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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1881)
Til ii OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 30 1881. LEGALIZED VULTURES. Eniuofl Stalks in Shadow of the Central Pacific Railroad in the State of Nevada , Behind their Smoking Chariots is Dragged the Living Booty of the Commonwealth , And the Whistle of the Lo. comotio is a Scream of Doflanco to the People. Another Chnptor of ConRraMtnnu i Grout Spoooh I'roin Coiifrawloiuil KtrorJ , Peli. 2. ' ' . ISM KXOI.UH1VK OUTIIAfllS OK TIIK IT. > THAI. PAl'lKU' . Having thus fur ill-voted myoolf to thu freight rates of the Central Pacific in Noviidn , in connection with otlipr roaih , I will now nay n. few words 5n relation td the freight rates of the company exclusively over ilB own rnilj. Tliu rates from point to point in No- v.uln amount almost to an interdiction of trafiic , Mid farmers wagon their grains to the mills and their pro duce to the markets front station to ntntion along the railroad tr.iek Why , the farmers of HiijMoadoxvs are to-day hauling their grains in wagons along the line of thu railroad from hovulock stution to Whmemucca for milling nnd profitably computing with railroad charpcs A correspondent of the Sil ver state , writing f join Lovelock un der duto of November 20 , J880 , gives the following ; The farmers of Iiir ! Me.uloix' * , notlmunu rccoitcil any jicouinycincnt from the Con trol l'i ifio lailioa t en > puny , in tliu mat ter of ruliicing rateslortruiHpor.hifKralii. luxe r.i't'il n veil if iii'funallon and started nbout eight UUIMH , loailedlith about sixty tlununuil poundx of wheat , for thu M 'iiritiL' mills of Winiiemueca , It look * llu ! > "til times t i > uu M > many temps leaxu n small placu like this at "lit ) than to com etc with the railrnul. Thu fiiimcis pinptwe ( xi'haiiKiu , ; their I1. * Hour , nml by Join , MI xilll haxu ln.uU back. Thc-v expect t > make tin rinmd tri-iu | HCXCII ( lay * , imliixu cmp'nyincut titxuxen men and a largo nmubur of IKIIKVM , i nil mnlcu niouey by diiinj : rfo , nti-1 in MI\K \ in opjHuition to thu r ilro.d company. AH noun as the tiMins return llnv Will bo lo.ukil again mid tlnir number xxill he increase - crease I. Thu f r't ITH RIX-C on tliN lr'i ' > Sl.OH per lumilreil pounilt , making n tot 1 fur thy cin'hl Ici.v U of oi $ ii8 ! , nn.I nil tint money in lcit ] nt home. Kvun by p.iyinx tliu driii'iH S.1 per il.iy and bninl , the fnnner < cl.iim to make fiMin ? 10 to $ l > per day mi each tuim , v. Inch they xvould havu to fiul if idlu in thulf xtnbliH , nnd that in a pini ! pries for miia'l teams miivn- ilayt. 'I'li-ru is plinty of ( , ' " ' 11 on the Muidoxxv this year , ami there ii Ulk of hauling the b.irluy byvii | > mi to Wads- worth mittcad of Hhippiti ) ; it by tail. And no wonder thu farmers of Hiy Muadoivs are hauling the f grains to market along the linu of the railroad when the charges fur a dmtincu of less than seventy-five miles are over two hiindred dollars per ear-load. Yet the gentlemen who manage tlio all'aird of the railroad company talk of their efforts to develop tliu resources of the state. VAUAI/VZINU OUU INDUS ! Ill US. . , Noviula abounds in rich and rebel- ores , requiri g thu expensive aid of lire in reduction. To be roducrd at a profit they nnut bo either cheaply transpoited to cheap fuel , or cheap fuel must bo cheaply transported to thuni- These railroad promoters of our industries will fulfill neither requirement - -quiremont , a"dihilo Iho mines re main undeveloped , and thousands of hands are vainly seelin employment , thuir can nro hourly running unbur dened thronijh the