THE OMAHA DAJLYI3E& TUESDAY , HOVEMKBJi 80 Jb > 'I , THEY BUCKLE TO. A Pair of Intellectual Pugiltata Give an Exhibition at tli Capital. " Work niul Wnrn " of the Scxos Aimljzndvbntrnoti of the Argument- Uorrcupomlcnec bf TIIM HKR. LINCOLN , Nob. , Novumbor 27. The long talked of ilucuiaion between Olianccllor Fair field and Sirs. Dr. linmort > , of Onialin , on Iho subject of "Work and \VHICB ; , " took place on llio evening of the 25th and 20th , nt the Oponi House , to a Inrgo and up- lirccintivo niiilionco. Chancellor Fairfield - field occupied llio rostrum on the first evening , being introduced by Mrs. Dr.VooJ , of Lincoln. The chancel lor opened the discussion by stating ( WOIIK IS WHAT O.VK DOKH , WAUK.H W WHAT ONI ! ( YOU IT. "Whatever ono Ins ho hni obtained uith- or by work , purchase , pilt or theft , or by a combination nf thcso methods. Y.iluo in its lint niinlysin in aoino one's labor. Whoever is dinposud to git something for nothing must be come a knave , n beggar , or an object for charity. The world owes no innn a living until ho hni earned it. Until a man is a grandfather lie linn not paid thu dubtvliifli he owes the world for iti c.iro over himself. "This matter of wages is no matter for arbitrary eiiiictiiionta. How much a 111,111 shall get for work is not n mat ter for legmlation , but only for the employer mid employed. Legislation on thi ) tiilijict is tyr.inny if enforced , folly if it in not. With ctipital aiid both free , tlri whole matter will regulate itself. Competition will compel - pel eapitalistH to pay fair wages. The law of wagis is 111 much u natti- r.d li xv n'i that of gravitation. A man with u limi'od ntnnber of ay- < | Uiroim > iitH will rooeivo low wagon. ilo receives jiiHt.Hiich wages ns his ca- p.icities cin command. Here are a tWiimml jwrsoiiH mid tt'ii kinds of work. One kind cm bj porfoimed by only one in Llio thoimind , and hu com mands ten dull.ira , i d.iy. The iiecond kind can bo ( ione by twenty , and the piy is nine dulliiM a day , and HO on down to thu tenth kind of laborwhich Ciin bo done by t'irue ' hundred , nho will receive one dollar a day. There ia much talk about women's li/hts , and tlioso who advocate c.xtoudiii , ' the K'lllY.igu lo wilinen talk us if , with thu ballot in li'iiiil , tlu-y will inalio this inulter of women's wngus nil rii-ht. Would they make now lii H' ( } ! that wnmeii be ] i.\id equal w.igen with men ? 1'Jven the mott ladical would do nothing of Ihekit.d. The inequality does not result from any biw unacted by any In isbitivo body , nor evnr can. The l.iw of w.igus is or.liiiarily independent orpiejudicu or whims. Some other explanation must bo sought. First , women , as u class , by physi cal constitution , or the customs of HO- cioty , are niiiit out from u largo num ber of employments iit which men are allowed to enter. Out of the forty _ > : ! cmi'loyi i'.tB \vumon jiro < jx clftdeu , ui'her ' by cormtitution or choict' , from all but ton oiin ) to her in common with man , and it would bo ryntr.iry to all laws , under thoao circuiiutanei'S , if tljnro was nn equality of Nino- tenlln of women marry in course of time ntid follow a p.nticular work only for a few years , and hence can- nut become skillful enough to com mand the highest wages. Skill is only acquitcd by long pr.icticj. John U. Oough only avur.igod S'J.77 for bin lectures the first year , but after twenty-live yenta commanded the largest p.iy of any p\iblio lecturer. Hut ought not eno uerson to receive for tbo Fixtuo work the pamo pay uc another ? In thu broadest KOIIBO , yes. Hut there is n narrower sense in which this may not bo