. Purs made
to Order und Repaq iriuig rinunoatly done lot