ntate. Their object teems to bo to crush , not to develop , the nubilities of Nov- adii , and to thiu uml the competition of special ratea from California it em ployed when there in danger of an in dustry growing into importance. Lesl 1 may not be quito umleistiod , per mit mo toeito an example or two : Limestone is tare in the neighbor hood of the Comstoek. Finally , to the gratification of all , a quarry was discovered and opened about ton miles south of Virginia City , and for a few months limu was fur- ni.shcd on the Comstock cheaper than it hud ever been sold before. Califor nia Him ) xvns no longer required in Yirginia , and its transportation to Ne vada almost censed. Thu opening of this quarry was an interference with the business of the railroad company , and they promptly olusod it by put ting the rates on California limu to figures below the cost of local produc tion. Thu quarry was abandoned , many men wore deprived of employ ment , a growing indnntrv wus crushed , and thu price of limo has .gonu back to its old liguroa. Theio are valuable sulphur dopi-sitii in Ilumbuldt county , and largu quan tities of thu aiticlo were used in thu nmmtfacturu'of acids * near Yirginia , Nevada sulphur is no longer in de < inand. It can be laid doxtn in Yir L-iiiia City cheaper trom Etnopu than hoiu Ilumbuldt county , Wo have sail and soda in abiiiul anci' , but they cannot be tiixnsportei beyond the tttato , nnd farmers alon the linu of thu railroad kept ii poverty by special rates from Califor ila , DISCIIIMINATIOXit AllAI.N'SI XI ! VAIIA. With San Fnmciseo rates of trans pollution thu foundry nnd niachim hhops of Virginia and Gold Hill wonh bu able to Biipply K.uttern Ncvadi and Utah with large ipuantilicH o mining machinery ; but the Centra J'acilic Mill not permit it , and to pru vent it they charge $200 pur car loin more for machinery lot-warded fron Hone to Utah than from San Kruu eisco to Utah , In verification of ( hi atiangu utaloiiiont I uubinit thu fol lowing copies of telegrams in my \ > f. In explanation 1 will state that th Ontario Alining Company , in Uta territory , required a qtinntity i Jieavy muehitifry , which Jlr. Ecknri un unterprising foundryniun nnd in ; chiniat of Virginia i-ily , hi lioved tiu could fiirniHli at Sn I'raiicisuo jirices , jirovided ho wn charged no mure than San I'lunciac rates for truneportatioii. Mi ; Kckui WUH in Hun I'liinciBco nt the tinu and telegraphed to thu fieight ngun of the Vui'inia and Truckco ooinpany to get the rntes of traiispotlfttioif from Virginia Cily to Komi and ftom Heno to Ogdon. In reply he received the folloMing dis patch : Vi ( iisiA , Ai'tt ( t'I , 18.8 llorlxtd ! at f n 1 i.i-eii o , AltRilut 21 , isrii llMOn. in ) To W. It. KrkAMTi Your niciMivKe ( rroinplly niiourreil. l.t'ii trol IVHfir r-.t a fnnii llt-nn to Of ( < leti. SJ ' . ' ( itr Iniiidinl. H r ( VirnU ( ! nnd Trwkor ) rnli-d tn Keno S7o per car. Havn n i authority to tiiitnc fpocl\l rutci i.vcr the IVntral iMoltic , but I wl 1 jnin them In .111 v itduitinn of taillf r. tc < nl > u\e milled. Hut no reduction in the rales tel egraphed nag made , and the machinery vtflH furnished from Hun Krancisco. Curious to know \\hat rules had been flmrged on the maohinory from Kan FmnciAco t' ) Og.len , afler its delivery Mr. Kckart toh'graphed the superin tendent of the Ontario mining com pany at Salt Liku , making the in quiry. The reply was this : SALT I\KI ; IVnnvry 1'J , 1879. Utreixcd at Virginia City , Kobiuaiy 1'J , 1 7 , 3:20 : p. in. To W. I ! . ickatt : : Three hundrtil nnd twenty n car for ma chinery. IS. C" . CiiOinr.iis. Fieigblsvhieh the railroad com pany refused to take