true. Wo must not overlook the law of compoti tion. Take the actual e.iso of a college - lego which employ.i ton men and li o women as le'ichors. The men icceivo S1'JOO , IMII- annum , the xvomon SliOO. This § 15,000 ii all the college ban to pay its instructors with. The only way to pay thum tqual wages is by lowering that of men. How is it with thu wives of tbo profo Rura ? Their limlmmlH1 taluiit's in all they have t < live upon , and they work just as hard niitl de.seivo just an much an the lady teacher * , whim if women tench- urs are paid the same \uigos at men llmrj mariiedvomei am compelled to receive fur h'riM than xvhat i < their just light , am' it a eliange be made , nine-toiitlis of t our women would be greatly iiijmi'i' and only one-tenth benelitted Wiiman's xvngL'8 could only bo rmnt' < by reducing the general avuragu o ni'in'ii or by ineiTauing thu price o ( ivory thing clso in ilie K.IIIUI ratio. The clmngo pmpnscd would be an umliaigo on marriage which would amount to pr.tutiial prohibition. Thu divine plan wm that the human race fchould live in families , mid all laws am uonformod to this onu idea. This law also holds jjood in the CIBU : of xvidoxvs as well , The lecture waH closed with nonut very uppropri > itu mord relive- lions , and over ) ' body xvent homo feel ing that the chancellor hadgix-on them n very practial and logical talk. ON KATUIIDAV KVKNI.NO TMn. Ur. Dinsmoio took up llio ques tion of "Wotk and Wages" as viewed from u universal millY.igo stand-point , and prctonUd her thoughluiaan easy , clear and graceful inuiiiier. Progress is thu laxv of the modern world. The I'olcmaio system of as tronomy and nearly all thu ancient theories have been overthrown before the advance of the hotter thinking of modern times. As the living organism is dependent upon the individual cells of which tt is composed , so nntiona and ommiiiiltioi are dependent upon thu individuals uho live in them. So. duty tluii must l > o eonoratrd , if the utate u to bee one healthy. 1 am told that govurnment ia unuthur iiiiino for force , and BO women cannot JK'comu the governing clous. J'ut the reign of muscle is on the xrano , mid in t.uo } government force is not the title to poiver. Wo are told to oxer- cisutho lights of citiueiui will detract from maidenly clmrjus unU the mod esty so becoming the weaker BOX. I'utthismoilo&lyxasuirendercd when xvoineti went ni nurses upon the bat tle field and asiociatud thcmselvei with reckless , HXIcaring men. It in the gr.ind or ignoble motive which htmiu | an act a.i modest or immodest. It will bo fho Bamo in her unoof tbo b.illotni in uvorythint ; ulao. Jn the homo lile , xvomaii is repressed for Iho beiii'lit of man. llu wants mental rest at home , and so she must be mentally btarved. Is not this thu in sult of wrong and unhealthy conditions' A man of straw , which our opponents have net up , Is the allegation that xvomen will vote us Ihur husbands do , and no intiko the governmental nuchinery mote cumbersome without changing tha result ; or if they vote dil'eroiitly , there will bo trouble in the family. Women , they say , should follow , not lead. Decision of charac ter and Rtrongth of will power are the qualities which are admited in men , but the very reverse of those , submis sive and unselfish devotion , nro ex tolled an xvomanly virtues. For thcso she is to receive support and protec tion. The result is the man becotnoH more and moro sell'mh and the woman losfs her true cluractcr. History shows what woman's ' true nature in , since , grout women as xvoll ns great men , nhoxv what the respective BOJCCS can accomplish. Hut , what Inn this lo do with wages and nulirago ? .Every thing. Equality ia the law of human p'rog- ross. There must bo no discrimina tion against woman in the amount she receives for honest labor. Low wages have done much to keep woman down. According to the laxv of equity , wages is the price paid as the equivalent for the value of labor. When you payless loss than an equiralent it is fraud , lint surely a man him the light to biro labor as cheaply ns he ctn : ? Whoru then ' .he fraud ? Hy creating a iiccua- sity and taking advantage of that necessity. The fr.iud is not with thu individual man , ox cop t HO far 111 ho lias induced the condition of which ho bus taken advantage. lut ! if thu npcciilatdr who maki s a corner in in coal , or any c ther ncccBHity of lifo and then rcapi ) a large benefit from bin act , IH responsible , xvluit shall wo suy of the cornel- which nocioty forum in woman's wages. Society bos confined her sphere , and thus forced her to receive loxvor wages than inan , Shu must give moro than she received. This is thu corner which nociety hus f01 mod ngaitmt xvomen. The plua is made that xvoman'tt uxpenaes are lent : than IIIIUI'H. If this is a suflick'iit icason why xvomaii nhotild receive IOHS than men , why m it n t to be applied in the mime way mnnng different men , nccoiding lo their fam ily. The chancellor spoku for nitio- tenths of thu xvomen , 1 speak for the remaining ono-tenth. Jim greatest argument was that n young woman ought lo many , and so needs to sup port , hcificlf only for a short time. This is the great evil- they must marry. The proper conditionnof mar- riagu follows u hiuher laxv than that of hi cad , huts this theory sola them asido. There is a law of love xvhich binds together two harmonious na tures , but uliall these holy rela tions ivhich imply lovu bo forced upon the young xvomun by the high wayman xxho pays , "marry or starve ? " How much of sbaino and sorroxv does thin principle bring ? It leads to un happy , deserted mid ruinud homes. Autlioiitius nhow that prostitution and moat of the crimcH committed by women in European countries cnn be traced directly to the iimufliciont wages paid for fpuiulo labor. And thu only remedy is the ballot , xvhich moans self-protection and equality of xvages. If the ballot is worth any thing to a xvorking man why io it not , lso to women ? The ballot thu real question of the time. iVomon are the homu-keepnrs ns men ro the homiMiukurs. ] ( ut a man's phero is not simply in providing a louse and a competence , and xvomen hould bo allowed to seek thu sphere , or xvhich their c.ipacities lit them thu ame as men. The air is full of whinp- ra of the coming time. ISltin are out- rowing everything narroxx- . The day f freedom and eipialitv w at hand. DAN. 11. WiiKKi.r.H , .lit. A Stciiiilonut Fact. Tliu cheupunt mrilicinu in uao in TIIOMAH' ; el.i : < ) Tllc ( OnhouiiiiKo HI vury little of It ircitiifil | to elf eta cure. For croup , iptliuria i.nJ dibuaxcH nf tii IUIIKH anil liront , wliuthur unfd lor hiitliiiiK the ehi'.U ir thinat , lortakint ; lulurn.illyor inlndliig , t Is a nuitelilo-H coiupound vodlxv The Coal QucNtlou. New Krn. 1iatveolc xvu published the follow ing letter from Mr. Okirk in ronly to ii telegram from U. I * . Agent Gibbon 'quiriDL ! abuut the supply of coal : Dear Sir : -Your telegram in rufur once to coal leceivod and contents into' ! . Hy all nuniri advise the peo- ilo to purchase eastern coal , or any .ithor they can gut. \ \ o i\poct ! to do better thi'i xvcok m ouleiu if supply of cars hold out. Vouts , ito. , ] ) . 