from Ueiio to Ugdeii for less than ? fi3'J ] ior car load they forwarded fiom San Francisco to Ogden for S.'t20 , and innde a longer carriage by ! tO ( ! miles. It was a mat ter entirely with the Central Pacific , and I nm curious to know what the explanation can bu for such heartless discriminations against the manufac turers of Nevada. TIII : ruTUiiK or TIIIIHTATK. Not only are these excoasivo rail- rates and discriiniimtions nn unjust - just nnd bai barons nllliclicn to those who are compelled to endure them now , but they are blighting the future of the state with a emulous evil. To keep hot the Hues of Story county alone , tons of thousands of acrcn nre being denuded of the grandest timber that ever lifted its wealth of green above tinvalluys. . In n few years will vanish thu miow-fcd atrunnm which now breathe their healthful balm upon thu summer air , and depurts will crawl up to the fuct of tha ravaged moun tain nidus , nnd with them curae the children of the men who made the land a desolation. For thcso disappeaiing forests the oxvncrn of the Central Pacific railroad are in a mcniiiro responsible. Years ago had they been grateful enough for what has been done for them to deliver thu Rocky mountain cual in leno ! tit San Francisco ratca , they would hnvu laketi every stick of wood from thu furnaces of the Comslnck , aii'l Hived from destruction hurdiC'Js of square miles of timber. Ileneo , I am xvarranled in Buying that the putt- sago nnd approval of thu Reagan bill would be an important element in the legislation contemplated for the pro tection of timber ranges of the Sierra mountains. HOW Till : ItAlI.UOADH ATTKMI'T TO JUS TIFY TMKIll UOlIllinUKS. When confronted with this array ot outrages , what uro thu explanations offered by thu overland railroad oxvn- era and their agents ? I can nnawer the question , for lam soniuwhat fa miliar with their aophiatries. They tell us that they nre forced by the eastern roads to discriminate against Nevada on through rates ; that there is little or no profit in the carriage of freights from ocean to ocean , owing to tlunow rates compelled by xvater com petition ; nnd , finally , that their clmrgua and discriiniimtiorm arc in ac cordance with commercial law. The assertion that they nro forcotl by thu eastern roads with which theira connc'ct to charge way rates back from San Francisco or Sacramento to points in No vad.i cannot bo properly classed , I think , among thu fro/en truth ; ) which flomulimes sanctify the ut terances of men. If I nm correct , and I nliull oHsunio that I am , Mr. ,1. C. Stnhba , thu gunurid freight a < 'ont of the Central Pacific , testified before a committee of thu Nevada senate , in 1870 , that these back rates collected in Nevada wore not accounted for east of the Misaisflippi , but were ap portioned and retained aa follows ; Central Pacific , twelve-twontielhii ; Union Pacific , u'mht-txventietliH. 1 shall behove Mr. Stuhbs , Thuy next tell na that their profits nmount to a littlu or nothing on through freights. If HO , then in thu mime of all thu gods at once , wheru h-ivo they made their millions annual ly I An about onu-half thu Cen tral Pacific road liea in Nuvada , and its ownoia liavo derivud but littlu profit f i oiu through carriage , it folloxvs that in some manner the peo- plu of Nevada h.xvo been lUuudorud Liinnally of tin amount equal to about mo-half the prolils of Iho road. This fives the explanation an ugly look , nit 1 shall not iitop to binooth down , ts unpleasant fcatnrcH. Thu "commeieiil , la\x" under which , hey lindwarimit for their depreda tions is a htatnteof thuir own creation. All lecognic.ed laws aru