0. OIAIK. : This is a notice that Iho U. I1 , com pany cannot fuinisli a full supply of coid the coming nintor. The supply of fuel is onu of thu ui'rious problems of this cumitiy. With a practically unlimited supply of coal underlying our country , mosl of x\hich can bo rapidly and cheaply mined , xvo yet find xrholo uitics of iieoplu at times on of ftue/.ipg lor thu xvant 'of ' a little coal , nn > l tivUt ( | > ntly the beds lie l > u , i foiv miles from them. 'I'll in o mint bo n radical and iinnei'ess.try wrong xvbcro etieh n titalo ofthingHcan exist among an active hiiBinufs people lil.o < ho Anitricans. It u not our purpose to hero iiuiuiru into thu general iiuusiion , but morel ) alltido to it to call to thu minds of our readora the great dif- liuulties that unrround thu ( ] uo&tion , The local question is ivltiit xvu alial ! notice hero. Wo are located from txvo to three hundred inilcw weut of the cu.d beds of Iowa and Missouri , urn from three ( o flvo huiuhed miles east of the coal beds of Wyo ining and Colorado. Of the Wyo ming coal thu U. 1' . cdiupany hold a monopoly , boih in mining and trans portation. Of the lo s valuable loxva and MisBoiiri ooal the U. 1' , and 1 ! A ; M. companies pntctically hold t monopoly by controlling the rates of lianspurtiitiou. Thiu cunditiot of _ thingj leaves a great rueponsi bility on thu railroad companies If xvo are left xvithotit coul as xvu xvero hint xxinler the tiiitlt is entirely xvitl these comjuiilcf , for the people xvil pay nny price for coal if they can get it , lint il seems from the nbovo loiter ter that our present difficulty is tlm want of cnrs. If this be thu case then are the railroad companies without ex cuse , for ono of the conditions upon xvhich ( boy are granted the irivileges ; of Ibu exclusive light of way is that they shall nlxvnyri have a fttifllcicnt number of cars lo accommo date all Iho transportation Ihey may be called upon to do. Tlie want of facilities for carrying coal is no excuse and shotil t not bo accepted as such by the people. There is another view of this question , lo xvhich xvo wish to call the particular attention of Iho railroad companion. List fall excursion trains xvoro run , giving reduced faro to visitors to the stale , xvhich brought several thoucand pcoplo into thu slnto to learn its re sources and advantages. Justni they arrived Iho early winter sot in and coal was scarcely to bo obtained. This con tinued all winter , and there is little doubt that it vas the cause of driving from our state a largo immigration. The companies boast of the great benefit the roads are to the country ittid the pcoplo , yet by the inducements they hold out to im- niigranln they acknowledge that their prosperity depends upon the people , that thu benefits nro mutual and reciprocal. Then have not the people the right to demand of the companies a supply of this , next to broad , the great necessity of life , oven at thu sacrifice of some of their profits ? If they have not cars enough to bring us coal and other freight , then give us n supply of coal and let other freight wait. Again , the Union Pacific company's coal is hauled ! )50 miles and sold at n uniform price of 88 per ton. Iowa and Missouri coal is hauled 250 miles , and though interior in quality to the Wyoming coal yet Iho freights are so high that it cannot bo sold for less than ? 8 per ton. Those freights , xvo understand , are fixed by agreement between the U. P. andli. & N. com- panics , and presumably for thpbonefit of Iho U. P. , and are given in return for oilier concessions lo the B. & M. Ho that as it may , in view of the fact that Iho U. P. cannot sup ply all thu coal needed on it line it is practically without competition by Iowa coal at § G n ton ; because all that can bo furnished by the U. Lwill sell at S8 in preference to the other at $ G. Wo ask then why should not thu freights on eastern coal be put down to the minimum of that class. Wo think thai , in vioxv of the reciprocal dependence of the railroads and thu people , and in view of thu great profit" to the railroads in trans porting llio producls of their labor , the people have a right to demand of llio roads n partial relief from thu greatest burden of prairie lifo , by put ting freights on coal down to actual cost of carriage. A 'World of Good. Ono of the most popular medicines noxv before the American public , is Hop Hitlers. You see il overyxvhero. People take it with good oll'ect. It builds them up. It is not aa pleasant to the taste as aomo other BitlersAS il is not a xvhisky drink. It is more lilto the old fashioned bone-Bet tea that has done a world of good. If you don't feel just right try Hop Dit- lors. Nunda Nuws. novlfi-dccl KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ILER & CO. . ' Sole MnuufuoturorB. The Oldest BAHKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Ooldwell , Hamilton & Co. , tmr.cvitod < M3io as that of an Inuor jiorated unit. , Accounts kriit In currency nr gold ubj ct tu 1 ' ' el ; notlra LVrtiflcatra of dopoxlt " .f r.c J p . ilx and t iho iiiunUis , jiarlni lntvri t , or on iit Intcroat. Advanceij nuu'o to cntloiutnH \pprovod ( ecu titles nt marl.U ratu of Intettut. Buy mid sell irol'l ' , I'IU " ' carfmnsP , Severn nuui , Kt-ito , ronn'.V and elty bond * . raw ri nt iltiflv nn Knil.inJ , IrtlinO , t'.eu' , | MH | , and ( ill p irlu of llurc ( > c' . Hell Ilnrojiuan joeiiKt' COLLEOTIOtlS PHOMITUV MADK. A. MARTIN , MERCHANT TAILOB , 1220 P iraham St. , Dpairoa to nnnounco to hia l\-iendo and the Ge oral public that ho hua reHolvod to reduce his prices to the lowest notch consistent with the principle o 'livo aud Ibt live. " Gentlemen desiring a first-class Suit ol t'lothos , in all respects equate to nny and second to none , \vil do well lo jfivo Mr. Martin f * cull. Good Business Suits to orkor , $26. Fine Pantaloom * $5 and upwards. nltUm MU3. A. L. 1313RUQUIST lln forwle .Mi * . K. O. KdloPK'1 * TiaUoilne > torn. ThroiiV'h Initrmtlon In fo Alt o ( lUjth L U clton In tliN ynUui. l.Mlm du.irlu < iwrlw lit l"u' Uo'tuaiM fruin tha latent 1'iendi iiwlk-n run ba > o the nvaterlM out , UuM au.1 dr | xxiu v > tiy uivjuabU ( irlww , UJioiftur iit ' i > f inr I. U lit. Have rciuou-J Iruui Sll tq Oil Hlh f yon Buffer from lyci.p'ln , u o IlUltllOCK IlLOOn niTTKIlS. f jou arc afflicted ulth Iiliouniv ! , nno IlUHDOCK 11I.OOU III7TEIIS. f you tire ) ir oil rated wltholck Headache , tnko IIUUUOCK HI.OOU f ) our Ilowt'linro dlranlercd , rc ilato them lth J1UHDCCK IILi OI ) HITTEIIS. f jour I Hood In mpurn , purify tt ulth IIUIIDOCK Ill.001 > IllTTEKS. will hndnn antidote n IIUUDOC'K 1ILOOI > IIITTKItS. t ou are troHblcd ulth Hprln Complaint * , cr- idlcatc thtrn with IIUIIDOCK III.OOD BITTr.K3. ( your Mtorld torpid , restore Itto healthy action with IIUIIDOCK iiLoon urrrKiis f your IJvcr l ftffcctixl , you will find n sure ro- toratltcln llUltUOCi : 111.001) IIHTKK3. f you hix cany f | > cclcH of Humor or Ilmplo , fall not to Ukc I1UUDOCK BLOOD 11ITTKI13. N f JOU have nny nymptoms of Ulcarn or Scrofulous lores , n curatho remedy will bo found In IIUIIUOCK HLOOD miTEUS. 'or lm | rtlns utrciiijth and Utahty tothoBje- em , nothlii ; can equal IJUIinOCK I1L.OOD IIITTKItS. 