founded in 'tiBtico. Tlu irn is thu law of piracy ; ho luw o [ him whoso business capital m a skeleton Key and dark lantern. It in the law of lawlf usness ; the vury law which it ij the puruoao of the Reatran bill toieneal ; u law which , carried to ita ultimate by aggregated arms instead of agsrogatcd dollars , which would make tramps of its au thors alum : the rail.i of their own roads. When all other explanations fail thu railioad oxvmirs and their fowl advocates full luck behind that ridi culous defense xxhidi , for thu lack o | a better name , wo may call the "long" and "ahoit-hanl" - theory. The com- moico committee havoconrteously listened - ened to a volume nf thin kind of argument - mont , if argument it may bo ealleit , duiing their patient consideration ol thin bill ; mid I oupecially request that I'D shadow of reproach to the intelli gence of thu distinguished gontlcmoi who compose the committee may bs inferred when 1 express the opmioi that the < ( " " long" and "short-haul1 theory is still something of u myHterj to thorn. And it could not well bt otliorwiso , for its advocates know no what it means. Hut it must mean , i it means anything , that long haul can bo made cheaper pur milu thai short hauls. No ono will deny this yet , in the imniu of common Bonso does it follow that the cost of trims poiting u car loud of freight ia in tin nggiegato greater for a shorter Httu for u longer distance , and that rail road companies may thuroforo churn inoro dollars for moving u car load o freight live hundred inilcu than for thouHainU "Syringca to catch woodcocks. Soplmtry iUelf furnishes but an indifferent - different prop to an argument so fee ble , and for Mtpport it is leaned nqauiftt thu audacious aRMimption that the urowth < > f thu wefct 1ms lu-on pro- nifited by railroad discrimination Win revrr prosperity has been thus created it has been dishonest , ficti tious nnd in Iho end huilful , forotnor commnnUii's have been robbed to no- cure il. Without the restraints of legislation it is doubtless possible- for railroads connecting with the Atlantic seaboard to penetrate lauds in the west , which five years ago were pur chased nt n dollar mid u quarter per aero , and advance their value n hun dred fold by giving their products the advantage o ( cheaper ralca of carnage - nage limn aio oxactud from the far mers further cast. The fact that the railroads possess this almost omnipo tent power - that they nro permitted to do what the government itself can not do , xvhich'is to lay.unequal burdens of taxation on the several stales is nn overwhelming arguniont in favor of the necessity of railroad restriction. According to their own mlmisaions , those railroad princes have become our state makers. It is nt thnir feet that "solemn tics of empire ebb and lloxr. " They can nmko or unmtiko communities ; distroy or commercially aggrandize whole eecticns ; and yet wo hesitate about taking from them these moro than royal prerogatives This argument , then , briefly ox- preened is , that the prosperity of the west has been promoted through thu chcnp rates of ' 'long hiuls. " At what degree of longitude docs the railroad west begin , nnd where dot's it end 'I The State of Nevada is well towards the setting sun. From the croppings of the Comstock can nlmoal bo heard Iho beating of the waves against the pillars of the Golden den Gate ; yet the only pros perity vouchsafed to us has been un der the inspiration of double thu rates charged fiom Now York to San Francisco. And as for the "haul , " ours is long enough , certainly , to en title us to all the advantages of seductive character of railway busi ness ; but