'or JfervoudnndCJi'iienl Debility , tone up the jutoin ultli IIUIIDOCK 1II.OOD DllTKItS. rice , I.OO per Bottle ; Trial Dottlci 10 CU FOSTER , MILBDRN. . & Co , .Props . , BTJFFAI-O , N. Y. Fold atwholcmloby Ish 4 llellahon and C. F , Goodman. Jo 27 cod-mo Ono of the Reasonable Pleasures : > t life , a | i f > | ictl ) coKc < l moat , afTorilu liU'o or noircscnt | onj'i } iiivnt , ami mil suljsoiiueiit tor- 1 } c toacoiillrinc'ihljHin'pMc. IHitilicn ilinnlc .nrl i"itloni'i'iuiiibitlMlMltli "ostdtcr's.S oninh niltcri , the fool ii eu't ' n with rc'.is , niul most tltportiiMi of n 1 , it ns linll.itL il by AM ! mmrixlus mo K.xstcin. ljVotliNjiaiil tonic nmlunrrcttho lisa tu unictly ronstlpitlon , lilllomn sj , rlieu- ina IHIII , la r nil I a lie For H I'D ' I ynll Prui ystaainlDu Icrs generally. DISEASES OTTIIE 8" > ? DR. L. B. GRADDY , Oculist and Aurist , LATE CLINICAL ASSISTANT IN ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL. References nil lU'jnitililo rhyslclanH of Omaha. , Corner IBlh and Fnrnham Gts. , Omahn. Nnh PILES ! PiLESt PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Last ! No Ono Nooil Sn2or ! A euro euro for llllnJ , DlrixllnK. ( tclilnf ; anil t'lccratcJ Piles has lici'n illscnvcri'il liy Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) calltd Dr. WUllam'n Indian Ointment. A Kln Io box hna curoil the worct chronic CH.SCH cfSot 30 j cars standing. No ono iit'cd biitler llvo inlnutiH niter applying tliU wonderful eootliln nuilldnu. Lotions , luatru- incnta an > l electuaries ilo moro luini tlmn gaaii , Willhni'uOlntnudit utiiorlw thu tuniorn , alhjs the 'ntcnao ' Itching , ( tnrttcululy nt nl ht after Retting wium In tail. ) nctd n * apoultlcu , ( 'lvt'D In- atnnt am ) vilnliw * relief , nnd U ] < riurcd | only for I'ilcx , Itching of the iimate p.MM , and for uoth lu ilso. Kcail whit the lion J. Jt CrRInborry of Clove- and tays nbcut Dr. WllUam'H Indian I'llu Oint ment : 1 1m o iinc'l Kiwiviol rio ! < cures nnd it allorilfi mo p caBUru to my tliit 1 have never found an ) thlnjUilcli ( , i\o kiuli Inuno ilato nnd purina- nu-it relief ax Dr.VI1 lain'a fiulUn Ointment 1'orfalo byiill iriii'il ! ( Doriiiillcil on rootilpt ol price , fl.fiO. fl.fiO.HC9OIT : CO. , rrop'rs. , CttVEULMD , OHIO. rot cilo by 0. K Oooilmnn. ree to Everybody ! A Beautiful Book for the Asking , Itv n'til | > liK ) P'Tfonallv at tlm nearr t oltlco oiill ! ! m.M < | > .U MA trACTCItlNG CO. ( or hj i'0-tal laid If at n dUt.iiuu. ) any AlU'LT mr. BJII wll | lu ) | irc cntfil ulth n hcautifully Illus trated copy of n N'eu Hook cntitlud O-BNIUS liEWARDHD , - OHTIIK - STORY OF THE SEWING MACHINE ouiilalnlni ; n hindnomo onJ costly kt ( ol i HRrav- I'IT Itontlajilcn'u ; no ! , Vi Iliitly un ravcil wood cuU , nml huiind In an claborntu hluu and cold h'lio.-r.qil'uU ' voter. Ku iharRuhatoer is inado for thin nar.iUomo liook , wlilili win bo obtained evil ) liy npi'lk'ntioii ' nt the Ixaneh and tuber tlln.itu oU-e. ! ! ( oi llio Singer ilaniifaeturhu Co. Till : SlSOIIll MA.NUFAUl'UI'.lNO CO. , Principal OBIcr , SV l/nlon Square , Now YorX lKttM. NOTICK The po-j > nrti ei'hlji luretoforo cxii-llc bo 'vtitu Juv , lliwfv n'td Jiio. fi. Kcaton , iiinlir thu Him I.UIU1 of lliatty&Co , la tliUdfiy dlssohm b.iiiuturduon > cut Allproperij of ad ! contin lijilMii trai.tferrul to Jon. Iliatty , Mho nil mnkottll collirtloiuanJ Ilnuidato the Indsbtcd- HIM o' tlO tlrm. JOS. T. IIKATTV. J.NO , ' Oandios , Nuts , Fruits , Etc , , Etc , P. RESTAURANT rAnd Confectionery ! na lotu St. , OMAHA , NJSII. rANCYFfm e. OAKE3 , &C.AQPEOITYAL ATTORNEY - AT - LAW 510 South Thirteenth Street , with ' - M.Woolworth. BASIITZ & IELLS , Will Remove in a tew days to. BOYD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE You will do well to call and examine our stock of BOOTS S SHOES At 1422 Douglas St , near 15th , Which -will "ba Sold at Estra- ordinnry Low Prices Be fore Moving. 6-3 iscg AND8TILLTHEUOH COSTINLTS TO Roar for Moorog ( ) Harne ss AND Saddlery. I l.ivo adopted tu I.Ian an aTnulo Maik , aud illtny i' < xx\t \ will bo BFAMl'Kl ) vlth din MON lmyMAMK on thcBAino. NO OOOBfl AllE SUl.Vi : WITHOUT TIJ" A11OVH SfAMl'S The beat mnUrUl (9 ( iiyoil nnd the irrnt skll'.ci1 ' workmen nro umpluvcd , nnd ft the lowest cr-sl Anjonov.Uhin nprjco-llstof itood will : anfcr a fa\or by ccinliiif * for oi.r. DAV80 SMITH P OORE. H a n c ! s o m e s t IN THI- : /3W ' / & $ M \ $ " For Sale by WJ\L \ E. STOETZEL 621 South Tenth St. AND Mining and Milling Company. Working Cnnltil , - - . . . 3 < X ,000. : apital StOiK , - - 31.(00 ( CO. 'Ar Value o ! blum , - - STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMEL MINING DISTRICT. Ull. .1 I. TIIOMA3 , 1'roeldent , Cummins , Wjomln * > VM K TILTO.V , Vlce-fresUcnt , Cummin * , Wjonta ? . 1. . X. HAUWOOI ) , Secretary , CumminWiomlnR. . A , ( I. LUKX , Treasurer , Cummlni" , Wyomhij. : > r. J. I. Thomni. t ouli Miller W. b. Ilrracl. A ( I Dunn. K. N. Ilarood. frauds Lenven.i. Oco. I ! , Knits. LcnU Zoliun. Ur. J. C. XVntklna. no2gm"6m QKO. W. KK.VDAM. . Anthor'icd Jgcnt for "ale of Ptotli ; Vex 442. OmahaNVb. -WHOLESALE ; ER , GOAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sta. , MARBLE HEAD LIME CO.'S > onble Strength White Lime ST. Lumber Lath , , Shingles , Thirteenth and California Streets OMAHA , , - - - NEB w21mclm " ' WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND UIAI.III : N- VVail Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. , Omaha Neb. I. OBEKFELDEB & CO. , IlS AND JOUIIKIIS OK 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. The only exclusive wholesale house in this line in the woat. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NUU. The Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug Houao in Nebraska SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. ] y IS-ino IE1. O. ZMZOIRGK-A-Isr. 1213 Farnhsm St. . Omaha , Neb. rrrr v jfK 'f'j fi * fftvn Mepuii _ A B 0. U A E T -FOI " I U U u B Wo desire to nail the special attention ot the trade to ouv oloffiint lines ( at BOflVM PlilOBS ) of Underwear , Cardigan Jackoto and Soarfe , Buck Gloves , Ovevshirto , Overalls Hosiery , &o. , uow open. Wholesale only. SHREVE , JARVI8 & CO. , Corner Fourteenth and Dodge Sts. FEARON & OGLE , 5. , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob. ConflvnrocnU made 1:1 w 11 rceeivo prompt attcntlnn. Ileforennw : State Ian ! ! : , Oiatta ; I'litt t Co. , IJaltnnoroj I'eek A lluiilier , Chlcajo : " uv'1' * " " ' -'lut liuiati KT3EC33 ! BROMPTON. CONSUMPTIOH. PRESCRIPTION. B | C | P Banishes ' fiures Prevontii BadBroath , Ohost Pains , , mopionia , Blootl Spitting , Holds and Oliills , Plile hm in the Throat Broathlessnoss. Oattarrlis , ' Pains in the Sides , i Cronp , Pleurisy , COUGH PHY80 ! , Uwjiinton Ilrgpltn U tlio LA110KST 1NST1TITTIOX INTHK WORLD of wh'cli the ( .1 . j ct Is tlio ireatwent of LUN ( ! AXD OH 1ST D1SKASKS. Its Medical StMf em\ \ \ \ of the MOST KM1NKNT PHYSICIANS In London , to wln.m u c o0 U n tlio.MOSTSUCOKi81''LTLRKMUlYOl'Tlli : AUK. In tlia HntUh Metropolis nl no ItIM \ otfrctod mn n than 1,000,000 OUKKS , nd hi the trying Winter cf 18SO it cu-ditcd with ha\ing SAVKD JiUNDHKDS OF UVJ.S. Send for Sample Dottle , 35 cents , Ohtntnable only ( > n Hottltw $1.00 nnd COo cadi ) , from ADDRCS ? . I7E8IDENOE. IPost-Offlce Box C02 , no\15tf 8. W. Pierce and SOth S