thu figures I have given show that the benefits of 2,500 niiloa of continuous carriage aio not es pecially inviting. The west of tlio railroads , like their "hauls , " is u movable and indefinite [ joint , meaning anything or nothing , to meet the exigencies of defenseless discriminations and droxvn the clamors of complaint. It may perhaps bo tnid tint it seems scarcely reasonable that men should thus oppress the people , discour age thu industries. and retard the growth and development of .1 state holding within its boundaries so tunny miles of their road. But , sir , the fnturo of Nevada is nothing to them. They have another continental road which will soon bocomplolcd a road which they are building on the spoil of back rates nnd 1 cannot question that it is their purpose to abandon the old road for the now , xvhonevor the matuiity of i s accumu lating obligations will warrant the transfer of the property to tlio govern- mont. They have niado and nro making no adequate preparations to meet the bonds guaranteed by thu government , nnd in thu end the road will bo permitted to go for itn mort gages. Meantime , they will have sold their vast subsidies of lands , and are not over-anxious to pass with the transfer of the road the compiling ad vantages of the trade of n populous and prosperous state. llonco , their solo object is to makp the most of the present , and their operations in Nevada show how well they are succeeding. The flight of their trains through the state m like the winging of vultures , and ruin stalks in the shadow of their boilers and sleeps bcsido their depots. The whisllu of thuir locomotives through cur narrow vnlloys is n scream of deft- nee , and the thunder of thuir wheels mockery of commercial law and in- ividual justice. Behind their sinok- ng chariots , with heels bored , is bu- ig dragged the living body of the tate. Shall lardy legislation like 'rinin come lloroaflor to beg thu corpse or sepulture ; or will congress now Hutch forth its hand and rescue the ictitn before life becomes extinct ? Vnd who are the men who tavu been made tliu victims f IhcRu ( 'special corporalo cru- Hies ? Are they outcasts , felons , ngitives from prisons , who , recog- li/.ing no law IhouiHolvcs , should bo ndged and Ircalod without the palo if hiwf No , sir ! They are a part of hat t/rand army of men who years igo became thu Htatc-iiiuke.iH of the 10- mblic ; who , with ax nnd rilluon their ihouldois , ulunged boldly into the wildurnesH , uncovering its riches , nnd ila/.ing the ways for timid feet to fol- ow. Strong arms and fearless hearts voro their heritage , and thuir livea nivu been full of hardships and dati- : ors. Many of them have gene down > y thu Aiiybtde , with no hand to help , in human voice to eheur , nnd their nimble graves aru found in the sands ) f the desert and under thu shadow of .ho nines. Them' , sir , uro Ihu ntun who , von- .uriiig beyond Iho reach of railtoad competition , have been hinglcd out us cHpceial victims of railroad ; reed. Had the overland reads been Jtiilt by their owner * , there would nive been some poor uxuimu for these exactions ; lint when wo consider that they were constructed by the govern- nenl , and paid for at almost double .heir value , the oxcosa being absorbed > y thu directors themselves , it is diffi cult to mfcr with patience to the wronus for which wu aru booking n remedy. A Slgniiloaiit Pact. The cheaiuitt medicine In use. U THOMAS KCI.KCTIIIC On , because HO xcry little of it IH required to flfrct a cure. For croup , dlpthi-ria nnd dneasex of the lun s mi throat , whether tmd for buthiu ) ; the chcxt or throat , lortakluc Inlermdly or Inliixlinf , It U a icatchlcu c < nn | > oimd. eodlw DexterLThoinas&Bro , WILL IIUVA.NI ) 8KL\ , a voc tO ALL rOklHtOTUD TIIK > RWmi. Pay Taxeo , Rout Houaoa , Etc H tOU WAliT TO HUT OH BKU , CUI at Olllie , llooru 8 , Cii'iuhtcn lllock , Om\ha l.KOAIj NOTlt'i : . The roitncrihli | | hmtoforo cxlttlnp IK ; luctn Ju . Ilixxtlvnvd Jno. H. Friton , iinJir th Ilimnamuol Unity fc Co , U tlilnosy dUioltoi tiy mutual content. Allfropiriy ot ta'.dconciri limbciri tianntirrtd to Jew. Itiatty. who uil nuk all colloclloiuwid Iliiulttatu the tndtlitol k of taJ J Criu. J OS. T. iCVW V. J.NO. a. t yon miller trom IO'l P"tA , wo uimnocK itixion nirrKns. f you nrennllr'ed with Ilillou'ncM , mo ni'iitiocK ' 1H.OOD nirrais. t you txro iirwlrat l ulth nick llcmhclio , Uho IIUIIDOCK 111.001) IHITKItS f } our How tin rc illsordircd , rrtnilntu them nlth UU11UOCK III.U01) IIITTKIUi. tyour IllooJ Ii innirp , purify II llh IlUlttOCK I1I.OO1) 1IITTKHS. ( youhave Indigestionyou will hinlnnMitliloto n IIUHDOOK in.ootniirrKus. t onaro trOHliled "Itli Sjirtni ; Comjilftlntu , cr > odlcatc them with DUIIUOUIv 111.001) UITTKItB. t jour Lltorts torjild , rmtoro ttto healthy fiction Kith IIUIIDOCK 11LOOI ) IllTTKUS t your Uer U aflcctcd , you will find n mi re re- toratlt c In 1IUUDOCIC 1II.OOU IIITTKIIS. tyouhn\cRny ppcclcs of Humor or Pimple , fall ot to take IIUIIDOCK I1I.OOD I1ITTEHS. I you ha\ nny oj niptoma ot Ukari or Scrofulous oris , a curntlte remedy 111 he ( onnd In IIUIIDOCK 11I.OOU niTTEIlS. 'or Impartlnz strength and > ltnlity totlicsjs- cm , nothing can equal nUHDOCK IH.OOD IIITTKIIS. "or Ner * oils and Central DolilHty , tone up the } stem M Ith IIUUUOCK 11I.OOI ) UllTKKS. Price , SI.OO per Settle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cti POSTER , MILBURN. . & Co , .Props , BUFFALO , N. V. Bold at wholesale by Uh & HcM.ihon nndC. F. Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo One of the Reasonable Pleasures Ot life , n p oiwrly cooled , ullorils ll'tlo or noprc'cnt cnjoj nicnt , ami mil' " Hiibsciucnt | tort - t ) c toacoiitUincldysic'iilc. ] ! lint nhcn chronic urlffistlonUcombitlLiluUh ojtcttcr'aS omaih ndtcrj , the food U ua'tn with nlli1) , anil most liti > ortnnt ot all , ii as Initiated by diul nourislies niuKjstcin. Us > tlil < Brand tonic nnd uorrocttxo itio to rcnuily coiistlpjtioii , billoiijiicsi , rhcu- na IHIII , ( o M r an I a.lie. Foratlu by all DiwCUtxand Do Icrs generally. KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ILSR & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. A. MARTIN , MEEOHAWT TAILOE , 1220 Farnham St. , Dpairosi to nnuounco to hio fviends aud the Qei oral public that ho has resolved to reduce h-n iiricostotho lowest notch conaistont with the principle of 'live and Itt live. " Gentlemen desiring a flr t-olass Suit of Clothes , in all respects equal to any and second to none , will do well to ivo Mr. Martina cull. Good Business Suits to orkor , $25. Pine Pantaloons , $5 and upwards. nidi in MRS. A. L. BERUQUIST Has for falo Jin , lO. . KcUoirir'n TrallorliiB * tya- turn. Ttiruu/h In-tnictlon In t o Art ot llantfi'ir U tl\eii In tlift H.Mtrin , Loillra deslrln , ' 1'cifoi.t tit 1 K Co-tiin is from the latu > t 1'rvnch ilialzim tun liftvo tlio unit-rial rut , bvsto.l an.l drr. ) > od lit iicrv ri'avj ulilu iiricoK , vltha u'"ir ntecol i > cr- tut lit. Have rcmoivd Iroin 811 to Oil IStli St. , up Mn , AoOdlin Gaudies Nuts Fruits Etc Etc , , , , , , N. P. JENSEN'S RESTAURANT BAnd Confectionery ! 410 10th St. , OMAHA , NEW. FANCYFfOl e. QAKES , &C.A8PEOITYAL BOaOS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No , 1508Faruliam Street , niu Her U iid cpp. Orud QtoUal Ilotcl BASfflTZ & WILLS , Will Remove in a tew days to BOYD'SNEW OPERA HOUSE You will do well to call and examine our stock of BOOTS S SHOES At 1422 Douglas St , near 15th , Which-will be Sold at Extra ordinary Low Prices Be fore Moving. .co .co"Z. "Z. Fall and Winter CLOTHING , At New York Prices at H , I. & I , Peavy's ' CLOTHINa HOUSE 1309 Farnham St. , OMAHA , - - - NEB. UBS 3E3 AND H a n d s o m est IK THU- For Sale by WM. R STOBTZEL- 621 South Tenth St. GRAY'S SPECIFIO MEDIOINE | TRADR MARK , , The OrcatTRADl MARK ' . AIIUII- falllni ; rum lor Seminal Wcakncmi , hpcrnmtor- rlica , Inipot- cncy , anJ all CHORE TAKINQ.l | ueni > o"cl AFTER TARING. Hvlt-Alniw IA ol , UnUcml 1-asal- ; n > H Memory - , ' , . , I'ro tude I'aJn In the Ikuk IllinncKnot Yi.lon mature Old Atfe , ami many other DI'inn'H that lead to Insanity or Coiituuiillon | and n I'rcma- tura Ora\o. Xi * KtiU partlruUn In fir . ixtinnhtrt , which . tlitlra to tend ( no 1 mull to curyoiio. jtantio 8Htillc | Medlilno It Kild by all dmsi8 ! alilr T IUR-UKI' , ° r 0 inckijon ( or IS , or ulll bo n.'iit fri'o by mall rn re : , lit ot the money , b ) aJJuWog TIIKGHA lUUICINKCO. , Uu lo. N. Y. for * li > by 0. AND Mining and Milling Company. Working Cnpltil , 30t,000. Cuiltul | block , lK , i 00. Var Value ot Slixro , 125.000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AUD NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. OJfcVJh'XOJiJICSS : Illl. .1 I. THOMAS , rrcsldciit , Cuintnlni , U'jomhi ? . \VM E. TII.TO.V , Vlcc.t'rcsldcnt , Cummlag , Wjomlny. II. X. HAIIWOOI ) , Secretary , Cummtnr , WjomlnK. A. (1. I.t'.S'X , Treasurer , Cummins , \VjomlnR , l r , .1. I. ThoniM. I.ouU Miller W. & . n mcl. - A f ! Dunn. C. N. lUr o < xI. Kmncb Lmicni. Oco. 1 ! Fal . LvwUZolnun. Dr. J. C.V Uln . no2m'Sm QKO. W. KKXDA1.1. . Anthor'tccl > c < 'nt for goto nl StocU ; llox < 2 , Omaha , Mrli. -WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. , WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALER X Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. I. OBERFELDER & CO. , uii'ouTints AX it .IOIIDEH.S OK 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only xclusivo wholesale house m this line in the west. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , N&J3. The Only Exclusive , Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. jv 18-rao ' . C. n HI3 A v TEB ri JLflJa 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb. -FOIl- Wo desire to call the special attention ot the trade to oui elegant lines ( at BOTTOM PKICES ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackets and Scarfs , Buck Gloves , Overshirts , Overalls Hosiery , &c. , now open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVIS & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. FEARON & COLE , Gommissson 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Conalentrcnti nwlo us will rcoelx'O prompt attention. KeterPnces ; Stito Hani ; , Omaha ; Platt & Co. , Italtlmoro ; Pock & Uanslur , Chlcaso ; " w u * r' Clndiiimll. El Vtya Vj tfn H Wt Gent's Furnishing Goods , AT THE- H. M. & M. PEAVY , Proprtelors , 130 Farnham Street , OM HA , NEB. lm BROMPTON , CONSUMPTION. PRESCRIPTION , t B | O I P Banislies ! Oiu'es r Prevents Bad Breath , Oliest Pains , meomonia , Blood Spitting , Colds and Ohills , IPhleghm in the Throat Breatlilessness , Cattarrlis , Pains in tlio Sides , Bronchitis , Oroup , Pleurisy , BOSS COUCH PHYSIC. lmhi ) , ' Send for Sample Bottle , 3D cents. Obtainable only ( In Bottles 31.00 mid COo encli ) , from OP. 33. O3VT / \ TT . RESIDENCE. ADDRESS. .Post-OilWe Box COS , 8 , W , Pierce and 30th